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Are you sure you wish to proceed\\?$"},{"phrase":"# (Low)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) \\(Low\\)$"},{"phrase":"# Sent","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) Sent$"},{"phrase":"# (Medium)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) \\(Medium\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Approved the Document ()","candidate":"#Approved the Document (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Approved the Document \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"# jamie simpson approved as a supplier - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# jamie simpson approved (.+?) as a supplier \\- $"},{"phrase":"#You are about to reassign this Non Conformance to .... To continue press the OK button below","candidate":"#You are about to reassign this Non Conformance to ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#You are about to reassign this Non Conformance to (.+?)\\.\\.\\.\\. To continue press the OK button below$"},{"phrase":"#You are about to reassign Non Conformance(s) to .... To continue press the OK button below","candidate":"#You are about to reassign ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#You are about to reassign ([\\d ]+) Non Conformance\\(s\\) to (.+?)\\.\\.\\.\\. To continue press the OK button below$"},{"phrase":"#Audit Item Attchment","candidate":"#Audit Item Attchment","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Audit Item Attchment(.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Audit Items ()","candidate":"#Audit Items (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Audit Items \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"# Audit Outcome: ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# Audit Outcome: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#AUS$ ","candidate":"#AUS$ ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#AUS\\$ (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#AUS$","candidate":"#AUS$","variables":[""],"regex":"^#AUS\\$(.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Cancellations processed: Successful: , Unable to cancel: ","candidate":"#Cancellations processed: Successful: ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Cancellations processed: Successful: (.+?), Unable to cancel: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# - Category Manager","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) \\- Category Manager$"},{"phrase":"#Changed File ","candidate":"#Changed File ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Changed File (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# Characters, max 4000 *","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) Characters, max 4000 \\*$"},{"phrase":"# Columns","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) Columns$"},{"phrase":"#This company will be added as a site of ","candidate":"#This company will be added as a site of ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#This company will be added as a site of (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# contact added: - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# contact added: (.+?) \\- $"},{"phrase":"#Coordinates ()","candidate":"#Coordinates (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Coordinates \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"#All selected ()","candidate":"#All selected (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#All selected \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Created New Version: ","candidate":"#Created New Version: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Created New Version: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Price ()","candidate":"#Price (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Price \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"# Customers","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) Customers$"},{"phrase":"#Posted by Grace Shearer on ","candidate":"#Posted by ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Posted by Grace Shearer on (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Last Updated: ","candidate":"#Last Updated: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Last Updated: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# declined a supplier change request. reason: - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# declined a supplier change request\\. reason: (.+?) \\- $"},{"phrase":"#Delete processed: Successful:, Unable to delete: ","candidate":"#Delete processed: Successful:","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Delete processed: Successful:(.+?), Unable to delete: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# deleted an associated site () - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# deleted an associated site \\((.+?)\\) \\- $"},{"phrase":"#The following documents have also been deleted: ","candidate":"#The following documents have also been deleted: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#The following documents have also been deleted: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Removed User From Site Department - ","candidate":"#Removed User From Site Department - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Removed User From Site Department \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Added User To Site Department - ","candidate":"#Added User To Site Department - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Added User To Site Department \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Documents: ","candidate":"#Documents: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Documents: ([\\d ]+)$"},{"phrase":"# requested a document (factory document - ) from - ","candidate":"#","variables":["","","",""],"regex":"^# requested a document \\(factory document \\- (.+?)\\) from (.+?) \\- $"},{"phrase":"# signed off a document () from - ","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^# signed off a document \\((.+?)\\) from (.