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API).","#To make it really plain and simple: There is no way we can talk about eating sustainable without reducing our meat consumption. China is doing it. The vegetarians are doing it. The IPCC recommends it. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Leonardo di Caprio promote it. The Netherlands and the islands that will disappear in the oceans are hoping that you will get it.":"To make it really plain and simple: There is no way we can talk about eating sustainable without reducing our meat consumption. China is doing it. The vegetarians are doing it. The IPCC recommends it. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Leonardo di Caprio promote it. The Netherlands and the islands that will disappear in the oceans are hoping that you will get it.","#2 times the the amount of legumes, nuts and seeds (+100%)":"2 times the amount of legumes, nuts and seeds (+100%)","#If we want to set a proximate target for 2025 and Switzerland, we suggest:":"If we want to set a proximate target for 2025 and Switzerland, we suggest an adjustment in our diet as follows:","#Best for a restaurant team and multi-users. Includes monthly reports and API access.":"Best for a restaurant team and multi-users. Includes monthly reports.","#Track. Precisely measure. Improve.":"Track. Measure. Improve. With precision.","#Or calculate impacts on your own directly for free.":"Or calculate impacts on your own directly for free 🙌.","#With this impactful addition for your restaurant, your can revolutionize the way you work in the kitchen. Make decisions with smart insights into your supply chain that benefit people, planet and profit.":"With this impactful addition for your restaurant, you can revolutionize the way you work in the kitchen. Make decisions with smart insights into your supply chain that benefit people, planet and profit.","#Our partners have connected our API and can display calculation right in their system.":"Our partners have connected our API and can display the calculations directly in their system.","#Make use of the detailed scientific sustainability metrics, based on your data. Given recipes, food purchase receipts, supply statistics, etc. – you will see where your can reduce CO₂ emissions, your water footprint or approach a minimal risk diet for better health. You will have the results of the calculations in real-time over the API, or via the nicely illustrated monthly PDF reports.":"Make use of the detailed scientific sustainability metrics, based on your data. Given recipes, food purchase receipts, supply statistics, etc. – you will see where you can reduce CO₂ emissions, your water footprint or approach a minimal risk diet for better health. You will have the results of the calculations in real-time over the API, or via the nicely illustrated monthly PDF reports.","#Eaternity has updated the way we give ratings for the CO₂ values provided on ingredients, recipes and reports. Please note that everything is backwards compatible and all CO₂-values do stay the same! Also, there are roughly the same amount of climatefriendly meals. Therefore, no worries, it is not harder to be climatefriendly! Yet, the biggest benefit is that every portion, no matter how big or small it is, can now be awarded being climate-friendly.":"Eaternity has updated the way we give ratings for the CO₂ values provided on ingredients, recipes and reports. Please note that everything is backwards compatible and all CO₂-values do stay the same! Also, there are roughly the same amount of meals that score to be climate-friendly. Therefore, no worries, it is not harder to be climatefriendly! Yet, the biggest benefit is that every portion, no matter how big or small it is, can now be awarded being climate-friendly.","#We establish sustainable foods in society by supporting powerful actors in the field. Our innovative software accelerates a systemic transformation towards a sustainable food system. The food-service industry can automatically track and measure the carbon footprint of all their products, meals and purchases. Our goal is to give YOU the same opportunity to make those important sustainable food choices. Become a sustainability-hero!":"We establish sustainable foods in society by supporting powerful actors in the field. Our innovative solutions Gastro, Score and Lean accelerate the systemic transformation towards a sustainable food system. We give food-service companies, food producers and retailers the opportunity to track, measure and communicate the carbon footprint (and more) of all their products. We want to enable this shift for your company too! Become a sustainability hero!","#Your customer trust in your services. Show them you care about climate-friendly cuisine. In a monthly report we will inform you on the progress of your restaurants.":"Your customers trust your services. Show them you care about climate-friendly cuisine. In a monthly report we will inform you on the progress of your restaurants."