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This is:":1,"#2hr allowed for the course as per compliance requirements":1,"#3.True or false: You have to react when other drivers honk at you.":1,"#There is a tunnel in 50ft.":1,"#You're in an intersection.":1,"#The line on your side is solid yellow.":1,"#4.The most efficient way to merge is in the __________ pattern.":1,"#3.A traffic light that is flashing red at an intersection means:":1,"#You must focus 100% of your attention to the road and driving your vehicle.":1,"#2.Trip planning is useful because:":1,"#3.The main thing to remember when driving down a steep hill is to:":1,"#1.Trip planning is useful because:":1,"#2.When passing another vehicle on a multi-lane roadway, use:":1,"#3.The universal signal that you're experiencing vehicle trouble is:":1,"#Getting enough sleep may fix fatigue.":1,"#2.You may experience highway hypnosis if you find yourself:":1,"#“Very easy”":1,"#2.The purpose of a Driving Safety Course: is to save lives, _____, and make each course graduate a safer, more aware driver.":1,"#The Ground Rules: Sharing the Road":1,"#There is no recommended speed.":1,"#1.True or false: Intoxication is a term which is limited to alcohol.":1,"#Perception distance":1,"#Reaction Distance":1,"#Total stopping distance":1,"#2.There is only one sign that is octagon-shaped. Which sign is it?":1,"#Stephanie":1,"#4.Black ice is:":1,"#3.If there is no painted crosswalk at an intersection, look for:":1,"#2.When a traffic light is yellow, it means:":1,"#1.What is distracted driving?":1,"#judgment":1,"#wallet":1,"#Incorrect entry":1,"#solid":1,"#dotted":1,"#dashed":1,"#The Ground Rules: Vehicle Control":1,"#The Ground Rules: Right of Way":1,"#Ice you cannot see.":1,"#Ice which has formed on asphalt.":1,"#Frozen oil.":1,"#1.There is only one sign that is octagon-shaped. Which sign is it?":1,"#Built by Science, Fueled by Fun - Learn the acclaimed S.P.I.D.E.R. Method of defensive driving. Develop super hero like senses to keep you safe for life. Meets AZ state requirements.":1,"#The Ground Rules: Defensive Driving":1,"#with green reflective dots":1,"#on a map.":1,"#on the pavement.":1,"#Braking distance":1,"#follow their instructions.":1,"#have your identification and insurance papers ready.":1,"#keep your hands on the wheel.":1,"#1.When entering a freeway, who has the right of way?":1,"#1.For most situations, you should keep a ______ second following distance.":1,"#six":1,"#3.When road striping indicates \"no crossing\" there will be __________ parallel lines separated by a noticeable space.":1,"#4.The braking system which pumps the brakes for you at a rate of up to 15 times per second is called:":1,"#3.True or false: Certain light colors are illegal to have on your vehicle.":1,"#peripheral":1,"#STOP":1,"#mirror":1,"#forward":1,"#1.Which of these is NOT an example of a bad attitude?":1,"#2.What is the leading cause of death among American teens?":1,"#by the tailgate.":1,"#on the sides.":1,"#2.Operating a motor vehicle with any detectable amount of alcohol in the bloodstream is:":1,"#near the cab.":1,"#negligible":1,"#Traffic already on the freeway.":1,"#Vehicles exiting the freeway.":1,"#Vehicles entering the freeway.":1,"#2.A traffic light that is flashing red at an intersection means:":1,"#3.Financial protection for a driver who harms someone else or their property while driving is called:":1,"#to pull over onto the shoulder of the roadway.":1,"#driving in the same lane for a long period of time.":1,"#either lane.":1,"#to open your trunk.":1,"#to raise your hood.":1,"#driving in a drowsy, trance-like state.":1,"#the right-hand lane.":1,"#have your cruise control on.":1,"#the left-hand lane.":1,"#Three collisions actually happen in most crashes.":1,"#Water on the roadway could be hiding flash flood currents that could sweep your car away, deep sinkholes, and power lines.":1,"#Bicyclists are required to follow the same laws as motorists.":1,"#On":1,"#Lock":1,"#The Ground Rules: Introduction":1,"#Assault with a Deadly Weapon":1,"#Intoxication Assault":1,"#Drunk and Disorderly":1,"#4.Driving with an opened bottle of beer in the back seat is:":1,"#Conventional brakes.":1,"#Emergency brakes.":1,"#Anti-lock brakes.":1,"#stay in the slow lane.":1,"#shift into overdrive.":1,"#watch your speed.":1,"#it helps reduce traffic.":1,"#it helps avoid wasting time and fuel.":1,"#it helps you learn where things are in your area.":1,"#the light is about to change to red.":1,"#visibility is limited, use caution.":1,"#the light is about to change to green.":1,"#Acceleration skid":1,"#Hydroplane skid":1,"#Locked wheel skid":1,"#The color of the vehicle does NOT affect the force of impact.":1,"#Don’t ever pass anybody if you have doubts or good reason not to is the most important passing rule.":1,"#Red signs usually indicate stop or prohibited movement.":1,"#The Arizona Driver’s Ed course is a course that all teens in the state must complete to get their Arizona driver’s permit.":1,"#What are the requirements to get my license after taking the online Driver’s Ed course?":1,"#Yes. Our Arizona driver’s ed course includes a free 100-question practice exam. This lets you