+?) \\- $"},{"phrase":"#Moved to ","candidate":"#Moved to ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Moved to (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Document Shares ()","candidate":"#Document Shares (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Document Shares \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"# requested a document (accreditations & memberships - red tractor assurance certificate) from - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# requested a document \\(accreditations & memberships \\- red tractor assurance certificate\\) from (.+?) \\- $"},{"phrase":"#DOM","candidate":"#DOM","variables":[""],"regex":"^#DOM([\\d ]+)$"},{"phrase":"#A recent attempt to download data failed on . Please check your credentials and subscription.","candidate":"#A recent attempt to download data failed on ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#A recent attempt to download data failed on (.+?)\\. Please check your credentials and subscription\\.$"},{"phrase":"#You provided an email address for which belongs to a user in a different company","candidate":"#You provided an email address for ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#You provided an email address for (.+?) which belongs to a user in a different company$"},{"phrase":"#Internal Check Manager - Edit Language - ","candidate":"#Internal Check Manager - Edit Language - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Internal Check Manager \\- Edit Language \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# - Edit Step - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# \\- Edit Step \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#EXP","candidate":"#EXP","variables":[""],"regex":"^#EXP([\\d ]+)$"},{"phrase":"#Posted by on ","candidate":"#Posted by ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Posted by (.+?) on (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Field Selected","candidate":"#Field ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Field ([\\d ]+) Selected$"},{"phrase":"#Audit Item Attachment ","candidate":"#Audit Item Attachment ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Audit Item Attachment (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Finished Product - ","candidate":"#Finished Product - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Finished Product \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Folder has been moved to from Home Level.","candidate":"#Folder has been moved to ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Folder has been moved to (.+?) from Home Level\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Document () moved from following deletion","candidate":"#Document (","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Document \\((.+?)\\) moved from (.+?) following deletion$"},{"phrase":"#Folder () deleted by . Folder contents moved to Home level","candidate":"#Folder (","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Folder \\((.+?)\\) deleted by (.+?)\\. Folder contents moved to Home level$"},{"phrase":"#Folder has been renamed from to .","candidate":"#Folder has been renamed from ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Folder has been renamed from (.+?) to (.+?)\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Group Products - ","candidate":"#Group Products - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Group Products \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Hiding \"\" will also hide all of it's dependants. Do you still wish to hide this field?","candidate":"#Hiding \"","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Hiding \"(.+?)\" will also hide all of it's dependants\\. Do you still wish to hide this field\\?$"},{"phrase":"#Hiding \"\" will also hide all of it's dependants. Do you still wish to hide this section?","candidate":"#Hiding \"","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Hiding \"(.+?)\" will also hide all of it's dependants\\. Do you still wish to hide this section\\?$"},{"phrase":"# - Pending Approval","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) \\- Pending Approval$"},{"phrase":"#Ingredients - ","candidate":"#Ingredients - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Ingredients \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# Search results displayed for 30 day period : to . To search a longer date range please use the date filters.","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^# Search results displayed for 30 day period : (.+?) to (.+?)\\. To search a longer date range please use the date filters\\.$"},{"phrase":"# Confirmed an internal review of the audit ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# Confirmed an internal review of the audit (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Product has an invalid value : ","candidate":"#Product has an invalid value : ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Product has an invalid value : (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# Responded to an audit item ()","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^# Responded to an audit item \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"# Characters, max 255 *","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) Characters, max 255 \\*$"},{"phrase":"# Shared an audit with - , - , - (Message Included: )","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# Shared an audit with \\- , \\- , \\- \\(Message Included: (.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"# Shared an audit with - (Message Included: )","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# Shared an audit with \\- \\(Message Included: (.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"#-£","candidate":"#-£","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\-£(.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# - Select Suppliers","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) \\- Select Suppliers$"},{"phrase":"#Name change:\"\" to \"\"","candidate":"#Name change:\"","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Name change:\"(.+?)\" to \"(.+?)