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First Name is required.
Password is required and must be at least 6 characters.
Please agree to the terms.":1,"#Please note, images will be resized to be at most px wide by px high":1,"#Would you like to add a \"Free\" ticket to this contact so they can utilize QR code scanning at check in?":1,"#Please provide an RSVP due date no later than the event date ().":1,"#Subject cannot contain 'Envío sin título'":1,"#) Payment Reminder sent on ":1,"#Change URL Create Link":1,"#Are you sure you wish to remove this section?":1,"#Resend Save the Date":1,"#No actions are available for removed guests.":1,"#Please provide a value of at most 20.":1,"#Resent save the date (Plain Text)":1,"#This stamp will be permanently removed. Are you sure you want to delete this stamp?":1,"#Please access your account from a computer to re-submit payment.":1,"# people updated.":1,"#Add Sender":1,"#Email is required.
Last Name is required.
Password is required and must be at least 6 characters.
Please agree to the terms.":1,"#Create an Account":1,"#Display name cannot be blank.":1,"#RSVP confirmation sent!":1,"# Remove Image":1,"#Error - Duplicate Sender Name":1,"#Email is required.
Please agree to the terms.":1,"#This design won \"Best Typographic Holiday Design\" in the 2020 Holiday Greeting Card competition.":1,"#We are in the process of reviewing your purchase prior to sending. We will review your account Friday morning (PDT) when we re-open. You will receive an email as soon as your account has been reviewed.":1,"#Purchase a text adjustment service and I'll connect you with one of our talented designers who will adjust the fonts, sizing, and spacing of your text for maximum style and legibility. Just send along your wording and we'll get started!":1,"#Your account has been temporarily flagged for review due to multiple incorrect payment attempts. We will review your account Monday morning (PDT) when we re-open. You will receive an email as soon as your account has been reviewed.":1,"#We are in the process of reviewing your purchase prior to sending. We will review your account Tuesday morning (PDT) when we re-open. You will receive an email as soon as your account has been reviewed.":1,"#Thank you so much! Once you hit \"submit\" below we'll be in touch within one business day with additional follow-up questions or a proof of your altered design.":1,"# sent you an announcement":1,"#(prior to Stripe credit card fees)":1,"#Total Revenue to Host":1,"#Thanks for your message. We will be in contact soon.":1,"#Please provide a design name.":1,"#I understand that all data will be removed for the selected contacts.":1,"#Payments Sent":1,"#You have already uploaded a file with this name. Please rename the file or upload a different file.":1,"#Email is required.
Password is required and must be at least 6 characters.
Please agree to the terms.":1,"#Event is in 1 year":1,"#* When fallback is enabled, Greenvelope will first attempt to load the value from the specified field, if no value is found, a fallback value will be loaded from the default Salesforce field.":1,"#Add Section":1,"#Are you sure you wish to remove all survey data tied to this guest?":1,"# is an invalid personalization token. Please correct or remove this personalization token before sending. Go To Details - RSVP Page":1,"#Powerful Features to Fully Customize
Your Online Graduation Announcements":1,"#No matching mailings found.":1,"#We Currently Owe You":1,"#Donations Collected":1,"#Donation Revenue /":1,"#Powerful Features to Fully Customize
Your Online Birth Announcements":1,"#This host is no longer accepting registrations for this event.":1,"#Total Item Revenue Collected Through Greenvelope":1,"#Potential Duplicate - This person has a similar email to another person on your list. Search Email":1,"#Shareable events requires keeping a saved credit card on file, as you will be automatically upgraded to a larger plan if needed to accommodate registrations.":1,"#Pricing for Bridal Shower Invitations & Memberships":1,"#Pricing for Graduation Announcements & Memberships":1,"#Your account has been temporarily flagged for review. We will review your account Wednesday morning (PDT) when we re-open. You will receive an email as soon as your account has been reviewed.":1,"#Include optional fallback text if your contact does not have a Zip / Postal or a ?":1,"#Include an optional fallback field if your contact does not have a Zip / Postal?":1,"#An error occurred.":1,"#Last Name is required.
Password is required and must be at least 6 characters.
Please agree to the terms.":1,"#Your account has been temporarily flagged for review. We will review your account Friday morning (PDT) when we re-open. You will receive an email as soon as your account has been reviewed.":1,"#This design won Best Typographic Design in the 2022 Holiday Competition.":1,"#e.g. Holiday Party":1,"#Event hosts purchasing an annual unlimited membership are able to create unlimited mailings/events as long as each mailing is for a unique purpose. Memberships cannot be used to create similar mailings for the same event to avoid purchasing a larger package. Thank you for your understanding!":1,"#Last Name is required.