},"version":7253},{"_id":"outdated","outdated":{"#Seminarstrasse 12, 6313 Menzingen":1,"#Scolarest / Gymnasium Menzingen":1,"#Alfred-Schindlerstrasse 38, 6030 Ebikon":1,"#Eurest / Restaurant Schindler":1,"#Cantina Don Camillo, Basel":1,"#Gubelstrasse 28, 6300 Zug":1,"#Eurest / Restaurant puur Zug":1,"#Strengelbacherstrasse 27, 4800 Zofingen":1,"#Scolarest / Bildungszentrum":1,"#Weidenstrasse 26, 4143 Dornach":1,"#Eurest / Restaurant Treff.Zwölf":1,"#Frohsinn, Weinfelden":1,"#Frohburgstrasse 3, 6002 Luzern":1,"#Scolarest / Restaurant UNI PH":1,"#The choice is yours. Sign up for Eaternity.":1,"#This is equivalent to watching television non-stop 24 hours for almost 3 weeks! Saving CO₂ by eating cleverly chosen meals is easy, tasty and cost-efficient. Producing one cheeseburger, three pumpkin-mushroom risottos or nine times our savory vegetable lasagne cause the same amount of emissions.":1,"#One meal can cause 0.3 kg to 5.5 kg CO₂ (on average 1.258 kg CO₂) and the food-related emissions of all restaurants together amount to up to 15,000 tons CO₂ per year. Compass Group (Schweiz) AG introduced the CO₂ management tracking tool in its restaurants and wants thus to achieve its goal of reducing emissions by 50% by 2030.":1,"#These monthly reports, climate-friendly menu labels and communication materials make the restaurants' collaboration with Eaternity visible and demonstrate Compass Group (Schweiz) AG's commitment to their guests.":1,"#Restaurants submit the recipes they cook on a daily basis and in return the CO₂ value is calculated. In addition, each month the restaurants send data on their supplies and purchases to Eaternity, which produces a specific restaurant report with detailed information about each restaurant's CO₂ impact.":1,"#Compass Group (Switzerland) AG has been making great efforts to serve healthy and sustainable meals for many years. As a pioneer, it has therefore been working with Eaternity since 2014. \"The market is increasingly demanding solutions that implement sustainability. At Compass Group, we want to actively support our customers in achieving their sustainability goals. Eaternity's CO₂ calculator offers us a unique opportunity to significantly and decisively advance this,\" says Compass Group (Schweiz) AG.":1,"#Enjoy climate-friendly menus at Compass Group restaurants - in collaboration with Eaternity.":1,"#Climate Fact 1":1,"#Gemeinsame Kampagne – «Esse Fair und Klimafreundlich» mit der Hoteleriesuisse.":1,"#Social Entrepreneurship Initiative und Foundation – SEF Award Spezialpreis Soziale Innovation 10.000CHF gesponsort von Ernst&Young. (Juli 2012)":1,"#Pay attention to our Eaternity Awards":1,"#Climate Fact 3":1,"#Usitawi Network – Förderungsbetrag von 4000CHF zum Aufbau unserer Webseite.":1,"#Download instance of guest communication":1,"#Download infoposters":1,"#or just give us a call:":1,"#Liegt im Ziel einer klimafreundlichen Ernährung (50% besser als":1,"#I eat for a healthy world":1,"#Verschlechtert unsere Klimabilanz (Mehr als":1,"#Verbessert unsere Klimabilanz (Weniger als":1,"#Press Releases":1,"#The first restaurants serving climate-friendly meals everyday":1,"#Press release Compass Group (Switzerland) AG (26th of May 2014)":1,"#Press release Eaternity":1,"#Press release Compass Group (Switzerland) AG (14h of November 2014)":1,"#Choose the climate friendly meal with the Eaternity Awards.":1,"#To make it convinient for guests, restaurants label their climate friendly meals with the Eaternity Awards. This symbol appear at counters, on menu cards, on menu card websites and in our Eaternity Reports. If you compose a recipe, you will immediatly see, which ones are being awarded best.":1,"#Look out for the Eaternity Awards":1,"#Support restaurants who serve sustainable meals":1,"#Segnala errori nella mappa stradale o nelle altre mappe di Google":1,"#Segnala un errore nella mappa":1,"#Life cycle inventory database for the Eaternity Database.":1,"#Zoom avanti":1,"#Attiva/disattiva vista schermo intero":1,"#Zoom indietro":1,"#Dati mappa":1,"#Eaternity Awards set":1,"#Enjoy a climate-friendly meal and become part of the solution.":1,"#Write us if you need support to afford a personal license.":1,"#Chefs and restaurants can now successfully reduce carbon emissions and optimize for health and sustainability with the newly developed Health Score, Water Footprint Award and Rainforest and Animal Treatment Score and Nutrient Score.":1,"#If no other source is specified, all the original contents (recipes and calculations) of this website and the software are licensed under a Peer Production, P2P