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This ensures that the final plan is reflective of actual safety concerns experienced by those who live and work in Glenwood Springs.":1,"#We invite you to use the below interactive map to pinpoint locations around Glenwood Springs where you have observed safety issues or near misses. This could include intersections with frequent accidents, areas where pedestrian crossings are challenging, or places where bicycle lanes are inadequate.":1,"#gather community input on specific locations within Glenwood Springs where residents and stakeholders feel there are safety concerns related to vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle, or transit transportation. This input will help prioritize areas for improvement in the Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP).":1,"#Our project team is working to":1,"#Community Survey":1,"#: Attend meetings to hear project updates, ask questions, and share your thoughts on safety priorities.":1,"#Dates to be announced soon":1,"#Join us at various locations around the city for in-person discussions and activities related to the CSAP.":1,"#Pop-Up Events:":1,"#Upcoming Opportunities to Engage:":1,"#Whether you're a concerned resident, a local business owner, or a transportation professional, your voice is crucial in shaping the future of transportation safety in Glenwood Springs. To learn more about the study and discover how you can get involved, please contact our project manager, sign up for our mailing list below":1,"#: Attend these official meetings to hear about project progress and share your input.":1,"#Transportation Commission and City Council":1,"#As the CSAP progresses, we will actively seek input from residents, community leaders, business owners, and all stakeholders who are passionate about improving transportation safety in our city. Your participation will help ensure that the plan reflects the needs and priorities of our entire community, making our roads safer and more accessible for all.":1,"#: Follow the City of Glenwood Springs on social media to stay informed and engage in ongoing conversations about transportation safety.":1,"#Social Media Posts":1,"#: Come back to this website for up-to-date information, resources, and opportunities to contribute.":1,"#Project Website":1,"#Stay Informed:":1,"#Dates and neighborhoods to be announced soon":1,"#: Join your neighbors to discuss local safety issues and contribute to the CSAP’s development.":1,"#Neighborhood Meetings":1,"#finalized":1,"#: Participate in a survey to give feedback on the proposed safety recommendations before they are":1,"#As we develop the Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) for Glenwood Springs, your input is vital to our success. We are working closely with local organizations, businesses, and governmental bodies to assess the safety needs of our community. This collaborative effort will guide the creation of a safer, more connected transportation network that serves everyone in Glenwood Springs.":1,"#Get Involved: Help Shape the Future of Safety in Glenwood Springs":1,"#How will this be studied?":1,"#A Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) is a strategic approach to improving transportation safety within a specific area. It involves analyzing data on accidents and safety concerns, identifying problem areas, and developing recommendations for projects, operational changes, and public awareness campaigns. The CSAP focuses on creating actionable steps to reduce accidents and enhance the safety of the entire transportation system.":1,"#The City of Glenwood Springs is undertaking the Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) to address the growing concerns about transportation-related fatalities and serious injuries within our community. By analyzing data and identifying trends, the plan aims to create safer roadways for all users—drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders. The goal is to reduce accidents and make our transportation network safer and more efficient for everyone.":1,"#Why are we doing this plan?":1,"#with key stakeholders at multiple milestones throughout the project to assist with project decision-making, prioritization, and development of the Action Plan for long-term community buy-in.":1,"#Consult the community to confirm whether plans are adequately and comprehensively addressing transportation safety concerns.":1,"#Consult the community to gauge current attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors related to traffic safety and transportation among Glenwood Springs residents, visitors, and employees":1,"#progress and opportunities for engagement":1,"#the community of the project":1,"#Consistently":1,"#The City of Glenwood Springs has made a commitment to the community to engage them in the project in the following ways:":1,"#How will the community & public be involved?":1,"#will be a collaborative partner throughout the planning process.":1,"#Transportation Commission":1,"#The City Council will be the ultimate decision-maker on approving the plan, and the":1,"#City leadership is working with a team of consultants and experts in transportation