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Using our standard Full or Lite SDK integration, you can seamlessly offer payments through Apple Pay Wallet, providing your users with a smooth and secure payment experience.":1,"#Locate and select the Apple Pay option.":1,"#Tamanho da chave":1,"#This page presents all information related to the Rede connection using PIX as payment.":1,"#This page presents all information related to the Nequi connection using Wallet as payment.":1,"#This page presents all information related to the dLocal connection using CODI Push Notification as payment. Use the following buttons to navigate to the desired section.":1,"#Log into the Yuno dashboard.":1,"#Get in touch with Yuno to request a new account.":1,"#This page presents all information related to the dLocal connection using Pago Facil as payment.":1,"#This page presents all information related to the Inswitch connection using Bank Transfer as payment.":1,"#: The dashboard's flexibility shines through as users can effortlessly switch between different accounts. This is achieved with just a few clicks, eliminating the need for separate credentials.":1,"#This page presents all information related to the Pagar.me connection using Cards as payment. Use the following buttons to navigate to the desired section. <svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" width=\"14\" height=\"15\" viewBox=\"0 0 14 15\" fill=\"none\"> <path d=\"M10.8281 4V9.6875C10.8281 9.77...":1,"#Check your inbox for a verification email and follow the instructions to verify your identity.":1,"#Send an email to support@y.uno requesting a new account.":1,"#This page presents all information related to the Pinbank connection using PIX as a payment.":1,"#This page presents all information related to the Inswitch connection using Paga Todo as a payment method. Use the following buttons to navigate to the desired section.":1,"#This page presents all information related to the dLocal connection using RapiPago as payment.":1,"#This page presents all information related to the dLocal connection using RapiPago as payment. Use the following buttons to navigate to the desired section.":1,"#The loader is displayed from when the One Time Token is created until the merchant calls yuno.hideLoader() or yuno.continuePayment() . This way, the user experience is improved because they will see the loader while the merchant creates the payment.":1,"#Currency & amount":1,"#Yuno has already integrated multiple processors, payment methods, acquires, and fraud solutions from Tajikistan. To learn more about a specific connection, simply click on its corresponding button in the list below.":1,"#Yuno has already integrated multiple processors, payment methods, acquires, and fraud solutions from Iran. To learn more about a specific connection, simply click on its corresponding button in the list below.":1,"#Keychain Access > Assistente de Certificado > Solicitar um Certificado de uma autoridade certificadora":1,"#: Provide the ID or selector of the element where the SDK should be mounted.":1,"#. Specifies the HTML elements where you want to mount the Yuno SDK. You can specify the elements using one of the following options:":1,"#Required only if the type is":1,"#: Element where the form will be rendered. Only required if":1,"#This parameter is optional. It determines the mode in which the payment forms will be displayed.":1,"#This page presents all information related to the Inswitch connection using Paga Todo as payment.":1,"#: Specify the elements for mounting the APM and action forms. You need to provide the element for the":1,"#No mandatory fields.":1,"#Next Page: Saint Kitts and Nevis":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Germany, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Portugal, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Morocco, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Angola, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Burundi, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Use the toogle at the top to change between Test (Sandbox credentials) and Live (Production credentials) modes.":1,"#The seller's document type (MAX 6, MIN 2; Country reference).":1,"#Locate and select the Apple Pay option and click Connect.":1,"#This guide provides a step-by-step process to integrate the Yuno SDK with Apple Pay. Following this guide will enable seamless payment processing through Apple Pay. Step 1: Add the Connection To add the Apple Pay connection to the Yuno dashboard, follow these steps: Log in to your Yuno dashboard . N...":1,"#2 days.":1,"#120 days.":1,"#3 daily transactions per costumer.":1,"#This page presents all information related to the Deuna connection using the wallet as payment.":1,"#40 minutes ago":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Suriname, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Saint Lucia, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Saint Maarten, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Saint Pierre and Miquelon, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in French Guiana, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Montserrat, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Barbados, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Tunisia, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Bermuda, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Benin, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#There are two types of credentials, Sandbox credentials and Production credentials.":1,"#Access the Merchant Dashboard.":1,"#Both credentials are available on the Merchant Dashboard.":1,"#This