Attribution-ConditionalNonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicense. This means they can be used, re-printed and re-distributed by everyone without having to ask us. If you want to use our recipes, content and calculation commercially, print them in a magazine, use them for your campagain or newsletter. Just go ahead. They are all yours, please just refer back to Eaternity as a source.":1,"#Feel free to spread the word and help us grow the idea of a sustainable food system.":1,"#We think our message is powerful enough to be spread with the help of people who are informed and do give a damn.":1,"#We don't believe in buying ads. We don't want to distort reality. Or, in other words, we would love to live in a society, where our decisions are based on facts and opinions we can trust.":1,"#With their vegan organic ready meals the Tressbrüder can show how enjoyable and easy vegan food can be and how quickly you can improve your carbon footprint compared to a meat dish. Together we have determined the impact their products have on our environment. To make it easier for consumers to avoid animal products, they have also described and developed the dish as a \"normal\" meat dish.":1,"#Eaternity in the media":1,"#With the help of YOU.":1,"#The idea and vision of Eaternity has been discussed in some of the worlds leading media.":1,"#Help us spread the word":1,"#Press releases":1,"#Other media":1,"#December 17, 2017":1,"#The interface is available as an optional license with delegate version 11.20 and later.":1,"#Together with Delegate, we enable every restaurant to have CO₂ transparency integrated in their existing business processes. Work on your menu-planning, we do the rest. Via a web service interface, Delegate receives the calculations of CO₂ values of all recipes per business unit based on the ingredients, taking into account purchase behavior based on delivery notes. Moreover, Eaternity provides a monthly report for the business units.":1,"#Software Partners":1,"#Foodservice Partners":1,"#Are you looking for any specific information or are you interested in an interview? We are more than happy to help you out.":1,"#CALCMENU is also an award-winning recipe application that features multiple language translations of merchandise, recipes or menus, multiple currencies, and multiple sets of prices. Special versions of CALCMENU allow menu planning and forecasting and handling of composition label with ingredient, allergens, and other information.":1,"#Publications of the research:":1,"#Further, there is a great need for reducing diet-related disease risk and a great climate potential in eating a healthier diet.":1,"#Die Zusammenfassung gibt es hier.":1,"#Report Smart Chefs: health, climate and sustainability":1,"#The full report can be found here.":1,"#The summary report can be found here.":1,"#Proud as Oskar: Pumperlgsund gets 11 of 12 stars in the Eaternity Score. Pumperlgsund provides the egg for more sustainability and animal protection.":1,"#Adaptation and improvement of analysis, methodology and developed applications by having stakeholder reviews and organizing discussion groups and exchange workshops.":1,"#Develop practical recommendations and instruments for restaurants and the general public.":1,"#Eaternity is providing a working solution. We have developed and proven successfully the adoption of the Eaternity Score in over 2000 retail markets. Our impacts assessments have been provided to consumers on over 100'000 products - with promising results.":1,"#Quantification of the potential climate and environmental impacts of different organic standards and labels using the LCA method.":1,"#The name says it all. With the delicious Açaì Bowls, the Rainforest Company actively promotes sustainability and the rainforest.":1,"#Life cycle assessments do not necessarily capture the full environmental impact. Which additional factors other than carbon emissions should be considered in sustainability standards for meals? And how can this be easily adapted in restaurants and by individuals?":1,"#Identification of climate and environmentally relevant regulations of different organic standards and labels.":1,"#Get Eaternity Lean":1,"#Smart Chefs Restaurant Analysis":1,"#Download product information:":1,"#CO₂-Score of all food products":1,"#...but our food choices are responsible for 30% of man-made greenhouse gas emissions. This accounts for more than 2 tons of CO₂ per person per year in US and Europe. We have the potential to reduce food related emissions by at least 50% through smart diet choices. These choices can reduce carbon emissions more than any technological advancement ever will.":1,"#Get a quote":1,"#Provide the foundation for an informed management decision, to make the most value of our partnership.":1,"#Give consumers a sustainable choice when selecting