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With our mtDNA test, you’ll get the tools to connect, explore, and understand your matrilineal family history on a deeper level.":1,"#CONNECT WITH YOUR mtDNA RELATIVES":1,"#Guilherme Fraga":1,"#SONIA MARIA CAMPOS LEAL":1,"#Julio Graces":1,"#No results for \"Alta\"":1,"#No results for \"Darme de alta\"":1,"#Your FamilyTreeDNA account is currently connected to MyHeritage. View your tree: https://www.myheritage.es/site-family-tree-1643673366/espinoza?familyTreeID=2":1,"#H-Z34496":1,"#One result for \"Unir ADN de 23andMe \"":1,"#No results for \"Unir ADN Zde 23andMe \"":1,"#No results for \"Como subir datos de 23adnMe?\"":1,"#Suggested result 2 FamilyTreeDNA 2024 Summer Sale":1,"#FamilyTreeDNA 2024 Summer Sale":1,"#Michael Pateman":1,"#J-FT18892":1,"#I-FTC18629":1,"#Szatmar":1,"#Alberto Cortez":1,"#Alberto Montalvo":1,"#Rinaldone":1,"#Funnel Beaker Central Europe":1,"#5100 - 4900 BCE":1,"#Stuttgart":1,"#Mühlhausen":1,"#Stuttgart 65":1,"#4545 - 4449 BCE":1,"#7180 - 7039 BCE":1,"#Çorum Province":1,"#Musular":1,"#Musular 6":1,"#5801 - 5661 BCE":1,"#Olt County":1,"#Grădinile-‘La Izlaz’":1,"#Grădinile 3":1,"#5712 - 5531 BCE":1,"#Mérnöki telep":1,"#Alsonyek 174":1,"#5310 - 5072 BCE":1,"#Stuttgart-Mühlhausen 167":1,"#5300 - 5000 BCE":1,"#Yunatsite 48":1,"#5214 - 5011 BCE":1,"#Stuttgart-Mühlhausen 180":1,"#5150 - 4990 BCE":1,"#Landau/Pfalz":1,"#Herxheim":1,"#Herxheim 2":1,"#5141 - 4943 BCE":1,"#Stuttgart 19":1,"#FT303715 FT246923 FT303659 FT303953 FT304476 FT304699 FT304740 FT304778 FT307074":1,"#Z19080 FGC54917 FGC55076 FT65917 Y21618 Z18917":1,"#BY102409 BY102379 BY118191 BY149608 BY152044 BY65472 BY91069 FGC54889 FT396967 FT396968 Y101183 Y101902 Y102091 Y102613 Y106026 Y110669 Y111650 Y111977 Y84272 Y84945 Y86127 Y88590 Y91020 Y91720 Y92673 Y92960 Y95977 Y95979 Z44665 ZS2608":1,"#FT1572 FT1891 FT390831 Y28139 Y39298 Z41280 Z41285 Z41293":1,"#BY102409":1,"#BY16720":1,"#BY16705":1,"#BY96842":1,"#BY118191":1,"#BY102379":1,"#31 minutes ago":1,"#Castellan, Marisa":1,"#Santillán, Gladys Mercedes":1,"#27 minutes ago":1,"#Saavedra, Raúl":1,"#bessarez, miguel angel":1,"#26 minutes ago":1,"#24 minutes ago":1,"#23 minutes ago":1,"#Longitude: -6.9700":1,"#Latitidue: 38.8789":1,"#Longitude: -6.9809":1,"#Latitidue: 38.8750":1,"#Friday, August 30, 2024 at 1:07pm":1,"#Buenos días, good morning. My four great grandmother Narcisa Vicente Flores (daughter of Manuel Vicente Flores and Manuela Fermoselle Margarida), was born in Fermoselle, Zamora, Spain, in 1782 and married Juan Manuel Collado in Corral de Almaguer, Toledo, Spain. She descended from several New Christian of Fermoselle, as Juan de Fermoselle, born about 1540, Alonso Fernández Margarida, born in 1617, and Beatriz de la Peña (whose mother was from Mogadouro, Trás-os-Montes), born in 1621. In the image, 1:25,000 scale map of Fermoselle, Zamora, and Villarino de los Aires, Salamanca, Spain, in 1985. Saludos a todos, greetings everyone, Fernando González del Campo Román (Madrid, Spain)":1,"#Telmo Marques likes your post.":1,"#Anthony's mtFull Sequence Video":1,"#To connect your account to MyHeritage, you are requested to grant FamilyTreeDNA approval to give MyHeritage access to the following information for kit number B170818:":1,"#Y-DNA Haplotree - Confirmed Haplogroup is H-Z19008 ":1,"#Estos son los apellidos de judíos de Zamora con apoyo documental en archivos, desde la Edad Media