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The cost of a crash with fatalities can be as high as six million dollars.":1,"#This is true, driving slow in the fast lane is a form of aggressive driving.":1,"#brain":1,"#When you view our website, we may store some information on your computer. This information will be in the form of a \"cookie\" or similar file and will help us in many ways. For example, cookies allow us to tailor our website to better match your interests and preferences. With most Internet Browsers, you can erase cookies from your computer hard drive, bloc":1,"#In some cases, we may collect information abo":1,"#Our Company respects the privacy of every individual who visits our website. This Privacy Policy outlines the information we will collect and how we will use that information. This Privacy Policy":1,"#When you do provide us with Personal Identifiable Information, we may use that information in the following ways, unless stated otherwise: We may store and process that information to better understand your needs and how we can improve our services. We may also use that information to contact yo":1,"#Due to Arizona state regulations, we are only permitted to issue refunds for the course fee (prior to course completion and issuance of completion certificate). We are prohibited from refunding any court diversion f":1,"#“I Agree” on this date, ":1,"#Everything you need to complete MO DMV. 24/7 US Based Support. 100% Money Back Guarantee.":1,"#Yes, we are an approved course provider throughout the entire state, are accepted by the MO DMV and all Missouri courts. We are listed under: $15 Dollar Online by Improv click here to see our MO listing.":1,"#Per MO State regulations, the 6-hour course is six (6) hours and the 3-hour course is three (3) hours. However, you can long on and off as often as you wish. Just make sure you finish ninety days prior to the three-year expiration date!":1,"#Courts and governmental agencies may require the collection of certain personal information (name, driver's license number, etc.) and contact information (address, phone number, email address, etc.) for administrative purposes. All information which you submit as part of the registration process may be kept in our records for a period of time as required by law. You may revi":1,"#We will not collect your name, address, telephone number, social security number, or e-mail address (Personally Identifiable Information) unless you provide it to us voluntarily. However, w":1,"#You will reach your destination 90 minutes earlier , that is in 150 minutes .":1,"#You gain 36.00 minutes every hour by changing the speed from 25 to 40 Millas por hora (mph)":1,"#We will not collect your name, address, telephone number, social security number, or e-mail address (Personally Identifiable Information) unless you provide it to us voluntarily. However, we may attempt to collect such Personally Identifiable Information if we believe your use of this website violates any laws. If you do not wan":1,"#The Basic Speed Law states that you should never drive faster than is safe for current road conditions.":1,"#To reduce impairment from emotion, recognize and acknowledge that emotions are getting the best of you.":1,"#Bad Attitudes = Major Collisions!":1,"#If your anger response is triggered by the actions of another diver, you should ask yourself: Did they do it on purpose?":1,"#A lifelong program of driver self-improvement is based on patience, courtesy, and common sense.":1,"#Dealing with roadway situations means accepting and letting go of situations out of our control.":1,"#Stopping a vehicle traveling 85 MPH takes about the length of a football field.":1,"#Two to three minutes is the time that one vehicle travels faster than another at a slightly slower speed.":1,"#We speed because our culture has made driving fast and breaking the law appear cool and rebellious.":1,"#Our chances of being in a crash is increased by 23 times while texting or using a mobile phone while drivng.":1,"#Courts and governmental agencies may require the collection of certain personal information (name, driver's license number, etc.) and contact information":1,"#Explanation: Air bags, combined with lap/shoulder belts, offer the most effective safety protection available today for passenger vehicle occupants.":1,"#Explanation: Prescription and many non-prescription drugs, such as cough, cold and allergy medicines, can impair your driving ability and may be illegal to use when driving.":1,"#and providing proof of":1,"#Courts and governmental agencies may require the collection of certain personal information (name, driver's license number, etc.) and contact information (address, phone number, email address, etc.) for administrative purposes. All information which you submit as part of the registration process may be kept in our records for a period