their everyday food on a great amount of products. Retailers use our solutions to create and score whole ranges of their portfolios. The Eaternity Awards and 3-star ratings are based on a yearly reviewed LCA-database. It is currently on of the largest and most comprehensive database for carrying out environmental calculations for food products.":1,"#BEST VALUE":1,"#Access our communication package, infographics, recipes and use our materials.":1,"#Direct & hands on support":1,"#650 fixed ingredients":1,"#Eaternity goes public.":1,"#Unlimited ingredients**":1,"#All features included***":1,"#Download our Statement of Work or request a specific offer:":1,"#Join the leaders of the sustainable food-system.":1,"#*A team / unit license is":1,"#Eaternity summary pdf":1,"#Eaternity logo set":1,"#1 user":1,"#limited to 500 guests / day":1,"#1 team weekplan overview":1,"#/USER":1,"#Best for chefs, climate-heros, workshops and individuals.":1,"#Materials":1,"#Statement of Work - PDF (DE)":1,"#Unlimited users":1,"#/UNIT*":1,"#/YEAR":1,"#Menu Awards for your marketing purposes and promotion of your sustainable restaurant to your clientele.":1,"#Request an Offer":1,"#10 users":1,"#App’etite for change?":1,"#Unlimited recipes":1,"#Sign up in just 60 seconds.":1,"#50 recipes":1,"#Hands on management, marketing and communication support for a successful roll-out.":1,"#All-inclusive reports with insightful illustrations to support you in taking targeted action in improve the performance of your restaurant.":1,"#(2 licenses = 1000 guests / day, etc.).":1,"#Daily accurate CO₂, health and environmental statistics for every meal served at your food service establishment.":1,"#/MONTH":1,"#The average European and American causes 5.18 kg of CO₂eq a day for his food consumption, or 150 000 kg CO₂eq over his lifetime. With a climate-friendly diet, a person saves a total 100 000 kg CO₂e - an impressive number. Amounting to the same amount of carbon as driving 15.5 times around the globe.":1,"#We are not a charitable organization. We believe in the power of business. Business can and should be a force for good. We are not driven to generate maximum profit at all costs, but to generate maximum impact on society by being profitable. We strongly believe in the transformative and catalytic power of a socially-focused business. Some call it \"Benefit Corporation\", \"Social Entrepreneurship\", or being a \"Change Maker\". We think of it as running a business that aims to create benefits for the whole of society instead of a privileged few. This is ambitious but we are confident that together we can achieve great things. We think collaboration is the key to maximizing impact. Let’s discuss how we can do this together. Contact us, we’d love to hear from you.":1,"#Project goals":1,"#Eaternity attends World Climate Summit 2015 in Paris.":1,"#The Technology Fund supports Eaternity":1,"#Veganz is our first project with the Eaternity Score. Together we have co-developed the initial launch of a new era for Eaternity. Veganz has put together an impressive program to make their sustainability focus heard. We are especially happy about their first choice of delicious products that kick-off this project.":1,"#We have the pleasure to work together with a number of great organizations to establish sustainable foods in society. What our partners accomplish is not business as usual. Each of them is a pioneer of its own. It is our ambition to reach further out by labeling significantly bigger numbers of products. We want to truly make a difference. A positive difference on how our society organizes and lives together.":1,"#Veganz views sustainable handling of their resources as part of their corporate responsibility and are committed to exploring new strategies in reducing CO₂ emissions that surpass all regulatory requirements. Jan Bredack, Founder and CEO, explains why Eaternity’s solution makes sense from a business and ethical perspective: “Sustainability and CO₂ emissions are a regular part of what our consumers want. In working with Eaternity, we hope to offer additional value to existing and prospective consumers and consequently to contribute to avoiding CO₂ emissions.”":1,"#An API that connects to your existing infrastructure to provide you with the highest accuracy of all the services offered in our professional subscription.":1,"#This is where it begins. Each of you can join. And together we will add up to the big picture, that will be part of the future we want to live in.":1,"#Everybody is talking about energy for living and transport...":1,"#BAFU":1,"#Scientific partner:":1,"#Sign Up":1,"#Engagement Migros development fund":1,"#Deputy: Judith Ellens, Eaternity – jellens@eaternity.ch":1,"#08 Jan 2018 – Health Footprint Project":1,"#Research on organic production":1,"#The life