hasta la actualidad.":1,"#migración de judíos castellanos a Portugal 1ª mitad de lo siglo XV - Segun el documento de Maria José Tavares - Judeus e Conversos Castelhanos em Portugal. Link: https://rua.ua.es/dspace/bitstream/10045/7060/1/HM_06_15.pdf":1,"#migración de judíos castellanos a Portugal 2ª mitad de lo siglo XV - Segun el documento de Maria José Tavares - Judeus e Conversos Castelhanos em Portugal. Link: https://rua.ua.es/dspace/bitstream/10045/7060/1/HM_06_15.pdf":1,"#Trás-os-Montes, mobilidad de los judios castellados y sus descendientes 1ª mitad siglo XVI - Segun el documento de Maria José Tavares - Judeus e Conversos Castelhanos em Portugal. Link: https://rua.ua.es/dspace/bitstream/10045/7060/1/HM_06_15.pdf":1,"#Caso inquisitoriales registrados en el archivo de Torre do Tombo de personas viviendo en la frontera entre Zamora y Portugal, siglos XVI y XVII.":1,"#\"La actual provincia de Zamora - 10.559 Km2 de superficie- agrupó, durante la Baja Edad Media, al menos veintiún asentamientos judíos con firme base documental. Estos son por orden alfabético y con su actual denominanción: Alcañices, Belver de los Montes, Benavente, La Bóveda de Toro, Cañizal, Cañizo, Castrotorpe - hoy despoblado en el término de Castrotorafe-, Castroverde de Campos, Fermoselle, Fuentelapeña, Fuentesaúco, El Maderal, San Cedrián de Castrotorafe, San Pedro de la Nave-Almendra, Toro, Venialbo, Villaescusa, Villafáfila, Villalobos, Villalpando y Zamora, en su mayoría emplazados al este de la provincia, tomando como línea divisoria el curso del río Tera, terreno, por consiguiente, idóneo para huertos y cría de ganado vacuno y lanar. Las comunidades judías de la provincia de Zamora se integraban en diócesis zamoranas, excepto Alcañices, junto a la frontera portuguesa, que pertenecía a la sede de Santiago de Compostela, y Belver de los Montes, dependiente de la de Palencia. Este era, pues, el marco geográfico de los asentamientos judíos zamoranos antes de la expulsión general de 1492.\" Fragmento tomado de: Carlos Carrete Parrondo, I Congreso de Historia de Zamora. Tomo 3. Historia Medieval y Moderna, 1991, página 113. En la foto se incluyen algunas que no están en la lista como Alcañices y Puebla de Sanabria, y del lado portugués Bragança, Vimioso, Carçao, Miranda do Douro, Mogadouro y Sendim.":1,"#Judaizantes en Alcañices entre los siglos XVI y XVIII. Fuente: Rodríguez López-Ros, Sergio, Apróximaciones históricas y sociológicas a la judería de Alcañices, en Anuario del IEZ, Zamora, 2021, pp. 253-282.":1,"#Zamora - Tras Os Montes - Photos - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#Los Melamed, Corcos y Seneor, tres familias hebreas que se unieron en Zamora en el siglo XIV. Gráfico tomado de Pablo Ortego Rico (Univ. de Málaga), \"Los negocios de Rabí Yuçe Melamed/Luis Núñez Coronel..., eHumanista/Conversos 6 (2018): 42-65":1,"#Good morning, I joined this project some time ago because of the DNA cousin matches I was having. That led me to think I had sephardic Jewish ancestors because there was quite a bit of matches with jewish ancestry and some of the matches connected to Spanish people had ancestors from the Zamora region in their family trees. Following the paper trail of my ancestors I found a document that says my 11th generation direct ancestor had a new christian grandmother who was from Évora in Portugal. I also received my Ydna haplogroup which is a branch of R-DF27, it