of time as required by law. You may review and request changes to this information during normal operating hours by calling our office at 1.800.660.8908 and providing proof of":1,"#Explanation: The State of Nevada requires that all riders must wear a helmet. Of course, not everyone wears a helmet û but the consequences are severe, if not deadly.":1,"#Due to Arizona state regulations, we are only permitted to issue refunds for the course fee (prior to course completion and issuance of completion certificate). We are prohibited from refunding any court diversion fees, state fees, or state surcharge fees once the course has been started. Any AZ refund requests":1,"#Explanation: Bad Attitudes = Major Collisions!":1,"#Due to Arizo":1,"#Explanation: Aggressive driving is about the absence of thinking.":1,"#Explanation: A useful tool for changing our driving behaviors is observing what kinds of driving behaviors anger you.":1,"#Explanation: It''s easy to label other drivers in a negative way because they are anonymous to us.":1,"#Explanation: Speeding saves a small amount of time but costs a large amount in ticket fines and increased insurance premium fees.":1,"#Explanation: One easy way to deal with an aggressive driver is to give the aggressive driver the extra room they feel they''re entitled to.":1,"#This is true. Strong emotions, fatigue, and stress can affect our ability to drive as much as drugs and alcohol.":1,"#Anything you have on your back dashboard? Get rid of it! Those cans of soda, eyeglasses, bowling balls on":1,"#Any information presented":1,"#Be especially careful when transporting kids and with open SUV trunks that are loaded to":1,"#If you absolut":1,"#Redress is available for our users who feel their privac":1,"#What is the maximum number of points that can be assessed on your license for a single driving violation":1,"#When you do provide us with Personal Identifiable Information, we may use that information in the following ways, unless stated otherwise: We may store and process that information to better understand your needs and how we can improve our services":1,"#You will reach your destination 58 minutes earlier , that is in 75 minutes .":1,"#You gain 46.67 minutes every hour by changing the speed from 45 to 80 Millas por hora (mph)":1,"#You lose 25 minutes every hour by changing the speed from 60 to 35 Millas por hora (mph)":1,"#In some cases, we may collect information about you that is not personally identifiable. Examples of this type of information include the type of Internet Browser use":1,"#Disclosure Regarding Google Display Advertis":1,"#In some cases, we may coll":1,"#The safest position for anyone in a car is: The front passenger seat The driver’s seat The center rear seat":1,"#The security of your personal information is always a priority to us. We work hard to help ensure your account information stays secure. Our servers are located in a secure off-site server facility with 24x":1,"#We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology (up to 256-bit encryption) to encrypt your personal as w":1,"#A clear and readable copy of your DRIVER’S LICENSE":1,"#If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact":1,"#Pull over to the center divider.":1,"#Pull over to the right shoulder.":1,"#pull to the side of the roadway to let the engine cool.":1,"#Marked":1,"#is any place where one line of the roadway meets another roadway.":1,"#keep in your lane.":1,"#do not increase your speed.":1,"#driving for long periods of time.":1,"#complying with some of the traffic laws.":1,"#If possible, which of the following is the best choice if your vehicle's tire blows out on the freeway?":1,"#Due to Arizona state regulations, we are only permitted to issue refunds for the course fee (prior to course compl":1,"#Explanation: An aggressive driving offense is driving under the influence.":1,"#Explanation: Stress symptoms can affect your body and your behavior.":1,"#You must answer all questions within 00:31 seconds.":1,"#False. If a collision is unavoidable, you will lessen the severity of the collision and decrease the chance of injury if you are properly wearing your seatbelts and shoulder belts at the time of the collision.":1,"#Airbags only absorb the initial impact in a crash; if your vehicle hits more than one object the airbag is only effective during the initial impact.":1,"#Due to Arizona state regulations, we are only permitted to issue refunds for the course fee (prior to course completion and issuance of completion certific":1,"#I do not want to receive any emails from the Sacramento Court.":1,"#As part of this registration I am allowing Sacramento Court to include me on the email distribution list to communicate with me on my course progress, send passwords, course related reminders, traffic laws updates as they come and other important information. NOTE: Your email and