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Director of Product Marketing":1,"#Adrienne Rice
Performance Media Director":1,"#Lane Schechter
Director of Product, Verity":1,"#Mark Menery
VP, Global Head of Sales":1,"#Meet the Speakers":1,"#[April 24, 10 AM US/PDT]":1,"#Contextual advertising is crucial for future-proofing your growth strategies in the face of evolving privacy challenges. Join this discussion with contextual advertising experts from Dataseat, GumGum, and M&C Saatchi Performance to learn all about it! Gain insights on the current state of contextual offerings and best practices for incorporating them at scale across mobile, CTV, and other channels.":1,"#自有媒体
(月活跃的用户)":1,"#娱乐":1,"#生活方式":1,"#食物和饮料":1,"#我们的客户如何增长":1,"#Free up to
Monthly Active Users
":1,"#Free up to
(Owned Media Only)":1,"#仅限自有媒体":1,"#发射":1,"#分析仪表板":1,"#全渠道欺诈预防":1,"#抖音":1,"#入门很容易":1,"#洞察与分析":1,"#无限增长":1,"#归因指南":1,"#Click ID":1,"#JS Lifecycle":1,"#SessionStorage":1,"#LocalStorage":1,"#1P Cookie":1,"#Pixel.js SDK is not detected on this page":1,"#0 Pixel events":1,"#Pixel Helper":1,"#Hash calculator":1,"#No Pixel events yet":1,"#Microdata":1,"#SDK info":1,"#SHA-256 Hash":1,"#Value":1,"#Schema.org":1,"#OpenGraph":1,"#Canonical URL":1,"#HTML Meta Tags":1,"#Version":1,"#0 Pixel IDs detected":1,"#No Pixel SDK or Pixel ID initialized yet":1,"#测量金属":1,"#利用規約を":1,"#使用全球最大的广告数据库":1,"#通过提供政治的满意度来参与您的增长活动。下载我们的免费":1,"#使用深度链接最大化转化":1,"#Self-Attributing Networks 오직":1,"#The Kochava
퍼블리셔스 스위트":1,"#Raw Data Query (100 쿼리/월)":1,"#Campaign Attribution (Owned Media & Self-Attributing Networks 오직)":1,"#(Owned Media & Self-Attributing Networks 오직)":1,"#180일
(>180일 ADD-ON 사용 가능)":1,"#30 일
(Attributed Events ONLY)":1,"#With your permission we and our partners may use precise geolocation data and identification through device scanning. You may click to consent to our and our 143 partners’ processing as described above. Alternatively you may access more detailed information and change your preferences before consenting or to refuse consenting.":1,"#Torrent Scanner Plus.":1,"#Get Torrent Scanner +":1,"#Try our Torrent Scanner Plus to unlock:":1,"#For any payment and order-related support, please contact us at Email: support@torrentscanner.zendesk.com or pcsoftwareinfo.com

Phone: Click here":1,"#Adaware Software (7270356 Canada Inc.) is the operator of the Adaware products suites and related services (the “Company”, ”we” or “us”). We respect your privacy rights and we are committed to protecting them. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy” or simply “policy”) governs our products, services and websites that link to this Privacy Policy, and describes our practices of processing data from you. By “you”, we refer to either or all of the following: (i) visitors to our websites that links to this Privacy Policy (“Visitor” and “Website”, respectively); (ii) our customers using our software products and Services (“User”); and (c) a business customer, a business partner that has a contractual relationship with us or a prospective customer that is yet to be engaged in a contract with us (“Business Customer”). Unless explicitly mentioned otherwise, the information in this Privacy Policy refers to any and all data subject types (“you” or “your’).

For the purpose of this policy, the “Service(s)” shall include any software licensed by the Company, including features offered by or within the installed software or additional software scripts available therein (either downloaded from one of our websites, pre-installed on your device, downloaded through a third party website, obtained on a physical medium, or otherwise), or services provided through and/or on top such software, services offered on our websites, communication forums, support services, account operation, updates, enhancements, new features, premium support, extended guarantees, online version and free versions of a software or additional services or features as we ay make available from time to time.

