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And replace \"image/jpeg\" with the mime/type of your file, such as \"application/pdf\" for pdf files.":1,"#3. Add your file path and mime type":1,"#4. Add in your token":1,"#Sending from URL is not supported, so you have to download the file locally first.":1,"#If you want to initiate a chat as a Business, check out the /sendTemplateMessage recipe instead.":1,"#You can find your token in your WATI account API Doc page.":1,"#Clear Example":1,"#Adicionar Webhook":1,"#Introduction":1,"#Looks like there are no posts!":1,"#Copied":1,"#broadcast_name is the name of this broadcast. You can name it anything you want, just as a identifier for your own reference.":1,"#4. Defind template_name, broadcast_name, parameters":1,"#Read more here:":1,"#\"YOUR-PHONE-NUMBER\"":1,"#https://support.wati.io/l/en/article/ts6uqkzuej-could-i-attach-a-pdf-or-image-into-a-template-message":1,"#the format is :":1,"#template_name is the template you want to use which can find on /message template page.":1,"#5. How to send files or images in template?":1,"#6. For JSON format":1,"#When you create your template, you may use a variable for your media header. Then like other parameters, you can pass in the name and value (URL) in the parameters object.":1,"#Token to block":1,"#The Filename format should be full path. 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As such, every API request must contain an Authorize HTTP header with a token. Access tokens are app and user-specific.":1,"#Please do not share the token with anyone, nor post it publicly.":1,"#$TOKEN is your instance token, which can be found under API docs in the WATI UI.":1,"#Page Number":1,"#Page Size":1,"#type:":1,"#Get media by file name":1,"#Copy":1,"#Send template message":1,"# days ago":1,"#Get Messages by whatsapp number":1,"#Send Message to opened session":1,"#Send template messages(CSV)":1,"#Send File to opened session":1,"#This webhook is triggered when a Session message is sent.":1,"#Send File to opened sessionpost":1,"#WATI supports webhooks that can alert you of the following via callback URLs.":1,"#Get Messages by whatsapp numberget":1,"#How to add a Webhook to WATI?":1,"#Send template messagespost":1,"#These functionalities are currently available through the WATI CRM plan. The complete official Whatsapp API/webhooks access is available through our API Gateway plan.":1,"#Note: When WATI sends events to the webhook, we will expect a 200 response to acknowledge the event was received. If the webhook provided cannot respond with a 200 response code, the same message will be retried at a later time (up to 5 times). The message will not be sent after 5 attempts. The retry jobs (which can contain multiple previously failed messages) run in 10-minute intervals.":1,"#Inactive session: A session where only one message was sent from one party and the other hasn't responded yet is considered an Inactive session e.g., a business sent a template message to a user and the user hasn't responded.":1,"#Session based Webhooks:":1,"#Forward message id":1,"#Click on 'Webhooks' on the top navigation on WATI Dashboard":1,"#7. Sent Message is REPLIED":1,"#Webhooks supported by WATI:":1,"#WATI assigned ID":1,"#WhatsApp ID: country code + phone number":1,"#Message text":1,"#WATI assigned Operator Email":1,"#Send template messages(CSV)post":1,"#Messages received":1,"#2. New Contact Message":1,"#Once the webhook is added, use the Trigger sample callback option to test the connection":1,"#Send template messagepost":1,"#4. 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Sent Message is READ":1,"#The WhatsApp Business API conversations are measured in 24-hour increments, or \"sessions\", that start whenever the first message from a business is delivered. The first message can be initiated by the company (business-initiated) or a business reply within 24 hours of a user message (user-initiated).":1,"#Nullable":1,"#5. Sent Message is DELIVERED":1,"#3. 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Example, 85264318721":1,"#required":1,"#Connect with customers in real-time without sharing devices or switching tools":1,"#Manage concurrent customer messages with a unified inbox":1,"#Send broadcasts via WhatsApp to targeted customers":1,"#The WATI navigation bar contains the following tabs:":1,"# months ago":1,"#By providing the following key features, WATI enables your team to:":1,"#If you do not require a ready-to-use interface or want to build your customized solution, we recommend switching to our API gateway plan to gain complete access to the official Whatsapp APIs/webhooks.":1,"#Response":1,"#Get data-driven insights":1,"#Table of Contents":1,"#Previous Page: ":1,"#Get Media By File Name":1,"#Send File To Opened Session":1,"#Send Template Message":1,"#Send Template Messages":1,"#Assign Operator":1,"#Send Interactive List Messagepost":1,"#Get Message Templatesget":1,"#Updated":1,"#Rotate Tokenpost":1,"#Update Contact Attributespost":1,"#Get Message Templates":1,"#Next Page: ":1,"#Add Contactpost":1,"#JUMP TO":1,"#Send Interactive List Message":1,"#Get Contacts Listget":1,"#WhatsApp chat API":1,"#Send Interactive Buttons Messagepost":1,"#Filter":1,"#Errors & Rate Limits":1,"#Get Contacts List":1,"#Changelog":1,"#Home":1,"#Jump to Content":1,"#Update Contact Attributes":1,"#Public Roadmap":1,"#Rotate Token":1,"#Search":1,"#Send Interactive Buttons Message":1,"#Recipes":1,"#WATI API Reference":1,"#Add Contact":1,"#API Reference":1,"#Authentication":1},"version":740}]