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Echa un vistazo a nuestro":1,"#Cuantas más conversaciones tengas,":1,"#Ya sea chateando de forma informal o participando con un mayor compromiso y esfuerzo, asegúrate de que tu equipo forme parte activa de la comunidad.":1,"#Incentiva la colaboración, las conversaciones civilizadas y comparte todo tipo de conocimientos. Y, cuando toque, predica tú mismo con el ejemplo.":1,"#Así se lo pondrás fácil a quienes quieran encontrar conversaciones en las que participar.":1,"#Los canales de foro están para tenerlo todo organizado, por lo que unas directivas claras harán que todo el mundo sepa bien qué hacer desde el principio.":1,"#Piensa bien cuáles son los temas más importantes que les interesarán a tus miembros.":1,"#Si te interesa promover conversaciones mejor estructuradas, tenemos una nueva función en fase de pruebas que puede que te guste:":1,"#entregar":1,"#Sicher und privat shoppen":1,"#Comunidade em Lisboa":1,"#Important Policy Updates - https://discord.com/":1,"#respostas":1,"#Privacidade e":1,"#as pessoas":1,"#O que está acontecendo com os":1,"#O que está acontecendo com":1,"#para abrir um":1,"#einzugeben,":1,"#Cada canal de foro tiene":1,"#Los canales de foro están diseñados para":1,"#lembre-se":1,"#Daha Fazla":1,"#Ti'ng Vi'tTradução":1,"#SvenskaTradução":1,"#Suomi (em inglês)":1,"#Norsk (em inglês)":1,"#MagyarTradução":1,"#lietuvi? kalbaTradução":1,"#HrvatskiTradução":1,"#Deutsch (em inglês)":1,"#Dansk (em inglês)":1,"#Lietuvic?kai":1,"#Des clips aux photos, partagez avec des téléchargements de fichiers plus importants":1,"#ícone":1,"#específicos":1,"#Você pode":1,"#abrir":1,"#O que está acontecendo":1,"#O que está":1,"#acontecendo com os aplicativos?":1,"#está acontecendo com os aplicativos?":1,"#que está acontecendo com os aplicativos?":1,"#Entschädigung":1,"#Moderazione e supporto della community per gestire il server":1,"#Mantenere il server e la community al sicuro":1,"#Imposta il tono giusto. Incoraggiare la collaborazione, la conversazione civile e la condivisione della conoscenza. Quando possibile, dare l'esempio.":1,"#Soprattutto: provalo prima di spedirlo.":1,"#trybie dewelopera":1,"#acontecendo":1,"#Mensagem":1,"#Ultimo aggiornamento":1,"#querem":1,"#próxima":1,"#Bem-vindo à nova era dos apps do":1,"#artigo":1,"#acessar":1,"#para aprender a crear el tuyo hoy mismo.":1,"#que ayudan a la gente a encontrar conversaciones que puedan interesarle. Todo está diseñado para que los miembros puedan crear publicaciones nuevas de manera ágil, que no haya ningún tipo de líos y promover conversaciones significativas.":1,"#Centre national pour les enfants disparus et exploités":1,"#Iată câteva reguli pentru conținutul de pe Discord:":1,"#Bem-vindo à nova era dos":1,"#mensagem":1,"#que explican qué tipo de temas están permitidos y":1,"#Bem-vindo à nova era":1,"#Podmínky služby":1,"#Ante todo,":1,"#diapositive précédente":1,"#nickname":1,"#4. Select the type of abuse you're seeing":1,"#V roce 2015 začali tedy Stan s Jasonem přivádět k životu Discord. Lidé po celém světě si jej hned oblíbili. S Discordem jste mohli s přáteli komunikovat velmi snadno nejen v rámci běžného pokecu – naskytl se totiž způsob, jak být v kontaktu se svými různými komunitami. Discord zjednodušoval komunikaci prostřednictvím textu, hlasu i videa. Šlo o složitou technologii s jednoduchým záměrem: udělat z Discordu přívětivou a pohodlnou základnu, kde zakotvíte se svou komunitou a přáteli. Během pár let se Discord uchytil a po celém světě jsme začali získávat oddané fanoušky našeho počinu.":1,"#Discord vznikl jako řešení jednoho velikého problému: jak komunikovat s přáteli po celém světě při hraní online her. Zakladatelé Jason Citron a Stan Vishnevskiy už od dětství sdíleli nadšení pro videohry. Hraní jim umožnilo získat kontakty a navázat cenná přátelství. Tehdy byly veškeré nástroje vytvořené k tomuto účelu pomalé, nespolehlivé a složité. Jason a Stan byli přesvědčeni, že dokáží přijít s lepší službou, která povzbudí komunikaci, pomůže tvořit vzpomínky a obnoví pocit sounáležitosti, který při hraní vzniká.":1,"#Předmluva":1,"#Discord má za cíl umožnit lidem ve svém životě budovat prostor postavený na sounáležitosti. Chceme vám usnadnit pravidelný kontakt s těmi, na kterých vám záleží. Chceme, abyste mohli budovat skutečné vztahy s přáteli a komunitami, ať už bydlí poblíž nebo na druhé straně světa. Jedinečnost, spolehlivost, hravost a pochopení. To jsou hodnoty, které spojují naše uživatele i pracovníky Discordu.":1,"#Tu en veux encore plus ?":1,"#Optagelse understøttes også i en indlejring. Her er et billede for at vise et eksempel på disse egenskaber:

Example image to showcase the elements of an embed
En vigtig ting at bemærke er, at indlejringer også har deres begrænsninger, som er fastsat af API'en. Her er nogle af de vigtigste, som det er nyttigt at kende:

En vigtig ting at bemærke er, at indlejringer også har deres begrænsninger, som er fastsat af API'en. Her er nogle af de vigtigste, som det er nyttigt at kende:":1,"#Kanäle verwalten Erlaubt es den Benutzern, Kanäle zu bearbeiten, indem sie den Mauszeiger über den Kanalnamen bewegen und auf das Zahnrad klicken oder indem sie den Kanalnamen oben auf ihrem Mobilgerät antippen und dann auf Einstellungen tippen. Man kann den Kanalnamen ändern, den langsamen Modus aktivieren, die Kanalberechtigungen verwalten oder den Kanal löschen.":1,"#Bienvenido a la nueva era de las aplicaciones de Discord":1,"#Emplois et opportunités de carrière chez Discord":1,"#As of October 4th, 2021, Stage Discovery has been sunset. You can still learn what this feature used to entail in this blog post.":1,"#Today is the 21st annual Safer Internet Day. That means at the prime age of 21, the annual online celebration that helps raise awareness around internet safety is older than many folks who hang out online with their friends on a daily basis! A lot has changed about how the internet impacts our daily lives in all those years — let’s talk about how we’re celebrating the work being done around the globe to make a difference.":1,"#We’re working with organizations–and directly with teens–to make the internet a better, safer place on Safer Internet Day, and every other day of the year.":1,"#El mejor consejo: Como los administradores de servidor pueden ver todos los enlaces de invitación de su servidor, puedes evaluar quién envía invitaciones y a cuánta gente atrae. Incluso puedes convertir esta práctica en un juego y conceder roles o recompensas especiales a los miembros que atraigan más gente a tu comunidad. Para ello, ve a Ajustes del servidor > Invitaciones.
":1,"#Promoción":1,"#For AAPI Heritage Month, we’re celebrating the things that make each of us unique.":1,"#We're always looking to make Discord more helpful for all communities, whether your server is you and your closest friends or it’s home to the entire fandom of your favorite hobby. Starting this week, you may see some of the bigger servers you’re in show off new features you haven’t seen before.":1,"#pelo menos":1,"#Set up":1,"#Still can’t find
o que está procurando?":1,"#Als je tiener te maken krijgt met een schending van onze Communityrichtlijnen, zoals lastig vallen of ongepaste content, maak dan een melding die zo veel mogelijk informatie bevat. Ons Trust & Safety-team heeft als eerste prioriteit ervoor zorgen dat kwaadwillende gebruikers de ervaring van je tiener op Discord niet verstoren. We bieden ook een aantal hulpmiddelen om tieners (en ieder ander) de controle te geven over hun ervaring op Discord.":1,"#Communities and the creators who build them are at the heart of what we do at Discord. That's why we're starting to build new tools to make make the monetization process more seamless so communities can have direct ways within Discord to offer premium experiences.":1,"#Three great communities are here to share their experiences, plus some tips for hosting your own successful Stage events.":1,"#Keine Authentifizierung, ob die an den WebHook gesendeten Daten von einer vertrauenswürdigen Quelle stammen. Wenn die WebHook-URL geleakt wird, können nur vorübergehende Probleme (z. B. Spam) auftreten.":1,"#Rolsortering: Als je bij elke taal alleen de bijbehorende moderatorrol weergeeft, geef alle moderators dan ook een algemene, niet zichtbare rol, zodat het ene team zich niet minder gewaardeerd voelt dan het andere. Gebruikers moeten natuurlijk het juiste personeelslid kunnen bereiken en de juiste moderators kunnen pingen om ze te helpen bij problemen in de chat. Maar als er veel teams zichtbaar zijn met veel leden, passen soms niet alle leden op het scherm. Je loopt dan het risico dat sommige moderators die onder de andere teams staan ondergewaardeerd en minder belangrijk voor de community lijken. Maar met zo'n gedeelde stafrol los je dat probleem eenvoudig op.