If you are a California resident, please also see our CCPA Notice.

Read more":1,"#Version 1.4.0

What's New":1,"#Buy Torrent Scanner +":1,"#Enter your license key and click on the activate button to start using Torrent Scanner Plus.":1,"#No items to list
Use the search bar above for instant results":1,"#すべて表示する":1,"#Kampagnenzuordnung (Nur eigene Medien und selbstzuordnende Netzwerke )":1,"#As a leading mobile measurement partner (MMP) since 2011, Kochava has innovated cutting-edge dynamic linking and deep linking solutions that help brands around the world drive friction-free user experiences to boost conversion rates and engagement.":1,"#Ready to migrate from Firebase Dynamic Links to Kochava Smartlinks? Get started with our support documentation.":1,"#추가할 서비스를 즉시 찾습니다.":1,"#Kochava had updated our Meta/Facebook integration to support clients that wish to leverage the improved functionality for their mobile app engagement (MAE) campaigns. In addition to the general integration update, advertisers will have to ensure the following conditions are true for their iOS app(s):":1,"#모두 보이기":1,"#August 31st, 2023":1,"#Kochava FoundryTM值 战略服务":1,"#Ride-share":1,"#Aided by Kochava anti-fraud experts, Uber successfully recovered millions from a mobile advertising fraud scheme masterminded by an ad agency.":1,"#MWC Panel":1,"#Uber Takeaway v":1,"#Uber takeaway v":1,"#px Uber logo":1,"#- Maximize Loyalty with Mobile Measurement for Travel & Hospitality Apps":1,"#- Painless Ways To Prevent Ad Fraud":1,"#- Defend Your Spend with Mobile Ad Fraud Detection and Prevention":1,"#请访问我们的支持网站
1-855-KOCHAVA":1,"#蓝色颤振标志":1,"#白色颤振标志":1,"#阿凡达":1,"#科尔多瓦":1,"#统一":1,"#Android的":1,"#iOS版":1,"#google doc imageb":1,"#google doc image":1,"#x1.00":1,"#橋渡し| 測定をパワーアップ: ゲーム向け MMM - TikTok 特集 | 4 月 18 日午前 7 時 (PDT) / 午後 3 時 (BST)":1,"#You searched for リンク - Kochava":1,"#Results For \"リンク\"":1,"#You searched for アプリストアへのリンク - Kochava":1,"#Results For \"アプリストアへのリンク\"":1,"#You searched for 端末振替のQRコードを発行できるか? - Kochava":1,"#Results For \"端末振替のQRコードを発行できるか?\"":1,"#エンゲージメント ガイドをダウンロードします":1,"#摩擦のないユーザー エクスペリエンスを構築します。ディープ":1,"#ディープ エンゲージメント率を最大化するために、":1,"#Hide widget on this site or all sites":1,"#Loading...":1,"#8.16K":1,"#Traffic":1,"#SEMrush SE Traffic":1,"#を使用して、今日の成長への道を歩み始めましょう。":1,"#世界最大の広告データベースである":1,"#成長のための適切なパートナーを見つけます":1,"#の詳細をご覧ください。":1,"#は、現在および将来のすべてのユーザープライバシー規制に対するユーザー同意プロンプトダイアログを管理するためのターンキーソリューションを提供します。":1,"#ディープリンクを使用してコンバージョン率を最大化する 摩擦のないユーザーエクスペリエンスを提供することで、成長キャンペーンを促進します。無料でダウンロード ディープリンクガイド.":1,"#Verwenden Sie Deep Linking, um die Konversionsraten zu maximieren bei Ihren Wachstumskampagnen, indem Sie reibungslose Benutzererlebnisse bieten. Laden Sie unsere kostenlose herunter Deep-Linking-Leitfaden.":1,"#Fraud Abatement Series #3---The Fraud Behind App Install Metrics":1,"#Learn about how to analyze your mobile app install metrics to identify the fraud that is often present. Start preventing app install fraud today.":1,"#Installs site FH09":1,"#Fraud Network All Network Installs graph":1,"#Fingerprint Match - TTI and Quality":1,"#TTI Installs Under 30 seconds":1,"#Fraud Network Fingerprint Install by Volume graph":1,"#Fingerprint-Match-TTI and Quality":1,"#Mean Time to Install by Count of Sites":1,"#For more information about the Kochava Fraud Console, 연락처.":1,"#**Please see iOS 14+ restrictions on probabilistic attribution 바로가기.":1,"#TTI intra-site is also included in the Fraud Console. We’re currently working to understand what percentage of a site’s traffic under a reasonable time threshold warrants blocklisting.
