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Check out these articles to learn more about how you can start one today!":"运营讲堂频道是维护和发展社区的一种简单有效的方式。查看这些文章,了解更多信息,今天就开始尝试吧!","#Download on Google Play":"从 Google Play 下载","#Stages offer a great way to engage and grow your community through easy to run audio events":"通过简单易懂的音频活动,讲堂提供了一种促进社区参与和发展的绝佳渠道","#Safety":"安全","#Learn more about stages":"了解更多关于讲堂的信息","#Some tips and tricks on getting how best to set and run your event":"如何最好地设置和运营您的活动?这里有一些小技巧","#Ready to set one up? Learn more about how to set up a Stage channel and how to set it public so that more people can discover what your community is all about.":"准备好开始了吗?详细了解如何设置讲堂频道以及如何将其设置为公开,以便更多人能借此了解您社区的各种内容。","#Bring your community together with stages":"用讲堂将你的社区成员凝聚在一起","#Best Practices for Running and Moderating Stage Channels":"运营和调整讲堂频道的最佳实践","#Download":"下载","#Drop here!":"加入活动!","#Save":"保存","#Discord HQ":"Discord 总部","#Guild/Channel":"服务器/频道","#Author":"作者","#Import:":"导入:","#Search messages":"搜索消息","#NSFW Channel":"少儿不宜频道","#Authorization":"授权","#get":"获得","#Range":"范围","#Stop":"停止","#Auth Token":"身份验证令牌","#Import list of channels from messages/index.json file":"从 messages/index.json 文件导入频道列表","#After message with Id":"消息后附 ID","#Start":"开始","#Author ID":"作者 ID","#Before":"前","#has: link":"包含:链接","#has: file":"包含:文件","#Search Delay":"搜索延迟","#After":"后","#Screenshot mode":"截屏模式","#Delete Delay":"删除延迟","#Help":"帮助","#Include pinned":"包括标注","#Guild ID":"服务器 ID","#Clear log":"清除日志","#Star this project on github.com/victornpb/deleteDiscordMessages! Issues or help":"在 github.com/victornpb/deleteDiscordMessages 开始本项目!问题或帮助","#Containing text":"包含文本","#English":"英语","#Hide sensitive information for taking screenshots":"截屏时隐藏敏感信息","#Channel ID":"频道 ID","#Before message with Id":"消息前附 ID","#Licences":"许可证","#Careers":"职业发展","#How 2-Factor Authentication Helps Keep Your Discord Account Safe":"双重认证如何保障您的 Discord 账户安全","#Show slide 1 of 7":"显示幻灯片 1/7","#Show slide 2 of 7":"显示幻灯片 2/7","#Show slide 4 of 7":"显示幻灯片 4/7","#Show slide 3 of 7":"显示幻灯片 3/7","#Show slide 7 of 7":"显示幻灯片 7/7","#Show slide 6 of 7":"显示幻灯片 6/7","#Show slide 5 of 7":"显示幻灯片 5/7","#We've got the scoop on a ton of amazing community events, a new bot, and some appropriately proud artwork.":"我们收获了大量令人欣喜的社区活动独家消息、有了一个新的机器人以及一些适宜的“Pride”月艺术作品。","#Pride Month Activities Around Discord and The World":"Discord 和世界各地的“Pride”月活动","#Become part of a group of passionate people passionately crafting exceptional products they’re passionate about. And because we believe great work doesn't have to be tied to a physical location and our platform is our HQ, most of our roles offer flexibility in how you work from Discord — whether it's from the comfort of your home (in approved states) or an inspiring office setting.":"成为这个热情高涨的团体的一员,充满激情地打造卓越产品。而且,我们认为,出色的工作不必拘泥于您工作的地点,我们的平台就是 Discord 的总部,我们的大多数职位都提供灵活的工作方式——您可以选择舒适的家中(所在州批准的情况下),还是可以鼓舞人心的办公室环境。","#Jobs and Career Opportunities at Discord":"Discord 的工作与职业发展机会","#Apply for jobs at Discord and build an easy-to-use communication service for people to talk, chat, and hang out.":"申请 Discord 的职位,一起建立一项易于使用的通讯服务,让大家可以轻松地交谈、聊天和娱乐。","#Our policies":"我们的政策","#Controlling Your Experience":"让您的体验变得可控","#Parents & Educators":"父母&教育工作者","#Helping your teen stay safe on Discord":"帮助您的孩子安全使用 Discord","#100: An Intro to the DMA":"100:Discord 管理员学院(DMA)介绍","#206: Best Practices for Reporting Tools":"206:举报工具的最佳实践","#Four steps to a super safe server":"四步让您的服务器超级安全","#Age-Restricted Content on Discord":"Discord 的年龄限制内容","#What is Discord?":"什么是 Discord?","#204: Ban Appeals":"204:封禁申诉","#Mod Academy":"管理员学院","#Talking about online safety with your teen":"和您的孩子谈论网络安全","#Working with law enforcement":"与执法部门合作","#202: Handling Difficult Scenarios":"202:处理棘手情况","#203: Developing Server Rules":"203:制订服务器规则","#205: Utilizing Role Colors":"205:利用角色的颜色?","#Four steps to a super safe account":"四步让您的账户超级安全","#Tips against spam and hacking":"垃圾邮件和黑客攻击防范提示","#Overview":"概述","#How We Enforce Rules":"我们如何执行规定","#201: Permissions on Discord":"201:Discord 上的权限","#How we investigate":"我们如何调查","#Basics":"基础知识","#210: Moderator Recruitment":"210:管理员招募","#Mental health on Discord":"Discord 的精神健康","#Working with CARU to protect users on Discord":"携手 CARU 保护 Discord 用户安全","#Back":"返回","#Discord's commitment to a safe and trusted experience":"Discord 承诺提供安全可信赖的体验","#If your teen encounters an issue":"如果您的孩子遇到问题","#Reporting problems to Discord":"向 Discord 报告问题","#103: Basic Channel Setup":"103:基础频道设置","#Role of administrators and moderators on Discord":"Discord 的管理人员和管理员","#Answering parents' and educators' top questions":"回答父母和教育工作者的热门问题","#What actions we take":"我们采取什么行动","#Discord's Transparency Report":"Discord 透明度报告","#104: How to Report Content to Discord":"104:如何向 Discord 举报内容","#How you can appeal our actions":"您如何对我们的行动提出上诉","#110: Moderator Etiquette":"110:管理员礼仪","#111: Your Responsibilities as a Moderator":"111:身为管理员的职责","#Safety Center":"安全中心","#Setup and Function":"设置与功能","#303: Facilitating Positive Environments":"303:促进建立积极的环境","#Advanced Community Management":"进阶社区管理","#332: Fostering Healthy Communities":"332:培养健康的社区","#333: Planning Community Events":"333:规划社区活动","#311: Understanding and Avoiding Moderator Burnout":"311:理解并避免管理员职业倦怠","#321: Auto Moderation in Discord":"321:Discord 自主管理","#310: Managing Moderation Teams":"310:管理管理员团队","#312: Internal Conflict Resolution":"312:解决内部冲突","#301: Implementing Verification Gates":"301:实施验证入口","#302: Developing Moderator Guidelines":"302:制订管理员指引","#331: Community Engagement":"331:社区参与度","#313: How to Moderate Voice Channels":"313:如何管理语音频道","#314: Training and Onboarding New Moderators":"314:培训并引入新管理员","#334: Community Partnerships":"334:社区合作伙伴","#341: Understanding Your Community Through Insights":"341:通过洞察理解您的社区","#531: Parasocial Relationships":"531:准社会关系","#Moderation Seminars":"管理员研讨会","#407: Managing Exponential Membership Growth":"407:管理指数级的社区成员增长","#Notice on Recruitment Scams":"有关招聘欺诈的通知","#Graduate":"毕业","#403: Sensitive Topics":"403:敏感话题","#Work with people who care.":"和关心彼此的人共事。","#Our people, much like our users, can’t be put in a box. The quirky and unique cast of characters that work together at Discord may be intrepid travelers from all walks of life, but there’s a reason we’ve all ended up here. We care about each other, the work we do, and the future we’re building — like, a lot. We pull our own weight and treat each other with extreme empathy.":"和我们的用户一样,我们的员工也不可一概而论。在 Discord,和您一起工作的特立独行的人,可能是来自各行各业的无畏勇者。我们因同一个原因聚集在这里:我们关心彼此、专心工作、关心我们正在建设的未来。我们各司其职,以极高的同理心对待彼此。","#Filters":"筛选","#Wellness on us":"人人健身","#Inclusion, Diversity and Purpose at Discord":"Discord 的包容性、多样性和目的性","#441: Community Governance Structures":"441:社区管理结构","#442: Using Insights to Improve Community Growth and Engagement":"442:用洞察来促进社区成长和参与度","#Come build belonging with us":"和我们一起建立归属感","#401: Transparency in Moderation":"401:管理的透明度","#405: Practicalities of Moderating Adult Channels":"405:管理成人频道实例","#Our Employee Resource Groups":"我们的员工资源群组","#Author Credits":"作者签名","#WORK AT DISCORD":"Discord 的工作环境","#Discord’s Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are employee-led organizations centered around belonging. Led by our Inclusion, Diversity & Purpose team, Discord empowers our ERGs to create an inclusive space where members of underrepresented groups and allies can come together to celebrate our diverse communities. Our ERG leads have 10% allocated work time to help build belonging through promoting education and awareness, offering learning opportunities, and driving advocacy for their communities in and outside of Discord.":"Discord 的员工资源群组(ERG)是以归属感为中心的员工主导型组织。在我们的包容性、多样性和目的性团队的领导下,Discord 赋予我们的 ERG 创造一个包容空间的权利,让代表性不足的团体成员和盟友可以聚在一起,致敬我们的多元社区。我们的 ERG 领导有 10% 的工作时间用来帮助社区建立归属感,方式包括在 Discord 内外促进教育和认识,提供学习机会,推动社区的宣传。","#BAAM":"非裔运动(BAAM)","#Discord is home to (com)passionate people who believe in our mission of creating space for everyone to find belonging.":"如果您既热情又富有同理心,胸怀为每个人创造空间、找到归属感的使命感,那么 Discord 就是您的家。","#432: Internationalization of a Community":"432:社区国际化","#Discord is working toward an inclusive world where no one feels like an outsider, where genuine human connection is a click, text chat, or voice call away. A place where everyone can find belonging. Challenging? Heck yes. Rewarding? Double heck yes. It’s a mission that gives us the chance to positively impact millions of people all over the world.":"Discord 致力于为所有人提供一个包容的环境,在这里,没有人觉得自己是局外人,人与人之间的联系只需一个点击、一段文字聊天或是一次语音通话就能实现。所有人都可以在这里找到归属感。想要挑战?有!想要奖励?包您满意!对我们来说,这是一个让我们有机会以积极的方式影响全世界数百万人的使命。","#So if this strikes a chord, and you’re equally comfortable communicating in memes and gifs as you are in code or decks, come build belonging with us!":"所以,如果以上能引起您的共鸣,而且您对用 meme 和 gif 表情包交流习以为常,使用代码和图形演示交流同样自如,那么就来和我们一起建立归属感吧!","#Belonging from the Inside Out":"由内而外的归属感","#Join a culture that builds belonging":"加入旨在建立归属感的企业文化","#443: Ban Evasion and Advanced Harassment":"443:封禁逃避和高级骚扰行为","#No cogs or jerks allowed.":"这里禁止欺骗,不欢迎混蛋。","#Imagine a workplace where everyone belongs. At Discord, we aren't just imagining this place, we’re creating it. We’re building an inclusive, diverse, and welcoming space that reflects the world we live, play, and work in — because we know that with diversity comes better ideas, a better product, a better work environment, and ultimately a better company.":"您是否想象过在一个人人都有归属感的地方工作?在 Discord,我们不止想象,更在付诸实践。我们致力打造一个反映我们生活、娱乐和工作的包容的、多元的、温馨的空间——因为我们知道,多元可以带来更好的创意、更优秀的产品、更良好的工作环境,并最终令我们成为一家更好的公司。","#Cookie Settings":"Cookie 设置","#next slide":"下一页","#previous slide":"上一页","#Discord Blog":"Discord 博客","#Important Policy Updates":"重要政策更新","#App Discovery is Coming to Discord":"“发现 App”即将在 Discord 推出","#Announcing our Latest Profile Badge: the Certified Discord Moderator":"宣布最新个人资料徽章:Discord 认证管理员","#Starting Now, Nitro Users Get 3 Months of Picsart Gold":"现在开始,Discord Nitro 订阅用户可获得 3 个月的 Picsart Gold 金会员","#Get a Month of Free Nitro When You Subscribe During Our Holiday Promo":"假日促销期间,订阅即可获得一个月免费的 Nitro 服务","#Discord and self-expression go hand in hand. That’s why we’re excited to partner with our friends at Picsart to offer three months of their expansive creative suite: Picsart Gold!":"Discord 在自我表达方面从不落于人后。令人激动的是,我们将与 Picsart 合作提供三个月的扩展创意套装:Picsart Gold!","#PlayStation® x Discord: Connect Your Account and Show What You’re Playing":"PlayStation® x Discord:关联您的账户、展示您的游戏动态","#Snowsgiving 2021 Has Ended — See How You Made It Truly Special":"​2021 雪悦节已结束——看看您如何让它如此与众不同","#The Certified Discord Moderator badge rewards the unsung heroes who go above and beyond and make communities on Discord what they are.":"Discord 认证管理员徽章是为奖励 Discord 上的那些无名英雄,因为他们的不遗余力才成就了如今繁荣的社区。","#Announcing the Discord Moderator Academy Exam":"公布 Discord 管理员学院考试","#There’s a brand-new page in Server Settings: Command Permissions! Server admins and moderators can head into the Integrations page to customize which slash commands can be used, in what channels, and by which roles. Read on for more!":"全新的服务器设置页面:指令行权限!服务器管理员和其他管理员可以前往“集成”页面进行自定义,包括可使用的 slash 指令行、使用的频道以及身份组。继续阅读了解更多细节!","#What’s Next for Communities at Discord":"Discord 社区新动作","#Policy & Safety":"政策与安全","#Make Your Discord Profile Shine: Profile Pointers from Design Pros":"让您的 Discord 个人资料更加闪耀:专业设计人士的个人资料指点","#Permission to Slash, Granted: Introducing Slash Command Permissions":"​已取得 Slash 权限:引入 Slash 指令行权限","#How We’re Fighting Spammers on Discord":"我们如何打击 Discord 上的垃圾邮件发送者","#Nitro Users Get 2 Free Months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate":"Nitro 订阅用户可获得 2 个月免费的 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 服务","#Hello folks, it’s Important Announcement Day™: we’re updating our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Community Guidelines!":"大家好呀,今天是我们的重要公告日:我们即将更新我们的《服务条款》、《隐私权政策》和《社区守则》!","#Building Sustainable Creator Communities on Discord":"建设可持续的 Discord 创作者社区","#Starting today, we’re rolling out the ability to connect your Discord account to your PSN account and display your PlayStation®4 or PlayStation®5 game activity in your user profile! Read on to learn more about it!":"今天开始,您的 Discord 账户将可以关联至您的 PSN 账号,并在用户个人资料中显示您的 PlayStation®4 或 PlayStation®5 游戏动态!继续阅读了解更多细节!","#How to get the most out of your Community Server":"​​​如何最大限度地利用您的社区服务器","#Community":"社区","#In this limited time promotion, Discord Nitro users can redeem 2 free months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Additionally, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate users can redeem 3 free months of Discord Nitro.":"此次限时促销期间,Discord Nitro 订阅用户可以兑换 2 个月免费的 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate。另外,Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 用户可以兑换 3 个月免费的 Discord Nitro。","#How Discord Creates Insights from Trillions of Data Points":"Discord 如何从数万亿的数据追踪点中创造洞察","#This Nitro promotion has now ended. However, you can still read on to see what our Holiday 2021 Nitro promotion entailed in this blog post!":"此次 Nitro 促销现已结束。您可以继续阅读本篇博客文章,了解 2021 假日 Nitro 促销活动的内容!","#Featured":"特色","#COLLECTIONS":"收集","#Unleash Your Creativity with Stickers on Discord":"用 Discord 贴纸释放你的创造力","#Starting Your First Discord Server":"开启您的第一个 Discord 服务器","#Product & Features":"产品与功能","#Discord Welcomes Elizabeth Hamren as new COO":"欢迎 Elizabeth Hamren 担任 Discord 新的首席运营官","#Why and How Discord Uses Patch to Test Elixir":"Discord 为何以及如何使用 Patch 来测试 Elixir","#Once a year, the Discord community comes together to celebrate together in a single server through the holiday spirit. Over 1.2 million community members came together for Snowsgiving 2021 — see what we did in the following blog post!":"每年一次,Discord 社区秉持着节日精神欢聚在同一个服务器中共同庆祝。2021 年的雪悦节就集合了超过 120 万的社区成员——阅读下面的博客文章,了解当时的盛况了!","#We’ve made the decision to sunset the Stage Discovery feature starting on October 4, 2021. We’re going to continue to invest in Stage channels themselves as a way for communities to engage.":"我们决定于 2021 年 10 月 4 日停止“发现舞台”功能。不过作为社区参与的一种方式,我们将继续在舞台频道上进行投入。","#Addressing Harmful Off-Platform Behavior":"应对平台外不良行为","#Best Practices for Starting a Great Community on Discord":"创建 Discord 优质社区的最佳实践","#Discord Overlay — Text Chat, Performance Boost, and Notifications":"Discord 叠加面板——文字聊天、性能优化和通知","#Upcoming Discord Feature: In-Game Overlay (hey! hey!)":"即将推出的 Discord 功能:游戏内叠加面板(耶!)","#A Focus on Black Joy During Black History Month":"黑人历史月的专属欢乐","#Discussing Latinx Heritage Month with Discord’s Latinx ERG: La Cafetería":"和 Discord 的拉美裔 ERG La Cafetería 一起讨论拉美文化传统月","#The Four Values of Working at Discord":"Discord 的四大工作价值","#How Trust & Safety Addresses Violent Extremism on Discord":"信任与安全团队如何应对 Discord 上的暴力极端主义","#Our Response to the Tragedy in Buffalo":"对水牛城枪击惨剧的回应","#Happy Blurpthday to Discord, a Place for Everything You Can Imagine":"Discord Blurpt日快乐,您想要的这里都能成真","#How Discord Indexes Billions of Messages":"Discord 如何索引数十亿信息","#Discord is a place where people come to hang out with friends, find belonging, and build communities. We want people to enjoy our platform, but never at the expense of others.":"Discord 是一个与好友一起玩耍、寻找归属感和建立社区的地方。我们希望大家可以在我们的平台上度过欢乐的时光,但这绝不能以牺牲他人的利益为代价。","#How Discord achieves native iOS performance with React Native":"Discord 如何用 React Native 实现原生 iOS 性能","#Building open-source design tools to improve Discord’s design workflow":"构建开源设计工具以改进 Discord 的设计工作流程","#Get Hyped! The Partner & Verified Server Programs are BACK!":"都嗨起来!合作伙伴和验证服务器项目回归了!","#Discord Transparency Report: July — Dec 2020":"Discord 透明度报告:2020 年 7 - 12 月","#How Parents and Teachers Use Kano & Discord to Enhance Tech Education for the Next Generation":"家长与教师如何用 Kano 和 Discord 来加强下一代的科技教育","#How Discord Communities Celebrate Pride":"Discord 社区如何庆祝“Pride”活动","#Starting today, Discord for Android is getting a major overhaul that brings significant improvements in the quality of the mobile experience.":"今天开始,Discord 安卓端将迎来一次重大整改,这次整改将显著提高移动端体验的质量。","#Discord Turns Three! 🎉 🎁 🎊":"Discord 三岁了!🎉 🎁 🎊","#YouTube Gaming Integration":"YouTube Gaming 集成","#We're always looking to make Discord more helpful for all communities, whether your server is you and your closest friends or it’s home to the entire fandom of your favorite hobby. Starting this week, you may see some of the bigger servers you’re in show off new features you haven’t seen before.":"不论您的服务器是您和亲密好友的游乐之地,还是汇聚了所有喜欢您爱好的粉丝团的家,我们始终追求让 Discord 为所有社区带来更多帮助。本周开始,您所在的一些大型服务器中将出现前所未见的新功能。","#Those vibrant summer days are almost here. Capture the vibe with our latest line of Discord Merch: the Idle Nights collection.":"活力四射的夏日即将到来。就让我们最新的 Discord 周边产品线——Idle Nights 系列来为你捕捉这份夏日氛围吧。","#What’s Discord Certification?":"什么是 Discord 平台验证?","#How Discord is Bringing People Together":"Discord 如何让人们聚到一起","#Discord Transparency Report: Jan 1 — April 1 2019":"Discord 透明度报告:2019 年 1 月 1 日——4 月 1 日","#Our work to prevent Discord from being used for hate and violence is never done. It's vital that we continue to hold ourselves accountable.":"我们一直在不懈努力,防止 Discord 被用于仇恨和暴力。其中,坚持为自己的行为负责至关重要。","#Resources for Navigating Through Seasonal Depression":"资源:度过季节性抑郁症","#Discord Transparency Report: July – December 2021":"Discord 透明度报告:2021 年 7 - 12 月","#In the latest Engineering blog, Senior Software Engineer Matt Nowack at Discord explains how his team utilizes Patch to test Elixir code.":"在最新的工程博客中,Discord 的资深软件工程师 Matt Nowack 阐释了他的团队是如何利用 Patch 来测试 Elixir 代码的。","#Idle Nights & Vibrant Lights: Discord’s Newest Merch Line Drops Today":"Idle Nights 和 Vibrant Lights:Discord 最新周边产品线今日落地","#Light Theme, Redeemed":"浅色主题,已兑换","#Wave Hello to Server Video":"服务器视频驾到","#Behind the Curtain: How Three Discord Communities Found Success in Stage Events":"幕后花絮:三个 Discord 社区如何在舞台活动中大放异彩","#Let's talk about you, the community who inspired the entire Imagine a Place project and Discord—The Movie (2021).":"这次,让我们来聊一聊你们。是你们启发了整个 Imagine a Place 项目和 Discord—The Movie (2021) 的社区。","#Let’s Hear It for the Mods":"我们来听听管理员方面的消息","#As of October 4th, 2021, Stage Discovery has been sunset. You can still learn what this feature used to entail in this blog post.":"“发现舞台”功能于 2021 年 10 月 4 日 停止使用。不过您仍可以在本篇博客文章中了解这一功能取得的成就。","#Blog Discord":"在 Discord 上发布博客","#A group of us within the BAAM ERG sat down together and held an honest, sometimes fun, sometimes serious, open discussion about Black joy. We talked about what we have to celebrate, where we can find joy in the world, and what we’re proud of, and then extended the conversation to include a handful of Black community leaders on Discord.":"我们 BAAM ERG 的一群人坐下来,展开了一番开诚布公、时而欢乐的关于黑人欢乐的讨论。我们讨论了庆祝的内容、哪里可以找到欢乐以及我们引以为豪的地方,然后将 Discord 上少数黑人社区的领导者请入了此次对话。","#Nitro Users Now Get an Enhanced Video Experience with Three Months of YouTube Premium":"Discord Nitro 订阅用户现在可以获得三个月的 YouTube Premium 服务,增强您的用户体验","#Resources for Celebrating Pride Throughout The Year":"资源:“Pride”全年庆祝活动","#Testing 1-2-3: A Note on Upcoming Community Experiments":"测试注意事项:关于即将到来的社区实验的说明","#This is the story of how we turned petabytes of raw data into a structured data warehouse and the system we built to maintain it, internally referred to as Derived.":"这个故事讲述的是我们如何将 PB 级的原始数据转化为结构化数据仓库,以及为维护它而单独设计了一个系统,内部称之为 Derived 系统。","#Resources for Empowering Black Communities":"资源:壮大黑人社区","#Ten Tips to Help Your College Club Bloom on Discord":"10 个壮大您的 Discord 大学俱乐部的小技巧","#Whether your club lives on Discord, you use Discord as a supporting tool for an IRL club, here are ten tips to help your server succeed.":"无论您的俱乐部是以 Discord 为生,还是将它当作 IRL 俱乐部的辅助工具,以下 10 个小技巧可以帮助您的服务器取得成功。","#Our stand on racial equality":"我们在种族平等方面的立场","#Starting Servers on Discord is Easier Than Ever":"在 Discord 上创建服务器比以往更简单了","#An Exciting Update to Discord for Android":"Discord 安卓端重大更新","#Why Discord is Sticking with React Native":"为何 Discord 坚持使用 React Native","#How to prepare for your Discord interview":"如何准备您的 Discord 面试","#Security, Discord, and You!":"安全、Discord 与你!","#Discord has seen tremendous growth. To handle this growth, our engineering team has had the pleasure of figuring out how to scale the backend services. One piece of technology we’ve seen great success with is Elixir’s GenStage.":"Discord 见证了无数社区的成长。为了跟上大家的脚步,我们的工程团队很高兴能够找出扩展后端服务的方法。其中一项让我们收获了巨大成功的技术就是 Elixir 的 GenStage。","#Pushing the Boundaries of Discord: Sabotage Studio’s Server Experience":"挑战 Discord 极限:Sabotage Studio 的服务器经验","#The Game Developer Playbook, Part One: Getting Started on Discord":"游戏开发者的游戏手册,第 1 部分:开始使用 Discord","#Discord is Where Creativity Shines":"Discord 让创意更耀眼","#Gather 'round, bot fans and soon-to-be fans: we've got some long-anticipated news: app discovery is coming to Discord!":"机器人爱好者和未来的爱好者们,都看过来:我们有各位期盼已久的好消息:“发现 App”即将在 Discord 推出!","#Discord's Pride ERG would like to share knowledge, resources, and information to help support LGBTQIA+ communities any day of the year.":"Discord 的 Pride ERG 团队想和大家分享一些知识、资源和信息来帮助支持 LGBTQIA+ 社区的建设。","#Discord has joined forces with GitHub and Major League Hacking to produce the ultimate easy-to-use environment for running hackathons.":"Discord 携手 GitHub 和 Major League Hacking 为黑客松活动打造极易于使用的环境。","#How Discord Renders Rich Messages on the Android App":"Discord 如何将丰富的信息呈现在安卓应用程序上","#Sabotage Studio will take you through their journey of leveraging Discord's toolset to build the best community experience on the platform.":"Sabotage Studio 将带您了解他们在 Discord 的工作旅程,看他们是如何利用 Discord 的工具集来打造平台最佳社区体验。","#Three great communities are here to share their experiences, plus some tips for hosting your own successful Stage events.":"三大社区将在这里分享他们的经验,以及主持一个成功的舞台活动的小技巧。","#Discord Transparency Report: April — Dec 2019":"Discord 透明度报告:2019 年 4 - 12 月","#How Discord’s College Ambassadors Helped Clubs Stay Close":"Discord 的学院大使如何帮助各俱乐部保持紧密联系","#How Data Science Informs Strategy & Innovation at Discord":"Discord 如何用数据科学为战略和革新提供指导","#You know it. We know it. Spam sucks. So today, we want to tell you what we are doing to combat it.":"垃圾邮件太烦人了,这事大家心照不宣。所以今天,我们想和大家分享一下我们为此做出的努力。","#Discover Your Next Favorite Campus Club in Student Hubs":"在学生中心发现您下一个校园俱乐部最爱","#Protecting Against Scams on Discord":"防范 Discord 上的欺诈","#Connect the Conversation with Threads on Discord":"用“线程”连接对话","#An Update on Racial Equity at Discord Through Inclusion, Diversity and Purpose Efforts":"更新:Discord 以包容性、多样性和目的性为努力目标,在种族平等方面作出的努力","#AAPI Heritage Month at Discord: Celebrating Who We Are":"Discord 的亚太裔传统月:庆祝身为亚太裔的自己","#Discord is for Your Communities":"Discord 为您的社区而存在","#How Discord Made Android In-App Navigation Easier":"Discord 如何让安卓的应用程序内导航更简便","#Why Discord Still Maintains a Browser-Only Experience":"Discord 为何仍保留纯浏览器体验","#How the Cord Club Interns Made Their Mark on Discord":"Cord Club 实习生如何在 Discord 上做出成绩","#NEW Feature: COLORS! (Mod Tools Magic)":"新功能:颜色!(管理员工具魔法!)","#Welcome to the New Era of Discord Apps":"欢迎来到 Discord 应用程序新时代","#Lessons from migrating a large codebase to React 16":"将一个大型代码库迁移到 React 16 的经验教训","#Stage channels are a new type of channel available for Community servers that allow you to share a focused conversation with select individuals to an audience of listeners. Now it’s easier to understand who’s the focus of the conversation and who’s waiting for their turn to speak.":"舞台频道是一种社区服务器可使用的新型频道,它允许您将与特定个人的重点对话分享给听众。如此一来,成员们可以更容易了解谁是对话的焦点,谁位于等待发言的队列中。","#Resources Against Hate and Discrimination Towards the AAPI Community":"资源:反对针对亚太裔社区的仇恨和歧视","#Special guest Grace Ling of the Design Buddies community gives you an in-depth look at the creative process behind crafting a unique set of avatars and profile banners.":"Design Buddies 社区的特别来宾 Grace Ling 带您深入了解制作一套独特的头像和个人资料横幅背后的创意过程。","#Today, we’re excited to introduce a new home for all those winding discussions happening in your communities: Threads!":"今天是让人激动不已的一天,您社区中所有弯弯绕绕的讨论贴有了一个新家:线程!","#We dive into our history with violent extremists on the platform and how our response has improved since the 2017 Charlottesville incident.":"我们深入研究与回顾了平台应对暴力极端主义者的历史,以及自 2017 年 Charlottesville 事件以来我们在此方面的改进措施。","#Tune into Discord with Krisp noise suppression on iOS and Android":"使用 Krisp 降噪软件在 iOS 和安卓上收听 Discord","#With so many ways students are using Discord, it can be hard to find servers for your campus. Student Hubs are here to help.":"学生使用 Discord 的方式五花八门,在茫茫机海中,找到您校园的服务器可不容易。这时就是学生中心派上用场的时候了。","#How Discord Stores Billions of Messages":"Discord 如何储存数十亿信息","#What’s Going Down In Discord Town":"Discord 小镇新闻","#Fostering a Thriving, Partner-Worthy Community on Discord":"在 Discord 培养一个繁荣的、值得合作的社区","#How Discord handles push request bursts of over a million per minute with Elixir’s GenStage":"Discord 如何用 Elixir 的 GenStage 处理每分钟超过一百万次的推送请求的突发事件","#Parent’s Guide to Discord":"Discord 家长指南","#Celebrating Pride Month with GLSEN":"与 GLSEN 庆祝“Pride”月","#Inside 8-bit Music Theory’s Growing Video Game Soundtrack Server":"8 位音乐理论中不断成长的电子游戏原声带服务器","#Why Discord is switching from Go to Rust":"Discord 为什么从 Go 迁移到 Rust","#Transparency continues to be an important step towards our goal of building trust with our users. Our biannual reports are a way to demonstrate our commitment to keeping Discord safe.":"透明度是我们和用户建立互信的关键一步。半年度报告就是我们对维护 Discord 安全承诺的一种展示方式。","#Calixta’s Guide to Navigating the Voice Acting Industry":"Calixta 的配音行业导航手册","#Meet the Discord Users Who Imagined a Place":"遇见 Discord 用户,Imagine a Place 的创作者们","#For AAPI Heritage Month, we’re celebrating the things that make each of us unique.":"在亚太裔传统月,我们庆祝自己的独一无二。","#We’re launching the new DiscordMerch.com: Your one-stop shop for official Discord-branded shirts, hoodies, and so much more.":"新的 DiscordMerch.com 即将上线:这里将成为您购买官方 Discord 品牌 T 恤、连帽衫等各种周边商品的一站式商店。","#Whether you're looking to ace a class or dive into a new hobby, these eight communities can help you master your field of interest.":"不论您想在班级中脱颖而出还是潜心研究一项新爱好,这 8 个社区都可以帮助您掌握您感兴趣的领域。","#How We’re Making Discord More Welcoming for Everyone":"我们如何让 Discord 更受欢迎","#Celebrate Discord’s Bir7hday with Party Mode!":"用派对模式庆祝 Discord 的七岁生日!","#Settling into the New School Year with Discord!":"Discord 助您融入新学年生活!","#How Discord Handles Two and Half Million Concurrent Voice Users using WebRTC":"Discord 如何使用 WebRTC 处理 250 万并发语音用户","#Mark your calendars, Safer Internet Day is February 8 and wow, is Discord planning some great ways to celebrate! Plus, spoiler alert: the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is coming to Discord. Join us for an event on February 9 with our brilliant teen mods, parents, and educators as we chat about mental health, belonging, and supporting our authentic selves and communities both online and off.":"请在你的日历上标记 2 月 8 日互联网安全日。Discord 正在筹备各种精彩的庆祝方式!剧透预警:全美家长教师协会(PTA)将到访 Discord。参加我们 2 月 9 日的活动,与我们优秀的青少年模范、家长和教育工作者一起聊一聊心理健康、归属感,并在线上线下支持真实的自我和我们的社区。","#Discord Transparency Report: Jan — June 2021":"Discord 透明度报告:2021 年 1 - 6 月","#An Update on Our Business":"我们的业务最新进展","#How Discord Resizes 150 Million Images Every Day with Go and C++":"Discord 如何用 Go 和 C++ 每天调整 1.5 亿张图片大小","#Talking to each other during COVID-19":"新冠时期的交谈方式","#Using React Native: One Year Later":"使用 React Native:一年之后","#Discord Transparency Report: Jan — June 2020":"Discord 透明度报告:2020 年 1 - 6 月","#We're reintroducing Stickers to Discord and giving you ways to incorporate your own sets of stickers within your communities.":"“贴纸”将被重新引入 Discord,您将可以在自己的社区内加入属于自己的贴纸套装。","#Slash Commands are Here!":"Slash 指令行推出!","#Communities and the creators who build them are at the heart of what we do at Discord. That's why we're starting to build new tools to make make the monetization process more seamless so communities can have direct ways within Discord to offer premium experiences.":"社区和建设社区的创作者们是我们 Discord 的工作核心。新的工具也是基于此而打造。它的目的是让货币化过程更加无缝,以便社区在 Discord 内有多种直接提供优质体验的方式。","#Eight Educational Communities To Further Your Field of Study":"八大教育社区让您的研究领域更进一步","#Investigating Discord’s React Memory Leak":"调查 Discord 的 React 内存泄漏事件","#Discord Welcomes Tomasz Marcinkowski as New CFO":"欢迎 Tomasz Marcinkowski 担任 Discord 新的首席财务官","#Captivate Your Community with Stage Channels":"用舞台频道让您的社区更具吸引力","#Today, we'd like to share what the Community Team at Discord considers the best practices for any server on looking to grow its best.":"今天,我们的 Discord 社区团队想和大家分享一下,寻求最优发展的服务器应当采用哪些最佳实践。","#Parents & Educators, join us on Discord!":"父母和教育者工作者,来 Discord 加入我们吧!","#Sourcery at Discord: The Team Who Finds New Discord Employees":"Discord 的资源中心:Discord 新员工发现团队","#This year, we’re taking some time to celebrate seven awesome years with all of you. On the party agenda: special birthday weekend features, a special animated video background for everyone to use, and new threads to wear under the summer skies.":"今年,我们将与各位一起庆祝 Discord 的第七个年头。我们的狂欢日程有:特别的生日周末功能、供所有人使用的特别动态视频背景,以及夏日晴空下的新“线”衣。","#Discover the Next Great Community in Stage Discovery":"在“发现舞台”发现下一个超棒社区","#Prachi Gupta joins the Discord Family":"Prachi Gupta 加入 Discord 大家庭","#How to use Discord for your classroom":"如何将 Discord 用于您的教室","#The Future of Bots on Discord":"Discord 机器人的未来","#Your Place to Talk":"畅所欲言之地(Your place to talk)","#How Discord Implemented App-Wide Keyboard Navigation":"Discord 如何实现应用程序范围内的键盘导航","#Redesigning the Discord Overlay":"重新设计 Discord 叠加面板","#Maintaining Trust and Safety at Discord With Over 200 Million People":"维护 Discord 2000 多万用户的信任与安全","#Discord & GitHub Help Make Online Hackathons Easier for Everyone":"Discord 和 GitHub 让线上黑客松变得更轻松","#Voice chat now available on Discord mobile apps":"语音聊天现已可在 Discord 移动应用程序中使用","#We've put together a deal with another amazing streaming service: YouTube Premium.":"我们已经和另一个优秀的流媒体服务机构达成协议:YouTube Premium。","#We're marching throughout June under statement of purpose: Stronger Together.":"我们将在整个 6 月进行游行,我们的宗旨是:团结力量大。","#Discord Did Things in 2017":"Discord 2017 年事务","#Celebrating Earth Day Across the Planet":"全球庆祝地球日","#Scams and What to Look Out For":"诈骗以及注意事项","#Introducing @everyone and @here Discord Merch — New Store Swag":"介绍 @everyone 和 @here Discord 周边——商城新潮流","#Addressing Health Misinformation":"应对健康方面的错误资讯","#In this post, we’ll go over some key ways you can protect yourself and others while engaging with your communities on Discord. You may know a few of these tips and tricks already, but it never hurts to get a refresher on what to look for.":"本篇文章中,我们将介绍一些参与 Discord 社区活动时保护自己和他人的重要方法。您可能对其中一些提示和技巧已经有所了解,但温习一遍总是没错的。","#Using Rust to Scale Elixir for 11 Million Concurrent Users":"使用 Rust 将 Elixir 扩展至 1100 万并行用户规模","#Add the Discord widget to your site":"添加 Discord 小工具到您的网站","#How Discord Maintains Performance While Adding Features":"Discord 如何在增加新功能的同时维持良好的表现","#How Discord Scaled Elixir to 5,000,000 Concurrent Users":"Discord 如何将 Elixir 的规模扩大至 500 万并行用户","#The Future is Soon — Your favorite Discord apps and bots are nearly done switching to Slash Commands: the new and improved way to interact with apps. Check out all the new things you can do today!":"未来近在眼前——您最喜爱的 Discord 应用程序和机器人已经几乎完成了向 Slash 指令行的转换:一种经过改进的与应用程序互动的新方式。看看今天有多少新东西可以尝试吧!","#2015.05.21 AMA Transcript":"2015.05.21 AMA 记录","#We'll create a home where you can monitor playtests, gather feedback, and talk with those who want to be part of your game's success.":"我们会为您创建一个家园,您可以在这里监控游戏测试、收集反馈,以及和那些希望参与其中并期待游戏成功的人交流。","#Celebrating Black Community Leaders on Discord":"致敬 Discord 黑人社区领导者","#Boost Your Account and Support Us With Discord Nitro":"订阅 Discord Nitro,增强您的账户体验,支持我们的努力","#Celebrating AAPI Heritage Month With Our Community":"和我们的社区一起庆祝亚太裔传统月","#Community Spotlight: UT Dallas Discord":"社区焦点: UT Dallas Discord","#How we used Discord to build a dream community for our game Descenders":"我们如何使用 Discord 来为我们的游戏《Descenders》建立一个梦想的社区","#The Mod Academy gains over fifteen new articles, going over even more topics to help you bring your moderating game to the next level.":"管理员学院增加了 15 篇新文章,涉及更多主题,可以帮助您将管理工作提高到一个新的水平。","#How To Build An Active And Engaged Indie Game Community With Discord":"如何用 Discord 建立一个活跃的、参与性强的独立游戏社区","#Brush Up On Your Mod Know-How With New DMA Articles":"阅读 DMA 文章,刷新您的管理知识","#Community Spotlight: Domi + JD Beck":"社区焦点:Domi + JD Beck","#(2020 Event) The Biggest Snowsgiving Celebration to date starts NOW":"(2020 活动)迄今为止最盛大的雪悦节今天开幕","#How a UC Berkeley Student Helps Recreate a Campus Experience on Discord":"一位加州大学伯克利分校的学生如何帮助重塑 Discord 校园体验","#Owww! these keys are hot!":"嗷!这些钥匙很烫手!","#Discord Welcomes Tesa Aragones as New CMO":"欢迎 Tesa Aragones 担任 Discord 新的首席营销官","#Setting Sail With Jauz":"与 Jauz 一起启航","#What Pride Means at Discord":"“Pride”在 Discord 意味着什么","#Why Net Neutrality Matters":"为什么网络中立性很重要","#We Care About Your Voice (Engineering Special)":"我们关心您的声音(工程专刊)","#11 Million Players In One Year":"1 年内 1100 万玩家加入","#Upcoming Feature Preview: Friends List":"即将推出的功能预览:好友列表","#Celebrating AAPI Heritage Month With Our Employees":"和我们的员工一起庆祝亚太裔传统月","#Welcome to Policy at Discord!":"欢迎阅读 Discord 政策!","#Airhorn Solutions — The Only Discord Bot You’ll Ever Need":"Airhorn Solutions——您唯一需要的 Discord 机器人","#Why Reactiflux, Vue Land, Yarn, and other open source communities use Discord":"Reactiflux、Vue Land、Yarn 和其他开源社区为何选择 Discord","#Building On Our Momentum":"一鼓作气,再接再厉","#Resources for Exercising Your Right to Vote":"资源:行使投票权","#1 of 7":"1/7","#4 of 7":"4/7","#6 of 7":"6/7","#2 of 7":"2/7","#7 of 7":"7/7","#3 of 7":"3/7","#5 of 7":"5/7","#AAPI":"亚太裔(AAPI)","#Jew-ish":"Jew-ish(犹太社区)","#Show slide 10 of 12":"显示幻灯片 10/12","#Show slide 9 of 12":"显示幻灯片 9/12","#Show slide 5 of 12":"显示幻灯片 5/12","#Show slide 3 of 12":"显示幻灯片 3/12","#Show slide 7 of 12":"显示幻灯片 7/12","#Show slide 6 of 12":"显示幻灯片 6/12","#Show slide 4 of 12":"显示幻灯片 4/12","#Show slide 8 of 12":"显示幻灯片 8/12","#Show slide 12 of 12":"显示幻灯片 12/12","#Show slide 2 of 12":"显示幻灯片 2/12","#Show slide 1 of 12":"显示幻灯片 1/12","#Show slide 11 of 12":"显示幻灯片 11/12","#Nitro Benefits and Features | Discord":"Nitro 特权和功能 | Discord","#Enhance your Discord experience with Nitro - get custom emojis, animated avatars, larger file uploads, HD screensharing, and more.":"入手 Nitro,提升你的 Discord 体验。获得自定义表情符号、动画头像、更大的文件上传尺寸、高清屏幕分享及更多特权。","#Our people, much like our users, can’t be put in a box. The quirky and unique cast of characters that work together at Discord may be intrepid travelers from all walks of life, but there’s a reason we’ve all ended up here. We care about each other, the work we do, and the future we’re building — like, a lot. We pull our own weight and treat each other with extreme empathy. No cogs or jerks allowed.":"和我们的用户一样,我们的员工也是非常多元的。在 Discord 工作的特立独行的员工可能是来自各行各业的佼佼者。我们因同一个原因在这里相聚:我们关爱彼此、关心工作、关注我们共同的未来。我们对待工作各尽其责,对待彼此设身处地。这里不欢迎品行不端的员工。","#We'd love to work with someone like you.":"我们期待与您共事。","#or":"或","#Whatever social cause you’re passionate about, take a day (or two) off to make an impact. While you're at it, take advantage of $1,000/year in donation matching to charitable organizations!":"无论您热衷哪一项社会事业,都可以请一两天假来为社会做贡献。届时,我们将提供每年 1000 美元的慈善捐款配捐金额!","#Be wary of suspicious links and files":"警惕可疑链接和文件","#Everyone - Selecting this means that anyone who knows your Discord Tag or is in a mutual server with you can send you a friend request. This is handy if you don’t share servers with someone and you want to let them friend you with just your Discord Tag.":"所有人 - 选择此项设置代表任何知道您 Discord 标签或和您在同一个服务器的人都可以给您发送好友请求。如果您和别人不在同一服务器内,并且希望他们只通过您的 Discord 标签来添加好友,选择此项设置就很便利。","#DON'T give away your Discord account login or password information to anyone. We’ll never ask for your password. We also won’t ask for your token, and you should never give that to anyone.":"不要告知任何人您的 Discord 账户登录或密码信息。我们永远不会向您索要密码,也不会索要 token,您也不应该将其告知任何人。","#1. Secure your account":"1.保证您的账户安全","#First, we need to ensure that your account credentials and login information are as secure as possible.":"首先,我们要确保您的账户证书和登录信息尽可能安全。","#How to block a user":"如何屏蔽用户","#Consider enabling two-factor authentication (2FA)":"考虑开启双重认证(2FA)","#Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is the most secure way to protect your account. You can use Google Authenticator, Authy, and other authenticator apps on a mobile device in order to authorize access to your account. Once 2FA is enabled, you’ll have the option to further increase your account’s security with SMS Authentication by adding your phone number to your Discord account.":"双重认证(2FA)是保护您账户的最安全的方式。您可以使用 Google 认证器、Authy 或移动设备上的其他认证器应用程序来授权访问您的账户。2FA 开启后,您将可以选择通过将您的电话号码添加到您的 Discord 账户,使用短信认证来进一步提高您的账户安全。","#You might only want certain people to contact you. By default, whenever you’re in a server with someone else, they can send you a direct message (DM).":"您可能希望只有某些人可以联系您。默认设置下,只要您和别人处在同一个服务器内,他们就可以给您发送私信(DM)。","#DON'T download files or applications from users you don't know or trust. Were you expecting a file from someone? If not, don’t click the file!":"不要下载您不认识或不信任的用户发来的文件或应用程序。如果您不是和他人约好了要传输文件,请不要点击他人发来的文件!","#When you block someone on Discord, they will be removed from your friends list (if they were on it) and will no longer be able to send you DMs.":"当您在 Discord 上屏蔽某人时,他/她将被从您的好友列表移除(若其在列表上)并永远无法向您发送私信。","#Discord will require your password to be at least 8 characters long. Certain regions in the world may have additional requirements.":"Discord 要求您的密码至少含有 8 个字符。在世界其他地区,可能会有额外要求。","#2. Set your privacy & safety settings":"2.设置您的隐私和安全设置","#DON'T click on links that look suspicious or appear to have been shortened or altered. Discord will try and warn you about links that are questionable, but it’s no substitute for thinking before you click.":"不要点击看起来可疑、似乎被缩短或更改过的链接。Discord 会尝试并警告您有问题的链接,但不能代替您点击链接前的思考。","#Direct messages (DM) settings":"私信(DM)设置","#4. Block other users when needed":"4.需要时屏蔽其他用户","#Select Block in the menu.":"选择菜单中的屏蔽。","#Tap the three dots in the upper right corner to bring up a menu.":"点触右上角的三个点以弹出菜单。","#Select Block in the menu.":"选择菜单中的屏蔽。","#You should only accept friend requests from users that you know and trust — if you aren’t sure, there’s no harm in rejecting the friend request. You can always add them later if it’s a mistake.":"您应该只接受您认识并信任的用户发送的好友请求——如果您无法确定对方的身份,拒绝好友请求也无伤大雅。如果是误会的话,您之后仍然可以添加他们为好友。","#this article":"这篇文章。","#Friend request settings":"好友请求设置","#We recommend checking out password managers like 1Password (Mac) or Dashlane (Windows), which make creating and storing secure passwords extremely easy.":"我们推荐您了解一下密码管理器,比如 1Password(Mac)或 Dashlane(Windows),保证密码创建和储存的安全与便利。","#You can enable 2FA in your User Settings. You can also refer to this article for more information.":"您可以在用户设置中开启双重认证。您还可以查阅这篇文章来了解更多信息。","#DON'T give away account information for any account you own on any platform to other users on Discord. Malicious individuals might ask for this information and use it to take over your accounts.":"不要把您在任何平台上拥有的任何账户信息透露给 Discord 上的其他用户。恶意的人可能会向您索要这些信息,并利用这些信息来接管您的账户。","#Any message history you have with the user will remain, but any new messages the user posts in a shared server will be hidden from you, though you can see them if you wish.":"与该用户的所有信息历史将予以保留,但该用户在共享服务器上发布的任何新信息将被隐藏,但您也可以选择看到它们。","#How blocking works":"屏蔽是如何运作的","#Having a strong password is key to protecting your account. Choose a long password with a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and special characters that is hard to guess and that you don’t use for anything else.":"拥有一个强密码是保护您账户安全的关键。选择一个混合了大写字母、小写字母、特殊字符的长密码,这个密码需要既难猜,而且您也不会用到其他地方。","#3. Follow safe account practices":"3.遵循安全账户操作","#DON'T open a file that your browser or computer has flagged as potentially malicious without knowing it’s safe.":"不要在您不知晓其安全性的情况下打开您的浏览器或计算机标记为潜在恶意的文件。","#We understand that there are times when you might not want to interact with someone. We want everyone to have a positive experience on Discord and have you covered in this case.":"我们理解,您有时候可能不想和某人互动。在 Discord,我们希望每个人都能拥有正向的体验,并已经为您考虑到了这种情况。","#DO report any accounts who claim to be Discord staff or who ask for account information to the Trust & Safety team.":"务必向信任与安全团队举报任何声称为 Discord 员工的账户。","#Choose a secure password":"选择一个安全的密码","#As with any online interaction, we recommend following some simple rules while you’re on Discord:":"和任何在线互动一样,我们建议您在 Discord 遵循一些简单的规则:","#On mobile:":"移动设备上:","#On desktop:":"在桌面版本上:","#Right-click the user's @Username to bring up a menu.":"右键点击用户的 @Username 以弹出菜单。","#Tap the user's @Username to bring up the user's profile.":"点触用户的 @Username 以弹出用户个人资料。","#Get tips on how to set up and manage your account for privacy and safety.":"关于如何设置和管理您的账户以保护您的隐私与安全的提示。","#Invite rewards servers":"拉新奖励服务器","#Never download unfamiliar files from anyone you don't know or trust.":"千万不要下载任何陌生人或者您不信任的人发来的。","#Many servers have popular bots which reward active messaging. We don’t consider these to be spambots, but spam messages to generate these bot prompts is considered abuse of our API, and may result in our taking action on the server and/or the users who participate in mass messaging. Besides cheating those systems, sending a large number of messages in a short period of time harms the platform.":"许多服务器中都会使用一些比较受欢迎的机器人,在服务器内交流活跃可以受到这些机器人的奖励。这虽然不是垃圾信息机器人,但是为了获得这些机器人的奖励提示而滥发信息则是对我们的 API 的滥用,并会导致我们针对服务器和(或)那些参与发送大量信息的用户采取措施。这种短时间内发送大量信息的行为不止损害了系统,也损害了整个平台。","#unsolicited messages and advertisements":"来路不明的消息和广告","#Even if these invitations are not unsolicited, they might be flagged by our spam filter. Sending a large number of messages in a short period of time creates a strain on our service. That may result in action being taken on your account.":"即使这些邀请是很明确的,也仍有可能会被我们的垃圾信息过滤器标记出来。在短时间内发送大量的信息会给我们的服务造成压力,我们因此可能会针对您的账户采取一些措施。","#Join 4 Join is the process of advertising for others to join your server with the promise to join their server in return. This might seem like a quick and fun way to introduce people to your server and to join new communities, but there’s a thin line between Join 4 Join and spam.":"Join 4 Join 是一种服务器推广手段,主要是通过承诺加入他人服务器的方式来邀请对方加入自己的服务器。这似乎是个邀请服务器新成员以及加入新社区的快速有趣的好方法,但同时也可能会为垃圾信息的进入提供可乘之机。","#Be careful about sharing personal information. Discord is a great way to meet new friends and join new communities, but as with any online interaction, protect yourself by only sharing personal information with people you know and trust.":"分享个人信息请务必谨慎。 Discord 虽然是个很好的结交新朋友、加入新社区的平台。但这依然属于线上互动,因此请您一定要保护好自身安全,不要将个人信息透漏给陌生人和您不信任的人。","#Direct Message (DM) spam":"私信(DM)中的垃圾信息","#Instead of joining too many servers at once, we recommend using Server Discovery to find active public communities on topics you’re passionate about.":"与其一次性加入那么多服务器,不如使用我们推荐的发现服务器功能来寻找活跃的与您志趣相投的公共社区。","#Servers dedicated to spamming actions":"垃圾信息专用服务器","#Never click on unfamiliar or unexpected links. If you leave Discord by clicking on a link that takes you elsewhere, it's possible that the external site can access your personal information. We recommend scanning any unfamiliar links through a site checker like Sucuri or VirusTotal before clicking on it. You may also consider running all shortened URLs through a URL expander to ensure you know exactly where you will be directed.":"请不要点击任何陌生和不明链接如果您因点击了某个外部网站的链接而离开了 Discord 页面,该网站可能会获取您的个人信息。我们建议您使用 SucuriVirusTotal 等网站审查工具对所有陌生链接进行事先扫描。您也可以考虑使用网址扩展器来运行所有的短链接,从来获悉您要访问的是什么网站。","#Receiving unsolicited messages or ads is a bad experience for users. These are some examples of DM spam for both users and bots:":"对于用户而言,收到来历不明的信息或广告,是很糟糕的体验。以下是用户和机器人可能在私信中收到的垃圾信息的几个示例:","#Joining many servers, sending many friend requests":"加入大量服务器,发送大量好友请求","#Discord will only make announcements through our official channels. We do not distribute information secondhand through users or chainmail messages.":"Discord 的所有的公告都只通过官方频道发布。我们绝不会通过用户或连环信等方式发布二手信息。","#mass server invites":"大量的服务器邀请","#Servers dedicated to mass copy-paste messaging, or encouraging DM advertising, are considered dedicated spam servers.":"垃圾信息专用服务器是指专门用于大规模发送复制黏贴信息,或鼓励私聊用户推送广告的服务器。","#multiple messages with the same content over a short period of time":"短时间内不断收到内容相同的信息","#Bots and Selfbots":"机器人账号(bot)与自动化机器人账号(Selfbot)","#We understand the allure of free stuff. But we’re sorry to say these bots are not real. Do not add them to your server in hopes of receiving something in return as they likely will compromise your server. If anything gets deleted, we have no way of restoring what was lost.":"我们深知免费产品的诱惑力。但是很抱歉我们必须告知您,这样的机器人账号(bot)是不存在的。不要将这些机器人账号添加到您的服务器中以奢求得到什么免费产品,您这样做只会给它们机会损害您的服务器。如果您的服务器中有任何东西丢失,我们都无法恢复。","#Using a user token in any application (known as a Selfbot), or any automation of your account, may result in account suspension or termination. Our automated system will flag bots it suspects are being used for spam or any other suspicious activity. The bot, as well as the bot owner’s account, may be disabled as a result of our investigation. If your bot’s code is publicly available, please remove your bot’s token from the text to prevent it from being compromised.":"在任何应用程序中使用用户令牌(俗称自动化机器人账号(Selfbot)),或者将您自身的账号自动化,都有可能导致您的账号被停用或者终止。我们的自动化系统会标记任何可能用于发送垃圾信息或其他可疑活动的机器人账号(bot)。该机器人账号及其所有者的账户,经我们深入调查后,可能会被关闭 。如果您的机器人账号密码被公开,请务必删除您的机器人账号令牌,以防遭受损失。","#If you believe your account has been compromised through hacking, here are some steps you can take to regain access and protect yourself in the future.":"如果您认为您的账户因遭受黑客入侵被盗,您可以按照以下步骤恢复并保护您的账户。","#Reset your router via its manufacturer instructions.":"参照说明书重置您的路由器。","#If a bot contacts you to be added to your server, or asks you to click on a suspicious link, please report it to our Trust & Safety team for investigation.":"如果有机器人账号(bot)给您发消息要求您将其添加到服务器或要求您点击某个可疑链接,请立刻向我们的信任与安全团队举报,我们会对其展开调查。","#Please note: Discord never shares your IP address with other users. Bad actors might send malicious links such as IP grabbers or other scams in an attempt to get your IP address. Never click on unfamiliar links and be wary about sharing your IP address with anyone.":"请注意:Discord 绝不会将您的 IP 地址透漏给其他用户。不法分子可能会向您发送恶意的 IP 采集链接或其他诈骗链接用以获取您的 IP 地址。请不要点击陌生链接,向他人发送 IP 地址请务必谨慎。","#Turn on Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)":"开启双重认证(2FA)","#Hacking incidents, DDoS attacks":"黑客入侵与分布式拒绝服务攻击(DDoS)","#1. Reset your password.":"1. 重置密码","#Two-factor authentication (2FA) strengthens your account to protect against intruders by requiring you to provide a second form of confirmation that you are the rightful account owner. Here’s how to set up 2FA on your Discord account. If for some reason you’re having trouble logging in with 2FA, here’s our help article.":"双重认证(2FA)通过要求您提供另一种形式确认您为账户的合法所有者,从而进一步保障您的账户安全。这篇文章讲解了如何在您的账户上设置双重认证(2FA)。如果因为某些原因无法通过 2FA 登录账户,请参考这篇求助文章。","#3. DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks":"3. 分布式拒绝服务攻击(DDoS)","#Contact your internet service provider (ISP) for assistance. Your ISP might also be able to tell you where the attack came from. Please note that Discord does not have this information.":"请联系您的网络服务供应商(ISP)寻求帮助,他们应该能帮您找到攻击的来源。请注意,Discord 无法获取此类信息。","#Learn tips on how to protect your account against spam and hacking.":"了解窍门,保护你的账户免受垃圾信息和黑客攻击的侵扰。","#Invite reward servers are servers that promise some form of perk, often financial, for inviting and getting other users to join said server. We strongly discourage this activity, as it often results in spamming users with unsolicited messages. If it leads to spam or another form of abuse, we may take action including removing the users and server.":"拉新奖励服务器是指通过承诺给予一定的福利报酬(通常是经济形式的报酬),来拉新用户加入的服务器。我们强烈反对这类活动,因为这经常会导致用户收到来路不明的垃圾信息。如果因此种行为导致垃圾信息泛滥或其他严重后果,我们会终止用户账户和服务器等。","#Choose a long password with a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and special characters that is hard to guess and isn’t used for anything else. We recommend using a password manager which can make creating and storing secure passwords extremely easy.":"请确保密码达到一定长度,须包含大写字母、小写字母和特殊字符,您还须确保该密码既难以猜测,也不会被用于别处。我们推荐您使用密码管理器让您轻松设置密码、储存密码。","#Contents":"目录","#We don’t create bots to offer you free products. This is a scam. If you receive a DM from a bot offering you something, or asking you to click on a link, report it.":"Discord 从不会创建任何提供免费产品的机器人账号(bot)。如果您遇到,那不过是一场骗局。如果您收到机器人账号(bot)的消息通知您可以免费领取什么东西,或者要求您点击某个链接,请立刻向我们举报。","#Unplug your modem for 5-10 minutes and then plug it back in. This can cycle your IP address to a new one.":"拔出设备插头,等五到十分钟再插回。这样可以切换您的 IP 地址。","#If your account’s token has been compromised, reset your password to generate a new token. You should never give your account password or token to anyone. Discord will never ask for this information.":"如果您的账户被盗,请重置密码来获取一个新的令牌。请务必不要将您的密码或令牌告知其他人。Discord 永远不会询问您此类信息。","#If you believe this attack is coming from a user on Discord, please file a report with Trust & Safety.":"如果您认为受到的攻击来自 Discord 上的用户,请向我们的信任与安全团队进行举报。","#A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack floods an IP address with useless requests, resulting in the attacked modem or router no longer being able to successfully connect to the internet. If you believe your IP address has been targeted in a DDoS attack, here are some steps you can take:":"分布式拒绝服务攻击(DDoS)通过发送无用请求不断涌入某一 IP 地址,进而造成被攻击的设备或路由器网络中断。如果您认为您的 IP 地址遭受到分布式拒绝服务攻击(DDoS),您可以采取以下措施:","#Learn tips on what to do if your teen encounters an issues on Discord.":"了解孩子在 Discord 遇到问题时该怎么办。","#Bullying and harassment":"霸凌和骚扰行为","#Making violent threats against people":"对他人实施暴力威胁的行为","#Sharing content glorifying or promoting self-harm":"分享美化或提倡自我伤害的内容的行为","#Evading Discord-imposed bans and blocks":"蓄意逃避 Discord 封禁与屏蔽规定的行为","#Content that sexualizes or threatens minors":"对未成年人进行性化或造成恐吓威胁的内容","#Tips for Parents If Your Teen Encounters an Issue on Discord":"家长须知:孩子在 Discord 遇到问题时怎么办","#9 of 12":"9/12","#11 of 12":"11/12","#7 of 12":"7/12","#3 of 12":"3/12","#1 of 12":"1/12","#5 of 12":"5/12","#6 of 12":"6/12","#10 of 12":"10/12","#12 of 12":"12/12","#2 of 12":"2/12","#8 of 12":"8/12","#4 of 12":"4/12","#Check out the blog":"查看博客","#19 Million":"1900 万","#Active Servers per week":"每周活跃服务器","#Our founders":"我们的创始人","#Contact us":"联系我们","#150 Million":"1.5 亿","#NEWSROOM":"新闻编辑部","#Monthly Active Users":"每月活跃用户","#Discord is where the world talks, hangs out, and builds relationships with their communities and friends.":"Discord 是全世界用户娱乐消遣及社区和朋友建立关系的场所。","#Our numbers":"我们的号码","#BRAND":"品牌","#Come make some Discord with us":"和我们一起打造 Discord 吧。","#Our Logo":"我们的标志","#Yellow":"黄色","#Spacing":"间距","#Please do not edit, change, distort, recolor, or reconfigure the Discord logo.":"请不要编辑、修改、歪曲、调整颜色或重新配置 Discord 的标志。","#Red":"红色","#Open Jobs":"空缺职位","#Fuchsia":"紫红色","#Learn about the latest news and updates about Discord.":"了解 Discord 的最新资讯与更新。","#Colors":"颜色","#Newsroom And Press | Discord":"新闻编辑部和新闻发布 | Discord","#Alternate Logos":"可选标志","#Use these only when the Discord brand is clearly visible or has been well established elsewhere on the page or in the design. (When in doubt, use the other one.)":"以下标志仅在 Discord 首选标志已放置在页面或设计醒目位置时才可以使用。(如有疑问,请使用首选标志。)","#We’re a playful and fun brand that doesn't take ourselves too seriously. That said, we're keen on keeping things quality. If you're gonna use our art for something please keep it tasteful and send it our way for approval.":"我们是一个欢乐有趣的品牌,严肃古板不是我们的风格。但是质量仍是我们最为重视的。所以,如果您要使用我们的艺术作品,请保持原汁原味哦。","#Green":"绿色","#Mark only":"仅标记","#Blurple":"蓝紫色","#Founder & CEO":"创始人与首席执行官","#It’s where your world hangs out. Discord is a voice, video and text communication service used by over a hundred million people to hang out and talk with their friends and communities.":"全世界的人都在这里消遣娱乐。Discord 是一款集语音、视频以及文字信息交流方式于一体的服务软件,有超过一亿用户使用它来与朋友和社区娱乐消遣、谈天说地。","#So, in 2015, Stan and Jason started to bring Discord to life. People from all over the world loved it. Discord made it easy to genuinely communicate with friends, going beyond casual talking. Friends were staying in touch with their various communities. Discord was making it easy to participate in conversation, hopping around text, voice and video to talk. The technology was complex but the goal was simple: make Discord an inviting and comfortable home to jump into with your communities and friends. Within a few years, Discord began to take off, and devoted people who loved our product sprung up around the world.":"因此,在 2015 年,Jason 和 Stan 便开始着手打造 Discord。世界各地的人们都十分喜爱它。不再受制于只能随便聊聊,Discord 让朋友间的真诚交流变得简单。伙伴们能够保持与各个社区的联系。由于 Discord,加入聊天,在文字、语音与视频的交流方式中随心切换也不再是什么难事。所涉及的技术虽然复杂,不过目标十分简单:将 Discord 打造成一个你和朋友愿意一脚踏入的魅力十足且温馨舒适的家园。在短短数年间,Discord 开始“起飞”,全世界喜爱我们产品的忠实用户如雨后春笋般涌现。","#Active servers per week":"每周活跃服务器","#Looking for more?":"想要了解更多?","#Chapter One":"第一章","#Prologue":"序言","#White":"白色","#Black":"黑色","#Discord was started to solve a big problem: how to communicate with friends around the world while playing games online. Since childhood, founders Jason Citron and Stan Vishnevskiy both shared a love of video games, cherishing the friendships and connections that formed while playing them. At the time, all the tools built for this job were slow, unreliable, and complex. Jason and Stan knew they could make a better service that encouraged talking, helped form memories, and recreated the feeling of togetherness all found through gaming.":"起初,创立 Discord 是为了解决一个大问题:如何在在线游戏过程中与来自五湖四海的伙伴交流。创始人 Jason Citron 与 Stan Vishnevskiy,二人从孩提时代起就十分热爱电子游戏,也十分珍惜在游戏过程中所形成的友谊与纽带。那时,所有为满足这一目标而制作的工具都很慢、不可靠而且复杂。Jason 和 Stan 当时就知道他们可以打造出一款更优质的服务软件,它能够鼓励大家聊天、有助于形成回忆,同时重塑游戏过程中所形成的归属感与亲密感。","#Learn about Discord's branding guidelines.":"了解 Discord 的品牌推广守则。","#Our story":"我们的故事","#4 Billion":"40 亿","#CREATE SPACE FOR EVERYONE TO FIND BELONGING":"创建让每个人都能获得归属感的空间","#Discord is used by everyone from local hiking clubs, to art communities, to study groups. Discord has millions of people creating places for their friends and communities, talking for upwards of 4 hours per day on the platform. Discord is now where the world talks, hangs out, and builds relationships. Discord lets anyone create a space to find belonging—just like it did for Jason and Stan.":"今天,从本地徒步俱乐部、到艺术社区、再到学习小组,各个群体的朋友都在使用 Discord。Discord 上有数百万用户为朋友、社区创建交流场所,每天在平台上聊天超过 4 小时。Discord 已经成了全世界用户、各个社区以及朋友进行交流、消遣和建立关系的地方。每个人都能在 Discord 上创建空间、收获归属感,正如它之前为 Jason 与 Stan 所做的一样。","#About Discord | Our Mission and Values":"关于 Discord | 我们的使命和主张","#Discord's Branding Guidelines":"Discord 品牌推广守则","#Discord is about giving people the power to create space to find belonging in their lives. We want to make it easier for you to talk regularly with the people you care about. We want you to build genuine relationships with your friends and communities close to home or around the world. Original, reliable, playful, and relatable. These are the values that connect our users and our employees at Discord.":"Discord 赋予人们创建专属空间、收获人生归属感的力量。我们希望能帮助您轻松简单地经常与在乎的人沟通。无论您的朋友以及社区是来自周遭邻里还是五湖四海,我们都希望您能和他们建立真诚的关系。原创、可靠、好玩以及共鸣,这些价值便是连接我们用户与 Discord 员工之间的纽带。","#Where are we now?":"Discord 现状如何?","#Our metrics":"我们的健康指标","#Monthly active users":"每月活跃用户","#Server conversation minutes daily":"每日服务器会话分钟","#Our office":"我们的办公室","#Our mission is to build an easy-to-use communication service that gives people a place to talk, build relationships, and belong.":"我们的使命是打造易于使用的通讯服务,赋予人们一个聊天、建立人际关系和获得归属感的地方。","#Messaging, video calling, screen share and community management, all in one place.":"发消息、视频通话、屏幕分享,以及社区管理,任你体验。","#Humboldt State University Zoology Club":"洪堡州立大学动物学社","#Show slide 3 of 3":"显示幻灯片 3/3","#2 of 4":"2/4","#Set up private channels for leadership, categorize members into roles, moderate your space, and more.":"为领导团队设置私密频道、将成员分入不同身份组、定制化您的空间,当然内容不止于此。","#Receive a special badge on your server and stand out from the crowd on our Discovery page.":"您的服务器会收到专属徽章,在我们的“发现服务器”页面脱颖而出。","#All you’d want to know, and even some extras":"一切您想知道的问题,还有你没想到的问题","#One app for all your group needs":"一款 APP 就能全方位满足您的群组需求","#Customize notifications, give presenters the spotlight, and let new members stop by with no sign-in required.":"自定义通知提醒、为演讲者提供演讲场所,还能让新成员以游客身份浏览。","#WHERE CAMPUS COMMUNITIES TALK":"校园社群专属天地","#1 of 4":"1/4","#4 of 4":"4/4","#What it's all about":"有何用途","#Get Discord Nitro, rewards for your community, and access to the Partners-only server.":"获得 Discord Nitro,你的社区奖励及合作伙伴专属服务器访问权限。","#— Rutgers University Chess Club":"— 罗格斯大学象棋社","#Design from Scratch":"从零开始设计","#FAQ":"常见问题","#Partner-only perks":"合作伙伴专属特权","#The University of Texas at Dallas":"德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校","#Local Communities Template":"本地社区模板","#3 of 3":"3/3","#Show slide 2 of 3":"显示幻灯片 2/3","#Stay together while remote":"相聚云端","#Show slide 1 of 3":"显示幻灯片 1/3","#3 of 4":"3/4","#200+ colleges and universities are on Discord":"Discord 平台现有超 200 所职业高校与大学入驻","#Global Communities Template":"全球社区模板","#Show slide 3 of 4":"显示幻灯片 3/4","#Unique branding":"独特的品牌推广","#The UT Dallas Discord serves as a hub for students to connect together, chat, game, and even participate in events! I wanted to create a place where students could make friends digitally, find study-buddies, and even meetup with each other. Discord allows us achieve that with our server having over 3,000+ members in it no problemo!":"UT Dallas 的 Discord 是学生们保持联络、聊天、玩游戏的中心,在这里,学生们甚至可以参加大型活动!我当时的想法是创建一个场所供学生们在线交朋友、找学友,甚至可以组织聚会。Discord 轻而易举地就实现了我们的设想,如今我们服务器中的成员已经超过 3000 了!","#1 of 3":"1/3","#Show slide 1 of 4":"显示幻灯片 1/4","#Show slide 4 of 4":"显示幻灯片 4/4","#Improve member communication":"促进成员交流","#Your club, your rules":"您的社团您做主","#2 of 3":"2/3","#Personalize your server with a Custom URL, Server Banner, and Invite Splash.":"使用自定义网址、服务器横幅和邀请画面为您的服务器进行自定义设置。","#Help Center article":"帮助中心文章","#How college communities use Discord":"高校社区如何使用 Discord","#Getting started on Discord is easy. Conversations can happen via text, voice, and video — all in one place.":"Discord 上手简单。单个平台可支持用户通过文字信息、语音以及视频交流。","#Your server is organized into topic-based channels that keep meetings, resources, official chat, and social conversations in one place.":"您的服务器被分入了话题式频道,此类频道能够集会议、资源、官方聊天,以及社交聊天等功能于一体。","#Discord has been an invaluable tool in growing our organization. It lets our members stay active and connected. From casual matches to our largest events, Discord has the tools to facilitate organized and easy communication with any number of participants. Discord lets us keep playing chess together!":"多亏了Discord ,我们的组织才得以发展壮大。通过这个app,我们的成员得以一直活跃在线上并能随时保持联系。无论是休闲赛还是最大型赛事,Discord 都能助力我们成员之间有序顺畅地交流沟通。是 Discord 让我们能够聚在一起,畅快下棋!","#Designed for active and engaged communities, the Partner Program distinguishes the best servers out there. As role models to all of Discord, Partnered servers are communities that both our new and veteran users can use as inspiration to create their own communities.":"合作伙伴项目专为那些活跃的、参与度高的社区设计,最优秀的服务器在这里有机会脱颖而出。作为 Discord 所有服务器的标杆,新老用户都可以从我们的合作伙伴服务器这里获得灵感,进而创建属于自己的社区。","#Powerful and easy to use":"功能强大,操作简单","#Create a home where members can talk, feel welcome, and build relationships.":"为成员们打造一个能够谈天说地、其乐融融、拓展人脉的好地方。","#DISCORD PARTNERS":"Discord 合作伙伴","#DISCORD PARTNER PROGRAM":"Discord 合作伙伴项目","#Friends & Family Template":"家人朋友模板","#Create a place where your club or organization can get together to meet, organize, and hang out. Discord makes it easy to stay in touch and talk throughout the year.":"创建一个您的社团或组织能够在一起聚会、开展活动,还能闲逛消遣的场所。有了 Discord,时刻轻松保持沟通。","#Create a place for your club!":"为您的社团创建一方天地!","#Learn how students use Discord to organize and stay connected across campus clubs, communities, and organizations":"了解学生群体如何利用 Discord 组建并通过校园社团、社区,还有各色团体保持联络","#Show slide 2 of 4":"显示幻灯片 2/4","#Be recognized":"获得认可","#Use a club template":"使用社团模板","#Jump into messaging, screen share, and video chat. Members can see who’s online, instantly pop in to talk, or just hang out through the day.":"跳转至消息发送、屏幕分享,以及视频聊天。成员们能够确认在线成员、可以立即加入聊天,或者只是随意浏览。","#New Jersey":"新泽西","#Step 1":"第 1 步","#Step 2":"第 2 步","#DISCORD STREAMKIT":"DISCORD 直播工具箱","#Use your Nightbot commands in Discord":"在您的 Discord 上使用 Nightbot 命令","#Let members find your Discord server by syncing their YouTube account":"同步会员的 YouTube 账户,让他们找到您的 Discord","#Disable all SFX/Notifications":"关闭所有 SFX/通知","#Set up":"设置","#It’s like a really big blanket that you can hide all your important information under. Check it in Discord’s User Settings menu under Streamer Mode.":"就像是一张您可以把所有重要信息都隐藏其下的毯子。您可以在主播模式下,于 Discord 的用户设置菜单中查看。","#We sent some emails. We high-fived some people. We even had to make a phone call. Lots of work to make sure YOU have the best and brightest tools to do the important thing: streaming.":"我们发送电子邮件,和人们击掌,甚至不得不直接致电。数不胜数的工作,为的就是确保您拥有最佳且最智能的工具来为您的头等大事:直播,保驾护航。","#Website":"网站","#Hide sensitive account info":"隐藏敏感账户信息","#Here's how we recommend setting up your community server.":"在设置您的社区服务器处有我们给出的建议。","#Sync Twitch mods to a Discord role":"同步 Twitch 版主至 Discord 身份组","#Sync YouTube channel memberships to a Discord role":"同步 YouTube 频道会员至 Discord 身份组","#Sync Twitch subs to a Discord role":"同步 Twitch 订阅者至 Discord 身份组","#Connect to Discord":"连接至 Discord","#Sync Patreon patrons to a Discord role":"同步 Patreon 赞助人至 Discord 身份组","#Allow Discord to automatically sync your Twitch subs to a role. You can also let your Twitch subs use your Twitch emotes globally within Discord. Give your subs the love they deserve.":"允许 Discord 将您的 Twitch 订阅者自动同步到身份组。您也可以让自己的 Twitch 订阅者在全球范围内于 Discord 平台使用您的 Twitch 表情。给您的订阅者适当的回馈吧。","#Rep your community":"展示您的社区","#Assign different roles based on which rewards patrons subscribe to":"根据赞助人订阅的奖励来分配不同的身份组","#Twitch Integration":"Twitch 集成","#Enhance Your Discord Server with StreamKit":"使用直播工具箱增强自己的 Discord 服务器","#Show Discord text chat from any channel on stream":"在直播中展示 Discord 任意频道的文字聊天","#Get your community on Discord":"在 Discord 上建立自己的社区","#Add to Discord":"添加到 Discord","#Learn More":"了解更多","#Powered by the apps you already know and love.":"由您熟知且热爱的 APP 支持。","#Sync Nightbot regulars to a Discord role":"同步 Nightbot 常客至 Discord 身份组","#Automatically demote or kick people after a grace period when they stop renewing their membership":"在一段宽限期后,自动降级或踢除那些停止续费会员身份的人","#Streamer Mode":"主播模式","#Download these tasty art pieces to rep your Discord server on social media.":"下载这些精美的艺术作品,在社交媒体上展现您的 Discord 服务器。","#Automatically demote or kick people after a grace period when they stop subbing":"在一段宽限期后,自动降级或踢除那些停止订阅的粉丝","#Arrange the widgets on screen however you want":"随心地在屏幕上安置小工具","#Nightbot provides a pile of chat commands and auto-moderation tools for your Discord.":"Nightbot 为您的 Discord 提供一大堆聊天命令以及自动管理工具。","#Apply Now":"立即申请","#Discord StreamKit allows you to enhance your Discord community with tools you’re already familiar with. Make your Discord server, add some bot buddies, and promote your community!":"Discord 直播工具箱允许您使用自己已经熟悉的工具来增强自己的 Discord 社区。打造属于自己的 Discord、添加机器人伙伴,以及推广宣传自己所在的社区!","#The apps you know and love":"您熟知且喜爱的应用","#Add some bots":"添加一些机器人","#Allow Discord to automatically sync your YouTube channel memberships to a role. Make a private room for them to discuss how much they like each other.":"允许 Discord 将您的 YouTube 频道会员自动同步到身份组。为他们创建一个讨论自己有多喜欢彼此的私人聊天室。","#Show who’s talking in a Discord voice channel":"展示谁正在 Discord 语音频道中聊天","#Powerful robots that you probably already know. Check out some bots.":"对于这些强大的机器人,您可能已经有所耳闻。查看机器人。","#Sync your Twitch emotes to be used by subs anywhere within Discord":"同步您的 Twitch 表情,让订阅者在 Discord 平台上随意使用","#Customize, promote, and show off your Discord community directly on your stream. Share your Discord chat on your stream and get everybody the attention they deserve.":"直接在您的直播中自定义、推广,以及展示您的 Discord 社区。在直播中分享您的 Discord 聊天,让所有人都获得关注。","#Automatically turns on and off with OBS/XSplit":"使用 OBS/XSplit 自动开启和关闭","#Allow Discord to automatically sync your patrons to a role. This integration can let you give exclusive access to private rooms, the ability to post links, or even join voice chat.":"允许 Discord 将您的赞助人自动同步到身份组。该集成功能让您提供独享的私人聊天室、发布链接地址的能力,甚至加入语音聊天。","#Filter spam and create a chat blacklist":"过滤垃圾邮件并创建聊天黑名单","#Let subs find your Discord server by syncing their Twitch account":"通过同步订阅者的 Twitch 账户,让他们找到您的 Discord 服务器","#Already built into Discord":"已内置于 Discord","#YouTube Integration":"YouTube 集成","#Customize, promote, and show off your Discord community directly on your stream. Display your Discord chat alongside your Twitch chat so the memes can be shown in unison.":"直接在您的直播中设置、推广,以及展示您的 Discord 社区。在您的 Twitch 聊天旁展示您的 Discord 聊天,如此一来,就可以同时展示表情包了。","#Display your Discord community link":"显示您的 Discord 社区链接","#Customize the look and feel with your own style sheet":"通过您自己的样式表自定义造型以及风格","#Principles":"原则","#Privacy is incredibly important to us.":"隐私对我们来说尤为重要。","#You must have 2FA enabled on your own account before you can enable this option!":"启用这一选项前请务必开启您自身账户的双重认证(2FA)。","#2. Set a verification level":"2. 设置验证级别","#When enabled, server-wide two-factor authentication (2FA) requires all of your moderators and administrators to have 2FA enabled on their accounts in order to take administrative actions, like deleting messages. You can read more about 2FA here.":"服务器范围的双重认证(2FA)开启后,所有的管理员需要开启其自身账户的 2FA 认证才可以行使他们的管理权限,比如进行删除留言等操作。 点击此处了解更多关于双重认证(2FA)的信息。","#1. Set up roles and permissions":"1. 设置身份组和权限","#Verification levels":"验证级别","#Moderating a Discord server is an important responsibility, but it can take a little while to get used to. Whether you’re a new server owner or a veteran administrator, our tips below will help you make your server super safe.":"管理 Discord 服务器事关重大,需要一些时间来适应。无论您是新手服务器所有者还是资深管理员,以下我们提供的方法可以帮助您确保您的服务器安全无虞。","#3. Enable server-wide 2FA":"3. 开启服务器范围的双重认证(2FA)","#High - Users must meet all of the previous requirements and also must be a member of the server for at least 10 minutes to begin chatting. This is a good way to stall raids. Most raiders don’t have the patience to wait ten minutes before they spam the channel.":" - 在此设置下,用户必须满足此前所有等级的要求,并且已成为服务器成员超过 10 分钟以上,才可以开启聊天功能。这样可以有效地阻挡骚扰信息。因为大多数骚扰者一般没有耐心等到十分钟结束后再发送垃圾信息。","#Get tips on how to set up and manage your server for privacy and safety.":"获得服务器隐私与安全设置和管理的诀窍。","#Community Guidelines":"社区守则","#Health benefits":"健康福利","#Gender-affirming care":"性别确认护理","#Money matters":"待遇","#Grow together":"共同成长","#Our internal programs include but are not limited to unconscious bias training, employee resource groups, inclusive hiring practices, diversity sourcing strategies, and partnerships with high-impact organizations that drive equity. As we build our external strategy, we empower our employees to be a force for good in the world and support causes they are passionate about.":"我们的内部计划包括但不限于无意识偏见培训、员工资源群组、包容性招聘实践、多元采购战略,以及与推动人人平等的高影响力组织建立伙伴关系。在构建外部战略的同时,我们鼓励员工贡献自己的力量让世界变得更加美好,因此我们支持他们所热衷的事业。","#Family support":"家庭支持","#Experience Life @ Discord":"在 Discord 体验精彩人生","#R&R":"关于休假","#Parents":"父母","#Women at Discord":"Discord 女性员工","#Giving back":"回馈社会","#Discord strives to offer fair and competitive compensation packages, including equity. You'll have room to grow and be rewarded based on your contributions and impact at the company. Take advantage of our retirement offerings (including 401k matching in the U.S.) to meet your financial goals.":"Discord 将竭尽全力为您提供公平且具有竞争力的薪资待遇,包括股权。在这里,您不仅能够收获极大个人和职业发展的空间,根据您为公司所做的贡献和产生的影响力,您还可以获得相应的奖励。此外,您还可以享受我们的退休金福利(包括美国的 401k 匹配资金计划)来帮助您实现财务目标。","#Join a culture that builds belonging.":"成为重视归属感企业文化的一份子。","#Our platform is our headquarters! Because we believe great work isn't tied to a physical space, most of our roles offer flexibility — whether it's from the comfort of your home (in approved locations), an inspiring office setting or a combo of both! No matter where your desk lives, we offer generous support to help you remain productive and engaged.":"Discord 平台就是 Discord 的大本营。我们坚信,完成出色的工作不必拘泥于办公地点,我们的大多数职位都提供灵活的工作方式——您可以在舒适的居家环境中办公(所在州批准的情况下),也可以选择能激发灵感的办公室环境,还可以两者兼而有之!无论您选择在何处办公,只要您能高效、专注地工作,我们都会为您提供大力支持。","#Find new communities":"发现新社区","#Nope! Student Hubs are not officially affiliated with or managed by schools.":"答案是否!学生中心既不正式隶属于学校,也不受学校管理。","#Connect with people on campus who share your interests, from study groups and sports to fandoms, and more.":"和校园里志趣相投的小伙伴们联系起来,不论您喜欢的是学习、运动,还是别的什么。","#Are Student Hubs affiliated with my school?":"学生中心是否隶属于我的学校?","#Hey, I'm in college! How do I join a Student Hub?":"嗨,我进入大学了!我要怎么加入学生中心?","#Stay connected":"保持联系","#Wait, who can join a Student Hub?":"那么,什么人可以加入学生中心?","#Even though the servers listed in your school’s Student Hub are run by students, people do not need to be a member of the Student Hub to be invited to join the listed servers. Make sense? Okay cool.":"尽管您的学生中心中列出的服务器是由学生运营的,但受到邀请加入这些服务器的人并不需要是学生中心的成员。有道理吧?很有道理。","#Add your server to a Student Hub so classmates with similar interests can join. Need more players for that game you love? Or buddies to study with? They can find you!":"将您的服务器添加到学生中心,这样与您有相似兴趣的同班同学就可以加入了。想让您喜欢的游戏有更多的玩家参与,或者寻找一同学习的伙伴?他们自然会找到你!","#Getting started with your school’s Student Hub is easy. Meet, hangout, and study with your classmates,all in one place.":"利用学校的学生中心,您的大学生活将有一个轻松的开始。和您的同班同学认识、玩耍和学习,只需这一个地方。","#First of all, congrats! If Student Hubs are available for your region, you’ll need a school-issued email address to verify which student hub you can access. For regions where Student Hubs are not available yet, you can join the waitlist. Join here!":"首先向你表示祝贺!如果您所在的地区支持学生中心,那么您将需要一个学校发放的电子邮件地址来验证您有资格进入的学生中心。对于还没有设立学生中心的地区,您可以先加入等候名单。在这里加入!","#One place to discover your campus communities":"一个您探索校园社区的地方","#With this collection of student-run servers, you can easily stay up to date and take part in campus groups and activities. Never miss another K-pop & pizza night again.":"有了这个由学生运营的服务器集合,您可以轻松掌握学校最新动态并参加校园团体和活动。再也不会错过任何一个 K-pop 和披萨之夜了。","#Discover campus communities on Discord":"在 Discord 发现校园社区","#Share your server":"分享您的服务器","#Meet classmates from your school, discover communities, and share your servers with Student Hubs.":"认识您学校的同班同学,发现社区,或是和学生中心分享您的服务器。","#Student Hubs":"学生中心","#Good question! Only people with a school-issued email address can join and access a Student Hub.":"好问题!只有拥有学校发放的电子邮件地址的人才能加入和访问学生中心。","#Meet your classmates":"认识您的同班同学","#Browse the server categories or use the search bar to find servers relevant to your interests. From book clubs to band rehearsals to bird watching, you can find all kinds of student-run communities here.":"浏览服务器类别或使用搜索栏来发现符合您个人兴趣的服务器。从读书会到乐队排练,再到观鸟,您可以在这里找到各种各样由学生运营的社区。","#Connect with your campus communities":"与您的校园社区建立联系","#Join your Student Hub":"加入您的学生中心","#Have questions? We have answers!":"有什么疑问吗?我们来解答!","#Student Hubs 101":"学生中心 101","#The AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) ERG empowers Discord’s Asian-identifying employees and allies by honoring the richness and diversity of the Asian community. One of the group’s tentpole initiatives is hosting AAPI Heritage Month — a full month of programming that advocates for cultural diversity, education and career development. Celebrations include Lunch & Learn sessions, group gatherings, workshops and creator highlights featuring AAPI employees, communities and artists!":"亚太裔(AAPI)员工资源群组尊重亚裔社区的丰富性和多样性,并以此来激励亚裔员工及其盟友。举办亚太裔传统月是群组的一项重大活动,活动持续一整个月,旨在推动文化多样性、教育和职业发展。这期间的庆祝活动包括午餐学习会、小组聚会、研讨会以及关于亚太裔员工、社区和艺术家的创作者亮点展示!","#Jew-ish at Discord is a place for Jews, non-Jews and anyone with an interest in Jewish culture, history, nosh, spirituality and more. It's a community within Discord that brings people together and enables them to share their religion and culture with each other, the Discord employee community and Jewish community at large.":"Discord 的犹太社区(Jew-ish)是为犹太人、非犹太人以及任何对犹太文化、历史、美食、精神思想和其他方面感兴趣的人建立的。这个社区让志趣相投的人们聚到一起,使他们能够与对方、Discord 员工社区和整个犹太社区分享他们的宗教和文化。","#The Discord Pride Employee Resource Group is a safe haven for the LGBTQIA2S+ community and its allies. It offers education, belonging and a place to celebrate the identity of its members. Discord’s Pride ERG has made an impact on the community at the company and beyond by offering LGBTQIA2S+-inclusive and informed guidance regarding policy and benefits, including comprehensive transitioning benefits and improved access to gender-affirming healthcare. The group also hosts fun and educational events like allyship training, employee panels and community involvement with partners like GLSEN.":"Discord Pride 员工资源群组是 LGBTQIA2S+ 社区及其盟友的避风港。成员可以在这里受到教育、获得归属感,同时增强他们的身份认同感。Discord Pride 员工资源群组在相关政策与福利方面为 LGBTQIA2S+ 提供包容、明智的指导意见,包括详细的变性福利以及如何更好地利用性别确认医疗服务。因此,Discord Pride ERG 不仅在 Discord 的社区,也在其他领域形成了一定的影响力。除此之外,群组还会组织各种兼具趣味性与教育意义的活动,如同盟关系培训、员工讨论会以及与 GLSEN 等合作伙伴共同参与社区建设等等。","#The BAAM (Black & African American Movement) ERG is an intentional place of warmth, unity and understanding for members of the Black community at Discord. The group aims to develop leaders and changemakers, empower and give back to the community, and diversify the tech industry through training, events, volunteering and more.":"非裔运动(BAAM)员工资源群组是 Discord 专门为黑人社区成员提供的温馨、团结的互助空间。意在培养领导者和变革者,赋予他们权利并回馈社区,并通过培训、活动、志愿服务等方式使科技行业多样化。","#The Parents ERG at Discord is a community focused on providing support, resources and fellowship for parents and caregivers. Besides being a safe space for discussing anything related to being a parent, like getting advice on pre-schools in the Bay Area or venting about a newborn’s sleep schedule, the group hosts programs for helping parents and caregivers at Discord best navigate the complicated landscape of finances, benefits and strategies specifically related to raising children.":"Discord 的家长员工资源群组专注于为家长和照料者提供支持、资源和伙伴关系。在这里,成员可以放心讨论与为人父母有关的任何事情,例如寻求一些关于湾区学前教育的建议或者抱怨一下新生儿睡眠时间问题等等。除此之外,群组还会组织各类活动来帮助 Discord 上的父母和照料者在应对育儿资金、育儿福利以及育儿策略等复杂情况时游刃有余。","#La Cafetería is Discord’s’ Latinx ERG. Many of its members are the first in their communities or families to enter tech, and the group has made it their collective mission to build a space to enable Latinx folks to thrive without compromising their identity.":"La Cafetería 是拉美裔员工资源群组在 Discord 的大本营。这里的许多成员是他们所在社区或家庭中第一个进入科技领域的人。因为这个群组,他们有了共同的使命:为拉美人打造一个空间让这个群体在这里既能维护自己的身份,又能实现个人发展。","#The Discord Women's ERG is a place where women and underrepresented genders can gather to discuss topics that impact them, get inspired by great work, offer support and guidance, and develop skills that help build successful careers. The group focuses on driving change that improves everyone's ultimate well-being by making systemic change that makes the table bigger for everyone.":"Discord 女性(Women's)员工资源群组是专属于妇女和性别少数派的群组。在这里,成员可以聚在一起讨论影响自身的话题,从他人出色的工作中得到启发,为他人提供支持和指导意见,还可以培养助力事业成功的技能。Discord 女性(Women's)员工资源群组专注于推动变革,通过进行系统性的变革,让人人都有话语权,从而提升所有人的根本利益。","#Pride":"Pride 员工资源群组","#Archived Versions":"归档版本","#Information you provide to us":"您提供给我们的信息","#How we protect your information":"我们如何保护您的信息","#International data transfers":"国际数据传输","#Data Protection Officer":"数据保护官","#Changes to this Privacy Policy":"对本《隐私政策》所作的更改","#The information we collect":"我们收集的信息","#Information we receive from other sources":"我们从其他来源收到的信息","#Welcome!":"欢迎!","#How we use your information":"我们如何使用您的信息","#How to control your privacy":"如何控制您的隐私","#Services offered by third parties":"由第三方提供的服务","#Information we collect automatically":"我们自动收集的信息","#Data retention":"数据保留","#We also collect information automatically from you when you use Discord. This includes:":"在您使用 Discord 的过程中,我们也会自动收集信息,包括:","#We care deeply about safety. Our dedicated Trust & Safety team works hard to help keep our community safe. We also use certain information to help us identify violations of our Community Guidelines and prevent harmful content from being distributed through the services.":"安全是我们工作的重中之重。我们设立了专门的 Trust and Safety 团队,为保护社区安全不懈努力。我们也会使用特定信息识别违反社区守则的行为,避免有害内容通过我们的服务散播。","#We make money from paid subscriptions and the sale of digital (and sometimes physical) goods, not from selling your personal information to third parties.":"我们的盈利来自付费订阅和数字产品(偶尔也有实体产品)销售。我们不会向第三方出售您的个人信息,以此牟利。","#Other information that we collect automatically. When you take certain actions on other sites, we may receive information about you. For example, when we advertise for Discord on third party platforms, if you click on the ad, we may receive information about which ad you saw and on which platform. Similarly, we may also receive certain information when you click on a referral link, such as which website you came from.":"我们自动收集的其他信息。如果您在其他网站上进行了特定操作,那么我们就可能收到关于您的信息。假设我们在第三方平台上投放 Discord 广告,而您点击了该广告,我们就会获知您看到了哪个平台上的哪则广告。类似地,如果您点击推荐链接,我们也可能收到特定信息,例如您来自哪个网站等。","#We collect certain information when you use Discord. This includes information you provide to us, information we collect automatically, and information we receive from other sources.":"在您使用 Discord 时,我们会收集特定信息,包括您主动提供给我们的、我们自动收集的以及来自其他来源的信息。","#We give you control. We give you the ability to control your privacy on Discord.":"隐私控制权在您手中。在 Discord,您的隐私控制权在自己手中。","#To provide customer service. We use your information to respond to your questions about our products and services, and to investigate bugs or other issues.":"提供客户服务。我们会使用您的信息响应您对我们产品和服务的疑问,并调查故障、错误等问题。","#If you disable or remove cookies, some parts of the services may not function properly. Information may be collected to remember your opt-out preferences.":"如果您禁用或删除 Cookie ,服务的某些部分可能无法正常运行。我们可能会收集信息以记住您的选择退出偏好。","#For our legitimate business interests":"为了我们合法的商业利益","#To report on our company’s performance. We use your information to track the fundamental metrics of our business, to perform financial reporting, to respond to regulatory obligations, and to debug billing issues.":"报告公司绩效。我们会使用您的信息监测基本业务指标,创建财务报告,履行监管义务并解决账单和计费方面的问题。","#You can edit or delete a channel from a Discord server if you have the permissions needed to do so.":"在拥有必要权限的情况下,您可以编辑或删除 Discord 服务器中的频道。","#Manage cookies":"管理 Cookie","#Manage your content and servers":"管理您的内容和服务器","#We are based in the United States, and we process and store information on servers located in the United States. We may also store information on servers and equipment in other countries depending on a variety of factors, including the locations of our users and service providers. These data transfers allow us to provide our services to you. By accessing or using our services or otherwise providing information to us, you understand that your information will be processed, transferred, and stored in the U.S. and other countries, where different data protection standards may apply and/or you may not have the same rights as you do under local law.":"我们的总部位于美国,数据处理和储存的服务器也位于美国境内。根据多种不同因素,如用户和服务提供商所处的位置,我们也可能将数据储存在其他国家/地区的服务器和设备上。有了此类数据传输,我们才能为您提供服务。访问/使用我们的服务或以其他方式向我们提供信息,即代表您了解您的个人信息处理、传输和储存将在发生在美国和其他国家/地区。美国之外的国家/地区可能适用不同的数据保护标准,并且/或者您可能无法享有与本地法律相同的权利。","#Questions or concerns about your privacy? You can email us at privacy@discord.com.":"如果您还有隐私方面的疑问或担心,可以发送电子邮件至 privacy@discord.com。","#To comply with our legal obligations":"履行法律义务","#To provide you with the services. We use your information to provide you with the Discord services. For example, when you start a video call, we process your images and audio to make that work. We similarly collect and store the messages you send and display them as you direct. We also use the information you provide to us to create and manage your account and to facilitate purchases. When you enable optional features (like connecting your Discord account to other platforms), we use information from those services to power the feature (like displaying what song you are listening to on another service within the Discord app).":"为您提供服务。我们会使用您的信息提供 Discord 服务。例如,在视频通话中,我们会处理您的图像和音频,以实现视频通话功能。消息也与此类似:我们会收集并储存您发送的消息,并按照您指定的方式显示消息。此外我们还会使用您提供的信息为您创建并管理账号,并帮您进行购买。如果您启用了可选功能(例如将 Discord 账号关联到其他平台),那么我们也会使用来自服务的信息为您提供所选功能,例如在 Discord APP 中显示您在另一项服务中听的歌曲。","#You can edit or delete any message you have sent or content you have posted if you still have access to the space where you posted it.":"您可以编辑或删除任何已经发送的消息;如果在发布内容后,您依旧可以访问发布所在的空间,那么也可以编辑或删除已发布的内容。","#We may receive information about you from other sources, including from other users and third parties, and combine that information with the other information we have about you. For example, if you interact with our social media account on another platform, we may receive certain information about you like your username on that platform.":"我们也可能从其他来源(例如其他用户和第三方等)收到关于您的信息,并将其与我们拥有的、您的其他信息结合使用。例如,如果您在另一个平台上与我们的社交媒体账号互动,那么我们就可能收到关于您的特定信息,例如您在该平台上的用户名等。","#To control how information is collected and used from cookies on the services, you can take one or more of the following steps.":"要控制如何从服务中的 Cookie 收集和使用信息,您可以采取以下一项或多项步骤。","#You can disable and manage some cookies through your browser settings. You will need to manage your settings for each browser you use. You can find instructions for how to manage Cookies in popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari (iOS), Safari (Mac), and Opera.":"您可以通过浏览器设置来禁用和管理某些 Cookie。这需要您为所使用的每个浏览器分别进行设置。您可以找到如何在主流浏览器中管理 Cookie 的说明,例如 Internet ExplorerFirefoxChromeSafari(iOS)Safari(Mac)以及 Opera。","#Depending on where you are accessing our services, you may be able to adjust your cookie preferences at any time through a cookies banner or by selecting “Cookie Settings” from the footer or menu on our website.":"根据您访问我们服务的地理位置,您可以随时通过 Cookie 横幅或从我们网站的页脚或菜单中选择“Cookie 设置”来调整您的 Cookie 偏好。","#Functional Cookies: These help us provide enhanced functionality on the services like remembering language preferences. Disabling these could affect some service functionality.":"功能性 Cookie:这些 Cookie 会帮助我们提供增强型服务功能,如记忆语言偏好。禁用它们可能会影响某些服务功能。","#Third party groups also enable you to limit how cookies are used for advertising purposes by participating third parties. You can learn more at Network Advertising Initiative, the Digital Advertising Alliance, and for users in the EU, the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance.":"第三方团体也将使您能够限制参与的第三方出于广告目的使用 Cookie 的方式。您可以通过 Network Advertising InitiativeDigital Advertising Alliance 了解更多信息,位于欧洲的用户还可以通过 European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance 了解更多信息。","#We allow third party developers to build certain features or other services and offer them within the Discord services. For example, server administrators can add “bots” created by third party developers that provide features like content moderation and interactive games. Similarly, you may have access to games or activities built by third parties within the services.":"我们允许第三方开发者开发特定功能或其他服务,并在 Discord 服务中提供。例如,服务器管理员可以添加第三方开发者研发的“机器人”,以实现内容管理、互动游戏等功能。您也可以在服务中访问第三方开发的游戏或小活动。","#You can edit or delete a Discord server if you have the permissions needed to do so.":"在拥有必要权限的情况下,您可以编辑或删除 Discord 服务器。","#Performance Cookies: These allow us or our third-party analytics providers to learn how you and others use and engage with the services so we can understand and improve them.":"性能 Cookie:通过这些 Cookie,我们或我们的第三方分析提供商可以了解您和其他人如何使用和参与服务,以便我们了解和改进服务。","#We may collect or share personal data if we think someone’s life is in danger—for example, to help resolve an urgent medical situation.":"如果我们认定有人出现生命危险,那么可能会收集或分享个人数据。例如,在有人需要紧急医疗救护的情况下,我们可能会使用数据呼叫救护。","#These third-party services need to follow all policies that apply to them (including often our Developer Terms of Service and Developer Policy). As part of these policies, we require developers to have a privacy policy that makes clear what they do with your information. Please review these privacy policies, as they describe what bots and apps may do with your information. We also require that certain popular bots apply for access to certain data. But because these services are operated by third parties, we don’t control them or what information they collect. It’s up to you whether to participate in a server that uses bots, and whether to engage with third-party services in general.":"此类第三方服务需要遵守适用的所有政策(常包括开发者服务条款开发者政策)。作为这些政策的一部分,我们要求开发者制定自己的隐私政策,并在其中清楚地说明个人信息的使用方法。这些隐私政策中描述了机器人和应用使用您信息的方式,请务必仔细阅读。我们还要求特定热门机器人在访问某些数据前先申请权限。但这些服务由第三方运营,Discord 无法加以控制,也无法管理他们收集的信息。请仔细检查,谨慎决定是否加入使用机器人的服务器,以及是否要使用第三方服务。","#If you reside in the United Kingdom, you can also contact VeraSafe, Discord’s appointed representative for data protection matters related to the processing of personal data, using this contact form: https://verasafe.com/public-resources/contact-data-protection-representative or via telephone at +420 228 881 031. VeraSafe’s mailing address is:":"英国的居民也可以联系 VeraSafe。VeraSafe 是 Discord 指定的代表,负责个人数据处理相关的数据保护事务。VeraSafe 联系表格:https://verasafe.com/public-resources/contact-data-protection-representative;联系电话:+420 228 881 031;邮寄地址:","#We will update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We always indicate the date the last changes were published, and if changes are significant, we’ll provide a more prominent notice as required by law, such as by emailing you or highlighting the changes within the services.":"我们将不时更新本《隐私政策》。我们始终会注明最后一次更新的发布日期。如果发生重大变更,我们会根据法律要求提供更显著的通知,例如给您发送电子邮件或在服务中突出显示更改内容。","#Spam":"垃圾邮件","#Whatever social cause you’re passionate about, take a day (or two) off to make an impact. While you're at it, take advantage of $1,000/year in donation-matching to charitable organisations!":"无论您热衷哪一项社会事业,都可以请一到两天假来为社会做贡献。届时,我们将提供每年 1000 美元的慈善捐款配捐金额!","#No freeloaders or jerks allowed.":"这里不欢迎品行不端的员工。","#Our people, much like our users, can’t be put in a box. The quirky and unique cast of characters that work together at Discord may be intrepid travellers from all walks of life, but there’s a reason we’ve all ended up here. We care about each other, the work we do, and the future we’re building — like, a lot. We pull our own weight and treat each other with extreme empathy. No freeloaders or jerks allowed.":"和我们的用户一样,我们的员工也是非常多元的。在 Discord 工作的特立独行的员工可能是来自各行各业的佼佼者。我们因同一个原因在这里相聚:我们都十分关爱彼此、关心工作、关注我们共同的未来。我们对待工作各尽其责,对待彼此设身处地。这里不欢迎品行不端的员工。","#Discord’s Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are employee-led organisations centred around belonging. Led by our Inclusion, Diversity & Purpose team, Discord empowers our ERGs to create an inclusive space where members of underrepresented groups and allies can come together to celebrate our diverse communities. Our ERG leads have 10% allocated work time to help build belonging through promoting education and awareness, offering learning opportunities, and driving advocacy for their communities in and outside of Discord.":"Discord 的员工资源群组(ERG)是以归属感为中心的员工主导型组织。在我们的包容性、多样性和目的性团队的领导下,Discord 赋予我们的 员工资源群组创造一个包容空间的权利,让代表性不足的团体成员和盟友可以聚在一起,致敬我们的多元社区。我们的 员工资源群组领导有 10% 的工作时间用来帮助社区建立归属感,方式包括在 Discord 内外促进教育和认识,提供学习机会,推动社区的宣传。","#Something went wrong. Try again.":"出现错误,请重试。","#We spend a lot of time on this process because we believe the context in which something is posted is important and can change the meaning entirely. We might ask the reporting user for more information to help our investigation.":"我们认为,消息发布时的上下文非常重要,有时上下文会彻底改变消息的意思,因此,我们会在调查中投入大量时间进行确认。我们还可能请发送举报的用户提供更多信息,协助调查开展。","#When we receive a report from a Discord user, the Trust & Safety team looks through the available evidence and gathers as much information as possible. This investigation is centered around the reported messages, but can expand if the evidence shows that there’s a bigger violation. For example, we may investigate whether the entire server is dedicated to bad behavior, or if the behavior appears to be part of a wider pattern.":"收到 Discord 用户发送的举报时,我们的 Trust and Safety 团队会查阅所有可用的证据,收集尽可能多的信息。调查的核心一般是所收到的举报消息,但如果有证据显示存在更严重的违规现象,我们还会拓展调查的范围。例如,我们可能调查是否服务器本身是为了助长不良行为而存在,或者不良行为背后是否还有更大的问题等。","#Responding to user reports is an important part of our Trust & Safety team’s work, but we know there is also violating content on Discord that might go unreported. This is where we get proactive. Our goal is to stop bad actors and their activity before anyone else encounters it. We prioritize getting rid of the worst-of-the-worst content because it has absolutely no place on Discord, and because the risk of harm is high. We focus our efforts on exploitative content, in particular non-consensual pornography and sexual content related to minors, as well as violent extremism.":"回应用户举报是 Trust and Safety 团队工作的重要组成部分。但我们也明白,Discord 可能存在未受举报的违规内容。因此,我们会主动出击,力求在违规者和行为损害其他用户体验之前加以阻止。我们会优先处理违规程度最严重、最危险的内容,贯彻 Discord 对此的零容忍态度,避免此类内容产生伤害。我们重点关注剥削性的内容,尤其是未经许可的色情内容、与未成年人相关的色情内容,以及暴力极端主义内容。","#Server Members - Selecting this means users who share a server with you can send you a friend request. Deselecting this while \"Friends of Friends\" is selected means that you can only be added by someone with a mutual friend.":"服务器成员 - 选择此项设置则表示和您同在一个服务器中的用户都可以向您发送好友请求。如果取消选择此项设置,保留“好友的好友”选项则表示只有和您有共同好友的人才能添加您为好友。","#The last thing to do in your security settings is determine who can send you a friend request. You can find these settings in the Friend Requests section of your User Settings.":"安全设置的最后一步是确定哪些用户可以向您发送好友请求。进入用户设置中的好友请求部分,即可进行此项设置。","#On Discord, you get to choose the friends and communities you talk with. A key part of making this happen is knowing how you can set up your account. Our tips below can help you keep your account safe.":"加入 Discord 后,您可以自主选择要交流的好友和社区成员,关键是了解如何进行账户设置。以下建议将帮助您保障您的账户安全。","#If you don’t want to receive ANY friend requests, you can deselect all three options. However, you can still send out friend requests to other people.":"如果您不希望对任何人开放好友请求,您可以将这三个选项全部取消。不过您仍然可以向其他人发送好友请求。","#Never give away your account information":"切勿泄漏您的账户信息。","#Again, Discord will never ask you for your password either by email or by Discord direct message. If you believe your account has been compromised, submit a report to Trust & Safety":"再次声明,无论是通过电子邮件还是 Discord 私信,Discord 永远不会索要您的密码信息。如果您认为账户遭到泄漏,请向信任与安全团队举报。","#Are there only students in the servers listed in the hub?":"学生中心列出的服务器中只有学生成员吗?","#451: Reddit X Discord":"451:Reddit X Discord","#455: Schools X Discord":"455:学校 X Discord","#452: Twitch X Discord":"452:Twitch X Discord","#453: Patreon X Discord":"453:Patreon X Discord","#Discord Moderator Academy":"Discord 管理员学院","#104: How To Report Content To Discord":"104:如何向 Discord 举报内容","#What’s Next?":"接下来该做什么?","#Creating the welcome channel where users will find information on how to get their roles.":"为用户了解如何获取自己的身份组创建欢迎频道。","#Make sure to save your changes at the bottom of the roles screen, and that’s all we need for the role setup!":"请务必在身份组页面底部保存您所做的更改。以上就是关于身份组设置的内容。","#Discord provides you with a way to group related channels together into Categories.":"Discord 会教您如何将相关频道集合起来并在类别中进行分类。","#Start by opening up the server menu and clicking the Create Category option.":"打开服务器菜单,点击“创建类别”选项,开始操作。","#To grant the user access to the region channels, simply open the server’s member list in the server settings, search for their name and add the role!":"要授予用户访问区域频道的权限,只需打开服务器设置中的成员列表,查找他们的名字并为他们添加相应身份组即可。","#This article has shown you how to set up a basic region locked server where you can grant access for specific users to specific categories. Discord’s “Private Categories” feature makes it simple to grant access to a category for a specific set of roles and set up the permissions for you.":"本文向您展示了如何创建一个可以授权特定用户访问特定类别的初级锁区服务器。因为 Discord 的“私密类别”这一功能,无论你是要授权特定身份组访问某一类别,还是进行权限设置,都变得简单方便。","#Having to manually assign roles is a laborious task which can be simplified with Discord bots. There are many reaction role bots available which allow users to add a reaction onto a message and be given a role for it. Try to find a reaction role bot that grants users access to your community by simply adding a reaction to your message.":"手动分配身份组费时费力,可以利用 Discord 机器人来简化这项工作。Discord 有许多反应身份组机器人可以用来允许用户对某条信息添加反应进而获得身份组。试着去找一个这样的机器人,让用户添加反应到您的消息后就可以轻松访问您的社区。","#Create the channels for each region.":"为每个区域创建专门频道。","#Once you have a link like this you are ready to share it!":"如果您的邀请链接如图所示,那么您就可以分享给他人了!","#Create the necessary roles for our region lock.":"为我们的锁区创建必要的身份组","#If you head into the permissions section for the category you will see which permissions the private category option has changed.":"您可以进入该类别的权限中查看私密类别选项更改了哪些权限。","#You can add more categories! You may want a Moderators category for other moderators to discuss in.":"您可以多添加几个分类!比如添加一个管理员类别,让管理员们可以在其中讨论问题。","#Getting Started":"开始","#We’ll be making two categories in this example, one for each region role. We’ll start out with the United States category, which we’ll associate with the United States role.":"在以下实例中,我们会创建两个类别,每个区域身份组一个类别。我们先从美国类开始创建,并与美国身份组关联。","#Find the role that you want to create the category for and flip the switch to activate it. Once that is done, hit “Create Category”. It will pop up in your channel list.":"确定好您要创建类别的身份组后,点击按键将其激活。完成后,点击“创建类别”,该类别就会在频道列表中出现。","#You do not need to select the private channel option while creating channels inside a category; by default the permissions of the parent category will also apply to the channels within it.":"在某一类别中创建频道时,需要选择私密频道选项,当前父类别中的权限会被默认适用于其内部频道。","#When a user joins a server they will be presented with the welcome channel and information. They cannot see any other categories because they don’t have any region roles yet.":"新用户加入服务器后,页面会显示欢迎频道及相关信息。他们还没有任何区域身份组,因此还无法看到其他任何类别。","#Conclusion":"结语","#Setting Up Roles":"身份组设置","#We’ll be creating a category for each region and channels within that. A great benefit of categories is that you can sync the permissions of the category to all channels within it, so you don’t need to set up permissions for any other channels in the same category.":"我们会为每个区域和其中的频道创建类别。创建类别的一大好处就是您可以将该类别的权限同步到其中的所有频道,从而无需再专门为该类别中的其他频道设置权限。","#After that, your channel list should look like the following.":"完成后,您的频道列表应如下所示。","#They’ll then immediately have access to the region category for the role you have assigned them:":"分配到身份组后,他们即可访问区域类别。","#This article will assume that you’ve read the following guides:":"本文默认您已阅读以下指南:","#Once you’ve set up the channels within the category, open up the settings of one and take a look at the permissions. As you’ll see at the top of the permissions list, the channel is synced to the United States category. This means that if you update the permissions inside the “United States” category, the permissions in all channels within it will update.":"在这一类别中创建好频道后,请打开其中一个频道的“设置”查看权限情况。在权限列表顶部您会看到该频道已被同步到美国类。也就是说如果您升级“美国”类中的权限,其中所有频道的权限会同时升级。","#You’ll now notice that the message box has been disabled like we specified.":"现在你可以看到消息框已经按照我们的设置被禁用。","#These roles don’t need to have any permissions for the whole server (like a role for Moderators would), since they are only used to gate access to the region categories.":"这些身份组仅用于限制对不同区域类别的访问,因此不需要(像管理员的身份组一样)获得服务器的任何权限。","#Creating our region locked areas":"创建我们的区域内锁定区","#We can validate that the permissions work again by using the “View Server As Role” feature. This time instead of selecting @everyone, select one of the region roles.":"我们可以再次通过“以身份组查看服务器”的功能来验证权限设置的结果。此次选择其中一个区域身份组,不选 @everyone。","#As you can see, while previewing with the “United States” role we can only see the United States category. You can change the selected roles to confirm that each of your region roles can see their respective category.":"如图所示,选择美国身份组进行预览时,只能看到美国类。您可以更换所选的身份组来确认是否每种区域身份组只能看到各自所属的类别。","#At this point you are ready to start inviting users! To invite a user, hit the invite button next to the welcome channel in the channel list.":"现在,您可以准备好邀请用户了!在频道列表中找到欢迎频道,点击旁边的“邀请”按钮即可邀请用户。","#With that in mind, here are some things to try with your new server:":"考虑到这一点,以下方法您也可以在服务器上试一试:","#Make sure to select the checkbox to mark your invite as never expiring if you plan on posting it online. Otherwise, the invite will expire automatically and users coming across online posts will not be able to join.":"如果您打算在网上发布邀请,请选中复选框来将您的邀请标记为永不过期。否则,邀请会自动过期,那么用户即便在网上看到邀请也无法加入。","#Users will get in touch via DMs to request region roles (we’ll mention alternative methods to automate this at the end!).":"用户需要通过发送私信的方式获取区域身份组(本文最后我们会介绍其他自动获得身份组的方式)。","#You can optionally assign these roles a color to allow members in specific roles to stand out in channels, or hoist them in the member list to make it easy to find users in a group (for example, it’s useful to hoist Moderators so people know who to get in touch with). We’ll create two roles for the United States and Canada.":"您可以选择为这些身份组配置颜色从而能够在频道中区分出特定身份组成员,也可以在成员列表中将其置顶以便于查找群组中的用户(例如,将管理员置顶就很实用,这样人们就知道该联系谁了)。我们来为美国与加拿大创建两个身份组。","#As you can see, the United States role has permission to read all text channels and voice channels, while the @everyone role does not have that permission.":"如图所示,美国身份组有权限查看所有文字和语音频道,但是 @everyone 身份组无此项权限。","#If you manually edit permissions of a channel within a category, it will go out of sync and you may need to tell Discord to re-sync that channel, in the process of which any specific changes to that channel will be lost. This is important to keep in mind since if you have any specific overrides in a channel and you sync it they will be gone, but also if you make any changes to the parent category they will not sync to the channel that you have manually altered, which is something to look out for.":"如果手动编辑某一类别中某个频道的权限,该操作将无法同步,而且可能会导致需要由 Discord 来对该频道进行重新同步,在这一过程中对该频道所做的任何更改都将全部丢失。这一点请牢记,因为如果您对某个频道做出任何修改并且将其同步的话,这些修改信息都会丢失。不仅如此,对父类别所做的更改也不会再同步到被手动更改过的频道。这一点请您务必注意。","#We’ll break this up into a few steps:":"我们将其分为以下几个步骤:","#Assigning region roles":"分配区域身份组","#Basic Permissions":"基础权限","#We can check that this has worked using the “View as Role” feature.":"您可以通过“以身份组查看”的功能来确认权限设置结果。","#You need to make sure Moderators can access all the categories and bypass the region lock if you want them to be able to properly moderate these spaces. Remember, adding permissions to the category will add it to all of the channels within - look at how the region role permissions have been set up and copy this for the moderators role!":"如果想让管理员们正确管理这些空间,您需要确保他们可以访问所有的类别并且避开锁区。请牢记,在某个类别中添加的权限会同时添加到其中所有的频道——了解一下如何设置区域身份组权限,然后用同样的方法为管理员身份组设置相应权限。","#Head over to your roles page in the server settings and find the @everyone role, select “View Server As Role.”":"前往服务器设置中的身份组页面,找到 @everyone 身份组,选择“以身份组身份查看服务器”。","#Next up, we need to create some roles to identify users from each region in the server. Head to the roles section of your server settings.":"接下来,我们需要创建身份组来区分服务器中每个来自不同区域的用户。前往服务器设定中的身份组区。","#You can automatically set up the permissions for a category so that only a certain role can access it. To do this, enable the “Private Category” option. Once you turn this switch on you’ll see a list of roles which you can enable to grant access to the category.":"您可以自动设置某个类别的权限,从而只允许某个特定的身份组访问。启用“私密类别”选项可完成这项设置。点击此选项后,您会看到一个身份组列表,您可以选择允许其中的身份组访问该类别。","#Creating a Welcome Channel":"创建欢迎频道","#That concludes the set up of the United States category- next we’ll repeat the same steps as above for the Canada channels by creating a category and setting the Private Category option to the Canada role.":"以上就是创建美国类别的全部内容——接下来,我们会重复以上步骤为加拿大的频道创建类别,并针对加拿大身份组进行私密类别选项的设置。","#While managing a Discord server, you will frequently find yourself needing to create private areas of the server for specific people or for specific purposes. This is easily achievable on Discord by making use of categories, roles and permissions.":"管理 Discord 服务器时,出于特定原因或者为了特定某人,您会经常需要创建一些专用空间。此时可以借助类别、身份组以及权限设置来轻松搞定。","#To demonstrate how to utilize these tools, we’re going to build a server focused around a robotics tournament where our community members gain access to a region-specific group of channels.":"为演示使用这些工具的方法,我们会围绕一场机器人比赛来创建一个服务器,在这里,社区成员可以访问一组特定区域的频道。","#Currently, any user can send a message in our welcome channel. Let’s set up the permissions in the channel so the @everyone role cannot type.":"目前,所有用户都可以通过我们的欢迎频道发送消息。我们可以在频道中进行权限设置,让 @everyone 的身份组无法再输入信息。","#However, what’s a category even for if there are no channels to populate them? Next, let’s make some channels for our newly made category- starting with a text channel and a voice channel. Click the + icon next to the category name to do this.":"不过,如果没有频道作为内容填充,创建类别还有何意义?那么接下来,让我们来为新生成的类别创建几个频道——先从文本频道和语音频道开始。点击类别名称旁边的“+”图标进行操作。","#Discord's Transparency Reports":"Discord 透明度报告","#here":"请点击这里","#Online Form":"线上表格","#While bigger servers may be less lenient when it comes to second chances, banning people over minor infractions may not always be the best approach. Your responsibility is not just to execute punishments, but also to weigh out the severity of the infraction. Moderating larger or more active communities can be overwhelming at first, so don’t be afraid to ask fellow moderators for help, and take their advice on improving your methods of moderation. While moderating, always be friendly and ready to help users in public. Find a balance between enforcing the rules, while also fostering a healthy relationship with users. “Aggressive” moderators tend to intimidate or scare off new users, which will harm your community.":"虽然人数较多的大服务器对初犯不一定宽容,但因轻微违规行为而封禁用户或许不是最佳选择。您的职责不仅仅是令行禁止,还要衡量违规行为的严重程度。刚接手管理一个更大或更活跃的社区时,您可能会不知所措,所以抛开顾虑,尽情向其他管理员寻求帮助,并听取他们改进您管理方法的建议。管理社区时,始终记得保持友善的态度,并随时准备公开帮助用户。在令行禁止和发展同用户的健康关系见找到一个个平衡点,“咄咄逼人”的管理员容易恐吓新用户,或直接把他们吓跑,最终受损的还是您的社区。","#Teamwork is Key":"团队合作是关键","#User Privacy":"用户隐私","#When dealing with moderation issues, seeking help from fellow staff members always seems like optimal assistance. Getting another person’s opinion on a topic may help you to see things from a different angle, or reinforce your judgement. Taking everyone’s perspective into account can help you master even the most difficult problems and it takes weight off your shoulders to let other people know about your concern. You are part of a team, and do not have to act alone.":"在处理管理问题时,不要吝啬于向其他团队成员寻求帮助,他们是您的最佳援手。兼听则明,听取他人对某一主题的意见能帮您发现看问题的不同角度,或让您对自己的判断更有信心。将所有人的观点纳入考量,即使面对最棘手的问题您也能迎刃而解。让他人了解您的顾虑,从而减轻您肩上的负担。您是团队中的一份子,无需当一匹独狼。","#What it means to be a Discord Moderator":"成为 Discord 管理员的意义","#Engaging with Users":"与用户互动","#Another consideration when it comes to public appearance is respect for your fellow moderators. A successful staff team flourishes when all of its members work together. It is not expected of you to become the best of friends with every single staff member, but one thing you should never do is talk badly about fellow staff in public or do things you know will cause a bad reaction from their part. If you have any issue regarding them, you should address it in private or get your team’s upper management involved if there are more severe issues going on.":"谈及公共形象话题时,另一重需要考虑的因素就是管理员同事之间的互相尊重。只有全体成员通力合作,团队才能取得成功并蓬勃发展。您无需同团队中的每一个人都成为挚友,但您永远不应在公开场合说同事的坏话,或者做一些明知会伤害他们感情的事。你们之间的任何矛盾都应私下里解决,如果解决不了,就考虑让您团队中的高层管理参与进来。","#User engagement and activity is one of the essential aspects of running a Discord server successfully. In terms of smoothly conversing with a user, it is recommended to take the following points into account:":"用户的参与度和活跃度是成功运营 Discord 服务器的重要条件之一。如果您想同用户无碍沟通,建议考虑以下几点:","#You should never assume that everyone knows how Discord works, or how your server operates. If there is the case that you come across a user who has multiple, seemingly “ridiculous” questions, don’t immediately assume they are a troll. There are many ways to get confused by things that may seem natural to superusers of the platform. Take your time to explain certain parts or functions of both Discord and the server you're moderating while keeping a friendly and inviting tone.":"您永远不应假定所有人都能将 Discord 玩转,或者明白您的服务器如何运转。如果您遇到一个提出多个看似“荒谬”问题的用户,不要立刻给其扣上巨魔的帽子。一些在老鸟看来理所当然的事,对新人来说可能一头雾水。花点时间,以友好和欢迎的语气为他们详细解释 Discord,以及您担任管理员的服务器的特定部分或功能。","#Communication":"沟通","#Engaging with Staff":"与团队成员互动","#Teamwork makes the dream work and it is important to maintain a healthy, communicative, and respectful relationship with your moderation team to ensure easy moderation of your community.":"团队协作助您梦想成真。同整个管理团队保持健康、沟通和尊重的关系是十分重要的,这样一来,您管理社区也就更为轻松。","#Users New to Discord":"Discord 的新用户","#Summary":"结语","#A community thrives in a healthy, comfortable and safe environment - and that's where moderation comes into play. Being a moderator means more than just being hoisted at the top of the server and having a fancy color. It is your responsibility to prevent and resolve conflicts between users, ensure the server is safe and free from potential harm, and set an example for the rest of the community to the best of your abilities.":"让社区在健康、舒适和安全的环境中茁壮成长——而这正是管理员发光发热的地方。管理员并不仅仅意味着在成员列表中置顶,以及可以拥有一个炫彩 ID,而是负责预防和解决用户之间的冲突,确保服务器安全,远离潜在伤害,并尽己所能为社区其他成员树立一个榜样。","#When sending messages, there are many ways to convey what you really want to express including emojis or other special symbols such as tonal indicators. Always make sure to read through your messages as a moderator and think “how could that be misunderstood in a way that it upsets someone?”, and adjust based upon that thought process.":"在发送消息时,有很多方法可以传达您真正想要表达的东西,包括表情符号或其他特殊表达方式,比如手动狗头。在阅读您即将发送的信息时,请务必站在管理员的角度,并思考“这条信息有没有令人误解的地方,而这份误解有可能伤害到别人?”,并根据这一思考过程对信息的内容进行调整。","#Nobody is perfect and nobody expects you to be perfect. However, when you find yourself in such an influential position, you need to have an open mind and learn how to accept constructive criticism. Making mistakes is understandable as long as you take responsibility for your actions and learn from them.":"金无足赤,人无完人。不过,当您处于如此有影响力的位置时,您需要拥有开放的思维并学会如何接受建设性的批评。犯错在所难免,但只要您勇于承担责任并从中汲取教训,失败即是成功之母。","#Online communication cannot accurately convey our usual ways of expression: facial cues, emotions, physical gestures, and your vocal tone. This makes it easy for others to misinterpret your messages, and for you to misunderstand theirs. When reading and analyzing a message without those real-life factors, it often happens that our own emotions fill in those blanks and that misunderstanding encourages us to act in the heat of the moment. Before acting on negative emotions, give the other user the benefit of the doubt and calmly ask them for clarification on parts of their messages that upset you without being accusatory.":"在线交流中,我们无法准确传达日常生活中的表达方式(面部表情、情绪、肢体动作和您的声调),这也是误解产生的根源。在阅读和分析信息时,如果我们无法直接接触到这些现实中常见的表达因素,我们自己的情绪就会自动开始脑补,而一旦脑补出错,这种误解容易使我们冲动行事。在被负面情绪驱使前,先假定对方是善意的,然后冷静地要求他们解释其信息中令您不快的部分,而不是一上来就直接发难。","#Taking up the moderation mantle can be a very fulfilling duty. Being in such a position means you can help people in ways others cannot, and even the smallest “thank you” or a nice gesture of appreciation can brighten up your day.":"承担管理的职责是一种能让人颇为满足的责任感。身居此位意味着您可以用其他人办不到的方法帮助别人,即使是一句简单的“谢谢”或友善的感激手势,也能让您的一整天变得十分美好。","#Partnered servers on Discord should not have age-restricted content in those servers.":"Discord 合作伙伴服务器内不得出现成人内容。","#It's worth mentioning that while having a dedicated place for your age-restricted content is permitted, there is still some material that isn't appropriate anywhere on Discord. Content that sexualizes minors is never allowed anywhere on Discord. If you're unsure of what is allowed on Discord, check out our Community Guidelines.":"有一点需要特别注意,尽管可以为成人内容设置专门的区域,但是有些内容在整个 Discord 都是不宜发布的。例如,Discord 禁止一切未成年人色情内容。如果您不确定哪些内容可以在 Discord 发布,请参阅我们的社区守则。","#Labeling age-restricted content properly on Discord":"正确标记 Discord 上的成人内容","#Anyone that opens the channel will be greeted with a notification letting them know that it might contain age-restricted material and asking them to confirm that they are over 18.":"当用户打开这一频道时,会弹出一个通知,提醒他/她该频道可能包含成人内容,同时要求他/她确认自己已满 18 岁。","#To help keep age-restricted content in a clearly labeled, dedicated spot, we’ve added a channel setting that allows you to designate one or more text channels in your server as age-restricted.":"为了在专门的位置清晰标注成人内容,我们添加了一项频道设置,您可以将某一个或多个文字频道指定为成人频道。","#If you do not want to see age-restricted content on Discord":"如果您不希望在 Discord 看到成人内容","#Any content that cannot be placed in an age-gated channel, such as avatars, server banners, and invite splashes, cannot contain age-restricted content.":"任何无法仅在成人频道中显示的内容,如头像、服务器横幅和邀请画面等,均不得包含成人内容。","#Age-restricted content that is not placed in an age-gated channel will be deleted by moderators, and the user posting that content may be banned from the server.":"违规发布在非成人频道中的成人内容将被管理员删除,发布该内容的相关用户可能会被服务器封禁。","#Emergency Requests":"紧急请求","#Please reference the initial preservation request by providing the assigned ticket number and clear date range when sending legal process to obtain the preserved information.":"在提交法律程序,获取保存的信息时,请参照初始申请的保存请求,提供指定的票号和明确的日期范围。","#Child Safety Policy":"儿童安全政策","#When we are made aware of potential Child Safety concerns on our platform, our Trust & Safety team reviews the content and reports the content to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) or law enforcement where appropriate as required by 18 U.S.C. § 2258A. NCMEC will then work with local and international law enforcement as necessary.":"发现我方平台可能存在的儿童安全问题时,我们的信任与安全团队将对内容进行审查,并根据《美国法典》第 18 卷第 2258A 条的规定,酌情向全国失踪和受虐待儿童中心(NCMEC)或执法部门进行报告。NCMEC 将在必要时与当地和国际执法部门展开合作。","#User accounts reported to NCMEC are archived and banned from our platform at the time of reporting.":"在上报后,报告给 NCMEC 的用户账户将进行归档,并禁止该账户使用我方平台。","#Content and non-content information is preserved for 90 days, from the time of processing, and can only be extended for an additional 90 day period, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2703. In certain cases, an additional 90 days may be requested.":"根据《美国法典》第 18 卷第 2703 条的规定,内容与非内容信息将保存 90 天,从开始处理之日算起,保存时间可以申请延长,但只能再延长 90 天。在某些特定的情况下,可以再额外延长 90 天。","#We are not permitted to disclose user information when solely in receipt of a preservation request.":"仅收到保存请求时,我们不会对用户的信息进行披露。","#Due to privacy concerns, Discord removes most user identifiers once a user is deleted, including username and discriminator.":"出于保护隐私的考量,在删除用户时,绝大部分的用户信息都会清除,包括用户名称与鉴别码。","#We will not comply with overly broad or vague requests.":"我们无法处理过于宽泛或模糊的请求。","#We do not disclose information for emergency requests unless they are from law enforcement.":"我们只接受来自执法部门的紧急披露信息申请。","#Data Retention Policy":"数据保存政策","#More information regarding Discord's data retention and user privacy policy can be found here.":"更多关于 Discord 数据保存与用户隐私政策的信息详见此处。","#Cost Reimbursement":"偿付成本","#Be advised, users are allowed to change their usernames and four-digit discriminators, thus responses rendered by Discord may list different usernames and four-digit discriminators than those originally requested.":"请注意,由于用户可以更改自己的用户名与四位鉴别码,所以 Discord 在响应请求时列出的用户名与四位鉴别码可能与发起申请时的原始信息不同。","#Contact Information and Service of Process":"联系方式与服务流程","#The legal process should identify the user for whom information is being requested.":"在要求提供指定用户的信息时必须走法律程序。","#All legal processes should comply with 18 U.S. Code § 2701-2712.":"所有的法律程序必须遵守《美国法典》第 18 卷第 2701-2712 条。","#We provide emergency disclosure responses only when enough information is provided for Discord to, in good faith, believe that the exigent situation requires disclosure of user information, as outlined in 18 U.S.C. § 2702.":"只有在获取了足够的信息后,基于诚信善意原则,并根据《美国法典》第 18 卷第 2702 条的规定,我们相信确实发生了需要披露用户信息的紧急情况,Discord 才会同意紧急披露信息申请。","#Discord does not require and generally does not possess names, addresses or other personal information, as we do not require that information on sign-up. The subscriber information that we possess is limited to an email address, and, if the user is a paid user, we might have limited billing information. In certain circumstances, we might also have a phone number the user has verified.":"Discord 在通常情况下不知晓用户的姓名、地址或其他的个人信息,因为我方平台注册时不需要此类信息。我们拥有的订阅者信息中只有电子邮件地址,另外,如果是付费用户,我们可能会拥有有限的支付相关信息。在特定情况下,我们可能会拥有经过用户认证的手机号码。","#User Notification":"用户通知","#When submitting legal processes prompted by NCMEC reporting, include cybertip number and all of the user information provided.":"在提交 NCMEC 报告相关的法律程序时,需要提供用户的所有信息,包括网络举报号码(cybertip number)。","#All legal correspondence should be sent on company or agency letterhead with requisite signatures included.":"所有的法律函件都必须以公司或机构为主体,并附上必要的签名后寄送给我们。","#Preservation Request":"保存请求","#Users can always be located by their 17-18 digit UID number.":"可以通过用户的 17-18 位用户识别号来精准指定用户。","#The vast majority of servers are private, invite-only spaces for groups of friends and communities to stay in touch and spend time together. There are also larger, more open communities, generally centered around specific topics. Users have control over whom they interact with and what their experience on Discord is.":"绝大多数的服务器都是私人服务器,只有收到邀请才能进入,是供朋友与社区伙伴们联系来往的私人空间。同时也有规模更大、更加开放的社区,这类社区通常是围绕某个特定主题而打造的社交空间。用户既可以选择互动的对象,也可以把控自己在 Discord 上的体验。","#More information about Discord and our community goals can be found here.":"此处可查看关于 Discord 的更多信息以及我们的社区目标。","#Instructions on how to identify a user can be found here.":"如需了解如何识别用户,可前往此处查看。","#We take steps to preserve account records once proper requests have been received and processed.":"在接收到合理的请求后,我们会开始处理,并采取相应的措施保存账户记录。","#Discord is a voice, video, and text chat app that's used by tens of millions of people ages 13+ to talk and hang out with their communities and friends.":"Discord 是一款可使用语音、视频与文本进行聊天的应用软件,拥有上千万 13 岁以上用户,人们在这里与社区伙伴和好友们聊天交流、共度休闲时光。","#If the user identification number is unattainable, a username and four-digit discriminator should be provided.":"如果无法提供用户识别号,则需要提供对应的用户名外加四位鉴别码。","#Users should be identified by their 17-18 digit user identification number.":"必须通过用户的 17-18 位用户识别号(ID)指定用户。","#Discord accepts requests to preserve records pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2703(f).":"Discord 会根据《美国法典》第 18 卷第 2703(f) 条的规定接受保存记录的申请。","#Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2706, Discord may require cost reimbursement if the legal process is unduly burdensome or has associated cost.":"根据《美国法典》第 18 卷第 2706 条规定,如果在法律程序执行过程中负担成本过重或是有额外支出时,Discord 有权要求偿付成本。","#General Tips to Protect Against Spam and Hacking":"垃圾邮件和黑客攻击通用防范窍门","#Discord uses a proactive spam filter to protect the experience of our users and the health of the platform. Sending spam is against our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. We may take action against any account, bot, or server using the tactics described below or similar behavior.":"Discord 采用主动垃圾邮件过滤器,保护用户体验和平台健康。发送垃圾邮件违反 Discord 服务条款和《社区守则》。对于使用下方做法或存在类似行为的账号、机器人或服务器,我们可能会采取惩罚措施。","#While we do want you to find new communities and friends on Discord, we will enforce rate limits against spammers who might take advantage of this through bulk joins or bulk requests. Joining a lot of servers simultaneously or sending a large number of friend requests might be considered spam. In order to shut down spambots, we take action against accounts that join servers too frequently, or send out too many friend requests at one time. The majority of Discord users will never encounter our proactive spam filter, but if, for example, you send a friend request in just a few minutes to everyone you see in a thousand-person server, we may take action on your account.":"我们希望您能在 Discord 上结交新朋友、加入新社区,但为了打击垃圾邮件发送行为,避免出现批量社区加入或批量好友申请操作,我们会设置发送频率限制。同时加入大量服务器,或发送大量好友请求,都可能会被视为垃圾邮件。为封禁垃圾邮件机器人,我们会惩罚加入服务器过于频繁、或一次性发送过多好友请求的账号。大多数 Discord 用户永远不会触发我们的主动垃圾邮件过滤器,但如果在拥有一千位用户的服务器里,您在短短几分钟内向遇到的所有人发送了好友申请,那么您的账号就有可能受到惩罚。","#Still have questions?":"还有其他疑问?","#If you’re getting unsolicited messages or friend requests, this article explains how to change your settings.":"如果您收到了未经请求的消息或好友请求,请参阅这篇文章,了解如何变更相关设置。","#If needed for mail service, our physical address is as follows:":"如果需要我方的邮寄地址与地理地址,请参照下文:","#If you believe your account has been compromised, submit a report to Trust & Safety here.":"如果您认为自己的账号被盗,请在这里向 Trust and Safety 团队提交举报。","#You may not feel qualified to help a friend who expresses their desire to hurt themselves, and it may be helpful to ask a parent or another trusted adult for help in handling the situation.":"面对想要自残的朋友,您可能感到自己能力和资历不足,无法提供合适的支持和帮助。此时,您可以向父母或另一位信任的成年人求助。","#Please note that for privacy and security reasons we are unable to provide personal information such as contact information or location to someone who is not the account holder. If you are concerned that someone is in immediate danger, please contact law enforcement.":"请注意:出于隐私和安全保护的目的,我们无法向账号所有者以外的人提供联系方式、位置等个人信息。如果您担心出现了危急情况,请联系执法部门。","#Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Hotline":"药物滥用和心理健康热线","#Call: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)":"电话:1-800-656-HOPE (4673)","#National Domestic Violence Hotline":"全国家暴热线","#Mental Health Resources":"心理健康资源","#Suicide Prevention":"自杀预防","#National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) Helpline":"全国饮食失调协会(NEDA)求助热线","#Text: DISCORD to 741741":"短信:发送“DISCORD”至 741741","#Contact your server admins":"联系服务器管理员","#Mental health support vs. self-harm encouragement":"心理健康支持 VS 自残怂恿","#Substance Abuse Support":"药物滥用支持","#National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders":"全国神经性厌食症及相关疾病协会","#Crisis Text Line (U.S.):":"Crisis Text Line(美国):","#Please note that this is not a crisis hotline and should be used for referrals only.":"请注意:药物滥用和心理健康热线并非危机热线,仅可用于转介。","#National Child Abuse Hotline":"全国儿童虐待热线","#Report to Trust & Safety":"向 Trust and Safety 报告","#Provide some support resources":"提供支持资源","#Call: 1-800-662-HELP":"电话:1-800-662-HELP","#Call:":"电话:","#When we receive reports of self-harm threats, we investigate the situation and may contact authorities, but in the event of an emergency, we encourage you to contact law enforcement in addition to contacting us.":"收到关于自残危险的报告后,我们将开展调查,并有可能联系有关部门。但如果事发紧急,请在联系我们之外,还与执法部门取得联系。","#Call: 1-800-273-8255, available 24/7 for emotional support":"电话:1-800-273-8255;全天候提供情感支持热线","#Outside the U.S.: Find a supportive resource on this Wikipedia list of worldwide crisis hotlines":"美国地区之外:请参阅全球危机热线维基百科列表,寻找合适的支持资源。","#Child Abuse and Domestic Violence":"儿童虐待和家庭暴力","#National Sexual Assault Hotline":"全国性侵热线","#Call: 1-800-799-7233, 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)":"电话:1-800-799-7233,1-800-787-3224 (TTY)","#If someone has posted comments about harming themselves in a server, you may consider reaching out to your server administrators or owner to let them know about the situation, so they can moderate their server as needed and provide support to the server member.":"如果有人在服务器中发布了关于自残的评论,您可以选择联系服务器管理员或所有者,向其告知这一情况。管理员或所有者会按照需要对服务器进行管理,或为服务器成员提供支持。","#If you or another user you know is in urgent trouble, please contact authorities right away, regardless of the limited information you might be able to provide. Law enforcement has investigative resources and can contact Discord Trust & Safety for information that we aren't allowed to disclose otherwise and can identify those users to get them help.":"如果您或您认识的另一位用户遇到了危急情况,即便您只能提供非常有限的信息,也请立刻联系执法部门。执法部门拥有丰富的调查资源,可以联系 Discord Trust and Safety 索取无法向其他方面披露的信息,找到需要帮助的用户。","#Support networks and online communities can play a key role in helping people who are experiencing mental health issues. We support mental health communities on Discord where people can come together, and we want these spaces to remain positive and healthy.":"在心理健康帮助方面,支持网络和在线社区有时能起到关键作用。Discord 支持心理健康社区,鼓励人们走到一起相互扶持,并希望这些社区能保持健康、积极的氛围。","#When we receive reports of users or communities discussing or encouraging self-harm, we review such content carefully, and we take into account the context in which comments are posted. We will take action on communities or users that promote, encourage, or glorify suicide or self-harm. This includes content that encourages others to cut or injure themselves or content that encourages or glorifies eating disorders.":"如果我们收到举报,称有用户或社区正在讨论或怂恿自残行为,那么我们会仔细审查此类内容,并考虑内容发布时的上下文。对于提倡、怂恿或美化自杀/自残的社区或用户,我们会采取措施加以处理,包括怂恿他人割伤或以其他方式伤害自己的内容,以及褒扬饮食失调的内容。","#988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (U.S.):":"988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline(美国)","#Eating Disorder Support":"饮食失调支持","#If you are still in touch with the user, you may wish to provide them with one of the help hotlines listed below.":"如果您依旧能联系上有自残或自杀念头的用户,可以向他们提供下方列出的帮助热线之一。","#Contact law enforcement":"联系执法部门","#Talk to a parent or trusted adult":"寻求父母或信任成年人的帮助","#Call or Text:":"电话或短信:","#LGBTQ+ Support":"LGBTQ+ 支持","#Text: START to 678-678":"短信:发送“START”至 678-678","#Explore more":"了解更多","#“[T]he outcome we hope for is proactive corporate accountability on children’s privacy, and that is exactly what Discord delivered.”":"“我们的目标是让公司和企业对儿童隐私保护的做法负起责任来,而这正是 Discord 所成就的。”","#We’re pleased to share that the Better Business Bureau’s Children’s Advertising Review Unit (“CARU”) issued a report endorsing our practices relating to children’s privacy. CARU regularly monitors websites and online services for compliance with laws and best practices relating to children’s privacy and engaged with Discord as part of its routine monitoring work.":"CARU 全称“Children's Advertising Review Unit”(美国儿童广告自律组织),隶属于 Better Business Bureau(北美商业改进局),会经常监督各大网站和在线服务的法律合规情况,了解这些网站和服务是否采取了保护儿童隐私的最佳做法。CARU 与 Discord 合作,共同开展常规监督工作。","#— Dona Fraser, Senior Vice President Privacy Initiatives, and Director of the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU).":"——Dona Fraser,Privacy Initiatives 高级副总裁, CARU(美国儿童广告自律组织)总监","#Discord is a communications service for teens and adults who are looking to talk with their communities and friends online. We do not allow those under the age of 13 on our service, and we encourage our users to report accounts that may belong to underage individuals.":"通讯服务 Discord 面向青少年和成人开放,方便这些用户与社群和好友在线交流。13 周岁以下的儿童不可使用 Discord 服务。如果您怀疑或发现有 13 岁以下的儿童拥有 Discord 账号,请向我们举报。","#CARU finished its review of Discord in October 2020 and issued the following statement in connection with the release of its report:":"我们非常荣幸地宣布,2020 年,CARU 完成了对 Discord 的审核,并发布了一份报告,赞许 Discord 的儿童隐私保护做法。针对此份报告的发布,CARU 发表了以下评论:","#Protecting the privacy and safety of our users is of utmost importance to Discord.":"用户隐私和安全保护是 Discord 关注的重中之重。","#Discord appreciates CARU's thorough evaluation of our service and our practices. We look forward to continuing our work to improve online privacy and safety.":"Discord 衷心感谢 CARU 对我们服务和做法的详细评估,期待继续与 CARU 开展合作,强化在线隐私保护和安全。","#Server Settings":"服务器设置","#In text channels, users can post messages, upload files, and share images for others to see at any time.":"在文字频道中,用户可以发布文字消息、上传文件或分享图片,供其他人随时查看。","#Assign permissions with care! Certain permissions allow members to make changes to your server and channels. These permissions are a great moderation tool, but be wary of who you grant this power to. Changes made to your server can’t be undone.":"请务必谨慎分配权限!某些权限可以允许成员对服务器或频道进行改动。这类权限是很有用的管理工具,但请审慎选择授权对象。对服务器的更改无法撤销,若因此造成不良后果,将无法挽回。","#DMs and GDMs: Users can send private messages to other users as a direct message (DM), as well as start a voice or video call. Most DMs are one-on-one conversations, but users have the option to invite up to nine others to the conversation to create a private group DM (GDM), with a maximum size of ten people. Group DMs are not public and require an invite from someone in the group to join.":"私信(DM)和群组私信(GDM):用户可以彼此发送私人消息,即私信(DM),也可以进行语音或视频通话。多数私信只有两个参与者,但用户可以邀请最多 9 个人(共 10 人)参与私信讨论——也就是群组私信(GDM)。群组私信并不公开,需要群组中用户的邀请才能加入。","#Highest - Members must have a verified phone number on their Discord account. This is the highest verification level.":"最高 - 在此设置下,服务器成员必须完成账户的电话认证。此为最高验证级别。","#Discord Glossary":"Discord 术语表","#Go Live: users can share their screen with other people who are in a server or a DM with them.":"Go Live:用户可以向处于同一个服务器或私信的其他人分享自己的屏幕。","#Admins and moderators are your first go-to when you encounter an issue in a server. They may be able to respond immediately and help resolve your concerns.":"如果在服务器中遇到问题,请首先联系管理员。有时,管理员能够立即做出回应,帮助解决问题。","#None - All new members in the server can start chatting immediately with no restrictions.":" - 在此设置下,所有新成员加入服务器后即可开启畅聊,无任何限制。","#Medium - Members in the server must have a verified email and their Discord account must be at least 5 minutes old to begin chatting.":"中等 - 在此设置下,服务器内成员必须完成 Discord 账户的邮箱认证,并且其账户注册时间必须超过 5 分钟,才可以开启聊天功能。","#Channel: Discord servers are organized into text and voice channels, which are usually dedicated to specific topics and can have different rules.":"频道:Discord 服务器分为文字和语音频道,一般专为特定话题设置,各频道的规则可能也有所不同。","#You can learn more about implementing roles and permissions in Role Management 101 and our Setting Up Permissions FAQ article.":"您可以在身份组管理 101有关权限设置的常见问题这两篇文章中了解更多关于如何设置身份组和权限的信息。","#Low - Members in the server must have a verified email on their Discord account to begin chatting. We recommend this setting for any server where you’re putting an invite link on the internet!":" - 在此设置下,服务器成员必须完成 Discord 账户的邮箱认证,才可以开启聊天功能。如果要将邀请链接发送到网络上,我们推荐您选择此项设置。","#Discord has its own vocabulary. You might hear your teen or students using these words when talking about Discord.":"Discord 有自己的术语和“行话”!在青少年或学生谈论 Discord 的对话中,您可以已经听到过下列词语。","#In voice channels, users can connect through a voice or video call in real time, and can share their screen with their friends - we call this Go Live.":"在语音频道中,用户可以通过语音或视频通话与其他人实时交流,并可以借助 Go Live 功能与好友分享屏幕。","#Server Boosts: If your teen is a big fan of a community, they might want to boost the community’s server (or their own). Like Nitro, Server Boosts give servers special perks like more custom emotes, better video and voice quality, and the ability to set a custom invite link. Server Boosts can be bought with Nitro or purchased separately.":"服务器助力:如果您的孩子非常喜爱某个社区,可以选择为社区(或自己的)服务器助力。和 Nitro 一样,购买服务器助力的用户也可以享受特权,如更多自定义表情、更好的视频/语音品质,以及自定义邀请链接等。用户既可以同时购买 Nitro 和服务器助力,也可以单独入手服务器助力。","#Each Discord server should have written rules for behavior to alleviate confusion or misunderstanding about the guidelines for that particular community. These rules, which supplement our Community Guidelines, are your tools to moderate efficiently and transparently. As communities grow, moderators can add more mods to keep their server a fun and welcoming place to be.":"每个 Discord 服务器都应当以书面方式清楚说明行为准则,避免用户对社区守则产生困惑或误解。这些服务器准则与我们的《社区守则》 相辅相成,互为补充,方便您高效、透明地进行管理。随着社区的发展,管理员的人数可以扩充,尽可能打造一个欢乐、温馨的服务器。","#Server: Servers are the spaces on Discord. They are made by specific communities and friend groups. The vast majority of servers are small and invitation-only. Some larger servers are public. Any user can start a new server for free and invite their friends to it.":"服务器:服务器是 Discord 上的空间,专为特定社区和好友群组打造。绝大多数服务器规模都不大,只有通过邀请才能加入。此外也有更大的公共服务器。任何人都可以免费创建新服务器,并邀请自己的朋友加入。","#Administrators also choose moderators to play a vital role in Discord communities. The responsibilities of a moderator might vary, but their overall role is to ensure that their Discord server is a safe, healthy environment for everyone. They can do things like moderate or delete messages, as well as invite, ban, or suspend people who violate the server’s rules. The best moderators typically are seasoned and enthusiastic participants in one or more communities.":"主要管理员还可以指派二级管理员,后者在 Discord 社区中也扮演着至关重要的角色。管理员的职责或许有所不同,但都要确保 Discord 服务器能为每个人提供安全、健康的环境。管理员能采取多种操作,如审核/删除消息,邀请用户,暂时或永久封禁违反服务器规则的用户等等。最优秀的管理员通常是一个或多个社区中经验丰富、热心助人的用户。","#Roles are one of the building blocks of managing a Discord server. They give your members a fancy color, but more importantly, each role comes with a set of permissions that control what your members can and cannot do in the server. With roles, you can give members and bots administrative permissions like kicking or banning members, adding or removing channels, and pinging @everyone.":"身份组设置是 Discord 服务器管理的基础。您可以为成员分配精美的身份组颜色,但更重要的是,每一个身份组都伴随一组权限,控制着成员在服务器中的行为范围。通过身份组设置,您可以授权成员和机器人行使管理权限,比如踢除或封禁成员、添加或删除频道,还有 ping @everyone 等等。","#You can find these options in the Roles section of your Server Settings.":"进入服务器设置,选择身份组部分即可找到这些选项。","#Administrators are the people who create Discord servers around specific interests. They establish the rules for participating, can invite people to join, and oversee the health and well-being of their community. They have broad administrative control, and can bring in moderators to manage community members. They can also ban or remove members and, if necessary, remove and replace moderators.":"主要管理员能够围绕特定兴趣和话题创建 Discord 服务器,制订服务器参与规则,邀请用户加入,并监督社区的健康和福祉。主要管理员拥有广泛的管理权,能招募二级管理员为社区成员提供服务。主要管理员不仅能封禁或移除服务器成员,还能在有必要的情况下撤换二级管理员。","#Nitro: Nitro is Discord’s premium subscription service. Nitro offers special perks for subscribers, such as the option to customize your Discord Tag, the ability to use custom emotes in every server, a higher file upload cap, and discounted Server Boosts.":"Nitro:Nitro 是 Discord 的高级订阅服务。购买 Nitro 的用户可享受多种特权,如自定义 Discord 标签、在所有服务器中使用自定义表情、更大的上传文件以及服务器助力折扣等。","#Genavieve, a high-school student from California, talks about how her classes use Discord:":"美国加利福尼亚高中生 Genavieve 谈到自己的班级如何使用 Discord:","#Everyone - Selecting this means that anyone who knows your teen's Discord Tag or is in a mutual server with your teen can send your teen a friend request. This is handy if your teen doesn’t share servers with someone that introduced them to Discord and your teen wants to let them send a friend request with just your teen's Discord Tag.":"所有人 - 选择此项设置代表任何知道您孩子 Discord 标签或与其在同一个服务器的用户都可以向其发送好友请求。选择此项设置的好处是,如果您的孩子和向其介绍过 Discord 的用户不在同一服务器内,那么此用户可以通过 Discord 标签来向您的孩子发送好友请求。","#Cyndie, a parent of two from North Carolina, reflects on how her family uses Discord:":"来自北卡罗莱纳州的两个孩子的家长 Cyndie 谈论家人如何使用 Discord:","#To block someone, they can simply right-click on their @username and select Block.":"若要屏蔽用户,只需右键单击该用户的@用户名,选择“屏蔽”即可。","#Blocking":"屏蔽","#\"I've been using Discord for the last two years as my main communication with my friends. We had too many people in our group chat and wanted a platform where we could all communicate with each other. Discord is a great way for a friend group of thirty people to stay in touch! Also, with distance learning in place, I’ve started using it with my AP Physics class too. It's been so important to feel connected to our teachers and each other when we are so isolated and in such a difficult class. Using Discord brought us closer together as a class — we are already a small class of 22 students, so being able to joke around and send memes helps us not feel so alone during the distance learning. The different channels and @mentions make it much easier to keep information straight. Screenshare makes it even easier, so we can show each other documents or problems we are working on to get feedback or troubleshooting advice.”":"“过去两年,我一直用 Discord 联络朋友。我们群聊里的人太多,需要大家都能彼此交流的平台——Discord 正合适一行三十个朋友谈天说地!还有,因为要上网课,我在物理选修课上也开始使用 Discord,与老师和同学交流,避免感到孤独,让已经很难的课程雪上加霜。Discord 让我们班更加团结。22 个人的班并不大,加上居家和网课,更容易有孤独感。而通过 Discord 开开玩笑,发点梗图,能有效排遣这种情绪。我们的服务器分为多个不同的频道,加上@被提及功能,所有信息分门归类,条理清晰。如果需要展示文件,或者说明遇到的问题,我们可以直接进行屏幕分享,从而获得大家的反馈或者排除故障的建议。”","#David, a physics and math tutor from New Jersey, talks about how he teaches students and connects with other teachers over Discord:":"美国新泽西物理兼数学老师 David 谈到如何通过 Discord 授课,并与其他教师交流:","#This menu lets users determine who can contact them in a DM. You can access this setting by going into User Settings, selecting the Privacy & Safety section, and finding the \"Server Privacy Defaults\" heading.":"此菜单可以让用户决定哪些人可以通过私信联系自己。您可以进入用户设置,选择隐私与安全部分,从中找到“服务器默认隐私设置”,在其中进行相关设置。","#You can disable the ability for anyone in a server with your teen to send your teen a DM by toggling “Allow direct messages from server members” to off. When you toggle this setting off, you will be prompted to choose if you would like to apply this change to all of your teen’s existing servers. If you click \"No,\" this change will only affect new servers your teen joins, and you will need to adjust the DM settings individually for each server that they have previously joined (in Privacy Settings on the server’s dropdown list).":"您可以通过关闭“允许接收服务器成员私信”的设置来阻止与您的孩子在同一服务器的用户向其发送私信。关闭此设置后,系统会提示您选择是否将此更改应用到您孩子加入的所有服务器中。如果您选择“否”,则此项更改只会影响您孩子加入的新服务器,并且您需要逐个调整他们此前加入的每一个服务器中的私信设置(位于服务器下拉列表中的隐私设置中)。","#Why people love Discord":"爱上 Discord 的理由","#If you don’t want your teen to receive ANY friend requests, you can deselect all three options. However, your teen can still send out friend requests to other people.":"如果您不希望您的孩子接收任何人的好友请求,可以将所有三个选项全部取消。不过您的孩子仍然可以向其他人发送请求。","#If someone is bothering your teen, you always have the option to block the user. Blocking on Discord removes the user from your teen's Friends List, prevents them from messaging your teen directly, and hides their messages in any shared servers.":"如果有人骚扰您的孩子,您可以选择屏蔽该用户。Discord 的“屏蔽”功能可以将用户移出您的孩子的好友列表,使其无法再给您的孩子发送私信,并在他们共同的服务器内隐藏这类用户发送的消息。","#Below, you can see just a few of our favorite stories about what people are doing on Discord and why they love it. You can find even more stories about how people use Discord right here.":"来听听真实用户对 Discord 的点评,看看他们都用 Discord 干什么,以及喜爱 Discord 的理由。更多用户故事请戳这里。","#You can also control these settings on a server-by-server basis.":"您也可以按照具体的服务器管理这些设置。","#Server Members - Selecting this means users who share a server with your teen can send your teen a friend request. Deselecting this while \"Friends of Friends\" is selected means that your teen can only be sent a friend request by someone with a mutual friend.":"服务器成员 - 选择此项设置则表示和您的孩子同在一个服务器中的用户都可以向其发送好友请求。如果取消选择此项设置,保留“好友的好友”选项则表示只有和您的孩子有共同好友的人才能向您的孩子发送好友请求。","#Direct message (DM) settings":"私信设置","#By default, whenever your teen is in a server, anyone in that server can send them a DM.":"在默认设置下,当您的孩子在服务器中时,服务器中的任何用户都可以给他们发送私信。","#Users should only accept friend requests from users that they know and trust. If your teen isn’t sure, there’s no harm in rejecting the friend request. They can always add that user later if it’s a mistake.":"用户应只接受来自认识并信任的用户发送的好友请求。如果您的孩子无法确定对方的身份,拒绝好友请求也无伤大雅。如果是误会的话,之后仍然可以添加他们为好友。","#You can choose from the following options when deciding who can send your teen a friend request.":"您可以从以下选项中选择哪些人可以给您的孩子发送好友请求。","#Student Hubs: Discord Hubs for Students allow students to verify their Discord account with their official student email, and unlock access to an exclusive hub for students at their school. Within the hub, they can connect with other verified students, discover servers for study groups or classes, and share their own servers for fellow students to join. Hubs are not affiliated with or managed by a school or school staff. Servers in a Hub are student-run but may include non-students. For more information on Student Hubs, please check out our Student Hubs FAQs.":"Student Hub:在 Discord Hub for Students 中,学生们能够使用校内学生邮件验证 Discord 账号,访问学校的专属学生 Hub。在 Hub 中,经过验证的学生可以彼此联系,也可以发现学习小组或课程服务器,并分享自己的服务器,邀请同学加入。Hub 不隶属于学校/学校员工,也不受学校/学校员工管理。Hub 中的服务器由学生自主运营,但也可能包括非学生群体。要进一步了解 Student Hub,请参阅我们的 Student Hub 常见问题。","#this link":"此链接了解更多有关如何举报用户的信息。","#If your teen has blocked a user but that user creates a new account to try and contact them, please report the user to the Trust & Safety team. You can learn more about how to do this at":"如果您的孩子屏蔽了一个用户,但该用户创建了一个新账户来联系您的孩子,请将该用户举报给信任与安全团队。您可以点击此链接了解更多有关如何举报用户的信息。","#If you or your teen would like to delete your teen’s Discord account, please follow the steps described in this article. Please note that we are unable to delete an account by request from someone other than the account owner.":"如果您想删除孩子的账户,或您的孩子想删除自己的账户,请按照这篇文章描述的步骤操作。请注意,除非账户所有人自己提出账户删除请求,否则我们无法删除账户。","#1. Let your teen know that the same rules apply online as offline.":"1. 让孩子知道线上和线下的规则相同。","#iOS and Android operating systems offer parental controls that can help you manage your teen's phone usage if needed. Apple and Microsoft offer similar controls for computers.":"iOS 和安卓操作系统中有家长控制功能,必要时能帮助您管理孩子使用手机。Apple 和 Microsoft 也为计算机端提供了类似的控制功能。","#4. Try Discord for yourself":"4. 亲自尝试 Discord","#The same common sense and critical thinking they use offline should be used online too. For example, only accept friend requests from people you know. If something doesn’t seem right, tell a trusted adult. Behavior that’s not okay at school is also not okay online.":"现实世界中的常识和批判性思维,拿到网络天地中同样适用。例如,在现实生活中不要轻易与陌生人交朋友,在网上也不要轻易接受陌生人发来的好友请求;如果感觉有点不对劲,但又说不上来具体是什么问题,应当向一位信任的成年人求助。如果某种行为在学校不妥,那么在网上也是一样。","#Sharing personal images online can have long-term consequences and it’s important for teens to understand these consequences. Help them think about what it might feel like to have intimate photos of themselves forwarded to any number of peers by someone they thought they liked or trusted. Make them aware of the risk of sharing intimate pictures with anyone.":"在网上发布个人照片可能会引发无穷后患,青少年必须理解这一点。让您的孩子想想,如果轻易信任他人,或出于爱恋向对方发送自己的私密照片,而对方将这张照片转发给了许多同学和朋友,孩子会有怎样的感受,又将面对怎样严重的后果。让他们充分意识到发送私密照片的危险。","#Many online safety experts provide resources for parents to navigate their kids’ online lives.":"线上有许多安全专家针对家长提供的资源,帮助您掌握孩子线上生活的情况。","#Review their security and privacy settings and the servers they belong to with them so they fully understand who can interact with them on Discord.":"检查孩子的安全和隐私设置,以及孩子参与的服务器情况,充分掌握孩子在 Discord 上能与谁互动。","#Review your teen’s content filters on Discord. Have a discussion about who is on their friends list, who they’re messaging, and what information they are sharing about themselves.":"检查您孩子的 Discord 内容过滤器,讨论孩子都加了哪些好友,向谁发送了消息,以及与其他人分享了哪些个人信息。","#You will also understand how these apps work from the inside, and will be more easily able to talk to your teens about staying safe online.":"亲自试用 Discord,您也可以更好地理解各种应用的运作方式,在与青少年讨论网络安全话题时也会更轻松。","#3. Set limits on screen time with your teen.":"3. 限制青少年的屏幕时间。","#You can download Discord and create a Discord account right here.":"您可以在这里下载 Discord 并创建账号。","#We suggest asking your teen to give you a tour of Discord using your new account! Some prompts you can use to get started are:":"让您的孩子向您介绍 Discord,并教您使用新账号吧!参考下列几个问题和请求:","#Show me how you stay in touch with your friends.":"教教我如何与好友保持联络。","#5. Third party resources":"5. 第三方资源","#Most of the services that your kids use online aren’t limited to teens. You might find that you also enjoy using them, and might even find new and fun ways to communicate as a family.":"您孩子使用的大多数服务也面向成人提供。请亲自试一试,说不定也会喜欢,甚至能找到与家人交流的有趣新方式哦。","#Show me how to add you as a friend!":"教教我怎么加你好友!","#Show me how to create a server together.":"教我怎么和你一起创建服务器。","#If you are worried about how much time your teen spends online, set ground rules - for example, “no social media after 10 PM,” or “no phone at the dinner table.”":"如果您担心孩子上网时间过长,可以制订基本的规矩,例如“晚上 10 点后不能逛社媒”,或者“饭桌上不能玩手机”等等。","#Review Discord’s Community Guidelines with your teen and help them understand what is and isn’t permissible on Discord.":"请与您的孩子一起查看 Discord 社区守则,帮助他们理解 Discord 上什么能做、什么不能做。","#ConnectSafely published their Parent’s Guide to Discord which gives a holistic overview of how your teen uses Discord, our safety settings, and ways to start conversations with your teen about their safety.":"ConnectSafely 就发布了 Discord 家长指南,其中全面、完整地概括了青少年使用 Discord 的方式,我们的安全设置,以及如何与青少年孩子谈论网络安全问题。","#1. Is Discord safe for my teens to use?":"1. Discord 对青少年来说安全吗?","#Show me your favorite features.":"让我看看你最喜欢的功能!","#For more information from other organizations, please go directly to their websites:":"要了解其他机构的更多信息,请访问对应网站:","#Family Online Safety Institute":"家庭在线安全机构(Family Online Safety Institute)","#Deleting an account":"删除账户","#Much of our teens’ lives take place online today, including romances.":"在现代青少年的生活中,网络占了很大的比重,就连恋情有时也在网上萌发。","#2. Talk about what content they see and share online":"2. 谈论孩子在线上看到和分享的内容","#Show me your favorite emojis or gifs.":"让我看看你最喜欢的表情或动图!","#Discord's Terms of Service require people to be over a minimum age to access our app or website. The minimum age to access Discord is 13, unless local legislation mandates an older age.":"遵照 Discord 服务条款,只有符合最低年龄限制的用户才能访问我们的应用或网站。Discord 最低访问年龄为 13 周岁,除非本地法律法规指定了更高的年龄限制。","#Privacy is incredibly important to us. We do not ask for a real name when a user signs up, and we do not sell our user data. We do not monitor every server or every conversation.":"隐私安全是重中之重。用户注册时无需提供真实姓名。我们不会出售任何用户数据,也不会监控任何服务器和对话。","#2. What is the minimum age to be on Discord? How do you ensure teens under 13 can’t create an account?":"2. Discord 最低年龄限制是多少岁?如何保证 13 岁以下未成年人无法创建 Discord 账号?","#We believe that the best way to make sure that your teenagers are only accessing content that they should is to set clear guidelines on what they should and shouldn’t be looking at or posting online, and make sure that you keep clear lines of communication with them.":"我们认为,要确保青少年安全访问网上内容,最好的方式是制订明确的规则指南,让他们了解在线浏览和发布内容的规则,并确保与他们清楚交流。","#To ensure that users satisfy that minimum age requirement, users are asked to confirm their date of birth upon creating an account. Learn more about how we use this age information here. If a user is reported as being under 13, we delete their account unless they can verify that they are at least 13 years old using an official ID document.":"为确认用户满足最低年龄要求,我们会在账号创建时请用户确认出生日期。欢迎点击这里,进一步了解我们如何使用该年龄信息。如果报告显示用户不满 13 周岁,且无法提供官方身份证件证明用户已满 13 周岁,那么该用户的账号就会被删除。","#Like on every internet platform, there is age-restricted content on Discord. Each user chooses which servers they want to join and who they want to interact with.":"与其他网络平台一样,Discord 中也包含年龄限制级内容。所加入的服务器和互动对象均由用户自己选择。","#8. What are Student Hubs?":"8. Student Hub 是什么?","#Discord does not ask for a real name when a user signs up, and we do not sell user data. To learn more about what information we collect and how we use this information, please see our Privacy Policy.":"用户注册 Discord 时无需提供真实姓名。我们不会出售任何用户数据。请参阅隐私政策,进一步了解我们收集的信息种类以及使用方式。","#Which servers they want to join and be a part of":"想要加入和参与的服务器","#Who can join the servers that they create":"哪些用户可以加入他们创建的服务器","#Private, invite-only groups. Most Discord servers are small, private, invite-only groups where your teen can spend time with their friends or schoolmates.":"仅限邀请的私人群组。多数 Discord 服务器规模很小,是仅限邀请的私人群组。在这里,您的青少年孩子可以与他们的朋友或同学聊天玩耍。","#3. What personal information does Discord collect about my teen? Do you sell it?":"3. Discord 会收集青少年的哪些个人信息?这些信息是否会被出售?","#4. Can my teen be exposed to inappropriate content on Discord?":"4. 青少年会在 Discord 上遇到不妥内容吗?","#We have detailed all the controls you have to help make your teen’s account safer here. We recommend going through these settings together with your teen and having an open conversation about why you are choosing certain settings.":"欢迎参阅这里,全面、详细地了解您的控制方法,更好地保护青少年账号安全。我们建议您与自己的孩子一起查看这些设置,并抱着开放的心态,与孩子坦诚讨论您选择特定设置的原因。","#Removing the content":"移除违反守则的内容","#As we continue to invest in safety and improve our enforcement capabilities, we’ll have new insights to share.":"我们将继续在安全方面投入努力,改善执行力,并与您分享新的洞见。","#Users are in control of their experience on Discord. Conversations on Discord are driven by the people you choose and the topics you choose to talk about. Each user gets to choose who can message them, who can send them a friend request, and what kind of content they can receive.":"Discord 体验由用户自己掌控。在 Discord,无论是聊天对象还是聊天内容都由您自己掌控。用户可以选择谁能向他们发送消息,谁能发送好友请求,以及能接收何种类型的内容。","#6. Are there parental controls on Discord I can use to control my teen's account?":"6. Discord 有哪些家长功能可以控制青少年孩子的账号?","#7. How can I monitor what my teen is doing on Discord?":"7. 如何了解我的孩子都在 Discord 做了什么?","#Disabling a server’s ability to invite new users":"禁用服务器的邀请新用户功能","#Whether they want their direct messages to be scanned for explicit media content automatically":"是否自动扫描私信中的露骨媒体内容","#Discord Hubs for Students allow students to verify their Discord account with their official student email, and unlock access to an exclusive hub for students at their school. Within the hub, they can connect with other verified students, discover servers for study groups or classes, and share their own servers for fellow students to join. Hubs are not affiliated with or managed by a school or school staff. Servers in a Hub are student-run but may include non-students.":"在 Discord Hub for Students 中,学生们能够使用校内学生邮件验证 Discord 账号,访问学校的专属学生 Hub。在 Hub 中,经过验证的学生可以彼此联系,也可以发现学习小组或课程服务器,并分享自己的服务器,邀请同学加入。Hub 不隶属于学校/学校员工,也不受学校/学校员工管理。Hub 中的服务器由学生自主运营,但也可能包括非学生群体。","#For more information on Student Hubs, please check out our Student Hubs FAQs.":"要进一步了解 Student Hub,请移步我们的 Student Hub 常见问题。","#We’re committed to being transparent about bad behavior on the platform and how we respond to it. It’s an important part of our accountability to you and other Discord users. To share insights about what kind of bad behavior we’re seeing on Discord, and the actions we took to help keep Discord safe, we publish quarterly Transparency Reports. You can read our latest Transparency Report here.":"对于平台上的不良行为和对应处理方式,我们始终秉持透明的原则。无论对于您还是其他 Discord 用户,这都是我们责任的重要一部分。我们会每季度发布透明度报告,说明 Discord 上出现的不良行为,以及我们采取何种措施保护 Discord 安全。欢迎在这里阅读最新透明度报告。","#There are a few things that make Discord a great and safe place for teens:":"Discord 是适合青少年的一流安全空间!原因如下:","#Just like with every other online service, the best way to ensure your teen stays safe online is to have clear guidelines on what they should and shouldn’t be looking at or posting online, and make sure that you keep clear lines of communication with them.":"与其他任何在线服务一样,要确保青少年安全使用互联网,最好的方式是制订明确的规则指南,让他们了解在线浏览和发布内容的规则,并确保与他们清楚交流。","#In servers, age-restricted content must be posted in a channel marked as age-restricted, which cannot be accessed by users under 18. For Direct Messages, we recommend that every user under 18 activates the explicit media content filter by selecting \"Keep Me Safe\" under the \"Safe Direct Messaging\" heading in the Privacy & Safety section of their User Settings. When a user chooses the \"Keep Me Safe\" setting, images and videos in all direct messages are scanned by Discord and explicit media content is blocked.":"在服务器中,此类内容必须发布在带有年龄限制标记的频道中,不满 18 周岁的用户无法访问此类频道。为确保私信安全,我们建议 18 周岁以下的用户激活不雅媒体内容过滤器。激活方法:打开用户设置,找到隐私和安全 部分,选择安全私信,并勾选“保护我的安全”。勾选后,Discord 会扫描所有通过私信发送的图片和视频,并屏蔽不雅媒体内容。","#Each user has control over the following:":"所有用户都可以进行下列控制:","#Warning users to educate them about their violation":"向用户发出警告,要求其了解相关规定","#To help your teen use Discord safely, it’s important to understand how Discord works and how you can best control your teen’s experience on it. We have listed a number of tips to do so here.":"为帮助青少年安全使用 Discord,请务必了解 Discord 的运作方式,掌握如何最好地控制青少年的 Discord 体验。请点击这里,查看多个实用窍门。","#5. Can my teen interact with people they don’t know on Discord?":"5. 青少年能通过 Discord 与陌生人互动吗?","#Users should only accept friend requests from users that they know and trust. If your teen isn’t sure, there’s no harm in rejecting the friend request. They can always add that user later if it’s a mistake.":"请务必只接受熟悉、信任的用户发来的好友请求。如果无法确定,请拒绝好友请求。如果发现弄错了,可以随时将该用户添加为好友。","#If your teen is ever uncomfortable interacting with someone on Discord, they can always block that specific user. Blocking a user removes them from your teen's Friends List, prevents them from messaging your teen directly, and hides their messages in any shared servers.":"如果您的青少年孩子在与其他 Discord 用户互动时感到不适,可以随时将其拉黑。被拉黑的用户会从好友列表中消失,无法再向您的孩子直接发送消息。如果这些用户与您的孩子有共同的服务器,那么他们在这些服务器中的消息也会被隐藏。","#Unlike other platforms where someone might be able to message you as soon as you sign up for an account (before you have added any friends or joined any servers), this isn’t the case on Discord. In order for another user to send a direct message (DM) to your teen, your teen must either (1) accept the other user as a friend or (2) decide to join a server that the other user is a member of.":"在其他部分平台上,用户只要注册账号后就能发送信息,无需添加好友或加入服务器。但 Discord 并非如此。要接收其他用户发来的私信(DM),您的青少年孩子必须(1)将对方添加为好友,或(2)加入对方所在的服务器。","#Privacy is incredibly important to us, including your teen’s privacy. We can’t share their login information with you, but we encourage you to discuss how to use Discord safely directly with your teen.":"隐私对我们来说极为重要,您孩子的隐私也不例外。我们不能与您分享青少年的登录信息,但建议您直接与孩子对话,讨论如何安全使用 Discord。","#9. What safety measures are in place for the students participating in Student Hubs?":"9. Discord 采取了哪些安全措施,保护参与 Student Hub 的学生的安全?","#Who can DM them and who can send them a friend request":"可以发送私信和/或好友请求的用户","#iOS and Android operating systems offer parental controls that can help you manage your teen's phone usage, including Discord, if needed. Apple and Microsoft offer similar controls for computers.":"iOS 和安卓操作系统中也有家长控制功能,帮助您管理孩子的手机使用。如有必要,您也可以限制 Discord 的使用。Apple 和 Microsoft 也为计算机端提供了类似的控制功能。","#Removing a server from Discord":"移除 Discord 服务器","#If you think we took unwarranted action against your account, you can reach out to us so we can review your case.":"如果您觉得我们对您的账户采取了不合理的措施,您可以联系我们,允许我们重新审视此事处理是否恰当。","#Our Community Guidelines define what is and isn't okay to do on Discord. Every person on Discord should feel like their voice can be heard, but not at the expense of someone else.":"我们的《社区守则》明确了 Discord 上的行为规范,确保在不损害他人利益的情况下,让每个用户都感到自己有发声的机会。","#We’re all about helping millions of communities, small and big, find a home online to talk, hang out, and have meaningful conversations. That means we need to find the right balance between giving people a place to express themselves and promoting a welcoming and safe environment for everyone.":"我们致力于帮助数百万或大或小的社区寻找网络家园,让社区成员在其中欢聚一堂、畅所欲言、开展有意义的交流。要做到这一点,我们不仅要为用户提供一个让其愿意敞开心扉自我表达的空间,同时也要注重为所有人都营造出热情友好、安全可靠的环境氛围。","#Manage Channels":"管理频道","#Read Message History":"查看消息历史","#Channels Every Community Server Should Have":"社区服务器必备频道","#Growing Your Server With Social Media":"利用社交媒体来发展壮大您的服务器","#Build":"创建","#Engage":"参与","#Creating Value with Conversation":"通过对话创造价值","#Turning Your Social Posts into Community Activations":"妙用您在社交媒体上的发帖来促活社区","#Manage Roles":"管理身份组","#Welcoming Newcomers":"迎新","#Community Management: The Basics":"社区管理需要掌握的基础要点","#Growing and Promoting Your Discord Server":"发展壮大并宣传您的 Discord 服务器","#Growing Your Server With Invites":"利用好邀请来发展壮大您的服务器","#Creator Portal":"创作者门户","#Ban Members":"封禁成员","#Keeping Your Community Safe":"确保社区安全","#Grow":"发展壮大","#Manage Messages":"管理消息","#Regularly Engaging Your Community":"定期参与社区互动","#Manage":"管理","#Discord suits community needs by using events, channels and more. Members of your community easily interact with everything a server offers.":"Discord 通过举办活动、创建频道等方式来适应社区的需求。您的社区成员可以轻松享受服务器提供的一切便利。","#Discord Creator Portal":"Discord 创作者门户","#Discord has a variety of solutions to help safeguard your server from malicious events. Find tips and tricks to improve Discord server security today.":"Discord 可以提供各种不同的解决办法,让您的服务器免受恶性事件的影响。现在就来了解一下提升服务器安全等级的建议和诀窍吧。","#Acknowledgments":"鸣谢","#Next":"下一篇","#MCAT Community":"MCAT 社区","#Discord communities have unique needs and should be built to cater to each community’s mission. Learn how to build a great community.":"Discord 社区各有其独特的需求,社区的创建应服务于其各自的任务使命。了解一下如何创建一个优秀的社区。","#Think of a Discord server as a cozy home for your community to hang out. Learn how to set up a server and get started as a community admin!":"将 Discord 服务器当作社区成员聚会消遣的舒适家园。了解如何组建服务器,先从成为社区管理者开始吧!","#Providing new members with an excellent first experience and showing server value will retain members and keep engagement high.":"给新成员留下良好的第一印象并展现服务器的价值不仅能够留住成员,还有利于保持成员高度的参与积极性。","#Roles are a fantastic tool to encourage members to engage with your community.":"身份组是鼓励成员参与社区互动的绝佳工具。","#With thanks to Deku ♡#1313 for all their help in writing this article.":"感谢 Deku ♡#1313 在撰写本文时提供的所有帮助。","#Photography Community":"摄影社区","#Who are you gathering and what brings you all together?":"您想要将那些人聚集起来以及原因是什么?","#Ensure that your community members know they can talk to you about things they feel could be improved about your server and its environment. Even make time for those early members who helped you make the community what it is today!":"要让您的社区成员明白,他们可以与您畅聊任何能够促进服务器和服务器环境提升的事情。您还可以腾出些时间去和那些早期加入的成员们聊一聊,服务器发展到现在他们功不可没。","#There is no one-size-fits-all solution to safety, but an admin should know a few basics to help their moderators.":"对于安全问题,没有万能的解决方案,但是作为管理员应该知晓一些能够帮到他们社区管理员的基本知识。","#In fact, it can be a full-time role at companies like Discord. So, let’s learn a little about a skill commonly known as community management.":"事实上,在像 Discord 这样的公司里,这可能是个全职岗位。因此,让我们来学习一下这项被俗称为社区管理的技能。","#Luckily, it’s easier than it sounds if you focus on the mantra of all great Community Managers:":"好在如果您认真听取那些优秀的社区管理员的座右铭,您会发现管理社区并没有听起来那么难:","#Setting Expectations and Leading by Example":"设定预期,以身作则","#Now you’ve created an amazing community and got to know them, how do you maintain this amazing environment?":"如今,您已经创建了一个出色的社区,也对社区成员有所了解,那么该如何维持这个超赞的社区环境呢?","#Remember, people make mistakes, and a good community can help change people for the better too.":"别忘了,人非圣贤,孰能无过,但是一个好社区会帮助人们变得越来越好。","#If you or your moderators do need to report a user or any unsafe behavior, here are some helpful links you’ll need to submit a ticket to our Trust & Safety teams.":"如果您或您的管理员需要举报某个用户或某个危险行为,您需要通过以下链接向我们的“信任与安全团队”提交一份支持请求。","#Discord’s Advice on Moderation":"Discord 提供的管理建议","#Making sure your community is an engaging, safe place to be is a key step for any admin. Learn tips, tricks, and advice from Discord.":"对于所有管理员来说,确保社区的吸引力和安全都是关键。在 Discord 中学习相关技巧、诀窍和建议。","#The first thing you’ll want to do as an admin is to set good expectations for your community. Having a clear mission or purpose for your community is often the first step. Ask yourself:":"作为管理员,首先要为社区设定良好的预期。通常第一步是为社区确立一个清晰的使命或目标。您可以先问自己几个问题:","#Once you’ve written your rules, it’s important to enforce them consistently.":"规则一旦制定好就要坚持贯彻执行。","#Before you grab your ban hammer, try to remember the human side of community moderation. Being able to talk to users, de-escalate arguments, and give second chances before escalating things is key to a healthy community.":"在挥舞您的制裁大棒前,想一想社区管理中的人情味。对一个健康良好的社区来说,关键是要做到与用户沟通,缓和争执,并给犯错的成员第二次机会以防事态升级。","#Am I setting a good example?":"我是否树立了一个好的榜样?","#Your community members will be looking to you for what to do and how to behave. Getting involved in conversations and posting content that encourages a positive environment that supports your mission are two great (and easy) ways to lead by example.":"社区成员会效仿您的做法和行为。有两个非常有效且简单易行的方法可以帮您在社区做出表率:参与对话以及确保您发布的内容能够促进营造积极的氛围,进而有助于实现您设定的目标。","#Top Tips for Writing Your Own Rules":"制定规则的重要技巧","#Be Flexible and Unafraid to Enforce the Rules":"执行规则要灵活也要大胆","#Ban: This removes a member from your server and stops them from ever joining again.":"封禁:这项惩罚措施会将成员从服务器中永久移除,且没有重新加入的资格。","#Click on the three dots next to a user.":"点击某一用户旁边的三个点。","#Getting Your Team Together":"招募您的团队","#The Role of a Moderator":"管理员的作用","#However, here are some common moderator responsibilities you may want them to handle...":"不过,这里有一些需要他们承担的管理员的共同职责......","#Once your moderators are assigned and set up with the relevant roles and permissions, it’s time to introduce them to your community. Set up a casual voice chat or announce new moderators in the server; visibility is a great way to let the community welcome with new moderators and adjust to their role.":"为您的管理员分配了相应身份并设置了相应权限后,便可以将他们介绍给您的社区成员了。您可以组织一个轻松随意的语音聊天或者在服务器中宣布新的管理员人选;公开宣传是一个方便成员欢迎新的管理员并适应他们新身份的好方法。","#What do you want to achieve with this community?":"您想通过这个社区实现什么目的?","#Know When to Adapt: If changing your rules will make your community a happier and more supportive place, do it!":"在合适的时候做出调整:如果改变规则可以使您的社区带给人更多幸福感和支持,那么就去改变它!","#Finding the Right Mods for the Job":"寻找能胜任这项工作的人选","#Delete any unwanted or inappropriate messages and report these to Discord when they are against our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service.":"删除所有垃圾消息或内容不合适的消息,如果这类消息违反“社区守则”或“服务条款”,还应向 Discord 举报。","#Don’t give bots or humans more permissions than are absolutely necessary.":"不要给机器人或个人超过绝对必要的权限。","#Do members feel included and that they belong?":"成员是否感受到自己得到接纳并有归属感?","#How are you going to do this?":"您打算如何落实?","#People are always more likely to engage and find community in a space where they feel comfortable, safe, and advocated for.":"人们往往更愿意在让他们感受到舒适、安全和受到鼓舞的地方去加入和寻找社区。","#By getting to know your community, you’ll be able to develop a strong bond with them. Once your server has become more established, your community may start to take on some of the responsibilities and routines you’ve set in those early days.":"通过了解您的社区成员,您可以与他们建立起密切的关系。随着您的服务器发展逐渐成熟,您的社区成员们也许会开始主动承担起您早期设定的一些职责和日常工作。","#Holding regular events and talking to your community is great, but creating dedicated spaces for server members to ask questions and give feedback directly will also make a huge difference.":"定期举办活动,与成员沟通交流是很好的措施,但是如果能创建一个专属空间便于服务器成员直接提出问题或者给出反馈意见,这也将发挥巨大的作用。","#When it comes to growing a positive and safe community, protecting the atmosphere is one of your most important jobs.":"若要打造一个积极、安全的社区,最重要的一项工作就是要维持良好的环境氛围。","#Go to Server Settings and find Members listed under User Management.":"前往服务器设置,在用户管理的列表中找到成员。","#Unfortunately, there’s no hard-and-fast rule here; unacceptable conduct or content will vary for every server.":"遗憾的是,暂时没有针对这一点做出硬性规定;让人无法接受的行为和内容会在不同的服务器中有所区别。","#The three boxes you’re aiming to check off are that the potential candidates are: active, responsible, and friendly. Once you’ve found some candidates, it’s time to work out how they can help your community…":"潜在候选人应具备三大品质包括:积极、负责、友善。找到候选人后,您要做的就是弄清楚他们可以如何帮到社区......","#Finally, make sure all admins and moderators secure their accounts by setting up 2FA!":"最后,请您确保所有的管理者和管理员设置了双重认证(2FA)验证来保护他们的账户安全。","#Wondering how to give your members what they want? The only way you can balance your purpose with member needs is by knowing what your members’ needs are. This means speaking with your members and getting to know them so that you understand what they need, what they want from your community, and how you can support them.":"不知道该如何满足成员的需求?要平衡好社区目标和成员需求,唯一的办法就是要知道成员的需求是什么。换句话说,您要与成员沟通,去了解他们,这样您才能明白他们真实的需求,他们想通过社区得到什么,以及您如何能够满足他们的需要。","#This is called creating flywheels. For example…":"这就是创造传承体系。比如......","#However, if there are people constantly posting content that directly breaks your server rules or Discord’s Terms of Service, it may be time to remove them from your community. For more information, check out our Community Guidelines.":"但是,如果有人不停地发布直接违反您的服务器规则或者 Discord 服务条款的内容,那么您可以直接把他们从您的社区移除。更多相关信息,请查阅我们的社区守则。","#Whether through an escalation process or a ban for extreme rule-breaking, content that crosses a line should be moderated and – if necessary – banned. You may also want to report this behavior to our Trust and Safety team so we can take further action.":"对严重违规行为无论是使用惩罚升级程序也好,封禁账号也好,只要是不符合规定的内容都应该被处理——必要时——进行封禁。同时您也可以向我们的信任与安全团队 举报此类行为,以便于我们采取进一步措施。","#“What can I do to deal with users who are not technically breaking rules, but are problematic?”":"“但是对于那些严格来说没有违反规则但是有问题的用户,我该如何处理?”","#Growing Your Server Through Community Events":"通过举办社区活动发展壮大您的服务器","#Understanding Event Metrics":"理解活动指标","#Do I know what my community needs?":"我是否了解社区成员们的需求?","#You also want to make sure that your members feel heard—especially as your community grows.":"特别是在您的社区发展过程中,您还要保证每个成员可以发表自己的意见。","#What kind of content should I ban for?":"哪些内容应该封禁?","#Again, this is where it’s important to be human and engage with the user to try and stop the behavior before you need to ban or kick them.":"请注意,在这种情况下,在您踢人或者封禁他们之前需要采用人性化的方式,与用户尝试沟通,试着制止这类行为。","#Your community regulars lend a helping hand to new member in need while you’re away!":"您不在的时候,您的老成员会向有需要的新成员伸出援助之手!","#To action a member on your server...":"如何在服务器中对成员采取措施......","#Important Resources":"重要资源","#If chat is crazy active or going at all hours of the night, great moderators can organize chaos and enforce guidelines to give you more time to manage your community strategy.":"如果聊天异常活跃或者能持续一整晚,那么引入优秀的管理员不仅可以处理混乱的局面,还可以顺利执行社区守则,因此您便可以获得更多时间来把控您的社区发展战略。","#Think of the users on your server who are responsible enough to take on the job; the people who have demonstrated that they have an active mind for the safety and well-being of your community and the people in it.":"想一想您的服务器中哪些成员责任意识强,可以胜任这份工作;哪些成员已经证明了他们会主动为社区及社区成员的安全和幸福考虑。","#Choosing what your new moderators do in your community really depends on your community's needs and any problems your server may be running into.":"确定您的新管理员在社区中的职责主要取决于社区的需求以及服务器可能遇到的困难。","#Here is a list of permissions that moderators should have. If you’re doing an additional trial period with mod candidates (which is a great idea), don’t be afraid to roll some of these out only after the candidates have become full mods.":"以下是管理员应该获得的权限列表。如果您要对候选管理员额外设置试用期(这是个好主意),大胆保留部分权限,待候选人转正后再授予。","#Likewise, you’ll want to prevent any conversations that have the reverse effect. If hateful or otherwise harmful content and behaviors aren’t discouraged, users may be confused about your community’s purpose or believe that this is acceptable. It is not.":"同样地,您也需要防止某些对话可能会造成适得其反的效果。如果不制止带有仇恨性或者危害性的内容和行为,那么可能会导致用户对您的社区目标感到疑惑或者认为这类行为也是被允许的。其实不然。","#Getting a good feel for your community’s motivations and interests also helps you really find out what kind of content is going to be a good fit. Do they want to show off fan art they’ve created for your content? Discuss your super-cool new game that just came out? Reach out to members 1-to-1 or ask for feedback in small groups. Encourage positive content and let the creativity flow!":"清楚了解社区成员的动机和兴趣爱好也可以帮您更好地选择适合的社区内容。比如:他们是否想在您的社区内容中展示自己创作的玩家艺术作品?是否想讨论您刚推出的超级酷炫的新游戏?关于这些,您可以私下与成员一对一交流,或者在小组讨论中征求反馈意见。要鼓励用户创作积极向上的内容,让创意源源不断地涌现!","#Sooner or later, we all need help managing things. As your community grows, you’ll find yourself looking for help moderating and keeping your community healthy.":"迟早有一天,我们需要有人协助管理一些事情。随着社区的发展,您会发现您需要他人帮您管理社区并维持社区健康发展。","#How Do I Know When I Need Moderators?":"如何了解自己何时需要管理员?","#Think about more personal considerations. Do they get along well with other members of the server? Are they considerate? Would you want to collaborate and work with this person long-term?":"请多考虑一下个人因素。他们与服务器的其他成员相处是否融洽?他们是否善解人意?您自己是否愿意与此人长期合作以及共事?","#Recruiting Moderators":"招募管理员","#You want your community to know that you’re not some magical being, but a human being just like them. So be present and accessible. Have real, genuine conversations with your community and be responsive to questions they may have. This means responding to feedback, asking questions, and jumping in voice channels when your members need support.":"您要让社区成员知道您和他们是平等的,而非高不可及的。因此,您要展现出您的亲和力。真实且真诚地与社区成员交流对话,积极回应他们可能会提出的问题。也就是说您要在成员有需要时对他们的反馈做出响应,提出问题,并提供直接沟通渠道。","#Really, the answer is the same as it’s always been: making sure that you’re fostering a sense of belonging and making sure new members feel at home straight away.":"其实答案始终如一,即:确保您的社区能够让人产生归属感,让新成员一加入便如回家一样舒适自在。","#Practice De-Escalation: Foster a positive environment that allows for second chances and reform in your community. The Time Out feature is a great tool to help.":"践行缓和事态的做法:在社区中营造一种积极的环境氛围,给犯错者一次机会改过自新。 在这方面禁言功能确实是很有用的工具。","#Ultimately, nobody knows your community better than you, so trust your gut. If something feels off and not quite right to you, the chances are that your community is feeling it too.":"说到底,没有人比您更了解自己的社区,所以请相信您自己。如果有什么地方让您觉得不对劲或者不合适,那么很有可能您的社区成员和您有同样的感觉。","#As a Discord community manager or creator, you are the first step in establishing the safety of your server. Find tips, tricks, and advice.":"作为 Discord 社区的管理员或创建者,您是确立服务器安全性的第一环。了解相关技巧、诀窍和建议。","#Running a server is hard work, but you don’t have to do it alone.":"管理运营服务器是一项艰巨的任务,但是您不必孤军奋战","#Design Your Server for Safer Use":"设计您的服务器,以便更安全放心地使用","#Some servers also use moderation bots to handle things like banning keywords or handing out warnings to offending members.":"有些服务器也会使用管理机器人来处理诸如禁用关键词或者向违规成员发出警告等事务。","#What Are the Pros of Automating Moderation?":"自动管理有哪些优势?","#Once you have a clear purpose in mind, it’s a good idea to share it with all of your community so they join in and share it with others.":"如果您已经设定了明确的目标,不妨分享给您的社区成员,这样他们不但可以加入进来,还可以将目标分享给其他人。","#Don’t be afraid to put your foot down on harmful conduct. Remember, you’re setting the example—encourage the kind of community where anyone can belong and your members will follow.":"大胆同有害行为作斗争。请牢记您要以身作则——要推动建立的是那种让人人都能有归属感、成员忠诚度高的社区。","#Get To Know Your People":"了解您的成员","#Remember, this is a give and take relationship. If you see someone taking the initiative to help out, thank them and gently guide them as needed.":"记住,这是一种礼尚往来的付出与回报的关系。如果您看到有人主动帮忙,要感谢他们并根据需要耐心为他们提供指导。","#Take the time to educate everybody on the rules and etiquette of the server. Having these shared publicly will help align members as they join.":"花点时间指导所有人了解服务器规则和注意事项。将这些内容公开分享有助于保持新加入社区成员的信息一致。","#Ban spam bots that have appeared in the server.":"封禁出现在服务器中的垃圾邮件机器人。","#Ban Members: Some people hold off on this, so if you’re doing a trial period, feel free to wait until they’re full mods before granting it.":"封禁成员:有些人会暂缓授权这项权限,因此如果您设置了试用期,您可以自主决定待管理员转正后再授予这一权限。","#Mention @everyone or @here: Unless there is a specific reason mods need to do this, use your own judgment!":"应用 @everyone 或者 @here:除非管理员有特殊原因需要获得这类权限,其他情况请您自行决断!","#For more in-depth information on the deeper aspects of selection, mod responsibilities, and how to build strong moderation teams, check out great resources from the Discord Moderator Academy like...":"如果想深入了解更多关于管理员选拔的深层问题、管理员职责、如何组建强大的管理员团队等方面的信息,请查看 Discord 管理员学院提供的优秀资源,如......","#Here are some tips to make sure you’re the best community manager that you can be for your members.":"通过以下建议,可以确保您成为成员们心中的最佳社区管理员。","#Building Flywheels":"创造传承体系","#Rules don’t just help encourage positive behavior, they also prevent negativity from spreading as your community grows.":"规则不仅有助于鼓励积极的行为,还能防止消极行为随着社区的发展传播蔓延","#When to Escalate":"何时升级惩罚","#Implement the basics and evaluate if you need support from bots. Head to Securing Your Server to cover the basics and explore bot recommendations from the Discord Moderator Academy.":"您可以先采用基础的操作解决问题,然后再评估是否需要向机器人寻求支持。前往“保护您的服务器安全”了解相关基础知识,前往“Discord 管理员学院”探索相关机器人推荐。","#They should also be able to embody and enforce the values of your community while remaining an active part of it. Consider a current and active member of your server—this ensures they’re already familiar with your community!":"他们应该不仅能够体现并践行您的社区价值观,同时也积极参与到社区当中。所以您可以考虑一下服务器中现有的活跃成员——这样能保证他们已经对社区十分熟悉。","#If you’re continuing to talk with your members, staying up to date with their needs, and keeping your community engaged, you’re doing it right. You’re well on your way to managing a healthy and successful server environment.":"如果您能够不断地与成员们沟通,跟进了解他们的需求,保持社区的参与度,那么您就做对了。如此下去,在打造一个良好、成功的服务器环境的道路上,您便能一帆风顺。","#Make sure your inner circle can submit reports to Trust & Safety. All moderators and admins should be equipped with Developer Mode (Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode) so they can right-click users and messages and collect their IDs.":"确保您的内部圈子可以向信任与安全团队提交举报信息。所有管理员和管理者都应开启“开发者模式”(设置>外观>开发者模式)以便于他们可以通过右键单击用户和消息来收集他们的 ID。","#Report Harassment and Harm":"举报骚扰和侵害","#Ideally, you should find people that are friendly, approachable, collaborative, receptive to feedback, and good at on-the-fly thinking.":"当然最理想的情况是您找到热情友善、平易近人、乐于合作、虚心接受反馈且具有快速思考能力的管理员。","#Discord isn't just a place to connect with new people—your community can also be a landing spot for familiar faces.":"Discord 不仅是一个可以结交新朋友的地方——您的社区还可以成为老朋友的落脚点。","#But as you grow, you’ll need to scale your approach. For example, making sure that every new member is welcomed in a way that makes them feel included is particularly important. An easy way to help people feel included is to introduce personal roles, such as pronoun roles, or allow people to self-select their interests.":"但是随着您自身的成长,您也需要掌握更多方式方法。比如说,在欢迎新成员时让每个新成员都感受到自己被接纳,这一点尤其重要。有个简单的方法可以做到这一点,就是引入个人身份组,比如身份标签,或者让他们根据自己的兴趣选择。","#While it may feel uncomfortable at first, enforcing your rules tells your community, “we’re here, we care about you, and we’re going to keep this community safe.”":"虽然一开始可能会不习惯,但是执行规则是在向社区成员传达这样的信息,“在这里,我们会关心你们,我们会守护这个社区的安全。”","#If you’ve tried working with them directly and had no luck, it’s time to escalate things. You have a few key tools available in this situation: Time Out, kick, or ban.":"如果您已经试着与他们直接对接过但是没有取得任何效果,那么此时就应该严肃处理了。