is R-FGC20767 (Particularly Portuguese). This is a sub haplogroup that comes from R-FGC20747 that has been connected to jewish populations thus the matches i've been having connected to jewish ancestry, mainly Ashkenazi. I also read that the R-DF27 haplgroup also runs within the Ashkenazi jewish population which can mean past Iberian migration and integration within Ashkenazi communities in central and east Europe. Note: The jewish ancestor I found the document for is not in my Ydna line but in my paternal grandmother's line. I Do you guys think I shloud leave this project due to the fact I have no proven connection with the jewish community of Zamora - Tras Os Montes? Thank you for your time.":1,"#August 2024":1,"#There are new posts in the Zamora - Tras Os Montes Project!":1,"#Genera - Photos - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#Are you a member of the Genera project?":1,"#11576 members":1,"#Fitzgerald - DNA Results - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#Fitzgerald - Overview - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#Luna - DNA Results - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#Luna - Overview - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#Reaney - Overview - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#This information is self-reported by ":1,"#E-Y14891 (AB-005) - DNA Results - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#de Rumania":1,"#The specified file '308970_e65c7.txt' could not be uploaded. The file is an unsupported version or in a corrupt/malformed format. Please place an order for Family Finder™ or download the file and try again.":1,"#308970_e65c7.txt":1,"#Gotland - Overview - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#This information is self-reported by ":1,"#This information is self-reported by ":1,"#This information is self-reported by ":1,"#Sign out of kit no. B321009":1,"#This information is self-reported by ":1,"#'s unique characteristics included culturally modified teeth.":1,"#Tucuman, Argentina":1,"#Gangi, Palermo, Italia":1,"#MyHeritage tree home person (tester): Facundo Varela":1,"#Facundo Varela is successfully linked as your home person.":1,"#Maddalena Domina":1,"#Catadela Romano":1,"#Angel Varela":1,"#Humberto Varela":1,"#Margarita Sueldo":1,"#Roberto Celestino Lizarraga":1,"#Miria Amanda Nuñez":1,"#María Benjamina Nuñez":1,"#Felix Nuñez":1,"#Carmen Biondo":1,"#Maria Romano":1,"#Vincenzo Biondo":1,"#Rosario Biondo":1,"#Carmela Romano":1,"#Bernabe Varela":1,"#Fidelma Ortiz":1,"#Caterina Vitali":1,"#Giuliano Romano":1,"#Neofita Isabel Soria":1,"#Santi Romano":1,"#Pasquale Domina":1,"#Maria Santa Sinardo":1,"#Olga Beatriz Lizarraga":1,"#Julio Cesar Varela":1,"#Plan Angel - News - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#Please watch and share our latest promo video for Plan Angel":1,"#Winter-Winters - Surnames - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#FTB87274":1,"#Y45870":1,"#FTB91713":1,"#Y46642":1,"#FTF95498":1,"#BY87813":1,"#FT247960":1,"#FTB46523":1,"#FT263055":1,"#FT250214":1,"#FT263817":1,"#FT264927":1,"#BY90053":1,"#FT257282":1,"#FT255926":1,"#FT255732":1,"#BY221631":1,"#FT256165":1,"#FTB88023":1,"#FTB87744":1,"#BY36950":1,"#BY36949":1,"#BY180179":1,"#BY87797":1,"#127 - 227 CE":1,"#FTC15194 FTC15597 FTC15739 FTC15944 FTC15993 FTC16118 FTC16567 FTC16611 FTC16842 FTC32530 FTC35497 FTC35942":1,"#FT399000 Y223595 