private information will never be shared or sold to any 3rd party.":1,"#Other Information Collected Automatic":1,"#Due to Arizona state regulations, we are only permitted to issue refunds for the course fee (prior to course completion and issuance of completion certificate). We are prohibited from refunding any court diversion fees, state fees, or state surc":1,"#The interaction in the example was emotonal, heated, and avoidable, so it is not an accident.":1,"#Sleepiness + Fatigue = Drowsy Driving":1,"#Explanation: The center turn lane is a two-way left turn lane reserved exclusively for left turning vehicles in either direction.":1,"#may be illegal to take when driving.":1,"#are always okay to take when driving as long as they are prescribed by a doctor.":1,"#may never be taken when driving.":1,"#Prescription drugs________":1,"#Some freeways have ramp meters at the entrance ramps. If the ramp meters are operational then you should only go on __________.":1,"#Explanation: Any driver under 21 years of age who is stopped by law enforcement and has a BAC of .02, or a trace of any controlled substance, will have their license revoked for 90 days, and will be subject to criminal penalties. Additionally, you will have to pay to have an alcohol evaluation done.":1,"#Explanation: One way to decrease your own stress level while benefitting the community is to offer to help someone else.":1,"#Explanation: Road rage can lead to violent actions outside of the vehicle.":1,"#Explanation: A positive additude starts before you get behind the wheel.":1,"#Explanation: Driving can be stressful.":1,"#Explanation: Better driving behaviors can lead to a better driving community.":1,"#Explanation: If you''re driving when strong emotions overtake you, the safest thing to do is to pull over until you calm down.":1,"#Explanation: If road conditions reduce visibiliy or create a hazard, when driving the posted speed limit you may be speeding.":1,"#Explanation: When we''re angry and act out this anger, we trigger more angry thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.":1,"#Explanation: Distracted driving has become a major epidenic.":1,"#Explanation: If we''re role models on the road, we can help other drivers feel safer and calmer.":1,"#Explanation: Developing a strong driving conscience will help you see other drivers as individuals.":1,"#Explanation: Distractions like texts demand our attention.":1,"#Explanation: Developing an inner standard of driving behavior means learning to make the right choices on the road, even if no one is there to see you do it.":1,"#Explanation: The first step to behavior modification is being able to observe ourselves doing these behaviors.":1,"#Explanation: Justifying our own behavior that would enrage us if someone else does it is called a self-serving bias.":1,"#Explanation: When you understand the positive benefits, committing to your inner standard of behavior is much easier.":1,"#Explanation: When on the road, you may experience people exibiting aggressive driving, and you may want to react in a similar manner.":1,"#Explanation: This is true. On average, a car crash occurs every sizteen minutes.":1,"#Explanation: False assumptions about how someone is feelings can trigger angry responses.":1,"#Explanation: We can judge the driving behavior of another motorist as long as we also decide to share the road with them anyway.":1,"#Explanation: The court system gets overloaded the more aggressive and unlawful driving there is in a community.":1,"#Anger isn''t just an emotion. It can cause physiological changes In our bodies.":1,"#knots":1,"#When you do provide us with Personal Identifiable Information, we may use that information in the following ways, unless stated otherwise: We may store and process that information to better understand your needs and how we can improve our services. We may also use that information to contact you. We will not p":1,"#When someone is passing you:":1,"#make it as safe and as easy as you can for the other driver to pass you.":1,"#Explanation: Points stay on your record for a period of 12 months after the date of the conviction. Most violations are reportable to your insurance company for up to 3 years, with DUIs being reportable for up to 7 years.":1,"#We have implemented Google Analytics features based on Display Advertising (Google Display DoubleClick Campaign Manager and Remarketing integration). Visitors":1,"#Mechanic":1,"#You will reach your destination 80 minutes earlier , that is in 120 minutes .":1,"#It is illegal to make a u-turn when you cannot see clearly for at least 200 feet in each direction.":1,"#Safely drive off the freeway.":1,"#Remain in the lane that you were in at the time your vehicle comes to a complete stop.":1,"#In California, persons over age 21 are considered legally intoxicated with a B.A.C. (Blood Alcohol Concentration) of ___% or