Please agree to the terms.":1,"#Please confirm you intend to disable sharing on all events.":1,"#The below numbers do not include payments collected by check.":1,"#Email address must be different from account email address ().":1,"#Include an optional fallback field if your contact does not have a Email?":1,"#Include optional fallback text if your contact does not have a Email or a ?":1,"#Linked Guests Only":1,"#We noticed you already have a video on the card itself. We do not recommend also adding music as the video and music will play at the same time, compromising the experience for your recipient.":1,"#Total Donation Revenue Collected Through Greenvelope":1,"#Pricing for Birth Announcements & Memberships":1,"#Are you sure you want to remove this custom field? Any existing data for this field will be removed.":1,"#This column already exists.":1,"#Pricing for Bat Mitzvah Invitations & Memberships":1,"#Greenvelope - Add Question":1,"#Or enter the Dynamics CRM campaign from which you would like to import contacts:":1,"#You do not have access to this page":1,"#Add Card Message":1,"#Please provide us with written instructions detailing how you'd like the original design to incorporate the new color(s):":1,"#Total Ticket Revenue Collected Through Greenvelope":1,"#Unable to upload your photo due to an error.":1,"# sent you a card":1,"#Central America Standard Time":1,"#Include an optional fallback field if your contact does not have a Phone?":1,"#Include optional fallback text if your contact does not have a Phone or a ?":1,"#Please confirm that you understand that this data will be removed permanently.":1,"#Total Revenue Collected Through Greenvelope":1,"#Upgrade complete. You may try to add to your mailing again.":1,"#No active Dynamics CRM campaigns found.":1,"#Please select the Dynamics CRM campaign from which you would like to import contacts:":1,"#Step 2: Select Dynamics CRM Contacts":1,"#Connect to Dynamics CRM":1,"#Your account is not yet connected to Dynamics CRM. You can connect your Dynamics CRM account in the Dynamics account page.":1,"#Your account is connected to Dynamics CRM!":1,"#Step 1: Connect to Dynamics CRM":1,"#Connecting your Greenvelope account with Dynamics CRM allows you to pull contact lists from your Dynamics CRM campaigns. Additionally, Greenvelope can sync member data (i.e. Attending, Not Attending) back into your Dynamics CRM campaign. Read the Full Help Article":1,"#We noticed you already have music added on the Details Step. We do not recommend also adding a video as the music and video will play at the same time, compromising the experience for your recipient.":1,"#Text Color #2":1,"#Pricing for Communion Invitations & Memberships":1,"# sent you a save the date for":1,"#Please click \"Continue\" to import from your Office365 contacts.":1,"#Import Office365 Contacts":1,"#Your account has been temporarily flagged for review. We will review your account Tuesday morning (PDT) when we re-open. You will receive an email as soon as your account has been reviewed.":1,"#An unexpected error occurred.":1,"#The custom card message text above your \"Open Save the Date\" button will not show if the card is sent by SMS text message due to restrictions on text message length. If you need your recipient to receive this information, we recommend adding this to the details panel.":1,"#NOT AVAILABLE":1,"#Wedding Invitation":1,"#No Logo":1,"#Add Logo":1,"#A reminder has already been sent today.":1,"#Please provide us with the new colors you'd like incorporated into your design. You can either upload a reference image of the new colors you like, provide a HEX code or Pantone color, or use our color picker tool to select up to five colors you'd like incorporated into your design.":1,"#Greenvelope - Import Contacts":1,"#Hover over the construction hat to activate the anchorpoints to allow you to move, tilt, and scale up or down the size of the hat to perfectly fit your photo.":1,"#Contact data cleared!":1,"#Validate Your Account":1,"#Update Order":1,"#Sharing your card requires storing a saved credit card on file, as you will be automatically upgraded to a larger plan if needed to accommodate registrations. Please add a credit card to access this feature..":1,"#Please confirm the number of contacts to delete.":1,"#Saved Bank Account ending in ":1,"#Phone Number":1,"#Enabled - click to Disable":1,"#Collected Revenue":1,"#Tag created!":1,"#Expected Revenue":1,"#Click \"Resend\" to resend the validation email.":1,"#Cancel Order":1,"#Sold":1,"#Sorry, already in use":1,"#Sales End":1,"#An error occured trying to create your account. If this keeps happening, please contact Greenvelope support.":1,"#Please provide a numeric price (do not include currency symbol)":1,"#Hide ":1,"#An error occurred when saving the card data.":1,"#Event is Today":1,"#Include optional fallback text if your contact does not have a Street or a ?":1,"#Include an optional fallback field if your contact does not have a Street?":1,"#First Name cannot be blank":1,"#Message received. You'll hear back from your designer soon.":1,"#Amount Due":1,"#Event was 1 month ago":1,"#Event is Tomorrow":1,"#Guest Email":1,"#Cloning is not available in trial mode. Please upgrade to access this feature.":1,"#Opened thank you note":1,"#Greenvelope Fee":1,"#Language successfully deleted.":1,"#Thank You Note URL":1,"#No invoices to report.":1,"#Pricing for Baptism Invitations & Memberships":1,"#Search Invoices":1,"# Expires ( days remaining)":1,"#A photo with a slightly darker background will help with better legibility of the custom lettering on this design.":1,"#Error