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The Canadian Public Policy journal is affiliated with the CEA. CEA members receive online access to issues of CJE and CPP as part of their membership.":1,"#DISMANTLE: Saturday: after start of last afternoon session (4pm-5:30pm)":1,"#Links to Other Organizational Information":1,"#Phone: +1-519-661-3148":1,"#The Association has for its objective the advancement of economic knowledge through the encouragement of study and research, the issuing of publications, and the furtherance of free and informed discussion of economic questions. The Association as such will not assume a partisan position upon any question of practical politics nor commit its members to any position thereupon.":1,"#History: Presidents, Secretary-Treasurers, CJE Managing Editors, CPP Managing Editors":1,"#Oganization & Bylaws":1,"#Committees (list)":1,"#Jack Madison, CEA Conference Coordinator":1,"#Paula Emery, CEA A/Executive Officer":1,"#London, ON, N6G 0N1":1,"#1255 Western Road":1,"#Ivey Business School, Western University":1,"#ATTN: Brandon Schaufele, Treasurer":1,"#Our mailing address is:":1,"#CEA members please use the following link to authenticate your membership & read the CJE at Wiley Online Library":1,"#How to subscribe":1,"#Member Access":1,"#CEDC":1,"#Session Organizers and Other Contributors":1,"#Programme Selection Committee:":1,"#Daniel Trefler (University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management)":1,"#Friday Evening Following the Innis Lecture & Saturday Evening Following the Presidential Address at Toronto Metropolitan University's Mattamy Athletic Centre (the historic former Maple Leaf Gardens).":1,"#[list forthcoming]":1,"#CEA Study Groups and Scientific Committees":1,"#AI and Cross-Border Data Regulation: Tackling the New Frontier with a Large Language Model":1,"#ession dates/times listed below may be subject to change. However, we will do our best to keep the times/dates listed)":1,"#Your conference badge will be required to enter the reception.":1,"#Receptions":1,"#In-person Session Days: Thursday May 30 (Embrace Day Sessions), Friday May 31 - Saturday June 1, 2024 (Main session days).":1,"#Information for Programme Participants [click to view]":1,"#Kevin Milligan (University of British Columbia)":1,"#Online Sessions Day: Friday May 24, 2024":1,"#Local Organizers at":1,"#Thursday May 30, 2024":1,"#Abel Brodeur (University of Ottawa)":1,"#Professor Brennan Thompson":1,"#Programme Office:":1,"#Embrace Lecture":1,"#Donn Feir (University of Victoria)":1,"#***Purvis Luncheon has been moved to Friday, May 31 for CEA 2024":1,"#Saturday, June 1, 2024":1,"#Saturday June 1, 2024":1,"#***CWEC Luncheon has been moved to Saturday June 1 for CEA 2024":1,"#Online - May 24th":1,"#Erin Strumpf (McGill University)":1,"#Professor John Galbraith (McGill University)":1,"#Note: your in-person registration also gives you access to the online day; we hope you attend.":1,"#Friday May 31, 2024":1,"#58th Annual Meetings of the CEA":1,"#Professor Richard Chisik ":1,"#Programme Chair:":1,"#Conference Organizing Committee:":1,"#Please submit your travel grant application before the deadline of March 15th, 2024.":1,"#Applications for Student Travel Grants are available at the link below. Please read the criteria carefully before applying.":1,"#Travel Grant Application":1,"#Travel Grant criteria:":1,"#at":1,"#CEA Code of Conduct":1,"#You must have submitted a paper to the conference or are presenting in a special session to apply for a travel grant.":1,"#ADVERTISERS":1,"#Exhibitors at the CEA Annual Conference are offered a prime location to meet with members of the Economics community of Canada and around the world. A typical CEA conference is attended by around 1000 delegates. For additional information, please contact CEA Conference Coordinator, Paula Emery at cea.conference@gmail.com":1,"#SHIPPING: Storage space is limited - please consider bringing materials personally. If materials need to be sent, please note they can be accepted one week prior to event. Contact Paula Emery (cea.conference@gmail.com) for shipping and storage information.":1,"#The 58th Annual Meetings of the Canadian Economics Association is hosted by the Department of Economics at Toronto Metropolitan University from May 30 to June 1, 2024 An online session day will take place on Friday, May 24th, 2024. ":1,"#Please see the Canadian Labour Economics Forum (CLEF) page here for further details.":1,"#EXHIBIT LOCATION: On-site at conference, room TBA":1,"#SET UP: Friday: 08:00-10:00 (to be completed before morning coffee-break)":1,"#Embrace Day sessions.":1,"#For submission details see the Economics Profession Data Committee Page.":1,"#Programme Highlights Page":1,"#May 30, 2024":1,"#May 24, 2024":1,"#Mid-April":1,"#Follow us on X (formerly Twitter)":1,"#Last day to withdraw and receive a refund (full refund minus a $75 administration fee). After this date, the registration fee is non-refundable. (*If the conference format is changed after this date due to a public health recommendation, the option to withdraw