more, or if you have any detectable controlled substances in your system.":1,"#An intersection:":1,"#always has at least one stop sign.":1,"#always has a traffic light.":1,"#Some drugs legally purchased at a pharmacy, whether they're prescribed by a doctor or bought over-the-counter (OTC), can be just as dangerous for motorists as alcohol and can trigger a DUI.":1,"#Our transportation system consists of many components; which one of the following is not one of them?":1,"#wearing shoes while driving.":1,"#taking someone along with you to help you navigate.":1,"#If you have physical limitations, you should avoid:":1,"#Which of the following prescription drugs can produce a euphoric effect? Anti-anxiety drugs Muscle relaxants Anti-depressants":1,"#Rain.":1,"#Other highway users.":1,"#One foot":1,"#Mobile phones.":1,"#Honk your horn continously at the person to punish them.":1,"#Five feet":1,"#Eight feet":1,"#Your total stopping distance while driving equals the time in feet it takes you to hit the brakes plus how many feet it takes to actually stop the car. At 65 MPH, it takes the car 306 feet to stop.":1,"#You drive in snow.":1,"#You drive over water.":1,"#You drive over dust.":1,"#You and your vehicle.":1,"#10 mg of the popular tranquilizer, Valium, can cause impairment similar to having a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.10 percent.":1,"#You may be selected for a driver license re-examination if the DMV receives information from your physician, law enforcement, or concerned family members indicating that they believe that you are no longer able to drive safely.":1,"#Hydroplaning may occur when:":1,"#If stopped in the center divider, it is generally safest to exit your vehicle until a law enforcement officer arrives.":1,"#If the temperature at ground level is below freezing, which of the following may turn into sleet:":1,"#If you are driving along and you see a Wrong Way sign:":1,"#If the chapter timer has counted down to \"0:00\" and you're done reviewing the information, simply click the orange \"Continue\" button whe":1,"#Explanation: Strong emotions, as well as fatigue and stress, impair our ability to drive safely.":1,"#Explanation: This is true. Emotional highs and lows can significantly affect your wellbeing.":1,"#Explanation: This is true. Changing lanes without signaling is a form of aggressive driving.":1,"#Explanation: This is false. Many other people in the driving community are indirectly involved in a traffic collision.":1,"#Explanation: When one driver''s actions affect others in the community, it''s called the domino effect.":1,"#Explanation: Aggressive behaviors account for more than half of fatal crashes.":1,"#NY Ch 2:":1,"#Invalid Violation Date":1,"#treat others as you wish to be treated.":1,"#the potential for rear-ending someone is reduced when you're well rested.":1,"#the brakes on your vehicle should be checked every six months.":1,"#manpulative responses.":1,"#stay off the road when you're emotional.":1,"#the faster you're driving, the longer it will take you to stop.":1,"#necessary to avoid a collision.":1,"#talking through all of the options and decisions you face as a driver to see which one sounds best.":1,"#offer to help someone else.":1,"#manually, cognitively, and visually.":1,"#learning to make the right choices on the road, even if no one is there to see you do it.":1,"#horses and livestock.":1,"#intellectually, conversationally, and observationally.":1,"#losing the respect of your passengers.":1,"#keeping a driver journal with all of the situations you've faced, and the actions you made.":1,"#dextrously, visually, and mentally.":1,"#losing the privilege of driving for your friends.":1,"#frustrated responses.":1,"#hoverboards and manure trucks.":1,"#losing points on your social credit score.":1,"#examples of angry driving.":1,"#angry responses.":1,"#cabriolets and pennyfarthings.":1,"#acceptable if the situation calls for it.":1,"#When some people get angry, they lose their ability to control their impulses as a result of lowered Cortisol levels.":1,"#Multitasking recuces forcus and causes druglike addiction.":1,"#A social consequence of negative driving behavior may be:":1,"#Developing an inner standard of driving behavior means:":1,"#One way to decrease your own stress level while benefitting the community is to:":1,"#False assumptions about how someone is feelings can trigger:":1,"#Because it takes your brain one to two seconds to notice a potential hazard and react to it:":1,"#The driving community is made up of cars, trucks, bicycles, pedestrians, and even:":1,"#Horn honking and gesturing out of the window are:":1,"#The Driver":1,"#The passenger who did not buckle up.":1,"#Courts and governmental agencies may require the collection of certain personal information (name, driver's license number, etc.) and contact information (address, phone number, email