quality of animals raised for meat, milk or egg production differs strongly between different farming practices. Many farmers commit to improve animal welfare by providing more space, natural feed and opportunities for picking and digging. Labels guarantee that animals were raised under certain minimal standards and are a valuable guide for consumers.":1,"#Menus with ingredients traveling on average less than 200 km receive the 3-star Local Score.":1,"#The Local Score":1,"#The Season Score":1,"#Publication of the full booklet and the new environmental indicators.":1,"#The environmental indicators are the result of the Organic Footprint Project. Our aim was to create a common ground for climate action by summarizing current knowledge on the climate and environmental impacts of conventional and organic production.":1,"#Environmental Footprints - Covering more aspects of food sustainability":1,"#The Rainforest Score":1,"#Natural feed":1,"#Globally, we have enough fresh water resources, but water is not evenly distributed. Today 663 million people in the world live without clean water. While food production (agriculture) triggers 70% of all our fresh water use, mainly for irrigation. Particular in regions where water is scarce this becomes problematic for humans and the environment, as we consume their water through the products we purchase. To help everyone, we need to reduce world wide dependency on scarce water by 50%. Displaying the amount of scare water on a per product and per country basis, Eaternity enables optimizations and complete transparency on the issue in a useful way.":1,"#Menus with good animal treatment or no animal product at all receive the 3-star Animal Treatment Score.":1,"#Ruchti Karin, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, Switzerland":1,"#The Eaternity Water Footprint sets apart in that it explicitly includes the water stress of a region as a weighing factor for the amount of fresh water used. Water stress depends on the amount of water consumed in that region compared to the amount of water that is naturally provided by rainfall and other precipitation. Note, that the amount of consumed water is corrected for that some of the withdrawn water is returned to the water shed, e.g. after use for cooling in electricity production. Our datasets allow us to differentiate this water scarcity factor between 162 countries.":1,"#Tropical forests store massive amounts of carbon and hold 2/3 of all land-based species even though they only cover 5% of the Earth’s land area. They provide us with fresh water and they affect local and global climate and weather patterns. The production of soy and palm oil, timber production and grazing cattle are the main driver of tropical rainforest deforestation and lead to a tremendous loss in biodiversity.":1,"#For example, a tomato that is produced in Spain requires 44 times more irrigation water than in Switzerland. Because water in Spain is scarcer than in Switzerland, the scarcity footprint of an average Spanish tomato is 2400 times higher than an average Swiss tomato.":1,"#Treating animals well, feels good.":1,"#Indicating good animal treatments":1,"#Dr. Kapitulčinová Dana, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic":1,"#Smart Chefs Research Report":1,"#Climate friendly meals are often good for the environment in general. For example, reducing the carbon footprint of our diet also reduces the impact on land use and of the oversupply of nutrients. However, in detail potential conflicts can occur between climate, animal welfare, tropical deforestation and water scarcity.":1,"#Menus with only minor emissions from greenhouses receive the 3-star Season Score.":1,"#Supporting decentralized and efficient small scale agriculture close to you.":1,"#The Conflicts between Organic Farming and the Environment.":1,"#Reducing scarce water by more than 50%.":1,"#Example of labels that care":1,"#As a consequence, Eaternity included additional indicators for water scarcity, tropical deforestation and animal welfare into the Eaternity App to support the overall goal of reducing the food related climate impact.":1,"#Updates on Environmental Impacts":1,"#Hirsiger Eva, PUSCH Praktischer Umweltschutz, Switzerland":1,"#The Eaternity App now provides the water footprint, rainforest and animal treatment score next to the climate score. With this set of indicators everybody can prepare climate friendly and sustainable meals.":1,"#Menus receive a 3 star the Rainforest Score if at least one product contains sustainable soy or palm oil, or if the meal contains no soy or palm oil at all.":1,"#Thierrin Raphaël, Quantis, Switzerland":1,"#Keller Regula, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland":1,"#Dr. Scherer Laura, Leiden University, Netherlands":1,"#The water scarcity footprint of a