without penalty will be considered and conference fees may be reduced. All delegates will be informed.)":1,"#are published on the":1,"#Last day for notifying paper submitter on the acceptance or rejection of their paper for presentation.":1,"#March 15, 2024":1,"#February 1, 2024":1,"#Conference Hashtag: #ACEA24":1,"#Conference Registration will open February 1, 2024 on the registration page.":1,"#May 13, 2024":1,"#For past prize winners and submission details see the Undergraduate Student Research Awards page. ":1,"#State of the Art Lectures and special lectures":1,"#The in-person sessions for paper presentations.":1,"#May 3, 2024":1,"#Last day for travel grant applications to be submitted to the CEA.":1,"#February 15, 2024":1,"#Online session day.":1,"#The programme chair starts accepting submissions of papers for presentation at the conference through the web interface.":1,"#Early registration ends and late registration fees apply thereafter.":1,"#December 2023":1,"#RESEARCH COMPETITION:":1,"#Programme highlights including":1,"#EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION:":1,"#May 31 - June 1, 2024":1,"#Exhibitors at the CEA Annual Conference are offered a prime location to meet with members of the Economics community of Canada and around the world. Registration Page for Exhibitors. ":1,"#Groups or individuals organizing sessions are asked to contact the program office at cea.conference@gmail.com (Attn: Paula Emery) by January 31st. For further details, see the session organizers page.":1,"#The CEA acknowledges the land we will be meeting on for the Annual Meeting is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.":1,"#Diversity in the Economics Profession (January 31, 2024 Deadline)":1,"#UNDERGRADUATE POSTER SESSIONS:":1,"#The programme chair is John W. Galbraith (McGill University), and the local organizers are Professor Richard Chisik and Professor Brennan Thompson.":1,"#January 31, 2024":1,"#April 5, 2024":1,"#Meet your audience":1,"#LIABILITY: The CEA or their officers, employees, or representatives will not be responsible for the safety of exhibits against robbery, damage by fire, accident or other causes prior to, during or subsequent to the period covered by the exhibit contract. Exhibitors should provide their own insurance for equipment and displays.":1,"#Travel grants are only available to qualifying graduate students and doctoral candidates who are paid-up members of the Canadian Economics Association.":1,"#You must be a student at a Canadian university, or a Canadian citizen studying at a foreign university.":1,"#@CanEconomics":1,"#CIRANO-JDI-Phelps-RIIB Invited Lecture on Competition Policy and Regulation":1,"#For Air Travel Discount Codes, Group Hotel Rates and local details, see here.":1,"#This field is required.":1,"#The data set and the programs used to create the final set of results. Authors should provide a detailed description of the procedures and programs used to go from the original data to the final variables included in the \"final\" data set.":1,"#If the data are proprietary (e.g., from Statistics Canada), and an exemption for providing the data has been granted by the editor, then the \"ReadMe\" file should provide sufficient documentation that a researcher can start with the publicly available data sets, and using the programs supplied, generate the final set of results. In this case, the author(s) must provide the complete set of intermediate programs (and associated documentation). If the data are not publicly available (e.g., from an RDC), then the documentation should also include detailed instructions on how to obtain access to the data.":1,"#voir ici":1,"#For initial submissions, any standard conventions regarding footnotes, referencing, etc. are fine. It is often a good idea to include notes for the referees in an appendix that include, when relevant, detailed step-by-step algebraic derivations, detailed descriptions of data construction, or other supplementary material. If your paper is too dense or too opaque for referees to understand readily what you have done, your paper will almost certainly be rejected. It would also be a very good idea to read the Instructions to Referees.":1,"#With around 2000 members (in 2016) across the country and from abroad, the Canadian Economics Association (CEA) is the organization of academic economists in Canada. The purpose of the CEA is stated in its Articles of Incorporation:":1,"#Organizational Information":1,"#The Canadian Economics Association is incorporated in Canada as a federal not-for-profit corporation (9129375). Our business number since 2015 is 803271592, which is also our GST registration number with respect to Canada Revenue Agency. As of June 4, 2017, our legal address (location of incorporation) is:":1,"#Exhibitors and Advertisers":1,"#Instructions for Conditionally Accepted Papers":1,"#We highly recommend that you use BibTeX for your references. Please include your .bib file with your other files and prefer you do not copy your .bbl file into your main .tex document. Note that if you create your