Y223604 ZS10159":1,"#FTA44368":1,"#Zadar":1,"#FTC15739":1,"#FTC15597":1,"#FTC15194":1,"#BY87797 BY180179 FGC29429 FT247466 FT247478 FT247859 FT278901 Y46686 Y49471 Y50130 Y51037 Y54177 Y54181 Y54293 Y57348 Y58121":1,"#Relja":1,"#Relja 3742":1,"#FT399045 FT397523 FT398124 FT456784 Y225423":1,"#BY45384":1,"#Y16298 Y16300 Y16302":1,"#BY45391":1,"#BY45385":1,"#Mrs. Rita Leslie Navarrette-Colleran":1,"#Margaret Abrams":1,"#6thGrGrandfather Robert Reid (b.Scot d. Can.)":1,"#James Read b1675 d 1727":1,"#Rafael Legorburu 12 Dec.1912 and d.1982":1,"#Boisvert surname, unknown location France":1,"#Freeman b. a. 1800, Ireland":1,"#Michael Clark b. 1620 d. 1678":1,"#Joseph Bragg, b Greenbrier Co, VA, d 1836":1,"#Stephen Houk d. 1782":1,"#George Lawson Stapleton":1,"#Felix de Esquivel Palma, d. Abt 1760":1,"#Rosalio Padilla, b. 1900 and d.1985":1,"#Francisco Muñoz de la Barba, b. about 1594":1,"#This information is self-reported by ":1,"#This information is self-reported by ":1,"#11829 members":1,"#This surname Clay project is administered by the Clay Family Society (https://clayfamilysociety.net) to help find family connections for the Clays of all spelling and variations. By joining this pro leer más...":1,"#This surname Clay project is administered by the Clay Family Society (https://clayfamilysociety.net) to help find family connections for the Clays of all spelling and variations. By joining this pro read more...":1,"#Jewish Heritage Proj - Surnames - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#Jewish Heritage Proj - Results - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#To connect your account to MyHeritage, you are requested to grant FamilyTreeDNA approval to give MyHeritage access to the following information for kit number BP57457:":1,"#ROMANIOTE - Surnames - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#ROMANIOTE - DNA Results - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#This information is self-reported by ":1,"#Dice tener apellido Colombo pero no lo encuentro en el buscador de su árbol genealogico. Su spellido Colombo es de Chile y de Italia Estoy probablemente relacionada a el por un ancestro judio ashkenazi eslavo polaco o ruso, o quizas solo sefardita aunque su padre no tiene genes sefarditas. Quizas por parte de mi bisabuelo Andres Valencia que era chileno y le decian el ruso. Su padre David tambien es coincidencia mia. Esta relacionado a coincidencias mias que tiene ancestros judios que emigraron a Chile como >Ivan Falcon El abuelo paterno de Diego Berman es Hersch Berman nacido en 1911 y la abuela paterna es Rivka Niemira nacida en 1913 algo de Chaim Jawitz (un poco ashkenazi)":1,"#I-M223 Y-DNA Haplogroup - News - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#I-M223 Y-DNA Haplogroup - Project Statistics - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#I-M223 Y-DNA Haplogroup - Results - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#Hajdú - Background - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#Dones - Background - FamilyTreeDNA":1,"#Monica del Carmen Encalada Constant":1,"#Ms. Lynn Mandel":1,"#Claudio Rojas Cordero":1,"#Sofía Andrea Egaña Jiménez":1,"#Tim Rivera":1,"#Dominic Rivera":1,"#Kendall Thornton":1,"#Deven Thomas Corzine":1,"#Jeanette Nunez":1,"#Gary D.Webb":1,"#Dr. Diana Shawn Herbst":1,"#Bill S Evans":1,"#Lucia Martinez Morales":1,"#Aalyiah Gallagher":1,"#Enrique Arroyo":1},"version":136415}]