在这种情况下可以使用以下几个重要工具:禁言、踢出,或者封禁。","#Choose any of the three options: Time Out, kick, or ban.":"在禁言、踢出或者封禁三项中选择其中一项。","#Or you can right-click on the member you want to ban from your server!":"或者您可以右键点击您想在服务器中封禁的成员!","#This Is Your Party":"这是您的地盘","#Day-To-Day Permissions":"日常管理权限","#Kick Members":"踢出成员","#With that being said, here is a list of permissions your moderators shouldn’t typically need. For all of these, ask yourself when a moderator needs these permissions, why, and for how long.":"说到这里,以下列出了您的管理员通常不需要获得的权限。对于所有这些权限,您要想清楚管理员何时需要使用这些权限,为什么需要,以及需要使用多长时间。","#As an admin, you’ll need to wear many different hats to build and manage a thriving, healthy community.":"作为一名管理员要创建和管理一个充满活力、健康向上的社区,您需要承担各种不同的工作任务。","#You may manually welcome each new member as they join in the beginning, but soon your members welcome others the same way.":"起初您可能需要自己手动欢迎每一个加入社区的新成员,但很快您的成员会用同样的方式欢迎其他新人。","#As long as you’re consistently putting the safety and happiness of your community first, you’re doing it right.":"只要您始终将社区的安全和幸福感放在第一位就对了。","#How to Report to Discord":"如何向 Discord 举报","#Critically, your Moderator role does not need to include every permission. As an admin, you should be aware of the dangers of giving new mods every server administration power under the sun, even if you trust them.":"最重要的是,您不一定要赋予管理员全部权限。作为管理者,您需要认识到,即使您信任他们,赋予新人管理员所有事务的管理权限也是存在风险的。","#Mute/Deafen Members: Do this even if you don’t have voice channels. You might need it later on!":"静音成员/屏蔽成员语音接收即使没有语音频道也要授权这项权限,以备将来所需。","#Is It Time to Scale Your Community Support?":"是时候提升为社区成员提供支持的能力了吗?","#Creating a Moderator Role":"创建管理员身份","#Time Out Members":"设置成员禁言","#How to Avoid Moderator Burnout":"如何避免管理员出现倦怠情绪","#Onboarding moderators to your Discord server is essential. Learn how to identify, assign, and welcome server moderators on Discord!":"为您的 Discord 服务器引入管理员至关重要。学习如何在 Discord 确定、安排以及迎接服务器管理员!","#Scaling Community Support":"提升为社区成员提供支持的能力","#Typically, you’ll know you need to bring in moderators when enforcing server rules becomes difficult to manage on your own.":"通常来说,当您发现已经难以独立执行服务器规则时,您就需要其他管理员的援助了。","#Not every violation will have a simple solution. Situations may require some more in-depth people management or further escalation, so it’s recommended to leave context-based decisions to a human rather than a bot.":"并非每一种违规行为都能通过简单的办法解决。有些情况的解决需要更加专业的人为管理方式或者需要进一步升级惩罚手段,因此我们建议,解决那些牵扯到具体语境背景的问题,让人来做决定,不要让机器人处理。","#Report General Issues":"举报一般问题","#Finding mods who are a good fit for your community can feel daunting, so start by asking yourself what you want a candidate to bring to your community. Then, you can work out what their responsibilities might involve from there.":"寻找合适的社区管理员是一件可能会让人感到很棘手的事情,此时您可以先问问自己对候选人的期待。这样您就能确定需要他们承担哪些责任。","#Managing a Team of Moderators":"管理管理员团队","#Important Reminders":"重要提醒","#While Discord recommends being as hands-on and human as possible, there may come a time when you want to bring in some additional support to help out.":"尽管 Discord 建议管理员要尽量做到亲历亲为,要有人情味,但有时候您也会想要引入额外的支援来帮帮忙。","#Set up Verification Levels: In your Server Settings, you’ll find the option to choose from a series of Verification levels. From None to Highest, you can set up gates to prevent spam and require members to verify their identity before they can interact in your server.":"设置验证级别在您的“服务器设置”中,您可以在相应选项中找到一系列验证级别,并从中选择。从最高,您可以设置相应门槛来拦截垃圾信息,并要求成员在服务器中进行互动之前先验证身份。","#Implement your AutoMod":"实施您的 AutoMod","#By setting up some levels of auto-moderation, you and your human mods can concentrate on more significant issues while the bot is busy taking on smaller things. But setting up auto-moderation is a balancing act.":"通过设置一定的自动管理级别,您和您的人类管理员便可以将琐碎的小事交给机器人来处理,你们可以集中精力处理更重要的问题。不过,设置自动管理有利有弊。","#It’s important that all types of moderation and support remain as fair and consistent as possible. Remember to hold everyone in your community to the same standard, regardless of who they are or their history.":"重要的是,不论哪种类型的管理和支持,都要尽可能地保持公平性和一致性。请牢记务必对社区的每一个人一视同仁,不论他们是谁以及他们有何种过往经历。","#Top Tip: IDs must be collected before bans are made that delete messages, as IDs cannot be retrieved once deleted.":"重要提示:由于封禁措施会删除消息,所以在此之前必须先收集 ID,ID 一旦删除无法找回。","#Kick members or allocate server timeouts.":"踢出成员或者对成员实施服务器禁言。","#Hand out warnings to any members acting against the rules or guidelines.":"对所有违反规则和社区守则的成员发出警告。","#Administrator Permissions: This is every permission in one! Avoid giving this out period!":"管理员权限:是指所有权限一应俱全!切勿授予这一级权限!","#Set Up Moderation Bots":"设置管理机器人","#For more on bot configuration and best practices on moderation, head to the Discord Moderation Academy, and check out this article.":"请前往 Discord 管理员学院,阅读这篇文章,了解更多关于机器人配置以及最佳管理实践的内容。","#Designed to assist your hardworking moderators, Discord’s AutoMod feature helps keep your server clean and safe by automatically filtering out harmful or undesirable messages around the clock.":"Discord 的 AutoMod 功能专门为辅助辛勤的管理员而设计,通过全天候不间断地自动过滤有害消息或垃圾消息来辅助净化服务器,维持服务器的安全。","#Tools for Automating Server Management":"实现服务器自动化管理的工具","#A well-configured Discord moderation bot can be set up with different rules for different channels and automatically take action should any users violate those rules. You can also set them up to provide reports and keep your admins or mods up to date on any actions it takes.":"一个配置良好的 Discord 管理机器人可以设置有多种不同的规则,用于不同的频道并且在成员违反规则时可以自动采取相应措施。您同样可以对这些规则进行自定义,从而可以让机器人提供报告,使管理者或管理员实施能够及时了解采取的措施。","#Support with responding to questions or queries about your community.":"通过回答有关社区的问题或疑问来为成员提供支持。","#You can even call this role something other than Moderator (perhaps if there’s an inside joke or word that matches your server’s theme), but just make sure its purpose can be clearly identified as someone to go to for help.":"除了“管理员”,您也可以为这个身份另取他名(比如你们内部可能有某个符合服务器主题的玩笑话或者其他称呼),但是要确保取名的目的能让人清楚地识别,即:需要帮助,就找此人。","#With thanks to The Tax Collector Man for all their help in writing this article.":"感谢“The Tax Collector Man”在撰写本文时提供的所有帮助。","#Choose from filters made by Discord or customize your own with lists of words or phrases and the actions AutoMod will take when they’re found in your server. This allows you to…":"您可以选择使用 Discord 制定的过滤器,也可以通过列出单词或短语以及出现这些信息时 AutoMod 会采取的相应措施来定制自己的过滤器。这样,您便可以......","#Allow for Nuance: No one can fully replicate a moderator’s eye for context, but Wildcards get close. Wildcards allow AutoMod to detect variations that partially match listed words or phrases and flag when members try to circumvent filters.":"用于监测细微差别:虽然没有功能可以做到像管理员一样能够观察分析语境,但是 Wildcards 可以实现最大程度接近人工监测的水平。利用 Wildcards,AutoMod 可以监测到与列表中的词汇或短语部分匹配的变体表达,从而可以在成员试图通过这种方式逃避过滤器筛查时将其标记出来。","#Manage Roles: Even if you have a bot to manage muting people, make sure your mods can also do it manually if the bot doesn’t work.":"管理身份组:即使您有机器人负责屏蔽他人,也要确保机器人故障时管理员可以手动进行这项操作。","#As Needed Permissions":"必要时可授予的权限","#Manage Webhooks":"管理 Webhook","#Manage Server":"管理服务器","#Here are a few ways you can scale your community and automate manual processes.":"您可以通过以下几种方式提升您的社区,并实现手动流程自动化。","#Finally, remember to regulate the consequences. As your community grows, things may get a little more complex. For example, if someone posts irrelevant content in a channel just once, they may just need a quick reminder of the channel’s topics. But if they’re repeatedly ignoring the channel topics and spamming with inappropriate content, more severe consequences may be needed. Auto-moderation can keep an eye on repeat offenders and act accordingly.":"最后,请记得要规范处理。随着社区的发展,事情的复杂程度会逐渐提升。例如,如果有人在某个频道中只发了一次不相关的内容,那么只需要快速提醒一下他们频道的主题。但是如果他们数次无视主题,并发送有关不适当内容的垃圾信息,则需要承担更严重的后果。自动化管理可以时刻关注这类屡次违规的人,并采取相应的处理措施。","#Once you’ve selected and spoken to the people you think are the right fit for the job, it’s time to create an actual server role and make sure they have everything they’ll need to keep your community safe.":"当您确定了合适的人选且和他们沟通过之后,需要为他们创建一个真实的服务器身份组,并确保为他们提供用来维护社区安全所需要的一切便利。","#Explore our Help Center article to adopt your AutoMod today.":"探索阅读我们的帮助中心文章,立即选用您的 AutoMod。","#That’s when it’s time to scale your support.":"这时您就需要提升您提供支持的能力了。","#Peer-to-Peer: You’re only one person who can only do so much but where possible, encourage an atmosphere where all members can support each other. If some community members are already doing this, reward them with a unique role. Others will know who to look to for support and be inspired to start doing the same.":"采用点对点的方式:您一个人可以做的事情有限,但是如果有可能的话,您可以推动营造一种全体成员互相帮助的氛围。如果已经有成员这么做了,您可以奖励他们一个独特的身份。其他人就可以知道可以找谁寻求支持,并会受到激励开始效仿同样的做法。","#For even more in-depth lessons, don’t forget to check out the Discord Moderator Academy!":"如果您想了解更多更深入的课程,别忘了查看 Discord 管理员学院!","#Ways to Scale Your Server Support":"提升服务器提供支持能力的方式:","#With thanks to LogoCat for all their help in writing this article.":"感谢 LogoCat 在撰写本文时提供的所有帮助。","#Rocket League Germany":"德国火箭联盟","#It’s important to find the right balance of humanity and auto-moderation. Build for safety and use automation as a tool to let you focus your energy on other important aspects of managing your community.":"在人性化管理和自动化管理之间找到恰当的平衡很重要。利用自动化工具保障社区安全,从而让您把精力集中在管理社区的其他重要方面。","#It’s essential to build a community where members feel heard and supported. Although being on hand to help is a cornerstone of a healthy community, that can get harder as your server starts to grow.":"建立一个成员能获得支持,感受得到倾听的社区至关重要。尽管能够随时提供帮助是一个健康社区的基础,但是随着服务器不断发展壮大,做到这一点会变得越来越难。","#Understanding Server Insights can help admins build growth, promotion, and sustainability in your community.":"看懂服务器分析能够帮助管理员构建社区的发展性、推广性以及可持续性。","#, selecting the":",选择","#If your teen encounters a violation of our Community Guidelines, such as harassment or inappropriate content, please":"如果您的孩子遇到了违反我们的《社区守则》的情况,如骚扰、不妥内容等,请","#Age-restricted channels":"成人频道","#Privacy & Safety":"隐私与安全","#section, and finding the \"":"部分,从中找到“","#User Settings":"用户设置","#file a report":"提交举报,","#Roles":"身份组","#\" heading.":"”,在其中管理相关设置。","#If you have blocked a user but they create a new account to try and contact you, please report the user to the Trust & Safety team. You can learn more about how to do this at":"如果您屏蔽了一个用户,但该用户创建了一个新账户来联系您,请将该用户举报给信任与安全团队。您可以点击","#When our Trust & Safety team confirms that there has been a violation of our":"当我们的信任与安全团队确认违规行为后,","#No matching results.":"未找到匹配结果","#Respect Each Other":"互相尊重","#Respect Discord":"尊重 Discord","#, and":",隐私政策以及社区规则指南","#Developer Terms of Service":"开发者服务条款","#There are millions of communities that use Discord as their home base. Because of this diversity, we want to recognize that content or topics that might be okay for some might be unsuitable for others. Age-restricted content on Discord should only be accessible to those over 18 years old, and must be labeled properly to avoid anyone stumbling upon it inadvertently.":"Discord 是数百万社区的家园。由于社区的多样性,我们意识到某一部分用户可以接受的内容或话题,未必适合其他用户。其中成人内容应仅限于 18 周岁以上的用户观看或讨论,因此必须正确标记出这些内容,以防他人意外接触。","#What should I do if someone posts or says something about self-harm or suicide?":"如果有人提到或发布了关于自残或自杀的内容,我该怎么办?","#It can be difficult to know what to say or do when someone expresses a desire to harm themselves. If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide or if another user is in immediate physical danger of harming themselves, please contact a suicide hotline or law enforcement immediately.":"面对表达出自残想法的人,我们有时不知道该说和做些什么。如果您难以摆脱轻生的想法,或另一位用户有紧急的自残危险,请拨打自杀预防热线或联系执法部门。","#People use Discord daily to talk about many things, ranging from art projects and family trips to homework and mental health support. It's a home for communities of any size, but it's most widely used by small and active groups of people who talk regularly.":"许多人每天都会使用 Discord 谈天说地,话题也是千差万别,从艺术项目、家庭出游、作业到心理健康,凡此种种,不一而足。任何规模的社区都可以在 Discord 中找到一片天地,但最青睐 Discord 的,当属经常发言的活跃小群组。","#People love Discord because it’s a home for all their communities and groups of friends. It's a place where they can be themselves and spend time with other people who share their interests and hobbies. Conversations on Discord are driven by the people you choose and the topics you choose to talk about.":"用户之所以喜爱 Discord,是因为这里既有他们的社区,也有聚集而来的朋友。在这片天地中,人们可以展现真我,与其他志同道合的人共度时光。Discord 对话的对象和主题都由您自己选择。","#The vast majority of servers are private, invite-only spaces for groups of friends and communities to stay in touch and spend time together. There are also larger, more open communities, generally centered around specific topics such as popular games like Minecraft and Fortnite. Users have control over whom they interact with and what their experience on Discord is.":"绝大多数服务器都是私人空间,仅在收到邀请后才能加入。在这里,好友和社区群体可以保持联系并共度时光。Discord 上也有更大、更开放的社区,这些社区通常围绕特定主题构建,如热门游戏《我的世界》、《堡垒之夜》等等。用户可以有选择地与他人互动,掌控自己在 Discord 上的体验。","#WHAT IS DISCORD?":"Discord 是什么?","#If you encounter a violation of our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines, we ask that you report this behavior to us.":"当您遇到违反我们服务条款社区守则的行为时,请向我们举报。","#Email":"电子邮件","#General":"常规","#Terms of Service":"服务条款","#Privacy Policy":"隐私权政策","#As a parent, we encourage you to spend some time reviewing and discussing your teen’s settings so that you can customize their Discord experience. More details on all our privacy and security tools can be found here.":"作为父母,我们鼓励您花些时间查看并研究家中孩子的 Discord 设置,以便更好地为他们定制使用体验。更多有关我们隐私与安全工具的细节信息,请查看此处。","#Over the years, Discord has designed tools to protect our users from inappropriate content or unwanted contact. Knowing how to use these tools will give you control over your Discord experience and will help you avoid unwanted experiences.":"多年来,为保护用户免受不良内容或信息的侵扰,Discord 设计了多种工具。学会使用这些工具,可以让您更好地掌控 Discord 的体验,避免不愉快的经历。","#Content":"内容","#Current":"当前","#May 7th 2020":"2020 年 5 月 7 日","#June 23rd 2020":"2020 年 6 月 23 日","#Terms of Service and Policy Archive":"《服务条款》及政策存档","#DMA":"Discord 管理员学院(DMA)","#Copyright":"版权","#Your content":"您的内容","#Restrictions on your use of Discord’s services":"Discord 服务使用限制","#Limitation of liability":"责任限制","#Contacting each other":"相互联络","#Content in Discord’s services":"Discord 服务内容","#Other content":"其他内容","#Termination":"终止","#Software in Discord’s services":"Discord 服务软件","#More important stuff":"重要事宜","#Your Discord account":"连接到您的 Discord 账号","#Indemnity":"赔偿","#Services “AS IS”":"服务“现状”","#Who we are":"我们是谁","#What you can expect from us":"我们可以提供怎样的服务","#Discord’s paid services":"Discord 付费服务","#Discord’s content":"Discord 的内容","#When we say “Discord,” “we,” “us,” and “our” in these terms, we mean Discord Inc., its subsidiaries, and its related companies.":"本条款中的“Discord”、“我们”及“我方”,是指 Discord Inc.、子公司及相关公司。","#By accessing our services, you confirm that you’re at least 13 years old and meet the minimum age of digital consent in your country. We maintain a list of minimum ages around the world as a resource for you, but we aren’t able to guarantee that it is always accurate.If you are old enough to access our services in your country, but not old enough to have authority to consent to our terms, your parent or guardian must agree to our terms on your behalf. Please ask your parent or guardian to read these terms with you. If you’re a parent or legal guardian, and you allow your teenager to use the services, then these terms also apply to you and you’re responsible for your teenager’s activity on the services.":"使用我们的服务,意味着您确认您已年满 13 周岁,且在您所在国家/地区达到最低数字同意年龄。我们统计了一份世界各地的最低年龄清单,供您参考,但我们不能保证其完全准确。如果您已达到您所在国家/地区规定的使用我们服务的年龄,但还没有达到有权同意我们条款的年龄,则您的父母或监护人必须代表您同意我们的条款。请要求您的父母或监护人与您一起阅读本条款。如果您是父母或法定监护人,并且允许您照管的孩子使用我们的服务,则这些条款也适用于您,且您应当对孩子在这些服务中的行为负责。","#When we say “services” in these terms, we mean Discord’s services, apps, websites, and other products.":"本条款中的“服务”,是指 Discord 的服务、应用程序、网站及其他产品。","#When we say “you” or “your,” we mean you. If you’re accessing our services on behalf of a legal entity (like your employer), you agree that you have the authority to bind that entity to these terms, and “you” and “your” will refer to that entity.":"本条款中的“您”,是指您。如果您代表某个法律实体(如您的雇主)访问我们的服务,则表示您同意您有权使该实体接受本条款约束,且“您”即指该实体。","#Use, copy, store, distribute, and communicate your content in manners consistent with your use of the services. (For example, so we can store and display your content.)":"以与您使用服务一致的方式使用、复制、存储、分发和传播您的内容。(例如,我们可以存储和显示您的内容。)","#Sublicense your content, to allow our services to work as intended. (For example, so we can store your content with our cloud service providers.)":"将您的内容转授权,以使我们的服务按照预期运作。(例如,我们可以将您的内容存储到我们的云服务提供商处。)","#Your Content":"您的内容","#This license is worldwide, non-exclusive (which means you can still license your content to others), royalty-free (which means there are no fees for this license), transferable, and perpetual.":"此许可全球通用、非独家(这代表您仍然可向其他人授权您的内容)、免版税(这代表此许可不收取任何费用)、可转让,且永久有效。","#These terms set forth our legal obligations to each other. They apply to your use of our services.":"下述条款规定了双方的法律义务,当您使用我们的服务时,本条款对您适用。","#You are responsible for the security of your account, and you agree to notify us immediately if you believe your account has been compromised. If you use a password, it must be strong, and we (strongly) recommend that you use that password only for your Discord account and that you enable two-factor authentication. If your account is compromised, we may not be able to restore it to you.":"您有责任确保您的账号安全,并同意在您认为您的账号被盗用的情况时立即通知我们。请您使用高强度密码,而且(强烈)建议您仅将该密码用于您的 Discord 账号,并启用双重认证。","#Monitor, modify, translate, and reformat your content. (For example, so we can resize an image you post to fit on a mobile device.)":"对您的内容进行审查、修改、翻译及重新排版。(例如,我们可以调整您发布的图像大小以适应移动设备。)","#We reasonably believe termination is necessary to prevent harm to you, us, other users, or third parties.":"我们有理由相信,为了防止对您、我们、其他用户或第三方造成伤害,终止服务是必要的。","#We welcome feedback on our services. By sending us feedback, you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable license to use the feedback and ideas generated from the feedback without any restrictions, attribution, or compensation to you.":"欢迎您对我们的服务提出意见反馈。向我们发送反馈意见,即表示您授予我们非排他、永久、不可撤销、可转让的许可,允许我们使用意见反馈和由反馈中产生的想法,而不受任何限制、归属或对您进行补偿。","#We work hard to offer great services, but there are certain aspects that we can’t guarantee. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DISCORD, ITS AFFILIATES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUPPLIERS MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT THE SERVICES. THE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED “AS IS.” WE ALSO DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND ANY WARRANTIES ARISING OUT OF COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. THE LAWS OF CERTAIN JURISDICTIONS OR STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES. TO THE EXTENT SUCH WARRANTIES CANNOT BE DISCLAIMED UNDER THE LAWS OF YOUR JURISDICTION, WE LIMIT THE DURATION AND REMEDIES OF SUCH WARRANTIES TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMISSIBLE UNDER THOSE LAWS.":"我们努力提供优质的服务,但某些方面我们无法保证。在法律允许的最大范围内,Discord、其附属公司及其各自的供应商对服务不做任何明示或暗示的保证。服务以“当前的状态或条件”提供。我们不承担适销性、特定用途适用性、安静使用、非侵权性等隐含担保责任,也不承担因交易过程或行业惯例而产生的担保责任。如果您所在司法管辖区或州的法律不允许对隐含担保进行限制,我们将在相关法律允许的最大范围内限制此类保证的期限和补救措施。","#Your account has been inactive for more than two years.":"您的账号已不活跃两年以上。","#We respect the intellectual property of others and expect our users to do the same. See our Copyright & IP Policy for information on how to file a copyright complaint.":"我们尊重他人知识产权,并期望我们的用户也是如此。请查看我们的《版权和知识产权政策》,了解如何提出版权投诉。","#You may not copy, modify, create derivative works based upon, distribute, sell, lease, or sublicense any of our software or services. You also may not reverse engineer or decompile our software or services, attempt to do so, or assist anyone in doing so, unless you have our written consent or applicable law permits it.":"对于我们的软件或服务,您不得复制、修改、基于其创建衍生作品、分发、出售、出租或转让。您也不得对我们的软件或服务进行反向工程或反编译,不得试图进行此操作或协助任何人进行此操作,除非您获得了我们的书面同意或适用法律允许。","#If you are using the services on behalf of a business or legal entity and not in an individual capacity, then you will indemnify and hold Discord and its officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, and costs (including reasonable legal and accounting fees) related to (a) your access to or use of our services, (b) your content, or (c) your violation of these terms.":"如果您代表企业或法律实体而不是以个人身份使用服务,则您应赔偿 Discord 及其管理人员、董事、员工和代理人因 (a) 您访问或使用我们的服务、(b) 您的内容或 (c) 您违反本条款而导致的任何索赔、责任、损害和费用(包括合理的法律和会计费用),并使其免受损害。","#We’re required to do so to comply with a legal requirement or court order.":"这是我们遵守法律要求或法院命令的必然选择。","#Although we are granting you this license, we retain any intellectual property rights we have in our software and services.":"尽管我们向您授予此许可,但我们仍保留我们在软件和服务中拥有的所有知识产权。","#THE EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF DAMAGES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF THE BASIS OF THE BARGAIN BETWEEN DISCORD AND YOU. THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY DESCRIBED ABOVE SHALL APPLY FULLY TO RESIDENTS OF NEW JERSEY.":"上述免责条款和损害赔偿限制是 Discord 与您之间交易基础的基本要素。上述责任限制完全适用于新泽西州居民。","#DISCORD ISN’T LIABLE FOR THE CONDUCT OR CONTENT, WHETHER ONLINE OR OFFLINE, OF ANY USER OF OUR SERVICES.":"Discord 不对我们服务的任何用户的在线或离线行为或内容负责。","#You have certain rights that, by law, can’t be limited by these terms, and we in no way intend to restrict those rights in these terms.":"根据法律规定,您的某些权利不受本条款的限制,我们无意在本条款中限制这些权利。","#Settling disputes between you and Discord":"解决您与 Discord 之间的纠纷","#Agreement to arbitrate.":"仲裁协议。","#If you are a consumer residing in the European Union, this clause and these terms in general do not affect any mandatory consumer rights you may have under your local law, and all disputes arising in connection with the services and/or these terms shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of Amsterdam, the Netherlands or, if you are a consumer, to a court closer to your domicile if in an EU Member State.":"如果您是居住在欧盟的消费者,本段和本条款一般不影响您在当地法律下可能拥有的任何强制性消费者权利,与服务和/或这些条款相关的所有纠纷应提交至荷兰阿姆斯特丹法院的专属管辖,或者,如果您是消费者,则提交至距您住所较近的欧盟成员国法院专属管辖。","#IN COUNTRIES WHERE EXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY ARE ALLOWED, NEITHER DISCORD, ITS AFFILIATES, NOR OUR SUPPLIERS INVOLVED IN CREATING, PRODUCING, OR DELIVERING THE SERVICES WILL BE LIABLE, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR DAMAGES FOR LOST PROFITS, LOST REVENUES, LOST SAVINGS, LOST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, LOSS OF DATA OR GOODWILL, SERVICE INTERRUPTION, COMPUTER DAMAGE OR SYSTEM FAILURE, OR THE COST OF SUBSTITUTE SERVICES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THESE TERMS OR FROM THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SERVICES, WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, STATUTE, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT DISCORD OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE, EVEN IF A LIMITED REMEDY PROVIDED IN THESE TERMS IS FOUND TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE.":"在允许责任免除或限制的国家,根据适用法律,无论是 Discord、其附属公司,还是参与创建、生产或交付服务的供应商,均不对任何间接损害、特殊损害、惩戒性损害或后果性损害,或因利润损失、收入损失、储蓄损失、商机损失、数据或商誉损失、服务中断、计算机损坏或系统故障,或替代服务的成本而引起的任何损害承担责任,与本条款有关或与使用或无法使用服务有关,无论是基于保证、合同、法律、侵权(包括疏忽)、产品责任还是任何其他法律理论,无论是否已通知 Discord 或其供应商可能发生此类损害,即使本条款中提供的有限补救措施被认定已无法实现其基本目的。","#THE INFORMATION PRESENTED ON OR THROUGH THE SERVICES IS MADE AVAILABLE SOLELY FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES. WE DO NOT CONFIRM THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF THE INFORMATION. ANY RELIANCE YOU PLACE ON SUCH INFORMATION IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.":"服务中呈现的信息仅用于提供信息。我们不确认信息的准确性、完整性或实用性。您根据这些信息做出决定或采取行动均由您自行承担风险。","#Keep Community Conversations Welcoming: AutoMod detects and acts on messages containing harmful words or phrases before they’re ever posted, reducing immediate harm and exposure for your members and moderators.":"保持社区对话热情友好:AutoMod 可以在消息发出之前检测出含有有害词汇或短语的消息,并针对此消息采取相应措施,从而可以减少成员和管理员直接接触此类内容,减少受到的伤害。","#Simplify Your Rules: Keep your language simple, clear, and direct.":"简化您的规则:保持语言简练、清晰、直接。","#Don't Get Too Specific: The further into the weeds you get, the more people can try to find ways to act around it while still “following the rules.”":"避免太过具体化:规则描述得越详细,人们越容易在“不违反规则”的同时钻规则的空子。","#Protect Your Time: You don’t want to be online 24/7 to watch every message for signs of trouble. Setting up automation can handle or streamline harmful situations to prevent burnout. ":"保障您的休息时间:您不需要每天二十四小时在线查看所有信息以防出现问题。设置自动化可以帮您直接处理不利状况或者简化不利状况的处理流程,从而防止您过度疲劳","#Introduce FAQs: As your community becomes more established, you won’t be able to answer every question individually. Instead, make key information accessible by turning a running list of frequently asked questions into an #FAQs-channel. Keep the channel read-only and direct members there before they ask a question.":"引入常见问题解答:随着社区变得更加成熟,您无法一一回答每一个问题。但是,您可以将一套实时更新调整的常见问题列表转化成一个#FAQs-频道,从而使成员都能够获取关键信息。保持频道的只读性,并在成员提出问题之前将他们引导至该频道。","#Create Dedicated Spaces for Asking Questions: A support channel will keep questions out of the general chat and make it easier for you or anyone else to answer any questions.":"创建专属提问空间:一个支持频道可以使问题不被带入到一般聊天当中,进而为您和其他人回答所有问题提供便利。","#Kick: This will remove a member from your server but leave them with the ability to rejoin at a later date. They won’t be notified of the kick.":"踢出:这项惩罚措施会将成员从服务器中移除,但是允许他们未来重新加入服务器。成员被踢出时不会收到通知。","#Enable Member Reporting: Make sure your community feels they can come to you for help.":"畅通举报机制:确保您的社区成员可以放心向您寻求帮助。","#React Quickly: When your community is still in its early stages, handling moderation is easier. However, as your community grows, you might find that you need help staying on top of everything.":"快速反应:在社区发展的早期阶段,管理问题相对不难解决。然而,随着社区的发展壮大,您可能会发现您需要相应的协助才能随时掌握所有情况。","#Use the tools available to you from Discord. Enabling Community allows you to take advantage of automated moderation tools like AutoMod.":"利用好 Discord 提供的工具。社区开启后即可使用 AutoMod 之类的自动管理工具。","#Lead by Example: Encourage your team to act in a way that is positive for the community’s health; others will follow.":"以身作则:提倡团队以有利于社区健康发展的方式行事;其他人也会效仿。","#Turn on Explicit Media Content Filters: Permit Discord to automatically scan and delete any media in the server that contains explicit content with a filter. You can choose to scan nothing, everything, or only content from members without a role. Don't delay and set a filter today, especially if your server is public!":"开启不雅媒体内容过滤器:允许 Discord 使用过滤器自动扫描并删除服务器内任何含有不雅内容的帖子。您可以选择全部都不扫描,扫描全部,或者只扫描无身份组成员发布的内容。不要犹豫,今天就设置一个过滤器,如果您的服务器是公开的,则更应该设置此项功能。","#Enjoy Peace of Mind: AutoMod alerts your team when members try to use words from your list. Assign actions like Timeout from the alert to diffuse difficult situations and reduce the need for your moderators to be everywhere at once.":"摆脱后顾之忧: 当成员试图使用列表中的词汇时,AutoMod 会提醒您的团队。收到提醒后,您可以指定采取禁言等措施来化解难题,同时也减少了对于管理员要做到处处兼顾的需求。","#Emphasize the Spirit: Sometimes, a user won’t break a written rule but the spirit of your rules. It’s important to use your guidelines to promote the right kind of behavior too.":"注重精神:有时候用户违反的并不是某条白纸黑字的书面规则,而是规则所传达的精神。在这种情况下,利用好您的守则推行正确的行为方式也十分重要。","#Time Out: This will temporarily prevent a user from interacting in a server—this includes sending or reacting to messages and joining voice channels or video calls.":"禁言:这项惩罚措施可以暂停用户在服务器中进行互动——包括发送或回复信息以及进入语音频道或进行视频通话。","#Fair Judgment: To err is human, after all. As you create cool content for your community, consider assigning more tasks to your auto-moderators and reduce the chance of biased decision-making.":"公正的评判:毕竟人难免会犯错。在您为社区创作精彩内容的同时,可以考虑给您的自动化管理员多分配一些任务,这样可以减少决策有失公允的可能性。","#How to Maintain a Healthy Community":"如何维护良好的社区环境","#Discord Community Guidelines":"Discord 社区守则","#You may not share sexually explicit content of other people without their consent, or share or promote sharing of non-consensual intimate imagery (also known as revenge porn) in an attempt to shame or degrade someone.":"严禁分享未经他人同意的露骨内容,严禁分享或推广未经同意的私密图片(也称“色情报复”),以期达到羞辱或侮辱他人的目的。","#Do not organize, promote, or coordinate servers around hate speech. It’s unacceptable to attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or disabilities.":"请勿组织、推广或协调多个服务器发布仇恨言论。我们绝不容忍基于种族、民族、出身国家、性别、性别认同、性取向、宗教归属或残障而对他人或其他社区发表的攻击言论。","#You may not share content that glorifies or promotes suicide or self-harm, including any encouragement to others to cut themselves, or embrace eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.":"严禁分享美化或鼓励自杀或自我伤害的内容,包括任何鼓励他人割伤自己、或鼓励饮食障碍(如厌食症或暴食症)的内容。","#Do not evade user blocks or server bans. Do not send unwanted, repeated friend requests or messages, especially after they’ve made it clear they don’t want to talk to you anymore. Do not try to hide your identity in an attempt to contact someone who has blocked you, or otherwise circumvent the tools we have which enable users to protect themselves.":"请勿规避用户屏蔽或服务器封禁。请不要反复发送不受欢迎的好友请求或消息,特别是在对方已明确表示不想与您交流之后。请勿为了联系已屏蔽您的用户而隐藏自己的身份,或用其他方式绕开我们的用户安全保护工具。","#You may not share images of sadistic gore or animal cruelty.":"严禁分享施虐血腥或动物虐待的图片。","#You may not operate a server that sells or facilitates the sales of prohibited or potentially dangerous goods. This includes firearms, ammunition, drugs, and controlled substances.":"严禁运营服务器,以期销售或帮助销售禁售或可能招致危险的货品。包括武器、弹药、毒品和受监管的物质。","#Here are some rules for interacting with others:":"以下是有关人际交往的规则","#You may not use Discord for the organization, promotion, or support of violent extremism.":"严禁使用 Discord 组织、推广或支持暴力极端主义。","#You may not promote, distribute, or provide access to content involving the hacking, cracking, or distribution of pirated software or stolen accounts. This includes sharing or selling cheats or hacks that may negatively affect others in multiplayer games.":"严禁推广、分发或提供涉及骇客攻击、破解、盗版软件/盗号分发的内容访问权限。包括分享或出售可能在多人游戏中对他人带来负面影响的作弊或破解方法。","#You may not sexualize minors in any way. This includes sharing content or links which depict minors in a pornographic, sexually suggestive, or violent manner, and includes illustrated or digitally altered pornography that depicts minors (such as lolicon, shotacon, or cub). We report illegal content to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.":"严禁以任何方式性化未成年人。包括分享以色情、性暗示性或暴力方式描绘未成年人的内容或链接,以及描绘未成年人(如萝莉控、正太控或幼兽等)的插图类或以数字方式进行更改的色情内容。我们会将非法内容举报至美国国家失踪与受虐儿童援助中心。","#Do not organize, participate in, or encourage harassment of others. Disagreements happen and are normal, but continuous, repetitive, or severe negative comments may cross the line into harassment and are not okay.":"请勿组织、参与或鼓励对他人的骚扰。意见相左的情况时有发生,这很正常,但持续、重复或恶劣的负面评论可能会超出“意见相左”的边界,成为对他人的骚扰,这时就违反了社区守则。","#You must apply the NSFW label to channels if there is adult content in that channel. Any content that cannot be placed in an age-gated channel, such as avatars, server banners, and invite splashes, may not contain adult content.":"如果频道含有少儿不宜的内容,您必须为该频道应用“少儿不宜”标签。如果内容无法被置于有年龄限制频道中,如头像、频道横幅和邀请启动图等,则不可包含成人内容。","#Do not make threats of violence or threaten to harm others. This includes indirect threats, as well as sharing or threatening to share someone’s private personal information (also known as doxxing).":"请勿以暴力威胁他人,或威胁要伤害他人。这包括间接威胁、分享或威胁要分享他人的私人信息(也称“人肉搜索”)。","#Here are some rules for content on Discord:":"以下是有关 Discord 的内容规则:","#Do not send others viruses or malware, attempt to phish others, or hack or DDoS them.":"请勿向他人发送病毒或恶意软件、进行钓鱼、黑客攻击或 DDoS 攻击。","#Finally, we ask that you respect Discord itself:":"最后,我们请您尊重 Discord:","#You may not share content that violates anyone's intellectual property or other rights.":"请勿分享违反任何人知识产权或其他权利的内容。","#You may not use self-bots or user-bots to access Discord.":"请勿使用 self-bot 或用户 bot 访问 Discord。","#If you have evidence of users participating in this behavior, you should report it. Users impersonating Discord employees may also fall in this category. When submitting a report ticket about an issue, reply to the support ticket to bump it, but do not create a new ticket as you may end up violating this community guideline.":"如果您有证据证明用户参与了此类行为,您应当进行举报。这其中也包括用户冒充 Discord 员工的情况。在提交关于某个事件的举报工单时,您可以通过回复该支持工单的方式来推动举报处理进程。但请不要创建新的工单,否则您的行为可以会违反这项社区守则。","#You may not spam Discord, especially our Customer Support and Trust & Safety teams. Making false and malicious reports, sending multiple reports about the same issue, or asking a group of users to all report the same content may lead to action being taken on your account.":"请勿向 Discord 发送垃圾信息,尤其是不要向我们的信任与安全团队发送垃圾信息。实施错误或恶意的举报,发送多份针对同一事件的举报信息,或者要求一组用户全部举报相同的内容,如果出现这些行为,管理员可能会针对您的账户采取措施。","#You may not sell your account or your server.":"请勿出售您的账户或服务器。","#Accountability: A transparent moderation system holds moderators accountable to their own rules. For example, if a moderator were to call someone the same word, other users would know that behavior isn’t acceptable and could report it to an admin.":"负责:在一个透明的管理系统中,管理员应当对系统规则负责。例如,如果管理员用同样的词语称呼了他人,其他用户会明白该行为不可接受,并可以向服务器所有者报告。","#Guidelines for the moderation team to ensure consistent enforcement of the rules and penalties":"确保执行规则和处罚一致性的管理团队指导方针","#Logging and communication of user infractions and applying the appropriate penalty":"记录并通报用户的违规行为并给与适当的处罚","#Processing appeals from users related to their logged infractions":"处理用户对其记档违规行为的相关申诉","#For example, giving a couple of examples of NSFW content for a “no NSFW content rule” may help people understand what you interpret as being NSFW, compared to other servers or Discord itself. However, too many examples may make the list seem fully comprehensive, and people will assume that items not on the list are fair game. Disclaiming that examples of rule-breaking content are non-exhaustive and that the moderators have the final say in interpreting if someone is breaking the rules can help to address users that are interested in testing the limits of the rules or being rules lawyers to escape punishment on a technicality.":"例如,对于“禁止少儿不宜内容”的规则,您可以举几个“少儿不宜内容”的例子,以帮助用户理解您对它的定义,因为您的定义可能与其他服务器或者 Discord 本身有区别。然而,如果举例过多,虽然能让列表看似全面,但也会让用户认为所有不在列表上的行为都是可接受的。可以声明“违反规则的内容并非穷举”,以及“管理员对某行为是否违反规则有最终解释权”,这可以帮助处理喜欢试探规则极限的用户,以及化身规则律师来靠技术性细逃避惩罚的用户。","#Managing Appeals":"管理申诉","#Compliance: Users can proactively and correctly encourage good behavior themselves without moderator intervention. Once users know that calling someone that word is unacceptable, they can echo that message throughout the server and let others know that that behavior isn’t tolerated.":"自觉:不用管理员干预,用户也会主动并适宜地鼓励正确行为。一旦用户知道以该词语称呼他人是不可接受的,他们就会在整个服务器上传播该信息,让其他人都知道该行为不可容忍。","#Harassment: Moderators taking action or users that were punished may be subject to harassment by server members. Users may also feel harassed if they are publicly warned by a moderator. The person who was warned may carry a stigma with them in future interactions or be made fun of. Even if no one treats them differently in the future, they may feel embarrassed at being publicly criticized for their behavior. Conversely, those who sympathize with the warned user may start harassing the mod for being “too sensitive.”":"骚扰:采取行动的管理员和受到惩罚的用户都可能会成为服务器成员的骚扰对象。被管理员公开警告的用户也可能感觉自己受到了骚扰。被警告过的人可能以后在其他互动中会被污名化、被嘲笑。即使没有人把他们区别对待,他们也可能会因为被公开批评而觉得难堪。与此相反,那些被警告用户的支持者则可能认为管理员“太敏感”而对其进行骚扰。","#Keeping your moderator guidelines visible to the rest of the server will encourage compliance from members, and enable them to defuse incidents without moderator intervention. Furthermore, providing basic standards of moderator conduct will help users know when it’s appropriate to report moderators to the server owner for misconduct and hold them accountable. However, you should avoid putting too much of your moderator guidelines out in the public in order to avoid rules lawyers deliberately misinterpreting the spirit of the guidelines to their advantage. After developing your moderator guidelines, balancing these pros and cons will help you determine how much of your guidelines you should present to the public.":"保持您的管理员指南对服务器的其他成员可见,这样可以鼓励成员自觉遵守,并能够在没有管理员干预的情况下化解部分事件。此外,提供基本的管理员行为标准,可以帮助用户了解何时该向服务器所有者报告管理员的不当行为,并追究其责任。但是,您应当避免对管理员指南的过度公开,以免规则律师为了自己的利益而故意曲解指南的主旨。在制定了管理员指南后,平衡这些利弊将帮助您决定在何种程度上将其公开。","#Testing the Limits: Malicious users may take advantage of transparency to skirt the rules without punishment, or to manage their infractions to just barely avoid being banned. In the example above, users may try to censor or alter the word to have it slip under the radar of any watching moderators":"试探极限:恶意的用户可能会利用透明度来规避规则而不受惩罚,或者将自己的违规行为调整到勉强不会被封禁的程度。在上面的例子中,用户可能会删除或者换掉这个词,从而不被警惕的管理员发现。","#Server Rules and Penalties":"服务器规则与处罚","#Developing moderator guidelines is another important part of your moderation system. Similar to your rules guiding the conduct of your server members, your moderator guidelines help guide the conduct of your moderators.":"建立管理员指南是您管理系统的另一个重要部分。服务器规则可以指导服务器成员的行为,与之类似,管理员指南也会指导管理员的行为。","#To help you understand how the pros and cons apply to transparency, consider an example in which a moderator publicly warns another user not to call someone a “retard” because it violates an existing “No Slurs Allowed” rule.":"为了帮助大家理解透明度的利弊,请思考一个例子:某管理员公开警告某用户,不能再叫别人“弱智”,因为这违反了现有的“不允许进行侮辱”规则。","#Rules lawyers: Transparency may encourage “rules lawyers” in which users will attempt to use the letter of the rules without reference to the spirit of the rules to appeal their warnings and punishments in bad faith. Explaining that the slur in question was used to insult those diagnosed with mental disability and is thus prohibited may prompt a bad faith counterargument that “fa****t” should be allowed because it used to mean “a bundle of sticks.”":"规则律师:高透明度可能会引来“规则律师”,这些用户会无视规则的主旨精神,咬文嚼字地利用规则,对自己的警告和惩罚提起恶意申诉。如果解释“案例中的词语之所以被禁用,是因为它侮辱了那些被诊断为智力失能的人”,可能会引起恶意反驳:那“杂*”这个词就不该被封禁,因为它有表示“杂交后代”的生物学意义。","#Moderation Guidelines":"管理指南","#Infraction Logging":"违规记录","#Everyone makes mistakes, and moderators are no exception. It is important to have a process for users to appeal their warnings and punishments if they feel that they were issued unfairly. If you decide to have a public infractions log, you may receive appeals on behalf of warned users from people who were uninvolved in the situation if they feel the warning was issued unfairly. While this can help with accountability if a user is too nervous to try to appeal their warning, it can also waste the time of your mod team by involving someone that does not have a complete understanding of the situation. In general, it is better to keep the appeal process private between the moderation team and the punished user, primarily via mediums such as direct messages with an administrator or through a mod mail bot. During the appeal process, it is best to ensure that you clearly and calmly walk through the situation with the appealing user to help them better understand the rules while maintaining moderator accountability.":"所有人都会犯错,管理员也不例外。如果用户觉得自己受到的警告和处罚不公正,那么有一个让他们可以申诉的程序就非常重要。如果您公开违规记录,可能会有无关人员认为警告不公正,因此您可能会收到这些人代表被警告用户提出的申诉。如果被警告用户过于紧张而不敢申诉,那么这种情况可能有助于追责,但也可能因为牵涉不完全了解情况的用户而浪费管理员团队的时间。一般来说,申诉过程最好仅限管理团队和被处罚用户知情,并主要通过与管理员的私信或者管理员邮件机器人等媒介沟通。在申诉过程中,您最好能清晰冷静地与申诉用户一起经历整个程序,这样可以帮助用户更好地了解规则,同时也是履行管理员职责。","#Transparency and communication go hand-in-hand. The more you communicate these components to relevant users and the server as a whole, the more transparent your moderation system is.":"透明度和沟通是相辅相成的。关于以上组成部分,您与相关用户和整个服务器沟通得越多,您的管理系统就越透明。","#Pros and Cons of Transparency":"透明度的优缺点","#If you want to encourage a sense of community and understanding without taking away user privacy or inadvertently encouraging harassment, a better option may be to encourage users to bring up criticisms of rules or enforcement in a feedback channel if they wish to. Provided that the mod team ensures these conversations remain constructive and civil, creating a public medium for these conversations will help others understand how the mod team operates and allow them to provide feedback on how the server is run.":"如果您想鼓励社区意识和相互理解,同时又不剥夺用户的隐私或无意中鼓励骚扰行为,那更好的选择可能是鼓励有意愿的用户在反馈渠道中提出对规则或执行的批评。只要管理员团队确保这些对话保持建设性和文明,那么为这些对话创建一个公开的媒介将帮助其他人了解管理员团队如何运作,并让他们能够对服务器的运行提供反馈。","#Comprehension: Providing users with practical examples helps them understand the difference between right and wrong. Users that were previously unfamiliar with what an “ableist slur” looks like now have a practical example to reference.":"理解:向用户提供实践案例能帮助他们理解对错之分。以前不熟悉什么是“健全中心主义侮辱”的用户,现在可以参考具体案例了。","#Now that you are aware of some of the pros and cons of transparency in moderation, you must next understand the components of the moderation system so that you can consider ways in which these components can be made more or less transparent. Broadly speaking, a moderation system can be split into the following components:":"您已经了解了“透明管理”的一些利弊,接下来,您应当了解管理系统的组成部分,以便考虑如何使这些部分更加透明或不透明。大体上说,管理系统可以分为以下几个部分:","#There are several ways to implement transparency in each of these components, each with their own pros and cons. Each section here will establish ways in which a component can be made more or less transparent and a recommendation of the appropriate level of transparency for each. However, please keep in mind that every server’s needs are different and some of the pros and cons discussed may not apply to your server. It is always important to consider your specific community when it comes to implementing transparency.":"在上述的每个组成部分中,都有不同方法来实施透明管理,但每种方法都各有利弊。在下面的每个章节中,都会提供让一个部分增加或减少透明度的不同方法,并对每个部分提出合适的透明度等级建议。但是请记住,每个服务器的需求都是不同的,因此有些关于利弊的讨论可能不适用于您的服务器。在实施透明管理时,永远都要考虑自己社区的具体情况。","#Transparency in moderation is the idea that moderator actions and the reasons for those actions should be made publicly visible and clear to the users of the server. Without transparency, users may have difficulty understanding how server rules are enforced and may also find it difficult to trust that the moderation team has their best interests at heart. However, too much transparency may lead to users testing the limits of the rules or harass others, both users and moderators, for their actions. Therefore, balancing the need for users to understand the thought process and actions of moderators with the need to ensure a reasonable level of privacy for each user and deter harassment is vital to a successful moderation system.":"“透明管理”的概念,就是管理员采取的行动及其原因都应该对服务器用户清晰可见。如果没有这种透明度,用户可能难以理解服务器规则是如何执行的,也可能难以相信管理员团队真的以用户的利益为重。然而,过度的透明度可能会导致用户试探规则的极限,或者因为其他用户和管理员的行为而对其进行骚扰。因此,这里存在两种需求:用户了解管理员的思想过程和行动的需求,以及保证所有用户的合理隐私水平和防止骚扰的需求。平衡这两种需求,对一个成功的管理系统来说至关重要。","#Community: Allowing the community to see when someone gets warned and why helps foster dialogue between moderators and regular users regarding server culture and rule enforcement and encourages cooperation. Users that may not understand the reason why calling someone that word is prohibited can become educated on the moderators’ position. Moderators may also be able to clear up any misunderstandings community members may have about what slurs are included in the rule and can update the rule accordingly if need be.":"社区:让社区看到有人受到警告及其原因,有助于在管理员和普通用户之间建立起关于服务器文化和规则执行的对话,并且能鼓励合作。有些用户并不清楚为什么以该词语称呼别人是被禁止的,这样做可以帮他们了解管理员的立场。如果社区成员对规则中包含哪些侮辱性词语有误解,管理员也可以及时澄清,并在必要时相应地更新规则。","#Though the idea of moderation transparency is generally considered to be a good thing, it is important to understand that there are both pros and cons to transparency in moderation. Some of these pros and cons are described below.":"尽管“透明管理”的概念整体上被认为是件好事,但必须明白,管理的透明度也是把双刃剑。下面会列举一些优缺点。","#While there are certain “best practices” when it comes to moderation transparency, there is no single system that is right for everyone. The amount of transparency you need for your moderation system ultimately depends on your server rules, culture, and vision. This article will explain the pros and cons of transparency and ways that you can apply transparency to your moderation system.":"虽然在管理的透明度方面确实存在一些“最佳实践”,但没有哪个系统是普适的。您的管理系统所需的透明度,最终取决于您的服务器规则、文化及愿景。这篇文章将详述透明度的利与弊,以及您可以将透明度应用于自己管理系统的方法。","#The Moderation System":"管理系统","#Pros":"优点","#Cons":"缺点","#Server rules and penalties for breaking them":"服务器规则以及对违反规则的处罚措施","#In the end, there is not a single “correct” way to manage transparency in your moderation system. The appropriate level of transparency will vary based on the size of the server and the rules that you implement. However, walking through the steps of your moderation system one by one and considering the various pros and cons of transparency will help you determine for yourself how to incorporate transparency into your moderation system. This will help you build trust between moderators and non-moderators while preventing abuse on both ends of the system.":"最后,在您的管理系统中,并不存在管理透明度的“唯一解”。透明度的合适等级会根据服务器规模和您执行的规则而发生改变。然而,逐一审视您管理系统的每个环节并考虑透明度的各种利弊,可以帮助您自己决定如何将透明度纳入您的管理系统。同时,这也能帮助您在管理员和非管理员之间建立信任,且让系统两端的人都免受伤害。","#Logging user infractions is key to ensuring that the entire moderation team has the same understanding of how often a user has broken the rules. Transparency between the mod team and the user in question is important for the user to understand when they have received a warning that brings them closer to being banned from the server. Informing the user of which moderator warned them is important for holding moderators accountable to the warnings they issue, but may leave moderators open to harassment by warned users. Having a procedure to deal with harassment that stems from this, is one way to achieve accountability while still protecting your moderators from bad actors in your server.":"记录用户的违规行为是确保整个管理团队对用户的违规频率有一致认知的关键。管理员团队和相关用户之间的透明度非常重要,这能帮助用户在受到警告从而面临被服务器封禁的风险时理解这一行为。告知用户是哪位管理员对其发出警告,可以让管理员对自己发出的警告负责,但也可能让管理员受到被警告用户的骚扰。建立固定程序来处理由此产生的骚扰,既能实现责任制,同时还可以保护管理员不受服务器中不良行为的影响。","#Privacy: Transparency may cause moderators or users to feel that their privacy is insufficiently protected in relation to moderation issues.The lack of privacy can result in harassment or embarrassment as mentioned above. Furthermore, if the evidence for the case is preserved in public view then additional messages and usernames may be visible even if the original messages are later deleted by their authors.":"隐私:过高的透明度可能会让管理员或用户感觉自己的隐私在管理问题上没有得到充分的保障。缺乏隐私可能会导致上面提到过的骚扰或难堪。此外,如果案例的证据留存在公众视野中,那么即使原始信息后来被作者删除,仍可能导致额外的信息和用户名被公之于众。","#Implementing Transparency":"实施透明管理","#Although the communication of infractions is vital to ensure understanding among your server members, it may be prudent to withhold information about exactly how close a user is to being banned so that they do not attempt to toe the line by staying just under the threshold for being banned. Furthermore, even though a public infraction log may be a good way to promote cohesion and transparency by showing examples of unacceptable behavior to the rest of the server and fostering discussion between the mod team and community, others may think that such a log infringes on user privacy or that these logs may constitute a “witch hunt.” It may also leave mods and users open to harassment over warnings given or received.":"尽管通报违规行为对于确保服务器成员之间的理解至关重要,但谨慎的做法是不要明确指出用户距离被封禁还有多远,这样他们就不会试图在被封禁的边缘试探极限了。此外,尽管公开违规记录可以向服务器其他成员展示不可接受的行为案例,并帮助管理员团队和社区建立讨论,是促进凝聚力和透明度的好方法。但是,有些人可能会觉得这种记录侵犯了用户的隐私,或者可以被视为“猎巫”行动。公开记录也可能让管理员和用户因为给出或受到警告而受到骚扰。","#Your server rules are the backbone of your moderation system. They describe how your members should conduct themselves and what happens if they don’t meet those expectations. In general though, your rules should be specific enough to ensure comprehension and compliance without being overly wordy or attempting to provide an exhaustive description of prohibited behaviors.":"服务器规则是您管理系统的骨架。它描述了您的服务器成员该如何行事,以及未达到标准时会有什么后果。一般来说,您的规则应该足够具体,以确保容易理解和遵守,但同时也要避免过于冗长或者对禁止行为进行过于详尽的描述。","#Introduction":"介绍","#On Mobile: While viewing the server list, tap the server name and then Settings in the bottom right.":"在移动端操作:查看服务器列表时,点击服务器名称,可以在屏幕右下方看到“设置”。","#The Administrator permission is a special permission on a Discord role in that it grants every Discord permission and allows users with that permission to bypass all channel-specific permissions. Because of this granting this role to any user or bot should be done with the utmost caution and on an as-needed basis.":"管理员权限是一项特殊的 Discord 身份组权限,可以授权所有的 Discord 权限,许可拥有这项权限的用户绕过所有频道特定的权限。鉴于此,在向任何用户或机器人授权此身份组时都请务必十分谨慎,并且做到非必要不授权。","#Roles: Requires the Manage Roles permission. From here you can create, delete, edit, and reorder roles that are lower than your highest assigned role. Note that you cannot toggle permissions that you do not have on any of your roles.":"身份组:需要获得“管理身份组”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,您可以创建、删除、编辑以及重新排序在您的身份组之下的其他身份组。请注意,您无法切换您的身份组未获得的权限。","#The first thing you should do is turn on developer mode for Discord. This will allow you to copy user, channel, and server IDs which are extremely helpful for moderation, reporting issues to Discord, and dealing with Discord bots. Read here for instructions on turning on developer mode and getting IDs.":"首先您要做的就是启用 Discord 的开发者模式。在这一模式下,您可以复制对于管理服务器、向 Discord 举报问题以及操作 Discord 机器人至关重要的用户、频道和服务器的 ID。点击此处阅读启用开发人员模式以及获取 ID 的说明。","#Because bots can automate actions on Discord, bots with this permission can instantly delete all of your text channels, remove your emotes and roles, create hundreds of roles with the Administrator permission and start assigning them to your other users, and otherwise cause unmitigated havoc on your server faster than you can even understand what is happening. While the chance of this happening with larger or more renowned public bots is low, you should be mindful that this is the sort of power you are giving to a Discord Bot if you grant it the Administrator permission and only do so if you are confident the bot and its development team can be trusted.":"由于机器人可以在 Discord 进行自动化操作,因此如果获得此项权限,机器人可以很快删掉您的文字频道、删除您的表情和身份组、通过管理员权限创建数百个身份后开始分配给其他用户,或者以其他的方式给服务器造成严重破坏,届时您甚至都来不及搞清楚一切是怎么回事。虽然上述情况几乎不可能发生在大型公共机器人或者名气较大的公共机器人上,但请您仍要牢牢记住:此管理员权限一经授权,就相当于给予了 Discord 机器人这种权力,因此,请您务必在确定机器人及其开发团队值得信任的情况下再进行。","#Before giving this permission to a user, consider if giving them a role that has every other permission enabled will serve your purpose. This way you can at least protect your channels via channel permissions. You may also find on further consideration that the user in question does not even need every permission, and will be fine with only a couple of elevated permissions. If you do give Administrator to anyone, it is highly recommended to enable 2FA for your server as described in the next section.":"在向某个用户授权这项权限之前,请您想一想如果给他们分配一个开启了其他各项权限的身份组是否也同样可以达到您的目的。因为这样做的话您至少可以借助频道权限以保护您的各个频道。如果您再进一步思考一下,您还可能会发现自己甚至也不需要授权所有的权限给这些用户,只需要将部分权限升级即可。如果您确实需要向他人授予管理员身份,强烈建议您为服务器开启双重认证(2FA),详见下一节所述。","#Moderation: Requires the Manage Server permission. From here, you can set the verification level of the server and configure the explicit media content filter. If you are the server owner, you can also enable the 2FA requirement for server moderators.":"管理: 需要获得“管理服务器”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,您可以设置服务器的验证级别,配置不雅媒体内容过滤器。如果您是服务器所有者,您还可以开启对服务器管理员的双重认证(2FA)要求。","#Audit Log: Requires the View Audit Log permissions. This provides a log of moderation actions on the server. Once something is in the Audit Log, it cannot be deleted or edited, and as such, it is an excellent way to verify who has done what on the server and to troubleshoot any technical issues that may arise.":"审核日志:需要获得“查看审核日志”的权限才能查看此菜单项。此菜单项可以提供在服务器上进行过的管理操作的日志记录。“审核日志”的内容无法被删除或编辑,因此,这是一个用来核查谁在服务器进行了哪些操作的便利途径,同时也有助于解决可能会出现的任何技术问题。","#Turning on Developer Mode":"启用开发者模式","#Overview: Requires the Manage Server permission to view. From here you can change the server name and region, set an AFK voice channel, set up system messages, change default message notification settings for members, and change the server invite background (unlocked at boost level 1).":"概况:需要获得“管理服务器”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,您可以更改服务器的名称和区域,设立一个闲置语音频道,设置系统消息,更改成员的默认消息通知设置,还可以更改服务器邀请背景(达到服务器助力 1 级时可解锁)。","#The Server settings items allow you to configure the server as a whole, as opposed to managing individual members. Note that depending on the exact permissions you have as a moderator and whether or not your server has boosts or is verified/partnered, not all options shown may be available to you.":"通过各个服务器设置项,您可以将服务器作为一个整体进行配置,而无需单独管理个体成员。请注意,并非所有的显示选项都对您开放,具体取决于您实际获得的管理员权限,以及您的服务器是否包含助力或是否经过验证/成为合作伙伴。","#The important menu items for you to know are the following:":"您需要了解的重要菜单项如下:","#Emoji: Requires the Manage Emojis permission. From here, you can upload new emojis, delete current emojis, or edit the name of current emojis.":"表情符号:需要获得“管理表情符号”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,您可以上传新的表情符号,删除现有的表情符号,或者编辑现有表情符号的名称。","#Administrator":"管理员","#If you aren’t using a bot for server moderation, your moderation is going to be done by using Discord’s context menus. How to access each menu and how its options work will be discussed in detail below.":"如果不使用机器人进行服务器管理,那么管理工作需要通过 Discord 的语境菜单来完成。下文将为您详细讲解如何访问各项菜单以及如何利用各个选项的功能。","#Administrative Role Permissions":"管理身份组权限","#A Note About the Administrator Permission":"关于管理员权限的说明","#Roles: Requires the Manage Roles permission. You can quickly add or remove roles from a user.":"身份组:需要获得“管理身份组”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,您可以快速添加或者删除用户的身份组。","#If you have any permission that allows you to see the server options menu, you will be able to see this screen but will not be able to do anything but browse the members list.":"获得任何可以查看服务器选项菜单的权限后,您便会看到此界面,但是您只能浏览成员名单,除此之外,不能进行任何其他的操作。","#If you have the Ban Members permission, you can ban a member from the server. They will not be able to rejoin the server and their IP address will be blacklisted.":"获得“封禁成员”的权限后,您便可以封禁服务器中的成员。被封禁的成员将无法重新加入服务器,且他们的 IP 地址会被列入黑名单。","#Voice Options":"语音选项","#Ban [user]: Requires the Ban Members permission. This will allow you to select how much message history of a user to delete and enter a reason for your ban. It is generally recommended to delete no message history unless the user is spamming inappropriate messages or content for record keeping purposes, and it is also recommended to enter a ban reason.":"封禁 [成员]:需要获得“封禁成员”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,您可以自行选择要删除成员的哪些历史消息记录,并输入封禁的理由。出于保存记录的原因,一般不建议删除任何历史消息记录,除非该用户滥发不适当的消息或内容,但是一般建议输入封禁的理由。","#Message Options":"消息选项","#Member Options":"成员选项","#The most important menu options for you to know are as follows:":"您需要了解的最为重要的几个菜单项如下:","#Change Nickname: Requires the Change Nickname permission. This allows you to set a server-specific name for the user in question and is useful for making sure people’s names are appropriate.":"修改昵称:需要获得“修改昵称”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,您可以为相关用户设置一个特定于服务器的名称,以此确保成员的昵称是合适的。","#This menu allows you to manage a specific message on the server.":"您可以利用此项菜单管理服务器中的特定消息。","#Mobile: Press and hold on a message":"移动端:长按消息","#Members: Allows you to view the members of the Discord server and their roles. You can filter the member list by an assigned role as well.":"成员:通过此菜单项,您可以查看 Discord 服务器中所有的成员以及他们的身份组。您可以按照分配的身份组筛选成员列表。","#If you have the Manage Roles permission, you can also add or remove roles from a user":"获得“管理身份组”的权限后,您便可以添加或者删除用户的身份组。","#These are accessed in a similar fashion to member options, but are only visible while the user is in a voice channel.":"这类选项的访问方式与成员选项相似,不过只有当用户在语音频道中时才可见。","#Disconnect - Requires the Move Members permission. This will forcibly remove the user from the voice channel. Keep in mind that they will be able to reconnect unless there is a channel permission on the voice channel that prevents them from doing so.":"断开连接——需要获得“移动成员”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,您可以将用户从语音频道中强制移除。需要注意:除非设置该语音频道的频道权限限制,否则该用户可以重新进入语音频道。","#If you have the Kick Members permission, you can perform a server prune or remove individual members from the server. They can rejoin later with a valid invite link":"获得“踢出成员”的权限后,您便可以进行服务器精简或将个别成员从服务器中移除。但他们之后可以通过有效的邀请链接重新加入服务器。","#Invites: Requires the Manage Server permission. Allows you to view and delete active discord invite links along with their creator, number of uses and expiration time.":"邀请:需要获得“管理服务器”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,您可以查看并删除当前激活的邀请链接及其创建人、使用次数以及有效期限。","#Move To - Requires the Move Members permission. You can move the member to a different voice channel from their current one even if they do not have permissions to connect to the target channel. They will be able to move to another voice channel unless there are permissions preventing them from doing so.":"移动至——需要获得“移动成员”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,您可以将成员从当前的语音频道移动至其他的语音频道,即使他们没有目标频道的连接权限,也可以进行这项操作。这样,只要目标频道未对他们设置权限,成员便可以移动至另外一个语音频道。","#Mobile: Tap a user’s name anywhere in the server and then tap the “manage” option. If you only want to kick or ban a user you can do so without tapping the manage option. You can also copy their user ID by tapping the three dots in the upper right instead.":"移动端:点击在服务器任意位置中的用户名,然后点击“管理”选项。如果只是想踢出或封禁成员,您可以不用点击“管理”选项。您还可以通过点击右上方的三个点来复制他们的用户 ID。","#The most important menu options are as follows:":"其中最为重要的几个菜单项如下:","#User options allow you to manage individual server members. You can manage them from the Members server option as noted previously or through the following:":"在用户选项下,您可以对每一位服务器成员进行管理。您可以在前文提到的“成员”服务器选项中对成员进行管理,也可以通过以下方式对他们进行管理:","#The most important options on this menu are as follows:":"其中最为重要的几个菜单项如下:","#Server Mute - Requires the Mute Members permission. This will prevent anyone in the server from being able to hear this user speak and lasts until someone else with the server mute permission unmutes them.":"服务器静音——需要获得“静音成员”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,任何人都将无法听到被静音用户的发言,直到具有服务器静音权限的人解除对该用户的静音。","#Server Deafen - Requires the Deafen Members permission. This will prevent the user from being able to hear anyone else speak. This state lasts until someone else with the server deafen permission undeafens them.":"服务器语音屏蔽——需要获得“屏蔽成员语音接收”的权限才能查看此选单项。通过此菜单项,被屏蔽的成员将无法听到任何人的发言,直到具有服务器语音屏蔽权限的人解除对该用户的屏蔽。","#Delete Message: Requires the Manage Messages permission. This will permanently remove the message from Discord. If the message contains content that breaks Discord’s community guidelines or terms of service, you should also choose to report the message. Messages that are deleted without turning on the report option are unrecoverable even by Discord and cannot be used to convict someone of violating Discord’s terms of service.":"删除消息:需要获得“管理消息”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,您可以在 Discord 中永久删除此消息。如果消息中含有违反 Discord 社区守则或服务条款的内容,您还需要举报该消息。在未启用举报选项的情况下删除消息将导致该消息无法恢复,即使是 Discord 也没有办法恢复,同时该消息也将无法被用作判定某人违反 Discord 服务条款的证据。","#Read Text Channels & See Voice Channels: Allows users to see channels and read messages.":"阅读文字频道以及查看语音频道:通过此项权限,用户可以查看各类频道并查阅各种消息。","#- Allows users to edit channels by mousing over the channel name and clicking the gear, or by tapping the channel name at the top of your mobile device and then tapping settings. You can change the channel name, implement slow mode, manage channel permissions, or delete the channel.":"该权限允许-用户编辑频道,包括:修改频道名称、实施慢速模式、管理频道权限,或者删除频道。具体操作方法是:将鼠标放在频道名称上并点击工具菜单,移动端则是先点击顶部的频道名称,然后点击设置。","#Change Nickname: Allows users to set their own nickname on the server, different from their username.":"修改昵称:通过此项权限,用户可以在服务器中设置区别于他们用户名的昵称。","#Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles - Allows users to mention all users on the server, all online users with access to the channel in which the message is sent, or all users in a specific role even if that role’s “allow anyone to mention this role” permission is disabled.":"提及 @everyone,@here,和所有身份组——通过此项权限,用户可以提及服务器上的所有用户,所有有权访问发送该消息的频道的线上用户,或者所有属于特定身份组的用户,即使已禁用该身份组“允许他人提及这一身份组”的权限。","#Use External Emoji: Members with Discord Nitro will be allowed to use emoji from their other Discord server. Discord bots may specifically need this to implement some of their functionality.":"使用外部表情符号:拥有 Discord Nitro 订阅的成员可以使用他们在其他 Discord 服务器中的表情符号。Discord 机器人可能尤其需要此项权限来实现部分功能。","#Priority Speaker: While users with this permission are talking in a voice channel, the volume of other users will be lowered.":"优先扬声器:拥有此项权限的用户在语音频道发言时,其他用户发言的音量将被降低。","#Speak: Allows users to speak in voice channels.":"发言:通过此项权限,用户可以在语音频道中发言。","#Pin Message: Requires the Manage Messages permission. This will add a message to the list of pinned messages in the channel for easy access later. You can view the pinned messages by clicking the pin symbol near the top right of the screen (on desktop) or by pressing the same symbol after tapping the channel name (on mobile). From here, you can also un-pin a message.":"标注消息:需要获得“管理消息”的权限才能查看此菜单项。通过此菜单项,您可以将频道中的消息添加到已标注消息列表中,方便以后查看。若要查看已标注的消息,您可以点击靠近屏幕右上方的标注符号(桌面端)或者先点击频道名称后再按下标注符号(移动端)。通过此菜单项,您还可以取消标注消息。","#Moderation Bots":"机器人管理员","#Inviting Bots":"邀请机器人加入","#Add Reactions: Allows users to add new reactions to a message. Members do not need this permission to click on an existing message reaction.":"添加反应:通过此项权限,用户可以添加新的消息反应。点击现有的消息反应则不需要此项权限。","#While some advanced Discord server configurations may require otherwise, the following permissions are generally good to give to everyone:":"虽然在某些高级的 Discord 服务器配置中可能会设置其他特殊要求,但对所有人而言基本都会需要以下权限:","#Other Technical Considerations":"其他技术注意事项","#Send TTS Messages: Allows users to start a message with /tts to cause Discord to read their message out loud to everyone currently focused on the channel.":"发送文字转语音(TTS)消息:通过此项权限,用户可以通过文字转语音的方式发送消息(输入/tts),从而使 Discord 向所有关注该频道的人朗读这一消息。","#Use Voice Activity: User voice will be automatically detected when they are speaking. With this permission disabled, members must use push to talk to be heard in a voice channel.":"使用语音活动:通过此项权限,可以在用户发言时自动检测到用户的声音。禁用此项权限后,成员则必须使用按键通话的方式才能在语音频道中发言。","#Video: Allows users to use Discord Video.":"视频:通过此项权限,用户可以使用 Discord 视频功能。","#Embed Links: Allows for a preview of links sent by users. If disabled, users can still post links but they will no longer preview.":"嵌入链接:通过此项权限,可以预览用户发送的链接。如果禁用此项权限,用户仍可以发送链接,但将无法预览链接。","#To invite a bot to a server, you must have either Administrator or Manage Server permission":"若要邀请机器人加入服务器,您必须拥有“管理员”或“管理服务器”的权限。","#It is also possible to set this up yourself and then manually assign the mute role to users that need to be muted from chatting.":"您也可以自行设置这一身份组,然后手动分配给需要静音的对象,让他们无法再与他人交流。","#Attach Files: Allows users to upload images and files to the Discord server.":"添加附件:通过此项权限,用户可以将图片和附件上传至 Discord 服务器。","#Read Message History: Allows users to read messages sent in the channel while they were away. With this permission off, users are unable to read messages in the channel if they go to another channel or quit Discord.":"阅读消息历史:通过此项权限,用户可以查阅在他们离开期间在该频道中发送的消息。关闭此项权限后,用户将无法在他们转入另一频道或退出 Discord 后查阅频道中发送的消息。","#Connect: Allows users to join voice channels.":"连接到:通过此项权限,用户可以加入语音频道。","#Additional Permissions":"其他权限","#Some permissions are integrated into other areas of Discord or are more implicit. The following permissions should only be granted to moderators or trusted users.":"有些权限被整合到了 Discord 其他领域,或者属于隐性权限。以下所列权限只应授予管理员或信任的用户。","#“Chat Muting” Users":"将用户“静音”","#Developer":"开发人员","#Discover":"发现","#Requests received: please see this page for information on the number of data requests we have received.":"收到的请求:请参阅此页面,了解我们收到的数据请求数量。","#Triggering Topics":"触发性话题","#While sensitive topics can vary depending on what kind of server you own (e.g. a mental health server vs. a gaming server), keep in mind that there are topics that can be considered triggering and topics that can be considered contentious in most, if not all public spaces.":"虽然敏感话题会因您的服务器类型(例如,心理健康服务器与游戏服务器)而有所不同,但请记住,有些话题在绝大多数,甚至可以说在所有公共空间里,都被认为是具有触发性或争议性的。","#Determining What is a Sensitive Topic":"确定什么是敏感话题","#Channel Rules":"频道规则","#Contentious Topics":"争议性话题","#Allowing Sensitive Topics in Your Community":"允许敏感话题出现在您的社区中","#Current Events":"时事","#Permitting the discussion of sensitive topics on your server can allow users to feel more at home and engage with their trusted peers on topics they may not feel comfortable discussing with others. This can encompass subjects like politics, mental health, or maybe even their own personal struggles. Having dedicated channels can keep these topics as opt-in and in a dedicated space so that people who do not want to see this content can avoid it. This can also allow you to role gate the channel, making it opt-in, level gated, activity gated, by request only, or some other requirement to keep trolls or irresponsible users out.":"允许在您的服务器中讨论敏感话题,可以让用户更有归属感,并且能够与信任的伙伴谈论那些难以与大众分享的话题。这可以包括政治、精神健康甚至是个人的挣扎等话题。设置专门的频道可以让这些话题保持在一个特定空间内,以便不想看到该内容的人可以避开相关讨论。这也可以让您对频道进行准入设定,使其成为选择进入、特定级别准入、活跃成员准入、仅限受邀加入,或设置其他要求,以阻止网络破坏者或不负责任用户的加入。","#Establishing channels dedicated to sensitive topics can also be an exhausting drain on your moderation team and can invite unwanted content into your server. These channels can quickly get out of hand if they are not set up mindfully and moderated carefully and will often require their own sets of rules and permissions to be run effectively and safely. Whether you want these discussions to occur in your space at all is up to you and your team. Having channels for these topics takes a lot of work and special consideration for you to determine if it’s the right fit for your server.":"建立专门用于敏感话题的频道可能让您的管理团队疲于奔命,并诱发不适宜的内容出现在您的服务器中。此类频道通常需要有一套自己的规则和权限才能安全有效地运行,如果缺乏精心设置和谨慎管理,则可能很快失控。是否要让此类讨论出现在您的空间中,取决于您和团队。为这些话题设置频道需要大量的工作,您也需要特殊考虑并决定这是否适合自己的服务器。","#The first step to determining whether to have sensitive topics channels in your server is to define what is considered a sensitive topic for your community. If you are running a server for people from a specific country, a discussion of that country's conflicts with other countries may be a sensitive topic. Conversely, if you are running something like a political debate server, that same topic can be relatively non-problematic and not upsetting to the members of the server.":"在决定是否要在服务器中设置敏感话题频道之前,您首先要确定,什么样的话题对您的社区来说是敏感话题。如果您的服务器是为特定国家的用户设立的,那么关于该国与其他国家的冲突可能就是敏感话题。相反,如果您运营的是政治辩论类的服务器,这种话题可能就不成问题,不会让服务器成员感到不安。","#Channel Names":"频道名称","#There are two main types of sensitive topics: triggering topics and contentious topics. A triggering topic is a topic or word that can prompt an increase or return of symptoms of a mental illness or mental distress due to trauma. A contentious topic is one that is controversial that has the potential to provoke heated arguments.":"敏感话题主要有两种类型:触发性话题和争论性话题。触发性话题是指可能导致创伤性精神疾病或精神痛苦的症状增加或复发的话题或词语。争议性话题是指有争议的、有可能引起激烈争论的话题。","#Moderation Concerns":"管理考量点","#In short: This document will serve to educate you on how best to discern if you want these different channels, whether it be a channel on venting, serious-topics, or a real world event. Keep in mind- no matter what topics (if any) that you decide to include in your server, remember that all content needs to be within Discord’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.":"简而言之:这篇文章将教您如何更好地辨别自己是否需要这种特殊频道——包括用于吐槽、关于严肃话题或关于时事的频道。请记住,如果您决定在服务器中加入敏感话题,无论何种话题,所有内容都必须遵守 Discord 服务条款和社区守则。","#A channel named #discussion-of-current-events and a channel named #political-debates-to-the-death are going to yield very different types of interactions. If you want a channel where people can mention politics and current events and discuss things like the stock market or a new law that was passed, but don’t want discussions about whether specific world leaders are good or bad, or what economic model is the best one, make sure your channel name reflects that. Many/most users won’t read anything but the channel name, so your channel name needs to set the correct expectation for the content individuals will find inside.":"将频道命名为“#时事讨论”或“#政治辩论死磕到底”,会引起非常不同的互动类型。如果您希望在自己的频道中,人们可以提及政治和时事,讨论诸如股市或新通过的法律等话题,但不要讨论特定的世界领导人是好是坏,或什么经济模式最好,那请确保您的频道名称反映了您的要求。许多/大多数用户除了频道名称外什么都不看,所以您的频道名称需要为用户对其中的内容设定正确的期望。","#Channels that have the potential to bring crisis situations into a server or cause distress to other members of the community should have specific rules to minimize the potential harm. These rules could be pinned in the channel, have their own channel within a category that houses sensitive topics channels, or be included in the servers rules. The example list of rules below includes some harm mitigation strategies, as well as the potential downsides of each.":"有些频道可能会给服务器带来危机,或者给社区的其他成员造成困扰。这类频道应该有特定的规则来减少其潜在伤害。这些规则可以标注在频道中,可以在包含敏感话题频道的类别中拥有自己的频道,也可以包含在服务器规则中。下面列举的规则示例中包括了一些减轻伤害的策略,以及每个规则的潜在弊端。","#Consider removing permissions for images/link embedding. Sometimes users will post images of self harm or weapons they intend to use on themselves in emotional support channels.":"考虑取消嵌入图片/链接的权限。情感支持频道的用户有时候会发布自我伤害的图片,或者打算在自己身上使用的武器的图片。","#There may be contentious topics for your community in particular, but in general politics, economics, law, current events, and morality are contentious topics for most servers. These topics are likely to cause disagreements as a lot of users will have very varied and very firm opinions on the topics.":"您的社区可能存在特定的争议性话题,但一般来说,政治、经济、法律、时事和道德在大多数服务器中都是争议性话题。很多用户对这些话题有截然不同且非常坚定的意见,因此这些话题很可能会引起分歧。","#Channel names indicate to users the intended purpose of the channel. Carefully choosing your name can have a large impact on what the channel ends up being used for. For example, #personal-questions-and-advice versus #tw-emotional-support-and-venting give users very different impressions of what the channel is for. If you want a channel where someone can ask “What are some ways to distract myself if I feel like hurting myself” or, “my teacher is being homophobic, what should I do?” but not graphic descriptions of the symptoms of trauma or vice versa, make sure the name of the channel reflects that. Including tw (trigger warning) or cw (content warning) in your channel name will give the impression that the latter is allowed and is what the channel is intended to be used for.":"频道名称能够向用户表明该频道的预期目的。谨慎选择频道名称可能会对频道的最终用途产生很大影响。例如,“#个人问题和建议”和“#tw 情感支持与发泄”就对频道目的做出了非常不同的诠释。如果您希望在自己的频道中,大家可以提诸如“如果我想伤害自己,有什么方法可以分散我的注意力”,或者“我的老师恐同,我该怎么办”此类的问题,但不希望出现对创伤症状的详细描述,或者相反,那请确保频道名称反映了这一要求。在频道名称中加入 tw(触发警告)或 cw(内容警告)会让人认为这里允许对创伤症状进行详细描述,而且是频道的目的所在。","#Moderating users who are in a crisis or really going through it is unpleasant and can make the staff team look harsh or uncaring to other users regardless of how egregious their behaviour is.":"管理处于危机中或正在真正经历危机的用户是不愉快的,而且哪怕这些用户的行为极其恶劣,其他用户仍可能认为工作人员团队过于苛刻或无情。","#This can prevent users from uploading advice in the form of screenshots from other online resources.":"取消该权限也会阻止用户以在线资源截图的形式发布建议。","#Emotional burnout from dealing with users in crisis or users asking for advice about upsetting personal issues can be detrimental to moderators. Whether moderators are actively engaging with users in the chat or just reading the chat to ensure it is not getting out of hand, the emotional toll is high. Moderators who engage with and moderate these spaces should understand their limits and how to manage burnout.":"帮助处于危机中的用户,或者就令人不安的个人问题寻求建议的用户,可能会过度消耗管理员的情绪,并对其造成伤害。无论管理员是积极与聊天中的用户接触,还是只是阅读聊天内容以确保其不会失控,都会造成大量的情绪消耗。参与管理这些空间的管理员应当清楚自己的极限,以及如何应对情绪倦怠。","#Consider asking that anything extremely upsetting utilize a trigger warning (tw) or content warning (cw). A trigger/content warning gives users a heads up that the content they are about to look at has the potential to invoke mental distress or trauma. This allows the user to decide whether to look at it or avoid it. This can be done through adding spacing to messages to push content off screen so the warning is seen first, or utilizing spoiler tags to hide content from anyone who does not want to see it. Including an emoji with a spoiler tag can also help the message stand out. For example:":"考虑要求用户,在发布任何极度令人不安的内容时使用触发警告(tw)或内容警告(cw)。触发/内容警告可以提醒用户,他们将要看到的内容有可能引起精神痛苦或创伤。这让用户能够决定是继续观看还是回避。实现方法包括:在信息之前添加空格,将内容推到屏幕之外,让用户首先看到警告;或者用剧透(spoiler)标签隐藏内容,只有主动点击才能看到。在剧透标签中加入表情符号也可以让您的消息更加显眼。示例:","#Adding a role to a user can draw attention to and further punish the user. Other users may see and inquire about the unfamiliar role. Adding channel permissions allows more privacy but will clutter your permissions and likely not be very scalable if this option is used frequently.":"给用户添加身份组可能会引起注意并进一步导致其受到惩罚。其他用户可能会看到并询问陌生的身份组。添加频道权限更加私密,但会使您的权限设置变得冗杂,而且如果此选择被频繁使用,则一旦社区扩大,这种做法很可能不具备可拓展性。","#Trolls and malicious attention seekers will target this channel. They will come in with extremely upsetting sob stories and fake mental/physical health crises to make users panic, upset people, or just generally disturb the peace. Allowing them a space to soap box makes these sorts of users more difficult to pick out and remove before they can start doing damage.":"网络破坏者和恶意寻求关注的人会瞄准此类频道。他们会带着极其令人不安的悲伤故事和伪造的精神/身体健康危机加入频道,目的就是使用户恐慌、不安,或就是单纯想扰乱平静的氛围。在这些用户拥有了可以发表特殊言论的空间后,就更难以在他们造成破坏前将其识别并移除。","#Conclusions":"结语","#Triggering topics can vary wildly from community to community depending on what the focus of the community is. For instance, in a community for transgender people, in-depth descriptions of a body or the discomfort some people experience because of their body is likely to be a triggering topic. There are some triggers that are very common and should be handled with the assumption that they will cause multiple people in your community to feel uncomfortable or even traumatized regardless of what type of community it is. This would include things like sexual assault, graphic depictions of violence, other traumatic experiences, suicide and self harm, eating disorders, parental abuse or neglect, etc. These more sensitive topics should likely be separated out from more community specific topics that have the potential to invoke trauma such as transitioning or coming out in a server for LGBTQ+ people.":"触发性话题在不同的社区可能会有很大的不同,这取决于该社区的重点是什么。例如,在跨性别人群的社区中,对身体的深入描述,或某人因其身体而产生的不适感,很可能就是触发性话题。有一些触发因素是很常见的,无论什么类型的社区,在处理这些话题时都应该假定它们会使很多人感到不适甚至受到创伤。这类内容包括性侵犯、对暴力的详细描述、其他创伤性经历、自杀和自我伤害、饮食失调、父母的虐待或忽视等。这些属于更加敏感的话题,应该与社区中可能引起创伤的特定话题——比如 LGBTQ+ 群体服务器中的性别转变或出柜话题——进行区分。","#This can be seen as callous or upsetting to other server members, or the member in crisis. While putting an end to a discussion related to one of your members in a crisis will be uncomfortable, it may still be an effective and safe way to deal with situations that require expertise beyond that of your mod team or other server members.":"这样做可能被认为过于生硬无情,或者让其他服务器成员或处于危机中的成员感到沮丧。虽然结束与处于危机中的成员相关的讨论会让人感到不舒服,但在遇到超出管理员团队或其他服务器成员的专业知识范畴的情况时,这仍然不失为一种有效和安全的处理方式。","#The chance for abuse in these channels is higher than the average channel. Users who overuse the channel and are in constant need of support/advice can quickly become a drain on the emotional well being of everyone involved with the channel. Know the red flags for emotional abuse and keep an eye out for users who are constantly in crisis and trying to manipulate users into doing things for them.":"这些频道的滥用几率会高于一般频道。有些用户会过度使用这些频道,或者不断寻求支持/建议,而这会很快损害该频道所有参与者的情绪健康。了解情绪滥用的警告信号,并留意那些不断处于危机中并试图操纵其他人为自己做事的用户。","#Some users will intentionally seek out content that they know will trigger them as a form of emotional self harm. It can be difficult to know whether this is happening in your server unless someone explicitly mentions that they are doing it.":"一些用户会故意寻找会触发自己创伤的内容,来作为种情绪上的自我伤害。除非有人明确自爆自己正在这样做,否则很难知道您的服务器中是否存在这种情况。","#Channels that have the potential to get heated and cause arguments that lead to negative feedback loops should have specific rules to minimize the potential harm. These rules could be pinned in the channel, have their own channel within a category that houses contentious topics channels, or be included in the servers rules. The list of rules below includes some harm mitigation strategies, as well as the potential downsides of each.":"有些频道的气氛可能会变得激烈,并引发会导致负面反馈循环的争论。这类频道应该有特定的规则来减少其潜在伤害。这些规则可以标注在频道中,可以在包含争议性话题的频道类别中拥有自己的频道,也可以包含在服务器规则中。下面列举的规则示例中包括了一些减轻伤害的策略,以及每个规则的潜在弊端。","#Consider creating a role or using channel permissions to allow you to ban people from the channel entirely if they seem to be incapable of following the channel rules but are otherwise a positive member of the community and follow the server wide rules.":"如果有些成员不能遵守频道规则,但在其他方面又是社区的积极成员,并且能够遵守服务器规则,那么可以考虑通过创建身份组或使用频道权限来彻底禁止其加入特定频道。","#If there is a separate team in charge of moderating or overseeing these channels, they will need to closely communicate with the rest of the moderation team about problem users or concerning behavior.":"如果有一个单独的团队负责管理或监督此类频道,他们则需要与管理团队的其他成员就问题用户或有关行为进行密切沟通。","#Keep a list of resources on hand that can be shared if someone mentions that they are in the midst of a crisis situation, this should include abuse hotlines, self harm/suicide hotlines and hotlines for parental abuse. Be sure to seek out hotlines for the country that a majority of your users are from, or international hotlines that anyone can use.":"留存一份资源列表,可以随时与处于危机状况中的人分享。该列表应当包括虐待热线、自我伤害/自杀热线和父母虐待热线。请寻找您服务器中大多数用户所在国家的热线,或者所有人都可以使用的国际热线。","#Consider banning certain topics. If your moderators and server members aren’t professionally qualified to offer sound advice on a topic, it may be worth disallowing discussion of those topics. Saying the wrong thing to a person in crisis can make the situation worse. If a topic arises, the conversation can be ended at “We’re not qualified, here are ways to contact people who are.”":"考虑封禁某些话题。如果您的管理员和服务器成员没有就某一话题提供合理建议的专业资格,那么也许应该禁止讨论该话题。对处于危机中的人说不恰当的话会使情况变得更糟。如果出现了这种话题,对话可以以“我们没有相关资格,这里是专业人士的联系方式”结束。","#Channels focused on sensitive topics can provide users with a comfortable space to discuss personal issues of varying severity and build closeness and trust between members of your community. These channels also have very specific risks and required mitigation strategies that will vary depending on the nature of the specific channel. If you are running a channel on transition advice for transgender users, your main concern will likely be fake advice about foods that change hormone levels or dangerous advice regarding illegally acquiring hormones. If you run a channel for sexual assault victims, your main concern will likely be victim blaming and ensuring that users reach out to professionals when needed. You have to consider what the specific risks in your channel are and ensure that you are writing policies that are specific to your needs and finding moderators that are knowledgeable and comfortable with those topics.":"关注敏感话题的频道可以为用户提供一个舒适的空间,让他们可以讨论各种严重程度的个人问题,并在您的社区成员之间建立亲密关系和信任。这些频道也有非常特殊的风险,并需要对应的缓解策略,两者都根据具体频道的性质而有所不同。如果您的频道主题是为跨性别用户提供性别转变建议,那您应当重点关注虚假建议,比如可以改变激素水平的食物,或者非法获得激素之类的危险建议。如果您运营的是为性侵犯受害者服务的频道,您的关注重点可能是对受害者的指责,并确保用户在需要时向专业人士求助。您必须考虑自己频道的具体风险是什么,然后根据自己的需求来制定政策,并找到有相关知识储备并适应这些话题的管理员。","#Consider requiring that users provide sources to back up claims. This prevents users from trying to make others argue against complete nonsense that is only supported by fringe conspiracy theorists, or is demonstrably false.":"考虑要求用户提供信源来支持其主张。这可以防止用户试图让他人反驳那些只有边缘阴谋论者支持的无稽之谈,或明显的错误言论。","#Users who are acting in bad faith can abuse this and request that every statement ever have a credible source and bog down people who are citing credible sources they do not have on hand at the time.":"恶意用户可能会滥用这一点,要求每一个陈述都要有可靠信源。有些用户的发言来自可靠信息,但一时无法给出信源,这一恶意要求会使这些用户陷入尴尬境地。","#Users may complain about free speech or that some of the banned topics shouldn’t be banned. They may also ask you to ban other topics that you may not think are really a problem.":"用户可能会抱怨这样做损害了言论自由,或者某些话题不应该被封禁。他们也可能要求您封禁一些您认为不构成问题的话题。","#Channels covering current events should have rules that help promote healthy discussion of these topics. While each real world event may be different, there are some baseline rules / guidelines that we believe these channels should have.":"涵盖时事话题的频道应当有自己的规则,以帮助维护对这些话题的健康讨论。虽然每件时事都有所不同,但我们认为此类频道应该有一些共通的基本规则/准则。","#Trolls and malicious users will target this channel. People will come in to spout stupid or offensive opinions to start arguments. They will also ping pong between extremely contentious topics until someone takes the bait. If the comments they are making and the general behavior of trying to start a debate about anything are allowed on the server, it will be more difficult to remove them before they get the chance to be disruptive.":"网络破坏者和恶意用户会以此类频道为目标。有人会来发表愚蠢或攻击性的言论以引发争议。他们也会围着几个极富争议的话题打转,直到有人上钩。如果服务器允许他们的这种言论,或者允许这种试图针对任何事情展开辩论的行为,那么就难以在他们造成破坏前将其移除。","#Consider banning some topics. Some topics just shouldn’t be allowed to be debated. This could include dangerous conspiracy theories, triggering topics, nsfw topics, or topics that are particularly harmful to debate amongst the membership of your type of community.":"考虑封禁某些话题。有些话题是不应该被允许进行辩论的,包括危险的阴谋论、触发性话题、少儿不宜的话题,或者是在您的社区成员间辩论会产生特殊危害的话题。","#Misinformation can be spread in the channel, moderators must have a good understanding of current events in order to prevent dangerous misinformation or conspiracy theories from being proliferated in their communities.":"错误的信息可能会在频道中传播,因此管理员必须对时事有足够的了解,以防止危险的错误信息或阴谋论在社区中扩散。","#Channels focused around contentious topics can provide users with an engaging space to discuss topics with people from varied backgrounds and explore other perspectives. These channels also have very specific risks and required mitigation strategies that will vary depending on the nature of the specific channel. For example, if you are running a channel on COVID19, your main concern will likely be dangerous misinformation and conspiracy theories. If you run a channel for the 2020 US Presidential Election, your main concern may be things getting too heated or insult-flinging. You have to consider what the specific risks in your channel are and ensure that you are writing policies that are specific to your needs and finding moderators that are knowledgeable and comfortable with the topics.":"关注争议性话题的频道可以为用户提供一个互动空间,让他们可以与不同背景的人讨论相关话题,并收获不同的见解。这些频道也有非常特殊的风险,并需要对应的缓解策略,两者都根据特定频道的性质而有所不同。例如,如果您的频道主题是 COVID-19,那您应当重点关注危险的错误信息和阴谋论。如果您运营的是 2020 美国总统竞选频道,您的关注重点可能是气氛过于激烈或侮辱性争吵。您必须考虑自己频道的具体风险是什么,然后根据自己的需求来制定政策,并找到有相关知识储备并适应这些话题的管理员。","#Users may complain about free speech, or claim that they do believe in arguments. There’s no way to confirm whether people believe what they’re saying or not.":"用户可能会抱怨这样做损害了言论自由,或者声称相信自己的论点。毕竟没有办法确认人们是否相信自己所说的话。","#Consider setting up permissions to enforce a slower chat. Things like slow mode and temporary channel locks for “cool off” periods can help to keep things calm in the chat.":"考虑设置权限来强制降低聊天速度。慢速模式和暂时锁定频道以制造“冷静期”可以帮助保持聊天的平和气氛。","#Moderators can be upset by the content of the channel, or the opinions/conduct of another user even if no rules are being broken and respond inappropriately.":"即使某些频道中的内容或者其他用户的的意见/行为并没有违反规则,但管理员仍然可能对其感到不适,并做出不恰当的反应。","#Consider dis-allowing “devils advocate” style statements. If your channel doesn’t exist for arguing for the sake of arguing, don’t allow people to make arguments that they don’t believe in for the sake of stirring up more discussion.":"考虑不允许“杠精”式的发言。如果您频道的初衷并非为争论而争论,就不要允许人们纯粹为了挑起更多争论而抛出自己都不相信的论点。","#Keep conversations on-topic. Making sure that conversations do not go too off-topic will let others jump in and give their own insight. If a conversation becomes too meme-y or off-topic, then it will be harder for others to jump in and it could turn the channel into an off-topic channel.":"保持对话切题。确保对话不要过于偏离主题,这样可以让其他人加入并发表自己的见解。如果对话中夹杂了大量表情包或者过分偏离主题,那么其他人就很难加入进来,这可能会使该频道变成一个偏离主题的频道。","#Explicitly disallow bigotry and hate speech of any form. Remember that this behavior is also against Discord’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines and shouldn’t be allowed in any situation on your server, sensitive topics or not.":"明确禁止任何形式的偏执和仇恨言论。请记住,这类言论也违反了 Discord 服务条款和社区守则,因此,无论其是否涉及敏感话题,您的服务器在任何情况下都不该允许此类言论的存在。","#Do not spread misinformation. A rule like this is incredibly important, especially for topics that relate to public safety (such as COVID-19).":"不要传播错误信息。这种规则极其重要,特别是针对涉及公共安全的话题(例如 COVID-19)。","#Moderation actions can look biased if a moderator is engaging in a conversation, disagrees with a user and then needs to moderate them for behavior in the same channel.":"如果管理员本人参与了对话且不同意一位用户的意见,但还要在同一频道中对该用户的行为进行管理,那么这种管理行为就会显得有失偏颇。","#Current event channels are for a single and specific current event, such as COVID-19 or mourning a beloved server member. Depending on the topic of the channel, it may also be a contentious or sensitive topic, but differs because it is a narrowly focused and usually temporary space. These channels can be useful to have if a topic either isn’t allowed per your servers rules, or is allowed but is overwhelming conversations in other channels (but is otherwise not something you want to outright ban the discussion of).":"时事频道是为单一和具体的时事事件而建立的,例如 COVID-19 或悼念一位大家挚爱的服务器成员。某些频道的主题事件也可能是争议性或敏感话题,但不同的是,时事频道是窄聚焦的临时空间。如果一个话题在您的服务器规则中不被允许,或者虽被允许但在其他频道中会使对话过于激烈(但您并不想直接禁止讨论),那么为其建立时事频道就是个很好的选择。","#Channel names for specific current events should be as clear as possible. For instance, making a channel for the COVID-19 Pandemic and then naming the channel “Diseases” makes little sense. Instead, you would want to be specific and name it something like “COVID-19 Pandemic” or “COVID-19”. This ensures that your users will at-a-glance understand what the channel is for. You should also have a topic for the channel that helps inform users of its purpose. You may also want to have something like “Read The Rules” in the topic, so users know to read any additional rules. These rules could be pinned in the channel, have their own channel within a category that houses contentious topics channels, if you have multiple, or be included in the servers rules. Also keep in mind that users may not always read the channel topic or pinned messages.":"频道的名称应当尽可能清晰。例如,为新冠疫情建立的频道就不要命名为“疾病”,这样是没有意义的。相反,名称应当具体,比如“新冠疫情”或者“COVID-19”。这可以确保用户一看便知频道的功能。您还应当为频道设置一个主题,帮助用户了解其目的。您也可以在主题中加入“请阅读规则”,以便用户知道应当阅读附加规则。这些规则可以标注在频道中;如果您有多个频道,规则可以在包含争议性话题的频道类别中拥有自己的频道;也可以将其包含在服务器规则中。但是也请记住,很多时候用户并不会阅读频道主题或者已标注消息。","#Be respectful and try to keep arguments to a minimum. Arguments in these kinds of channels will flair up, but it is important as a moderator to ensure they do not devolve into name-calling or personal attacks. If an argument does flare up, try to ensure that users tackle the arguments and ideas presented and not the user that presented them.":"尊重他人,尽量将争论控制在最低限度。此类频道中肯定会爆发争论,但是作为管理员,重要的是确保争论不会演变成谩骂或者人身攻击。当争论爆发时,尽量确保用户的发言针对观点和想法,而非持不同意见的用户。","#Encourage others to jump in and give their thoughts. There are usually many different viewpoints when it comes to real-world events. Especially ones that warrant their own channel. So it is good to encourage those with different viewpoints to chime in with their own points of view.":"鼓励其他人参与并提出自己的想法。当涉及到现实世界的事件——特别是那些需要有自己频道的事件时,人们通常有许多不同的观点。因此,鼓励有不同观点的人加入并各抒己见是非常有益的。","#Channels like these can be difficult to manage. On one hand, you want things to be contained and on-topic. On the other hand, you may want to allow for other kinds of discussion that relate to the topic at-hand. Ultimately it is up to you to decide how to best implement these channels. Whether the channel is for a global pandemic, a friend passing away, a game releasing, or anything in-between, these channels will require a special finesse that other channels may not. It is our hope that these example rules and channel names can help you create a space that adheres to a specific topic and creates an atmosphere that is both respectful and engaging.":"此类频道有时会很难管理。一方面,您希望讨论是可控且切题的。另一方面,您可能也想允许与话题相关的其他类型的讨论。最终,如何更好地运营这些频道的决定权在您。无论您的频道是关于疫情、去世的朋友、新游戏的发布,还是介于其间的任何话题,都需要一些其他频道可能并不需要的特殊技巧。我们希望以上的规则和频道名称示例可以帮助您创造一个坚持特定主题的空间,以及即充满尊重又非常活跃的氛围。","#Thank you! Your submission has been received!":"谢谢!您的提交已收到!","#Submit":"提交","#Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.":"哎呀!提交表格的时候发生了一些错误。","#Submit form":"提交表单","#on Discord":"打造您想要的一切","#Activities":"活动","#Apps":"APP","#Other":"其它","#Apply now":"立即申请","#Get in touch":"保持联络","#Features":"功能","#Description":"描述","#Transparency Reports":"透明度报告","#Discord Safety Center":"Discord 安全中心","#View all":"查看全部","#Transparency":"透明度","#Animated avatar, profile banner, and custom tag":"使用动画头像、个人资料横幅和自定义标签","#HD video streaming":"高清视频播放","#What’s the difference between Nitro and Nitro Basic?":"Nitro 与 Nitro Basic 之间有什么区别?","#Bigger file sharing":"分享更大尺寸的文件","#HD streaming":"高清视频","#Nitro badge on your profile":"在个人资料中加入专属 Nitro 徽章","#Custom video backgrounds":"自定义视频背景","#What’s Nitro?":"什么是 Nitro?","#Unlock perks for your communities with 2 Server Boosts":"利用 2 个服务器助力为您的社区解锁多项特权","#Gift Nitro":"赠送 Nitro","#Custom stickers anywhere plus 300+ Nitro exclusives":"随时随地随心使用自定义贴纸,同时获得超过 300 张 Nitro 独家贴纸","#Stream apps and games in sweet, sweet HD":"支持超赞超酷的高清流式传输应用程序和游戏","#Where can I buy Nitro?":"在哪里可以购买 Nitro 订阅服务?","#Custom profiles and more!":"自定义个人资料及更多精彩内容!","#+ 30% off extra Boosts":"+ 额外助力 7 折优惠","#Join up to 200 servers":"可加入多达 200 个服务器!","#Nitro is our most popular plan that unlocks access to all available Nitro perks, and Nitro Basic includes a selection of the most-loved Nitro perks that help you better express yourself. See the comparison chart above for a full breakdown!":"Nitro 是我们最热门的订阅方案。订阅成功后,您可以解锁并使用所有现有的 Nitro 特权;而 Nitro Basic 则只涵盖了部分精选的热门特权,获得这部分特权可以帮助您更好地表达自己。有关两种订阅的对比详情,请参考以上图表。","#Cost varies depending on your country and plan. You can check Nitro prices under User Settings > Nitro in either the desktop or mobile apps.":"订阅费用根据您所在的国家和您选择的方案的不同会有所区别。您可以在桌面或移动端应用程序的“用户设置” > “Nitro”中查看具体价格。","#From clips to pics, share away with bigger file uploads":"无论视频或图片,从此可以分享更大尺寸的文件,","#How much does Nitro cost?":"订阅 Nitro 的费用是多少?","#2 Free Boosts":"2 个免费服务器助力","#2 Server Boosts":"2 个服务器助力","#Custom Profiles":"自定义个人资料","#Custom emoji anywhere and make them animated":"随时随地随心使用自定义表情符号,还可以将它们变成动画。","#Custom server profiles":"自定义服务器个人资料","#Nitro is a subscription service that unlocks features and perks across Discord, giving you more ways to have fun and express yourself.":"Nitro 是 Discord 推出的一种订阅服务。订阅成功后,用户可以解锁多种 Discord 的功能与特权,从而获得更丰富的娱乐方式与表达方式。","#Special Nitro badge on your profile":"在个人资料中加入独特的专属 Nitro 徽章","#Subscribe":"订阅","#Longer messages up to 4,000 characters":"可编辑多达 4000 个字符的长消息","#Up to 4K and 60fps":"最高可达 4K 分辨率和 60fps 刷新率","#You can purchase Nitro by visiting the Nitro tab in User Settings, or in the Nitro page under Home on desktop. On mobile, visit User Settings by tapping your user icon in the bottom bar, then select Get Nitro.":"如果是桌面端,您可以通过访问“用户设置”中的 Nitro 页签或者进入主页下的 Nitro 页面进行购买。如果是移动端,您可以在底栏点击您的用户图标进入“用户设置”,然后选择“获取 Nitro”即可购买。","#Pick the plan that works best for you":"选择最适合您的订阅方案","#Custom emoji anywhere":"随时随地随心使用自定义表情符号","#Frequently Asked Questions":"常见问题","#Payments":"支付","#How does Nitro work?":"Nitro 的具体功能是什么?","#Get Nitro":"获取 Nitro","#Show all perks":"显示所有特权","#What payment methods do you accept?":"你们接受哪些付款方式?","#Do you offer Nitro and Nitro Basic in localized pricing?":"是否以当地货币计价方式出售 Nitro 和 Nitro Basic?","#Gifting and Promotions":"礼品与促销活动","#Yes! You can purchase a Nitro gift through the Nitro page on desktop or the Nitro Gifting tab within mobile under User Settings. Additionally, you can send a quick gift in a channel by selecting the gift icon on desktop or mobile. If someone sends you a gift, you can see what it looks like here.":"当然有!如果您使用的是桌面端,那么您可以在 Nitro 网页中购买 Nitro 礼品,如果您使用的是移动端,您可以点击“用户设置”下的“Nitro 礼品”页签购买礼品。除此之外,无论是桌面端或移动端,您都可以通过勾选礼品图标的方式在频道中快速送出礼品。如果收到他人送给您的礼品,您可以点击此处查看。","#You can redeem your Nitro code on the desktop and web apps through the Gift Inventory page in User Settings.":"您可以在桌面和网络应用程序的“用户设置”中点击进入“礼物库”页面进行兑换。","#Where to redeem Nitro codes?":"哪里可以兑换 Nitro 码?","#Can I get free Nitro from a bot or a giveaway?":"我可以通过机器人或者赠品活动获得免费的 Nitro 吗?","#Are Boosts permanent?":"助力是永久的吗?","#The only official way to receive Nitro is through a gift sent to you in chat, or by receiving a code that can be redeemed under Gift Inventory in User Settings on the desktop and web apps. We strongly encourage not clicking on any links from people you don’t know well. For more tips on staying safe on Discord, visit our Safety page.":"获得 Nitro 的唯一正规方式是通过聊天以礼物形式接收,或通过聊天接收兑换码,在桌面和网页版应用中的“礼物库”中兑换。重点提醒:请千万不要点击任何不认识的人发来的链接。请参阅安全页面,进一步了解如何安全玩转 Discord。","#Are Nitro gifts real?":"真的有 Nitro 礼品吗?","#We are always working on ways to give you more with Nitro! Keep an eye out in the app, on our Twitter , Instagram, or blog to see when new promotions go live. :)":"我们一直在想法设法为用户提供更多的 Nitro 优惠。请密切关注我们的应用程序、TwitterInstagram,或者我们的 blog,留意新的促销活动的上线时间。","#My Nitro subscription comes with Boosts. What are those?":"我的 Nitro 订阅附带有“助力”,什么是“助力”?","#If you’re having any trouble with your subscription, or have any questions, you can reach out to our team and we’ll be happy to help!":"如果您在订阅时遇到任何困难或疑问,请联系我们的团队,我们将竭诚为您提供帮助!","#A Nitro subscription only comes with 2 Boosts that you can share to any server you belong to. The Boosts do not stack over time, and they are not permanent. You’ll get to keep the Boosts for as long as your Nitro subscription is active.":"一个 Nitro 订阅方案只附带 2 个助力,您可以将其分享到任何您加入的服务器中。助力不会逐渐叠加,也不是永久可用。您只有在 Nitro 订阅有效期内才可以保留这些助力。","#Why is my Nitro not working?":"为什么我的 Nitro 订阅无法生效?","#Does Discord offer Nitro Promotions?":"Discord 会举行 Nitro 订阅促销活动吗?","#Email Form":"电邮表单","#Email *":"电子邮箱 *","#Welcome Screen":"欢迎界面","#Popular Nitro Perks":"热门 Nitro 特权","#Practice":"实践","#We accept a variety of payment methods, which you can learn more info on here!":"我们接受多种付款方式,请点击此处查看详情!","#50MB uploads":"50MB 上传容量","#We are constantly working to expand the availability of localized pricing for Nitro and Nitro Basic. Check this article for information on where localized pricing is currently available.":"我们不断努力,为 Nitro 和 Nitro Basic 添加更多本地定价。欢迎参阅这篇文章,了解当前有哪些本地定价可用。","#Server Boosts are a way to show support for your favorite communities. Each Boost that you give to a server helps collectively unlock perks for everyone in the server to enjoy. Learn more about Server Boosting here!":"使用“服务器助力”是一种向您喜爱的社区表达支持的方式。您为服务器提供的每一个助力都可以帮助整个服务器解锁多种特权供所有成员使用。请点击此处了解更多关于服务器助力的信息。","#When you subscribe to Nitro, you get access to features that were previously locked for you - like using custom emoji anywhere, uploading bigger files, setting a custom video background, and more. When the subscription ends, you’ll lose access to the perks.":"订阅 Nitro 后,您便可以使用许多之前无法使用的功能,比如:随时随地使用自定义表情符号、上传大尺寸文件、设置自定义视频背景等等。订阅到期后,您将不再享有以上特权。","#207: Server Information and Announcement Channels":"207:服务器信息与公告频道","#241: Securing Your Discord Account":"241:保障您的 Discord 账户安全","#324: Using Modmail Bots":"324:有效利用 Modmail 机器人","#231: Fundamentals of Family-Friendly Servers":"231:创建家庭友好型服务器的基本原则","#323: Using XP Systems":"323:有效利用 XP 系统","#208: Channel Categories and Names":"208:频道类别与名称","#322: Using Webhooks and Embeds":"322:有效利用 Webhooks 和 Embeds","#211: Creating Moderation Team Channels":"211:创建管理员团队频道","#151: An Intro to the Moderator Ecosystem":"151:管理员生态系统介绍","#304: Moderating Safely and Securely":"304:安全可靠的管理工作","#402: Confidentiality in Moderation":"402:管理中的机密信息","#345: Best Practices for Moderating Content Creation":"345:管理内容创作最佳实践","#404: Considering Mental Health in Your Community":"404:有关社区成员心理健康问题的考量","#431: Ethical Community Growth":"431:社区发展道德规范","#444: Managing Interpersonal Relationships":"444:人际关系处理","#459: Bringing Other Communities to Discord":"459:吸引更多社区入驻 Discord","#541: The Application of Metaphors in Moderation":"541:管理员个性及管理方式","#The text that is placed above the description, usually highlighted. Also directs to a URL, if given.":"位于描述上方的文字,通常突出显示。会定向至 URL(如果给出 URL)。","#The part of the embed where most of the text is contained.":"嵌入中包含大部分文本的部分。","#Element":"元素","#Visibility":"可见性","#Ease of use":"操作便捷性","#Title":"标题","#Time that the embed was posted. Located next to the footer.":"嵌入的发布时间。位于页脚旁边。","#Text at the bottom of the embed.":"位于嵌入底部的文字。","#There can be up to 25 fields":"至多可设置 25 个字段","#Adds the author block to the embed, always located at the top of the embed.":"将作者区块添加至嵌入,始终位于嵌入的顶部。","#The footer text is limited to 2048 characters":"页脚文本限制为 2048 个字符","#A webhook can have 10 embeds per message":"Webhook 的每条消息可以有 10 个嵌入","#embed visualizer tool":"嵌入可视化工具","#The link to the address of the webpage. Mostly used with the thumbnail, icon and author elements in order to link to an image.":"网页地址的链接。主要与缩略图、图标和作者元素一起使用,以连接至图片。","#An icon-sized image in the top left corner of the embed, next to the “Author” element. This is usually used to represent an Author icon.":"图标大小的图像,位于嵌入的左上角、“作者”元素旁边。通常是代表作者的图标。","#The author name is limited to 256 characters":"作者名称限制为 256 个字符","#It’s very important to keep in mind that when you are writing an embed, it should be in JSON format. Some bots even provide an embed visualizer within their dashboards. You can also use this":"请注意,在编写嵌入时应当采用 JSON 格式。有些机器人甚至在数据面板中提供嵌入可视化工具。您也可以使用这个","#A large-sized image located below the “Description” element.":"位于“描述”元素下方的大尺寸图像。","#Inline":"内联","#Color of your embed’s border, usually in hexadecimal or decimal.":"嵌入边框的颜色,通常为十六进制或十进制。","#Thumbnail":"缩略图","#A medium-sized image in the top right corner of the embed.":"位于嵌入右上角的中等大小的图像。","#A webhook can only send 30 messages per minute":"一个 webhook 每分钟只能发送 30 条消息","#The message content outside the embed.":"嵌入之外的消息内容。","#Icon":"图标","#In addition, the sum of all characters in an embed structure must not exceed 6000 characters":"此外,嵌入结构中所有字符的总和不得超过 6000 个","#Timestamp":"时间戳","#Image":"图片","#The name of a field is limited to 256 characters and its value to 1024 characters":"字段名称限制为 256 个字符,字段值限制为 1024 个字符","#Footer":"页脚","#Allows you to put multiple fields in the same row, rather than having one per row.":"允许您在同一行内放置多个字段,而不用每个字段占一行。","#If you feel like experimenting even further you should take a look at the full list of limitations provided by Discord":"如果您想进一步尝试更多功能,可以查看 Discord 提供的完整限制列表。请点击","#An important thing to note is that embeds also have their limitations, which are set by the API. Here are some of the most important ones you need to know:":"有一点非常重要:嵌入也有自己的限制,这是由 API 决定的。以下是您应该当了解的重要内容:","#Embed titles are limited to 256 characters":"嵌入标题限制为 256 个字符","#Embed descriptions are limited to 2048 characters":"嵌入描述限制为 2048 个字符","#which provides visualization for bot and webhook embeds.":",它能对机器人和 webhook 嵌入进行可视化。","#Color":"颜色","#Markdown is also supported in an embed. Here is an image to showcase an example of these properties:":"嵌入中也支持 Markdown 语言。下面的图像展示了这些属性的示例:","#Fields":"字段","#Allows you to add multiple subtitles with additional content underneath them below the main “Title” & “Description” blocks.":"允许您在“标题”和“描述”区块下方添加多个带有额外内容的副标题。","#Can create 10 webhooks per server with the ability to customize each avatar and name.":"能在每个服务器中创建 10 个 webhook,每个 webhook 都能自定义头像和名称。","#Easy to change webhook URL if needed.":"有需要时可以轻松更改 webhook URL。","#No authentication that data sent to webhook is from a trusted source.":"不会验证发送至 webhook 的数据是否来自可信来源。","#Can send up to 10 embeds per message.":"在每条消息中至多设置 10 个嵌入。","#No authentication that data sent to webhook is from a trusted source.If webhook URL is leaked, only non-permanent problems may occur (e.g. spamming)":"如果 webhook URL 泄露,只可能出现非永久性问题(例如垃圾邮件)。","#Bots are able to view and send messages.":"机器人既能发送也能审阅消息。","#Much more flexible as they can do more complex actions similar to what a regular user can do.":"能像普通用户一样进行更加复杂的操作,因此更加灵活。","#Able to hyperlink any text outside of an embed.":"能在嵌入之外超链接任何文本。","#Can only send messages to a set channel.":"只能向指定频道发送消息。","#Public bots often have a preset avatar and name which cannot be modified by end users.":"公共机器人通常有预设的头像和名称,终端用户无法进行修改。","#Webhooks":"Webhook","#They can only send messages, not view any.":"只能发送消息,不能审阅。","#Load and security":"加载与安全","#Bots":"机器人","#Function":"功能","#Cannot hyperlink any text in a normal message, must use an embed.":"无法在普通消息中超链接任何文本,必须使用嵌入。","#Just an endpoint to send data to, no actual hosting is required.":"只是一个发送数据的端点,无需任何实际的托管。","#Only one embed per message is allowed.":"每条消息中只允许一个嵌入。","#Customization":"自定义","#Bots are authenticated via a token, compromised token can cause severe damage due to their capabilities if they have permissions granted to them by the server owner.":"对机器人的验证通过令牌进行。如果机器人被服务器所有者授予了权限,它们就有能力进行很多操作,因此被污染的令牌可能会导致非常严重的破坏。","#Emoji":"表情符号","#However, you can reset the bot token if needed.":"不过有需要时可以重置机器人令牌。","#No":"否","#Bots have to be hosted in a secure environment that will need to be kept online all the time, which costs more resources.":"机器人必须托管在安全环境中,且该环境需要随时保持在线,这将消耗更多资源。","#Even though this comparison is important for better understanding of both bots and webhooks, it does not mean you should limit yourself to only picking one or the other. Sometimes, bots and webhooks work their best when working together. It’s not uncommon for bots to use webhooks for logging purposes or to distinguish notable messages with a custom avatar and name for that message. Both tools are essential for a server to function properly and make for a powerful combination.":"进行这种对比让人能够更好地理解机器人和 webhook,但这并不意味着您只能在两者中选择其一。有时候机器人和 webhook 配合能够取得更好的效果。机器人常常会使用 webhook 记录日志,或使依靠它们的自定义头像和名称来区分重要消息。两者都是服务器正常运行的必要工具,组合使用更是强大无比。","#Engagement":"参与","#We are constantly working to expand the availability of localized pricing for Nitro and Nitro Basic. Check este artículo for information on where localized pricing is currently available.":"我们一直在努力扩大使用当地货币计价方式出售 Nitro 和 Nitro Basic 的范围。请查阅此处了解支持使用当地货币计价方式的地区。","#The only official way to receive Nitro is through a gift sent to you in chat, or by receiving a code that can be redeemed under Gift Inventory in User Settings on the desktop and web apps. We strongly encourage not clicking on any links from people you don’t know well. For more tips on staying safe on Discord, visit our Seguridad page.":"领取 Nitro 的唯一官方渠道是接收在聊天中发送给您的礼品,或者是领取兑换码后在桌面端和网络应用程序的“用户设置”中进入“礼物库”兑换。我们强烈建议您不要点击任何不熟悉的人发给您的链接。您可以访问我们的 安全中心 页面,获取更多在 Discord 保护自身安全的建议。","#Attributes and Components":"属性和组成部分","#If in the course of your self-evaluation you realize that you cannot positively answer any or all of these questions, it may be necessary for you to more seriously evaluate whether or not you need to make difficult decisions regarding your position as a moderator. If your interpersonal relationship is preventing you from fulfilling your duties as a moderator, you may need to consider either abdicating your role as a moderator or ending the relationship until circumstances improve. Neither option is easy or ideal, but making tough decisions for the health of the community is your primary responsibility as a moderator.":"如果在自我评估期间,您意识到自己无法对其中一个或多个问题给出正面回答,那么您可能需要更加严肃地评估一下自己究竟是否适合管理员职位。如果人际关系阻碍了您履行管理员的职责,您可能需要考虑放弃管理员这一角色,或者在情况改善之前暂时结束这段关系。两种选择都很艰难,也都不是最完美的选择,但为了维护社区的健康发展,作出艰难的决定是管理员的主要职责所在。","#“Governance” - The way that organizations or countries are managed at the highest level.":"“治理”——组织或者国家的最高层次的管理方式。","#To provide the best atmosphere for both the community and your moderators your moderation team needs to be structured appropriately. There is no single correct structure that applies for communities, and it may be necessary to change models over time. The way your community is structured is determined by what it needs. Without a suitable governance structure to your moderation team there can be confusion between staff, inconsistencies, overlaps, and gaps that make themselves apparent once the system is put under any strain.":"为了给社区和管理员提供最好的氛围,您的管理团队必须有合理的结构。并不存在适用于所有社区的唯一正确结构,而且随着时间的推进,您所使用的结构可能需要进行相应的修改。您社区的构架方式由其需求决定。如果您的管理团队没有合适的治理结构,工作人员可能会迷惑于自己的职责,且一旦系统置于压力之下,诸如意见不一致、职权重叠或管理缺口等问题就会变得更加明显。","#If immediate action is required, a concise and direct reference to the rules is usually sufficient to defuse the situation. Use your best judgment, but be aware that the likelihood of “rules lawyering” is higher with someone who trusts you or sees you as a friend in these scenarios because moderation action can be seen as a violation of that trust or relationship. Clearly and fairly indicating the grounds for you speaking up is crucial to prevent further issues from arising.":"如果情况紧急,需要立即采取行动,那么通常直接了当地按照规则处理便足以缓和局面。运用您的最佳判断能力,但要注意,当情境涉及到信任您或视您为友的人时,您“钻规则空子”的可能性会更高,因为您对其实施的管理行为可能会被对方视作对信任或关系的背叛。明确公正地表明您发声的理由对于防止问题进一步激化至关重要。","#“Governance System” - Composed of the server’s mission, vision, and values.":"“治理体系”——由服务器的使命、愿景和价值观组成。","#Self-Evaluate":"自我评估","#Developing Effective Structures":"发展有效结构","#In this article, we will provide answers for the following questions: What defines an effective governance structure? Who gets to make what decisions and what does the process look like? Which position functions how and who reports to who? Additionally, we will provide you with example governance models which you can modify and implement in your server as well as ideas on how to empower your community into participating in these structures.":"在这篇文章中,我们将为以下问题提供答案:什么定义了有效的治理结构?哪些决定该由谁做出,程序是什么?哪些职位行使哪些职能,谁该向谁汇报?此外,我们还将向您提供一些治理模式的范例,您可以修改后应用于自己的服务器;并提供如何让您的社区参与这些结构的想法。","#The first step in successfully managing a scenario that involves someone you have an interpersonal relationship with is to take stock of your own investment. How are you feeling? Are you calm and capable of making rational judgment? Is your gut reaction to jump to the defense of the member? Or is the opposite true - do you feel the need to be overly harsh in order to compensate for potential bias? Carefully self-evaluate before proceeding with any action. The wrong type of moderator response in a scenario like this can often exacerbate or distract from the actual issue at hand, and potentially weaken your community’s trust in your capabilities as a moderator.":"如果您面对的情况涉及与自己有人际关系的成员,要想成功处理,第一步是理清自己的情况。您有什么感觉?您是否足够冷静并且能够作出理性判断?您的第一反应是维护该成员吗?或者相反,您会觉得需要对其格外严苛,从而避免出现潜在的偏袒吗?在采取任何行动之前,请先仔细进行自我评估。在这种情况下,如果管理员给出错误的反应,往往会加剧问题或脱离问题的实质,这可能会削弱社区对您管理能力的信任。","#What is Community Governance?":"什么社区治理?","#Most servers on Discord function more effectively when certain standards are met. Each standard is essential for effective leadership, organization and growth. If one of these standards are not met, then you may run the risk of the other areas of the server degrading in quality. This degradation will influence the service, sustainability, and community of your server. In this chapter, we will focus on the vital key aspects with a closer look at the decision making process. The most important qualities to maintain are:":"在满足某些标准时,Discord 上的大部分服务器都能更有效地运作。对建立有效的领导组织和服务器成长来说,每一条标准都必不可少。如果其中某一条标准没有满足,您可能会面临服务器在其他领域质量下降的风险。这种质量下降将影响您服务器的服务、可持续性和社区。在本章节中,我们将深入研究决策制定过程,并重点讨论其中的关键方面。需要保证的重要品质如下:","#Additionally, be careful about what is discussed in private with the person involved in this scenario following any action. There is a higher likelihood of them contacting you via DM to talk about your decisions because of the level of trust that exists between you. As a best practice, it is usually best to avoid litigating the rules of the server with any member, especially a member with which you have an interpersonal relationship. Politely excuse yourself, or if prudent, redirect the conversation by giving the member a place to productively resolve their own issue.":"此外,在采取任何措施后,与涉及此情境的人私下交流时也要慎言。出于信任,他们更可能通过私信与您联系,讨论您的决定。最佳做法是,尽量避免与任何成员(特别是和您有人际关系的成员)表达您对服务器规则的不满。可以礼貌地推脱,或更谨慎一点,给成员提供一个能够有效解决问题的场所,从而转移话题。","#Community Engagement":"社区参与","#As a recommended best practice, moderators should be careful about building interpersonal relationships of depth (close or romantic relationships) in the communities they moderate, including with other moderators. The only guaranteed way for a moderator to remain impartial in upholding the rules for all members is to exclusively maintain friendships within their community, but this isn’t always reasonable for communities that you are closely involved in. Should you find yourself in a difficult scenario involving a member with whom you have a close interpersonal relationship, here are some best practices for managing the situation:":"最佳建议是,管理员在所辖社区应谨慎建立深度的人际关系(密友或恋爱关系),这也包括与其他管理员之间的关系。要想确保管理员在执行规则时公正对待所有成员,唯一方法是在社区内与所有人仅保持友谊关系。但对于您密切参与的社区而言,这有时并不合乎情理。如果您面对的情况涉及与自己关系匪浅的成员,并且您因此感到棘手,以下是处理这种情况的一些最佳做法:","#Evaluate the Scenario":"评估情境","#Once you’ve determined that you’re capable of proceeding with moderation, evaluate the scenario to identify what the problem is and whether it immediately needs to be addressed. If there is no immediate need to step in, as a best practice it is usually better to defer to another moderator whenever your personal relationships are involved. Contact another member of your moderation team to get a second opinion and some backup if necessary.":"如果您确定自己有能力管理眼前的情况,请对情境进行评估,确定问题所在以及是否需要立即解决。如果情况并不需要立即介入,最佳建议是,当涉及到您的个人关系时,最好让其他管理员来处理。如有必要,请联系管理团队的其他成员,听取更多意见,获取支援。","#What is Community Governance?":"什么是社区治理?","#Team Structures":"团队结构","#Taking moderation action when the offending member is one with whom a moderator has an interpersonal relationship can be one of the most difficult scenarios that a moderator can find themselves in. Set yourself up for success as a moderator by tempering the type of relationships you build within your community and cultivating the ability to self-evaluate. The best tool available to a moderator in these scenarios is self-awareness and the ability to recognize when their own biases prevent them from acting fairly. Remember that moderation is a team sport, and that team is your most valuable resource in impartially upholding the rules and values of your community.":"当违规成员与管理员有人际关系时,采取管理行动可能是管理员所能遇到的最困难的情境之一。节制您在社区内建立的人际关系类型,培养自我评估能力,将为您成为一名成功的管理员打下基础。在这些情境下,管理员最好的工具就是自我认知和对自己是否因偏袒而徇私的识别能力。请记住,管理是一项团队运动,要公正地维护社区规则和价值观,团队就是您最宝贵的资源。","#Structure: A good and easily understood structure is the first step towards an efficient team. It improves clarity, coordination and overall accessibility for everyone involved. It should establish a general design of responsibilities for operations, control, and reporting structures.":"结构:良好且易于理解的结构是迈向高效团队的第一步。它能提高所有相关人员的认知清晰度、协调性和整体可访问性。它应该为运营、控制和汇报结构的责任建立一个总体设计。","#The reporting structure refers to the chain of command so to speak, i.e. it defines who reports to whom. Ensure that the design is easily understood by staff and potential external partners. It should include functions of the staff roles and position to make sure that everyone is on the same page.":"“汇报结构”指的就是所谓的“指挥链”,也就是说,它定义了谁该向谁汇报。应当确保该结构的设计易于工作人员和潜在外部合作伙伴理解。它应该包括工作人员角色和职位的功能,以确保所有人都能达成共识。","#Due to how Discord is set up, there will always be a single owner in charge, but other members of your staff can be responsible for different types of decisions. When you want to implement a change or when you open up suggestions, you have to clearly define how decisions will be made. Here are some options to consider:":"由于 Discord 的设置方式,任何时候都只有一名所有者负总责,但是您的其他工作人员可以负责不同类型的决策。当您想要实施更改或听取建议时,您必须清楚地定义决策制定过程。您可以考虑以下选择:","#Deciding: You could simply make decisions as the server owner and present them as changes rather than something up for discussion. In this case, you eliminate influence from other members of the community, but decisions are made much faster.":"决定:作为服务器所有者,您可以直接做出决定并实施更改,而不用拿出来进行讨论。在这种情况下,社区的其他成员无法对您产生影响,但决策过程会迅速得多。","#Staff Safety":"员工安全","#Creating and Managing a Training Program":"制定和管理培训计划","#Wrapping up your training":"结束培训","#At the very top, you have one or very few people who are in charge of everything (this could be the server owner, CEO, or similar). Having a few people at the top will make it easier to aim straight for the goal of the server without much discussion or distraction in the higher ranks.":"在结构顶端,有一人或少数几人总体负责所有事务(可以是服务器所有者、CEO 等类似管理者)。只有少数几人处在结构顶端的话,就不需要进行太多高层次的讨论或者干扰,也更容易直接专注于服务器的目标。","#Influential Members":"有影响力的成员","#Ranking: When multiple options are present, those could be ranked based on different factors such as pros and cons. Ranking can be more insightful than a simple vote, which will result in a better understanding of different opinions.":"排序:当存在多个选项时,可以根据不同因素(比如利与弊)对它们进行排序。排序可能比简单的投票更加深刻,并让大家对不同选项有更好的理解。","#Comparing Exemplary Structures":"范例结构对比","#Following them there will be administrators or some sort of management - usually, they will be in charge of back-end work and they will report to the highest role.":"接下来是版主或某种高级管理层——他们通常负责后端工作并直接向最高层汇报。","#Having such a settled, structured system will be good for both the server and the staff team. Everyone knows who they report to, and everyone knows their responsibilities and reach. The struggle of a pyramid system comes when staff members feel like they are not valued enough or disapprove of promotions to higher ranks. It can be a source of tension between staff, and higher staff have the potential to become disconnected from the rest of the server.":"这种稳定的、结构化的系统对服务器和工作人员团队颇有裨益。所有人都知道自己该向谁汇报,也都知道自己的职责及其范围。但是如果工作人员感觉自己没有受到足够的重视,或者晋升至更高级别的申请被拒绝,那这种金字塔系统可能会陷入困境。因为这可能导致工作人员之间的关系紧张,或者更高层管理者可能会与服务器里的其他人断连。","#The easiest way of empowering the community to participate can be done through public channels such as a #feedback or #suggestion channel. It is the most straightforward way to get feedback of both positive and negative nature from users and get inspired by any new ideas they might propose. Introduce a responsible staff team that answers and discusses the feedback and suggestions with both users and the rest of staff if there is any useful advice. This team should be focusing on making sure that all of the relevant information is disseminated in an appropriate way as to avoid any confusion or incomplete assumptions made on the uninformed community’s behalf.":"赋权社区参与反馈的最简单的办法应该就是建立公共频道,比如#反馈频道或者#建议频道。这是最直接的方法,可以从用户那里获得正面和负面的反馈,并从他们可能提出的任何新想法中获得启发。请引入负责的工作人员团队,如果收到有价值的反馈和建议,则由他们进行答复并与用户和其他工作人员进行讨论。该团队应该专注于确保所有相关信息以适当的方式进行传播,以避免任何混乱或代表不知情的社区作出不完整的假设。","#Make sure that your selected influential members are trustworthy and don’t leak any information. They should only receive feedback from the public community when they are asked to and they should not assume that they are staff. Nonetheless, their input and time and efforts should be properly acknowledged and appreciated- they, like you, just want to make the community you share a better place.":"要确保您所选择的高影响力成员值得信赖且不会泄露任何信息。他们只有在接到明确指示后才能公开向社区征询反馈,并且不应当以工作人员自居。但是,他们投入的时间和精力应当得到足够的认可与赞赏,因为他们和您一样,只想让你们共享的这个社区变得更好。","#Risk Management: Risk management does not necessarily mean risk avoidance. Every server will have to make hard decisions for the sake of maintaining order and increasing participation. You need to know what impact your potential decisions will make on the community as a whole. Finding a balance between taking risks that can disrupt a server and taking risks that are necessary for the server’s betterment and having a team that is well versed in that makes your community all that more stable and capable.":"风险管理:风险管理并不意味着要规避风险。为了维持秩序以及提高参与度,所有服务器都要做出一些艰难的决定。您必须清楚这些潜在决定将对社区整体产生什么影响。有些决定有扰乱服务器秩序的风险,而改进服务器也有不可避免的风险。您应当在两者之间找到平衡,而一支精通此道的团队能让您的社区更加稳定有力。","#Training Program Content":"培训项目内容","#Methods":"方法","#Voting: You could opt to go the democratic route when making decisions. This can either be a public vote where members are involved or the vote could be amongst members of your staff. You can decide whether or not the vote should be a majority or unanimous decision. You should also be clear if, when, and why someone, such as the server owner, can veto a decision if you choose voting as your decision making process.":"投票:制定决策时,您可以选择走民主路线。这可以是全体成员参与的公开投票,也可以是只有工作人员参与的投票。您可以决定是多数通过制还是一致通过制。如果您选择投票作为您的决策过程,那您还应当清楚,何时可以让某些人(比如服务器所有者)否决一项决策,原因又是什么。","#Our first example will be a typical pyramid, mainly vertically focused governance, which would normally look like this:":"我们的第一个范例是典型的金字塔结构,专注于垂直治理,通常情况下是这个样子:","#When it comes to effective governance structures, it is important to create a process that facilitates decision making. In every aspect of your community, decision making plays a major role. Setting long-term goals and deciding how to advertise the community can be part of that strategy. You also have to think operationally; what punishment is appropriate when a user misbehaves? Decision making is not a static process: it constantly evolves as your community does, it should change to your community’s needs.":"如果想拥有有效的治理结构,创造有助于决策制定的流程就非常重要。在社区的每个方面,决策制定都扮演着重要角色。该战略可能包含设定长期目标,以及决定如何推广社区。您还必须对操作层面进行考量:用户举止不当时,给与哪种惩罚合适?制定决策并不是静态过程,它会随着您社区的发展而不断演变,也应当根据您社区的需求而改变。","#Compromising: You can also choose to look for a compromise among members of your staff or the community. In this instance, you question the decision itself and change it until everyone is satisfied with the outcome. A compromise might result in decisions you initially did not think of, but can also take longer.":"折中:您也可以在您的工作人员间或社区中寻求折中办法。在这种情况下,您需要对决策本身提出质疑并进行修改,直至所有人都对结果表示满意。折中可能会产生您最初没有想到的决策,但花费的时间也可能会更长。","#As mentioned before, when creating a governance structure for your Discord there really isn’t a one size fits all layout. One key aspect of a working governance structure is that it is settled in that it is stable, but also fluid in that it is flexible. There will be the need for constant adjustments and improvements over time, so try to let go of “old systems” and focus on what benefits your Discord server the most.":"就像之前提到的,在为 Discord 创建治理结构时,并不存在普适的万能结构。有效的治理结构的一个关键方面就是,它应当既是坚固的,又是流动的,也就意味着,它应当既稳定又灵活。而且随着时间的推移,也需要不断对结构进行调整改进,所以您也该学会让“旧系统”退休,并专注于更能让您的 Discord 服务器受益的新东西。","#Right below them will be senior or head moderators who handle a variety of tasks, ranging from promoting/demoting moderators, introducing new moderators or handling ban appeals. They will also be the connecting link between higher staff and moderators - the latter take care of the well being of the server for the public eye.":"再下面是高级或主管管理员,他们负责处理各种任务,比如晋升/罢免管理员、介绍新管理员或处理封禁申诉。他们也将是更高层管理者与普通管理员之间的联系纽带——后者负责维护服务器在公众眼中的良好形象。","#Feedback and Suggestions":"反馈与建议","#Experience: Some members of your community or staff might be highly skilled in a certain area and you could ask them to make a decision based on their experience. This could be the case in decisions about new features of a bot you are using. Someone experienced in programming might be more aware of the limitations of Discord.":"经验:您社区或团队中的某些成员可能非常擅长某一领域,您可以让他们根据其经验做出决策。例如,如果您想对当前正在使用的机器人的新功能做出决策,可以请教在编程方面经验丰富的成员,他们可能更清楚 Discord 的限制。","#Horizontal vs. Vertical Hierarchy":"水平层次结构 vs 垂直层次结构","#If you want to extend the community influence beyond your Discord server, you can use Social Media that represents your server or community on popular platforms like Twitter, Reddit or similar. That, and e-governance have proven themselves as useful tools for creating increased transparency and filtering useful feedback.":"如果您想把社区的影响力扩大到 Discord 服务器以外,您可以使用社交媒体,在流行平台(如 Twitter、Reddit 等)上运营代表您服务器或社区的账户。这种方法以及数字治理已被证明可以有效提高透明度并过滤出有用反馈。","#Knowledge and Skills: Your moderators should be both knowledgeable on the technical aspects of moderation as well as possess the proper skills to moderate effectively and efficiently within the structure of your team.":"知识与技能:您的管理员既应当具备技术层面的管理知识,也应当掌握适当的技能,以便能在您的团队架构中有效且高效地进行管理。","#Having a well organised and structured governance is the key to a successful server and content staff team. The most crucial components to every working server is communication.If your staff team feels like they are at a crossroads or cannot find the obvious solution to a problem on the server, consider seeking out experienced outsiders or the community itself. Even though you may have the best intentions at heart when making decisions for your server, leaning on your carefully crafted community governance structure can open your eyes to solutions that may not have crossed your mind. While not every mentioned feature has to be part of your server, we hope that these guidelines give you an idea of what your server could implement.":"组织和构架良好的治理是让服务器取得成功、让工作人员团队满意的关键。“沟通”是所有服务器正常运转的最重要一环。如果您的工作人员团队感觉有些迷茫,或者找不到服务器问题的明显解决方案,那么可以考虑寻求外部或社区内有经验人士的帮助。尽管您在为服务器做出决策时也许完全出于最好的打算,但依靠您精心设计的社区治理结构仍可能让您看到之前从未想过的解决方案。您的服务器并不需要包含上文提到的所有功能,我们只是希望这些指南能让您看到服务器能实施哪些措施。","#A major decision you have to make is how much influence your community members will have and how this affects your governance structure. For example: will members of your community be able to vote for moderator positions? Do you want a community vote on major changes to the server? In most communities there will be a feedback or suggestions channel in which members of the community can influence your decision making process by presenting ideas and proposing changes.":"您必须做出的一个重大决策是:您的社区成员将拥有多大的影响力,以及这对您的治理结构有什么影响。例如,您的社区成员能否投票决定管理员职位?您是否希望社区投票决定服务器的重大变化?大多数社区中都有反馈或建议频道,社区成员可以在这些频道中表达想法或提议进行改变,以此影响您的决策过程。","#Consensus: When nobody objects to a suggestion, you could make a decision based on consensus.":"共识:当无人反对某建议时,您可以根据该共识做出决策。","#Goals":"目标","#When hiring new moderators for your community, it is important to acclimate them to the server culture and moderation team culture. Those without any prior experience will need guidance to grow their confidence in moderation. Training your moderators guarantees a baseline of knowledge that every moderator is supposed to know as well as provides structure for being able to inform your new moderators about the servers’ moderation standard, such as your guidelines, server culture, and recommended approaches.":"在为社区雇用新管理员时,帮助他们适应服务器文化和管理团队文化尤为重要。没有管理员工作经验的新人需要指导才能增强在管理方面的信心。培训管理员可以确保每个管理员都具备基本知识,并可将您的指南、服务器文化和推荐管理方法等服务器管理标准的相关知识系统地告知新管理员。","#Staff Accountability: Accountability ensures that the actions that people in power in your server (your staff/mods) are held responsible for the actions that they take.":"工作人员问责制:问责制确保了在您服务器中掌握权力的人(您的工作人员或管理员)对自己采取的行动负有责任。","#Planning":"规划","#Preparation":"准备工作","#Decision making is a vital part of your community as it affects both your governance as well as your vision of the community as a whole. Having good decision making processes in place ensures a better structure for your community and staff. It translates into better understanding of responsibilities, it improves ownership of the community, and further clarifies your governance structure.":"决策制定在您的社区中占有重要地位,因为它不仅影响您的治理,也影响您对社区整体的看法。有了良好的决策过程,就能保证您的社区和工作人员有更好的结构。它将转化为对责任的更深刻的理解、巩固社区的所有权并让您的治理结构更加清晰。","#Some communities opt for a more horizontal approach; different members of the staff or community are responsible and accountable for different areas and tasks. Of course, you do not have to choose between either and they can coexist. Keep in mind that you will always have a server owner so every server will have a vertical hierarchy to this extent.":"有些社区选择了更为水平的结构:工作人员团队,或社区的不同成员对不同的领域和任务负责。当然,您不必在两者中做出选择,它们可以共存。请记住,必须存在一名服务器所有者,也就是说,所有服务器在某种程度上都有部分垂直层次结构。","#Both systems can coexist and have their own value. In a vertical system, everyone has a clear role with tasks, where the horizontal system introduces more ownership and responsibilities to the team. Members of the team will be more accountable for their responsibilities than in a vertical system. Ownership within a horizontal system translates to being more involved in the server’s mission, vision and values as members of your team will be directly responsible for areas that have an impact on those.":"这两种系统有不同的价值,也可以共存。在垂直系统中,每个人都有清晰的角色和职责定位;而水平系统则让团队更有主人翁精神、更加负责,与垂直结构相比,团队成员也对自己的任务负更多责任。横向系统中的这种主人翁精神会让团队成员更深入地参与服务器的任务、愿景和价值,因为他们将直接负责会对这些产生影响的领域。","#Receiving feedback can be done through multiple ways, as shown below:":"可以通过多种方式获得反馈,以下是一些例子:","#To include active and sociable members in your governance, you can give them a special role which can be called something along the lines of “Community Guides”. They won’t quite have the power that normal moderators do - optionally they will have ‘manage messages’ or similar low-level discord permissions - but their main use will be to give feedback on the community’s behalf. They will be the needed link between staff, especially community management, and the Discord users.":"为了将活跃和善于社交的成员纳入您的治理体系,您可以给他们分配类似“社区向导”之类的特殊身份组。他们可以有“管理消息”或类似的低级别 Discord 权限,但不会获得与普通管理员相同的权力——他们的主要职能是代表社区提供反馈。他们将是工作人员——特别是社区管理者——与普通 Discord 用户之间的必要一环。","#Each community will have a different structure. Some communities have major involvement of members of the community, while others are strictly run by a single person. Most communities however have a structure of the owner, admins and moderators. The owner is tasked with strategic decisions in regards to the community and the team. They formulate the vision of the community, set long-term goals, define roles and values and so on. Admins will be in charge of the moderation team, onboard new moderators, handle appeals, manage channels and handle moderator complaints. Moderators will be handling the day-to-day tasks. This is a vertical approach in which each position is higher or lower in a formal hierarchy.":"每个社区都有不同的结构。有些社区有社区成员的深度参与,还有些社区严格由一人进行管理。但是,大部分社区都有一个由所有者、版主和管理员组成的结构。所有者的任务是对社区和团队进行战略决策。他们要制定社区的愿景、设定长期目标、定义角色和价值观等等。版主负责管理团队、引入新管理员、处理申诉、管理频道以及处理管理员投诉。管理员则要处理日常任务。这是一种垂直的方法,在正式的垂直层次结构中,每个职位都处在高低不同的位置。","#Evaluation":"评价","#Along with the previously mentioned components and attributes including the community in your governance mechanics can turn out to be quite fruitful in improving said community. Many server owners and higher staff still have the mindset of “keep everything private, hold the server at bay, control and command”, which means that they act on the server’s behalf without having an actual connection to the community. Getting feedback from your members can combat that.":"除了之前提到过的属性和组成部分,将社区纳入您的治理机制中,可能也会在改善所述社区方面富有成效。许多服务器所有者和高层工作人员仍然有“保证一切私密、控制服务器、指挥命令他人”的心态,这也就意味着他们虽然代表服务器行事,但并没有与社区真正地联系在一起。从成员那里获得反馈能够改善这一点。","#As an alternative to using channels in the server itself, you can implement a feedback system by using the ModMail bot. It will allow you to group selected members that can respond while everyone else can see it. Staff can then address the ticket in a closed environment without discussing it in front of the public eye or running the risk of it getting lost in the staff channel. Additionally, it will be easier to contact higher staff and ask for their opinions and finally, it will be easier to archive.":"您还可以通过使用 ModMail 机器人来架设反馈系统,以此作为在服务器中设立反馈频道的替代方法。这样让您可以对选定成员进行分组,让他们在所有人可见的情况下进行回复。然后再由工作人员在封闭环境中处理请求,而不用在公众视线下进行讨论,也不用担心请求在管理员频道中被忽略。此外,这样也能更容易地联系更高层的工作人员并询问他们的意见。最后,讨论留档也会更容易。","#While these users don’t need to know everything that’s going on under the hood, you should at least involve them in changes that will impact their and the rest of the community’s experience on the Discord server. That includes things like changes/addition of roles or channels, community events, and other things along those lines. While the staff decisions hold priority, you should not disregard the community guides’ opinions. They may contradict your original plans and vision, but you should weigh how valuable their knowledge is against how badly you want to implement something and see if you can reach a compromise should that contradiction exist.":"虽然这些用户不必知道服务器背后的所有事情,但您至少应该让他们参与到会影响他们和社区其他成员在 Discord 服务器上的体验的变化中。这些变化包括身份组或频道的变更/增加、社区活动和其他类似事情。虽然仍应当以工作人员的决定为主,但您也不能忽略社区向导的意见。他们的意见也许会否定您最初的计划和愿景,但如果存在这种矛盾,您应该在他们意见的价值以及您对实施原计划的迫切程度间进行权衡,看看能否进行折中。","#A community’s structure can be generally divided in a horizontal and vertical hierarchy. Most communities choose a vertical approach in which they define different roles by assigning them specific tasks. Classically speaking, this will be your owner, admins and moderators, but of course this might be different depending on your community’s needs.":"社区的层次结构可大致分为水平与垂直两种。大部分社区都会选择垂直结构,即通过分配特定任务来定义不同角色。通常来说,这些“角色”指的是所有者、版主和管理员,但当然也可能根据您社区的需求而有所不同。","#A way to prevent those problems can be done by introducing a fluid, more horizontally structured hierarchy to the previous system. Fluid being that your government is flexible and allows change when necessary.The drawbacks of too much fluidity could be that it’s easy to lose sight of who does what and who is responsible for what, so make sure that you have properly defined the place and responsibilities of the roles you introduce.":"预防这些问题的方法之一是在原有的系统中引入一种流动性的、更加水平化的层次结构。“流动性”指的是您的治理更加灵活,并允许在必要时进行改变。但流动性过高的缺点是可能无法区分谁在做什么、谁负责什么。所以要确保您已经正确定义了引入角色的位置和责任。","#Sometimes you may want to have feedback from people that aren’t part of the staff team, but you also don’t want to solicit it from the whole server just yet. You may want to instead, start with asking for feedback from more influential members or highly visible and active members of your server. They may vary from stakeholders to staff from other communities to the most prolific members in your server. The latter will be especially important if your staff team is missing a connection to the active Discord community while they’re working on running the server from behind the scenes. Occasionally staff might think their plans will be an improvement for the server and community, but the community itself may not agree.":"有时候您也许想要听取非工作人员的反馈,但暂时不想在整个服务器中征询意见。那您可以先单独询问服务器中某些成员的反馈,比如更有影响力的成员,或者高度可见、高度活跃的成员。他们的身份可能是利益相关者、其他社区的工作人员或者您服务器中最高产的成员。如果您的工作人员团队在幕后运营服务器时缺乏与活跃 Discord 社区的联系,那您服务器中的“最高产成员”就尤为重要。有些时候,工作人员可能认为他们的计划可以改善服务器和社区,但社区本身可能并不同意。","#The same question should be asked for your moderators. What influence do they have on your decision making process? Are moderators part of decisions regarding major server changes? Do you have guidelines in place for moderators that determine the length of punishments, or is that decision left up to each moderator? Do you take a proactive approach to get feedback from your moderators, or do you wait passively for suggestions to come in?":"您也应当思考关于管理员的类似问题。他们对您的决策过程有多大影响?管理员是否参与关于服务器重大改变的决定?您是让每个管理员自行决定对用户的惩罚期限,还是为他们制定了指导方针?您是采取积极主动的方式来获取管理员的反馈,还是被动地等待他们给您建议?","#A horizontal structure consists of tasks or responsibilities shared between members of your staff. Moderators could be responsible for different channels rather than the server as a whole, or some could be tasked to deal with ban appeals while others might be more community-oriented and focus on feedback channels.":"而水平结构中的任务或责任则由不同的团队成员分担。不同管理员可能分别负责不同频道,而不是对服务器整体负责;或者让某些管理员负责处理封禁申诉,而另一些则更加社区导向,专注于反馈频道。","#Training Methods":"培训方法","#Interaction":"互动","#It may be tempting to conduct these regular exercises incognito (aka acting up on an alt to see how they do) or test them without warning- while this may yield more “everyday” unbiased results, it has a high probability of backfiring. Blindsiding your moderation team with tests and exercises has the potential to do more harm than good, especially in terms of team trust and morale. It’s recommended that you don’t do this and instead, practice transparency when conducting regular exercises in order to avoid a potentially inequitable situation.":"用小号试探和进行突击测试可能颇具诱惑力,因为这样可能会获得更加客观的结果,但这样做的风险非常高,还可能会适得其反。用练习打管理团队一个措手不及可能弊大于利,尤其是可能会破坏团队信任,并打击士气。建议不要这样做,相反,常规练习要保持公开透明,以免出现潜在的不公平问题。","#Be sure to recognize anything that is prevalent in your moderation culture or community that is also worth mentioning here! The more thorough the guidelines, the easier the document is to refer back to for any questions. For example, gaming servers should have a brief description of the featured gaming company’s Terms of Service and discussion about how to handle cheaters or users mentioning account sharing/selling in accordance with those rules. Another example would be for bot support servers where a brief description of commonly encountered issues and how to solve them as well as an FAQ section to help users with simpler answers.":"一定要注意识别管理文化或社区中普遍存在的所有情况,并在管理手册中提及!管理手册中的指南越详细,就越能在遇到各种问题时起到参考作用。例如,游戏服务器应该简要描述相应游戏公司的服务条款,并讨论如何依照规则处理作弊者以及在游戏中提到共享或出售游戏账号的用户。再举一个例子,在拥有机器人支持的服务器中,管理手册中应该包含常见问题的简要描述和解决方法说明,以及用简洁答案帮助用户处理问题的常见问题版块。","#Each server has to decide for themselves what the most effective training method looks like. This article will present and explain some recommended methods that can simplify moderation training.":"每个服务器都必须基于自身情况寻找最高效的培训方法。本文将提出并讲解一些可以简化管理培训的推荐方法。","#The difference between this system and the “Buddy System” is that each new moderator will be acquainted with the moderation tasks and responsibilities by a higher up, and usually only once. After the walkthrough most recruits are expected to manage certain moderation duties on their own while being supervised. It is crucial to support and reassure them so they are able to grow confident in their actions. Recruits can display and appropriately train their soft skills and be informed about moderation standards in a controlled environment without fear or causing too much irreparable damage.":"这一制度与“搭档制度”的区别在于,每位新管理员将会在上级的引导之下熟悉管理员的任务和责任,且这种演练通常只有一次。演练结束后,大多数新管理员应在监督之下自行承担某些管理职责。支持和安抚新管理员至关重要,因为这样他们才能自信地采取行动。新管理员可以在受控环境中展示和适当训练自身软技能,熟悉管理标准,而不必担心会造成过多不可补救的问题。","#This approach is most commonly used when onboarding new moderators. Here experienced moderators or the head of staff introduce each new member of the team personally and guide them through the most important aspects.":"这是一种入职培训的常用方法。在这一方法中,资深管理员或团队负责人会亲自指导团队的每一位新成员,介绍管理工作最重要的方面。","#One negative effect of this system could be the fear of failure that some inexperienced moderators might be exposed to. Reassure them that making mistakes is okay as long as you take responsibility for your actions and are willing to learn from them. Moderation is an ever-shifting and learned art, and mistakes are not to be punished when they happen every once in a while.":"这一制度存在一个负面影响,即新手管理员可能会害怕自己过不了测验。告诉他们,只要对自身行为负责,并愿意从错误中吸取教训,就可以安心尝试,不用害怕犯错。管理是一门与时俱进、需要学习的艺术,偶尔犯错不应受罚。","#The “Buddy System” approach describes working in pairs or groups, in which two or more “buddies” work together on one task. Requiring newer moderators to work with each other or even an assigned team member allows you to better monitor progress and for aid to come when required.":"“搭档制度”,即两人或多人一组,作为“搭档”完成同一个任务。这一方法要求新管理员彼此合作,甚至与指定团队成员合作,让您可以更好地监控工作进度,并在需要时获得帮助。","#Regular Exercises":"定期练习","#Modmail or Ticket Service":"Modmail 或工单服务","#Recommended additions to such a moderation handbook are:":"建议将以下内容添加到管理手册中:","#Elaborations on your rules to prevent users from finding loopholes in an attempt to “outplay” moderators.":"详细说明规则,以防用户利用漏洞逃避管理员的管理。","#Commonly used “hacks” on Discord, such as phishing links, malicious files and other harmful softwares.":"介绍 Discord 上的常见“黑客”行为,例如钓鱼链接、恶意文件和其他有害软件。","#No user should ever feel unsafe or threatened on a Discord server. Staff members are often exposed to harmful or disrespectful messages, some of them targeted at some moderators directly.":"Discord 服务器不应让任何用户感到不安或受到威胁。在服务器上,管理员经常会收到有害或无礼的消息,其中一些可能是直接针对某些管理员的。","#Each server uses a differently designed service to assist moderators with helping out users. Bigger servers tend to rely on a ticket or Modmail system, so properly introducing them with sample conversations or problematic matters is essential for both the recruit and the future user. Confident moderators are more willing to aid users in need than those who are still unsure of how the system works.":"每个服务器都有其独特的服务来帮助管理员协助用户。较大的服务器通常依赖于工单系统或 ModMail 系统,因此,为新管理员和未来用户适当介绍会话样例或问题案例非常重要。熟悉了系统工作方式,管理员才会更愿意帮助有需要的用户。","#After training your new moderators, they will have an easier time adjusting to the team and feel less pressured in actual moderation situations as they have previously had training. Training can help prevent moderators from making bad decisions, and lead to better alignment on the servers’ moderation philosophy.":"入职培训结束后,新管理员适应团队起来会更加容易,并且由于受过培训,其在实际管理情况中感受到的压力也会更小。培训可以帮助管理员规避错误决策,并更好地与服务器管理理念保持一致。","#Moderator Documents":"管理员文档","#Buddy System":"搭档制度","#Effective training covers not just information about the moderation culture and general guidelines, but also about historical context to some rules or decisions that might be important to know for new moderators. For example, announcements that have been made in the past with information all moderators need to be aware of, but also information regarding banned topics and troublesome users.":"有效的培训不仅涵盖管理文化和通用准则的信息,还包括新管理员可能需要了解的一些重要规则或决策的历史背景。例如,过去发布的公告中不仅有所有管理员需要了解的信息,而且也包含了封禁话题和问题用户的相关信息。","#Presentations and Demonstrations":"展示和演示","#Moderation Commands":"管理命令","#Mentoring System":"导师制度","#This kind of training should include commonly used commands and procedures. There should be conversation about how to redirect users to higher staff and closing tickets appropriately so they don’t stack up and cause confusion. As long as a ticket system remains organization and those guidelines or organizations are established across the full team this will prove to be an easy to use communication system that is much less daunting than it may seem!":"这种培训中应包含常用命令和程序,还应讨论如何为用户分配更高层人员,并适当地关闭工单,避免工单积压和混乱。只要井然有序,并且在整个团队中建立了相关的指导方针或组织结构,工单系统就将成为易于使用的沟通系统,不会像看起来那么令人望而生畏!","#Another method of efficiently training both experienced and inexperienced moderators is by letting them regularly test their knowledge. This involves designing exemplary situations of some everyday issues happening within your Discord server to let the trial moderators explain how they would handle them. Such instances can include how to handle issues in audio channels, user disputes, DM Discord invitations, off topic discussion in the incorrect channel, and potential issues that may be encountered with bots. At the end you should provide some sort of “model” or “example” answer to let the recruits know where they need to improve.":"定期知识测验是另一种有效培训新老管理员的方法。测验题目可以是一些您 Discord 服务器中日常问题的典型场景,让试用期管理员说明自己将如何处理这些问题。例如,如何处理语音频道中的问题、用户纠纷、Discord 私聊邀请、频道中的无关话题讨论以及机器人可能遇到的潜在问题等。最后,您应该提供参考答案,以便新员工了解自己需要改进的地方。","#An overview of external rules to be applied within the server and a description of your moderation culture and expectations internally to help new moderators easily adjust to their new team.":"概述服务器内部应用的外部规则,描述您的管理文化和期望,从内部帮助新管理员轻松适应团队。","#Another important topic new moderators should have easy access to are commands for moderation bots. Having a simple guide in a separate text channel with a quick guide of the bots’ prefix and format (command, user-id, [time], reason) will aid moderators in quickly responding to ongoing issues on the server. It lets them react fast without having to pause to look up the necessary command. Try to use the same prefix for the mainly used moderation bot to not cause unnecessary confusion, particularly for users who are new to moderating.":"对于新管理员而言,还有一个重要主题是帮助他们轻松掌握管理机器人的命令。在一个单独的文字频道中提供简单的指南,说明机器人的前缀和格式(命令、用户 ID、[时间]、原因),将帮助管理员快速响应服务器上出现的问题。这样,管理员就可以及时作出反应,无须耽误时间查找所需命令。尽量使用与常用管理机器人相同的前缀,以免管理员,特别是个中新手产生不必要的混淆。","#Using this system allows less experienced moderators to quickly and effectively catch up to the moderation standards as they learn how to deal with specific matters first hand. It is important to remind the more experienced moderators on your team to allow new moderators to learn instead of wanting to quickly handle every task themselves. With time, certain actions will also become second nature for newer moderators, too!":"这个制度可以帮助经验不足的管理员学会如何自行处理具体问题,快速有效地达到管理标准。其中很重要的一点是,提醒团队中的资深管理员要给新管理员学习的机会,别一味地想要自己快速处理每项任务。随着时间的推移,新管理员也会逐渐对某些管理工作得心应手!","#Bot command overview to better be acquainted with commands instead of feeling pressured to remember them all immediately upon entry to a new team.":"概述机器人命令,帮助新管理员更好地了解命令,避免其因为刚加入新团队就需要立即记住各种命令而倍感压力。","#Effective management promotes a feeling of professionalism and simplifies the process of training new moderators by a lot. Important aspects that should always be covered when creating a training program are time management, deciding on which staff are involved in training and why, effective communication, detailed content, and flexibility.":"高效管理可以提高专业素养,并极大简化新管理员的培训过程。应始终纳入培训计划中的要点包括时间管理、培训参与人员的选择及原因、有效沟通、详细内容以及灵活性。","#Explanations of certain Discord Terms of Service matters, such as copyright infringements, underaged users, implied racism and more.":"解释某些 Discord 服务条款事项,如版权侵权、未成年用户、种族主义的隐含问题等。","#It promotes active communication and trust between moderators and also allows them to keep an objective view on everything. Having multiple opinions about certain matters and receiving assistance from a reliable source prevents moderators from feeling pressured with moderation tasks and can even open your eyes to new viewpoints. Additionally, it allows its members to effectively share their moderation skills with each other. It also aids in terms of personal safety: if a moderator feels personally attacked by a user, they get immediate support from their “buddies” without feeling the need to tackle the issue alone.":"它促进了管理员之间的积极沟通和相互信任,并能使他们客观地看待所有事情。在具体事务上能够听到多种意见,并从可靠来源获得帮助,可以避免管理员因管理任务产生压力,还可以帮助他们开拓视野、启发思路。此外,这一方法使团队成员彼此之间能够高效地分享管理技巧。它还有助于保障管理员的个人安全:如果管理员觉得自己遭到了用户的人身攻击,就会立即得到搭档的支持,而不必单打独斗。","#Another form of training is to demonstrate how situations or scenarios are handled in your community via presentation or an actual demonstrative walk-through with moderation alt accounts. This is very useful for training where moderators have to use a wide range of commands, such as explaining moderation and Modmail bots. Ideally, this should take place in an audio channel or group call where you can share your screen. Not everyone is able or comfortable joining a voice chat and unmuting themselves, which is something to be considered beforehand.":"另一种培训形式是通过演示或以管理员小号实际示范来展示如何在社区中处理各种情景。如果管理员在培训中需要使用许多命令,例如讲解管理和 ModMail 机器人,这种情况下此方法非常有用。理想情况下,这种培训应该在可以共享屏幕的语音频道或群组通话中进行。并非每个人都能够或愿意加入语音聊天并开麦,这一点需要事先考虑。","#Make sure you are ready at least five minutes before the training starts to welcome arriving trainees and as a final check whether or not everything is ready and good to go. If your training takes place in a voice chat or call, test your microphone and if you have a wireless headset, make sure it is charged up beforehand!":"确保您至少在培训前五分钟准备好迎接受训人员,并最后检查一下一切是否准备就绪。如果培训通过语音聊天或通话进行,请测试您的麦克风,如果使用无线耳机,请确保提前充好电!","#Announcement Channels":"公告频道","#For example, giving new members a ‘news’ role when they join or allowing them to opt in to a news role will allow you to mention the role so that interested members can receive notice about important updates.":"例如,在新成员加入时给他们分配“新闻”身份组,或者允许他们选择加入新闻身份组,这让您可以提及该身份组,以便感兴趣的成员可以收到重要更新的通知。","#Do not speak your server language - This can occur if your invite link is shared in a foreign community or somewhere that has a high proportion of foreign users.":"不会说您服务器的语言——如果您的邀请链接被分享在了外国社区,或者外国用户占比高的地方,就有可能发生这种状况。","#However, you might want to add or further promote your invite link on traffic sources that bring users who:":"如果您的流量源吸引到了如下用户,您应当考虑在其中增加或进一步推广您的邀请链接:","#Help other people.":"帮助他人。","#The first thing you should do is enable the Welcome Screen in order to guide new members through your server’s layout and purpose. Directing people to the most important channels and providing a ‘call to action’, such as “introduce yourself here” will help new members know how to start their interaction with the community. These channels should have informative, easy to understand content that helps people know the purpose and rules of the server, as well as how to navigate it and use any special features you’ve implemented through Discord bots. Be sure to use concise and easy to understand role and channel names.":"要做的第一件事就是启用欢迎界面,以帮助新用户了解您的服务器布局和目标。将用户引导至最重要的频道并进行“行动呼吁”——例如“在这里介绍一下自己吧”,这能帮助新成员了解如何开始与社区互动。这类频道应当有信息丰富、易于理解的内容,来帮助用户了解服务器的目标和规则、如何在服务器内导航,以及如何使用您通过 Discord 机器人实现的各种特定功能。请务必使用简明易懂的身份组和频道名称。","#After creating your training, make sure to practice it at least once. First, go through the entire training yourself to see if everything is covered that you think is important. You can then give your training to someone on your team, in case you missed something important and to check whether or not your estimated time is accurate. If it is possible, go through the material with someone who is unfamiliar with moderation. Adjust your training appropriately and you are good to go!":"请确保至少对规划好的培训进行一次演练。首先您要亲自过一遍培训内容,确保其中包含所有您认为重要的内容。然后,可以将培训计划交给其他团队成员检查,确保没有遗漏重要内容,并核验预估培训时间是否准确。如果可能的话,可以找对管理工作不熟悉的人一起过一遍培训材料。适当调整您的培训计划,然后就万事俱备了!","#Make sure there is a break once every one to two hours so trainees can focus on your training without feeling overwhelmed.":"确保每隔一到两个小时休息一次,这样受训人员就可以专注于培训,而不会感到超出负荷。","#Every training can consist of a combination of different training methods. These include, but are not limited to, lectures, quick exercises, group discussions, practice runs, quizzes, videos, demonstrations, and more. When planning your training, you can write down what method would work best to convey the objectives to your trainees. A group discussion will be better applicable to discuss moderation cases, where a demonstration and practice would work better to demonstrate how Modmail bots work.":"每场培训都可以采用不同的培训方法组合来进行。方法包括但不限于讲座、小练习、小组讨论、实践操作、测验、视频、演示等。规划培训时,您可以写下向受训人员传达目标的最佳方法。小组讨论更适合用来讨论管理案例,其中演示和实践能够更好地演示 ModMail 机器人的工作方式。","#Experimenting and Measuring Results":"进行试验并评估结果","#Join just to raid or troll - This can occur as a result of listing your server on Discovery or third party listing sites, but not always.":"为了网暴或搞破坏而加入——将您的服务武器加入“发现服务器”或第三方列表网站,就有可能导致这种状况,但并不一定。","#Implementing Verification":"实施验证","#Behave maturely and follow the server rules.":"举止成熟且遵守服务器规则。","#Once you are attracting high-intent members to your server, you need to make sure that these new members are able to participate in your community and encourage them to do so. The best way to do this is to provide an easily understandable new member experience with a simple explanation of the server, and a clear ‘call to action’.":"一旦吸引到了高意向成员加入服务器,您就要确保这些新成员能够参与您的社区,并鼓励他们参与。要做到这一点,最好的方法就是以对服务器的简短解释和明确的“行动呼吁”,为他们提供易于理解的新成员体验。","#The next step is to ensure new members ultimately stick around and stay in the community. Improving member activation is an important component of achieving this step, since a user that has already interacted with other members of your community is much more likely to return and continue visiting your server. The concept of a user coming back to your server after their initial join is referred to as retaining a user. Discord measures “first week retention,” which is the proportion of members that visit your server again between seven and 14 days after joining.":"下一步是确保新成员最终愿意光顾并留在社区中。要实现这一目标,提高用户活跃度是重要因素,因为在社区中与其他成员有过互动的用户更有可能返回并继续访问您的服务器。这个“用户在初次加入服务器后再次返回”的概念叫做“用户留存”。Discord 会监测“第一周留存率”,也就是成员在加入后的 7 至 14 天内再次访问服务器的概率。","#However, it’s important to make sure members can remove this role if they don’t want it, and not to abuse tagging it. Members that receive too many mentions from a server may be more likely to mute all mentions from the server or even just leave entirely. When applicable though, providing regular updates in this fashion gives members an excellent reason to visit regularly and remain engaged.":"请确保成员在不想要该身份组时可以将其移除,以及不要过度提及该身份组,这一点非常重要。收到服务器过多提及的成员更可能静音来自该服务器的所有提及,甚至是彻底退出。不过在合适的情况下,可以用这种方式提供定期更新,以吸引用户定期访问并保持参与。","#Developing a timetable. Find common ground between everyone involved, including both the mentors and trainees, and settle on when to teach what topic. Recommend tools to easily manage bigger teams are Google Docs and similar, but bots and self made timetables will suffice, too. Try to keep it simple and easily accessible for everyone involved.":"制定时间表。参考每位参与者(包括培训师和受训人员)的情况来确定培训的时间和主题。推荐使用有助于轻松管理大型团队的 Google Docs 和类似工具,不过机器人和自制时间表也足以满足需求。尽量使用简单的工具并确保每位参与者都能轻松访问。","#Preparation is key when you are giving any sort of training. Have quick notes ready with keywords that you are going to use during your training, so you do not lose track of where you are and what objective you are trying to convey. If you need any material such as a presentation, paper and pencil, example cases and such, prepare them beforehand so you do not lose time during your training setting these up. If you use any material, test them beforehand.":"对任何类型的培训而言,准备工作都是关键。准备简短笔记,包括您将在培训中使用的关键词,以便在培训过程中不会迷失方向或跑题。如果您需要任何材料,如演示文稿、纸笔、案例等,请事先准备好,以免在培训中还要浪费时间整理。提前测试所用材料。","#After each training, write down what went well and what could be improved. You can ask your trainees after they have had some experience as a moderator, what they missed during training that they think should be covered next time, as well as asking what information they did not find useful. You can then adjust your training for next time!":"每次培训结束后,写下进展顺利和需要改进的部分。在受训人员有了一定管理经验后,您可以向他们寻求反馈,了解他们认为培训中有哪些疏漏需要下次补上,以及哪些信息是没有用处的。然后,您就可以调整下次的培训计划了!","#Measuring Member Acquisition":"评估成员获取","#The first component of strong community growth and engagement is making sure that the right people (aka “high-intent people”) are joining your server. In other words, you should consider “what are the characteristics of a member that will meaningfully contribute to the server, and where are (or aren’t) those members in my traffic sources?”":"保证社区强劲发展和高参与度的第一个因素就是让正确的人(也就是“高意向用户”)加入您的服务器。换句话说,您应当考虑“会对服务器做出有意义贡献的成员有哪些特征?在我的流量源中,这类成员处于(或者不处于)什么位置?”","#Encouraging Communication":"鼓励交流","#Choosing an appropriate approach. How do you want to introduce new members? What system did you conclude will work best for your server and staff team? Never be afraid to evolve an already existing plan into something that suits better for your current situation.":"选择适当的方法。您打算如何介绍新成员?您认为哪种培训制度最适合您的服务器和员工团队?要始终勇于改进现有计划以适应当前情况。","#Deciding what topics to cover. What topics do you prioritize over others and think require more time investment than others? How are you moderators handling the learning process? Might there be anything in need of adjustment?":"确定培训要包含哪些主题。您认为哪些主题的优先级更高,需要投入更多时间?您的管理员如何安排学习过程?有需要调整的地方吗?","#Implementing a verification gate is a good way to protect your server from low-level trolls and spammers. However, it can also be a barrier to entry for legitimate members. In this case, you should ensure that your welcome screen guides members to the appropriate channels for members to verify and that your instructions for verifying are clear. If members still have issues completing verification, you may want to evaluate the most common mistakes and how you can better explain or implement the process. One option is to have a bot explain the process in a direct message or in a dedicated greeter channel":"实施验证准入可以有效预防低级破坏者和滥发邮件者进入您的服务器。但是,这也可能成为正当成员加入的阻碍。在这种情况下,您要确保欢迎界面能引导成员前往适当的验证频道,以及验证说明清晰易懂。如果成员在完成验证时仍有问题,您则应当评估最常见的错误,以及如何更好地解释或实施验证过程。您可以选择引入机器人,在私信或专门的欢迎频道中解释验证过程。","#While the overall traffic source data trends can be helpful in explaining phenomena you’ve observed on your server, you could also use a Discord bot to track how individual members join your server. If you can think of a handful of good (or bad) members and find that they all came from the same invite link, this may provide valuable information about the quality of that traffic source.":"虽然整体流量来源数据趋势可以帮助解释您在服务器中观察到的现象,但您也可以使用 Discord 机器人来追踪个别成员加入您的服务器的方式。如果您已注意到了一些优秀成员(或有害成员),并发现他们都来自同一邀请链接,这可能会提供有关该流量源质量的宝贵信息。","#Having a training or onboarding process in place is very important to have new moderators get accustomed with moderation culture, using bot commands, the server rules, and your moderation guidelines. There are several training methods that include buddy or mentor systems as well as exercises and demonstrations. A training document should outline the most important information new moderators need, but prevent them from being overwhelmed with information they are unable to comprehend.":"入职培训流程非常重要,能够让新管理员适应管理文化,学会使用机器人命令、服务器规则和管理指南。培训方法多种多样,其中包括搭档制度、导师制度以及练习和演示。培训文档要阐明新管理员需要了解的关键信息,但又不能让他们被晦涩难懂的信息淹没。","#To have efficient training in place, there are some very important aspects to consider, such as your preparation, goals, how you will carry out the training of your new moderators, and planning. Considering all of these things when creating your training process will make onboarding as informational and effective as possible for you and your new recruits!":"为确保制定出有效的培训流程,您需要考虑一些非常重要的方面,例如准备工作、目标、新管理员培训方法以及规划。如果能将所有因素都考虑在内,您可为您和您的新管理员打造出一个最为详实高效的入职培训!","#Improving User Retention":"提高用户留存率","#For example, you may want to remove your invite link from traffic sources that attract users who:":"例如,如果您的邀请链接吸引到了如下用户,您可能应当将该链接从流量源中移除:","#Are knowledgeable about your server topic.":"了解您的服务器主题。","#Making these adjustments to your traffic sources will help you attract a higher proportion of users that will interact more quickly with other members (improving activation), and encourage them to subsequently return to your server more frequently and over a longer period of time (improving retention). However, this only accounts for the beginning of a member’s server experience. The next step is to further encourage these new members to interact.":"对您的流量源进行这些调整能帮您以更高的比例吸引到能更快速地与其他成员互动的新用户(提高活跃度),并能鼓励他们在之后更长的时间内更加频繁地返回您的服务器(提高留存率)。但是,这只能影响成员的服务器初体验,下一步就是鼓励新成员更深入地进行互动。","#Before conducting training, you should evaluate what can make your training most effective. Below you will find some best practices to set up a training program and be able to “train the trainers”.":"培训前,您应该评估怎样能使您的培训最为有效。以下是一些创建培训项目以及对培训师进行培训的最佳实践。","#If you do need a significant amount of channels, include a welcome or informational channel at the top of your server that lists all of your channels with a brief description of their purpose. This will serve as a resource for new members that get lost in your server, and give them a quick overview of everything they can do.":"如果您确实需要大量的频道,请在频道列表顶端设置欢迎或信息频道,在其中列出所有频道、一个言简意赅的描述和目的说明。这会成为在服务器中迷路的新成员的资源站,让他们能快速了解自己能做的一切。","#How to Deliver Effective Training":"如何提供有效的培训","#For every training session, it is very important to have interaction with your trainees. People lose their attention after 15-30 minutes, so your training should include a discussion, practice, or some sort of interaction. Some of these interactive sessions are covered down below. Interaction with your trainees is also important because it acts as a way for you to verify whether or not your objectives are properly conveyed.":"对于每场培训来说,与受训人员互动都非常重要。因为人们会在 15-30 分钟后开始走神,所以培训中应该包括讨论、实践等形式的互动环节。下面介绍的是一些可行的互动环节。与受训人员的互动也很重要,因为您可以借此验证您的目标是否得到了适当的传达。","#Measuring Activation and Retention":"评估活跃度和留存率","#If your server is focused around a game, TV show/series, anime, product or similar topic, invest in announcement channels that will provide your members with useful information and give them a reason to check on your server frequently. This includes both automated feeds, such as from a blog or a Twitter account, and manually curated news channels.":"如果您的服务器关注于某一游戏、电视节目、电视剧、动漫、产品或类似主题,您应当着力打造公告频道,向您的成员提供有用信息,以吸引他们定期查看您的服务器。此类频道包括自动资讯推送(如引用博客或推文),以及手工打造的新闻频道。","#Communication. Who responds to whom? Decide on how and when mentors report to the head of staff or other higher ups. Documenting helps with ensuring everyone is aware of their part and planning how to proceed further.":"沟通。谁作出回应,回应谁?决定培训师向员工主管或其他上级汇报的方式和时间。做好记录有助于确保每个人都了解自身职责,并对下一步行动有所计划。","#When your training is done, finish with an exercise, group discussion, or something else that is interactive and fun to do. Ideally, this should summarize the entire training. Have some room at the end to answer any questions your trainees might have. Don’t forget to thank everyone who participated for their active contributions!":"培训完成后,可以以练习、小组讨论或其他有趣的互动作为结束。理想情况下,这一活动应该能够对整个培训起到总结效果。最后留点时间来回答受训人员可能提出的问题。别忘了感谢每个人的积极参与!","#Improving Member Activation":"提高成员活跃度","#Selecting voluntary participants. Having a reliable team behind you to assist you in training is of most importance. Everyone involved should be aware of what exactly they need to teach and how to approach the training within a reasonable time frame.":"选择自愿参与者。有一个可靠的团队在幕后协助您培训是最重要的。每位参与者都应该清楚自己要教授的具体内容,以及如何在合理的时间范围内完成培训。","#Try mixing up multiple methods within a training to keep it fresh and keep people from losing their attention.":"尝试在培训中混合使用多种方法以保持新鲜感,防止受训人员走神。","#Flexibility. No matter how carefully you plan everything out, it can always happen that something doesn’t work according to plan. In such situations you need to be able to react spontaneously and be flexible, such as pitching in for someone who is unable to attend due to a last minute shift in schedule.":"灵活性。俗话说,计划赶不上变化。在这种情况下,您需要能够灵活应变,例如,临时得知个别人员因日程有变而无法到场,就要找到替补人员。","#When you are giving a training, it is important to properly plan your training. What are the most important topics to cover? What do you want new moderators to know after conducting the training? How much time are you planning to spend on training? Some people struggle to focus for a longer period of time, so if your training takes over two hours, you should consider breaking your training up into multiple sessions of shorter duration. Make sure to accommodate for any accessibility issues or notes for those who were unable to be present.":"适当的规划是培训中不可或缺的部分。培训需要包含哪些最为重要的主题?您希望新管理员在培训后能够对哪些方面有所了解?您计划花多少时间进行培训?有些人很难长时间集中注意力,所以如果您的培训超过两个小时,应该考虑将其分为若干个时长较短的培训。针对那些无法出席的培训者,确保您考虑到了各种便利性问题,且为他们提供笔记。","#You can also use a Discord bot to greet new members after they join, or even send them a direct message with a brief explanation of how to use your server. Mentioning new users in a general discussion channel gives them guidance about where they should start talking. Including a question prompt about your server’s topic, such as who their favorite character is in a game or anime, can encourage them to send that first message and start making connections. Regardless of what incentives or prompts you implement, getting members to participate in their first conversation is key to helping them find a place in your community.":"您可以使用 Discord 机器人问候刚加入的新成员,或者直接给他们发送私信,简短说明如何使用您的服务器。在通用讨论频道提及新用户可以让他们了解从何处开始发言。加入关于您服务器话题的问题提示,比如他们最喜欢某游戏或动漫中的哪个角色,这会鼓励他们发出第一条消息并与其他人建立联系。不管您采用什么样的激励或提示方式,促使新成员第一次参与对话都是帮助他们在社区中找到自己位置的关键。","#Don’t forget to clear your schedule beforehand and have some water ready if your training is mostly conducted over a voice chat or call. It is important to sleep well the night before and feel confident. This will let you remain focused and have an uninterrupted training session.":"如培训主要是通过语音聊天或通话进行,请提前安排好日程,并准备好水。在培训前一晚睡个好觉,建立自信,以便保持专注,不间断地完成培训。","#Improving Member Acquisition":"改善成员获取","#Expect a server about a different topic - For example, an American football server that is attracting Europeans who are actually looking to talk about soccer.":"误认为服务器是其他主题——例如,美式足球(橄榄球)服务器吸引到了想聊英式足球(足球)的欧洲人。","#Provide a large amount of activity.":"高度活跃。","#Limiting the number of channels visible to new members may also help them navigate the server more easily. Especially if your users are new to Discord, having a long channel list can be overwhelming. Some users may immediately leave if there are too many channels in the server. Fortunately, channel categories can help you keep your channel list organized. Keeping no more than five channels in a category makes it easy to navigate, and putting the most active categories at the top allows users to jump into the conversation without needing to scroll through a long list of channels before they’re ready. You can also make some channels opt-in and require people to type a bot command or click a reaction in order to join it, allowing them to define their own server experience.":"限制新成员可见的频道数量也可能帮他们更轻松地浏览服务器。特别是刚接触 Discord 的新用户,过长的频道列表可能会让他们不知所措。如果服务器中的频道过多,可能会导致某些用户立刻退出。幸运的是,频道类别可以帮您管理频道列表。将每个类别中的频道数控制在五个以内,这能让用户易于浏览。将最活跃的类别置顶,这让用户能直接加入对话,而无需滚动浏览一长串频道。您也可以将一些频道设置为选择加入,要求用户输入某机器人命令或点击特定反应才能加入,让用户能自定义服务器体验。","#Usage of Webhooks":"Webhook 的使用","#Benefits of using Webhooks":"使用 webhook 的好处","#A webhook is sort of a “reverse API”: rather than an application you own (like a bot) calling another application to receive data when it wants it, a webhook is something you can give to someone else's application to send data to you directly as soon as there’s something to share. This makes the process very convenient and efficient for both providers and users.":"Webhook 像是“反向 API”:通过 API,您的应用程序(例如机器人)在需要数据时可以调用另一个应用程序;而 webhook 是您可以给其他应用程序的东西,让其在需要分享时可以直接把数据发送给。这让数据分享过程对提供方和用户来说都更加便捷高效。","#Now let’s apply this definition to a more tangible example. Let’s say you aren’t around to reply to new e-mails for a while. Through the power of webhooks you could have a setup that replies automatically! When an event happens on a service (like receiving an email), that service activates your webhook and sends you the data relevant to the event that happened. That way, you have exactly the information you need to automatically reply to each new e-mail you receive.":"现在让我们在更加具体的例子中理解这个定义。假设您在一段时间内无法回复新邮件。借助 webhook,您就可以设置自动回复!当服务中发生事件时(比如收到了一封邮件),服务就会激活您的 webhook,向您发送该事件的数据。这样您就能准确掌握自动回复新邮件所需的信息。","#There are a lot of platforms out there that provide you with the ability to handle everything by yourself- from creating the Webhook through your Discord Server Settings to plugging it into the platform you want updates from. However, this often requires you to be more familiar with at least some level of programming as many of these platforms require developer accounts. There can be a few hoops to jump through to get everything set up just right. This can often turn people off from using these types of webhooks.":"有很多平台让您能够自己进行所有操作——从通过 Discord 服务器设置创建 webhook,到将 webhook 接入您想获取更新的平台。但是这通常需要您至少有一定的编程基础,因为很多此类平台都需要开发者账号。想把一切设置妥当可能需要克服一些障碍,而这往往就是很多人放弃使用此类 webhook 的原因。","#As moderators work towards bringing improvements to our communities, you need to consider every tool available at your disposal. One great feature that is often overlooked by moderators is webhooks, which can prove to be incredibly powerful when implemented well, especially for server automation. In this article we will be introducing webhooks, exploring how they work, and how they compare to bots in addition to going over some of the best practices when utilizing webhooks in the context of moderation on Discord.":"作为致力于改善社区的管理员,您应当考虑所有可用工具。Webhook 是一个常被管理员忽略的强大功能,如果使用得当,它会非常有用,特别是对服务器自动化而言。本文将介绍 webhook,探索其工作原理以及与机器人的对比,还会介绍几个在 Discord 应用 webhook 的优秀实例。","#Before we begin, we highly recommend you check out the Intro to Webhooks article published by Discord.":"在进入正题之前,我们强烈建议您查看 Discord 发布的《Webhook 介绍》一文。","#Webhooks vs. Bots":"Webhook VS 机器人","#If the service is capable of sending JSON Webhooks, Discord can often use these to create visually appealing embeds when it sends a message out. However, it can also accept raw text messages to pass along as well.":"如果服务能够发送 JSON Webhook,那么当它发送消息时,Discord 通常可以用它们创建在视觉上很有吸引力的嵌入。不过它也可以接收并传递原始文本消息。","#For example, let’s say you’re waiting for the latest chapter of your favorite webcomic series to release. You can set up a webhook that’s connected with an RSS feed. The feed will activate the webhook when the chapter is released and a message will be posted on your server to notify you about it. This can be applied to many different things - the potential is limitless!":"举个例子。假如您在等最爱的网络漫画更新,您就可以设置与 RSS feed 关联的 webhook。漫画更新后,feed 就会激活 webhook,并在您的服务器内发布一条消息通知您。这可以应用在许多不同场合——潜力无限!","#So what does this mean for your server? Basically, Discord provides you with the ability to have a webhook that sends a message to your server when it’s activated, with the option to send the message to any channel along with having a cool name and avatar of your choice.":"那么这将如何应用到您的服务器呢?基本上,Discord 可以为您提供一个 webhook,当它被激活时,就会向您的服务器发送一条消息,您可以选择将该消息发送至任何频道,还可以配上很酷的名字的头像。","#However, times are changing and the barrier to entry when dabbling into the world of webhooks is much lower. These days, multiple third-party services exist that have handled all the hard techy stuff for you. They can interface with the platforms that would normally require you to do extra work to get the data you want. IFTTT and Zapier are two such services that lets you plug-and-play several useful platforms directly into your Discord server through a clean web interface that allows you to customize the type of data your webhook receives, and thus what messages are sent to your server. Just keep in mind that some services have restrictions on how many events can be sent to one webhook, so you may have to create multiple distinct webhooks for multiple functionalities. Note that these options and restrictions are entirely platform-dependent. Discord has no problems handling whatever data is thrown at its webhooks when activated, even if it’s from different sources.":"然而,随着时代的发展,涉足 webhook 世界的门槛也越来越低。现在已经有很多第三方服务,能帮您处理所有困难的技术部分。您通常需要进行额外操作才能在其他平台获取数据,但这些服务可以直接与其互动。IFTTTZapier 就是这种服务,让您能把很多有用的平台直接接入您的 Discord 服务器。它们提供简洁的网页界面,让您能够自定义 webhook 接收数据的类型,以及向您服务器发送的消息。但是请注意,有些服务对发送至单个 webhook 的事件数量有限制,所以您可能需要为不同功能分别创建不同的 webhook。但是这些选项和限制完全取决于其他平台,Discord 的 webhook 在激活后可以毫无问题地处理接受的任何数据,包括不同来源的数据。","#There’s another use-case for Webhooks that is more unique. While they’re very useful for automated messages, they’re also great for one-off embed messages that have a very polished look! You have the ability to customize the name and the avatar of the webhook, but if you’re technologically-inclined you can create your own JSON data to activate the webhook with. This allows you to fully define the aesthetics of an embed in your message, giving a clean look to whatever information you’re sending. One possible application is nice formatting for your server rules and information, rather than just sending multiple plain text messages.":"还有一个更独特的 webhook 用例。它们不仅有利于消息自动化,还非常适合创建外观精美的一次性嵌入消息!您可以自定义 webhook 的名称和头像。如果您是技术流用户,还能创建自己的 JSON 数据来激活 webhook。这让您可以完全自定义消息嵌入的外观,让您发送的所有信息都清晰美观。您可以将其应用在您的服务器规则和信息,把它们改造得更漂亮,而不仅仅是发送纯文本消息。","#How do I set up a webhook?":"如何设置 webhook?","#Webhooks are a great tool for services that have events that you’re interested in latching onto. This can be incredibly useful for Content Creator communities where their latest YouTube videos or Twitter posts can be funneled into channels for followers to have easy viewing access in your Discord community. You could also use this for a community that’s oriented towards an open-source technology by having events from GitHub be submitted directly to your server for people to keep track of.":"Webhook 是很好用的工具,可以用于有您感兴趣的事件的服务。这对于内容创作者来说非常有用,可以把他们的最新 YouTube 视频或者 Twitter 帖子导入 Discord 频道,让关注者在 Discord 社区轻松查看。您还可以将其用于面向开源技术的社区,把来自 GitHub 的事件直接提交到您的服务器,方便大家追踪。","#Of course, there are other possible uses, the only limit is your creativity! If you’re not too keen on developing JSON data by hand, or have no idea what a “JSON” is, services like":"当然还能用于其他场景,唯一的限制就是您的创造力!如果您不想手动创建 JSON 数据,或者根本不知道“JSON”是什么,您也可以使用","#What is a Webhook?":"什么是 webhook?","#What is an Embed?":"什么是嵌入?","#Implementing multiple changes at once may affect the same metric in conflicting ways or to a different extent. For example, if you add your invite link to one website and remove it from another website, the overall effect on your new member joins will depend on the net effect of both changes.":"同时实施多个变更可能会以冲突的方式或以不同程度影响同一指标。例如,如果您在一个网站添加了您的邀请链接,又在另一网站移除了邀请链接,那么对新成员加入的总体影响将取决于这两个变化的净效果。","#Currently, server insights gives you the option to view statistics on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. These are all valuable ways to see how your server is performing in both the short and long term. However, it’s important to remember that because metrics such as communicators and visitors are tied to the individual user, the sum of the data for higher resolution time periods will not always equal the value for a lower resolution time period. For example, if one user visits your server every day for a week, they will be counted seven times if you view your insights at the daily level. However, if you view your insights at the weekly level, they will only count once. Analyzing your insights over multiple time resolutions may reveal slightly different patterns in each, and both the quantity and resolution of your data will affect your analysis results. While measuring changes in the first few days can help you understand any critical consequences, overall you should wait at least one or two weeks to ensure you have a representative amount of data and that daily variations are not complicating your insights.":"目前,服务器分析让您可以选择按天、按周或按月查看统计数据。