address, etc.) for administrative purposes. All information which you submit as part of the registration process may be kept in our records for a period of time as required by law. You may review and request changes to this information":1,"#Explanation: Some freeways have ramp meters at the entrance ramps and if operational, you must obey the ramp meters. Pull up to the stop line and stop on red. Be alert. The signal will change more rapidly than a signal at an intersection. When the light turns green, proceed along the ramp and merge onto the freeway safely.":1,"#Explanation: If convicted of an extreme DUI (Blood Alcohol Level of .15 or higher) , penalties typically are much harsher for the driver when compared to a normal DUI conviction.":1,"#Explanation: When somebody makes you really mad, ake 5 deep breaths, breathing through your whole body.":1,"#Explanation: Nevada has a \"\"zero tolerance\"\" law for people under 21 years old. Any driver under 21 years of age who is stopped by law enforcement and has a BAC of .02, or a trace of any controlled substance, will have their license revoked for 90 days, and will be subject to criminal penalties. Additionally, you will have to pay to have an alcohol evaluation done.":1,"# Report them via stop4kids@florida.gov":1,"#Explanation: This is false. Aggressive driving and road rage are not the same thing, but one can lead to the other.":1,"#Explanation: Other drivers are part of our driving community.":1,"#Explanation: Behavior modification involves adjusting our thinking.":1,"#Explanation: Getting where you''re going on time is important, but speeding contributes to 30% of all fatal crashes.":1,"#On a two-way road, you can only pass when you have __________ in your lane AND it is safe to pass.":1,"#Due to Arizona state regul":1,"#What is the minimum amount of water it takes to move most cars, trucks, and SUVs?":1,"#Two feet":1,"#We will not collect your name, address, telephone number, social security number, or e-mail address (Personally Identifiable Information) unless you provide it to us voluntarily. Ho":1,"#If more than one year has elapsed since the date of completion of your last Mature Driver Improvement course, you cannot take the 4-hour renewal course to continue receiving your insurance discount; the initial course must be taken again to receive an additional 3-year insurance discount.":1,"#The common pain reliever, Hydrocodone, is similar to:":1,"#stimulants.":1,"#Velocitation occurs when a driver unconsciously begins to speed up ________:":1,"#_______ crosswalks are often found in residential areas.":1,"#Unmarked":1,"#Twilight (after sunset)":1,"#You will reach your destination 17 minutes earlier , that is in 53 minutes .":1,"#slushy snow.":1,"#the traffic already on the freeway should yield the right-of-way to you.":1,"#When entering the freeway:":1,"#Sleet goes on the pavement as:":1,"#an icy glaze.":1,"#Early morning":1,"#When you get into a collision.":1,"#When does highway hypnosis typically occur?":1,"#When waiting at long red lights.":1,"#When driving on an open highway for an extended period of time.":1,"#When the person driving with you talks too much.":1,"#One of the symptoms of hearing loss when driving a vehicle is not being able to hear the sound of your vehicle's turn signals.":1,"#Wet snow.":1,"#Slush.":1,"#Motorcycles often have their turn indicators on even when the motorcyclist does not intend to turn because: The motorcyclist cannot hear the little clicking noise that the indicator makes in a car The motorcyclist cannot see the little flashing light that signals that the indicator is on Turn indicators in a motorcycle are not self-cancelling as they are in a car":1,"#No. You can log off and back on as often as you like. The course will pick up where you left off.":1,"#Proudly serving Colorado for over 20 years. Approved by Colorado Department of Insurance.Click here to see our credentials.":1,"#Easiest Multiple-Choice Test Allowed by CO LAW":1,"#Shortest course allowed by CO law. Complete at your own pace, all at once or in increments. Once you do, you can easily download your certificate for free on the same business day.":1,"#No. You can start the course at any time, any day, any time of day.":1,"#Do I have to start the course right away?":1,"#What makes your course better than others?":1,"#Yes, this course is 100% online.":1,"#Our course is written by comedy writers and is more fun, enjoyable, and easier to read compared to our competition.":1,"#Is this course online?":1,"#Explanation: Defensive driving is simply common sense driving.":1,"#Explanation: There are almost 6 million traffic crashes each year, and over 37,000 people die in those crashes. In addition to the cost in human lives, the economic cost exceeds $230 billion annually!":1,"#opiates.":1,"#Pretend you don't see the bus.":1,"#on purpose.":1},"version":68378}]