":1,"#Een mogelijk negatief gevolg van deze methode is faalangst bij onervaren moderators. Stel ze gerust en zeg dat het prima is om fouten te maken, zolang je je verantwoordelijkheid neemt en ervan wilt leren. Moderatie is iets dat constant verandert en incidentele fouten moeten niet worden bestraft.

Het kan verleidelijk zijn deze regelmatige oefeningen incognito uit te voeren (bijvoorbeeld slecht gedrag vertonen met een ander account om te zien hoe iemand reageert) of mensen zonder waarschuwing te testen. Dit levert meer onbevooroordeelde resultaten op, maar er zit ook een nadeel aan. Het doet vaak meer kwaad dan goed als je je moderatieteam 'in de val lokt', helemaal in teams die vertrouwen en moreel hoog in het vaandel hebben. We raden je aan dit niet te doen en in plaats daarvan transparant te zijn over regelmatige oefeningen, om vervelende situaties te voorkomen.":1,"#We’ve made the decision to sunset the Stage Discovery feature starting on October 4, 2021. We’re going to continue to invest in Stage channels themselves as a way for communities to engage.":1,"#Een gouden manier om situaties te de-escaleren. Gebruikers die tijdens een frustrerende of toxische discussie gespannen raken, vervallen eerder in verdere toxiciteit, met of zonder opzet. Typ rustig en benader het de-escaleren op een manier die duidelijk maakt dat je het beste voor hebt met de betrokkenen.
":1,"#Onderhoud een kanaal voor offtopicdiscussies. Zorg dat je moderators een kanaal hebben waar ze ontspannen kunnen kletsen over de dingen die ze leuk vinden, zodat ze elkaar beter kunnen leren kennen. Ze bekleden een machtspositie, maar dat wil niet zeggen dat ze geen lol kunnen hebben of niet over dingen kunnen praten die niet direct betrekking hebben op de server.
":1,"#Blijf in contact met moderators. Bied moderators je hulp aan of check hoe met ze gaat als ze zich al een tijdje niet hebben laten zien. Het geven van positieve feedback is een prima manier om in contact te blijven met je moderators. Positieve, gerichte feedback is een van de beste manieren om het harde, vaak ondankbare werk van je moderators te erkennen.
":1,"#Selbst wenn du ein Passwort wie „th3_m0s7-s3cuRe_p422w0rd-u-cAN_m3mor1z3“ hast, solltest du dich nicht darauf verlassen, dass dieses Passwort dein einziges ist. Leider gibt es immer wieder Datenlecks, bei denen deine Anmeldedaten an jeden weitergegeben werden können, der einfach nur Zugang zu irgendwelchen Accounts im Internet haben will, egal mit welcher Absicht.

Wir empfehlen, deine E-Mail-Adresse oder Telefonnummer auf Have I Been Pwnedzu überprüfen, eine Website, die E-Mail-Adressen und Telefonnummern mit bekannten Datenlecks abgleichen kann. Wenn deine Daten auf einer von Pwned angezeigten Website auftauchen, solltest du alle dort benutzten Passwörter als gefährdet betrachten und sie aktualisieren oder ändern.
":1,"#Alle Informationen zum QR-Code-Login findest du im Hilfecenter-Artikel hier..