safety to direct the project. The city has contracted with Consor lead the planning process and Alta Planning + Design to assist with the plan development.":1,"#Who is leading the way?":1,"#The Comprehensive Safety Action Plan is a collaborative effort led by the City of Glenwood Springs, in partnership with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA), and the Roaring Fork School District (RFSD).":1,"#Who is behind this project?":1,"#in May 2025.":1,"#, project recommendations, and the development of the final Comprehensive Safety Action Plan":1,"#community engagement":1,"#The study is already underway, with key milestones scheduled throughout the year. The project began with data collection and analysis and will continue with":1,"#When will this study take place?":1,"#or other activities.":1,"#tourism":1,"#The plan is designed to benefit not only residents of Glenwood Springs but also those who travel through the city for work, school,":1,"#The study focuses on the City of Glenwood Springs, but it also includes collaboration with surrounding areas that are impacted by the city's transportation network.":1,"#What geography will the plan include?":1,"#, ensuring that community voices are heard and incorporated into the final plan.":1,"#component":1,"#The study will involve a detailed analysis of accident data, including vehicular, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian incidents. This data will be reviewed alongside existing Local Road Safety Plans (LRSP) and other safety assessments. The project team will work closely with local stakeholders to identify safety concerns and prioritize solutions. Public input will also be a key":1,"#Get Involved & Stay Informed:":1,"#Through rigorous data analysis and collaboration with our community and partners, we are focused on developing actionable recommendations that address the unique safety challenges in Glenwood Springs. The CSAP will provide a roadmap for implementing safety improvements across the city.":1,"#Our Approach:":1,"#Transportation-related fatalities and serious injuries are a critical concern for our community. The CSAP aims to identify and prioritize projects, operational improvements, and public information campaigns that will make our roadways safer and more accessible for everyone.":1,"#Why This Matters:":1,"#The City of Glenwood Springs, in partnership with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA), and Roaring Fork School District (RFSD), is committed to enhancing the safety of our transportation network. We are developing a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) to address the pressing need for safer roadways for all users, whether you're driving, walking, biking, or using public transit.":1,"#City of Glenwood Springs Comprehensive Safety Action Plan":1,"#Sign up for updates, and be the first to know about project milestones, public meetings, and opportunities to contribute your voice to the future of transportation safety in Glenwood Springs.":1,"#Your input is vital to the success of this plan. We encourage you to explore the information on this website, participate in upcoming events and activities related to the plan, and share your thoughts on how we can make Glenwood Springs safer for everyone.":1,"#WTA has around 900 bus stops, about half are considered accessible for people with a mobility device. Follow along as we upgrade the stops to meet ADA standards.":1,"#WTA is proposing interim transit service to the Bellingham waterfront starting in fall 2024.":1,"#Bellingham Waterfront Service":1,"#I am not a resident of Clarington":1,"#Please select your location":1,"#Do you have a specific street, area, or landmark in Oakland you’re interested in seeing these improvements on? ?":1,"#What do you consider to be the “heart” of your neighborhood, or where people gather or spend time? Tell us more about this place!":1,"#Where would you want to see these amenities or services? Tell us more in the comments box after you add a pin.":1,"#Question 5. Mobility Priorities":1,"#Question 4. Future of Employment":1,"#Do you have any other feedback you would like to share?":1,"#If \"other\", please specify below.":1,"#Question 1. Neighborhood land use priorities":1,"#Areas that preserve and celebrate neighborhood culture and history (small parks or public spaces for gathering, museums, arts/performance spaces, culturally relevant art installations and street signs)":1,"#Enhanced Streetscapes (widened sidewalks, “shared streets” or plazas, more trees, landscaping or dedicated greenways, pedestrian amenities such as seating, lighting, and art installations)":1,"#Tall, dense residential development, with ground floor or clustered commercial development":1,"#Mid-rise residential development, with ground floor or clustered commercial development (for example, focused at street intersections)":1,"#Oakland has several major streets that are essential for both local traffic and connecting different parts of the city. These streets are not only vital for transportation but also serve as cultural and commercial hubs. Here are some examples: • Broadway • International Boulevard • MacArthur Boulevard. • San Pablo Avenue • Telegraph Avenue • Foothill Boulevard • Bancroft Avenue What would you like to see for the future of Oakland’s major streets? Please rank the following, with 1 being your greatest preference.":1,"#Question 3. Future development along major streets":1,"#Question 2. Housing growth in the city":1,"#Promote new/larger parks along the Estuary waterfront":1,"#Redesign parks to promote more active recreation":1,"#Revitalize creeks and build linear parks along where feasible":1,"#Provide new smaller parks and plazas where opportunities arise":1,"#Question 8. Ways to Provide Additional Parks":1,"#Question 7. Park Priorities":1,"#Question 9. Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Issues and Ideas":1,"#Question 6. Transportation Issues and Solutions":1,"#Culture and History":1,"#Mid-rise Development":1,"#Enhanced Streetscape":1,"#Tall/dense Buildings":1,"#You can expect to spend about 10-15 minutes on this survey. Some surveys have map-based questions, where you can add as many pins/ideas as you like.":1,"#How long will the survey take?":1,"#Building on previous input, we want to hear from you about what your neighborhood needs, how Oakland should plan for housing and jobs, and what the City should focus on to improve transportation, parks, and recreation.":1,"#Learn more about how to use the map-based questions by watching the video here.":1,"#We want to know what services you use most at the Waukegan Park District from the list below. Please drag your choices from the left side to the right side and rank the items from most used to least used.":1,"#WAUKEGAN PARK DISTRICT STRATEGIC PLAN":1,"#Land Use / Zoning":1,"#Sustainability implications and practices":1,"#The Sector Development Plan is a long-range plan that will establish an overall redevelopment vision for the Plan area and specifically addresses following topics:":1,"#The Coors Boulevard Sector Development Plan is intended to create new mixed-use centers along a major transit corridor and within walking distance of nearby neighborhoods. It specifically seeks to promote more affordable housing choices and a range of economic opportunities within the corridor, but particularly within designated Centers defined throughout this planning process. This project compliments a concurrent roadway project, conducted by WSP in 2024-2025, to reimagine a portion of the corridor to be a safer, more walkable, and transit-friendly regional corridor. This plan will define the land use context that is better coordinated for a safer, multi-modal streetscape along Coors.":1,"#You’re invited to participate in a public open house to discuss the Coors Boulevard Sector Development Plan project. The Plan seeks to develop and ref...":1,"#Alamosa Community Center":1,"#Join us for our first Public Open House!":1,"#PROJECT PURPOSE":1,"#We had an incredible time meeting community members at the South Valley Growers Market on Saturday, August 24, 2024. Whether you shared your insights,...":1,"#South Valley Grower’s Market Booth":1,"#What do you want to see happen along the Coors Corridor in the future? Use our interactive vision board to share your ideas and aspirations for the Coors Corridor Sector Development Plan. Whether it’s parks, shops, transportation, or anything else you envision, drop a pin and leave your comments on the board. Your voice will help shape a vibrant, welcoming, and thriving corridor. Together, we can create a plan that reflects the needs and dreams of everyone in our community. Join us and make your vision a reality!":1,"#Imagine the Future: Share Your Vision for the Coors Corridor!":1,"#Stay up-to-date on all project related events here!":1,"#Phase 4: Plan Review / Adoption cycle, anticipated to initiate in early 2025, provides an additional opportunity for the public and governing bodies to review, vet, and ultimately approve the final plan.":1,"#Phase 3: Synthesis, happening in Winter 2024, will develop the content for each of the six plan elements that aim to implement the vision generated in Phase 2. The draft plan generated during this phase is anticipated to be released in January 2025 and will be presented through a public open house.":1,"#Phase 2: Visioning, occurring in Fall 2024, will utilize a community survey to generate consensus around new goals and policies for the six plan elements (sustainability, land use / zoning, transportation, housing, economic development, and utilities) that will ultimately guide the redevelopment vision of the Plan area.":1,"#We’re excited to have you here as we work together to shape the future of the Coors Corridor. This website is your hub for all things related to the proposed Sector Plan. Explore the latest updates, share your ideas, and learn how you can get involved in creating a vibrant, connected, and sustainable corridor that meets the needs of our community. Your input is invaluable in this process, and we look forward to hearing from you as we plan for the future of the Coors Corridor.":1,"#Phase 1: Discovery, initiated in Summer 2024, is conducting fact-finding to determine baseline conditions in conjunction with public engagement to determine corridor issues, needs, and opportunities that the Plan will