几种查看方式各有价值,让您可以看到服务器短期和长期的表现。但是请牢记一点,由于交流者与访客等健康指标关联的是用户个体,因此,较高分辨率时间段的数据总和不一定等于较低分辨率时间段的数据。例如,如果某用户每天访问您的服务器,持续一周,那么当您按日查看服务器分析时,该用户会被记录访问了七次。但是,如果您按周查看,该用户只会被记录一次。按不同时间分辨率对服务器进行分析,得到的行为模式可能略有不同,而且数据的质量和分辨率都会影响分析结果。虽然在采取措施后的几天内就分析变化可以帮您理解任何重大后果,但总体而言您应当至少等待一两周,以确保您获取了有代表性的数据量,并且每天的变化不再会使您的服务器分析复杂化。","#Measuring acquisition is done using charts and tables on the Growth & Activation tab. Although constant or mild growth is important to maintain the longevity of your community, what these users are (or aren’t) doing after they join your server is much more important than just joining it. While you should take corrective action if you notice your total membership decreasing over a long period of time, there is no absolute growth percentage or total number of members joining per day that indicates a healthy community. The table below summarizes the suggested actions to take to improve the quality and/or quantity of members joining your server and how you could expect these changes to affect your server insights on their own.":"评估成员获取是通过使用“增长与活跃度”标签下的图表和表格来完成的。尽管持续或温和的增长对于维持社区的长寿非常重要,但与吸引用户加入服务器相比,用户加入后会做些什么(或者不做什么)更加重要。如果您发现成员总数在较长时间段内有所减少,您确实应当采取纠正措施,但是并不存在能标志社区健康的绝对增长比例或每天加入的成员总数。下表总结了为提高加入服务器的成员质量和/或数量而建议采取的措施,以及这些变更本身对您的服务器分析可能产生何种影响。","#Do You Need More Moderators?":"您需要更多管理员吗?","#It is important to note that depending on the nature of your community and what changes you’ve made that there is an almost infinite number of ways to interpret changes in your server insights. What might be bad for your server might be good for another, or vice versa. Keep in mind the following caveats as you read about measuring results:":"请注意,根据您社区的性质和您所做的变更,有无数种方法可以解释服务器分析中产生的变化。对您的服务器不利的变化可能对另一个服务器有利,反之亦然。在解读评估结果时,请记住以下注意事项:","#After taking the time to understand your community, you can begin to implement changes that improve your member experience and boost your server performance. However, the changes you make to your server can affect your community in varied and unexpected ways. Knowing what to expect is an important part of evaluating whether your changes had the desired effect, but careful analysis of your server insights with community context is vital to maintaining your server.":"在花时间了解社区之后,您就可以着手实施能改善成员体验和提升社区表现的变更了。然而,您对服务器做出的改变可能以不同和未曾预期的方式影响您的社区。了解预期结果是评估变更是否达到目标效果的重要部分,但是对于维护您的服务器来说,根据社区环境仔细研读您的服务器分析更是至关重要。","#While the guidelines listed here are excellent ways to begin to understand how your actions affect your member insights, they are only guidelines. You should always evaluate your metrics critically and in your community’s context.":"虽然这里列出的指南是开始了解您的行为如何影响成员分析的极佳方法,但它们仍然只是指南而已。您始终应当以您的社区为背景,批判性地评估您的健康指标。","#Onboarding":"新手教程","#Some actions may have additional possible results based on the nature of your community.":"根据您社区的性质,某些操作可能产生额外的结果。","#If you want to take matters into your own hands, consider implementing concerted community engagement efforts from your staff. This includes projects such as hosting server events, contests, and giveaways.":"如果您想自己解决此类问题,可以考虑让工作人员一起努力参与社区。这包括举办服务器活动、举行竞赛和赠送奖品等项目。","#There are a multitude of ways to interpret your insights and a multitude of ways to improve them. This article is only one framework for doing so. Hopefully this has helped you make connections between the characteristics of your community, the way you manage it, and its overall performance so that you can broaden your understanding even further in the future.":"解读服务器分析的方法有很多,改善健康指标的方法也有很多,本文只是其中的一个框架。希望这能帮助您把您的社区特色、您管理社区的方式以及社区整体表现联系起来,以便您可以在未来进一步拓宽您的理解。","#Candidate selection":"候选人的选择","#Placing too many responsibilities on too few moderators can quickly cause members of the team to lose interest and feel like they do not have enough time to commit to moderation. In some cases, it can actually be beneficial to have too many mods rather than too few, but it is important to remember there is no perfect number of moderators to have on your server.":"如果让过少的管理员承担过多的责任,很快会让团队成员失去兴趣,并认为自己没有足够的时间投入管理。在某些情况下,管理员人数过多会比人数过少更有益,但请记住,任何服务器的管理员人数都不存在一个完美答案。","#The first thing to ask yourself or your moderator team before bringing in another team member is whether you actually need additional help. For example, a server that provides technical support or assists members in a more personal fashion may require more moderators than a community server for a mobile game even if the number of members is the same. An additional and important factor to consider is moderator burnout.":"在引入新的团队成员前,您需要先问问自己或者管理员团队,你们到底是否需要额外的帮助。例如,与手机游戏的社区服务器相比,以更个性化的方式提供技术支持或协助成员的服务器可能需要更多的管理员,即使二者的成员数量相同。另一个需要考虑的重点就是管理员的精力上限。","#Once you’ve optimized your server to improve acquisition, activation, and retention, you need to measure the results of your efforts. Some changes may be immediately visible in your insights, while others (such as ones made to improve retention) can take a week or two to show their effects.":"在您优化了服务器以改善用户的获取、活跃度和留存率之后,您应当评估这些措施的效果。有些变化可能会立刻在服务器分析中显现,而另一些措施(比如为提高留存率所做的努力)可能会在一两周之后才会见效。","#Vetting":"审核","#One of the most difficult aspects of being a Discord server moderator can be finding new people to help you moderate your community. You need to find individuals that match in personality, mindset, knowledge, availability, and most importantly, trust. While much of this differs between servers and teams, I hope to cover the most important parts as well as giving you an idea of what the common questions are and what to watch out for.":"作为 Discord 的服务器管理员,最困难的工作之一可能就是找到新人帮您一起管理社区。您需要找到在个性、心态、知识和时间上相匹配的人,最重要的是找到能够信任的人。虽然不同服务器和团队在以上方面的需求差异很大,但我希望能涵盖最重要的部分,并让您了解常见的问题和需要注意的事项。","#Measuring the effects of changes to improve activation and/or retention is more complex than measuring acquisition due to their interrelated nature. The direct effect of your changes can be measured from the respective graphs for first day activation and users retained in the next week on the Growth & Activation tab. However, the implications of these changes extend to other parts of your insights as well. Improving first day activation tends to also improve user retention, and improving both of these will also affect charts and tables on the Engagement tab. Although these actions are not all designed to improve user retention, you can assume that any action that increases first day activation has a chance to increase user retention as well.":"与评估用户获取相比,评估为提高活跃度和/或留存率而采取的措施的效果更加复杂,因为这两者天然相关。变更的直接效果可以通过“增长与活跃度”标签下的首日活跃和第一周用户留存的相应图表衡量。然而,这些变更的影响也会延伸到服务器分析的其他部分。提高首日活跃度通常也会提高用户留存率,而这两者的提高也会影响“参与”标签下的图表与表格。尽管这些措施并非都是为了提高用户留存率,但您可以认为任何能提高首日活跃度的措施都有机会同时提高用户留存率。","#A more universal - though more difficult - method of increasing user retention is to always make sure there is something to talk about on your server. Increasing the proportion of visitors that become communicators can be as simple as providing channels where people can talk about your server’s topic with others, ask for help, or engage in meaningful discussion. If your server is about a game that receives constant updates, for example, then there may be plenty of existing conversation material. These conversations can be further encouraged by making use of a leveling system through a Discord bot. As people chat, they can gain “exp” and level up on your server. These levels can grant special roles to the users or even special permissions. Such systems create a goal for which members can strive, and give them another reason to keep coming back.":"提高用户留存率的一个更普适——也更困难——的方法就是确保您的服务器中永远有话题可聊。让访客以更高概率转化为交流者的方法可以很简单,比如提供特定频道,让用户可以与其他人交流服务器主题、寻求帮助或者参与有意义的讨论。例如,如果您的服务器主题是某个不断更新的游戏,那就已经有了大量现成的对话材料。可以通过 Discord 机器人使用等级系统来进一步鼓励此类对话:用户在聊天时可以获得“经验值”,并在您的服务器中升级。该等级可以让用户获得特定的身份组,甚至是特殊权限。这种系统为成员创造了可以争取的目标,也是吸引他们不断返回的另一个理由。","#The actions listed here are limited to the ones discussed in this article, and are not exhaustive ways you can affect your server insights.":"这里列出的操作仅为本文讨论过的操作,并不是可以影响您服务器分析的全部方法。","#Selection Process":"选择过程","#also make it easy for anyone to take advantage of this use case. As a note, the websites linked here are not endorsed by Discord and are only a suggestion from the authors of the article.":"等服务,它们让所有人都能应用上述用例。但是请注意,本文中链接的网站未经 Discord 认可,仅是文章作者的个人推荐。","#Automation. With webhooks, there isn’t a need to constantly look for updates and post them yourself. Once set up, a webhook will automatically post any updates you need.":"自动化。有了 webhook,您就不用再亲自不断查找并发表更新了。设置好之后,webhook 就能自动发布您需要的任何更新。","#Step 1: In your Discord server, you will need to create a webhook and copy the webhook URL. This URL is the path for your webhook to receive an HTTP POST request from a service when an event occurs.":"第 1 步:在您的 Discord 服务器中创建一个 webhook 并复制 webhook URL。当服务中发生事件时,这个 URL 就是 webhook 从服务接收 HTTP POST 请求的路径。","#Step 3: If you’re using a third-party service to handle events or send messages, plug your webhook URL into the service and configure the type of events that the service should trigger for.":"第 3 步:如果您使用第三方服务来处理事件或发送消息,请将您的 webhook URL 插入该服务,并配置服务应触发的事件类型。","#Webhooks and bots, while having slight similarities, are actually very different from each other. There are several aspects we have to look at when comparing the two:":"Webhook 与机器人有一定的相似之处,但区别仍然很大。在对两者进行对比时,需要考虑以下方面:","#Step 2: From this menu, you have the ability to style your webhook with a name and avatar. We recommend at least a name to distinguish its purpose.":"第 2 步:从这个菜单中,您可以设置 webhook 的风格,为其选择名称和头像。我们建议至少要设置名称,以便区分用途。","#Customization. Each webhook can have a unique name and avatar, and each message it sends can be unique as well. You can have multiple webhooks with different looks in different channels and use each of them however you like.":"定制化。每个 webhook 都能拥有独特的名称和头像,它发送的每条消息也都可以定制。您可以为不同频道设置外观各不相同的 webhook,并按照您的喜好分别使用它们。","#Thanks to their simplicity and accessibility, webhooks have become a staple in many communities. Despite their limitations and lack of functions compared to bots, they’re still very useful and play an important role in the automation and decoration of your server. Overall, webhooks are a great tool for pushing various messages, with limitless customization opportunities. Ultimately, the choice of using them depends solely on your needs and preferences.":"由于简便易用,webhook 已经成为了很多社区的标配。尽管与机器人相比,它们有自己的局限性且功能单一,但仍然非常强大,而且在服务器的自动化和美观中发挥着重要作用。整体而言,webhook 是推送不同消息的绝佳工具,而且能不受限制地进行自定义。但最终,是否使用它们完全取决于您的需求和偏好。","#An important consideration when selecting moderators is determining if the candidate is able to do their job effectively. A lot of server owners pick their own friends to mod their servers, which might result in personality clashes, unproductive discussions about rules, or inactive mods that can’t meaningfully contribute to discussions.":"在选择管理员时,一个重要的考量因素是候选人能否有效地完成工作。很多服务器所有者会选择自己的朋友来管理自己的服务器,而这可能导致个性冲突、关于规则的无用讨论,或者管理员不够活跃,无法对讨论做出有意义的贡献。","#Step 5: Now that you’ve created the connection, when the event happens, the data will be sent directly to Discord and your webhook will post a message in your preferred channel!":"第 5 步:连接已经创建完成,当事件发生时,数据会直接发送至 Discord,webhook 会在您指定的频道中发送消息!","#The main advantage of this is that it would let you modify the form to find a person for a specific purpose and might include an optional follow-up interview. Be careful about “application floods” and have methods to filter low-quality applications out (like captchas, questions about your server where if you get it wrong it gets automatically rejected, random questions to prevent bots, or small tests like type your timezone in a specific format). You can also provide a basic test of competence, if they can’t manage the simple elements of the form, they won't manage as mod.":"这种方法的主要优势就是让您可以有针对性地修改表格,以找到符合特定要求或者可以参加后续面试的人选。您需要小心“海投式申请”,并有办法筛选掉低质量申请(比如使用验证码或者关于您服务器的问题,回答错误会被自动拒绝;使用随机问题以防止机器人申请;或者使用小测试,例如以特定格式输入您的时区)。您也可以进行基本能力测试,如果他们无法完成简单的表格元素,那自然也无法胜任管理员职责。","#Here are several of those properties that can be modified in an embed in order to style it, to give you an idea of what’s possible when you have the ability to style your messages:":"为了让您了解可以如何更改消息外观,我们在下表中列出了嵌入中可以修改以改变样式的部分属性:","#If you decide that you do need to select new mods an important part of recruiting new mods is having a well-defined selection process. Here are a few things that you should consider when establishing this process:":"如果您决定确实需要选择新管理员,那么招募新管理员的重要一环就是一个明确的选择过程。建立该过程时您需要考虑以下事项:","#How is the current moderation team involved in this decision?":"当前的管理团队如何参与决策?","#Is it unfeasible to implement additional automoderator measures to reduce the number of incidents?":"通过额外的自动管理措施来减少需要人工干预的事件数量是否可行?","#Accessibility. Once you create a webhook, all you need is its URL and a website that will push messages. Since these webhooks are hosted on Discord, they don’t need to be hosted like a normal bot, often saving moderation teams from encountering a financial investment to use them, and making them more easily available to all users.":"实惠性。创建 webhook 后,您就只需要它的 URL 以及会推送消息的网站。这些 webhook 都由 Discord 托管,因此您不用像对普通机器人那样对他们进行管理,这通常能够节省管理团队的资金投入,让所有用户都能更轻松地使用。","#Are there time periods in your server where moderators are unavailable to answer questions or resolve incidents?":"在您的服务器中,有没有哪些时间段是管理员无法回答问题或解决事件的?","#How are candidates selected? Either recruitment or mod applications":"如何选择候选人?靠招募或者管理员申请?","#The drawbacks to this process is that it tends to introduce more work in the vetting process, as it’s not as linear as an application form. Additionally, it might result in a more limited scope of candidates.":"这种方法的缺点是它往往会给审核过程带来更多工作,而且不像申请表一样是线性结构的。此外,它还可能导致候选人的范围更加狭窄。","#The process of setting up webhooks can be roughly explained in five simple steps!":"Webhook 的设置过程可以大致分为五个简单的步骤!","#The most important thing to keep in mind when recruiting moderators is the purpose moderators have in your server and the extent to which those duties are (or aren’t) currently being fulfilled. For instance:":"招募管理员时最重要的考量因素就是您服务器管理员的职责,以及这些职责当前的完成(或未完成)程度。例如:","#The second most common is having an application form. While this is effective in obtaining the information that you are looking for, it might attract people that just want to be a moderator for the power or status. It will also change their behavior in the main chat as they know they have eyes on them, which might make it harder for the mod team to evaluate how truthful the responses to the form were.":"第二种常见方法就是使用申请表。虽然这种方法可以高效获得您需要的信息,但也可能会吸引纯粹因为权力和地位才想成为管理员的人。这也可能会改变他们在对话时的行为,因为他们知道有人在审核自已,这也会让管理团队更难评估他们在表格中的回答是否真实。","#A good question to ask yourself is: “Do I trust this person?” For example, you might not want to suggest anyone that has not been actively helping for at least a year. During that year you can come to know the person, and it can help you determine if they are more interested in the good of the community as a whole and not just a role. You are looking for experience and willingness to improve the community.":"您可以问自己一个很好的问题:我信任这个人吗?比如,如果一个人在过去一年里都没有积极为服务器提供帮助,您可能不会提议其成为管理员。因为在一年的时间里,您可以了解这个人,并判断出此人是真的为社区整体的利益着想,还是只对管理员的身份感兴趣。您需要的是有经验也有意愿改善社区的人。","#If you're a developer, the options available to you to create a good-looking embed are powerful and versatile. For non-developers, platforms may give you visualizations that help you plug-and-play data into a website for customization purposes. There are also online tools to help you do this too!":"如果您是开发者,您可以随心所欲地设计嵌入的外观,并赋予它们强大且丰富的功能。对于非开发者,平台可以为您提供可视化功能,帮助您按照自己的需求把数据直接接入网站。还有在线工具帮助您完成这一操作!","#There are several benefits to using webhooks in your community including simplicity, versatility, automation, customization, and accessibility.":"在社区中使用 webhook 的好处很多,包括简便、用途广泛、自动化、定制化和实惠性。","#An example of what this situation might look like is if your moderators might also be the ones handling technical support requests, or contributing to another site. If you need people for a specific task it might make sense to create a separate role for those people.":"如果您的管理员同时需要处理技术支持请求,或者管理其他站点,那可能就符合以上情况。如果您需要有人完成特定任务,就可以考虑为这些人设置特定角色。","#What permissions you want to give out to newer staff?":"您想赋予新成员哪些权限?","#The most common method in smaller servers is the owner selecting new mods. This works in the earlier stages, but as the server grows in number of staff it may discourage healthy discussion about that person that may be relevant (like behavior in other communities that might show who that person really is or things that might hurt the reputation of the mod team as a whole).":"在小型服务器中,最常见的方法就是由服务器所有者选择新管理员。这适用于服务器早期阶段,但随着员工团队的不断壮大,这种方法可能会阻碍有关此人的健康讨论(比如此人在其他社区的行为可能展现了其本性,或者出现过可能伤害管理团队整体声誉的事情)。","#Are user reports of bad behavior going unactioned for too long?":"用户对不良行为的报告是否长时间未得到处理?","#There are 3 main ways a candidate might be brought to the mod team for acceptance that can be mixed and matched, but it’s usually recommended to only have 1 official method:":"有三种主要方法可以找到候选人并交由管理团队抉择。三种方法可以混合搭配使用,但通常建议只选择一种官方方法:","#We’ve been talking about embeds a lot, but we haven’t quite explained what they are yet! In simple terms, embedding refers to the integration of links, images, GIFs, videos and other forms of content into messages on social media. An embed itself is a part of the message that visually represents content in order to increase engagement.":"我们已经提到“嵌入”很多次了,但是还没有具体解释什么是嵌入!简单来说,嵌入就是把链接、图片、GIF、视频等形式的内容整合到社交媒体的消息中。嵌入本身就是消息的一部分,它能够更直观地展示内容,让人更感兴趣。","#Step 4: If your third-party service allows you to, configure additional options that will change the look and content of your message to the way you like.":"第 4 步:如果您的第三方服务允许,您可以继续配置额外选项,按照您的喜好更改消息的外观和内容。","#Simplicity. Webhooks are straightforward and lacking in complexity. They have a single function, which is to send a designated message when they are activated.":"简便。Webhook 简单直接,一点也不复杂。它们只有一个功能,那就是在激活时发送指定消息。","#Selection is a highly subjective topic; some servers accept new members via a vote, some have rules where the decision has to be unanimous, and others are more open. In all cases, it’s important to consider that the person is someone you and your team would be comfortable working with.":"“选择”是一个非常主观的话题:有些服务器通过投票决定是否接受新成员,有些服务器规定必须一致同意,还有一些则更加开放。但是不管哪种情况,确保您和您的团队可以十分舒服地与新成员共事都是非常重要的。","#As a user of Discord, you have probably seen embeds more than a few times. They often are created automatically by Discord when a user sends a link, such as allowing you to view a YouTube video within Discord when a YouTube URL is shared. But did you know that Discord Bots and Webhooks can create their own embeds with all kinds of data? They’re pretty flexible! They can have colored borders, images, text fields, and other kinds of fancy properties.":"作为 Discord 用户,您可能已经见过嵌入很多次了。当用户发送链接时,Discord 就会自动创建嵌入。如果分享的是 YouTube URL,就能直接在 Discord 中观看该 YouTube 视频。但是您知道吗?Discord 机器人和 webhook 能用任何数据创建自己的嵌入,而且自定义度非常高!可以有彩色边框、图片、文本框和各种炫目的属性。","#Versatility. Webhooks have many different use cases, all stemming from being able to send a message upon activation. This allows for many types of automation powered by other services, or allows you to send clean looking messages manually. Both of these setups have their own various uses ranging from posting updates and logging to posting custom messages for an aesthetic purpose.":"用途广泛。Webhook 在激活后发送消息,因此有许多不同用例。它可以借助其他服务实现许多不同类型的自动化,也可以让您能手动发送外观简洁的消息。两种设置都有多种用途——从发布更新和日志,到以美观为目的发布自定义消息,全部都能实现。","#How do you vet people that might not be a good fit?":"如何审核出可能不合适的人员?","#External research can also be beneficial, such as a quick Google search that could show other communities this person might be involved with or asking for their experience on the application form. If you find them in moderation roles in other communities, perhaps it may be worth speaking to the leadership of other communities the user is involved in to get their opinion on that potential moderator’s work ethic and general attitude.":"有时进行外部调查也有帮助,比如简单 Google 搜索一下可能就会找出候选人参与过的其他社区,也可以在申请表上询问他们的经验。如果您知道他们也在其他社区担任管理角色,建议您去跟该社区的负责人谈谈,以了解他们对候选管理员的工作道德和整体态度的看法。","#You may also have specific duties that you require of your moderators beyond typical server moderation. Be sure to analyze these as well and determine if there is any shortfall between what your mod team needs to do and what it is currently able to do.":"除了典型的服务器管理职责外,您对您的管理员也许还有其他特殊要求。请确保全面分析所有职责,以确定您管理员团队的需求和当前能力之间是否有缺口。","#Finally, you can have the members of your current moderation team recommend users as candidates. As the user is not aware that they are being assessed for staff, it means that their behavior in chat is unchanged from their typical behavior. With time and observation, this allows you to find the answers to the questions that would have been on your form along with extra red or green flags. It also allows you to find people that would never apply for staff in a form due to reluctance or lack of confidence, but that would be a great fit for your moderation team.":"最后,您也可以让现有管理团队的成员推荐用户作为候选人。该用户并不知道自己正在接受评估,因此他们在对话中的行为仍然是其真实表现,不会发生变化。通过时间和观察,您就能找到您想写在申请表中的那些问题的答案,还能发现额外的优点或危险信号。有些人可能非常适合您的管理团队,但会因为怕麻烦或不自信而不去填写申请表,这种方式则会让您发现这类用户。","#Ascertaining someone’s motive for becoming a moderator is another thing to consider. Think about why they want to be involved in your community in this way, what is motivating them. Some points to think about include:":"另一件需要考虑的事,是候选人想成为管理员的动机。请想想他们为什么想要以这种身份参与您的社区,是什么在激励他们。以下是需要思考的几点:","#Be mindful that asking the user for their motives directly or giving any hints about potential promotions might change their behavior. Instead focus on looking for clues on how they interact with the rest of the community in order to determine their reasons.":"请注意,如果直接询问用户的动机,或者暗示其有可能升任管理员,都可能改变他们的行为。请关注他们与社区其他人的互动,以发现线索并判断他们想成为管理员的原因。","#Do they have new ideas or contacts, but don’t necessarily need to be part of the staff team?":"也许他们有新的想法或资源,但有必要加入员工团队吗?","#Intense-Personal":"强烈个人化级别","#After you’ve made your selections and you (and your mod team!) are comfortable with having them join the team, it’s time to consider how to onboard them.":"在您做出选择并且您(以及您的管理团队)愿意让他们加入团队之后,就该考虑如何帮他们入职了。","#While that type of relationship is natural and sometimes even desired, it is important to define the level of parasocial relationships and differ between its intensity for the safety of the community, the staff members, and the performer. In their article in the Psychology focused academic journal ‘The Psychologist’, researchers Giles and Maltby designed three levels of severity of parasocial relationships based on the Celebrity Attitude Scale.":"虽然类社会关系是自然产生的,有时甚至是人们所追求的,但是为了社区、员工和表演者的安全,厘清类社会关系的程度并区分其强度非常重要。在心理学学术期刊《The Psychologist》的一篇论文中,研究人员吉尔斯和马尔特比根据名人崇拜态度量表划定了类社会关系的三个严重程度级别。","#This article will discuss the meaning and establishment of such relationships as they are expressed on Discord and how to deal with them from different perspectives from both subjective and objective standpoints.":"本文将讨论 Discord 上类社会关系的含义和确立过程,并分别从主观和客观的角度探讨如何处理这些关系。","#The efforts put into the early stages of moderator management pay off in multitudes down the line. Having a deliberate and carefully thought out process for selecting your mods ensures that your moderation team grows in a stable and effective way with your server. The foundation of any good community is a well moderated community, and the foundation for a well moderated community lies in having great moderators.":"在管理管理员的早期阶段投入的努力,会在之后得到大量回报。以审慎且仔细考量的过程来选择您的管理员,这样就保证了您的管理团队会以稳定有效的方式跟您的服务器一起成长。成为优秀社区的基础是成为管理良好的社区,而一个管理良好的社区则完全仰赖优秀的管理员。","#The least harmful level is the general public and social presence. The targeted celebrity is subjected to gossip and mostly provides a source of entertainment. Their presence is mostly found in talks with friends, talk shows, on magazine covers, and similar public-facing media. Discord users on this level usually interact with the community in a relaxed, harmless way.":"危害程度最低的级别仅存在于一般公众场合和社交场合。受到关注的名人会成为八卦的对象,主要为关注者提供娱乐。其存在感主要体现于朋友间谈话、脱口秀节目、杂志封面和类似的公众媒体之中。处于这一级别的 Discord 用户通常以轻松无害的方式与社区成员互动。","#Are they just trying to get more status?":"他们是想获得更高的地位吗?","#Process":"过程","#Development of Parasocial Relationships":"类社会关系的发展","#Levels of Parasocial Relationships":"类社会关系的程度","#At this point User B might feel like they understand User A in a way nobody else does and may even begin to view them on a personal level as some sort of friend or close relative. They see this individual every day, hear their voice on a regular basis, and believe that they are connecting to them on a deep level. They develop an emotional attachment, and the stronger the parasocial relationship gets, the more attention User B pays to User A’s behavior and mannerisms. While User A most likely doesn’t know User B personally, User B will seek out interaction with and recognition from User A. That behavior is typically represented through donations on stream, where User A either reads out their personal message and name or publishes a “thank you” message on certain websites.":"这种情况下,用户 B 可能会觉得没人比自己更能理解用户 A,甚至开始将用户 A 视为某种朋友甚至亲人。用户 B 每天都能看到用户 A ,每隔一段时间就能听到用户 A 的声音,并认为自己与用户 A 有深层次的联系。用户 B 建立起了情感依恋,而类社会关系越牢固,用户 B 就越关注用户 A 的行为举止。用户 A 很可能并不认识用户 B,但用户 B 却会寻求与用户 A 的互动机会和用户 A 的认可。在直播中打赏就是这种行为的常见表现形式,因为这样一来,用户 A 就会读出用户 B 的名字和所发信息,或者在特定网站上发布致谢信息。","#That being said, here are some things to keep in mind when deciding to vet a potential mod. While vetting users in this manner may be a better fit for larger communities, it's maybe less applicable to smaller, more intimate servers. It's worth noting this is an example and that the vetting process differs depending upon the size of the server and the servers' needs, but regardless of server size candidates should show a dedicated and long-term invested interest and desire to help in the community.":"虽然我们已经说了很多,但在审核管理员候选人时,仍有几件事情需要注意。以这种方法审核用户可能更适合较大型的服务器,但未必适用于较小型、更私密的服务器。所以以上只是范例,审核过程会因为服务器的规模和需求而有所不同。但不论服务器规模如何,候选人都应当表现出对长期专注投入于社区的兴趣,以及帮助社区的愿望。","#User B on the other hand is regularly exposed to User A’s content and takes a liking to them. The interest is usually defined by User A’s online persona: content, visual appeal, likeability, and even their voice can all be influencing aspects. User B perceives User A as very relatable through common interests or behaviors and starts to develop a feeling of loyalty, or even responsibility, during that phase of one-sided bonding. This behavior can be attributed to personal reflection in User A, as well as psychological facts like loneliness, empathy, or even low self-esteem. As a consequence, User B can easily be influenced by User A.":"另一方面,用户 B 定期接触用户 A 的内容,并喜欢上了这些内容。吸引用户 B 的通常是用户 A 的在线形象:内容、视觉吸引力、亲和力乃至声音都可能成为影响因素。由于具有共同的兴趣或行为方式,用户 B 会对用户 A 产生强烈的亲近感,并开始在这种单向情感依恋阶段逐渐变得忠诚甚至形成责任感。这种行为的发生可能是因为用户 B 在用户 A 身上找到了自己的影子以及用户 B 本身存在的孤独、共情甚至低自尊等心理问题。结果就是,用户 B 很容易受用户 A 的影响。","#Definition":"定义","#Do they have a history of problems with specific users that might bias their decision making? Is that a deal breaker or do they seem capable of deferring those connections to other moderators who are uninvolved?":"他们是否与特定用户有历史问题,以至于会影响他们的决策?如果这种状况存在,他们是会带着个人感情做出决策,还是会转交给不相关的其他管理员?","#Parasocial relationships are a phenomenon that can often be observed on large social platforms such as Twitch, Youtube, and other similar media. The establishment of such relationships can extend beyond “real” figures. It is an illusionary experience which lets people interact with online personas, ranging from celebrities to content creators all the way to fictional characters, via the usage of social media.":"类社会关系是一种常见于 Twitch、YouTube 及其他类似媒体等大型社交平台上的现象。这种关系的建立对象不仅限于“真人”。在这种虚幻的体验中,人们通过社交媒体与在线形象互动,互动对象包括名人、内容创作者、乃至虚拟形象。","#One of the most important parts of bringing new people is the onboarding process. A well thought out process can make people effective faster, with minimal misunderstandings and mistakes from the onset. Utilizing the techniques and implementing the tips in 302: Developing Moderator Guidelines can help you create a guideline for your moderation team that makes onboarding easier for all parties involved.":"引入新人的最重要的部分之一就是入职过程。一个考虑周全的入职过程能帮助新人更快地发挥作用,也能从一开始就尽量减少误解和错误。您可以使用《302:制订管理员指南》中提到的技巧和实践提示,这能帮助您为管理团队制定指南,从而让入职程序对涉及的所有人来说都更加容易。","#The establishment of parasocial relationships can be portrayed as such:":"我们可以通过以下例子阐明类社会关系建立的过程:","#In this section we’ll take a look at how parasocial relationships are developed and how to establish the severity of the level of parasocial relationships you are encountering from a moderation standpoint.":"在本节中,我们将探讨类社会关系是如何建立起来的,以及如何从管理的角度判断您所遇到的类社会关系的严重程度。","#User A, in this example a popular content creator, uploads regular content on a big platform. User B, who takes the position as a member of User A’s audience, takes an interest in their content. User B reacts to User A’s content and observes them. While User A may know that people are enjoying their content, they are unlikely to be aware of every viewers’ existence. This total awareness becomes more unlikely the bigger the audience gets.":"用户 A 是一个广受欢迎的内容创作者,在一个大平台上定期上传内容。用户 B 作为用户 A 观众的一员,对其内容很感兴趣。用户 B 对用户 A 的内容作出反应,并观察这些内容。用户 A 或许知道人们喜欢自己的内容,但不太可能知道每位观众的存在。随着观众数量的增长,用户 A 越发不可能意识到所有观众的存在。","#Entertainment-Social":"娱乐社交级别","#“Fans are attracted to a favourite celebrity because of their perceived ability to entertain and to become a source of social interaction and gossip. Items include ‘My friends and I like to discuss what my favourite celebrity has done’ and ‘Learning the life story of my favourite celebrity is a lot of fun’.”":"“粉丝被自己喜爱的名人所吸引,是因为认为这些名人能够提供娱乐,并且能够成为社交互动和八卦的内容来源。其特征包括‘我和朋友热衷于讨论最喜欢的名人做了什么’和‘了解最喜欢的名人的生活故事十分有趣’。”","#Parasocial Relationships on Discord":"Discord 上的类社会关系","#In Conclusion":"总结","#Additionally, User B tries to follow and engage with their idol on as many platforms as possible aside from their main source of content creation. These social media platforms are usually Instagram or Twitter, but can also include User A’s Discord server.":"此外,除了偶像发布创作内容的主要平台,用户 B 还会尝试在尽可能多的其它平台上关注偶像并与之互动。用户 B 选择的社交媒体平台通常是 Instagram 或 Twitter,不过也可能是用户 A 的 Discord 服务器。","#The next level is parasocial interaction. The characteristics of this level are the development of an emotional attachment of a spectator with a performer, resulting in intense feelings. This behavior is characterized by the spectator wanting to get to know the performer, followed by the desire to be part of their life as well as considering them as part of their own life. A result of that can be addictive or even obsessive behavior, which can be noticed in Discord servers, too.":"下一级别是类社会互动。这一级别的特点是观众对表演者产生了情感依恋,引发强烈的感受。其行为特点在于,观众希望了解表演者,随后渴望进入表演者的生活,甚至认为表演者是自己生活的一部分。这可能导致成瘾甚至强迫行为,此类行为在 Discord 服务器中也有所体现。","#Borderline-Pathological":"濒临病态级别","#The vast majority of users won’t reach the level past seeing the performer as a source of entertainment, but moderators should be aware of potential consequences of anything beyond that as they can be harmful to both the spectator, the performer, and the safe environment you are working to upkeep for all.":"绝大多数用户都不会超出将表演者视为娱乐来源的级别,但是管理员应该意识到超出此级别现象的潜在后果,因为这可能对观众、表演者和您所维护的安全环境都带来危害。","#“The intense-personal aspect of celebrity worship reflects intensive and compulsive feelings about the celebrity, akin to the obsessional tendencies of fans often referred to in the literature. Items include ‘My favourite celebrity is practically perfect in every way’ and ‘I consider my favourite celebrity to be my soulmate’.”":"对名人的强烈个人崇拜反映了对名人的强迫性强烈情感,类似于文献中经常提及的粉丝强迫倾向。其特征包括“我最喜欢的名人简直完美无缺”和“我认为我最喜欢的名人会是我的灵魂伴侣”。","#Between a Moderator and a Content Creator":"管理员与内容创作者之间","#The Five Types of Community Moderation Approaches":"社区管理方法的五种类型","#An academic study interviewed dozens of moderators across multiple platforms and grouped moderation approaches into five different categories:":"一项学术研究采访了多个平台的数十名管理员,并将管理方法分为五种不同的类别:","#Being able to understand the perspective behind each of these approaches and then applying them to your own community as needed is a powerful ability as a community manager. This article will discuss in more detail what these five categories mean and how you can apply them within your own communities.":"理解每种方法的出发点,然后按需应用于所管辖的社区之中,这是社区管理者应当具备的一项强大能力。本文将更详细地讨论五类方法内在的含义及如何将它们运用于所辖社区。","#The mindset of one user deciding a moderator is not being responsible can spread through the community in negative ways. They might belittle you in front of new members and give them the feeling that you won’t be there to help them or might not inform you of ongoing problems on the server during a temporary absence of moderators in the chat. A healthy user-moderator relationship is important to prevent or stop ongoing raids as well as make moderators aware of a user misbehaving in chat.":"只要有一个用户认为管理员不负责任,这种想法就可能会在社区中蔓延开来,并产生消极影响。他们可能会在新成员面前贬低您,并让新成员觉得您不会为其提供帮助,或在您暂时下线时,不会告知您服务器出现的问题。维护好用户和管理员之间健康的关系是非常重要的,它能够杜绝或平息持续性攻击,帮助管理员了解到用户在聊天中的不当行为。","#Moderators that nurture and support communities (nurturing-type moderators) focus on shaping the community and conversations that occur in the server among members to match their vision. The foundation for their moderation actions stem from their desire to keep the community positive and welcoming for everyone, not just long-time members. They seek to create a community with a good understanding of the rules that can then develop itself in a positive way over time.":"注重培育和支持社区的管理员(培育型管理员)专注于引导社区发展和服务器成员间的对话,确保符合他们对社区的愿景。他们想要打造积极且包容的社区,不仅能留住长期成员,还能让新人更快融入,其管理行为正是基于这种期望。他们寻求创建一个熟谙规则的社区,一个可以随时间积极自我发展的成长型社区。","#Between a User and a Content Creator":"用户与内容创作者之间","#Users will view you, as a moderator, as a leader that helps guide your designated Discord server in the right direction. As such, you will be a target for rude comments by users that have personal issues with the server while simultaneously getting showered with affection by other users who are thankful for what you do for the server. Never be afraid to ask for help and rely on the moderation team if things go too far for your personal boundaries or comfort level, even if you are an experienced moderator. Establishing a healthy relationship with the community is important, but being able to trust your fellow staff members is even more so. Nobody expects you to build an intimate relationship with every member, but knowing you can count on them and their support is essential for the team to function correctly.":"用户会将作为管理员的您视为引领 Discord 服务器朝着正确方向发展的领袖。因此,面对对服务器抱有个人意见的用户,您会遭到粗鲁评论,同时,面对感激您为服务器所做工作的用户,您也会收获喜爱之情。永远不要害怕寻求帮助。如果事态超出个人极限或难以应对自如,即使您是一名经验丰富的管理员,也会需要管理团队的协助。与社区成员之间建立健康关系很重要,但信任管理员同事更加重要。没有人会要求您与每个成员都建立亲密的关系,但请记住,您可以依靠同事。对团队的正常运作而言,合作至关重要。","#Spectators of that level usually ping the performer or message them privately in an attempt to be recognized. While that behavior is natural, anything that endangers safe interactions between themselves, the community, or the performer needs to be supervised carefully. Unrestrained abusive behavior, which can be found in unwanted intimate, borderline NSFW questions or comments, needs to be addressed and corrected accordingly.":"这一级别的观众通常会在社交媒体上提及或私信表演者,试图进入表演者的视野当中。虽然这种行为是很自然的,但任何可能危及其自身、社区或表演者安全的互动行为都需要密切监督。对不受控制的不当行为,则需进行处理和纠正,此类行为包括一厢情愿的亲密,还有近乎少儿不宜的问题或评论。","#“This dimension is typified by uncontrollable behaviours and fantasies about their celebrities. Items include ‘I would gladly die in order to save the life of my favourite celebrity’ and ‘If I walked through the door of my favourite celebrity’s house she or he would be happy to see me’.”":"“这一级别的用户的典型表现是无法控制的行为和对名人的幻想。其特征包括‘我愿意牺牲生命来拯救我最喜欢的名人’和‘如果我能到最喜欢的名人家里去,对方会很高兴见到我’。”","#Being hoisted higher in the servers’ hierarchy results in members quickly recognizing you and potentially treating you differently due to your influence, even becoming “fans” of you as a person. Some users will soak up any information they can get about you, especially if they realize that you have common interests. This may lead to the development of a parasocial relationship between users and you. Users you have never interacted with before might see you as a person they would get along with and seek out your attention, leading to a one-sided relationship on their part.":"在服务器等级体系中地位升高,会让成员迅速认识您,并可能鉴于您的影响力而对您另眼相看,甚至成为您的“粉丝”。一些用户会收集关于您的所有可得信息,尤其当他们发现你们有共同的兴趣爱好时。这可能会促成用户和您之间的类社会关系。之前与您从未有过互动的用户可能会把您看作结交对象,并寻求您的关注,这可能会导致他们单方面对您产生单向情感关系。","#Additionally, it’s important to be mindful that your perceived fame does not start to negatively influence your judgment. For example, you may find yourself giving special attention to those who seem to appreciate you while treating users that are indifferent towards your position as a moderator more harshly. It also causes the dynamics within the staff team to change as fellow moderators might start to perceive you differently if you begin to allow bias to seep into moderation. They may start to second guess your decisions, feel the need to check up on your moderator actions, or even lose trust in your capabilities.":"除此之外,很重要的一点是不要让所谓的名气影响您的判断。例如,您可能会给予看起来欣赏自己的人特殊关照,而对并不在意您管理员身份的用户,您的态度则可能更加严厉。如果您的管理工作出现了偏袒,可能会影响其他管理员对您的看法,这也会引发团队内部动态的变化。其他管理员可能会开始反复斟酌您作出的决定,认为您的管理行为需要接受检查,甚至不再信任您的能力。","#Overseeing and Facilitating Communities":"监督和促进社区发展","#As mentioned before: In the case of content creators who frequently upload videos, streams, and other forms of media for their followers, the chance of a parasocial phenomenon being developed can be even greater. This will only intensify by joining a creators’ Discord server. This can be done under the false assumption that there will be a higher chance of their messages being read and noticed. Your responsibility as a moderator is to neither weaken that bond nor encourage it while providing security for users, staff, and the content creator. Let the users interact in a controlled environment while maintaining the privacy of the content creator.":"正如前文所述:对于经常上传视频、开直播和使用其他形式的媒体来吸引关注者的内容创作者来说,出现类社会关系现象的可能性会更大。这种现象在加入内容创作者的 Discord 服务器后会变得更加明显,因为用户可能会误以为自己的信息会获得更多的阅读和关注。作为管理员,您的职责是既不削弱、也不鼓励这种关系,同时保障用户、员工和内容创作者的安全。要让用户交互处于可控环境下,同时保护内容创作者的隐私。","#Having such an audience can be overwhelming at first. People will start to look up to you, and younger users especially can easily be influenced by online personas. They might adapt to your behavior or even copy your mannerisms. Knowing that, you should always be self-aware of your actions and etiquette in public to promote a healthy, sustainable relationship with the users. Receiving special attention from users can quickly influence and spiral into developing an arrogant, or entitled attitude. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your position and accomplishments, but being overtly arrogant will influence a members’ behavior towards you.":"拥有这样的观众,一开始可能会让人不知所措。人们会开始用敬仰的目光看您,尤其年轻用户很容易受在线形象影响。他们可能会模仿您的行为举止。因此,在公共空间内,您应该对自身行为和礼仪保持时刻警觉,以便促进与用户之间健康关系的可持续发展。用户的特别关注可能会迅速影响您的态度,使您变得傲慢或觉得自己因为手握权力而高人一等。为自己的职位和成就感到自豪并没有错,但过于傲慢的态度会影响成员对待您的方式。","#Some users might even feel like the content creator owes them some sort of recognition after long-term support, both through engagement or donations. Such a demand can be intensified when they’re shown as “higher” in the hierarchy through dedicated Discord roles, such as Patreon/Donator or simple activity roles. In the case of multiple people building a parasocial relationship with the same content creator and experiencing that phenomenon, they may see other active users or even moderators as “rivals.” They see the content creator as a close friend in their eyes and feel threatened that others, especially those that financially support the content creator, perceive them the same or think they are even closer to them. During such moments, it is recommended to keep the peace between users and let them know that the content creator appreciates every fan they have. While the ones providing financial support are appreciated, every viewer is what makes the creator as big as they are and played a part in getting them to where they are today.":"一些用户甚至可能会觉得自己的长期支持(包括参与和打赏)理应获得内容创作者某种程度的认可。当他们在专门的 Discord 身份组(例如 赞助者/捐赠者或简单的活动身份组)中被标记为“高级用户”时,这种要求可能会更加强烈。如果多人对同一个内容创作者产生了社交媒体上的类社会关系,并经历了这种现象,那么他们可能会将其他活跃用户甚至管理员视为“对手”。他们把内容创作者看作自己的密友,并感受到其他人对这种友谊的威胁,尤其是那些在经济上支持内容创作者的人。他们可能认为这些人和自己一样,与内容创作者关系紧密,甚至比自己与内容创作者的关系更为紧密。面对这种情况,建议管理员维持用户之间的和平,并让他们明白,内容创作者对自己的每一个粉丝都抱有感激之情。提供经济支持的人固然备受感激,不过,创作者一路走来,每个观众都是其成功的推力,都在其成功之路上扮演了重要的角色。","#Fighting for Communities":"为社区而战","#Governing and Regulating Communities":"治理和规范社区","#The ways in which different people view and approach the task of moderation varies, and different people will have different ideas about how to best manage a community.":"不同的人对于管理的看法和执行方法各不相同,对管理好社区的最佳方式也有不同的想法。","#Between a User and Yourself":"用户和您个人之间","#Managing Communities":"管理社区","#Parasocial relationships on Discord can pertain to anyone who is perceived as being popular or influential, making them “celebrities” of Discord. Some examples of parasocial relationships on Discord can be found between a user and a moderator, a user and a content creator you are moderating for, or even a member of your moderation team and the content creator you are working for.":"Discord 上的类社会关系可以涉及到任何被认为受欢迎或有影响力的人,即 Discord 的“名人”。例如,Discord 上的类社会关系可以是用户与管理员之间的关系、用户和您所辖内容创作者之间的关系,或者您的管理团队成员和您所辖内容创作者之间的关系。","#But what does all that mean for you, the mod? While Discord moderators are not nearly as popular and influential as big content creators or celebrities, they are still observed by Discord users. While being a moderator puts you into a position of power and responsibility over the wellbeing of the server, some users perceive it as you climbing the social ladder in the Discord server. In their eyes, becoming a moderator changes your overall social status within your Discord community.":"那么,对于您也就是管理员来说,这一切意味着什么呢?虽然 Discord 管理员远没有大型内容创作者或名人那么受欢迎和有影响力,但仍会受到 Discord 用户的关注。作为管理员,您肩负着维护服务器健康的职权和责任,但有些用户可能会把这一职权看作是您在 Discord 社区中处于社交食物链高层的象征。在他们眼中,成为管理员会改变您在 Discord 社区中的整体社交地位。","#If you ever notice that you experience said effect, or notice one of your fellow moderators is experiencing it and letting it consume them, be supportive and sort out the negative changes. When confronting another moderator about it, make sure to do it through constructive criticism that doesn’t seem like a personal attack.":"如果在自己身上发现了这种效应,或者注意到其他管理员正在经历这种问题并为其所困扰,请提供支持,消除负面影响。如果其他管理员身上出现了这一问题,请通过建设性批评来处理,不要让批评看起来像是人身攻击。","#In spite of that, the effects of parasocial relationships don’t always have to be negative in nature. If users manage to build such a connection to a moderation team, the general server atmosphere can grow positively. Users know what moderators like and don’t enjoy, which will lead them to behave in a way that appeals to staff and usually abides by the server rules. They will also be able to predict a moderators’ reaction to certain behavior or messages new people might use. As a result, they will attempt to correct users that are mildly misbehaving themselves without getting staff involved immediately in hopes of receiving positive feedback from staff. Naturally, moderators won’t be able to know of every single person that tries to appeal to them through those actions, but once they are aware that such things happen in certain text channels, it will give them the opportunity to focus on other channels and provide their assistance there.":"尽管如此,社交媒体上的类社会关系并不总是负面的。如果用户能够与管理团队建立这样的联系,整个服务器的氛围可能会变得更加积极正面。用户了解管理员的好恶,行事就会更倾向于响应管理员的呼吁,遵守服务器规则。用户还能够预判管理员对新用户的某些行为或言论会有什么样的反应。因此,不等管理员介入,他们就会尝试主动纠正其他用户的轻微不当行为,以期获得管理员的积极反馈。当然,管理员没办法对每个试图以这些行动来吸引自己注意的人都了然于胸,不过,一旦发现某些文字频道中有人这样做,管理员就可以专心为其他频道提供帮助。","#Maybe it won’t only be the user that feels closer to them by joining the server. Many beginner moderators may also find themselves feeling as though they are above the rest of the community because their idol has entrusted them with power on their server. Being closer to them than most of the users can easily fog your judgement; it is essential to prioritize being friendly and respectful to the users over these personal convictions. When adding moderators to your moderation team, it is important to keep an eye out for this kind of behavior to combat it, and to hold your teammates accountable should you see this behavior begin to exhibit in one of your teammates. Making sure your entire team is on the same page regarding your duties and standing in the community is essential to maintaining a healthy moderation environment. As a moderator for a Content Creator, this individual you may admire deeply has put their trust in you to keep their community safe. Falling into the machinations of developing an unhealthy parasocial relationship with them directly interferes with your ability to do that, failing not only the community but the creator.":"加入服务器后,感到离内容创作者更亲近的或许不仅仅是用户。比起其他社区成员,许多新手管理员或许会更有优越感,因为偶像将服务器的权力交付给了自己。与大多数用户相比,管理员更接近内容创作者,这可能会影响您的判断。因此要注意,摆在首位的应当是友好地对待用户和尊重用户,而不是个人信念。在向您的管理团队中添加管理员时,应当注意这类行为并采取遏制措施,如果发现团队中的某位管理员出现此现象,要令其对自身行为负责。确保所有团队成员对自身社区职责和地位的理解达成一致,这对于维护健康的管理环境而言至关重要。作为某个内容创作者的管理员,您可能对其有深深的仰慕之情,而偶像信任您,让您来保护社区。在社交媒体上发展不健康的类社会关系,陷入这种关系所带来的危险之中,不仅仅会让社区和创作者失望,更将直接干扰您保护社区的工作。","#Nurturing and Supporting Communities":"培育和支持社区","#Both kinds of channels involve restricting Send Messages permissions to trusted members only, usually the server staff team, as well as providing important information about the server or its topic. Therefore, to get the most out of your information and announcement channels, you should put them at the top of your channel list or categories and carefully consider the kinds of content to share in them.":"这两种频道的共同点是,发送消息的权限都仅限于受信任的成员(通常是服务器工作人员团队),以及都提供关于服务器及其话题的重要信息。因此,为了最大限度地利用您的信息和公告频道,您应当将它们在您的频道列表或类别中置顶,并慎重考虑其中分享的内容类型。","#In either case, announcements should be brief and contained to a single message when possible. This will also make them easier to publish, as only ten messages can be published per hour. Opening with the most important information or context as to the importance of the announcement will also encourage people to read the entire message. After explaining the announcement in detail, you can close with a brief farewell, and if applicable, invite people to discuss the announcement in relevant channels.":"无论在哪个频道,公告都应当简洁且尽量只包含单条消息。而且,因为一小时只能发布十条消息,上述形式也便于发布。以最重要的信息或文字作为公告开场白能强调公告的重要性,鼓励成员阅读整条消息。在对公告详细说明之后,您可以以一句简短的告别作为结语。如果有需要,您可以邀请人们在相关的频道讨论该公告。","#To better explain what you’re seeing in this image, we’ll explore exactly how we utilized special formatting to make this visually appealing.":"为了更好地说明图上的内容,我们将探讨如何利用特殊的格式来使其具有视觉吸引力。","#Information and announcement channels are the cornerstones of making your server easy to navigate. Once you understand how to use permissions on Discord, this article will help you understand how to set up these channels, the content to include in them, and how to best present that content so that your community members can easily understand it.":"信息和公告频道能使您的服务器更便于浏览。在了解如何使用 Discord 上的权限之后,本文将帮助您了解如何设置这些频道、准备频道中包含的内容,以及如何以最佳的形式呈现内容,帮助您的社区成员理解。","#It’s recommended to avoid uploading a file directly as uploaded files cannot be edited":"这里不建议直接上传文件,因为这样的文件是无法编辑的。","#Header 3: Bold and Underlined text surrounded with emoji. The emoji especially provide another visual break and in this example, denote links that are all related to the game’s wikia.":"标题 3:对表情符号(emoji)之间的文本加粗和下划线。表情符号本身能提供另一种视觉中断,在本例中,可以表示这些链接都是和游戏的 wiki 有关。","#Hello everyone, we have just opened the #original-art channel! This channel can be used to post artwork that you’ve created yourself. You can also read through the channel pins and topic for more information. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to bring them up in the #server-feedback channel. We hope you enjoy the new channel!":"大家好,我们刚刚开通了 #原创艺术 频道!你可以在这个频道发布自己创作的作品,还可以浏览频道置顶消息和话题来了解更多信息。如果你有任何疑问或评论,欢迎在 #服务器反馈 频道提出。希望你在新的频道度过愉快的时光!","#@Game Updates Check out the patch notes below for the update coming next week! If you want to talk about them in detail, we encourage you to head to #game-chat to discuss the content with others. Hope you’re looking forward to it!":"@游戏更新 下周更新的版本说明现已发布,快来看看吧!如果你想深入讨论,欢迎前往 #游戏闲聊 和其他人一起聊聊。希望你喜欢这次更新!","#However, it is important to remember that sometimes you may need to convey complicated information that requires several messages. To ensure that the information can still be easily understood, consider the role that formatting your messages plays in reading comprehension to avoid overwhelming text walls.":"无论如何,您要记住您有时需要发布一个需要多条消息才能传达的复杂信息。那么为了确保信息的易读性,就需要将消息变得便于理解,避免出现密密麻麻的文字墙。这种时候,对消息进行格式编排就起到了很大的作用。","#First, it’s important to know what information channels and announcement channels are. Generally speaking an information channel contains reference material provided by the server staff team about the server or its purpose. This information is usually updated infrequently throughout the servers’ life.":"首先需要了解什么是信息频道和公告频道。一般来说,信息频道中包含了服务器工作人员团队提供的关于服务器或服务器用途的参考资料。这类信息通常更新频率较低,并且贯穿服务器的整个生命周期。","#Example channel setup for informational links.":"信息链接的频道设置示例。","#On the other hand, an announcement channel is generally a channel that the server staff team uses to provide updates about the server or its topic. As opposed to information channels that are rarely updated, announcement channels regularly have new messages in them. Announcement channels also have a dedicated channel type that allows other users to follow the channel and receive its messages in their own servers. You can learn more about the announcement channel type and publishing messages here.":"而公告频道通常是服务器工作人员团队用于提供关于服务器及其话题更新的频道。与更新不频繁的信息频道相反,公告频道中的消息会定期更新。公告频道中还有一个专门的频道类型,允许其他用户关注该频道并在他们自己的服务器中接收该频道的信息。您可以在此处了解更多关于公告频道类型和发布消息的信息。","#Example #server-announcements Message":"#服务器公告 消息示例","#When it comes to formatting, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how markdown works on Discord. This will let you appropriately bold, underline, italicize, and otherwise add basic formatting to your messages.":"说到格式编排,您需要对 markdown 在 Discord 上的工作原理有一个基础的认识。了解这些能够让您恰当运用粗体、下划线、斜体及其他方式为您的消息添加基础格式。","#Header 2: Code block formatting to create section break across the screen. In this example there are two kinds of community links: “Game Info Links” and “Social Media Links”":"标题 2:代码块格式化,在屏幕上创建分节。在本例中,有两种社区链接:“Game Info Links”和“Social Media Links”","#Another announcement channel you could make is a #server-announcements channel. Here, you can announce things like changes to your server, giveaways, events, and more!":"您还可以创建另一个公告频道,也就是 #服务器公告 频道。这里可以发布一些诸如服务器更改、赠品、活动的内容!","#In addition to basic formatting, it may be necessary to break up your content into paragraphs or multiple messages to ensure people aren’t overwhelmed with a wall of text in your information channels. You can also use formatting to provide section headers, further breaking up the content into easily understandable chunks. Here’s an example showing a “community links” informational section for a game.":"除基础格式之外,还有必要将您的内容分成几段或几则消息,确保成员不会淹没在您信息频道的文字海洋之中。您还可以用格式编排来提供章节标题,进一步将内容分成易于理解的几个区块。下面给出的一个例子展示的是一个游戏的“Community Links”信息部分。","#Announcement channels can usually be divided into two types: announcements about your server or announcements about your topic. Whenever you make an announcement that will be relevant to those outside of your server, you can also choose to publish it and send the announcement out to those following your server. This can be a great way to inform those across Discord who may be interested in your servers’ intended purpose, but may not be interested in the latest news about your server itself.":"公告频道通常可以分为两种:关于服务器的公告和关于话题的公告。如果要发布的公告牵涉到您服务器之外的人,您可以选择发布该公告,并将其发送至关注您服务器的人。通过这种方法,您就能方便地在 Discord 上传递信息,让那些对您的服务器的目标用途感兴趣的人看到,即使他们对服务器本身的动态可能并不关心。","#Header 1: Embedded image link. In this example, it is found in the section named “Community Links”":"标题 1:嵌入图片链接。在本例中,是名为“Community Links”的部分。","#For example, if you are a server dedicated to a specific game, you might have a #game-news announcements channel where you can post patch notes or updates to the game. To take things further, you could even use a Discord bot to let people assign and unassign a News Notification Role that can be mentioned whenever you have news to share with your server. This ensures that you only ping people who have opted into it, which is better than mentioning @everyone.":"举个例子,如果您的服务器是专门讨论某个特定游戏的,您或许可以创建一个用来发布游戏补丁说明或更新的 #游戏新闻 公告频道。您甚至可以更进一步,使用 Discord 机器人来分配和取消分配“消息提醒身份组”,供您在服务器内分享消息时发出提醒。这种方式可以确保只有选中的人可以收到您的消息,比提及 @everyone 要好得多。","#Example #game-news Announcements Message":"#游戏新闻公告 消息示例","#Content in an information channel should be useful for understanding the server or its topic. Although it is important to remain as brief as possible to ensure users read the whole channel, it’s inevitable that you may need to send the information across multiple messages and even scroll for users to see all of the content provided. Including a disclaimer at the bottom encouraging users to scroll up to the top of the channel can help users understand there is more to the channel than what is immediately visible. Pinning the top-most message of the channel can also help users quickly jump to the top and start reading.":"信息频道中的内容应当有助于成员了解服务器或其话题。我们知道,为了确保用户能阅读完整个频道,频道中的内容应该尽量保持简洁。尽管如此,您可能难免需要发送包含多条消息的信息,甚至需要用户滚动来查看所有的内容。此时,在底部加入一个声明,提示用户滚动到频道顶部,就可以帮助用户了解频道中还有眼前所见之外的更多内容。在频道中设置置顶消息也有助于用户快速跳至顶部并开始阅读。","#One common type of information channel is a #rules channel where members can find a list of behavioral guidelines to follow on the server. This channel may also include a post asking people to react to a message in order to acknowledge that they have read the rules and gain access to the rest of the server. This sort of verification gate can help ensure users read your most important information channels thoroughly. With Community enabled, you can also designate the channel with your server rules as the “Rules Or Guidelines Channel,” which will give it a special icon to help it stand out. You can learn more about how to come up with rules for your community through this article.":"#规则 频道是信息频道中的一种常见类型。在这类频道中,成员可以找到需要遵守的服务器行为准则清单。该频道可能还包括一条要求成员确认的回复帖子,以确保他们已经阅读了规则,从而取得进入服务器其他部分的权限。这类验证入口有助于确保用户充分阅读了您最重要的信息频道。如果已经开启社区,您还可以将写有服务器规则的频道指定为“规则或守则频道”,指定之后该频道将带有一个醒目的特殊图标。如果想了解更多关于制订您的社区规则的内容,您可以阅读这篇文章。","#Though this metaphor focuses more on moderator team dynamics than relationships between moderators and users, it can also shape the way moderators approach interactions with users. Managing-type moderators are more likely to be able to point users toward written rules, guidelines, or processes when they have questions. Managing-type moderators are also much less likely to make “on-the-fly” decisions about new issues that come up. Instead, they will document the issue and post about it in the proper place, such as a private moderator channel, so it can be discussed and a new process can be created if needed. This approach also makes it easier to be transparent with users about decision making. When there are established, consistent processes in place for handling issues, users are less likely to feel that decisions are random or arbitrary.":"虽然这种比喻思维更多聚焦于管理团队的动态,而不是管理员和用户之间的关系,但它也可以引导管理员与用户互动的方式。当用户出现疑惑时,管理型管理员更有可能让用户参阅书面规则、指导方针或流程。管理型管理员也不太可能对出现的新问题作出“即时”决策,而是会把问题记录下来并发布在适当的地方,比如管理员私聊频道,以便于讨论并在必要时创建新流程。这种方法还使决策过程对用户来说更加透明化。有了始终遵循的处理问题既定流程,用户就不太可能认为决策是随意或武断的。","#Moderators in this category are similar to the subset of moderators that view moderation from the overseeing and facilitating communities, specifically the ones that quickly remove those who are causing trouble. However, compared to the perspective that misbehavior stems from immaturity, moderators that fight for communities have a stronger focus on the content being posted in the community, rather than the intent behind it. In contrast to moderators in the overseeing and facilitating communities category, these moderators take a firmer stance in their moderation style and do not worry about complaints from users who have broken rules. Instead they accept that pushback on the difficult decisions they make is part of the moderation process.":"此类管理员,特别是那些迅速移除滋事者的管理员,与那些将管理视为监督和促进社区发展的管理员相似。然而,与持“不良行为源于不成熟”这一观点的管理员相比,为社区而战的管理员更加关注社区中发布的内容本身,而不是内容背后的意图。与致力于监督和促进社区发展的管理员相比,此类管理员的管理风格更加果决,并且不在意违规用户的抱怨,而是认为,在作出艰难决策时遇到阻力是管理过程的一部分。","#Where overseeing and facilitating community moderators emphasize interactive and communicative approaches to solving situations with community members, moderators who see themselves as fighting for communities heavily emphasize taking action and content removal rather than moderating via a two-way interaction. They may see advocating for their community members as part of their job and want to defend the community from those who would try to harm it. Oftentimes, the moderators themselves may have been on the receiving end of the problematic behavior in the past and desire to keep others in their community from having to deal with the same thing. This attitude is often the driver behind their no-nonsense approach to moderation while strictly enforcing the community’s rules and values, quickly working to remove hateful content and users acting in bad faith.":"注重监督和促进社区发展的管理员倾向于以互动和交流的方式来解决社区成员引发的问题,与此不同的是,认为自己是为社区而战的管理员倾向于采取行动和移除内容,而不是通过双向互动来实施管理工作。他们可能把为社区成员发声视作本职的一部分,希望保护社区免受恶意侵害。通常情况下,管理员本人可能曾受该问题行为的侵扰,因而希望帮助其他社区成员免受同样的困扰。这种态度往往正是其雷厉风行背后的驱动力,驱动着他们严格执行社区规则和价值观、迅速移除恶意内容和恶意用户。","#Those that see themselves as governing and regulating communities see the moderation team as a form of governance and place great emphasis on the appropriate and desirable application of the community rules, often seeing the process for making moderation decisions as similar to a court system making decisions based on a set of community “laws.” They may also see themselves as representatives of the community or the moderation team and emphasize the need to create policies or enforce rules that benefit the community as a whole":"把治理和规范社区视作管理员职责的人则将管理团队视为治理机构,非常注重社区规则的适当和理想应用。他们通常认为,制定管理决策的过程类似于法院判决,只不过前者是要基于一套社区“法律”作出决策。他们或许也将自身视作社区或管理团队的代表,强调应当从整个社区的利益角度出发来制定政策或执行规则。","#Although this passive behind-the-scenes guidance is one type of nurturing moderator, these types of moderators also often actively engage with the community as a “regular member.” For nurturing-type moderators, this engagement isn’t meant specifically to provide an example of rule-following behavior, but rather to encourage high-quality conversations on the server where members will naturally enjoy engaging with each other and the moderators as equals. They are leading by example.":"这种被动的幕后引导者是培育型管理员中的一种,不过,此类管理员也常以“普通成员”的身份积极参与社区互动。对于培育型管理员来说,参与并不是特意为了担当遵守规则的榜样,而是为了鼓励服务器上的高质量对话,让成员自然而然地享受彼此及与管理员之间平等互动的乐趣。他们的做法是以身作则。","#While nurturing- and supporting-type moderators operate based upon their long-term vision for a community, moderators that are focused on overseeing and facilitating communities focus on short-term needs and the day-to-day interactions of community members. They are often involved in handling difficult scenarios and fostering a healthy community.":"注重培养和支持的管理员基于其对社区的长期愿景来实施管理工作,而专注于监督和促进社区发展的管理员则更关注社区成员的短期需求和日常互动。他们通常忙于处理棘手的情况促进社区的健康发展。","#Those in the overseeing and facilitating communities category may also take less involved approaches towards maintaining healthy day-to-day interaction among members, such as quickly making decisions to mute, kick, or ban someone that is causing an excessive amount of trouble rather than attempting to talk them down. They may also watch for bad behavior and report it to other moderators to step in and handle, or allow the community to self-regulate when possible rather than attempting to directly influence the conversation.":"在维护成员间的日常健康互动方面,注重监督和促进社区发展的管理员可能会采取较少介入的方式,例如,他们并不会尝试劝阻不良行为,而是迅速决定将某些惹出过多麻烦的人禁言、踢除或封禁。他们也可能会监察不良行为,并向其他管理员报告,以便其他管理员介入处理;如果情况允许,他们也可能会让社区自我调节,而不是尝试直接干预对话。","#As you read through this article, you may have found that some moderation category descriptions resonated with you more than others. The more experience you have moderating, the wider the variety of moderation approaches you’ll implement. Rather than trying to find a single “best” approach from among these categories, it’s better to consider your overall balance in using them and how often you consider moderation issues from each perspective. For example, you can nurture and support a community by controlling how members arrive at your server and curating the content of your informational channels to guide conversation, while also managing and overseeing the interactions of honest, well-intentioned community members and quickly banning those who seek to actively harm your community.":"通读本文,您或许会发现某些管理类别的描述更能引起您的共鸣。管理经验越多,能够采用的管理方法就越多。与其千方百计从这些类别中筛选出一个“最佳”方法,不如考虑如何均衡地采用这些方法来处理管理问题。例如,您可以控制服务器成员准入方式,通过管理信息渠道的内容来引导对话,同时还可以监管真诚、善意的社区成员的互动,并迅速封禁试图破坏社区的人,从而培养和支持社区。","#For example, these types of moderators will step in when there is conflict within the community and attempt to mediate between parties to resolve any misunderstandings and restore friendliness to the server. Depending on the issue, they may also refer to specific rules or community knowledge to assign validity to one viewpoint or to respectfully discredit the behavior of another. In both situations, moderators will attempt to elicit agreement from those involved about their judgment and resolve the conflict to earn the respect of their community members and restore order to the server.":"例如,此类管理员会在社区出现内部冲突时介入,尝试调解各方矛盾,从而消除误解,恢复服务器的和谐氛围。他们会根据具体情况,可能参考特定规则或社区常识来支持某一方的观点,或者礼貌地驳斥另一方的行为。在这两种情况下,管理员都会尝试取得相关人员对其裁决的一致认同,解决冲突,以此赢得社区成员的尊重并恢复服务器的秩序。","#Moderators that see themselves as managing communities view moderation as a second job to be approached in a professional way. They pay particular attention to the way they interact with other members of the community moderation team as well as the moderation teams of other communities, and strive to represent the team positively to their community members. This type of moderator may appear more often as communities become very large and as there becomes a need for clearer, standard processes and division of responsibility between moderators in order to handle the workload.":"这些将自身视作社区监管者的管理员将管理视为一项专业工作。他们特别关注与本社区及其他社区的管理团队成员间的互动方式,并努力代表团队向社区成员展现积极的团队形象。在社区发展到一定规模、需要更加清晰的标准流程并要求管理员有更加明确的职责划分来分担工作量时,此类管理员可能会更加常见。","#It’s perfectly natural that each person on your moderation team will have an approach that comes easier to them than the others and no category is superior to another. Making sure all moderation categories are represented in your moderation team helps to ensure a well-rounded staff that values differing opinions. Even just understanding each of these frameworks is an important component of maintaining a successful community. Now that you understand these different approaches, you can consciously apply them as needed so that your community can continue to thrive!":"管理团队中的每个人都有自己更擅长的管理方式,这是很正常的,各个管理员类别之间没有优劣之分。请确保您的管理团队拥有所有管理员类别,这有助于打造一个重视不同意见且兼收并蓄的团队。哪怕只是理解每一个框架,也对维护成功社区大有裨益。理解了这些不同方法后,您就可以有意识地根据需要对它们加以采用,让社区不断茁壮成长!","#This tendency is also seen in the way that they approach rule enforcement. Moderators that see themselves as governing and regulating communities view the rules as if they were the laws of a country. They meticulously review situations that involve moderator intervention to determine which rule was broken and how it was broken while referring to similar past cases to see how those were handled. These moderators also tend to interpret the rules more strictly, according to the “letter of the law,” and attempt to leave no room for argument while building their “case” against potential offending users.":"这种倾向在其规则执行方式上也有所体现。在这些将自身视作社区监管者的管理员眼中,社区规则就相当于国家法律。他们会仔细审查需要管理员干预的情况,确定违反的规则以及违反的方式,同时参考相似旧例,了解既往处理方式。这些管理员也倾向于根据“法律条文”严格地解释规则,尽可能在潜在违规用户的“案件”中不留任何争议余地。","#One of the most important factors of keeping a community alive and healthy is activity. To maintain activity, moderators can use a few different methods which generally can be separated into two groups: active and passive. Active methods are those which require the presence and active participation of a moderator. Passive methods, on the other hand, do not require a constant presence from an individual and are often automated by using bots. Keep in mind that even passive methods will require occasional maintenance from a moderator.":"在保持社区的健康活力方面,活跃度是最为重要的因素之一。为维持活跃度,管理员可以采用多种方法,一般可分为两类:主动方法和被动方法。主动方法是指需要管理员亲自出马并积极参与的方法。被动方法则不需要某人持续参与,通常会利用机器人进行自动化操作。请记住,即使是被动方法也需要管理员定期维护。","#Grant the role per request. In the case where your system does not grant permissions via leveling, users should be allowed to request this role. Not everyone likes being seen on a leaderboard or the sidebar.":"根据申请授予身份组。如果您的系统不依照等级授予权限,则应允许用户申请获得身份组。并非人人都喜欢出现在排行榜或侧边栏中。","#Content: Use emoji to make new paragraphs or different pieces of information stand out, especially if using a bullet point format. Various shape-related default emoji, such as :small_blue_diamond: or :green_circle: are great for this. You can also use custom emoji to further label content, and with Discord Nitro you don’t even need to have those emoji on your community’s server either.":"内容:利用表情符号,特别是项目符号,来使新的段落或不同的信息变得醒目。各种形状相关的默认表情符号,例如 :small_blue_diamond: 或 :green_circle: 都非常好用。您还可以利用自定义表情符号来进一步标注内容,而且通过 Discord Nitro 订阅的支持,您的社区服务器上甚至不需要提供那些表情符号。","#Although information and announcement channels both provide important information to users in your server, the longevity and detail of the information in each is somewhat different. Remember that being succinct in conveying this information and providing it in an easy to understand format will help your community members better comprehend both your servers’ purpose and the community itself. Keeping this information in mind as you build your server will surely make the passing of new and important information to your community a more comfortable and efficient experience overall.":"信息和公告频道虽然都向用户提供服务器的重要信息,但两者在信息的持久有效性和详略度方面不尽相同。您需要谨记,用简洁的语言传达这些信息,以易于理解的格式提供这些信息,将有助于您的社区成员更好地理解您的服务器用途和社区本身。在建立服务器时牢记这点,无疑会让您在向社区传递新的、重要的信息时,为您和您的社区成员带来更加舒适和高效的整体体验。","#These four steps are only a simplification of the process, and there are many options to consider while using these systems. Depending on the bot you choose to use, you can get various options for configuration but there are several that are commonly available on most bots. Some of these options are:":"这四个步骤只是对该过程的大致概括,使用这类系统时还有许多需要考虑的选项。选择的机器人不同,可选的配置选项也不同,但大多数机器人通常都有一些通用选项。其中的一些选项为:","#When it comes to rewards, not all moderators are willing to invest money into their rewards. In those cases, roles are the simplest way to grant rewards within the community itself.":"在奖励方面,不是所有的管理员都愿意投入金钱作为奖励。在这种情况下,社区内部最简单的奖励方式就是以身份组作为奖励。","#Which Bot Do I Use?":"我应该使用哪款机器人?","#Granting experience. A certain number of XP points is rewarded per message in text chat. In the case of rewarding voice chat activity, they grant experience based on time spent talking in the voice chat.":"授予经验值。每条文字聊天消息会奖励用户一定的经验值。在语音聊天活跃度的奖励上,则会根据用户在语音聊天中的发言时长来授予经验值。","#Channel Control. XP gain can be disabled or enabled per channel. While helping prevent needless spam, it also allows you to remove XP gain in channels where spam-like activity is encouraged, such as channels with bots.":"频道控制。可以单独启用或禁用各个频道的经验值获取。这不仅有助于杜绝不必要的垃圾信息,还可以让您在允许刷屏的频道(如带有机器人的频道)中取消经验值获取。","#Use this role on obvious spammers. Anyone who you can tell is attempting to abuse the system via spamming should be put under this role in order to further hinder meaningless activity.":"为明显在发送垃圾信息的用户赋予该身份组。对于明显在试图通过垃圾信息刷经验值的用户,应将其列入该身份组,从而杜绝无意义的活跃。","#XP Awareness. Being aware of the current XP a user possesses is also a valuable aspect of XP systems. The two ways to see these stats are through leaderboard and rank commands. Leaderboard commands typically show the current top 10 users based on their level or experience, while rank commands show this info for specific users. Usually, XP systems have built in announcement messages for level-ups to keep members posted about their level automatically, some even with a ping to the user in question. These notifications can be turned off.":"经验值监测。监测用户当前的经验值也是经验值系统的一个重要作用。可以通过排行榜命令和等级命令这两种方式来查看这些统计数据。使用排行榜命令通常会显示当前等级或经验值排在前十名的用户,而使用等级命令则会显示特定用户的此类信息。通常,经验值系统会内置用于升级通知的公告消息,以便自动向成员发布其等级相关信息,有些甚至会以@提及的方式向相关用户发送通知。这些通知是可以关闭的。","#No XP Roles. The No XP role allows you to completely block XP gain for any user who has this role. It can be used in two possible ways:":"无经验值身份组。您可以利用无经验值身份组来彻底禁止拥有该身份组的用户获取经验值。它有两种可行用途:","#Alternatively, XP systems can be used as a measure of security. By locking certain permissions behind levels, you can make sure that inactive and malicious users are prevented from committing certain offenses. This is mostly applicable in very large servers.":"另外,经验值系统可以用作一种安全措施。通过将特定权限与等级绑定,您可以确保不活跃用户和恶意用户无法做出某些违规行为。这种做法主要适用于特大型服务器。","#What Are XP Systems And How Do They Work?":"经验值系统是什么?是怎样运作的?","#Header 4: Underlined text. This provides a less noticeable section break, using the underline effect to create a subtle horizontal rule":"标题 4:下划线文本。这是一种不太明显的分节形式,利用下划线效果来创建一个不那么显眼的水平分割线。","#The basic way these systems work is:":"这类系统的基本运作方式是:","#Negative Aspects":"缺点","#Types of XP Systems":"经验值系统的类型","#Preventing spam. Leveling systems have built-in cooldowns. This means that not every message sent will contribute towards gaining XP points. Only the messages sent after the cooldown expires will grant additional XP.":"屏蔽垃圾信息。等级系统内置冷却时间。这意味着并非发出的每条消息都会贡献经验值。只有在冷却时间结束后发送消息才会再次授予经验值。","#Leveling up. After a certain number of XP points is acquired, the user reaches a new level.":"升级。在获得一定的经验值后,用户将提升至新的等级。","#The main function of XP systems is to reward user activity. Their ability to passively lead users towards being active allows moderators to occasionally take a moment to step back from their usual activities of engaging with their community. The existence of a leaderboard appeals to the competitive nature of humans and pulls them to be more active. Rewards additionally add to this appeal. This is applicable in small, medium and some large communities.":"经验值系统的主要功能是奖励活跃用户。经验值系统以被动方式引导用户积极参与,使管理员偶尔可以暂时离开社区,暂停参与其在社区中的常规活动。排行榜能够激发人类的竞争本性,促使用户更加活跃。奖励进一步增加了这种机制的吸引力。这适用于小型、中型和一部分大型社区。","#Granting roles. When a certain level is hit, the bot automatically assigns a role to the user.":"授予身份组。用户达到特定等级时,机器人会自动为其分配一个身份组。","#Manual XP Control. The last two basic options are adding and removing XP manually. Adding XP is commonly used if XP is automatically removed upon leaving the server. This allows users who had to re-join to gain all their former XP back. Alternatively, manually adding XP could also be considered a reward for certain actions, while removing would be used for punishments. Finally, resetting XP could be used for all users when you have a cyclical leveling system, while resetting XP for users who have been banned or left allows you to prevent clutter on the leaderboard.":"手动经验值调整。最后两个基本选项是手动增加和减少经验值。在用户退出服务器后,如果服务器会将其经验值自动清零,则通常需要启用手动增加经验值的功能。如果有用户不得不重新加入服务器,可以利用这个功能使其经验值恢复至离开前的水平。此外,您既可以手动增加用户的经验值以作为对某些行为的奖励,也可以减少其经验值作为惩罚。最后,循环型等级系统可以重置用户的经验值,重置封禁或退服用户的经验值可以防止排行榜出现混乱。","#Both of these routes will require the utilization of roles. There are two main reasons for this:":"这两种方法都需要运用身份组。其中主要有两个原因:","#Although the first part of this example uses four levels of headers, you’ll see that the second section only uses two levels. Depending on the information you’re trying to convey, you might not need that many different sections in your information channels. This is also true for messages for announcements, as they tend to be shorter than information provided in an informational channel. However, using paragraphs and some section headers well can still help make long messages easier to read and understand.":"虽然这个例子的第一部分用了四级标题,但您可以看到,它的第二部分只用了两个层级。基于您希望传达的信息量,您的信息频道可能不需要用到那么多不同的标题形式。公告频道中的消息也是如此,因为它们的内容与信息频道提供的信息相比,往往会更短。不过,恰当利用分段和章节标题,依然有助于让长消息变得易于阅读和理解。","#Usage of XP Systems":"经验值系统的使用","#This article will focus on explaining the functionality of these systems in detail in addition to showing how well they can contribute to your community. Additionally, we will be going over several bots which you can use to implement an XP system in your server.":"本文将重点解释经验值系统的功能,并为您展示其能为社区做出的卓越贡献。此外,我们还会介绍几种机器人,您可以利用它们在服务器上设置经验值系统。","#One of the more popular passive methods are XP systems. XP systems, otherwise known as experience or leveling systems, grant users experience points (XP) and levels based on their activity in a server. Their main purpose is to reward member activity in the community. These systems exist in the form of bots. Usually they are just one function of multi-purpose bots, but there are cases where the sole function of the bot is the leveling system.":"一种比较受欢迎的被动方法是经验值系统。经验值系统,也称为经验系统或等级系统,即根据用户在服务器中的活跃度,授予其经验值(XP)和相应等级。设置经验值系统旨在奖励活跃的社区成员。这类系统以机器人的形式存在,通常只是多功能机器人的一个功能,但也存在一些以等级系统作为唯一功能的机器人。","#When it comes to security, permissions are tied to roles, so using them is needed as they allow control over which permissions are granted to large groups of people.":"在安全方面,权限与身份组绑定,因此有必要利用身份组来大批量控制用户的权限。","#Regulation of Activity":"活跃度管理","#XP and level customization. Changing the XP gain per message and cooldown will allow you to have better control over the system, as well as fine tune it towards the level of activity in your community. This can be extended to role based reward systems as well. It’s important to adjust the levels at which certain roles are acquired, as the roles need to be reachable in order for the reward to have a purpose. Keep in mind that not all bots will allow changing the cooldown or XP gain per message, but they will always allow for setting roles at a level of your choice.":"经验值和等级的自定义。您既可以通过调整每条消息的经验值获取量和冷却时间来更好地控制系统,也可以对其进行微调来适应社区活跃度水平。这种方式同样适用于基于身份组的奖励系统。调整能够获得特定身份组的等级十分重要,因为如果身份组的获取门槛过高,社区成员就会失去获取的动力和兴趣。请注意,并非所有的机器人都支持设置冷却时间或调整每条消息的经验值获取量,但一定都支持设置获得身份组的等级。","#Permanent systems do not reset at any point in time. Occasionally, users that are banned or have left are removed from the leaderboards. They give a good look into who the most active and dedicated users in the community are. Permanent systems can be used both for rewards and security. Their biggest downside is that they are not very friendly towards new members, especially in older communities.":"永久型系统在任何时间点都不会重置,只会偶尔将被封禁或退出服务器的用户移出排行榜。这类系统能够清晰展示社区中活跃度和贡献度最高的用户。永久型系统既可以用于奖励,也可以用于设置安全措施。永久型系统最大的缺点在于,它对于新成员来说不太友好,在建立时间较久的社区中尤为如此。","#Combined Systems":"综合型系统","#As the goal of XP systems is to boost activity, it is important to note that they will also lure in users who believe any type of activity is acceptable. This is not the case. While the problem of spam is already resolved by the cooldown ability of most XP systems, there are still behavioral issues that need to be addressed.":"由于经验值系统的目标是提升活跃度,因此请注意,这也会吸引一批以为任何形式的活跃都可以被接受的用户。当然,现实决非如此。虽然大多数经验值系统的冷却功能已经解决了垃圾信息的问题,但行为问题尚且有待解决。","#Members need to be aware that rules still exist in the community and they cannot simply do as they please. It is important to moderate those who blatantly misbehave in order to level up. Other contributions to the community, which are not measured with activity in text or voice chat, should also be rewarded, such as artworks, stories, etc.":"成员需要意识到社区中仍然有规则存在,不能随心所欲。针对为升级而公然采取不当行为的人员,一定要严加管理。对于社区中其他以文字或语音聊天之外的形式(如艺术作品、故事等)贡献的活跃度,也应该给予奖励。","#In the following section, several publicly available bots will be presented as options for what you can use for an XP System in your server. The following bots have been chosen based on data collected from a survey of various moderators, administrators and owners in Discord communities.":"接下来将介绍几款适合于服务器经验值系统的公开可用的机器人。根据对 Discord 社区的多个管理员、主管理员及所有者进行调查所收集的数据,我们选出了以下几款机器人。","#Role Bloating":"身份组泛滥","#Naturally, you have to consider several factors prior to deciding on using XP systems. If you are considering using one, think of how you can best integrate it into your community. In which way will you use it? Which type of system would suit your community best? Which bot would be the best for the task? Of course, there are negative aspects to consider as well, meaning you’d have to figure out how to control and minimize them. Carefully weigh all the pros and cons prior to making a final decision.":"决定是否使用经验值系统之前,您自然需要考虑几个因素。如果您考虑使用经验值系统,那么请思考将其融入社区的最佳方法。您会如何使用这个系统?哪种类型的系统最适合您的社区?对于您的任务来说,哪款机器人是最佳选择?当然,还需要考虑到一些负面因素,这意味着您需要想办法控制和减少这些因素。在作出最终决定之前,请您仔细权衡所有利弊。","#Furthermore, activity that comes from channels which encourage spam-like behavior, such as bot channels, should not count towards the total. For that reason, XP gain should be disabled in channels of that sort.":"此外,允许刷屏的频道(如机器人频道)所贡献的活跃度不应计入总活跃度。因此,应该在此类频道中禁用经验值获取。","#Knowing that we have the ability to reset the XP in the server, we can use this option to create different types of XP systems. We can divide XP systems into three different types: cyclical, permanent and combined.":"既然我们有能力重置服务器中的经验值,那就可以利用这个选项来创建不同类型的经验值系统。我们可以将经验值系统分为三种类型:循环型、永久型和综合型。","#Since most XP systems require utilization of roles for truly fulfilling their usage, the issue of role bloating comes to mind. It is important to manage and space the leveled roles properly in order to avoid creating an excessive number of roles with no real use in your server.":"大多数经验值系统均要求使用身份组来实现其功能,这也因此导致了身份组泛滥的问题。为避免在服务器中创建过多没有实际用途的身份组,正确管理和安排等级身份组非常重要。","#Low Quality content":"低质量内容","#Not in every case is an XP system useful for a community. In many cases moderators can’t figure out how they can add this sort of system and make it seem like a natural part of the server, or how it can fit the theme of the community. Considering the theme and purpose of your server is an important part of making the decision of adding a leveling system to your server. Before you make the decision, ask yourself: How can I make this system a natural part of my community?":"并不是每个社区都适合使用经验值系统。在许多情况下,管理员难以将这种系统自然融入到服务器中,或者难以使其与社区主题相契合。为服务器添加等级系统前,应当考虑到服务器的主题和宗旨。做决定之前,请问问自己:我该如何让这个系统自然融入我的社区?","#Inorganic Communication":"无意义交流","#Cyclical Systems":"循环型系统","#This list is not exhaustive. There are plenty of alternatives available online. All of the listed bots are free and public. Some features may be limited to paid additions or private versions of the bots. The content of this article is not endorsed by any bot or company related to the bots.":"此列表并非详尽无遗。您可以在网上找到许多替代方案。表中列出的机器人都是免费且公开的。某些功能可能是付费内容或仅在私人版本的机器人中提供。本文内容未经任何相关机器人验证或相关公司认可。","#Gaius Play is an entertainment bot that also hosts an XP system. It takes both text and voice chat activity into account. The basic version comes with a preset configuration for XP gain and leveling, as well as commands for adding rewards up to 6 roles, fully customizing and toggling level-up messages, manually controlling XP, ignoring activity in certain channels and the ability to boost XP gain within certain parameters (roles, channels, time periods). It also has the ability to remove leveled roles from all users, making it ideal for use in a cyclical system. Additionally, there are several premium features, such as unlimited reward roles and a tree leveling system. Users can also reset their own reward roles in order to change paths on the tree leveling system.":"Gaius Play 是一款娱乐机器人,也提供经验值系统功能。它同时考虑到了文字聊天和语音聊天的活跃度。基础版本提供以下功能:经验值获取和等级的预设配置;最多可添加 6 个身份组作为奖励内容的命令;完全自定义和切换升级消息的命令;手动调整经验值的命令;忽略特定频道活跃度的命令;能够在某些参数(身份组、频道、时间段)上提高经验值获取。它还能移除所有用户的等级身份组,是循环型系统的理想选择。此外,这款机器人还有一些高级功能,如无限奖励身份组和树状等级系统。用户还可以重置自己的奖励身份组,以便在树状等级系统中更改路径。","#This would be one of the most difficult problems of the system to resolve. Many members, with the intent of increasing their XP count and level, will attempt to hold conversation in the community. This part of it is perfectly fine. The problem arises when they start forcing conversation at any point in time solely to increase their message count. The result would be communication that is completely unnatural and unhealthy.":"这是系统中最难解决的问题之一。为了提升经验值和等级,许多成员会尝试在社区中参与对话。这部分情况是完全可以接受的。问题在于,有些成员可能会仅仅为了增加消息数量,不论何时都要强行对话。这会带来完全不自然和不健康的交流。","#Cyclical systems reset XP points in a regular cycle. Cycle duration should be set based on activity, though it is not advisable to use this system in communities with very low activity. The constant resets in the leaderboard allow new members to climb the charts quickly, but this only lets the system be used for rewards. It is common to give out special rewards to the most active users at the end of the cycle, such as custom roles for the duration of the following cycle, which encourages continued activity to retain their rewards. This also gives moderators the opportunity to post announcements regularly at the ends of cycles. The biggest downside of this system is that not all bots have the ability to also remove leveling roles when the cycle ends.":"循环型系统会定期重置经验值。循环周期的长度应根据活跃情况设置,但不建议在活跃度非常低的社区采用该系统。不断重置的排行榜使得新成员能够迅速崭露头角,但这仅适用于奖励系统。每个循环结束时,最为活跃的用户通常会收到特殊奖励,例如有效期持续至下次循环结束的定制身份组,他们会为了保留这份奖励而保持活跃。这还让管理员有机会在每次循环结束时定期发布公告。这种系统最大的缺点在于,并非所有的机器人都能在循环结束时移除等级身份组。","#As with any system, there are several negative aspects to consider when it comes to using XP systems. All of these should be taken into consideration before you make a decision on whether you want to use one. Some of the most commonly voiced concerns would be the following:":"与所有系统一样,使用经验值系统时需要考虑到它的几个缺点。在您决定是否使用经验值系统之前,应将所有这些因素纳入考量。以下是一些最为常见的关注点:","#Permanent Systems":"永久型系统","#The fact that these systems encourage sending a larger number of messages automatically leads to the idea of spam. Since spam is considered a violation of rules, as well as a ToS violation, this would become a huge problem. The issue is easily resolvable, thanks to the built in anti-spam measures XP systems have, primarily the message cooldown. This, in combination with good moderation would make it certain that no spam is generated by the presence of the system.":"这类系统鼓励发送大量消息,因此垃圾信息自然无法避免。由于发送垃圾信息被视为违反规则和服务条款的行为,这个问题不容小觑。但这个问题也不难解决,因为经验值系统内置了反垃圾信息措施(主要是发送消息具有冷却时间)。结合良好的管理,就能杜绝垃圾信息。","#Combined systems are a combination of cyclical and permanent systems. They usually require the usage of 2 separate bots to keep track of rankings on both leaderboards. They take the best aspects of both systems, meaning they can be used both for rewards, which would be connected to the cyclical system, and security, which would be connected to the permanent one. This also allows for the cyclical leaderboard to help involve new users more, while still giving good insight of who the most active members of all time are with the permanent one. The only big downside that remains is the issue of removing roles from a large number of members.":"综合型系统是循环型和永久型系统的结合。通常需要使用两个单独的机器人来分别追踪两个排行榜上的排名。综合型系统综合了两种系统的优点,这意味着此类系统既可以用于给予奖励(与循环型系统相关),也可以用于设置安全措施(与永久型系统相关)。同时,循环型排行榜能更好地吸引新用户参与,而永久型排行榜则能清晰展示自社区建立以来最为活跃的成员。唯一的严重问题是难以大量移除成员的身份组。","#It is believed that when it comes to rewarding members, rewards should be granted manually through qualitative judgement of content, rather than quantitative. It’s a fact that bots cannot themselves tell the quality of the messages sent. The fact that all types of conversations allow users to gain XP means that there is no meter on what the quality of the conversation is. Granting privileges as a result of such conversations sends the wrong idea of what sort of activity is encouraged. Only humans can truly judge content subjectively to determine quality. By combining proper moderation, for handling the judgement of quality, and the built-in preventive mechanisms of XP systems for quantity control, this issue can be held down to a minimal level.":"有人认为,在奖励成员时,应当通过人工定性评判其内容质量来授予奖励,而非定量评判。事实上,机器人本身无法判断消息的质量。所有类型的对话都可以让用户获得经验值,这意味着对话质量没有明确的评判标准。以这样的对话作为授权的评判依据会传递出错误的活跃度鼓励理念。只有人类才可以主观地判断内容的质量。通过适当的管理来做好质量判断,结合经验值系统内置的数量控制防护机制,可以最大程度地控制住这个问题。","#Difficulty with Community Integration":"融入社区的困难","#With the available selection of bots and documentation explaining the setup of XP systems, using leveling modules is simpler than ever. The configuration options that exist on these modules allow for creative usage of leveling systems with the goal of passively increasing activity within the community.":"这款机器人的可选项和经验值系统设置说明文档能够简化等级模块的使用。这些模块中的配置选项让您能够创造性地使用等级系统,从而以被动方式增加社区的活跃度。","#Amari is a bot that is solely focused on leveling systems. It only looks at activity in text channels. This is a very simple bot, containing commands for setting rewards, manually controlling XP, customizing and toggling level-up messages, as well as ignoring activity in some channels. It has the ability to have 2 leaderboards active at the same time, both of which can be reset at any point. Donor features allow for modification of the cooldown between messages, as well as modification of the XP gain per message.":"Amari 是一款专注于等级系统的机器人。它只关注文字频道中的活跃情况。这款机器人非常简单,它提供设置奖励、手动调整经验值、自定义和切换升级消息的命令,也可以忽略某些频道的活跃度。它能够同时启用两种排行榜,且能够随时对其进行重置。捐赠者能额外享受两种功能:修改消息间的冷却时间;修改每条消息的经验值获取。","#This type of abuse of the system can’t really be stopped with the cooldown system since most of the time it is not spam. The only real way to prevent this is to use the No XP role, but the difficulty of telling organic and inorganic communication apart raises the question: Was there really any violation of the system?":"由于这种交流大多数情况下并不涉及垃圾信息,因此这种滥用系统的行为很难通过冷却系统来阻止。唯一能够真正避免这种情况的方法就是使用“无经验值”身份组,但是区分有意义和无意义交流的难度引发了一个问题:无意义交流真的违反了系统规定吗?","#Nadeko is a multi-purpose bot with a leveling system module. It detects activity exclusively from text chat and has a preset configuration for XP gain. It contains commands for setting up reward roles, toggling level-up messages, ignoring activity in channels and manually controlling XP. A big upside of this bot is that you have the option to host it yourself. This also adds the ability to set up in-bot currency rewards, as well as better overall control of the bot.":"Nadeko 是一款多功能机器人,具有等级系统模块。它仅检测文字聊天的活跃度,并且提供预设经验值获取配置。它提供奖励身份组设置、切换升级消息、忽略频道活跃度和手动调整经验值的命令。这款机器人的重要优势在于,您可以选择自行部署。这也使您能够设置机器人内货币奖励,对这款机器人拥有更好的整体掌控。","#Tatsu is another multi-purpose bot with an XP system module. It has several basic commands, allowing creation of reward roles, toggling level-up announcements, modifying XP gain per message and cooldown, manual XP control and ignoring channel activity. It also features a dashboard and a global leaderboard alongside the local one.":"Tatsu 是另一款具有经验值系统模块的多功能机器人。它具有几个基本命令,能够创建奖励身份组、切换升级公告、修改每条消息的经验值获取和消息间冷却时间、手动调整经验值,以及忽略频道活跃度。它还具有数据面板,以及全球排行榜和本地排行榜。","#Sensitive Topics":"敏感话题","#Facilitating Healthy Discussions about Mental Health":"提倡开展关于心理健康的良性讨论","#Mental health awareness is an essential and challenging topic to talk about in moderation. Being in a good mental state has countless benefits. Not only are you more alert, and subsequently feel better, but generally you are better equipped to deal with the stresses of everyday life. Mental health is an integral part of our health; there is no health without mental health.":"心理健康是一个至关重要又极具挑战性的讨论话题,并需要在管理下开展。良好的心理健康对人大有裨益,不仅会让您更敏锐,自我感觉更好,而且能让您做好更扎实的准备,以应对日常生活中的种种压力。心理健康是人整体健康不可或缺的一部分,身心健康缺一不可。","#Mental health and mental illness are strongly intertwined, but very different. People with good mental health can develop a mental illness, while those with no mental illness can have poor mental health. Mental health reflects our emotional, physiological, and social well-being. Though the topic of mental health is still quite taboo to talk about in certain circles, there is help available for those who wish to seek it. Mental health is a crucial aspect of a person’s existence as it affects our actions, emotions, and thoughts. A healthy mental state enhances effectiveness and productivity in work, education, and interpersonal relationships.":"心理健康和心理疾病两者联系非常紧密,但彼此并不相同。心理健康良好的人可能罹患心理疾病,而没有心理疾病的人也可能在心理健康方面不尽人意。心理健康反映的是我们在情感、生理和社会层面上的情况。虽然某些圈子依旧相当避忌心理健康这个话题,但有需要的人还是可以获得帮助。心理健康是我们生活中一个重要方面,会影响我们的行为、情绪和思想。心理状态健康,在工作、学业和人际关系领域就能更有效率,做得更好。","#A lot goes into developing an excellent community and introducing a mental health channel is not easy as you have to consider how to best moderate it. This includes how you’ll be utilizing auto moderation and text filters in the channel as accidental flags in highly emotional situations can be more harmful than helpful. If you do decide to create a mental health channel or thread, it is important to be aware of all possible situations and to be flexible and prepared for unexpected scenarios.":"打造出色的社区需要投入很多精力,而心理健康频道需要合适的管理方法,也是说易行难。比如,您需要慎重考虑如何使用自动管理和文本过滤功能,避免出现意外标记,在情绪激动的情况下有害无利。如果您决心创建心理健康频道或子区,请务必尽量考虑到所有可能的情况,保持灵活性,随时应对不可预知的问题。","#Do not tolerate harassment of any kind. It is imperative that mental health channels remain safe, positive, and welcoming to all. There should be nothing that causes conversation to make others feel uncomfortable or attacked.":"绝不容忍任何形式的骚扰。心理健康频道始终必须是安全、良善和积极向上的空间,不应当有任何让他人感到不适或被针对的行为。这一点至关重要。","#Have a rule or two about taking a break if necessary. This can be true for both moderators who are at risk of burnout and the regular users participating in these channels. Taking breaks is incredibly important and should be encouraged, especially in the context of mental health.":"制订一两条规则,说明无论是管理员还是参与心理健康频道的普通用户,只要有需要就可以休息。充分的休息非常重要,需要得到提倡,特别是在心理健康频道中。","#The Importance of Mental Health Awareness":"增强心理健康意识的重要性","#Know when they should go into effect. A user just venting about their day is probably not going to need escalation. While a user that is talking about self harm will need to be escalated.":"明确何时启动程序。如果用户只是发泄当天情绪,一般不需要上报处理,但提到自我伤害就应当启动程序。","#Being informed and aware about mental health issues is a great start when you’re considering how it may affect or apply to your community and team. As an illness can manifest in a variety of different ways, it is vital to be ready and have clear guidelines on these complex topics when dealing with online communities both for your staff internally and for your community externally. An often overlooked result of community moderation is how it can affect the mental health of your team. Moderator burnout stems from situations that harm your team’s mental health, and understanding the signs and how to deal with it are essential in building a strong online community led by a moderation team that can act as a strong support system not only to your community, but to each other.":"如果您正在考虑心理健康问题对社区/团队意味着什么,或可能带来怎样的影响,那么我们建议您首先了解并认识心理健康问题。疾病可以有多种不同症状,因此,您必须做好准备,针对此类复杂话题为内部员工和外部社区制订清晰的规定指南,好在处理在线社区事务时有规则可循。社区管理对团队心理健康的影响常为许多人所忽略。损害团队心理健康的情况是导致管理员过劳的一大罪魁祸首。如果能及时发现过劳迹象,并了解合适的应对方法,您就能打造出强大的管理团队,为社区和团队成员彼此提供坚实的支持,进而培养出强有力的在线社区。","#Escalation protocols are another important foundation for when mental health discussions take place. Some ideas to consider when implementing them:":"上报处理程序也是心理健康对话的砥柱。在制订程序时,您可以借鉴下列做法:","#Before we discuss what to consider when introducing mental health channels to a community, it is important to understand the difference between mental health and a mental illness, and to be aware of the realities of what these terms entail.":"您可能想问:在为社区添加心理健康频道时该考虑哪些问题?在就此展开讨论前,您必须了解心理健康和心里疾病之间的差异,并注意这两个词在现实生活中意味着什么。这一点至关重要。","#Discussing mental health in a positive way can be challenging as it is a sensitive topic with a variety of experiences attached to it. However, there are some ways to make this an easier experience from a moderation standpoint, the most important of which is having clear server rules and moderator guidelines for how to act when these discussions are taking place and having clear escalation protocols for if things go south. Talking with your moderators about mental health and challenging times in life as well as facilitating breaks for them demonstrates that you care about their well-being. This is an integral part of establishing a healthy environment for your moderators and solid internal relationships.":"心理健康属于敏感话题,牵涉的经历多种多样,难以用积极的方式开展讨论。不过,您可以采取多种方法,让心理健康话题讨论从管理角度更加容易开展。其中最重要的是清晰明了的服务器规则管理员指南,帮助每个人了解在开展心理健康讨论时该作何反应,如果情况恶化,有清楚的上报处理程序可循。您应当与管理员讨论心理健康问题和生活中遇到的困难,并帮助管理员获得充分的休息,展示出对他们健康和福祉的关心。只有做到这一点,您才能为管理员营造健康的环境,打造坚不可摧的内部关系。","#Some suggestions for creating these guidelines include:":"在制订规则指南时,请考虑采取下列做法:","#Have clear and understandable guidelines on when and how to escalate things. Some ideas for these guidelines:":"制订清晰易于理解的规则指南,说明上报处理的时机和方式。您可以借鉴下列做法:","#Understanding that some moderators aren’t comfortable in these situations is important and if you decide to allow such a channel on your server, you need to be able to vet your moderators and future helpers. As moderators aren’t mental health professionals, they shouldn’t be treated as such and should also be presented with the option to opt out of spaces such as this. Therefore, it is vitally important that you establish clear internal guidelines and procedures to set expectations for the channel at a manageable level.":"还有一点不容忽视:有的管理员并不愿意处理此类情况。如果您在服务器中添加了心理健康频道,请审核管理员和未来的助手。管理员并非专业心理咨询师,不该负有此类责任。您应当允许管理员主动退出心理健康类的频道。因此,清晰明了的内部规则指南和流程至关重要,这样才能让频道有可控的预期。","#Adding a Mental Health Channel in Your Server":"在服务器中添加心理健康频道","#The creation of specific mental health-related guidelines ensure that users remain respectful of each other and that conversations are within the designated guidelines of your community.":"制订明确具体的心理健康相关规则指南,能确保用户保持对彼此的尊重,避免对话违反社区指定的规则。","#Make it clear that moderators (unless otherwise stated) are not mental health professionals.":"清楚表明管理员(除非另有说明)不是专家心理健康从业人员。","#Have a clear rule about respect with the emphasis that intentionally disrespectful actions will lead to moderator intervention. Respecting others and exhibiting empathy towards people’s situations can go a long way to helping them feel validated and supported.":"制订关于相互尊重的明确规定,强调管理员会干预那些故意不尊重他人的行为。彼此尊重、同情能在很大程度上让每个人感到被认可、被支持。","#Discord has also partnered with Crisis Text Line, a non-profit that provides text-based volunteer support for people in crisis. You can learn more about our integration and partnership and how to use it on Discord here.":"Discord 还与非盈利机构 Crisis Text Line 建立了合作伙伴关系。Crisis Text Line 能以文字形式,为身处困难和危机中的人提供志愿帮助。欢迎访问这里,进一步了解我们的集成和合作关系,以及如何在 Discord 上使用 Crisis Text Line。","#Be firm, but fair. The best way to do this would be to have punishments that escalate for each offense in these channels. The first offense may be a warning, while the second or third may be a mute. There could also be a “strike” system, whereby a mute or tempban may be applied by the third strike.":"严格而不失公正。要做到这一点,最好的方法是在心理健康类频道中采取处罚升级做法。第一次违反规定处以警告,第二次、第三次则会导致静音。您也可以采用“三振出局”类的系统,第三次违规就会导致静音或暂时封禁。","#Know that de-escalation is also an important step. Reporting problematic things to Discord is important, but reports are not often actioned upon immediately. Having a guideline for de-escalation can help alleviate those situations that are time sensitive.":"降级也是非常重要的一步。向 Discord 报告棘手问题固然重要,但针对报告的措施不一定会立刻落实。制订降级规则指南,有助于在时间紧迫的情况下缓解问题。","#Have a role that can be pinged for when / if a user is suicidal.":"设置专门的身份组,一旦有用户出现自杀倾向,即可提及该身份组。","#Always go into a situation with the assumption of good faith. Coming into an argument or conversation with the assumption of bad faith, especially in channels dedicated to mental health, can muddy the waters and skew perceptions.":"始终站在善意的出发点上处理问题。带着“有罪推论”参与讨论或对话会导致问题复杂化,扭曲看问题的角度,在心理健康频道尤甚。","#Have a link to the T&S report form on hand. This is the best way to escalate things as Discord Trust & Safety can do more than the average user. For more information on reporting and how to report, see this article.":"随时准备好 Trust and Safety 报告表格链接。Discord Trust and Safety 能做到的比普通用户更多,是上报处理的最佳方式。要进一步了解报告和报告方法,请参阅这篇文章。","#Moderation of mental health channels can be a touchy subject. On one hand, moderators should be firm in removing harassers and users who are disrespecting others. On the other hand, moderators should try their best not to over-moderate. There must be a balance to ensure that these channels that have very sensitive subject matters within them are moderated with care. Some ways to do this are:":"心理健康频道的管理相当敏感。一方面,管理员应当毫不留情地移除骚扰或不尊重他人的用户;另一方面又该尽可能避免过度管理。拿捏好两者之间的分寸,才能确保细心、谨慎地管理敏感话题频道。您可以参考下列做法:","#How to Access Support":"如何获得支持","#Some more examples of support sites include:":"其他支持网站还包括:","#Whatever you decide is best for your community, we believe that education is key. It may be helpful to think about adding a channel or post that gives people access to professional support lines, such as FindaHelpline and the TWLOHA resource, as well as other resources laid out in this article. Generally, facilitating a healthy discussion around important topics of any kind is essential in helping to develop stronger communities online. Make sure that your community is a safe space for everyone that chooses to call it home!":"无论您为社区做哪种选择,关键都在于教育。我们建议您添加包含可连接到专业支持热线的频道或帖子,如FindaHelplineTWLOHA 资源,以及本文中提到的其他资源。总的来说,协助开展任何重要话题的健康讨论,都能让在线社区变得更强大。社区是个家,安全感最重要,请务必让每位用户都感到这一点。","#Education is key. Try to use moderation not as a tool to make an example, but as a way to educate. Users will respond better to education and it will be an opportunity for growth not just for the user that broke a rule or guideline, but also for other users in the channel. This also humanizes mods as people who want to do the best for their community and not robots that serve to punish users.":"教育是关键。管理的目的不是“杀鸡儆猴”,而是教育。用户对教育的响应更加积极,违反规则的用户和频道中其他的用户都能抓住教育的机会成长。这样,管理员也更具有人性的温度,是热心帮助社区的“人”,而不是专事惩罚的机器人。","#International Emergency Phone Number Lists":"国际紧急电话列表","#The LGBT Foundation Helpline":"LGBT Foundation 帮助热线","#Not all communities are prepared to host a mental health channel or thread, and there is a lot to consider before adding one to your server. While allowing talk about mental health can be incredibly beneficial, it is just as important to realize that moderators aren’t professionals and should not be put in those positions if they aren’t comfortable with it. That’s why we advise that you carefully consider your current environment, your community’s purpose, and implications that might occur if you choose to add one.":"并非每个社区都做好了添加心理健康频道或子区的准备。在您打算在自己的服务器中这么做前,也请三思后行。允许用户讨论心理健康话题固然多有裨益,但您也应当记住:管理员不是专业心理咨询师,不应当“被自愿”承担这些责任。我们建议您仔细认真地考虑当前环境和社区目标,以及添加心理健康频道可能产生的后果。","#There are an incredible amount of resources available for mental health support–everything from emergency phone numbers to suicide hotlines and LGBTQ+ helplines. The Find a Helpline resource consists of a list of global helplines and hotlines. We also recommend looking at the TWLOHA resource, which is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with their mental health.":"心理健康支持的资源数不胜数,如紧急联系电话、自杀预防热线、LGBTQ+ 帮助热线等等。Find a Helpline 资源涵盖了全球许多帮助电话和热线。我们也建议您查阅TWLOHA 资源。TWLOHA 是一个非盈利运动,能为遇到心理健康问题的人带去希望和帮助。","#Consider a situation from all angles, especially within the context of mental health. A person may be lashing out due to poor mental health, and thus it may be a good time to de-escalate the situation before dishing out any punishments. That said, do not let users use mental health as an excuse for bad behavior, especially if it becomes a pattern or other users are suffering.":"从各个角度看问题,尤其是心理健康问题。人有时候发脾气是因为心理健康不佳,此时就应当降温处理,而不是贸然处罚。但是,心理健康不是不良和恶意行为的借口。如果有用户积恶成习,或导致其他用户不适、难过等,就应当采取相应措施。","#How to Moderate a Mental Health Channel":"如何管理心理健康频道","#Open Counseling’s International Suicide Hotlines":"Open Counseling 的全球自杀预防热线","#The Suicide Prevention Lifeline":"预防自杀生命线","#Advertising":"推广","#How Family-Friendly Servers Differ From Other Servers":"全年龄段服务器与其他服务器的区别","#Text filter implementation and determining which topics of discussion are appropriate for the server may be more strict than the average community as a result of building a safe space for younger users. There is generally no room for crudeness in any form. This goes beyond using text filters to monitor hate speech, which is against Discord’s Community Guidelines, and going further to include curse words, innuendo, illegal substances and activities, gore, dark humor making light of serious situations, any negative and harmful rhetoric from within the fandom your community supports, and more.":"为年轻用户创建一个安全放心的空间,要求您以比普通社区更加严格的方式运行文本过滤器以及确定适宜服务器的讨论话题,不允许出现任何形式的粗暴言行。这不仅包括使用文本过滤器来监控违反 Discord 社区守则的仇恨言论,还包括脏话、影射、违禁物与行为、血腥内容、淡化问题严重性的黑色幽默,以及任何针对社区支持的同好圈发出的消极和有害言论等等。","#Automoderation can be utilized to mute or ban users who are engaging in problematic discussion around hate speech, and moderators can use their judgment on other blacklisted words as long as your moderation bot is set to log filtered words in moderation channels.":"您可以利用自动化管理对那些参与了围绕仇恨言论的争议讨论的用户实施静音或封禁惩罚。并且,只要您将管理机器人设置为记录管理员团队频道中的过滤词语,管理员就可以对其他被列入黑名单的词语做出判断。","#As moderators it’s important to help educate young users about how to maintain confidentiality and use discretion when revealing personal information. This starts with recognizing and not clicking malicious links and steers into conversations about reporting things that make them uncomfortable in any way and protecting their private information. Keep an eye out on how others interact with younger users and act accordingly, as a victim may not realize they are a victim in some situations.":"作为管理员,一定要帮助年轻用户学会在透露个人信息时注意保密以及保持谨慎的态度。首先教他们学会识别并不去点击恶意连接,然后逐渐引导他们学会举报那些以任何形式让他们感到不适的事情,进而学会保护个人隐私信息。鉴于某些受害人在有些情况下可能并未意识到自己成为了受害人,因此请注意留意其他人与年轻用户的交流方式,并采取相应的应对措施。","#During the foundational stages of server building make sure to keep ideas such as privacy concerns, text filters, appropriate topics of discussions, and rule continuity at the forefront of your mind. Consider how you will handle users who are above the traditional age range of family-friendly servers who may not wish to abide by these rules.":"在创建服务器的初期阶段,请务必将诸如隐私安全问题、文本过滤器、适宜讨论的话题以及规则的连续性等重要问题放在首位。同时,您还需要考虑到面对全年龄段服务器中那些超出目标年龄范围且不愿意遵守这些规则的用户时,应采取怎样的应对措施。","#If you are gaining an unexpected or potentially unwelcome boost from being mentioned by a famous person or some other extraordinary situation, it may make sense to take down your regular advertising, remove your cross-linking between platforms, disable certain invites, or take any other actions to generally reduce the flow of new users. This may not help if the vast majority of your new users are coming from one source that, for example, posted a vanity invite link that you don’t want to remove and have potentially stolen by another server.":"如果您因被名人提及或其他一些特殊情况获得了意料之外或并不想要的流量,那么取消您的常规推广、删除平台之间的交叉链接、禁用某些邀请或采取其他通常意在减少新用户加入的行动,这些举措都会起到一定的效果。但如果您的绝大多数新用户来源单一(比如来自于您已发布且不想删除的个性化邀请链接,或已被其他服务器窃取的个性化域名),这么做可能就无济于事了。","#Depending on how large the influx of new users is, and whether this is a new server or an existing one, it may make sense to restrict the ability to send messages to a select group of users or just restrict those permissions only to staff while you wait for the people joining to acclimate. This can give you time to assess how many people joined, and whether your setup is prepared to handle that kind of growth or if you need to do additional preparation before opening things up. This can also give you time to remove any new users that you already know will not be contributing members of the group (ie. people with hateful profile pictures/usernames) before they can get the chance to integrate themselves into the server.":"当你等待新人加入时,根据涌入的新用户数量,以及该服务器是新服务器还是现有服务器,限制向选定用户组发送消息的能力,或仅将这些权限限制为管理员权限,可能会是合理的决定。这么做可以让您有时间评估有多少人加入,以及您的设置是否准备好应对这种增长,或者您是否需要在开放之前做额外的准备。这还可以让您有时间删除那些您已知不会成为有益成员的新用户(比如那些使用仇恨性的个人资料图片/用户名的人),不给他们融入服务器的可趁之机。","#Adding word filters or autoresponders for specific terms related to your event":"为与您的活动相关的特定术语添加词汇过滤器或自动回复器","#Growth can be difficult to manage at normal rates, and explosive growth can be especially difficult. Teams will need to prepare for influxes of users, manage their entry into the space, ensure that they can integrate with and navigate the different parts of the community during a more turbulent or hectic time, and maintain the purpose and mission of the community with minimal disruption. Throughout all of this, moderators will also have to deal with an increase in the volume of bad actors joining and the increase in required moderation actions to keep things running smoothly.":"正常速度的用户增长可能已经难以管理,而爆炸式增长的管理更是难上加难。团队需要为用户的涌入做好准备,管理他们进入空间,确保他们能够在更加动荡或忙碌的时期融入社区,并在不同部分间流畅跳转,维持社区的目的和使命,并将干扰维持在最低水平。在做好以上这些时,管理员还必须着手处理不断增加的不良行为者,以及增加为保持事情顺利进行而设的管理举措。","#Implement automatic punishments for certain usernames/nicknames":"对某些用户名/昵称实施自动惩罚","#Server Design":"服务器设计","#Setting timed reminders for commonly broken rules to appear in the server":"为服务器中出现的常见违规情况设置定时提醒","#On the other hand, if you make a server for a brand or company, it is recommended to go by your target audience. Introducing features like internationalization needs carefully planned, but steady steps.":"另一方面,如果您是为了某品牌或公司而建立服务器,则建议您根据目标受众决定语言。引入像国际化这样的特色需要精心策划以及稳步推进。","#Privacy Concerns":"隐私安全问题","#Utilizing slow mode in certain busier channels":"在某些较繁忙的频道中使用慢速模式","#If you want to feature multiple languages with equal amounts, you can effectively combine multiple Discord servers in one. For the first half, it will be the same as before: Have at least one international general-chat before you split the server into each language. That way every user is able to communicate with the entirety of the server instead of just their language-specific section. Let users choose their language via a reaction or verification with the option to opt-out and change regions. You can summarise the most important aspects in a common text-channel, the text being translated into every featured language.":"如果您想等比重使用多种语言,您可以有效地将多个 Discord 服务器合而为一。操作的前半部分与以前一样:在将服务器拆分为不同语言的服务器之前,应当至少进行一次国际化的整体沟通。这样可以让所有用户有机会与整个服务器对话,而不会局限在自己的特定语言区域中。让用户通过反应或验证来选择语言,并可以选择退出和改变地区。您可以在通用文字频道中总结最重要的信息,并将该文本翻译成所有使用语言。","#Colors: It is advised to have the colors of each moderator role in the same shade with a slight but still visible difference. This helps to differentiate moderators and regular users will be able to tell the difference immediately. Remember that newer users might not check each role and just contact the first seemingly online moderator they see.":"颜色:建议对所有管理员身份组使用同一色调,同时在颜色上进行轻微但可见的区别。这样可以帮助区分管理员,普通用户也能立即观察到区别。但是请记住,新用户可能不会查看身份组描述,而是会直接联系他们看到的第一个在线管理员。","#Considerations for Users Above Your Target Age Range":"关于超出目标年龄范围的用户的注意事项","#Because you are dealing with young people, family-friendly servers may become what many refer to as Home Servers. These are online communities that are perceived to be safe spaces that people come back to time and again, like a home. Thus, such servers may attract users for different purposes than a community meant for college students might, for example. The moderators of family-friendly servers can be viewed as both authoritative figures but also older siblings or friends that may be looked up to by their community in unique parasocial relationships. They will also have the unique experience of seeing many of their young users mature and grow along with the server.":"由于面对的是年轻用户,因此全年龄段服务器也可以理解为许多人所说的家庭服务器。这类线上社区像家一样让用户感到放心舒适,愿意时常光顾。因此,这类服务器吸引用户的原因也与其他社区(比如专为大学生创立的社区)不同。全年龄段服务器的管理员既是社区中的权威人物,也是成员们的哥哥姐姐或朋友,在特殊的准社会关系中受到成员们的尊敬。同时,他们也将获得独一无二的体验,即:见证社区中的年轻用户与服务器共同成长,走向成熟与进步。","#Rule Continuity":"规则的连续性","#Making a server internationally available is a big step for a community. What are things to consider? How does one approach it? What will change in the server dynamics and will it be worth the effort? Here is a step by step guide on how to deal with the internationalization of a community in one Discord server.":"对于一个社区来说,服务器的国际化是非常重大的一步。有哪些事项需要考虑?如何实现国际化?这是否会改变服务器的氛围以及是否值得?以下是一个分步指南,告诉您如何处理 Discord 服务器中的社区国际化问题。","#Internationalizing your server may mean that your moderation team grows to be larger than expected, so to make it easy for users to contact the appropriate staff you can separate moderators by nicknames, colors, or role hoist.":"服务器的国际化可能意味着您的管理团队会比预期的更庞大。因此,为了让用户更容易联系到合适的工作人员,您可以通过昵称、颜色或置顶身份组来区分管理员。","#Adding anti-spambot protection":"添加反垃圾信息保护","#Creating a Server with One or More Languages From Scratch":"从零开始创建单语言或多语言服务器","#You can implement that same line of thinking when organizing server events. Consider alternating between server-wide and international events as demand allows. For the latter, analyze your server’s activity for each region and host it at the time with the most community engagement for those users for the best results. You can apply the same system to the voice channels by creating a few global voice chats and then adding language specific channels. Your staff should only allow one common language to be spoken in the global chats and redirect every other language into their appropriate voice channels.":"在组织服务器活动时也可以应用同样的思路。在需求允许的情况下,可以考虑交替组织服务器范围内的活动和国际活动。在组织国际活动时,请分析您的服务器在各个地区的活跃度,并在社区参与度最高的时段为该区域用户举办活动,以取得最佳效果。您可以将同样的系统应用于语音频道:创建几个综合语音聊天频道,然后添加特定语言的频道。您的工作人员应当只允许用户在综合聊天中使用一种共同语言,并将其他语言重新定向到合适的语音频道中。","#Recruitment":"招募","#While family-friendly environments exist to be safe spaces for young people you may find yourself also having users who are above your target age range. Their presence should not be discouraged, but it’s important to ensure that your rules and welcome messaging clearly defines your space as family-friendly so that they are aware of the expectations for ANY user who joins the server. Most will likely be accepting of the rules you’ve put in place and the space you are trying to cultivate. However, others may naturally challenge certain restrictions that they find childish or assume don’t apply to them. Establishing language around why your community is meant to be family-friendly and the importance of keeping it safe for everyone as a result, will be helpful if these conversations arise. Users who may rebel against rules that they do not agree with should be actioned accordingly.":"虽然全年龄段环境是专为年轻用户打造的安全空间,但是其中可能也会出现一些超出目标年龄范围的用户。对于这些用户,您不应阻止他们进入服务器,而是应该确保您的规则和欢迎信息明确说明这是一个全年龄段服务器,从而使这类用户明白加入服务器的“所有”用户都应遵守相应的规则。通常大多数人都会接受您制定的规则,认同您正在努力营造的空间。然而,有些用户也可能会抗拒遵守某些他们认为很幼稚或者不适用于他们的规则。应对这种情况的有效方式就是解释清楚为什么您的社区是全年龄段的社区,以及由此产生的安全保障的重要性。对于那些违反他们不认同的规则的用户,应采取相应的措施。","#Automatically filtering links or media types that can be spammy or are flagged for concerning usage":"自动过滤可能是垃圾信息或被标记为危险内容的链接或媒体类型","#This page includes descriptions of what each level requires for users to begin interacting. Increasing the verification level can also generally slow down the rate of new users speaking in your server. If you increase the verification level to the highest setting, users who do not have phone verified accounts may just leave the server, and it’s more likely that only high intent users will stick around and wait for the verification level to be lowered.":"此页面包含了每个级别用户交互要求的相关描述。提高验证级别通常也会降低新用户在您的服务器中发言频率。如果将验证级别设置上调到最高,没有通过手机号验证的用户可能会离开服务器,更有可能发生的是,仅有意愿较高的用户才会留下来等待验证级别降低。","#Moreover, community events can be a lot more diverse. You can host a variety of events for each language as well as let all of them participate in shared events. Take the time to analyze each nation’s activity and also take holidays or national days into account.":"此外,社区活动也可以更加多样化。您可以针对每种语言举办不同活动,也可以让所有人参与共享活动。花时间分析不同国家/地区的活动,并将假期或国庆日也考虑在内。","#While privacy concerns exist on any platform, they are something to be especially aware of when moderating family-friendly spaces. Rules that cover privacy and internet safety may be more strictly enforced to protect younger server members from any harmful actors looking to take advantage of less experienced internet users. Oftentimes, these concerns can culminate in a blanket rule stating that sharing any personally identifying information in the server is not allowed. This goes beyond exact locations and can include full names, ages, and even face reveals.":"尽管任何平台都会关注隐私安全问题,但是在管理全年龄段服务器时,这一问题需要引起特别的重视。您应更加严格地执行与隐私安全和网络安全有关的规则,保护服务器中的年轻成员,避免恶意的用户利用他们缺乏网络经验这一弱点进行侵害。通常情况下,可以用一条总括性规则来规避这方面的危险,即:禁止在服务器中分享任何个人身份信息。这不仅包括用户的具体位置,也包括全名、年龄甚至是面部曝光。","#Be sure to adapt your text filters as new situations and filter evasions arise within your community. It is often recommended to keep your blacklist private to avoid exposing harmful terminology to users. Additionally, make sure your text filters mirror the topics of discussion you aren’t allowing in your server and clearly outline those preferences in your server rules by noting that your environment is strictly SFW and any NSFW content is not allowed.":"在社区出现新问题和规避过滤器的情形时,一定要及时调整您的文本过滤器。一般情况下,我们建议您不要公开黑名单,防止对用户暴露不良用语。此外,请确保您的文本过滤器能够涵盖那些禁止出现在服务器中的讨论话题,并通过清楚地列明服务器规则中的重点规则来明确您的服务器是严格的少儿友好(SFW)环境,不允许出现任何少儿不宜(NSFW)的内容。","#Revealing exact locations and full names are generally frowned upon in most online communities because they can be used to find more information about a potential doxxing target. Forbidding users to share their age is an added level of privacy to protect younger members seeking community on the Internet from being taken advantage of by those with malicious intentions. Younger users may not understand how risky age differences can be to navigate. Face reveals can be reverse-image searched to further learn information about users who aren’t protecting their online privacy, or even be stolen and used in various forms of bullying. As a result, many family-friendly servers find it best to limit all personally identifying information outside of first name and country if users aren’t choosing to utilize an online persona to protect themselves.":"大多数的线上社区是不提倡透露具体位置和全名的,以避免这些信息被用于对他人进行人肉搜索。禁止用户分享年龄信息则是全年龄段服务器需新增一条的隐私安全规则,用以保护寻找线上社区的年轻成员被图谋不轨的人员利用,因为年轻用户可能并不了解年龄差被他人利用的危险性。另一方面,面部曝光可被用于反向搜索,以进一步获取那些未采取线上隐私安全保护措施的用户信息,甚至会遭到窃取并被用于各种形式的欺凌行为。因此,许多全年龄段服务器认为,如果用户未选择使用线上身份进行自我保护,那么最好限制用户分享除了名字与国家之外的所有个人身份信息。","#Text Filters and Topics of Discussion":"文本过滤器与讨论话题","#Times of increased workload can also put on additional strain or exacerbate any existing internal issues. It is important to evaluate whether there are any important issues that you need to address before preparing for the influx of users. If your team does not think that the way you are operating is sustainable for them, that should be handled before any extra stress is added into the mix.":"工作量增加的时段也会带来额外的压力,或加剧现有的内部问题。在为用户涌入做准备之前,您需要评估是否有重要问题亟需解决,这一点尤为关键。如果您的团队站在他们的角度上,认为您的运营方式并非可持续发展,则您应在额外压力增加之前先解决这个问题。","#Unless you have a very large team with a lot of free time, it may be necessary to reach out for help outside of your moderation team. You can add moderators or explore adding temporary helpers and junior moderators to allow some people with reduced permissions to assist in handling some of the easy to tackle and high volume issues. They can handle incoming trolls and userbots or help manage any new user onboarding process that the server employs while experienced moderators take care of trickier interpersonal situations. It will also be good to reach out to servers that have experience with similar events to ask them for context specific advice about preparing. This could be done by sharing auto moderation settings and configurations, getting bot recommendations, lending and borrowing staff members, or just sharing any particular concerns you may have. Moderation hubs can be a useful place to solicit help and advice. The same can be said for servers within your network if you have any partnerships or even servers you collaborate with in some capacity.":"除非拥有庞大的团队和大量空闲时间,否则您可能有必要在管理团队之外寻求帮助。您可以添加管理员或探寻并添加临时帮手和初级管理员,以允许一些权限较低的人协助处理部分容易解决且数量较多的问题。他们可以处理引战喷子用户和机器人用户,或协助管理服务器新用户引导流程;而经验丰富的管理员则负责处理更棘手的人际关系问题。您还可以联系有类似活动经验的服务器,向他们取经,询问有关准备的具体建议,例如共享自动管理设置和配置、获取机器人推荐、出借和借用管理成员,或是分享您可能遇到的特殊问题。管理中心是个寻求帮助和建议的好地方。如果您有任何合作伙伴关系,甚至是曾与您有过互动的服务器,也可以采取类似方法解决问题。","#Final Words":"写在最后的话","#It is important to note that some of the scenarios being covered by this article, like being featured on the front page of Server Discovery, will cause a marked increase in the rate of new joins, but will not cause hundreds of people to join your server at once. If you are preparing for a content creator to announce a giveaway in their Discord to thousands of people watching their stream, for example, it may make sense to actually decrease your auto moderation settings to prevent anti-raid bots from being triggered by real people joining to participate in a giveaway. If you can, you should ask people who have experience with similar communities or events exactly how they modify their auto-moderation settings to most effectively manage the situation you are in.":"需要注意的是,本文涵盖的某些场景(例如在“发现服务器”的首页上被设为精选)会导致新用户增加率显着提升,但不会立刻导致数百人加入您的服务器。例如,如果您准备让内容创建者直播时,向成千上万的观众宣布在 Discord 中送礼物的信息,那么减少自动管理设定是有意义的,因为这样可以防止机器人将真人加入误判为网暴。您最好能询问对类似社区或活动有经验的人士,了解他们如何修改自动管理设置,以最有效地管理您面临的情况。","#Nicknames: If you want to have the moderation team equally displayed throughout the server, you can arrange the moderators by nicknames. Simply add the language they moderate at the beginning of their nickname so they are alphabetically sorted below each other. Users will have an easier time recognizing the appropriate moderators, but with a large staff, this might end up looking a little busy. Some moderators tend to change their nicknames frequently and may not be big fans of having the tag in front of their name, either.":"昵称:如果您想在整个服务器中平等地显示管理团队,可以根据昵称来排列管理员。只要在管理员昵称的开头加上他们所管理的语言,就可以让他们按字母顺序排列,用户也能更方便地识别合适的管理员。但是如果工作人员较多,这样做可能会导致视觉上过于繁杂,因为有些管理员会经常修改昵称,而且可能不喜欢在名字前添加标签。","#To Recap":"结语","#In addition, any servers that are on Discord’s Server Discovery will potentially see a huge increase in their join rates depending on their focus and the keywords they have in Discovery, especially if they are featured on the front page by Discord. Popup event servers that are being set up temporarily or servers that are mentioned by people with large followings will also see a huge influx of users joining very rapidly from whatever avenues the server was advertised through.":"此外,任何在 Discord “发现服务器”上的服务器都可能会出现用户新增率的大幅增长,这取决于服务器的关注点和它们在“发现服务器”中的关键词,尤其是被 Discord 精选放在首页的时候。同时,也会有大量用户从服务器广告宣传的各种渠道快速加入,例如临时设置的弹出式活动服务器,或拥有大量关注的人所提及的服务器。","#If your server does not utilize moderation verification levels or verification gates, it may make sense to temporarily increase your servers security using one or both of these tools. Verification levels can help you prevent some of the lower effort trolls and self bot accounts that are targeting your server from doing any damage. You can access verification levels in the moderation settings of the server.":"如果您的服务器不使用管理验证级别或验证门,那么我们推荐您使用其中之一或两种都用,这样一来便可临时提高服务器的安全性。验证级别可以帮助您防止一部分损害,这些损害通常来源于以您服务器为目标的轻量级喷子或自动机器人账号。您可以进入服务器的管理设置中查看验证级别。","#Responsibilities and Tasks":"职责和任务","#Discord is home to a variety of communities serving a wide array of interests. It’s important to make sure the subject and content of your community serves your target demographic. For some, these communities may focus on maintaining a family-friendly atmosphere, which can be defined as a space that is suitable for all members of a family. In line with Discord’s Terms of Service these communities are meant to be safe for its youngest users at the age of 13. This article will look at server setup and structure considerations when creating family-friendly environments.":"Discord 上的社区种类繁多,旨在服务于用户的广泛兴趣爱好。因此您需要确保社区的主题和内容能够满足目标受众群体的需求。不过对于某些社区而言,重点可能在于维持适合全年龄段的环境氛围,那么可以将这类社区定义为合家欢型社区。根据 Discord 的服务条款,这类社区应当支持最小年龄为 13 岁的用户安全加入。接下来,本文将探讨在营造全年龄段环境时所需的服务器设置和架构方面的注意事项。","#Increasing existing punishment flows (ie. switch to an automatic mute where you would have issued an automatic warning before)":"增加现有的惩罚流程(如:切换到自动禁言之前会先发出自动警告)","#As your server grows, so does Discord. It is vital to keep in mind that your server can get a lot of incoming users who have never really used Discord before- so make sure your server’s design is user-friendly, easily accessible, and has a clear structure. Also, remember that the more languages you feature on your server, the more text-and voice channels will appear for your staff.":"您的服务器会不断发展,Discord 也是如此。请务必记住,您的服务器可能会有很多从未真正使用过 Discord 的新用户,所以请确保您的服务器设计用户友好、易于访问,且有清晰的结构。另外请记住,您在服务器中引入的语言越多,您和员工需要管理的文字和语音频道也越多。","#Staff Arrangement":"工作人员安排","#Additionally, you can add a server guide for easier coordination. Both new users and your staff will benefit from that. It should cover a list of accessible text and voice channels as well as a short but detailed description of each.":"为了便于协调,您还可以添加服务器指南。新用户和工作人员都将从中受益。服务器指南应当包括可访问的文字和语音频道列表,以及对每个频道的简短但详细的描述。","#The simplest way to manage the split server is by having the same channels and categories, but in different languages. This will heavily depend on the type of server you moderate, but recommended channels for every section are the ones you would usually include in a monolingual server. These channels should include things like rules, announcements, general-chat, bot-commands, media, optionally a looking-for-game channel, and more. Take care to ensure you have appropriate translation for each channel.":"管理拆分服务器最简单的方法是使用相同的频道和类别,但使用不同的语言。虽然具体情况在很大程度上取决于您管理的服务器类型,但推荐每种语言都包含通常会用于单语服务器的频道。这些频道应包括规则、公告、一般聊天、机器人命令、媒体、可选的寻找游戏频道等等。注意确保每个频道都有适当的翻译。","#While moderating a multilingual server it is crucial to have moderators that are native speakers or at least fluent in each language that you decide to expand to. Having moderators that are native speakers makes it so that they not only understand the textbook definitions of what is being said but understand the cultural contexts that may come with international chats. However, these moderators should also be accomplished and capable with the other responsibilities of being a mod that lie outside of just being fluent.":"管理多语言服务器时,如果您决定引入某种语言,至关重要的是拥有以该语言为母语或至少能流利使用该语言的管理员。在国际交流中,母语管理员不仅能理解成员发言的字面意义,还能理解可能涉及的文化背景。然而,这些管理员除了能流利使用该语言,还应当表现优异,并能胜任管理员的其他职责。","#When forming this kind of environment, it’s important to make sure your moderators are naturally empathetic to the unique situations that will arise within member reports as a result of interpersonal relationships amongst younger users.":"在打造这种环境氛围的过程中,请务必确保管理员能够敏锐地体察到成员举报中因年轻用户之间的人际关系问题所引发的特殊情况。","#As mentioned in the previous section, rule continuity is a big deal in spaces meant for young people to ensure equal enforcement across everything. If you’re looking to filter certain content, it should also not be allowed to discuss that topic in your server. This goes for both general chatting and for various other forms of server usage, any place where there can be user generated content. One such example is meme or art channels. While it’s a great idea to foster and encourage a healthy and positive artistic environment, content that is NSFW, hate speech or politically motivated, and creations that may lean into age-restricted content like alcohol consumption or gore should be monitored and discouraged. If you have an active music channel setup, it might be worth keeping an eye on playlists to make sure the content being monitored elsewhere doesn’t slip by here.":"在此前的章节中提到过,在专属于年轻人的服务器中,若要确保针对一切事物的处理都做到公平公正,规则的连续性相当重要。假如您想要过滤掉某些内容,那么该内容在服务器的讨论话题中也应被禁止。这一原则不仅适用于一般聊天,也适用于各种服务器使用形式,以及任何可能会出现用户生成内容的地方。以玩梗类或艺术类频道为例,虽然营造或促进健康积极的艺术环境是一个很好的想法,但是少儿不宜(NSFW)、仇恨言论或出于政治动机的内容,以及倾向于年龄限制内容的创作(如酒精或血腥内容)仍然应受到监控与遏制。如果您设立了一个十分活跃的音乐频道,那么您有必要留意一下播放列表,以确保在别处受到监控的内容在此频道中不会被遗漏。","#With the release of server avatars, it is less likely that rule-breaking content can find its way into your server via this route, but consider moderating statuses of active users, user profiles, and profile pictures if it does. It also helps to have your moderators lead by example and follow the same rules in their profiles that you are looking to enforce elsewhere. Continuity is key for equal and unbiased rule enforcement.":"随着服务器头像的发布,违规内容便不太可能会通过这一途径进入您的服务器。但是如果仍然出现了这类情况,您可以考虑对活跃用户的状态信息、用户个人资料以及头像图片进行管理。不仅如此,让管理员以身作则,根据您希望执行的规则来设置他们的个人资料也是一个十分有效的方式。总而言之,连续性是公平、公正地执行规则的关键。","#Expanding from one Language":"从单一语言进行扩展","#If your server was originally English only, it’s not recommended to expand into too many languages at once for a variety of reasons. Agree on one language (preferably the most popular one in your server) and slowly add on from there, if the need presents itself. Once you figure out a pattern and a stable structure on how to approach the expansion, you can add more sections for different languages.":"如果您的服务器最初只使用英语,出于多种原因,不建议您一次扩展到太多语言。先引入一种语言(最好是您服务器中除英语外最常用的语言),如果还有其他需求,再慢慢添加其他语言。一旦您熟悉了语言扩展的模式和稳定结构,就可以为不同的语言添加更多空间。","#Furthermore, try to integrate every additional language in a way that utilizes it to its utmost potential. You can do so in the form of a feedback and suggestion channel in each language’s category. This lets you hear directly from the users that would benefit from that additional language chat the most. Consider having staff that are dedicated to interacting with each section instead of focusing all their attention on the global chat. Having these additional language chats makes it so that your international users don’t feel less validated only because they don’t want to or can’t communicate in the global chat.":"此外,还应当尽量将所有额外语言整合在一起,以发挥它们的最大潜力。要实现这一点,可以在每种语言类别下添加反馈和建议频道。这让您能直接听取最能从该额外语言聊天中受益的用户的意见。考虑安排工作人员专职在不同语言区与用户互动,而不要让所有工作人员都集中在综合交流中。有了这些额外的语言聊天,国际用户就不会因为不想或不能在综合聊天中交流而感到被排挤。","#Family-friendly communities exist to welcome Discord’s youngest users into safe spaces with the protection of moderation teams. Home Servers are SFW communities that limit topics of discussion more than a generalized server would in order to cultivate that safe environment. As a result, there’s special consideration to be taken around user privacy and educating users about their privacy, expanded text filters, appropriate topics of discussion, and rule continuity when building out the rules and structure of such an environment. Make sure your team is prepared to handle older users who may find these rules constricting by explaining their importance to your community’s purpose.":"全年龄段 社区是为接纳 Discord 上最年轻的用户打造的安全空间,在这里,管理员团队会为用户提供相应的安全保护。家庭服务器是少儿友好(SFW)社区,旨在为用户营造安全的环境,因而对讨论话题的限制相比于普通服务器要更加严格。所以,在制定相应的规则和架构时,需要格外注意用户的隐私安全及隐私教育、文本过滤器扩展、讨论话题的适宜性和规则的连续性,并对服务器内的用户进行相应的宣贯。。请确保当相对年长的用户对这些规则的限制性产生不满时,您的管理员团队能够为他们解释清楚上述规则对于实现社区目标的重要意义。","#Auto moderation tools can greatly reduce the workload that your moderation team experiences during a stressful period for your server. It can help in a variety of ways including but not limited to:":"自动管理工具可以大大减少您的管理团队在服务器压力期间需要承担的工作量。它可以通过多种方式提供帮助,包括但不限于:","#Cultural Awareness":"文化意识","#Which languages to choose entirely depend on the type of server you run. For a community server, it is recommended to adjust it to the community’s needs. Usually, the most commonly featured languages outside of English are German, French, Spanish, Turkish and Russian. You can determine your featured language by community analysis, server insights (if your server has them), and demand. What nationalities are represented the most in your server? Which users struggle the most with English upon joining the server and if they’re struggling, what language do they usually communicate in? In addition to that, you can consider starting a survey every time you and your staff feel ready to expand into a new language.":"选择哪些语言完全取决于您所运营的服务器类型。如果是社区服务器,建议您根据社区的需求进行调整。通常来说,除了英语以外,最常见的主要使用语言是德语、法语、西班牙语、土耳其语以及俄语。您可以根据社区分析、服务器分析(如果您的服务器使用了该工具)以及社区需求来决定您的主要使用语言。在您的服务器中,哪些国家的用户最多?在加入服务器时,哪些用户使用英语时最困难,以及这些用户通常使用哪种语言交流?此外,每次您和工作人员认为应当将服务器扩展至新语言时,都可以考虑进行进行问卷调查。","#It is recommended to hoist the most important text-channels at the top of your server. That may include announcements, server-info, rules, optionally giveaways and more. To ensure global accessibility, translate important parts like the rules and server information in every language you feature alongside your main language.":"建议将最重要的文字频道在您的服务器中置顶。这可能包括通知、服务器信息、规则、可选赠品等等。为了确保全球可用性,规则和服务器信息等重要部分除了需要有服务器主语言版本外,还需要翻译成您使用的所有语言。","#Moderators can under no circumstances be discriminating towards users of other cultures or beliefs. It is their responsibility to create a civil, welcoming and comfortable environment for all users. While you are always entitled to your own opinion, make sure to keep a neutral output in the public part of the server and try not to let it cloud your judgement.":"管理员在任何情况下都不能歧视有不同文化或信仰的用户。为所有用户创造一个文明、热情且舒适的环境是他们的职责。虽然您永远有权发表自己的意见,但请确保在服务器的公共部分保持中立输出,并尽量不要让它影响您的判断。","#It's easy for people to underestimate the impact cultural differences can have. Culture influences values, rules, thought patterns, and perception.":"人们很容易低估文化差异可能产生的影响。实际上,文化影响着价值观、规则、思维模式和感知力。","#Moderation: Since not all moderators will be able to understand every single language, using bots turn out to be very helpful for auto-moderation. Inform your fellow moderators about inappropriate words or phrases and ensure that you added them into the bot filter for easier moderation. Banned or filtered words should contain common slurs in not only English, but also in commonly banned words for every language that you offer.":"管理:并非所有管理员都能理解和所有使用语言,因此使用机器人对自动管理非常有帮助。将不恰当的词汇或短语告知您的管理员,并确保将它们添加到机器人过滤器中以便于管理。封禁或过滤的词语不应当只包含常见的侮辱性英语词汇,还应包含您提供的所有语言中的常见封禁词汇。","#Bots and ModMail":"机器人与 ModMail","#While community moderators should follow the basic tasks (moderate the chat, be accessible for questions, guide users), things in multilingual servers can be a bit more advanced. Moderators need to identify and address inappropriate behavior towards other cultures in an authoritative, but instructive way. Furthermore, they need to free the chat from toxic behavior and control discussions about sensitive topics.":"所有社区管理员都应当完成基本任务(管理聊天、回答问题、指导用户),但多语言服务器的任务可能更加复杂。管理员需要以权威但有指导性的方式辨别并指出针对其他文化的不恰当行为。此外,他们还应当剔除聊天中的不良行为,并控制关于敏感话题的讨论。","#In addition to that, they have to be open for cultural questions of users who chose a language they are not fluent in yet. Both the user and staff need to work their way around language barriers together. They’ll be required to help users, as well as resolve disputes, often at the same time. For that, they’ll have to rely on their communication skills in order to succeed in resolving both situations and any other issue that may require it. Without good communication skills, users won't understand what you're trying to convey to them, which should be assertive but tolerant.":"有些用户会选择使用自己尚未流利掌握的语言,管理员需要对此类用户的相关文化问题持开放态度。用户和工作人员需要一起努力来克服语言障碍。管理员需要帮助用户并解决争端,这两者常常需要同时完成。为此,他们必须倚仗自己的沟通技巧,以成功解决这两种问题,还有其他需要沟通技巧的问题。良好的沟通技巧应当是坚定但宽容的,做不到这一点,用户就不会理解您要传达给他们的东西。","#Managing several moderators from all around the world can turn out to be quite tricky. Organizing meetings and waiting for everyone’s approval for one date may be a real challenge to deal with. Getting the majority of the team on board could take days, especially with the difference in time zones.":"管理来自不同国家的管理员可能会有些棘手。比如,组织会议并等待所有管理员一致通过会议日期可能就是个挑战。让大部分团队成员加入可能需要几天时间,特别是成员分布在不同时区的情况下。","#Managing International Moderator Teams":"管理国际化的管理团队","#That means that events happening in other countries may be viewed differently in each nation. News and social media don't always portray the truth which lets misinformation spread easily. Make sure to have your staff updated about the current situations so they have it easier to deal with discussions about sensitive topics and trolls. Communication is key and the users of the server will massively benefit from it. While people are entitled to have their own opinion and ask for further information, make sure to let it happen in a calm and civil atmosphere under a moderator’s watch. If you as a moderator find that you’re ill equipped to talk about the topic, you should refrain from publicly voicing your opinion until you’re better informed. Conversely, you may want to refrain from allowing contentious topics like current events or politics to occur in your server at all, which is something you should decide with your moderation team as a whole.":"这就意味着,对于同一事件,不同国家/地区的人可能会有不同看法。新闻和社交媒体并不是总能描述真相,并成为虚假信息能够轻易传播的温床。请确保工作人员了解最新的动态,这样他们就能更容易地处理网络破坏者和有关敏感话题的讨论。沟通是关键,而且服务器用户将从中受益匪浅。虽然用户有权发表自己的意见和询问进一步的信息,但要确保大家在管理员的监督下,在平静且文明的氛围中发言。如果您作为管理员发现自己没有能力谈论某话题,则应该避免公开发表意见,直到您掌握了更多信息。或者您希望服务器中不要出现争议性话题,比如当前大事件或政治,那您应当与整个管理团队一起决定。","#Making a server internationally available is a great idea and can be a boon to your community’s retention. It can be utilized for both communities and companies alike. But you have to be careful with your approach- Internationalization is a deliberate and complicated process and it should be treated as such. If it’s gone about in the wrong way, left uncompleted or rushed, these international spaces could backfire. It may result in negative feedback, a disappointed community and staff or deserted channels.":"让全球用户都能够使用您的服务器是个很好的想法,可以促进您的用户留存。这个想法同样适用于社区和公司,但实现方法必须谨慎——国际化是一个重要且复杂的过程,所以应当深思熟虑并慎重处理。如果方法有误,无法完成或操之过急,那这些国际化的空间反而可能造成反噬:可能带来负面反馈、让社区和工作人员失望甚至导致频道被废弃。","#Make sure to inform your staff and community about every step you’re about to take, and give them a chance to voice their input. Feedback and suggestions from both your mods and your community will be essential to making sure this is the right fit for your server. Internationalization requires a lot of effort and prioritization in order to properly take care of many factors simultaneously, but if done right, it’s an unparalleled way to enrich your community.":"请将您打算采取的每一步都告知工作人员和社区,让他们有机会发表意见。如果想确保接下来的适合您的服务器,聆听管理员和社区的意见反馈和建议至关重要。国际化需要大量的努力和优先次序决策,才能同时妥善处理许多因素,但如果能够做好,这是丰富您社区的无可比拟的方法。","#One simple solution is to delegate some captains or representative moderators for each team. They will gather feedback, opinions and suggestions from the rest of the staff team and discuss them with the rest of staff during the meeting. That way it’s easier to organize staff meetings, but they can also directly inform the rest of their team who could not make it due to time conflicts. Depending on the size of the staff teams, you can appoint more than one moderator for that position.":"一个简单的解决方法是为每个团队指派队长或代表管理员。他们负责收集其他团队成员的反馈、意见和建议,并会与其他工作人员进行讨论。这样能更容易地组织工作人员会议,而且负责人还可以直接向因时间冲突而无法参会的团队成员转达信息。如果工作人员团队的规模较大,您可以为该位置指定多名管理员。","#Global Accessibility: Make sure that you have the bots available for every part of your server. That could either mean that you include them in the global section of your server, or you translate the commands and definitions in every language featured.":"全球可用性:确保服务器的所有分支都能使用您的机器人。也就是说您要么将机器人包含于服务器的全局部分中,要么将命令与定义翻译成所有使用语言。","#When creating more than one staff role, make sure that everyone is comfortable with their position and their responsibilities. Misalignment can lead to misunderstanding later on, and it might create needless tension amongst the staff. Consider appointing one representative in each region that your server is branching out to. That will open the possibility to have regional staff meetings where language and culture specific issues and suggestions can be discussed without the need for an international meeting with the whole team.":"当创建多个工作人员身份组时,要确保所有人都满意自己的位置和职责。角色错位容易在之后引起误解,并可能在工作人员之间造成不必要的紧张。可以考虑在服务器分支的每个地区任命一名代表。这样也许能够进行区域性工作人员会议,以讨论关于语言和文化的具体问题和建议,而不需要与整个团队召开国际会议。","#While not every moderator will get the chance to get to know every other moderator from different regions in these larger moderation rosters, it is important that the team feels united regardless. Don’t leave it up to one team to tackle an issue- let them know that they can always ask for help from the rest of the staff.":"虽然并不是每个管理员都有机会认识整个管理员阵容中其他区域的同事,但保证团队的团结一致仍然非常重要。不要把问题扔给一个团队去解决,让他们知道他们可以随时要求其他团队的协助。","#Language Barriers: It may occur that users message the ModMail in poor English or in their native language. Find out the user's nationality and reply with a message in their native language that lets them know their request is being routed to the appropriately fluent mod. To save these messages, simply create an extra text-channel in the ModMail server and let moderators translate important phrases that might come in handy.":"语言障碍:有时候用户会用不太流畅的英语或自己的母语给 ModMail 发送消息。请找出该用户的国籍并用其母语回复消息,这样能让他们知道自己的需求已分配给能使用他们语言的管理员。如果想省去此类消息,可以在 ModMail 服务器中创建额外的文字频道,并让管理员翻译一些可能有用的重要短语。","#For example, if you run a game-related server and are creating a separate regional community server for the same game, pinging @everyone may be a good idea to ensure they are aware of the directly related server. Be that as it may, pinging @everyone to check out a server related to a completely different game will be far more disruptive. By respecting users’ time on the platform and the experience they have with your server, you avoid causing a disruption and maintain their trust in your community.":"例如,如果您运行一个与游戏相关的服务器,并为同一款游戏创建一个单独的区域社区服务器,提及 @everyone 可能是个好主意,这样能确保大家知晓与他们直接相关的服务器。不过,提及 @everyone 查看另一款完全不同的游戏相关的服务器,又会破坏社区成员的体验。尊重用户在平台上的时间以及在服务器上的体验,您就可以避免造成这种破坏,维持他们对您社区的信任。","#Opt-in Pings":"选择加入提及","#Even though starting from the ethical framework and arriving at a new growth method is more difficult than picking a method you want to use and working backwards into how it can be ethical, the effort is well worth it. You will ultimately be more likely to arrive at a way to grow your community in a way that will result in a better experience for your users and a long-term, healthy community.":"尽管从伦理框架出发,找到一种新的社区发展方法,比选择一种您想要使用的方法,然后再去考虑它的伦理问题要困难得多;但这种努力非常有价值。最终,您将更有可能找到一种长期、健康的方式来发展社区,从而为您的用户带来更好的体验。","#Some Final Words":"最后再说两句","#This also contributes to a poor user experience. The less relevant the advertisement is to the members of the host server, the more confused they will feel after seeing it, and creating an uneasy feeling in your community members is not conducive to healthy community growth.":"这也会导致用户体验不佳。广告与发布推广的服务器成员之间的相关性越低,他们看到广告时就会越困惑,在社区成员中产生一种不安的感觉,不利于社区的健康发展。","#Avoids disrupting a member’s community experience":"避免破坏成员的社区体验","#: A key component to establishing ethical advertising is that users consent to receive the advertising. The best way to do this is to allow for self-assignable roles that can be mentioned when there is a new community to share with your users that may be of interest to them. By allowing users to opt-in to these mentions (e.g., letting them request a role from a bot) it avoids disrupting them and thus remains ethical.":":建立合乎伦理的推广,其中的关键部分是用户同意接收广告。实现这一点的最佳方法是允许自行分配身份组,当有一个新的社区可以与用户分享时,就提及兴趣相关的身份组。通过让用户自行选择加入这些提及(例如,向机器人请求一个身份组),可避免干扰用户,从而保持伦理界限。","#Ethical Community Growth":"合乎伦理的社区发展","#Growth Examples":"社区发展示例","#Objective Action":"客观行为","#You can learn more about leveraging server insights to keep your community engaged further here.":"您可以点此了解更多关于利用服务器分析来保持社区参与的信息。","#Disruption":"干扰","#Allows the user to respond to the advertisement without providing external incentives":"允许用户响应推广而不提供外部激励","#Partnership Channels: A channel where people can browse related servers at their leisure is a great way to help your members find other servers they might be interested in. Understanding your users’ interests is a key component in understanding what kinds of servers you should feature in such a channel. You can even provide a detailed description of what each server is about and why users might want to join it as long as you avoid external incentives for having them join such as entering them into a giveaway or providing other perks. This will ensure that users are joining the servers that genuinely interest them.":"合作频道:这是个能让人们在闲暇时浏览相关服务器的频道,能帮助您的成员找到可能感兴趣的其他服务器。了解用户的兴趣是确定此类频道中应包含哪些服务器的关键。您甚至可以提供每个服务器的详细描述,以及用户想要加入其中的原因。尽量避免外部激励,比如在加入时获得赠品或提供其他特权。这样才能确保用户加入他们真正感兴趣的服务器。","#Relevant to the members of your community":"与社区成员相关","#Channel overrides for a user.":"用户的频道覆盖。","#Understanding High Conflict Persons (HCPs)":"了解“高冲突人格者”(HCP)","#Occasionally while modding a community, you’ll come across one individual who refuses to abide by the rules in any way. They just can’t seem to help but repeatedly break the rules, harass other users, or evade bans by creating new accounts to continue their bad behavior. In this article we’ll review how to deal with users that constantly cause trouble or evade bans, and the active steps you can take to get it to stop.":"在管理社区时,您偶尔也会遇到无论如何都拒绝遵守规则的用户。他们总是不断违反规则、骚扰其他用户或者通过创建新账户以逃避封禁并继续违规行为。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论如何处理不断造成麻烦或逃避封禁的用户,以及您可以主动采取何种措施以阻止此类行为。","#For example, let’s say you run a server for World of Warcraft with a #guild-recruitment channel, where people can advertise their guild. You set a channel override to deny Send Messages to @everyone, then add another channel override for your Recruiter role to allow Send Messages. This way, only people with the Recruiter role can send messages in the channel. However, you also set a channel override to deny Send Messages for your Muted User role. If you have to mute one of the people with the Recruiter role by giving them the Muted User role, they will still be able to send messages in the #guild-recruitment channel because they have the Recruiter role. In this case, you have three options:":"举个例子:假设您运行了一个魔兽世界的服务器,并设有一个#公会招募频道,供用户宣传自己的公会。您设置了一个频道覆盖,禁止了 @everyone 身份组发送消息的权限,然后添加了另一个频道覆盖,授予了“招募”身份组发送消息的权限。这样一来,便只有“招募”身份组的用户可以发送消息。但同时,您也为“静音用户”身份组设置了一个频道覆盖,禁止了其发送消息的权限。此时,如果您将某个具有“招募”身份组的用户静音,将其分配到“静音用户”身份组后,由于这一用户仍属于“招募”身份组,他将仍然可以在该#公会招募频道中发送消息。在这种情况下,您有三个选择:","#Understanding Tactical Empathy":"理解“战术性同理心”","#Can High-Conflict People be Helped?":"能够帮助高冲突人格者吗?","#Channel overrides for a custom role (not @everyone).":"自定义身份组(非 @everyone)的频道覆盖。","#Channel Overrides":"频道覆盖","#Otherwise, use the role permissions.":"其他情况,请使用身份组权限。","#However, it’s not enough just to know what buttons to click. It is vital that you understand how Discord determines what permissions a user actually has when you start involving channel overrides. Discord checks each permission in the following order and stops if there are any overrides set at that step.":"然而,只会修改是远远不够的。最重要的是,当您开始设置频道覆盖时,必须了解 Discord 如何界定用户实际拥有的权限。Discord 会按照以下顺序查看每项权限,遇到设置了覆盖的情况便会停在当前步骤。","#A Mod’s Guide to Situation Diffusal":"管理员的局势化解指南","#Remove their Recruiter role for the duration of their mute and give it back to them when it’s over.":"在静音期间删除其“招募”身份组,静音结束后再重新授予。","#You can use whichever method is easiest for you depending on any Discord bots you are using and how your server is setup. However, this example is just one way that channel overrides can conflict with each other. Be mindful of the way you set your role permissions and channel overrides to use as few channel overrides as you can so that you can avoid unexpected conflicts.":"根据您使用的 Discord 机器人以及您的服务器设置,您可以选用对您来说最简便的方式。不过,以上示例只是频道覆盖相互冲突的一种可能。请注意您设置身份组权限和频道覆盖的方式,尽量少使用频道覆盖,以避免意外冲突。","#Don’t Try to Correct their Opinion":"不要试图纠正他们的观点","#Channel overrides for the @everyone role.":"@everyone 身份组的频道覆盖。","#Common Pitfalls and Mistakes":"常见陷阱与错误","#The vast majority of community members are interested and willing to participate according to the platform rules, even if they might not agree with every one of them. Sometimes people break rules or disagree, but their behavior can be quickly corrected and they can learn from their mistakes. If users continue to break the rules, they may be given longer-term or even permanent bans from the community or platform. Most users will accept their ban, but a small fraction will not.":"社区成员中的绝大多数都有兴趣并愿意根据平台规则参与社区活动,哪怕他们也许并不赞同所有规则。有时候他们也会违反规则或者表示不认同,但他们的行为可以很快被纠正,而且他们会从自己的错误中吸取教训。如果用户持续违反规则,他们可能会被社区或平台更长期甚至永久封禁。大部分用户会接受封禁处罚,但是也有少部分拒不接受。","#This is fairly logical, but there is one important thing to note: if there are conflicting channel overrides on different custom roles and a user has two or more of these roles, Discord resolves this by allowing the permission.":"这样的权限覆盖顺序十分合理,但是有一点请注意:如果不同的自定义身份组的频道覆盖相互冲突,且某个用户同时具有其中两个及以上身份组,Discord 的解决办法是许可该权限。","#The Virtue of Battling a Nemesis":"与宿敌作战的美德","#Most moderators choose to simply wait out the harassment. Advanced harassment like this may go on for several days, or even weeks, but then stop abruptly as the individual turns their attention to something new in their life. In some cases the harassment can go on for months, continuing to escalate in new ways that may put the lives of your team or community members in danger.":"大部分管理员会选择等待骚扰结束。上述提到的高级骚扰活动可能持续数天甚至数周,然后会突然结束,因为发起者的注意力已转到了其他事情上。但在某些情况下,骚扰可能会持续数月,且骚扰途径不断更新升级,甚至可能将您的团队或社区成员的生命置于危险之中。","#Intense or unmanaged emotions":"情绪强烈或无法控制","#A “nemesis” is an enemy or rival that pursues you relentlessly in the search for vengeance. A nemesis typically holds some degree of fascination for a protagonist, and vice versa. They’re an antagonist who’s bent on revenge, who doesn’t go away, and who seems to haunt the mind of the protagonist. They’ve moved past being an enemy to become something much more personal.":"“宿敌”是不懈追逐主角以寻求复仇的敌人或者对手。宿敌通常都对主角怀有一定程度的迷恋,反之亦然。他们一心复仇、永不放弃,而且似乎无时无刻都在主角的脑海中。他们早已不只是敌人,而是更加个人化的存在。","#Your understanding of their beliefs will be flawed and inaccurate, but you must do your best to piece it together into a coherent argument on their behalf. If possible, learn more about the other communities they’re a part of. Identify if they’re harassing any other communities, and the reasons for doing so. Are there any commonalities of note?":"您对他们想法的理解可能并不完整或者准确,但是您必须尽最大努力站在他们的角度,把所有理解拼凑成一个一致的论点。如果可能的话,请尽可能地了解他们所在的其他社区,确定他们是否也骚扰了其他社区以及原因。其中是否存在共同点?","#A 2018 study by Stanford University estimated that 1% of subreddit communities on Reddit initiate 74% of all conflict on the platform. This incredibly small percentage of users rank extremely low in the agreeableness personality trait, and have no interest in getting along with others. Only a trained clinical psychologist can diagnose a patient with a disorder, but a term commonly used prior to diagnosis is HCP (high-conflict people). There are four primary characteristics of high conflict personalities, which is not a diagnosis but their description of specific conflict behavior:":"斯坦福大学 2018 年的一项研究估算,Reddit 讨论区中 1% 的用户,引发了该平台 74% 的冲突。这极少数用户的亲和性人格特质评分极低,并且没有与他人友好相处的意愿。只有临床心理学家才能诊断出病人的障碍,但这类人有一个非诊断性的常用术语——HCP,“高冲突人格者”。高冲突性人格者有四个主要特征,这并非诊断,而是对其具体冲突行为的描述:","#When somebody continues to harass or disrupt your community, they’re essentially holding your community hostage. If someone truly is holding your community “hostage”, they’re often doing so because they’re looking to open a dialogue for negotiation. Frequently, people take hostages because they need somebody to listen. They aren’t getting the attention that they believe they deserve, and attempt to cause as much disruption as possible in order to make their case.":"如果某人持续骚扰或扰乱您的社区,那么他们本质上实在把您的社区当作“人质”。如果有人真的挟持您的社区作为“人质”,那他们这么做的动机通常是希望能开启谈判的对话。通常情况下,挟持人质的诉求都是需要被倾听。他们认为自己没有得到足够的关注,所以为了表达自我会尽可能引起骚乱。","#You are a community moderator negotiating the peace of your community, not their lives, but these tactics can still apply.":"您是为了社区和平而谈判的社区管理员,不是为了人质生命而谈判的专家,但是相同的策略仍然适用。","#You may believe this sounds outlandish, and you would be correct. Most people don’t believe that the world is out to get them, and that they’ll be hunted down and persecuted for what they believe. These individuals have an overactive threat detection system that makes them believe that you or your community are actively plotting their downfall. They take your opposing stance as a direct challenge to their competence, authority and autonomy. They harass you and your community because they believe that you’re out to get them, or want to replace them and their way of life. The truth is, all you really want them to do is follow the rules and maintain a civil conversation.":"您可能认为这种想法太离谱——您是对的,大部分人都不会觉得整个世界都在压迫他们,也不会觉得他们会因为自己的想法而被追捕和迫害。这些人有一个过度活跃的威胁检测系统,这让他们相信您或者您的社区正在积极策划他们的毁灭。他们把您的反对立场视为对他们能力、权威和自主权的直接挑战。他们骚扰您和您的社区,是因为他们相信您正在打击他们,或者想取代他们和他们的生活方式。但事实上,您只是想让他们遵守规则并保持文明对话。","#If you fail to use tact in your moderation technique and communication approaches, you may find that you or your community become the target of a high-conflict person. They may spam your community and you may delete their posts and ban their accounts, but more accounts can be created. Discord uses IP bans to prevent users from creating new accounts, but VPNs can be used to circumvent these bans. If truly motivated, armies of bot accounts can be created and used for mass-spamming, members of your community can be doxed, and ISPs or platforms can be DDoS’d to create fear in your community. If a high-conflict person gains access to money, they can pay somebody else to do the work for them.":"如果您管理社区时的技巧或沟通方式不够圆滑,那么您或者您的社区就可能成为高冲突人格者的目标。他们可能会信息轰炸您的社区,您可以删除他们的帖子并封禁他们的账户,但是他们会创建更多账户。虽然 Discord 使用 IP 封禁以防止同一用户创建新账户,但是使用 VPN 就可以绕过 IP 封禁。如果有强烈的动机,甚至可以创建机器人账户大军以进行大规模的垃圾信息骚扰、人肉或网络定位社区成员,或者对平台进行 DDoS 攻击以引起社区恐慌。如果高冲突人格者资金充裕,他们还可以雇人进行上述活动。","#What can you do to protect your community from High Conflict Persons? What motivates a person to behave like this? This article will help to explain the motivations behind this persistent, destructive behavior, and provide actionable steps to reduce or resolve their harassment.":"怎样才能让您的社区免受高冲突人格者的侵害?是什么推动他们做出这种行为?这篇文章将解释这种持续性、破坏性行为背后的动机,并提供可以减少或解决他们骚扰行为的可实施步骤。","#You might assume that a high-conflict person harassing your community is your nemesis, but this would be incorrect. You’re not going out of your way to obstruct their behavior, your primary focus is to engage and moderate your community. If the harassment stopped, you would move on and forget about their behavior. You resist their behavior only as long as it falls under your realm of influence.":"您可能会认为骚扰您社区的高冲突人格者就是您的宿敌,但这并不正确。您并不需要竭尽所能地阻止他们的行为,您的重点是参与并管理您的社区,如果骚扰停止,你就可以忘掉他们的行为继续前进。只有当他们的行为侵犯了您的管理领域时,您才需要进行对抗。","#By demonstrating that you understand and respect them as an individual, this will disarm them and allow them to focus their energy elsewhere. It will not change their opinion, but at least their behavior will change.":"通过展现您对他们作为一个个体的理解和尊重,可以让他们解除武装并把精力用在别的地方。虽然这不会改变他们的想法,但至少能改变他们的行为。","#In their mind, you have become their nemesis, and you must be punished for your insolence.":"在他们看来,是成为了他们的宿敌,而且您的无礼行为必须受到惩罚。","#An accusations audit is where you focus not on just the things that they believe, but the things that they believe you did wrong. An accusation Audit is not based on logic - it’s based on the unfiltered emotions of the other person.":"在清查指控时,您不仅要关注他们所相信的事,还要关注他们认为做错的事。清查指控并非基于逻辑,而是基于对方的真实情绪。","#All-or-nothing thinking":"两极化的思维模式","#The key to getting an individual like this to change their behavior is through utilizing “tactical empathy”. Tactical empathy is the use of emotional intelligence and empathy to influence another’s behavior and establish a deal or relationship. It is not agreeing with them, but just grasping and recognizing their emotions and positions. This recognition allows us to act appropriately in order to respond to our counterpart’s position in a proactive and deliberate manner.":"让此类人改变行为的关键就是使用“战术性同理心”。战术性同理心是利用情商和同理心来影响他人行为并建立交易或关系。并不是要认同他们,而是掌握并认识他们的情绪和立场。这种“认识”使我们能够采取适当的行动,以主动和慎重的方式回应对方的立场。","#The Accusations Audit":"清查指控","#Extreme behaviors (often what 90% of people would never do)":"有极端行为(90% 的人不会采取的行为)","#Preoccupation with blaming others (their \"targets of blame\")":"专注于指责他人(他们的“指责目标”)","#Now that you have a better understanding of how somebody like this thinks, we’ll discuss the strategies that you can employ to solve this problem. The goal is NOT to get them to seek help or change their mind- we aren’t attempting to solve people. Instead, our goal is to prevent or stop certain negative behaviors that keep happening so that you can protect your community and focus your energy elsewhere.":"您已经对此类人的想法有了更深入的了解,下面我们将讨论您能实际应用以解决此类问题的策略。目标并不是让他们去寻求帮助或者改变他们的想法——我们并非想要拯救他们。相反,我们的目标是预防或者阻止某些负面行为的持续发生,让您可以保护您的社区并把精力放在其他地方。","#To them, you are the Architect of an oppressive Matrix, the President Snow of an authoritarian Hunger Games, the tyrannical Norsefire government in V for Vendetta. You or your community represent the opposite of what they believe. In one way or another, either by your direct actions or through your association with your community, you have wronged them and deserve to suffer for your behavior. It’s clear that you will never learn or understand what they see. You not only participate in creating the corrupt and unjust system that they are oppressed by and fight against, but as a moderator, you are the very lynchpin that maintains the corrupt system.":"对他们来说,您就是《黑客帝国》中暴虐母体的设计师,是专制的《饥饿游戏》中的斯诺总统,是《V 字仇杀队》中的独裁政府北方之火。您或者您的社区代表了他们信仰的对立面。您以某种方式——也许是您的直接行动,也许是通过您与社区的联系——伤害了他们,所以他们认为,您应当因为您的行为而受到惩罚。很明显,在他们眼中,您永远都不会去了解或理解他们所看到的东西。您不仅参与创造了那个压迫他们并被他们所反抗的腐败和不公正的制度,而且作为管理员,您正是维持腐败制度的关键。","#The premise behind tactical empathy is that no meaningful dialogue takes place when we are not trusted or we are perceived as a threat. In order to get someone to stop harassing your community, you need to shift yourself from being the villain of their story to being just another random person in their lives. You must work to shatter the persona that they have projected onto you and show that you are not the enemy working to destroy them. You’re just a mod trying to keep your community safe.":"战术性同理心的前提是,如果我们不被信任或者被视为威胁,就无法进行有意义的对话。为了让某人停止骚扰您的社区,您必须把自己的角色从他们故事中的反派,转变成他们人生中的一个普通路人。您必须打碎他们投射在您身上的人设,让他们明白您不是试图摧毁他们的敌人,只是一个想保证社区安全的管理员。","#Situation diffusal can generally be defined by three primary processes, each designed to collect information and use it to disarm the high-conflict person from believing that you’re an enemy or threat. These processes are called The Accusations Audit, Mirroring to Understand and Getting to “That’s Right”.":"局势化解大致可以用三个主要过程来定义,每个过程都旨在收集信息并用来让高冲突人格者放下成见,不再视您为敌人或威胁。这些过程分别是清查指控、镜像模仿以理解,以及得到“没错”。","#Once you believe you’ve figured out why they’re upset with you or your community, mirror their language to verify it. At this point, opening a dialogue might be incredibly difficult if they’re using throwaway accounts regularly. Chances are they do have a primary account they continue to use in other communities, which can help greatly with starting your dialogue. At this stage, you’re still working to collect information about what they believe, directly from the source. Examples of questions you can use to verify their opinions include, “It seems like you believe that I’m being unfair because I didn’t give you a chance to explain yourself.” or “If I understand correctly, you believe I’ve been discriminating against you instead of taking your opinion seriously, is that right?”":"一旦您认为已查出他们为何对您或者您的社区不满,就可以镜像模仿他们的语言以进行确认。此时,如果他们经常使用小号,那么开展对话可能极其困难。但他们很有可能还在其他社区继续使用自己的主账户,这就对您开展对话提供了很大帮助。在这一阶段,您仍在努力从源头收集关于他们想法的信息,您可以用一些问题来确认他们的想法,例如:“你好像认为我的做法不公平,因为我没有给你解释的机会”,或者“如果我理解的没错,你好像认为我没把你的想法当回事,在歧视你。是这样吗?”","#Their actions are about trying to make a point- but what you’re doing is getting them to make their point without taking action, because you have heard what they are trying to say. If you do this well enough, if you put enough effort into doing this correctly (and it doesn’t need to be perfect), they will know that you finally understand where they’re coming from and that they’ve been heard by you, and their opinion has been validated. By demonstrating you understand their position, you go from being part of the problem to being a real person. They might not like you, but they will at least (if begrudgingly so) respect you.":"他们的行动是想表达观点,而您想做的是让他们不采取行动而表达观点,因为您已经听到了他们想说的话。如果您做得足够好,或者投入了足够的精力来正确操作(并不需要完美),他们就会知道您终于理解了他们的立场,您听进去了他们说的话,以及他们的意见是有价值的。通过展示您理解他们的立场,您的角色就从问题的一部分转变成了活生生的人。他们可能仍然不喜欢您,但至少(即使很勉强)会尊重您。","#Spammer: “Yeah, the blueberry jam lovers are secretly running the world and plotting against anyone who doesn’t believe in the same jam flavor preferences as they do.”":"垃圾邮件发送者:“对啊,蓝莓果酱支持者已经秘密控制了整个世界,并且在密谋打击其他所有果酱口味的支持者。”","#Regardless, as you dig further into what they believe, you’ll notice that the rabbit hole will go very deep and be filled with logical fallacies and obviously disprovable biases that make no sense. Remember that the truth or reality behind what they believe is completely irrelevant, and attempts to correct them will undermine your goals. Your job is to help them explain their beliefs to you to the best of their ability, and for you to understand their position to the best of your ability. Once you believe you’ve collected enough information, you can move to the final step, getting to “That’s Right.”":"不管怎样,只要您深入挖掘他们的想法,就会注意到这个“兔子洞”非常深,而且充满了完全不合理内容,比如逻辑谬误和明显应当推翻的偏见。请记住,他们想法背后的真相和事实与您的行动完全无关,试图纠正他们只会阻碍您完成目标。您的工作是帮助他们尽可能地向您解释他们的想法,以便您可以尽可能地理解他们的立场。一旦您认为自己已经收集到了足够的信息,就可以进行最后一步:得到“没错”。","#End on a High Note":"以愉快气氛结束","#Realistically, blueberry jam lovers are not actually running the world or plotting anything nefarious, but in the mind of the spammer this is undeniably true. And while this example was intentionally mild, you can infer more severe types of conversations that would follow a similar format.":"实际上,蓝莓果酱支持者并没有控制世界,也没有策划任何阴谋,但在垃圾邮件发送者心中,这就是不可否认的事实。虽然我们有意在示例中使用了相对温和的语言,但您可以推断更激烈的对话也会遵循类似形式。","#Getting to “That’s Right”":"得到“没错”","#Spammer: “It’s bullshit that mods ban strawberry jam lovers because the blueberry jam lovers are afraid of being exposed for who they really are.”":"垃圾邮件发送者:“因为蓝莓果酱支持者害怕暴露自己的真实身份,管理员就把草莓果酱支持者给封了,真是扯淡。”","#Mod: “Afraid of being exposed?”":"管理员:“害怕暴露真实身份?”","#Once you believe you’ve completely understood their position and what they believe, you can repeat their entire position back to them. Demonstrate your understanding by effectively summarizing it concisely and accurately, regardless of how much you disagree with the position. Don’t focus on their behavior or the actions that resulted in them getting banned. Instead, focus exclusively on the ideology that drove their behavior. Do this until you’re able to get them to say “Yes, that’s right” at least 3 times, or by asking if there’s anything else that you forgot in your summary. If you did miss anything, repeat the entire position again while including the extra information. When reiterating their points, be very careful about restating things that are not true. Do your best to remove personal bias from the statements to focus them back to “absolute truths.”":"一旦您认为自己完全了解了他们的立场和想法,您就可以向他们复述其立场。无论您对该立场有多大异议,都请通过简洁准确的有效总结来证明您的理解。不要讨论他们的行为或者导致他们被封禁的事件。相反,请只关注驱动他们行为的思想意识。持续进行阐述,直到他们至少三次说出“对,没错”,或者询问您的总结中是否有任何疏漏。如果您确实漏掉了某些东西,请将疏漏信息包含在内并再次复述他们的立场。在复述他们的观点时,请千万小心重述不真实的部分,尽力去除其中的个人偏见,并将其重新聚焦于“绝对真实”。","#When you get them talking to you, mirror that language to get them to elaborate further on their beliefs. An example of dialogue might go something like the following:":"但只要您让他们愿意开口交谈,就可以镜像模仿他们的语言,以让他们进一步阐释自己的想法。以下是可以此类对话示例:","#The process outlined here can be easily undermined by others who aren’t involved in the process. If you’re working to negotiate with a spammer but another moderator is threatening them in a different conversation, you won’t see any changes in their behavior. Communicate with your team on the strategy you plan to use, and remember to ask for emotional support or step away if it becomes too taxing.":"本文阐述的过程很容易被非当事人所破坏。如果您正在努力与爆服务器者谈判,但其他管理员却在另一个对话中威胁他们,那他们的行为就不会有任何改变。请就您打算使用的策略与团队进行沟通,如果负担过于沉重,请记住要寻求情感支持,或者远离此事。","#Mirroring to Understand":"镜像模仿以理解","#If they do continue to harass you or your community, it’s possible that you failed to address the primary reason that they’re upset. Open dialogue with them again and follow the steps above from the beginning, or check to see that you haven’t fallen into a common pitfall or mistake.":"如果他们仍继续骚扰您或者您的社区,那可能是因为您未能说出他们不满的主要原因。请再次与他们展开对话,从头开始实施上述步骤,或者检查您是否陷入了常见陷阱或者犯了常见错误。","#Below is a list of common examples of mistakes people make during negotiations:":"以下是人们在谈判时易犯的常见错误示例:","#Be Careful with Tone and Wording":"注意语气和措辞","#There will be some of you who believe that after getting this far, you may be on the path to rehabilitating a person like this. The mistake is believing that you are further along than you really are, or that you’re qualified to help someone struggling to control their emotions. The truth is, getting to “that’s right” is only 1% of the process.":"进行到这里之后,有些人可能会认为自己已经走在了改造此类人的道路上。其中的错误就在于高估了自己的能力,或者认为自己有资格帮助难以控制情绪的人。但事实是,对于帮助此类人群来说,得到“没错”只是整个过程的 1%。","#The methodology outlined in this article is designed for conversations in real-life, especially over the phone. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get the spammer on an audio call, so it’s essential to be patient with the process and careful with your wording. Formal grammar like punctuation can make a sentence feel more serious or threatening. Use casual phrasing and make an occasional spelling mistake to show you’re human. If you’re uncertain about tone, read the sentence out loud while sounding as angry as you can, and adjust accordingly.":"本文所述的方法是为现实谈判所设计的,特别是电话沟通。但是爆服务器者不太可能同意进行语音通话,所以对沟通过程保持耐心以及谨慎措辞至关重要。正规的语法,比如标点符号,会使得句子感觉更严肃和更有威胁性。请使用较为随意的措辞,并偶尔掺杂拼写错误,以显示您是活生生的人。如果您拿不准语气,请大声读出句子并尽量表现得很生气,然后做出相应调整。","#As a reminder: do not attempt to correct or modify their opinion. Remember the purpose of this process. It is not to modify their position or opinion, it’s only to mirror their opinion to stop identifying you and your community as a threat.":"请注意:不要试图纠正或改变他们的观点。请记住整个过程的目的不是改变他们的立场或观点,而只是反映他们的观点,以让他们不再将您和您的社区视为威胁。","#When you successfully reach this state of your discussion, it’s essential that you be careful with your choice of words. There’s a good chance that the spammer will leave your community alone now that they know that their opinion has been recognized. At the very least, you should see an immediate reduction in the number of times they attempt to cause harm.":"当您成功达到讨论的这一阶段时,请务必小心措辞。既然垃圾邮件发送者的观点已被承认,那么他们很有可能会不再打扰您的社区。至少,您也会看到他们试图造成破坏的次数立即减少。","#Remember to Ask for Help":"记住寻求帮助","#Getting to “You’re Right” instead of “That’s Right”":"得到“你说的没错”,而不是“没错”","#When using tactical empathy, remember that the purpose of the exercise is to bring their beliefs to the conscious mind and demonstrate agreement. If you attempt to tell them what they should believe, you may instead get a “you’re right” and fail to see any change. The difference is subtle, but important. Make sure that the other side actually feels heard, and that you’ve fully understood their position.":"在使用“战术性同理心”时,请记住该操作的目的是让他们认识到自己的想法并表示同意。如果您尝试告诉他们应当如何思考,您可能会听到“你说的没错”,但不会看到任何改变。两者的区别非常微妙,但很重要。要确保对方切实感受到了被倾听以及您完全理解了他们的立场。","#If you believe the answers to those questions would be negative about your community, it might be helpful to take a step back and reconsider whether a Discord server would benefit it.":"如果您认为,对于您的社区来说,这些问题的答案是否定的,那么请暂时退一步,重新考虑一下开设 Discord 服务器能否带来益处。","#When starting off, adding your existing subreddit moderator team usually works. However, it’s important to note that those mods might not always be as dedicated to this new platform as they are to the one that they came from. Looking into the future for your Discord server, things might change and the subreddit mods that helped it in the early days might end up having to take a backseat in favor of users who are brought in from within the server.":"刚起步时,直接让现有的 Reddit 讨论区管理员团队加入通常可行。然而,需要注意,这些管理员对新平台可能不如对原有平台热衷。但这一情况可能会在未来发生变化,最初帮助发展 Discord 服务器的 Reddit 讨论区管理员可能会逐渐退居二线,并把重要角色交给从服务器内部引入的用户。","#As your subreddit moderators are still trusted contributors, you may grant them privileges that might be gated off for regular users by default, such as link embeds and file upload permissions.":"由于您的 Reddit 讨论区管理员仍然是值得信赖的贡献者,您可以授予他们一些默认情况下可能不会对普通用户开放的特权,例如链接嵌入和文件上传权限。","#Outside of the owner, you should ideally have at least two other moderators that are present on both teams. These shared mods will be able to efficiently relay information between the teams, coordinate collaborations between the Reddit and Discord communities, be able to take action in emergency situations, and mediate conflicts if they occur.":"除所有者外,理想情况下,应至少还有两名同时归属两个团队的管理员。这些双团队管理员将能够高效地在团队之间传递信息,协调 Reddit 和 Discord 社区之间的合作,处理紧急情况,并调解冲突。","#Give the subreddit moderators a special role. This will show the association of your server with the subreddit to your members.":"为 Reddit 讨论区的管理员分配一个特殊身份组。这将向您的成员展示服务器与 Reddit 讨论区的关联。","#All staff positions (except the owner and lead admins) should be independent of the user’s status on different moderation teams, and you should remind your staff team that it is not a given to be modded elsewhere if you become a mod on either platform. Mods that participate in multiple teams must still uphold your activity requirements, and meet all of your expectations similarly to the rest of your team.":"除了所有者和主要管理员之外,所有工作职位与不同管理团队成员的用户身份是相互独立的,您应该提醒员工团队,成为任何一个平台的管理员并不意味着一定会成为其他平台的管理员。参与多个团队的管理员与其他团队成员一样,都必须满足您的活跃度要求和所有期望。","#Creating a Discord server can be a great way to broaden your subreddit-based community's horizons, giving your users a whole new way to interact with each other. However, it's important to remember that maintaining a Discord community can be a whole lot of work that some of your existing team members might not be interested in taking. Finding the right person to lead your Discord and ensuring your community's new outpost is in good hands early on will ensure a lasting and smooth relationship between your subreddit and Discord, to everyone’s benefit.":"对于您基于 Reddit 讨论区的社区来说,创建 Discord 服务器能为用户提供全新的互动方式,是扩展视野的绝佳方法。但您也应该记住,维护 Discord 社区可能需要大量的工作,而一些现有的团队成员可能对此并不感兴趣。请尽早找到合适的人来领导您的 Discord,并确保您社区的新“前哨”能够得到妥善管理,这将确保您的 Reddit 讨论区和 Discord 之间建立持久且平稳的关系,对所有人都有益处。","#To start, ask yourself the following questions:":"开始前,先问问自己以下问题:","#Avoid giving subreddit moderators moderation privileges within your server, unless they’re interested in becoming moderators within your Discord as well - and are ready to accept the additional responsibilities and time commitments that come with the role.":"除非 Reddit 讨论区的管理员有兴趣在您的 Discord 服务器内担任管理员,并愿意承担与该身份组相关的额外责任和时间投入,否则请不要在服务器内给予他们管理员权限。","#Avoid cross-promoting micro events within one of your community’s platforms, such as announcing a specific discussion thread on Reddit to your Discord members, when it does not provide them value that can’t be achieved otherwise. Focus on platform-specific events that your users will be able to participate in locally.":"如果做不到为社区提供无法通过其他方式实现的价值,请避免在您的任一社区平台进行微型跨平台宣传活动,例如向 Discord 成员宣布 Reddit 上的特定讨论子区。请专注于让用户能够在本地参与的特定平台活动。","#Does Your Subreddit Need a Discord?":"您的 Reddit 讨论区是否需要 Discord 服务器?","#You are a moderator of a community on Reddit, and are thinking about starting a Discord server along with it. This article will help you determine whether your community will benefit from a Discord server or not. If you find the answer to be yes, then you’ll also find a few tips that’ll guide you through launching and maintaining a healthy community on Discord that’ll serve as a meaningful extension of your existing subreddit.":"如果您是正在考虑搭建 Discord 服务器的 Reddit 社区管理员,那么本文将帮助您确定 Discord 服务器能否使您的社区获益。如果您已决定搭建 Discord 服务器,那么本文还能找到一些提示,引导您启动和维护一个健康的 Discord 社区,使其成为您现有 Reddit 讨论区的有益扩展。","#Are there other benefits relevant to your community that having a Discord could provide? Examples include LFG (helping players find groups) in video game subreddits, the ability to host events such as game nights for community engagement, and topics that include lengthy back-and-forth conversations that are more suited for a real time chat environment rather than threaded long-form conversations (such as providing a space for personalized help around topics like programming, tech support, or mental health).":"Discord 还能为您提供与社区相关的其他好处吗?例如:Reddit 电子游戏讨论区中的 LFG(帮助玩家找到群组),举办游戏之夜等活动来提高社区参与度的能力,以及涉及长时间互动对话、更适合实时聊天环境而非跟帖式长篇对话的话题(例如提供一个关于编程、技术支持或心理健康等主题的个性化帮助空间)。","#Avoid promoting platform-specific announcements on other platforms. For example, don’t link your moderator application form for Discord on your subreddit, and vice versa.":"请避免在其他平台上宣传特定平台的公告。例如,不要在 Reddit 讨论区提供 Discord 管理员的申请表格,反之亦然。","#Hosting Events and Cross Promotions":"举办活动和跨平台宣传","#Typically, it’s best to keep the Reddit and Discord moderation teams separate. Your Discord is a separate ecosystem with its own needs - and it’s important to find users from within it that will help you develop and maintain it, and make it flourish.":"通常情况下,Reddit 和 Discord 的管理团队最好相互独立。您的 Discord 是一个独立的生态系统,有着自己的需求,所以最好直接在其内部寻找用户来帮助您开发、维护这个生态系统并使其蓬勃发展,这一点非常重要。","#Moderation Teams":"管理团队","#It’s important to be upfront to your community about the fact that your subreddit and Discord server are run and moderated by completely separate mod teams after the server starts taking shape. Set up escalation paths for both of your teams to direct issues related to your subreddit to Reddit modmail, and vice-versa, direct users experiencing issues within the server to its team.":"在完成服务器搭建后,向您的社区明确说明 Reddit 讨论区和 Discord 服务器由完全独立的管理团队运营和监管十分重要。