know precisely what kind of questions to expect! This will be a big advantage in your written exam preparation.":1,"#Does your course include a free practice exam that I can take?":1,"#If you have met the other requirements of the course, you may apply to the DOT for a Class G driver’s license.":1,"#What is the AZ Driver's Ed online course?":1,"#This course is for new teen drivers between the ages of 16 and 18.":1,"#How do I become eligible to take the driving test?":1,"#Once you complete the course, temporary proof of completion is available for download immediately. Your official certificate will be mailed out by our school the following business day after your completion.":1,"#No! There is no final exam required to complete this course.":1,"#What happens after I complete the driver education course?":1,"#Absolutely! Our easy-to-take Arizona drivers ed course is a licensed course that meets all of the requirements to get the first-time driver’s permit in Arizona, and it is accepted by the AZ DOT.":1,"#4-Hour Online Course Supplemeting Behind-the-Wheel Instruction":1,"#There are 10 multiple-choice questions asked at the beginning of the course. These questions are then asked during chapters throughout the course. If the student gets two of these questions wrong in a row, the state requires that the student starts over from the beginning.":1,"#How old do I have to be to take this course?":1,"#The course is designed to take 240 mintues to complete, so just 4 hours. But the actual course time will depend on the student (how fast you read, retain information, etc).":1,"#Is this program accepted by the AZ DOT?":1,"#Per House Bill 2522, you may take the Arizona driver’s education course online rather than in a classroom setting. It’s much more convenient, cost effective, and way quicker (not to mention less boring) to take the course online.":1,"#300 feet":1,"#50 feet":1,"#A vehicle with at least two people in it has the right to use the HOV lane.":1,"#a DUI violation.":1,"#not a crime because it's not within reach.":1,"#an open container violation.":1,"#a cross-through for law enforcement to go from one side of a freeway to the other.":1,"#a place in the road which is clear of traffic.":1,"#the area on the right-hand side of the road.":1,"#A pentagon shape indicates a school because it's in the shape of an old-time one-room schoolhouse.":1,"#2.U-turns are illegal in ____ in New York.":1,"#The first question to ask yourself when considering passing is: Is it legal?":1,"#A Stop Sign is the only sign shaped like an octagon.":1,"#Cesar":1,"#You have exceeded the maximum available time limit":1,"#logout":1,"#1.A friend asks you to hold their beer. You can be charged for:":1,"#1 Implied Consent law states":1,"#greater":1,"#Operating a Vehicle Intoxicated":1,"#Intoxicated Motorist Restriction":1,"#two solid":1,"#1.Warning signs are yellow and shaped like a ____________.":1,"#4.What color of road striping is used to separate traffic flowing in the same direction?":1,"#one solid, one dashed":1,"#two dashed":1,"#Martinez":1,"#There are over 1 billion vehicles on the road today.":1,"#2.Which of the following can cause stress?":1,"#balance":1,"#an officer directing traffic":1,"#a traffic light":1,"#a stop sign":1,"#Minor in Posession":1,"#Minor in Consumption":1,"#On your dashboard, general information will typically be green.":1,"#white painted curbs.":1,"#a stop line painted on the road.":1,"#a PED XING sign.":1,"#pennant":1,"#Speed Limit":1,"#rectangle":1,"#diamond":1,"#they can hide in traffic":1,"#they's often painted in dark colors.":1,"#they have a narrow profile":1,"#It takes 1-2 seconds for your brain to notice a potential hazard.":1,"#February 1981":1,"#May 1981":1,"#November 1981":1,"#April 1981":1,"#June 1981":1,"#December 1980":1,"#December 1981":1,"#March 1981":1,"#October 1981":1,"#3.In a crash, you are _______ as likely to die if you don’t wear a seatbelt":1,"#2.You are allowed ____ auxiliary driving lamps. Driving lamps are lamps designed for supplementing the _____ from headlamps.":1,"#just started":1,"# To get started, please select your state..":1,"#August 1981":1,"#January 1982":1,"#June 1980":1,"#January 1981":1,"#February 1982":1,"#September 1981":1,"#July 1981":1,"#November 1980":1,"#3.What is the federal legal limit for blood alcohol content while driving?":1,"#2.Which of these is NOT an example of a bad attitude?":1,"#two":1,"#2.The DMV Accident Re-examination Program notifies drivers _____ to retake a vision test, a written test, and a road test.":1,"#3.Water on the roadway could be hiding":1,"#Perception distance is the distance it takes for your brain to recognize a hazard.":1,"#2.Which of these would be considered aggressive driving?":1,"#Please enter a zip code":1,"#1.One dangerous example of multitasking while driving is":1,"#1.Where should the shoulder belt go?":1,"#December 1987":1,"#January 1988":1,"#September 1989":1,"#October 1986":1,"#April 1988":1,"#February 1989":1,"#October 1989":1,"#October 1988":1,"#January 1987":1,"#November 1987":1,"#March 1988":1,"#December 1988":1,"#September 1988":1,"#August 1989":1,"#July 1986":1,"#June 1987":1,"#August 1987":1},"version":26866}]