For a flat or inverted install distribution, we’re currently building this into the Fraud Console.":1,"#As you can see, the distribution is inverted: The user was 50% MORE likely to install 6 days after the click as they were on the day of.
While there is no smoking gun here, the delayed TTI is a red flag for two reasons:":1,"#중요: Probabilistic attribution is discussed at length within this post. Please see iOS 14+ restrictions on probabilistic attribution 바로가기.":1,"#In one month, there were 54,000 attributed probabilistic-matched** installs from this network; 20,095 installs occurred in under 30 seconds (37% of networks total install volume); 10,000 occurred in under 10 seconds:":1,"#Probabilistic** matches here show the opposite trend: The faster the install, the poorer the quality. In summary, the probabilistic** matches tend to be low quality and unreasonably fast.":1,"#Posted March 15th, 2017":1,"#Now let’s look at the fastest 10% of installs on probabilistic-matched** traffic. Again, the user clicks on an ad, is sent to the app store, downloads (in this case a 48 MB app) and launches it, but 5,577 users do so in 15 seconds? Let’s dig in a bit more.":1,"#Within the probabilistic** match table, look at the TTI increase from the 70th to the 90th percentile. In the course of 5,014 installs, the TTI increased 37 times, indicating the tactic/traffic is different even within the probabilistic** inventory.":1,"#The time disparity indicates that the tactics/traffic from probabilistic** is significantly different than that from device inventory":1,"#For probabilistic** matches (the bulk of installs for this network), the MTTI through the 90th percentile is 7 minutes":1,"#Installs are broken out by device or probabilistic** matches (a proxy for in-device inventory vs. web inventory)":1,"#March 15, 2017":1,"#(仅限自有媒体和自我归因网络)":1,"#(소유 미디어 및 셀프 어트리뷰션 네트워크 만 해당)":1,"#자체 어트리뷰션 네트워크":1,"#马克·富兰克林":1,"#IDT 公司徽标":1,"#芝麻信用":1,"#移动应用营销经理":1,"#阿里利坦":1,"#IdentityLink® by Kochava enables marketers to understand holistic user touchpoints with cross-device identity resolution.":1,"#identityllink graphic v v":1,"#identitylink case study graphic v":1,"#Degree v":1,"#Seamlessly overlay premium third-party data to enrich your customer profiles with demographics, app affinity, interests & behaviors, and more.":1,"#Heslop, Brent. “":1,"#1Heslop, Brent. “By 2030, Each Person Will Own 15 Connected Devices — Here’s What That Means for Your Business and Content”. MarTech Advisor. 4 Mar 2019. Accessed 4 April 2020.":1,"#归因 Archives":1,"#kochava youtube cover":1,"#Grant Simmons
Kochava Foundry 부사장":1,"#Shailley Singh
EVP of Product and COO, IAB":1,"#Kochava Summit is one of the Ad-Tech industry’s must-attend events. Over three days of inspiration, networking, and fun in Sandpoint, Idaho.":1,"#Jared Moscow