为两个团队建立上报路径,以便将与 Reddit 讨论区相关的问题引导至 Reddit ModMail,反之亦然;并将在服务器内遇到问题的用户引导至相应团队。","#Does your subreddit have a large amount of retained users that visit it directly on a regular basis? Reaching the members of your Reddit community is often challenging, and requires them to go out of their way and take the first step and move to a different platform. If your community sees very sharp declines in traffic when no trending posts are present, it might indicate that most of your members “follow and forget” - only visit your community when it pops up on their home feed, which often indicates they will not be willing to follow you to Discord.":"您的 Reddit 讨论区是否拥有大量经常直接访问的留存用户?要接触到您的 Reddit 社区成员通常充满了挑战,这需要他们付出行动以首先转移到不同的平台。如果您的社区访问量在没有热门帖子时出现了明显的下降,这可能意味着大多数成员“关注即遗忘”——只有当您的社区在他们主页上出现时,他们才会进行访问,这往往意味着他们不愿意跟随您到 Discord 中去。","#Starting a Moderator Team":"建立一个管理员团队","#For major events that are relevant to all of the sub-communities you operate, try to include a space for participation in each one of them. However, it is also a good idea to provide information or links to the other event pages/channels on every platform. This makes it easy for people to browse the discussions on each platform and easily join in on multiple conversations in different places if they’re willing to.":"在进行与您运营的所有子社区相关的重大活动时,请尽量在所有平台提供参与空间。也推荐在所有平台提供其他活动页面/频道的信息或链接,这样可以方便用户在各个平台上浏览讨论,并在不同的地方轻松加入多个对话。","#Instead, you must focus on the people who want your help and who need it- this being the people in your community. Empower the people who are truly deserving of your time and energy. At the end of the day, you’re a human and a moderator. Your primary focus in this realm is to make sure your community is safe and stays safe- and if you’ve managed to get the persistent spammer to stop then you’ve accomplished what it is you’ve aimed to do.":"相反,您必须关注那些需要并且想得到您的帮助的人——也就是您社区的用户。请对那些真正值得您时间和精力的人付出。毕竟,您是个凡人和管理员,所以您职责范围内的重点是确保社区安全并保持安全。如果您已成功让持续发送垃圾邮件者停止其行为,那您就已经实现了自己的目标。","#Make sure to bring in at least one user or subreddit mod who is also as knowledgeable with the Discord ecosystem and familiar with your existing community to help with the setup and administration of the server early on.":"至少要在 Discord 团里团队中引入一名 Reddit 讨论区用户或管理员,此人需要熟悉 Discord 生态系统与您的现有社区,以便能在服务器的建立和管理初期提供帮助。","#Reddit and Discord Moderator Teams Coexisting":"Reddit 和 Discord 的管理员团队共存","#You now have a bunch of mods! Mods on your subreddit, mods dedicated to your Discord server, and mods that are both. But what do you do with all these mods, how do you tell them apart, what perms should they have? Communication between your different teams is key to the success of both of your communities.":"您现在有了几位不错的管理员!即 Reddit 讨论区管理员、Discord 服务器专属管理员以及两者兼顾的管理员。但是,对于所有这些管理员,您应该如何安排?如何区分?他们应该被赋予哪些权限?不同团队之间的沟通对于两个社区的成功至关重要。","#Closing notes":"结语","#Successful Discord communities revolve around human connections and conversations and not just content. For a Reddit community to translate well into a Discord community, it should be centered around a topic its members are passionate about and are highly engaged with.":"成功的 Discord 社区以人际关系和对话为核心,而非仅仅是内容。如果想让 Reddit 社区成功转化为 Discord 社区,则它应该围绕成员热衷且高度参与的主题展开。","#Can there be in-depth discussions around the topic of your community that will benefit from a real-time chat setting? For subreddits mainly focused around content without an avenue for discussion, the answer is usually no. Examples could include /r/aww and /r/eyebleach.":"您的社区主题是否能够进行深度讨论,并从实时聊天环境中获益?对于以内容为重点且没有讨论渠道的 Reddit 讨论区来说,答案通常是否定的。/r/aww 和 /r/eyebleach 就是这样的例子。","#While your communities are linked together, they’re separate entities with different groups of regular visitors and contributors. When considering cross platform promotions, assess their relevance to each of your audiences, and determine whether they will find it helpful. A few best practices around this topic are:":"尽管您的社区彼此关联,但它们是不同的实体,拥有不同的常规访客和贡献者群组。在考虑跨平台促销时,请评估其与每个受众的相关性,确定其能否为他们带来帮助。以下是关于此主题的一些最优方法:","#Make a private channel where your subreddit mods will be able to chat privately with your Discord team. It can be used primarily as an off-topic chat, while also being available for use as a liaison for your team to discuss cross-platform issues if and when they arise.":"创建一个私密频道,让您的 Reddit 讨论区管理员能够与 Discord 团队进行私下交流。此频道主要用于非主题聊天,必要时也可作为团队讨论跨平台问题的联络渠道。","#Even if you’re a clinical psychologist, you wouldn’t be getting paid for your work, at least not this work. Attempting to provide support via text chat will have diminishing returns. Attempting to show somebody like this the “error of their ways” may result in all of the work you have done being reversed.":"即使您是临床心理学家,您也不会因为此类工作而得到报酬。试图通过文字聊天来提供支持的回报率会不断递减。而试图向此类人指出“他们的错误”可能会导致您之前的所有努力被全部推翻。","#Discord communities are distinct from subreddits and attract different audiences. While there are often overlaps between those audiences, it will not always be the case, and it’s important to determine whether your community will benefit from having a Discord before you attempt to start one.":"Discord 社区与 Reddit 讨论区有着不同的特点,吸引着不同的受众群体。虽然两者之间的受众往往会有交集,但并非总是如此,因此在尝试创建 Discord 服务器之前,确定您的社区是否会从中受益十分重要。","#Server Owner and Administrators":"服务器所有者和管理员","#The owner of the server should be a dedicated mod from the subreddit who knows both the community and the inner-workings of Discord. Decisions made by the owner will be critical to the development of your server, so take a moment to review all of the potential candidates within your team to choose the best one for the task.":"服务器所有者应该是来自 Reddit 讨论区的一位专门管理员,且应该对社区和 Discord 的内部运作都非常了解。所有者的决策对服务器的发展至关重要,因此请花些时间回顾团队中所有的潜在候选人,选择最适合这项任务的人。","#Here are a few best practices:":"以下为几个最优方法:","#A moderation team is a group of people from all over the world with diverse backgrounds and different experiences, working together to not only maintain structure inside a community but nurture that community as well. Managing such a team is a straining task but extremely important to the overall health of a community. In this article, you’ll get an in-depth look into what you need to establish and maintain a positive and productive environment within your moderation team.":"管理团队由一群来自世界各地、有着不同背景和经验的人组成。他们聚在一起共同努力,不仅要维系社区的内部结构,同时也要培育社区,让其发展壮大。管理这样的团队是一项艰巨的任务,同时也对社区的整体健康至关重要。在这篇文章中,我们将深入探讨如何在管理团队中建立并维持积极且高效的氛围。","#Decision Making":"决策制定","#Getting to Know Your Team":"了解您的团队","#Professionalism":"专业精神","#Problem Solving":"解决问题","#Allocating Resources":"分配资源","#Growth":"销售增长","#Reviewing":"回顾","#Above all else, the foundation of a good moderation team is familiarity. By knowing your fellow moderators better, what they do, or where they live, you’ll relate to them better. You’ll get to know people’s strengths and weaknesses, learn to understand them better, and get a feeling for when they need help, and vice versa. Though you all may be in different time zones and have diverse backgrounds you’re all working towards the same goal which is keeping the community you all care for safe. Who knows- you might find that you share a lot of the same interests along the way, make great new friends, or deepen existing friendships during your time together as moderators.":"要获得优秀的管理团队,最重要的基础就是“熟悉”。如果能够更加了解您的管理员,比如知道他们是做什么的、住在哪里等等,您与他们的关系也会更加紧密。您将了解他们的长处与不足,逐渐更加理解他们,因此也能感觉到他们何时需要帮助,反之亦然。也许你们远隔千里,有着截然不同的背景,但你们有着同样的奋斗目标:让你们喜爱的社区更加安全。在管理团队中共事的这段时间里,也许您会发现你们有许多共同爱好,也许能收获新的至交好友,或者让已有的友谊更加牢固。","#Some of your moderators, especially experienced moderators, are likely to be in more administrative positions. They usually stay further away from general day-to-day channel moderation while newer moderators are focused on watching conversations and enforcing the server rules.":"有些管理员——尤其是经验更丰富的管理员——可能更偏向行政性的岗位,他们通常较少参与一般的日常频道管理。而新管理员会更关注对话和服务器规则的执行。","#If you do have one of these larger mod teams, consider delegating certain moderators to tasks and responsibilities that they’d be best suited for, rather than having a jack of all trades, master of none situation. This allows to divide the team into smaller sub-teams that talk to each other more frequently in designated channels regarding their specific mod duties.":"如果您的管理团队规模较大,可以给某些管理员分配他们最适合的任务与职责,避免出现业务内容“多而不精”的情况。这样可以将团队划分成更小型的子团队,这些子团队会在各自的指定频道中针对特定管理职责进行更频繁的沟通。","#Here are a few examples of sub-teams that are common within larger communities:":"以下是大型社区中常见的子团队示例:","#Hold Voice Chat Sessions. While talking through text is great- especially when trying to get more long form thoughts across- encouraging people to hop into voice to speak more casually can help to keep your mods personable and engaged with one another if they can put a voice to their fellow mods’ usernames.":"组织语音聊天。文字交流是很好的沟通方式,尤其是在需要表达长篇内容的时候。但是也应该鼓励管理员偶尔加入语音聊天,因为如果能够把彼此的用户名与声音对应起来,大家的形象就会变得更加真实立体,有助于彼此互动。","#Introducing yourself. Let moderators post a small introduction about themselves for existing and new moderators. This will give everyone in the team a basic understanding of where they’re coming from.":"自我介绍。让各位管理员发布简短的自我介绍,供新老管理员阅读。这样能让团队中的所有人对彼此的背景有一个基本的了解。","#Engage new moderators. Just like in any relationship, talking with each other is a part of the process. Engage new moderators with conversations, and make them feel welcome in the team.":"让新管理员参与对话。沟通交流是建立所有关系的基础。因此,请多让新管理员参与团队对话,让他们感觉到自己是其中的一份子。","#Offer help to your moderators, or check on them if they haven’t been seen for a while. Sharing positive feedback is also a great way to stay in touch with your moderators! Positive, specific feedback is one of the best ways to recognize all of the hard, often thankless work, that your moderators do.":"主动向管理员提供帮助,或者在他们一段时间不活跃时主动询问。分享关于管理员的正面反馈也是与其保持联系的好方法!您的管理员承担了大量吃力不讨好的工作,积极的、具体的反馈是对他们表示认可的最佳方法!","#Example 2: Bot Managers":"示例 2:机器人管理员","#Most servers host events, from community run events to events run by staff members. Event Supervisors watch over the community members hosting events, watching out for new events, while being the general point of communication in hosting and announcing them.":"大部分服务器都会举办活动,这些活动有的由有社区举办,也有的由工作人员举办。活动管理员会监督举办活动的社区成员、关注新活动,同时也是举办和通知所有活动的沟通枢纽。","#These are ways of how moderators can be utilized better by giving them a designated job depending on your team's size, and also giving them the ability to dive into certain topics of moderation more in-depth within your community, which overall makes managing and coordinating a team as a whole easier.":"以上都是一些很好的实操示例。根据团队的大小给管理员分配不同的工作,既可以更好地让他们发挥所长,也能让他们在社区中更加深入某些管理领域,这样一来,管理和协调整个团队的工作总体能变得更为容易。","#Keep in touch with moderators.":"与管理员保持联系。","#Moderators that are extremely familiar with permissions, bots, programming, etc. Ideally, they aren’t just able to operate bots you’re using, but also maintain them. A custom bot tailored to your community is always something to consider. Having a bot hosted “in-house” by a moderator within your team adds an additional layer of security. The Bot Team is very valuable in making new and creative ideas possible and especially in automating day-to-day processes.":"这些管理员极为熟悉权限、机器人、编程等内容。理想情况下,他们不仅能操作服务器中正在使用的机器人,还能对它们进行维护。如果能为社区量身定做自己的机器人当然更好。由团队中的管理员操作的“内部”机器人能为社区安全增加一层保障。如果想实现新的想法和创意——特别是在日常管理流程的自动化方面——机器人团队会非常有价值。","#Here are a few basic things you should do to familiarize with each other:":"以下这些基本事项可以帮助您与团队成员相互熟悉:","#Moderators that primarily contribute to the community by enforcing rules, watching conversations, engaging members, solving member to member conflicts and showing moderation presence. The same type of moderators could also exist for Voice Channels, but that is mostly for very large communities.":"这些管理员在社区中的主要职责是执行规则、监管对话、提高成员参与度、解决成员之间的冲突以及公开展示管理的存在。语音频道也可以配备此类管理员,但一般只有非常大型的社区才需要。","#It’s very important to give every moderator freedom so they don’t have to ask every time before they can take action, but it’s also important to hear out as many opinions on any major server changes as possible, if time allows it.":"给予所有管理员自由决策权也非常重要,这样他们就无需在每次采取行动前都进行询问。但如果时间允许,在做出对服务器进行重大变更的决策前,也应该尽可能听取不同意见。","#Example 1: Chat Moderators":"示例 1:聊天管理员","#Example 3: Event Supervisors":"示例 3:活动管理员","#It’s important to establish a system, especially when making big decisions. Often, there are decisions that need to be done right at the very moment. For example, when someone posts offensive content. In most cases, a moderator will act on their perception of the rules and punish offenders accordingly. At that very moment, the offending content has to be removed, leaving little to no time to gather a few staff members and make a decision together. This is where consistency comes into play. The more your moderators share equal knowledge and the same mindset, the more consistent moderation actions get. This is why it’s important to have moderator guidelines and a clear structure.":"重要的是要建立好一套体系,在作出重大决策时尤其如此。很多时候需要即时做出决策,比如当有人发布了冒犯性的内容时。在大多数情况下,管理员会根据自己对规则的理解采取行动,并对发布者进行相应惩罚。冒犯性内容应该在发布之后就立刻被删除,因此没有时间召集数名管理员共同做出决定。这就是“一致性”发挥作用的时刻。管理员的理念与心态越接近,管理行动就越一致。这也是制订管理员指南并拥有清晰的结构非常重要的原因。","#Maintain a channel for off topic discussions.":"维护非主题讨论频道。","#As server size and the number of moderators increases, the harder it becomes to hear every voice and opinion. As a team, decisions need to be made together, they need to be consistent, equitable, and take into account as many different opinions as possible.":"随着服务器规模的扩大和管理员人数的增加,兼听的难度也越来越大。对团队而言,决策需要集体制定,团队成员必须保持一致、公平,并尽可能多地考虑不同意见。","#Keep a channel for casual conversations for your moderators, letting them talk about their interests and getting to know each other better. Just because they’re here in a position of power does not mean that they’re incapable of having fun or talking about things outside of the immediate state of the server.":"为管理员保留一个可以随意闲聊的频道,让他们可以谈论自己感兴趣的事,并更好地了解彼此。虽然他们是服务器中的管理者,但也应该能够享受乐趣,并且可以谈论服务器管理以外的话题。","#Moderators are direct representatives of your community and as such should be a reflection of what an ideal community member looks like. Many things tie into showing this professionalism, ranging from how moderators chat with members in public to consistency in moderator actions.":"管理员是社区的直接代表,因此他们自己也应该达到对“模范社区成员”的要求。展现专业精神涉及到方方面面,包括管理员与普通成员的公开对话,以及管理员行为的一致性等等。","#Integrity. Moderators are also a contributory factor of morality, ethics and equality and should demonstrate being the golden standard to their community.":"正直。如果想建立平等的、合乎道德伦理的社区,管理员就必须以身作则。","#Your team should share positivity, engage conversation, show respect for others and maintain a professional look. Make it clear to your moderation team that they are a highly visible and perhaps incredibly scrutinized group within your community- and to conduct themselves appropriately with those aspects in mind.":"您的团队应该分享正面内容、积极参与对话、尊重他人并维护专业形象。请让您的管理团队明确知道自己是社区中高度可见的群体,而且很可能会被其他成员仔细审视,因此必须谨言慎行。","#List and evaluate possible solutions":"列出并评估可能的解决方案","#Self-control. A moderator will often face the situation of members not agreeing to actions taken against them. In those often heated conversations with an irate member, moderators need to keep self control by staying calm and resolving the issue.":"自控。很多时候,成员会不愿接受管理员对自己的处理。在这种情况下,该成员往往很愤怒,对话也会很激烈,但管理员必须自我控制,冷静地解决问题。","#As a general problem solving process, you should:":"在解决问题的过程中,您通常应当:","#You should let moderators know that they have the potential for growth in their future as a moderator. It can be something like specializing into specific topics of moderation, like introducing them into managing or setting up bots. Perhaps over time they will progress to a senior moderator and focus more on the administrative side of things.":"您应当让管理员看到自己有成长的潜力。可以让某些管理员接触特定的管理领域,比如让他们尝试管理或设置机器人。也许他们会逐渐晋升为高级管理员,并更多地专注于行政方面的工作。","#Over time, a moderation team grows. They grow in many ways, in their abilities, in the number of moderators, but also grow together as a team. Every new moderation team will face challenges they need to overcome together and every already established team will face new situations that they have to adapt to and deal with. It’s important to give a moderator something to work towards. Mods should look forward to opportunities that will strengthen their capabilities as a moderator and strengthen the team’s performance as a whole.":"随着时间的推移,管理团队会不断发展。这种“发展”体现在各个方面,比如个人能力、管理员数量,以及团队整体的成长。所有新团队都会面临必须共同克服的挑战,所有成熟的团队也都会遇到必须适应和应对的新情况。给管理员一些努力方向非常重要。管理员应当期待那些能加强自己管理能力以及提高团队整体表现的机会。","#Identify the issue a moderator/a group of moderators/or a member has":"明确管理员/管理员团队/或成员的问题","#Here are a few attributes in what makes a moderation team look and be professional:":"以下特质能让管理团队看起来更加专业:","#Competency. A moderator needs to be able to express moderation knowledge and articulate themselves well, so they can explain any actions taken on members with competence.":"能力。管理员应当能够清晰传达管理知识以及清楚表达自我,这样他们才有能力向成员解释自己采取的任何管理行动。","#The Discord Mod Academy can be a valuable resource in encouraging moderator growth as well. While they may be familiar with some of the concepts in the Discord Moderation Academy, no moderator can know everything and these articles have the potential to further refine their moderation knowledge and enhance their abilities.":"Discord 管理员学院是帮助管理员成长的宝贵资源。也许他们已经熟知 Discord 管理员学院中的某些内容,但没有哪个管理员能精通一切,因此,这些文章可能会帮助他们完善管理知识储备并精进管理技能。","#Understand the opinions and interests of everyone":"了解各方的意见与诉求","#Taking a moment to look back at the history and progression of your community and your mod team can be a useful way to evaluate where your team is at and where it needs to be. The time frame can be of your choosing, but some common intervals can be monthly, quarterly, or half year.":"请花点时间回顾您社区和管理团队的历史与发展,这能有效帮助您评估团队的现状与目标。时间点由您决定,常见的做法是每月、每季度或半年回顾。","#As with all group efforts, there is a possibility for friction to occur within a moderation team. This is undoubtedly something that you’re all going to have to address at some point in your mod team’s lifespan. It’s very important to deal with these situations as soon as they come up. Many people don't feel comfortable dealing with conflict directly as it can be uncomfortable. However, getting to any potential problems before they become serious can prevent more severe issues from cropping up in the future. The goal of a problem-solving process is to make a moderation team more conflict-friendly.":"所有团队协作中都可能会出现摩擦,管理团队也不例外。这无疑是您在管理团队生命周期的某一刻必然要面对的问题。当此类问题出现时,您必须尽快解决。很多人不喜欢直接处理冲突,因为这是让人不舒服的过程。但是,在问题升级前就着手解决能够防止未来出现更严重的状况。解决问题过程的目的是让管理团队变得不再惧怕冲突。","#It can be both uncomfortable and embarrassing to be “called out” for something, so often enough the best option is to speak to someone privately if you think they’ve made a mistake. After the moderator understands the situation and acknowledges the mistake, the problem can be talked about with the rest of the team, mainly to prevent situations like these in the future.":"大部分时候,被人“指责”既不舒服又很丢脸,因此如果您认为某人有错,最好与其私下沟通。在管理员理解情况并认识到自己的错误后,再与其他团队成员沟通。这主要是为了防止再次发生类似事件。","#The presence of a moderator should never make people uncomfortable - there needs to be a fine line between “I can chat with this moderator like with any other member” and “This is a moderator and I need to take what they're saying seriously”.":"管理员的存在永远都不应该让用户不舒服——“管理员和其他成员没区别”与“这可是管理员,我必须认真对待他们的每一句话”之间有一条微妙的红线。","#Professional Image. Moderators need to maintain a professional image- this includes things like choosing your profile picture, status, nickname, or any other highly visible identifiers wisely. While typing quirks and a friendly tone can go a long way to engender familiarity among your server members, when engaging in moderator actions it’s also important to say things in a way that are definitive and official. It’s hard to take a moderator seriously when they’re typing with tons of grammar mistakes and sporting a borderline nsfw profile picture.":"专业形象。管理员必须保持专业的形象。这涉及很多方面,比如选择个人资料图片、状态、昵称和其他高度可见的身份标识时必须慎重。在打字聊天时,随意友好的口吻可以让服务器成员产生亲近感,但是在进行管理行为时,必须采用明确和正式的表达方式。如果管理员的文字中充斥着大量错别字,或者使用打擦边球的个人资料图片,那么成员则很难认真对待他们。","#Settle on a satisfactory solution":"确定让人满意的解决方案","#With that in mind, there are also situations where you’d want to exercise more discretion. Something that might prompt this is when a moderator makes a mistake.":"请注意,在某些情况下——比如当管理员犯错时——您可能会需要更加谨慎。","#Reliability. The team should plan ahead of time, and a moderator should commit to what they say they would deliver, and if they can’t, they should take responsibility for it.":"可靠。团队应当对未来有规划,管理员也应当能实现自己承诺的内容,如果未能完成,则要承担相应的责任。","#You don’t always get to talk with your moderators every day - most of us volunteer, moderating as a hobby, having our own lives while living scattered all over the world. With all of that going on it can be hard to find the time or space to discuss things that you might feel are lacking or could be changed regarding the server, and that’s why reviewing is important.":"您很难做到每天都与管理员沟通。大部分人都是志愿者,出于兴趣爱好成为了管理员,他们都有自己的生活,并且分布在世界各地。所有人每天都有很多事要处理,很难找到时间讨论服务器的不足和需要改变的地方,因此定期回顾非常重要。","#The essence of managing a moderation team is to be open-minded, communicate and to listen to each other. Endeavor to manage decisions and confront problems in an understanding, calm, and professional way. Give moderators the opportunity to grow, designated tasks, but also time to review, break and rest. Remember, you’re in this together!":"对管理团队进行管理的核心是保持开放的心态、积极沟通、多听取他人意见。应当尽量以一种有同理心、冷静且专业的方式来制定决策和面对问题。要给管理员不同的任务和成长的机会,但也要让他们有时间回顾和休息。请记住,你们是一个整体!","#Now that your account is nice and secure, there is one more thing you must closely monitor to ensure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands: yourself.":"现在,您的账户已经很安全,不过为了防止账户落入他人手中,还有一件事必须特别注意,就是您自己的意识和行为。","#Account Security":"账户安全","#Another common attack is to encourage you to click on a link that redirects to a fake Discord website. Before clicking on any links from a user, ask yourself the following questions:":"另一种常见的攻击手段是引导您点击某个链接,然后会跳转到一个假的 Discord 网站。因此,在您点击任何来自其他用户的链接时,请先明确以下几个问题:","#A Community Review can be done in many ways. For most, a channel asking a few basic questions, like how the community has developed since the last review, how activity and growth has changed, is a good way to start. Most importantly, you want to hear how the moderation team is doing. Talk about mistakes that have happened recently, how they can be prevented, and review some of the moderator actions that have been taken. A review allows everyone to share their thoughts, see what everyone is up to, and deal with more long term issues. It also allows giving your moderators feedback on their performance.":"社区回顾可以通过很多方式进行。最常见的方法是在频道中提出几个基础问题,比如在上次回顾后社区有什么发展、社区活跃度和成长有什么变化等等,这些问题是一个很好的开始。最重要的是,您应该知道管理团队的状况如何。可以聊聊最近出现的错误以及如何避免,或者复盘管理员近期采取的行动。回顾让所有人都可以分享看法,了解他人的动向,并解决长期问题,也让您有机会对管理员的表现给予反馈。","#The first step towards securing the server you moderate is securing your own Discord account. Your first line of defense is a strong and unique password. Some characteristics of strong passwords include:":"要保障您所管理的服务器的安全,首要步骤就是保护好您的 Discord 账户。一个高强度且独一无二的密码是确保账户安全的第一道防线。高强度密码应具备以下特征:","#A mix of character types - Including numbers, symbols, lowercase, and uppercase letters make the password harder to guess":"包含各种字符类型 - 包含数字、符号、小写与大写字母的密码,猜测难度更大","#One of the most common and dangerous scams on Discord is a user or a bot sending out a direct message with a QR code saying that you should scan the QR code with Discord’s QR code scanner for free nitro. This will generally be combined with instructions on how to access and use Discord’s QR code scanner. However, it is important to remember that Discord's QR code scanner is only used to log in to Discord. Scanning the given QR code will allow that attacker to directly log into your account, bypassing your password and any 2FA you may have configured. If you accidentally scan a suspicious QR code, you should immediately change your password as this will invalidate your current account token and log you out of all devices.You can also report any such scams directly to Discord Trust and Safety for further action. For more information on making reports, check out this article.":"Discord 上最常见也最危险的骗局之一是:某个用户或机器人发送一条带有二维码的私信,表示您可以用 Discord 的二维码扫描功能扫描该二维码来获得免费 nitro。对方通常还会为您提供 Discord 二维码扫描功能的访问和使用教程。但是,请您务必谨记,Discord 二维码扫描功能仅限登录 Discord 时使用。扫描对方提供的二维码会使攻击者借机绕过您的密码和您配置的 2FA,直接登录您的账户。如果您不小心扫描了可疑的二维码,请立即更改您的密码,否则可能会造成您当前的账户令牌失效,并登出所有设备。此外,您还可以将该骗局直接举报给“Discord 信任与安全团队”,以便后者采取进一步措施。更多有关举报的信息,请参阅这篇文章。","#To avoid this, it is important that you not only secure your own account but use Discord responsibly to avoid accidentally compromising your account.":"为避免这种情况的发生,您不仅要保护好自己的账户,还要以负责任的态度使用 Discord,以防意外泄露账户信息。","#Uniqueness - Avoid reusing passwords you are using on other sites. If those sites are compromised, it could also compromise your Discord password":"唯一性 - 请不要重复使用在其他网站使用过的密码。如果这些网站遭到入侵,那么您的密码也可能会泄露","#The weakest link in any cybersecurity system is usually a human, and the security of your Discord account is no exception. Social engineering is the use of deception to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal information that may be used for fraudulent purposes. People attempting to gain access to your Discord account may attempt to get you to log into a fake site, download a malicious file, or click on a suspicious link. Being able to identify these actions and avoiding potential pitfalls is an important part of keeping your account (and the servers you moderate) safe.":"任何网络安全中最薄弱的环节往往都是人,您的 Discord 账户也不例外。社交陷阱是通过利用欺骗手段来操纵个人泄露机密信息或个人信息以用于诈骗的目的。对方可能会试图通过让您登陆虚假网站,下载恶意文件或点击可疑链接的方式获取您的 Discord 账户访问权限。识别这类行为并避免落入潜在的陷阱,对于保障账户(和您管理的服务器)安全至关重要。","#You also need to make sure the devices where your Discord account is logged in and the device that has your 2FA app are physically secure. Make sure your computer is password protected and locked when you are physically away from it. If you use a public computer, make sure that you use incognito mode on the web browser to ensure that your Discord information is removed when you close the browser. For a phone or tablet, require a PIN code to unlock it so that it can’t be used by strangers.":"除此之外,您还需要确保登录 Discord 账户的设备和装有 2FA 应用程序的设备的物理安全。确保您的电脑有密码保护功能,并在您离开期间将其锁定。如果您使用的是公共电脑,请在使用浏览器时务必选用无痕模式,以确保关闭浏览器后清除 Discord 的相关信息。如果您使用的是手机或平板设备,则需要 PIN 码解锁,以防止陌生人使用。","#Avoiding Social Engineering Attacks":"避免社交陷阱攻击","#Length - Longer passwords are harder to guess":"长度 - 密码越长,猜测难度就越大","#You can also use a random password generator or a password manager to create a completely random password that will be nearly impossible to guess, but difficult to remember. Another option is to combine several random words together. The key, though, is that the words need to be completely random. Using a tool to help select words at random from the dictionary is a good way to help ensure their randomness.":"您还可以选择使用随机密码生成器或密码管理器来生成一串随机密码,这样生成的密码几乎不可能被猜到,但缺点是很难记。还有一个选择是将多个随机单词组合在一起生成一串密码。不过重点是这些单词必须是完全随机挑选出来的,您可以使用工具帮助您从词典中随意挑选单词,以确保其随机性。","#Personal account security on Discord is of the utmost importance. If your account is compromised, you could lose access to cherished direct message conversations with friends and servers in which you are an active community member. However, when you’re a moderator there is an additional danger: the attacker that compromised your account may ruin the Discord servers you moderate by banning tons of members, deleting channels and messages, or more.":"Discord 个人账户的安全非常重要。如果您的账户遭到入侵,您可能会丢失与朋友的珍贵私信聊天记录,也可能会无法再访问您作为活跃社区成员所在的服务器。如果您是服务器的管理员,则还有另一重风险:入侵您账号的攻击者可能会通过大量封禁成员、删除频道和消息等行为摧毁您管理的服务器。","#Once you have a strong password, you should also enable two-factor authentication, also known as 2FA. 2FA ensures that even if someone manages to guess your password, they won’t be able to get into your account without access to the device where the 2FA app is. You can also enable 2FA via SMS and receive your authentication code via text message. However, SMS 2FA is less secure than application-based 2FA because text messages can be intercepted or your phone number could be stolen. Although the chance of this is still low, you should still avoid enabling the SMS backup for this reason if possible.":"设置高强度密码后,您还需要启用双重认证,也称为 2FA。2FA 能够确保即使有人猜出您的密码,如果没有 2FA 应用程序所在设备的访问权限,也无法登录您的账户。您还可以通过 SMS 启用 2FA,然后短信收取验证码。但是 SMS 2FA 相比基于应用程序的 2FA 安全性较低,因为短信有可能会被拦截,您的电话号码也有可能会被盗取。尽管出现这种情况的可能性较低,但是您仍应该尽量避免启用 SMS 备份验证。","#Does the message imply urgency or promise something as a reward (e.g., “If you don’t do this in the next five days, your Discord account will be deleted”)":"该消息是否包含紧迫性暗示或奖励承诺(例如:“如果五日内不照做,您的 Discord 账户将会被删除”)?","#Most modern browsers will have a lock icon indicating that the connection is secure if they do not show https:// before the URL. If the icon is shown as an unlocked lock or you see http:// rather than https:// before the URL, your connection is not secure.":"在现代的大多数浏览器中,如果在 URL 前未显示 https://,那么会显示一个锁定图标表示链接是安全的。如果该图标显示为未锁定或者您看到的 URL 之前的标识符是 http:// 而不是 https://,说明此链接不安全。","#Is the sender a stranger?":"发送者是否是陌生人?","#To further simplify your channel list, you can also use channel categories. Organizing channels into categories creates natural breaks in the channel list, allowing members to quickly read through it and find the channel they need. Members can also collapse categories as well, further allowing each user to hone in on channels that are important to them. Members of your server, especially new ones, may find it confusing to navigate a long, unbroken list of channels. Channel categories will further help them find the appropriate channel for any conversation they want to have or information they need to find.":"为了进一步简化频道列表,还可以使用频道类别。将频道分为不同的类别,在频道列表中形成自然的间隔,可以使成员快速浏览并找到其所需的频道。成员还可以折叠类别,使用户可以专注于对自己更重要的频道。服务器成员,尤其是新成员,在面对一长串没有间隔的频道列表时,可能会难以找到所需频道。而频道类别可以帮助他们根据对话的目的或所需的信息找到合适的频道。","#There are many ways to go about it, but keeping your channel names concise, unique, and clear will go a long way towards making them easier for your members to read and understand their purpose at a glance. Some channels, however, may need additional explanation beyond simply their name and category.":"虽然命名方式多种多样,但保持频道名称简洁、独特、清晰会更加一目了然,便于成员快速浏览并定位到自己所需的频道。不过,有些频道除了名称和类别,可能还需要添加额外的解释。","#If you find that the answer to many of the above questions is “yes”, you should avoid performing whatever action they are requesting. You can also check any suspicious-looking URLs with various URL checkers, such as this one.":"如果您发现对以上多数问题的回答都是“是”,那么请不要执行对方要求您进行的任何操作。您还可以选择使用各种 URL 检查器(比如这个)来检查看起来可疑的 URL。","#Are they asking me to perform a suspicious/sensitive action (e.g., download a file, log in to a website)":"对方是否要求您执行可疑/敏感操作(例如:下载文件、登录网站)?","#Channel topics and pinned messages are two ways to further explain the purpose of a channel, how to use it, and what channel-specific rules may apply.":"频道主题和已标注消息这两种方式,可以进一步解释频道目的、使用方法和某些特定的频道规则。","#Creating a strong password, enabling 2FA, and following best practices for physical device security are the first steps towards keeping your Discord account secure. However, there may be people that try to trick you into giving access to your Discord account through various scams or other social engineering attacks. Being able to spot suspicious messages and users and being cautious when encountering strange links or files is another important part of keeping your account safe. Of course, anyone that is able to illicitly gain access to a moderator account on your server still has the potential to do great harm, such as banning users and deleting messages, channels, and roles. Be sure to share this information with the other moderators on your server so that you can each do your part to keep your community safe by keeping your accounts secure.":"创建一个高强度的密码、启用双重认证(2FA),以及采用最佳方式保护设备的物理安全是保障您的 Discord 账户安全的第一步。但是,仍可能有许多人想通过各种骗局或社交陷阱攻击等方式诱骗您提供您的 Discord 账户的访问权限。因此,保障账户安全的另一个重要方面,就是要有能力识别可疑消息和用户,并在看到奇怪的链接或文件时保持警惕。当然了,任何能够非法登录您的服务器管理员账户的人员都有可能会造成巨大的危害:如封禁用户或删除消息、频道和身份组。请您务必与服务器的其他管理员共享此信息,让每个人都注意保护自身的账户安全,从而共同捍卫社区的安全。","#An example of what a server with important channels outside of channel categories might look like.":"该示例中的服务器的重要频道位于频道类别之外。","#If the user is specifically asking you to click on a link that prompts you to log in to Discord, another option you have is to navigate directly to https://discord.com in your web browser and log in from there. If clicking on the user’s link still takes you to a login page, double check the URL of the website. One thing you’ll want to check is if the website starts with https:// instead of http:, or that there is a lock next to the beginning of the URL. Although some fake sites may still have an https:// designation, many of them will not. Other signs may be slight misspellings of the URL or visual tricks such as diiscrd.com or dlscord.com with a lowercase “l” instead of an “i”. If you notice any of these signs, it is highly likely that it is not actually Discord’s website and instead a fake website intended to trick you into entering your login credentials so that it can steal your account.":"如果该用户明确要求您点击某个提示您登录 Discord 的链接,您还可以选择直接在浏览器中进入 https://discord.com 网站,然后从网站登录。如果在登录后,点击该用户的链接仍跳转到了登录页面,那么请再次检查一下该网站的 URL。您可以查看一下该网站是否是以 https:// 开头而不是 http:,或者该 URL 的开头处是否有一个锁定标志。尽管许多虚假网站可能有 https:// 标识符,但是大多数网站都没有。其他可疑迹象还包括通过稍微更改一下 URL 的拼写或利用视觉技巧(比如:diiscrd.com 或 dlscord.com,使用小写字母“l”而不是“i”)来欺骗用户。如果您察觉到了任何这类迹象,说明这个网站很可能不是 Discord 的网站而是用来欺骗您输入登录凭证,进而窃取您账户的虚假网站。","#Once your channel list is easy to scroll through, the next step is making sure your channel and channel category names are easy to understand. Channel names can be as long as you want, but will be cut off after reaching approximately 25 characters, making them difficult to read. For example, the first channel below is just right, but the channel after is really extra super duper long and the full name isn’t displayed in the sidebar.":"实现频道列表易于滚动查看是第一步,下一步就是确保频道和频道类别名称易于理解。频道名称可以为任意长度,但从约第 25 个字符起将无法显示,使名称难以阅读。例如,下图第一个频道名称长度刚刚好,但是第二个频道名称真的太长太长了,因此无法在侧边栏显示全名。","#The first thing people will see when they join your server is your channel list. Therefore, it’s important that your channels are clearly named and organized so that new users can easily find necessary information and readily understand how they should use each channel without being overwhelmed. To accomplish this, you should try to have organized channel categories where channels have clear names and topics, with pinned messages supplementing channel topics as needed.":"当人们加入您的服务器,首先看到的就是您的频道列表。所以,清晰的命名和管理对于频道来说非常重要,这样可以使新用户轻松地找到必要信息,并便捷地了解该如何使用每个频道,避免不知所措。为此,您可以尝试管理频道类别,使频道有明确的名称和主题,并根据需要使用已标注消息补充频道主题。","#These are still kind of a mouthful, though. Another option could be to incorporate the topic of your server into these channel names. If your server is about Wumpus’s Grand Adventure, you could name your on-topic channel #wga-general and then simply name your off-topic general chat channel #off-topic.":"不过,这样还是有点太绕了。还有一种办法是将服务器的主题纳入频道名称中。例如您服务器的主题是《Wumpus’s Grand Adventure》,则可以将主题频道命名为“#wga-常规”,然后将非主题聊天频道直接命名为“#非主题”。","#When it comes to the initial order of your channel list, it makes the most sense to put the most important channels at the top to give users the background information they need about the server, followed by the channels you expect users to spend the most time in for easy access. Generally speaking, this means your rules channel and informational channels about the server as a whole such as the welcome channel or resources channel will be at the top of your list, followed by your main chat channels and then your more niche channels at the bottom.":"管理频道列表初始顺序时,一个合理的办法是将最重要的频道放在最顶部,为用户提供其所需的服务器背景信息;然后是您希望用户在其中花费最多时间的频道,以便于访问。也就是说,一般情况下,规则频道和服务器信息频道(如欢迎频道、资源频道)位于列表的顶部,主要聊天频道随后,小众频道最后。","#Some people also like to add emojis to their channel names and categories. While this can be a good way to add some flair to your channel list, having too many emojis can detract from the names of the channels themselves. Furthermore, different devices render emojis differently, so what looks good on your own computer or phone may not look good on someone else’s device. Using emojis strategically to draw members’ eyes to important channels or using them only in category names instead of in every channel name may be better long-term. Similarly, you should also avoid using non-standard characters (e.g., 𝒻𝑜𝓃𝓉𝓈 ) when naming channels as this can make channel names difficult to read and mention.":"有些人还喜欢在频道名称和类别中添加表情符号。这么做虽然可以为频道列表增色不少,但太多的表情符号也会削弱频道名称本身。此外,表情符号在不同设备上的显示效果也各有不同,所以在您自己的电脑或手机上看起来不错的表情符号,在别人的设备上可能就不那么好了。您可以有的放矢地使用表情符号,将成员的目光吸引到重要频道上来,或者只在类别名称中使用表情符号,而不是每个频道名称中都用到,从长远来看这可能是更好的规划方式。此外,在命名时也应避免使用非标准字符(例如 𝒻𝑜𝓃𝓉𝓈),因为这会使频道名称难以阅读和提及。","#Is this message unexpected?":"该消息是否让您感到突然?","#However, it’s important not to put too many channels into one category, as this will create another long, unbroken list of channels that becomes difficult to navigate at a glance. Although there are reasons for including many channels in one category, keeping the amount to around four or five is ideal. You can also consider picking two or three of your most important channels and not placing them in categories at all, which will automatically bring them to the top of the channel list and prevent them from being collapsed into a category accidentally.":"不过,请注意不要把太多频道分入同一个类别中,因为这又会形成一长串列表,难以定位到所需频道。将多个频道分入某一类别或许有多种理由,但保持每个类别下四五个频道左右比较理想。您也可以考虑挑选两三个最重要的频道,不归入任何类别,这样它们会自动显示在频道列表的顶部,以防被意外折叠进某一个类别中。","#Channel names should ideally be unique in the server. Although nothing stops you from having multiple channels with the same name, creating identically named channels can make it easy to mention the wrong one in a message and confuse the reader. For example, if you have one category for On Topic channels and another category for Off Topic channels you could create a #on-topic-general and #off-topic-general respectively, rather than creating a #general channel in each category.":"频道名称在服务器中最好是唯一的。虽然拥有多个同名频道并无不可,但这样可能会出现在消息中提到错误频道的情况,使信息接受者感到困惑。例如,如果您有一个“主题”频道类别和一个“非主题”频道类别,您可以分别创建“#主题-常规”和“#非主题-常规”频道,而不是在两个类别中都创建“#常规”频道。","#Channel topics appear next to the channel name on the desktop and web Discord clients and on the members list sidebar on mobile. Long channel topics can be expanded by clicking or tapping on the topic text and support basic markdown formatting. However, if you want to mention another channel, role, or user in a channel topic, you’ll need to type out the raw form of the mention in order for it to show up in the topic properly. These raw forms are as follows:":"在桌面和网页版 Discord 客户端中,频道主题位于频道名称旁边;在移动端中,位于成员列表侧边栏。较长的频道主题可以通过单击或点击主题文字展开,并支持基础的 Markdown 格式。但是,如果您想在频道主题中提及另一个频道、身份组或用户,则需要键入提及的原始格式,使其能在主题中正确显示。原始格式如下:","#Your top-most channel is specifically important because this is the channel that your Vanity URL will point to (if you have one). For this reason, this should generally be a welcome or rules-related channel. Also note that in order for your Vanity URL to work at all, you must have at least one channel on your server that is visible to @everyone with no other roles.":"位于最顶部的频道尤为重要,因为您的虚拟网址(如果有的话)会直接指向该频道。因此,该频道通常为欢迎频道或规则相关频道。另外请注意,为保证虚拟网址可以正常使用,您的服务器上必须至少有一个频道对没有其他身份组的@everyone可见。","#One more consideration for channel organization arises if you are utilizing variable channel lists. Simply put, this is any sort of system that allows people to change which channels they have access to. For example, if you implement a verification gate, you’ll need to consider what channels people should see before and after passing verification. You may also want to implement self-assignable roles through a Discord bot that allow people to opt in or opt out of viewing certain channel categories. Keeping the previous organizational tips in mind and using the View as Role tool will help you see what the server looks like before and after verification as well as with opt in or opt out channel roles and help you to organize them in a way that makes sense for your server.":"在管理频道时,如果您使用可变频道列表,则还有一点需要注意。简单来说,“可变频道列表”是一种允许用户自行变更可访问频道的系统。例如,如果您使用验证门,则需考虑在通过验证前后用户可以看到哪些频道。您还可以通过 Discord 机器人实现身份组自主分配,允许用户自主选择是否查看某些频道类别。使用上述管理技巧以及“以身份组查看”工具,可以帮助您查看服务器验证前后的效果,以及选择加入或退出频道的身份组,借此对服务器进行更加高效的管理。","#Just as the rules exist to serve the community, so too does the progressive discipline system. The purpose of the progressive discipline system is to allow your members to understand their bad behavior and rectify it in the future without unduly punishing them for occasional small mistakes. Conversely, this means that users that are clearly acting in bad faith on the server may not be afforded the same leniency and should be muted or banned depending on the circumstances especially if the user in question does not have any previously normal chat history. While users that instantly break rules without message history could all be potentially banned, some behavior you may want to consider in particular includes:":"正如规则存在的意义在于服务社区,累进式惩戒系统亦是如此。采用累进式惩戒系统的目的在于让用户认识到自己的不良行为并改正,而非针对他们偶尔犯的小错误施加不当的惩罚。相反的,这也意味着,那些明显意图不良,特别是没有正常聊天历史记录的违规用户,不应被轻易放过,而是要根据具体违规行为对其实施禁言或封禁惩罚。虽然对于那些没有任何消息历史记录,直接发生违规行为的用户,立刻实施封禁惩罚无可厚非,但是也有些行为需要引起您的特别注意,包括:","#An often neglected part of administering a Discord server is the onboarding process for your moderators. Even when people have the right mindset, knowledge, and availability to moderate your server, there will still be an adjustment period. Your new moderators need to learn not just the technical ins and outs of your server moderation system, but they also need to adapt to more subjective expectations. These expectations include how to conduct themselves on the server, when and how to warn users, and other server-specific considerations and clarifications. While much of this will be subjective and something for you to determine yourself, this will cover some important moderation principles that you can use when developing your own moderator guidelines. An example set of moderation guidelines will be included at the end of this article.":"在管理 Discord 服务器的过程中,对管理员进行入职培训是很容易被忽视的一个环节。即使管理员自身心态良好、相关知识、技能储备充足、时间充裕,他们也需要一段调整适应期。新管理员不仅要学习掌握服务器管理系统的技术知识,还要适应一些比较主观的预期,比如:如何在服务器中展示自己、警告用户的时机和方式、以及其他与所在服务器相关的注意事项和情况说明。虽然这些问题大多数主观性较强,需要您自行决定,但是本文仍会为您介绍一些相关的重要管理原则,您可以借鉴这些原则来制定自己的管理员指导守则。本文末还将为您提供一组管理员指导守则的范例。","#There may be instances where the wording or specifics of the rules end up disallowing behavior that, in practice, does not go against the main principle of moderation. In these cases, moderators should refrain from warning the user without consulting the rest of their mod team and also seriously consider modifying the rules to more accurately reflect the expectations of the mod team in regards to server conduct.":"在某些情况下,规则的具体措辞或细节也许还会禁止一些实际上并不违背主要管理原则的行为。在这种情况下,管理员首先应该做的,不是警告相关用户,而是与管理员团队成员讨论商议,并认真考虑修改规则,使其更为准确地反映出管理员团队对于用户在服务器内行为的预期。","#For example: let’s say you have a rule that prevents users from cropping images to focus on sexual body parts in order to prevent NSFW conversations from occurring in chat. However, someone ends up cropping an image of an in game character to focus on her skirt from behind, discussing the outfit. In this case, it may not be appropriate to warn the user since they are using this image to start an appropriate conversation, even if it technically breaks the rule about cropping pictures. So, the mod team should discuss ways that the rule can be rewritten to cover scenarios like these, rather than resign themselves to warning the user “because the rules say so.”":"举例说明:假如您规定用户不得截取有关身体性感部位的图片,以防止聊天中出现少儿不宜(NSFW)的对话内容。但是有用户截取了一张关于游戏角色身穿短裙的背影图,并与其他成员讨论该角色的穿着。在这种情况下,虽然严格来说用户违反了相关的截图规则,但是鉴于他们的聊天内容合理适当,因此贸然警告用户并不合适。此时,管理员团队应该商讨如何修改规则,以涵盖此类情况,而不是不负责任地用“因为规定就是这么写的”等话语来警告用户。","#Although channel topics can be quite long, it’s important to remember that people will not want to read a wall of text about a channel. It is ideal for you to keep a topic down to one or two sentences long. However, depending on the purpose of the channel, explaining the proper usage and purpose can be difficult. If your channel topic starts to become paragraphs long or even hits the channel topic character limit, it may be better to simplify it and add “check the channel pins for more details” to the end. Pinned messages are more obscure than the channel topic when it comes to providing information about a channel, but have the advantage of giving you more space to explain the intricacies of the channel, use advanced formatting, and take advantage of link embeds and attachments.":"虽然您可以把频道主题写得很长,但不要忘记,一大串文字往往会导致人们“太长不看”。因此最好把一个主题控制在一两句话之内。可是,频道的用途各有不同,想清晰解释正确的用法和目的可能存在困难。如果您的频道主题是长长的一段,甚至达到了频道主题的字符限制,那么最好对其进行简化,并在结尾注明“查看频道标注,了解更多细节”。在提供频道信息方面,已标注消息比频道主题更难于发现,但其优点是可以有更多的空间来解释频道的复杂性,可以使用高级格式、链接嵌入和附件功能。","#Predatory comments (e.g., “Are there any girls on this server? Send me a DM.”)":"诱导言论(例如“服务器里有没有女生?私聊我。”)","#You can right click channels, roles, and users with Developer Mode enabled to copy the ID, and for emojis the ID will be the numbers at the end of the URL when you open the emoji in your browser. This will allow you to easily reference other entities as needed without needing to worry about the names of those channels, roles, or users changing in the future.":"在启用开发者模式的情况下,右键单击频道、身份组和用户可以复制 ID;而对于表情符号,其 ID 将是在浏览器中打开本符号时链接末尾的数字。借此,您可以根据需要便捷地引用其他实体,而无需担心这些频道、身份组或用户的名称未来发生变更。","#Remember that your channel list is more than a series of chat rooms. Each one should serve a purpose in your community and it’s vital that you clearly communicate what channels are available and how people should use them. Organizing them into clear categories, using easy to understand names, and including information in channel topics and/or pins are all ways to achieve this effective form of communication with your members. The quicker members understand your channels, the faster they can start participating in your community and the more likely they’ll be to stick around. Although every server’s situation is unique, these basic methods will serve as a good foundation to make your channels easy to understand and use for all of your members.":"请记住,频道列表不仅仅是一系列聊天室的堆砌。您应该让每个频道都在社区中发挥作用,清楚地展示哪些频道可用以及如何使用。请将这些频道划分出清晰的类别,采用易于理解的名称,并在频道主题和/或标注中给出相关信息,这些都是实现与成员有效沟通的方式。成员对您的频道了解越快,融入社区的速度就越快,也就越有可能留下。虽然每个服务器的情况各不相同,但这些基本管理方式都可以为其打下一个良好的基础,使所有成员都能便捷地了解和使用各个频道。","#The Spirit of the Rules":"规则的内核","#Lead by Example":"以身作则","#That’s not to say that moderators can’t have fun, of course. Moderators can and should participate in chat regularly and engage with members as normal users. If a moderator entering chat is disruptive in and of itself, it usually means that moderators are not active enough in the server.":"当然了,强调这一原则的重要性并不是要求管理员放弃娱乐需求。管理员当然可以,也应该像普通用户一样多与其他用户聊天和互动。相反,如果发现管理员参与聊天的行为本身干扰了聊天室的氛围,恰恰说明管理员在服务器中的活跃度不够。","#While certain rules readily offer an “instant ban” option (such as doxxing) in some cases, a user’s conduct may reveal that they are only in chat to troll or otherwise cause trouble in a way that does not break one of the instant ban rules.":"虽然规则中列出了部分可以“立即封禁用户”的情况(如人肉搜索),但有时某些用户可能只是在聊天时出言不善,或是有其他并不需要立即封禁的行为。","#The moderators are the people that your community members look to, not just for enforcement of server rules and maintaining the peace, but also as role models for what behavior is appropriate for the server. If your users see moderators ignoring or bending certain rules, they will learn that that is ok for them to do so also, and they will call you out if you attempt to hypocritically enforce rules against them. As such, moderators should hold themselves to a higher standard than other users, especially in regards to civility and more subjective rules such as what is considered NSFW content. This also applies also for private interactions among the mod team.":"在服务器中,管理员不仅需要认真执行服务器规则,维护良好的社区秩序,他们自身也将成为社区成员眼中正确行为方式的模范表率。因此,如果用户看到管理员有无视和歪曲规则的行为,他们便会认为自己也可以如此行事,此时如果管理员强制要求用户遵守规则,就会被后者无情地拆穿。为防止出现这种情况,管理员需要以更高的标准要求自己,特别是在文明礼貌和主观性规则的履行方面,比如哪些内容属于少儿不宜(NSFW)的内容。这一原则同样适用于管理员团队之间的私下互动交流。","#For example, if a moderator is talking in chat and shares a suggestive picture, users will understand that other pictures that are equally as suggestive are ok to post. Not only will this encourage borderline rule-breaking behavior, it makes it more difficult for moderators to peacefully moderate NSFW content because users will say “Well, you posted this picture and the picture I posted is basically the same.” The same holds true in the way moderators respond to questions. If someone asks for help on something and moderators respond to them rudely or condescendingly others will treat new users the same way and create a hostile environment.":"举例说明,如果某个管理员在聊天中分享了一张带有暗示性的图片,那么用户会认为自己也可以发布其他类似的暗示性图片。这种情况不仅会鼓励用户表现出擦边球违规行为,还会妨碍管理员管控少儿不宜(NSFW)的内容,因为用户会用“那你之前也发了这类图片,我不过和你发了一样的图片而已”这样的话来驳斥。同样的,在管理员回答用户问题的方式方面也是如此。如果管理员以粗暴傲慢的方式对待向其寻求帮助的用户,那么老用户也会用同样的方式对待新用户,进而在服务器中营造出一种恶劣又充满敌意的环境氛围。","#One of the things you may often hear is that the “spirit of the rules” is more important than the “letter.” In other words, it is more important that people follow the intent of the rules, rather than adhering to a literal or technical definition. As a result, moderators should focus on managing the problems of chat, including addressing unhealthy behavior that may not directly break a rule. It is appropriate to moderate people that are deliberately toeing the line to see what they can get away with (i.e., trolling), but what many moderator teams also forget is that the rules are not infallible, and moderators should use their judgment to enforce rules only when it makes sense, and not blindly following the letter of the law.":"您可能经常听到一句话:“规则的内核”远比“文字解读”更为重要。意思就是:应该让人们按照规则所传达的意图行事,而不是单纯遵循规则的字面或技术性定义。因此,管理员应该重点管理聊天中暴露的问题,包括重点解决那些并未直接违反规则的不良行为。此外,管理员也要注意妥善处理那些刻意试探规则底线(如:恶意挑衅)的用户。但是许多管理员团队会忽略的一点问题是:规则并非绝对正确,而管理员应该理性地判断如何执行规则才能发挥出规则的价值,而不是盲目遵循规则的条文。","#Regardless of whether you use channel topics, channel pins, or both, including additional information about a channel beyond the category and name is an important part of ensuring everyone can understand the purpose of a channel and how it fits into the server.":"无论是使用频道主题、频道标注,还是两者都用,在频道的类别与名称的基础上提供更多附加信息是相当重要的,它们可以帮助大家理解频道用途及其在服务器中的作用。","#When to Forgo Progressive Discipline":"何时需要跳过累进式惩戒","#Ultimately, moderators should strive to be seen fondly by server members, yet respected in their positions of authority. Moderators that fail to enforce rules will be seen as unprofessional or “pushovers” by the server members, while moderators that enforce rules too strictly and/or do not participate in chat will be seen as aloof, aggressive, or out of touch.":"归根结底,管理员既要与服务器成员保持亲切良好的互动,也要树立起自身的管理权威。无法贯彻和执行规则的管理员会给成员以不专业或“好欺负”的印象,而过于严苛和/或缺少互动的管理员则会让成员感到冷漠、强势、难以接近。","#On Visibility":"透明化","#On the subject of “visibility”, a moderator – whether they are consistently conscious of it or not - is someone in the server who has power over other users in that space. It is not always the easiest task balancing the dynamic between being part of a community and cultivating relationships and friendships with being conscious of your role within that community as a moderator and what that imbalance may influence. This difference in responsibility and position can make relationships and connections with other users in the server more complicated. You may not be directly aware of it when you’re chatting with fellow server members, but there will be users in your community who are keenly aware of your status as a moderator. This scrutiny can affect how they approach becoming friends with you as well as affect how they view your own relationships with other server members. Always keep this dynamic in mind and be aware of how your position may affect not just how users interact with you but also how they interpret your relationships and conversations with other members.":"说到“透明化”,虽然管理员有时可能意识不到,但他们在服务器上的控制权是高于其他用户的。您既是社区的一份子,又要建立自己的关系网和朋友圈,需要平衡好这两者之间的关系,同时还要意识到自己是管理员,意识到如果失衡可能会对社区产生什么影响,这很多时候并不容易。由于这种职责和地位差异的存在,与服务器中其他用户建立的关系和联系可能会更加复杂。当您与服务器成员聊天时,您可能不会直接意识到这种差异的存在,但社区中总有一些用户会很在意您的管理员身份。这种审视可能会影响他们与您成为朋友的方式,也可能会影响他们如何看待您与其他服务器成员的关系。要始终牢记这种相互作用的存在,并认识到您的职位不仅会影响用户与您的互动方式,还会影响用户对您与其他成员的关系和对话的解读。","#One thing to keep in mind when evaluating your relationships in your communities- regardless of the nature of them– is that your relationships and connections if played out in the server are most likely visible to other members of the community. When interacting with your friends, close friends, or even your partner in a space with other people such as your server, members of the community may pick up on the fact that you do have these relationships. As with any kind of community, there may be feelings of exclusion or the perception of “in-groups” that can arise in, especially when it comes to relationships between a “regular” server member and a highly public and visible one like a moderator. A responsibility you have as a moderator is to take this dynamic into account and the effects it can have on your members and how they view you and your friendships. Making sure that your friendships and relationships are not creating an exclusionary atmosphere for other community members, where they feel like it’s unwanted or difficult for them to contribute.":"在评估社区中的关系时,请牢记一点:无论这些关系的性质如何,只要在服务器中发展,就大概率会被社区中的其他成员看到。当您在服务器这种有其他人的空间中与好友、密友甚至伴侣互动时,社区成员可能会注意到你们之间的关系。就像任何形式的社区一样,与像管理员这样高度公开且频繁出场的人之间有关系的服务器成员可能会认为自己有特权或者是“关系户”。作为管理员,您的一项责任就是要考虑到这种互动作用、其对成员的影响以及他们如何看待您和您建立的友谊。请确保您建立的友谊和关系不会形成排斥其他社区成员的氛围,不会致使他们感觉自己不受欢迎或难以融入。","#Setting Yourself Up For Success":"为成功打好基础","#Every kind of relationship, from mere acquaintances to romantic partners, can occur in a Discord community, and every relationship you form as a moderator will carry its own unique challenges and responsibilities in order to ensure you are performing your duties to the best of your ability. Any kind of interpersonal relationship can create difficulty in moderation, but as the nature of the relationship changes, so too does the unconscious bias you may experience.":"从泛泛之交到亲密情侣,在 Discord 社区中,各种关系都可能存在。而作为管理员,为了能够在履行职责时最大限度地发挥作用,您建立每种关系时都将承担独特的挑战和责任。。在管理过程中,任何形式的人际关系都可能会带来困难,但随着关系性质的变化,您可能会经历的无意识偏袒也会发生变化。","#Additionally, other members can very quickly see a budding relationship as an opportunity for a fellow member to grab power through the moderator they are romantically involved with. As a best practice, you should remove yourself from any moderation decisions involving a user that you are in a romantic relationship with. Failing to do so can and has directly caused the death of some communities, especially when the romantic partners are both on the same moderator team.":"此外,在其他社区成员的眼中,管理员的新恋情很容易会被视为其恋人伺机掌权的机会。最好的解决办法就是,如果涉事用户是自己的恋人,那就避嫌,不参与管理决策。如果不这样做,尤其是当情侣双方同处一个管理团队时,可能会直接导致社区崩溃。实际上也确实发生过这种情况。","#A Higher Standard":"更高的标准","#Parasocial Relationships":"类社会关系","#Friendships":"友谊","#Any relationship between two members of a community can be described as an interpersonal relationship. These relationships exist on a wide spectrum. As you participate in a community, you are most likely going to develop connections to varying degrees with other members of the community. As a moderator, this may even be expected as part of your duties to promote community engagement and healthy conversations. That’s perfectly normal, as it’s very natural for people who spend a lot of time communicating to develop closer ties to one another.":"两名社区成员之间的任何关系都可以描述为一种人际关系。这些关系广泛存在。当您进入一个社区时,您很可能会与社区的其他成员建立不同程度的联系。而作为管理员,这甚至可能成为您职责的一部分,以便于您推动社区参与和健康对话。这很正常,因为长时间交流的人之间自然会建立起更密切的联系。","#Close Relationships":"亲密关系","#In preparing for this scenario, the most important tool in a moderator’s arsenal is self-awareness. It is the burden of a moderator that this commitment comes above any interpersonal relationships that may form during time spent engaging with a community. Being ever-mindful of your responsibility and role in a community can help temper the depth of the relationships that you build.":"对管理员来说,在这种情况下,最重要的应对策略便是保持清醒的自我认知。履行管理员的责任应高于在参与社区互动期间可能形成的任何人际关系。时刻牢记自己在社区中的责任和角色,这有助于节制您所建立的人际关系的深度。","#A friendship between a moderator and a member of the community that persists for a long period can evolve into a closer and more open relationship. These relationships are built on trust or shared experience, and can be more difficult to impartially manage than regular friendships or acquaintances. This kind of relationship could come from the fact that this person is someone you know from another server, in real life, or possibly even a family member. No matter what the scenario, the closeness of this kind of relationship makes it very difficult, sometimes impossible, to remove your own partiality from the equation. Special care must be taken to ensure you engage and listen to other moderators on your team when someone you are closely involved with is in question. When in doubt, it may be best to remove yourself from the situation entirely, which we will discuss in more detail later in the article.":"管理员和社区成员之间的长期友谊可能会发展成更亲密、更开放的关系。这些关系建立在信任或共同经历的基础之上,比起普通的友谊或熟人关系,涉及这种关系的管理工作更难以做到公平公正。与您建立这种关系的可能是您在其他服务器上认识的人、现实生活中的熟人甚至家人。无论是哪种情况,保持公正、不偏不倚在这种程度的密友关系中都会非常困难,有时甚至无法做到。当问题涉及到与您关系密切之人时,请务必征求团队中其他管理员的意见。如果没有把握处理好,那么最好彻底避嫌。我们会在后面更详细地讨论这个问题。","#Degrees of Interpersonal Relationships":"人际关系的层次","#Discord is a place for all kinds of connections to be made and relationships to form and as a moderator one of your primary responsibilities is managing the relationships of others to ensure that you are promoting a healthy, productive, and inclusive community. But what happens when the interpersonal relationships that you as a moderator have built start to cause problems in the community you moderate? Understanding how to manage your own interpersonal relationships within the communities you moderate is the key to preventing major administrative problems and is a crucial skill for a prospective moderator. This article will explain the dangers of interpersonal relationships gone awry and offer precautions to take when forming close relationships with members of communities you moderate.":"Discord 是一个可以建立各种联系和关系的地方。作为一名管理员,您的主要职责之一便是管理他人关系,确保构建一个健康、富有成效与包容性的社区。但是,作为管理员,如果您所建立的人际关系在所辖社区引发问题,那会产生怎样的后果呢?杜绝重大管理问题的关键是要理解如何管理您在所辖社区中建立的人际关系。想成为一名管理员,这是必不可少的技能。本文将说明人际关系失控的危险以及与所辖社区成员建立密友关系时的注意事项。","#Romantic Relationships":"恋爱关系","#A romantic relationship between a moderator and a member of the community can (and does!) happen. As is natural, if you meet someone who shares common interests and has an attractive personality, over time your relationship may progress into something more profound. Romantic relationships are certainly the most difficult to manage as a moderator. The saying holds true, especially in new romantic relationships, that you will see your significant other through “rose-tinted glasses” which tend to blind you from their potential flaws or wrongdoings.":"管理员和社区成员之间有可能发展成恋爱关系(而且确实发生过!)。如果您遇到一个和自己有共同兴趣且富有个性魅力的人,随着时间的推移,你们之间的关系可能会进一步发展,这非常自然。作为管理员,恋爱关系无疑是最难管理的,对于刚建立不久的恋爱关系尤为如此,因为您会透过“玫瑰色的滤镜”来审视自己的恋人,这往往导致您看不到其可能存在的缺点或过失。","#A friendship between a moderator and a member of the community is the least problematic type of intersocial relationship, but as these friendships form it is still important to take notice and be aware of them. As a moderator it is your duty to be available to everyone in the community, even people who you may not ever see as a friend, so you must resist the temptation to devote more time and attention to the people you more easily connect with. If your biases toward your friends begin to show up in your moderation efforts, many more serious and harder to diagnose problems can arise. Feelings of \"elitism\" or “favoritism” can start to take hold and disgruntled members may take advantage of your friendships to excuse or justify their own behavior, so take care to make sure that you are remaining impartial.":"管理员和社区成员之间的友谊是最不容易出现问题的人际关系类型之一,但在建立友谊时,仔细留意并保持警觉仍然很重要。作为管理员,您的职责是为社区中的所有人提供帮助,也包括永远无法与之成为朋友的人。因此,您必须避免将更多时间和注意力投入到您更容易接触到的人身上。如果您在管理工作中出现对朋友的偏袒,就可能引起更加严重且难以厘清的问题。在与管理员关系密切的成员心中,可能会产生“高人一等”或“受到偏袒”的感受,而其中心怀不满的成员可能会利用与您的友谊来为自己的行为开脱或辩解。因此,请切记永远保持公正。","#Types of Appeal Systems":"申诉系统的分类","#For most types of warnings this can be as simple as messaging a moderator or sending a message in an appeal channel, if one exists. However, because a ban removes the user from the server and prevents them from returning, dealing with those ban appeals requires extra consideration from the mod team.":"对绝大多数警告类的惩罚进行申诉都很容易,用户只需给管理员发送信息或直接在申诉频道(如果有的话)中发送信息即可。然而,由于封禁惩罚会将用户从服务器中移除且无法返回服务器,这类惩罚的申诉则需要管理员团队另做商议。","#Handling Appeals":"处理申诉","#Creating your server and establishing rules are necessary parts of starting a community. Likely sooner rather than later though, you’ll have to deal with users who refuse to obey whatever rules you’ve set. These individuals can be dealt with in a number of ways, including warning, muting, or even banning them. Regardless of the consequences, users may want to appeal a moderator’s action to prove that they did not do anything wrong, do not deserve the punishment given to them, or argue that the punishment should be less severe than initially prescribed.":"要建立社区,就必须创建服务器并设立相应规则。对于那些不遵守您制定的规则的用户,应该尽早采取措施。惩罚这类用户的方式有很多,包括:警告、静音,甚至是封禁。无论结果如何,这些用户都可能对管理员的措施提出申诉,以证明自己没有错,不应受到惩罚,或惩罚过于严厉。","#Why Should You Consider an Appeal System?":"为什么需要建立申诉系统?","#Most moderators are actively checking Discord more than they are their mailbox. This can result in a more expedited appeals process.":"大多数管理员查看 Discord 的频率要远高于查看邮箱的频率。因此这种方式可以加快申诉的进程","#The user’s privacy settings may prevent them from being able to DM the bot":"用户的隐私设置可能导致他们无法向机器人发送私信","#Since users must login to Discord in order to submit an appeal, there is no chance that an appeal could be faked or illegitimate.":"用户必须登录 Discord 才可以提交申诉,避免了伪造申诉或违规申诉的可能性","#For example: A user is banned for six months due to spamming racial slurs but feels that they have learned their lesson and should be allowed to return after three months. How should they go about reaching out to the moderator team to communicate their intentions and make their case? How should the mod team intake this information and send a response?":"举个例子:假如某位用户因为种族歧视垃圾信息被封禁六个月,但三个月后,该用户认为自己已经吸取教训,应该可以重新回到服务器。在此情况下,他们应该如何联系管理员,向其表达并证实自己的想法?管理员团队又应该如何处理这类信息并给出回应?","#Users will have to share at least one mutual server with the bot in order to initiate the DM, which means they will either need to invite the bot to their own server in advance or join a separate server with the bot.":"用户需要与机器人同在一个服务器中才能启用该功能。也就是说,用户需要提前邀请机器人进入他们的服务器,或者另行加入机器人所在的服务器","#Everything is kept on Discord, no need to go to another platform for appealing":"所有步骤都在 Discord 完成,无需前往其他平台进行申诉","#The appeal submissions are integrated with Discord":"实现提交申诉与 Discord 一体化","#In case you don’t want some users to appeal/re-appeal you can block their ability to appeal by banning them from the server":"如果您想禁止某些用户申诉或再次申诉,您可以在服务器中将他们封禁从而使他们无法申诉","#Requesting users to appeal a ban can be done via email. For example, you can set up a simple email address for people to message, such as appeals@yourdomain.com":"要求用户通过电子邮件进行封禁申诉。比如:您可以设置一个简单易懂的电子邮件地址(如 appeals@yourdomain.com),接收用户的消息","#Discord Server":"Discord 服务器","#You can have a separate Discord server used specifically for appeals (either through a modmail bot or plain chat). You can combine this with the option of using a bot for appeals which would help to avoid a situation where certain privacy settings prevent users from sending a Direct Message to the bot.":"您可以单独设置一个申诉专用 Discord 服务器(通过 Modmail 机器人或通过正常聊天的方式申诉),并与机器人申诉的方式相结合,从而避免发生用户因为隐私设置无法向机器人发送私信的情况。","#You can decide if you want users to use a certain format or more like write whatever looks necessary for you":"您可以决定是否要求用户使用固定的书写格式,或者说是写明必要的内容","#The appeal process is simple and you can’t fake identities":"申诉流程简单且不能伪造身份","#If your community already uses a website, it is a good idea to integrate your appeal process to the website. This form can be enhanced via the Discord API, by requiring the user to log in to their account. Another possible enhancement is using a webhook to submit ban appeals, so that moderators can see all the incoming appeals straight within Discord.":"如果您已经建立了社区网站,可以选择将申诉流程整合到该网站。您还可以通过调用 Discord API,要求用户登录他们的账户,进一步优化这种申诉方式。另一种优化方案是使用 webhook 提交封禁申诉,这样管理员可以直接在 Discord 查看所有申诉请求。","#Appealing users will need to share an email address with the staff team":"提出申诉的用户需要向管理员团队提供自己的电子邮件地址","#The mailbox is susceptible to spam":"该邮箱容易受到垃圾邮件的侵害","#We all make mistakes in life and your members or moderators are no exception to that rule. Whether it is a user realizing what they did wrong or a moderator making a mistake, an appeal system will provide a clearly documented method for the user to get a review of their case by the server’s moderation team. Without an established system, users may try to direct message a moderator to appeal which may not lead to a fair evaluation, or will try to evade the ban altogether with an alternative account.":"每个人在生活中都难免犯错,您的成员和管理员也不例外。无论是用户认识到了自己的错误,还是管理员犯了错,有了申诉系统,就可以明确记录用户的具体情况,以便于管理员团队审查。反之,如果没有这样一个既定系统,用户可能会直接私信管理员提出申诉,但这样可能无法进行公正的评判,或者用户也可能直接更换账户,逃避封禁惩罚。","#Your mailbox will always be up & running (as long as your server is), no worries about having outages or downtime in Discord":"邮箱将一直处于运行状态(只要服务器在运行),无需担心在 Discord 出现中断或宕机的情况","#There is a chance the user won’t remember the command to appeal or forgets how to appeal via the bot":"用户可能会不记得申诉指令或忘记通过机器人申诉的方法","#Discord Bot":"Discord 机器人","#Using a Discord bot for ban appeals is another option. Users will have to send a direct message to the bot to create a ban appeal.":"另一种方式是使用 Discord 机器人。由用户向机器人发送私信,创建封禁申诉请求。","#The first step to adding an appeal system to your server is examining the different possibilities that are available to you. To pick the appeal system that is right for your server you should consider the size and type of server in order to properly match it to your use case. Whatever method you choose it should always be clearly communicated to your users.":"要为服务器添加申诉系统,首先要分析不同做法的可行性。考虑服务器的规模和类型,选择与实际情况相匹配的申诉系统。无论您选择何种方式,都需要明确告知您的用户。","#The bot could have an outage or downtime, which would result in losing ban appeals or not receiving them":"机器人可能会出现中断或宕机的情况,这会导致数据丢失或无法接收封禁申诉信息","#Allows you to take advantage of your mailbox’s sorting, labeling, and prioritization features":"有效利用邮箱的筛选、标记以及设置优先级的功能","#Banned users can spam the server":"被封禁的用户可以对该服务器滥发垃圾信息","#There is no sure way to verify that the sender is who they claim to be":"没有确切的方式来核实发件人的身份","#Users can easily fill out an appeal by answering questions in a form":"通过回答表格中的问题,用户可以轻松填写申诉内容","#In effect, this also means that the user profile should be safe for work, not contain any offensive or illegal content, and not be used to harass others or spam/scam.":"事实上,这也就意味着用户个人资料的内容应该适宜工作场合,不得包含任何具有冒犯性或违法内容,也不得用于骚扰他人或向他人发送垃圾信息或欺诈信息。","#Speaking languages not understood by the server - Essentially, users should be prohibited from communicating in a language outside of the server’s official language.":"使用无法理解的语言——从根本上来说,应该禁止用户使用不属于服务器官方规定的语言进行交流。","#This makes it easier for moderators to moderate the server by ensuring that they understand the conversations that are happening and prevents users from trying to fly under the radar by speaking in languages moderators don’t understand.":"这项规则能够方便管理员对服务器进行管理,因为它确保了管理员能够理解用户聊天的内容,并防止用户试图通过使用管理员不理解的语言交流来躲过监控。","#The website may be affected by outages":"网站可能会受到中断的影响","#Was the punishment executed correctly? The next step is going back in time, finding the moment of the ban and auditing it. Did your staff member punish this user correctly, or were they being too strict? If you're not sure, contact the staff member who applied the ban and discuss it with them. This is where keeping good logs of moderation actions really comes in handy!":"是否正确执行惩罚?下一步您要做的就是回到实施封禁的那一刻,对封禁措施进行审查,从而确定您的管理员对该用户的惩罚是否得当,还是过于严格?如果您对这些情况还不不确定,请联系执行该惩罚的管理员,与其讨论情况。在这时,认真记录管理措施的作用就体现出来了。","#General Etiquette":"常规礼仪规范","#No doxxing or harassment (especially threats on someone’s life/property) or encouraging self harm":"禁止对他人进行人肉搜索和骚扰(尤其是不得危害他人的生命或财产安全),禁止鼓动自残行为。","#Discriminatory jokes and language related to one’s race, age, gender, disability, etc. are prohibited.":"禁止讲述与他人种族、年龄、性别、身体残疾等相关的歧视性玩笑和用语。","#Incitement - Encouraging the breaking of rules, inciting others to be blatantly rude and offensive, or otherwise promoting and/or encouraging conflicts between other members.":"煽动行为——包括鼓动他人违反规则,煽动他人实施粗暴无礼和具有冒犯性的行为,或者推动和/或煽动他人之间发生冲突。","#Your server will also have needs of its own not covered in the previous two sections, and that’s ok! It is perfectly normal to set up channel-specific rules or to even override certain server rules in certain channels. Some examples include:":"当然,您的服务器肯定也会有前两节内容未涵盖到的自身需求。制定频道特定的规则或者甚至在某些频道中制定与服务器规则相违背的规则也是完全正常的。比如:","#Case by Case - Punishment is more subjective and dependent on the nature and frequency of transgressions. While this system gives moderators a large amount of flexibility, accountability can be difficult due to the lack of standards and certain moderators may punish users differently. This may be better suited to smaller servers where the moderation tasks tend to be leaner.":"逐案分析制——在这种体制下,实施惩罚是一种相对比较主观的行为,取决于违规行为的性质和频率。这种体制的优点是管理员可以获得更高的管理灵活度;缺点则是如果没有相应标准,问责可能会比较困难,并且不同管理员之间实施的惩罚措施也可能会因人而异。因此,这种方式更适合管理任务相对轻松的小型服务器。","#No possibility to let to user know about the status of their appeal":"用户将无法知悉他们的申诉处理状态","#A game-related friend request channel or “carry” where users that post there should be expected to be pinged frequently for assistance in a way that is not considered harassment/spam.":"在游戏相关的好友申请频道或“带人开车”频道中,经常在频道中发帖的用户可能会被他人频繁提及以向他们寻求帮助,这种行为则不会被认定为骚扰他人或发送垃圾信息。","#Infraction Based - Similar to a “three strikes and you’re out” system, users are punished according to the number of times they break the rules. Users may receive a mute after a certain number of warnings followed by a ban. While this system is great for accountability, it does not account for the severity of the transgressions involved.":"违规本位制——这一体制比较类似于“三振出局”的评判与惩罚方式,根据用户的违规次数对他们实施相应处罚。比如用户在累积一定数量的警告后可能会受到静音处罚,再之后可能会受到封禁处罚。这种体制的优点是易于问责,缺点则是只考虑次数而未考虑到用户违规行为的严重程度。","#Read their appeal thoroughly. Carefully read their appeal and identify all the details. Review the logs or history of the user in the server to find the context in which the moderation action against the user happened. You can also use the context and history to ascertain if they were truthful in their appeal or not. Have a look at their history: has this user been punished before, especially in regards to the action that got them banned? The type and frequency of their misbehavior will help you decide whether or not their ban reason is a chronic problem, or a one time mistake. This will make the process easier. If the user lies in their appeal, jump to step 6.":"认真通读申诉请求。仔细阅读用户的申诉请求并确定所有细节。查看用户的历史记录,了解对他们实施处罚的背景信息。您同样可以通过背景信息和历史记录来查明他们的申诉情况是否属实。查看他们的过往记录,了解该用户此前是否受过惩罚,尤其是受惩罚的原因是否与被封禁的原因相同。通过了解他们不良行为的类型与发生频率,可以看出受到封禁惩罚的行为是长期问题还是偶尔初犯。这样可以大大降低处理申诉的难度。如果用户申诉时提供了不实信息,请直接跳转到第六步。","#No spamming, phishing, or attempting to steal another user’s account (broadly speaking, one could consider this “no spamming or scamming”)":"禁止滥发垃圾信息、网络钓鱼或者企图盗取他人账户(大致等同于“禁止垃圾邮件和欺诈信息”)","#Content that is explicitly pornographic, depicting sexual acts, or depicting nudity is prohibited anywhere on a partnered server.":"禁止在合作伙伴服务器中任何一处发布包含露骨色情、描绘性行为或描绘裸体的内容。","#Trolling - Trolling refers to the act of disrupting the chat, making a nuisance out of yourself, deliberately making others uncomfortable, or otherwise attempting to start trouble.":"恶意挑衅——恶意挑衅是指扰乱聊天秩序,对他人进行滋扰,刻意引发他人不快或者以其他方式挑起事端的行为。","#This is especially applicable to Discord servers where one game may be distributed among multiple regions from a gameplay or version perspective":"这一规则尤其适用于讨论“在多个区域发售,但游戏玩法或版本略有不同的同一款游戏”的 Discord 服务器。","#Points based - If you’d like the accountability of the strikes/infraction based system coupled with the flexibility of the case by case system, consider a points based rule enforcement structure. In this system, each rule is worth a certain number of points based on the importance and severity of breaking the rule where moderators can adjust the point value with an additional explanation for accountability.":"计分制——如果您希望能够结合违规本位制的问责性与逐案分析制的灵活性,那么您可以考虑使用计分制的规则执行体制。在这种体制下,管理员可以根据每一条规则的重要性和违反规则后果的严重性为每一条规则设置一定的分值,同时管理员也可以通过附加额外问责说明来调整规则的分值。","#From creating your rules to developing a discipline system, you should now have a set of rules that incorporate the important Discord-wide rules, rules that make your server a welcoming place, and rules specific to your server to help things run smoothly. By enforcing these rules clearly and consistently with an accountable tracking system and transparent appeal process, you should be well on your way to a server you can be proud of!":"从制定规则到建立惩戒体制,如今您应该已经拥有了一整套的规则,其中既融合了重要的 Discord 通用规则,也包含了可以让您的服务器变得更加热情友好的规则,同时还涵盖了有助于顺畅运营的服务器特定规则。此外,再利用可靠的追踪体系和透明的申诉流程,清晰、一视同仁的规则执行,您定能成功打造让自己引以为豪的服务器!","#Making changes to the form to suit your needs is also easy":"根据您自己的需求调整表格内容也非常简便","#Rule Enforcement":"规则的执行","#No child porn, revenge porn or gore/animal cruelty anywhere in the server, while other NSFW content should be limited to properly marked channels":"禁止在服务器任何一处发布包含儿童色情、色情报复或者暴力血腥/虐待动物的内容,其他少儿不宜(NSFW)的内容仅限于出现在有相应标记的频道内。","#“Hoisting” refers to using characters like exclamation points to make it so that you appear at the top of the online members list. Some people will put multiple characters like this in an attempt to be at the top of the online list. While it is not always feasible to enforce against users that don’t often chat, it is good to have a policy to enforce this if you see someone chatting with a hoisted display name. But, if this doesn’t bother you, you can remove this provision.":"“置顶”是指通过使用感叹符号等字符使用户在在线成员列表中显示在顶端。有些用户会大量使用这类符号以企图达到将自己置顶的结果。尽管针对鲜少参与聊天的用户来说执行这项规则并不一定有效,不过当您碰到有成员受到蒙蔽,与名字被置顶的用户聊天时,最好能有这样一条可供执行的规则。但是如果这类情况并不会对您造成困扰,您可以删除这条规定。","#An artist channel where artists are allowed to advertise their art creation profiles (e.g., Pixiv, DeviantArt).":"在艺术家频道中允许艺术家宣传他们的艺术作品集(如 Pixiv,DeviantArt)。","#When your server receives a ban appeal, there are a lot of things to consider. This non exhaustive list can be used as an initial checklist for your mod team when evaluating appeals.":"服务器收到封禁申诉后,需要仔细考虑很多因素。以下这份简易清单,可以供管理员团队在评估申诉时进行对照。","#This is a good catch-all rule to have because it enables you to take action on those that are “acting out” without doing anything really specific to call them out on.":"这是一个非常好用的万能规则。有了这项规则,您便可以对那些“行为不端”的用户采取措施,而无需根据特定的具体行为对他们实施处罚。","#Discussing Offensive/Controversial Material - This includes topics such as politics, religion, acts of violence, rape, suicide/self harm, school shootings, and other serious topics; as well as hate speech including racial slurs or derivatives thereof, sexist or homophobic statements, and other similar types of behavior.":"谈论具有冒犯性或争议性的内容——包括谈论政治、宗教、暴力行为、强奸、自杀或自残、校园枪击等等各类严肃话题;也包括发布关于种族侮辱或其派生内容、性别歧视或恐同言论以及其他类似的仇恨言论。","#Advertisement - Similar but not quite the same as spam, this refers to users attempting to promote their own social media/discord servers/other content creation channels.":"广告行为——与发送垃圾信息类似但不完全相同,广告行为是指用户企图推广他们自己的社交媒体/Discord 服务器/其他内容创作频道的行为。","#Accessibility":"可辨识性","#No sharing pirated content":"禁止分享盗版内容","#A “current events” channel where people can discuss some controversial topics in a civil fashion.":"在“时事”频道中允许用户以文明的方式讨论一些有争议性的话题。","#You will need to carefully consider your server’s specific needs when coming up with channel rules or other server-wide rules.":"在制定频道规则或其他服务器范围的规则时,请您认真考虑服务器的具体需求。","#Appeals":"申诉","#Disrespecting Server Staff - Insulting the server moderators or becoming belligerent after being warned.":"不尊重服务器工作人员的行为——包括侮辱服务器管理员的行为或者收到警告后的对抗挑衅行为。","#Punishment Evasion - Users should not attempt to evade the consequences of their actions such as using an alternate account to bypass restrictions.":"逃避惩罚的行为——用户不得试图逃避因其自身行为造成的后果(如:切换账户规避管制)。","#Normalizing the use of the form may be difficult, as this is an atypical method of handling ban appeals":"使用表格处理封禁申诉并非常规方式,因此在规范化方面可能有一定难度","#The user won’t get feedback on their ban appeal without a moderator reaching out":"由于无法直接联络管理员,用户将无法收到反馈信息","#If you’re thinking of using forms that require an attached email address to answer, you’re requiring users to share their private email with the staff team":"如果您在表格中要求用户填写用于接收反馈信息的电子邮件地址,这就相当于要求用户与管理员团队分享他们的私人邮箱","#Distributing “auto,” “macro,” or “cheat utility” programs as well as providing hacked/modded game software through Discord is prohibited.":"禁止通过 Discord 分发“自动化程序”、“宏程序”以及“作弊工具程序”,以及通过 Discord 提供破解版或改造版游戏软件。","#This system requires technical expertise to implement and might cost money to keep up and working.":"实现这套系统需要一定的专业技术,且维持正常运行可能需要金钱成本","#Check if the content of the appeal is correct. First, you want to check the content of the appeal. Are all the questions completely answered with valid responses? Are there any obvious troll messages or responses? Does the user understand what action they are appealing, and why it was wrong?":"核查申诉内容是否正确。首先,您需要核查申诉内容,包括:所有问题是否都得到有效回答;是否存在明显的恶意消息或回应;用户是否了解他们所申诉的行为,以及该行为的错误之处。","#How should you handle incoming appeals? What are the things you should look at and consider before deciding?":"如何处理收到的申诉请求?做出决定之前应该查看和考虑哪些内容?","#Bringing It All Together":"有效整合各类规则","#Inappropriate User Profiles - For ease of communication and the comfort of those in chat, the profile picture, custom status, and display names (i.e., the name that shows up while reading the chat) of users should be in line with the rules of the server. Furthermore, the display name should also be easily readable, mentionable, and not attempt to imitate other users or game development staff or hoist you to the top of the server online list":"不适当的用户个人资料——为方便用户沟通,保障用户在聊天中的舒适体验,用户个人资料中的图片、自定义状态以及显示名(如:阅读聊天内容时的显示名)应符合服务器的相关规定。除此之外,显示名还应该通俗易懂、便于提及,并不得试图模仿其他用户或游戏开发人员,或者通过名称将自己置顶于服务器在线列表中。","#Filling out a survey is easy and self explanatory":"填写调查表简单方便,且信息一目了然","#Server Specific Considerations":"具体服务器注意事项","#The Discord Terms of Service outlines a few additional caveats to using Discord, including the following":"Discord 服务条款概括了有关使用 Discord 的一些额外注意事项,内容如下:","#An “on topic” chat where people should specifically only talk about a certain thing, compared to an “off topic” chat where general conversation about anything is allowed.":"“专题”聊天频道规定用户只能谈论某一特定话题;相比之下,“跑题”聊天频道则完全不限制用户谈论的话题。","#Establishing your rules is all well and good, but ultimately a moot point if you don’t enforce them. Moderators should carefully consider how they want to enforce their server rules. Some possible systems include:":"制定规则是好事,但如果只有制定没有执行,到头来便只是徒劳。管理员需要认真考虑执行服务器规则的方式。以下方式可供参考:","#For smaller servers, the use of an online survey form (such as Google Forms) is pretty easy & effective. It may be difficult to scale well however, depending on the form platform you’re thinking of using.":"对于小型服务器而言,线上调查表格(如“谷歌表格”)的形式既简单又高效。不过,这一方式有可能难以扩大使用规模,具体取决于您选择使用的表格平台。","#The decision on an appeal requires careful deliberation. Your decision can have an impact on not only the user in question, but your server and other members as well.":"关于申诉的处理决定需要深思熟虑,因为您的决定不仅会影响到涉事用户,还会影响到您的服务器与其他成员。","#Discord Community Guidelines and Terms of Service":"Discord 社区守则与服务条款","#Content that includes discussions of nudity, sexuality and violence is considered NSFW content and should occur only in the properly marked channels.":"任何包含讨论裸体、性行为以及暴力的内容都属于少儿不宜(NSFW)内容,只能发布在有相应标记的频道中。","#A user that is evading a ban is generally considered by Discord’s Trust and Safety team to be harassment, and can be reported to them for further action.":"Discord 信任与安全团队将用户逃避封禁的行为认定为骚扰行为,您可以将这类行为向该团队举报,并由他们采取进一步措施。","#An image spam channel where people can flood the channel with images.":"在斗图频道中允许用户海量发图。","#You can’t verify whether the person appealing via the form is the person who is banned from your server":"您无法核实通过表格提出申诉的用户是否是被服务器封禁的用户","#What are the risks or benefits associated with unbanning the user? On one hand, the user could be demonstrating a concerted effort to change and they may be willing to become a positive force in the community. On the other hand, the user could be appealing just to continue their bad behavior once unbanned, and since that behavior appears to have been forgiven, other users may think that that user’s actions were less severe than they had assumed.":"解除用户封禁的风险与好处。一方面,用户可能会竭力做出改变并愿意在社区中发挥积极的作用。但另一种可能是,该用户提出申诉只是为了解除封禁,以便继续实施不良行为。并且由于该行为得到了原谅,其他用户可能会认为该用户的行为并没有他们设想的那么严重。","#One of the most important parts of setting up your Discord server is determining “the law of the land.” In other words, by what rules do you want your server members to abide? Some of these rules should be based on Discord’s community guidelines and terms of service, while others are more related to general internet etiquette or even your server’s specific needs. Once you determine the general principles under which your server will operate, you will need to determine how much detail you want to provide in your rules and how to enforce them.":"创建 Discord 服务器最重要的一个步骤就是明确您的“本地法规”。意思就是您希望服务器成员遵守哪些规则。其中部分规则需要符合 Discord 社区守则和服务条款的规定,另外一部分规则则更要符合一般性的网络礼仪规范以及服务器的具体需求。确定了一般原则后,您需要确定规则的详细程度以及执行方式。","#While Discord’s guidelines and terms of use cover more extreme cases of bad behavior, there is still plenty of other behavior that you may want to consider regulating on your server. Your server rules play an important part, not just in determining how your mod team will react to users, but also how your users will interact with each other, and ultimately your server culture. Therefore, your rules should strive to create a fun and welcoming environment for people of all races, genders, and sexualities while balancing community needs with the need for order. In additions to the rules and guidelines set forth by Discord, you may want to consider prohibiting the following behaviors:":"尽管 Discord 的规则和使用条款可用于管制比较极端的不良行为情况,但是您仍需要注意规范服务器中的许多其他行为。服务器规则对于您的整个服务器来说有着举足轻重的重要性,它不仅确定了管理员团队应对用户问题的方式,同时也确定了用户与他人交往的方式,并最终对您的服务器文化产生决定性作用。因此,您所制定的规则一方面应该着力服务于为不同种族、性别和性取向的人群打造一个充满乐趣又热情友好的环境氛围,另一方面还需有助于在满足社区成员需求的同时维护良好的社区秩序。所以您不仅需要遵循 Discord 的规则和守则,可能还需要考虑禁止下列不良行为:","#The details of how you define this rule can vary depending on the extent to which you feel it is necessary to enforce (for example, if you are following the partner code of conduct you may want to also include “ableist slurs” as being prohibited.":"如何制定这条规则的细节可以根据您认为执行这一规则的必要程度而进行调整。(比如说:如果您遵循的是合作伙伴行为守则,您可能还需要将“能力主义歧视”列为禁止行为。)","#Usually, it is good to invite users to talk to a moderator privately if they want to advertise something.":"一般来说,如果有用户想发布广告,最好邀请他们私下与管理员商讨。","#Role colors can serve a variety of purposes including but not limited to being a fun way to liven up your chat and make your server more colorful, acting as an integral part of your server currency system, or even as a tool to differentiate between different types of members in chat. While the average user may not be aware of the thought processes behind instituting server role colors, it is important to recognize role colors as a potentially important tool in your server depending upon how you choose to use them. Whether your role colors are for an aesthetic or to distinguish certain users, careful consideration needs to be put into the color scheme of your servers’ roles.":"身份组颜色的用途十分广泛,包括但不限于:让您的聊天更加活跃、服务器更加丰富多彩;成为服务器中不可或缺的通货之一;甚至是帮您区分聊天中不同类型成员等等。虽然普通用户可能并不了解设置身份组颜色背后的用意,但是您必须意识到,如果使用得当,身份组颜色可能会成为一种非常重要的服务器工具。不论出于美观的目的还是区分用户的目的,您都需要认真研究您的服务器身份组的配色方案。","#In this article, we discuss what appeals are, methods of adding an appeal system to your server, and some information to consider when handling an appeal. Ban appeals are an important part of your server’s growth and should be treated with thought and care. As each server is different from the next, it‘s recommended that you try and find what works best for your server. The key points to remember and consider about this article are:":"本文讨论了什么是申诉,如何在服务器中添加申诉系统,以及处理申诉时应该考虑哪些问题。在服务器的发展过程中,封禁申诉是服务器发展中的重要环节,在处理时需要深思熟虑且细心谨慎。由于每个服务器各不相同,因此您应该尽量找到最适合您的服务器的方式。关于本文内容,需要牢记和考虑的关键点如下:","#The use of appeal systems is different in every server, find out what system would be the most suitable for your server. Check the pros and cons, and how each impacts your server.":"由于每种申诉系统在不同服务器中的作用各不相同,您需要找到最适合自己服务器的系统。这需要您明确了解不同系统的优劣,以及对您的服务器产生的影响。","#You must be 13 years or older to use Discord":"年龄不满 13 周岁者禁止使用 Discord","#It is recommended that this be punishable with an instant ban, as this is the type of punishment that is most difficult to evade compared to the other options available.":"在此建议您通过“立即封禁”的方式对这类行为进行惩处,因为相对于其他方式来说这是最难以逃避的惩罚方式。","#Look at the punishment reason. The severity of the infraction(s) should be considered when evaluating an appeal. For example, being a minor disruptive nuisance is a very different offense to doxxing someone and threatening to murder them.":"查看惩罚原因。在评判申诉时应考虑到违规行为的严重程度。举个例子,引起一些小麻烦,与对他人进行人肉搜索和威胁杀害他人之间有着天壤之别。","#Discuss it with the moderators: Consider the results of answering the previous questions and decide on a final course of action as a mod team. If at an impasse, consider using a poll or deferring to more senior staff if necessary to formally tally a decision.":"与管理员商讨:请综合考虑前述几个问题的答案,确定管理员团队的最终行动方案。如果商议陷入僵局,可以考虑使用投票的方式,或在必要时听取更高层管理人员的意见,做出决策。","#Types of Color Role Systems":"彩色身份组体系","#Any infractions of the Community Guidelines or Discord Terms of Service should be reported to Discord Trust and Safety with the relevant message link for proof.":"任何违反“社区守则”或“Discord 服务条款”的内容都应该向 Discord 信任与安全团队举报,并附上相关消息链接作为证据。","#Elitism - Members should refrain from insulting or belittling others based on the games or versions of games that they choose to play.":"精英主义——成员应避免根据自己玩的游戏或游戏版本而侮辱或贬低他人。","#While measured discussion regarding the reasons for being warned should be encouraged for the education of the user and general public, at some point it may be necessary to shut down the discussion or take it to DMs.":"为达到教育用户或公众的目的,可以提倡在频道内对用户被警告的原因进行审慎讨论。但出现下列情况时,需结束讨论,或进行私信处理。","#When utilizing such a role, It is important to keep an eye out for responses that do not treat moderators as respected members of the server and respond appropriately. Moderators are members first, and should be able to use the server in much the same way they did before becoming moderators, in addition to carrying out their moderation related duties.":"在应用了这样的彩色身份组后,请务必关注管理员在作为服务器普通一员交流时,是否得到了其他成员的尊重和合适的回应。管理员首先是服务器中的成员,因此除了在履行他们的管理员职责时,他们应当能够像普通成员那样正常使用服务器。","#Self-assignable colors have no downside other than increasing the number of roles your server has. They are a way to let users have a bit more control over their profile and how they appear to others, and change things up when they want to. Self-assignable colors are a fun and inclusive way to engage users, especially when part of a serverwide aesthetic.":"可自行分配的颜色除了会增加服务器中身份组的数量之外没有任何缺点。这一方式可以让用户更好地管理自己的个人资料和在其他用户面前展示的形象,并做出一些他们想要的改变。只要与整个服务器的审美相协调,可自行分配的颜色不失为一种吸引用户参与的有趣又包容的方式。","#Level/Server Currency Colors":"等级/服务器货币颜色","#If you are running any sort of support server, whether for a bot, a coding language, a game, or some other external service, it may be important to differentiate between regular users and developers or trusted experts. It will be a lot easier to tell if you are getting credible advice if there is a colored role that indicates that users with this color know what they are talking about. This type of system is useful for proficient users and developers. Such role usage can help prevent issues where misguided or confused users mistake a developer's explanation of their own code for incorrect advice.":"如果您运营的是一种支持服务器,无论是支持机器人、编程语言、游戏或是其他外部服务,您都应该对普通用户、开发人员或受您信赖的专家加以区分。为相关领域的专家配置彩色身份组,便于用户判断自己得到的建议是否专业可靠。这一体系适用于专业用户和开发人员。彩色身份组的应用可以有效防止被误导的或有困惑的用户将开发人员对他们代码的解释误认为是错误的意见。","#Having a separate color for moderators can also lead to some unfortunate social effects since moderators are not always moderating, but their unique role coloration exists to make them stand out in the server. This means if they’re just trying to converse with fellow users, eyes are more quickly drawn to their color for when they need to dispense advice. In heavily active servers, users may be more likely to see most of what a moderator posts since their messages stand out from everything else, but a moderator is unlikely to see most of what any individual user posts; this can lead to a parasocial relationship where users think that they know or are friends with the servers moderators. It can also lead to users paying undue attention to moderators when they are just around to chat, potentially ignoring other users, or drawing attention to the fact that a moderator has entered chat, effectively killing prior conversation topics. In certain servers, this can also be cause for concern if it is attracting the wrong kind of people to moderation based positions who are seeking hoisted roles or incorrect perceived perks of moderation positions. Overall, having a color for moderators is important in communities that are seeking to differentiate who is and isn’t a moderator in chat, but it can also lead to certain situations that may degrade a moderator’s ability to use the server normally as a member.":"为管理员设置单独的颜色有时也会产生一些负面影响,因为管理员并不是时时刻刻都在做管理工作,但是他们独特的身份组颜色却会让他们格外引人注意。换句话说,可能他们只是想与其他用户正常聊天,但用户却会迅速注意到他们的身份组颜色,期待他们给出建议指示。在用户高度活跃的服务器中,由于管理员发送的大部分信息在其它信息中格外引人注目,很容易被用户看到,而管理员却不太容易看到大部分个人用户发出的信息。这样容易导致用户与管理员之间出现一种准社交关系,让用户觉得自己认识管理员或者与管理员是朋友关系。除此之外,这还有可能会导致用户在管理员与他们聊天时对管理员过分关注,从而忽略其他用户,或者吸引大家对于管理员进入聊天室的关注,进而中断之前的聊天话题。在某些服务器中,如果不慎将别有用心的人(觊觎管理员的特殊地位或特权的人)任命为管理员,后果可能会很严重。总而言之,对于某些需要在聊天中区分出管理员的社区来说,为管理员设置颜色很重要,但是此举也可能会减弱管理员作为正常用户使用服务器的权利。","#Smaller servers with a more horizontal leadership structure where it is likely that members will be self-moderating to a degree":"偏向于扁平化结构的小型服务器——这类服务器中的成员在一定程度上会进行自我管理","#Giving patrons, server boosters, or any other sort of member who has made financial contributions to the server a separate color from the rest of the server can be a good way to incentivize or reward the people who are helping keep your server, bot, service, or giveaways afloat. However, it can also contribute to a sense of elitism within the server. This inadvertent hierarchy can be misinterpreted as users being entitled to special treatment above the rules in exchange for their financial support of the server. Thankfully, both of these negative viewpoints are relatively easy to identify and combat, especially if you define what each of these kinds of roles get you clearly in your server rules so there is less assumption and personal interpretation of nonexistent hierarchical perks.":"为赞助人、助力者或其他资助过服务器的成员分配一个区别于其他用户的独有的颜色,有助于激励或奖励那些为保障服务器、机器人、服务或赠品的正常运行做出贡献的用户。但是,这样也可能在服务器内助长精英主义的风气。这种在无意中形成的等级制度可能被歪曲理解,被看做以特权换取用户对服务器的资助。不过不必担心,这几种负面观点很容易识别和避免,只要您能够明确每种身份组在服务器中的作用,就可以减少对等级福利的臆想和片面解读。","#Color roles can be used to signal information depending upon the type of community you run. Some examples include pronoun roles, what games a user plays, the age range they fit into, where they are from, and any other information your community may deem relevant for your users to know. This type of system is beneficial for sharing and collecting info about others. However, users may choose roles that they do not actually align with because they want the chat color associated with it, which is a detriment to more elaborate informational color systems. If you decide to utilize an informational color system it’s important to remember that Discord only shows the color that is highest on the role list and roles should be ordered with this in mind.":"根据您具体运行的社区的类型,彩色身份组也可用于传递信息。相应的例子包括:指代性身份组、用户玩的游戏、用户所属的年龄范围、用户所在地,以及其他社区用户可能感兴趣的用户信息。这一体系有利于共享或收集他人的信息。但是,用户也有可能会选择与他们真实情况不符的身份组,从而得到该身份组的聊天文字颜色,这种情况会不利于设立更详尽的颜色信息系统。如果您选择使用这类体系,请牢记如果同时适用多个身份组颜色,Discord 只显示身份组列表中序列最高的身份组的颜色,因此在给身份组排序时请注意这一点。","#Giving moderators a uniquely colored role can help them stand out in chat so that users are aware of when they are receiving an official verbal warning or direction. This can be very helpful in any server, but some structures that this system are most helpful in may include:":"给管理员分配一个独一无二的身份组颜色可以使他们在聊天中格外醒目,从而使用户意识到自己收到的是来自官方的口头警告或指示信息。在任何一个服务器中,这种方法都十分有效,但是在以下几种服务器中效果最为显著:","#Reddit servers where you are trying to differentiate between Reddit moderation teams and Discord moderation teams":"Reddit 服务器——在这类服务器中,您可能需要区分 Reddit 管理员团队与 Discord 管理员团队","#Ideally, you want a level or server currency system to be something that is a fun background mechanic in the server, but not people's main reason for participating. These issues are not unique to colored roles, but anything that makes these systems more prominent and visible in chat will draw more attention to them. Level roles in particular can also contribute to the previously discussed accidental hierarchy built within the community by clearly establishing active long-term users from newer users. Climbing a level ladder can be intimidating, after all.":"理想情况下,等级系统或服务器货币系统应该作为一种趣味性的服务器背景机制,而不是用户参与聊天和活动的主要目的。这些问题并不是彩色身份组体系独有的,任何能在聊天中凸显出特殊性的系统都会吸引用户的额外关注。特别是等级身份组,通过明确区分活跃的长期用户与新用户,还可能会无意中在社区内建立起等级制度。对于新人来说,这样的等级差异可能高不可攀。","#The words and actions of moderators hold more weight and urgency when geared towards problematic behavior and a colored role differentiation in addition to a hoisted position on the sidebar draws attention to their existence.":"在出现不良行为时,管理员的言论与行动更具有重要性与紧迫性。因此,除了将其在侧边栏单独显示之外,再用彩色身份组对其进行区分,更容易吸引用户的注意。","#If your server has some sort of activity based leveling system, or a server currency system, it may be fun to include colored roles as rewards or shop items that can be purchased with the server currency. These systems can help you reward your most active members, and if your server currency has an attendance incentive it can even be used for event participation. It is important to note that these systems are abusable, and can contribute to low-effort contributions that are effectively just spamming for levels or points, or in extreme cases, even self-botting (automating actions on a non-bot, regular user account) and other forms of cheating. They can also contribute to toxic competitive environments and chats that can be unpleasant for users who do not care about the server levels or currency to try to break into. If utilizing such a system, it is important to think of ways to combat spam before implementation. Additionally, remember that self-bots are against Discord’s Terms of Service and should be reported and dealt with accordingly upon discovery.":"如果您的服务器设置了某种活动等级系统,或服务器货币系统,可以将彩色身份组作为奖励或是可用服务器货币购买的商品,增加趣味性。这样,您可以利用这类系统奖励您服务器中最活跃的成员,如果您的服务器货币还有参与度奖励的性质,甚至还可以用于鼓励成员参与活动。但要注意,这类系统有可能被滥用,引发用户进行无效行为,比如为了升级或获得积分而滥发垃圾信息,在一些极端情况下甚至会出现 self-bot(非机器人的普通用户账户变为自动化操作),以及其他形式的作弊行为。这些用户的行为还可能会造成一种恶性的竞争环境或聊天氛围,如果不关注升级或货币的用户卷入其中,则会感到十分扫兴。因此,如果您选择使用这类系统,请务必在实施之前想好应对垃圾信息的对策。除此之外,请牢记,self-bot 是违反 Discord 服务条款的,一经发现请立即举报并采取相应措施。","#Moderator Colors":"管理员颜色","#Patreon/Booster Colors":"Patreon 赞助人/助力颜色","#The final type of role color discussed in this article is those decided by the server staff for aesthetic, but have no perks attached to them. Seasonally themed roles require a bit more work on the part of whoever is in charge of selecting the colors and naming the color roles, but can be a fun way to mark the passage of time, important events like winter holidays, or just change things up in the appearance of the server every once in a while with minimal effort.":"本文将介绍的最后一种身份组颜色,是服务器工作人员出于美观所设置,但不附带任何特权的身份组颜色。设置季节主题身份组,需要负责选择和命名颜色的人员多费点功夫。但这也是一项有趣的工作,可以用于标记特殊的时间点或重要活动(如寒假),或者只是稍微花点精力,改变一下服务器的界面。","#Family friend spaces or servers targeted at younger users who may not oblige with requests from moderation and instead try to argue":"面向年轻用户的亲友空间或服务器——这类服务器的用户有可能会不遵守管理员的要求,并试图争辩","#An important thing to note about this system is that there are some pitfalls. It can inadvertently lead to a distrust of other users who do not have the proficient helper/developer support role color because they know they can get correct advice from a different source. They might dismiss others trying to help them with the knowledge that they can eventually get a developer’s attention, which can lead to a sense of entitlement to that direct advice. Of course, this can happen without role colors, but the addition of role colors make developer interaction more obvious and place them on a support pedestal that is often desired by those seeking advice.":"需要注意的是,这一体系存在一些隐患。为专业支持人员或开发人员设置支持身份组颜色后,或许会无意中导致用户不信任那些不具有相应身份组颜色的用户,而更倾向于只从“特定用户”处得到专业的意见。他们知道自己总能得到开发人员的帮助,所以可能会拒绝那些试图帮助他们的人,进而可能导致用户认为专业人员给予建议是理所应当的。当然了,即使没有使用身份组颜色,这种情况也会发生。但是身份组颜色不仅使与开发人员的交流更加显眼,同时也会增加开发人员的负担。","#Large, busy servers where individual messages do not really stand out in a faster moving chat":"繁忙的大型服务器——在这类服务器中,聊天消息流动速度快,单条消息很难凸显出来","#Seasonal/Self-Assignable Colors":"季节性/可自行分配的颜色","#Informational Colors":"颜色信息","#Expert/Support Colors":"专家/支持颜色","#It is important to ensure that role colors have sufficient contrast against the variety of background colors that Discord provides. There are many tools out there that can help you compare role colors, mimic the effects of various forms of color blindness, and see how much contrast they have so that you can see whether role colors will appear too similar or be difficult to read for some users. The Dragory Discord Preview Tool is specifically made for Discord and can easily be used to visualize everything you need to make sure you are choosing appropriate role colors all in one place.":"因此,您要注意确保选用的身份组颜色与 Discord 提供的各种背景颜色之间有足够的对比度。Discord 提供了多种工具,帮助您比较不同的身份组颜色,模拟不同形式的色盲情况,查看颜色之间的对比度,从而判断出身份组颜色之间是否过于相近或对于某些用户来说是否难以辨认。Dragory Discord 预览工具是专门为 Discord 设计的,可以帮助您轻松查看您需要的所有内容,从而确保您选出合适的身份组颜色。","#Moderation colors should easily stand-out amongst server users to draw attention to them. If your server mostly uses cool colors, make them something warm. If you’re dominated by pastels, go for something with more saturation. Make it so that eyes are drawn to them if you use this system.":"管理员的颜色与其他服务器用户的差异应足够显著,从而吸引用户对他们的关注。如果您的服务器颜色以冷色系为主,那么可以将管理员设置为暖色;如果色调偏淡雅柔和,那么可以选择将他们设置为饱和度更高的颜色。总之,如果您使用颜色身份组的话,就要确保管理员的颜色能够吸引他人的注意。","#This article reviewed the many possible role color systems that you can utilize in your server by walking you through the benefits and drawbacks of each. These systems can also all be combined with each other in order to create a system that you believe serves your community best through experimentation. Luckily, the stakes for changing role color systems are pretty low. While role colors can have an impact on the way people interact with your server and with certain members, it will not make or break your server to try out a new seasonal theme and/or return to a previous theme if it is necessary. As long as you understand the risks associated with each kind of setup, keep an eye out for unwanted responses to your color scheme, and remember to utilize accessible colors, you can use whatever kind of system you want. There is no wrong answer here--just have fun with finding your server aesthetic!":"本文通过分析优势与不足的方式,带您了解了您可以在服务器中采用的各类身份组颜色体系。你可以将这些体系相互组合,进行各种尝试,从而打造出能为您的社区带来最佳效果的体系。而且更改身份组颜色系统也不会给你带来大的风险。虽然身份组颜色会影响用户与您的服务器以及与某些成员之间的交往方式,但是您依然可以在必要时放心尝试新的季节主题或切换成之前的主题,不必担心对您的服务器产生什么影响。只要您清楚了解每种配置的风险隐患,时刻留意您的颜色体系引发的不利举动,并且谨记使用可辨识的颜色,您便可以放心使用任何一种体系。这里没有错误的答案,您可以尽情尝试,找到自己的服务器美学!","#When choosing role colors, you should keep accessibility in mind. A role color the same as the Discord background may seem like an entertaining color choice, but it can prove to be unreadable to many, for example. It is most important to remember that role colors need to be legible across all Discord themes including dark, light, and AMOLED themes. Many users may also have a form of color blindness, which should be considered when generating a color theme that is accessible for everyone.":"在选择身份组颜色时,应当考虑到颜色的可辨识性。举个例子,某个与 Discord 背景色相同的颜色看似有趣,但实际上对于很多人来说可能根本无法辨认。您要谨记,Discord 设置中可选择深色主题、浅色主题以及 AMOLED 主题,应确保身份组的颜色在所有主题下都是清晰可辨的。此外,还可能有一些用户的色感存在缺陷,为方便所有人辨认,在设置颜色主题时,需要考虑到这一点。","#Last Name *":"姓*","#First Name *":"名*","#Some servers utilize a specific channel dedicated to reporting violations of the rules. These can take different shapes depending on the use case. Different approaches include only allowing members to copy and paste message URLs to rule breaking messages or a more open discussion-based channel that provides a public-facing main source of reports. One thing is certain across all implementations of reporting channels: there should be a way to communicate with people that a report has been handled by either removing a message in the channel or reacting to it publicly. Reporting channels are very easy to set up as they use native Discord features. However, these channels can be limiting in functionality. Conversations are barely possible, depending on the permissions members might not be able to upload screenshots, and reports are not private which can deter some people from sharing concerns due to intimidation and fear of retaliation.":"有些服务器会选择创建专用于检举违规行为的特定频道,并根据具体使用情况采用不同的形式,比如:设立一个比较保守的频道,只允许用户复制消息 URL 并粘贴到违规消息中;或者设立一个更为开放的讨论频道,使其成为重要的公众举报渠道。但是不论选择设立哪种形式的举报频道,有一点是确定的,就是无论您在处理后删除频道中的消息,还是在频道中公开处理,都需要让用户知道,他们举报的问题已经得到了处理。设立举报频道只需使用 Discord 的原生功能,操作很简单。但是这类频道功能有限,很难直接对话沟通;无权限的成员可能无法上传屏幕截图;也不支持私下举报,从而导致用户因担心受到恐吓与报复而不敢表达他们关注的问题。","#Every community can benefit from having at least one type of reporting tool in place. This will help you keep your community a better and safe place for your members, encourages involvement from members in your moderation process, and allows for better understanding of the challenges your community is facing in terms of moderation.":"应用至少一种举报工具,对每个社区来说都大有裨益。因为这不仅有助于为您的成员打造一个更美好、更安全的社区环境,还可以鼓励成员参与到社区管理中。您也可以因此深入了解社区在管理方面的不足。","#Reporting Channels":"举报频道","#Report Commands":"举报命令","#Importance of Reporting Tools":"举报工具的重要性","#Different reporting options have varying benefits and challenges. You will need to find the right balance between the privacy of users, usability for members and moderators, as well as deciding whether or not you want conversation to be possible between your moderators and the reporters. The best option for your server will depend entirely upon your needs. Not all communities will benefit from having reporting channels and you might not want your moderators to handle issues in direct messages. Down below you will find a list of the most commonly used reporting options available, with their respective benefits and disadvantages.":"不同的举报方式有其不同的优缺点。在选择时,您需要兼顾用户隐私保护的需求、成员与管理员的实用性需求,并确定是否允许管理员与举报人直接沟通。明确需求后,才能选出适合您服务器的最佳方案。一方面,创建举报频道并不一定适用于所有社区;另一方面,您可能也不希望管理员通过私信处理问题。接下来,本文将为您介绍一些最常用的举报方式,并分析各自的优缺点。","#As a community grows, there will be a need to allow members of your community to report bad behavior and violations of the rules to your moderation team. There are a wide range of options to choose from, which will be covered in this article. The list of tools is non-exclusive as you might want to combine multiple reporting options for your users to best suit your needs.":"在社区的不断发展中,会需要倚仗您的社区成员向管理员团队检举违反规则的不良行为。本文将介绍您可以选择的多种举报工具。这些工具彼此并不互相排斥,您可以组合应用多个工具,找到满足您需求的最佳方案。","#Modmail Bots":"Modmail 机器人","#Modmail bots can be used for members of your community to report violations to the moderation team as a whole. There are several available options to choose from, all with their own unique viewpoint on support tickets. By using a Modmail bot, you will be able to have conversations with your reporters. Most other reporting tools do not allow you to have private conversations. Furthermore, Modmail bots allow for a lot of customization at the cost of being more time-consuming and difficult to set up. Additional benefits of using such a bot is being able to attach screenshots to a report and maintain privacy for both the mod handling the case and potentially even the user providing feedback, which some of the options do not offer.":"Modmail 机器人支持社区成员向整个管理员团队举报违规情况。虽然有些举报工具也通过一些独特的方式,允许用户提交支持请求,但是 Modmail 机器人能让您与举报人直接对话,这种私聊功能在其他举报工具中并不多见。不仅如此,Modmail 机器人还支持多种自定义设置,只是前期设置比较耗时,也有一定难度。此类机器人还有另外一项优势,就是支持将屏幕截图添加到举报信息中,同时保护举报事件处理者及反馈用户的隐私,这项功能也是许多举报工具所不具备的。","#Another option is to handle reports via direct messages. In this case, users simply send a message to any available moderator. This method allows for private reports, back-and-forth conversations with a member of the moderation team, and the ability to share screenshots. Using this method, players will have to rely on the availability of a single moderator, as they will be choosing who to report to. Furthermore, it is very hard to track moderator activity and if this is important to you, opting for this method should be avoided. Not all moderators will give a follow up to users and there is limited accountability.":"私信举报也是一种处理举报问题的有效方式。用户只需向在线的管理员发送消息,即可举报违规行为。这种方式的优势是支持用户私下举报、与管理员团队中的成员直接沟通,以及分享屏幕截图。不过,由于用户需要先选择管理员,才能进行举报,因此整个举报过程都依赖于某个管理员的在线情况。此外,这种方式也很难跟进管理员的活动,如果您很重视这一点,请不要选用私信举报的方式。因为并非所有管理员都会持续跟进用户举报的问题,而选择这种方式则很难向相关管理员追责。","#Benefits and Challenges with Different Reporting Tools":"不同举报工具的优缺点","#Having a predefined method for users to contact the moderators will also improve the workflow, ensure better alignment of punishments and a fair process to punish those who violate your community rules.":"此外,预先规定好用户联系管理员的方式也可以改善工作流程,确保惩罚力度的一致,保证惩罚违规成员的程序公正性。","#Choosing What Works Best for You":"选择最适合您的方案","#Reporting via Direct Messages":"私信举报","#Every community can benefit from having different reporting tools in place as this will help you keep your community a safe space for your members. Different reporting options have different benefits and challenges and you should take the time to analyze what option may best fit the needs of your community and moderation staff.":"有效利用不同的举报工具,有助于为您的成员打造一个安全的社区环境,让每一个社区都受益无穷。每种举报方式都有其优缺点,因此,您需要花些精力去认真研究,找到最适合您的社区和管理员的方案。","#If you are using a levelling or experience system in the server, you might want to offer different reporting tools to members of a server level. For example, you might want to implement a command that can ping moderators, but only make that available to those of a certain level to prevent being pinged for minor moderation issues or by trolls abusing the pinging power. It is not advised to use a ping-based reporting method in larger servers due to how easily it can be abused.":"如果您的服务器设立了等级体系或者经验体系,那么可以考虑根据成员的不同等级提供不同的举报工具。举个例子,假设您想采用某个可以 ping 管理员的命令,那么只对达到一定等级的部分成员开放此功能,可以防止管理员因为琐事频繁被 ping,也可以该功能被避免恶意滥用。在此我们不建议您在大型服务器中使用 ping 功能,因这一功能很容易被滥用。","#Reporting via direct messages":"私信举报","#Consider whether or not moderators should be able to communicate with the reporter about their report, not all methods offer this functionality. Ask yourself if the privacy of someone violating the rules is important to you, as not all methods are private reports.":"您也要考虑管理员与举报人之间是否有直接沟通的必要,因为并非所有举报方式都支持这一功能。同时请您考虑注意违规人员的隐私保护问题,因为也并非所有方式都支持私下举报。","#Using a report command that will ping reported members, but be shared privately with a moderation team":"使用举报命令,ping 被举报成员并私下发送给管理员团队","#While a lot of popular bots offer auto moderation features that include word, spam, and advertisement filters, these can most often also be used to silently inform moderators. Instead of removing the message automatically and giving a punishment based on predefined rules, an option to create a flagging mechanism without automatic action can be utilized. If there’s a certain word or phrase used on a flag-list, the bot can notify moderators to look into it and decide the best course of action instead of automatically acting the way a blacklist would. This method allows your moderators to go through a channel with flagged messages and issue punishments based on the context of flagged messages and removes certain automatic moderation techniques that can lead to over-moderation.":"许多热门机器人都带有自动化管理的功能,如自动过滤文字、垃圾信息和广告,这些功能也可以用于将违规信息私下通知给管理员。您可以利用此工具创建去自动化操作的标记机制,代替原本自动删除信息并根据预设规则实施惩罚的机制。在这样的机制下,当某个词汇或词组被标记时,机器人不会将其自动删除拉黑,而是会通知管理员查看具体情况,并采取最适当的措施。因此,如果您选择此种方式,管理员可以仔细查看带有被标记消息的频道,并根据被标记消息所在的上下文详情采取惩罚措施,同时还可避免某些会导致过度管理的自动管理方式。","#What method, or combination of methods, works best for you, depends a lot on your server size and needs. For smaller servers up to five thousand members being able to ping moderators in case of reports or having a report channel should be easily workable, depending on how big your team is. For large servers of fifty thousand members or more, you should look into using a Modmail bot. You might want a combination of multiple methods as well, depending on what works for you and the capabilities of your team.":"要选出最适合您的举报方式或组合方案,需要充分考虑服务器的规模与需求。对于最多容纳五千人的小型服务器而言,有两种切实可行的方案:通过 ping 管理员的方式举报违规行为,或者创建举报频道,您可以根据自己的管理员团队规模选择。而对于五千人以上的大型服务器而言,建议您考虑使用 Modmail 机器人。同时您也可以根据自己的需求以及团队能力,组合应用多种举报工具。","#Creating a report channel with rules specific to your needs":"创建举报频道,设立专门规则","#Pinging a moderation team with an emergency team-wide ping":"使用 ping 功能向整个管理员团队发送紧急情况提示","#Message flagging via automated mod":"利用自动化机器人标记违规信息","#Pinging Moderator Roles":"Ping 管理员身份组","#Logging and Flagging Messages":"记录并标记消息","#There are six distinct reporting methods available via Discord’s native capabilities and bots:":"使用 Discord 原生功能与机器人,我们为您提供了六种不同的备选举报方式:","#Utilization of a Modmail bot":"合理利用 Modmail 机器人","#Your server size will often dictate the best combination of the above options to find what reporting tools will work best for your team from a moderation standpoint, but you should also keep in mind the preferences of your community when it comes to reporting violations as your users also have to be comfortable when it comes to using your chosen report methods.":"怎样的举报方式组合最适合您的管理员团队,通常取决于您的服务器规模。同时您也应该考虑到社区成员的偏好,确保他们可以安心使用您选择的举报工具来举报违规行为。","#Some bots allow members to report others for breaking the rules. Reports often follow the format of tagging the person being reported and providing a reason. This information is then directed to the moderation team via a private channel. While the report is private, members still have to use a command (and ping the person they are reporting) in public channels. It also does not allow conversations to take place and uploading screenshots is not possible.":"有些机器人可以支持成员举报违规用户。举报模式通常是:标记被举报人并提供举报理由,之后机器人会将该信息通过私人频道发送给管理员团队。尽管是私下举报,成员仍需在公共频道中使用相应命令(同时 ping 一下被举报对象)。并且这种方式同样不支持对话交流与上传屏幕截图。","#Sometimes you simply want to allow members to ping a moderator role in case of public rule breaking behavior. This will most definitely immediately get the attention of your moderators and is most often the quickest reporting method to use. However, the user being reported will be notified as they can see the ping, and they might be able to remove their messages before a moderator can intervene. A way to help counteract this is to consider utilizing a moderation bot that logs message deletions or edits.":"有些时候,您也许只想让用户在遇到公开违规行为时 ping 一下管理员身份组即可。因为这种方式不仅能立刻吸引管理员的注意,还可以以最快的速度举报违规行为。不过,被举报用户也会看到管理员被 ping,得知被举报,此时他们有可能在管理员介入之前删除违规消息。针对这种情况,您可以考虑使用能记录消息删除或编辑历史的管理员机器人来解决。","#Do you want to track the activity of your moderators? This is not possible for some methods. If your rules forbid advertisement via direct messages and moderators are to take action upon this being made aware of this violation, you should choose a reporting method that allows for screenshots to be shared.":"想追踪管理员的活动情况?请选择支持该项功能的举报方式。如果您希望在服务器内禁止私信广告宣传,并且希望管理员针对此类违规行为采取措施,建议您选择支持分享屏幕截图的举报方式。","#Creating a healthy community that leaves a lasting, positive impact in its members is difficult. Moderators have to be aware, educated, and always on the lookout for things they can improve on. By taking the initiative on this front, your community can grow into a positive, welcoming place for all people, regardless of their race, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.":"创建一个能给成员带来长久积极影响力的健康社区并非易事。作为管理员,应居安思危、坚持学习,并时刻关注您可以对社区做出的提升和改进。只要能够从这一点出发,采取积极的行动,那么无论成员的种族、性别、性别认同和性取向为何,您的社区都将是一个积极向上,热情友善的空间。","#It is also imperative to reiterate the boundary that you expect everything present in the virtual school ecosystem to be school appropriate. Features like profile pictures, username, and status are platform-wide features that appear in all servers a user is in. What is appropriate in some spaces may not be appropriate in school. Consider this ahead of time to establish rules around this and also punishments should this not be respected. It is important to keep in mind that Discord does have strict Terms of Service and Community Guidelines that state users aren’t allowed to use NSFW content and other forms of illegal content as their username, profile picture, and/or status. This will partly make sure the content on their profiles is acceptable to a degree. However, you may not be comfortable if a student is cursing in your virtual classroom and that can be dealt with accordingly by you.":"同时有必要向学生再三强调,虚拟学校生态系统中的一切内容均应符合学校规定。比如,头像、用户名和状态这样的功能是平台范围内的功能,会显示在用户所在的所有服务器中。在某些场合下合适的内容可能并不适合出现在学校中。提前考虑这一点,制定相关规则,并对不遵守规则的情况设定相应的处罚。应当牢记的是,Discord 有严格的服务条款和社区守则,其规定了用户的用户名、头像和/或状态中不得出现少儿不宜内容及其他非法内容。这在一定程度上确保了学生个人资料上的内容是普遍可以接受的。然而,如果学生在虚拟教室中使用了可能让您感到不适的不当言语,您也可以自行处理这种情况。","#Discord is an Extension of your Physical Campus":"Discord 是实体校园的延伸","#Lots of new opportunities are created for schools who make use of a private Discord server. One of the biggest opportunities is presented in a cultural shift away from formality and closer to general bonding. Gone are the days of formal communications over e-mail and instead we have open chat discussions with teachers, fellow classmates, group project members, and even private one-on-one’s (similar to office hours!) when necessary.":"使用 Discord 私人服务器的学校将会迎来许多新的机遇。让拘谨的课堂氛围变得更像是在进行一般的社交沟通,这一文化上的变革便是其中最为重大的机遇之一。正式的电子邮件沟通已然过时,取而代之的是教师、同学、小组项目成员之间的开放式聊天讨论,必要时甚至可以私人一对一交流(类似于师生私下交流时间!)。","#When you establish and nurture your community, you are growing a collective group of people who all enjoy at least some of the same things. Regardless of your server topic, you are undoubtedly going to have members across different a variety of ethnicities, sexual orientations, and identities from across the world. Ensuring that your space on Discord is a space for them to belong necessitates making it safe for them to feel like they can be themselves, wholly, and without reservation. Your members are all humans, all community members, all people that deserve respect and deserve to be welcomed.":"在创建及培育社区的同时,您也在发展一批至少在某些方面志趣相投的用户群体。不论您服务器的主题为何,都会有来自世界各地、不同种族、有着不同性取向和身份认同感的成员加入其中。您应该做的,是努力确保您在 Discord 打造的空间能给他们带来切实的归属感,让他们感受到可以放心大胆、毫无保留、全心全意地做自己。在这里的每一个社区成员,人人平等,人人都应受到应有的尊重和友好的对待。","#Cause discomfort to users and the community at large?":"令用户或整个社区感到不适?","#Create strong bot filters. Automated moderation of slurs and other forms of hate speech is probably your strongest tool for minimizing the damage bad actors can create in your server. Add variating ways people commonly try to skip over the filter as well (for example, censoring a word with an added or subtracted letter that commonly is used as a slur).":"创建强大的机器人过滤器。自动管理侮辱性言论和其他形式的仇恨言论的机器人是帮助避免不良分子的恶意行为给服务器造成损害的最佳工具。同时,您还可以在其中添加用户常用的绕过过滤器的方式(例如,审查那些通过添加或删除字母的方式来表示侮辱性含义的词汇)。","#Educating your community. Building a community without toxicity takes a lot of time and energy. The core of all moderation efforts should be in educating your communities, rewarding good behavior, and making others aware of the content they are perpetuating.":"教育您的社区。想要创建一个没有恶行的社区需要花费大量的时间和精力。所有管理工作的核心都在于教育社区、奖励善行、并让用户明白他们正在推动和延续积极正面的内容。","#Break-out channels accessible only by assigned groups for group work that teachers can monitor to ensure equal participation":"专供指定小组访问的分组频道,可用于小组合作。教师可对其进行监督,确保小组成员平等参与","#Discord’s Real Time Communication Abilities":"Discord 实时通信功能","#With the likely change that a student might not want to use a picture of themself as their profile picture, it is important to establish server guidelines about what is appropriate to be in that photo. While some users may not be comfortable using their full name or even their first name in their username, set the expectation that everyone has to change their nickname in your private school-related Discord servers to their real name. On a related note, if a user is subscribed to Discord Nitro, they may also change their profile picture on an individual server basis. However, it's not required in order to use Discord on the whole. Our recommendation if a student is uncomfortable with using their real picture for their platform-wide account is to tell them to make a secondary account specifically for school where they can use a photo of themselves. With Discord's account switcher feature having a second account for this purpose is less of hassle. Finally, when students first enter the server, we recommend enabling Developer Mode to privately connect each individual User ID to a student should someone alter or change their identity/account information in the future. This could be done through the schools information management system, or just by using a spreadsheet.":"由于学生可能不愿意使用个人照片作为头像,因此建立一系列服务器指引来明确规定适用于头像的图片类型是非常重要的。虽然一些用户可能不愿意使用全名甚至是名字作为用户名,但您应当在您的 Discord 学校私人服务器中设定规则,要求每个人将昵称更改为真实姓名。关于这一点,如果用户订阅了 Discord Nitro,他们还可以针对单个服务器更改头像。不过这对于使用 Discord 来说一般不是必需的。我们的建议是,如果学生不愿意在平台全局账号上使用真实照片,那么可以让他们创建一个专用于学校的第二账户,并在其中使用个人照片。Discord 有账号切换功能,使用多个账号并不会带来太多麻烦。最后,我们建议在学生首次进入服务器时启用开发者模式,以便将每个学生与其用户 ID 私下关联,以防将来有人更改或修改自己的身份/账号信息。使用学校的信息管理系统,或单纯使用电子表格,都可以实现这一目的。","#Utilizing Discord as a Virtual Classroom":"在 Discord 上开设虚拟课堂","#Private student-teacher meeting spaces for additional tutoring or conversations regarding behavior":"师生私人会议空间,可用于额外辅导或学生行为问题相关谈话","#Establishing Community Boundaries in Moderation":"在管理中确立社区界限","#Ideas to Help Prioritize Inclusivity":"有助于提升包容性的建议","#Closing":"结语","#The core foundation of a server on Discord is the community that populates it. Your community is what you engage with, protect, and grow over time. Engagement is important to focus on, but it’s just as important to make sure you are facilitating positive and welcoming engagement.":"围绕服务器形成并茁壮成长的社区是 Discord 服务器的核心基础,也是您积极参与、尽心保卫和发展壮大的对象。为此,你不仅要积极参与其中,更要确保您的参与能够带动社区内形成积极、友好的互动氛围。","#What is the main topic of my server? When you’re thinking about the community and their impact on the growth of your server, it’s important to deduce what kind of server you want to build on a base conceptual level. If, for example, you are creating a politically-driven server, you might have different limits and expectations content and conversation wise for your community than a server based on Tetris or pets.":"我的服务器主题是什么?当您在考虑社区及其对服务器发展的影响时,请先从基本概念层面上明确您想创建的服务器类型。举例说明,假如您创建的是一个涉政的服务器,那么相比于基于俄罗斯方块和宠物主题的服务器,您应该会对社区中的内容和对话设定截然不同的界限和预期。","#Interestingly, a further extension of a physical campus would be to an alumni association. While school related Discord servers are often for study tools or virtual classrooms, they can also serve as special places for alumni to connect after graduation. They can not only catch up with their old classmates, but they can mentor current students as well. Such a situation can be brought about via unique ideas like career fairs oriented towards advising current students about future career options by making use of a schools’ alumni network.":"有趣的是,实体校园还可以进一步延伸到校友会。学校相关的 Discord 服务器常被用作学习工具或虚拟课堂,但其也可以成为校友毕业后互相联系的特殊场所。您在这儿不仅可以与老同学聚会,还可以为在校生提供指导。一些巧思也可以在这里实现,例如,利用校友网络举办面向在校生的职业展会,从而为其提供关于未来职业选择的建议。","#Moderating Hateful Content":"管理仇恨性内容","#When users toe the line, they are not acting within good faith. As moderators, you should be directly involved enough to determine what is bad-faith content and remove it. On the other hand, education is important in the community sphere for long term growth. While you can focus on removing bad behavior from bad-faith users, reform in good-faith community members who are uneducated in harmful rhetoric should also be a primary goal when crafting your community. When interacting in your community, if you see harmful rhetoric or a harmful stereotype, step back and meaningfully think about the implications of leaving content up in channels that use this kind of language. Does it:":"如果用户越界,即代表他们的行为怀有恶意。作为管理员,您应该充分参与社区,查找出其中的“恶意”内容并将其清除。从另一方面来说,教育和引导对于社区的长期良性发展也有着重要影响。除了专心清除“恶意”用户实施的“恶意”行为以外,您还应该重点对那些不了解有害言论的“善意”用户进行教育和引导。如果您在与社区成员互动时发现了有害言论、负面的刻板印象与偏见,请回过头来深入思考一下,在频道中留下此类言论会产生什么样的影响。是否会:","#Enforce a negative stereotype?":"强化负面的刻板印象与偏见?","#Discord’s Easy to Use Interface Will Make Students Feel at Home":"Discord 简便易用的界面会令学生感到轻松自在","#Voice channels where students can talk or video call to build out projects in designated groups":"语音频道,指定小组的学生可在其中发言或视频通话,从而开展小组项目","#Interaction with each other doesn’t have to be limited to just typing in designated channels. Students can interact with each other and teachers while using subject specific audio and/or video channels as well, allowing them to have more personal interactions and cater to different learning styles. However, if you are using these channels to broadcast a lesson and not promote group work, make sure that you disable voice activity for students to avoid accidental noise from being broadcasted throughout your online classroom. This helps create a controlled environment for all involved in the virtual classroom space. An example about how to do this is below.":"彼此间的互动并不限于指定频道中的文字交流。通过特定学科的音频和/或视频频道,学生可以与同学和教师互动,多样化的人际互动能够满足学生不同的学习风格偏好。不过,如果您将这些频道用于上课而非小组合作,请确保禁用学生语音,避免意外的噪音干扰在线课堂。这有助于为虚拟课堂空间中的所有参与者创造一个受控环境。关于如何做到这一点,可以参考以下示例。","#‘Good-faith’ content is a term that describes user behavior with good intentions. When users are a positive foundation in your community, the members that join and interact with the established community will grow to adapt and speak in a way that continues the positive environment that has been fostered and established. It’s important to note that while ‘good-faith’ users are generally positive people, it is possible for them to state wrong or sometimes even harmful words. The importance of this distinction is that these users can be educated from their mistakes and adapt to the behavior you expect of them.":"“善意”内容则是指抱有良好意图的用户行为。当用户在您的社区中营造了积极向上的氛围时,新加入的成员会在与社区其他成员的互动中逐渐适应这种氛围,并将这种正面的沟通方式延续下去。有一点需要特别注意,尽管“善意”的用户一般都是积极向上的人,但他们也有可能说错话,甚至说出伤害他人的言论。加以区分的重点在于:这类用户会从自己的错误中吸取教训,并按照您对他们的行为预期进行自我改正。","#The Disadvantages of Using Discord as a School Platform":"Discord 作为学校平台的缺点","#The world is evolving and more educational institutions are moving online, but not everyone is aware of unique connections that the digital world provides. Generally, educational environments follow a pre-existing set of ideals when considering the principles revolving around when and how to teach students. Although new and unknown software may be daunting, this article aims to prove how useful Discord can be in an educational environment while also examining the drawbacks. Discord creates a new schooling environment as it is a constant online platform where students, teachers, and staff members can communicate, do schoolwork, engage in lessons, and even have some fun.":"世界日新月异,越来越多的教育机构正在向线上迁移,但并非人人都能觉察到数字世界提供的独特连接方式的存在。一般来说,在围绕教学时间和教学方法制定教学准则时,人们会遵循一套预设理念来选择教育环境。未知的新软件或许令人望而生畏,但其前景值得展望,本文旨在证明 Discord 在教育场景下的实用性,同时也将审视其缺点。作为一个可持续访问和使用的在线平台,Discord 能创造全新的学习环境,学生、教师和工作人员可以在其中沟通交流、完成学校任务、上课甚至进行娱乐休闲活动。","#A Q&A forum for questions about a shared lesson where students can help each other, but teachers can also jump in to assist":"问答论坛,可用于探讨同一门课中的问题。学生可以互相帮助,教师也可以介入协助","#Discord naturally lends itself to communication in ways that allow students to help each other. If one student is stuck on an assignment, any student can answer their question or perhaps join them in a study session to work out the problem together. Schoolwork can feel less solitary, there is less of a reliance on teachers and aids, and students who may be taking the same subject in different classes can meet each other and help each other out. This also allows teachers to monitor such a space to gain insight as to where their students are struggling so they can adjust their lesson plans accordingly.":"Discord 非常适合用来为学生互助提供交流方式。如果有学生在课业上遇到困难,所有学生都可以为其解答,或者组织学习小组来集思广益。完成课业不再是孤军奋战,Discord 不仅减少了学生对教师和助教的依赖,而且不同班级学习同一科目的学生也可以认识彼此并互相帮助。教师也能够通过监控这一空间来了解学生的课业困难,从而相应地调整教学计划。","#Discord also brings many advantages to educational arenas outside of the classroom. A server can be viewed as an extension of your physical campus to the Internet in an e-learning environment. Similar to a real-life campus, Discord is a meeting place for students and staff to chat, get to know each other, and build a stronger community in places they feel safe. Shy students may even find it easier to bond better in an online environment than a physical one which can lead to generating new friendships while also improving pre-existing ones. Students who perceive a welcoming environment and have positive feelings about their school and community will often get better grades because of higher motivations levels.":"Discord 也为课堂之外的教育领域带来了许多优势。服务器中的在线学习环境可以视作实体校园在互联网上的延伸。作为一个聚集地,Discord 与现实中的校园类似,学生和教职工可以在这里聊天并增进了解,在这一安全环境中建立更紧密的社区联系。内向的学生可能会发现,在线上环境中,与他人交往一事变得更加轻松。相比于现实环境,学生在这种环境中既容易建立新的友谊,又能巩固和老朋友之间的关系。学生如果能够感受到友好的环境氛围,对学校和社区产生积极情感,那么该学生往往就会因为更充足的动力而取得更好的成绩。","#Why Positive Environments are Important":"积极向上的环境有何重要意义","#Positive engagement can mean a lot of things, but in this article, we will be referring to the way in which moderation can affect the culture of the server you are moderating. As moderators your policies, knowledge of your community, and deductive skills influence the way in which your community engages with each other and with your team.":"“积极互动”可以代表多重含义,但本文将重点讨论管理员的管理方式对服务器文化的影响。作为管理员,您制定的规则、对于社区的了解,以及您的推演能力都将影响社区成员之间以及成员与管理员团队之间的互动方式。","#When it comes to the content you allow or moderate in your server, it’s important to, again, reflect on what type of community you are. It’s also important that you act quickly and precisely on this type of harmful behavior. Some users will slowly push boundaries on what type of language they can ‘get away with’ before being moderated.":"在决定服务器中允许出现或需要管控的内容时,要注意体现出您的社区的类型特点。此外,您还需要针对有害行为采取快速而准确的处理,因为有些用户会去不断挑战管理边界,逐渐试探出他们能够“逃避惩罚”的言论类型。","#The utilization of screen-sharing to have a live online class in a voice channel for up to fifty students":"屏幕共享功能,可用于在语音频道中为多达五十名学生提供实时在线课程","#What is Bad-Faith Content vs. Good-Faith Content?":"什么是“恶意内容”和“善意内容”?","#While certain permissions are essential to creating an environment that separates teachers and student private chats and subjects, a classroom environment acts as the overall hub for everything necessary from a full school, to a specific classroom, to separate groups working on projects, and even a variation of subjects being taught.":"若要创建一个能够将师生私聊和主题分隔开来的环境,一些权限必不可少,但课堂环境仍是完整的学校、特定的教室、独立的项目小组,乃至教授的各种科目等一切必要内容的重中之重。","#What topics do I expect users to engage in? Some servers will have the expectation that members will be allowed to discuss more sensitive or controversial and thought provoking topics, while others may feel as if these kinds of heavy debates are out of place. Video game servers tend to have a no-politics rule to avoid negative debates and personal attacks that are beyond the scope of the video game(s) in question. Servers centered around memes, irl, or social communities can be much more topical and have looser rules, while servers centered around mental health or marginalized communities can lean towards a stricter on-topic only community policy.":"我希望用户参与哪些话题讨论?有些服务器允许成员讨论那些敏感的、有争议的、或是能够发人深省的话题,而另一些服务器则不允许成员针对这些话题开展过多讨论。比如电子游戏类服务器大多会设置“不谈政治”的规定,以避免服务器内发生超出游戏范畴的负面讨论和人身攻击;以玩梗、现实生活和社交为主题的服务器可以多关注时事热点,并放宽对于讨论话题的限制;而以心理健康或边缘群体为中心的服务器则应该倾向于严格实施“切题讨论”的社区规则。","#When discussing moderation, a popular theory that circulates is called the broken windows theory. This theory expresses that if there are signs of antisocial behavior, civil unrest and disorder, as well as visible signs of crimes in the area, that it encourages further anti-social behavior and crime. Similarly, if you create an environment in which toxic and hateful behavior is common, the cycle will perpetuate into further toxicity and hatefulness.":"在针对管理问题的讨论中,有一种流传较广的理论,叫做破窗理论。这一理论认为,如果某个区域内已经出现反社会行为、民众暴动以及社会混乱的迹象,同时出现了明显的犯罪迹象,这些现象将会引发进一步的反社会行为和犯罪行为。同样的,如果您营造了一种放任恶性或仇恨性行为存在的环境,这个恶行循环将继续恶化,导致恶行和仇恨行为变本加厉。","#‘Bad-faith’ content is a term that describes behavior done intentionally to cause mischief, drama, or toxicity to a community. They are also commonly referred to as bad actors, and are the type of people that should be swiftly dealt with and addressed directly.":"“恶意”内容是指刻意给社区造成损害、制造麻烦,带来恶性影响的行为。这类用户也被称为不良分子,应迅速对其采取行动,直接处理。","#Allowing users to have pronouns on their profile. Depending on your server, you may choose to have pronoun roles that members can directly pick from to display on their profile. This is a way to allow users to express their pronouns in a way that doesn’t isolate them. When creating a larger, more welcoming system for pronouns, it is much harder to decide who has pronouns because they are LGBTQ+, because they’re an ally, or just because it was part of setting up their roles. When servers have pronoun systems built into them, this can also allow for a community-wide acceptance of pronouns and respect for other users’ identities, and can deter transphobic rhetoric.":"允许用户在个人资料中展示偏好的人称代词。根据您的服务器类型,您可以设置对应的人称代词身份组,以便成员直接挑选,并在他们的个人资料中展示出来。当您创建了一个大型且更加包容的人称代词系统后,便很难通过人称代词来直接判断用户的属性——他们的选择可能是因为自己是 LGBTQ+,是“盟友”,抑或是因为身份组设置的需要。通过这种方式,用户得以直接表达身份的自我认知,同时也避免了边缘化群体受到孤立。除此之外,使用服务器内置代词系统,还可以推动整个社区对于人称代词用法的接纳,这不仅可以促进对其他用户身份认同的尊重,还可以抑制对跨性别人士的仇视言论。","#Discourage the use of harmful terms. It’s no secret that terms such as ‘retard’ and ‘trap’ are used in certain social circles commonly. As moderators, you can discourage the use of these words in your community’s lexicon.":"遏制伤害性表述的使用。众所周知,某些社交圈中会惯常使用“Retard(弱智)”和“trap(诱捕)”等负面表述。作为管理员,您应该阻止这类词汇出现在您的社区词汇表中。","#As mentioned above, Discord’s widespread usage for personal gaming and easy to use interface means that a lot of students could already use Discord in their free time or begin to adopt it into their lives after being introduced to it in a classroom setting. The person someone may present themselves as online can differ from who they are in real life. When given the opportunity to use a profile picture, set usernames and nicknames, and even statuses, things can get out of hand quickly. It may even be difficult for some teachers to identify which student is behind certain accounts if these expectations aren’t established immediately upon server creation.":"如上所述,Discord 在个人游戏方面的广泛使用和易于使用的界面意味着,很多学生可能已经在课余时间使用过 Discord,或者在课堂环境中接触到 Discord 后开始将其融入生活之中。一个人的网络形象可能与现实生活中的真实形象不同。如果有机会使用头像、设置用户名和昵称甚至是身份,那么情况可能很快就会失控。对于一些教师来说,如果没有在服务器创建时立即定下设置规则,可能就会难以确定某个账号背后到底是哪一名学生。","#When you are establishing your community, it’s important to have a basic understanding of what kind of environment you would like your server to be. It’s good to break down the general moderation philosophy on what content and discussion you’d like your community to engage in and what content would be inappropriate given the space. Depending on the topic of your server these goals may be different, but some common questions you can ask to establish general boundaries are:":"在创建社区时,您要对希望创造什么样的服务器环境有个基本设想。您可以制定一个通用的管理策略,明确社区成员可以参与的内容和话题,以及不宜出现在服务器中的内容,然后对此细化分解。也许这些分解目标的设定会因服务器主题的不同而有所不同,但您仍可以参考以下常见问题来确立一个普适性的主题界限:","#In this section we seek to discuss the many ways that Discord can help virtual learning. Discord can function as a virtual classroom setting in ways that can generate new opportunities for continued and reliable teamwork while enabling new and exciting ways for students to connect with each other.":"在这一部分中,我们将讨论 Discord 如何以多种方式辅助在线学习。在 Discord 上可以开设虚拟课堂,催生可持续且值得信赖的团队合作新机遇,同时也为学生间交往提供了一系列振奋人心的新形式。","#Discord’s very purpose is to foster communication by bringing users an easy to understand interface that is adaptable to a variety of needs, thus making it a really useful modern tool for e-learning and virtual classrooms. With the right permissions, students can be brought into environments where they can not only learn, but also have fun in a virtual extension of their physical campus. Through utilization of a variety of ways to teach classrooms and communicate amongst groups, Discord naturally fosters teamwork and open forum discussions between students and teachers alike.":"Discord 致力于通过提供易于理解且适应各种需求的界面来促进交流,因此成为了非常适合用于在线学习和虚拟课堂的现代工具。适当的权限设置确保了实体校园在虚拟世界中的延伸,在这样的环境中,学生不仅可以学习,还可以享受乐趣。利用各种教学方式和小组交流,Discord 能够在潜移默化中促进各种活动,例如师生间的团队合作,以及开放式论坛讨论等。","#However, Discord is still a platform with millions of users exploring a variety of interests. It’s important to enter Discord prepared to handle students who may be using inappropriate media for school via platform-wide features like profile pictures, statues, and usernames because they are appropriate elsewhere. If you consider the logistics of creating a safe, school-appropriate environment and set expectations and guidelines upon entry, Discord is a great tool for your future educational needs!":"然而,Discord 也是一个拥有数百万用户的平台,其用户涉猎广泛。因此,在进入 Discord 之前,需要做好准备以应对学生使用不当媒体内容的潜在情况。比如,基于平台全局功能,学生可能使用了不适当的个人资料图片、身份和用户名等,因为有些内容可能在其他地方适宜,用在学习环境里却并不合适。如果您想要创建一个适合学校的安全环境,并在学生加入时设定规则和指引,Discord 将是满足您未来教育需求的绝佳工具!","#What would I like to foster in my community? While knowing what to avoid and moderate is very useful, having an idea of what kind of atmosphere you’d like the server to have goes far in setting the mood for the rest of the community at large. If users notice moderators are engaging in good-faith and positive conversations and condemning toxic or hateful discussion, it is more likely that your users will join in and participate in that positive conversation. If they see you and your mod team have taken the initiative to preserve the good atmosphere of the community, they are moved to put in the effort to reciprocate.":"我希望在社区中营造怎样的氛围?除了了解在服务器中应避免发生或重点管理的情况之外,您也要明确希望服务器呈现怎样的环境氛围,这对于塑造整个社区的气氛和文化有着重大意义。假如用户注意到管理员会参与善意、正面的对话,谴责恶性或仇恨性讨论,那么他们也更有可能参与到那些积极正面的对话中。如果用户看到您和您的管理员团队积极维护社区的良好氛围,他们也会受到鼓舞,以实际行动做出回应。","#There is Always Fun to be Had in a Healthy Community":"在一个健康的社区中总能找到乐趣","#Create a negative space for users to feel included in the community?":"塑造出一个让用户感到无法融入的社区空间?","#Benefits of Using Discord in Classrooms":"在课堂中使用 Discord 的益处","#Discord was created for housing online communities which sets it apart from other routes taken for e-learning platforms. Your students and staff will feel at home in the Discord user interface because it is easy to use and made for quick adaptation. The natural familiarity that many students may bring from their personal usage of the platform and even other similar platforms will reduce the friction of adopting into new virtual learning atmospheres and more easily help transition Discord into their daily educational routines.":"Discord 为承载在线社区而生,这一点使它有别于其他在线学习平台。Discord 的用户界面简单而易于上手,您的学生和教职工在此会感到轻松自在。许多学生对个人日常使用的 Discord 平台或其他类似平台已经很熟悉了,因此对 Discord 虚拟学习环境会更容易适应,并且更容易将 Discord 纳入日常学习生活之中。","#Furthermore, if you are one of the lucky individuals moderating a Partnered or Verified server (or hope to have your server partnered/verified in the future), you will need to consider the additional restrictions imposed on these servers in the Discord Partnership Code of Conduct.":"此外,如果您有幸运营一个合作伙伴服务器或已验证的服务器(或者是您希望自己的服务器在将来能够建立合作伙伴关系或获得验证),那么您将需要注意遵守 Discord 合作伙伴行为准则中针对这类服务器设立的额外规定。","#Simultaneously, a server can be set up to serve a variety of school-related functions including, but not limited to:":"同时,可以设置一个服务器来执行与学校相关的各类功能,包括但不限于:","#When creating your virtual classroom it is important to keep in mind what you want the purpose of your server to be. A server for a specific math classroom taught by Mr. Wumpus at noon everyday is going to be geared entirely towards education, whereas a more open-concept Algebra server that welcomes all students currently enrolled in the course under various teachers to have a more common meeting space while also being split into their respective virtual classrooms via permissions allows for antics in addition to education.":"在创建虚拟课堂时,非常重要的一点是要牢记自己创建服务器的目的。如果要为 Wumpus 老师每天中午教授的特定数学课程创建一个服务器的话,该服务器将完全针对教育而设计,而一个更开放的代数服务器则欢迎当前所有在不同教师指导下修读该课程的学生,为其提供一个更具通用性的会议空间,同时通过权限将其分配到各自的虚拟课堂中,在教育之外也允许娱乐的存在。","#Educational settings can also be fun if you choose to build them that way. There is always fun to be had in a healthy community when the school day finishes, and providing this hang out space for students will allow them to not only bond but associate positive feelings with school. There can be spaces designated to help students study together in after school hours or perhaps come together to take a study break to play one of their favorite games. A music bot can be used to listen to music in an essay-writing sprint, and a leveling system can be used to reward students for participation. Community feelings lead to happiness, which can impact mental health and grading.":"如果选择这种构建方式,教育环境也可以很有趣。学校里的一天结束后,迎来的是一个潜藏无穷乐趣的健康社区——为学生提供这样的聚会空间不仅可以拉近学生之间的距离,还可以让他们与学校建立起积极的情感纽带。可以设立一个专用空间,让学生课后在这里一起学习、一起休息,或者一起玩最喜欢的游戏。音乐机器人可以在限时写作时播放音乐,层级系统可以用来奖励学生的参与度。社区情感能够带来快乐,而快乐的情绪也会影响心理健康和成绩。","#A common complaint in larger classroom settings, both in person and virtually, is that the environment is impersonal. In a sea of many faces, it is understandable that a student may feel like just another number on the attendance roster. However, Discord’s premise of providing an easily built space meant for easy and informal communication can reduce this lack of personal connection and instead help students feel welcome, including, and easily engaged.":"无论是线下还是线上,人们常常抱怨大型课堂环境中人情味的缺乏。淹没在众多面孔中,学生难免会觉得自己只是出勤名单上的一个数字。而 Discord 提供了易于创建的空间,致力于促进非正式的轻松交流。这种空间可以减少缺乏人际联系的问题,帮助学生找到受欢迎、被包容的感觉,从而能够轻松参与其中。","#Channels for Assisting in Moderating Related External Communities":"用于辅助管理相关外部社区的频道","#Leading and Training Channels":"领导与培训频道","#We’ll now begin to outline a variety of channels that are often useful for moderation purposes. The below list is for your consideration when building your own moderation channel category, but by no means should you feel obligated to add every channel discussed below to your server. This is all about recognizing your needs and making sure they are met!":"接下来,本文将简要概述各类便于管理员管理的频道。您在创建自己的管理员团队频道时可以参考下列项目,但无需将以下介绍的每个频道都添加至您的服务器。本文的目的是帮助您了解并满足自己的需求。","#Anything you say during the explosive growth and attention is likely to get drowned out by other information, and you may have more pressing announcements to make. This can help you retain the high intent members who joined because they only heard about you via the news about your group, but are seriously interested in becoming permanent community members while avoiding the entirety of the second server from joining the first. You can advertise your main server in the secondary server, but it's advisable to wait until the immediate interest has waned in the second server. At this point in time, spammers and other trolls have likely gotten bored, and the event that spurred the growth is largely in the past.":"在爆发式增长和受高度关注期间,您的任何发言都可能被其他信息淹没,您可能有更紧迫的公告要发布。这项举动可以帮您留住加入的高意向成员,因为他们只是通过有关您的群组新闻了解到您,但对成为永久社区成员很感兴趣,且想直接加入主服务器。您可以在辅助服务器中宣传您的主服务器,但最好等到成员对次服务器的热度减弱后再进行。在这个时间点,垃圾信息发送者和其他引战喷子可能已经厌倦,刺激增长的活动基本上已无人问津。","#Update Channel":"更新频道","#Moderation Channel Setup":"创建管理员团队频道","#An important rule of thumb is to make sure that your moderation channels are an exception to any auto-moderated actions your moderation bot may be taking, or that the automoderator is configured not to act on messages from moderators. No blacklists should be in effect in these channels to ensure proper discussion of punishments and happenings in the server can be discussed truthfully and respectfully. It’s also important to ensure that any message logging is configured to ignore channels that not all moderators have access to. For example, if all of your moderators can see a general action log channel, but you have a separate channel for a lead chat, deleted and edited messages from that channel should not be logged for privacy reasons. More about this can be found below.":"有一项重要的经验法则,即:确保您的管理员团队频道不受管理机器人所采取的任何自动化管理措施的影响,或者通过设置使自动管理器不针对管理员的消息采取措施。为保障大家能够充分讨论服务器中的惩罚措施或发生的各种状况,如实发表意见,互相尊重彼此,请不要在这些频道中设置黑名单。不仅如此,您还应将在所有的消息日志记录设置中,忽略非所有管理员可访问的频道。举例来说,假如您所有的管理员均可以查看常规的操作日志频道,但您有一个单独的主管聊天频道,那么,出于对隐私的保护,请不要记录该频道中所删除或编辑的消息。更多与此相关的信息,请参见下文所述。","#Internal Rules":"内部规则","#This article should give you an idea of the main concepts to consider and keep an eye out for while preparing for and working through large increases in your servers membership. These considerations do not all need to be implemented to successfully manage rapid growth, but they should give you a good framework for the types of changes and preparations you may need depending on how extreme the growth you are expecting is. Have fun and good luck taking on this new moderation challenge!":"本文应该已经让您了解到在准备和应对服务器成员数量的大幅增加时,您所需要考虑和关注的主要理念。您不需要全盘照搬所有措施也能顺利管理服务器成员激增,但它们能为您提供一个良好的框架,根据您对增长的预期程度,您可在其基础之上做出相应的更改和准备。祝您好运,在新的管理挑战中如鱼得水!","#Miscellaneous Channels":"其他频道","#Structurally, it is recommended to have informational channels at the top of your moderation channel category to make sure everyone sees them. Anything that should be easily viewable by the team follows, such as an update channel and moderation/action logging based channels. Channels restricted to smaller groups of moderators should be closer to the bottom as less people have access to these, and partnership channels meant to maintain relations as opposed to direct moderation connections can be on the bottom. A sample of a large staff channelset can be found below.":"从结构布局上来说,建议您将信息频道置于管理员团队频道目录的顶部,以确保所有人都能看到。随后应排列所有需要方便团队成员查看的频道,如:更新频道和基于管理/操作日志记录的频道。至于那些仅对小部分管理员开放的频道,因其可访问人数较少,应置于目录的底部位置附近,而旨在维护关系而非用于直接管理沟通的合作伙伴频道,应置于最底部。如下提供了一个管理员频道集合的示例。","#It’s important to note that the approach of making an overflow server requires a significant increase in the amount of moderator time required to manage the community. It will likely require an entirely new team to manage the chaos of the overflow server and the associated increase in attention for the uptick in discussion in the main server. This is something you should only consider in truly extraordinary circumstances. The team for the overflow server likely will not need as much training, qualification, or people skills since they will mostly be managing spam/advertising/hate speech over a short but busy period of time. They won’t likely need to talk to users about how to improve their behavior or handle tricky situations like long-term harassment or bullying, but it is still important that they be amicable as they may end up being someone's only interaction with your community or the subject of your community in their life. At the end of the event, the server can either be merged with your main community, or deleted; if it is deleted, members who are particularly interested in your community will likely seek your space out after losing touch.":"需要注意的是,打造一个分流的服务器会显著增加管理员管理社区的时间。您可能需要一个全新的团队来管理分流服务器中的混乱,以及主服务器中增加的与此相关的讨论。只有在真正需要的情况下,您才应该考虑这一点。分流服务器的团队可能不需要那么多培训、资格或能力,因为他们的工作主要是在短暂但繁忙的时间段内管理垃圾信息/广告/仇恨言论。他们可能无需与用户讨论如何改善用户行为或处理棘手的情况(譬如长期骚扰或霸凌),但要求他们保持友善的态度依然是很重要的一点,因为他们最终可能会成为某个人与您社区的唯一互动,或影响到某个人对您社区的第一印象。在活动结束时,分流服务器可以与您的主要社区合并,也可以删除;如果将其删除,对您的社区特别感兴趣的成员可能会在失去联系后寻找您的社区。","#If your community is seeing an influx of new users who are either new to Discord or joining for a very specific reason like event participation or large scale giveaways, it may make sense to set up a new landing page just for these users. It can get exhausting to explain the same basic information repeatedly no matter how many volunteers you have involved. Having an additional FAQ that covers information that new users will be looking for and trims out excess from your regular FAQ that doesn’t pertain to them can make their integration into the server and understanding of the information they need more straightforward and accessible for everyone involved.":"如果您的社区正在经历大量新用户涌入,他们或是首次加入 Discord,或是出于非常具体的原因(例如参加活动或大规模赠品领取)加入,那么您可以为这些用户设置一个新的着陆页。无论您招募了多少志愿者,重复解释相同的基本信息都会让人筋疲力尽。额外设置一个常见问题解答,涵盖新用户需要查找的信息,并从您的常规问题解答中删除与他们无关的多余内容,这样就可以使他们快速融入到服务器中,您也更直接地理解他们需要的信息,并为所有相关人员提供访问权限。","#What is best for your server in times of exponential membership growth is up to you. Luckily, even if you decide not to implement something and later realize that you may need it, it can be relatively easy to implement some changes with short notice or scale back changes if you over prepared and over engineered your system. Better to be over prepared than under prepared!":"在成员呈指数增长的时期,您对服务器所要采取的措施有最终决定权。幸运的是,即使您决定不实施某些举措,但后来意识到可能还是需要它,只要您之前充分准备和设计过相应的系统,您就可以相对容易地在短时间内实施一些更改或减少更改。毕竟,准备充分总比措手不及要好!","#General Team Channel":"通用团队频道","#Once confident in channel permissions that lock the access to your private moderation channels, it’s important to think about what you want your moderation channels to look like. The larger the server the more channels you may need to accommodate everything.":"熟练驾驭私人管理员团队频道的访问权限后,您需要认真考虑希望创建什么样的管理员团队频道。规模越大的服务器,为满足各种需求所设的频道可能也会越多。","#In the most extreme of cases, it may make sense for you to set up channels or even a separate server that is linked to your official accounts/pages on other platforms where the low intent users that are on the hype train will get deposited. This will allow you to prevent new joins from disrupting your existing community, but not require you to prevent all of the people who are excited about it from having a space related to your community to be a bit chaotic. If you choose this approach, whether you are upfront about having set your main community to private and setting up a temporary space for hype or not, you should consider explaining it throughout your typical advertising channels as time goes on.":"在最极端的情况下,您可以在其他平台上设置链接到您的官方账号/页面的频道乃至独立的服务器,以过滤掉这些平台上热衷跟风的低意向用户。这样既能防止新加入的人扰乱您现有的社区,又不会让您阻挡掉对此感到兴奋的人,使其无法在您社区相关的空间里畅聊。如果您选择这种方式,无论是否提前将您的主要社区设置为私人社区,并为宣传临时设置一个空间,虑随着时间的推移,您都应该考虑在您通常使用的广告渠道中解释这一情况。","#Moderation and Action Logs":"管理与操作日志","#Modmail Channels - If you use a modmail bot for general server interaction, a designated category would be useful to track threads opened by members to ask questions, share feedback, or appeal punishments that did not remove their access to the server.":"Modmail 频道 - 如果您使用 modmail 机器人进行常规的服务器交互,那么设置一个指定的频道类别将有助于追踪成员打开的帖子,以提出问题、分享反馈信息,或是针对对他们的惩罚(如未取消他们的服务器访问权限)提出申诉。","#Training Channels - General permissions granted to all moderators will not yet be accessible to moderator trainees, and thus some teams consider locking their access to select channels. There will need to be a space for all moderators and leads to privately discuss the growth of the trainees without them gaining access even after promotion. Some teams may go as far as to establish a unique action log channel used during training periods before giving them access to the full history of the moderation team once they prove their ability to be unbiased moderators. Again, it is important to ensure that discussion channels for trainees are exceptions to basic bot logging to avoid awkward occurrences with trainees seeing commentary about them that they should not see yet.":"培训频道 - 由于管理员培训生还不能获得正式管理员的一般权限,因此,有些团队会考虑锁定他们对于特定频道的访问权限。那么有必要为所有正式管理员和主管设置一个私下讨论培训生进步表现的频道,这里不对培训生开放,即使他们得到晋升,也无权访问此频道。有些团队可能会在培训期间创建一个特有的操作记录频道,当培训生证明自己有能力成为公平公正的管理员时,才授权他们访问管理员团队的完整历史记录。同样的,请务必确保该培训生的讨论频道不会记录到机器人日志记录中,以避免出现培训生看到不该看到的关于自己的评论,导致尴尬。","#Every moderation team should have a developed moderation handbook that is easily accessible to all team members and updated regularly. However, some moderation teams like to have an overview channel for rule enforcement for quick referencing. This channel can contain information such as how you categorize punishments, an overview of popular commands for easy referencing after returning from a moderation break, and links to all guidelines and moderation forms for easy coordination.":"每个管理员团队都应有一份完善的管理手册,方便所有团队成员查看并定期更新。不过,有些管理员团队会倾向于设置一个有关规则执行的总览频道,用于快速查阅相关信息。此类频道可以涵盖的信息包括:如何对惩罚措施进行分类,便于管理员休假返回后快速查看的热门指令概览,以及便于快速统筹协调的所有规则及管理方式的链接。","#Administrator Channels - An administrator chat is necessary to speak about private matters on the team. This is to judge general moderation performance, handle punishments for problematic actions internally, and it also serves as a place to handle any reports against moderators to ensure privacy. Please remember, it is important that these messages are not caught up in bot logging so moderators are not made aware of the fact that they are being discussed privately before leads connect with them.":"管理员主管频道 - 为方便讨论团队中的私密事务,有必要设置一个管理员主管的聊天频道,用于评判整体的管理表现、在内部惩罚错误操作、以及非公开处理针对管理员的举报。请务必确保这些消息不会记录到机器人日志记录中,以防止管理员在主管与他们联系之前得到消息。","#Moderator Actions - This is a channel specifically for using bot commands. Having a separate channel for commands allows other moderators to see what you’re doing and better offer opinions or ask questions about actions you may not agree with.":"管理员操作 - 这是一个专用于使用机器人命令的频道。设置一个专门的指令频道能够使其他管理员了解您所做的事情,并更好地表达意见,或针对您可能不认同的操作提出问题。","#Meeting Channels - If your team has regular meetings, this can be the place to discuss the meetings, chat if you don’t want to use a mic, set meeting agendas, and keep notes for moderators that cannot attend. If you do not have monthly meetings, this channel may be useful to archive and reinstate as needed.":"会议频道 - 如果您的团队会定期开会,那么您可以将这类频道用于:开展会议讨论、无麦克风聊天、设置会议议程,以及为未参会的管理员保留会议笔记。如果您的团队没有月度例会,那么这类频道可以帮助您按照需求存档和恢复。","#Moderation Log/Bot Spam Channel - General moderation bot logging can get a bit spammy. While it’s important to have all this info logged to look back on for reports or when looking up involved user profiles, this channel is often muted so you don’t get notified every time something is added to it. Username and nickname changes, edited messages, deleted messages, and auto-moderation actions can all get logged here in addition to whatever you configure a bot to send to this channel.":"管理日志/机器人垃圾信息频道 - 一般的管理机器人日志记录可能会包含一些垃圾信息。为方便回顾查看相关报告或查找相关用户个人资料,记录下所有的这些信息十分重要,但是这类频道通常都处于静音状态,因此不会在每次添加消息时都通知您。除了您设置机器人发送至这一频道的信息之外,所有的用户名和昵称更改信息、经过编辑的消息、已删除的消息、以及自动管理措施,都会记录在这里。","#Teams that have a separate Reddit or Twitch moderation team in addition to their Discord moderation team may have designated hangout spaces for all teams to get to know each other casually. But, most importantly, they may have shared moderation spaces to discuss troublemakers that can span multiple platforms to flag problematic users for the other team. Easy and specialized communication across teams will help to keep all facets of your community safe!":"除了 Discord 管理员团队之外,如果您还拥有单独的 Reddit 或 Twitch 管理员团队,可以设立指定的聚会场所,以便于所有的团队队员之间互相认识了解。这类频道最重要的意义在于,他们可以拥有共同的管理空间,讨论那些在多个平台制造麻烦的用户,从而为其他团队标记出有问题的用户。由此可见,不同团队之间便捷又专门化的沟通有助于全方位保障您的社区安全。","#There is no right or wrong way to set up a moderation channel category outside of ensuring you utilize the correct permissions. It’s important to consider the needs of your community and how their needs translate to the needs of your team when creating your moderation space. Having flexibility and a willingness to grow as your server grows and requires change is imperative. While action logs are the most useful kind of moderation channels from a punishment perspective, hangout spaces are important to establishing team cohesion and rapport. Identifying the needs of your team and making sure they are adequately met will help you create the strongest moderation environment as possible.":"除了确保使用正确的权限之外,设置管理员团队频道类别的方式没有对错。重要的是,在设立管理员团队的空间时要仔细考虑社区成员的需求,以及如何将他们的需求转化为您的团队需求。随着服务器的发展和对变化的需要,灵活变通的能力和成长的意愿必不可少。虽然从惩罚的角度来看,操作日志是最为有效的管理员团队频道,但在建立团队凝聚力和融洽的关系方面,聚会空间则更为重要。明确您的团队需求并确保它们得到充分满足将助您创造出最为强大的管理环境。","#Action logs are the most important moderation channels out there, but also the busiest. Moderation action logs exist for a variety of purposes, and you can configure them however you see fit. Some recommended actioning channels include, but are not limited to:":"操作日志是最为重要的管理员团队频道,也是最繁忙的频道。管理员操作日志有多种用途,您可以根据需求进行相应的设置。一些值得推荐的操作频道包括但不限于:","#If you enable the community server option for your server, you’ll have updates fed to a chosen channel. As these will be major community-based updates for moderation purposes, it is often recommended to have them feed to a moderation update or memo based channel for ease of viewing. Channels that serve this purpose can be used for a variety of reasons including announcing extended absences from the team for vacations or mental health purposes to avoid burnout, taking team-wide votes, and making announcements for moderator removals, departures, promotions, and initiatives the team is pursuing. Many servers use a single channel as a catch-all update arena as it serves a very specific purpose and will not be used daily.":"如果您为服务器启用了社区服务器的选项,那么有关更新的消息将会传送至您选定的频道。由于这些频道将成为以社区为基础的重大更新的反馈集中地,因此为了便于管理员查看,通常建议将这些更新信息传送至用于管理更新或备忘录的频道。符合这一要求的频道可以有多种用途,包括:汇报因度假或心理健康等原因要求延长假期以避免工作倦怠,开展全团队范围内的投票,以及通告管理员的撤换、离职、晋升和团队正在推行的倡议。还有许多服务器使用的是单一的频道,其中囊括所有更新,这种频道有特定的用途,并且不会每天使用。","#Censor Logs - Sometimes blacklists lead to false positives, but other times they do catch really problematic messages. Having a censor log separate from all other bot logging makes this information stand out so you can easily measure what is caught in your filter correctly and action accordingly, but not have auto-moderation techniques punish people incorrectly. If your blacklist is malfunctioning, this will become obvious for you to alter as needed if you keep an eye on this channel.":"审查日志 - 黑名单功能虽然有时会出现误判,但也确实可以捕捉到有问题的消息。设置一个独立于其他机器人日志记录的审查日志,可以凸显此类有问题的信息,方便您正确判断过滤器中捕获的信息,并采取相应的处理措施,而不是通过自动化管理技术对用户进行不当的惩罚。如果您随时关注此类频道,就能轻松判断黑名单功能是否出现故障,并根据需求进行调整。","#Comings and Goings - These can easily be sent to a moderation log or bot spam channel, but some teams may find it useful to track server comings and goings in addition to entry and existing specific to voice channels separately. This can help detect incoming raids when there’s an influx of similar looking accounts or suspicious accounts from the same invite in a short period of time. This also helps for voice channel moderation if you’re getting user reports to begin to consider if there’s accuracy from the reporters based upon who they are saying was present in the audio channel at the time.":"行踪 - 这类信息容易被发送至管理日志或机器人垃圾信息频道,但是有些团队可能会发现除了特定于语音频道的输入信息和现存信息之外,还需要单独另行追踪服务器的行踪信息。当服务器内短期涌入了大量来自同一邀请链接的相似账号或可疑账号时,这一频道可以帮助您检测到即将受到的袭击。此外,这一频道还有助于语音频道的管理,帮助您在收到用户举报后,根据举报时音频频道中的在线人员情况,判断举报人所述的信息是否准确。","#There are a plethora of moderation channels that can benefit a team in unique circumstances that don’t fit into the above categories. Consider the following when thinking about what fits best for how your community is run:":"如果以上频道类别均不适用,我们还将提供众多不同的管理员团队频道供您选用。在思考最适合您的社区运营模式时,您可以考虑下列频道:","#Like your server, your moderation team can have a general channel. While it is important for your moderators to moderate, it’s also important for your team to bond. This is best achieved by having a space that is not dedicated to moderation. It exists to talk to each other, get to know each other, and build rapport in your team environment. Moderation can be stressful, and this is where you can go to take a break with your teammates. However, it is important to maintain the same set of moderation expectations here as you would in public channels. An occasional vent is understood and acceptable, but you should avoid speaking negatively of server members that can taint a moderation experience. While it’s important to bond with your teammates, it is also important to bond with your server members as well. Chatting in the server itself is just as encouraged as getting to know your fellow moderators.":"同服务器一样,您也可以为您的管理员团队设置一个通用的频道。虽然管理员的主要职责是做好管理工作,但是建立团队的情感纽带同样重要。对此,最好的实现方式便是打造一个非管理空间,使管理员在和谐的团队氛围中相互交流,相互了解,建立融洽的关系。在这里,您和团队成员可以放松休息,暂时摆脱管理工作的繁重压力。不过,您需要维持与在公共频道中相同的管理秩序。偶尔的发泄是可以理解和接受的,但是您应该避免发表有关服务器成员的消极言论,因为这会影响管理的体验。与团队成员建立密切的联系固然重要,而与服务器成员建立良好的关系也同样不容忽视。在服务器中聊天与认识了解您的管理员同僚一样值得鼓励。","#Partnership Channels - If your community has partnerships of any form it may be worth considering adding spaces for your team to communicate privately with your partners. This type of channel might also be something that you want to restrict from trainees until they graduate to full moderators that know what it means to represent your team. Partnership channels can be used for spaces to coordinate with elevated server members granted special permissions like event managers. They also serve as areas to coordinate with community partners, and even places that your volunteer team can interface with the people that work for the game or organization that you support.":"合作伙伴频道 - 如果您的社区存在任何一种形式的合作伙伴关系,那么您可以考虑增加一个团队成员与合作伙伴私下交流的空间。您应该限制培训生访问这类频道,直到他们毕业成为正式的管理员,能够清楚地知道作为团队代表的意义。合作伙伴频道用途多样,可以用作与被授予了特殊权限的高级服务器成员(如活动负责人)的协调配合区域;也可以用作与社区合作伙伴的协调配合区域;甚至可以用作您的志愿者团队与您支持的游戏或组织的工作人员交流的地方。","#If your community is linked to an external community such as Reddit or Twitch, it would be useful to have separate moderation channels dedicated to this external community in addition to your Discord moderation channels. Reddit moderation channels specifically can be created by utilizing webhooks. Reddit moderation spaces housed on Discord often have r/modnews updates feeding into a special update area and channel sets unique to their external community needs. You can also have new posts and comments logged into a designated Reddit action log for easy reference without opening Reddit.":"如果您的社区关联了外部社区,如 RedditTwitch,那么除了您的 Discord 管理员团队频道之外,你还需要为这类外部社区单独设置专用的管理员团队频道。Reddit 管理员团队频道可以使用 webhooks 专门创建。Discord 上的管理员团队空间通常会将 r/modnews 的更新信息传送至特定的更新区域和频道集,以满足外部社区的需求。此外,您还可以将新帖子和评论记录到指定的 Reddit 操作日志中,以便在不打开 Reddit 的情况下进行查看。","#Hype and meme with custom emoji anywhere":"随时随地使用自定义表情符号参与热聊和玩梗","#Subscribe to Nitro to upgrade your emoji, personalize your profile, share bigger files, and so much more.":"订阅 Nitro,您可以升级表情符号,自定义编写个人资料,分享更大尺寸的文件,享受更多惊喜特权。","#Subscribe Nitro":"订阅 Nitro","#Unleash the fun with Nitro":"加入 Nitro,尽享欢乐","#Subscribe Basic":"订阅 Nitro Basic","#Unleash more fun with Nitro":"加入 Nitro,尽享更多欢乐","#Email Address":"电子邮件地址","#Use a different avatar, profile theme, banner, and bio in each of your servers.":"在每个服务器使用不同的头像、个人资料主题、横幅和自我介绍。","#Company name":"公司名称","#A mental illness is a disorder of the mind that affects not just our thinking but also our energy, mood, and occasionally our conduct or behavior. Such a diagnosis may make it difficult to cope with the many obligations of life. Common mental illness diagnoses are anxiety disorders, such as panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and specific types of fears. There are also mood disorders like depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. An excellent guide for identifying mental health challenges and pathways to care can be found here.":"心理疾病是一种心灵的失调,不仅会影响我们的思想,也会影响精力、心情甚至行为或处事方式。罹患心理疾病的人有时难以应付生活中的种种事务。常见的心理疾病诊断基本都是焦虑症,如恐慌症、创伤后应激障碍、强迫症,和特定类型的恐惧症。此外还有心境失调,如抑郁症、双相情感障碍和精神分裂症等。欢迎参阅这篇优秀指南,了解如何发现心理健康问题,以及如何加以治疗。","#With our related companies. We may share information with our related companies, including parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and other companies under common control and ownership.":"与关联公司分享。我们可能会与我们的关联公司分享信息,包括母公司、附属公司、子公司和共同控制及拥有的其他公司。","#Want to find out more?":"想了解更多精彩内容?","#500MB uploads":"500MB 上传容量","#Server invite link":"服务器邀请链接","#Do you already have a Discord Server built?":"您有没有已经成功创建的 Discord 服务器?","#Build community":"创建社区","#Question 1 of 3":"问题 1/3","#How many followers do you have?":"您有多少关注者?","#Under 100":"少于 100","#Over 10,000":"超过 10,000","#Both":"全选","#Earn money":"赚取收益","#Skip":"跳过","#Over 500":"超过 500","#Question 2 of 3":"问题 2/3","#How many members do you have?":"您的服务器有多少成员?","#What is your main goal with Discord?":"您想通过 Discord 实现的主要目标是?","#Question 3 of 3":"问题 3/3","#Under 1,000":"少于 1,000","#Example Text":"文本示例","#Creator Quiz":"创作者测试","#Join Now":"现在加入","#No items found.":"未找到项目","#Password":"密码","#Search…":"搜索……","#No matching results":"未找到匹配结果","#Learn From Creators":"向创作者取经","#Learn from creators":"向创作者取经","#Lessons":"课程","#Please wait...":"请稍候……","#Enter your password":"输入您的密码","#Protected Page":"受保护页面","#Protected page":"受保护页面","#Incorrect password. Please try again.":"密码错误。请重试。","#There is a lot to consider when discussing if you want to add a channel that addresses and is dedicated to talking about topics that deal with mental health within your Discord server. Firstly, you have to determine whether or not your community needs a mental health discussion channel or thread. Consider whether or not your team has seen much talk about mental health-related content in your community and whether such conversations have remained respectful even without your team’s active intervention. If these conversations have devolved into arguments or negativity in your community, maybe re-evaluate if you feel this type of channel will benefit those in your server and really think about if you can find a way or have enough resources to guarantee that it remains a safe space for all users.":"讨论是否要在 Discord 服务器中添加心理健康专题频道时,需要考虑很多问题。首先,您必须确定您的社区是否需要心理健康讨论频道或子区。思考一下,您的团队是否在您的社区里看到过很多心理健康相关内容的讨论,以及在团队并未积极介入干预的情况下,参与对话的成员是否仍保持相互尊重的态度。如果这些对话在您的社区中曾演变成争论或引发消极情绪,您可能需要重新评估这类频道是否有益于服务器用户,并认真考虑您是否有办法或足够的资源来保证这类频道仍然是所有用户的安全空间。","#Topics":"话题","#By answering a few questions, our Creator Quiz can help you find lessons based on your unique needs!":"您只需回答几个问题,我们便能够根据您的独特需求帮您找到适合的课程!","#Creator Academy":"创作者学院","#Explore Lessons":"探索更多课程","#Unsure where to start? Take our Creator Quiz!":"不知该从何处着手?不如先来做个创作者测试吧!","#Retake the creator quiz":"再次参加创作者测试","#Now scroll down and check your personalized suggestions.":"请下拉页面,查看您的个性化内容推荐。","#Search all of our Creator Academy Lessons":"搜索全部创作者学院课程","#You've done awesome!":"做得很棒!","#Go to the Creator Portal Home":"前往创作者门户主页","#Take our Creator Quiz":"参加创作者测试","#Start Earning Money":"开始赚取收益","#I’m ready to...":"我已做好准备......","#OR":"或者","#Cultivating Community":"培育社区","#Learn How":"了解更多","#Learn to Earn Money":"了解如何赚取收益","#Donate":"捐赠","#Join live events with roadmap presentations and exclusive demos - and meet your fellow developers.":"加入直播活动,分享路径演示和独家 Demo——还能结识您的开发伙伴。","#...and more!":"……还有更多!","#Active Developer badge":"活跃开发者徽章","#Official Discord Developer server":"官方 Discord 开发者服务器","#join the discord app developer community":"加入 Discord App 开发者社区","#Join the new App Directory":"加入全新 App Directory","#Get Started":"开启","#Want to build something fun, helpful, or creative for your friends? Check out our API documentation to start developing on Discord!":"想为您的好友打造一些有趣、实用、有创意的东西吗?查看我们的 API 文档,开启 Discord 上的开发之路吧!","#Learn new skills. Meet new people. Rock your status!":"学习新技能。遇见新朋友。让您的状态活跃起来!","#Developer News":"开发者新闻","#The perks of being a Discord developer":"成为 Discord 开发者的特权","#Users with at least one active app on Discord can get a new badge - you're in the club!":"在 Discord 上至少拥有一个活跃 APP 的用户可获得一枚新的徽章——欢迎您的加入!","#We're always working on new tools and benefits for our developer community. Come along with us to shape the future of Discord.":"我们一直致力于为开发者社区提供新的工具和助益。与我们一起共塑 Discord 的未来。","#Enable Discovery":"开启“发现服务器”","#How long does it take to build an app?":"开发一个 APP 需要多长时间?","#Fill out your App Product Page and opt in to tell us you want to join":"填写您的 APP 产品页面和选择加入项目,告诉我们您想加入","#Can I build more than just apps?":"除了 APP,我还能开发其他东西吗?","#Read our most common questions below to familiarize yourself with developing on Discord.":"阅读以下最常见的问题,熟悉 Discord 的开发。","#What does it mean to get an app verified?":"验证应用程序是什么意思?","#Your app can be discovered by Discord users and communities around the world":"世界各地的 Discord 用户和社区都可以发现您的 APP","#Yes! You can view all the possibilities of building integrations for Discord on discord.com/build.":"当然!您可以查看为 Discord 开发集成工能的所有可能性,请前往discord.com/build","#Anyone can build an app for themselves and their friends. If you want to be able to grow the number of servers that can add your app, you'll need to submit your app to be verified by Discord - you can do this directly from the Developer Portal. Apps that have been verified have a green checkmark next to their name. Read more here.":"任何人都可以为自己和好友开发 APP。如果您想增加可以添加您 APP 的服务器数量,需要您提交 APP 并通过 Discord 验证——您可以直接从开发者门户进行提交。经过验证的 APP 名称旁会带有一个绿色的验证标记。点击此处阅读更多","#Complete your checklist":"完成您的核对清单","#Make sure your app is safe, complete, and following best practices with our step-by-step guide":"确保您的 APP 安全、完整,并遵循我们分步指南中的最佳实践方案","#Say 'hello' to your new fans!":"向您的新粉丝问好!","#CREATOR ACADEMY":"创作者学院","#5 Must-Read Articles for Beginners":"5 篇新手必读文章","#Fundamentals":"基础信息","#Audience versus Community":"受众群体 vs. 社区","#WELCOME CREATORS":"欢迎各位创作者","#Discord is a place where you and your fans can connect and get to know each other. These lessons will help you customize your space that feels just right for you and your fans.":"Discord 为您和您的粉丝提供了一个相互交流、相互了解的空间。这里的课程会帮助您打造出一个最适宜您和粉丝的空间。","#Start building a Discord community with these lessons to help you get the hang of our features and highlight how you can make the most of Discord as a creator!":"这里的课程可以帮助您在开始创建 Discord 社区时,掌握不同功能的使用方法,特别是了解作为创作者可以如何使 Discord 充分为自己所用。","#Lightning Lessons":"快速教程","#Your Server, Your Space":"您的服务器即是您的天地","#Server Launch Tips and Tricks":"服务器启动的建议与诀窍","#Creator to Server Admin 201":"从创作者到服务器管理员 201","#Launch Tips":"启动建议","#Cool Features":"炫酷功能","#Creator to Server Admin 101":"从创作者到服务器管理员 101","#Product Info":"产品信息","#Expanding your Niche":"扩展您的专长领域","#Content Strategy":"内容策略","#Fitting Community in your Content Strategy":"将社区纳入您的内容策略","#Making Space for Creation":"打造创作空间","#You can offer your very own paid subscription directly on Discord! These lessons cover how Discord can support your business and what you need to start making money.":"您可以直接在 Discord 上提供自己的付费订阅服务!这类课程会帮您了解如何利用 Discord 获得相应的业务帮助,以及在赚取收益之前需要做好哪些准备。","#Server Management":"服务器管理","#Fans to Friends":"化粉为友","#Co-Creation":"共创","#Pricing":"定价","#Server Subs 105: Prepare to Launch":"服务器订阅 105:准备启动","#Pre-Revenue Considerations":"启动订阅前的注意事项","#Server Subs 103: Find your Unique Value":"服务器订阅 103:发掘您的独特价值","#Server Subs 104: Price your Subscription":"服务器订阅 104:制定订阅服务的价格","#Server Subs":"服务器订阅","#Transitioning from a Free to Paid Community":"从免费社区转型为付费社区","#The Content Connection":"内容连接","#Migrating your Paying Subscribers to Discord":"将付费订阅用户迁移至 Discord","#Server Subs 102: To Tier or Not to Tier":"服务器订阅 102:是否划分层级","#Offering Inspiration":"服务启发","#Say Hello to Promo Pages, our New Server Subscriptions Feature":"欢迎了解我们最新的服务器订阅功能:推广页面","#Exceptions. You or Discord may still pursue claims, if they qualify, in small claims court in San Francisco County, California, or any U.S. county where you live or work. The small claims court, and not any arbitrator or JAMS, shall have the exclusive authority to resolve disputes regarding whether a dispute is properly within the jurisdiction of a small claims court. Additionally, disputes concerning patents, copyrights, moral rights, trademarks, and trade secrets and claims of piracy or unauthorized use of our services will not be subject to arbitration, and the informal notice required by this section won’t apply to these disputes.":"‍例外情况。如果符合条件,您或 Discord 仍可以在加利福尼亚州旧金山郡或您居住或工作的任何美国郡的小额索赔法庭提出索赔。小额索赔法院(而非任何仲裁员或 JAMS)应拥有决定争议是否属于小额索赔法庭管辖范围的专属权力。此外,有关专利、版权、精神权利、商标和商业秘密的争议,以及对我们服务的盗版或未经授权使用的索赔,均不适用仲裁,且本章节所要求的非正式通知不适用于此类争议。","#First Name":"名","#Last Name":"姓","#Fostering Fan Relationships":"培养粉丝关系","#Enjoy video lessons from other Discord Creators, covering everything from content strategy to creating a premium member experience!":"您可以欣赏其他 Discord 创作者提供的视频教程,这些教程涵盖了从构建内容策略到打造优质用户体验的方方面面。","#Creating a Premium Server Experience":"打造优质的服务器体验","#Building Your Content Strategy":"构建您的内容策略","#If you're familiar with basic coding or have worked with APIs before, you can build your first app in just a few days! For beginners, you can follow along with our Getting Started guide and join our official Discord Developer server to get help from the Discord developer community.":"如果您熟悉基础编程,或以前使用过 API,即可在短短数天内开发出第一款 APP!