page presents all information related to the Deuna connection using the Wallet as payment. Use the following buttons to navigate to the desired section.":1,"#Card Account Updater (CAU) is a feature available at Yuno to maintain the integrity of stored credit or debit cards, preventing issues caused by expired or outdated card details. When customers provide their card information for recurring billing or subscription services, Card Account Updater ensure...":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Cayman Islands, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Aruba, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Curacao, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Botswana, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Puerto Rico, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Payment method flexibility":1,"#): The list of types of payment methods that customers can use. If no value is passed, Yuno will display the payment methods defined in the dashboard.":1,"#): Payment Link URL (MAX 255; MIN 3).":1,"#): Specifies the availability object. Refers to the Payment Link expiration date.":1,"#): Specifies customer object for payments links.":1,"#): Identification of the payment link (MAX 255; MIN 3).":1,"#Specifies the availability object. Refers to the Payment Link expiration date:":1,"#): End of the validity period of the payment link.":1,"#): Single Link: For a single collection with defined product, amount and customer information. Multiple Link: To use and share as many times as necessary, with defined amount and product.":1,"#): The date and time when the payment link was created.":1,"#): Start of the validity period of the payment link.":1,"#): Array of":1,"#): The status of the Payment link (MAX 255; MIN 3) (CREATED, USED, CANCELED, EXPIRED, ERROR).":1,"#): The date and time of the last update for the payment link.":1,"#): The description of the payment link (MAX 255; MIN 3).":1,"#): Decides whether to authorize the payment or capture it. Authorizing a card payment allows you to reserve funds in a customer's bank account. If the field is not sent, we will take it as true. You can later capture the payment vía Yuno's dashboard or":1,"#String (Deprecated)":1,"#Introduce the Name, Secret Key, API Key and Point of Sale.":1,"#Click Connections and then select Deuna.":1,"#Same day.":1,"#500 USD per day.":1,"#299,99 USD per transaction.":1,"#Pagarme - Cards":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Grenada, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Saint Kitts and Nevis, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Jamaica, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Bahamas, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Guadeloupe, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in El Salvador, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Venezuela, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Dominica, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Belize, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Martinique, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Turks and Caicos, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Honduras, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in British Virgin Islands, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Falkland Islands (Malvinas), categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Cameroon, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Mozambique, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Live Mode (Production Environment):":1,"#Installment implementation varies depending on the origin and your commercial agreements:":1,"#Convenience: Payments in installments can be a convenient way to make a purchase. The customer can usually make payments online or by phone, and they don't have to worry about writing checks or carrying cash.":1,"#Flexibility: With payments in installments, you can offer your customer the choice of a payment plan that best suits their need. They can usually choose the number of months to pay off the purchase, as well as the amount of each payment.":1,"#Provider: Refers to when the merchant does not have a commercial agreement for a defined set of installments, so they use the installments defined by the payment processor. We consult the provider of your choosing in order to get the installments available to offer your customers for each case.":1,"#Yuno has already integrated multiple processors, payment methods, acquires, and fraud solutions from Armenia. To learn more about a specific connection, simply click on its corresponding button in the list below.":1,"#This guide provides a step-by-step process to integrate the Yuno SDK with Apple Pay. Following this guide will enable seamless payment processing through Apple Pay.":1,"#Yuno gives you the possibility to use our integration with Apple Pay SDKs so you don't have to worry about the implementation.":1,"#If you use a payment method that requires a deep link to return to your app, use the method described in the following code block to obtain the enrollment status in your AppDelegate. The":1,"#Bank transfer details to make the payout.":1,"#Wallet details to make the withdrawal.