":1,"#Wenn du dein Smartphone immer bei dir trägst, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß, dass sowohl Discord als auch deine Authentifizierungs-App auf deinem Telefon installiert sind. Wie willst du dich denn sonst unterwegs mit deinen Freunden austauschen?

Mit dem QR-Code-Login musst du dich nicht mehr mit deiner E-Mail-Adresse, deinem Passwort oder einem einmaligen Login-Code anmelden. Das ist ideal, wenn du Discord auf einem gemeinsam genutzten Computer benutzt oder dein sicheres Passwort aus Dutzenden von zufälligen Zeichen besteht, deren Transkription Minuten dauern kann.
":1,"#Möchtest du, dass dein Browser dein Passwort speichert? Die meisten modernen Browser, wie Chrome, Firefoxund iCloud-Schlüsselbund sowohl für macOS als auch für iOS können dein sicheres Passwort speichern, ohne dass du einen weiteren Passwortmanager herunterladen musst. Egal, wie du dein Passwort speicherst, es ist allemal besser als ein Passwort, bei dem du deine Lieblingsfarbe dreimal wiederholst.
":1,"#Glücklicherweise musst du dir das „s3cuRe_p422w0rd“ heutzutage nicht mehr merken: Passwortmanager wie 1Password, Dashlaneoder LastPass erstellen komplexe Passwörter UND merken sie sich für dich.
":1,"#Trotz all dieser Empfehlungen ist unser letzter Ratschlag so wichtig, dass er sich auf deine gesamte Internetpräsenz bezieht: Lade niemals Programme von Personen oder Websites herunter, denen du nicht vertraust! Selbst mit den sichersten Passwörtern und 2FA-Einstellungen sowie einem echten Wachhund auf deiner Tastatur kann das Ausführen von Schadsoftware viel mehr Schaden anrichten als nur ein verlorener Account.

Bleib vor allem klug, wachsam und sicher da draußen. Wenn etwas schief läuft, kannst du dich jederzeit an unser Support-Team wenden unter dis.gd/support.
":1,"#Tu préfères que ton navigateur sauvegarde ton mot de passe ? La plupart des navigateurs modernes, comme Chrome, Firefoxet iCloud Keychain pour macOS et iOS peuvent t'aider à sauvegarder ton mot de passe sûr sans que tu aies besoin de télécharger un autre gestionnaire. Quelle que soit la manière dont tu l'enregistres, ce sera toujours mieux qu'un mot de passe qui répète trois fois ta couleur préférée.
":1,"#We've got the scoop on a ton of amazing community events, a new bot, and some appropriately proud artwork.":1,"#Si tu as toujours ton smartphone sur toi, il y a de bonnes chances que Discord et ton application d'authentification soient déjà installées dessus. Après tout, sans cela, comment ferais-tu pour rester en contact avec tes amis quand tu bouges ?

Avec la connexion par code QR, tu n'as pas besoin de te connecter avec ton adresse e-mail, ton mot de passe ou un code de connexion à usage unique. C'est une bonne solution si tu utilises Discord sur un ordinateur partagé, ou si ton mot de passe sécurisé est composé de dizaines de caractères aléatoires qu'il te faut plusieurs minutes pour transcrire.
":1,"#Pour tout savoir sur la connexion par code QR, consulte l'article du centre d'aide, ici.
":1,"#Après tout ce qui précède, un dernier conseil, assez important pour s'appliquer à ton expérience Internet dans sa globalité : ne télécharge ou n'exécute jamais un programme venant de gens ou de sites dans lesquels tu n'as pas une entière confiance ! Même si tu as le mot de passe le plus sécurisé du monde, la 2FA activée et un chien méchant qui garde ton clavier, le fait d'exécuter des logiciels malveillants peut causer toutes sortes de dégâts, qui vont au-delà d'un compte perdu.

Avant tout : sois malin, vigilant et prudent. Si quelque chose tourne mal, tu peux toujours contacter notre équipe d'assistance à dis.gd/support.
":1,"#Même si tu as « l3_m0t-2-p422e-LE_+_s3cuRiSe_Du-mOnd3 », ne t'attends pas à ce que cela soit ton seul mot de passe. Hélas, les fuites de données qui ont lieu ici et là peuvent exposer tes informations de connexion à tous ceux qui cherchent à avoir accès à des comptes aléatoires sur Internet, quelles que soient leurs intentions.