如果您是初学者,可以通过我们的入门指南上手,并加入我们的官方 Discord 开发者服务器,以获取 Discord 开发者社区的帮助。","#Get a sneak peek into our roadmap with early previews and experiments to try":"提前预览我们的路线图,尝试一些实验","#Creators talking to creators about creating. That’s what it’s all about.":"与创作者谈论创作,仅此而已。","#Our Creator Academy lessons are made with creators in mind, ready to help you make the most of your Discord community, whether you’re just starting out or a long time content creator.":"创作者学院课程的设置秉持以内容创作者为中心,无论您是刚开始进行内容创作,还是已经有相当的资历,都可以通过这些课程学习如何最大化通过 Discord 社区受益。","#We love seeing how amazing creators like you are using Discord! By providing your link, we will be able to contact you with new opportunities that might be relevant to you and your community.":"我们非常希望像您一样优秀的创作者同我们分享您是如何利用 Discord 的!只要同我们分享您的链接,我们便能与您取得联系,为您提供可能与您和您的社区有关的新机会。","#By providing your email address, you agree to receiving marketing updates about Discord creator products and news.":"提供电子邮箱地址后,即表示您同意收取关于 Discord 创作者产品的营销信息与新闻资讯。","#Want to share your server invite?":"是否分享您的服务器邀请链接?","#Lastly, want to stay updated on all things Discord Creators?":"最后,是否选择获取所有有关 Discord 创作者的更新信息?","#What’s New?":"最近更新","#Creator Academy Lessons":"创作者学院课程","#We have identified the most relevant lessons for your needs! Enjoy!":"我们已经找出了最符合您需求的课程,请尽情观看!","#Explore Relevant Lessons":"探索相关课程","#So you’re looking into setting up Server Subscriptions, but you aren’t sure what you could offer… Well, good news: you’re in the right place to get inspired!":"如果您正在研究服务器订阅功能的设置,但不确定该提供哪些服务,那么好消息来了:本篇文章定会给您带来一些启发!","#Read more":"阅读更多","#Download the full Discord brand guidelines":"下载完整的 Discord 品牌指南","#App Developers":"APP 开发者","#Join the Discord Developer community and help shape the future of our platform.":"加入 Discord 开发者社区,共塑我们平台的未来。","#Featured Creator Stories":"精选创作者故事","#You made it to Discord’s Creator Portal. It’s our space for all things you. Anyway, keep scrolling to find lessons from other creators, see how to make the most out of Discord with the Creator Academy, and come hang out with creators in the Creator Center server.":"欢迎您来到 Discord 创作者门户。这里有您需要的一切服务。继续下拉页面,您会看到其他创作者提供的各类教程,以及创作者学院提供的关于如何最大化通过 Discord 社区受益的课程。不止如此,您还可以加入创作者中心服务器,与各位创作者欢聚一堂。","#Take the Creator Quiz":"参加创作者测试","#See All Creator Stories":"查看所有创作者故事","#Server Subs 101: Earning Money on Discord":"服务器订阅 101:在 Discord 上赚取收益","#Creator Stories":"创作者的故事","#By answering a few questions, our Creator Quiz can help you find Creator Portal lessons based on your unique needs!":"您只需回答几个问题,我们便能够根据您的独特需求帮您找到适合的创作者门户课程!","#See All Lessons":"查看所有课程","#Server Subs 103: Finding Your Unique Value":"服务器订阅 103:发掘您的独特价值","#Creators":"创作者","#here.":"这里。","#View gallery (G)":"查看相册(G)","#View current (C)":"查看当前图片(C)","#Download (D)":"下载(D)","#View original (A)":"查看原图(A)","#This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, store, protect, and share your personal information through our services. If you reside in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or United Kingdom, Discord Netherlands BV is the “data controller” of your personal information collected through the services (as defined in our Terms of Service). For everyone else, Discord Inc. is the data controller. It’s important that you read this entire policy, but here’s a summary to get you started:":"本隐私政策解释了我们如何通过我们的服务收集、使用、储存、保护和分享您的个人信息。针对居住在欧洲经济区(简称“EEA”)或英国的用户,通过服务所收集的个人信息的“数据控制者”是 Discord Netherlands BV(详情参阅我们的服务条款);针对所有其他用户的数据控制者则是 Discord Inc.。我们在下方整理了本隐私政策的要点供您快速浏览,但也请务必仔细、完整地阅读本政策。","#Linked Roles":"关联身份组","#We believe that online communities can be a source of friendship, camaraderie, and belonging. At Discord, we spent some of our best teen years online talking with friends and playing games.":"通过在线社区,人们能够结识新朋友,获得美好的友谊,享受温暖的归属感。Discord 见证了我们最美好的青葱岁月,那时候天很蓝,水还暖,闲暇时光中,我们无忧无虑与朋友一起开黑,在网上侃大山。","#Many of us are parents ourselves now, so we know how difficult it can be to navigate our teens' digital lives. To have safe, engaging, and positive experiences online, it’s important for our teens to understand how Discord and other online platforms work, and how to use them appropriately.":"现在的我们已经成年,许多人也有了自己的孩子。回顾过去,将心比心,我们知道青少年时期要过好线上数字生活有多难。要享受安全、精彩和积极的在线体验,青少年必须理解 Discord 和其他在线平台的运作方式,掌握合适、恰当的使用方法。","#Online safety is about more than just which app your teen uses. Making sure they are able to think critically about their behavior online, the content they encounter, and how they interact with others will go a long way in keeping them safe.":"网络安全不仅关乎青少年所使用的应用程序,更关于他们看到的内容和与他人互动的方式。确保青少年能以批判性的思维谨慎考虑在线行为,比制订繁琐的条条框框或者干脆拔网线的效果更好,影响也更深远持久。","#To help you in these conversations, we asked parents at Discord to share a few tips they use with their own teens.":"为了帮助您与孩子开展此类对话,我们咨询了 Discord 上多位家长,整理了下列已经实践过的方法。","#Get started":"开始使用","#Hide":"隐藏","#Here":"戳这里","#Server Subs: Payout Onboarding Guide":"服务器订阅:支付入门指南","#Digital Nitro Gift Cards are available in our Merch Store. We have Gift Cards available for 1 month, 3 month, and 1 year subscriptions.":"Nitro 电子礼品卡在我们的周边商城有售。礼品卡分为 1 个月订阅、3 个月订阅以及 1 年订阅三种。","#Can You Buy Discord Nitro Gift Cards?":"我是否可以购买 Discord Nitro 订阅礼品卡?","#Community Server Features Every Creator Should Know About":"每个创作者都应该了解的社区服务器功能","#We recommend that this channel is viewable to all moderators, but Send Message permissions for informational channels like this should be limited to the server owner or administrators to ensure only important and select information is fed into the channel. Additionally, denying Manage Message permissions to everyone but the administrators is also recommended to ensure that these informational messages aren’t deleted.":"我们建议将该频道设置为对所有管理员开放,但是此类信息频道的消息发送权限应仅授予服务器所有者或管理员主管,以确保频道内只接收重要信息和特定信息。除此之外,除了管理员主管之外,禁用其他所有人的管理消息权限还有利于保证包含上述信息的消息不被删除。","#Policy":"政策","#Schedule":"日程安排","#Strictly Necessary Cookies: These are required for services to function and to meet our legal obligations. If you try to use tools to disable these cookies, parts of the services may not work properly.":"绝对必要 Cookie: 这些 Cookie 是提供服务和履行我们法律义务所必需的。如果您试图使用工具禁用这些 Cookie,部分服务可能无法正常运行。","#How we disclose your information":"我们如何披露您的信息","#Information for Users in the EEA, United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Brazil":"欧洲经济区、英国、瑞士和巴西用户须知","#To advertise our services on Discord and other platforms. We are proud of the product we've built. We may tell you about our paid services and other features directly in the services and through our own channels, and we spend money advertising Discord on other platforms. As part of that, we use certain information to assist in the delivery of our advertising, to measure the effectiveness of advertisements for our own products, and to improve such advertisements in the future.":"在 Discord 和其他平台上推广我们的服务。我们对自己开发的产品非常自豪。我们可能直接在服务中或通过自有渠道宣传付费服务等功能。我们还会在其他平台上付费开展 Discord 推广。为此,我们会出于广告投放目的使用特定信息,以监测产品推广的效果,并在未来改进广告,改善营销表现。","#As explained in our Terms of Service, we allow users to add content to the services in a number of different ways, including via direct messages and in smaller and larger spaces. If you share content within larger spaces, that content may be accessed by many people, including people you do not know. For example, some servers are available in the Server Discovery section of the app and do not require an invite link to join. Other server owners may publish their server invite link on public websites. Anyone can access these servers, and you should be aware that server owners or admins set these permissions, and like the size of a server, the permissions may change over time.":"我们在服务条款中已经解释过,用户可以通过多种方式向服务添加内容,包括私信、小型和大型服务器等。您在较大空间中分享的内容可能会被许多人访问,包括您不认识的陌生人。例如,APP“发现服务器”部分中的某些服务器无需邀请链接即可加入,有的服务器所有者可能在公共网站上发布服务器邀请链接,任何人都可以加入。请注意,此类权限(如服务器大小)可由服务器所有者或管理员自行设置,而且可能会随时间推移发生变化。","#We take a number of steps to help protect your information. All information sent within our services is encrypted both in transit and at rest. For example, we use Transport Layer Security (“TLS”) to encrypt text and images in transit. We also enforce technical and administrative access controls to limit which of our employees and contractors have access to nonpublic personal information. You can help maintain the security of your account by configuring two-factor authentication.":"我们采用“多管齐下”的方式保护您个人信息的安全。服务内部发送的所有信息在静止状态下和传输过程中都经过加密处理。例如,我们使用传输层安全(简称“TLS”)办法加密传输中的文本和图片。此外,我们还采取了技术和管理访问控制,限制我们的员工和承包商对非公开个人信息的访问权限。您可以配置双重身份验证(2FA),更好地保护个人账号安全。","#Disable or delete your account":"停用或删除您的账号","#We limit what information is required. We require the information that enables us to create your account, provide and maintain our services, meet our commitments to our users, and satisfy our legal requirements. The rest is optional.":"我们仅收集必要的信息。您只须向我们提供账号创建、服务提供和维护、用户承诺旅行以及满足法律要求所必需的信息。其他信息的提供并非强制,您可以自行选择。","#To contact you. We use your information to contact you in connection with your account, such as to verify or secure it with two-factor authentication. We may also use your information to contact you about important product or policy changes and to send you information about products you have purchased.":"与您取得联系。我们会使用您的个人信息,就账号相关问题(包括账号验证、设置双重认证等)与您取得联系。此外,在有重要产品或政策变更时,以及需要就您购买的产品向您发送信息时,我们也会使用您的信息与您取得联系。","#With our vendors. We may provide information to vendors we hire to carry out specific work for us. This includes payment processors like Stripe and PayPal that process transactions on our behalf and cloud providers like Google that host our data and our services. We may also provide limited information to advertising platforms to help us reach people that we think will like our products and to measure the performance of our ads shown on those platforms. We do this to help bring more users to Discord and make our business successful, and provide only the information required to facilitate these services. This may include information like the fact that you installed our app or registered to use Discord.":"方便服务供应商开展工作。我们可能向所雇佣的服务供应商提供信息,方便供应商开展工作。此类供应商包括 Stripe、PayPal 等代表我们处理交易的支付处理商,Google 等托管数据和服务的云服务提供商等。我们也可能向广告平台提供有限的信息,以触达可能会喜欢我们产品的受众,并监测我们在这些平台上所投放广告的效果,借此为 Discord 吸引更多用户,推动业务取得更大的成功。我们仅提供这些服务运作所必需的信息,包括您是否安装 Discord 应用,或是否已注册使用 Discord 等。","#We offer a number of settings that allow you to tailor your experience within Discord. Some of these relate to specific features: for example, you can choose whether to display your current activity (like the game you are playing or the music you are listening to) in your status in your User Settings page (this is the gear icon next to your username).":"您可以在 Discord 中使用多种设置定制属于自己的体验。有些设置会影响特定功能,例如,点击用户名旁边的齿轮图标,即可打开“用户设置”界面。在这里,您可以选择通过状态展示或隐藏当前活动,例如聆听的曲目、进行的游戏等。","#Limit our ability to use your data to improve our services. We offer certain settings that allow you to limit the information we collect to help us understand how users use our services, what features or products they may want, or to otherwise help us improve our business. If you turn off these settings, we will stop collecting and using certain event and log information as described in these settings.":"限制我们出于服务改善目的对您数据的使用。我们会使用特定数据理解用户使用服务的方式,用户可能对怎样的功能或产品感兴趣,或有助于改善业务的其他方面。您可以使用特定设置,限制我们出于此类目的的信息收集。如果您禁用这些设置,拒绝我们出于此类目的使用您的数据,我们将按照您的要求,停止收集和使用特定事件和日志信息。","#We retain personal information until we determine it is no longer needed for the processing purposes for which we collected or retain it or for legal compliance. You can learn more about data retention periods in our data retention policy.":"我们会保留个人信息,直至我们确定不再需要该信息用于我们收集或保留该信息的处理目的或法律合规目的。您可以通过我们的数据保留政策了解有关数据保留期限的更多信息。","#Information for Users in Certain U.S. States":"美国部分州用户须知","#We don’t sell your personal information. Our business is based on subscriptions and paid products, not from selling your personal information to third parties.":"我们不会出售您的个人信息。我们通过订阅和付费产品营收,不会向第三方出售您的个人信息牟利。","#With our related companies. We may provide information to our related companies, including parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and other companies under common control and ownership.":"与关联公司分享。我们可能会向我们的关联公司提供信息,包括母公司、附属公司、子公司和共同控制及拥有的其他公司。","#You may edit or delete specific pieces of information within the services:":"您可以编辑或删除服务中的特定信息:","#Information about your device. We collect information about the device you are using to access the services. For example, this includes information like your IP address, operating system information, browser information, and information about your device settings, such as your microphone and/or camera.":"关于您设备的信息。我们会收集您用来访问服务的设备的信息。此类信息可能包括 IP 地址、操作系统、浏览器信息、设备设置(麦克风和/或摄像头)等。","#Our “services” has the same meaning as defined in the Terms of Service. They include the Discord app, which can be accessed on mobile, web, desktop, console, or even a connected home appliance—any device with a web browser and internet connection. We also have a website, blog, and support center, and we may collect your information through other means like surveys, emails, and social media. If we build another product, our services include that too.":"本政策中的“服务”与服务条款中的定义相同。服务包括 Discord APP,该 APP 可在移动、网页、电脑桌面、游戏主机甚至联网家用电器端访问。只要设备拥有网页浏览器并接入互联网,就能使用 Discord。此外,我们还拥有网站、博客和客服中心,并可能通过问卷调查、电子邮件和社交媒体等其他方式收集您的信息。我们所推出的产品均在“服务”范围之内。","#You can disable or delete your account via the User Settings menu. Disabling your account stops the processing of new data, but allows you to reactivate your account without interruption to you. Deleting your account permanently deletes identifying information and anonymizes other data as described in our data retention policy. You can learn more about how to delete your account in this Help Center article and how to disable your account in this Help Center article.":"您可以访问“用户设置”菜单,停用或删除自己的账号。账号停用后不会发生新数据处理,但您可以随时重新激活账号,避免受到干扰和影响。如果您删除账号,那么您的可标识信息将被永久删除,其他信息将按照我们的数据留存政策被匿名化处理。要进一步了解如何删除账号,请参阅这篇帮助中心文章;账号停用方法请参阅这篇文章。","#Sale, Acquisition, or Transfer of Assets. We may disclose information if Discord is evaluating and/or engaging in a merger, acquisition, reorganization, bankruptcy, or sale, transfer, or change in ownership of Discord or any of its assets.":"资产出售、合并或转移。如果 Discord 正在评估和/或参与合并、收购、重组、破产,或 Discord/任何 Discord 资产的出售、转让或所有权变更,那么我们可能会进行信息披露。","#We believe that users should be able to tailor their Discord experience to their preferences, including privacy. And while local laws may require different things, we believe that our users should have at least the same basic ability to shape their experience no matter where they are in the world. Here’s how you can control how we process your information, how to delete or correct certain information, and how to request access to your information. Users in certain places may have specific rights under their local laws. You can learn more about these in the relevant sections below.":"我们坚信,用户应当能按照自己的偏好定制 Discord 体验,包括隐私设置。各地法律法规的要求可能不同,但我们认为,无论用户身处哪个国家/地区,都应当至少享有基本的体验定制能力。继续阅读,了解如何控制我们处理您信息的方式,如何删除/更正信息,以及如何要求访问您的信息。遵照本地法律法规,特定地区的用户可能享用特定权利。详情请见下文对应段落。","#Limit our ability to personalize Discord for you. We offer certain settings that control whether and how we may personalize Discord for you, such as offering you relevant recommendations for in-app content and features. If these settings are disabled, we will stop collecting and using certain event and log information as described in these settings.":"限制我们为您定制 Discord 的能力。您可以通过设置,控制我们是否能为您定制 Discord,并指定我们的定制方式,例如为您提供应用中内容和功能的相关推荐。如果您禁用这些设置,拒绝我们出于此类目的使用您的数据,我们将按照您的要求,停止收集和使用特定事件和日志信息。","#We retain and use your information in connection with potential legal claims when necessary and for compliance, regulatory, and auditing purposes. For example, we retain information where we are required by law or if we are compelled to do so by a court order or regulatory body. Also, when you exercise any of your applicable legal rights to access, amend, or delete your personal information, we may request additional information from you for the purpose of confirming your identity.":"在有必要时,我们会保留并使用您的信息应对可能的法律申索,并满足合规、监管和审计要求。例如,在有法律要求、法院令或监管机构命令要求的情况下,我们会留存您的信息。此外,如果您行使任何法律权利,以访问、修改或删除个人信息,那么我们可能要求您提供额外信息,以验证您的身份。","#In an emergency. We may disclose information if we believe in good faith that it's necessary to prevent serious harm to a person.":"应对紧急情况。如果我们基于善意和真诚的原则认定,信息披露可避免他人受到重大伤害,那么就可能进行信息披露。","#Right to withdraw consent. Withdrawing consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before withdrawal.":"许可撤回权。撤回许可并不影响撤回前基于许可所进行处理的合法性。","#Right to erase your personal data":"个人数据删除权","#Right to the portability of your personal data":"个人数据可携带权","#When transferring data outside the EEA, we use standard contract clauses (Module 1 and Module 2), and we rely on the European Commission's adequacy decisions about certain countries, as applicable, or other legally compliant mechanisms or conditions for such data transfer.":"在向欧洲经济区以外的地区传输数据时,我们采用标准合同条款(模块 1 和模块 2),并遵守欧盟委员会针对特定国家/地区的充分性决定,或其他针对此类数据传输的合法机制或条件。","#Right of access to your personal data":"个人数据访问权","#If you want to see what information we have collected about you, you can request a copy of your data in the Privacy & Safety section of your User Settings. You should receive your data packet within 30 days. Data is delivered in common digital formats including CSV, JSON, and any other file format you used when uploading attachments to the services. You can learn more about how to access your information in our Help Center.":"要查看我们已收集的个人信息,您可以前往“用户设置”,找到“隐私与安全”部分,索取您个人数据的副本。正常情况下,您将在 30 天内收到数据包。数据包采用常见的数字格式,例如 CSV、JSON 或向服务上传附件时使用的其他文件格式。要进一步了解如何查看信息,请移步我们的帮助中心。","#To disable analytics cookies, you can use the browser controls discussed above or, for certain providers, you can use their individual opt-out mechanisms, such as Google Analytics Opt-Out.":"要禁用分析 Cookie,您可以使用上面讨论的浏览器控件;对于某些提供商,您也可以使用其单独的选择退出机制,例如 Google Analytics Opt-Out。","#You can contact Discord Netherlands BV’s Data Protection Officer at dpo@discord.com.":"您可以发送邮件至 dpo@discord.com,联系 Discord Netherlands BV 的数据保护官。","#Right to object to the processing of your personal data":"反对处理您个人数据的权利","#Right to limit the processing of your personal data":"个人数据处理限制权","#We’ve appointed VeraSafe as Discord’s representative in the United Kingdom for data protection matters, pursuant to Article 27 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation. See the section “Contact Us” below. You can contact VeraSafe only on matters related to the processing of personal data.":"遵照英国《通用数据保护条例》第 27 条规定,我们已指派 VeraSafe 负责处理 Discord 在英国的数据保护相关事宜。要联系 VeraSafe,请查看下方“联系我们”一节。请注意:VeraSafe 仅接受与个人数据处理相关的事务。","#Content may be retained by Discord for use as described elsewhere in this policy and in our data retention policy. Also, in limited circumstances, we may have a legal obligation to retain certain information, even if you delete the information or your account.":"Discord 可按照本政策中的其他条款和数据留存政策保留内容。在少数情况下,即便您已经删除了信息或账号,我们依旧会出于履行法律义务的目的保留特定信息。","#Right to rectify your personal data if they are incorrect":"如果您的个人数据不正确,您有进行更正的权利","#More information about the categories and specific pieces of personal information we have collected and disclosed for a business purpose in the last 12 months":"要求有关我们在过去 12 个月内出于商业目的收集和披露的个人信息类别和具体信息的更多信息","#Your mobile device may also include browser settings to manage the use of cookies. Your device may also have settings to control the collection and use of information in your apps.":"您的移动设备可能也包含用于管理 Cookie 使用的浏览器设置。您的设备可能还具有控制 APP 中信息收集和使用的设置。","#Access your information":"访问您的信息","#Certain information may be exempt from the requests above under applicable law. For example, we need to retain certain information in order to provide our services to you. We also need to take reasonable steps to verify your identity before responding to a request. If you are an authorized agent submitting a request on a user’s behalf (where permitted), we may require proof of your written authorization before processing the request. Depending on applicable law, you may have the right to appeal our decision to deny your request.":"根据适用法律,某些信息可能不受上述要求的约束。例如,我们需要保留某些信息以便为您提供服务。在响应请求之前,我们还需要采取合理的步骤来验证您的身份。如果您是代表用户提交请求的授权代理人(在允许的情况下),我们可能会在处理请求之前要求您提供书面授权证明。根据适用的法律,您可能有权对我们拒绝您请求的决定提出申诉。","#California’s “Shine the Light” law gives residents of California the right under certain circumstances to request information from us regarding the manner in which we share certain categories of personal information (as defined in the Shine the Light law) with third parties, as defined under applicable law, for their direct marketing purposes. We do not share your personal information with third-parties for their own direct marketing purposes.":"根据加利福尼亚州的“Shine the Light”法律规定,在某些情况下,加利福尼亚州的居民有权要求我们提供信息,说明我们与适用法律所定义的第三方共享某些类别个人信息(如“Shine the Light”法律所定义)以用于其直接营销目的的方式。我们不会出于直接营销目的与第三方共享您的个人信息。","#You can also reach us by mail if you want. If you reside in the EEA or United Kingdom, you can contact us at:":"您也可以通过邮政信件方式联系我们。欧洲经济区和英国居民请将信件寄至:","#Email us at privacy@discord.com with any questions about this Privacy Policy or how we process your information. We’ll be happy to help.":"如果您对本《隐私政策》或我们的个人信息处理方式有疑问,欢迎发送邮件至 privacy@discord.com,我们将竭诚为您服务。","#Receive information about the financial incentives that we offer to you, if any":"接收有关我们向您提供的经济激励措施的信息(如存在此类信息)","#If you have any questions about these rights, wish to exercise them, or request an appeal, please reach out to us at privacy@discord.com.":"如果您对这些权利有任何疑问、希望行使这些权利,或希望提出申诉,请通过 privacy@discord.com 联系我们。","#In addition to the rights described above, consumers residing in California are afforded the right to certain additional information with respect to their personal information under the California Consumer Privacy Act or (“CCPA”). If you are a California resident, this section applies to you.":"除上述权利外,根据 California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA),居住在加利福尼亚州的用户还有权获取与其个人信息相关的某些附加信息。如果您是加利福尼亚州的居民,则本节适用于您。","#You also have the right to not be discriminated against for exercising your rights. You may also have the right to opt out of “sales” of your information and “sharing/processing of your information for targeted advertising.” We do not sell the personal data of our users or share personal data for targeted advertising purposes.":"您还有权不因行使您的权利而受到歧视。您可能还有权选择退出“销售”您的信息以及“共享/处理您的信息以进行定向广告”。我们不会出于定向广告目的而出售或共享用户的个人数据。","#Access and/or receive a copy of certain personal information we hold about you":"访问和/或接收我们持有的有关您的某些个人信息的副本","#Additional Information for Users in California":"针对美国加利福尼亚州用户的额外信息","#You must always provide accurate information to Discord and maintain the accuracy of the information associated with your account. We may assume that any communications we’ve received from your account or the associated contact information have been made by you, and that any purchases made using your account were made by you.":"您必须始终向 Discord 提供准确信息,并保持您账号相关信息的准确性。我们可以假定,我们从您账号或相关联系信息收到的任何通信都是由您发出,使用您账号进行的任何购买行为都是由您所为。","#Publish, publicly perform, or publicly display your content if you’ve chosen to make it visible to others. (For example, so we can display your messages if you post them in certain servers or recommend that content to others.)":"如果您选择让您的内容对其他人可见,则我们可以发布、公开表演或公开展示您的内容。(例如,如果您将消息发布到某些服务器或向其他人推荐该内容,我们可以显示您的信息。)","#BESIDES THE TYPES OF LIABILITY WE CANNOT LIMIT BY LAW (AS DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION), DISCORD LIMITS OUR LIABILITY TO YOU TO THE GREATER OF (A) THE AMOUNTS YOU HAVE PAID US IN THE THREE MONTHS BEFORE YOU FIRST ASSERT A CLAIM OR (B) $100 USD (OR THE EQUIVALENT IN YOUR LOCAL CURRENCY).":"除了法律规定我们无法限制的责任类型(如本节所述)外,Discord 将我们对您的责任限制为:(a)您在首次提出索赔前三个月内向我们支付的金额;或者(b)100 美元(或等值的当地货币),以两者中较高者为准。","#Our services allow users to add content in a number of different ways, including via direct messages, group direct messages, and in small and large servers. Some of these servers may be larger spaces, and if you share content within them, that content may be more likely to be accessed by a lot of people. For example, some servers are available in the Server Discovery section of the app and do not require an invite link to join. Other server owners may publish their server invite link on public websites. Anyone can access these spaces. You should be aware that these permissions are set by server owners or admins, and they may change over time. Please understand where you are posting on Discord, familiarize yourself with the relevant server permissions when joining and posting in a certain space, and choose the right space, features, and settings for you and your content.":"我们的服务允许用户通过多种不同的方式添加内容,包括私信、群组私信及在小型和大型服务器中添加内容。其中一些服务器可能空间较大,如果您在其中共享内容,该内容可能更容易被许多人访问。例如,某些服务器在“发现服务器”中可见,且无需邀请链接即可加入。其他服务器所有者可以在公共网站上发布他们的服务器邀请链接。任何人都可以访问这些空间。请注意,这些权限由服务器所有者或管理员设置,可能会随时间发生改变。请注意您在 Discord 上的发帖位置,在加入某个空间、发布内容时熟悉相关的服务器权限,并为您和您的内容选择合适的空间、功能和设置。","#WE DON’T EXCLUDE OR LIMIT OUR LIABILITY TO YOU WHERE IT WOULD BE ILLEGAL TO DO SO. IN COUNTRIES WHERE THE BELOW TYPES OF EXCLUSIONS AREN’T ALLOWED, WE’RE RESPONSIBLE TO YOU ONLY FOR LOSSES AND DAMAGES THAT ARE A REASONABLY FORESEEABLE RESULT OF OUR FAILURE TO USE REASONABLE CARE AND SKILL OR OUR MATERIAL BREACH OF OUR CONTRACT WITH YOU. THIS PARAGRAPH DOESN’T AFFECT CONSUMER RIGHTS THAT CAN’T BE WAIVED OR LIMITED BY ANY CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT.":"我们不会在违法的情况下排除或限制对您的责任。在不允许以下免责类型的国家,我们仅对因我们未能合理谨慎或技能不足, 或我们严重违反与您签订的合同而导致的可合理预见的损失和损害负责。此段不影响无法通过任何合同或协议放弃或限制的消费者权利。","#When we say “your content” in these terms, we mean all the things you add (upload, post, share, stream, etc.) to our services. This includes text, links, GIFs, emoji, photos, videos, documents, or other media. If we come up with another way for you to add content to the services, it includes that too.":"本条款中“您的内容”,是指由您添加(上传、发布、分享、直播等)到我们服务中的所有内容,包括文本、链接、动图、表情符号、照片、视频、文档或其他媒体。如果我们提供其他方法使您可以向服务添加内容,则该方法也适用本条款。","#Continuing to allow your account to be active, giving you access to some or all services, or hosting your content creates risk for Discord, other users, or third parties.":"继续允许您的账号处于活动状态、允许您访问部分或全部服务或托管您的内容会给 Discord、其他用户或第三方带来风险。","#You are responsible for the security of your account, and you agree to notify us immediately if you believe your account has been compromised. If you use a password, it must be strong, and we (strongly) recommend that you use that password only for your Discord account and that you enable two-factor authentication.":"您有责任确保您的账号安全,并同意在您认为您的账号被盗用的情况时立即通知我们。请您使用高强度密码,而且(强烈)建议您仅将该密码用于您的 Discord 账号,并启用双重认证。","#Discord’s services may be personalized to each user based on their activity, so that you can see content and communities that may be of interest to you. You can control whether and to what extent Discord personalizes your experience in your Settings.":"Discord 的服务可能会根据每个用户的行为进行个性化定制,以便您看到可能感兴趣的内容和社区。您可以在设置中调整 Discord 个性化体验的关启与程度。","#If you get locked out of your account, we’ll need to contact you at the email or phone number associated with your account. If your account is compromised or you no longer have access to your email account or phone number, we may not be able to restore your access to your account or the servers you’ve created.":"如果您的账号被锁定,我们需要通过与您账号关联的电子邮件或电话号码与您联系。如果您的账号被盗,或您无法继续使用您的电子邮箱或电话号码,我们可能无法恢复您对自己的账号或您创建的服务器的访问权限。","#You don’t have any obligation to add content to the services. If you choose to add content to the services, you are responsible for ensuring that you have the right to do so, that you have the right to grant the licenses in this section of these terms, and that your content is lawful. We take no responsibility for any of your content, and we are not responsible for others’ use of your content.":"您没有义务向服务添加内容。如果您选择向服务添加内容,则您有责任确保自己有权添加内容、有权授予本条款本节中的许可,且确保您的内容合法。我们不对您的任何内容负责,也不对他人使用您的内容负责。","#We reserve the right to block, remove, and/or permanently delete your content if it is in breach of these terms, our Community Guidelines, our other policies, or any applicable law or regulation, or if it creates risk for Discord or negatively impacts the experience or interests of other Discord users to continue to make it available.":"如果您的内容违反这些条款、我们的社区守则、我们的其他政策或任何适用法律或法规,或如果继续提供该内容会给 Discord 带来风险或对其他 Discord 用户的体验或利益造成负面影响,我们保留屏蔽、移除和/或永久删除您的内容的权利。","#Don’t use the services to do anything else that’s illegal. This includes using the services to plan or commit any crime or do anything else that is illegal.":"不得使用服务进行任何其他违法行为。这包括使用服务计划或实施任何犯罪行为或从事任何其他违法活动。","#You and Discord agree that the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of these arbitration provisions. Except for the circumstances described below, and only after the parties have engaged in a good-faith, but unsuccessful, effort to resolve the dispute in accordance with the “informal resolution” process (above), you and Discord agree to resolve any dispute, disagreement, or claim relating to these terms or our services through final and binding arbitration in the U.S. county where you reside. This includes claims that arose, were asserted, or involve facts occurring before the existence of this arbitration agreement or any prior agreement as well as claims that may arise after the termination of this arbitration agreement, in accordance with the notice and opt-out provisions set forth in section.":"您和 Discord 均同意,这些仲裁条款的解释和执行受《美国联邦仲裁法》(U.S. Federal Arbitration Act)管辖。除下文所述情况外,且仅在双方根据“非正式解决纠纷”程序(上文)进行了善意但不成功的纠纷解决努力之后,您和 Discord 同意通过在您居住地所在的美国郡进行具有约束力的终局仲裁来解决与这些条款或我们的服务相关的任何纠纷、分歧或索赔。这包括在本仲裁协议或任何先前协议存在之前产生、提出或涉及事实的索赔,以及在本仲裁协议终止后,根据下文中的通知和退出条款可能产生的索赔。","#Together, these rules make Discord possible, and they matter to us. If you believe others aren’t following them, please let us know by reporting it to us.":"上述规则是 Discord 不可或缺的一部分,对我们至关重要。如果您认为其他人没有遵守相关规则,请向我们举报。","#We’re actively developing new features and products to improve Discord. As part of these efforts, we may add or remove features, start offering new services, or stop offering some services entirely (or just in some places or for some users) if they no longer make sense from a business perspective or create risk for Discord, our users, or other third parties. While we try to avoid disruptions, we cannot guarantee that there will not be an outage or change to the services, and your content may not be retrievable due to such outages or changes. We are not liable for any such outages or service changes.":"为不断提升 Discord 使用体验,我们一直积极开发新功能及新产品。因此,当某些服务在商业角度上失去意义,或给 Discord、我们的用户或其他第三方带来风险时,我们可能会添加或删除部分功能,开始提供新的服务,或完全停止提供某些服务。尽管竭力避免,但我们仍无法保证服务器完全无中断、无变更,且您的内容可能会因中断或变更而无法检索。我方对此类中断和服务变更概不负责。","#To access the services on an ongoing basis, you will need to create a Discord account. You can provide a username and password, and a way of contacting you (such as an email address and/or phone number). You’ll also need to provide your birthday. In some cases, you may be required to verify your account or provide additional information.":"为持续使用服务,您需要创建一个 Discord 账号。您可以提供用户名和密码,以及联系方式(例如电子邮箱和/或电话号码)。您还需要提供您的生日。在某些情况下,您可能需要验证您的账号或提供额外信息。","#Age requirements and responsibility of parents and legal guardians":"年龄要求及父母和法定监护人的责任","#Don’t use the services to do harm to yourself or others. Among other things, this includes trying to gain access to another user’s account or any non-public portions of the services, infringing anyone else’s intellectual property rights or any other proprietary rights, exploiting, harassing, bullying, spamming, auto-messaging, or auto-dialing people through our services.":"不得使用服务对自己或他人造成伤害。比如包括尝试访问其他用户的账号或服务的任何非公开部分,侵犯他人的知识产权或其他专有权利,通过我们的服务利用、骚扰、欺凌、发送垃圾邮件、自动发送消息或自动拨打电话给其他人。","#In all arbitrations, unless otherwise required by law or the AAA Rules, you’re responsible for all other additional arbitration costs incurred, including attorney’s fees and expert witness costs. The parties agree that AAA has discretion to modify the amount or timing of any administrative or arbitration fees due under AAA’s Rules where it deems appropriate, provided that such modification does not increase the costs to you, and you waive any objection to such fee modification. The parties also agree that a good-faith challenge by either party to the fees imposed by AAA does not constitute a default, waiver, or breach of this Section while such challenge remains pending before AAA, the arbitrator, and/or a court of competent jurisdiction.":"在所有的仲裁中,除非法律或美仲协规则另有要求,否则您将负责产生的所有其他额外仲裁费用,包括律师费和专家证人费用。双方同意,美仲协有权在其认为适当的情况下修改根据美仲协规则应付的任何行政或仲裁费用的金额或时间,前提是此类修改不会增加您的费用,并且您放弃对此类费用修改的任何异议。双方还同意,任何一方对美仲协规定的收费提出善意异议,在该异议仍在美仲协、仲裁员和/或有管辖权的法院待决议期间,不构成违约、放弃或违反本节规定。","#The results of the Initial Test Cases resolved by a final arbitrator decision will then be given to a mediator who will try to facilitate a resolution of the remaining cases. After the results are provided to the mediator, the mediator and the parties will have 90 days (the “Mediation Period”) to agree on a resolution or substantive methodology for resolving the outstanding cases. If the parties are unable to resolve the outstanding claims during the Mediation Period, either Party may choose to opt out of the arbitration process and proceed in court with its remaining claims. Notice of the opt-out will be provided in writing within 60 days of the close of the Mediation Period. Opt out of arbitration under this section shall not be construed as opt out of the section titled “Class Waiver” below.":"由仲裁员最终决定解决的初始测试案例的结果将提交给调解员,调解员将尽力促进其余案件的解决。在结果提供给调解员后,调解员和各方将有90天的调解期,就解决未决案件的决议或实质性方法达成一致。如果各方在调解期内无法解决尚未解决的索赔,任何一方都可以选择退出仲裁程序,并就其剩余的索赔向法院提起诉讼。选择退出仲裁程序的通知必须在调解期结束后 60 天内以书面形式发出。选择退出本节规定的仲裁,不应被解释为下面标题为“集体豁免”部分中的选择退出。","#If your demand for arbitration is included in the Mass Filing, any statute of limitations applicable to your claims will remain tolled until your demand for arbitration is decided, withdrawn, or is settled.":"如果您的仲裁请求包含在“大规模申诉”中,则适用于您的索赔的任何诉讼时效将继续有效,直到您的仲裁请求得到裁决、撤回或解决为止。","#Entire agreement. These terms cover the entire agreement between you and Discord for your use of our services.":"完整协议。本条款涵盖了您与 Discord 之间关于您使用我们服务的完整协议。","#Any amounts owed will remain due;":"任何欠款都将持续有效;","#Any disclaimer of warranties such as those under the “Services ‘AS IS’” section;":"对于诸如“服务‘现状’”一节中列出的任何担保免责声明;","#Bellwether proceedings are encouraged by courts and arbitration administrators when there are multiple disputes involving similar claims against the same or related parties. You and Discord agree to jointly ask the arbitrator to agree to the following procedures: The arbitrator will randomly assign sequential numbers to each of the claims included in a Mass Filing, after which the claims numbered 1-10 will be designated the “Initial Test Cases” and will proceed to arbitration. The Parties agree to decide on a single arbitrator for all Initial Test Cases and to consolidate the cases for pre-hearing procedures and the pre-hearing conference. Unless the claims are resolved in advance or the schedule is extended, the arbitrator will render final awards for the Initial Test Cases within 120 days of the initial pre-hearing conference. If fewer than 5 Initial Test Cases resolve without a final decision of the arbitrator because they are resolved in advance, cases will be selected in batches of 10 and will proceed to arbitration until at least 5 have been resolved by a final arbitrator decision. The arbitrator’s decisions for the Initial Test Cases shall be in writing and shall contain the essential findings and conclusions of fact and law upon which the arbitrator based the decision.":"法院和仲裁管理人员鼓励在涉及针对同一方或相关方的类似索赔的多个争议时采用“起诉代表”程序。您和 Discord 同意共同要求仲裁员同意以下程序:仲裁员将为大规模申诉中包含的每个索赔随机分配顺序编号,然后将编号为 1-10 的索赔标记为“初步测试案例”,并继续进行仲裁。各方同意,只选择一位仲裁员处理所有的初步测试案例,并将所有案件合并进行预审程序和预审会议。除非索赔要求提前得到解决或议程延长,否则仲裁员将在首次预审会议后 120 天内对初始测试案例做出最终裁决。如果少于 5 个“初始测试案例”因提前解决而未得到仲裁员的最终裁决,则将以 10 个为一批选取案例并进行仲裁,直到至少有 5 个案例得到仲裁员的最终裁决。仲裁员对初始测试案例的裁决应采用书面形式,并应包含仲裁员做出决定所依据的事实与法律,以及基本调查结果和结论。","#If you or your counsel file a demand for arbitration that fits within the definition of Mass Filing, you agree that your demand for arbitration will be subject to the additional protocols set forth in this mass filing subsection.":"如果您或您的律师提交的仲裁请求符合“大规模申诉”的定义,则您同意您的仲裁请求将遵守本“大规模申诉”分节中规定的附加协议。","#Export Control. You agree to comply with all applicable import, export, and re-export control laws and restrictions, including but not limited to those of the European Union and its member states, the U.S. Department of Commerce Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”) and economic sanctions maintained by the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”), and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”), and will not use the services to cause a violation of such laws or regulations. You agree to not use our services to store or distribute content that is subject to export controls, unless you have obtained all required government export authorizations. Further, you represent and warrant that you are not on any government list of prohibited or restricted parties, or otherwise subject to equivalent restrictions, as specified in the laws and regulations listed above or in your country’s laws. You may not download or use our services if you are located in a country or region subject to U.S. or E.U. government embargo (including Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and the Crimea region) unless that use is authorized by the United States and other relevant authorities.":"出口管制。您同意遵守所有适用的进口、出口和再出口管制法律和限制,包括但不限于欧盟及其成员国的法律法规、美国商务部《出口管制条例》(“EAR”)和美国外国资产控制办公室(“OFAC”)执行的经济制裁,以及《国际武器贸易条例》(“ITAR”),并且不会使用我们的服务去违反这些法律或条例。您同意不使用我们的服务存储或分发受到出口管制的内容,除非您已获得所有必要的政府出口授权。此外,您声明并保证,您未被列入任何政府禁止或限制方名单,或受到上述法律法规或您所在国家法律规定的同等限制。如果您位于受美国或欧盟政府贸易封锁的国家或地区(包括古巴、伊朗、朝鲜、叙利亚和克里米亚地区),则不得下载或使用我们的服务,除非该使用得到美国和其他有关当局的授权。","#Any indemnification obligations (as applicable) such as those listed under the “Indemnity” section;":"任何赔偿义务(如适用),例如在“赔偿”部分所列的赔偿义务;","#Any applicable limitation of liability such as those under the “Limitation of Liability” section;":"任何适用的责任限制,如“责任限制”一节中的责任限制;","#Bug reporting. We support the responsible reporting of security vulnerabilities. To report a security issue, please visit https://discord.com/security.":"漏洞报告。我们支持对安全漏洞进行负责任的报告。如需报告安全问题,请前往 https://discord.com/security。","#Additional terms. Where additional terms apply to our products or services, the additional terms will control with respect to your use of that product or service to the extent of any conflict with these terms.":"附加条款。如果附加条款适用于我们的产品或服务,而附加条款与本条款相冲突,则您对该产品或服务的使用受附加条款约束。","#Absent notice of an opt-out, the arbitrations will proceed in the order determined by the sequential numbers assigned to claims in the Mass Filing.":"如果未收到选择退出的通知,仲裁将按照“大规模申诉”中为索赔分配的号码确定的顺序进行。","#Waiver, severability, and assignment. If you fail to follow these terms and we don’t immediately act, that doesn’t mean we’re giving up any of our legal rights (such as acting in the future). If any part of these terms ends up being invalid or unenforceable based on a decision by any court or competent authority, the rest of these terms will not be affected. You may not assign these terms to anyone else without our written consent. We may assign our rights to any of our affiliates or subsidiaries, or to any successor in interest of any business associated with our services.":"豁免、可分割性与转让。如果您未能遵守本条款而我们没有立即采取行动,并不意味着我们放弃了任何合法权利(例如在将来采取行动的权利)。如果本条款的任何部分基于任何法庭或主管当局的决定而最终无效或无法执行,本条款的其余部分将不受影响。未经我们的书面同意,您不得将本条款转让给其他任何人。我们可以将我们的权利转让给我们的任何附属机构或子公司,或与我们服务有关的任何业务的任何利益继承人。","#Our rights to retain and display certain data;":"我们保留和显示某些数据的权利;","#These terms grant a non-transferable license to use the Discord App on any Apple/Mac product that you might own or control and as permitted by Apple’s policies. Apple has no obligation to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the Discord app. If the app fails to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple and Apple will refund the app purchase price to you (if applicable) and, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the Discord app. Apple is not responsible for addressing any claims by you or any third party relating to the Discord app or your possession and use of it, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the Discord app fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation. Apple is not responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any third-party claim that your possession and use of the Discord app infringe that third party’s intellectual property rights. Apple and its subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of these terms, and upon acceptance of the terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these terms against you as a third-party beneficiary thereof. You represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a terrorist-supporting country; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties. You must also comply with any applicable third-party terms of service when using the Discord app.":"本条款授予您在您可能拥有或操控的任何 Apple/Mac 产品上使用 Discord 应用的不可转让许可,并且须符合苹果公司的政策要求。苹果无需就 Discord 应用提供任何维护和支持服务。如果应用程序未能符合适用的保证,您可以通知 Apple,Apple 将向您退还应用购买价格(如果适用)。在适用法律允许的最大范围内,Apple 将不对 Discord 应用承担任何其他保修义务。Apple 不负责处理您或任何第三方与 Discord 应用或您拥有和使用 Discord 应用有关的任何索赔,包括但不限于:(i) 产品责任索赔;(ii) Discord 应用未能符合适用法律或监管要求的任何索赔;以及 (iii) 根据消费者保护或类似法律产生的索赔。对于任何第三方声称您拥有和使用 Discord 应用侵犯该第三方知识产权的调查、辩护、调解和解除,Apple 概不负责。Apple 及其子公司是本条款的第三方受益人,一旦接受这些条款,Apple 将有权(并被视为已接受权利)以第三方受益人的身份对您执行本条款。您声明并保证: (i) 您不位于受美国政府禁运的国家,或被美国政府指定为支持恐怖主义的国家;以及 (ii) 您未被列入任何美国政府禁止或限制的名单。使用 Discord 应用时,您还必须遵守任何适用的第三方服务条款。","#National Center for Missing & Exploited Children":"全国失踪和受虐待儿童中心(National Center for Missing & Exploited Children)","#Any dispute resolution provisions, including the arbitration agreement, such as those under the “Settling disputes between you and Discord” section.":"任何纠纷解决条款,包括仲裁协议,例如在“解决您与 Discord 之间的纠纷”部分所述的条款。","#If you have any questions about these terms, please contact us at privacy@discord.com. We may send you electronic communications related to our services. Where required, we’ll get your consent before sending you direct marketing, and we’ll make it easy for you to opt out.":"如果您对本条款有任何疑问,请通过 privacy@discord.com 与我们联系。我们可能会向您发送与我们服务相关的电子通信。如有需要,我们会在向您发送营销信息前征得您的同意,并且让您可以方便地选择不接收相关信息。","#Do not mislead Discord’s support teams. Do not make false or malicious reports to our Trust & Safety or other customer support teams, send multiple reports about the same issue, or ask a group of users to report the same content or issue. Repeated violations of this guideline may result in loss of access to our reporting functions.":"请勿误导 Discord 的客服团队。请勿向我们的信任与安全团队或其他用户客服团队提交虚假或恶意举报;请勿就同一问题提交多次举报,或要求多个用户举报同一内容或问题。屡次违反此规则会导致您无法再使用我们的举报功能。","#If you reside anywhere else, you can contact us at:":"其他地区的居民请将信件寄至:","#However, we will give you advance notice if reasonable to do so or required by applicable law.":"然而,如果合理情况下或适用法律要求,我们将提前通知您。","#Discord is home to (com) passionate people who believe in our mission of creating space for everyone to find belonging.":"如果您既热情又富有同理心,胸怀为每个人创造空间、找到归属感的使命感,那么 Discord 就是您的家。","#Reward":"奖励","#Gaming":"游戏","#Show less perks":"显示更少聊天包","#We’re committed now more than ever to helping spread the message of Safer Internet Day. In continuing our mission of making your online home a safer one, Discord is partnering with Childnet UK and Internet Sans Crainte, two European Safer Internet Centers dedicated to increasing awareness and education about better online safety practices for youth.":"我们比以往任何时候都更加努力,提高大家对加强网络安全日的认识。为继续向打造安全在线家园的目标迈进,Discord 与 Childnet UK 和 Internet Sans Crainte 建立了合作伙伴关系,携手这两家欧洲加强网络安全中心,共同提高网络安全意识,让青少年更好地接受线上安全教育练习。","#Not sure how to approach difficult or sensitive topics when it comes to talking about your experiences online? Check out our print-at-home fortune teller filled with questions and icebreaker prompts that can help jump start a conversation about better digital health and safer online practices.":"想要讨论网上经历,但话题敏感或难以开口?下载我们的参考讨论手册吧!您可以自行打印手册,参考其中丰富的“破冰”问题,快速开启关于加强数字健康和改善网络使用方式的对话。","#Safer Internet Day Partners":"加强网络安全日合作伙伴","#Safer Internet Day Fortune Teller":"加强网络安全日参考讨论手册","#What’s Your Community Role Quiz w/NoFiltr":"NoFiltr 联动:社区角色问答","#Take the Quiz":"参加问答","#More Safety Resources":"更多安全资源","#Download Safer Internet Day Fortune Teller":"下载加强网络安全日参考讨论手册","#Our friends at NoFiltr have tons of great activities and content to help you navigate your way online.":"来自 NoFiltr 的小伙伴们准备了超多精彩活动和内容,帮助您安全玩转网络。","#Everyone’s got a role to play in helping make your online communities a safe and inclusive space— wanna find out yours?":"打造安全包容的在线社区,人人有责!您在其中扮演怎样的角色呢?","#Interested in what else is going on for Safer Internet Day? Learn more about Safer Internet Day here!":"想知道加强网络安全日还有其他什么活动?点击这里进一步了解!","#Check out our Safety Center for more resources and guides.":"欢迎查看我们的安全中心,掌握更多资源和指南。","#Are you a Discord community owner? This article from our Community Portal is all about how to keep your Discord Community safer.":"您是 Discord 社区的所有者?请参阅这篇来自社区门户的文章,掌握保护 Discord 社区安全的所有必备知识。","#Wanna learn more about online safety how you can keep yourself and others safer online? We’ve gathered these resources to help give you a headstart:":"想进一步了解线上安全,保护自己和他人不会在网络世界中受到伤害?来看看我们费心整理的资源,用以抢占先机:","#Safer Internet Day 2023":"2023 年加强网络安全日","#In addition, we’ll be hosting a round table event in Brussels where policymakers, civil society thought leaders, and industry partners will come together to share insights, discuss challenges, and discuss steps we can take together to make Discord and the internet a safer place for young people.":"此外,我们还将在布鲁塞尔举行圆桌会议,与众多决策者、民间思想领袖以及行业合作伙伴一道,分享信息和洞见,讨论所面对的困难和挑战,以及能够共同采取怎样的措施,为青少年打造更安全的 Discord,以及更安全的网络环境。","#Parents can check out ConnectSafely’s Parent’s Guide to Discord.":"各位家长可参阅 ConnectSafely 的Discord 指南。","#Of course, there are nearly an unlimited number of ways to grow your community and these options continue to evolve along with Discord as a platform. However creative you might be in growing your server, it’s important that you value not just the growth of your server’s member count but also the experience of the users who join your server.":"当然,发展您社区的方法多种多样,这些选择会随着 Discord 平台的发展而不断取得新的进展。无论您在发展服务器时多么有创意,最重要的是,你不仅要重视服务器成员的数量增长,还要重视服务器成员的用户体验。","#It’s logical to think that if you want a lot of people to see an advertisement for your server, you should have the host server mention @everyone, and that is, in fact, true! However, this is something that should be done very sparingly. Although users are understanding of @everyone mentions for important server or topical updates, they will be less likely to feel good about being pinged to join another Discord server, even if it is relevant. Therefore, using @everyone pings or direct messages to ask people to join another Discord server for a non-urgent reason is highly discouraged.":"如果您希望很多人都能看到您的服务器的广告,那么您应该让发布推广的服务器提及 @everyone,这个想法非常合理!然而,对待这种做法应当非常谨慎。尽管用户可以理解 @everyone 提及的重要服务器或主题更新,但他们可能不喜欢这种提及他们,并让他们加入另一个 Discord 服务器的行为,即使两个服务器间存在相关性。因此,非常不推荐使用 @everyone 提及,或发私信要求社区成员出于非紧急原因加入另一个 Discord 服务器。","#Also be sure to avoid intrusive methods of drawing attention to the channel such as mentioning @everyone or random individual users in the channel. This will ensure that having such a channel does not disrupt your community and members can engage with the advertising on their own terms.":"此外,一定要避免使用侵扰性的方法吸引用户关注频道,例如在频道中提及 @everyone 或随机的用户个体。这样的频道才不会扰乱您的社区,成员可以充分根据自己的意愿参与到推广中来。","#Ethical community growth ties deeply into the way you advertise your server. Getting the word out about your community and convincing others to join is a key component in getting more members. However, in your passion to grow your community as fast as possible, it’s easy to overlook the ethics component of advertising.":"合乎伦理的社区发展与您推广服务器的方式密切相关。宣传您的社区并说服他人加入,是吸引更多成员的关键因素。然而,当您满怀热情地想要尽快发展您的社区时,推广伦理却十分容易在这个过程种被忽视。","#In practice, this ethical framework must also extend to both the advertisements you as a community owner host for other communities and the advertisements that you utilise yourself to grow your target community. This article will help you consider how to handle community growth ethically via advertisement by ensuring that it is:":"在实践中,这种伦理框架也必须扩展到您作为社区所有者为其他社区进行的推广,以及您利用自身来发展目标社区的相关推广。本文将帮助您思考如何在伦理框架内通过推广处理社区增长,确保它是:","#Another tempting way to grow a server is to have direct messages sent to users to have them join your server. However, invading someone's direct messages for an advertisement is extremely disruptive to a user’s experience. Mass DMing users may even cause you to be reported for spam and no one wants that. Instead, you should only send a direct message advertisement to someone when they have explicitly consented to receive a direct message about advertising. Don’t interpret someone joining your server as consenting to receive direct messages from everyone and anyone there, especially for advertising purposes.":"另一种可行的服务器发展方式是向用户发送私信,让他们加入您的服务器。不过,为了推广而给用户发私信,会极大地破坏用户体验。大规模地向用户发送私信甚至可能导致您被举报,没人希望如此。相反,您仅应该向明确同意接收推广私信的用户发送私信广告。不要武断地认为加入您服务器的人会同意接收来自社区所有人的私信,尤其是以推广为目的私信。","#Server Discovery: One of the easiest and most ethical ways to advertise on Discord is through Server Discovery! By utilising a compelling description of your server and applying focused keywords directly related to your community’s topic, you can allow interested users to seek you out simply by searching related words on Discord! They’ll be able to browse your server a bit before joining as well, so they can determine in advance whether or not it’s a space they are interested in. This truly gives control of a user’s experience to the user themselves while also allowing you to showcase your community’s merits to the world. Similarly, you can also host public events via stage channels to entice others to check out your community and see what your server is about!":"发现服务器:在 Discord 上做推广最简单、最合乎伦理的方式之一就是“发现服务器”!通过对您的服务器进行充满吸引力的描述,再配上与社区主题直接相关的关键词,您就能让感兴趣的用户通过相关词汇搜索找到您!他们也可以在加入之前浏览一下您的服务器,提前确定这是否是他们感兴趣的空间。如此一来,就真正将用户体验的控制权交还给了用户自己,同时也允许您向世界展示您社区的优点。同样,您还可以通过讲堂频道举办公共活动,以吸引其他人查看您的社区并了解您的服务器!","#Meeting all of these criteria will contribute to a higher proportion of targeted users joining, participating and staying in your community. Doing so also contributes to a more pleasant and useful Discord experience for users compared to other advertising methods that might not meet all the above criteria.":"满足所有这些标准将有助于提高目标用户加入、参与和留存在社区的比例。与其他可能不符合上述所有标准的推广方式相比,这样做也有助于为用户提供更愉快和更有意义的 Discord 体验。","#Now that we’ve discussed the general principles behind ethical community growth, here are some examples of ways to grow your community directly on Discord or to help someone else grow theirs!":"我们已经讨论了合乎伦理的社区发展背后的一般原则,下面是一些在 Discord 上发展您的社区或帮助其他人发展社区的方法示例!","#Ethical community growth is the concept of attracting users to your community in a way that does not violate the trust users have with Discord, third parties and your community. Furthermore, this involves attempting to target people who will genuinely be interested in your community’s purpose and want to stay in the long term. In other words, you could say that ethical community growth focuses on member quality over member quantity while providing a foundation for members to feel safe and welcome in your server.":"合乎伦理的社区发展,是指以一种不违背用户对 Discord、第三方和社区信任的方式吸引用户入驻社区的概念。此外,这也涉及到吸引那些真正对您的社区目标感兴趣,并希望长期留存的人。换言之,合乎伦理的社区发展侧重于成员质量而非成员数量,同时还要为您的成员提供一个稳定的社区环境,让他们在服务器中感到安全自在。","#Finally, it is important that users join your community completely of their own free will. Users that feel the need to join to receive some sort of perk on the host server, your own server or some additional consideration (e.g., free Discord Nitro) are going to be less likely to stay engaged in your server compared to those joining purely of their own interest. Thus, allowing users to make the choice to take action based purely on the advertising message and explanation is vital to keeping your community healthy and its growth sustainable.":"最后,尤为重要的一点是,用户应完全按照自己的意愿加入您的社区。与纯粹因自身兴趣而加入的用户相比,那些为了获得某种特权,或出于某种额外考虑(如免费的 Discord Nitro),而加入发布推广的服务器或您服务器的用户,不太可能长期留存。因此,让用户纯粹根据推广信息和相关说明来选择是否加入,对于保持社区健康和可持续增长至关重要。","#Imagine a place where you can gather like-minded people together to have a good time. That’s one of the core uses of Discord! People love to build communities about interests from aeroplanes to zoology, and to do that, they need to find members.":"想象这样一个地方,您可以聚集志同道合的人一起度过美好时光。这就是 Discord 的核心用途之一!人们喜欢根据兴趣建立社区,上至飞机下至动物学,为了达成目标,首先需要找到成员。","#When asking to advertise your community in another server or when considering allowing a community to advertise in your own, a primary consideration should be how relevant the target community is to the members of the host community. For example, a server about cooking advertising in a server about football is not as likely to attract new members compared to an esports server advertising in a League of Legends server.":"当要求在另一个服务器上推广您的社区,或琢磨允许一个社区在您的服务器上进行推广时,首要考虑的应该是目标社区与发布推广的社区成员之间的相关性。例如,同样在《英雄联盟》服务器上进行推广,电子竞技服务器的广告更具相关性,而关于烹饪和足球服务器的广告就不太可能吸引到新成员。","#Relevance":"相关性","#How Health & Fitness creators can build a business with Server Subscriptions":"健身&健康内容创作者如何通过服务器订阅发展商机","#Human creativity is unbound and the list of ways to grow your community within Discord itself here is not exhaustive. When developing new ways to grow your community, it is absolutely vital that you start from the ethical framework listed here to try new methods instead of picking a method and attempting to justify it into this framework. If you find yourself attempting to justify a new method of community growth with ‘Well, technically this is okay because…,’ you should strongly reconsider using that method. In order to be ethical in growing your community, you also have to consider ethics first, not as an afterthought.":"人类有无穷的创造力,所以这里列出的在 Discord 上发展社区的方法并不详尽。当您开发新的方式来发展社区时,可以从这里列出的伦理框架开始尝试,而不是选择一种方法并试图将其纳入伦理框架,这一点很重要。如果您发现自己试图用“嗯,理论上来说这是可行的,因为……”来证明一种新的社区发展方法,就应该对此保持谨慎,并重新考虑。为了在社区发展时充分尊重用户,您还应优先考虑伦理问题,而不是将之抛诸脑后。","#A dedicated channel for such pings would further allow for the messages not to disrupt the experience of other members while also allowing for easier backreading in the future. Just remember not to overly incentivise people to join these new servers and let them come to their own, unbiased decision based on the description and purpose of the community.":"为此类提及设置专用频道,将进一步确保消息不会影响其他成员的体验,同时还能在将来更简单地进行回溯。不过请记住,不要过度鼓励成员加入这些新服务器,而是让他们根据社区的描述和目的自行做出决定。","#Discord Privacy Policy":"Discord 隐私权政策","#We may also collect and use personal information with your consent, such as to send you marketing communications where legally required. You can revoke your consent at any time (mostly through our services directly), though note that you might not be able to use any service or feature that requires collection or use of that personal information.":"在获得您许可的情况下,我们也可能根据法律要求,收集和使用您的个人信息,例如向您发送营销通讯。您可以随时撤销许可(主要通过我们的服务直接撤销)。不过请注意,撤销许可后,您可能无法访问任何需要收集或使用个人信息的服务或功能。","#March 28th 2022":"2022 年 3 月 28 日","#IF YOU’RE A U.S. RESIDENT, YOU ALSO AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING MANDATORY ARBITRATION PROVISIONS. PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY – IT MAY SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING YOUR RIGHT TO FILE A LAWSUIT IN COURT:":"如果您是美国居民,则表示您也同意以下强制性仲裁条款。请仔细阅读此章节——它可能会严重影响您的法律权利,包括您向法院提起诉讼的权利:","#Disabling your account limits the processing of your personal information as described in our Privacy Policy. Disabling your account does not terminate this agreement.":"禁用您的账号会限制对您个人信息的处理,具体信息请参阅我们的《隐私政策》。禁用您的账号不会终止本协议。","#Paid Services Terms":"付费服务条款","#Add to calendar":"添加至日历","#See schedule":"查看日程安排","#Join from anywhere":"随时随地加入","#Apple Calendar":"Apple 日历","#Google Calendar":"Google 日历","#Customize your personal Discord settings":"‍定制您自己的 Discord 设置","#Be aware of the Discord spaces you choose to participate in":"‍留心您加入和参与的 Discord 空间情况","#Colors for your Discord Theme":"您的 Discord 主题颜色","#Crisis Text Line":"紧急情况短信专线(Crisis Text Line)","#What Happens After I Submit a Report?":"提交举报信息后问题会如何解决?","#Reporting Abusive Behavior to Discord":"向 Discord 举报违规行为","#Select the type of abuse you’re seeing:":"选择您发现的违规行为类型:","#You can find more resources about mental health here.":"您可以点击此处,获得更多有关心理健康的信息。","#Additionally, if you are in the United States, you can contact Crisis Text Line to speak with a volunteer crisis counselor to help you or a friend through any mental health crisis by texting DISCORD to 741741. You can learn more about Discord’s partnership with Crisis Text line here.":"此外,如果您身在美国,可以发送 DISCORD 至 741741 联系紧急情况短信专线,与志愿者危机顾问通话,从而帮助您或您的朋友渡过心理健康危机。若您想了解更多有关 Discord 与紧急情况短信专线的合作信息,请点击此处。","#Select the Message you wish to report. On mobile, hold down on the Message, and on desktop, “right-click.”":"选择您想举报的信息。在移动端,请长按该条消息;在桌面端,请“右键单击”该条消息。","#What to do if you receive a violent threat, or someone is at risk of Self-harm":"当自身受到暴力威胁,或他人有自残危险时应该怎么做","#If a credible threat of violence has been made and you or someone else are in immediate danger, or if someone is considering self-harm and is in immediate danger, please contact your local law enforcement agency.":"如果您或他人因受到可信的暴力威胁而面临紧急危险,或他人因意图自残而面临紧急危险时,请联系地方执法机构。","#The next screen will allow you to further specify the specific abuse that’s occurring. You can always click back and change your first answer, so you can select the most relevant category.":"在下一个页面,您可以进一步指出具体的违规行为。而且,为了方便您选出最适合的类别,您可以随时返回上一个页面更改第一个回答。","#You can read more about the reports we receive and the actions we take on violations of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service in our quarterly Transparency Report.":"您可以阅读我们的季度透明度报告,了解更多关于我们收到的违反“社区守则”和“服务条款”的行为以及我们采取的相关处理措施。","#If the violation happened in a server, you can also reach out to the server’s moderators, who may be able to respond immediately and help resolve your concerns. In addition, please remember that you always have the ability to block any users that you don’t want to interact with anymore.":"如果违规行为发生在服务器内,您也可以联系服务器管理员,他们能够立刻回应并帮助您解决问题。此外请注意,您随时有权屏蔽任何您不想再与之互动的用户。","#When we become aware of content that violates our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, our Safety team reviews and takes the necessary enforcement actions, including: disabling accounts, removing servers, and when appropriate, engaging with the proper authorities. We may not review your report manually or respond to you directly, but we’ll use your report to improve Discord.":"发现违反社区守则服务条款的内容后,我们的安全团队会对相应内容进行审核并采取必要的强制措施,包括:封禁账户、移除服务器以及在必要时与有关当局取得联系。我们可能不会手动审核您的举报信息或直接给您回复,但是您的举报可以帮我们完善优化 Discord。","#Select “Report Message”":"选择“举报消息”","#Search...":"搜索……","#Brand":"品牌","#Please note: We do not monitor every server or every conversation. Privacy is incredibly important to us and we try to balance it thoughtfully with our duty to prevent harm. However, we scan images uploaded to our platform to detect child sexual abuse material. When we have data suggesting that a user is engaging in illegal activity or violating our policies, we investigate their networks, activity on Discord, and their messages to proactively detect accomplices and determine whether violations have occurred.":"请注意:我们非常注重用户隐私,不会监控每个服务器或每一次对话,而是通过仔细、谨慎的思考,拿捏好隐私保护与伤害预防责任之间平衡。不过,我们会扫描上传到 Discord 平台的图片,甄别儿童性虐待相关内容。如果有数据表明用户正在进行非法活动或违反我们的政策,我们会调查其网络、在 Discord 上的活动以及消息,确定非法行为和活动是否的确发生,并主动甄别可能存在的同谋或共犯。","#Larry Magid, CEO of ConnectSafely states: \"Parents are rightfully concerned about any media their kids are using, and the best way to make sure they're using it safely is to understand how it works and what kids can do to maximize their privacy, security, and safety. That's why ConnectSafely collaborated with Discord to offer a guide that walks parents through the basics and helps equip them to talk with their kids about the service and how they can use it safely.\"":"ConnectSafely 首席执行官 Larry Magid 说:“家长理应关心他们的孩子使用的所有媒体,而能保证安全的最佳方式,就是理解媒体的使用方式,以及孩子们可以怎样最大化保护自己的隐私与安全。因此 ConnectSafely 与 Discord 合作,为家长们提供指南,介绍基本信息,帮助他们了解该如何与孩子们沟通,讨论应当如何安全使用这些服务。”","#: You’ve got questions, and we have answers! Find answers to your most common safety, product, and policy questions directly from our teams.":":您有问题,我们提供答案!我们的团队直接回答最热门的安全、产品与政策问题。","#We want you to feel equipped with the tools and resources to talk to your teens about online safety and understand what safety settings Discord already offers from trusted child safety partners. Check out our current and updated Safety Center’s Parent & Educator Resources:":"我们希望为您提供工具与资源,帮助您与身边的青少年就线上安全问题进行沟通,同时了解 Discord 目前提供的来自可信儿童安全合作伙伴的安全设置。欢迎查看我们安全中心中目前的家长与教育工作者资源,内容持续更新中:","#Looking Forward":"未来展望","#Answer parents and educators’ top questions":"解答家长与教育工作者的热门问题","#We’re also partnering with child and family safety organizations to build more resources and improve our policies for the long-term. One of our close partners, ConnectSafely recently launched their":"我们还与儿童与家庭安全组织合作,长期建设更多资源,并改进我们的政策。我们的密切合作伙伴之一 ConnectSafely 最近刚刚发布了","#We built Student Hubs with additional safety guidelines around cheating, bullying, or other toxic behaviors to ensure your students have a great, safe experience. For more information you can read through our Student Hubs FAQs for parents and educators.":"我们针对作弊、霸凌或其他恶性行为,为学生中心制定了更多安全守则,确保学生拥有理想的安全体验。如需更多信息,请参见我们的家长与教育工作者学生中心常见问题。","#Hello Parents & Educators! We hope you and your students are settling into the new academic year. We know you all are doing your best to ensure continued education and socialization for your teens, whether it is in-person, online, or a hybrid of both.":"各位家长与教育工作者,你们好!希望您和您的学生们都已顺利开始新的学年。我们知道大家都在为青少年的持续教育与社会化发展不断努力,无论是在线下、线上,还是两者结合。","#Helping your teen stay safe on Discord: Learn about all the current safety features and tools at your teen’s disposal to make their Discord experience safer, like limiting who can direct message (DM) them, setting up profanity filters, and more.":"帮助青少年在 Discord 上确保安全:了解青少年可使用的所有现有安全功能与工具,让他们在 Discord 的体验更安全,比如限制能给他们发私信(DM)的人员、设置不文明用语过滤器等。","#The safety of your teens and students is one of our biggest priorities. Discord is a place where your teen can hang out and find belonging with friends, classmates, and community members. Many teams across Discord work together to ensure your teen finds belonging by building products and policies with safety by default. We do this through reactive (responding to reports quickly), proactive (identifying problems before they are raised to us), and preventative (education and external engagement) efforts. Our teams are constantly listening to your feedback and improving on our existing safety policies, tools, and settings.":"青少年与学生的安全是我们眼中的头等大事。Discord 为您身边的青少年提供共度时光的空间,帮助他们在朋友、同学与社区成员中找到归属感。Discord 中的很多团队都努力通过打造安全的产品与政策,确保青少年找到归属感。为了实现这一点,我们会采取响应性(快速响应举报)、主动性(在问题出现之前及时发现)和预防性(教育与外部参与)措施。我们的团队会一直聆听大家的反馈,不断改进现有安全政策、工具与设置。","#We’ve discussed some of our reactive and proactive policy and enforcement work in previous blog posts, and we’re planning to do more around our preventative efforts, such as parent and educator resources.":"在之前的文章中,我们讨论了一些我们的响应性和主动性政策,以及相应的执行工作。我们正计划围绕家长与教育工作者资源等预防性工作,发表更多文章。","#Talking about online safety with your teen: Discord is one part of your teen’s online presence. Take a look at this resource to start a conversation about online safety habits, norms, and tactics for your teen’s holistic digital presence and hygiene.":"与青少年讨论线上安全:Discord 已经成为了青少年线上生活的一部分。您可以参阅本资源,开启关于线上安全习惯、常规规范和策略的对话,以保障您身边青少年的整体数字生活健康。","#Parent’s Guide to Discord.":"他们的 Discord 家长指南。","#We’re now making it easier for students to find and spend time with their classmates through Student Hubs. Each Hub features student-run communities around their school – after school clubs, study groups, hangouts, classes, and more. Hubs are only accessible to users with an email address associated with that school. Servers within the hub are created by students who determine who has access to their server. Communities held within Student Hubs aren’t officially affiliated with schools themselves, nor are they intended for official school use.":"现在,我们通过学生中心,让学生们更方便地找到自己的同学,并在一起共度时光。每个学生中心都有围绕学校组建、由学生管理的社区,包括课后俱乐部、学习小组、聊天小组、班级等等。用户必须提供与该学校关联的邮箱,才能加入相应的学生中心。中心内的服务器由学生创建,也由他们来决定谁能加入他们的服务器。学生中心内的社区本身并不与学校正式关联,也并非为学校官方用途而设计。","#What’s Next":"我们接下来会做什么?","#This is in no way an exhaustive list. It’s an unfortunate reality that bad actors online will change and evolve their tactics, but so can you. We encourage you to check in with your existing internet safety skills and incorporate the following practices in your online habits if you haven’t done so already.":"这份清单绝对没有囊括所有情况。因为在现实中,网络上的不良分子会持续改变和改进他们的策略,当然,您也可以改进您的防御战术。我们鼓励您检查一下您现有的互联网安全技能,如果您还没有这类意识的话,请将以下做法纳入您的上网习惯。","#So you’re about to click the link to join that server and grab that sweet, new drop. But you notice something’s not right. The link looks right but something seems…off. You notice their speaking patterns aren’t the most human. They claim you did things you know you have never done. They seem in a rush and are warning you that you gotta get in on what they’re offering fast or you’ll lose out. They never posted in any of your mutual servers, or don’t even share mutual servers with you, but they want to speak to YOU.":"您看到一个诱人的新奖励,正要点击链接,加入那个服务器去抢宝,却感觉有些不对劲。链接看起来没什么问题,但总感觉……有古怪。您注意到对方的说话方式不太像人类。他们一直在说您做过某件事,但您明明根本没做过。他们似乎很着急,警告您必须马上就参加他们提供的这个活动,否则就会错失良机。他们从未在与您共同的服务器中发布过任何内容,甚至没有和您共同的服务器,但却迫切地想要与您交流。","#Don’t click links from unknown senders or that look suspicious.":"不要点击来自未知发件人的或看起来就很可疑的链接。","#You might have heard about scams like this happening on Discord recently. Or it might have even happened to you. You're not alone, and it’s not just Discord—the FTC says online scams surged in 2021. Our mission has always been to make Discord the best place on the internet for people to find belonging and we’re amazed to see all the different interests that have brought communities together, from study sessions to NFT drops, and even houseplant care. But we’ve also seen some unfriendly characters try to exploit those communities.":"最近,您可能听说过在 Discord 上发生过类似的骗局。甚至有可能就发生在您身上。您并不是个例,这类事情也不仅仅只会发生在 Discord 上——联邦贸易委员会表示,整个 2021 年,网络骗局的数量激增。让 Discord 成为互联网上能让人们找到归属感的最佳去处,是我们始终秉持的使命。我们很开心地看到拥有各种不同的兴趣的人聚集在了一起,从开展学习会到 NFT 掉落,甚至还有如何照顾室内植物的讨论。但与此同时,我们也发现了一些不友好的角色在试图利用这些社区谋取私利。","#Never share or screenshare your authorization token. Seriously. Don't do it.":"永远不要分享或屏幕共享您的授权令牌。真的,不要这样做。","#Don’t scan any QR codes from people you don’t know or those you can’t verify as legitimate.":"不要扫描任何来自您不认识的人的或无法确认合法性的二维码。","#Keep your official server invites updated and visible across all your platforms when any changes are made, especially if the majority of your new server members come from communities outside of Discord.":"请确保在作出任何更改时,特别是当您的新服务器成员大多来自 Discord 之外的社区时,将您的官方服务器邀请链接在所有平台上保持同步更新和可见。","#Internet Safety Checklist":"互联网安全检查表","#Internet Safety doesn’t have to be exhausting. Below are some simple but effective ways to make sure you’re on guard against any potential ne’er-do-wells in your DMs, and even outside of Discord.":"维持互联网安全并不一定要煞费苦心。以下是一些简单但有效的方法,能让您对来自私信中或 Discord 之外的所有潜在不法分子保持警惕心。","#This may feel like a given, but a surprising amount of security issues stem from people clicking on links before checking if they’re the real deal. Always double-check a link you’re clicking — link shortening services can easily mask unsafe websites or programs. We recommend getting it checked against a resource like VirusTotal to see if someone has already flagged it as potentially dangerous.":"这似乎看起来非常理所应当,但事实数据告诉我们,由于点击真实性未经核实的链接而引发的安全性问题,其数量多得惊人。在点击链接之前,务必再三确认它的真实性——缩略网址服务可能会将不安全的网站或程序潜藏在背后。我们建议使用类似 VirusTotal 等资源来检查链接,看看是否有人已将其标记为潜在的危险链接。","#You can learn how to do this here.":"您可以在此处了解如何操作。","#Consider restricting who can DM with you.":"考虑对可以私信您的用户的范围设置限制。","#Don’t Download Programs or Run Code You Don’t Recognize":"不要下载您不认识的程序或运行您不认识的代码","#Don’t give your password to anyone!":"不要把您的密码给任何人!","#In addition, Discord has its own systems in place to remove malicious links and we’re constantly evolving those systems.":"此外,Discord 也有自己的系统来移除恶意链接,我们将不断完善这些系统。","#So we want to share some of the additional measures we’re taking on our end and go over ways you can protect yourself and others on Discord. You may already know some of these tips and tricks, but a refresher never hurts.":"因此,我们想分享一些我们正在采取的额外措施,并介绍一些在 Discord 上保护自己和他人的方法。您可能已经了解其中一些技巧,但复习一下也无妨。","#It’s not advised to download and run software that doesn’t come from a reputable source. Downloading and running programs that someone sends you unprompted is almost always a bad idea.":"我们不建议从不可信的来源下载和运行软件。下载和运行他人自动发送的程序在大多数情况下都不是一件好事。","#For server owners and mods:":"适用于服务器所有者和管理员:","#Again, don’t click suspicious or unknown links! If your account gets compromised, it can have greater effects on communities you moderate.":"再次强调,不要点击任何可疑或未知的链接!如果您的账户被盗,您所管理的社区可能会受到更大的影响。","#For everyone:":"适用于所有人:","#Audit your server Permissions, especially for higher-level tools like webhooks.":"请审核您的服务器权限,尤其是高级工具(如 webhook)的权限。","#If a person claiming to have “special access to features” or new software says they need you to run on your own computer, they’re misleading you in order to get your personal info with their shady programs. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.":"如果有人声称拥有“特殊功能访问权”或新软件,并要求您在您的计算机上运行这个软件,那他们是在误导您,目的是通过可疑的程序获取您的个人信息。请记住,天上不会掉馅饼。","#While we hope you take the time to read the finer details below, we also wanted to provide a TLDR; some cliff notes to keep in your back pocket:":"虽然我们希望您能花一点时间阅读下面的细则,但我们也还是想提供一个简短的摘要,供您随时查阅:","#Only Open Trusted Links from Those You Know":"只打开您认识的可信任链接","#Don’t download programs or copy/paste code you don't recognize.":"不要下载您不认识的程序或复制/粘贴您不认识的代码。","#Enable 2-Factor Authentication to keep your account as safe as possible.":"启用双重认证,尽可能保护您的账户安全。","#Check out our 2FA blog for more details on getting this set up.":"查看我们发布的双重认证(2FA)博客,了解更多设置详情。","#Disabling DMs for a particular server is one of the best ways to prevent bad apples hiding inside larger communities from contacting you.":"禁用特定服务器的私信功能可以非常有效地防止隐藏在大型社区中的不良分子与您联系。","#The above tips can be applied anywhere on the internet! Next, we'll share some Discord-specific tips to ensure you can be vigilant against baddies targeting your account or community:":"上述提示适用于互联网上的任何地方!接下来,我们将分享一些针对 Discord 的提示,以确保您能够警惕那些盯着您的账户或社区的坏人:","#This is doubly-so for servers Partnered, Verified or Level 3-boosted servers that utilize a vanity URL: if your server loses or changes its custom invite link, nefarious communities may swoop in and claim your old one. If this happens before you update your public-facing invites, people trying to join your community may instead join a server that’s looking to cause trouble.":"这一条对于拥有个性化网址的服务器特别重要,如已验证、已合作和助力等级 3 的服务器:如果您的服务器丢失或更改了自定义邀请链接,恶意社区可能会抢注您的旧链接。如果在您还没来得及更新公开新的邀请之前发生这样的情况,那么试图加入您社区的人就有可能加入一个不怀好意的服务器。","#Discord will never ask you for your token, and you should never have any reason to open Discord’s Developer Console in the first place. Note that this is only applicable to Discord on your internet browser, and not the desktop or mobile application.":"Discord 绝不会要求您提供您的令牌信息,并且您也没有任何理由需要打开 Discord 的开发者控制台。不过请注意,这项原则仅适用于网页版 Discord,不包括桌面版或移动应用程序。","#In almost every case, any large and reputable moderation bot will never need admin permissions to work properly. Only give a bot the permissions required for the tasks you need and no more — look for a Verified checkmark on a well-known bot before adding it.":"在大部分情况下,所有声誉良好的大型机器人都不需要获取管理员权限就能正常工作。只给予机器人完成任务所需的权限,不要过度授权。在添加机器人之前,请查看知名机器人上是否有得到 Discord 验证的对勾符号。","#We recommend sharing it with larger communities that may benefit from this knowledge.":"我们建议将这些信息分享给更大型的社区,它们可能会从中受益更多。","#It’s always a good idea to be aware of what an impersonator trying to scam you looks like. Sometimes that impersonation is easy to spot — one way is if this person newly-DMing does not share any mutual servers with you or you don’t have a DM history with them.":"任何情况下,都请认清仿冒诈骗者的特征。有时仿冒者很容易辨认 —— 例如,若是初次向您发送私信的人与您没有任何共同所在的服务器或私信历史记录,那便属于此类情况。","#Discord Impersonation for Partner/Verified/HypeSquad":"冒充 Discord 合作伙伴/验证用户/HypeSquad","#This feature is one of many improvements that we’re working on to help identify and remove bad actors as soon as we’re aware of them.":"这一功能是我们正在努力实施的众多改进措施之一,它可以帮助我们在发现不良用户后尽快将其识别出并移除。","#If you're in a server you trust and don’t mind being messaged by those in it, you can toggle the privacy setting on an individual basis. Head to that server on desktop or mobile and select its name to open the server's settings, and choose “Privacy Settings.” Once there, you’ll find the “Allow direct messages from server members\" option. Turn that on, and you’re free to receive all sorts of DMs from everyone in that server, regardless of if you’re friends or not!":"如果您信任一个服务器,并且不介意接收该服务器中的所有成员发来的消息,您可以根据个人需求调整隐私设置。请从桌面或移动端进入该服务器,选择该服务器的名称,打开服务器设置,然后选择“隐私设置”,找到“允许服务器成员直接向您发起私聊”选项。启用该选项后,您就可以自由地接收该服务器中所有人的各种私信,无论您与他们是否是好友!","#Some users may also target Discord accounts that have unique profile badges that are no longer available, such as the Early Supporter or Early Verified Bot Developer badges. If you have one of these unique badges, you should be extra-vigilant with your account.":"一些用户可能还会盯上拥有绝版独特个人资料徽章的 Discord 账户,比如“早期支持者”或“早期已验证的机器人开发人员”徽章。如果您拥有这些独特的徽章,您就更应该慎重保护自己的账户。","#, and you can learn how in":",您可以在我们的双重认证(2FA)博客文章中","#However, this isn’t a foolproof way to rule out impersonators: the most determined of hackers will employ tactics that include targeting the friends list of an account they have already taken over and pretending that they are your friend.":"然而,这也并不是一个万无一失的方法:顽固的黑客也会采取一定的战术,比如盯上已入侵账户的好友列表,并伪装成您的好友对您实施诈骗。","#One of the oldest scams is the temptation of “free Nitro.” While we can’t discount people who may be truly full of generosity and believe in gifting Nitro, getting a random DM from a stranger claiming to have chosen *you* for a Nitro giveaway is incredibly sus, and most likely a scam.":"用“免费 Nitro”来诱惑用户上当是最老套的一种骗局了。虽然我们不能排除有些人真的可能非常慷慨,愿意赠送 Nitro,但是如果您收到陌生人发来的随机私信,声称其选择了向“您”赠送 Nitro ,那就非常可疑了,这几乎可以肯定是骗局。","#Decide Who Can and Can’t Send You DMs":"决定给您发送私信的人","#Feel free to adjust it as you wish, but do note that this new state only applies to servers joined after changing the toggle; it won’t retroactively affect your existing servers.":"您可以根据自己的意愿进行调整,但请注意,新设置只会应用于在更改设置后加入的服务器;它不会对您现有的服务器产生影响。","#Keep Invite Links Updated":"及时更新邀请链接","#our 2FA blog post":"学习如何设置","#In addition to updating existing links, consider implementing easy-to-follow community rules around invite sharing and encouraging members to always verify where a server invite leads and who it is coming from before clicking it.":"除了更新现有链接,也请考虑针对分享邀请链接实施一些易于遵循的社区规则,并鼓励成员在点击链接之前验证邀请的来源和目标。","#Why Would Someone Want Access to My Account?":"为什么有人想要登录我的账户?","#If your account is taken over and the hacker changes the password, there isn’t much you can immediately do to stop them. However, if you have 2-Factor Authentication enabled on your account, the hacker will also be required to provide a 2FA code to change your password.":"如果您的账户被盗,黑客更改了密码,短时间内您将无法阻止他们为所欲为。然而,如果您在账户上启用了双重认证,黑客还需要提供一个双重认证(2FA)代码来更改您的密码。","#We’ve created an additional blog post describing the types of scams floating around on Discord, which you can check out to familiarize yourself with signs that you may be dealing with a hacker who needs to be blocked:":"我们还创建了另一篇博客文章,列举了在 Discord 上出现的各种骗局,帮助您了解骗局的蛛丝马迹,判断您是否在与一个需要被屏蔽的黑客打交道:","#Stay safe out there!":"祝平安!","#Fake Giveaways/NFT Drops":"虚假的赠品/ NFT 掉落","#On the right, you can note the blurple “System” tag next to the sender’s name, as well as the Reply space being replaced with a unique banner that only official system messages come with.":"在右侧的截图中,您可以注意到发送者名称旁边的蓝紫色“系统”标签,以及回复区被替换为仅官方系统消息才独有的横幅。","#The above tactics are some of the ways that scammers may attempt to socially-engineer you into giving up your information. Even if you don’t click any of their links, it's best to simply block and report them to us, rather than engage further.":"以上列出了骗子通过社交工程的方式,诱使您泄露个人信息的一些招数。我们建议您,即使不去点击他们的任何链接,最好也直接将他们屏蔽并向我们举报,而不是继续与其互动。","#Specifically, make sure that only moderators you trust have access to permissions that can change powerful server tools, including any bots or webhooks you might add to the server. Be vigilant for bots that are impersonating larger well-known bots.":"特别要确保只有您信任的管理员拥有可以更改重要服务器工具的高级权限,包括您可能添加到服务器的机器人或 webhook。注意,有些机器人可能会冒充大型的知名机器人。","#Pro Tip: Try pasting one of those invites to a Discord message to preview where it leads to before opening it! (But of course, don’t make your invite testing look like a spam message by pasting a random invite in #general.)":"专业提示:请试着将邀请链接粘贴到 Discord 的消息中,预览链接指向的位置,然后再打开它!(当然,请不要在 #general 频道中粘贴随机的邀请链接,以免让您的邀请测试看起来像是垃圾信息。)","#If you ever use QR Code Login to sign in to Discord, make sure you’re using the desktop app, or if you’re on the web app, that your URL bar says “https://discord.com/login” exactly as it's written.":"如果您使用二维码登录 Discord,请确保您使用的是桌面应用程序,或者如果您使用的是网页版应用程序,请确保您的 URL 地址栏显示内容与“https://discord.com/login””完全一致。","#If you need a refresher on how permissions on Discord work, you can check out the Help Center article here. If you have a basic understanding of the permissions system and want a more comprehensive look at what they mean in a moderation sense, we also have this article from the Discord Moderation Academy.":"如果您需要回顾 Discord 权限是如何工作的,可以点击这里查阅帮助中心文章。如果您对权限系统已经有了基本的理解,并希望更全面地了解它们在管理方面的含义,我们还有 Discord 管理员学院的这篇文章。","#We strongly recommend enabling 2FA":"我们强烈建议启用双重认证(2FA)","#Reporting what happened to Discord can help you regain ownership of your account, which can be done here — let us help you!":"如果发生了账户被盗的情况,您可以向 Discord 报告,我们可以帮助您重新获得账户的控制权。请点击这里进行举报——让我们来帮助您!","#Never Give Your Password to Anyone":"永远不要将您的密码告诉任何人","#Another variation of this scheme involves a user asking you to “test” something for them, directing you to open the developer tools on your internet browser while logged into the web app. They’ll then ask you to show them your token — do not do this. With your token, malicious users can sign in and take over your account.":"这一骗局的另一类变种是,对方请您帮他们做“测试”,然后引导您在登录网页应用程序的情况下打开浏览器的开发者工具。然后要求您向他们展示您的令牌 —— 绝对不要这么做。因为恶意用户会利用您的令牌直接登录并侵入你的账户。","#only the right screenshot is actually from Discord":"只有右侧的截图真正来自 Discord","#Discord will never ask you to scan a QR code in order to redeem a Nitro code. Do NOT scan any QR codes from people you don’t know or those you can’t verify as legitimate.":"Discord 绝不会要求您通过扫描二维码来兑换 Nitro 码。因此,请勿扫描任何来自陌生人或无法确认合法性的二维码。","#If someone gains control of your Discord account, they will have as much reign over your account as you do: They’ll have the ability to change your username, password, email tied to the account, and any other information associated with your account.":"如果有人控制了您的 Discord 账户,他们将拥有与您一样的权限:他们可以更改您的用户名、密码、与账户相关联的电子邮件和与账户相关的任何其他信息。","#With these recommendations in your pocket, you’ll be better able to foil any potential digital threats. Just like with keeping your IRL-self healthy and whole, taking preventative measures can keep your virtual self safe and secure.":"有了这些建议,您将能够更好地防范任何潜在的网络威胁。就像在现实生活中保持健康和安全一样,采取预防措施可以让您的虚拟自我保持安全和安心。","#There’s no reason to give it up, ever. Sharing your password not only gives away access to your account but also exposes any personal information you have tied to that account — and potentially any website where you use that password — making you vulnerable to more than just a single account takeover.":"永远没有任何事情是需要您泄露自己的密码的。把您的密码分享给其他人,不仅会使他人能够访问您的账户,还会暴露与该账户相关的所有个人信息——以及您使用了同样密码的所有网站——使您受到多个账户被盗的威胁。","#To adjust who can and can’t DM you, head into User Settings > Privacy & Safety, then scroll down to “Server Privacy Defaults.” From there, you’ll find the option to “Allow direct messages from server members.”":"想要设置可以给您发送私信的人群身份,请前往用户设置 > 隐私与安全,然后下拉页面到“服务器默认隐私设置”。您将在那里找到“允许服务器成员直接向您发起私聊”选项。","#Audit your Server’s Permissions":"审核您的服务器权限","#As if they were the new owner of any servers you own, they’ll be able to make any changes they want: from server layout to server permissions, to bots and webhooks to kicking everyone out of the server, you name it. If your account is the moderator of a server that a hacker is targeting, they might even use you as a stepping stone to cause further damage within the community, or even impersonate you to trick unsuspecting members.":"他们还会将您所拥有的服务器归为己有,随心所欲地进行各种篡改:从服务器布局到服务器权限,再到机器人和 webhook,甚至可以把所有人都踢出服务器,无所不能。如果您的账户是黑客攻击的目标服务器的管理员,他们甚至可能利用您作为跳板,在社区内造成进一步危害,甚至冒充您欺骗毫不知情的成员。","#Additional Reading: Common Scams":"附加阅读:常见骗局","#The DM on the left does its best to be convincing though. It even sends an invite link to a real Discord-run server called Discord Testers and a somewhat-real-looking link to the supposed Discord Hypesquad form. Scammers will use a technique of mixing real Discord invite links (to public Discord servers usually) with their malicious links in order to portray legitimacy and lull you into a false sense of security.":"不过,左侧的私信也在尽其所能模仿。为达到目的,它甚至发送了一个真实存在的 Discord 所运营的服务器 “Discord 测试器”的邀请链接,外加一个看上去有些类似的“Discord Hypesquad 表单”链接。骗子使用的技巧是,将真实的 Discord 邀请链接(通常是公共 Discord 服务器)与他们的恶意链接混在一起,达到鱼目混珠的效果,从而让您误以为链接是安全的。","#If you suss out that a DM is a fake, report it as Spam using the red “Report Spam” button at the top of the DM.":"如果您认为某条私信是伪造的,请点击该私信顶部的红色 \"举报垃圾邮件 \"按键将其举报为垃圾邮件。","#If you update your server’s links, make sure that your community and potential newcomers are aware of the changes and update any social media pages where you shared them. If possible, delete references to old invite links and make it known that those links have been updated.":"如果您更新了服务器的链接,请确保您的社区和潜在的新成员能够知道这次更新的实施,并且记住要同步更新您在社交媒体上分享的链接。如果可以的话,请删除引用了旧邀请链接的地方,并让大家知道链接已经更新了。","#We encourage you to share this article with friends who may not be as informed as you — when everyone’s aware, our communities are safer than ever. Here’s a quick link back to Protecting Against Scams on Discord too.":"同时,我们建议您将本文分享给那些可能不太了解情况的朋友,如果每个用户都能了解这些信息,我们的社区就会更加安全。此外附上快速返回阅读《防范 Discord 上的欺诈》的链接。","#If you’ve joined a lot of communities, consider auditing the list and see if you’re comfortable with letting non-friends message you from that server, or if opening up is inviting unnecessary risk into your inbox.":"如果您加入了很多社区,请考虑审查下您的社区列表,看看您是否愿意让非好友的用户从该服务器给您发信息,或者开放这个权限是否会给您带来不必要的风险。","#Understanding which permissions your mods and members have access to is key to keeping everyone within it safe. If you're a server owner, have you checked your permissions list lately? Who has what perms? Did you know they had that access and for how long?":"了解您的管理员和成员拥有的权限对于确保所有用户的安全来说至关重要。如果您是服务器所有者,您最近检查过权限列表吗?谁拥有哪些权限?您知道他们拥有这些权限已经有多长时间了吗?","#If the answer to any of these questions was a resounding :shrug_emoji:, it’s time to do a review of your server setup to ensure that only those who really need powerful permissions have them.":"如果您对这些问题的任何一个的回答都是:shrug_emoji:,那么现在是时候对您的服务器设置进行一轮审核了,确保只有真正需要大权限的人才拥有这些权限。","#Let’s go over some of the methods that hackers may use to target you on Discord and how you can apply the methods we discussed in the Protecting Against Scams on Discord article to make sure you don’t fall prey to their schemes.":"接下类,我们来了解一下黑客在 Discord 实施诈骗时可能会采用的一些方式,以及您可以如何运用我们在《防范 Discord 上的欺诈》文章中提到的方法,来保护自己免于落入他们的陷阱。","#They’ll also be able to see any personal info associated with your account once they’re in it. While most consider “personal info” to be payment info or email, it can also contain your private conversations and messages in DMs and servers alike. If you can see it, they’ll be able to see it.":"一旦他们进入您的账户,他们还可以查看与您的账户相关的任何个人信息。虽然大多数人认为“个人信息”是指付款信息或电子邮件,但它也可以是您在私信和服务器中的私人对话和信息。如果您能看到它,那入侵者也能看到。","#In this situation, a user pretending to be your friend, or using a friend’s compromised account, reaches out asking you to check out their video, test a game they made, or practice running code they wrote. No matter the backstory, they’ll always ask you to download a program or click a link they provide, resulting in a malicious program entering your computer and/or compromising your account.":"在这种情况下,诈骗犯用户会冒充您的朋友,或者入侵并使用您朋友的账户来联系您,要求您查看他们的视频,测试他们制作的游戏,或者试运行他们编写的代码。但不管他们编造了什么理由,目的都是要求您下载某个程序或点击他们提供的链接,从而使恶意程序进入您的计算机,并且/或者入侵您的账户。","#Fake Games, Programs, Videos or Downloads":"虚假的游戏、程序、视频或下载","#This is nearly always fake. Below are two screenshots, both of which present themselves as official Discord-sent messages. However, of these two conversations,":"这类消息基本都是假的。您可以查看下面两张屏幕截图,这两者都自称官方 Discord 发送的消息。但是在这两段对话中,","#Discord Safety Checklist":"Discord 安全检查表","#If you turn this option off, members of newly-joined servers can’t contact you via DM unless you’re friends with them beforehand. Receiving mail might be nice, but receiving suspicious messages from people you don’t know is less nice.":"如果您关闭了这个选项,服务器的新加入成员需要事先与您成为好友,否则无法通过私信与您联系。收到别人的消息可能是件好事,但收到来自陌生人的可疑信息就不好说了。","#Common Scams and What to Look Out For":"常见骗局及防范方法","#Free Nitro Scams":"免费 Nitro 骗局","#Discord impersonation involves a hacker pretends to be messaging you from an “official Discord account” and offer entry to one of our community initiatives, such as the HypeSquad or Partner programs.":"Discord 冒充骗局指的是黑客假装从“官方 Discord 账号”向您发送消息,为您提供机会加入我们的社区活动,比如 HypeSquad 或合作伙伴计划。","#Discord Policy":"Discord 政策","#: We've released a supplemental blog post providing additional info for our updated Community Guidelines. We encourage you to take a look":":我们发布了一篇补充说明,就更新后的《社区守则》提供了更多信息。欢迎前往查看:","#Editor's Note":"编辑备注","#How we explain our Community Guidelines: Our Community Guidelines are the foundation for how we work to keep you safe and give everyone the ability to find belonging on Discord. We’ve added more context and updated our explanations so our rules are easier to understand.":"我们如何解释我们的《社区守则》:我们致力于保护您的安全,并让每个人都能在 Discord 上找到归属感。《社区守则》是我们的工作内容的基数。我们添加了更多的背景信息,并更新了解释措辞,让我们的规则更易于理解。","#You can find a summary of the changes at the links below, but please do read the revised policies, as they are what actually govern your use of Discord:":"您可以点击下方的链接阅读本次修改的摘要。这些政策决定了您应当如何使用 Discord,因此请您务必阅读修订后的政策:","#Privacy Policy Updates":"《隐私权政策》更新","#Update: On March 10th, 2023, the \"How we approach privacy\" section was updated to further clarify that Discord does not store or record voice or video content, and on March 13, 2023, further clarification about our updated":"更新:2023 年 3 月 10 日,“我们如何处理隐私”章节更新,进一步说明 Discord 不会存储或录制语音和视频内容。2023 年 3 月 13 日,进一步澄清了","#was added.":"上述更新。","#How we resolve disputes: We’ve updated our informal dispute resolution process and our arbitration agreement to lay out more detail on the steps you should take in case you have a dispute. We work hard to make sure you always love Discord and hope there’s never a dispute!":"我们如何解决纠纷:我们更新了非正式纠纷调解流程和仲裁协议,更详细地说明您在遇到纠纷时应该采取的步骤。我们会努力让您始终热爱 Discord。希望纠纷永远不会发生!","#How we describe our services: We added in a broader description of how Discord works, the features we offer, and how our services can be personalized for you. We want Discord to be your experience.":"我们如何描述我们的服务:我们添加了更全面的描述,向您介绍 Discord 的运作方式、我们提供的功能,以及如何让我们的服务更个性化。我们希望让 Discord 成为的专属体验。","#Terms of Service Updates":"《服务条款》更新","#We regularly review our policies to ensure we're surfacing important information to our users in a clear and easy-to-understand way. As we continually work to improve our services and protect your privacy, we periodically update these policies to reflect those priorities and commitments to each other.":"我们会定期检查我们的政策,以确保以清晰易懂的方式向用户提供重要信息。随着我们不断努力改进我们的服务、保护您的隐私,我们也会定期更新这些政策,以落实我们对上述工作的重视和承诺。","#Here are some highlights of what we’ve updated:":"以下是本次更新的一些重点内容:","#Hi folks! It’s Important Announcement DayTM again: we’re updating our Terms of Service, Paid Services Terms, Privacy Policy, and Community Guidelines! These changes go into effect on March 27, 2023.":"大家好!又到了重要公告日TM:我们将更新我们的《服务条款》《付费服务条款》《隐私权政策》《社区守则》!这些更改将于 2023 年 3 月 27 日起生效。","#Looking Ahead":"展望未来","#To help put this policy into context, here are some examples of situations we would and would not take action against under this policy:":"以下是一些示例,说明了我们在哪些情况下会根据这一政策采取或不采取行动,以便大家更好地在实际场景中理解政策:","#We consider a good to be “dangerous” if it has reasonable potential to cause real-world harm. We would not view guns that are depicted in video games as meeting this criteria, so this server would not be in violation of this policy, and we would take no action against the server.":"当物品有可能造成现实世界的伤害时,我们才会认为它是“危险”的。 我们不认为视频游戏中出现的枪支符合此标准,因此该服务器不违反此政策,我们也不会对其采取任何行动。","#We may take any number of enforcement actions in response to users and servers that are attempting to buy, sell, or trade dangerous and regulated goods on Discord — including warning an account, server, or entire moderator team; removing harmful content; and permanently suspending an account or server.":"对于试图在 Discord 购买、销售或交易危险且受管制物品的用户,我们可能采取一种或多种强制执行措施,包括:对账号、服务器或整个管理团队进行警告,移除有害内容,以及永久关停账号或服务器。","#We consider firearms a “dangerous and regulated good” and do not allow any buying, selling, or trading of these goods on Discord. We would take action against the user under this policy and remove the link to the listing.":"我们认为枪支是“危险且受管制物品”,因此不允许在 Discord 购买、销售或交易此类物品。我们会根据此政策对该用户采取行动,并移除销售链接。","#Our definition of “dangerous and regulated goods” includes: real firearms, ammunition, explosives, military-grade tactical gear, controlled substances, marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol. We may expand this list in the future if needed.":"我们所定义的“危险且受管制物品”包括:真实枪械、弹药、爆炸物、军用战术装备、受管制物质、大麻、烟草和酒精。今后如有需要,我们可能会扩展此清单。","#However, we are further evaluating how best to support our moderators and communities in regards to any new age-restricted policies. As such, this new requirement will not go into effect until we have provided more guidance and clarity, which will happen in the coming months.":"然而,我们仍在进一步评估如何在新的年龄限制政策方面更好地支持管理员和社区。我们会在几个月内提供更多指导和声明,在此之前,这项新要求不会生效。","#Analysis:":"分析:","#The intention of this requirement is to ensure the safety of our users through preventing the promotion of dangerous or illegal activities, especially as it relates to teens on Discord.":"引入这一要求,是为了通过防止宣传危险和非法活动(尤其是涉及青少年的活动),来确保 Discord 用户的安全。","#Below, we’ve gone a bit deeper into this rule to explain what is changing, what’s not, and what we classify as a Dangerous and Regulated Good.":"下面,我们将更深入地探讨这条规则,以解释哪些内容进行了修改或维持原样,以及我们对危险且受管制物品的定义。","#Our guidelines state that users may not organize, promote, or engage in the buying, selling, or trading of dangerous and regulated goods. This has always been our policy and will not be changing.":"我们的守则规定:用户不得组织、宣传或参与危险且受管制物品的购买、销售或交易。这一直都是我们的政策,并且不会改变。","#We want to use this opportunity to talk a little bit more about what we consider to be a “dangerous and regulated good” and how this policy will apply:":"我们想借此机会更深入地讨论我们对“危险且受管制物品”的定义,以及该政策将如何应用:","#Situation: A gaming server has multiple channels for users to connect with each other to talk about and buy, sell, or trade in-game weapons using in-game currencies.":"情景:某游戏服务器有许多频道供用户交流,并可以使用游戏内代币购买、出售或交易游戏内武器。","#After receiving feedback from our community, we are evaluating the potential for unintended consequences and negative impacts of the age-restricted requirement. Our existing guidelines on Dangerous and Regulated Goods remain as stated, however we are assessing how best to support server moderators regarding the age-restricted requirement and to ensure we are not preventing positive online engagement.":"我们已经收到了相关的社区反馈,并且正在评估年龄限制要求可能带来的意外后果和负面影响。我们现有的关于危险且受管制物品的守则将保持不变,但我们正在研究如何针对年龄限制要求为服务器管理员提供更好的支持,同时保证不会打击积极的线上互动。","#The full list of content and behaviors not allowed on Discord can be found in our Community Guidelines. Our Safety Center and Policy & Safety Blog are also great resources if you would like to read more about our approach to safety and our policies.":"您可以在我们的社区守则中找到 Discord 不允许的内容和行为的完整列表。如果想深入了解我们的政策以及如何确保安全,安全中心政策及安全博客都是很好的资源。","#We consider a good to be “dangerous” if it has reasonable potential to cause or assist in causing real-world, physical harm to individuals and “regulated” if there are laws in place that restrict the purchase, sale, trade, or ownership of the good. For a good to be covered under this policy, it must be both dangerous and regulated and have the potential to create real-world harm.":"如果物品在一定程度上有可能对个人造成(或协助造成)现实世界的人身伤害,我们就认为该物品是“危险”的;如果有法律限制该物品的购买、销售、交易或所有权,我们就认为该物品是“受监管”的。 因此,这项政策涵盖的物品,应当是既危险受管制的,并且有可能造成现实世界的伤害。","#Situation: A user posts a message in a server that they have a firearm for sale and includes a link to an off-platform marketplace where they have listed the firearm for sale.":"情景:用户在服务器中发布消息,说其有待售枪支,并发布了出售枪支的外部交易市场链接。","#Enforcing The Existing Policy":"执行现有政策","#Existing Dangerous and Regulated Goods Policy":"现有危险且受管制物品政策","#Examples and Exceptions":"示例与例外","#We regularly evaluate and assess our policies to ensure Discord remains a safe and welcoming place, and plan to update our Community Guidelines in the coming months. We will provide any important updates on this policy then.":"我们会定期探讨和评估我们的政策,以确保 Discord 仍然是一个安全且友好的平台,并计划在未来几个月内更新我们的社区守则。届时我们将提供有关此政策的所有重要更新。","#Regulated or Illegal Activities":"受监管和或非法活动","#Public content posted on another platform that can be confidently attributed to a Discord user":"在其他平台公开发表,且能够认定来自某个 Discord 用户的内容","#Explicit and/or credible threats of violence toward a person, group of people, organization, event, or location":"针对个人、群体、组织、活动或地点进行明确和/或可信的暴力威胁","#Press coverage of the behavior by a reputable journalistic source":"有信誉的新闻来源对该行为的新闻报道","#Credible evidence may include:":"可靠证据包括:","#Legal requests":"法律要求","#when assessing whether that account has violated a specific Community Guideline. Our Trust & Safety team may launch an investigation of an account, including reviewing the user’s activity and posts, based on this off-platform behavior.":"我们也会将上述平台外的破坏行为纳入考量。我们的信任与安全团队可能会对账户开展调查,包括基于上述平台外行为,审查用户在 Discord 的行为与贴文。","#Some types of":"有些","#We are taking this step to ensure the safety of everyone on Discord and in the communities they live in. We are applying this off-platform behavior consideration only if we become aware of highest-harm threats, including organizing, promoting, or supporting violent extremism, making threats of violence, carrying out acts of violence, or sexualizing children in any way.":"采取此种措施的目的是确保大家在 Discord 及其所居住社区的安全。只有发现高破坏性威胁,包括组织、煽动或支持暴力极端主义、暴力威胁、实施暴力或任何形式的性化儿童行为时,我们才会启动对平台外行为的考量。","#We are committed to making Discord a safe place where people can find community and belonging. We believe this policy will help us gather a more comprehensive accounting of a user’s behavior and potential for harm when we investigate violations of our Community Guidelines, and take action if warranted to protect our community.":"我们致力于将 Discord 打造成人们可以找到社区和归属感的安全空间。我们相信本政策能帮助我们在调查违反社区守则的行为时,收集更全面的用户行为与潜在威胁信息,并在必要时为保护我们的社区采取行动。","#Harmful off-platform behaviors may include:":"破坏性平台外行为可能包括:","#off-platform behaviors":"平台之外的行为","#we will take the off-platform harmful behavior into consideration":"那么在评估该账户是否违反特定社区守则时,","#This blog post is available in multiple languages. For non-English, head to our Help Center and select your preferred language at the top-right.":"本篇博客文章提供多语言版本。如需查看非英语版本,请前往我们的帮助中心,在右上角选择您的偏好语种。","#can reasonably create a safety risk - or even immediate and severe harm - for people who use Discord. When we talk about off-platform behaviors, we’re referring to any behaviors taking place outside of Discord, either in other digital spaces or in a physical community. If we become aware of specific off-platform, high-harm behaviors with credible evidence committed by a person with a Discord account,":"可被合理认定为会为 Discord 的用户带来安全风险,甚至是迫在眉睫的严重伤害。我们所说的平台之外的行为,是指所有在 Discord 之外发生的行为,无论是在其他数字空间,还是线下社区。如果我们发现 Discord 账户的持有者在平台之外从事特定的高破坏性行为,并掌握了可靠的证据,","#restorative justice principles":"恢复性司法原则对账户进行评估。","#Discord is a place where people come to hang out with friends, find belonging, and build communities. We want people to enjoy our platform, but never at the expense of others. We also know that the ability to have a safe and positive experience can be affected by things that happen outside of Discord.":"Discord 是一个与好友一起玩耍、寻找归属感和建立社区的地方。我们希望大家可以在我们的平台上度过欢乐的时光,但这绝不能以牺牲他人的利益为代价。我们也深知,在为用户提供安全、积极的体验时,有时也会受到 Discord 以外的因素影响。","#the investigation and assessment shows there is no evidence of the behavior taking place on Discord. We also may remove an account from suspension based on an appeal.":"调查与评估显示,没有证据表明 Discord 上存在该行为。我们也有可能根据申诉,解除账户的封停。","#Carrying out acts of violence, such as a mass shooting or acts of human trafficking":"实施暴力,如大规模枪击或贩卖人口","#Note: Content altered with the intention to frame a user will not be considered, and false reporting may result in action by Trust & Safety.":"注:不包括以陷害用户为目的而篡改的内容,信任与安全团队可能对虚假举报采取行动。","#Recruiting or participating in activities within a known violent group":"为已知暴力组织活动招募参与者或参与其中","#Links to content or content posted that depicts minors in a pornographic, sexually suggestive, or violent manner. This also applies to inappropriate contact with minors (also known as “grooming”) made on other platforms or in a physical space.":"发布以色情、性暗示或暴力方式描绘未成年人的内容或内容链接。此条也包括在其他平台或线下空间与未成年人的不当接触(又称“诱骗”)。","#When considering reported incidents under this policy, we will assess the account with":"根据本政策审查被举报的事件时,我们会根据","#Law enforcement actions or requests":"执法部门的行动或要求","#in mind. We may decline to take action on the account if: the off-platform behavior occurred in the distant past; the person has gone through a credible rehabilitation process, or they received justice-oriented punishment in the past (such as required time at a correctional facility);":"符合下列情况时,我们可能不会采取行动:平台外行为发生在很久以前;涉事个人过去已接受了可靠的矫正过程,或公正的处罚(如在矫正机构服刑期满);","#How does it work?":"如何使用?","#What's New With Nitro":"Nitro 的新功能","#Hype up the chat with action-packed, animated reactions.":"用动感十足的动画反应来火热畅聊吧。","#Super Reactions":"超级反应","#Soundboard":"音板","#Color Themes":"彩色主题","#Add your vibe to Discord with unique theme colors.":"用独特的主题色彩给 Discord 带来您的范儿。","#2/week":"2 次/周","#5/week":"5 次/周","#Special Stickers Access":"特殊贴纸通道","#How Did We Do on January 6?":"1 月 6 日袭击事件发生时,我们做了什么?","#On the day of the Insurrection, our Trust & Safety agents were reviewing reports of hate speech, glorification of violence, and misinformation about what was transpiring. We feel very fortunate that our team was able to locate and remove many of the most harmful servers dedicated to coordinating violence on January 6.":"在袭击当日,我们的信任与安全工作人员一直在检查关于仇恨言论、美化暴力和错误信息的举报。我们的团队成功找到并删除了大部分最具危害性的、专门为 1 月 6 日组织暴力活动而建立的服务器,这让我们十分庆幸。","#Because of these values, we plan to continue standing firm against ideologies of hate that violent extremist communities espouse, and we are excited to work with other platforms and organizations that seek to do the same. Stay tuned for more updates.":"基于这些价值观,我们将会继续坚定不移地与暴力极端主义社区所信奉的仇恨意识形态作斗争。我们期待与其他志同道合的平台和机构合作。敬请关注更多新消息。","#We don’t allow users or servers to engage in this behavior, and we also don’t allow the glorification of known violent extremist groups or movements. With this topic on the minds of many, we wanted to delve into it a bit more and explain how we review, when we take action against this kind of content, and why it’s important to us to stop the proliferation of violent extremism on Discord.":"我们不允许用户和服务器参与此类行为,也不允许美化已知的暴力极端主义团体和运动。鉴于这个话题备受关注,我们希望通过本文进行深入讨论,并说明我们如何检查此类内容、什么情况下会对此类内容采取措施,以及阻止暴力极端主义在 Discord 上扩散的必要性。","#They don’t allow opinions or ideas opposing their ideologies to be expressed or accepted.":"他们不允许他人表达或接受与自身意识形态相左的观点和理念。","#Looking to the Future":"展望未来","#Our ability to move proactively on servers advocating for violence was thanks to two main factors: first, we were able to surface reports from users on these spaces quickly; and second, our Trust & Safety agents dedicated to countering violent extremism had been tracking these spaces ever since allegations of election fraud regarding the 2020 U.S. presidential election had begun to spread.":"我们之所以能主动打击那些拥护暴力的服务器,其中有两大主要原因:首先,我们有能力快速获取用户对这些空间的举报;其次,我们有一批专门负责打击暴力极端主义的信任与安全工作人员,在 2020 年美国总统大选舞弊的传闻出现后,他们就一直在追踪这些空间。","#We’ve been paying close attention to violent extremist groups and movements ever since we learned how the organizers of the 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia utilized Discord to plan their hateful activities.":"自从我们发现 Discord 被 2017 年弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔的“团结右翼”集会组织者用于策划他们的仇恨活动,就一直在密切关注各种暴力极端主义团体和运动。","#Others don’t want to officially identify themselves as belonging to a particular movement, and may instead form looser connections with others who have adopted the same worldview. Different cultural contexts also influence belief systems and behaviors, so violent extremist ideologies in one country will naturally be different from those on the other side of the world.":"​​​​还有一些人则不愿意直接表明参与某项运动的立场,而是选择与世界观相同的人建立松散的联系。不同的文化背景也会影响人们的信仰体系和行为,因此某一国家的暴力极端主义意识形态自然会与地球另一侧的不同。","#Discord Trust & Safety’s objective is to ensure that no harm comes to our users, or to society at large, because of actions taken on Discord, which is why we don’t tolerate activities that promote or advocate for violence. When we’re reviewing reports for violent extremism, while it’s sometimes clear when users or servers have crossed that line, in many cases there’s a lot more context to consider. One of the most difficult responsibilities of our work is balancing the mitigation of potential harm without appearing as if we are overstepping any boundaries or censoring meaningful conversation.":"Discord 信任与安全团队的目标是确保我们的用户(乃至整个社会)不会因为在 Discord 上采取的行动而受到伤害,因此我们不会容忍宣扬或鼓吹暴力的活动。当我们检查关于暴力极端主义的举报时,有时候我们会看到用户或服务器的行为明显超出了界限。但很多情况下,我们还有更多的背景因素需要考虑。我们既要减轻潜在的危害,又要保持在合理的处理界限内,避免让用户们认为所有有意义的对话都要接受审查,在这二者之间寻找平衡是我们工作中最困难的职责之一。","#Individual accounts, servers, or organized hate groups promote or embrace radical and dangerous ideas that are intended to cause or lead to real-world violence":"为了在现实中造成或引发暴力行动,宣扬或拥护激进危险观念的个人账户、服务器、有组织的仇恨团体","#How We Identify Violent Extremism":"我们如何识别暴力极端主义","#These accounts, servers, or groups target other groups or individuals who they perceive as enemies of their community, usually based on a sensitive attribute.":"这些账户、服务器或团体通常会基于某种敏感属性,将其他团体或个人作为目标,视为自身社区的敌人。","#Our History with Violent Extremism":"我们应对暴力极端主义的历史","#Now more than ever, it’s important for meaningful conversations, debates, and exchanges of ideas to take place. We’re glad that users across the world have turned to Discord to discuss their opinions and beliefs, to organize, and to advocate for the change they want to see.":"如今,有意义的对话、辩论和思想交流比以往任何时候都更加重要。我们很高兴看到世界各地的用户选择 Discord 来讨论他们的观点和信念、组织活动、倡导他们希望看到的变革。","#Violent extremism is nuanced and the ideologies and tactics behind them evolve fast. We don’t try to apply our own labels or identify a certain “type” of extremism.":"暴力极端主义内部存在许多细微差别,它们背后的意识形态和行动策略也在迅速演变。我们不会尝试自行对极端主义贴标签,或寻找某种特定的“类型”。","#They express a desire to recruit others who are like them or believe in the same things to their communities and cause.":"他们表现出招募志同道合者加入他们的社区与行动的欲望。","#Instead, we evaluate user accounts, servers, and content that is flagged to us based on common characteristics and patterns of behavior, such as:":"相反,我们会评估那些根据共同特征和行为模式被标记出来的用户账户、服务器和内容,例如:","#We believe it’s important to talk about the line we walk with Discord users who discuss politics or to organize political activities like protests. Many people are frustrated with how society works and how some governmental or societal systems are structured. Naturally, people have strong opinions on how things should or shouldn’t change.":"我们知道我们的用户会在 Discord 上讨论政治、组织抗议等政治活动,我们认为有必要聊聊我们对此的立场和底线。我们社会的运行方式,以及某些政府和社会系统的结构,都让许多人感到沮丧,自然也有人对事情应该或不应该如何改变抱有强烈的观点。","#If you would like to report dangerous or harmful activity to the Trust & Safety team, please do so using our":"如果您想向信任与安全团队举报危险活动或有害活动,请使用我们的","#. If you’re unsure how to report a user or server, take a look at":"。如果您不清楚如何举报用户或服务器,请参见","#Categorizing violent extremism itself is difficult because not all extremists have the same motives or believe in the same ideas. Some individuals who adopt violent ideologies act on their beliefs by joining organized hate, terrorist, or violent extremist groups.":"想要将暴力极端主义分门别类难度很大,因为并非所有极端主义者都抱有相同的动机、相信同样的理念。不同的个体会在接纳了暴力的意识形态后,选择加入有组织的仇恨团体、恐怖主义团体或暴力极端主义团体,以此践行自己的信念。","#We know that we can’t solve violent extremism alone, but we’ll continue to do our best to make sure that the communities on Discord reflect our company values. We want Discord — and the internet as a whole — to be a space for positive interactions and creating belonging.":"我们深知,单凭我们的力量无法解决暴力极端主义的问题,但我们会继续竭尽所能,确保 Discord 上的所有社区都认同公司的价值观。我们希望 Discord——以及整个互联网——成为一个为人们带来正能量互动和归属感的空间。","#report form":"举报表格","#Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism":"全球互联网反恐论坛(Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism)","#Mental wellness is important for everyone. Discord is partnering with":"心理健康对所有人来说都非常重要。Discord 正在与","#Empowering Teens and Families to Build Belonging":"增强青少年和家庭建立归属感的能力","#We’re committed to mental wellbeing and helping our users uplift each other and their communities. Our newly-implemented partnerships and resources developed with the support of the Crisis Text Line, Digital Wellness Lab, and National PTA are an important addition to our ongoing work to give everyone the power to create space to find belonging in their lives.":"我们致力于维护心理健康,并帮助我们的用户相互促进、与社区共同提升。在紧急情况短信专线(Crisis Text Line)、数字健康实验室和全美家长教师协会的支持下,我们新近建立的合作伙伴关系以及开发的资源都是对我们工作的重要补充,让所有人都能够在生活中创造空间、找到归属感。","#Crisis Text Line Partnership":"紧急情况短信专线(Crisis Text Line)合作伙伴","#If you report a message for self-harm within the Discord mobile app, you will be presented with information on how to connect with a Crisis Text Line volunteer Crisis Counselor. You can also text ‘DISCORD’ to 741741 to reach Crisis Text Line counselors available 24/7 to help you or a friend through any mental health crisis. Our goal is to enable users to get the help they need for themselves, or empower others to get help, as quickly as possible.":"如果您在 Discord 移动端报告了自我伤害的消息,您会收到相关信息,告知您如何联系紧急情况短信专线(Crisis Text Line)的志愿者危机咨询师。您也可以发送“DISCORD”至 741741 联系紧急情况短信专线(Crisis Text Line),他们的咨询师 24 小时在线,能随时帮助您或者朋友度过任何心理健康危机。我们的目标是让所有用户都能尽快为自己或者他人寻求并获得帮助。","#Expanding Our Policies":"扩展我们的政策覆盖范围","#As part of our growing efforts to support each other and our communities on Discord, we’re thrilled to share some new updates and resources related to mental health and belonging.":"Discord 一直在不断努力,希望给彼此和社区提供更多支持,因此我们也有幸能给大家分享关于心理健康和归属感的更新信息和资源。","#Back-to-school season is a great time for families to rethink and reset their relationship with technology. To help out, Discord is rolling out a new program with National PTA to help families and educators discuss ways to foster positive relationships and build belonging in our digital world. Through the program, free resources will be provided, along with breakout activities and digital safety tips for families. As part of National PTA’s PTA Connected program, Discord will also fund 30 grants for local high school PTAs to pilot the program during the 2022–2023 school year.":"返校季是一个大好时机,让家庭能够重新思考并调整与科技的关系。Discord 也会提供助力:我们正在与全美家长教师协会合作推出全新计划,帮助家庭和教育工作者讨论如何在数字世界中培养积极关系并建立归属感。该计划将不断提供免费资源,并为家庭提供分组活动和数字安全提示。作为全美家长教师协会的“家长教师协会连接计划”的一部分,Discord 还将为当地高中的家长教师协会提供 30 笔资助,并成功在在 2022–2023 学年试行了该计划。","#Fall is here! With leaves changing, school starting, work deadlines and less sunlight, there’s so much to do and so little time! With so much happening at once, sometimes life can feel overwhelming and stressful — especially for teens and students. Community can help us all to feel less alone, offer guidance, and just be a place to share and support one another.":"秋天到了!树叶褪去绿意,学校开学,工作上死线蜂拥而至,白天却越来越短。要做的事那么多,时间却那么少!生活中有无数事情同时发生,这有时会让人倍感压力、不知所措——特别是对青少年和学生来说。社区能让我们感觉不那么孤单,能提帮助和指导,也能让我们互相分享、彼此支持。","#, a nonprofit that provides 24/7 text-based mental health support and crisis intervention via trained volunteer Crisis Counselors.":"合作。这是一家非营利组织,他们训练有素的志愿者危机咨询师主要通过短信聊天提供 24/7 的心理健康支持和危机干预。","#That said, platforms have a critical role to play to ensure these digital spaces don’t attempt to normalize or promote hurtful behaviors or encourage other users to engage in acts of self-harm. We recently expanded our Self Harm Encouragement and Promotion Policy to ensure this type of content is addressed on Discord. We do not allow any content or behavior that promotes or encourages individuals to commit acts of self-harm on Discord. We also prohibit content that seeks to normalize self-harming behaviors, as well as content that discourages individuals from seeking help for self-harm behaviors.":"尽管如此,平台仍需发挥关键作用,确保这些数字空间不会试图正常化或宣扬伤害行为,或者鼓励其他用户进行自我伤害。我们最近扩展了我们的“鼓励和宣扬自我伤害政策”,以确保此类内容在 Discord 会得到处理。在 Discord,我们不会容忍任何鼓励或宣扬实施自我伤害的内容或行为。我们也禁止试图正常化自我伤害的内容,以及阻止他人寻求自我伤害帮助的内容。","#Supporting Youth Digital Wellness":"支持青少年的数字健康","#Beyond our work with Crisis Text Line, Digital Wellness Lab, and National PTA, we continue to build out efforts and resources that help people on Discord build belonging and support one another to overcome the impossible. Finding a community that is navigating similar challenges can be incredibly helpful for healing.":"除了与紧急情况短信专线(Crisis Text Line)、数字健康实验室和全美家长教师协会的合作外,我们还将继续拓展工作和资源,以帮助 Discord 用户建立归属感并相互支持,化不可能为可能。找到正在经历类似挑战的社区,对治愈创伤有极大的帮助。","#Our ongoing work to protect users is conducted in collaboration and partnership with experts who share our mission to create a safer internet. We partner with a number of organizations to jointly confront challenges impacting internet users at large. For example, we partner with the Family Online Safety Institute, an international non-profit that endeavors to make the online world safer for children and families. We also cooperate with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), the Tech Coalition, and the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism.":"为了打造更安全的互联网环境,我们与志同道合的专业人士协同合作,持续开展用户保障工作。我们与多个组织建立了合作伙伴关系,以共同应对影响广大互联网用户的各种挑战。例如,我们与家庭在线安全机构(Family Online Safety Institute)建立了合作伙伴关系,这是一个国际非盈利组织,致力于为儿童和家庭创造更安全的网络世界。除此以外,我们还与全国失踪和受虐待儿童中心(National Center for Missing & Exploited Children)、技术联盟(Tech Coalition)和全球互联网反恐论坛(Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism)开展了广泛合作。","#Classified military intelligence documents pose a significant, complex challenge for Discord as they do for other online platforms – only authorized government personnel can determine whether a document is classified, unclassified, or even authentic. And currently, there is no structured process for the government to communicate their determinations to platforms like Discord.":"与其他在线平台一样,机密军事情报文件也给 Discord 带来了重大且复杂的挑战,因为只有获得授权的政府人员才能确认文件是否机密,甚至是否真实。截至目前,政府还没有向 Discord 等平台传达其决定的结构化流程。","#Because investigations are ongoing, we can only share limited details. What we can say is that the alleged documents were initially shared in a small, invite-only server on Discord. The original server has been deleted, but the materials have since appeared in several additional servers.":"由于调查仍在进行中,我们只能透露部分细节。可以公布的是,据称的机密文件最初是在 Discord 上一个邀请制小型服务器上分享的。原始服务器已被删除,但这些资料后来又出现在其他几个服务器中。","#In recent days, U.S. government documents alleged to be classified were shared on Discord servers. The appearance of these documents on our platform was unusual – conversations on Discord generally relate to video games, music, art, sports, and other interests of our users around the world.":"最近几天,有人在 Discord 服务器分享了据称是机密的美国政府文件。这类文件出现在我们的平台上是十分不同寻常的——Discord 上的对话一般都是关于世界各地用户的兴趣爱好,比如游戏、音乐、艺术、体育等等。","#We continue to innovate how we scale safety mechanisms, with a focus on proactive detection. Millions of people around the world use Discord every day, the vast majority are engaged in positive ways, but we take action on multiple fronts to address bad behavior and harmful content. For example, we use PhotoDNA image hashing to identify inappropriate images; we use advanced technology like machine learning models to identify and remedy offending content; and we empower and equip community moderators with tools and training to uphold our policies in their communities. You can read more about our safety initiatives and priorities below.":"为了发展安全机制,我们不断创新,注重主动监测。每天有数百万人使用 Discord,且绝大部分用户都会以积极的方式参与其中,但我们仍会从多方面采取措施,以处理不良行为和危害性内容。比如,我们会使用 PhotoDNA 图像哈希算法来识别不当图片;采用机器学习模型等先进技术来识别并纠正违规内容;此外,我们还通过各类工具和培训来赋能武装我们的社区管理员,从而在各个社区执行我们的政策。您可以阅读以下内容,进一步了解我们的安全举措和重要事项。","#User Controls: Our product architecture provides each user with fundamental control over their experience on Discord including who they communicate with, what content they see, and what communities they join or create.":"用户控制:依托我们的产品架构,每个用户都能基本控制自己的 Discord 的体验,包括与谁沟通、能看到哪些内容,以及加入或创建哪些社区。","#Discord is a communications platform that brings people together over shared experiences. More than 150 million people around the world use our platform every month to stay in touch and spend time with the most important people in their lives.":"Discord 是一个交流平台,让用户聚在一起、分享经验。每个月,全球有超过 1.5 亿人使用我们的平台,与重要的人保持联系、共度时光。","#Our Partnerships":"我们的合作伙伴","#Safety homepage":"安全主页","#Digital Trust & Safety Partnership":"数字信任与安全合作伙伴关系(Digital Trust & Safety Partnership)","#Design for Privacy: We carefully balance privacy and safety on the platform. We believe that users should be able to tailor their Discord experience to their preferences, including privacy.":"隐私设计:我们妥善协调平台的用户隐私与安全。我们相信用户有能力根据自己的喜好自定义 Discord 使用体验,包括隐私。","#Visual Safety Platform:":"视觉安全平台:","#This cooperation extends to our work with law enforcement agencies. When appropriate, Discord complies with information requests from law enforcement agencies while respecting the privacy and rights of our users. Discord also may disclose information to authorities in emergency situations when we possess a good faith belief that there is imminent risk of serious physical injury or death. You can read more about how Discord works with law enforcement here.":"随着合作关系的拓展,我们也与执法机构联起手来。在尊重用户隐私和权利的情况下,Discord 会对执法机构的信息请求做出恰当的响应。在紧急情况下,我们也可能向当局披露信息,但前提是我们有充分理由确信存在严重的会造成身体伤害或死亡的紧迫风险。若要进一步了解 Discord 与执法机构的合作方式,请点击此处。","#The safety of all the people and communities that call Discord their online home is a top priority. Posting illegal content or demonstrating racist behavior, both observed in this incident, are not welcome or allowed on Discord.":"这些用户和社区把 Discord 视为线上家园,保证他们的安全也是我们的首要任务。在此次事件中出现了发布非法内容或展示种族主义的行为,此类行为在 Discord 不受欢迎,也不会被容忍。","#Latest Transparency Report":"最新透明度报告","#We believe that in the long term, machine learning will be an essential component of safety solutions. In 2021, we acquired Sentropy, a leader in AI-powered moderation systems, to advance our work in this domain. We will continue to balance technology with the judgment and contextual assessment of highly trained employees, as well as continuing to maintain our strong stance on user privacy.":"我们坚信,从长远来看,机器学习将成为安全解决方案的关键组成部分。为了推进我们在这一领域的工作,我们于 2021 年收购了 Sentropy,这是一家 AI 支持管理系统的领军企业。我们将不断在技术应用与高素质员工做出的判断和情景评估之间寻求平衡,并坚持维护我们在用户隐私方面的坚定立场。","#Here is an overview of some of our key investments in technology:":"以下是我们一些关键技术投入的简介:","#Below is a summary of what we can share about the recent incident, including actions taken and more details around our practices.":"以下是我们可以分享的有关最近事件的概述,包括已采取的行动以及有关我们做法的更多详细信息。","#If you would like to learn more about our approach to Safety, we welcome you to visit the links below.":"想进一步了解我们的安全措施,欢迎访问以下链接。","#Embrace Transparency & Knowledge Sharing: We continue to educate users, join coalitions, build relationships with experts, and publish our safety learnings including our Transparency Reports.":"奉行透明度原则与知识共享:我们持续开展用户教育、加入联盟、与专家建立联系,并发布我们的安全学习成果,包括我们的透明度报告。","#Our product architecture provides each user with fundamental control over their experience on Discord including who they communicate with, what content they see, and what communities they join or create.":"依托我们的产品架构,每个用户都能基本控制自己的 Discord 的体验,包括与谁沟通、能看到哪些内容,以及加入或创建哪些社区。","#Our Approach to Delivering a Positive User Experience":"我们如何提供积极正面的用户体验","#The fight against bad actors on communications platforms is unlikely to end soon, and our approach to safety is guided by the following principles:":"在通信平台上与不良分子的斗争依然任重道远,我们采取的安全保障措施将始终以如下原则为导向:","#Design for Safety: We make our products safe spaces by design and by default. Safety is and will remain part of the core product experience at Discord.":"安全性设计:我们从设计着手,一切从确保产品安全出发。安全始终是 Discord 核心产品体验的一部分。","#In the field of online safety, we are inspired by the spirit of cooperation across companies and civil society groups. We are proud to engage and learn from a wide range of companies and organizations including:":"在网络安全领域,我们在与各公司和民间社会团体的合作中受到巨大的精神鼓舞。我们有幸与包括以下机构在内的众多公司和组织合作与学习:","#This recent incident fundamentally represents a misuse of our platform and a violation of our platform rules. Our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines provide the universal rules for what is acceptable activity and content on Discord. When we become aware of violations to our policies, we take action.":"最近这次事件从根本上代表了恶意使用我们平台以及违反我们平台规则的行为。我们的服务条款和社区守则列出了通用规则,表明了 Discord 能接受什么样的活动和内容。当我们得知违反我们政策的行为时,我们一定会采取行动。","#We invest talent and resources towards safety efforts. From Safety and Policy to Engineering, Data, and Product teams, about 15 percent of all Discord employees are dedicated to working on safety. Creating a safer internet is at the heart of our collective mission.":"为了保障安全,我们投入了人才和各类资源。从安全和政策团队,到工程、数据和产品团队,约有 15% 的 Discord 员工专注于安全保障工作。创造一个安全的互联网环境,是我们共同的核心使命。","#Tech Coalition":"技术联盟(Tech Coalition)","#Our Policy and Safety Resources":"我们的政策与安全资源","#How we investigate issues on our platform":"我们如何对平台上的问题进行调查","#Community Moderation: Server owners and volunteer community moderators define and enforce norms of behavior for their communities that can go beyond the Discord Community Guidelines. We enable our community moderators with technology (tools like AutoMod) as well as training and peer support (the Discord Moderator Academy).":"社区管理:服务器所有者和志愿社区管理员能制订和执行社区行为规范。此类规范覆盖的范围可能超出 Discord 社区守则。为助力社区管理员,我们会提供技术(AutoMod 等工具)、培训和同行支持(Discord 管理员学院)。","#Our Technology Solutions":"我们的技术性解决方案","#Our Approach to Content Moderation":"我们进行内容管理的方式","#AutoMod: AutoMod allows community moderators to block messages with certain keywords, automatically block dangerous links, and identify harmful messages using machine learning. This technology empowers community moderators to keep their communities safe.":"AutoMod:AutoMod 支持社区管理员屏蔽带有特定关键词的消息,同时可以自动屏蔽危险链接,并利用机器学习技术识别有害消息。这项技术能够帮助社区管理员维护社区安全。","#There is constant innovation taking place within and beyond Discord to improve how companies can effectively scale and deliver content moderation. In the future, our approach will continue to evolve, as we are constantly finding new ways to do better for our users.":"在 Discord 内外都不断有创新技术涌现出来,改进公司有效扩大和完成内容管理的方式。随着我们不断发现改善用户体验的新方式,我们的手段在未来还会不断进化。","#However, what is clear is that unauthorized disclosure of classified government documents violates Discord’s Terms of Service, which prohibit the posting of illegal content on our platform. Because of this, in connection with this incident, we have removed content, terminated user accounts, and are cooperating with the efforts of the United States Departments of Defense and Justice in their investigation of this incident. And, while a suspect has been arrested, we continue to conduct our own internal investigation of these events.":"但是,未经授权而披露机密政府文件显然违反了 Discord 的服务条款——该条款禁止在我们的平台上发布非法内容。因此,针对此事件,我们已经移除了相关内容、终止了用户账号,并正在配合美国国防部和司法部对此事件的调查。而且,虽然嫌疑人已被捕,但我们仍在继续对这些事件展开内部调查。","#Latest policy update":"最新政策更新","#How our Trust and Safety team addresses violent extremism on Discord":"信任与安全团队如何应对 Discord 上的暴力极端主义","#Prioritize the Highest Harms: We prioritize issues that present the highest harm to our platform and our users. This includes harm to our users and society (e.g. sexual exploitation, violence, sharing of illegal content) and platform integrity harm (e.g. spam, account take-over, malware).":"优先处理最严重的伤害:我们将优先处理对平台和用户造成最严重伤害的问题。其中包括对我们的用户和社会造成的伤害(如:性剥削、暴力、违法内容分享)以及对平台完整性造成的损害(如:垃圾信息、账户盗用、恶意软件等)。","#Trust & Safety Professionals Association":"信任与安全专家协会(Trust & Safety Professionals Association)","#We currently employ three levers to moderate user content on Discord, while mindful of user privacy:":"我们目前采用了三种方法来管理 Discord 上的用户内容,同时保护用户隐私:","#Platform Moderation: Our universal Community Guidelines apply to all content and every interaction on the platform. These fundamental rules are enforced by Discord on an ongoing basis through a mix of proactive and reactive work.":"平台管理:平台上的所有内容和互动都必须遵守我们的通用社区守则。Discord 同时采用主动和被动措施,持续维护基本社区守则。","#Safety Rules Engine: The rules engine allows our teams to evaluate user activities such as registrations, server joins, and other metadata. We can then analyze patterns of problematic behavior to make informed decisions and take uniform actions like user challenges or bans.":"安全规则引擎:该规则引擎能够支持我们的团队评估用户活动,如注册、加入服务器以及其他元数据。通过分析问题行为的模式,我们可以做出明智的决策,并采取相应的措施,例如对用户进行质询或封禁。","#Our Terms of Service expressly prohibit using Discord for illegal or criminal purposes. This includes the sharing of documents that may be verifiably classified. Unlike the overwhelming majority of the people who find community on Discord, this group departed from the norms, broke our rules, and did so in apparent violation of the law.":"我们的服务条款明确禁止将 Discord 用于非法或犯罪目的。这包括分享可能属于机密性质的文件。与在 Discord 寻找社区的绝大用户不同,分享这类文件的这群人偏离了规范,违反了我们的规则,而且很明显也违反了法律。","#Role of administrators and moderators":"管理人员和管理员的职责","#Underpinning all of this are two important considerations: our overall approach towards content moderation and our investments in technology solutions to keep our users safe.":"实现这一切的基础有两点:我们针对内容管理所采取的整体性方案,以及我们在保障用户安全的技术性解决方案上的投入。","#How we enforce our rules":"我们如何执行规定","#digital wellness tarot":"数字健康塔罗牌","#It’s important that you go through their early comments and messages to understand what prompted this behavior in the first place. This might have been banning them for breaking a rule or not properly punishing another community member that they got into an argument with. They might believe “I feel like you didn’t give me a chance to explain myself” or “I feel like you’re discriminating against me”.":"重要的是要仔细查看他们早期的评论和消息,了解最初是什么原因引发了他们的行为。可能是因为他们违反了某项规定而被封禁,也可能是因为与其发生争执的另一个社区成员没有得到应有的惩罚。他们可能认为“我觉得你没有给我解释的机会”或者“我感觉你在针对我”。","#Chances are, the responses you receive will be filled with aggression, profanity and insults. You must ignore all of this, and continue working to understand their position and the events that resulted in them targeting your community. Negotiations like this are difficult in voice-to-voice communication, and nearly impossible via instant or private messaging. They will be incredibly resistant at first, perhaps thinking that you’re attempting to trick them into a perjury trap for them to admit their guilt or ignorance.":"您很可能会收到充斥着敌意、脏话和侮辱的回复。您必须无视这些,继续尝试理解他们的立场,并找出导致他们攻击您社区的事件。像这样的谈判通过语音通讯很难进行,而通过即时消息和私信更是几乎不可能。他们一开始就会极度抗拒,可能会认为你在“诱供”,诱导他们承认自己的错误或无知。","#Friends of Friends - Selecting only this option means that for anyone to send you a friend request, they must have at least one mutual friend with you. You can view this in their user profile by clicking the Mutual Friends tab next to the Mutual Servers tab.":"好友的好友 - 选择此项设置则表示只有与您有至少一个共同好友的用户才可以向您发送好友请求。您可以通过点击共同服务器页签旁的共同好友页签来查看该用户个人资料中的共同好友情况。","#By requiring all admin accounts to have 2FA turned on, you protect your server from malicious users who might try to compromise one of your moderators' or administrators' accounts and then make unwanted changes to your server. If you are the server owner, you can enable the 2FA requirement for moderation in the Safety Setup section of your Server Settings.":"要求所有的管理员账户开启双重认证(2FA),可以保护您的服务器免遭恶意用户的攻击,此类用户可能会入侵您的管理员账户然后恶意更改您的服务器。如果您是服务器所有者,为了有效管理服务器,您可以在服务器设置中的安全设置部分启用双重认证(2FA)要求。","#For this year’s Safer Internet Day, Discord and NoFiltr, with help from the Youth Innovation Council, are launching the “What’s Your Online Digital Role?” quiz. We believe that everyone can play a part in helping make online communities a safe and inclusive space, and this interactive quiz can help you figure out what role best suits you when it comes to being a part of and building a safe community. Take the quiz here to find out.":"在青年创新协会的帮助下,Discord 与 NoFiltr 在今年的加强网络安全日上联手合作,推出了“我的网络数字角色是什么?”问答活动。我们相信,要打造安全包容的在线社区,每个人都要负起责任来,扮演好自己的角色。进行互动问答,您就能了解在参与和打造安全社区的过程中,自己最适合哪种角色。点击这里立刻进行问答吧!","#Even though the majority of Discord usage is in small, private, invite-only groups, we understand that there may be times when people in these groups behave in ways that make others uncomfortable or post content that isn’t allowed. Our Community Guidelines outline how all users should act on Discord and what we allow and do not allow. We recommend reviewing these with your teen so that you both know what behavior is and isn’t okay on the platform. Among other things, we do not allow:":"大多数 Discord 群组规模都比较小,属于仅限邀请加入的私人群组。但我们知道,这些群组用户偶尔会有引发他人不适的不妥行为,或发布违反规定的内容。我们的《社区守则》中明确指出了用户在 Discord 的行为规范,阐述了符合和违反规定的行为。请与您的青少年孩子一起浏览守则,了解平台上哪些行为是受鼓励的,哪些是不被允许的。违规行为包括但不限于:","#Only those with a school-assigned email address can access a school’s specific hub. Click here to dive into our Student Hubs guidelines. All servers and users in the hub must also comply with our Community Guidelines, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy. We also have all of our existing moderator controls for servers, such as setting specific roles and access to #channels in a server, blocking, banning, mod bots, and more. Students can also submit a report from within their hub to bring attention to any inappropriate behavior.":"只有拥有学校内部电子邮件地址的用户才能访问学校的专属 Hub。点击这里,详细了解 Student Hub 规则指南。Hub 中的所有服务器和用户均必须遵守我们的《社区守则》、服务条款和隐私政策。此外,学校 Hub 也支持所有现有管理员控制功能,例如设置特定身份组,设置服务器中#频道的访问权限,进行拉黑或封禁操作,设置管理员机器人等等。如果出现不妥行为,学生也可以通过 Hub 提交举报。","#“There are four of us and we all have Discord installed on both our computers and phones. My oldest son is in an apartment, and the younger one is on campus, so we use Discord to make family plans. Everything gets dropped into that server. From dinner’s ready to internships and job offers. Usually it’s the silly, stupid stuff we just drop in that makes us all laugh, like when there’s a Weird Al question on Jeopardy. I can’t imagine life without it.”":"“我家一共四口人,都在电脑和手机上安装了 Discord。我的长子住公寓,小儿子住在学校,所以制订家庭计划都用 Discord,想法啦、主意啦还有生活中的新闻全都写在我们的服务器里。比如‘你妈喊你吃晚饭’,‘我拿到实习 offer 啦’,还有‘我被录用啦’之类。我们也经常在 Discord 上分享些搞笑内容,比如怪人埃尔在‘危险边缘’节目上的问答。如果没有 Discord,真不知道生活是什么样。”","#Friends of Friends - Selecting only this option means that for anyone to send your teen a friend request, they must have at least one mutual friend with your teen. You can view this in their user profile by clicking the Mutual Friends tab next to the Mutual Servers tab.":"好友的好友 - 选择此项设置则表示只有与您的孩子有至少一个共同好友的用户才可以向其发送好友请求。您可以通过点击共同服务器页签旁的共同好友页签来查看该用户个人资料中的共同好友情况。","#A parasocial relationship describes a one-sided relationship between a spectator who develops a personal attachment through various influences to a performer who is not aware of the existence of the spectator. It is strengthened by continuous positive exposure to its source, which mainly happens on social platforms.":"“类社会关系”描述的是一种单向关系,即观众通过各种影响因素形成了对某个表演者的个人情感依恋,而表演者并不知道这位观众的存在。如果观众持续积极地接触(主要通过社交平台)表演者,这种关系也会随之增强。","#It’s important to note that the presence of one or two of these signals doesn’t automatically mean that we would classify a server as “violent extremist.” While we might use these signs to help us determine a user or space’s intent or purpose, we always want to understand the context in which user content is posted before taking any action.":"需要注意的是,就算某个服务器中出现了一到两个上述迹象,我们也不能直接将其划分为“暴力极端主义者”。我们可以利用这些迹象来帮助我们确定某位用户或某个空间的意图,但我们始终希望在采取措施之前理解用户发布内容的背景。","#The core of our mission is to give everyone the power to find and create belonging in their lives. Creating a safe environment on Discord is essential to achieve this, and is one of the ways we prevent misuse of our platform. Safety is at the core of everything we do and a primary area of investment as a business:":"让每个人都能够在生活中寻找和创造归属感,是我们使命的核心。营造一个安全的环境不仅对此至关重要,同时还可以防止平台被不当使用。安全是我们的核心指导方针,也是我们作为一家企业的重点投入领域。","#Our mission is for Discord to be the place to hang out with friends online. With that mission comes a responsibility to make Discord a safe and positive place for our users. For example, our policies clearly outline that hate speech, threats and violent extremism have no place on our platform. When Discord’s Trust and Safety team learns of content that violates our rules, we act quickly to remove it. In this instance, we have banned users involved with the original distribution of the materials, deleted content deemed to be against our Terms, and issued warnings to users who continue to share the materials in question.":"我们的愿景是让 Discord 成为与好友线上相聚的平台。因此,我们有责任把 Discord 打造成对用户来说安全、积极的地方。例如,我们的政策明确指出平台绝不容忍仇恨言论、威胁和暴力极端主义。当 Discord 的 Trust and Safety 团队发现了违反我们规则的内容时,我们会迅速将其移除。在此次事件中,我们已封禁最初参与分发资料的用户,删除了违反我们条款的内容,并对继续分享相关材料的用户进行了警告。","#Despite the potential dangers from parasocial relationships, the fact that they develop at all may indicate that you are doing a good job as a moderator. While positive attention and appreciation are key factors to a healthy development, not everyone may like that sort of attention and it is completely acceptable to tell your fellow moderators or even the users themselves about it. At one point you might feel like you reached your limit and need a break from moderation and managing parasocial relationships aimed at you and those around you. Moderator burnout is very real, and you should not hesitate to take a break when you need it.":"虽然社交媒体上的类社会关系可能带来潜在的危险,但其出现或许也表明,您将管理员工作做得很好。积极的关注和赞赏是健康发展的关键因素,但并非人人都喜欢这种关注,如果您也是如此,完全可以告诉您的管理员同事甚至用户本人。有时,您或许会觉得自己已经达到了极限,需要暂停管理和处理您自己和周围人的类社会关系,稍作休息。管理员倦怠问题是真实存在的,需要休息的话,不要犹豫。","#Back then, Discord Trust & Safety was a team of one, just beginning to make difficult decisions about how to properly moderate the platform. Almost four years later, our Trust & Safety Team makes up 15% of Discord’s near-400 employees and splits its time between responding to user reports and now proactively finding and removing servers and users engaging in high-harm activity like violent extremist organizing.":"当时的 Discord 信任与安全团队还只有一名成员,刚刚开始面对如何正确管理平台的各种艰难抉择。将近四年后,我们的信任与安全团队已经在 Discord 的近 400 名员工中占到 15%,他们的工作除了处理用户举报,现在也包括主动寻找并删除参与暴力极端主义组织等高度危害性活动的服务器与用户。","#An essential part of onboarding new moderators is to have an easily accessible document outlining the basic responsibilities and details on moderator tasks and different moderation teams. Such documents need to be designed for each server individually, but they usually contain general rules for staff, conduct expectations, and a punishment outline to set a standard and unity for moderation actions.":"新管理员的入职培训少不了一份通俗易懂的管理手册,其中应当概述管理员任务和不同管理团队的基本职责以及详细信息。管理手册需针对各服务器单独设计,但通常都包含员工总则、行为期望以及惩处纲要,以便为管理行为设置统一标准。","#An important aspect of onboarding moderators therefore is to make them aware of how to react in such situations. They need to be able to create an environment in which it is comfortable for them to work in and not be afraid to ask for help if they feel threatened by users or, in extreme cases, other staff members. Staff members supporting each other and being able to communicate in such moments is crucial for an effectively working team.":"因此,培训的一个重要方面是让管理员知道应该如何应对这种情况。管理员要能够为自己创造舒适的工作环境,并在觉得自己受到用户或其他工作人员(极端情况)的威胁时勇于求助。在这种情况下,工作人员之间的相互支持和沟通是一个高效的工作团队必不可少的部分。","#Trust & Safety has spent a lot of time since 2017 trying to ensure that another event like Charlottesville isn’t planned on our platform. Our team developed frameworks based on academic research on violent extremist radicalization and behavior to better identify extremist users who try to use Discord to recruit or organize. We keep up-to-date on research that can lend insight into how to evaluate and understand extremist behavior online, and our recent partnerships with organizations like the Global Internet Forum for Countering Terrorism (GIFCT) and Tech Against Terrorism (TAT) are intended to support this effort.":"2017 年以来,信任与安全团队投入了大量时间,确保我们的平台不会再被用于策划类似夏洛茨维尔事件的活动。我们的团队参考了关于暴力极端主义的激进化及其行为的学术研究成果,以此为依据制定行动框架,以更好地识别那些试图利用 Discord 招募或组织活动的极端主义用户。我们时刻关注最新的研究成果,学习如何评估网络上的极端主义行为,并加深对其的理解。我们最近与全球互联网反恐论坛(GIFCT)反恐技术(TAT)等机构的合作也是为了支持这方面的行动。","#As with any moderation action, once taken it is best practice to leave a note for your team about what action was taken and why. Another period of self-evaluation is a good idea after any action is taken. Ask yourself, was the action taken in alignment with the rules of your community? Was it fair to both the offending member, as well as the other members of your community? Was your decision affected by your bias towards the offending member? If necessary or unclear, ask your teammates for their outside perspective.":"在采取任何管理行动后,最好留下一份记录,告知团队行动内容和原因。在采取任何行动之后,也建议您再次进行自我评估。问问自己:采取的行动是否符合您的社区规则?该行动对于违规成员和其他社区成员都公平吗?是否因偏袒违规成员而影响了您的决定?如果有必要或者您不太确定,可以向您的团队成员寻求局外人观点。","#This type of one-sided interpersonal relationship is rare among moderators because of the connection a moderation team usually has to the content creator or personality that they moderate for. More commonly, a user witnessing a friendly moderator carrying out their daily duties to interact with their server can develop such a relationship. However, this type of relationship requires an extra level of care and awareness, as they can quickly become toxic if not managed appropriately. Always be aware of them, and consider their existence when making certain moderation decisions. The DMA has an article exclusively dedicated to parasocial relationships for further reading.":"由于管理团队通常与所辖内容创作者或个人有联系,所以这种单向的人际关系在管理员中是很少见的。更常见的情况是,在见证有好的管理员履行日常职责、与服务器互动时,用户会对管理员发展出这种关系。然而,这类关系更需留意和关注,因为如果管理不当,可能会很快造成严重的负面影响。在做管理决策时,要始终留意这些关系并考量其潜在影响。管理员学院有一篇专门介绍类社会关系的文章,供您进一步了解。","#Just as it is natural for these relationships to form, it is also human nature to unconsciously develop and act on a bias toward the people closest to you. As a moderator, that natural bias is something you must actively resist, and take conscious steps to avoid. What happens when the friend of a moderator has a bad day and doesn’t act in the spirit of the rules of the community? In an ideal scenario, the moderator’s response would be the same reasonable response that would be expected if the offending member were anyone else. Your response to these situations will have a profound impact on your community’s attitude toward you as a moderator, as showing favoritism will quickly evaporate the community’s trust in your ability to be impartial. Moderators are human, and for inexperienced and seasoned moderators alike, this kind of scenario can prove to be one of the most significant tests of their ability to manage conflict.":"正如这些关系会自然而然地形成,下意识地偏袒关系密切之人也是人类的天性。作为管理员,您必须时刻警惕出现这种无意识的偏袒心理,并积极采取措施来避免这种情况发生。倘若管理员的好友在不冷静的情况下没有按照社区规则行事,会发生什么?理想情况下,管理员应该像对待任何其他违规成员一样,作出同样的的合理回应。您对这些情况的回应将深刻影响到社区对您作为管理员的看法,如果您表现出偏袒,社区对您公正度的信任将会很快土崩瓦解。管理员也是人,无论是资深还是新手管理员,这种情况都是检验他们冲突管理能力的最重要考验之一。","#Log Action and Self-Evaluate (Again)":"记录行动并(再次)进行自我评估","#Moderating a server owned by a school isn’t the same as moderating any other Discord server. As a school server, your goals will not often align with community servers driven by users seeking like minded people with similar interests. This article will explore how Discord can be used in classroom settings, but we recommend reading this article before diving into this more detailed approach. If you’re a student thinking about how to bring your College/University club onto Discord, check out this page!":"管理属于学校的服务器与管理其他 Discord 服务器有所不同。学校服务器的目标通常与那些由寻找志趣相投者的用户所驱动的社区服务器并不一致。本文将探讨 Discord 在课堂环境中的使用方式,但在深入了解这种详细方法前,我们建议您先阅读此文。如果您是一名学生,正考虑如何在 Discord 上开展您的大学社团活动,请查看此页!","#Official 3rd Party Merch":"官方认证第三方周边","#DM spam filter":"私信垃圾信息过滤器","#Automatically send direct messages that may contain spam into a separate spam inbox.":"自动将可能包含垃圾信息的私信发送至单独的垃圾信箱。","#These filters are customizable and you can choose to turn them off. By default, these filters are set to “Filter direct messages from non-friends.” Choose “Filter all direct messages” if you want all direct messages that you receive to be filtered, or select “Do not filter direct messages” to turn these filters off.":"您可以根据自己的需求自定义这类过滤器的设置,也可以选择关闭该过滤器。这些过滤器默认设置为“过滤非好友发送的私信”。如果您希望过滤收到的所有私信,可以将其设置为“过滤所有私信” ;如果您想关闭此项功能,则可以选择“请勿过滤私信”。","#Explicit image filter":"不雅图片过滤器","#, and then find the":",即可进行","#heading.":"这项设置。","#You can control this feature so that it applies to all server members, or just to members without roles — or you can turn this feature off altogether.":"您可以控制这一功能的使用,决定是对所有服务器成员开放,还是仅对有身份组的成员开放,您也可以直接关闭这项功能。","#You can access this setting by navigating to":"找到","#, and under":",","#4. Explicit image filter":"4. 不雅图片过滤器","#These filters are customizable and you can choose to turn them off. By default, these filters are set to “Filter direct messages from non-friends.” Choose “Filter all direct messages” if you want all direct messages that you receive to be filtered, or select “Do not filter direct messages” to turn these filters off.":"您可以根据自己的需求自定义这类过滤器的设置,也可以选择关闭该过滤器。这些过滤器默认设置为“过滤非好友发送的私信”。如果您希望过滤收到的所有私信,可以将其设置为“过滤所有私信” ;如果您想关闭此项功能,则可以选择“请勿过滤私信”。","#You can control these settings by going into":"您可以进入","#The explicit image filter automatically blocks messages in a server that may contain explicit images in channels not marked as Age-restricted.":"不雅图片过滤器能够自动屏蔽服务器中出现在成人频道以外的、可能含有不雅图片的消息。","#are exempt from the explicit image filter. Turning this filter on allows your server members to share content while reducing the risk of explicit images being posted in channels that are not age-restricted.":"不受到不雅图片过滤器的限制。启用过滤器功能后,可以使成员在分享内容的同时,避免将不雅图片发布到非成人频道中。","#SafetySetup":"安全设置","#Include a time limited non-disclosure order (18 U.S.C. § 2705(b)) or similar legal provision with your legal request.":"为您的法律请求附上限时保密条款(《美国法典》第 18 卷第 2705(b) 条)或类似的法律条款。","#3. Upload a copy of any relevant documents in PDF format (for example, a copy of the subpoena or search warrant, as well as any non-disclosure order you may have).":"3. 以 PDF 格式上传所有相关文件的副本(例如,传票或搜查令的副本,以及您可能持有的保密令)。","#If your data request places Discord on notice of an ongoing or prior violation of our Terms of Service, Community Guidelines or other policies, we may take action to prevent further abuse, including account termination and other actions that may notify the user that we are aware of their misconduct.":"如果在您的数据申请提示下,Discord 察觉有违规行为正在进行或曾经发生,包括违反服务条款、社区守则或是其他政策的行为,那么我们可能会采取相应的措施来阻止违规行为,包括终止账户运行或是其他可能让该用户发现我们已经察觉违规行为的措施。","#Our online portal will guide you through how to submit a request. You will need to:":"我们的在线门户会指引您完成申请提交流程。您需要执行以下步骤:","#Discord reserves the right to not notify users if doing so would pose a risk to Discord or its users general welfare.":"如果相关措施会对 Discord 或是平台用户的整体权益造成损害,那么 Discord 将保留不通知用户的权利。","#2. Fill in the required fields in the webform;":"2. 填写网络表格中的必填字段;","#Clearly state you have no objection to Discord providing user notice.":"明确声明您不反对 Discord 通知用户。","#Provide us with details on why an exceptional circumstance exists (e.g., child sexual exploitation, threat to life emergency) in providing user notice.":"告知我方详细信息,说明存在不能通知用户的例外情况(例如儿童性剥削,危及生命的紧急情况)。","#Our online portal also allows you to add information, ask us questions, and download the information when it is available.":"您也可以通过我们的在线门户了解更多信息、提交疑问,以及下载可获取的信息。","#Note:":"请注意:","#It is our policy to notify Discord users and provide them with a copy of the legal process seeking their account information. We do not provide notice if we are prohibited by law or under exceptional circumstances such as child sexual exploitation investigations or threat to life emergencies. We ask that your non-disclosure order (18 U.S.C. § 2705(b)) or similar legal authority include a time limitation, as we provide delayed notice upon expiration of this limitation and when we believe the exceptional circumstance no longer exists. If no non-disclosure provision or exception is included with your legal request, Discord will confirm with law enforcement before providing user notice. In order to expedite your legal request for account information, we ask that you include or inform us initially of one of the following:":"根据我方政策要求,我们会通知 Discord 用户,并向用户提供获取账户信息的法律程序副本。在法律禁止或是特殊情况下,比如涉及儿童性剥削调查或是危及生命的紧急情况下,我们不会通知相应的用户。我方要求申请方的保密条款(《美国法典》第 18 卷第 2705(b) 条)或类似的法律条款中提供明确的时限,因为我方需要在时限到期且我方认为不存在例外情况时通知用户。如果申请方的法规中并没有包含保密条款或例外条款,那么 Discord 将在通知用户之前与执法部门确认。为了加快账户信息的合法请求流程,我们希望您在初次发出请求时,即提供或通知我们以下内容之一:","#React with Soundboard custom sounds in all voice channels.":"以声音板中的自定义声音进行反应,全语音频道通用。","#Animated avatar, banner, and profile theme":"动画头像、横幅,还有个人资料主题","#Custom Sounds Everywhere":"随时随地使用自定义声音","#Use custom stickers anywhere!":"可以在任何地方使用自定义贴纸!","#Custom stickers anywhere":"到处都是自定义贴纸","#Email:":"电子邮箱:","#Company Information":"公司信息","#In addition, we’ve expanded our list of protected characteristics to go beyond what most hate speech laws cover to include the following: age; caste; color; disability; ethnicity; family responsibilities; gender; gender identity; housing status; national origin; race; refugee or immigration status; religious affiliation; serious illness; sex; sexual orientation; socioeconomic class and status; source of income; status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking; and, weight and size.":"此外,我们还扩展了受保护特征的列表,超出了绝大多数仇恨言论法律法规所涵盖的范围,包括以下内容:年龄;种姓;肤色;残疾;种族;家庭责任;性别;性别认同;住房状况;国籍;种族;难民或移民身份;宗教信仰;严重疾病;性;性取向;社会经济阶层和地位;收入来源;家庭暴力、性暴力或跟踪的受害者身份;体重和体型。","#Threats, Hate Speech, and Violent Extremism":"针对威胁、仇恨言论和暴力极端主义","#User safety is our top priority and we’re committed to ensuring Discord continues to be a safe and welcoming place. We regularly evaluate and assess our policies in collaboration with experts, industry-leading groups, and partner organizations. We look forward to continuing our work in this important area and plan to share further updates down the road.":"保护用户安全是我们的第一要务,我们致力于让 Discord 保持安全和友好的环境。我们定期与专家、行业领先的团体和合作伙伴组织一起,不断评估和审查我们的政策。我们期待着在这一领域的后续工作,并将在未来继续分享更多更新。","#Under our new Fraud Services Policy, we've expanded our definitions of what constitutes fraudulent behavior. We will take action against users who engage in reselling stolen or ill-gotten digital goods or are involved in coordinated efforts to defraud businesses or engage in price gouging, forgery, or money laundering.":"根据我们最新的反诈骗服务政策,我们扩大了对诈骗行为的定义范围。我们将对参与转售被盗或非法获取的数字商品的用户、参与配合诈骗活动的用户,以及参与哄抬价格、造假或洗钱活动的用户等采取措施。","#In the first half of this year, our team focused on updating policies to address the biggest issues that we saw users experiencing on Discord. For today’s post, we want to share our approach to this kind of content and behavior.":"今年上半年,我们的团队专注于政策更新,以解决我们在 Discord 上观察到的最严重的用户体验问题。在今天这篇文章中,我们想要分享我们对这类内容和行为的处理方法。","#Hate or harm targeted at individuals or communities is not tolerated on Discord in any way, and combating this behavior and content is a top priority for us. We evolved our Threats Policy to address threats of harm to others. Under this policy, we will take action against direct and indirect threats, veiled threats, those who encourage this behavior, and conditional statements to cause harm.":"在 Discord 上,我们不会容忍任何形式的针对个人或社区的仇恨和伤害行为,打击这种行为和内容是我们的第一要务。我们改进了反威胁政策,以应对威胁对他人造成伤害的行为。根据该政策,我们将采取相应措施来应对直接或间接的威胁、威胁暗示、鼓动该行为的个人,以及声明在某种条件下将伤害他人的言论。","#Financial Scams, Fraud Services, and Malicious Conduct":"针对金融诈骗、诈骗服务和恶意行为","#We built Discord to be a place that brings people together over shared experiences and gives everyone a place to belong, but not at the expense of others. Keeping Discord safe and welcoming is what allows people to find a place to belong and that’s why safety is one of our most important investments and priorities.":"我们打造 Discord 是为了让有共同经历的人们在这里相聚,为每个人都提供归属感,但这一切绝不能以牺牲他人的利益为代价。保持 Discord 的安全和友好是让人们找到归属感的关键,也是我们最重视、优先级最高的投入方向。","#As part of our ongoing efforts to keep users safe, we regularly review and update our policies and Community Guidelines. During this process, our Policy team assesses the potential harms caused by a particular type of content or behavior. We look at the problem holistically and try to understand how it manifests not just on Discord, but also on the internet and society more broadly.":"为了持续保护用户安全,我们定期审查并更新我们的政策和社区守则。在此过程中,我们的政策团队会评估特定类型的内容或行为可能引发的潜在危害。我们将全面看待问题,努力理解其在 Discord 上以及更普遍的互联网和社会中的表现方式。","#As a Discord user, you’re probably familiar with our Community Guidelines: they explain what kind of behavior isn’t allowed or tolerated on Discord. These guidelines operate alongside policies that are intended to prevent or mitigate harm to our users.":"作为 Discord 的用户,您可能已经很熟悉我们的社区守则了:它列举了 Discord 所不允许和不能容忍的行为方式。这些守则与政策旨在防止或减轻对用户造成伤害的行为。","#We also refined our Hate Speech Policy with input from a group of experts who study identity and intersectionality and came from a variety of different identities and backgrounds themselves. Under this policy, we define “hate speech” as any form of expression that denigrates, vilifies, or dehumanizes; promotes intense, irrational feelings of enmity or hatred; or incites harm against people based on protected characteristics.":"我们还根据一组不同的身份和背景的身份认同及交叉性专家的意见对反仇恨言论政策进行了完善。根据该政策,我们将“仇恨言论”定义为任何诋毁、中伤或贬低的表达形式;宣扬激烈、非理性的敌意或仇恨的言论;基于受保护特征煽动对他人的伤害等行为。","#During 2022, we invested significantly in how we combat criminal activity on Discord. In February, we released two blogs to help users identify and protect themselves against scams on Discord. Alongside these, we developed a Financial Scams Policy which prohibits three types of common scams: identity scams, investment scams, and financial scams. We will take action against users who scam others or use Discord to coordinate scamming operations. In the case of users who have been the victim of fraudulent activity, we recommend they report the activity to Discord and contact law enforcement, who will be able to follow up with us for more information if it helps their investigation.":"2022年,我们在打击 Discord 上的犯罪活动方面投入了大量人力物力。在 2 月份,我们发布了两篇博客,帮助用户识别骗局保护自己免受 Discord 上的骗局。除此之外,我们还制定了反金融诈骗政策,明文禁止三种常见的诈骗行为:身份诈骗、投资诈骗和金融诈骗。我们将对欺骗他人或利用 Discord 配合诈骗行动的用户采取措施。我们建议诈骗受害用户向 Discord 报告这些活动,并与执法部门联系,在调查需要时,后者可以跟我们取得联系以获取更多信息。","#We also do not allow any kind of activity that could damage or compromise the security of an account, computer network, or system under our updated Malicious Conduct Policy. We will take action against users who use Discord to host or distribute malware, or carry out phishing attempts and denial-of-service attacks against others.":"在我们最新更新的反恶意行为政策中,我们不允许任何可能损害或危害账户、计算机网络或系统安全的活动。我们将对使用 Discord 托管或传播恶意软件、进行网络钓鱼以及对他人进行 DoS 攻击的用户采取措施。","#Another strength of this approach is evident in efficient on-boarding processes. When a community has clear processes for documenting, discussing, and handling different situations, adding new moderators to the team is much easier because there is already a set of written instructions for how they should do their job. This professional approach to moderation can also help moderators when they are attempting to form partnerships or make connections with other servers. An organized moderation team is much more likely to make a good impression with potential partners. If you want to learn more about managing moderation teams, click here.":"这种方法的另一个优势在于,它明显使得上岗培训过程更加高效了。因为社区如果有记录、讨论和处理不同状况的明确流程,那这套有关如何开展工作的书面说明就会帮助团队的新管理员更轻松地上岗。如果管理员要尝试与其他服务器建立合作关系或建立连接,这种专业的管理方法也很有用。一个有组织的管理团队更能给潜在合作伙伴留下好印象。如欲了解如何管理一支管理团队的更多信息,请点击此处。","#Here at Discord, we recognize our responsibility in creating a safer internet but we can't do it alone. That’s why this year we’ve partnered with local online safety advocacy organizations like NoFiltr to create education content to help users stay safe on Discord and the internet as a whole and develop healthy digital habits in celebration of Safer Internet Day.":"Discord 愿意为加强网络安全负起一份责任,但这不是光凭我们单打独斗就能做到的。因此,我们今年与 NoFiltr 等多家本地网络安全倡导机构联手合作,打造教育内容,帮助用户安全使用 Discord 和互联网,培养健康的数字习惯,共同庆祝加强网络安全日。","#We believe a safer internet is an internet where more people can find belonging. For Discord, safety is a common good. We want to make not just our platform, but the rest of the internet, a better and safer place.":"我们坚信,能为人们带来归属感的网络才是安全的网络。在 Discord 眼里,安全是大众共同的福祉,不应止步于我们自己的平台,还应当努力改善整体互联网环境和安全。","#Keeping the Balance":"维持平衡","#Personal Matters":"个人事务","#Most public communities have ways of protecting their server with moderation tools, actions, and procedures. This includes moderator actions such as warnings, kicks, mutes, bans, etc. Moderation actions may be especially important when it involves a specific user. Moderation info can even include internal details such as protocol, procedure, censor lists, or even bot details.":"大多数公共社区都会使用管理工具、采取各类行动和程序来保护服务器,其中包括警告、踢除、禁言、封禁等管理员行为。当涉及具体用户时,采取管理行为尤为重要。管理信息甚至还可以包括协议、程序、审查列表乃至机器人详情等内部细节。","#Personal matters can refer to a huge range of information, but some common examples can include relationships, interpersonal conflicts, previous history, or things as simple as a DM or private conversation. As a moderator you may very likely come across information involving this as part of reports, concerns, or even someone breaching trust by screenshotting and sharing private messages. This information is extremely important to protect as people may trust you to keep it private and use it only to take care of the issue at hand. Exposures of this information can be very harmful to people and can result in targeted harassment, bullying, or even further negative consequences. Stories of this can cause people to be concerned and even worried about reporting something for fear of it happening to them. In the end, this makes things very difficult for moderators to not only reassure, but to rectify.":"个人事务所涵盖的信息十分广泛,常见例子有:关系、人际冲突、个人历史,甚至是简单的私信或私人对话。作为管理员,您很可能会在举报消息、个人关切的问题甚至某人违背信任发送的截屏和分享的私人消息中接触到涉及个人事务的信息。这些是需要严格保护的重要信息,因为他人可能是因为信任您能够保密并仅将其用于处理手头问题,才放心地向您告知个人信息的。暴露这些信息可能会对他人造成极大伤害,如引发针对性骚扰、欺凌、甚至更糟糕的后果。此类事件可能会导致人人自危,甚至因为担心自己遭遇同样的事情而不敢举报。这样一来,管理员不仅难以安抚用户,还难以解决问题。","#There are many different forms of information that must be considered heavily before disclosing to different people, whether they be users or other mods. Information can range from sensitive personal information such as emails, names, phone numbers, location, IP address, etc. to community-related information such as mod actions, previous incidents, and user history. Regarding users, very little should be shared to people who are not involved. When it comes to fellow mods, it is always best to share as much information as is reasonable aside from personal information to ensure everyone has a well-informed mindset.":"许多形式的信息都必须经过谨慎考虑,才能透露给其他用户或管理员。其中包括敏感的个人信息(如电子邮件、姓名、电话号码、位置、IP 地址等)和社区相关信息(如管理行为、过往事件和用户历史等)。在处理涉及用户的信息时,应尽量避免向无关人士透露。而在处理涉及管理员同事的信息时,则最好与其他管理员尽可能地共享合理范围内的信息(个人信息除外),确保每个人都能知之甚详。","#Some questions to consider when speaking with users include:":"在与用户交流时要考虑以下问题:","#Security. Automated security and “gatekeeper bots” may be used to prevent malicious users from joining a server on alt accounts or as part of malicious groups. While this seems perfectly normal, the part that has to be considered is what data you are requesting. Some of these bots may collect IP addresses, browser data, and various other forms of information. Users may not be comfortable in supplying information that could compromise who they are. Always make sure to read through the privacy statement of any bot that you add to ensure that you are not asking for too much information from regular members.":"安全。可以使用自动化安全措施和“门卫机器人”,防止恶意用户使用小号加入服务器以及恶意群体渗透进服务器。也许听起来是老生常谈,但您必须考虑需要向用户收集哪些数据。有些机器人可能会收集 IP 地址、浏览器数据等各种形式的信息。用户可能不愿意提供存在泄露身份信息风险的数据。请确保阅读所有已添加机器人的隐私声明,从而确保您不会向普通成员要求过多信息。","#Bot Logging. Many servers have private log channels maintained by one or more bots. This tracks joins, leaves, deleted or edited messages, and even more. There are two main points to be wary of with these: if personal information is posted for any reason, be it accidentally by misclick or maliciously to dox a user, it will usually appear in a moderator logging channel when deleted. After the situation has been dealt with, owners or admins should consider deleting the log message to prevent personal information from persisting within that channel.":"机器人日志。许多服务器都设有由一个或多个机器人维护的私人日志频道。该频道可以跟踪加入和离开的记录、已删除或已编辑的消息、甚至更多其他信息。在使用这些功能时,主要有两个问题需要注意:在删除出于某种原因(无论是误点击还是恶意人肉搜索导致公开)被发布的个人信息时,所删信息通常会出现在管理员的日志频道中。在情况处理完成后,所有者或主管理员应考虑删除日志消息,以防个人信息持续存在于该频道中。","#There are pros and cons to any level of disclosure that is offered by a server to its community and its staff. It is not black and white and there are gray areas in both transparency and revealing select information with moderator discretion. There must always be a balance of both that may shift depending on the situation at hand and the type of community that is present. Just as complete confidentiality will lead to distrust, total transparency will lead to users feeling unprotected due to a lack of privacy.":"无论何种程度,服务器向其社区成员和工作人员透露信息都有其利弊。这并不是非黑即白的问题,无论是透明化,还是基于管理员的判断选择性地透露信息,都存在灰色地带。因此必须始终保持二者间的平衡,并根据实际情况和社区类型进行调整。完全保密会引发信任危机,而完全透明化则会因存在泄露隐私的风险而让用户感到不安。","#Handling Information with Users vs. Mods":"针对用户与管理员相关信息的处理方式对比","#There are multiple things to be mindful of when considering privacy and confidentiality, and it extends well beyond standard moderation. Often, privacy will fall down to the way that the server is configured. Some things to consider include:":"想要做好隐私和保密的工作就需要注意许多事项,而这些事项远远超出了管理员的标准工作范围。通常情况下,隐私问题与服务器配置有关。应考虑以下事项:","#Public Join Messages. Some servers may have “welcome bots” or even Discord’s welcome feature that greets new users publicly upon joining. Server staff should take into account the type of community that they stand for, and consider if users may perhaps feel uncomfortable or exposed by being mentioned immediately upon joining.":"公开加入消息。有些服务器可能会使用“欢迎机器人”甚至是 Discord 的欢迎功能在新用户加入时公开向其打招呼。服务器工作人员应该考虑其所代表社区的类型,并考虑用户是否会因加入后立即被提及而感到不舒服或暴露。","#Does the mod have a reason that knowing this information would prove beneficial for?":"该管理员是否能给出合理理由,证明自己需要了解这些信息?","#Would it be a conflict of interest for the mod? (If the mod has a personal history with people the information relates to.)":"事件是否会触及该管理员的利益?(如果该管理员与涉事人员曾有个人关联。)","#Trust. Users will know of and hold high trust within a staff team if they are confident that high expectations of privacy will be respected by the team they confide in. If not upheld, users will find it difficult to trust the team, and may heavily contemplate or even refrain contacting a moderation team again in the future.":"信任。如果用户确信自己可以放心向管理团队倾诉,确信自己的隐私会受到保护,便会对管理团队保持高度信任;如果团队辜负了用户对于保密的期望,用户将很难信任管理团队,并且未来可能会谨慎考虑甚至不再联系管理团队。","#Designing the Server for Privacy":"将隐私保护纳入服务器设计","#People should never disclose someone’s personal information except their own in an appropriate environment, as disclosing others’ info can be treated as doxxing, which is a disclosure of personal info by a third party (for example, someone posting another user’s address), and can, in some instances, be actioned on by Trust and Safety as it may violate Discord’s Terms of Service/Community Guidelines. User IDs and usernames are acceptable as long as there is a justifiable need to disclose it, but make sure to always consider if there may be repercussions to that user if disclosed in any instance.":"任何人都不应泄露他人的个人信息,当然,在适当场所透露自己的信息除外。公开发布他人信息可能被视为一种“人肉搜索”行为,即第三方披露个人信息(例如,某人发布另一位用户的地址)。某些情况下,这可能会违反 Discord 的服务条款/社区守则,招致 Trust and Safety 团队的介入。只要有合理的需求,透露用户 ID 和用户名是允许的,但在任何情况下透露这类信息前,请始终考虑该操作会给该用户带来哪些潜在影响。","#PII is very sensitive as it removes a user’s privacy and can result in them being targeted online or even in real life. Thus, this information should always be protected with the utmost discretion. Moderators may come in contact with this in ways such as a message they have to delete, someone maliciously doxxing another person, a user accidentally sharing it without realizing the harm they are putting themselves in or even from information included in a report. This information typically should not be disclosed to anyone and community leaders should consider removing it from bot logging channels to protect a user’s identity.":"PII 非常敏感,因为它会暴露用户的隐私,并可能导致用户在线上乃至现实生活中受人针对。因此,应当始终小心谨慎地保护这类信息。管理员可能会在下列情况中接触到 PII:删除消息,用户恶意人肉搜索并公开他人信息,用户不慎分享了个人信息而未意识到会对自身造成潜在危害,甚至处理举报信息等等。通常情况下,PII 不应向任何人透露,社区领导者应考虑将其从机器人日志频道中移除,以保护用户的身份信息。","#Remember that if you aren’t sure if you should disclose something related to moderation, always ask an administrator/leader on your server for guidance, and always dispose of private information if it is not needed.":"请记住,如果您不确定是否应透露管理相关信息,请一定要向服务器主管理员/领导寻求指导,并且务必避免泄露不必要的私人信息。","#Server Discoverability. If an LGBTQ+ server is in Server Discovery, a user may use an emote from that server in another one, and if someone clicks on the emote, it may accidentally expose the user as they may identify as LGBTQ+ privately but not publicly.":"服务器的曝光度。如果一个 LGBTQ+ 服务器出现在“发现服务器”中,用户可能会在其他服务器中使用该服务器的表情符号。如果有人点击这个表情符号,就可能会意外暴露该用户的身份,而该用户的 LGBTQ+ 身份可能是私密而非公开的。","#Moderation Information":"管理信息","#If disclosing mod actions, is the user the one that was penalized?":"如果需要透露管理行为,该用户是否是受罚对象?","#What reason does a user have to need to know information?":"用户必须了解信息的理由是什么?","#Would it compromise someone’s privacy to disclose something?":"透露某事是否会危及某人的隐私?","#It may be easier to be fully transparent and not have to check every sentence before it is said or sent. That being said, there are many benefits to upholding a consistent, confidential environment where staff act with discretion when assisting with a variety of matters. There are many consequences if confidentiality is not upheld properly. Below are some examples of the benefits of protecting information as well as the consequences that can come with being overly transparent.":"完全透明化可能更轻松,毕竟不必在每句话说出或发送之前都再三斟酌。话虽如此,始终如一地保持环境保密性,让员工在处理各种事务时保持谨慎也有许多好处。保密不当将会引发许多后果。以下例子展示了保护信息的好处和过度透明化的潜在后果。","#Keeping Pseudonymous. As stated by Discord’s Safety Principles, Discord is pseudonymous, which means that your account on Discord doesn’t need to be tied back to your identity. Protecting users who may provide information as evidence or otherwise may sometimes expose who they are, and protecting this information reassures that their personal life won’t be compromised by socializing or confiding in a server’s staff.":"保持匿名。根据 Discord 安全规程,Discord 是匿名访问的,也就是说,Discord 账号不需要关联身份。保护好提供信息作为证据或暴露身份的用户及其信息,可以确保其个人生活不会因为与服务器工作人员社交或向服务器工作人员倾诉而遭受危害。","#Whichever moderation roles a server may have, there should always be an authority role that can make calls at their discretion if they believe it is the best thing for the community. A good example on how to do just that can be found here. Moderation administrators, leaders, managers, etc. should always be prepared and ready to make judgment calls on the information provided to them, whether by mods or users. A very common misconception among moderation teams is that they should share all information amongst the team for transparency. This can be a double-edged sword in the sense that disclosing private information that is not essential for a moderator can open more routes for that information to have unauthorized distribution. If this occurs, it will compromise the privacy and trust of the users that the information applies to. In sensitive situations containing very volatile information, consider if it may be beneficial to have it handled directly by a team leader or even the owner of the community.":"无论服务器有哪些管理身份组,都应该设立一个最高管理角色,其应有权根据自身判断作出决策,以便最大限度地维护社区利益。这里就有一个很好的例子。服务器主管理员、领导者、管理者等人应该随时准备好根据所获信息(无论来自管理员还是用户)作出判断和决策。管理团队中有一个相当普遍的误解:为确保透明度,应当向团队成员共享所有信息。这种做法是一把双刃剑,因为向没必要知情的管理员透露隐私信息会增加该信息不经授权就被传播的风险。如果发生这种情况,将会危及该信息所涉及用户的隐私和信任。如果事件中包含非常敏感的信息,让团队负责人或者社区所有者直接处理可能会更好。","#Personally Identifiable Information":"个人身份信息","#Personally identifiable information (or PII) is any information that can identify a user, such as an email address, full name, phone number, IP address, exact location, or even their Discord user ID and username.":"个人身份信息(PII)是指可以识别用户身份的任何信息,例如电子邮件地址、全名、电话号码、IP 地址、确切位置,甚至包括 Discord 用户 ID 和用户名。","#Is the user in question involved in the situation?":"该用户是否与当前事件有关?","#Now for mods and members of the more internal team on servers, mods should of course be “in the loop” to know the story of a situation, and it’s never recommended to keep mod teams in the dark. That being said, even with other moderators, be careful about sharing unnecessary information, especially personally-identifying information, not only because there is often little benefit to it, but primarily because it compromises a user’s privacy even if behind closed doors. While there are fewer factors to consider, they are still just as important as the ones you would ask for another user.":"而对于服务器管理员和核心团队成员来说,他们当然应该知情,了解情况的来龙去脉,我们绝不建议对管理团队有所隐瞒。话虽如此,即使是与其他管理员分享信息时,您也要小心,避免分享不必要的信息,特别是个人身份信息。原因不仅在于这样做往往没有什么好处,更主要的是会危及用户隐私,即使这一切发生在幕后。虽然要考虑的因素没有那么多,但您也应像面对其他用户时那样,对此给予相同的重视。","#Is the mod involved in the issue directly?":"该管理员是否与事件直接相关?","#Is the mod an “NTK (Need-to-know)” team member? These members include team leadership for serious cases.":"该管理员是否是需要知情的团队成员?需要知情的团队成员包括负责处理严重事件的团队领导层。","#Benefits of Confidentiality":"保密的益处","#Moderation information is something that can vary from server to server, and thus it is relatively up to the discretion of each moderation team to instill their own server rules to enforce. Some may have full transparency with an open log channel, and some may take a more confidential approach and only speak with those involved. Both have their pros and cons, but be sure to weigh what could happen if people know who receives what penalties. For protocol, always remember to carefully decide what to share publicly, as disclosing a procedure can lead to someone using that information to evade moderators or even exploit the server. This also stands true with bots, as disclosing bot details such as configuration or censor list can result in users evading the protections put in place by your team.":"不同服务器可能会拥有不同的管理信息,因此相对来说,每个管理团队都可以根据自身判断来制定并执行服务器规则。有些服务器可能会通过公开的日志频道实现全透明化,而有些服务器可能拥有更高的保密性,只有相关人员了解具体情况。两种方式各有优缺点,但请一定要考虑清楚,如果社区成员得知谁受到了何种处罚,这会引发怎样的后果。在制定协议时,请始终谨慎决定公开分享的内容,因为透露程序可能会导致有人利用该信息来逃避管理员的管理,甚至滥用服务器。这同样适用于机器人,因为透露机器人的详细信息,例如配置或审查列表,可能导致用户钻漏洞,躲开管理团队所设定的保护措施。","#Some things to consider when disclosing to moderators include:":"在向管理员透露信息时要考虑以下几个方面:","#User Safety. Diligent protection of user data and information helps protect users as it prevents unwanted data from getting into the wrong hands. If information is not guarded, information that gets into the wrong hands can result in targeted harassment or bullying, as many private details can reveal information to malicious individuals.":"用户安全。用心保护用户数据和信息,就是在保护用户,因为这可以防止用户不希望泄露的数据落入错误的人手中。如果信息没有得到保护,落入错误的人手中的信息可能引发针对用户的骚扰或欺凌,因为居心不良者可以从隐私细节中挖掘出不少信息。","#Personally identifiable information being shared outside of need to know groups can result in compromising users and making them feel as if they may need to sacrifice their Discord to retain personal privacy. This leads to a loss of trust from the member, and perhaps even the loss of them as a member of your community.":"将个人身份信息分享给无需知情者可能会危及用户,致使其认为必须放弃使用 Discord 来保护个人隐私。这会导致用户不再信任您,甚至可能退出您的社区。","#Considerations Regarding Leadership":"关于领导力的思考","#Also consider encouraging members of your community to learn how to safeguard their own information. You can include rules within your communities that discourage the sharing of even one’s own personal information. As important as it is to protect other users, it is just as important to help them protect themselves. Users may sometimes share their information out of good will or as a way of attempting to bond with others, but bad actors can use that information maliciously.":"同时,也要考虑鼓励社区成员学习如何保护自己的信息。您可以在社区中设置规则,劝阻分享他人乃至自身个人信息的行为。帮助其他用户保护自己与保护他们同样重要。有时,出于好意或为与他人建立关系,用户可能会分享自己的信息,但恶意用户可能会将该信息用于不良目的。","#Were they the victim? The perpetrator? Just a bystander?":"用户是受害者吗?或者是违规者?还是说只是一位旁观者?","#Confidentiality and discretion from your moderation team plays an important role in building and maintaining trust between the users and your staff. While transparency is important, your moderation team must carefully weigh every detail of what is learned through not only moderation but also the management of a community in order to assess what is and is not appropriate to share publicly. While it may be challenging to properly discern what information to omit or what can be shared, privacy is paramount to Discord and should be for every element of a community to uphold the trust that each member holds.":"管理团队的保密性和严谨性对建立和维护用户与团队成员之间的信任起着重要作用。透明度很重要,但您的管理团队也必须仔细权衡在社区管理和经营中学到的每个细节,以此评估各类内容是否适合公开分享。正确判断信息是否可以分享或许颇具挑战性,但隐私对于 Discord 和社区的方方面面而言都至关重要,因为维护好隐私才能维护好社区成员的信任。","#Customizing Your Discord Rewards":"定制您的 Discord 奖励","#Let’s start with the obvious question: what is Patreon? In case you are unfamiliar with Patreon, it is a subscription service for content creators similar to YouTube Memberships and Twitch Subscriptions. Supporters ( hereby referred to as “patrons”) can pay a monthly fee to access content from creators they are supporting. This private content can cover a wide range of content including text posts, polls, videos, images, merchandise, and more. The possibilities are truly endless and you, as a content creator, have control over how much value you place on the content you produce and distribute over Patreon.":"让我们从显而易见的问题开始:Patreon 是什么?如您不了解 Patreon,我们先解释一下:Patreon 是一种类似于 YouTube 会员和 Twitch 订阅的内容创作者订阅服务。支持者(以下简称“赞助者”)可以通过支付月费来访问所支持创作者的内容。私人内容可以涵盖各种各样的内容,包括文本帖子、投票、视频、图片、商品等等。Patreon 蕴藏着无限的可能性,作为内容创作者的您可以给自己创作和分享的内容定价。","#Grant the Patreon Bot access to your server by selecting the correct server in your dropdown list.":"在下拉列表中选择正确的服务器,授予 Patreon 机器人访问您服务器的权限。","#Click that great, big, blurple button to connect to Discord.":"点击蓝紫色大按钮,连接到 Discord。","#To finalize reward set-up, you need to create the actual roles. We recommend creating a different role for each of the Patreon tiers you have and distinguishing the roles by naming them after the tiers’ name or the amount of money pledged by patrons of each tier. For example, if you have a $50 per month Patreon tier named Top Contributor, you could name the corresponding reward role either “$50” or “Top Contributor.” This usually works out the most suitably for future rewards, because you can easily distinguish your followers who send $5 a month, versus those sending $50 a month, and change role permissions accordingly if you are offering them different levels of Discord access.":"为完成奖励设置,您需要着手创建身份组。我们建议为每个 Patreon 层级创建不同的身份组,并将这些身份组命名为层级名称或每个层级的贡献金额,以便区分身份组。例如,如果您有一个名为“顶级赞助者”的每月 50 美元的 Patreon 层级,您可以将对应的奖励身份组命名为“$50”或“顶级赞助者”。通常情况下,针对将来的奖励设置不同的身份组是最合适的,因为这样就可以轻松区分每月捐赠 5 美元和每月捐赠 50 美元的关注者,并根据您为其提供的不同 Discord 访问层级更改身份组权限。","#Channels and Permissions":"频道与权限","#Now, let’s make this reward a reality with the following steps:":"现在,让我们通过以下步骤设置这一奖励:","#Select the “Advanced” option within the “Benefits” section.":"在“权益”部分中选择“高级设置”选项。","#Remember that it is important to keep the Patreon Bot’s role above all the other roles we make for this purpose so it can help manage them.":"记住要让 Patreon 机器人的身份组高于此番创建的所有其他身份组,以便其协助管理。","#Why Create Discord Rewards?":"为什么要创建 Discord 奖励?","#With your Patreon page successfully linked with your Discord server, you may notice this message in Patreon:":"成功关联您的 Patreon 页面与 Discord 服务器后,您可能会在 Patreon 上看到以下信息:","#Now that your tier roles are in the server, there should be no more red warning text on the Patreon Tier Creation page. If there is, give it a quick refresh. The disappearance of this text means that you can now check the box “Gives patrons access to selected Discord roles.” If you are using multiple roles for each tier of your Patreon for organization in your server, make sure they’re all added. After setting your channels and permissions spoken about in the next step, double check that the correct role in your Discord server is associated with the proper tier on your Patreon page.":"现在,服务器中已有您设置的层级身份组了,Patreon 层级创建页面上应当不再显示红色警告文本。