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Turkey, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Panama, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#This page presents examples of requests and responses for creating payments using the Create Payment endpoint and Ticket payment methods.":1,"#Yuno provides several options for you at the checkout. However, the basic payment process always follows the same steps in the sequence. On this page, you find an explanation of these steps and the basic elements used. This explanation aims to make clear the process flow you'll follow when using the...":1,"#Merchant: Refers to when the merchant has its own commercial agreements and installments enabled in each payment processor, so they handle the logic behind which amount of installments to use for each case. The merchant is responsible for defining in Yuno the amount of installments available for the customer to choose from.":1,"#Tailored Checkout Experience":1,"#Enable the payment method in the Checkout builder":1,"#This page outlines the step-by-step process to enable the Lite Web SDK payment functionalities in your system.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Nicaragua, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Guyana, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Malaysia, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Mexico, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#: A Boolean flag that determines whether to display status views during the payment enrollment process.":1,"#indicates that the payment status should not be displayed.":1,"#and conforms to the":1,"#: The delegate object that handles enrollment callbacks.":1,"#, which parameters are described below:":1,"#as an argument will show the payment status while passing":1,"#protocol. It includes a function called":1,"#BAC logo":1,"#Access the recipe to get the response description. The response is equal to the one received when creating the subscription.":1,"#is going to depend on how many providers you have set up in your payment method route.":1,"#Introduce the Token information.":1,"#31 minutes ago":1,"#Step 1: Create your accounton Yuno":1,"#Use your Yuno integration and start making payments":1,"#Configure and use Typescript":1,"#Render option":1,"#Yuno iOS SDK provides additional services and configurations you can use to improve customers' experience.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Chile, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Burkina Faso, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Colombia, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in the United States of America, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Ecuador, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Brazil, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#The object representing a payment method that can be associated with a customer for back-to-back payments.":1,"#returned by Yuno's SDK, so you don't have to change your integration depending on the payment method. The basic structure of the payment will be the same for every payment method, as the example bellow.":1,"#Unique identifier of the subscription plan (MAX 255; MIN 3).":1,"#The payment will be available for a maximum of 6 days before expiring.":1,"#Go to the Settings.":1,"#Click Connections and then select PagBank.":1,"#Select Integrations.":1,"#Just by using our standard Full or Lire SDK integration, you will be able to offer payments through Apple Pay Wallet.":1,"#decides whether to show visual feedback about the enrollment status.":1,"#should be the same as the":1,"#When presenting the enrollment, you can also choose one of the render options for the card form. You have the following options:":1,"#To change the render option, set the":1,"#Select your store and go to the REST API Keys tab.":1,"#Login to the Payzen dashboard. In the menu navigate to Settings and Store.":1,"#This service allows you to cancel or refund an existing payment. Our system will identify if a cancellation or a refund is necessary based on the transaction status related to the transaction_id provided on the request.":1,"#parameter when creating the subscription to validate the card used in the payment before actually charging the subscription. When creating the subscription, you can customize:":1,"#for your customer. You will configure the subscription and define the payment method at this step. For card payment, you can use the":1,"#This page presents all information related to the PagBank connection using Pix as the payment method. Use the following buttons to navigate to the desired section.":1,"#Users can transfer 100% of their daily limit if their account has enough balance.":1,"#Locate and select the Apple Pay option and click Connect":1,"#Follow the official test guidelines for Apple, where you'll need to create a test account and set up test cards.":1,"#In order to make test payments with Apple Pay remember to:":1,"#Testing guidelines for Sandbox Environment":1,"#This page presents all information related to the Pagarme connection using PIX as payment.":1,"#User mandatory fields to make a payment":1,"#Get the cryptogram and make a payment":1,"#Skip link to Get the cryptogram and make a payment":1,"#equal one of the available options. Each option is presented below.":1,"#The merchant can set the focus on a particular input. To accomplish this, it is necessary to execute the method":1,"#If a transaction is rejected, you can persist the credit card data to retry a payment after the customer has entered the credit card details. To do that, you need to follow the steps below:":1,"#Skip link to Input focus":1,"#Input focus":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Trinidad and Tobago, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#bank_transfer object":1,"#Yuno allows you to explore a comprehensive list of payment options available worldwide. This page lets you explore a complete list of providers available in Bolivia, categorized by payment type. In addition, you can also find the payment methods