Director of Product, Privacy & Addressability, IAB":1,"#page memory usage":1,"#Learn more about online advertising and your opt-out choices aquí. To check your browser’s data sharing with websites, visit YourAdChoices.":1,"#Gather user engagement data across every device and platform where your game is available with Kochava IdentityLink® providing holistic identity resolution. Know what makes your players tick, what features they interact with, and what devices they use.":1,"#Measure everywhere users are playing":1,"#Many players come and go, bouncing between titles before returning for additional gameplay in your app. Kochava helps you measure and deduplicate your users’ lifetime install activity so you’ll never pay twice for a user who reengages with your game after an elapsed period of time.":1,"#Only pay once to acquire your players":1,"#Across every campaign, every channel, and every media partner, Kochava uncovers the true sources driving high quality user acquisition and engagement. Navigate your omni-channel media mix like a pro, leveraging our plug-n-play integrations across thousands of media partners.":1,"#Start 30-Day Free Trial":1,"#Boost player engagement and mobile game revenue with full trust that all of your data is accurate and secure.":1,"#Kochava for Gaming":1,"#Measure your gaming apps to boost player engagement and mobile game revenue with full trust that all of your data is accurate and secure.":1,"#mobile app fraud":1,"#measurement on every device":1,"#game app attribution":1,"#Request a free demo with our gaming app marketing experts.":1,"#数据与分析
Dig into your app data without limits. Extract strategic insights through analytics, reports, and a built-in SQL query prompter.":1,"#媒体成本汇总
Measure all of your omni-channel cost data in one dashboard and streamline your ROAS equation to maximize revenue.":1,"#Level Up with Measurement & Attribution Tools for Gaming Apps":1,"#预测流失建模
Boost overall user LTV with highly accurate predictive churn modeling. Know which players are most likely to churn and reengage them before they do.":1,"#Premier iOS Support
Kochava ensures secure, privacy-first measurement of all your user data across Apple devices and complete support for SKAdNetwork 归因.":1,"#More growth tools for gaming apps":1,"#Win on Apple Search Ads":1,"#MobilityWare Wins Battle on Fraud with Kochava Prevention Tools":1,"#Hear from our mobile gaming clients":1,"#Don’t let fraudsters attack your ad spend unchecked. Have full confidence in your campaign and app data with industry-best fraud prevention against SDK spoofing, click flooding, install hijacking, and more.":1,"#Take the fight back to fraudsters":1,"#Connected TV (CTV) is any TV set connected to the internet, most commonly used to stream video. OTT Analytics and Attribution by Kochava allow you to see where your OTT subscribers are really coming from and unlock their journey across devices.":1,"#MeasuringUsers social v":1,"#non ctvdevices":1,"#Rokusamescreenandcross screenattributionflowdiagram":1,"#logo farm partners":1,"#Whether you’re a streaming service with an OTT app, or a performance marketer looking to drive growth through OTT, Kochava can help.":1,"#OTT & CTV Advertising – What Marketers Need to Know":1,"#Learn more about OTT and CTV advertising with our free guides and webinars.":1,"#Helpful OTT Content for Marketers":1,"#Download Free eBook":1,"#Desktop/Laptop
Chrome OS, MacOS, Windows":1,"#平板电脑
Amazon Fire, Android, iPad":1,"#Discover new growth through connected TV (CTV) and over the top (OTT).
