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Stress can go up and down but congrats on the work you’ve done to keep it from going too high.":1,"#Depression":1,"#Please enter a password":1,"#Parenting":1,"#Good to hear that your wellbeing is around same level as most adults nationally. Wellbeing is subjective and has ups and downs of course but your average is similar to others.":1,"#Meditation":1,"#Pick as Coach":1,"#Here are the common problems for which people use Uprise. Are you facing any of them now? (You can select more than one.)":1,"#Book a call":1,"#While Uprise has been clinically proven to be effective, it is not a crisis service or a replacement for medical intervention or therapy.":1,"#Your Wellbeing and Stress Score":1,"#Let's begin by measuring your current Wellbeing levels. We're going to ask you 11 questions and this will take only 2-3 minutes of your time.":1,"#What about my privacy? 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Create an Account!":1,"#Overloaded with work":1,"#Program Overview":1,"#None of these options":1,"#By continuing, you agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy.":1,"#Family issue":1,"#Lacking resources to do job":1,"#Bullying":1,"#Not paid enough for the work I do":1,"#Name *":1,"#Get a Coach":1,"#Stress Fitness Check":1,"#Lacking friendships/peer support at work":1,"#Your score":1,"#Uncertainty if my job is secure":1,"#Already have an account? Sign in":1,"#Lacking opportunities to work on what I like":1,"#Current project not engaging/interesting":1,"#Learn mental fitness skills":1,"#Frustrated with a colleague/colleagues":1,"#Health":1,"#Not sure what's expected of me for task/role/project":1,"#Not recognised enough for the work I do":1,"#Lacking support to do job":1,"#Unfair/disrespectful treatment by management":1,"#Alcohol, Gambling or Addictions":1,"#Stress or Worry":1,"#Change my beliefs":1,"#Most of the time":1,"#More than half of the time":1,"#Less than half of the time":1,"#Helping Others with Mental Health":1,"#Some of the time":1,"#All of the time":1,"#At no time":1,"#Mental health":1,"#Better sleep":1,"#Build better habits":1,"#Career":1,"#Uprise is 4x more effective with coaching":1,"#Relationships":1,"#Recommended for You":1,"#Phone number *":1,"#Reflective Listening":1,"#Helping others to feel understood":1,"#9 mins | 3 Exercises":1,"#Retraining thoughts about stress":1,"#Frequently Asked Questions":1,"#Stress":1,"#typing":1,"#Welcome to Uprise":1,"#Email Address *":1,"#send":1,"#Get started with Mindset":1,"#Video:":1,"#Up Next":1,"#We’re always here to help":1,"#Wellbeing Check":1,"#Worried about coronavirus?":1,"#Start now":1,"#Access Support Now":1,"#Emergency numbers":1,"#6 mins | 2 Exercises":1,"#Uncover your personal values":1,"#Call Us":1,"#Let’s get started":1,"#Coping with stress, grief, and uncertainty":1,"#Tip: grab your headphone before it begins":1,"#Build your resilience":1,"#Core Skills":1,"#Sign up":1,"#How to manage highly stressful moments.":1,"#Retrain unhelpful thoughts":1,"#Request a call back":1,"#Personal Values":1,"#Library":1,"#Here are your current scores":1,"#Mindset":1,"#Stress Management":1,"#Be more present":1,"#Home":1,"#You":1,"#Your Mental Health":1,"#Check Now":1,"#Notebook":1,"#Stress Score":1,"#Coaching":1,"#Wellbeing Score":1,"#Password *":1,"#Feedback":1,"#English":1,"#Uprise - Mental Resilience":1},"version":2668}]