\"$"},{"phrase":"#Name: ","candidate":"#Name: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Name: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# contact added: - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# contact added: ([a-zA-Z ]+) \\- $"},{"phrase":"#Meet The Team - ","candidate":"#Meet The Team - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Meet The Team \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# has started an internal check that requires completion on ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# has started an internal check that requires completion on (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Created New Folder: ","candidate":"#Created New Folder: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Created New Folder: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#No User Groups found for ","candidate":"#No User Groups found for ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#No User Groups found for (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Note Added:","candidate":"#Note Added:","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Note Added:(.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# approved as a supplier - ","candidate":"#","variables":["","","",""],"regex":"^# (.+?) approved (.+?) as a supplier \\- $"},{"phrase":"# Tools","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) Tools$"},{"phrase":"# Users","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) Users$"},{"phrase":"#( sections are selected)","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?) sections are selected\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Between and ","candidate":"#Between ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Between ([\\d ]+) and ([\\d ]+)$"},{"phrase":"#You are confirming the following order quantities: ","candidate":"#You are confirming the following order quantities: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#You are confirming the following order quantities: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Overdue - ","candidate":"#Overdue - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Overdue \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Packaging - ","candidate":"#Packaging - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Packaging \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#You searched for - Page - Foods Connected","candidate":"#You searched for - Page ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#You searched for \\- Page (.+?) \\- Foods Connected$"},{"phrase":"#Page: of ; Rows: - of ","candidate":"#Page: ","variables":["","","","",""],"regex":"^#Page: ([\\d ]{1,3}) of ([\\d ]{1,3}); Rows: ([\\d ]{1,3})\\-([\\d ]{1,3}) of ([\\d ]{1,5})$"},{"phrase":"#+£","candidate":"#+£","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\+£(.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Point","candidate":"#Point","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Point([\\d ]+)$"},{"phrase":"#£","candidate":"#£","variables":[""],"regex":"^#£(.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#This preset field has a default label of: Would you like to replace the label you already entered?","candidate":"#This preset field has a default label of: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#This preset field has a default label of: (.+?) Would you like to replace the label you already entered\\?$"},{"phrase":"#Preset Fields: ","candidate":"#Preset Fields: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Preset Fields: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#This pricing grid () cannot be edited as it is not the latest version ().","candidate":"#This pricing grid (","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#This pricing grid \\((.+?)\\) cannot be edited as it is not the latest version \\((.+?)\\)\\.$"},{"phrase":"#pricing grid(s) were deleted","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?)pricing grid\\(s\\) were deleted$"},{"phrase":"# deleted individual product share () - share reason: build external specification - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# deleted individual product share \\((.+?)\\) \\- share reason: build external specification \\- $"},{"phrase":"#One or more products could not be found associated with the Site used for this order - ","candidate":"#One or more products could not be found associated with the Site used for this order - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#One or more products could not be found associated with the Site used for this order \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# shared individual product - share reason: build external specification - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# shared individual product (.+?) \\- share reason: build external specification \\- $"},{"phrase":"#You are confirming the following order quantities: ","candidate":"#You are confirming the following order quantities: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#You are confirming the following order quantities: ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)$"},{"phrase":"#[ rate: ]","candidate":"#[ rate: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\[ rate: (.+?)\\]$"},{"phrase":"#Received at ","candidate":"#Received at ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Received at (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# Recorded","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) Recorded$"},{"phrase":"# changed site relationship for to direct - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# changed site relationship for (.+?) to direct \\- $"},{"phrase":"#Removed File ''","candidate":"#Removed File '","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Removed File '(.+?)'$"},{"phrase":"#Removed From User Group - ","candidate":"#Removed From User Group - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Removed From User Group \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# requested a document (accreditations & memberships - gfsi recognised scheme (brc, fssc, ifs, sqf etc.)) from - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# requested a document \\(accreditations & memberships \\- gfsi recognised scheme \\(brc, fssc, ifs, sqf etc\\.\\)\\) from (.+?) \\- $"},{"phrase":"# requested a document (accreditations & memberships - gfsi recognised scheme (brc, fssc, ifs, sqf etc.) - brc) from - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# requested a document \\(accreditations & memberships \\- gfsi recognised scheme \\(brc, fssc, ifs, sqf etc\\.\\) \\- brc\\) from (.