Measure your success with Kochava.":1,"#移动的
Android, iOS, Huawei":1,"#Streaming Boxes & Sticks
Amazon Fire, Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku":1,"#Game Consoles
PlayStation, Xbox":1,"#Smart TVs
Amazon Fire, Android, Apple, LG, Roku, Samsung, Vizio":1,"#“The largest streaming apps in the world rely on Roku for distribution of their properties, and we find, more often than not, their preferred attribution provider is Kochava.“":1,"#Connected TV (CTV) and OTT Analytics & Attribution":1,"#Explore OTT advertising partners in the 科恰瓦媒体索引.":1,"#Don’t be held back by limited integrations. Kochava supports the largest array of programmatic, platform-direct, and publisher-direct integrations for campaign activation on OTT and connected TV.":1,"#Experience the largest selection of connected TV & OTT growth partners":1,"#Seamlessly launch mobile acquisition or reengagement campaigns with the leading OTT and CTV partners":1,"#Kochava始于2011年,当时一支由移动和游戏专业人士组成的团队认为有必要更好地了解移动应用程序的用户获取,参与和LTV的反馈循环。通过为来自各行各业的客户创建应用程序的过程,我们一再被问及是否可以了解媒体广告的转变以及合作伙伴的移动广告支出的有效性。实现这些问题的解决方案并不容易,我们开始设计和构建移动设备
将成为Kochava的测量平台。":1,"#Однако, если вы все еще используете более старую версию Kochava iOS SDK, а именно версию 6 или более раннюю, вам необходимо обновить ее как минимум до версия 7":1,"#For a list of all integrated networks and publishers, click here.":1,"#(FDL) to drive friction-free user experiences through deep linking functionality. Now, Google is no longer recommending app developers use Dynamic Links for new projects, as it plans to deprecate the feature in August of 2025 according to this":1,"#Migrate from Firebase Dynamic Links to Kochava Smartlinks. Follow our サポートドキュメント.":1,"#Google has set August 25, 2025 as the official date for deprecation.":1,"#Kochava, the leading real-time data solutions company for omni-channel attribution and measurement, is built on a culture of customer-driven innovation, dedication to data security, and the most powerful tools in the ecosystem, making Kochava trusted by top brands to harness their data for growth. Similarly, Z2A Digital’s approach to client success is based on four T’s that put the customer first:":1,"#Kochava + Z2A Digital—The Pursuit of Excellence":1,"#“We’re thrilled Kochava has built this partnership program that we are proud to be a part of at Z2A Digital,” said Raphael Green, CEO & Co-Founder, Z2A Digital. “Since we were founded four years ago, we’ve always believed partnerships with the top players in the ecosystem are a key step in delivering the best results for our clients. We want to build on this initial step with Kochava to make sure we both continue to grow and succeed.”":1,"#This new partnership with Kochava provides Z2A Digital with another method to ensure they are monitoring and assessing their clients’ success, secure in the knowledge that they have a good partner to help evaluate and maximize performance.":1,"#With offices in Tel Aviv, Berlin and San Francisco, Z2A Digital powers success in all aspects of user acquisition for global brands. Passionate about driving change in the mobile marketing industry, co-founders Raphi Green and Dan Shabtay, veterans in the field of digital marketing, recognized the frustration caused by inadequate transparency of existing user acquisition agencies and solutions—and the urgent need for a better approach to deliver results.":1,"#New alignment provides the training and tools to maximize results for client success":1,"#January 16th, 2024":1,"#*Measurement & Attribution session required, plus two additional sessions selected by the agency. Once agencies become a Kochava Authorized Partner, they will be listed as such in the Kochava Media Index, the largest advertising database in the world.":1,"#If you’re an agency interested in becoming a Kochava Authorized Partner, please contact us today. The process involves a series of educational Discovery Sessions on various topics, including:":1,"#Transparency: they offer comprehensive reporting and open billing based on how they meet the KPIs clients value. Their clients value honest feedback and proactive updates.":1,"#Tactics: their track record of results is due to the way they think differently about channel mixes, finding the places where the users that match our clients needs hang out — and getting them into our clients’ apps.":1,"#Team: their team of experts oversees all of their operations, and are continuously optimizing performance and working with clients to decide on growth goals":1,"#Tech: when they see a problem, they have the expertise and experience to build a solution for it in-house, instead of relying on off-the-shelf or white label options that may not fit their clients’ needs":1,"#更多的…":1,"#添加到任何":1,"#感谢分享!":1,"#没意见":1,"#源标识符":1,"#12 分钟阅读":1,"#基质金属蛋白酶":1,"#Apple 用户在 SKAN 中使用计时器来随机化对广告网络和":1,"#活动元数据映射":1,"#),并附加任何必要的":1,"#基质金属粉末":1,"#发送到广告网络。当广告网络收到回发后,它会被转发到广告应用程序的移动测量合作伙伴(":1,"#,并将安装验证":1,"#转换价值":1},"version":38977}]