supported by each provider.":1,"#You can install Yuno SDK in two ways:":1,"#The first step is to install Yuno SDK to your iOS project.":1,"#To check all versions available, you can access the release page from the Yuno iOS SDK repository.":1,"#iOS SDK Versions":1,"#containing the whole response. The following code block presents an example of a complete response after calling the":1,"#The code block below presents an example of observing the response:":1,"#The following steps describe enrolling a payment method using Yuno's Headless SDK..":1,"#Merchant Code Mall, Merchant Code and Secret Key.":1,"#First Atlantic Commerce provides online payment solutions and international credit card processing for merchants, banks, and partners worldwide. FAC is a payment gateway that enables merchants to accept and process credit and debit card payments online.":1,"#4. Payment methods object":1,"#Next Page: Secure Fields (Enrollment)":1,"#The rate that will be applied to the final amount of the transaction by the payment provider after using installments. Expressed in percentage":1,"#The unique identifier of the installment plan. (MAX 64 ; MIN 36)":1,"#The amount of months to wait to debit the first installment Mas:3":1,"#Specifies the seller's details object. Only mandatory for PSPs with sub_merchant account information.":1,"#status.":1,"#Setup the url of the domain where you'll be testing the integration in the Apple Pay connection in Yuno.":1,"#Try it in Safari.":1,"#First, override the":1,"#The Card Account Updater service operates asynchronously, working independently of the payment flow. Card updates are performed automatically, so there is no need to handle individual responses from the service.":1,"#Customer Retention: Minimizing disruptions in service due to payment failures can help maintain customer loyalty and retention.":1,"#Operational Efficiency: Streamlining the process of updating card information helps maintain operational efficiency and consistency across payment systems.":1,"#Security and Compliance: Centralizing card updates within the vault ensures that sensitive card information is handled securely and complies with relevant regulations and standards.":1,"#Increased Revenue: Higher transaction approval rates translate to fewer missed payments and potentially increased revenue.":1,"#Click Connections and then select Unlimit.":1,"#Log in to Pagarme dashboard.":1,"#Before accessing the Pagarme dashboard, contact the Pagarme support team to obtain the credentials.":1,"#Check the oficial Pagarme documentation if the operations does not happend as expected.":1,"#To start running the Yuno iOS Lite checkout, you first need to get your Yuno app ID and iOS API key. Then, import and initialize Yuno as presented in the following code snippet:":1,"#Add the parameter presented in the following code block while creating the One Time Token (OTT) in Step 5. It will enable you to receive any additional information the customer gives during checkout, such as installments, document type, or document number.":1,"#Skip link to Set card type":1,"#and send either ´DEBIT´ or ´CREDIT´ for each scenario. This is useful for dual cards, where the same card can be used as credit or debit, such as in Brazil. The code block below presents an example:":1,"#Related to the previous functionality, the merchant can configure to clear the information entered in any card field. To accomplish this, it is necessary to execute the method":1,"#The merchant can define the card type the customer uses for the payment. To accomplish this, you need to execute the method":1,"#This page presents the procedures to connect and provide Google Pay as a payment option for your customers using the integration via a provider. Yuno uses Google integration for each provider without accessing card data in this integration. Each integration can only be used with the selected provider with this option.":1,"#All merchants must adhere to the Google Pay APIs Acceptable Use Policy and accept the terms defined in the Google Pay API Terms of Service.":1,"#Step 6: Create Vaulted Token":1,"#To enroll, create a Vaulted Token":1,"#Antigua and Barbuda-flag":1,"#Customizability":1,"#Enhanced Security":1,"#Go live":1,"#Android documentation":1,"#Web documentation":1,"#Additional information":1,"#You also can choose one of the render options for the card form. Below, you find screenshots presenting the difference between the":1,"#When utilizing Google Pay™, your confidential credit or debit card details are never directly shared with the merchant. Instead, a unique token is generated, serving as a representation of your payment information. This token is utilized to process the payment, provide an extra layer of protection, and prevent unauthorized access to your data.":1,"#Automatic Settlement":1,"#App key":1,"#Field":1,"#Connection name. You can use Yuno.":1,"#Affiliation Name":1,"#App Token":1,"#The Yuno":1,"#VTEX application token, which you find when Generating internal application keys.":1,"#VTEX application keys. For additional information on accessing it, see Generating internal application keys.":1,"#Select the option Use behavior recommended by payment processor.":1,"#Once you have this information, you can register the Yuno plugin affiliation. Follow the steps outlined in the Configure Yuno as Provider page. After completing the configuration processes, you'll enable your clients on VTEX to access the Yuno checkout to make payments on their orders.":1,"#. You will use your Account ID, Public API Key, and Private API Key from your Yuno account. Access the":1,"#tab on the Yuno dashboard to access your credentials.":1},"version":37827}]