若仍有显示,请快速刷新一下。该文本的消失意味着您现在可以勾选“允许赞助者访问所选的 Discord 身份组”复选框了。如果您在每个 Patreon 层级中使用多个身份组来组织您的服务器身份组结构,请确保它们都已被成功添加。在设置完下一步中讨论的频道和权限之后,请仔细检查您 Discord 服务器中的身份组是否与您 Patreon 页面上的层级正确关联。","#Moderator Safety. Keeping moderation actions confidential and only disclosing information to people who need to know helps to keep moderator anonymity and reinforces the idea of a team decision. Disclosing moderation actions and who performed them can put a target on the mod, as people may treat them personally responsible for an action and may result in harassment or disrespect from users who may not understand the decision.":"管理员安全。确保管理行为保密,只向需要知情者透露信息,有助于保持管理员的匿名性,并强化团队决策理念。透露管理行为和执行者可能会使管理员成为众矢之的,因为人们可能会认为管理员个人需要对某个行为负责;不理解某个决策的用户也可能会骚扰管理员或对管理员无礼。","#At this point, you’ll want to build a structure to your server for these new tier roles. Head back to the channel list and decide how you’d like to reward your different tiers. Do you want each tier to have their own channel category, or do you want one channel category with different channels designated to different tiers? Make sure to give each category and/or channel permissions associated with each role that you want to have access to that area.":"此时,您需要为这些新层级的身份组构建一个服务器结构。回到频道列表,决定不同层级所能获得的奖励。您是希望每个层级都有自己的频道类别,还是想仅设置一个频道类别,将不同频道指定给不同层级?确保为各类别和/或频道赋予与您希望访问该区域的身份组相关联的访问权限。","#Patreon rewards give your fans and supporters exclusives in exchange for supporting your work. Having this automated system to handle and manage your supporters means you can spend more time making new content, and less time worrying about a bot, or a function in Discord whenever new patrons sign up. It also makes managing permissions much more simpler because you have a lot more control over which roles a patron is assigned to based on their subscription tier.":"通过 Patreon 奖励,您可以为粉丝和支持者提供独家特权,从而换取他们对您工作的支持。利用这个自动化系统来处理和管理您的支持者,您就可以将更多时间放在创作新内容上,而不必总是担心新赞助者注册时,机器人或 Discord 中的某个功能会出问题。它还可以极大简化权限管理,因为它将极大地增强您基于订阅层级为赞助者分配身份组的掌控力。","#Allow the pop-up window to authenticate with Discord. You may be asked to sign-in to prove that you’re using the correct account.":"在弹出窗口上进行 Discord 身份验证。您可能需要登录来证明所使用的是正确账号。","#Please note, if you created your server that you plan on adding to your Patreon, you’ll have no trouble finding it in the server list mentioned in Step 4. If you’ve had a friend, moderator, or maybe even a community manager create your server, you might not see it in this list. Make sure you have the":"请注意,如果您计划添加到 Patreon 的服务器是由您创建的,那么您就可以在第四步提到的服务器列表中顺利找到它。如果您的服务器是由您的朋友、管理员或社区经理创建的,则您可能无法在此列表中找到它。请确保您有看到所需服务器","#permission in order to see it. If you don’t, double check with the server owner and have them add it to one of your roles in order to successfully connect to Patreon.":"的权限。如果没有权限,请向服务器所有者确认,请求他们将该权限添加给您的一个身份组,以便成功连接到 Patreon。","#Success! You’ve completed the Patreon and Discord integration! Now lets establish accessibility levels.":"成功了!您已成功关联 Patreon 和 Discord!现在让我们创建可用性级别吧。","#What, Exactly, is Patreon?":"Patreon 到底是什么?","#In fact, one of the new ways to explore rewards systems for patrons is via Discord.":"实际上,为赞助者提供奖励的最新方式之一是创建 Discord 奖励。","#For content creators that use platforms like Patreon, providing rewards to patrons is an absolute necessity because it directly benefits those who choose to support you. One of the simpler rewards creators can provide patrons is a Discord reward system automatically managed by the Patreon Bot. An example of such an award allows you to assign one or more roles to patrons in your Discord server based upon their subscription tier on Patreon. Once they have their designated roles, you can utilize channel permissions to provide your supporters with exclusive access to aspects of your server like hidden channels or perhaps even hoist them in the sidebar of your Discord server as an added bonus. This gives them closer access to you as a creator as well as your content and your community. This, in turn, can make them feel appreciated as support and perhaps allow them to see a direct impact of their support on your content.":"对于 Patreon 这类平台上的内容创作者来说,为赞助者提供奖励是绝对必要的,因为这能够直接惠及您的支持者。Patreon 机器人自动管理的 Discord 奖励系统是创作者可以为赞助者提供的较为简单的奖励之一。利用这样的奖励,您可以根据赞助者在 Patreon 上的订阅层级,为其在 Discord 服务器上分配一个或多个身份组。利用频道权限,您可以向获得身份组的支持者提供服务器的独家访问权限,例如隐藏频道,甚至可以将他们突出展示在 Discord 服务器侧边栏上,以此作为额外奖励。这将拉近支持者与作为创作者的您,以及您的内容和社区之间的距离。反过来,又可以表达对其支持的重视,或许还能展示其支持对您的内容产生的直接影响。","#Once in the “Tiers” section, pick the tier you’d like to grant the access to your rewards in your Discord server. We recommend that this should be the lowest tier you’d allow patrons to subscribe at in order to receive a special role in a Discord server that we are presuming is public. Once you’ve selected your chosen tier, you’ll need to connect your Patreon to Discord.":"在“层级”部分,选择您想要授予 Discord 服务器奖励的层级。假设此服务器是公开的,建议将其设置为赞助者可通过订阅获得 Discord 服务器特殊身份组的最低层级。选好层级后,您需要将 Patreon 关联到 Discord。","#The first step to setting up Discord Rewards on Patreon is to have a Patreon account. Once you’ve started building your Patreon page (or have one completed), you’ll need to head into your “Tiers” section of your page.":"要想在 Patreon 上设置一个 Discord 奖励,首先要拥有一个 Patreon 账号。构建 Patreon 页面时(或已经构建了一个页面后),您需要进入页面上的“层级”部分。","#We have an based upon the channel list image below to see some of our recommendations in action. This example utilizes one channel category for all patrons, but gives certain patron tiers different levels of access.":"根据以下频道列表图,我们提供了一些实用建议。在这个示例中,所有赞助者均使用同一个频道类别,但给予各赞助者层级不同的访问级别。","#You’ll notice Patreon allows you to assign users multiple roles when they subscribe to a tier. This makes it handy to ensure your private channels and categories are easier to manage across the different role tiers. In our provided example you’ll see that all patrons have access to an exclusive general text and voice channel to talk to each other regardless of tiers. However, different tier levels are given access to different additional perks such as sharing social media links for the creator to follow back, polls for future content, and a VIP text and voice chat to better talk to the creator they’re supporting.":"您将发现,Patreon 允许为订阅层级的用户分配多个身份组。这样一来,您就可以轻松管理不同身份组层级的私密频道和类别。在我们提供的示例中,您会看到,无论处于哪个层级,所有赞助者都可以访问同一个独家通用的文字及语音频道,都可以互相交流。然而,不同层级会获得不同的额外特权,比如分享社交媒体链接让创作者回关、参与未来创作内容的投票以及通过文字及语音 VIP 聊天频道更好地与所支持的创作者交流。","#Congratulations on launching your new and/or updated Patreon page! The beauty of this system is that you can continue to create new roles and channel permissions to best serve your community as you continue to grow. Now that you’re done with the basic steps outlined in this guide, all you have to do is edit/add/drop/shift roles around as needed to ensure you are making the most of your Discord Rewards patron program.":"恭喜您成功启动了 Patreon 新页面和/或更新页面!这个系统的美妙之处在于,随着社区不断壮大,您可以继续创建新的身份组和频道权限,以便为社区提供最好的服务。现在,您已完成本指南中的基本步骤,您要做的就是按需编辑/添加/删除/移动身份组,从而充分利用 Discord 奖励赞助计划。","#Make sure to grant the bot Manage Roles and Create Invite permissions.":"确保授予机器人“管理身份组”“创建邀请”的权限。","#Installing a Discord Rewards System on Patreon":"在 Patreon 上创建 Discord 奖励系统","#Patreon also uses tiered platforms based upon monetary commitment. For example, let’s say you are a comic book creator that can generate an entire comic in a month’s time. You could charge patrons $5 to access works in progress, maybe snippets of the story you’re writing, or behind the scenes streams of you working on an anticipated page or panel. At the next $10 tier, patrons can gain access to the whole comic as a reward, and maybe even access polls to help you decide what to do next. Further, a $25 reward could be that patrons have complete access to your entire library, or get a physical edition of your comic book sent to them! The ideas are endless when it comes to what kind of rewards you can offer your patrons.":"Patreon 还根据付款情况设置层级。例如,假设您是一名漫画创作者,可以在一个月内完成整本漫画的创作。您可以向赞助者收取 5 美元来赋予其权限,使其能访问创作中的作品、正在撰写的故事片段,或您在绘制大家期待已久的漫画页面或面板时的幕后创作直播。下一个赞助层级可以是 10 美元,赞助人可以获得整本漫画的阅读权,甚至可以获得投票权,参与决定作品走向。更进一步,付 25 美元,赞助者获得的奖励可能是全面访问您整个作品库的权限,或者收到您的实体版漫画书!在赞助者奖励设置上,您可以提出无穷无尽的创意。","#Hit “authorize” to finalize everything.":"点击“授权”,完成所有设置。","#Roles, Roles, and more Roles":"身份组,身份组,更多的身份组","#One of the most common signs of moderator burnout is when you have been noticing yourself being less and less active when it comes to moderating, as well as being less active in the server itself. As a moderator, you have begun to feel like it is a chore for you to be moderating the server; something you feel forced to do, knowing it needs to be done with no joy attached to the task at hand. Time seems to move so slowly when you are moderating as you are constantly checking the clock, just hoping that an hour of your time is enough on the server. Your time spent on your server becomes less and less as the days go by until you have either stepped down or completely withdrawn from any activity in the server, moderation or otherwise.":"管理员倦怠最常见的症状之一,就是你发现自己对管理工作越来越不积极,在服务器中也越来越不活跃。作为一名管理员,你开始觉得管理服务器的工作繁琐无趣,有时会感到很不情愿去做,明知眼前的任务必须完成,但毫无乐趣可言。从事管理工作时,时间过得好慢,你一次次看表,希望在服务器上熬过这段时间就好。随着一天天过去,你在你的服务器上花的时间越来越少,直到你放弃管理员职位,或是彻底停止参与服务器上的任何活动,包括管理工作和其他内容。","#Signs of Moderator Burnout":"管理员倦怠的症状","#Let’s say it’s been just a little over three months since you started moderating a server and things are going really well in your eyes. You’re working diligently on a team with other staff members to help you with the day-to-day moderation tasks that a server demands. You’re feeling really good about your activity levels and direction of the server until today, when two other members of staff have all decided to step down due to not enjoying moderation anymore. You’re confused and frustrated- things seemed to be okay, great even. What’s changed?":"我们来假设这样一个场景:你管理一个服务器已经三个多月了,感觉一切都很顺利。你在团队中兢兢业业,勤奋自勉,其他管理员也会帮你处理服务器的日常管理工作。你对自己的活跃程度和服务器的发展方向都十分满意,直到今天。两名管理员忽然决定离开岗位,原因是他们再也找不到管理服务器的乐趣了。你感到迷茫而沮丧:明明一切如常,甚至都很理想,到底哪里不一样了呢?","#Create an environment that is fun to moderate in. Having or suggesting a staff channel where you and your fellow moderators can be yourselves or vent is a great way to relieve some stress and have your team get to know one another. Ask them questions every day to encourage discussion and communication between your entire team. Building a team that works well with one another helps with the communication between fellow moderators, so they can express how everyone is feeling, and seek advice on stresses in the community. You can get to know each other’s personal lives and what other things in life might be causing outside stress. Getting to know each other’s personalities can help determine if someone might easily burn out or if they are just more introverted than other moderators on your team. Holding events, such as game nights, where you all play a game online together can really help you and other moderators feel at ease, bring enjoyment to everyone, and help everyone reset for the next day of moderating.":"营造有意思的管理环境。建立或提议建立一个管理员频道,让你和其他管理员在里面表现真实的自己,发泄情绪,可以有助于释放压力,增进团队成员的相互理解。每天抛出些问题,鼓励整个团队之间的讨论交流。打造一支配合良好的团队能增进管理员们的沟通,让他们敢于表达自己的感受,在社区中遇到压力时寻求建议。你们可以了解彼此的个人生活,看看有没有其他导致外部压力的情况。对彼此个性的了解也有助于判断一个人是否容易倦怠,或是比团队的其他管理员更内向。你也可以举办活动,比如游戏之夜,邀请大家一起上线打游戏,这样能让你和其他管理员充分放松,为大家带去欢乐,做好迎接新一天的管理工作的准备。","#Avoiding Moderator Burnout":"避免管理员倦怠","#Burnout can easily affect your attitude. Moderating tests your patience as some members of the server will purposefully push the line, seeing what they can get away with. As a new moderator, you might not be as strict, as you are wanting the community to not only respect you but to like you. As time passes, your patience may begin to run thin and you put up with a lot less while you get more irritated. You have a shift in your attitude and can become bitter at what you have to deal with when moderating a server.":"倦怠很容易影响你的态度。管理工作很考验耐心,因为有些服务器成员会故意挑战底线,试探能做到什么程度而不受惩罚。新管理员不仅希望得到社区的尊重,还希望得到成员们的爱戴,因此在执行管理时可能不会太严格。随着时间推移,你的耐心也许会逐渐耗尽,心情不好时,容忍度也会大大下降。你的态度发生变化,可能会抱怨管理服务器时遇到的事或物。","#Make sure you are not taking on too much, but also have enough to do. This can be a tricky balance. Depending on your moderation experience and skills, it can be hard to determine what your work load capabilities are, especially as offline life changes. Be upfront and honest with what your team expects from you, but also let them know that if you are feeling overwhelmed, that they can talk to you. Always have an open line of communication so you can find ways to help yourself, as well as the others you moderate with. Something that has worked on larger servers that you might be able to incorporate to your server is having a summary of the channels. With the summary, you can have moderators on your team sign up for which channels they enjoy moderating, as well as the others, and not feel like you have to be in too many channels at one time. Delegating work makes it seem more manageable and less daunting. Encourage yourself and your fellow moderators to try new channels after a couple weeks to change everyone’s scenery, as well allowing various team members the chance to interact with certain server members that might only hang out in channels that they don’t normally moderate. As a moderator, you might feel yourself wanting to do more and seek to add to your responsibilities. Suggesting community events and helping out organizing and running these events makes for a great change of pace to contrast the normal moderating duties of watching chat. Events are great for bringing regular members together with moderators. It is a fun task that can bring activity levels up and spread some excitement.":"确保自己有充实但不超负荷的工作。要保持这样的平衡或许没那么容易。每个人的管理经验与技能不同,因此判定自己能承担的工作量上限是一件困难的事,何况你还需要兼顾线下生活的变化。面对团队的期望,要保持坦白真诚,让他们知道,如果感到压力过大,随时可以与你沟通。始终保持沟通渠道的畅通,确保能为你自己以及其他管理员提供帮助。大型服务器会对频道进行概述,你也可以考虑为自己的服务器设置这个项目。有了概述,你就能让团队的管理员们登记自己倾向于管理的频道等内容,避免让人感觉自己要同时面对数不清的频道。分配工作量后,频道管理会更容易,也没那么令人生畏了。鼓励自己和其他管理员每隔几周就尝试新的频道,让所有人都换换环境,而且有些服务器成员只在某几个固定的频道出现,这样也能让所有管理员都能和这部分成员有所互动。身为管理员,你可能总想多做些事,多承担一些责任。提议举办社区活动,组织并举办活动都能很好地改变工作节奏,让你从盯着聊天对话的日常中跳出来。举办活动能让普通成员与管理员聚在一起,通过趣味性来提高服务器成员的活跃度,让大家都兴奋起来。","#Everything is healthy with moderation, including, well, moderation. Knowing when you need breaks and encouraging yourself, as well as other moderators, to take these breaks can really help with mounting stress levels. Moderating takes a toll on your mental health, so being able to step away and catch your breath can really help reset your focus. Reach out to other members on your team that can help with moderator duties and shoulder the workload so those that are experiencing burnout can feel that it is okay to step away. A big part of working on a team is being honest with each other when things are good and when things are not so good. You may be surprised at how eager your team members are to help prop you up when you’re feeling low. Remember- you're not alone in this, so feel free to take those breaks and be assured that the server is not on fire and that there are eyes other than yours that are there to share the workload. Offline life and your overall health should always come before any aspect of online life.":"凡事都要适度,管理工作也不例外。把握进行休整的时机,鼓励自己和其他管理员通过休息释放压力。管理工作会消磨你的心理健康,因此要保持后撤一步的能力,给自己喘息的时间,这也有助于专注能力的恢复。向团队中能分担管理职责的成员求助,共同承担工作量,让出现倦怠感的成员能够放心休整。团队工作很大一部分是要对彼此坦诚,无论情况好坏,都应当说出来。你可能会惊喜地发现,你的团队成员很愿意在你遭遇低谷时伸出援手。记住,你不用独自面对一切,尽管放心休整,服务器不会因为缺了你就无法运营的。除了你,还有其他人可以承担这些工作。线下生活和你的整体健康的优先级应始终高于在线生活的方方面面。","#One of the biggest, and perhaps simplest, things you can do to help with moderator burnout is just being thankful. Typing the two little words of “thank you” can go a long way. As a moderator, you spend your free time helping the server, so let your fellow moderators know you appreciate that they chose this as their hobby.":"表达感激是应对管理员倦怠最重要,可能也是最简单的一种做法。“谢谢”两个字拥有强大的魔力。管理员多是在用自己的业余时间为服务器工作,所以要让其他管理员知道,你很感激他们选择来这里度过业余生活。","#After taking time to look at the signs of moderator burnout, it is important to know how to avoid it so you and your team can find your groove again and remember what it feels like to enjoy being not only a moderator but a community member.":"了解管理员倦怠的症状后,更重要的是知道如何避免,让你和你的团队再次振奋精神,找回身为管理员和社区成员的乐趣。","#Burnout is the emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion you feel after a prolonged period of stress brought on by certain activities. Spending too much time in a stressful environment can easily lead to feelings of exhaustion, feeling distant from the activity or task at hand, or simply just having negative feelings when thinking about doing the activity or task. These negative effects on your body and mind eat away at you until you feel like you are at your limit and just do not have enough energy and motivation in you anymore to continue moderating. Sometimes burnout makes it feel like the only thing that can make you happy is to stop being a moderator completely.":"倦怠是指在长时间处于特定活动带来的压力之中后,出现的情感、心理与生理耗竭现象。在高压力环境中所处时间过久,很容易使人感到精疲力尽,对面前的活动或任务麻木不仁,或是一想到要从事的活动或任务就产生负面情绪。这些身心上的负面影响会渐渐消磨你,直到你觉得自己已经到了极限,再也没有动力和心情从事管理工作了。有时,这种倦怠情绪会让你感到只有彻底停止管理工作,你才会感到高兴。","#To that end, positive specific feedback is one of the best ways to let someone know that they did a good job and what exactly it was that they did well. By being specific about what you’re thanking your moderator for, you’re letting them know that their hard work is recognized and valued and seen. Recognize when they put in a lot of hours on the server and are here on a day-to-day basis. Finding ways to reward them, whether through gifting Nitro or a special recognition in the server, can be really fulfilling to them. It reassures them that they are an important part of the server and are making a difference when helping. Be gracious with your words and remind them that they are here with you. It starts a chain reaction and you will see moderators thanking other moderators for their hard work.":"在这方面,具体的正面反馈能够最有效地告知对方表现不错,以及好在哪里。说出感激对方的具体理由,能让他们感到自己的辛勤工作得到了认同和尊重,感到自己的付出被看到了。当他们每天上线,为服务器付出大量时间时,要表示认可。想办法提供一些奖励,比如赠送 Nitro 订阅,或是在服务器上的特别认证,都能带来满足感。这能让他们知道自己是服务器的重要组成部分,他们的支持为服务器的环境带来了改变。请不吝赞扬,让管理员们知道你和他们是在并肩管理。这还会触发连锁反应,你会看到管理员互相感谢彼此的努力工作。","#A burgeoning lack of participation is another sign. If you know yourself well enough, you can probably tell when something is bothering you. Perhaps on any normal given day, you are social and engage with your other team members as well as with regular server members, but recently you’re only chatting in public channels, giving out the occasional public warning. You notice that you only really check the staff channels when there is a ping. Your account may be in the server and your name on the member list, but you’re no longer an active community member. At this point burnout has set in. There may be the urge to come in every day and give 100% but then you run the risk of giving too much, too quickly. You start to dread the amount of work necessary to do your part and eventually start to taper off.":"另一种常见症状是参与度急速下降。如果你了解自己,应该很清楚自己心中有困扰。比如平时你总爱和其他管理团队成员以及熟悉的服务器用户们沟通互动,但最近却只是在公用频道聊天,偶尔发发公共提醒。你发现自己只有在被提及的时候,才会认真查看管理员频道。你的账户虽然在服务器中,名字也挂在成员列表里,但你已不再是活跃的社区成员了。这就是倦怠的体现。虽然你还有每天上线、100% 投入的冲动,但这样有可能过快地燃尽自己的热情。你开始畏惧必要的工作,最终慢慢沉寂。","#You might notice yourself making more mistakes than normal. Frustration is another part of burnout that can affect the mental aspects of moderating. Feeling like you are making too many mistakes or are not doing as much as another moderator is a hard thing to put a reason to. Feelings of inadequacy may lead to reprimanding yourself internally, being your own worst critic, finding yourself in a rut, thinking everyone in the server is being difficult. You know you are making mistakes, others on your team see it, thinking they are helping by giving you constructive criticism. There is a lack of accomplishment that makes you frustrated, especially in moderating. Nothing you do feels like it is being done right, adding that to the difficulties of members of the server, and frustration kicks in. When telling members of the server to do something and they continue to post against the rules, you begin to wonder if you matter or are even making a difference.":"你可能会发现自己的失误比平时更多了。沮丧也是倦怠的一部分,可能会影响管理员的心理。你总是无缘无故地觉得自己失误太多,或是不如其他管理员贡献大。缺乏信心有可能导致内心的自责,让你苛责自己,每天刻板地完成工作,总觉得服务器上的所有人都与你为难。你知道自己的确有失误,团队的其他成员看到后,会为了帮助你,对你进行建设性的批评。但成就感的缺乏令你倍感沮丧,尤其是在履行管理职责时。你做什么都感觉不对,于是服务器的成员就显得更难缠,沮丧的情绪就这样产生了。当你告诉服务器成员该做什么,他们却继续违规发帖时,你开始怀疑自己的岗位是否根本无足轻重,或是自己的工作是否毫无意义。","#Moderator burnout can happen to anyone at any time. It is important to understand what it is and how you can help. Whether you are an owner, administrator, or another moderator, it is important to support your team and look for the signs of burnout so you can suggest ways that might help them in how they are feeling. Always have an open line of communication with your team that fosters honesty. Encourage them or yourself to step away when feeling stressed or overwhelmed, and thank each other for helping in the server. Servers are a lot harder to run when doing it alone; moderators that are excited to be there are an important part of making sure things operate smoothly.":"每个人都可能遭遇到管理员倦怠。重要的是了解其背后代表的情况,以及你能提供什么帮助。无论你是服务器的所有者、管理者还是团队中的一员,都应当支持你的团队,警惕倦怠的症状,这样才能提出改善对方感受的建议。保持与团队的开放沟通通道,提倡开诚布公。鼓励自己和他们在感到压力大或负担重的时候及时休整,感激彼此对服务器的帮助。独自运营一个服务器的难度非常大,而积极参与其中的管理员,是确保一切顺利运转的重要组成部分。","#Moderator Burnout: What is it?":"管理员倦怠:如何定义?","#Starting a new job or position or activity will always be exciting. Most moderators are eager to help a community that they love and that they are an active part of to grow and prosper. You spend a lot of time there already, so why would you not want to do your part in helping that community be successful? However as time passes, interests can change and initial enthusiasm can wane. As a moderator, you might find yourself spending time in other communities or you realize your real world schooling and work is a priority over moderating, so there is the potential for anxiety to build as you try to juggle all of your responsibilities. Maybe your mental health is being affected by spending many hours a day on the internet, dealing with trolls and people who simply just want to cause trouble. This can mentally drain you, having to deal with negativity and conflict day in and day out. When moderating begins to feel like a chore, as opposed to a hobby, that’s when you might feel like moderator burnout has set in.":"一份新工作、职位或活动,开始总是很激动人心。大多数管理员都热爱自己的社区,自己也是其中的活跃分子,因此会积极为社区的繁荣与发展贡献力量。反正你都要在这里花上很长时间,为什么为社区的成功出一份力呢?然而,随着时间推移,人的兴趣是会变的,最初的热情也会渐渐消退。身为管理员,你也许会发现自己去其他社区的时间变多了,或是需要以现实世界中的学业与工作为重。周旋于几种责任之间,你难免会开始感到焦虑。每天花许多时间在网上,处理出言不逊和故意找麻烦的人,可能会影响你的心理健康。日复一日面对种种负面情绪和冲突,使你心力交瘁。当管理员的工作不再是爱好,而是繁琐的日常任务,你就会出现管理员倦怠的症状。","#With a better understanding of the primary purposes of each platform, you can begin to design your user experience in a way that provides new community members an easy and direct way to participate in and show dedication to the community. Regardless of how your Twitch viewers discover your channel or content, directing them to a centralized community hub will allow them to share their appreciation with others, and go from being an individual fan to being part of a community.":"更深入地了解每个平台的宗旨后,您可以着手设计用户体验,为社区新成员提供一种简单而直接的方式来帮助他们参与社区互动并作出贡献。无论您的 Twitch 观众是从哪种渠道发现您的频道或内容的,您都可以引导他们进入一个集中的社区中心,让他们彼此分享对您的喜爱,从个体粉丝转变为社区的一份子。","#Milestones for 50 Members":"拥有 50 名成员时","#Advanced Functionality Scripts. Finding a skilled developer to create custom bots and scripts for the community will open up new opportunities for what your members can accomplish on your platform. For example, modular discussion and voice channels can allow community members to temporarily create their own call or discussion channels for an activity. These channels can last a certain amount of time or automatically delete themselves once everyone has left, ensuring the total number of channels and messages in the community isn’t overwhelming.":"高级功能脚本。找到一位资深开发人员为社区创建自定义机器人和脚本,这将为社区成员在您的平台上大显身手开辟新的机会。例如,您可以创建模块化的讨论和语音频道,从而使社区成员能够为某项小活动创建自己的临时性通话或讨论频道。这些频道可以持续一定时间,或在所有人退出后自动删除,从而确保社区频道和消息总数保持在一个合理的范围内。","#Playing with Viewers via Discord":"在 Discord 上与观众一起游戏","#Bot Automation for Modding and Common Questions. While small communities can be easily modded by a few individuals, larger communities require automated tools to delete posts and enforce the rules. Bots can be used to detect and remove spam, assign roles, kick and ban members or answer frequently asked questions using keyword detection.":"用于管理和回答常见问题的机器人自动化。小型社区可以由几个人轻松管理,较大的社区则需要使用自动化工具来删除帖子和执行规则。机器人可用于检测和删除垃圾信息、分配身份组、踢除和封禁成员或通过检测关键字来回答常见问题。","#Diversified Discussion and Call channels. As your community grows, new discussion and call channels should be created to allow multiple discussions to occur simultaneously. For example, assigning custom channels for promotion, media or other discussion topics help make content in your community easier to find and filter. Create two or more voice channels to allow for serious versus casual discussion and limit the number of active chatters to ensure the call doesn’t become too noisy.":"多元化的讨论和通话频道。随着社区的发展,您应当创建新的讨论和通话频道,以便同时进行多个话题的讨论。例如,为推广、媒体等讨论主题分配自定义频道有助于轻松查找和筛选社区内容。创建两个或多个语音频道,以便将严肃和休闲的讨论分隔开来,同时限制活跃聊天人数,避免通话过于嘈杂。","#Milestones for 5000 Members":"拥有 5000 名成员时","#Is Discord for Twitch Necessary?":"Twitch 是否需要 Discord?","#Milestones for 500 Members":"拥有 500 名成员时","#Configure your Twitch Integration. Once you reach Affiliate level on Twitch with 50 followers and an average of 3 viewers per stream, your channel will unlock community subscriptions and custom emotes. The subscription status and emotes can be synced to your Discord automatically through an Oauth integration, allowing you to provide custom subscriber-only channels to reward loyalty. Learn more in the support center about Twitch Integration.":"配置您的 Twitch 集成。一旦您在 Twitch 上达到会员级别,即拥有 50 名关注者且平均每场直播拥有 3 名观众,您的频道将解锁社区订阅和自定义表情功能。订阅状态和表情可通过 Oauth 集成功能自动同步到您的 Discord 服务器中,以便您提供仅限订阅者访问的定制频道来奖励忠实粉丝。在客服中心了解更多有关 Twitch 集成的信息。","#Configure your Announcement Bots. While the use of bots for such a small community may seem unnecessary, having your Stream Announcement bots configured as soon as possible will help your Twitch channel grow exponentially. You can have two bots that fulfill this role, bots in Discord to announce Go-Live streams and bots on Twitch to offer invitation links to Discord.":"配置您的公告机器人。虽然似乎没必要在这么小的社区中使用机器人,但尽快配置直播公告机器人有助于让您的 Twitch 频道获得指数级的发展速度。您可以设置两种直播公告机器人,一种在 Discord 中宣布开播,另一种在 Twitch 上提供 Discord 邀请链接。","#Scheduled Events and Community Activities. As your community grows into the thousands, enough members will be active that you can begin hosting events or activities related to the core theme or value proposition your community offers. These events would be posted as part of your community announcements and may offer a custom role to keep regulars active and informed about similar events. A system that allows community members to create their own events can assist in offloading work and planning from the moderation team, and empower your members to build a stronger culture within the community.":"举办活动和社区小活动。当社区发展至数千人的规模后,就会拥有足够的活跃成员,您也就可以开始举办有关社区核心主题或价值主张的大小活动了。这些活动将通过社区公告发布,并且可能会提供定制身份组,以便社区活跃成员对类似活动保持关注,并及时了解相关信息。您还可以建立一个系统,允许社区成员创建自己的活动,从而减轻社区管理团队的工作和活动策划负担,赋予社区成员更多权力,从而打造更强大的社区文化。","#Going Live and Back Again":"直播前后","#The Discord for Twitch Checklist":"Twitch 的 Discord 功能清单","#The image above categorizes content platforms into 3 primary groups; Discovery, Engagement, and Activation. Content platforms that focus on Discovery are specifically designed to spread new, persistent content that can be viewed later. These platforms are ideal for finding new community members and fans to engage with by inviting them to join another more personalized platform, such as a fansite, email list, or Discord community. It is through this persistent community that you can advertise ways to support and engage directly with the primary content creators by supporting through Patreon or viewing/subscribing on Twitch.":"上方的图片将内容平台分为三个主要类别:发现、互动和激活。专注于发现的内容平台专门设计用于传播能够持久留存可供日后查看的新内容。这类平台是吸引新成员和粉丝加入社区的理想之选,可以在这里邀请人们加入其它私域平台,如粉丝网站、电子邮件列表或 Discord 社区,从而与他们互动。通过这个注重持续性的社区,您可以宣传如何通过在 Patreon 上支持或在 Twitch 上观看/订阅来直接支持主要内容创作者并与其互动。","#To get the most out of Discord and encourage members to join your stream, spend time with your community before and after each livestream. Before each stream, spend 15 minutes chatting with your active Discord members to ask them about their day or receive feedback about your content. As you begin your stream, post announcements on your social media platforms and use a bot to alert your Discord community that you’ve gone live. Moderators should continue to oversee discussions in your Discord, but encourage members to watch the livestream as it occurs. Bots and scripts can also be used to remind users to join the Discord community if they haven’t already, as well as following on social media for updates and alerts. Finally, as your stream is ending, remind the community that you’ll be available in Discord for a short time to discuss the stream and answer any questions. Some streamers will also include special events for high-ranking members or subscribers, which can help encourage collaboration and active use of the server.":"在直播前后花些时间与社区成员交流,可以充分发挥 Discord 的作用,吸引更多社区成员观看您的直播。在每次直播之前,花 15 分钟与您 Discord 中的活跃成员聊一聊,问问他们当天过得如何,或征求对您创作内容的反馈。开播时,在您的社交媒体平台上发布公告,并使用机器人告知 Discord 社区您已经开始直播了。管理员应继续监督 Discord 上的讨论,但也要鼓励成员去观看直播。您也可以利用机器人和脚本来提醒尚未加入 Discord 社区的用户加入并在社交媒体上关注您来获取最新动态和提示。最后,在直播结束时,您可以提醒社区成员,您会在 Discord 上短暂停留一段时间,参与直播相关讨论并回答问题。此外,一些主播还会为高级成员或订阅者安排特别活动,以此鼓励协作并提高使用 Discord 服务器的积极性。","#Most of the streamers who ask this question fail to understand how Discord fits into their high-level plan for scaling their brand and community. One of the biggest misconceptions is that Twitch can be used for every step of growing your channel, brand, and community. Twitch is only one of many platforms required for success. While Twitch is well-known for engaging and monetizing your active community base, it struggles with content discovery, data collection, and long term retention. Twitch should instead be viewed as a tool to engage and connect with an already-existing community.":"有这种疑虑的主播大多并不理解 Discord 是如何助力其实现扩大品牌和社区规模的高级计划的。其中最大的误解之一就是可以依赖 Twitch 来推动频道、品牌和社区的每一步发展。Twitch 只是迈向成功所需的众多平台之一。Twitch 以其在活跃社区成员互动及变现方面的优势而著称,但它在内容发现、数据收集和长期留存上有所不足。换言之,Twitch 更适合作为与现存社区互动和建立联系的工具。","#Regular News and Announcements. Once you have a larger and more active community consider doing regular posts featuring content released on other platforms like YouTube or information about changes and updates to the community. Many popular Discord bots offer custom alert notifications to encourage your community to load your livestream as you begin streaming. Several Twitch bots also allow for commands you can use to drive traffic to your Discord community.":"定期新闻和公告。当您的社区成长为活跃度更高的大型社区后,您便可以考虑定期将发布在其他平台(如 YouTube)上的帖子搬运到这里,或定期发布有关社区变更和更新的信息。许多广受欢迎的 Discord 机器人都会提供自定义通知功能,在您开播时带动社区成员进入您的直播间。有些 Twitch 机器人还支持您使用命令来为您的 Discord 社区引流。","#At some point during their Twitch careers, most streamers will ask the question, “Is having a Discord for my community necessary?”. Most streamers are already struggling enough with configuring their overlays, cultivating relationships with other streamers, and taking the time to edit or design future content. Will working with yet-another platform really help move my streaming career forward, or is it just another item on the endless list of distractions?":"在 Twitch 职业生涯的某个时刻,大多数主播都会有一个疑问:“我有必要为自己的社区设置一个 Discord 服务器吗?”对于大多数主播而言,光是配置叠加层、建立和维护与其他主播的关系以及花时间编辑或规划直播内容,就已经让他们焦头烂额了。与另一个平台合作真的能助推自己直播事业的发展吗?还是只会徒增麻烦?","#One of the most effective ways to engage directly with your community is to create content with them. This can either be done while livestreaming, or else as a scheduled event that the community can participate in. Events need not necessarily be games, but can also include Q&A sessions or discussions about a topic of interest. Special precautions must be made while playing with viewers as you’re live to prevent “stream sniping”, where community members will attempt to disrupt your stream or game while you’re live. Moderators should take note and be ready to handle disruptions while engaging directly with the community, but most situations can be prevented by assigning restrictions or requirements to be on stream with the host. For example, being a subscriber to the community or requiring participants to apply for a spot if the game has a limited number of participants can help ensure everybody understands and follows the rules.":"与社区直接互动最有效的方法之一就是与社区成员共同创造内容。这既可以在直播中进行,也可以以社区排定活动的方式进行。活动不一定是游戏,也可以是问答环节或感兴趣主题的相关讨论。在直播中与观众一起玩游戏时必须采取特殊预防措施,防止出现“直播窥屏”问题,致使您的直播或游戏受到社区成员的干扰。在与社区直接互动时,管理员应该注意并随时准备应对干扰,但大多数情况可以通过对参与主播直播的观众设定限制或要求来避免。例如,要求参与直播的观众必须是社区订阅者,或者在有参与人数限制的游戏中要求参与者申请名额,以此确保每个人都理解并遵守规则。","#We hope these guidelines have helped you to determine if creating a Discord server for your Twitch audience is the right fit for you. The most essential thing to keep in mind is that your Discord server is not just an appendix to your Twitch presence. It serves as its own entity and community that needs to be fostered with the same, if not more, personal attention and care in order for it to blossom. With the right mindset and efforts, your Discord community can bolster your Twitch presence and bring your community closer together, for longer":"我们希望这些指南能够帮助您判断是否有必要为 Twitch 观众创建 Discord 服务器。最重要的是,请记住 Discord 服务器并非只是您 Twitch 的附庸。作为一个实体和社区,如果想要蓬勃发展,那么您在培育它的过程中投入的个人关注和关怀就一点也不能少。以正确的心态努力耕耘,您的 Discord 社区就能帮助您提高在 Twitch 上的影响力,赋予社区更持久、更稳固的凝聚力。","#The platforms above can obviously be used for different purposes, but they’re segmented as such because of how their primary business models work. Discovery platforms run on ads and focus on getting you to consume more content. Engagement platforms are more personalized, with content not designed for larger audiences and frequently encourage users to take action. Activation platforms are designed to have monthly or direct recurring payment models that provide an enhanced or personalized version of Engagement content.":"上述平台显然可用于各种不同目的,但所属类别是由它们的主要商业模式决定的。发现平台主要的运营方式是广告投放,致力于让用户消费更多内容。互动平台更加个性化,设计的内容并非面向大众,且经常鼓励用户行动起来。激活平台采用按月收费或直接自动扣款模式,提供升级版或定制版的互动内容。","#As you grow your Discord community, members will have different expectations of what your server offers, how it’s managed and what the server is used for. For example, a community with 500 members may not be expected to have a full events calendar, but they would definitely expect that roles have been properly configured so that subscribers appear as a different username color with more permissions and access to restricted channels. Below is a simple checklist for the functionality your server should have:":"随着 Discord 社区的发展,社区成员对您服务器的内容、管理方式以及用途的期望也会随之发生改变。例如,拥有 500 名成员的社区可能不需要一个完整的活动日程表,但社区成员肯定希望能够适当配置身份组,以便订阅用户拥有与众不同的用户名颜色及更多受限频道的访问权限。以下是一份服务器应具备功能的简易清单:","#How to Handle Malicious Content":"如何处理恶意内容","#Spam has historically been a problem that plagues all platforms online as it is a simple way to troll as well as easy to change and adapt to suit the spammer’s needs. Discord has begun to implement progressive changes to how they detect spam on the platform, updating, tweaking, and fine-tuning their anti-spam systems daily to catch more and more spammers and spam content.":"垃圾邮件是一种简单的网络攻击方式,而且很容易被改成满足发送者需求的内容,因此历来是困扰所有在线平台的老大难问题。Discord 已经开始逐步改变在平台检测垃圾邮件的方式,每天更新、调整并微调反垃圾邮件系统,以拦截越来越多的垃圾邮件及其发送者。","#If you do decide to trust the download, take the extra precaution to run it through VirusTotal or similar websites to search for potential dangers. It’s also good to check your anti-malware software to scan these files. To be extra sure you don’t click anything illicit but want to run the message through one of these websites, right-click the message on Discord and choose “Copy Link” from the dropdown.":"即使您决定信任下载内容,也请采取额外的预防措施,例如通过 VirusTotal 或类似网站检测其潜在风险,也可以用本地的反恶意程序软件对其进行扫描。如果您希望通过上述方法扫描消息,以进一步确保不会点击任何非法内容,可以在 Discord 中右键单击消息,并在下拉列表中选择“复制链接”。","#What the Malicious Link Blocker looks like in action.":"恶意链接拦截器的触发界面。","#Although URL shorteners are a convenient way to make links more compact and easier to read, they also hide the final destination of the URL, which could be a malicious website. When dealing with these types of shortened URLs, you should first prioritize determining where it leads. You can use a URL expander such as URLScan or Redirect-Checker to do this. Once you have a better idea of what is on the other side of the URL, you can decide whether it is safe or not to visit the site and remove and/or report the message if need be.":"虽然 URL 缩短器是很方便的工具,可以让链接更加紧凑易读,但也隐藏了 URL 的最终目的地,因此有可能将您带向恶意网站。在处理这类经过缩短的 URL 地址时,首先要确定其指向。您可以使用 URL 扩展器,例如 URLScan 或者 Redirect-Checker,来完成该工作。一旦您了解该 URL 的指向网站,您就知道访问该网站是否安全,以及是否应该移除并/或举报该消息。","#Discord also introduced another anti-spam feature, which auto-detects and hides content from likely spammers in servers reducing outright spam. These messages will automatically be hidden by the Server Channel Spam Redaction system.":"Discord 还引入了另一个反垃圾邮件功能,能够自动检测并隐藏来自服务器中疑似垃圾邮件发送者的内容,从而在根本上减少垃圾邮件的出现。这些疑似垃圾信息会自动被服务器频道垃圾邮件过滤系统隐藏。","#You should always exercise caution when downloading files from anyone on Discord, whether it’s from a stranger or someone you think you know. One of the most dangerous files is a “.exe” file. These files will execute some sort of function on your computer, leading to leaking information to the sender or having other serious consequences.":"在 Discord 下载任何人的文件都应当谨慎,不管是陌生人还是您认为有所了解的用户。最危险的文件是后缀名为“.exe”的文件。这类文件会在您的电脑上执行某种功能,可能会将您的信息泄露给发送者或者产生其他严重后果。","#Scammers use many different techniques to trick you into giving them your personal information. They may try to steal your Discord login credentials, user token, or private information through carefully crafted scam attempts, thus giving them access to your account for problematic purposes.":"诈骗者会使用各种不同的手段诱使您向其提供个人信息。他们可能会通过精心设计的骗局来窃取您的 Discord 登录凭证、用户令牌或者私人信息,以不正当地访问您的账户。","#Recognizing Scamming and Phishing Attempts":"识别潜在诈骗或网络钓鱼","#Native Features to Fight Spam":"对抗垃圾邮件的本地功能","#Spotting Problematic Links and Files":"识别有问题的链接和文件","#If you do not recognize the domain, try doing a google search to find out more information about the link before clicking on it. Some links try to imitate real websites to trick the users into thinking it is safe to click on when, in fact, it is a malicious link. Be sure to double-check the spelling of common domains so that you aren’t tricked into thinking a link goes to YouTube instead of “YouTbue”, for example. A more subtle way you might encounter malicious links is through embedded messages from bots or webhooks. Unlike normal users, bots and webhooks can hyperlink text in a message. Be sure to double check where a link leads to when clicking on it.":"如果您并不熟悉该域名,在点击前请尝试进行搜索以找到关于该链接的更多信息。有些恶意链接会伪装成其他真实网站,诱使用户认为安全并点击。请仔细检查域名的拼写,这样就不会被仿冒链接骗过,比如把“YouTube”拼写成“YouTbue”。您可能还会遇到一种更隐蔽的恶意链接,它们会通过机器人或 webhook 的嵌入消息进行发送。与普通用户不同,机器人和 webhook 可以对消息中的文本进行超链接。点击链接前请务必仔细检查其指向。","#As a rule of thumb, it is never a good idea to follow links sent by strangers! If you still are unsure about the destination of a link, you can use sites like VirusTotal to check for any potential malware or illicit content.":"根据经验,点击陌生人发送的链接存在极高的风险!如果您知道链接的指向网站但仍然心存怀疑,可以使用 VirusTotal 等站点来检查该网站是否包含潜在恶意软件或非法内容。","#Moderator: the title you give to people who have the responsibility of managing your chat and community. Answering the call to protect your community and its members at all costs, they are integral to any successful Discord server. But it’s important to remember that moderators have to be safe online, just like the users they fight to protect. The first step in doing this is to ensure your account safety is set by having a strong password and setting up backup login methods- all of which you can learn more about in this article that is going to be focusing on the importance of securing your Discord account.":"“管理员”是您授予成员的头衔,让其负责管理社区和服务器交流。管理员需要尽一切所能保护社区及其成员,是任何成功的 Discord 服务器都必不可少的关键因素。但是请记住,虽然管理员需要努力保护其他用户,但他们本身也需要一个安全的网络环境。给他们创造安全空间的第一步,就是通过设置强密码和备用登录方法来确保您账户的安全——本文的重点就是保证您 Discord 账户安全的重要性,以上方面均会详细展开。","#Dealing with Threats & Doxxing Attempts":"应对威胁和人肉搜索","#In some cases, downloading a malicious file won’t immediately affect your computer until the file or program is run or opened. This is important to keep in mind since downloading a file can cause a false sense of security to think it is safe since “nothing bad happened” until you run whatever you downloaded!":"请切记,在某些情况下,下载恶意文件后并不会立即影响您的电脑,而是在文件或程序打开或者运行时才会产生效果。所以不要因为“什么都没发生”就误认为您下载的文件是安全的,因为很可能会在您运行该下载文件后才会造成破坏!","#In this article, we’ll explain how moderators can do their job safely and securely, cover how to handle links, scams, and possible doxxing attempts, and introduce some general best practices to keep you and your account safe.":"在本文中,我们将阐述管理员应当如何安全可靠地完成工作,其中涵盖了如何处理链接、诈骗和潜在人肉搜索行为,也提供能保护您和您账户安全的广泛适用建议。","#As a moderator, you might come across malicious content shared in your server in the form of links and files. Malicious links and files come in all shapes and sizes. Some try to get ahold of your account credentials, such as login information or token while others try to have you download malware that can harm your computer.":"作为管理员,您可能会遇到以链接和文件的形式分享在服务器中的恶意内容。恶意链接和文件有各种不同形式和大小,有些试图掌握您的账户凭证,例如登录信息或令牌;还有一些会试图诱使您下载恶意软件并进一步侵害您的设备。","#When you take on the title of community moderator, you become a front-facing member of your server. As a result, you have to be up-to-date on the newest methods on how to moderate safely and securely to not only keep you and your team safe but also to help educate your community. This includes knowing how to spot and handle malicious links, files, scams, and phishing attempts. It helps to also have knowledge in how to deal with threats to your community members and doxxing concerns.":"当您获得了“社区管理员”的头衔,就意味着您成为了服务器的第一线成员。因此,您必须掌握安全可靠管理的最新方法,这不仅是为了保证您和您团队的安全,也是为了能够向社区提供相关知识:其中包括如何识别并处理恶意链接和文件、诈骗信息和网络钓鱼行为。与此同时,掌握如何处理针对社区成员的威胁和人肉搜索等行为也能为您的管理工作锦上添花。","#Firstly, we’ve implemented the Malicious Link Blocker, which is a system that warns a user similar to what you see with Chrome when visiting specific sites. It is meant to minimize exposure to spam content, but it’s important to remember that it doesn’t catch everything. Keep in mind, just because a link does not trigger the Malicious Link Blocker doesn’t mean that the link is safe! Always be careful when clicking links from unknown users that may seem suspicious.":"首先,我们已经启用了恶意链接拦截器,该系统能警告可疑链接,类似于使用 Chrome 浏览器访问可疑网站时的视觉效果。它的初衷是将最大可能减少您接触垃圾内容的几率,但是请注意,该系统并不能拦截所有危险内容,没有触发恶意链接拦截器的链接也并不一定安全!如果有任何不熟悉的用户向您发送了可疑链接,在点击前请千万小心。","#Now we’ll explore how to safeguard against these types of risks.":"现在我们将讨论如何防范以上类型的风险。","#It is important to know that Discord Staff will only ever communicate through accounts with a staff badge or through System DMs. We will never ask you for your password. A Discord System DM will look exactly like the photo above in your direct message inbox. Check out their Discord System Messages blog post for more information about how Discord sends direct messages.":"请记住,Discord 工作人员只会通过有员工徽章的账户或者通过系统私信与您沟通。而且我们绝对不会要求您提供密码。Discord 系统私信如上图所示,会显示在您的私信收件箱里。您可以阅读《Discord 系统消息》博客文章,以了解更多关于 Discord 如何发送私信的信息。","#Scams are constantly evolving and changing, but they do tend to follow similar patterns. Remember, Discord will never ask you for your password, even through official means of support, nor will we give away free Discord Nitro through bots. Some common scams on the platform that are combatted every day are as follows:":"虽然诈骗在不断发展变化,但它们往往遵循相同的模式。请记住,Discord 永远不会要求您提供密码,即使在官方的技术支持中也不会要求密码;我们也不会通过机器人免费赠送 Discord Nitro 订阅。 我们每天都在平台上打击诈骗,一些常见的例子如下:","#Steam Scams. Has someone ever sent you a message apologizing for “accidentally reporting you” on Steam? This is yet another way scammers try to infiltrate your accounts. Referring to someone who can fix the issue along with a link that looks like Steam’s website, but in truth, is a phishing link. If you look closely, you can spot typos in their domain name such as “steamcomnmunity,” “sleamcommunity,” and many others.":"Steam 骗局。有没有人向您发送消息说“抱歉不小心在 Steam 上举报了你”?这也是诈骗者试图窃取您账户的手段。他们会提出有人可以解决这一问题,并发送看起来像 Steam 网站的链接,但其实是钓鱼链接。如果您仔细观察,会发现域名里有类似“steamcomnmunity”或“sleamcommunity”等拼写错误。","#Cybercriminals and trolls can be incredibly inventive in how they doxx you. They might start with a single clue and follow it until your online persona is progressively unraveled and your identity is revealed. You must be hyper-aware of what personal information you share online and be cautious when divulging information about yourself.":"网络犯罪分子和破坏者在人肉搜索方面的创意层出不穷。他们可能会从一条单一线索开始追踪,直到逐步获得您的线上信息并最终暴露您的身份。您必须高度警惕在网上分享的个人信息,并在透露关于自己的信息时保持谨慎。","#Keeping your Discord login credentials and account token safe and secure is vitally important to ensure your own account safety when moderating an online community. Even with proactive measures such as 2-Factor-Authentication (2FA) in place, scammers can still get access to your account with your account token, so evading common phishing attempts and utilizing the vast amount of resources available to spot scams becomes increasingly important for moderators. Discord released an article about keeping your account safe and sound with 2FA, which is an excellent resource to read or refer to.":"在管理在线社区时,如果想确保您的 Discord 账户安全,保护登陆凭证和账户令牌的安全就至关重要。即使启用了双重认证(2FA)等措施,诈骗者仍然可以使用您的账户令牌访问您的账户,因此,对于管理员来说,避免常见网络钓鱼并利用大量资源识别诈骗活动变得越来越重要。Discord 发布了双重认证如何保障账户安全的文章,这是一篇非常实用的阅读和参考资源。","#Bots are potent tools that moderators and community builders use daily to help moderate and spark community interest via events and games. However, bot accounts differ slightly from a regular user account, meaning that bot accounts are capable of performing actions much faster than a regular user and allowed to obtain the message and user data from your server quickly.":"机器人是管理员和社区建立者日常使用的强大工具,可以通过活动和游戏帮助管理社区并激发社区兴趣。但是,机器人账户与普通用户账户略有不同,这意味着机器人账户能比普通用户更快地执行操作,也就能迅速从服务器中获取消息和用户数据。","#Game Scams. Be aware of random users who message you asking if you want to test their new game. This is another attempt to compromise your account and unlock your private information through phishing. Requests from strangers or friends to try their game usually mean that their account has been compromised, and they are now attempting to gain access to yours. If you have other means of contacting this user off-platform, it is good to alert them to the fact that their account has been compromised to see if they can regain control of it or contact Discord Support about the issue.":"游戏骗局。有些陌生用户会发送消息询问您是否愿意测试他们的新游戏。遇到这种情况请千万小心,这是试图通过网络钓鱼以盗取您的账户并获取您私人信息的手段。陌生用户或者好友向您发送游戏测试邀请通常意味着他们的账户已被劫持,现在又想盗取您的账户。如果您能通过其他方式联系该用户,请告知他们其账户已被劫持,让他们尝试重新取回账户或者联系 Discord 支持团队以解决该问题。","#Social Engineering":"社会工程学","#With the vast array of search tools and information readily available online, almost anyone can be a doxxing victim. If you have ever posted in an online forum, signed an online petition, or purchased a property, your information is publicly available. Through public records, databases, and other repositories, large amounts of data are readily available to anyone who searches for it.":"网上存在大量搜索工具,很容易获得各种信息,几乎所有人都有可能成为人肉搜索的受害者。只要您在线上论坛发布过帖子、签署过线上请愿书,或者购买过不动产,那么您的信息就是公开的。通过公共记录、数据库和其他存储资源,任何想要搜索的人都能轻松获得大量数据。","#Best Practices of Cybersecurity on Discord":"Discord 网络安全最佳做法","#Knowing what permissions bots and bot roles are given is essential to developing a safe community, helping ensure the safety of all its members and its moderators. A malicious bot can wreak havoc within servers very quickly by mass-deleting categories, exposing private channels, sending scam messages, and abusing webhooks. We heavily recommend researching any bot before adding it to your server.":"请了解机器人和机器人身份组被赋予的权限,这有助于确保所有成员和管理员的安全,对于发展安全社区来说至关重要。恶意机器人可以通过批量删除类别、曝光私密频道、发送垃圾消息,以及滥用webhook 等手段,在服务器内迅速造成破坏。我们强烈建议在将任何机器人加入服务器前都要对其进行仔细研究。","#When reporting content to Discord, you might hesitate and think to yourself, is this worth reporting? Please know that all reports made in good faith are worth reporting to Discord. Moderating on Discord is an integral part of the platform. User safety is the number one priority for Discord, especially moderators, as they help keep your community safe.":"在向 Discord 进行内容举报前,您可能会犹豫,并怀疑有没有举报的必要。请您明白,只要是出于善意,向 Discord 进行的任何举报都是有必要的。在 Discord 上进行的管理是该平台顺利运转的必要因素。保证用户安全是 Discord 的第一要务,而管理员的安全尤为重要,因为是他们帮助保证社区的安全。","#Prize Scams. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Scammers might try to get your information through empty promises of fake prizes. A common prize scam is random bots sending you a message that you’ve won a month of Discord Nitro. If these bots are not directly connected to a server giveaway you were a part of, this giveaway is likely fake and and the links they sent are malicious. Discord would never use a bot to send this information to you directly, and even verified bots can be hacked to share these malicious links.":"中奖骗局。如果听起来美好得像假的,那很可能就是假的。诈骗者可能会承诺虚假的奖品以骗取您的信息。常见的中奖骗局是通过随机机器人发送“您赢得了一个月的 Discord Nitro 订阅”消息。如果这些机器人未关联至您参与的服务器赠品活动,那么所谓“赠品”很可能是虚假的,且发送的链接可能是恶意链接。Discord 不会使用机器人向您发送此类消息,而且即使是经过验证的机器人也可能被黑客劫持以发送恶意链接。","#There are a lot of resources to draw from to ensure you moderate safely and securely. Practice good cybersecurity by having good antivirus and malware detection programs and strong passwords. Differentiate between your “real” self and online persona to minimize doxxing opportunities. Check suspicious links and websites through online tools to make sure they aren’t malicious. If you or one of your community members are doxxed online, there are proactive and reactive measures that can be taken to ensure your account security. Figure out what sort of content was leaked, report it to Discord’s Trust & Safety teams, and submit relevant removal requests such as Google’s removal tools.":"我们可以使用丰富的资源,以确保安全可靠的管理工作。比如:通过防病毒和恶意软件检测程序以及强密码来维护安全的网络环境;区分“真正的”自己和线上身份以最小化被人肉搜索的机会;用在线工具检查可疑链接和网站,以确保它们没有恶意内容。如果您或者您的社区成员被线上人肉搜索,可以采取主动或被动措施以确保您账户的安全,比如查清泄露内容并向 Discord Trust & Safety 团队举报,以及使用 Google 的移除工具等提交相关的移除申请。","#If private information about you is revealed online through Google searches and you happen to live in the EU or Argentina, you have the right to be forgotten. Similar rights are given to people in the United States, although not to the same extent. We generally encourage you to check resources such as HaveIBeenPwned to see whether or not your data has been a part of any big leaks.":"如果您的私人信息通过 Google 搜索引擎在网上披露,且您居住在欧盟或阿根廷,那么您有被遗忘权。美国居民也享有类似权利,虽然程度不尽相同。我们也建议您使用 HaveIBeenPwned 等资源,检查自己的数据是否包含在重大泄露事故中。","#If you are concerned you are at a high risk of being doxxed, you can consider setting up Google Alerts to monitor possible doxxing attempts. If sensitive or private information has been leaked online, you can submit requests to have that content removed by using the following guides: Removing Content From Google or Remove Your Personal Information From Google.":"如果您认为自己被人肉搜索的风险较高,可以设置 Google 快讯,以检测可能存在的人肉搜索尝试。如果敏感或私人信息已在网上泄露,您可以按照以下指南提出内容移除申请:从 Google 移除内容或者从 Google 移除您的个人信息。","#Phishing is when a scammer convinces you to do anything that provides them access to your device, accounts, or personal information. They can more easily infect you with malware or steal your personal information by impersonating people or an organization who need this information. An example of this is a scammer claiming to be a Discord Staff Member or claiming to be from official Discord programs such as Partners or HypeSquad Events. Some more ambitious scammers could also include someone claiming to be from local law enforcement.":"网络钓鱼是指诈骗者诱使您向其提供您设备、账户或个人信息的访问权限。通过仿冒需要您个人信息的组织或者个人,他们可以更容易地让您感染恶意软件或者窃取您的信息。这类操作的一个例子就是诈骗者自称是 Discord 工作人员,或者来自 Discord 官方活动,例如 Discord 合作伙伴或者 HypeSquad。一些计划了更大骗局的诈骗者甚至可能自称来自当地的执法部门。","#Common Scams and Red Flags":"常见骗局及危险信号","#If you want content about you to be removed from Google, refer to this Google Troubleshooter. Sharing these resources or posting them within your Discord server can prove to be a valuable asset to your members, forestalling possible doxxing attempts or threats. Another great resource is the COACH tool which helps you lock down your identity by portioning the basics of online security into bite-sized, interactive, easy-to-follow guides.":"如果您希望从 Google 移除关于您的内容,请参阅该 Google 问题处理。您可以共享这些资源或将其发布至您的 Discord 服务器,这也会成为其他成员的宝贵财富,帮助他们预防可能存在的人肉搜索或威胁。另一个有力资源是 COACH 工具,它能把网络安全基本内容细分成易于互动和遵循的指南,从而帮您锁定个人身份。","#These social engineering tactics \"bait\" you with a trusted looking icon or name to obtain your personal information. These schemes may persuade you to open an attachment, click on a link, complete a form, or respond with personal information to make it easier for them to steal your account.":"这些社会工程学伎俩会用看起来很可信的图标或者名字来“诱导”您提供个人信息。这些骗局可能会劝说您打开附件、点击链接、填写表格或者发送个人信息,以让他们能够更容易地盗用您的账户。","#Most companies usually handle support issues on their websites, so be on the lookout for anyone claiming to want to help you through Discord representing a company or a service. Regarding the above example, Steam will always use its platform to resolve relevant issues and never reach out through Discord to settle problems with your account.":"大多数公司都会通过自己的网站提供技术支持,所以请小心自称代表某公司或服务,并想通过 Discord 向您提供帮助的人。上述骗局就是一个典型例子:Steam 永远会通过自己的平台解决相关问题,绝不会通过 Discord 联系您去解决您的 Steam 账户问题。","#Events":"活动","#report the content":"并屏蔽","#responsible and":"或服务条款的内容","#Server Privacy Defaults":"服务器默认隐私设置","#that violates our":"相关涉事用户","#Note: Usernames are changing on Discord. New usernames are lowercase, alphanumeric, limited to certain special characters, and do not have discriminators. During the transition from old usernames to new usernames, some users will still have old usernames with discriminators (#0000) while other users will have new usernames. For more information see our Help Center article here. You can also read the blog post about this change from our co-founder here.":"请注意:Discord 上的用户名正在进行变更。新的用户名必须用小写字母,可以插入数字以及部分特殊字符,并且不再使用鉴别码。在新旧用户名转换期间,部分用户仍会使用带有鉴别码(#0000)的旧用户名,其他用户则会启用新的用户名。更多详情请查看此处的帮助中心文章。您也可以在此处阅读我们的联合创立者写的博客文章,了解本次变更的有关内容。","#Case Studies":"案例研究","#Memrise and Cappuccino are mobile apps designed to help users share, learn and connect. The teams behind these apps saw Discord as an opportunity to facilitate user engagement and reach a wider audience.":"Memrise 和 Cappuccino 是专为帮助用户分享、学习和建立联系而设计的移动应用程序。其背后的制作开发团队认为通过 Discord 可以促进用户参与并扩大受众范围。","#Brand Stories":"品牌故事","#How Memrise and Cappuccino Built an App on Discord":"Memrise 和 Cappuccino 如何在 Discord 上创建应用程序","#Get inspired by how brands and developers are building on Discord.":"从品牌和开发人员在 Discord 的构建方式中汲取灵感。","#How CHANI and Motivation Ported their Apps onto Discord":"CHANI 和 Motivation 如何将其应用程序移植到 Discord 上","#User Controls: Our product architecture provides each user with fundamental control over their experience on Discord including who they communicate with, what content they see, and what communities they join or create.":"用户控制:我们的产品架构赋予每个用户掌控其 Discord 使用体验的基本权限,其中包括与谁沟通、看到何种内容以及加入或创建何种社区。","#Learn more about our Community Guidelines here and Terms of Service here.":"欢迎进一步了解我们的《社区守则》(点击此处)和《服务条款》(点击此处)。","#App Directory":"应用程序目录","#Training and Onboarding New Moderators":"新管理员培训与引导","#Unique Rules of the Road":"独特的规则","#Creating an Area for Content Creators":"为内容创作者打造专属区域","#Engaging Content Creators":"提高内容创作者的参与感","#Content creation is one of the coolest aspects of a community! Even those that do not create themselves can celebrate the passion and excitement that comes with sharing art. Artists shouldn’t be regulated to just a generalized #media channel where all users are posting photos, and you should consider instead giving them their own designated area in the server. This shows these users that moderators see their contributions to the community and appreciate what they are doing. This area can be a channel dedicated to sharing art and content, or even an entire channel category depending on how your moderation team wishes to interact with your community’s creators and how active this part of your community may be. Listen to their needs and expand and modify this category as necessary.":"内容创作是社区中最酷的部分之一!即使不是内容创作者,也可以在分享艺术的过程中感受激情与兴奋。艺术创作者不应该受限于全体用户均可发布照片的综合#媒体频道,您应该考虑在服务器中为其打造专属区域。这将向此类用户表明,管理员看到了他们的社区贡献,并且感谢他们的创作。这个区域可以是专用于分享艺术和内容的频道,甚至也可以是一整个频道类别,这取决于您的管理团队希望如何与社区创作者互动,以及社区在这一方面的活跃程度。请倾听创作者的需求,如有需要,可以扩展和修改这一类别。","#A healthy community on Discord will continue to grow and attract new members that are interested in the purpose of your community. With growth in membership comes the need to evolve your server to meet your members’ needs. One area that may emerge as your server grows is the need to serve your community’s content creators--users who are creating any form of media relating to the audience of your server. Moderating content related areas will present unique challenges that may not be found in a larger server meant for a game, tv show, or Reddit. Despite these unique challenges, this aspect of fandom still deserves to be celebrated and welcomed! This article will explore what to consider when creating a home for content creators within your server.":"健康的 Discord 社区会不断发展壮大,不断吸引对社区目标感兴趣的新成员加入。日益增长的成员数量带来了服务器升级的需求。服务器的发展可能衍生出一个新兴的领域,即您可能需要为社区中的内容创作者提供服务。此处的内容创作者指的是创作与服务器用户相关的各类媒体内容的用户。与主题为游戏、电视节目或 Reddit 等大型服务器相比,内容相关区域的管理面临着独特的挑战。尽管存在特殊挑战,但这类粉丝群体仍应得到赞赏和接纳!本文将探讨在服务器中为内容创作者建立家园时所需要考虑的因素。","#When building out a content creation realm in a server, it is important to keep in mind that your moderation team may encounter some new situations that don't apply to the rest of the server. Of course, content creators are subject to the same laws of the land in place for the entire community, but there may need to be some of these unique rules of the road to consider including:":"在服务器中构建内容创作区域时,请一定要注意,您的管理团队可能会遇到一些从未出现在服务器其他部分的新情况。当然,内容创作者同样会受到社区总规的约束,但为维护秩序及确保公平性,您可能需要考虑为其制订一些独特的规定,其中包括:","#Plagiarism. This is the practice of taking someone else’s work and claiming that it is your own. Plagiarizing another content creator should not be tolerated within any creative space. It should be highly discouraged and acted upon with moderator intervention if your community brings an accusation of plagiarism to your moderation team. As moderators, it is important to understand the difference between plagiarism and finding inspiration in someone else’s work. Tracing another creators’ artwork is the most common form of plagiarism, whereas being inspired by an original character to try out a new pose, color scheme, or scene featuring them is inspiration. While creators are often looking out for each other and willing to bring concerns about plagiarism to moderation teams, it is important to be able to look for it yourself by familiarizing yourself with your artists’ styles and reverse image searching images of concern to your team. Be sure to be able to explain to your community why plagiarizing is harmful when these situations arise.":"抄袭。指剽窃他人作品并声称作品属于自己的行为。抄袭其他内容创作者作品的行为在任何创作空间中都是不可容忍的。如果社区向管理团队举报了抄袭行为,应对抄袭行为表示强烈谴责,并让管理员介入处理。作为管理员,分清抄袭和从他人作品中获得灵感之间的区别非常重要。临摹其他创作者的艺术作品是最常见的抄袭形式,而受到原角色的启发,尝试以新的姿势、色彩方案或场景呈现,则是在他人作品中汲取灵感。虽然创作者会彼此留意动态,并愿意向管理团队报告抄袭相关问题,但熟悉艺术家风格,能够反向搜索图片来甄别抄袭行为的能力,对您的团队来说同样重要。出现抄袭情况时,务必向您的社区解释抄袭的害处。","#Bumping. Art bumping may occur in an art channel where artists feel their content isn’t easily viewed by enough people. This is essentially the act of media getting bumped up in chat from other people sharing their media at the same time or from chatter about other works. An accusation of bumping usually comes up when a creator feels their art isn’t being noticed, or if they believe someone they do not have a good relationship with is intentionally bumping their work. In this case, it’s important to defuse the situation and not allow any forms of bullying by de-escalating the conflict. Maintaining an environment where users respect everyone's work is necessary for the peace of mind of creators and consumers alike. You can also consider building out a channel category instead of a single channel which would allow for a channel dedicated to posting art and a separate one for discussion. You may contemplate a rule of not posting art within a certain time frame of another creator posting, but be cautioned that this can lead to over-moderation by your community.":"刷屏。艺术频道中可能会出现艺术作品刷屏现象,导致艺术创作者认为自己的作品难以获得足够曝光。刷屏大体是指在聊天中,由于其他人同时分享媒体内容或者讨论其他作品,导致某个媒体内容被淹没。当创作者觉得自己的艺术作品没有被人看到,或者认为与自己不睦的人故意在自己发布作品时刷屏,通常会举报刷屏。这种情况下,重要的是化解局势,缓解冲突,避免任何形式的欺凌。为了让创作者和用户安心,创造一个尊重他人作品的环境是很有必要的。您还可以考虑建立一个频道类别,而非单个频道,设置专用于发布艺术作品的频道和专用于讨论的频道,使之相互独立。您也可以考虑规定在有作品发布后的一定时间内禁止发布其他艺术作品,但请注意,这可能会引发社区内的过度管制。","#Advertising Commissions. If you have a blanket ban on advertisement in your community, you may not want to make an exception to the rule here. However, if you decide to allow advertising commissions in your server, you are allowing more commissions to flow to your creators. Do not allow other users to beg for free art or try to guilt creators with open commissions into providing free content to them. It may be the case that your moderation team will have to enforce boundaries if someone who commissions a creator within your community doesn’t pay them or revokes payment. Conversely, if a creator requires payment up front and then does not deliver work and doesn’t refund the commissioner, moderator intervention should occur to no longer allow them to accept commissions from other members.":"约稿宣传。如果您的社区全面禁止广告,您可能也不会希望在此处有所例外。然而,如果您决定在服务器中允许创作者进行约稿宣传,则将为其带来更多的约稿机会。不要允许其他用户在服务器中索取免费的艺术作品,或试图通过公开约稿向创作者施加压力来获得免费内容。在您的社区中,如果有人向创作者约稿而未付款或撤销付款,那么您的管理团队可能需要执行规定。相反,如果创作者要求提前付款,却没有完成工作且拒绝退款,则管理员需要介入进行干预,禁止其再次接受其他成员的约稿。","#There are several ways to keep your community’s content creators engaged, which helps to showcase how much your moderation team values their contributions to the server. Discord has several native features that can showcase your community’s talent in emojis, stickers, banners, and server icons. While a banner and a server icon are important to be branded and thus rarely changed, generating emojis and stickers (especially from within your community) is a good way to bond, celebrate inside jokes with your community, and show some love for your creators. Oftentimes communities will employ certain yearly opportunities like emoji elections where creators can submit emojis for consideration and allow your community to vote as a whole.":"有多种方法可以提高社区内容创作者的参与度,这有助于表明,管理团队非常重视他们对服务器的贡献。Discord 拥有多个原生功能,可用于展示社区成员的才华,包括表情符号、贴纸、横幅和服务器图标。对于品牌来说,横幅和服务器图标非常重要,因而几乎没有更改机会,但制作表情符号和贴纸(尤其当其与您的社区直接相关时)是增进情感联系、在社区内玩梗,以及向创作者表达对其作品喜爱的好方法。通常社区会举办一些年度活动,比如表情符号评选,创作者可以上传表情符号待选,让整个社区参与投票。","#NSFW content. If your server allows Not Safe for Work content, it is important that you create a specific channel for it that can be marked as an NSFW channel separate from your regular content creation channels. In line with Discord’s policies, this will not allow users under the age of 18 to see this channel without agreeing to a prompt that says they are not a minor. It is also important to consider that the implementation of an NSFW channel disqualifies you from being a Partnered or Verified Discord server. Make sure to keep the expectations around SFW and NSFW content creation in line with that of your entire server, and offer to answer any questions in DMs if a creator thinks a piece may toe the boundaries you enforce.":"少儿不宜内容。如果您的服务器内允许发布少儿不宜内容,那么您需要创建用于发布此类内容的专门频道,并将其标记为少儿不宜频道,独立于常规的内容创作频道。根据 Discord 的政策,此类频道将有提示框弹出,询问用户是否已成年,若用户未满 18 岁,则无法查看该频道。还有一点需要考虑的是,设置少儿不宜频道将使您的服务器无法成为 Discord 的合作伙伴或 Discord 认证服务器。请确保对全年龄和少儿不宜内容的要求与整个服务器的要求保持一致,并在创作者难以确定其作品是否越界时能够通过私信提供咨询。","#Off Topic Art. As a team, think about whether you want your artist channels to be dedicated to the purpose of your server or if you want to also allow off topic content. Once this rule is decided, check that your moderation team is on the same page for enforcement and nudging should you decide not to allow off topic art.":"与主题无关的艺术作品。作为团队,要考虑是希望您的艺术频道专注于服务器主题,还是允许出现与主题无关的内容。一旦确定不允许发布与主题无关的艺术作品,就要确保您的管理团队在执行和督促上保持步调一致。","#Continued engagement with your content creators is also important. If you are engaging your community with generalized game or server events, examine whether you can engage your content creators in the same way with art events or monthly prompts as this promotes community bonding. If your community has a system to reward winners for their work or participation in events, work to instill the same kind of system for art adjacent events or prompts.":"与内容创作者的持续互动也很重要。如果您正在社区举办一般意义上的游戏或服务器活动,那么请考虑是否可以以相同的方式为内容创作者举办艺术活动或月度主题活动,因为这有助于提高社区凝聚力。如果您的社区会通过奖励获胜者来表彰其作品或活动参与,则也可考虑为与艺术相关的活动或主题设立类似的奖励制度。","#Content creators are an exciting subset of fandom that should be welcomed to your community! Ensure that they have their own area to share all forms of content in, whether it be a channel or an entire channel category. Be aware that content creation arenas often come with unique rule considerations that you may not have encountered previously in the daily moderation of your server. Talk to your moderation team about everything before launching this channel or category so that you are all on the same wavelength with enforcement before jumping in. Continuously engage your creators and involve them in the artistic aspects of the server, such as emoji and sticker creation. Art can bring people together, and having a healthy artistic space within your community will provide a new way for your community to bond and celebrate your fandom!":"内容创作者是粉丝群体中振奋人心的一份子,应该得到社区的接纳!请确保内容创作者拥有各种形式内容的专属分享空间,无论是一个频道还是一个完整的频道类别。请注意,内容创作领域通常涉及一些特殊规定考量,而这些考量您之前在服务器的日常管理中可能没有遇到过。在启动这个频道或频道类别之前,请与您的管理团队就所有事项进行讨论,确保团队在执行方面达成一致。持续与您的创作者互动,帮助其融入服务器的艺术活动之中,如表情符号和贴纸创作。艺术可以把人们汇聚在一起,而一个健康的艺术空间将成为提高社区凝聚力、营造积极粉丝群体氛围的全新方式!","#Managing Constructive Criticism vs. Hate. Your content creation channels are going to be accessible to your entire server. This is so that the entire fandom can celebrate together, but also to drive interest from users to support your content creators. This means that the average user can come in and comment on content. There is a line between constructive criticism and hate. Watch out for it as moderators and be prepared to intervene should anything cross the line into attacks or hate-filled commentary that would give content creation an unwelcoming atmosphere. Oftentimes in creative communities it is an unspoken rule that you should not give constructive criticism unless it is specifically asked for. The average user may not realize this and could accidentally offend an artist if they’re not aware of this. As a moderator, it’s important to help artists understand constructive criticism when they ask for it while shielding them from trolls or baseless hate. Sharing content can be intimidating, so it is especially important to ensure that content creation channels remain positive and respectful environments. One way you can mitigate this issue is by making it clear in your rules that unless the artist specifically asks for constructive criticism, that feedback of that nature is not allowed.":"管理建设性批评与恶意言论。您的内容创作频道将对整个服务器开放。这样做是为了让整个粉丝群体能够共赏佳作,同时也是为了吸引用户支持内容创作者。这意味着普通用户可以进入频道并对创作内容发表评论。建设性批评和恶意言论之间存在一条界线。作为管理员,要清楚这条界线所在,并准备好在任何评论越界成为攻击性或恶意言论时介入干预,以免内容创作的友好氛围遭到破坏。在创作社区中通常有一个不成文的规定,即除非明确要求,否则不应提出建设性批评。普通用户可能会因不了解这一规定而无意中冒犯到艺术创作者。作为管理员,需要在艺术创作者要求时帮助其理解建设性批评,并同时保护他们免受恶意攻击或毫无根据的仇视,这是非常重要的。分享内容可能会令人忐忑不安,因此确保内容创作频道处于相互尊重的积极氛围之中尤为重要。您可以在规则中明确说明“除非艺术家明确要求提供建设性批评,否则不允许提供此类反馈”来缓解这一问题。","#To be clear, you are not responsible for their financial disputes or business transactions. Ultimately, creators should look into their specific payment provider website for policy information on fraud and filing disputes, both of which are out of your control. Your job as a moderation team is protecting creators from scammers who make themselves known within your community. You’ve created this space to cater to creators and need them to know that users who take advantage of them and creators who take advantage of users are not welcome here.":"需要申明的是,您不必承担处理创作者和约稿人之间的财务纠纷或商业交易的责任。最为重要的是,创作者应查阅其支付服务商网站,了解有关欺诈和申诉纠纷的政策信息,而这些事项都超出了您的掌控范围。作为管理团队,您的职责是保护创作者免受社区内已知骗子的伤害。您创建了这个空间来满足创作者的需求,因此需要让他们明白,这里既不欢迎利用创作者的用户,也不欢迎利用用户的创作者。","#Low Quality/Low Effort Art. Something your moderation team should consider is whether or not you will be moderating low quality or low effort art. Lower quality art has the ability to potentially create a divide with more experienced artists or diminish the overall quality of your artistic channels. Expectedly, this is a very subjective and divisive topic. Moderating “low quality” or “low effort” art can run the risk of upsetting younger users or creators that are at the very beginning of learning how to create. When considering moderating low quality art, be sure to display empathy and compassion to avoid coming off as inconsiderate or rude. Be honest and realistic in your descriptions and requirements for these art spaces so that users may have a better idea as to what is and isn’t acceptable both content and quality wise. Other ways to healthily promote higher quality artists is via potential role systems, automatic pins, or weekly artist highlights, which will be discussed in further detail below.":"粗制滥造/敷衍了事的艺术作品。您的管理团队应当考虑是否对粗制滥造或敷衍了事的艺术作品进行管理。粗制滥造的艺术作品有可能导致创作者与经验丰富的艺术创作者之间产生矛盾,或降低您艺术频道的整体质量。可以预见,这是一个非常主观且富有争议性的话题。对“粗制滥造”或“敷衍了事”的艺术作品进行管理,可能存在打击年轻用户或新手创作者热情的风险。在考虑管理粗制滥造的艺术作品时,请抱有同理心,避免给人留下冷漠或粗鲁的印象。在说明对这些艺术空间的构想和要求时,要坦率真诚、实事求是,以便用户对什么是可接受的、什么是不可接受的(包括内容和质量方面)有更清晰的认识。潜在身份组系统、自动固定显示或每周艺术创作者亮点也是健康助推高质量艺术创作者发展的一些可行方法,下面将详细讨论这些方法。","#Customize video calls with your own video backgrounds.":"自定义您的视频背景,让视频通话充满个性。","#More Backgrounds":"更多背景","#Managing Moderation Teams":"监管管理团队","#The Application of Metaphors in Moderation":"管理中比喻的应用","#Confidentiality in Moderation":"管理中的保密","#Transparency in Moderation":"管理透明度","#Developing Moderator Guidelines":"制订管理员指南","#Creating Moderation Team Channels":"创建管理团队频道","#Ban Evasion and Advanced Harassment":"封禁回避和高级骚扰活动","#Securing Your Discord Account":"保护 Discord 账号安全","#Internal Conflict Resolution":"内部争议解决","#Using Webhooks and Embeds":"使用 webhook 和嵌入","#Best Practices for Moderating Content Creation":"内容创作管理最佳做法","#Fundamentals of Family-Friendly Servers":"家庭友好型服务器基础知识","#Facilitating Positive Environments":"帮助营造积极的环境","#Internationalization of a Community":"社区国际化","#Auto Moderation in Discord":"Discord 自动管理","#Considering Mental Health in Your Community":"关爱社区中的心理健康","#Managing Interpersonal Relationships":"管理人际关系","#Understanding and Avoiding Moderator Burnout":"理解并避免管理员倦怠现象","#Using Modmail Bots":"使用 ModMail 机器人","#Using XP Systems":"使用 XP 系统","#Thank you!":"谢谢!","#We currently employ three levers to moderate user content on Discord, while being mindful of user privacy:":"目前,我们运用了三种手段,在确保用户隐私的同时,对用户内容进行管理:","#Community Moderation: Server owners and volunteer community moderators define and enforce norms of behavior for their communities that can go beyond the Discord Community Guidelines. We enable our community moderators with technology (tools like AutoMod) as well as training and peer support (Discord Admin Community).":"社区管理:服务器所有者和社区管理员志愿者可制定并执行其社区的行为规范,这类规范可以超出 Discord《社区守则》的范围。Discord 将为我们的社区管理员提供辅助技术(比如类似 AutoMod 的工具)以及相关培训和互助(Discord 管理员社区)。","#Visual Safety Platform: This is a service that can identify hashes of objectionable images such as child sexual abuse material (CSAM), and check all image uploads to Discord against databases of known objectionable images.":"视觉安全平台:这项服务能够识别有害图像的哈希值,如儿童性虐待材料(CSAM),并通过与已有的有害图像数据库进行比对来检查所有上传到 Discord 上的图像。","#Platform Moderation: Our universal Community Guidelines apply to all content and every interaction on the platform. These fundamental rules are enforced by Discord on an ongoing basis through a mix of proactive and reactive work. In Community Servers larger than 200 members, we take a more proactive and automated approach to safety as described in our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. We may use automated means to detect violations of our policies.":"平台管理:平台中发布的所有内容以及发生的所有互动均统一适用我们的《社区守则》,Discord 将采取主动及被动措施相结合的方式坚持贯彻执行这些规定。对于成员数量超过 200 人的社区服务器,我们将按照《服务条款》和《隐私权政策》的规定,采取更具主动性和自动化的方式加以管理。另外,我们可能会使用自动化手段来检测违反 Discord 政策的行为。","#with details that you can gather. Our Trust & Safety team strives to ensure bad users don't disrupt your teen’s experience on Discord. We also provide a number of tools to ensure that teens (and everyone else) have control over their Discord experience.":"并在举报中尽量详细描述情况。我们的 Trust and Safety 团队将为您竭诚服务,避免不端用户干扰您孩子的 Discord 体验。此外,您还可以使用我们的多种工具,确保您的孩子(和其他所有人)都能掌控自己的 Discord 体验。","#When we become aware of a violation of our Community Guidelines and policies, our team takes action, which can include anything from warning or banning accounts, to removing servers, and engaging with the authorities as appropriate. We encourage users to report any activity that violates our guidelines, Terms of Service, or our other policies in the Discord mobile app. Learn more about submitting a report here.":"得知违反社区守则和政策的行为后,我们的团队会采取行动,包括警告或封禁账户、删除服务器,并会适时与相关部门合作。我们鼓励用户在 Discord 移动端 APP 中举报任何违反守则、服务条款或其他政策的行为。如需了解更多关于提交举报的信息,请点击这里。","#Design for Safety: We make our products safe spaces by design and by default. Safety is and will remain part of the core product experience at Discord.":"安全性设计:我们从设计着手,一切从确保产品安全出发。安全始终是 Discord 核心产品体验的一部分。","#From zero to $15,000+ a month: The Club Banana Story":"白手起家到月入超过 15,000 美元:Club Banana 的故事","#$7,000 / Month":"7,000 美元 / 月","#Communities":"社区","#Need more help getting started?":"需要更多入门帮助吗?","#✅ Complete payout onboarding":"✅ 完成订阅付款方案","#Launch it":"立即启动","#Stay Updated":"获取最新资讯","#Get inspired":"获取灵感","#✅ Select your server":"✅ 选择您的服务器","#\"The income we’ve generated on Discord has allowed us to offer compensation to our server moderators — it’s been great to be able to show them some support.\"":"“有了 Discord 上获得的收入,我们就可以向服务器管理员支付管理补贴了,能够向他们表达感谢与支持真是太棒了。”","#Sign Up":"注册","#$100 / Month":"100 美元 / 月","#$1,000 / Month":"1,000 美元 / 月","#$15,000 / Month":"15,000 美元 / 月","#$3,000 / Month":"3,000 美元 / 月","#$500 / Month":"500 美元 / 月","#$2500 / Month":"2500 美元 / 月","#✅ Accept our terms":"✅ 接受我们的条款","#$52,000 / Month":"52,000 美元 / 月","#$250 / Month":"250 美元 / 月","#Describe the Issue":"描述问题","#Identifying the Issues":"甄别问题","#Family Center":"家庭中心","#Hopping into Channels":"加入频道","#Learn how to report content and other users on Discord and help support your teen in feeling confident and comfortable when reporting issues themselves.":"了解如何举报 Discord 上的内容和用户,帮助青少年自信、舒适地自行举报问题。","#Our friends at the NationalPTA, ConnectSafely, and Thorn have leveraged their expertise working with families to create their own parent guides to Discord. Consider checking them out for another view on how your teen uses Discord, our safety tools, and ways to start conversations about online safety.":"藉由在家庭方面的专业知识,NationalPTA、ConnectSafely 和 Thorn 三位 Discord 伙伴打造了 Discord 专属家长指南。欢迎查看这些指南,从不同角度了解青少年使用 Discord 的方式,获知我们使用的安全工具,以及如何就网络安全展开对话。","#Chatting with Friends":"与好友聊天","#Get Help from a Moderator":"向管理员求助","#Submitting a Report":"提交举报","#Read our Transparency Report covering our enforcement actions against accounts and servers violating Discord's platform policies as well as our response to legal, emergency, and intellectual property removal requests.":"阅读我们的透明度报告,了解针对违反平台政策的账号和服务器,Discord 都会采取哪些强制措施,并掌握我们对法律、应急和版权移除请求的回应。","#Latest in Safety":"最新安全动态","#Submitting a Report to Discord":"向 Discord 提交举报","#Alternatively, you may select “Delete Message,” which, as a mod will enable you to report the message to our Safety team as well, while removing the content from your server.":"您也可以选择“删除消息“,从服务器中删除对应内容,同时向安全团队举报该消息。","#Note the misspelling in the URL, \"dliscordnltro.com.\"":"注意 URL 中的拼写错误,如 “dliscordnltro.com”。","#From gaming, to music, to learning, Discord is the home for people wanting to create a community around a special interest or a hobby. Your teen may also join public communities that are built around shared interests from language learning, to origami, to their favorite TV shows, to houseplants.":"无论是游戏、音乐还是学习,人们都可以在 Discord 上围绕特别的兴趣爱好创建社区。您的孩子也可能加入公共社区,分享语言学习、折纸、最爱电视节目、室内园艺等爱好。","#It's important to have a conversation about what is and isn't considered proper online behavior.. For example, only accept friend requests from people you know. If something doesn’t seem right, tell a trusted adult. Behavior that’s not okay at school is also not okay online. However, if something does come up, please know that you and your teen can easily report it to Discord for our Safety team to investigate and take appropriate action.":"请与您的孩子坐下来谈谈,说清楚哪些线上行为是值得提倡的,哪些是不妥当的。例如,不要轻易接受陌生人发来的好友请求;如果感觉有点不对劲,但又说不上来具体是什么问题,应当向一位信任的成年人求助。如果某种行为在学校不妥,那么在网上也是一样。但请记住,如果真的发生了问题,请随时向 Discord 举报,我们的安全团队会进行调查,并采取恰当的措施处理。","#Exploring Interest-based Communities":"探索感兴趣的社区","#Discord is about hanging out with friends in real time. It's a place where people can be themselves and spend time with others who share their interests and hobbies. Keep reading to learn how your teen can use Discord to talk and hang out with their communities and friends.":"在 Discord 中,用户可以即时与好友谈天说地,共同玩耍,尽情展现真我,与其他志同道合的人共度时光。继续阅读,了解您的孩子如何使用 Discord 与好友和社区联络。","#Teens use Discord to talk about all sorts of things, ranging from their favorite artists and sports teams to homework and more. It's a home for communities of any size, but it's most widely used by small and active groups of people. These small groups include group chats or other groups, called servers, made by interest-based communities or friend groups. Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat. The vast majority of servers are small and invitation-only, so your teen can choose to be a part of servers they want to be in, and if your teen is a server owner, they control who gets to be part of their community.":"最喜欢的艺术家、最爱的球队、今天的家庭作业……在 Discord 上,青少年讨论的话题多种多样。任何规模的社区都可以在 Discord 中找到一片天地,但最青睐 Discord 的,当属活跃小群组。这些小群组既包括群组聊天,也包括拥有共同兴趣爱好的社区或一群朋友建立的群组——我们称之为“服务器”。为避免主要群组聊天中堆积消息过多,Discord 服务器中可按照话题分为不同频道,供用户合作、分享,或是聊聊今天过得怎么样。绝大多数服务器规模都不大,只有通过邀请才能加入。您的孩子可以按照自己的意愿,选择想要加入的服务器。而拥有服务器的青少年也可以控制谁能加入自己的社区。","#Communication on Discord isn't just about text! Discord servers are organized into text and voice channels, which are usually dedicated to specific topics. In text channels, users can post messages, upload files, and share images for others to see at any time. Teens hop into a voice channel and connect through a voice or video call in real time, and can share their screen with their friends.":"Discord 上的交流方式不只有文字!Discord 服务器分为语音和文字频道,一般专为特定话题设置。在文字频道中,用户可以发布文字消息、上传文件或分享图片,供其他人随时查看。青少年可以加入语音频道,通过语音或视频通话实时交流,还能与好友分享自己的屏幕。","#block any users":"将其屏蔽","#Our Policies":"我们的政策","#Our Privacy Policy goes into all the details about how we collect, use, store, protect, and share your personal information.":"Discord 隐私政策中详细阐释了我们如何收集、使用、储存、保护和分享您的个人信息。","#Collecting, storing, and using any kind of data is a big deal and we don’t take it lightly. Your information is only private if it’s secure, and we invest heavily in securing our systems. We believe it’s important to build both privacy protective measures into our architecture and features everyone can use to stay both safe and private.":"无论何种数据的收集、储存和使用,都是一件需要严肃对待的大事!有数据安全才会有隐私,因此,我们在数据相关系统中砸下血本投资,在基础架构和功能中都采取强大隐私保护做法,让每个人都享受安全和隐私体验——这一点对 Discord 至关重要。","#You’re in control":"掌控权在您手中","#Less data, more transparency":"数据更少,透明度更高","#You’re not the product":"用户是上帝,不是商品","#With data comes great responsibility":"数据——沉甸甸的责任","#We approach everything we make with privacy principles in mind from the very start, take extra measures to keep you safe, and put you in control of your experience with privacy settings.":"无论开展何种工作,我们始终秉持隐私保护原则,尽全力保护您的安全,为您提供多种隐私设置,方便您切实掌控自己的体验。","#Schools X Discord":"学校 X Discord","#Safety News Hub":"安全新闻中心","#Discord Privacy Hub":"Discord 隐私保护 Hub","#Safety Library":"安全资料库","#article.":"这篇文章。","#Transparency Hub":"透明度报告中心","#Privacy Hub":"隐私保护中心","#Pick a category":"设置类别","#Privacy Preserving Products":"产品围绕隐私安全打造","#Parent Hub":"家长中心","#Our Privacy Principles":"Discord 隐私原则","#Check out more content on our Safety Center":"更多内容请移步安全中心","#Discord Safety News Hub":"Discord 安全资讯 Hub","#Discord parent hub":"Discord 家长监管 Hub","#How Your Teen Uses Discord":"青少年如何使用 Discord","#Reporting on Discord":"在 Discord 上举报","#DISCORD TRANSPARENCY HUB":"Discord 透明无忧 Hub","#Transparency in action":"践行透明原则","#By disabling this setting, your account will be ineligible for feature experiments that are used in testing. Your information will also not be included in server-level experiments such as Server Insights. It will also prevent us from automatically improving your voice quality based on your usage.":"关闭这项设置,您的账号将无法使用测试中的功能试验。服务器层级试验中也不会包含您的信息,如服务器分析等。此外,我们也无法根据您的使用情况自动改善语音品质。","#If you’d like to further assert your right to object to our processing of your data, email privacy@discord.com.":"如果您想要进一步行使数据处理拒绝权,请发送邮件至 privacy@discord.com。","#Once turned off, any previously collected data will no longer be directly associated with your account — even if you turn it on in the future, it won't use any data from when it was turned on in the past. Previously collected data will not be used to personalize the product for you.":"关闭这项设置,此前所收集的所有数据将无法再与您的账号直接关联。即便您以后再次开启该设置,之前已收集的数据也无法再被使用。我们不会出于产品个性化目的使用之前收集的数据。","#How we use your data":"我们如何使用您的数据","#If you decide you want server members on certain servers to be able to DM you whether they’re friends or not, you can go to the Privacy settings for each server and change your DM and Message Request choices there.":"如果您想允许特定服务器上的好友和非好友成员都能向您发送私信,请打开每个服务器的隐私设置,变更私信和消息请求选项。","#We build privacy into our products and give you control over your experience. Here's how.":"我们的所有产品都秉持隐私保护的原则打造,能让您掌控自己的体验。继续阅读,详细了解原理。","#Your data on Discord can be used to help us make Discord better, customize your Discord experience, and test new features – but only if you want it to. For the long version of what information we collect and how we use it, check out our Privacy Policy.":"借助您在 Discord 的数据,我们能改善和优化 Discord,定制您的 Discord 体验,并测试新功能。但只有在您许可的前提下,我们才会收集这些数据。请参阅我们的隐私政策,详细了解数据收集和使用情况。","#Once turned off, any previously collected data will no longer be directly associated with your account — even if you turn this setting on in the future, your past usage statistics are not tied back in. We may continue to use previously collected data to help us understand and improve our products.":"关闭这项设置,此前所收集的所有数据将无法再与您的账号直接关联。即便您以后再次开启该设置,过去的使用统计数据也不会重新关联账号。我们可以继续使用已经收集的数据了解并优化产品。","#To change how we use your data, you can toggle your Data Privacy Controls however you want by going to User Settings -> Privacy and Safety. It looks like this:":"要改变我们使用您数据的方式,请访问用户设置 -> 隐私和安全,开启或关闭数据隐私控制。设置会以下列方式呈现:","#Usage statistics":"使用统计数据","#Personalization data is used to make your specific Discord experience better for you. For example, we use this information to update and maintain the Active Now section of the Friends Tab and to power parts of Server Discovery.":"我们会使用个性化数据为您量身优化 Discord 体验。例如,借助个性化数据,我们会更新并维护好友标签页中的“当前活跃”部分,并实现“发现服务器”中的部分功能。","#The nitty gritty: when you turn the flag off, the events are sent, but we tell our servers to not store these events. They're dropped immediately — they're not stored or processed at all. The reason that we chose to do it this way is so that when you turn it off on your desktop app it also turns off automatically on your phone - and vice-versa. This allows us to keep things the same across all of our apps and clients, across upgrades.":"关键看点:禁用后,事件会被发送,但不会被服务器储存。这些事件数据会被立刻弃用,完全不被保存,也不会被处理。我们之所以选择这种方式,是为了在所有应用、客户端和升级之间保持一致,如果您在桌面 APP 上禁用设置,手机端也会同样禁用。","#Personalization data":"用于个性化的数据","#Direct Message Filters":"私信过滤","#Turning this off means we’ll no longer track how you use and/or navigate Discord outside of data needed to provide the service, meet our commitments to our users, and satisfy our legal requirements. This data includes, for example, the fact that you joined a server — we need to know that to provide you access to the server!We use usage statistics to improve Discord and to make it more pleasant for you to use.":"关闭这项设置,我们将无法跟踪您对 Discord 使用和/或导航的相关数据,但依旧能出于提供服务、实现对用户承诺和履行法律责任的目的收集收据。例如,我们需要您加入服务器的操作的相关数据,否则就无法为您提供服务器的访问权限!我们会使用统计数据改善 Discord,优化您的使用体验。","#For example, you can choose to not allow any DMs from server members when you join a new server by default.":"例如,您可以默认禁用新服务器私信,这样在加入新服务器时,任何成员都无法向您发送私信。","#Part of delivering a better, safer experience is making sure people don’t see content they don’t want – whether that’s intrusive spam or unwanted explicit images. That means if you have your DM spam filter turned on, messages that might be spam will be automatically detected and sent to a separate inbox.":"确保用户过滤不想看到的内容,是改善使用体验品质和安全的一部分,毕竟谁都不愿因为垃圾邮件而不胜其扰,或收到不请自来的露骨图片。启用垃圾私信过滤器,系统就会自动侦测可能是垃圾的消息,并将其归入单独的收件箱中。","#If you don’t want Discord to detect spam or explicit images, you can toggle the setting off.":"关闭这项设置,Discord 就不会再扫描垃圾邮件和露骨图片。","#When it comes to keeping your information private from other people, you can set your defaults to apply to every server, or choose server-by-server.":"要保护个人信息,避免信息泄露,您可以为所有服务器应用默认设置,或针对每个服务器进行单独选择。","#We want you to always have a clear understanding of what’s happening with your personal information on Discord, whether that’s through our Privacy Policy, in the app, or right here on our site. We work hard to limit the information we collect in the first place. When your data is no longer needed, we anonymize it, aggregate it, or delete it. And we make third-party integrations play by the same rules.":"无论通过隐私政策、应用内还是网站上,我们都希望您清晰了解 Discord 对待您个人信息的方式。Discord 投入大量努力,尽可能减少所收集的信息量。不再需要的数据会被匿名化处理、聚合或删除我们的第三方集成也必须遵循同样的规则。","#Learn more about what we’re doing to help your teen stay safer on our platform, explore our Family Center tool, and download our Parent's Guide to Discord.":"了解我们为帮助青少年在我们的平台上更加安全而采取的措施,探索家庭中心工具,并下载《Discord 家长指南》。","#That’s why we’re working to make Discord private and safe, by design. Learn how to shape the best experience for yourself and find the resources you need, whether you’re a teen, parent, educator, or long-time Discord user.":"我们不懈努力,力求通过精心设计,从源头将 Discord 打造成私密、安全的空间。无论是青少年、父母、教育者还是 Discord 老用户,都能为自己塑造最佳体验,找到所需资源。","#Reporting":"举报","#Everything you could ever want to know about safety on Discord. Whether you’re a user, a moderator, or a parent, discover all of our tools and resources and how to use them.":"涵盖关于 Discord 安全的所有信息。无论您是用户、管理员还是家长,都可以了解我们的所有工具和资源以及使用方法。","#The latest news and updates on Discord’s Safety, Privacy, and Policy initiatives.":"Discord 安全、隐私和各类政策性举措的最新动态及资讯。","#Communications":"通信","#Explore data, trends, and analysis into the work done to help keep people on Discord safe. Transparency reports cover information about enforcement of our platform policies, as well as our response to legal, emergency, and intellectual property removal requests.":"探索有关 Discord 用户安全工作的数据、趋势和分析。透明度报告涵盖了平台政策执行,以及我们对法律、紧急情况和知识产权删除请求的应对措施。","#Parents and Teens":"家长与青少年","#User Safety":"用户安全","#Server Safety":"服务器安全","#Partnerships":"合作伙伴","#Privacy is an essential part of feeling safe. No matter what, we build privacy into our products, and we will always try to let you know what's happening where and when. Learn more about what that means, including the data we collect and the tools to put you in control.":"隐私是安全感的重要组成部分。我们不遗余力地在产品中融入隐私保护,并且始终致力于让您清楚地了解您的数据会在何时何地以及通过何种方式被使用。了解更多关于隐私保护的内容,包括我们收集的数据和帮助您掌握控制权的工具。","#We created Discord to be a platform that brings people together over shared experiences and gives everyone a place to belong. We understand that not everyone uses Discord in the same way, and people may want different spaces for different experiences. For example, you can talk to friends one-on-one, in small groups, or around your favorite things in large servers. People have different expectations of privacy in each space, and your information may be treated differently depending on the space you’re in. But no matter what, we build privacy into our products, and we will always try to let you know what's happening where and when. Here are our guiding principles:":"我们打造 Discord 平台的目的,是让拥有共同经历的人们走到一起,找到归属感。当然,每个人使用 Discord 的方式都不一样,不同的体验可能需要不同的空间,例如与朋友一对一聊天,或是三三两两闲侃,抑或在大服务器中与众多用户一起讨论爱好。人们对每种空间的隐私要求有所差异,每种空间的信息处理方式也不尽相同。但无论如何,Discord 产品均秉持隐私理念,我们也尽量让您了解当前情况,所发生事件,以及事件的位置和时间。Discord 遵循的原则如下:","#Stronger privacy starts with putting you in control of your experience. Whether that’s limiting the information Discord collects about you, or deciding who can chat with you or what content you see, it’s up to you.":"亲自掌控自己的体验,才能享受更强的隐私安全。想要限制 Discord 对您个人信息的收集?选择您的聊天对象或想浏览的内容?统统由您决定。","#Each training should have objectives. You can create an outline of your training where you write down the topics you will cover and the objective of that topic. For example, if you are training moderators to use Modmail, your objective is that new moderators are able to handle Modmail tickets and use the commands available to them. For each topic, also write down how you want to give this training: are you going to give a demonstration? Will you use illustrations? Will you offer new moderators to practice during your training and get hands-on experience? Publicly sharing this with trainees can help keep you on topic and allow them to come prepared with questions":"每一场培训都要有目标。您可以制定培训大纲,写下培训主题及其目标。例如,如果您正在培训管理员使用 ModMail,您的目标是使新管理员学会处理 ModMail 工单并使用可用命令。针对每个主题,还要写下培训方法:您要做演示吗?您要使用插图吗?您会在培训期间为新管理员提供实践机会,让他们获得实践经验吗?将这些安排与受训人员共享,可以帮助您不偏离主题,并让他们带着准备好要问的问题来参加培训。","#A core way to handle all de-escalation stands in your approach.":"缓和事态的核心就在您的方法之中。","#: If you display only the accompanying moderator role for each language, ensure that you have a common, not displayed role for all moderators so one team is not less validated than the other. Users should definitely be able to contact the appropriate staff and ping the correct moderators to help them out with issues in chat. but, when displaying a lot of teams with many members each, some of them might be pushed off the screen. You run the risk that some moderators that are displayed below the other teams seem less “important and validated” to the community, but the shared staff role should fix that problem easily.":":如果您只显示每种语言的相关管理员身份组,则要确保每个管理员都有一个共同但不显示的身份组,这样就不会有哪个团队感觉自己缺乏认可。当然要确保用户能联系到合适的工作人员,并能够提及能帮助他们解决聊天中的问题的管理员。但是,如果要展示有多名成员的多个不同团队,可能会出现某些成员被挤出屏幕的情况。排在其他团队下方的管理员可能会被认为在社区里“不太重要或不太被认可”,但共享的工作人员身份组应该能轻松解决这个问题。","#Role hoist":"身份组置顶","#Users, when heated up during a frustrating or toxic discussion, are easy to set off or to accidentally escalate to more toxicity. The key is to type calmly, and to make sure with whatever manner you approach someone to de-escalate, you do it in a way that is understood to be for the benefit of everyone involved.":"如果用户卷入恼人或负面的讨论中,就会很容易被激怒,或者造成使事态升级的意外情况。解决这种问题的关键是要冷静地发表言论,确保您在为缓和事态而与某人接触。无论采用了何种方式,都应该让其相信您的出发点是为了维护所有相关人员的权益。","#Our universal Community Guidelines apply to all content and every interaction on the platform. These fundamental rules are enforced by Discord on an ongoing basis through a mix of proactive and reactive work. In Community Servers larger than 200 members, we take a more proactive and automated approach to safety as described in our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. We may use automated means to detect violations of our policies.":"平台上的所有内容和互动都必须遵守我们的通用社区守则。Discord 同时采用主动和被动措施,持续维护基本社区守则。如果社区服务器成员数量超过 200,我们就将遵照服务条款和隐私政策,采用更加主动、自动化程度更高的方法保护社区安全。我们可能会采用自动化手段侦测违规行为。","#Server owners and volunteer community moderators define and enforce norms of behavior for their communities that can go beyond the Discord Community Guidelines. We enable our community moderators with technology (tools like AutoMod) as well as training and peer support (Discord Admin Community).":"服务器所有者和志愿社区管理员能制订和执行社区行为规范。此类规范覆盖的范围可能超出 Discord 社区守则。为助力社区管理员,我们会提供技术(AutoMod 等工具)、培训和同行支持(Discord 管理员社区)。","#User Controls":"用户控制","#Community Moderation":"社区管理","#Platform Moderation":"平台审查","#We currently employ three levers to moderate user content on Discord, while mindful of user privacy.":"在尽可能尊重用户隐私的情况下,我们当前采用三层措施管理 Discord 上的用户内容。","#Tags:":"标签:","#Because privacy is an essential part of feeling safe.":"有隐私,才有安全感。","#We did not receive any reports about his activity or the contents of his private server at any point prior to the attack.":"在袭击发生前,我们从未在任何时间点收到过有关其活动或私人服务器内容的任何报告。","#We extend our deepest sympathy to the victims and families of the shooting, and the communities to which they belong. The massacre was a hate crime and a stark display of the grave dangers of white supremacy. We denounce white supremacy and actions that stem from it in the strongest possible terms.":"我们向枪击案受害者及家属以及他们所属的社区致以最深切的慰问。这次屠杀是仇恨犯罪,并清楚地展示了白人至上主义的严重危害。我们强烈谴责白人至上主义以及由此产生的行为。","#The suspect kept a personal diary of his plans within a private Discord server, which was visible only to him.":"嫌疑人在一个私人 Discord 服务器中保存了有关其计划的个人日记。该服务器仅对他自己可见。","#Partnered with industry groups, including the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, to advise and assist in collaborating with other tech companies as we investigate.":"与全球反恐网络论坛(Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism)等行业团体合作,在进行调查的同时提供建议,并协助与其他科技公司的合作。","#Warning - The below includes references to violent and potentially disturbing content.":"警告:文章中包含暴力内容和可能令人不安的内容。","#Implemented measures to prevent the spread of content related to the attacks.":"采取措施防止袭击相关内容的扩散。","#Combating hate, violence, and extremism is the responsibility of all of us, online platforms included, and our work here never stops.":"打击仇恨、暴力和极端主义是所有人的责任,也包括在线平台。我们在这方面的工作永远不会止步。","#We understand hateful ideologies and proponents of organized violence will persist online and offline, and we acknowledge that we must do more to remove hate and violent extremism from Discord. We created Discord to be a place for people to find belonging, and hate and violence are in direct opposition to our mission. We take our commitment to these principles seriously and will continue to invest in and deploy resources.":"仇恨意识形态和有组织暴力的支持者将一直存在于线上和线下,我们必须采取更多措施铲除 Discord 中的仇恨和暴力极端主义。我们创建 Discord 是为了让人们找到归属感,而仇恨和暴力与我们的使命背道而驰。我们郑重承诺维护我们的原则,并将继续为此投入和部署资源。","#On Saturday, May 14, 2022, a white gunman targeted a predominantly Black community in Buffalo, New York and carried out a mass shooting in a supermarket. We were devastated to learn the suspect had written of his intentions in his private Discord server.":"2022 年 5 月 14 日,星期六,一名白人枪手针对纽约州水牛城一个以黑人为主的社区,在一家超市进行了大规模枪击。当我们得知嫌疑人曾在其私人 Discord 服务器写下袭击意图时,我们悲愤不已。","#These are the actions we have taken so far:":"以下是我们已采取的行动:","#Safety is a vital priority for our company and 15% of all Discord employees work in this area. We use a mix of proactive and reactive measures which include automated search tools, empowering community moderators to uphold our policies, and also providing reporting mechanisms for users and community moderators to surface violations for us to action. The Safety team investigates and takes prompt action when we receive a report about illegal activity or policy violations.":"安全一直是我们公司的重中之重,Discord 员工中有 15% 都在安全领域工作。我们采取各种主动与被动措施来发现违规行为以便我们采取行动,其中包括自动搜索工具、授权社区管理员维护我们的政策,以及为用户和社区管理员提供报告机制,等等。当我们收到有关非法或违规行为的报告时,Trust and Safety 团队会进行调查并立即采取行动。","#Immediately upon learning of the attack, we began cooperating with law enforcement regarding the suspect’s activity on Discord. While there are limitations to what we can share due to an ongoing investigation, below is what we can confirm at this time:":"得知袭击事件后,我们立即与执法部门展开合作,调查嫌疑人在 Discord 上的活动。 虽然调查仍在进行中,我们可以分享的内容有限,但目前可以确认以下事实:","#This private server and personal diary within were not visible or accessible to other Discord users prior to the afternoon of May 14, 2022.":"在 2022 年 5 月 14 日下午之前,其他 Discord 用户无法看到或访问此私人服务器以及其中的个人日记。","#During the 30 minutes leading up to the attack, the suspect shared invitations to view his private server with this personal diary within a small number of other private servers and direct messages (DMs). The invitations were only available in these servers and DMs and were not accessible to the broader Discord community.":"在袭击发生前的 30 分钟内,嫌疑人在少数其他私人服务器和私信(DM)中分享了查看其私人服务器(包含其个人日记)的邀请。这些邀请仅存在于发送的服务器和私信中,绝大多数 Discord 社区无法获取。","#Identified and removed accounts of malicious actors who we found to be creating fake Discord chat logs to trick law enforcement and media outlets.":"我们发现某些用户恶意编造虚假的 Discord 聊天记录,以此欺骗执法部门和媒体机构。我们识别并移除了此类用户的账号。","#We are aware that the suspect was active elsewhere on Discord, but we have not found any references to his attack plans outside of his private server.":"我们知道嫌疑人曾活跃于 Discord 的其他地方,但我们在其私人服务器之外没有发现任何关于其袭击计划的内容。","#Banned the suspect’s account, removed the private Discord server containing the personal diary, and archived the server’s contents for a thorough investigation.":"封禁嫌疑人账号,移除包含其个人日记的私人 Discord 服务器,并将该服务器内容存档以进行彻底调查。","#15 users clicked on the invitation and would have had access to his private server and its content. No one else joined.":"15 位用户点击了邀请,因此可以访问他的私人服务器及其内容。没有其他人加入。","#Expedited our production of evidence to law enforcement, including the FBI, to ensure their investigation can proceed quickly.":"加急向包括联邦调查局在内的执法部门提供证据,以确保他们能够迅速展开调查。","#At Discord, we are deeply committed to helping communities thrive on our platform. Our teams are always working to make Discord an even more accessible and welcoming place to hang out online with your friends and build your community. Here are a couple of safety highlights from the last year:":"Discord 一直着力帮助社区在我们的平台上茁壮成长。我们的团队始终致力于使将 Discord 打造成更方便、更友好的空间,让您可以与朋友在线上相聚,并建立属于你们的社区。以下是去年有关安全的亮点内容:","#To help kick start these important discussions in a more approachable way, we’ve made a print-at-home fortune teller filled with questions and icebreaker prompts that can help you lead a conversation about better digital health and safer online practices.":"为了帮助大家用更容易接受的方式展开这些重要讨论,我们制作了可以在家打印并折叠的“东南西北”折纸玩具,上面有各种问题和“破冰”提示,能帮助大家开展关于加强数字健康和网络安全的对话。","#Engaging our Communities with Educational Activities":"让我们的社区参与教育活动","#We’ll be showcasing how to use this resource with our communities as part of our Safer Internet Day celebration.":"作为加强网络安全日庆祝活动的一部分,我们将向社区展示如何使用这一资源。","#Today, AutoMod is hard at work in over 390,000 servers, reducing the workload for thousands of community moderators everywhere. So far, we’ve removed over 20 million unwanted messages — that’s 20 million less actions keeping moderators away from actually enjoying and participating in the servers they tend to. Check out our AutoMod blog post if you’re interested in getting AutoMod up and running in your community.":"如今,AutoMod 已经应用于超过 390000 个服务器,减轻了全球数千管理员的工作量。截至目前,我们已经删除了超过两千万条有害消息。也就是说,它帮助管理员减少了两千万次的操作,让他们能够把时间用于他们喜欢的服务器并享受其中。如果您有兴趣在社区中设立并启用 AutoMod,请查看我们的 AutoMod 博客文章。","#Discord’s Commitment to a Safer Space":"Discord 对加强平台安全的承诺","#Discord Town Hall Public Event":"Discord Town Hall 公开活动","#AutoMod: Making Your Communities Safer Has Never Been Easier":"AutoMod:加强社区安全从未如此简单","#Interested in your own Safer Internet Day fortune teller? Check out our Safer Internet Day home page on Discord’s Safety Center, where you can print out and assemble your very own fortune teller.":"想要拥有加强网络安全日“东西南北”折纸玩具吗?请前往 Discord 安全中心,查阅我们的加强网络安全日主页,您可以在那里下载打印并折叠属于您的“东西南北”折纸玩具。","#We also wanted to provide materials and tools that everyone can use to help facilitate healthy and open conversation about online safety — it’s not so easy approaching difficult or sensitive topics when it comes to talking about your experiences online.":"我们也希望能够提供所有人都能使用的材料和工具,以帮助健康开放地开展关于网络安全的对话——在谈论自己的线上经验时,触及棘手和敏感的话题并不容易。","#The Great Spam Removal":"大刀阔斧删除垃圾邮件","#In June, we debuted our new automated moderation tool, AutoMod, for community owners and admins looking for an easier way to keep communities and conversations welcoming and to empower them to better handle bad actors who distribute malicious language, harmful scams or links, and spam.":"我们在 6 月推出了全新自动管理工具 AutoMod,以帮助社区所有者和管理员更轻松地保持持社区和对话的友好安全,并让他们能更好地处理散布恶意语言、骗局或有害链接以及垃圾邮件的不良用户。","#Wanna learn more about online safety? How you can keep yourself and others safer online? We’ve gathered these resources to help give you a head start:":"想了解更多有关网络安全的信息吗?想知道如何让自己和他人在网上更安全吗?我们收集了这些资源,让您能够成为网络安全的先行者:","#Early access to Remix":"抢先体验混音功能","#Sometimes it is not clear what responsibilities everyone has on the team. This can lead to misunderstandings and eventually to conflicts. Make sure everyone on the team receives adequate training and information on what different roles and positions should be doing. You might want to divide different responsibilities amongst members of your team or between different roles, such as moderators and administrators. Be as transparent and clear as possible on what everyone should be doing.":"有时候,每个人在团队中承担的责任可能会不够清晰,从而造成误解,最终引发冲突。您应该确保团队中的每个人都得到充分的培训、获取足够的信息,了解不同的角色和职位分别应该做什么。您也可以考虑划分责任,再分配给不同的团队成员或身份组,例如管理员和二级管理员等。对于每个人该做什么事情,尽可能做到透明和清晰。","#Resolving an Internal Conflict":"解决内部冲突","#You can give your moderators regular feedback on how they are doing and what they can improve. Make sure moderators always feel welcome to provide feedback constructively and positively to each other and that they can always contact you or someone in charge in case a conflict does arise.":"您可以经常就管理员的表现以及可以改进的地方向他们提供反馈。您应该让管理员感觉到,他们随时可以相互提供正面的建设性反馈,以及如果发生冲突,他们随时可以联系您或其他负责人。","#Unfair Treatment":"不公平对待","#Different Values and Standards":"价值观和标准的差异","#Competition":"竞争","#It is not always possible to immediately see a reason for a conflict, this might be due to unresolved underlying issues. It is very hard to know these without having a conversation with everyone involved. There can be many more causes for a dispute to arise, but it is always important to find the underlying issue which causes a conflict, only then are you able to resolve it.":"冲突的原因并不总是一目了然,这可能是因为表面之下还潜藏着悬而未决的深层次问题。除非您与每个当事人一一谈话,否则很难了解这些隐藏的问题。一次争吵的背后可能存在着众多原因,但找到导致冲突的根本原因才是最重要的,才能真正解决冲突。","#Try to discourage gossip within your team, both internal and external. When moderators start to talk about each other behind their backs, it becomes personal and can distort the relationship your moderators have and how they see themselves within the server. Instead, encourage moderators to form friendships with each other by organizing social events for your staff. During those events, you can learn about the different personalities in your team.":"尽量阻止团队成员传播团队内外的流言蜚语。如果管理员在背后议论彼此,工作就变成了私人恩怨,从而扭曲管理员之间的关系,让他们在服务器内对彼此产生错误的看法。您可以组织员工间的社交活动,促进管理员之间建立友谊。您还可以在这些活动中了解到团队中每个人的性格。","#Causes of Internal Conflicts":"内部冲突的诱因","#Misunderstandings between your moderators can lead to a conflict as well, especially when there is a different understanding of how a situation should be handled. Having transparent, consistent communication where everyone is on the same page is very important in an online setting such as Discord. Text is often perceived differently than talking over voice or even in person. Oftentimes a language barrier can lead to misinterpreting a message as well. Try to prevent misunderstandings from happening with clear communication and when misunderstandings happen, step in where possible and explain how the situation should be handled. Foster a culture where it is not only allowed but encouraged to ask for clarification on someone’s statement if you have any doubts about what their intent was.":"管理员之间的误解也可能导致冲突,尤其是在对特定情境的处理方式产生分歧时。在 Discord 这样的网络环境中,您应该让沟通保持透明、前后一致,让所有人都充分理解当前的情况,这是非常重要的。人们从文字沟通中感知到的信息往往和语音沟通不同,和当面沟通的差距就更大了。语言障碍也经常导致人们误解信息。尽量保持沟通的清晰,避免误解;一旦出现误解,您需要尽快介入,并说明当下的情境应该如何处理。培养这样一种文化:如果任何人对其他人的意图存在疑问,就要允许甚至鼓励他们要求对方加以澄清。","#Bullying and Harassment":"霸凌和骚扰行为","#Last, but not least; you shouldn’t lash out over mistakes.Give feedback where it is appropriate and move on. Be quick to forgive and forget. You should always prevent belittling your moderators while also creating a culture of de-escalating situations in private.":"最后,批评他人的错误时要控制自己的情绪。在必要时给予适当的反馈,然后继续正常工作。您应该善于原谅和遗忘。永远不要贬低您的管理员,同时培养一种让问题在私下缓和的文化。","#The main reason for conflicts to arise is a difference in personalities amongst your team. Everyone perceives, analyzes and responds differently to certain situations. While this should be a learning opportunity for everyone involved, it can lead to arguments when moderators can not get along. While emphasizing there are different approaches to the same issue, you should teach moderators to learn from each other instead of disagreements ending in a conflict. When a moderator constantly disagrees with someone else, or ends up in a personal argument, try taking them aside and let them know that they should be working on their personal issues. You can help them as an objective observer - it can be very valuable to let members of your team know that you understand their individual perspectives and are working to balance them.":"冲突产生的主要原因是您的团队成员性格各不相同。每个人对情境的感知、分析、应对方式都不一样。了解其他人的想法和处理方式,本应该是一个让每个当事人可以学习和吸取教训的机会,但如果管理员之间不能和睦相处,最后也可能导致争吵。除了强调问题有不同的处理方法之外,您还应该引导管理员互相学习,而不是让分歧演变为冲突。如果某个管理员总是与其他人意见相左,或者总是陷入与他人的争吵,那么您可以试着私下与其谈话,让其先解决自己的问题。您可以作为一名客观的旁观者提供帮助——让您的团队成员知道您理解他们的个人观点,并且在努力寻求平衡,这是很重要的。","#Try to avoid the “Halo/Horns effect” as much as possible. This is a type of cognitive bias where your view of someone’s actions can influence how you think and feel about that person in general, both positively as well as negatively.":"尽量避免“光环效应/尖角效应”。这是一种认知偏见,具体是指由于对某个人的某些行为的看法,使您对这个人的整体看法受到正面或负面的影响。","#Poor Communication":"沟通不畅","#Sometimes moderators feel that they are competing against each other, especially if there are statistics or promotions available. You should always be clear that moderation is not about competition, it is about helping your community in the best way possible. Not every moderator has the same time available to help, so naturally there are going to be differences amongst your team. Moderation is not about quantity but quality - if this negatively skewed competitive atmosphere is a frequent issue, it may be worth looking at whether there are mechanisms within your community that encourage competition conflicts that could be removed or revised, such as quotas, public moderation statistics, or leaderboards.":"有时候,管理员可能将彼此视为竞争对手,尤其是当他们能看到统计数据或者升职空缺的时候。您应该始终明确,管理工作的重心不在于竞争,而在于以最好的方式帮助您的社区。每个管理员能付出的时间不同,因此团队中自然会存在差异。管理工作重质不重量——如果这种负面的竞争气氛经常出现,那么您也许需要检查下您的社区中是否设置了鼓励竞争冲突的机制,例如工作指标、公开的管理数据、排行榜等,并进行相应调整或取缔。","#There can be many causes for conflicts between your moderators, some of which occur more often than others. Some of these can easily be prevented, while others might need a more intentful thought process to stop them from escalating to a conflict.":"您的管理员之间可能出于很多原因发生冲突,有部分原因会更常见。有些诱因很容易预防,而另一些则需要您深思熟虑,才能避免引发冲突。","#Personality Clashes and Differences":"性格碰撞与差异","#What is perceived to be a harmless in-joke in context could out of context seem like a malicious and unwarranted comment. When it is clear someone is not comfortable with certain jokes or feels targeted, you need to step in and clear the situation by telling moderators involved that you want a positive atmosphere where everyone feels welcomed and comfortable while clearly identifying what line was crossed so it does not happen again. That’s not to say that all close knit groups trend towards exclusionary jokes, but it is something that can happen without a team even being cognizant that it’s a problem. Hence why it’s pertinent to keep inclusivity and good faith intent in mind with situations like this.":"如果离开语境,一个无伤大雅的内部玩笑也可能会被当成是无理的恶意批评。当有人明显表现出不喜欢某些玩笑,或感觉到自己被针对时,您就需要介入并澄清情况,告诉当事管理员,您希望营造一个正面的氛围,让每个人都感受到被接纳和舒适,并清晰地指出这个玩笑哪里越界了,以避免类似的情况再次发生。虽然不是所有关系紧密的团体都会开排外的玩笑,但有时候团队的无心之举,客观上就会造成这种效果。因此,面对此类情况,我们必须要牢记包容和善意的原则。","#Unclear Responsibilities":"责任不清晰","#Unresolved Underlying Issues":"悬而未决的深层次问题","#When you propose major changes to the server, listen to your team’s viewpoints before deploying and explain why a decision was made. Good communication is very important within a team, not only to prevent conflicts, but also to keep all moderators on the same page. All moderators should feel involved and informed when you are making major changes.":"当您提出对服务器的重大变革时,请在实施前先听取团队的意见,并向团队解释您的决策理由。良好的沟通对团队非常重要,这不仅是为了防止冲突,也是为了让所有管理员都能达成共识。当您推行重大变革时,应该确保所有管理员都有参与感,并充分了解情况。","#A main cause for conflicts is unfair treatment amongst members of your team. This might be because there is a lack of equal opportunities, or because there are unrealistic expectations. Make sure that everyone on your team is treated equally as everyone deserves the same treatment, regardless of your personal relationships. This also means you and other moderators should have reasonable expectations of each other. Moderators often volunteer to help out in your community, so don’t expect them to be available at all times; they might have other responsibilities as well. Any mod team’s north star should be that “real life comes first”, and to be lenient amongst themselves in the face of that.":"导致冲突爆发的一个主要原因是您的团队成员遭到了不公平的对待。这可能是因为他们缺少平等的机会,或者存在不切实际的期望。您应该确保平等对待团队中的每个人,因为无论您与他们的私交如何,每个人都应该得到同样的待遇。这也意味着您和其他管理员应该对彼此保有合理的期望。管理员往往是自愿在社区中提供帮助,因此不要期望他们随叫随到,他们也可能有别的事情要做。任何管理员团队都应该以“现实生活第一”为准则,并在这一原则面前对彼此宽容一些。","#Preventing Internal Conflicts":"防止内部冲突","#To minimize and prevent conflicts from happening, try as best as you can to get a comprehensive view of why and how conflicts occur in your server. It is very important to develop interpersonal relationships with all of your moderators and value their contributions to the server. Encourage moderators to take initiative in projects they are enthusiastic about, especially in collaboration with other moderators. Just as moderators set a positive example in your community, you as the leader of your moderation team should set a positive example within your team.":"为了最大限度地减少和防止冲突发生,您需要尽可能全面地了解服务器上冲突发生的原因和方式。您需要与所有管理员建立人际关系,重视他们对服务器的贡献,这非常重要。您应当鼓励管理员主动参与他们感兴趣的项目,尤其是与其他管理员合作的项目。正如管理员应当成为您的社区中的榜样,作为管理团队的领导者,您也应当成为团队中的榜样。","#Moderators usually come from all over the world and might have different values. Sometimes, these might result in a conflict. Remind your moderators that they should always respect each other's values, regardless of their own opinion. Moderators should be able to explain why they feel a certain way in order for others to be more understanding of the situation. When someone has values that do not align with the server’s moderation philosophy, you might need to remove them from your team.":"管理员往往来自世界各地,拥有不同的价值观,有时这也会导致冲突。您应该提醒您的管理员,无论自己秉持什么样的观点,都要始终尊重他人的价值观。管理员需要能够解释自己为什么有某种特定的感受,这样才能让别人更好地理解当前的情况。如果某人的价值观与服务器的管理理念无法协调,您可能需要将其从团队中免职。","#There are many ways to resolve conflict internally and most of these will depend on what the cause is for the conflict. A good way of resolving conflicts is using the Thomas-Kilmann model. It should be stated that conflicts are not necessarily bad and shouldn’t be avoided at all costs. When you are working in a team, it is important to be able to challenge the status quo and question each other, to keep everyone on the aligned and up to date.":"在内部解决冲突的方法有很多,主要取决于冲突的起因。托马斯-基尔曼冲突理论模型是一个很好的冲突解决工具。值得一提的是,冲突并不一定都是坏事,也没必要不计代价地去避免冲突。在团队协作中,必须让每个人都能够质疑现状、相互发问,这样才能让所有人都达成共识并了解最新情况。","#Accommodating: Satisfying the other person’s concerns at your own expense":"迁就型:牺牲自己,满足他人的关注点","#When you are talking to someone you are removing, it is important to keep your message short and clear. Tell them they are being removed from the team, why you have made this decision, and when this will take effect. Be transparent in what reasons you have for removing them, but do not go into too much detail with specific examples. This may result in a conversation where you are arguing about these examples rather than informing them of their removal. You’re aiming for polite dismissal, not a lambasting of their character.":"当您与被免职的人谈话时,要提供简短而清晰的信息。您需要告诉对方您要将其从团队中免职,并说明您这样决定的原因,以及决定的生效时间。免职的原因应当清晰透明,但不要举出太多细节或具体事例,这可能导致谈话从免职通知变成双方就这些特定的事例进行争论。您的目的是礼貌地请对方离开团队,而不是抨击对方的人格。","#In the Thomas-Kilmann model, there are two dimensions when you are choosing a course of action: assertiveness and cooperativeness. Assertiveness is the degree to which you try to satisfy your own needs where cooperativeness is the degree to which you try and satisfy the other person's concerns.":"在托马斯-基尔曼模型中,您需要从两个维度上选择您所采取的行动:坚持度和合作度。坚持度是指满足自身需求的倾向,而合作度则是指满足他人关注点的倾向。","#Avoiding: Ignoring the conflict":"回避型:忽视冲突","#Collaborating: Finding a solution which satisfies the concerns of everyone":"协作型:找到能满足所有人关注点的解决方法","#If you need to resolve a conflict, choose a neutral place to work it out. This might be a separate server or a private group. None of the people involved in the conflict should have power over the others, so you or someone else should act as an objective observer. If the conflict is between other moderators, you should offer guidance, but don’t offer solutions: ultimately it is up to others to resolve their conflicts, you are not taking sides.":"在解决冲突时,您应该选择一个中立的环境,比如单独的服务器或私人群组。冲突涉及的所有人都不得处于优势地位,且应该由您或者其他人来担任客观旁观者的角色。如果冲突发生在其他管理员之间,那么您应该提供指导,而不是解决方法:他们的冲突最终要靠自己解决,您不能偏袒任何一方。","#As said before, you should discourage gossip within your team and encourage each other to give constructive feedback. It is important that everyone knows how to give and receive feedback to prevent a conflict from happening in future situations.":"正如前文提到的,您应该阻止团队内部的流言蜚语,鼓励团队成员相互提供建设性反馈。每个人都应该知道如何给予和接受反馈,这对于防止未来的冲突发生非常重要。","#When you notice a moderator that displays behavior or takes action that can be improved, you should give them feedback on how to improve this in the future. Don’t rush in giving your feedback, everyone needs time to process. When a situation becomes heated, it will not be the best time to give feedback. Remember to always give feedback in private!":"当您注意到某位管理员的行为举止存在改进空间时,应该给予反馈,告诉他们未来可以如何改进。给予反馈不宜操之过急,因为每个人都需要消化的时间。大家情绪比较激动时,并不是给予反馈的最佳时机。请记住,反馈一定要在私下里给出!","#When someone is giving you feedback, it is very important to listen to what they have to say. Don’t jump to conclusions, react defensively, or disagree immediately. Take a moment to summarize the feedback as you understand it to make sure you have understood their feedback correctly.":"当别人给您反馈时,要认真聆听对方的想法。不要急于下结论,也不要忙着为自己辩护或反驳对方。花一点时间,尝试理解和总结您收到的反馈,确保您正确理解了对方的反馈。","#Once you have made the decision to remove someone from your team, don’t hesitate and wait for the conversation to take place. When someone is causing more issues than they are solving, they will need to be removed sooner than later, but make sure that someone has had enough opportunities to fix their mistakes and resolve their issues. Please make sure you have this conversation in private, for example in direct messages or a voice call.":"一旦您决定从团队中将某人免职,那就不要犹豫,不要等待“合适”的谈话时机送上门来。如果某人造成的问题多于其解决的问题,您就需要尽早将其免职,但也要确保您已经给了当事人充分的机会去改正错误、解决问题。这场谈话应该私下进行,例如通过私信或语音通话。","#When you do decide to give someone feedback, don’t focus on the person who made a mistake: focus on their behavior or action instead.By making feedback personal and equating it to an issue with the individual rather than their choices, you can come off as argumentative and unconstructive and biased. Never exaggerate their behavior, be sure that you are clear and specific . When you make generalized or vague comments about someone, they will not be able to improve their behavior. Feedback should be actionable- there should be a suggestion or a change that the individual can work on as a result of the feedback. Otherwise it’s just airing your grievances, which is unproductive for all parties involved.":"如果您决定给予反馈,请不要把重点放在人身上,而是放在其错误的行为上。如果让反馈变成对个人的指责,将失误等同于他们本人的问题,而不是他们所做的选择,那么这样的反馈将缺乏说服力和建设性,并且有失偏颇。不要夸大别人的行为,要确保您的表述清晰而具体。如果您对某人的评价概括而模糊,就无法帮助其改进自身的行为。反馈应该是可操作、可实施的——您应该提出一个建议或者可以改变的地方,让对方可以根据反馈去努力,否则就只是在宣泄您的不满,这对所有当事人都没有益处。","#Competing: Satisfying your own concerns at the expense of others":"竞争型:牺牲他人,满足自己的关注点","#The first step is to identify the cause for the conflict. You might already know this based on previously sent messages, but sometimes you need to contact everyone involved separately and in private to determine the cause of the conflict. It is your responsibility to determine how to handle a situation. While collaborating together to resolve a conflict might look the most appealing, this will not always be possible. Try not to completely avoid a conflict: if you feel uneasy dealing with conflicts or don’t want to give moderators feedback, you might not want to be in a leading position.":"第一步,您需要确定冲突的起因。您可能已经通过消息记录,对起因有所了解,但有时候您必须单独私下联系每个当事人,才能确定冲突的起因。您需要决定如何处理冲突。尽管与他人合作解决可能看起来最有吸引力,但这个方法并不总是可行。尽量不要完全回避冲突:如果处理冲突让您感到不安,或者您不喜欢向管理员提供反馈,或许您需要考虑卸任领导岗位。","#Remember that not all conflicts require consequences. Most conflicts are sparked by the passion of your moderators who are simply in disagreement on how to deal with situations. Try to turn a conflict into a learning opportunity for everyone involved. Let them explain how they view the situation and how they would have handled it or behaved differently. Afterwards, you should be able to identify specific disagreements that you can solve. Listen to everyone involved and give everyone an equal opportunity to express themselves. Remind everyone to stay respectful at all times, even if they disagree with each other.":"请记住,并不是所有冲突都需要有人承担后果。大部分冲突都是管理员在处理问题的方法产生分歧时,情绪一时激动所导致的。试着将冲突转化为当事人的学习、吸取教训的机会,让他们解释自己对事情的看法,以及如果换作他们会用怎样的方式处理、采取怎样的行动。这样一来,您应该就可以看出哪些意见分歧点是您可以解决的。聆听每个当事人的声音,让每个人都有平等的机会表达自己。提醒所有人,就算意见不合,也要始终对他人保持尊重。","#Despite your message being short, clear, and transparent, you might still receive counter arguments as to why they should not be removed and to give them another chance. It is important they can express themselves, but it should be clear at all times that the decision to remove them has already been made and is not up for debate. Always listen carefully to what someone has to say and appreciate their feedback, but unless someone has substantial evidence a mistake was made, repeat your decision and make it clear that your decision is final.":"就算您的信息简短、清晰、透明,对方仍可能会提出反驳,认为其不应该被免职、应该再得到一次机会。允许他人表达意见是很重要的,但您的态度必须始终清楚如一:免职的决定已经做出,没有讨论的余地。您应当认真倾听他人的意见,感谢他们的反馈,但除非对方有重要证据能表明您的决定是错误的,否则就重申您的决定,明确表示结果不会改变。","#Giving Feedback":"给予反馈","#You should always thank someone for giving them feedback, even if you disagree. It has to be clear you are welcoming feedback to improve. If you do not thank them, they might not give you valuable feedback in the future.":"每当有人给您反馈,您都应该表示感谢,哪怕您并不同意对方的观点。您必须清楚地表明您是欢迎反馈、追求上进的。如果您不感谢对方,对方就可能再也不向您提供宝贵的反馈意见了。","#Don’t delay the conversation":"不要延误谈话的时机","#Keep it short and clear":"简短而清晰的传达","#Be helpful and compassionate":"提供帮助与共情","#If you are in doubt as to whether or not you should give feedback, see if you can recognize a pattern in their behavior or actions. Everyone makes mistakes and that is perfectly fine as mistakes serve as a learning opportunity and you should only give them feedback if it becomes a pattern. Additionally, it’s recommended that you ask for consent to give feedback. While this may seem a little counterintuitive to helping the moderator improve or change, blindsiding someone when they’re not ready can result in backlash rather than progress.":"如果您不确定是否应该给予反馈,可以先观察对方的行为是否已经常态化。每个人都会犯错,这完全可以接受,因为可以从错误中吸取教训。只有当此类失误形成了常态,您才需要给予反馈。此外,在给予反馈前,我们建议您先征求对方的同意。尽管您的目的是帮助管理员做出改进,这样做似乎有些违反常理,但如果您在别人没有准备的情况下就贸然开口,可能会适得其反。","#There are many reasons why you might want to remove a moderator from your team, including internal conflicts you are unable to resolve. Removing or demoting a moderator is not easy to do, but can be a necessary evil. Removing someone from your team should be in the best interest of your community or team and can often be in the best interest of that person as well. Be sure to give someone an opportunity to learn from their mistakes before removing them. Give a warning first and have a conversation in private with them, following the principles of giving and receiving feedback outlined above.":"出于种种原因,您可能会想要将某个管理员从团队中免职,比如发生了您无法解决的内部冲突。罢免或降职管理员并非易事,但有时候这是一种必要之恶。采取免职处理,是为了社区和团队的利益,这往往也符合当事人的利益。在免职之前,确保给对方一个从错误中取教训的机会。您应该先给予警告,然后按照上述给予和接受反馈的准则与其私下谈话。","#It is okay to let someone know why you disagree with their feedback, but remember to stay respectful at all times and explain clearly why you disagree. Everyone should feel heard, even if you are not acting on their feedback.":"您当然可以让对方知道您对反馈的不同意见,但要记得始终保持尊重的态度,并清楚地解释您不同意的原因。要让每个人都感觉到您在倾听他们的意见,哪怕您最终不会采用他们的反馈。","#All these different ways to handle a conflict are your intention to solve them: Sometimes situations occur differently than you expect at first. Don’t jump to conclusions when you are dealing with a conflict, as the reasons for conflicts are often more complex than they first appear. Everyone tends to resolve conflicts in a certain way, so try to balance them so you don’t end up overwhelmed or overwhelm others.":"这些冲突处理方式都应当服务于您解决冲突的初衷:因为有时候事情的发展不同于您的预期。在处理冲突时,不要忙于下结论,因为冲突产生的原因往往不是看上去那么简单。每个人都有各自倾向于采用的解决冲突方式,所以您要尽量取得平衡,以免自己或他人始终处于弱势。","#The next time you see someone doing something good when you have given them feedback in the past, give them a compliment! Positive, specific feedback is especially effective in encouraging repeating said good actions. Giving each other positive feedback is just as important as giving each other constructive or corrective feedback.":"向他人提供反馈后,如果看到他们有所改进,要及时鼓励!正面、具体的反馈非常有助于鼓励他人重复良好的行为。正面反馈和建设性反馈与纠正性反馈一样重要。","#While it is not easy to deliver bad news, here are some tips to keep in mind when you do want to remove someone from your team.":"传达坏消息并不容易。如果您需要从团队中将某人免职,以下是一些建议。","#Stick to your decision":"坚持您的决定","#Compromising: Finding an acceptable compromise that partially satisfies everyone":"折中型:找到可接受的折中方案,让每个人都能得到部分满足","#Giving and Receiving Feedback":"给予和接受反馈","#Even though you are delivering bad news, you should take a supportive approach in the conversation. Remember that while it might be difficult for you to deliver bad news, it most definitely is difficult to be on the receiving end. Show empathy for them and especially when they have done a good job in the past.":"虽然您要传达的是坏消息,但您应该在谈话中采取支持的态度。请记住,虽然说出坏消息很难,但收到坏消息的人才是最难的。您应该表现出同情,尤其是对于过去表现良好的人。","#Based on these dimensions, there are five ways to handle a conflict:":"根据这两个维度,有五种处理冲突的方式:","#Ideally feedback is very clear and specific, in which case you can end the conversation by thanking them for their feedback and reflect back what you are going to do with the feedback in the future. Other times it might not be understandable to you and as a result, it is unclear what you should do differently in the future. In this case you should ask questions to understand their feedback better. To have a better understanding of what they want to achieve with their feedback, it is a good idea to ask the other person how they would have handled the situation or how they would have behaved. After this you should thank them and reflect back on what you are going to do with their feedback.":"理想的反馈应该是清晰而具体的。当您收到这样的反馈,您就可以用感谢结束对话,然后思考您今后应当如何处理这些反馈意见。有时候,对方给出的反馈可能难以理解,导致您不确定未来应该怎样改正。在此情况下,您应该主动提问,以便更好地理解反馈意见。为了进一步理解对方想要通过反馈达到什么目的,您可以询问对方会如何处理当时的情况、采取什么样的举动。最后,您应该感谢对方,并思考如何应对反馈意见。","#Receiving Feedback":"接受反馈","#Handling Demotions":"处理降职","#Remember to always treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. It is proven that negative feedback is given mostly when people are experiencing negative emotions like hunger, anger, loneliness, and tiredness. This negative feedback method is referred to as the HALT-mode, and it is important to try to avoid situations where you are giving feedback when you find yourself in one of these states.":"您想要别人以怎样的方式对待自己,就应该以同样的方式对待别人。证据表明,负面反馈大多是在人们经历饥饿、愤怒、孤独、疲惫等负面情绪时给出的。这种负面的反馈方式也叫做 HALT 模式,您应该尽量避免在处于上述这些状态时给予反馈,这一点非常重要。","#Wrapping Up":"总结","#Keeping all of those points in mind when managing a team environment will be integral to maintaining a healthy atmosphere full of various viewpoints that are united in the shared desire to keep your community safe.":"请您在管理团队时牢记上述信息,这样才能营造出健康的团队氛围,让您的团队成员做到求同存异,为维护社区安全的共同目标而团结在一起。","#In some cases, the moderator you’re removing may wish to receive feedback on what they can improve - giving this feedback in a constructive fashion is important, and will help them to avoid future problems. This feedback should include reflecting on the positive contributions they made to the team, helping them understand what the causes of conflict might have been while they were on your team, or simply trying to give them something positive to take forward and work on as a result of your conversation. This conversation shouldn’t reflect a reversal of your decision, but can be a useful point of reference if they want to join other servers or work on improving their skills down the line, or perhaps even re-apply to join the team in the future.":"有时候,被您免职的管理员可能会希望获得您的反馈,以知道自己哪里可以改进——您在给予反馈时应当采用建设性的方式,这一点很重要,也有助于对方将来避免同类问题。在您的反馈中,您应该回顾对方对团队做出的正面贡献,帮助对方理解他们在您团队中时发生冲突的可能原因,或者只是给出一些鼓励,作为对方在谈话后的努力方向。您不应该在谈话中表现出反悔决定的态度,而是提供一些有用的参考,供对方在加入其他服务器、日后努力改进自己的技巧、甚至在未来重新申请加入您的团队时使用。","#When someone has been removed from your team, make sure to inform the team of this decision. It is up to you whether or not you want to share the reason for their removal, but refrain from sharing details as these are confidential, especially when these could be potentially harmful to someone. You also want to prevent anyone, including yourself, from talking bad about them, as this sets a wrong precedent for your team. As with your decision, you should be straightforward and clear to your team, an example of this could be: “Today we have decided to remove Sarah from our team. I will not go into too much detail why this decision was made, but we believe it is the best decision for the community and the entire team.”":"当您的团队中有人被免职时,务必要把您的决定通知团队。您可以自行决定是否公布免职的原因,但不要透露细节,因为有些细节属于当事人的隐私,尤其是那些可能会伤害到他人的细节。同时还要避免任何人(包括您自己)背后议论当事人,因为这会在团队中树立一个错误的先例。和您做决定时一样,您在通知团队时也应该采取直接、清晰的态度,比如:“今天,我们决定将某某从团队中免职。关于这个决定的原因,我就不展开了,但我们相信这对社区和整个团队来说都是最好的决定。”","#Inform your team":"通知您的团队","#In case someone was removed because of misbehavior, you might want to include that in the message, as this gives the team assurance you are not removing someone because of a personal conflict, and it shows a strong message about how you want moderators to conduct themselves.":"如果某人是因为不良行为而被免职,那么您或许应该在通知中说明这一点。这可以让团队明白您并不是因为个人冲突而罢免某人,同时这也可以清晰地让团队成员知道您希望他们遵守怎样的原则。","#You can resolve conflicts using the Thomas-Kilmann model. It is important to know conflicts are not necessarily bad and shouldn’t be avoided at all costs. When you are working in a team, it is important to be able to challenge the status quo and question each other, to keep everyone on the same page and sharp.":"您可以利用托马斯-基尔曼模型解决冲突。您需要明白,冲突并不一定都是坏事,也没必要不计代价地去避免冲突。在团队协作中,必须让每个人都能够质疑现状、相互发问,这样才能让所有人都达成共识并保持敏锐。","#In every group, eventually a conflict or dispute will arise which needs to be resolved. There are common causes, such as personality clashes and differences, poor communication, unclear responsibilities, and harassment. To minimize and prevent conflicts from happening, try and understand as much as possible why conflicts occur in your server. It is very important to develop interpersonal relationships with all of your moderators and value their contributions to the server. Try to discourage gossip within your team. When moderators start to talk about each other behind their backs, it becomes personal and can distort the relationship your moderators have and how they see themselves within the server.":"每个团体中都难免会出现需要解决的冲突和纠纷。有些冲突的诱因很常见,例如性格碰撞与差异、沟通不畅、责任不清晰、骚扰行为等。为了最大限度地减少和防止冲突发生,您需要尽可能全面地了解服务器上冲突发生的原因和方式。您需要与所有管理员建立人际关系,重视他们对服务器的贡献,这非常重要。尽量阻止团队成员传播团队内外的流言蜚语。当管理员开始在背后相互议论,事情就变成了私人恩怨,这可能会扭曲管理员之间的关系,让他们在服务器内对彼此产生错误的看法。","#When you want to give feedback to someone, talk to them in private and be clear and specific. Prevent giving feedback when you feel hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. Focus on their behavior or action instead and never exaggerate their behavior. Oppositely, when someone is giving you feedback, it is very important to listen to what they have to say and to avoid jumping to conclusions, reacting defensively, or disagreeing immediately. Take a moment to summarize the feedback to make sure you have understood their feedback correctly.":"当您给出反馈时,记得在私下交流,并提供清晰、具体的反馈。不要在饥饿、愤怒、孤独、疲惫时给予别人反馈。专注于对方的行为,并且不要夸大。相反,当别人给您反馈时,认真聆听对方的说法,不要急于下结论,也不要忙着为自己辩护或反驳对方,这是非常重要的。花一点时间去总结您收到的反馈,确保您正确理解了对方的反馈。","#Sometimes you need to remove someone from your staff team. Don’t delay this conversation, keep it short and clear, and stick to your decision. When the conversation is taking place, be helpful and compassionate and do not forget to inform your team as well, but make it clear that certain things remain private for the safety and privacy of those involved.":"有时候您需要从团队中将某人免职。不要拖延谈话,提供简短而清晰的信息,并坚持您的决定。在谈话中,注意多帮助对方,多与对方共情。不要忘了通知您的团队,但也要说明为了保护当事人的安全和隐私,有些事情不适合公开。","#Making the internet a better, safer place for everyone is a tall task — and we know we can’t do it alone. Last year, as part of our ongoing partnership with the National Parent Teacher Association, we co-hosted an event featuring some of our teen moderators talking about belonging and mental health in online spaces. We’ve continued this partnership with the PTA Connected: Build up and Belong Program. This program helps families explore the use of technology as a communication and relationship tool, discusses ways to build belonging and positive communities in our digital world, teaches how to navigate privacy and safety on digital platforms, and helps families have interactive conversations about online scenarios, experiences and expectations.":"让互联网成为对所有人都更加有利、安全的场所是一项艰巨的任务,而且没有人可以独自完成。去年,作为我们与全美家长教师协会持续合作的一部分,我们共同举办了一场活动,让我们的一些青少年管理员讨论线上空间的归属感和心理健康问题。我们也持续与家长教师协会连接:建立与归属计划(PTA Connected: Build up and Belong)保持合作。该计划帮助家庭探索如何使用技术作为沟通和联系的工具,讨论如何在数字世界中建立归属感和积极的社区,教授如何在数字平台上进行隐私和安全设置,并帮助家庭就线上情景、体验和期望进行互动对话。","#Our Work with NoFiltr":"我们与 NoFiltr 的合作","#Some parting words":"结语","#Safer Internet Day was created by advocacy organizations as a way to raise awareness around online safety. It has since expanded into an opportunity for industry, government, and civil society to come together to share online safety and digital well-being best practices.":"加强网络安全日由倡议团体创建,旨在提高人们对网络安全的认识。现在,它已扩展成为行业、政府和民间社团聚会的机会,让大家可以分享关于网络安全和数字健康的最佳实践。","#International Partnerships and Public Policy Roundtable":"国际合作伙伴关系和公共政策圆桌会议","#Recognizing Safer Internet Day":"认识加强网络安全日","#This year, we’re teaming up with NoFiltr to help educate Discord users on the importance of safer internet practices to empower people to use Discord and other platforms in a smart and healthy manner. One of the ways we’ll be working together is by engaging with NoFiltr’s Youth Innovation Council to co-develop educational resources that connect to users where they are.":"今年,我们与 NoFiltr 合作,帮助 Discord 用户了解加强网络实践安全的重要性,让人们能够以明智和健康的方式使用 Discord 和其他平台。 我们合作的方式之一,是与 NoFiltr 的青年创新协会共同开发方便用户访问的教育资源。","#Discord is partnering with Childnet UK and Internet Sans Crainte, two European Safer Internet Centers dedicated to increasing awareness and education about better online safety practices for youth.":"Discord 正在与 Childnet UK 和 Internet Sans Crainte 合作,这两家机构都是欧洲的加强网络安全中心,致力于为青少年提供加强网络实践安全的教育,并提高其相关意识。","#We’re committed to helping build a safer internet on Safer Internet Day and beyond. To continue that mission, Discord has partnered with several international leaders in the online safety space.":"我们致力于在加强网络安全日以及未来帮助打造更安全的互联网。为了继续这一使命,Discord 已经与网络安全领域的国际领先者展开了合作。","#In addition, we’ll be hosting a roundtable event in Brussels where policymakers, civil society thought leaders, and industry partners will come together to share insights, discuss challenges, and discuss steps we can take together to make Discord and the internet a safer place for young people.":"此外,我们还将在布鲁塞尔举办圆桌会议。届时,政策制定者、民间社团思想领袖和行业合作伙伴将齐聚一堂,分享见解、讨论大家面对的挑战,并探讨我们可以共同采取的措施,以将 Discord 和互联网打造成对年轻人更安全的空间。","#Don’t miss our updates":"不要错过我们的更新","#Last year, we wrote about how we address Violent Extremism on Discord. We are deeply committed to our work in this space and have updated our Violent Extremism Policy to prohibit any kind of support, promotion, or organization of violent extremist groups or ideologies. We worked closely with a violent extremism subject-matter expert to update this policy and will continue to work with third-party organizations like the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism and the European Union Internet Forum to ensure it is enforced properly.":"去年,我们详细介绍了我们在 Discord 上应对暴力极端主义的手段。我们一直致力于推进这一领域的工作,并更新了我们的反暴力极端主义政策,禁止以任何形式支持、宣传或组织暴力极端主义团体或意识形态。我们与暴力极端主义领域的专家密切合作,更新了该政策,并将继续与全球互联网反恐论坛(Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism)European Union Internet Forum 等第三方组织合作,确保该政策得到妥善执行。","#We’re constantly improving and expanding our approach to teen safety and wellbeing on Discord. That’s why we’re proud to support the Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital to help ground our approach to teen safety and belonging in the latest scientific research and best practices. The Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital convenes leaders in technology, scientific research, healthcare, child development, media, entertainment, and education to deepen understanding and address the future of how young people can engage healthily with media and technology. We’re excited to work with the Digital Wellness Lab to help develop ways to better support teen mental health, both online and off.":"在 Discord,我们一直在不断改进和扩展保护青少年安全和健康的方法。因此,我们很荣幸能够为波士顿儿童医院的数字健康实验室提供支持,以帮助我们把为青少年提供安全和归属感的方法融入最新的科学研究和最佳实践中。波士顿儿童医院的数字健康实验室汇聚了技术、科学研究、医疗保健、儿童发展、媒体、娱乐和教育领域的佼佼者,以加深对青少年如何健康地利用媒体和技术的的理解,并为未来的相关发展打下基础。我们很高兴能与数字健康实验室合作,在开发更好地支持青少年线上和线下心理健康的方法中贡献一份力量。","#We’ll be celebrating Safer Internet Day in the publicly-joinable Discord Town Hall server with an event all about Safety, including a walk-through of the fortune teller activity. You can join Discord official Town Hall server for the event happening on February 7th, 2023.":"我们在所有人都可以加入的 Discord Town Hall 服务器举办了关于安全的活动,以庆祝加强网络安全日,其中包括“东西南北”折纸玩具的演示环节。活动于 2023 年 2 月 7 日举行,加入Discord 官方 Town Hall 服务器即可参与。","#Crisis Text Line is available to those in the United States and is offered in both English and Spanish.":"紧急情况短信专线(Crisis Text Line)对美国居民可用,并且提供英语和西班牙语服务。","#Scams and What to Look out for":"诈骗以及注意事项","#Summary of Current Situation":"现状概要","#Analysis: As long as users are not also using the server to buy, sell, or trade controlled substances with one another or using these sales as a means to distribute dangerous and regulated goods, we would not consider this server to be in violation of this policy and would not take action against the server.":"分析:只要用户不使用服务器相互购买、销售或交易受管制物质,也不将这些销售作为分发危险且受管制物品的渠道,我们就不会认为该服务器违反了本政策,也不会对服务器采取行动。","#Spam is a problem on Discord, and we treat this issue with the same level as any other problem that impacts your ability to talk and hang out on Discord. That’s why this year, we’ve increased the amount of time and resources into refining our policies and operational procedures to more efficiently and accurately target bad actors. We’ve had over 140 million spam takedowns in 2022, and we’ll continue to remove spam from our platform in the future. Read more about Discord’s efforts to combat spam on our platform here.":"垃圾邮件是困扰着 Discord 的问题,它和其他一些问题都会影响在用户 Discord 上的放松和交流,因此我们对其也非常重视。所以我们今年投入了更多时间和资源来完善我们的政策和操作程序,以更有效、更精准地打击不良行为者。2022 年,我们删除了超过 1.4 亿条垃圾邮件,未来也将继续从我们的平台上删除垃圾邮件。 您可以点击此处详细了解 Discord 为打击平台垃圾邮件所做的努力。","#Parents, want some help starting a conversation about digital safety with your family or at your school? Check out National PTA’s PTA Connected page for everything you need.":"家长们,想不想知道如何在家庭或者学校中展开关于数字安全的对话?来看看全美家长教师协会的家长教师协会连接页面吧,那里有你们需要的一切。","#Parent & Educator Resources":"家长与教育工作者资源","#Discord Parent Hub":"Discord 家长监管 Hub","#Why did we change it?":"为什么要这样修改?","#That said, much of the feedback we’ve received is that our community was not aware of these changes. To provide more opportunity for those who wish to opt out and for those who may have overlooked the notification bar, we’ve extended our opt out period from the initial 30 days to 90 days.":"尽管如此,根据我们收到的许多反馈来看,我们的社区并不知晓这项变更。仍有一些用户希望选择退出这一条款,而另一些用户则可能没有注意到通知栏。为了给这些用户提供更多机会,我们已将退出期限从最初的 30 天延长到 90 天。","#We think that people can disagree on whether or not arbitration is good in general or whether or not the class action system is one that is beneficial; we don’t think it’s completely black and white. In fact, we’re very interested in how Europe is approaching implementing class action lawsuits, as their approach may mitigate the issues that the United States faces with them.":"关于仲裁总体上是否是一个好的制度,以及集体诉讼制度是否有利于民,我们认为人们完全可以持有不同意见;对这些问题的判断并不是非黑即白的。事实上,我们对欧洲实行集体诉讼的方式非常感兴趣,因为他们的做法可能会有助于缓解美国所面临的集体诉讼问题。","#Your opt out doesn’t need any specific template or form. It just needs the request to opt out and it must come from the email associated with your Discord account.":"您不需要为退出通知使用任何模板或表格。您只需要在通知中写明退出的要求,并且必须用您的 Discord 账户所关联的电子邮箱发送。","#An article detailing how one can abuse class action lawsuits by Mike Masnick (a notable proponent of user rights).":"Mike Masnick(著名用户权利支持者)撰写的一篇文章,详细介绍了集体诉讼可以被怎样滥用。","#We linked this earlier in the post, but repeating here. An article about how the EU may implement class action lawsuits to avoid abuse.":"我们在以前的帖子中提到过这篇文章,今天再次附上。这篇文章讨论了欧盟在实施集体诉讼并避免其被滥用时采用的操作方式。","#What does that mean for you?":"这对您来说意味着什么?","#The Changes":"变更内容","#What changed?":"哪些地方改变了?","#How do I opt out?":"如何退出?","#The Context":"背景信息","#If you’d like to learn more about the legal landscape, arbitration, and the potential abuse of class action lawsuits, we’ve included a handful of links in the Resources section at the bottom of this post.":"如果您想了解更多关于法律环境、仲裁和滥用集体诉讼的信息,我们将在文章末尾的资源章节列出一些链接。","#Thanks again for your feedback — it’s important to us as a company that we hear from our community. We really appreciate that you all care so much to voice your opinions. If you have any further questions, please send an email to privacy@discordapp.com and we’ll be happy to answer!":"再次感谢您的反馈——作为一家公司,听取社区的意见对我们非常重要。我们非常感谢您对我们工作的关心,以及您所发表的每一份意见。如果您还有其他问题,请发送电子邮件至 privacy@discordapp.com,我们将很乐意为您解答!","#The current legal landscape in the United States is such that class action lawsuits can be abused. This clause was added because we are now operating a game store and subscription service for profit. Like many other companies, we are now a target for entities who wish to abuse the class action lawsuit.":"在美国当前的法律环境下,集体诉讼可能会被滥用。我们之所以添加这一条款,是因为我们正在以盈利为目的运营游戏商店和订阅服务。有些实体想要通过滥用集体诉讼的手段牟利,而我们也和许多其他公司一样,成为了他们的目标。","#On October 16th, 2018, we added an arbitration and class action waiver clause. To summarize, this clause states that when there’s a disagreement between Discord and you, we’ll use an alternative dispute resolution process known as arbitration.":"2018 年 10 月 16 日,我们新增了一条仲裁和集体诉讼豁免条款。简单来说,这一条款规定,当 Discord 和您之间出现分歧时,我们将采用仲裁作为替代的纠纷调解程序。","#United States Exclusivity":"此变更仅针对美国","#A quick primer on arbitration from the California courts’ official website.":"加利福尼亚州法院官方网站关于仲裁的简介。","#Wikipedia on Class Action lawsuits. We recommended reading the sections on Advantages and Criticisms":"维基百科上的集体诉讼条目。建议阅读“优点”与“批评”章节。","#Furthermore, every user was (or will be if they haven’t logged in yet) notified of changes to our Terms of Service on the date they were updated by a blue notification bar at the top of the Discord client. In hindsight, we should have provided notice of these changes much further in advance, so we apologize for that.":"此外,在《服务条款》更新当天,我们已经通过 Discord 客户端顶部的蓝色通知栏,将《服务条款》的变更通知到了每位用户(尚未登录过的用户也会在登录后收到通知)。事后看来,我们应该再早一些通知这些变更,对此我们深表歉意。","#Opt Out Extension":"退出期限延长","#Because we don’t think it’s black and white, one of the things that we’ve implemented (which some of our competitors do not), is to allow you to opt out of this clause completely. We encourage you to opt out if you wish. You won’t be penalized in any way if you do so. At no point will we ever gate any features or take any action on users because they’ve opted out of arbitration.":"正因为我们认为这不是非黑即白的问题,才决定做出相应的修改,允许您完全退出这一条款(我们的一些竞争对手并没有这样做)。如果您希望退出,那么我们鼓励您这样做。即使您选择退出,您也不会受到任何惩罚。我们绝不会因为用户选择退出仲裁条款而限制其使用任何功能或对其采取任何处罚措施。","#Stated in our Terms of Service under DISPUTE RESOLUTION:":"根据《服务条款》的“纠纷调解”章节:","#You have the right to opt out and not be bound by the provisions requiring arbitration by sending written notice of your decision to opt out to Discord by email to arbitration-opt-out@discord.com.":"您有权选择退出要求仲裁的条款,并不受其约束。您可以通过电子邮件以书面形式将决定退出的通知发送至 arbitration-opt-out@discord.com。","#The following changes will be live sometime before October 20th, 2018.":"以下变更将于 2018 年 10 月 20 日前生效。","#We want to reiterate — you will not be penalized in any way for opting out of arbitration. Again, we encourage you to do so if you wish to.":"我们在此重申——您不会因为选择退出仲裁而受到任何惩罚。如果您希望退出,那么我们再次鼓励您这样做。","#As we stated above in “Why did we change it,” our motivation for this change is because of the legal climate in the United States. To protect our users outside the United States, we’ve decided to modify this clause so that it only affects users in the United States. If you are outside of the United States, this clause does not apply to you. This means users outside the United States do not need to opt out if they were wanting to.":"正如我们在上文的“为什么要这样修改”章节中所述,我们修改该条款的动机是考虑到美国的法律环境。为了保护美国之外的用户,我们决定修改该条款,使其仅影响美国的用户。如果您不在美国,那么该条款对您不适用。这意味着,美国之外的用户不需要选择退出。","#As a counter point, here’s another article by Mike detailing how arbitration is not much better.":"作为补充,Mike 的另一篇文章详细说明了仲裁也并不具有多大优势。","#Custom sounds anywhere":"随时随地随心使用自定义音效","#announced":"公布了","#How Trust-Safety Addresses Violent Extremism on Discord":"信任与安全团队如何应对 Discord 上的暴力极端主义","#How Trust- Safety Addresses Violent Extremism on Discord":"信任与安全团队如何应对 Discord 上的暴力极端主义","#We have a lot planned this school year to improve on our existing safety policies, settings, and experiences for teens. We will engage more directly with parents, educators, and child safety organizations, and we’re currently hiring for a Teen Safety Policy Manager to lead this charge. We’ll have other product updates and partnership announcements to come!":"这个学年,我们设计了很多改进现有青少年安全政策、设置和体验的计划。我们将让家长、教育工作者和儿童安全组织更直接地参与进来,同时还在招募专门负责这方面工作的青少年安全政策经理。未来我们还会发布更多产品更新与合作伙伴公告!","#Teen and Child Safety Policy Explainer":"青少年与儿童安全政策讲解","#How Discord Prevents and Removes Spam":"Discord 如何预防和删除垃圾邮件","#Discord’s Commitment to Teen and Child Safety":"Discord 对青少年与儿童安全的承诺","#Threaten a minor to share sexual content of themselves or engage in sexual behaviors (also known as “sextortion”)":"威胁未成年人分享与其自身有关的色情内容或发生性行为(即“色情勒索”)","#Send your own sexually explicit content (“nudes”) to another user - even if they’re also under 18":"向其他用户(包括不满 18 岁的用户)发送涉及自己的露骨色情内容(如裸体)","#Photos, videos or illustrations of naked or sexualized anthropomorphized minors (sometimes referred to as “cub porn”)":"拟人化未成年人裸体或色情的照片、视频或插图(有时被称为“幼兽色情”)","#You may not post or share the following types of content, such as [sensitive language content warning]":"用户不得发布或分享以下内容,例如:[敏感用语警告]","#Participate in sexual conversations with a minor, including “erotic roleplay”":"与未成年人进行色情对话,包括“色情角色扮演”","#We also don’t allow servers that encourage or facilitate dating between teens, even if run by teens themselves. These types of spaces can make our teen communities targets for others who may want to exploit them and can inadvertently facilitate other violations of this policy.":"此外,我们还禁止服务器鼓励青少年之间的约会行为或为其提供便利,也包括由青少年自己运营的服务器。这类服务器不仅可能会导致青少年社区成为他人利用的目标,也可能无意中引发其他违反此政策的行为。","#While we understand that teens may want to help each other stay safe online, we cannot allow users or communities to put themselves in potential harm’s way. This means that we will take action against users or servers that we reasonably believe are trying to “bait” or entrap others into inappropriate interactions with teenage users.":"我们理解青少年可能希望通过相互帮助,保护彼此的线上安全,但是我们绝不允许用户或社区将自身置于潜在的危险之中。因此,我们会采取相应措施,处理那些我们有理由相信试图“引诱”或诱骗他人与青少年发生不当关系的用户或服务器。","#Participate in a dating server":"加入约会服务器","#Links to websites containing material that sexualizes minors":"包含未成年人色情材料的网站链接","#Although we're not affiliated with staff at any of these hotlines, they're trained to help and guide callers with ways to address things that are bothering them":"虽然 Discord 与这些热线的工作人员没有直接联系,但他们都接受过专业培训,能够帮助和指导来电者解决困扰他们的问题。","#Child Sexualization":"性化儿童","#Ask for sexually explicit content from a minor":"向未成年人索要露骨色情内容","#Ask for others to send you sexually explicit content":"向其他用户索要露骨色情内容","#Do not send or ask for sexual content from anyone under the age of 18 - even if you are also under 18.":"(包括未满 18 岁的用户)不要向未满 18 岁的用户发送或索要色情内容","#If you’re outside of the United States:":"美国境外:","#Manipulate a minor in order to have a sexual interaction with them (also known as “grooming”)":"操纵未成年人,以达到与之发生性关系的目的(即 \"诱骗\")","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。","#Statements expressing intent to obtain materials of child abuse or engage in child sexual abuse":"意图获取虐待儿童材料或参与儿童性虐待的言论","#You may not engage in the following types of behavior, such as [sensitive language content warning]":"用户不得参与以下行为,例如:[敏感用语警告]","#Attempt to meet with a minor in real life for sexual purposes":"试图在现实生活中为发生性关系与未成年人会面","#Share or attempt to sell sexually suggestive content of yourself to other users (such as: thigh pics, feet pics, etc.)":"分享或试图向其他用户出售自己的露骨色情内容(如:大腿照片、脚部照片等)","#How to Avoid Violating These Policies":"如何避免违反政策","#If you run a server and allow sexual content, make sure that you mark any channel that contains sexually explicit content with an “age gate”.":"如果您运营的服务器容许出现色情内容,请务必在所有包含露骨色情内容的频道中标记“年龄限制”","#Send sexually explicit content to a minor":"向未成年人发送露骨色情内容","#Take It Down (NCMEC) is a service that you can use to help remove online nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit photos and videos taken before you were 18.":"Take It Down (NCMEC) ,如果您未满 18 岁时拍摄的裸露、半裸露以及露骨色情照片或视频被上传至网络,您可以通过此项服务将相关内容删除。","#Photos, videos, or drawings of nude or sexualized minors, such as “lolicon” or “shotacon”":"未成年人裸体或色情的照片、视频或绘画,例如“萝莉控”或“正太控”。","#Create or moderate a server that gives minors access to sexually explicit content":"创建或管理允许未成年人获取露骨色情内容的服务器","#We take the safety of our younger users seriously and don't allow children under the age of 13 to have a Discord account. We want our teen users to be able to express themselves freely on Discord while also taking steps to ensure these users don’t engage in risky behaviors that might endanger their safety and wellbeing.":"我们非常重视年轻用户的安全,并规定 13 岁以下的儿童不得注册 Discord 账户。我们希望青少年用户能够在 Discord 上自由表达自己,同时我们也会采取相应措施确保他们不会参与危及自身安全与健康的危险行为。","#Set up or run a server for other users to date or find romantic partners - even if users aren’t planning to meet in real life":"创建或运营供其他用户约会或寻找恋人的服务器,即使用户并没有在现实生活中见面的计划","#Do not post about sexualizing, grooming, or abusing children - even as a joke":"不要发布任何有关性化、诱骗或虐待儿童的内容(包括玩笑)","#A list of worldwide crisis hotlines can be found here":"您可以在这里找到全球危机热线的列表","#Sexual comments about or desires for real or fictitious minors":"针对真实或虚构的未成年人发表露骨色情评论或表达性欲望","#Given the high-harm nature of this content, we will also consider off-platform evidence as explained in our Off-Platform Behaviors Policy when reviewing content under this policy.":"鉴于该违规行为的高度危害性,我们在基于此政策审核内容时,同时也会根据我们的平台外行为政策审查平台外的证据。","#If you are under the age of 18, you may not engage in the following types of behavior, such as [sensitive language content warning]":"不满 18 岁用户不得参与以下行为,例如:[敏感用语警告]","#Crisis Text Line is a nonprofit that provides 24/7 text-based volunteer support for people in crisis, by texting DISCORD to 741741":"危机短信援助线是一个非营利组织,专门为处于危机中的人提供全天候文字志愿支持。您可以通过发送 DISCORD 至 741741 向他们寻求帮助。","#If you or someone else is in danger we encourage you to consider contacting law enforcement right away and letting them know what's going on, regardless of the information you're able to provide.":"如果您或他人处于危险之中,我们建议您立即联系执法部门,并根据您所掌握的信息向他们说明情况。","#The Lifeline number (1-800-273-8255) is available 24/7 for emotional support.":"心理援助热线(1-800-273-8255)提供全天候的情感支持服务。","#We consider Off-Platform Behaviors when reviewing content under this policy due to the high-harm nature of the offense.":"鉴于该违规行为的高度危害性,我们在根据此政策审核内容时,会同时审查平台以外的行为。","#We report illegal child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and grooming to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Users who post this content are permanently banned from Discord.":"我们会向全国失踪和受虐待儿童中心举报非法的儿童性虐待材料(CSAM)和诱骗行为,并永久封禁在 Discord 发布此类内容的用户。","#Portrayals of minors engaging in sex acts, or in sexually explicit or suggestive poses":"描绘未成年性行为、带有露骨色情或挑逗性姿势的内容","#We want teens to be safe on Discord, but we also don’t want to penalize them for expressing themselves or exploring their identities. We expect that some users might violate this policy without realizing it, so we provide warnings to teen users where possible. However, for their own safety, we permanently remove a user’s account from the platform if we see consistent violations of this policy or if the user appears to be in immediate risk of harm.":"一方面,我们希望青少年能够安全使用 Discord,但我们也不希望因为他们表达自我或探索自我的身份而对他们进行处罚。我们预料到有些用户可能会在无意中违反此政策,因此我们会在适当情况下向青少年用户发出警告。但是,考虑到他们的自身安全,如果我们发现有用户频繁违反此政策,或者用户有面临直接危险的可能,我们将永久从平台上删除其账户。","#Content that sexualizes children has no place on Discord or in society. We don't tolerate any kind of text or media - real or generated - on our platform that portrays children in a sexual manner. This type of content causes serious harm to victims.":"不论是 Discord 还是整个社会,都不容许性化儿童的内容存在。Discord 对性化儿童的文字或多媒体内容(包括真实内容和虚构内容)均采取零容忍政策。这类内容将对受害者造成严重伤害。","#Discord has a zero-tolerance policy towards individuals who engage in sexual grooming, extortion (sometimes referred to as “sextortion”), or the sexual exploitation of minors. Users who engage in this behavior will be permanently removed from Discord on a first offense. We consider anyone under the age of 18 to be a minor and anyone 18 or over to be an adult.":"Discord 对参与性诱骗、勒索(有时称为“色情勒索”)或对未成年人进行性剥削的个人采取零容忍政策。用户只要参与一次此类违规行为即会被永久从 Discord 上移除。在 Discord,我们将年龄低于 18 岁者视为未成年人,18 岁及以上者为成年人。","#Deliberately try to “bait,” trick, or entrap an adult user into sending sexual content to yourself or another underage user":"故意 \"引诱\"、欺骗或诱骗成年用户向自己或其他未成年用户发送色情内容。","#If your sensitive photos have been shared or published online, the following resources can help:":"如果您的私密照片被分享或发布在互联网上,您可以通过以下资源寻求帮助:","#If you’re in the United States:":"美国境内:","#Create or moderate a server that allows sexual interactions with minors, such as a dating server":"创建或管理允许与未成年人进行性互动的服务器,如约会服务器","#Send sexually explicit text, images, videos, or audio to another user or in a server":"向其他用户或服务器发送露骨色情文字、图片、视频或音频","#If you are not sure whether a piece of content might violate these policies, don’t post it.":"不要发布您不确定是否会违反这些政策的内容。","#How to Report Violations of this Policy":"如何举报违反政策的行为","#All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here.":"所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。","#NoFiltr has resources to help you protect yourself online and support you in these situations. You can also NOFILTR to 741741 for immediate assistance.":"NoFiltr提供的资源可以帮助您在网上保护自己,并在这些情况下为您提供支持。","#Photos or videos of non-nude minors in a sexualized or fetishistic context":"色情或恋物癖背景下的未成年人非裸体照片或视频","#Promotion, encouragement or normalization of pedophilia or sexual attraction to children":"宣传、鼓励或合理化恋童癖或儿童性吸引力的行为","#Inappropriate Sexual Conduct with Teens and Grooming":"与青少年进行不适当的性行为或诱骗行为","#Teen Self-Endangerment":"青少年主动高风险行为","#If you or a friend needs mental health support, we encourage you to use the following resources:":"如果您或他人需要心理健康支持,我们推荐您使用以下资源:","#Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) and Child Sexualization Policy":"儿童性虐待内容(CSAM)及性化儿童政策","#Teen Self-Endangerment Policy":"青少年主动高风险行为政策","#The above trends were made possible over the past year due to a number of technological advances in both back-end and front-end features, products, and tools to help prevent and remove spam from Discord.":"过去一年中,我们在后端和前端功能、产品和工具上实现了一系列技术进步,有效预防和清除了 Discord 上的垃圾邮件,才得以呈现出以上良好趋势。","#Inappropriate Sexual Conduct with Teens and Grooming Policy":"与青少年进行不适当的性行为或诱骗行为政策","#Our Safety team works hard to find and remove abhorrent, harmful content, and take action including banning the users responsible and engaging with the proper authorities.":"我们的安全团队努力寻找并移除不当有害内容,并对应对此负责的用户采取封禁等措施,同时配合相关部门的工作。","#How We Work to Keep Our Younger Users Safe":"我们如何保护青少年用户安全","#Explore our new Safety Center and Parent Hub for more resources.":"探索我们的全新安全中心家长页面,获取更多资源。","#We invested a substantial amount of time and resources into combating spam in 2022, disabling 141,087,602 accounts for spam or spam-related offenses, with a proactive removal rate of 99%, before we receive a user report.":"2022 年,我们投入了大量时间和资源来处理垃圾邮件,我们禁用了 141,087,602 个涉嫌发送垃圾邮件或与发送垃圾邮件相关的帐户,在接到用户举报之前的主动删除率高达 99%。","#The work we've done":"我们所做的工作","#Discord is committed to combating spam and building a safer environment for people to find belonging. We've grown our teams, shipped new features, products, and tools, and continue to listen closely to users about how spam impacts their experience on Discord.":"Discord 承诺将坚决打击垃圾邮件,为用户创建安全放心、有归属感的环境。我们不断壮大团队,推出新功能、新产品和新工具。我们将继续倾听用户的心声,关注垃圾邮件对他们的 Discord 使用体验所产生的影响。","#DM spam filter: We recently launched a DM spam filter that enables users to filter messages detected as spam into a separate spam inbox.":"私信垃圾邮件过滤器: 我们近期推出的私信垃圾邮件过滤器能够帮助用户将探测到的垃圾邮件过滤至单独的垃圾邮件文件夹。","#Actions beyond bans: We've developed new methods to remediate spam on Discord by creating interventions that don't exclusively result in disabled accounts. This includes account quarantines and other blockers on suspicious accounts.":"封禁以外的措施:为了应对 Discord 上的垃圾邮件问题,我们还制定了新的举措,即采取干预措施,而不仅仅是禁用账户,这其中包括对可疑账号采取隔离以及其他屏蔽措施。","#New features, products, and tools to help combat spam on Discord":"Discord 为打击垃圾邮件推出的新功能、新产品和新工具","#You can read an overview of the following policies here.":"下列政策的概览版请参见这里。","#Want to learn more about Discord’s safety work? Check out these resources below:":"想进一步了解 Discord 的安全工作?请参见以下资源:","#AutoMod: We launched AutoMod which enables server owners to set rules to better detect spam in their servers. This filter, powered by machine learning, is informed by spam messages that have been previously reported to us.":"AutoMod:服务器所有者可以通过我们推出的 AutoMod 功能设定规则,从而更有效地探测服务器中的垃圾邮件。这项过滤器利用机器学习技术分析我们此前收到的举报信息,以达到探测和过滤垃圾邮件的目的。","#We observed a significant increase in the number of accounts disabled during the third quarter of 2022, leading to an elevated but lower fourth quarter, and then to a substantial decrease in the first quarter of 2023. These trends can be attributed to both increased and ongoing investments in our anti-spam team and a shift in our approach to reducing the number of disabled accounts by placing greater confidence in our proactive spam mitigations and avoiding false positives. As a result, only .004% of accounts disabled submitted an appeal during the past quarter.":"我们注意到 2022 年第三季度禁用帐户的数量显著增加,第四季度的数量虽然也有所增加,但是整体低于前一季度,至 2023 年第一季度,这一数据出现大幅减少。除了我们在反垃圾邮件团队中增加并持续投入了更多资源以外,呈现这一趋势的原因还包括我们改变了策略。为了降低禁用帐户数量,我们进一步提高了主动控制垃圾邮件的精度,着力避免信息误判。因此,在过去一个季度中,只有 0.004% 的禁用帐户提交了申诉。","#Anti-Raid protection for servers: We’ve been developing and investing in features to help reduce server raids based on feedback from the community to stay on top of an ever-changing landscape.":"服务器反网暴攻击保护:根据社区的反馈信息,我们一直在投入人力物力,开发能够减少服务器网暴攻击的功能,从而能够应对日新月异的环境。","#Child and Teen Policies":"儿童与青少年政策","#Our approach to safety is guided by the following principles:":"我们采取的安全保障措施将始终以如下原则为导向:","#Additional Resources":"附加资源","#Spammers are constantly evolving and adapting to new technologies and methods of detection, moving to use new parts of the platform to target users. Combating spam requires a multi-faceted approach that employs new tools and technologies, while also remaining vigilant and adaptable to changing trends. We're constantly updating our approach to remove spam, and as our proactive efforts have increased, we've observed a steady decline in the number of reports we receive for spam.":"与此同时,垃圾邮件发送者也在不断进化,利用新的技术和检测方法。他们会利用平台的新功能来锁定目标用户。因此,若要切实打击垃圾邮件,我们需要采用多管齐下的方式,利用新工具和新技术,同时要保持警惕,适应变化的技术趋势。一直以来,我们不断优化清除垃圾邮件的方式,随着我们主动措施的增加,我们发现关于垃圾邮件的举报数量呈现出稳步下降的趋势。","#Friend Request clear all: We also launched a new feature to allow people to clear out all their friend requests with the click of a button.":"清除全部好友请求:这也是我们推出的一项新功能,可以帮助用户一键清除所有的好友请求。","#Our commitment to this work":"我们的承诺","#We're constantly updating our approach to remove spam and remain vigilant and adaptable to changing trends. We will continue to prioritize safety and work hard to combat spam in order to help make Discord the best place for people and communities to hang out online.":"我们会持续优化清除垃圾邮件的方式方法,保持警惕并适应不断变化的趋势。我们会继续将安全放在首位,全力打击垃圾邮件,使 Discord 成为用户与社区的最佳在线社交选择。","#Teens deserve to have a safe, welcoming space to explore their interests, connect with others, and find a place to belong.":"青少年应当在一个安全、友好的空间中探索个人兴趣、与他人联系、找到归属感。","#While we’ve highlighted the most recent updates below, more detailed information about our policies can be found here.":"下面着重列出了我们最近的升级情况,更多关于我们政策的详情,请参见这里。","#Spam can be a problem on Discord. We treat this issue with the same level of seriousness as any other problem that impacts your ability to talk and hang out on Discord, and in November 2021 we told you what we are doing to combat it. Since then we've continued to improve at proactively detecting and removing spam from Discord.":"垃圾邮件可能会对 Discord 的体验造成一定困扰。对于所有可能影响您在 Discord 沟通和社交的问题,我们都非常重视,垃圾邮件也不例外。2021 年 11 月,我们向用户公开了我们针对该问题所采取的措施。此后我们一直在优化主动监测手段和删除 Discord 中垃圾邮件的措施。","#This article will discuss some of the work we've done, and where we're heading to make sure that we're building Discord to be the best place for people and communities to hang out online.":"本文将为您介绍我们为此所做的一些工作,以及我们会如何将 Discord 打造成用户与社区的最佳在线社交场所。","#Parents can check out ConnectSafely’s Parent’s Guide to Discord.":"欢迎家长了解由 ConnectSafely 提供的 Discord 家长指南。","#Appeal Channels - Smaller servers may not use a ban appeals bot for appeals since they often require the creation of a second server. In that case, some may consider it useful to have a designated space to discuss appeals coming in via moderator DMs, Reddit, google form, and any other way your team chooses to organize ban appeals.":"申诉频道 - 为避免再创建另一个服务器,小型服务器一般不会使用封禁申诉机器人进行申诉。在这种情况下,有些团队会考虑设立一个指定的区域,用于讨论通过管理员私信、Reddit、谷歌表单、以及其他任何您的团队选用的管理封禁申诉的方式提出的申诉。","#Although there are a variety of ways to organize your team hierarchy, in addition to regular moderators most mod teams also have administrators who are responsible for overseeing the regular moderators. Some mod teams also make a distinction between regular moderators and moderators-in-training, who may have different permissions compared to regular moderators or otherwise be subject to additional scrutiny during their training period. If these distinctions exist within your own mod team, it may be wise to create separate administrator channels and training channels.":"虽然团队层次结构的组建方式多种多样,但是除了普通的管理员之外,大多数管理员团队还设有负责监督普通管理员的管理员主管。有些管理员团队还区分正式管理员与受训管理员,与正式管理员相比,受训管理员所拥有的权限可能有所不同,或者是在受训期间需要接受额外的审查。如果您的管理员团队也存在这样的划分,那么单独创建主管频道和培训频道也许不失为一项明智之举。","#If you notice a large portion of your userbase seeking out your community but growing frustrated with its family-friendly restrictions, you can consider opening locked channels for mature users that can either opt-in to their existence or show proof of their age. If you decide to do this, make sure you have a separate set of rules in place for these channels, as well as an identification vetting process to make sure that younger users do not get exposed to content you don’t want them to be exposed to. This would require moderation that is different from the rest of your server, so it’s important to consider whether or not your moderation team can handle this locked channel and if you feel it aligns with your servers’ purpose.":"如果您发现有许多用户想加入您的社区,但是对全年龄段环境的各种限制性规定存在不满,那么您可以考虑为成年用户开放锁定频道,这些用户可以选择加入其中并出示年龄证明。如果您决定这样做,那么请务必为这些频道制定一套单独的规则以及身份审核流程,以确保年轻用户不会接触到您期望之外的内容。此类频道所需的管理方式不同于您服务器的其他频道,因此您需要考虑好您的管理员团队是否有能力管理这类锁定频道,以及您认为它是否与服务器的目的相吻合。","#A good document to follow for bot filter and auto moderation as a whole can be found here!":"您还可以点击此处查看关于机器人过滤器和自动化管理的有用文档!","#Finally, some communities may want to install a special role for content creators, especially those that are active and constantly contributing quality work. This will showcase artists in the server to the rest of the server. Do keep in mind however, that unique role colors can lead to inadvertent exclusivity and a social hierarchy within the server. This can also have the effect of alienating artists that do not yet have the role, which is why you should be careful when thinking about if you want to introduce this role to your community. If you decide to bring a specialized role into your server, take the step to have clear criteria for users to qualify for it as well as easy rules for moderators to grant it to users. This ensures that your moderation team can avoid accidentally leaving someone out and hurting someone’s feelings. Avoid bringing a role into your server if your server has had problems with role related hierarchies in the past. Listen to your community’s needs and anticipate potential problems!":"最后,有些社区可能会考虑为内容创作者设立特殊的身份组,特别是那些积极活跃且不断贡献高质量作品的用户。这样可以让其他成员看到服务器中艺术家创作者有哪些。但是,请谨记,独特的身份组颜色可能会无意间在服务器中造成排外现象和社交等级制度的形成,也可能会导致那些尚未获得该身份组的艺术家感到被孤立,因此在考虑是否要引入该类身份组时,您应该谨慎权衡。如果您已决定在您的社区中引入专门的身份组,那么请您设立明确的、符合该资格的用户标准,并为管理员授予用户该身份组提供简单可行的规则。这可以确保您的管理员团队不会遗漏符合资格的用户,因而伤害到他人的感情。如果您的服务器过去曾出现过与身份组相关的等级制度问题,那么请避免引入新的身份组。请注意听取社区成员的意见需求,及时预测可能发生的问题!","#And easy way to contemplate whether or not a mental health channel would fit into your server is by looking at the general topic of your server. If your Discord server is more focused on gaming, it may not make sense to allow something that drastically differs from your server’s purpose. Contrarily, a server focusing on community building might be a safer space for a mental health channel. Ultimately, it’s very subjective and all about listening to not just the needs of your community but the tone of your server.":"根据服务器的主题来判断是否应该在您的服务器中添加心理健康频道,是一个简单有效的方法。如果您的 Discord 服务器更偏重以游戏为中心,那么此类与服务器目的截然不同的内容可能就没有存在的意义。相反,如果是一个着重于社区建设的服务器,则更适合设置心理健康频道。总之,这是一项非常主观的决定,不仅要听取社区成员的需求,也要考虑服务器的特点。","#Establish basic Discord functionality on your server. Early on your Discord community may only have a few channels, but setting the correct discussion channels and role permissions early will help to prevent rule violations and problems as your community grows. More articles in the Support Center can be found on Role Management Fundamentals, Setting up Permissions, and Designing Private Discussion Channels.":"在服务器中设置 Discord 基本功能。早期,您的 Discord 社区可能只有少数几个频道,但是尽早设置适当的讨论频道和身份组权限能够有利于预防在社区发展过程中出现违规以及其他问题。在“支持中心”,您还可以看到更多关于身份组管理基本原则权限设置,以及设计私人讨论频道的文章。","#These types of moderators may implement pre-screening of members or content in their communities by implementing a verification gate or using an automoderator to filter out low quality members or content and curate the conversations of the server to be better suited to their vision.":"相应的管理员可以通过采用验证入口或使用自动化管理工具的方式来对社区中的成员或内容进行预筛选,筛除低质量的成员或内容,并管理服务器内的对话,从而更好地契合它们的目标。","#Moderators in this category may consciously run the community according to specific government principles, such as having a vote on community changes. However, they may also achieve consensus within the team about changes to the server without involving the community at large or even have one moderator make the final determination about community changes. This “final decision” power is usually exercised in terms of vetoing a proposed policy or issuing a ruling on an issue that is particularly contentious within the mod team or community. Very rarely would a form of decision-making be exercised, and it would be granted to very specific members of a team hierarchy such as the server owner or administrative lead. Even so, moderators in this category find following procedure to be important and tend to involve others to some extent in making decisions about the community rather than acting on their own.":"这一类别中的管理员能够有意识地根据特定的服务器治理原则来管理社区,比如:针对社区情况变更进行投票。他们也可以在团队内部就服务器情况变更达成共识,而不必让整个社区来介入,甚至可以由一名管理员对社区情况变更做最终决策。这项“最终决策”权通常体现在否决提出的政策,或者针对在管理员团队或社区内部特别有争议的问题作出裁定。不过,只有在极少数的情况下才会行使这种特定的决策方式,并且这项权利通常只被授予给团队层级结构中的特定成员,比如服务器所有者或行政主管人员。但是尽管如此,在这一类别的管理员看来,遵循程序仍然很重要,在社区决策方面,他们倾向于让他人有所参与,而不是由自己一人决定。","#The final level is considered the most intense level and also the most dangerous. It contains severe, harmful obsessions that can extend all the way to stalking and real-world consequences. Parasocial relationships to this degree will rarely be found on Discord, but have to immediately be reported if present.":"最后一级是最严重也是最危险的。涉及到一些恶劣且有害的癖好,甚至可能会演变成跟踪行为,从而在现实世界造成严重后果。尽管在 Discord 上很少会出现这种程度的准社会关系,但一旦出现,请务必立即报告。","#Still, sometimes there are situations where problems can’t be solved and things get more and more heated, and in the end separating is unavoidable. Moderators leave on their own or have to be removed. Your team members should always be given the option to take a break from moderation- especially to avoid burnout. You can learn more about how to deal with moderator burnout here.":"然而,有时也会出现一些问题无法解决的情况,导致事态愈演愈烈,最终不可避免地导致大家分道扬镳。管理员要么主动离开,要么被撤换。有鉴于此,您应该给与团队成员休息一段时间、暂时放下管理工作的选择权,特别是为了避免出现管理员倦怠的情况。您可以点击此处了解更多关于如何应对管理员倦怠的信息。","#A moderation team needs a clear structure and a unified understanding of server moderation, which has already been covered in Developing moderator guidelines. Now we’re going to expand on how to utilize each and every single moderator's abilities further. A moderation team can range from a few members in a small server to a huge team with 30 or more staff depending on the server size. The bigger your community gets the more the team needs to be organized. While they are all moderators, it doesn’t mean they all do the same job.":"一个管理员团队需要具备清晰的架构和对服务器管理的统一理解,这些已经在制订管理员指南中介绍过了。接下来,我们将探讨如何进一步发挥出每个管理员的能力。根据服务器大小的不同,管理员团队的规模可以从小型服务器中的几名成员,扩展到具有 30 名或更多工作人员的庞大团队。社区规模越大,团队就需要更有组织性。虽然同为管理员,但是管理员之间也要有不同的分工。","#Safety is a top priority at Discord and we are constantly working to ensure everyone on Discord is able to have meaningful online conversations and spend time with their communities in a safe, positive, and inclusive way.":"安全是 Discord 秉持的第一要务务,我们一直在努力确保 Discord 上的每个人都能进行有意义的线上对话,并以安全、积极和包容的方式与社区共度美好时光。","#As part of that work, we are participating in Safer Internet Day to demonstrate our commitment to internet safety and join forces with others to make the internet a better place.":"作为这项工作的一部分,我们参与了“加强网络安全日”,以展示我们对互联网安全的承诺,并与其他人共同努力让互联网变得更美好。","#Results":"结果","#Evolving our Policies to Keep You Safe":"不断完善我们的政策,保障您的安全","#It’s not advised to download and run software that doesn’t come from a reputable source. Downloading and running programs that someone sends you unprompted is almost always a bad idea.