product depends on two elements. First, the amount of fresh water (surface- and groundwater, not including rainwater or water pollution) that is used for the product in that particular region of production. And second, the relative water scarcity of the same respective region.":1,"#12 Jun 2017 – Organic Footprint Update":1,"#Provide free-range options outdoor":1,"#Eaternity provides water scarcity footprint for a menu and its ingredients dependent on the fresh water footprint of the product in that region and the water scarcity of the region. The 5 drops display if the value is good compared to other menus.":1,"#Meili Christoph, WWF, Switzerland":1,"#Indicating forest protection":1,"#➔ Full Results of the Organic Footprint Project":1,"#Dr. Nemecek Thomas, Agroscope, Switzerland":1,"#Itten René, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland":1,"#Water Footprint":1,"#09 Jan 2018 – Organic Footprint Project":1,"#Animal Treatment Score":1,"#Menus that are in line with reducing the average water scarcity footprint by 50% receive the Water Footprint Award. This corresponds to menus with a score of at least 2 out of 5 drops.":1,"#Saving the amazon from being cut down.":1,"#Stables that are adjusted to animal behaviour":1,"#Good animal treatment actions":1,"#The Water Footprint Award":1,"#Globally, the water we consume comes from regions with an average water scarcity index of 0.51, which means that on average, we are consuming water under moderate to high water scarcity. However, the average person lives in an area with water scarcity of 0.32. This means that many products are transported from water scarce areas to areas with lower water scarcity.":1,"#Are organic food choices good for the environment? For the past two years Eaternity took a closer look and we found: It’s trickier than one might think. Here’s an update on our ongoing research.":1,"#Food products receive the 3-star animal treatment score if they at least contain one animal product like meat, milk or egg and are certified by a label that stands for an established practice that improves animal welfare.":1,"#The idea: a sustainability standard for restaurants":1,"#Anderegg Marcel, Biovision, Switzerland":1,"#Dr. Pfister Stephan, ETH Zürich, Switzerland":1,"#The Rainforest Score is given to food products that did not cause deforestation. This is the case if the product contains certified soy or palm oil or if the product doesn’t contain palm oil or soy at all. In addition, uncertified soy is still fine if it stems from a non-critical country. For example, European soy is always a good option and receives the 3-star rating as well. Since 75% of all soy is fed to animals, we also evaluate and label animal products by the type of soy they were fed with.":1,"#Dr. Faist Mireille, Quantis, Switzerland":1,"#➔ Organic Factsheet - Organic Footprint Project":1,"#Measuring the Water Footprint":1,"#Depending on what food is consumed and where the food comes from, every country has a unique list of food products that are typically problematic and contribute most to the national water scarcity footprint. In Switzerland, the consumption of olives, nuts, chocolate, coffee, milk products, rice and beef contribute most to the Swiss national water scarcity footprint. It does not mean that we should avoid these products altogether, but that we should be more careful in their use and that it matters where these foods were produced.":1,"#Swiss RAUS Program":1,"#Dr. Scharfy Deborah, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland":1,"#The resuts are supported by our scientific board of experts and partners. The project was made possible by the Engagement Fund Migros.":1,"#View his presentation":1,"#The former US president Barack Obama explains: „If we don’t change course the world bank predicts, that agriculture and land use change will cause 70% of all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Emissions from food production are constantly growing and if the world population grows to 9 billion by the mid of this century, it is already time to act now.“":1,"#How to set the right climate reduction goal?":1,"#The impact of methane (28 times) and nitrous oxide (265 times) on global warming is stronger than carbon dioxide. Methane is produced by microorganisms in the stomach of cows and sheep. They support the ruminant’s digestion. This process is called enteric fermentation. But methane emissions also originate in rice paddies, where waterlogged soil supports rapid bacteria growth. These bacteria produce methane. Nitrous oxide is related to synthetic and organic fertilizer use and manure management. Fertilizer that is not absorbed by plants is either washed out by rainfall or turned into nitrous oxide by bacteria and released into the atmosphere. Pure CO₂ is emitted when fossil energy