+?) \\- $"},{"phrase":"#Reset Filters ","candidate":"#Reset Filters ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Reset Filters (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Response will be sent to at ","candidate":"#Response will be sent to ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Response will be sent to (.+?) at (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Risk Assessments ()","candidate":"#Risk Assessments (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Risk Assessments \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"# Rows","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) Rows$"},{"phrase":"# / 10 selected","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) / 10 selected$"},{"phrase":"# selected","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) selected$"},{"phrase":"# Selected","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]+) Selected$"},{"phrase":"#Sent at ","candidate":"#Sent at ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Sent at (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Sign Off Required - ","candidate":"#Sign Off Required - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Sign Off Required \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Updated Signature - Field: Signature - Signed By ","candidate":"#Updated Signature - Field: Signature - Signed By ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Updated Signature \\- Field: Signature \\- Signed By (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#- (Signed Off)","candidate":"#- ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\- (.+?) \\(Signed Off\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Updated User Site From to ","candidate":"#Updated User Site From ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Updated User Site From (.+?) to (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# site relationship for not set - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# site relationship for (.+?) not set \\- $"},{"phrase":"#Site Products - ","candidate":"#Site Products - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Site Products \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Site Suppliers - ","candidate":"#Site Suppliers - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Site Suppliers \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Updated User Site To - ","candidate":"#Updated User Site To - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Updated User Site To \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Ingredients Specification - ","candidate":"#Ingredients Specification - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Ingredients Specification \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#This Standard is currently with , you will be notified when they share the standard for review...","candidate":"#This Standard is currently with ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#This Standard is currently with (.+?), you will be notified when they share the standard for review\\.\\.\\.$"},{"phrase":"# updated status for to requires review - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# updated status for (.+?) to requires review \\- $"},{"phrase":"# updated status for to - ","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^# updated status for (.+?) to (.+?) \\- $"},{"phrase":"#Step of ","candidate":"#Step ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Step (.+?) of (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Subfolders:","candidate":"#Subfolders:","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Subfolders:(.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#(if you are unable to confirm any such lines please arrange for them to be removed from the order by notifying )","candidate":"#(if you are unable to confirm any such lines please arrange for them to be removed from the order by notifying ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\(if you are unable to confirm any such lines please arrange for them to be removed from the order by notifying (.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"# added associated site supplied via: - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# added associated site supplied via: (.+?) \\- $"},{"phrase":"#Meet The Team – ","candidate":"#Meet The Team – ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Meet The Team – (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Meet the Team - ","candidate":"#Meet the Team - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Meet the Team \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# Text search results for '' displayed for period to ","candidate":"#","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^# Text search results for '(.+?)' displayed for period (.+?) to (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Updated the status to Completed & Approved ()","candidate":"#Updated the status to Completed & Approved (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Updated the status to Completed & Approved \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Updated the status to Approval Required ()","candidate":"#Updated the status to Approval Required (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Updated the status to Approval Required \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Updated the status to Requires Review ()","candidate":"#Updated the status to Requires Review (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Updated the status to Requires Review \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Updated File: ","candidate":"#Updated File: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Updated File: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Updated File ''","candidate":"#Updated File '","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Updated File '(.+?)'$"},{"phrase":"#Version number has been updated from to ","candidate":"#Version number has been updated from ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Version number has been updated from ([\\d ]+) to ([\\d ]+)$"},{"phrase":"#Supplier Audit Manager - User Activity Subscriptions - ","candidate":"#Supplier Audit Manager - User Activity Subscriptions - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Supplier Audit Manager \\- User Activity Subscriptions \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#User Groups for ","candidate":"#User Groups for ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#User Groups for (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# has requested more info to approve a workflow step ''","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) has requested more info to approve a workflow step ''$"},{"phrase":"#(Version )","candidate":"#(Version ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\(Version (.