address.":1,"#The planning process initiated in the summer of 2024 and will be conducted in four major phases:":1,"#PROJECT PROCESS":1,"#We want to hear from you! Use our interactive map to share your insights on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) within the corridor. Simply click on a location that matters to you, drop a pin, and leave your comments. Whether it’s something you love about the area, a challenge you see, or ideas for improvement, your input is valuable in shaping our collective vision. Join the conversation and help us build a stronger, more vibrant Coors Corridor!":1,"#Corridor Feedback Map: We need your input!":1,"#project boundary":1,"#The project area consists of approximately 1277 acres and is roughly bounded by Bridge Boulevard SW on the north, Gun Club Road SW on the south, the Amole del Norte Channel on the west, and the Arenal Canal to the east. The area does not include parcels under the City of Albuquerque’s jurisdiction, most notably the Walmart and the Rio Bravo Square commercial Center, both located at the intersection of Coors Blvd and Rio Bravo Blvd and several parcels along the Amole del Norte Channel on the west.":1,"#PLAN AREA":1,"#Welcome to the Coors Corridor Sector Plan Project Website!":1,"#This website contains the copyrighted material, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other proprietary information (“Intellectual Property”) of Dekker/Perich/Sabatini and its suppliers and licensors. Dekker/Perich/Sabatini owns and retains all proprietary rights in the intellectual property. All intellectual property in the content of this site including without limitation to text, software, source code, pages, documents and online graphics, photographs, sounds, audio, video and other interactive features are owned by or licensed to us.":1,"#Dekker/Perich/Sabatini, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, licensors and other partners are not responsible for any loss, liability, claim, or demand, including legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising from a breach of this agreement and/or any breach of your representations and warranties set forth above.":1,"#If you want to terminate your own account, please send an email to BernCoCoorsBlvdSP@dekker.org.":1,"#you cannot impersonate any person or entity, including without limitation to a Dekker/Perich/Sabatini representative":1,"#The following Terms and Conditions govern the use of BernCo Coors Boulevard Sector Plan (“the site”). The software platform is owned by Social Pinpoint Pty Ltd and operated by us, Dekker/Perich/Sabatini.":1,"#Users have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal information, subject to certain exceptions. For details on how to exercise these rights, or for any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us in writing at BernCoCoorsBlvdSP@dekker.org.":1,"#This site is owned and operated by Dekker/Perich/Sabatini using software licensed from Social Pinpoint. We take appropriate measures to safeguard personal information and use encryption, access controls, and other security measures to protect it. For details on what personal information we may collect and access, please refer to":1,"#Corridor Profile":1,"#If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at BernCoCoorsBlvdSP@dekker.or.":1,"#Arapahoe County Fair has been an annual event for families for a century - July 25, 2024, CBS Colorado":1,"#New opioid addiction treatment clinic in Sheridan aims to save lives - July 25, 2024, Littleton Independent":1,"#Budget discussion with Sheriff Brown - July 26, 2024 KOA Radio":1,"#How pool inspectors keep our public pools safe during the summer months - August 13, 2024 Denver7":1,"#Arapahoe County Commissioners ask voters to invest in essential services - August 20, 2024":1,"#Arapahoe County residents who asked questions and provided input. The Board of County Commissioners appreciates the strong engagement from the community.":1,"#Thank you to all":1,"#Thanks for Your Input":1,"#A property tax measure would provide an additional $74 million to the County budget. Please allow up to 48 hours for response.":1,"#If a property tax measure was approved by voters in November, what essential services would you want to see funded?":1,"#Previous Question":1,"#Current Question":1,"#commissioners@arapahoegov.com":1,"#. If you have questions, please email":1,"#On August 20 the Board referred a question to the November ballot":1,"#o con Michelle Johnson al":1,"#Para leer o ver las opciones para colocar comentarios en el mapa, comuníquese con Hanna Johnson al":1,"#The long-term microtransit zone would cover all neighborhoods east of US 85, ensuring more accessible transportation options to connect community members to fixed-route service and education, employment, medical services, and shopping.":1,"#Microtransit Zone (East)":1,"#Small shuttle":1,"#Small shuttle - Ampliar imagen":1,"#Bus services that provide fast, frequent, and reliable connections to local destinations within Greeley, Evans, and Garden City. Key proposed corridors include West 10th Street running East/West and 10th/11th Avenues running North/South. These routes may run between 15- and 