Nous te conseillons de vérifier ton e-mail ou numéro de téléphone sur Have I Been Pwned, un site capable d'effectuer une recherche croisée des e-mails et numéros de téléphone avec les piratages et fuites de données qui ont eu lieu par le passé. Si tes infos apparaissent sur un site « pwned », tu dois considérer que tous les mots de passe que tu as utilisés là-bas sont en danger et doivent être mis à jour ou changés.
":1,"#Heureusement, de nos jours tu n'es plus obligé de mémoriser tes « mOtS_2_p422e » fous : des gestionnaires de mots de passe comme 1Password, Dashlaneou LastPass créent des mots de passe complexes pour toi ET les mémorisent.
":1,"#Submitting a false or misleading report of a violation of Discord’s Community Guidelines
◦ Note that simply incorrect reports and requests made in apparent good faith are not considered a violation of this policy":1,"#Listening to Your Member":1,"#disponible ici":1,"#Creating or using a Discord identity for an individual or entity that does not exist
◦ This only applies to fake profiles that deceive others about their ownership or affiliation. Accounts using aliases, stage names, and those without an established identity will not be considered violative of this policy
◦ We will only remove fake profiles if they are used in connection with one of our other Platform Integrity policies: Deceptive Practices, Misinformation, or Platform Manipulation":1,"#You must be at least 18 years old, the Admin of a primarily French-speaking community, and based in France to be eligible to apply for the program.**Acceptance into the Accelerator does not guarantee acceptance into the Partner Program**.":1,"#Prowadź kanał do rozmów nie na temat Prowadź kanał do nieformalnych rozmów, na którym moderatorzy mogą rozmawiać o swoich zainteresowaniach i lepiej się poznać. To, że mają odpowiedzialną rolę, nie znaczy, że nie mogą się bawić lub rozmawiać o rzeczach niezwiązanych bezpośrednio ze stanem serwera.
":1,"#Thank you so much to Shrooberry for their help in writing this article. If you’d like to join the MCAT server, click here to check it out.":1,"#Who doesn’t love free stuff? Participants will get an exclusive welcome kit packed with unique merch, including chances to get even more sweet stuff along the way.":1,"#Meet fellow community admins, here to share their advice & offer best practices that have worked for them.":1,"#Receive thoughtful support from the Discord team, along with a peer network of fellow community admins who’ll join you on the journey.":1,"#Get access to exclusive programming, including digital events and activities intended to educate and empower you and your Discord community.":1,"#Coaching & Development":1,"#Reward":1,"#If you aren’t selected, you’ll receive an email letting you know. However, you’ll still receive an invitation to a one-off digital educational event, allowing you to still earn some highly-useful community knowledge. This is a first-of-its-kind program and we’ll be using our learnings for future endeavors, meaning we can’t guarantee there will be similar opportunities in the future.":1,"#Attendees should be able to commit at least 1 to 2 hours per week for the program duration.":1,"#What is expected of me?":1,"#The program is aimed at community admins who could use helping hands in engaging their community to help it thrive. If you’re a motivated admin who wants to learn and are passionate about nurturing your community, we want you. If you’re already a pro who runs run a super-engaged community, this isn’t for you… but we still think you’re totally cool.":1,"#Who is this program for?":1,"#Addressing Harmful Off-Platform Behavior":1,"#negozio":1,"#updates to our":1,"#Last week, we":1,"#webauthn.guide":1,"#announced":1,"#Link to app, game, or experience (optional)":1,"#Learn more about how Rocket League Germany has been able to successfully manage a community through hyper growth.":1,"#Discord is a place for all kinds of connections to be made and relationships to form and as a moderator one of your primary responsibilities is managing the relationships of others to ensure that you are promoting a healthy, productive, and inclusive community. But what happens when the interpersonal relationships that you as a moderator have built start to cause problems in the community you moderate? Understanding how to manage your own interpersonal relationships within the communities you moderate is the key to preventing major administrative problems and is a crucial skill for a prospective moderator. This article will explain the dangers of interpersonal relationships gone awry and offer precautions to take when forming close relationships with members of communities you moderate.":1,"#In addition to our proactive efforts, we encourage users, moderators, and trusted reporters to submit reports if they believe an account or server is violating our Community Guidelines. We analyze