reference list manually, you will be asked at the proof stage to verify that all sources cited in the main text are in the reference list and that all sources in the reference list are cited in the main text.":1,"#Before submitting your LaTeX files, please be sure that your source files compile without errors with latex or pdflatex. Although not recommended, if you use any LaTeX packages that are not included in TeX Live, please include them when submitting your files. Also include the PDF file generated from the source files you are submitting.":1,"#Authors must also familiarize themselves with our Conflicts of Interest and Ethical Guidelines for Authors and abide by these guidelines at the time of submission.":1,"#Instructions for Revised Paper Submissions":1,"#Important: If you are using Scientific WorkPlace or Scientific Word, please save your files as a portable LaTeX file and submit only the portable format.":1,"#Authors who are currently not CEA members must first join the CEA which includes an online subscription to the Canadian Journal of Economics. If you are submitting a paper between October and December, you need to obtain a paid-up next-year CEA membership that will provide a complimentary CEA membership for the remainder of the current year.":1,"#To submit a paper to the Canadian Journal of Economics, at least one of the authors must be a current member of the Canadian Economics Association (CEA) and the corresponding author must pay a non-refundable submission fee of CAD 75 (seventy-five Canadian Dollars) for all countries of residence (plus Canadian sales tax).":1,"#Instructions for Initial Paper Submissions":1,"#Who We Are":1,"#McMaster University":1,"#What We Do":1,"#For papers with any empirical work, simulations, or experimental work, authors should review our Data Availability Policy. Compliance with this policy is mandatory. Note, for experimental papers, the original instructions are required to be provided in full as an appendix of the submitted paper. Final acceptance of any paper is conditional on providing the Data Editor with the data, programs, and other details of the computations sufficient to permit replication. The data availability policy discusses issues associated with confidential and/or administrative data.":1,"#also":1,"#First, if you are using LaTeX, please use the CJE package":1,"#, which is included in most TeX distributions. You can":1,"#For details on complimentary media passes see the media page.":1,"#MEDIA INQUIRIES & COMPLIMENTARY PRESS PASSES":1,"#If you have questions on the CJE package or run into difficulty while preparing your manuscript, please don't hesitate to":1,"#download the":1,"#email Kim Nesbitt":1,"#Initial submission on ScholarOne":1,"#CJE package":1,"#publish their articles as open access under Wiley’s OpenOnline. Please see Wiley’s `Learn about licensing and copyright’ for further information. ":1,"#Avoid subscripts on subscripts, and superscripts on superscripts.":1,"#Third, ensure that your paper conforms with the following mathematical style.":1,"#Displayed equations should be numbered, with the number appearing at the right hand edge of the line.":1,"#The principle outlined in the previous point applies generally, not just to fractions: complicated mathematical expressions should be displayed in separate numbered lines rather than embedded in lines of text.":1,"#Use least cost mathematical notation to the extent possible.":1,"#There is a major difference between mathematics that is embedded in ordinary lines of text and mathematical expressions that are \"displayed\" (i.e. set out in separate numbered lines). In particular, for fractions contained in lines of ordinary text, please print them in \"horizontal\" form, using a slash and parentheses. The \"vertical\" form, with the numerator literally above the denominator, is much more difficult to incorporate. If you need to use the vertical form, do so by having the expression displayed in a separate numbered line. Also, it is much better to have a vertical fraction displayed in a separate line rather than a complicated horizontal fraction embedded in a line of text.":1,"#If you have been invited to revise and resubmit your paper, then we usually expect authors to resubmit within six to nine months following this invitation. Once you are ready to resubmit your paper, first ensure that your CEA membership has not lapsed since initially submitting your paper; if necessary, you will need to extend your membership in order to resubmit your paper.":1,"#To submit, click on the `Submit’ button below. Note, once you have uploaded your paper to ScholarOne, you will receive a confirmation email and your submission is not complete until you have received this confirmation email.":1,"#Resubmit on ScholarOne":1,"#. He/she will be asked to login into":1,"#CTAN. If you are downloading only the CJE package, you can save the package files in the same folder as your working files.":1,"#The CJE package provides the Journal's article class, allowing you to format your paper to CJE style with minimum effort. The class