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"# deleted associated site supplied via: - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^# deleted associated site supplied via: (.+?) \\- $"},{"phrase":"#Viewing Result(s)","candidate":"#Viewing ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Viewing (.+?) Result\\(s\\)$"},{"phrase":"# (Approved)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) \\(Approved\\)$"},{"phrase":"# (Completed)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) \\(Completed\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Zone Radius (Km): ","candidate":"#Zone Radius (Km): ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Zone Radius \\(Km\\): (.+?)$"}],"allowComplexCssSelectors":false,"blockedClasses":false,"blockedIds":["email","name"],"phraseDetection":true,"customDomainSettings":[],"seoSetting":[],"translateSource":false,"overage":false,"detectPhraseFromAllLanguage":false,"googleAnalytics":false,"mixpanel":false,"heap":false,"blockedComplexSelectors":[]},"version":69827},{"_id":"en","source":"en","pluralFn":"return n != 1 ? 1 : 0;","pluralForm":2,"dictionary":{},"version":69827},{"_id":"outdated","outdated":{"#Missing Supplier Reference\\nMissing Delivered To Supplier Reference":1,"#Product errors exist. View the order to see the products in error\\nMissing Supplier Reference":1,"# updated company profile - short code, address line 3, town/city, county, post code, local currency, locale - ":1,"#Provided email address will be notified of unsuccessful submissions":1,"#Could not save the specification as the following required fields have not been completed on the template:
  • Please complete these fields to save the template":1,"#Could not save the specification as the following required fields have not been completed on the template:
  • Please complete these fields to save the template":1,"#Sedex (Custom Field)":1,"#Could not save the specification as the following required fields have not been completed on the template:
  • Please complete these fields to save the template":1,"# updated company profile - company name, factory code, telephone, fax, email, website, address line 1, address line 2, town/city, county, post code, default commercial contact, default technical contact, default agri contact - ":1,"# updated company profile - company name, timezone - ":1,"# updated company profile - factory code, telephone, email, website, town/city, default commercial contact, default technical contact, local currency, timezone, locale - ":1,"# updated company profile - telephone, email, website, address line 1, address line 2, address line 3, town/city, post code, default commercial contact, default technical contact, default agri contact, local currency, timezone, locale - ":1,"#Deleting the selected subcategories will make 0 documents drop their subcategory. Are you sure you want to continue?":1,"#Please Note: No suppliers/countries are available for the selected sites and date range. Please click 'Previous' to review your selections.":1,"#Site/Location":1,"#Please enter a rule description.":1,"#Category - Re-Order Options":1,"#- Category":1,"#Supplier Check Manager - Form Template History":1,"#If a user is tagged as 'Inactive', they have not been active on Foods Connected in the last 3 months.":1,"#Please review the following:":1,"#Response History":1,"#Comment is required if not confirming products.":1,"#- Sub Category":1,"#Update Option":1,"#Parents 1 Selected":1,"#Option Updated Successfully":1,"#Data Form:":1,"#Product Marketing Manager (Hybrid, Derry/Belfast)":1,"#Project Manager- Customer Success (Hybrid, Chicago)":1,"#Project Manager - Customer Success (Hybrid, Sydney)":1,"#Project Manager - Customer Success (Hybrid, Derry/Belfast)":1,"#Total %":1,"#Comparision Pie Chart":1,"#Combined Comparision Bar Chart":1,"#Combined rows with":1,"#previous by date range":1,"#Comparision with":1,"#previous by table row":1,"#New Cost Of Goods Analysis Report":1,"#This order will be issued as a space booking & pricing will be null until approved pricing becomes available. Are you sure you wish to continue?":1,"#Source supplier successfully updated.":1,"#Tax Rate":1,"#Are you sure you would like to set the selected item(s) as delisted (inactive)?":1,"# This Internal check is currently set to More Info Requested making changes will automatically reset it back to In Progress and it will need to be completed & approved internally again.":1,"# updated company profile - default commercial contact, default technical contact, default agri contact - ":1,"#(a) Identity
    (b) Contact
    (c) Technical":1,"#(a) Necessary for our legitimate interests (for running our business, provision of administration and IT services, network security, to prevent fraud and in the context of a business reorganisation or group restructuring exercise).
    (b) Necessary to comply with a legal obligation.":1,"#To process and deliver your company’s orders including:
    (a) To manage payments, fees and charges
    (b) To collect and recover money owed to us":1,"#(a) Identity
    (b) Contact
    (c) Marketing and Communications":1,"#(a) Identity
    (b) Contact
    (c) Profile
    (d) Usage
    (e) Marketing and Communications
    (f) Technical":1,"#(a) Identity
    (b) Contact":1,"#(a) Consent.
    (b) Necessary for our legitimate interests (for the functioning and running of the Site).":1,"#(a) Necessary to comply with a legal obligation
    (b) Necessary for our legitimate interests (to keep our records updated and to study how customers use our products/services and for the functioning of the Site).
    (c) Consent.":1,"#To manage our relationship with you which will include:
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    Patrick Street, Londonderry,
    BT48 7EL
    ":1,"#Providing information in real time is fundamental to the proper management of risks and nonconformance across the food supply chain.