these reports to determine if the content or behavior violates our Guidelines. We may take a number of enforcement actions including but not limited to issuing warnings; removing content; disabling or removing the accounts and/or servers responsible; and reporting them to law enforcement.":1,"#Sports":1,"#A core way to handle all de-escalation stands in your approach. Users, when heated up during a frustrating or toxic discussion, are easy to set off or to accidentally escalate to more toxicity. The key is to type calmly, and to make sure with whatever manner you approach someone to de-escalate, you do it in a way that is understood to be for the benefit of everyone involved.":1,"#Remember: the rules exist to serve the community, not the other way around. Moderators should conduct themselves in accordance with the rules, and potentially even better, but they ultimately have the power to change them for the better of the server if need be. Treat your rules as a living document and remember that they are there to improve your community, not stunt it.":1,"#Meet Shrooberry, manager of real estate and pre-med startups, puppy fanatic, and creator of the MCAT premedical study server. With their fantastic team of moderators, Shrooberry has built this community to what it is today.":1,"#We may take enforcement actions when we discover a violation of our Community Guidelines — up to and including permanent removal from Discord. We typically reserve permanent actions like user and server bans for severe violations that could negatively impact user safety, the integrity of our service, or the rights of others. Permanently removing a violative account or community can lessen the harms from these groups and help prevent abuse from occurring in the future.":1,"#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here.":1,"#You may not circumvent platform-level bans that we take against your account, app, or server. We use the term ban to refer to the permanent removal of an account or community for a violation of our rules.":1,"#At Discord, we take a firm stance against human trafficking. Human trafficking is an abhorrent crime that Discord takes very seriously. We will remove accounts and servers engaged in this activity and may report suspected illegal activity to law enforcement.":1,"#Today, we’re revealing some of the most-played games that YOU, the gamers of Discord, are playing day in and day out.":1,"#Gather your friends, grab your preferred controller or keyboard and a mic to talk with, and jump into Discord’s most popular games while using Voice chat on your Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PC, or mobile.":1,"#Screenshot mode":1,"#Search Delay":1,"#Search messages":1,"#Guild/Channel":1,"#Hide sensitive information for taking screenshots":1,"#Apps are now discoverable directly within Discord!":1,"#Admins can browse content from server settings and add new apps to their server.":1,"#[FINAL UPDATE]":1,"#Research":1,"#Watch the Charli XCX Concert Video below!":1,"#If you come across a message that appears to break these rules, please report it to your server moderator or to us. We might take a number of steps, including issuing a warning, removing the content, or removing the accounts and/or servers responsible.":1,"#Celebrate our final day of Snowsgiving with Charli XCX":1,"#Charli XCX Virtual Concert":1,"#Message From a Special Someone":1,"#Watch Here":1,"#Learn about Discord's updates, insights, community stories, educational resources, and much more.":1,"#Play Now":1,"#Voice and Video Backgrounds":1,"#The DISXCORE line drops Wednesday, May 17 at 10am PDT":1,"#. In the meantime, check out everything the Discord Merch Store has on offer and bookmark the store for when DISXCORE drops:":1,"#Scroll to top":1,"#What's New With Nitro":1,"#Partners":1,"#Store":1,"#Use custom stickers anywhere!":1,"#Say what’s on your mind with an increased character count.":1,"#Longer Messages":1,"#Video Backgrounds":1,"#Super Stickers":1,"#Make video calls unique with your own backgrounds.":1,"#Special Stickers Access":1,"#It’s important to keep your account safe and secure. Learn how to utilize 2-Factor Authentication, SMS Backup, and QR Code Login to keep your Discord account in your hands and away from baddies!":1,"#5/week":1,"#2/week":1,"#Access to more Activities":1,"#Access to Activities":1,"#More Ways to Hang":1,"#Start a casual game or watch party instantly with Activities":1,"#Yes! You can purchase a Nitro gift through the Nitro page on desktop or the Nitro Gifting tab within mobile under User Settings. Additionally, you can send a quick gift in a channel by selecting the gift icon on desktop or mobile. If someone sends you a gift, you can see what it looks like here.":1,"#Enhance your Discord experience with Nitro - get custom emojis, animated avatars, larger file uploads, HD screensharing, and more.":1},"version":14308}]