is used to produce synthetic fertilizers when machines work the land. Also clear-cutting forests to obtain farm land releases large amounts of CO₂.":1,"#We have summarized sources and details for setting the goal for a food system within environmental limits here.":1,"#Leaving the Swiss with the responsibility and requirement of a 93% reduction. And the average global citizen at a 85% reduction target.":1,"#The various greenhouse gases of food production":1,"#Dark predictions: Our food system in 2050":1,"#Give your consumers a sustainable choice when selecting their everyday food. Professional food producers use our solutions to create and score their products. The Eaternity Awards and 3-star ratings are based on a yearly reviewed LCA-database. It is currently the largest and most comprehensive database for carrying out environmental calculations for food products.":1,"#Agriculture itself currently faces challenges that are deeply interwoven with climate change. Yields of important staple crops are expected to drop by 20%. Despite short-term gains, deforestation, biodiversity loss, land degradation, and the use of scarce water are further reducing the earth’s capacity to grow enough food. Yet the demand for produce is constantly on the rise. The world’s population is expected to increase by 20% in the coming 30 years. With 40% of the world’s land already covered by agriculture our current food supply is under distress. Each individual has the power to support a sustainable agriculture and currently the world’s population does not yet meet this goal.":1,"#Permafrost - the unpredictable game changer":1,"#Detailed estimates on a per country basis per person for CO₂ emission, water, land and material consumption are given by the Exiobase studies. Based on the vast collections of trade statistics between countries we know that a Swiss person emits around 14 tons of CO₂ equivalent per year. While the current global average per person is at 7 tons per year. Counting it against the maximum amount of CO₂ that we might capture and sequester, the 2 degree budget of a person is 1 ton of CO₂ by 2050.":1,"#The Eaternity Climate Score gives everyone the transparency on the greenhouse gas emissions of food choices.":1,"#Your customer trust in your services. Show them you care about climate-friendly cuisine. In a monthly report we will inform you on the progress of your restaurants.":1,"#1/3 of global greenhouse emissions are related to the food supply chain. How and what we eat contributes more to global warming than the world’s shipping and transportation industry. Over 80% of emissions caused by our food supply incur at production, with the most important contributors being deforestation (38%), peat degradation (11%) and direct emissions from agriculture (50%) of which most are related to livestock, fertilizer and manure management and rice production.":1,"#Goal: Reducing food related emissions by at least 60%":1,"#CodeCheck Partnership":1,"#We specify the scarce water footprint in liter for the whole product.":1,"#We rate all products in German spoken markets on their Climate Score. Together with CodeCheck we send a clear message to all consumers that care about a sustainable food future. Give them a valuable foundation to make informed decisions.":1,"#The best benchmark for comparison":1,"#With our rating: CO₂ emissions are scored against a comparisons of all 109'000 current products listed on CodeCheck. This is also how we have calculated the average that we use for our rating system.":1,"#Consumes more scarce water than good (30% worse than the average).":1,"#We specify which certification the product has, or if it is free from palmoil and soja. This does consider palmoil and soja used for lifestock feed.":1,"#Revolutionize the way consumers choose their products. Give them smart insights into a sustainable value chain. For the benefit of people, planet and your business.":1,"#The smart solution for all your food products":1,"#Worsens our carbon budget (more than the average).":1,"#3-Star Rating System":1,"#All products with the Eaternity Score are rated by Climate Score, Water Footprint, Rainforest Score and Animal Welfare Score.":1,"#Contains animal based products and has no animal welfare certification.":1,"#No critical products. Only uncritical (from non-rainforest land) or certified.":1,"#1 star:":1,"#Good":1,"#3 stars:":1,"#Contains certified and non-certified animal based products.":1,"#We specify which certification the product has, or if it is vegan.":1,"#What do we calculate and how do we rate your product?":1,"#Very good":1,"#Contains critical products which destroy the rainforest.":1,"#We specify the emissions in CO₂-equivalents for the whole product.":1,"#Very low consumption of scarce water (less than the average).":1},"version":7253}]