    Request HACCP flows and specific documents such as microcerts for site audits. Requests can be sent to everyone across the supply chain, from farmers to retailers. Everything is consolidated and shared to create a single source of truth for compliance.

    Create trends out of non-specification control points to drive continual improvement. Send automatic notifications to key team members such as senior management so that instances of non-conformance can be resolved as quickly as possible.

    ":1,"#Unlock the best version
    of your supply chain!":1,"#ONE SIMPLE SOLUTION.
    BUILT FOR ALL.":1,"#Create risk assessment matrices for day-to-day monitoring of CCPs, including pre-production hygiene audits, pH and metal testing, and temperature checks.

    Build bespoke forms for your quality management system, and compile all of your day-to-day documentation in a single accessible location in the event of a safety risk or product recall.

    If anything is out of specification in your daily monitoring, our platform will instantly trigger a non-conformance prompt. You can then manage all of your subsequent corrective actions in the Foods Connected platform.":1,"#Manage daily HACCP checks and HACCP plan approvals to ensure
    food safety and quality":1,"#Streamline your engagement with suppliers as part of a transparent food supply chain. This includes automating the supplier approval process both on and offline, so you can easily meet prerequisites for HACCP plans.

    Immediately categorise suppliers based on risk for microbiological, chemical or physical hazards, as well as risks concerning allergens.

    Collate supplier approval data and automatically renew supplier approval questionnaires. Our system will then instantly flag if suppliers are compliant, non-compliant or require a review.

    Collaborate with suppliers on product specification management, with instant access to product databases in the event of a recall or food safety incident.

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Please click 'Back to My Company Specifications'.":1,"#Please select a saved report using the options menu.":1,"#Successfully deleted image":1,"#Suchen...":1,"#new yield tree added":1,"#Report Details":1,"#Residual Value":1,"#Weight Form Field":1,"#Additional Costing Fields":1,"#(excluding weight & additional costings)":1,"#Residual Values":1,"#Add New Report Filter":1,"#WARNING: Reports have been generated from this Template therefore it can no longer be modified":1,"#Then By":1,"#Residual Values Currency":1,"#- Edit Financial Report Template":1,"#Financial Report Template Title":1,"#Footer Comment":1,"#Order By":1,"#New Financial Report Template":1,"#Restrictions":1,"#Filter On":1,"#Included Fields":1,"#Only Apply Residual Values to":1,"#- Financial Report Templates":1,"#Any dependants of these sections/fields on other pages will also be hidden. Do you still wish to continue this action?":1,"#Enable sending email notifications to users with any overdue non conformances":1,"#We're sorry. It looks like you've already submitted that.":1,"#Specification Manager - Update Form - Translate Section":1,"#Specification Manager - Update Form - Translate Field":1,"#Intolerances - Rye and Derivatives - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Peanut Oil - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Salt - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Salt - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Peanut Oil - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Fruit & Derivatives - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Chicken and Derivatives - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Capsicums - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Calf Rennet - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Aniseed - Present in Material":1,"#Allergens - Lupin and Derivatives - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Marine Plant(s) and Derivatives (eg, Seaweed) - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Maize and Derivatives - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Lettuce and Derivatives - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Legumes / Pulses - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Lactose - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Garlic - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Fructose - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Alcohol (Ethanol) - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Lamb and Derivatives - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Glutamate (Naturally Occurring) - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Allium Species (excluding garlic) - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Allium Species (excluding garlic) - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Rapeseed and Derivatives - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Pork and Derivatives - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Palm, Palm kernel & derivatives - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Legumes / Pulses - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Kiwi and Derivatives - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Fruit & Derivatives - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Cocoa and Derivatives - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Chickpea and Derivatives - Used on same product lines?":1,"#Intolerances - Bell Peppers - Present in Material":1,"#Allergens - Allergenic Cross-contamination - Is there possible presence of EU/UK 14 allergen(s) through cross-contamination or adventitious presence?":1,"#Allergens - Celery and Derivatives - Present in Material":1,"#Intolerances - Rice and Derivatives - Present in Material":1},"version":69827}]