If a person claiming to have “special access to features” or new software says they need you to run on your own computer, they’re misleading you in order to get your personal info with their shady programs. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.":"我们不建议从不可信的来源下载和运行软件。下载和运行他人自动发送的程序在大多数情况下都不是一件好事。

如果有人声称拥有“特殊功能访问权”或新软件,并要求您在您的计算机上运行这个软件,那他们是在误导您,目的是通过可疑的程序获取您的个人信息。请记住,天上不会掉馅饼。","#If you feel like experimenting even further you should take a look at the full list of limitations provided by Discord here.

It’s very important to keep in mind that when you are writing an embed, it should be in JSON format. Some bots even provide an embed visualizer within their dashboards. You can also use this embed visualizer tool which provides visualization for bot and webhook embeds.":"如果您想做进一步尝试,请点击此处查看 Discord 提供的完整限制列表。

请务必谨记,在编写嵌入内容时,须采用 JSON 格式。有些机器人还会在其控制面板中提供嵌入内容的可视化工具。您可以使用该嵌入内容可视化工具,其为机器人和 Webhook 的嵌入内容提供了可视化效果。","#
You can access this setting by navigating to Server Settings, and under Moderation, select SafetySetup, and then find the Explicit image filter heading.":"
如需进行设置,您可以通过打开服务器设置,在管理选项下选择安全设置,即可找到不雅图片过滤器的条目。","#This is nearly always fake. Below are two screenshots, both of which present themselves as official Discord-sent messages. However, of these two conversations, only the right screenshot is actually from Discord.
":"这类消息基本都是假的。您可以查看下面两张屏幕截图,这两者都自称官方 Discord 发送的消息。但是在这两段对话中,只有右侧的截图真正来自 Discord
","#Maintain a channel for off topic discussions. Keep a channel for casual conversations for your moderators, letting them talk about their interests and getting to know each other better. Just because they’re here in a position of power does not mean that they’re incapable of having fun or talking about things outside of the immediate state of the server.
","#Discord is the place to hang out with your friends and build community around shared interests. We’re committed to creating a safe, inclusive and welcoming place.

