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For example, use this feature to compare satellite imagery from two dates.":1,"#Next topic (right-arrow)":1,"#Unable to log in with these credentials.":1,"#Compare Tab":1,"#Main map view. 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If you don’t select a starting location, Monitor will open showing the continental United States.":1,"#Satellite: Sentinel 1":1,"#Satellite: Landsat 8/9":1,"#Update My Selected Alerts":1,"#Add a marker or label":1,"#Draw a polygon to outline your AOI":1,"#Use the current map view as your AOI":1,"#Your map has been saved!":1,"#Satellite: Other Satellite Derived Products":1,"#Global Forest Watch":1,"#This is the first time you've selected alerts to show on the map.":1,"#Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2024":1,"#S2/None":1,"#Sentinel-2 Imagery":1,"#Sentinel-2 is an earth observation mission from the European Space Agency’s Copernicus Programme. Two identical Sentinel-2 satellites operate in tandem to acquire optical (visible and infrared) imagery over land and coastal waters. They capture new images in most areas of the world every five days with scenes available dating back to November, 2015. Because Sentinel-2 scenes come in 290 kilometer (180 mile) swaths, the scenes you select to view in Alerts may or may not fully cover your current map.":1,"#None":1,"#Sentinel-2 images can be useful for identifying when changes occur by date. Compared to Planet basemaps, however, Sentinel-2 images have lower resolution (10 meters per pixel) and cloud cover often affects the usability of the images.":1,"#NIFC Wildfire Perimeters":1,"#You haven't saved any Maps yet.":1,"#Choose a location by navigating to it on the map or selecting a country, U.S. state, or county from the dropdowns.":1,"#Bottom":1,"#Top":1,"#Map saved":1,"#Only GeoJSON, kml, csv, and compressed shapefiles (.zip) can be dropped onto the map.":1,"#Shareable Map URL:":1,"#Planet Labs, Inc. is a private earth imaging company whose goal is to image the entire earth on a daily basis. 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You can read more about how locations are determined by visiting":1,"#For information on how fire perimeters are determined, visit":1,"#For best performance when viewing fire perimeters, you should first zoom in a little closer to the area you’re interested in before clicking the":1,"#Fire Perimeters":1,"#Satellite: Planet Basemaps (SERNANP)":1,"#Year":1,"#Click anywhere on map to start a polygon. Then each additional click will create a new line. Complete the polygon by clicking the original starting point.":1,"#Available to the public (will be listed in Public Maps)":1,"#Available to me and people I designate":1,"#Show above content when the map loads":1,"#Available to anyone with this URL":1,"#option Alaska focused, 1 of 52. 52 results available. Use Up and Down to choose options, press Enter to select the currently focused option, press Escape to exit the menu, press Tab to select the option and exit the menu.":1,"#Current Fire Locations":1,"#Map Name:":1,"#Security:":1,"#Content:":1,"#Available only to me":1,"#Unable to log in with provided credentials.":1,"#Cannot search when below min zoom (":1,"#Registration completed.":1,"#option Slider, selected.":1,"#USDA NASS Cropland":1,"#While maps are being compared, all annotations are done on the right comparison map.":1,"#Run":1,"#Registering...":1,"#Retype Password:":1,"#Register":1,"#A new account gives you full access to this application, allowing you to view satellite imagery, monitor your own list of Areas of Interest (AOIs) and subscribe to alerts occurring in those areas.":1,"#Registration successful. An email was sent to with a link to verify you own this email.":1,"#My Areas of Interest":1,"#Save":1,"#Email:":1,"#OIL & GAS (US)":1,"#OIL & GAS (GLOBAL)":1,"#Set Starting Map Location":1,"#User Id:":1,"#Create custom alert":1,"#Mapbox Streets V8 (Building footprints)":1,"#ESA World Cover 2021":1,"#Impact Observatory LULC 10m 2017-2023":1,"#Select Alerts":1,"#SETTINGS":1,"#Select a U.S. state":1,"#Select a compare style":1,"#Click here to continue.":1,"#We're sorry — something's gone wrong.":1,"#Invalid token.":1,"#Global Power Plant Database (June 2021)":1,"#Map Labels":1,"#Tailings Dams":1,"#USGS Imagery + Topo":1,"#Bathymetry V2 (Mapbox)":1,"#ESA World Cover 2020":1,"#REGULATORY AREAS":1,"#MAP SPECIFIC LAYERS":1,"#USGS Imagery Only":1,"#Vessels of Concern":1,"#Polygon":1,"#Areas of interest (must be logged in)":1,"#SERNANP Uploaded TIF files (Multiple)":1,"#File:":1,"#Num:":1,"#Deforestation Alerts 2023, Geobosques":1,"#Deforestation Monitoring, Sernanp":1,"#Type:":1,"#Satellite images (must be logged in)":1,"#Reading file...":1,"#Close":1,"#Deforestation Alerts (last 2 weeks), Geobosques":1,"#Accumulated Deforestation Monitoring, Sernanp":1,"#Mining Detections (Project Inambari), SkyTruth":1,"#Search for file on your machine":1,"#Right":1,"#Left":1,"#UNITED STATES":1,"#(Min zoom 13)":1,"#Layer Opacity:":1,"#side":1,"#Apply map changes to:":1,"#Control Areas, Sernanp":1,"#USFS LCMS Land Cover (1985 - 2022)":1,"#US National Land Cover Database":1,"#USFS LCMS Land Change (1985 - 2022)":1,"#USFS LCMS Land Use (1985 - 2022)":1,"#Slider":1,"#Stack Horizontally":1,"#Stack Vertically":1,"#Finding scenes...":1,"#Earthquakes":1,"#No Alerts selected (click Account Settings to select Alerts)":1,"#Set Right Map":1,"#Set Left Map":1,"#Close left sidebar":1,"#Cancel":1,"#Map 1":1,"#United States":1,"#Gamma (contrast):":1,"#Show All Layers":1},"version":781}]