20-minute frequencies.":1,"#15-minute frequency between 6 AM - 7 PM":1,"#NO specific location has been identified, but the City anticipates that a TOD would eventually be in West Greeley. A TOD typically dense housing with mixed use buildings that are intentionally adjacent to transit and mobility centers. The goal is to walk/bike to transit, home and other goods and services. This can also refer to land-use policy changes, placemaking and more.":1,"#Transit-Oriented/Equitable Development":1,"#Apartment building, bus and people walking and biking":1,"#Apartment building, bus and people walking and biking - Ampliar imagen":1,"#Provides connections to local, regional, and interregional transit systems, first/final mile connections and context appropriate mobility options":1,"#Regional Mobility Hub":1,"#The pilot zone covers a large part of central Greeley including downtown and the UNC campus. Other high-activity destinations include Banner North Colorado Medical Center, Sunrise Splash Park, and several grocery stores.":1,"#In this zone, electric scooters and bicycles and other micromobility devices would be available for short-term use within a defined geographic area. Riders would rent shared e-bikes and e-scooters using a smart phone application.":1,"#Micromobility Pilot Zone":1,"#Electric Scooter":1,"#Electric Scooter - Ampliar imagen":1,"#Ruta 6":1,"#60-minute frequency between 6 AM - 7 PM":1,"#Three proposed regional hubs on the map will each provide connections to local, regional, and interregional transit systems, first/final mile connections and context appropriate mobility options.":1,"#Proposed Regional Hub":1,"#60-minute frequencey between 6 AM - 7 PM":1,"#*NEW* Evans Route":1,"#30-minute frequency between 8 AM - 6 PM":1,"#*NEW* UC Health Shuttle":1,"#First Mile:":1,"#Last Mile:":1,"#*NEW* Northwest Route":1,"#Service will provide fast, frequent, and reliable connections to local destinations within Greeley, Evans, and Garden City.":1,"#30-minute frequency between 6 AM - 7 PM":1,"#Last Mile: Getting from the regional station/stop to your final destination (e.g., your job)":1,"#First Mile: Getting from your start point (e.g., your home) to an regional stop/station":1,"#Improving access to and from transit for people to use multiple transportation modes, rather than focusing on one specific mode, such as car parking. This improves first and final mile connection:":1,"#Proposed Community Hub":1,"#Transit Hub with bus station, bike parking, scooter parking and car parking":1,"#Transit Hub with bus station, bike parking, scooter parking and car parking - Ampliar imagen":1,"#Why are you interested in transit and mobility?":1,"#Are you able to drive yourself?":1,"#Yes (3 or more)":1,"#Yes (2)":1,"#Yes (1)":1,"#Do you have a car at home? If yes, how many?":1,"#I have not tried transit, but I have used other services like shared ebikes/escooters, etc.":1,"#No, never":1,"#Near Term (0-2 Years): Map with bus routes and proposed improvement areas":1,"#Yes, in another community or as a tourist":1,"#Yes, Greeley Evans Transit (GET)":1,"#Have you ever used public transit?":1,"#What is the closest cross street to your home (i.e. 35th Ave. and 10th St.)":1,"#Please include any general comments about your priorities for transit in Greeley.":1,"#Please share general descriptions and locations":1,"#What destinations would you want transit to get you closest to (work, school, grocery, doctors appointments, etc.)":1,"#A mobile app to plan my trip":1,"#Service to desired destinations":1,"#Better connections to transit (on-demand shuttles, scooter/bike share)":1,"#Near Term (0-2 Years), Long Term (3-10 Years)":1,"#Better amenities (shelters, travel information, benches)":1,"#Improved sidewalks and crossings near bus stops/mobility hubs":1,"#Access to service closer to home":1,"#Weekend service":1,"#Evening service":1,"#Faster service":1,"#If I understood how it works":1,"#If I felt safer riding":1,"#Cheaper service":1,"#Click on the":1,"#Select the ones that would influence your decision the most.":1,"#Would any of these encourage you to use transit more often?":1,"#If you do not use transit and don't plan to, what is the primary reason why?":1,"#It's a door-to-door service":1,"#It is more convenient than driving and finding/paying for parking":1,"#It's the only transportation option available to me":1,"#It's the most reliable option available to me":1,"#It's cheaper than other options available to me":1,"#It's faster than other options available to me":1,"#Why do you use transit (if applicable)":1,"#Step 2: \"Before & After\"":1,"#Microtransit (on-demand shuttles)":1,"#Bus shelters/benches":1,"#Better access and connections for biking and walking to the hub":1,"#Information kiosks":1,"#Ridehailing":1,"#Passenger loading zone":1,"#EV charging":1,"#Carshare":1,"#Placemaking (landscape, art)":1,"#The long-term scenario are improvements that could be made within 10 years. Recommendations below will ultimately complete a greatly expanded network of transit corridors, improved micromobility options and microtransit zones across the City.":1,"#Real-time mobility information":1,"#Bike/scooter share":1,"#Signage/wayfinding":1},"version":3728}]