processing credit card. It appears that your bank may be blocking the charge. We recommend calling your bank so they will allow charges from Greenvelope. Once you have called your bank, you should be able to retry your transaction.":1,"#Are you sure you want to delete this sponsor?":1,"#All Invoices":1,"#Totals":1,"#Provide a HEX or Pantone color code":1,"#Upload an image":1,"#Add Color":1,"#Use the color picker tool to select your color(s)":1,"#Refund":1,"#You have selected contacts ( people in total). What information would you like to edit? ":1,"#Part 1 of 4: Preparing File":1,"#Received 1 year ago":1,"#Opened announcement":1,"#SA Pacific Standard Time":1,"#Entertaining Save the Dates":1,"#Received 1 month ago":1,"#I understand that all unsent contacts will be sent the Announcement, even additional contacts added between now and the send time.":1,"#Email address cannot be empty":1,"#Passwords do not match":1,"#Sent thank you note":1,"#Include optional fallback text if your contact does not have a Couple/Family Greeting or a Full Name?":1,"#Are you sure you want to remove this registry?":1,"#We had an issue setting the design for this mailing. Please try again. If this issue persists, please contact support.":1,"#I understand that all unsent contacts will be sent the card, even additional contacts added between now and the send time.":1,"#GMT Standard Time":1,"#Start Import":1,"#Are you sure you want to delete this design?":1,"#Received years ago":1,"#Are you sure you want to permanently remove this Custom Language? You will not be able to undo this action.":1,"#Video Files (MP4, AVI, MOV)":1,"#Your account has been temporarily flagged for review. We will complete the review of your account within 1 hour. You will receive an email as soon as your account has been reviewed.":1,"#Payment information could not be processed for your account. Please contact support@greenvelope.com":1,"#Reminder scheduled!":1,"#We're sorry, an error occured trying to create your account. Please reload the page or try a different browser. If this keeps happening, please contact Greenvelope support.":1,"#ERROR: Invalid Data. Please check your link or contact your host to unsubscribe.":1,"#Yes, remove event summary":1,"#No, keep event summary":1,"#Your event summary will be deleted. Are you sure?":1,"#There was an error retrieving your full name.":1,"#The design will not be available to be chosen for future mailings.":1,"#Event(s) successfully restored!":1,"#Your Invitation is not currently the default card for your public link.":1,"#Send Status":1,"#Guest Ticket":1,"# guests":1,"#Received Yesterday":1,"#This is not a valid URL.":1,"#RSVP Reminder scheduled on ":1,"#The circle marking your big day is moveable and scalable.":1,"#There are not currently any guests that meet the criteria for this reminder.":1,"#Are you sure you want to delete this section image?":1,"#Resent save the date":1,"# contact(s) updated.":1,"#No Thanks":1,"#This design was the Grand Prize Winner in the 2017 Holiday competition.":1,"#This design won \"Best Photo-Insert Design\" in the 2020 Save the Date competition.":1,"#An error occured.":1,"#Please note, images will be resized to be at most 520px wide by 180px high.":1,"#contacts from the Greenvelope system?":1,"#We've detected that an import, send, or delete is already in progress. Please retry in a few minutes.":1,"#Are you sure you wish to permanently delete these":1,"#Greenvelope - Archived Mailings":1,"# is already an approved email on your account.":1,"#This realistic design features overlapping layers of paper, creating a three-dimensional forest scene.":1,"#Your scheduled date is not in a valid date format.":1,"#Please enter a message.":1,"#Pacific SA Standard Time":1,"#Include an optional fallback field if your contact does not have a Full Name?":1,"# Add a second year for only (that's % off the retail price)
Your account will automatically renew two years from your purchase. You can manage your auto-renewal settings from your account page. ":1,"#There was an error trying to crop your image. No crop selection was found.":1,"#Payment Information Saved Successfully":1,"#Event was 1 year ago":1,"#Event was days ago":1,"#Video removed":1,"#Configure custom data mappings when importing guests from Salesforce.":1,"#Please enter a valid url":1,"#Part 4 of 4: Finishing Touches":1,"#Your session has expired. Please start the upload process again.":1,"#Online Bridal Shower Invitations":1,"#You may not send cards until your email address has been verified.":1,"#Online Graduation Announcements":1,"#Central Standard Time":1,"#Have Greenvelope automatically sync guest status information back into your Salesforce campaign within minutes!":1,"#Online Baptism Invitations":1,"#are attending":1,"#W. Europe Standard Time":1,"#Digital Bat Mitzvah Invitations for the Modern Family":1,"#For Bat Mitzvah save the dates, invitations, and thank you notes, select from our diverse collection of exclusive, elegant designs that can be personalized with your own text and photos. Your correspondence is delivered directly to your guests’ inbox in our animated envelope with personalized address and stamp.":1,"#Online Bat Mitzvah Invitations":1,"#Digital Baptism Invitations for Modern Parents":1,"#Invite loved ones to share in this milestone event with designer digital baptism invitations. With an extensive selection of beautiful designs, united with event-specific functionality, enjoy the best of traditional appearance and contemporary delivery.":1,"#Online Graduation Invitations":1,"#Do Not Include":1,"#Column name already in use":1},"version":202254}]