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This issue impacted customers who use participant data information and we have confirmed republishing flows will not be necessary once fix is fully in place.":1,"#Teams have identified an issue impacting inbound chat and email. Teams are implementing mitigation steps. Once mitigation steps are complete, customers will need to re-publish flows.":1,"#This issue has been resolved.":1,"#Wrap Up Completion( Non-Voice): Global":1,"#Elevated Error Rates Impacting Permissions Gating/Permissions Checking Through API":1,"#Elevated Error Rates America's (US-East) Impacting External Contacts":1,"#Between 08:04 and 08:28 Eastern, Genesys Cloud customers in the America's (US-East) region may have experienced delays with real time Analytics. Root cause was identified and system has fully recovered at this time.":1,"#Analytics Delays - America's (US East)":1,"#Mitigation steps have taken effect. External Contacts is now operating normally.":1,"#Elevated Error Rates: Americas (US West)":1,"#Some customers may be experiencing delays with queue reporting, interaction details, and performance reports.":1,"#Elevated Error Rates: Americas (US East)":1,"#Messaging Delays - America's (US East)":1,"#This issue has been resolved. Investigation into specifics of root cause will continue. Once available, full root cause will be provided through cases.":1,"#Error rates are improving and health checks are beginning to pass, however, some customers may still experience issues with notifications/connections until the issue is fully resolved.":1,"#Analytics and Reporting Latency: Americas (US East)":1,"#Teams are continuing recovery efforts and we see improvement as health checks continue to pass. While root cause has not been confirmed, it is believed an earlier data spike caused a mass reconnection for a service supporting event notifications. Recovery has been focused on allowing new connections and retries while managing CPU usage on instances.":1,"#Errors remain above expected thresholds but are improving. Teams continue monitoring health checks on services as we recover.":1,"#Teams have implemented steps to mitigate high CPU and memory on instances still impacted by this event. Monitoring error rates to determine if instances are able to become healthy once the change takes effect.":1,"#We are continuing to see improvement as additional mitigation steps have been implemented. Continuing to monitor as error rates decline. Next update 12PM Eastern.":1,"#After previous recovery we are now seeing some new spikes in CPU. Teams are implementing additional steps to recover. Next update 13:00 Eastern or sooner as information becomes available.":1,"#Additional mitigation steps have been implemented. Some instances are seeing improvement, however, several instances are continuing to experience high error rates due to topology changes that were made as part of the mitigation. Teams continue to work toward full recovery.":1,"#Teams are investigating an issue impacting notifications that may prevent agents from taking interactions. Next update 10AM or as information becomes available.":1,"#Teams are continuing triage and investigation to determine mitigation steps to restore service. Next update bottom of the hour or as information becomes available.":1,"#Mitigation steps have had some impact and while we are seeing improvement, we continue to see elevated CPU and memory on instances. Teams continue to investigate and are implementing additional measures to recover. Next update 11:30AM Eastern.":1,"#Mitigation steps have been applied. Monitoring to determine if additional fix actions are needed. Next update top of the hour.":1,"#Elevated Error Rates EMEA (Frankfurt)":1,"#Current Status":1},"version":7217}]