includes a review option for preparing your manuscript at the initial submission stage (double spaced for reviewers) and a proof option for the typesetters to prepare the proof you will eventually be asked to approve. The package also includes an author guide (cjeguide.pdf, cjeguide.tex), written in CJE style. Also included in the package is a stripped down .tex file containing only code and some comments (cjetemplate.tex).":1,"#copyright transfer agreement":1,"#form that you will be asked to complete. Authors will also be given the option to":1,"#Wiley's Author Services":1,"#If you have questions about the Journal’s data/programming documentation requirements or data availability policy, please don't hesitate to contact the Journal's Data Editor or Managing Editor.":1,"#Fourth, please follow the detailed manuscript style instructions in our":1,"#The programs and data sets can be in any format or statistical software. Certainly, it is helpful if the format is readily usable by other researchers.":1,"#Once you are member of the CEA, please click on the button \"Pay CJE Submission Fee\" below which will ask you to login to your CEA account. You can then proceed to pay the submission fee online.":1,"#to complete it on behalf of all authors of your paper. The Canadian Journal of Economics is owned by the Canadian Economics Association (CEA) and is published by Wiley on behalf of the CEA as such copyrights are transferred to the CEA. Please see an example of the":1,"#Once you have completed the payment, you are ready to submit your paper on ScholarOne.":1,"#If you have any questions about the final submission process, please contact our Editorial Office.":1,"#CJE Style Guide for Accepted Papers (PDF)":1,"#Upon final acceptance of your article, your manuscript will be reviewed by our Copy Editor (Kim Nesbitt) to ensure it conforms to the CJE style in spelling, punctuation, and usage.":1,"#Manuscripts can be in English or French and are to be submitted as a PDF file. The CJE does not have a maximum page limit for initial submissions, but authors should keep in mind that exceedingly long papers tend to try the patience of referees. The main text for all first submissions must be double spaced; footnotes and references, however, can be single spaced. Font sizes ranging from 10 pt. to 12 pt. and 1-inch (2.54cm) margins are acceptable. An abstract must also be provided and at least two JEL classification codes.":1,"#Clearly labeled programs that generate the final published results.":1,"#When copy-editing equations, we use small capitals to represent variables made up of two letters (like MC for \"marginal cost\") so they are distinguished from the product of M and C, which would appear as capitalized italics.":1,"#from":1,"#Pay CJE Submission Fee":1,"#Simon Fraser University":1,"#copyright transfer agreement form":1,"#Once your paper goes into production, the contact author will receive an email from Wiley about signing the":1,"#c/o Fasken Martineau LLP":1,"#Local Information and Travel Discount Codes":1,"#University of Calgary":1,"#Session Recordings":1,"#Media Inquiries & Press Passes":1,"#IMPORTANT DATES & DEADLINES":1,"#Advance registration for the conference commences.":1,"#Exhibitors":1,"#State of the Art Lectures":1,"#Last day for prospective special session organizers to contact the program office for booking blocks of sessions.":1,"#CWEC Lecture":1,"#CLEF: AWARD FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS":1,"#Join Now":1,"#Deadline to submit your paper or abstract.":1,"#Login":1,"#Registration":1,"#Purvis Lecture":1,"#The preliminary program is expected to become available.":1,"#About the Annual Meeting":1,"#Past Annual Meetings":1,"#Board of Directors":1,"#Undergraduate Poster Sessions":1,"#Prizes":1,"#Contact the CJE":1,"#DAYCARE OPTION DURING CONFERENCE":1,"#Canadian Women Economists Committee":1,"#Information for Programme Participants & Chairs":1,"#CEA 2024":1,"#Online Access to the CJE":1,"#About":1,"#CWEC BLOG":1,"#Session Organizers":1,"#CANADIAN ECONOMICS DIVERSITY COMMITTEE":1,"#Future Annual Meetings":1,"#Upcoming Events":1,"#Jobs & Employment Exchange":1,"#SPECIAL LECTURES":1,"#MEDIA & PRESS CREDENTIALS":1,"#Not a member? Sign up.":1,"#Close":1,"#JOURNALS":1,"#COMMITTEES":1,"#Powered by":1,"#Forgot your password?":1,"#CANADIAN PUBLIC POLICY":1,"#Programme Participant List":1,"#Who we are":1,"#Subscribe":1,"#Password:":1,"#CODE OF CONDUCT":1,"#Innis Lecture":1,"#CALL FOR NOMINATIONS":1,"#PRIVACY POLICY":1,"#Website Localization":1,"#Localization services provided by":1,"#Email:":1,"#ABOUT THE ANNUAL MEETING":1,"#WHO WE ARE":1,"#Log In":1,"#SPONSORS":1,"#The Canadian Economics Association is a federal not-for-profit corporation.":1,"#CJE Prizes":1,"#GST/HST registration number: 803271592":1,"#SilkStart Association Management Software":1,"#Forgot your password":1,"#CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS":1,"#ABOUT":1,"#Search":1,"#QST registration number: 1225222921":1,"#ANNUAL MEETING":1,"#Contact:":1,"#CWEC Luncheon Speaker":1,"#Presidential Address":1},"version":8907}]