That’s why we’re working to make Discord private and safe, by design. Learn how to shape the best experience for yourself and find the resources you need, whether you’re a teen, parent, educator, or long-time Discord user.":"Discord 是与朋友一起消遣娱乐并围绕共同兴趣建立社区的地方。我们致力于创建一个安全、包容和友好的环境。

这就是为什么我们一直着力于使 Discord 变得私密和安全。无论您是青少年、家长、教育者还是 Discord 的忠实用户,都可以了解如何为自己打造最佳体验,并找到所需的资源。","#If your account is taken over and the hacker changes the password, there isn’t much you can immediately do to stop them. However, if you have 2-Factor Authentication enabled on your account, the hacker will also be required to provide a 2FA code to change your password. We strongly recommend enabling 2FA, and you can learn how in our 2FA blog post.
","#Keep in touch with moderators. Offer help to your moderators, or check on them if they haven’t been seen for a while. Sharing positive feedback is also a great way to stay in touch with your moderators! Positive, specific feedback is one of the best ways to recognize all of the hard, often thankless work, that your moderators do.
","#Markdown is also supported in an embed. Here is an image to showcase an example of these properties:

Example image to showcase the elements of an embed
An important thing to note is that embeds also have their limitations, which are set by the API. Here are some of the most important ones you need to know:

An important thing to note is that embeds also have their limitations, which are set by the API. Here are some of the most important ones you need to know:":"嵌入内容中也支持 markdown。以下是一个示例图:

需注意的重点是,嵌入内容也受到 API 设定的限制。以下是您需要了解的一些最重要的限制:

需注意的重点是,嵌入内容也受到 API 设定的限制。以下是您需要了解的一些最重要的限制:","#We also have plans to integrate this functionality into Membership Screening so you don't have to install multiple bots for captchas.":"我们还计划将这个功能整合到成员筛选功能中,这样您就不需要安装多个验证码机器人了。","#We want to provide more transparency about our growing efforts at the platform-level to help users avoid and fight spam.":"我们想介绍一下我们是如何从平台层面上帮助用户免遭垃圾邮件打扰,并打击垃圾邮件,让我们的努力更加透明。","#How we approach privacy: We provided more information about privacy rights and how they are exercised, and we have also updated what data we collect and how we use it. There has not been a change in Discord's position on how we store or record the contents of video or voice channels. We recognize that when we recently issued adjusted language in our Privacy Policy, we inadvertently caused confusion among our users. To be clear, nothing has changed and we have reinserted the language back into our Privacy Policy, along with some additional clarifying information.

As a standard practice, Discord does not store or record the contents of video or voice channels. If we were to change our policy around this in the future, we would disclose that to you in advance. As always, your privacy is critically important to us, and we try to limit what information we collect and give you control over your privacy on Discord.":"我们如何处理隐私:我们增加了更多关于隐私权及其行使方式的信息。我们还更新了我们收集的数据范围及其使用方式。对于 Discord 如何存储或录制视频和语音频道的内容,我们的立场没有改变。我们认识到,由于最近我们调整了《隐私权政策》中的措辞,无意中给用户造成了困惑。我们希望在此明确:政策没有任何改变。我们已将原本的措辞重新加入到《隐私权政策》中,并增加了一些解释说明。

Discord 遵循标准惯例,不会存储或录制视频和语音频道的内容。假如我们未来需要更改相关政策,一定会提前向您公布。您的隐私对我们至关重要,我们会尽可能地限制我们收集的信息,并允许您最大限度地控制您在 Discord 上的隐私,这一点始终不变。","#You know it. We know it. Spam is a problem on Discord. We treat this issue with the same level of seriousness as any other problem that impacts your ability to talk and hang out on Discord, fine-tuning our anti-spam systems daily to catch more and more spammers and spam content.":"大家都很清楚,垃圾邮件是 Discord 的一大顽疾。对于所有可能影响您在 Discord 沟通和社交的问题,我们都非常重视,垃圾邮件也不例外。我们每天都在优化我们的反垃圾邮件系统,以捕捉更多的垃圾邮件发送者和垃圾内容。","#Compromised Accounts":"被盗账户","#We are currently testing a system that monitors servers for inauthentic behavior from new members, and proactively puts the server into safe mode, requiring captchas to engage with the community for a period of time.":"目前,我们正在测试一个新系统,它可以监测新加入服务器的成员是否存在不可靠行为,并主动将服务器转入安全模式,在接下来的一段时间内要求他们必须输入验证码才能与社区互动。","#Making jokes is beneficial for maintaining a healthy and welcoming environment and even a way to deal with the tough situations moderators may face. However, it is important to make sure that jokes don’t push the boundaries of what is appropriate and lead to perceived bullying of server members behind closed doors, or even other members of your own team.

What is perceived to be a harmless in-joke in context could out of context seem like a malicious and unwarranted comment. When it is clear someone is not comfortable with certain jokes or feels targeted, you need to step in and clear the situation by telling moderators involved that you want a positive atmosphere where everyone feels welcomed and comfortable while clearly identifying what line was crossed so it does not happen again. That’s not to say that all close knit groups trend towards exclusionary jokes, but it is something that can happen without a team even being cognizant that it’s a problem. Hence why it’s pertinent to keep inclusivity and good faith intent in mind with situations like this.":"开开玩笑有利于维持健康、友好的环境,甚至可以解决管理员所面对的一些棘手情境。然而,开玩笑也应该把握尺度,不能让服务器成员,甚至您团队中的成员感到自己遭到了私下的霸凌,这一点非常重要。

如果离开语境,一个无伤大雅的内部玩笑也可能会被当成是无理的恶意批评。当有人明显表现出不喜欢某些玩笑,或感觉到自己被针对时,您就需要介入并澄清情况,告诉当事管理员,您希望营造一个积极正面的氛围,让每个人都感受到被接纳和舒适,并清晰地指出这个玩笑哪里越界了,以避免类似的情况再次发生。虽然不是所有关系紧密的团体都会开排外的玩笑,但有时候团队的无心之举,客观上就会造成这种结果。因此,面对此类情况,我们必须要牢记包容和善意的原则。","#Human Operations":"人工操作","#Even if spammers evade our initial layers of detection, we have implemented a suspicious link system that warns a user similar to what you see with Chrome when visiting certain sites.":"就算垃圾邮件发送者能够成功躲过我们最初的几道检测关卡,事情也还没有结束。我们开发了一个可疑链接系统,它将向用户发出警告,具体形式就类似于您用谷歌浏览器浏览某些网站时看到的。","#Spam sucks. So today, we want to tell you what we are doing to combat it.":"垃圾邮件太烦人了。所以今天,我们想和大家分享一下我们为此做出的努力。","#When we categorize spam, we use three distinct groups based on the types of spam based attacks that we work to catch, each with many different sub groups.":"在给垃圾邮件分类时,我们根据我们试图捕捉的垃圾邮件攻击的类型,确定了三个大类,每类下面还有许多不同的子类。","#Generated accounts compromise the bulk majority of our spam. These are accounts that are created and operated through automation software in order to evade our systems.":"绝大部分垃圾邮件都来自批量生成账户。这些账户是为了躲避我们的系统检查而用自动化软件创建、操作的。","#So what does this mean for your server? Basically, Discord provides you with the ability to have a webhook that sends a message to your server when it’s activated, with the option to send the message to any channel along with having a cool name and avatar of your choice.

For example, let’s say you’re waiting for the latest chapter of your favorite webcomic series to release. You can set up a webhook that’s connected with an RSS feed. The feed will activate the webhook when the chapter is released and a message will be posted on your server to notify you about it. This can be applied to many different things - the potential is limitless!":"那么这对于您的服务器有何意义呢?简单来说就是,Discord 提供了一个 Webhook 功能,当该功能被激活时,可以向您的服务器发送一条消息,您可以选择将消息发送到任何频道,同时能够获得一个超酷的名称和头像。

例如,假设您正在等您最喜欢的网络漫画系列发布最新章节的内容。那么您可以设置一个与 RSS 消息源连接的 Webhook。当章节内容发布时,消息源将激活 Webhook,并在您的服务器上发布一条消息通知您。这项功能可以应用于多种不同场景 - 潜力无限!","#There’s another use-case for Webhooks that is more unique. While they’re very useful for automated messages, they’re also great for one-off embed messages that have a very polished look! You have the ability to customize the name and the avatar of the webhook, but if you’re technologically-inclined you can create your own JSON data to activate the webhook with. This allows you to fully define the aesthetics of an embed in your message, giving a clean look to whatever information you’re sending. One possible application is nice formatting for your server rules and information, rather than just sending multiple plain text messages.

Of course, there are other possible uses, the only limit is your creativity! If you’re not too keen on developing JSON data by hand, or have no idea what a “JSON” is, services like Discohook also make it easy for anyone to take advantage of this use case. As a note, the websites linked here are not endorsed by Discord and are only a suggestion from the authors of the article.":"Webhooks 还有另一种更独特的用途。除了非常适用于自动发消息之外,将其用于包装一次性嵌入消息,效果也非常好!除了可以自定义 Webhook 的名称和头像外,如果您具备较强的技术能力,还可以创建自己的 JSON 数据来激活 Webhook。这样您便能够完全定义消息中嵌入内容的外观,使您发送的任何信息都具有整洁的外观。该功能的一个可应用的场景是,为您的服务器规则和信息提供精美的格式,而不单单是一堆纯文本消息。

当然,只要您有足够的创造力,那么它的用途将会非常广泛!如果您不太喜欢手动开发 JSON 数据,或者不了解什么是 “JSON”,那么,类似 Discohook 这样的服务同样可以让任何人都轻松利用这种用例。需要注意的是,这里提及的网站并未得到 Discord 的官方许可,纯属本文作者的建议。","#
Since the shocking events of the U.S. Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021, the issue of violent extremism has been front and center of many conversations in the United States. At Discord, we consider violent extremism to be the support, encouragement, promotion, or organization of violent acts or ideologies that advocate for the destruction of society, often by blaming certain individuals or groups and calling for violence against them.":"
自 2021 年 1 月 6 日震惊世人的美国国会大厦袭击事件以来,暴力极端主义问题一直是美国许多讨论的焦点。在 Discord,我们认为暴力极端主义是指支持、鼓励、宣传、组织暴力行为或鼓吹破坏社会的意识形态,参与者往往指责某些个人和群体,并呼吁对其实施暴力行动。","#Human operated accounts comprise some of our most long-lasting spam actors on the platform. These accounts are real accounts created and operated by real humans.":"人工操作账户是我们平台上最根深蒂固的垃圾邮件因素之一。这些账户都是由真人创建、操作的真实账户。","#We recently implemented a more prominent Report Spam button in DMs so users can provide us with relevant signal about spam behavior. Thanks to community reporting, our ability to identify bad actors has increased by 1000%, allowing us to more rapidly discover and remove spammers while also improving our automated detection models.":"最近,我们在私信界面中实装了一个更加醒目的“举报垃圾邮件”按钮,通过它,我们将可以从用户处收集垃圾邮件行为的相关特征。感谢社区的积极举报,我们识别不良行为者的能力已经提升了 1000%。如今我们能更迅速地发现并删除垃圾邮件发送者,并改进我们的自动化删除模型。","#Server Safe Mode":"服务器安全模式","#Compromised accounts cause some of the highest user-impact spam, as normal users have access removed from their accounts. These accounts are then used to share more spam to unsuspecting users, potentially increasing the compromise further.":"被盗账户是对用户影响最大的垃圾邮件类型,因为它意味着有普通用户的账户使用权限被抢走了。这些账户又被用来发送更多垃圾邮件,而接收者往往对此毫无防备,因此存在进一步扩大盗号范围的风险。","#We have a full and growing team working on spam, but it’s a never-ending game of cat and mouse that also requires us to make sure legitimate users don’t get caught in the crossfire. While we recognize we may never be able to prevent 100% of these accounts from joining your servers, we implement new interventions constantly to make spamming more expensive for bad actors to engage in, and act on an ever-growing percentage of spammers automatically. The more expensive it is for bad actors to engage in spam producing activity, the less likely they are to commit to it.":"我们投入了一整个团队来应对垃圾邮件,规模还在不断壮大,但这注定是一个永远不会结束的猫鼠游戏。在与垃圾邮件斗智斗勇的过程中,我们还需要确保不能误伤真正的用户。我们承认,我们可能永远无法 100% 阻止垃圾账户加入您的服务器,但我们一直在推出新的举措,提高不良行为者的成本,同时也有越来越多的垃圾邮件发送者被我们自动化处理。不良行为者制造垃圾邮件的成本越高,就越不可能从事此类活动。","#Creating a suspicious link system":"开发可疑链接系统","#Allowing users to report spam directly":"允许用户直接举报垃圾邮件","#Role hoist: If you display only the accompanying moderator role for each language, ensure that you have a common, not displayed role for all moderators so one team is not less validated than the other. Users should definitely be able to contact the appropriate staff and ping the correct moderators to help them out with issues in chat. but, when displaying a lot of teams with many members each, some of them might be pushed off the screen. You run the risk that some moderators that are displayed below the other teams seem less “important and validated” to the community, but the shared staff role should fix that problem easily.
","#Apps are now discoverable directly within Discord!
Admins can browse content from server settings and add new apps to their server.":"现在可以直接在 Discord 内搜索应用程序!
管理员可以在服务器设置中浏览相关内容,并将新的应用程序添加至他们的服务器。","#A core way to handle all de-escalation stands in your approach. Users, when heated up during a frustrating or toxic discussion, are easy to set off or to accidentally escalate to more toxicity. The key is to type calmly, and to make sure with whatever manner you approach someone to de-escalate, you do it in a way that is understood to be for the benefit of everyone involved.
","#Below is a high-level example of what we look for:":"下图概括了我们所寻找的目标:","#Banning spammers and removing spam messages":"封锁垃圾邮件发送者,删除垃圾邮件","#Many spammers are caught after they send only a few messages and, in the most extreme cases, we catch spammers before they are able to send a single message. A recently-launched feature allows for the removal of spam DMs. If we detect or become aware of a spammer, we will warn users when they receive a DM from the spammer and hide the messages.":"许多垃圾邮件发送者只发了几条消息就被我们抓住了。最成功的情况下,我们甚至可以在垃圾邮件发送者还没来得及发出消息前就抓住他们。借助一项新推出的功能,我们可以从私信中删除垃圾邮件。如果我们检测到或者发现垃圾邮件发送者,那么当用户收到该账户的私信时,我们就会警告用户,并隐藏相应的消息。","#Generated Accounts":"批量生成账户","#One negative effect of this system could be the fear of failure that some inexperienced moderators might be exposed to. Reassure them that making mistakes is okay as long as you take responsibility for your actions and are willing to learn from them. Moderation is an ever-shifting and learned art, and mistakes are not to be punished when they happen every once in a while.

It may be tempting to conduct these regular exercises incognito (aka acting up on an alt to see how they do) or test them without warning- while this may yield more “everyday” unbiased results, it has a high probability of backfiring. Blindsiding your moderation team with tests and exercises has the potential to do more harm than good, especially in terms of team trust and morale. It’s recommended that you don’t do this and instead, practice transparency when conducting regular exercises in order to avoid a potentially inequitable situation.":"这一系统的消极影响是,可能会使一些经验不足的管理员对失败心存恐惧。因此,您要让他们相信,只要他们对自己的行为负责并愿意从中吸取经验教训,犯错是可以接受的。管理本就是一个不断变化且需要学习的技能,偶尔犯错不应受到惩罚。

也许您会想以匿名的方式对他们进行定期演练(就是用另一个小号假装犯错,以观察他们的反应),或者在没有提前预警的情况下对他们进行测试。虽然这样做可能会带来更贴近“真实”的公正客观的结果,但也很有可能会起到适得其反的效果。以测试和演练的方式来突袭考核您的管理员团队很可能会弊大于利,特别是可能会挫伤团队的信任和士气。建议您不要采用这种方式,最好是能够在进行定期演练时保持公开透明,以避免潜在的不公平情况。","#Terms of
条款","#Remember: the rules exist to serve the community, not the other way around. Moderators should conduct themselves in accordance with the rules, and potentially even better, but they ultimately have the power to change them for the better of the server if need be. Treat your rules as a living document and remember that they are there to improve your community, not stunt it.
","#In every group, eventually a conflict or dispute will arise which needs to be resolved. Sometimes this can be a small issue, but a conflict can also escalate to an argument which spirals out of control, and negatively impacts your team and your community. In this article we will look at typical situations that can occur that might lead to a conflict between members of your staff, how to de-escalate situations and work on conflict resolution, and how you can handle the demotion or removal of a moderator when no resolution can be reached. We will also cover the best practices for giving and receiving feedback from other members of the staff team.":"每个团体中都难免出现需要解决的冲突和纠纷。这些问题有时可能很好解决,但也可能不断升级,最终失去控制,对团队和社区造成负面影响。在本文中,我们将讨论一些可能导致员工之间产生冲突的典型情境、缓和情境并解决冲突的方法,以及在冲突无法解决的情况下,应当如何处理管理员的降职和免职问题。我们还将讨论向员工团队的其他成员提供反馈和接受他们反馈的最佳实践。","#Family Center is designed to help you learn more about how your teen spends their time on Discord and learn more about the communities they are a part of.

Through a new Activity Feed and weekly email summaries, our goal is to empower families to start collaborative conversations around building positive online behaviors together.":"“家庭中心”的设计旨在帮助您更详细地了解您的孩子在 Discord 上的活动,以及他们所加入的社区。

我们的目标是,通过全新的“动态资讯”和每周电子邮件摘要,促进家庭成员之间共同探讨,塑造积极向上的网络行为。","#No. Connected accounts in Family Center will not have access to the private contents of your messages. Parents and guardians will only see information about:

• Recently added friends, including their names and avatars
• Servers joined or participated in, including names, icons, and member counts
• Users messaged or called in direct or group chats, including names, avatars, and # of mutual friends

If at any time you are curious about what your connected family members are able to see, you can always see the same information they do by going into Family Center.":"不会。“家庭中心”中已连接的账户将无法访问您消息中的私密内容。父母和监护人只能看到以下信息:

• 最近添加的好友,包括其名称和头像。
• 加入或参与的服务器,包括名称、图标和成员数量。
• 在私聊或群聊中发送过消息或通过话的用户,包括其名称、头像和共同好友数量。

如果想知道您连接的家庭成员能看到哪些内容,您可以随时进入“家庭中心”查看这些信息。","#Using Community to Turn Virality into Longevity | Lonnie Marts":"通过社区让爆款长盛不衰 | 朗尼·马茨","#We’re also partnering with child and family safety organizations to build more resources and improve our policies for the long-term. One of our close partners, ConnectSafely recently launched their Parent’s Guide to Discord.
":"我们还与儿童与家庭安全组织合作,长期建设更多资源,并改进我们的政策。我们的密切合作伙伴之一 ConnectSafely 最近刚刚发布了Discord 家长指南
","#Mental wellness is important for everyone. Discord is partnering with Crisis Text Line, a nonprofit that provides 24/7 text-based mental health support and crisis intervention via trained volunteer Crisis Counselors.

If you report a message for self-harm within the Discord mobile app, you will be presented with information on how to connect with a Crisis Text Line volunteer Crisis Counselor. You can also text ‘DISCORD’ to 741741 to reach Crisis Text Line counselors available 24/7 to help you or a friend through any mental health crisis. Our goal is to enable users to get the help they need for themselves, or empower others to get help, as quickly as possible.":"心理健康对每个人来说都至关重要。Discord 正在与非营利机构紧急情况短信专线(Crisis Text Line)合作,他们的志愿者危机顾问受过专业培训,能够提供全天候基于短信的心理健康支持和危机干预。

如果您在 Discord 移动应用中举报了有关自残行为的消息,您将收到消息告知您如何与“紧急情况短信专线(Crisis Text Line)”的志愿者危机顾问取得联系。您还可以通过发送 “DISCORD” 至 741741,随时与“紧急情况短信专线(Crisis Text Line)”的危机顾问联系,他们将全天候为您或您的朋友提供支持,帮助你们渡过任何心理健康危机。我们的目标是让用户尽快获得他们自己所需要的帮助,同时也鼓励他们帮助他人尽快获取帮助。","#Answer parents and educators’ top questions: You’ve got questions, and we have answers! Find answers to your most common safety, product, and policy questions directly from our teams.
","#If your teen encounters an issue on Discord, here's how they can report it to us. First, select the message they wish to report. If they're on mobile, hold down on the Message, and on desktop, \"right click.\" Then, select \"Report Message.\"

For parents, you too can submit a report by following the instructions in this article.":"如果您的孩子在使用 Discord 时遇到麻烦,可以通过以下方式向我们举报。首先,选择他们想举报的消息。如果是移动端,长按该消息;如果是桌面端,右键单击该消息。然后,选择“举报消息”。

作为家长,您也可以亲自按照本文中的说明进行举报。","#Discord communities, especially the large and public ones, often have moderators there to help address issues. If the violation happened in a server with a moderator, your teen can also reach out to the server’s moderators, who may be able to respond immediately and help resolve their concerns. In addition, remind your teen that they have the ability to block any users they don’t want to interact with.
":"Discord 中的社区,尤其是大型社区和公共社区,通常都设有管理员帮助用户解决问题。因此,如果违规行为发生在这类服务器内,您的孩子也可以联系服务器管理员,他们能够立刻回应并帮助解决问题。除此之外,请提醒您的孩子,如果他们不想互动
,他们始终有权屏蔽任何用户。","#Family Center is designed to help you learn more about how your teen spends their time on Discord and learn more about the communities they are a part of.

Our goal is to help families foster productive dialogue about safer internet habits, and to create mutually beneficial ways for parents and teens to connect about experiences online.":"“家庭中心”的设计旨在帮助您更详细地了解您的孩子在 Discord 上的活动,以及他们所加入的社区。

我们的目标是帮助家庭就如何养成更安全的上网习惯开展富有成效的对话,并为家长和孩子创造互惠互利的方式来交流共享他们的上网经历。","#Once they've hit the \"Report Message\" button, they can choose which category of violation they're seeing. More details can be provided in the next screen, to further allow them to specify what it is they're encountering.

Our Safety team takes action when we become aware of content that violates our Community Guidelines and policies, including disabling accounts, removing servers, and engaging with authorities as appropriate.":"点击“举报消息”按键后,即可选择违规类别。 下一页面中会提供更多详细信息,让孩子们进一步了解自己所遇到的问题。

发现违反《社区守则》和相关政策的内容后,我们的安全团队会采取相应措施,包括禁用账户、删除服务器,并在适当时与相关部门合作。","#Analysis: We consider a good to be “dangerous” if it has reasonable potential to cause real-world harm. We would not view guns that are depicted in video games as meeting this criteria, so this server would not be in violation of this policy, and we would take no action against the server.


","#Still can’t find
what you are looking for?":"还未找到
您想要的信息?","#Some types of off-platform behaviors can reasonably create a safety risk - or even immediate and severe harm - for people who use Discord. When we talk about off-platform behaviors, we’re referring to any behaviors taking place outside of Discord, either in other digital spaces or in a physical community. If we become aware of specific off-platform, high-harm behaviors with credible evidence committed by a person with a Discord account, we will take the off-platform harmful behavior into consideration when assessing whether that account has violated a specific Community Guideline. Our Trust & Safety team may launch an investigation of an account, including reviewing the user’s activity and posts, based on this off-platform behavior.
":"有些平台之外的行为可被合理认定为会为 Discord 的用户带来安全风险,甚至是迫在眉睫的严重伤害。我们所说的平台之外的行为,是指所有在 Discord 之外发生的行为,无论是在其他数字空间,还是线下社区。如果我们发现 Discord 账户的持有者在平台之外从事特定的高破坏性行为,并掌握了可靠的证据,那么在评估该账户是否违反特定社区守则时,我们也会将上述平台外的破坏行为纳入考量。我们的信任与安全团队可能会对账户开展调查,包括基于上述平台外行为,审查用户在 Discord 的行为与贴文。
","#When considering reported incidents under this policy, we will assess the account with restorative justice principles in mind. We may decline to take action on the account if: the off-platform behavior occurred in the distant past; the person has gone through a credible rehabilitation process, or they received justice-oriented punishment in the past (such as required time at a correctional facility); and the investigation and assessment shows there is no evidence of the behavior taking place on Discord. We also may remove an account from suspension based on an appeal.
":"针对本政策审查被举报的事件时,我们会根据恢复性司法原则对账户进行评估符合下列情况时,我们可能不会采取行动:平台外行为发生在很久以前;涉事个人过去已接受了可靠的矫正过程,或公正的处罚(如在矫正机构服刑期满);如调查与评估显示,没有证据表明 Discord 上存在该行为。我们也有可能根据申诉,解除账户的封停。
","#Definitions on what “spam” is can vary widely across companies, so let’s lay out how we define spam at Discord: The automatic or centrally operationalized creation or usage of accounts en masse to present users with undesired or malicious content and experiences.
":"不同公司对“垃圾邮件”的定义可能有很大差别,所以借此机会,我们想说明 Discord 对垃圾邮件的定义:通过自动化的或集中操作的手段批量创建或使用账户,向用户发送不受欢迎的或恶意的内容和体验。
","#Our explicit goal for this work is to minimize your exposure to spammers and spam content and, as an added benefit, reduce vectors for account takeover (ATO). This starts with the anti-spam measures we’ve discussed above, but there’s more to come on our spam and ATO efforts in the coming months. We’re also working on additional features for community moderators that we’ll be able to share in more detail soon.

We’re investing heavily in fighting spam from a resourcing, detection and feature perspective to ensure you have a better experience on Discord. You can help us out by reporting any spam you may come across and letting us know how we can make your Discord experience safer and easier by sharing your ideas at our feedback page.":"我们的目标非常明确:最大限度地阻止垃圾邮件发送者和垃圾内容接触到您。这项工作还有另一个益处:减少账户被盗(ATO)的途径。上文讨论的反垃圾邮件措施就是这项工作的起点,接下来几个月,我们还将推出更多打击垃圾邮件和账户被盗方面的措施。同时,我们也在为社区管理员开发新功能,预计很快就能公布更多详情。

为了让您在使用 Discord 时获得更好的体验,我们从资源、检测和功能等方面投入了很多精力,对抗垃圾邮件。您也可以向我们举报您遇到的任何垃圾邮件,并在我们的反馈页面分享您的想法,让我们知道怎样才能让您的 Discord 体验更安全、更轻松,帮助我们做得更好。","#When setting up your moderation channels, it’s important to keep in mind what works best for your team. Think about what the team needs and be sure to accommodate that accordingly. While most public-facing channel categories consist of an average of three to five channels to not overwhelm users, moderation channels are private to moderators only and should be as large as necessary to serve all purposes needed by your moderation team. With a little bit of community building expertise and permissions wizardry, you can ensure that your moderation hub is a welcoming place that serves all of your teams’ requirements. Before reading this article, we recommend taking a peek at Permissions on Discord to learn what permissions are necessary to create private moderation channels.":"在设置管理员团队频道时,请时刻记住什么才最适合您的团队。您应仔细考虑团队的需求,并确保该需求得到相应的满足。为了避免频道规模过大,导致用户无法掌握,绝大多数的频道类别下平均只有三至五个频道,但是管理员团队频道为管理员专用,应保证其规模尽量满足管理员团队所需的全部用途。凭借一定的社区创建专业知识和权限技能,您就能打造出符合心意、满足团队所有需求的管理专区。在阅读本文之前,建议您先浏览一下 Discord 上的权限,以了解创建私人管理员团队频道所需的权限。","#Policy is a continuous refinement. Discord is growing, and our Policy team is here to keep our users and communities safe and inclusive. We believe the team’s work will contribute to our bigger commitment to make the Internet as a whole a better place, and we’d like you to join our journey.":"政策需要长期的、持续不断的完善。Discord 正在不断发展壮大,而我们的政策团队会确保用户和社区能够在安全的环境中找到归属感。我们的长远目标是让整个互联网变得更加美好,而我们相信政策团队的工作将有助于这一目标的实现,希望您也能加入这段旅程。","#To help give some perspective into how we enforce these policies, we’re launching a new blog series to share what our Policy team is working on, listen to any feedback you may have, and use this knowledge to improve our approach to Policy.":"为了让您了解我们是如何执行这些政策的,我们决定推出一个新的博客文章系列,在这里介绍政策团队当前的工作,听取您的反馈,并根据您的意见改进我们的政策。","#Since 2015, Discord’s core policy, the Community Guidelines, has been used to govern the platform with consistent rules to keep your communities an inclusive and safe place to hang out. In 2020, we formalized a dedicated Policy team to develop the Community Guidelines further, work with product teams to build safe and inclusive features, and advocate on public policy issues that impact Discord and our users.":"自 2015 年以来,Discord 一直依照其核心政策《社区守则》来管理平台。我们始终秉持一贯的规则,努力使您的社区成为包容、安全的交流空间。2020 年,我们正式成立了一个专门的政策团队,他们的职责是进一步发展《社区守则》,与产品团队合作开发安全、包容的功能,并就那些能够影响 Discord 及其用户的公共政策问题开展宣传工作。","#Policy reflects our company’s values and the norms of our platform. As more people are spending time on their computers, smartphones, and tablets, we imagine a place where that time makes us truly connected, not divided. We envision a future where Discord becomes the first place you think of when wanting to talk and hang out. Whether you’re playing the latest online game together, attending a virtual comedy club, collaborating on a project, or just talking late into the night, we want to be a place where you can find belonging and community. To do all of this, we use policy as a foundation for our values and to safeguard your experience.":"政策是我们公司价值观和我们平台行为规范的体现。随着越来越多的人将时间花在电脑、智能手机和平板设备上,我们开始构想这样一个空间:在那里度过的时光能让我们真正联系在一起,而不是彼此割裂。在我们所构想的未来中,Discord 将成为您聊天和聚会的首选场所。无论您是想和别人一起玩最新的网络游戏、参加线上喜剧俱乐部、就某个项目进行合作,还是单纯聊天到深夜,我们都希望成为一个能让您找到归属感、找到社区的地方。为了实现这一目的,我们以政策作为价值观的基石,守护您的体验。","#Policy explores all facets of an issue in order to take a holistic approach to how we address it. The spectrum of issues that online users and their communities face are widespread, and often deeply complex and multi-layered. Discord is no exception. Policy lets us ensure we understand the nuances of an issue and allows us to effectively tackle any situation.":"政策必须涉及问题的所有方面,才能全面地处理问题。网络用户及其社区所面临的问题跨度非常广阔,而且往往错综复杂,包含多个层次。Discord 也不例外。政策能确保我们了解到问题的每一个细微之处,并行之有效地处理任何情况。","#To kickstart our Policy series, today we’re releasing a post about the ongoing issue of violent extremism in the United States and our approach to identifying belief systems, recruitment tactics, and organizing patterns of violent extremist groups. You can check it out here.":"今天,我们将发布政策系列文章的第一篇,介绍美国当前的暴力极端主义问题,以及我们如何识别暴力极端主义团体的观念体系、招募策略和组织模式。您可以在这里阅读该文章。","#Let’s talk more about what we mean by Policy — it’s more than just what is and isn’t allowed on Discord.":"让我们来聊聊“政策”的含义——它不仅仅是 Discord 允许和不允许的内容。","#Policy ensures our Trust & Safety Team takes consistent, proportionate enforcement actions. Our T&S team continues to safeguard Discord and enforce the Community Guidelines through proactive measures and responses to user reports. We use our policies to assess the harm of content and behavior by individuals and servers and give a resulting enforcement action proportionate to its severity.":"政策可以确保我们的信任与安全团队在执行时做到适度和前后一致。我们的信任与安全团队将通过主动采取措施和响应用户举报的方式,持续守护 Discord 并执行《社区守则》。我们利用政策来评估个人与服务器的内容与行为是否存在危害,并根据其严重程度采取相应的措施。","#Policy makes sure product features are designed intentionally and mitigate any potential vectors for abuse or misuse. Policy and Trust & Safety work collaboratively with Product and Engineering teams early in the development process to assess any potential abuse, bias, or other risks in the newest features, and work to build mitigation into the product design itself. Accessibility of our features, especially for folks using assistive technologies, is a key focus during our assessment.":"政策可以确保产品的功能拥有明确的设计意图,并减少潜在的滥用和误用途径。在开发流程的早期,政策团队、信任与安全团队将与产品团队、开发团队合作,评估新功能中是否存在任何潜在的滥用、偏差或其他风险,并在产品设计中加入相应的解决措施。功能的可用性是我们评估的重点,尤其是对于那些需要辅助技术的用户是否可用。","#Arbitration costs. AAA sets forth fees for its services, which are available at www.adr.org/sites/default/files/Consumer-Fee_Schedule.pdf. If Discord is the party initiating an arbitration against you, Discord will pay all costs associated with the arbitration, including the entire filing fee. If you initiate an arbitration against Discord, you will be responsible for the first $100 toward the nonrefundable Initial Filing Fee, unless the arbitrator determines that you are unable to pay, in which case Discord will pay the entire filing fee. For cases seeking less than $75K, Discord will pay the remainder of the Initial Filing Fee and both parties’ Administrative fees (unless the arbitrator finds your claims, defenses, or other fee-generating activity to be conducted for an improper purpose or frivolous (under the standard set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11). For cases seeking more than $75K, fees and costs will be determined in accordance with AAA Rules.":"仲裁费用。AAA 规定了其服务费用,详情请访问 www.adr.org/sites/default/files/Consumer-Fee_Schedule.pdf。如果 Discord 是对您提起仲裁的一方,Discord 将支付与仲裁相关的所有费用,包括全部诉讼申请费。如果您对 Discord 提起仲裁,您将负责支付初始申请费的前 100 美元(不可退还),除非仲裁员认定您无力支付,在此情况下,Discord 将支付全部申请费。对于索赔金额低于 7.5 万美元的案件,Discord 将支付初始申请费的剩余部分和双方的行政管理费(除非仲裁员认为您的索赔、抗辩或其他产生费用的活动目的不当或轻率(根据《联邦民事诉讼规则》第 11 条规定的标准))。对于索赔金额超过 7.5 万美元的案件,将根据 AAA 规则确定收费和成本。","#If the amount in controversy does not exceed $10,000, and you do not seek injunctive or declaratory relief, then the arbitration will be conducted solely on the basis of documents you and Discord submit to the arbitrator, unless the arbitrator determines that a hearing is necessary. If the amount in controversy exceeds $10,000 or seeks declaratory or injunctive relief, either party may request (or the arbitrator may determine) to hold a hearing, which may be in-person, videoconference, or telephone conference.":"如果争议金额不超过 10000 美元,且您不寻求禁令性或宣告性救济,则仲裁将仅根据您和 Discord 向仲裁员提交的文件进行,除非仲裁员确定有必要举行听证会。如果争议金额超过 10000 美元,或您寻求宣告性或禁令性救济,任何一方都可以请求(或由仲裁员决定)举行听证会,听证会可以是现场听证会、视频会议或电话会议。","#First, we want to provide some context around these changes. Then, we’ll share how we’ve changed some things based on your feedback.":"首先,我们想就这些变更提供一些背景信息。其次是介绍我们如何根据您的反馈来修订政策。","#We’ve received a lot of feedback about our recent Terms of Service update. As always, community feedback is incredibly important to us, so thank you for voicing your opinions. We do appreciate it.":"我们最近更新了《服务条款》,并收到了很多反馈。社区反馈对我们一贯非常重要,因此对您提供的意见,我们不胜感激。","#Discord is working toward an inclusive world where no one feels like an outsider, where genuine human connection is a click, text chat, or voice call away. A place where everyone can find belonging. Challenging? Heck yes. Rewarding? Double heck yes. It’s a mission that gives us the chance to positively impact millions of people all over the world.

So if this strikes a chord, and you’re equally comfortable communicating in memes and gifs as you are in code or decks, come build belonging with us!":"Discord 致力于为所有人提供一个包容的环境,在这里,没有人觉得自己是局外人,人与人之间的联系只需一个点击、一段文字聊天或是一次语音通话就能实现。所有人都可以在这里找到归属感。想要挑战?有!想要奖励?包您满意!对我们来说,这是一个让我们有机会以积极的方式影响全世界数百万人的使命。

如果您与我们志同道合,能像使用代码或演示文稿一样自如地使用表情包和动图进行交流,那就来加入我们,共同打造归属感吧!","#To kick things off, National PTA has created a server on Discord. In celebration of Safer Internet Day, we’ll be hosting an event with National PTA and some of our brilliant teen moderators to talk about belonging and mental health in online spaces. We hope this conversation will give parents and educators a chance to hear from teens about their experiences using Discord to build communities and share their authentic selves.
":"全国家长教师联谊会在 Discord 上创建了一个服务器,标志着本次合作正式开始。为庆祝国际互联网安全日,我们将举办一次活动,邀请全国家长教师联谊会和一些杰出的青少年管理员共同探讨讨论网络空间中的归属感和心理健康问题。我们希望通过这次对话,家长和教育工作者们能有机会听到青少年在 Discord 上建立社区、分享真实自我的经历。
","#Want to learn more about how Discord is creating a welcoming experience for teens on Discord? Check out our Safety Center and ConnectSafely’s parent’s guide to Discord.":"您是否希望进一步了解 Discord 如何为青少年创造友好的 Discord 体验?请查看我们的安全中心和 ConnectSafely 的 Discord 家长指南。","#“Discord is a place where teens can find belonging and community, and connect over shared interests and passions with friends and classmates. Through our collaboration with National PTA, we hope to foster an interactive dialogue between parents, educators, and teens about the role that Discord plays in their lives, and collaborate with them to create an even more welcoming and positive experience for teens on the service,” said Savannah Badalich, Director of Policy at Discord.":"“Discord 是一个让青少年找到归属感、加入社区的地方,在这里他们可以通过共同的兴趣爱好与朋友和同学建立联系。通过与全国家长教师联谊会的合作,我们希望在家长、教育工作者和青少年之间促成互动性的对话,探讨 Discord 在他们生活中扮演的角色,并与他们合作,为青少年创造出更友好、更正面的体验。”Discord 政策总监 Savannah Badalich 表示。","#Parents and educators are busy (like, really busy) folks! That’s why we want to do everything we can to make it as easy and seamless as possible for parents and educators to be in the know when it comes to our latest safety features and controls. This alliance will help us to do just that: meet parents and educators where they are so we can all work together to support teens to safely and responsibly harness the power of Discord.":"家长和教育工作者都很忙(真的非常忙)!所以我们希望让家长和教育工作者尽可能轻松、顺畅地了解到我们最新的安全功能和控制选项。这次合作恰恰能帮我们做到这一点:我们将走入到家长和教育工作者当中,与他们一起努力为青少年提供支持,让青少年能够安全、负责地掌握 Discord 的力量。","#\"PTA believes it is important for teens and caregivers to have open, ongoing conversations—especially around topics like social apps and technology. Discord is a popular platform for teens, and we want to meet teens where they are, while also advocating for safety features, education, and practices that give families peace of mind. We are happy to join forces with Discord to tackle these priorities as an expansion of our PTA Connected initiative,\" said Anna King, National PTA President.":"“全国家长教师联谊会认为,在青少年和看护人之间建立开放、持续的对话是非常重要的——尤其是在社交应用程序和技术等方面。Discord 是一个广受青少年欢迎的平台,我们希望走进青少年平时所处的环境,同时宣传让家庭放心的安全功能、教育宣传和行为实践。我们很高兴与 Discord 合作开展这项重要工作,这也是我们的 PTA Connected 项目的一部分。”全国家长教师联谊会主席 Anna King 说道。","#Teens and Parents and Educators on Discord Together":"青少年、家长和教育工作者共同探讨 Discord","#National PTA has been a partner to parents on digital parenting topics for over 5 years, exploring in-depth the issues that are on the minds of today’s families, and connecting parents with tools, research and support to make the best decisions for their children. It’s this dedication that makes us thrilled to join forces with National PTA, and engage families together specifically in the areas of online safety, security, equity, and access. Our collaboration with National PTA allows us to hear directly from parents, teachers, and students in their schools about how Discord impacts their lives. We hope to learn from you all to make our product, policies, and resources better, safer, and even more delightful.
":"过去 5 年多的时间里,全国家长教师联谊会与家长们合作,在数字教育领域共同深入探索当今家庭所关注的问题,并帮助家长们获取工具、研究成果和支持,让他们为孩子做出最好的决定。看到全国家长教师联谊会的无私付出,我们非常期待这次合作,并与广大家庭共同参与到网络安全、保护措施、公平公正、使用权利等重点领域中来。通过与全国家长教师联谊会的合作,我们将走进校园,直接听家长、教师和学生讲述 Discord 如何影响他们的生活。我们希望向大家学习,把我们的产品、政策和资源做得更好、更安全、更愉快。
","#In 2022 and beyond, Discord will work with National PTA to host teen and parent listening sessions around the country to hear what’s top of mind for families and educators. Whether that’s identifying ways to help close the digital divide, finding high-quality educational content, or figuring out moments for parents and teens to enjoy Discord together, we’ll be ready with the information and tools necessary to support parents, teachers, and teens.":"从 2022 年开始,Discord 将与全国家长教师联谊会合作,在全国各地举办青少年与家长交流会,聆听家庭和教育工作者最关心的问题。无论是寻找缩小数字鸿沟的方法、获取高质量的教育内容,还是探讨如何让家长和青少年共同享受 Discord,我们都将准备好必要的信息与工具,为家长、教师和青少年提供支持。","#Want to be part of the conversation? Join us on the PTA Server on Discord.
":"您是否希望加入对话?请到 Discord 的全国家长教师联谊会服务器加入我们。
","#We all know that the pandemic has forced us all to rethink old patterns and chart new paths. Teens, in particular, are turning to digital tools more than ever—from study groups to video chatting with grandma to joining communities dedicated to their favorite artist. And no one recognizes both the opportunity and potential pitfalls of increased online connection more than parents and teachers. A video at your fingertips to help review a tricky geometry proof? Great! Video chatting and creating with friends? Awesome! Drama and dinner table fights about screen time? No thanks.":"众所周知,疫情迫使我们重新审视旧的模式,开辟新的道路。尤其是青少年,如今他们比以往更多地使用数字工具——从学习小组,到与祖母视频聊天,再到加入自己喜欢的艺术家的粉丝社区。他们越来越多地在网络上与人建立连接,而家长和教师都非常清楚,这既带来了机会,也伴随着隐患。动动手指就能观看视频,帮忙复习困难的几何证明题?非常好!和朋友视频聊天,一起创作?太棒了!为了多一些看屏幕的时间而在餐桌上大吵大闹?这就不用了。","#PARENTS & EDUCATORS, JOIN US ON DISCORD!":"各位家长和教育工作者,快来 Discord 加入我们吧!","#Hey, everyone! I’m Liz Hegarty, our Teen Safety Policy Manager: I get to eat, sleep and imagine a place where teens can have a delightful experience on Discord all while ensuring our products and policies are created with the safety and well-being of our youngest users in mind.

Discord is committed to doing our part to create a healthier digital ecosystem for our youngest users, which is why today, we’re excited to announce our collaboration with National Parent Teachers Association (PTA) to help us make Discord even better for students, teachers, and educators.
":"大家好!我是青少年安全政策经理 Liz Hegarty。我的工作就是吃饭、睡觉,以及构想如何让青少年在 Discord 上获得愉快的体验,同时确保我们在开发产品、制订政策时充分考虑到年轻用户的安全和福利。

为了给我们的年轻用户创造更健康的数字生态系统,Discord 也会贡献自己的一份力量。因此,我们今天很高兴宣布与全国家长教师联谊会(PTA)达成合作,这将帮助我们为学生、教师和教育工作者把 Discord 做得更好。
","#I, for one, am so excited to continue to learn from the parents and teachers who have been on the frontlines supporting teens to make smart choices. Parents and educators, if you haven’t already, let this be your opportunity to create a Discord account and see what your teens have been talking about.":"许多家长和教师始终战斗在支持青少年做出明智选择的最前线,我个人也非常期待可以借这个机会继续向他们学习。各位家长和教育工作者,如果您还没有创建 Discord 账户,那么现在就是大好机会,快来看看您身边的青少年都在谈论些什么吧。","#Policy empowers Moderators to govern their communities on firm grounding and to know when to escalate issues to Discord. Moderators are always the leaders of their space, (thanks, mods!) and our Community Guidelines are a foundation for moderators to develop their own rules and govern their server. We’re here to help educate and support our moderators through initiatives such as the Discord Moderator Academy.":"政策为管理员们提供了坚实的基础,为社区管理赋能,并指导他们何时该将问题上报给 Discord。管理员永远是其空间的领导者(谢谢各位管理员!)。管理员可以在我们的《社区守则》基础上,制订自己的规则,并决定如何管理服务器。我们准备了 Discord 管理员学院等项目,为我们的管理员提供培训和支持。","#Last week, we announced updates to our Terms of Service, Paid Services Terms, Privacy Policy, and Community Guidelines, which go into effect March 27, 2023. In the updates to our Community Guidelines, we further clarified our policy on Dangerous and Regulated Goods, and introduced a new part of the guideline that required communities to apply an age-restricted label to any channels that contain the discussion of dangerous and regulated goods.":"上周,我们宣布更新了我们的《服务条款》《付费服务条款》《隐私权政策》,和《社区守则》,以上条款将于 2023 年 3 月 27 日生效。在此次对社区守则的更新中,我们进一步明确了有关“危险和受监管物品”的政策,同时还引入了新的规则,要求社区对含有关于危险和受监管物品讨论的任何频道均贴上年龄限制标签。","#We are always working behind the scenes to keep Discord safe, but we need your help too! Here are two safety checklists and another article listing common scams to brush up on your defenses—help us make these tips common knowledge for everyone!":"我们一直在后台努力确保 Discord 的安全,但我们也需要您的帮助!以下是两份安全检查表和一篇列出常见骗局的文章,有助于您加强自身防御。让我们共同将这些提示变成常识,让每个人都了解到这些!","#Students already use Discord to hang out with friends and study together, play games and form new clubs or societies, and even meet new people with unique and shared interests. We'd like to show you how Discord can help your students reconnect with their school routine and community while staying safe.":"有许多学生已经在使用 Discord 与朋友们共度时光、一同学习、玩游戏、组建新的俱乐部或社团,甚至还会认识具有独特共同兴趣的新朋友。我们想为您展示的是,Discord 如何在保障安全的前提下,帮助学生们重新适应他们的学校日常节奏与他们的社区。","#This is similar to the previous scheme in that usually it is, again, a trusted individual that DMs you. Sometimes it's in the form of a well-known bot or under the facade that they are an administrator for a server that you're active in. It may involve very genuine-looking links to websites as well. Like we said, if it's too good to be true, it likely is.":"与前一种情况相似,这种骗局也是由一个您信任的人给您发送私信。对方有时会伪装成一个众人熟悉的机器人,或者假扮成您所活跃的服务器的管理员。他们可能会向您提供看起来非常真实的网站链接。但是正如我们此前所说,如果有些事情好得不像真的,那么很有可能就是骗局。","#Personalized entrance sounds":"个性化入场音效","#Use custom sounds and personalized entrance sounds across voice channels.":"在语音频道使用自定义音效和个性化加入提示音。","#Age-restricted channels are exempt from the explicit image filter. Turning this filter on allows your server members to share content while reducing the risk of explicit images being posted in channels that are not age-restricted.":"成人频道不受到不雅图片过滤器的限制。启用过滤器功能后,可以使成员在分享内容的同时,避免将不雅图片发布到非成人频道中。","#If your teen encounters a violation of our Community Guidelines, such as harassment or inappropriate content, please file a report with details that you can gather. Our Trust & Safety team strives to ensure bad users don't disrupt your teen’s experience on Discord. We also provide a number of tools to ensure that teens (and everyone else) have control over their Discord experience.":"如果您的孩子遭遇了任何违反《社区守则》的行为,比如骚扰或者收到不适内容,请您尽可能地收集其中的细节并向我们举报。我们的信任与安全团队将竭尽全力确保您的孩子在 Discord 上避免遭恶意用户的骚扰,从而产生不好的体验。同时,我们也提供一些工具,用以确保青少年(以及所有用户)能够自行掌控 Discord 的使用体验。","#channel creation":"频道创建","#that will help you understand these basics. The following article exists under the assumption that you have a server already in existence, regardless of whether or not it is in actual usage yet.":"这将有助于您理解这些基础内容。下文的假定是您已经创建了一个服务器,无论其是否投入实际使用。","#Heads up! This guide will show you how to set up, integrate, and provide your patrons with exclusive Discord rewards via automated bot, putting less pressure on your shoulders as a creator. This article is not used for how to promote or improve your Patreon earnings. This article also assumes that you understand basic server settings like roles, channels, and permissions, as well as having a server already created. You can find helpful guides on":"请注意!本指南将向您介绍如何通过自动化机器人设置、整合,并为您的赞助者提供独家 Discord 奖励,从而减轻您作为创作者的压力。本文不用于推广或提高您的 Patreon 收入。此外,本文假定您已了解基本的服务器设置方式,如身份组、频道和权限,并且已经创建了服务器。您可以找到有关如下方面的有用指南,","#channel permissions":"频道权限","#Community Guidelines Updates":"《社区守则》更新","#Thanks for reading!":"感谢阅读!","#GET DISCORD FOR ANY DEVICE":"在任意设备上使用 Discord","#Feeling experimental?":"具有实验精神?","#macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or higher":"MacOS 10.13(High Sierra)或更高版本","#Download Public Test Build":"下载公开测试版","#An adventure awaits. Hang out with your friends on our desktop app and keep the conversation going on mobile.":"一次冒险之旅在等着你哟。在我们的桌面APP上和你的好友消遣娱乐,同时在移动设备上谈天说地吧。","#Try our Public Test Build and test new features before they launch.":"试试我们的公开测试版,在全新功能实装之前进行测试。","#Download for Linux":"Linux 版下载","#Download Discord to Talk, Chat, and Hang Out":"下载 Discord,一起聊天、玩耍、拉家常","#Open Discord in your browser":"在您的浏览器中打开 Discord","#Analysis: We consider firearms a “dangerous and regulated good” and do not allow any buying, selling, or trading of these goods on Discord. We would take action against the user under this policy and remove the link to the listing.
":"分析:我们认为枪支属于“危险和受监管的物品”,因此,我们禁止在 Discord 出现任何购买、销售或交易这类物品的行为。根据这一政策,我们将对违规用户采取措施并删除该商品列表的链接。
","#Situation: A server has a dedicated channel for users to buy and sell drug paraphernalia, such as smoking pipes and bongs, with one another.":"情境:服务器设置有专门的频道,供用户之间购买和出售吸毒用具,如烟斗和大麻烟枪。","#Yes! You can purchase a Nitro gift through the Nitro page on desktop or the Nitro Gifting tab within mobile under User Settings. Additionally, you can send a quick gift in a channel by selecting the gift icon on desktop or mobile. If someone sends you a gift, you can see what it looks like here. You can also buy Discord Nitro directly on Amazon.com (United States only).":"当然有!如果您使用的是桌面端,那么您可以在 Nitro 网页中购买 Nitro 礼品,如果您使用的是移动端,您可以点击“用户设置”下的“Nitro 礼品”页签购买礼品。除此之外,无论是桌面端或移动端,您都可以通过勾选礼品图标的方式在频道中快速送出礼品。如果收到他人送给您的礼品,您可以点击此处查看。您还可以直接通过 Amazon.com 购买 Discord Nitro 礼品。(仅限美国地区)","#How can I buy a Discord Nitro gift card on Amazon.com?":"如何在 Amazon.com 购买 Discord Nitro 礼品?","#Nitro gift cards on Amazon are a great way to gift Nitro to a friend, or have someone gift Nitro to you. Just click this link for a variety of Discord gift options, from 1 to 12-month Nitro subscriptions. Learn more about Discord gift cards on Amazon in this Help Center article.":"Amazon 提供的 Nitro 礼品卡是向好友赠送 Nitro 礼品或是从他人处接受馈赠的绝佳方式。请点击此处查看各种 Discord 礼品选项,包含 1 个月至 12 个月的Nitro 订阅。请通过此帮助中心文章了解更多关于在 Amazon 出售的 Discord 礼品卡的信息。","#Off-Platform Behaviors":"平台外行为","#How To Report Content To Discord":"如何向 Discord 举报内容","#What are Server Subscriptions? How to start thinking about what perks and benefits to offer, and what the revenue split is.":"什么是服务器订阅功能?如何形成特权与福利的设置思路并划分收入?","#In a community space you are able to let your fans create alongside you! Here's how to encourage co-creation within your Server.":"您可以通过社区让粉丝与您共同创作!本文将教您如何在服务器中鼓励共同创作。","#Congratulations on becoming a server admin! In our “Creator to Admin” series, we share tips and tricks on how to navigate your new role as a Server admin.":"恭喜您成为服务器管理员!我们的“从创作者到管理员”系列课程分享了驾驭服务器管理员这一新身份的方法与诀窍。","#How many tiers do you want to offer your subscribers? If you’re feeling stuck, this article can help you discover which approach may be best for you.":"您想为订阅者提供几个层级的服务?如果您正因此深感困惑,不知该采用哪种方式才最合适,那么您可以在本文中找到答案。","#As a community owner, you can leverage your content to fuel conversation and connection within your server, here's a couple ways to do it.":"作为社区的主人,您要充分发挥您的内容优势来推动服务器内用户的交流与联系,这里有几种不错的办法。","#Today we are going to share how Creators can make community manageable, and fit it into their existing content strategy.":"本文将为您讲解创作者如何轻松管理社区,以及如何将社区纳入他们已有的内容策略中。","#Considering creating a server on Discord? Today we will be sharing all of the resources to ensure you are set up for success.":"想在 Discord 创建服务器吗?本文将为您介绍所有可以助您通往成功之路的资源。","#As a creator, you are probably more familiar with building an audience. Here are biggest differences between an audience and a community.":"作为创作者,您可能对“建立受众群体”这一说法更为熟悉。本文列出了受众群体与社区两者之间的一部分明显区别。","#It’s time to promote your Server Subscription Learn the basics of Promo Pages and how to use them to get more paid subscriptions and awareness.":"是时候推广您的服务器订阅了!您需要了解推广页面的基础知识,学会利用它来吸引更多用户购买付费订阅服务,增加知名度。","#Today we will be reviewing a handful of topics to consider prior to embarking on your Server Subscriptions journey with Discord":"本文将介绍几个在您正式开启 Discord 服务器订阅功能之旅前需要考虑的问题。","#Are you a content creator? You can use Discord as a space to expand and explore new niches. Today we are going to discuss just that!":"您是内容创作者吗?您可以通过 Discord 来拓展和开发新的专长领域。本文便会针对这一话题展开讨论。","#Easy ways for creators to facilitate friendship between your fans.":"帮助创作者促进粉丝之间建立友谊的几种简单方法。","#Launching a server is an exciting moment for you and your fans. Here are a few ways creators can approach their server launch.":"对于您和您的粉丝来说,启动服务器的那一刻是无比激动人心的。这里介绍了几种方式,可以帮助创作者顺利启动服务器。","#Let’s review what Discord is and how creators are using it to turn their audience into a community.":"让我们一起来了解一下什么是 Discord,以及创作者如何利用 Discord 将受众转化为社区成员。","#In this article, we will talk about how to navigate your transition from server admin to paid server admin with ease.":"本文将讨论如何让您轻松实现从常规(免费)服务器管理员到付费服务器管理员的成功转型。","#Categories":"类别","#How Stability.ai Leveraged Discord for QA Feedback When Building an App":"Stability.ai 如何在创建应用程序时借助 Discord 进行质量反馈","#How Building a Discord App Unlocked New Community Growth for Picsart":"如何通过创建一个 Discord 应用程序为 Picsart 实现新的社区增长","#If you see any activity that violates these guidelines, our Terms of Service, or our other policies, please report it to us. You can learn more on how to report to us here. However, please note that we strongly discourage and may take action against vigilantism, as this behavior can put individuals in harm’s way and can also interfere with our investigations and ability to report to law enforcement.":"如果您发现有任何违反此类守则、我们的服务条款或我们的其他政策的行为,请向我们举报。您可以在此处进一步了解举报步骤。但提请您注意,我们极力反对并可能采取措施阻止自行惩治的行为,因为这种行为可能会危及个人安全,也可能会干扰我们的调查和妨碍我们向执法部门进行报告。","#Value":"价值","#How to Pitch":"如何参赛","#Representation":"代表性","#To be eligible to receive prizes, the developer submitting the App Pitch must be:":"具备领奖资格的 APP 作品开发者需满足以下要求:","#See more eligibility details in the terms":"更多有关获奖资格的详情请参见条款","#Eligibility Requirements":"资格要求","#Innovation":"创新性","#Prizes":"奖品","#Submit your best pitch to one (or more) of our official categories.":"请将您最棒的一个(或多个)作品提交至我们的官方类别下。","#Judges":"评审","#Wildcard":"无限制类","#For more information about the Data Privacy Framework principles and to view our certification, please visit the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Data Privacy Framework site.":"要进一步了解数据隐私框架原则,并查看我们的相关证书,请访问美国商务部的数据隐私框架网站。","#This menu lets you determine who can send your teen a friend request on Discord. You can access this setting by going into User Settings and selecting the Friend Requests section.":"您可以使用该菜单决定谁可以向您的孩子发送 Discord 好友请求。您可以进入用户设置,并选择好友请求部分,在其中进行相关设置。","#Eligibility":"参赛资格","#How to Enter":"参赛方式","#Identity of Entrant":"参赛者身份认证","#Class Action Waiver":"集体诉讼豁免","#Winner List; Rules Request":"获奖者列表;规则要求","#By participating in the Discord App Pitches (“Program”), you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (“Terms”).":"参加 Discord App 选拔赛(以下简称“项目”)即表示您同意遵守本参赛条款(以下简称“条款”)。","#NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE OR PAYMENT WILL NOT IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. UNLESS YOU ARE A RESIDENT OF FRANCE, GERMANY OR GREAT BRITAIN, THESE TERMS CONTAIN A CLASS ACTION WAIVER.":"参加本项目或在本项目中获奖不需要进行任何购买或支付款项。进行购买或支付款项不会提高获奖的概率。本项目在受禁地区无效。以下条款包含集体诉讼豁免,法国、德国或英国居民除外。","#Important: Please read these terms and conditions before submitting your entry.":"重要提示:在提交您的参赛作品之前,请先仔细阅读本参赛条款。","#Disputes":"争议","#Employees or agents of Discord Inc. (“Discord”) and its affiliates or business partners involved in the provision of the Program, including the judges (collectively, “Discord Parties”), and the members of their immediate families (i.e. parents, children, siblings or spouse), colleagues of, or those persons living in the same household of such individuals, are ineligible to enter or win.":"参与制定本项目的 Discord Inc.(以下简称“Discord”)及其关联方或业务合作伙伴的员工或代理方,包括评委(统称为“Discord 方”),及此类人员的直系亲属(即父母、子女、兄弟姐妹或配偶)、同事或与此类人员居住在同一家庭者,均无参赛或获奖资格。","#a. Apps/App Pitches may only be submitted once. If an app is submitted more than once, only the first Submission will be considered.":"a. 同一 APP/APP 作品只能提交一次。如果同一 APP 提交了一次以上,则仅限首次提交的作品视为参赛作品。","#f. You agree that, to the extent that your Submission depicts any individual or features the voice or other qualities of any individual, you are the individual pictured, heard, or otherwise featured in the Submission, or, alternatively, that you have obtained written permission from each person appearing in the entry to grant the rights to Discord described in these Terms and Conditions, and will make written copies of such permissions available to Discord upon request.":"f. 您同意:如果您的参赛作品中描绘了任何个人或具有任何个人声音或其他特征的内容,则您本人即是参赛作品中所描绘、发声或以其他方式展现的个人,或者您已获得参赛作品中出现的所有人的书面许可,用于授予 Discord 本参赛条款中所述的权利,且您将根据要求向 Discord 提供此类许可的书面副本。","#Intellectual Property Notice":"知识产权通知","#Uncontrollable Events":"不可控制事件","#as of the date of entry, are either (A) eighteen (18) years of age or older, or (B) thirteen (13) years of age or older and submit parental consent to Discord in accordance with Discord’s requirements; and":"参与项目当日(A)已年满十八(18)周岁,或(B)已年满十三(13)周岁并按照 Discord 的要求向 Discord 提交家长许可;以及","#General Conditions":"通用条款","#Your personal and eligibility information, and if applicable, all such required information for any group members;":"您的个人信息和资格信息,以及所有团队成员(如有)所需的全部此类信息;","#e. Your Submission must not: (i) violate any applicable law or regulation; (ii) violate any third-party rights, including copyrights, trademark rights, moral rights, or rights of privacy and publicity; (iii) contain disparaging or defamatory statements; (iv) include threats to any person, place, business, or group; (v) be obscene, offensive, or indecent; (vi) depict any risky behavior; (vii) contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; and/or (viii) contain unauthorized third-party trademarks or logos.":"e. 参赛作品不得:(i)违反任何适用法律或法规;(ii)侵犯任何第三方的权利,包括版权、商标权、人身权、隐私权与宣传权;(iii)包含贬低或诽谤的陈述内容;(iv)包含对任何个人、地点、企业或团体的威胁;(v)包含淫秽、冒犯性或不雅内容;(vi)包含描绘任何危险行为的内容;(vii)含有煽动对任何团体或个人的偏见、种族主义、仇恨或伤害,或宣扬基于种族、性别、宗教、国籍、残疾、性取向或年龄的歧视的内容;和/或(viii)包含未经授权的第三方商标或标志。","#Limitation of Liability":"责任限制","#License to Submission":"参赛作品许可","#Program Period":"项目时间","#Submission Guidelines and Restrictions":"参赛作品指导原则与限制","#Privacy Notice":"隐私声明","#not (1) a legal resident of the Canadian province of Quebec, Italy, Brazil, or (2) a resident or national in any country subject to OFAC trade sanctions or regulations, as described here: https://ofac.treasury.gov/sanctions-programs-and-country-information;":"(1)非加拿大魁北克省、意大利或巴西的法定居民,且(2)不属于受美国外国资产管制处(OFAC)贸易制裁或法规约束的任何国家的居民或国民,详见链接:https://ofac.treasury.gov/sanctions-programs-and-country-information;","#A summary of your experience developing apps and related materials;":"您对于开发 APP 的经验概述与相关材料;","#c. Your Submission and all related materials must be submitted in English.":"c. 参赛作品以及相关材料必须使用英语提交。","#g. Your Discord account(s) and each member of your team’s Discord account(s), must be in good standing with Discord.":"g. 您和您团队成员的 Discord 账户必须保持信誉状态良好。","#Subject to the additional restrictions below, you may enter the Program if you are:":"根据下列附加限制,符合条件者即可参与项目:","#h. You, and if applicable any member of your team, will not do anything, or become involved in any situation, that might reflect unfavorably on the Discord’s reputation or products.":"h. 您和您团队的任何成员(如有)不得从事或参与任何可能对 Discord 的信誉或产品产生不利影响的活动。","#Discord App Pitches Program Terms and Conditions":"Discord APP 选拔赛项目参赛条款","#PLEASE ALSO SEE OUR PRIVACY NOTICE POSTED BELOW THE TERMS":"请同时参阅本条款下方的隐私声明","#i. Your Submission must:":"i. 参赛作品必须:","#Have an account in good standing (as well as any team members’ accounts), as described in these Terms.":"拥有个人账户(以及所有团队成员的账户)信誉状态良好,如以下条款所述。","#Information about your app, such as a 2-3 sentence “elevator pitch” for your app, along with information about your app; and":"有关您的 APP 的信息,例如两到三句话的简要推荐语和相关信息;以及","#You may submit as many Submissions as you’d like. There is no limit on the number of Submissions you may submit.":"您可以提交任意数量的参赛作品。本项目没有限制单人可以提交的作品数量。","#b. Your Submission must not supply untruthful, incomplete, inaccurate or misleading information, and must be responsive to the Program theme.":"b. 参赛作品不得提供不真实、不完整、不准确或具误导性的信息,而且必须符合项目的主题。","#not use prefix commands; and":"不使用前缀命令;并","#include the following features:":"具有以下特征:","#Contains valid terms of service and privacy policy":"包含有效的服务条款和隐私政策","#Discord reserves the right to award additional prizes in its sole discretion or fewer prizes if it does not receive enough suitable entries.":"Discord 有权自行决定增加或减少(如果没有收到足够的参赛作品)奖金的额度。","#Participation in the Program is voluntary but we require some personal information from you to enter you into the Program, and you cannot win a prize unless we may disclose your name and country to third parties where required by applicable laws.":"虽然您是自愿参加本项目的,但我们需要您提供一些个人信息才能将您纳入本项目,您可以获奖的前提是我方根据适用法律的要求向第三方披露您的姓名和国籍。","#If you participate in Program, we, Discord Inc., 444 De Haro Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94107, collect the personal information that you submit with your entry into the Program. This personal information may include your name, submission, and photo. We use it for the purposes of administering the Program in accordance with its Terms and Conditions, and exercising or discharging Discord’s rights and obligations under applicable law. We disclose personal information to our service providers in the U.S. who process it only on our behalf and are subject to confidentiality agreements and other appropriate data protection measures. For additional information about how we protect and use personal information, your privacy rights, and our representatives in certain jurisdictions, please see our privacy policy at http://www.discord.com/privacy/.":"如果您参与了本项目,则我方 Discord Inc.(地址位于 444 De Haro Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94107)将收集您在参加本项目时提交的个人信息。这些个人信息可能包括您的姓名、参赛作品和照片。我们将根据参赛条款对其进行管理,并根据适用的法律行使或履行 Discord 的权利与义务。我方会向我们在美国的服务提供商披露个人信息,这些服务提供商仅代表我方处理这些信息,并遵守保密协议和其他适当的数据保护措施。有关我们如何保护和使用个人信息、您的隐私权以及我们在某些司法管辖区代表的更多信息,请前往以下网址参阅我们的隐私政策http://www.discord.com/privacy/。","#This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. Any Claim must be brought in the respective party’s individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class, collective, representative, multiple plaintiff, or similar proceeding (“Class Action”). The parties expressly waive any ability to maintain any Class Action in any forum. Any claim that all or part of this Class Action Waiver is unenforceable, unconscionable, void, or voidable may be determined only by a court of competent jurisdiction. If for any reason a Claim proceeds in court, you and Discord each waive any right to a jury trial.":"如果您是法国、德国或英国的居民,则本节对您不适用。任何索赔必须以各自当事人的个人身份提出,不得以任何所谓的集体、集合、代表、多名原告或类似诉讼中的原告或集体成员(以下简称为“集体诉讼”)提出。双方明确放弃在任何法庭保留任何集体诉讼的能力。声称任何本集体诉讼豁免条款的全部或部分不可执行、不合理、无效或可撤销的主张,仅可由具有管辖权的法院裁定。如果由于任何原因导致索赔登上法庭,则您和 Discord 各自放弃任何陪审团审判的权利。","#In the event the operation or integrity of the Program is compromised by an event beyond Discord’s reasonable control and which were unforeseeable before the Program began, Discord may suspend, modify or terminate the Program.":"如果项目的运行或完整性受到超出 Discord 合理控制范围的事件的损害,并且该事件在项目开始之前是不可预见的,则 Discord 可以暂停、修改或终止项目。","#meet or be on track to meet App Directory inclusion requirements available https://support-dev.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/8852009977879;":"满足或将满足 App 目录的收录要求,请参阅 https://support-dev.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/8852009977879;","#j. You are responsible for all of your own expenses associated with participating in the Program.":"j. 参与本项目的所有相关费用由您自行承担。","#Certain U.S. and British laws require us to publish or disclose the names (and in some cases countries) of winners to third parties that request this information from us. These laws are intended to ensure that we run the Program fairly and in compliance with applicable laws. If you are selected as a potential winner of the Program, a condition of claiming a prize and becoming a winner of the Program is that we may disclose your name and country for this purpose. This is a necessary part of our contract with you when you accept a prize to win the Program because our contract requires us to comply with the laws that apply to us and applicable laws require us to make these disclosures. Under the GDPR, the lawful basis for this disclosure is to perform our contract with you to run the Program in accordance with applicable laws, or else to advance our legitimate interests in running a Program that complies with applicable laws. Discord retains personal information submitted during the Program for as long as necessary to administer the Event and comply with applicable laws. You can contact support@discordapp.com for more information.":"根据部分美国和英国的法律要求,我们需向要求我们提供此类信息的第三方公布或披露获奖者的姓名(在某些情况下还有国籍)。这些法律旨在确保我方遵守适用的法律要求,公平地运行本项目。如果您获选为该项目的潜在获奖者,那么您领取奖品并成为该项目获奖者的前提是我方可能会为此披露您的姓名与国籍。当您接受奖品、获得项目奖项时,就要意识到这是我方与您签订合同的必要部分,因为合同要求我方必须遵守适用于我们的法律,而适用的法律要求我们披露此类信息。根据《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)要求,此披露的合法依据是,履行我方与您签订的合同,按照适用的法律运行本项目,或者通过运行符合适用法律的项目来促进我方保证合法利益。为了管理活动并遵守适用的法律,Discord 将保留在活动期间提交的个人信息。您可以联系以下邮箱了解更多信息:support@discordapp.com。","#By entering the Program and providing a Submission, you hereby grant to Discord a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, nonexclusive license to reproduce, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise use your Submission in connection with administering the Program, and to freely sublicense these rights. Discord will have no obligation to publish or use or retain any Submission you submit or to return any such Submission to you. You agree that it is your sole responsibility to obtain all permissions and releases necessary for the grant of the rights contained in this paragraph. You agree to take, at Discord’s expense, any further action (including execution of affidavits, tax forms, and other documents) reasonably requested by Discord to effect, perfect or confirm Discord’s rights as set forth above in this paragraph. You will not be entitled to compensation for any use by Discord, or its agents, licensees or assignees, of your Submission. You recognize that Discord may in the future develop or purchase products or services related to or similar to the subject matter of your Submission(s). Accordingly, Discord may use Residuals for any purpose, including use in the acquisition, development, manufacture, promotion, sale, or maintenance of products and services; provided that this right to Residuals does not represent a license under any intellectual property and/or proprietary rights of Developer. The term “Residuals” means information that is retained in the unaided memories of Discord’s employees or contractors as permitted herein who have had access to your Submission(s). Memory is unaided if the employee or contractor has not intentionally memorized the information for the purpose of retaining and subsequently using or disclosing it.":"参与项目并提交参赛作品,即表示您特此授予 Discord 永久、不可撤销、免版税、全球的非排他性许可,同意 Discord 以复制、展示、执行、分发和其他方式在管理项目的范畴内使用您的参赛作品,并有权将上述权益转授他人。Discord 没有义务发布、使用或保留您提交的任何参赛作品,也没有义务向您返还任何参赛作品。您同意,由您全权负责获得本段所述权利所需的所有许可和免责。您同意按 Discord 的合理要求采取任何后续行动(包括执行宣誓书要求、填写税务表格和其他文件),以实现、完善或确认本段所述的 Discord 权利,费用由 Discord 承担。您无权因 Discord 或其代理、被授权方或受让方使用您的参赛作品而获得补偿。您了解,Discord 将来可能会开发或购买与您的参赛作品相关或类似的产品或服务。因此,Discord 可出于任何目的使用剩余内容,包括用于产品和服务的获取、开发、制造、推广、销售或维护;前提是该剩余内容对应的权利不代表开发者的任何知识产权和/或专有权利下的许可。术语“剩余内容”是指可以访问您参赛作品的 Discord 员工或承包商的独立记忆中保留的信息。如果雇员或承包商并非为了保留和后续使用、披露信息而有意记忆信息,则此类记忆视为独立记忆。","#There are laws in the jurisdictions where we are running this Program that require us to disclose the personal information of Program entrants and winners to government entities so that they can ensure that we are running this Program fairly and in compliance with applicable consumer protection, marketing and other laws. If a government entity requests these details, we will provide them to the government entity. Under the GDPR, the lawful basis for this disclosure is to advance our legitimate interests in running an Event that complies with applicable laws.":"根据我们开展本项目所在的司法管辖区的法律要求,我们会向政府机构披露项目参与者与获奖者的个人信息,以便政府机构确保我方开展项目的公平性,并遵守适用的消费者保护、营销和其他法律。如果政府实体要求提供此类详细信息,我们会按要求提供给政府实体。根据《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)要求,此披露的合法依据是,促进我方在符合适用法律的情况下确保举办活动的合法利益。","#No age gated content in the App":"APP 内不含年龄分级的内容","#Lastly, each winner will receive at least one (1) video consultation with one or more members of the Discord’s Developer Relations team within two (2) months after the winners are announced, subject to each Discord and the winner(s) mutual availability. For clarity, if there is not a time which works for both Discord and each winner(s), this consultation will not take place.":"最后,每位获奖者都能获得与 Discord 进行视频交流的机会,可与一名或多名 Discord 开发者关系团队的成员交流至少一(1)次,该机会必须在奖项通知后的两(2)个月内使用,具体时间取决于双方的档期。为清楚起见,如果 Discord 方与获奖者没有共同的可用档期,则该咨询交流会将会取消。","#Discord’s failure to enforce any term of these Terms and Conditions will not constitute a waiver of that provision. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that any such provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, these rules shall be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or unenforceable provision was not contained therein. The use of the terms “include” or “including” in these Terms and Conditions is illustrative and not limiting.":"若 Discord 未能执行本参赛条款的任何条款,均不构成放弃本条款。本规则中任何条款的无效性或不可执行性不影响任何其他条款的有效性或可执行性。如果任何此类条款被确定为无效或无法执行,则本规则应按照其条款进行解释,按照该无效或无法执行的条款未包含在本规则中的情况进行。在本参赛条款中,术语“包括”或“包含”起说明作用,不做任何限制。","#Winners are solely responsible for any taxes or reporting obligations resulting from the prizes. Prizes are not transferable. No substitutions or exchanges of any prize will be permitted.":"获奖者需自行完成所有因获奖而产生的报税义务。奖金不可转让,也不得进行替换或交换。","#August 18th 2020":"2020 年 8 月 18 日","#August 20th 2017":"2017 年 8 月 20 日","#July 1st 2020":"2020 年 7 月 1 日","#Policy in action":"现行政策","#Platform Integrity":"平台完整性","#With 55% faster app open time on Android, 43% on iOS, Discord mobile goes vroom. For the serious chatters out there, you can access up to 700 recent messages offline. We've also reduced the crash rate on Android from 0.49% to 0.26% this year. *pats self on back*":"Discord APP 启动时间在安卓系统上提速 55%,在 iOS 系统上提速 43%。此外还有聊天爱好者的福音——用户可以离线访问最多 700 条最近消息。今年,我们还将安卓的闪退率从 0.49% 降低到了 0.26%。*给自己点赞.jpg*","#Feeling lost in the vast and mysterious digital realms? The path to a safer online experience has never been more clear. Get your own digital wellness tarot reading for wise insights counsel on becoming a more empowered digital citizen.":"在无边无际、充满未知的数字海洋中遨游,您是否会感到迷茫?通往安全冲浪的道路前所未有的清晰,来试试专属数字健康塔罗牌,获得解读及建议,成为合格的数字公民。","#Access exclusive content and invest in the communities you love by purchasing Server Subscriptions, Downloadables, and Premium Roles all in one place!
!","#Use the Soundboard to set entrance sounds for when you join voice channels. Should we make a *sad trombone* noise the default entrance sound?":"使用“音板”设置加入语音频道的音效。你说,要不要把*悲伤的长号声*设置成我们的默认音效?","#Our new Teen Safety Assist will include two new safety features to help protect teens from unwanted DMs and sensitive media. Stay tuned for the latest on our Safety News Hub. ":"新版的青少年安全辅助包含两大新安全功能,保护青少年免受私信骚扰或敏感内容的侵袭。详情请关注 Discord 安全资讯中心更新。","#Servers in the US can sell downloadable digital options like stickers and PDFs or exclusive channel access without requiring a subscription.":"设立于美国的服务器可以出售可供下载的数字产品,例如贴纸、PDF 文件和独家频道权限,无需订阅。","#Community Safety Tools":"社区安全工具","#Quickly turn images into memes by drawing, adding text, or throwing on some stickers or emoji. Now available on all mobile devices. Maybe you too will be a famous meme one day.":"您可以使用 Remix 涂鸦、配文、添加贴纸或表情符号,快速将一张图片变成表情包。目前,所有移动设备均可使用该功能。一切皆有可能,说不定下个爆款表情包的主人公就是您!","#Feeling lost in the vast and mysterious digital realms? The path to a safer online experience has never been more clear. Get your own digital wellness tarot reading for wise insights and counsel on becoming a more empowered digital citizen.":"在无边无际、充满未知的数字海洋中遨游,您是否会感到迷茫?通往安全冲浪的道路前所未有的清晰,来试试专属数字健康塔罗牌,获得解读及建议,成为合格的数字公民。","#New Profile Effects":"全新个人资料特效","#Reporting a User Profile":"举报用户个人资料","#Select the specific elements of the profile you are reporting - you can report multiple aspects of a profile at once
","#Reporting a Message":"举报消息","#Select the User Profile you wish to report by clicking on the three dot menu":"点击三点菜单,选择您想举报的用户个人资料。","#Select “Report User Profile”":"选择“举报用户个人资料”","#4. Select the type of abuse you're seeing
":"4. 选择您看到的恶语类型
","#Coming Soon: Clips":"即将推出:Clips","#We’re rolling out a new experience that gives more transparency and reasons into Discord interventions for when folks break the rules. Go check out more about it at the Safety News Hub ":"我们计划打造新体验,提高透明度,进一步公开对于违规行为的干预处置及原因。详情请关注 Discord 安全资讯中心。","#New Ways to Play & Hang":"娱乐互动新方式","#A Safer Experience":"更安全的体验","#Show more":"显示更多","#Rebuilt Search Experience":"重塑搜索体验","#Customize Your Experience":"定制您的体验","#New & Improved Mobile App":"全新升级的移动端 APP","#New Voice & Video UI":"全新语音和视频 UI","#Fall Release":"秋季发布","#The You Tab will be your dedicated space to express yourself and customize how you show up to others on Discord.":"“我的”页签将是您展示自我的专属空间,您可以进行个性化定制,展示一个 Discord 上的自己。","#More Mobile":"移动端体验升级","#Discord and its U.S. entities/subsidiaries (Backgammon Merger Sub II, LLC, Brazos Games, LLC, Discord International, Inc, Flames Sub LLC, and Sentropy Technologies Inc.) also comply with the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Frameworks, as well as the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework. If you have questions or complaints regarding our compliance with the Data Privacy Framework principles, please reach out to us at privacy@discord.com. If we do not resolve your complaint, you may submit your complaint free of charge to JAMS. Under certain conditions specified by the Data Privacy Framework principles, you may also be able to invoke binding arbitration to resolve your complaint. We are subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. In certain circumstances, we may be liable for the transfer of personal data from the EU, Switzerland, or the UK to a third party outside those countries.":"此外,Discord 及其美国实体/附属公司(Backgammon Merger Sub II, LLC,Brazos Games, LLC,Discord International, Inc,Flames Sub LLC 和 Sentropy Technologies Inc.)还遵守欧盟-美国和瑞士-美国数据隐私框架,以及欧盟-美国数据隐私框架的英国补充条款。如果您对我们的数据隐私框架原则合规情况有任何疑问或不满,请发送邮件至 privacy@discord.com 联系我们。如果我方无法解决,您可以向 JAMS 免费提交投诉。在数据隐私框架原则的特定条件下,您也可以援引具有法律约束力的仲裁进行争议解决。我们受美国联邦贸易委员会(U.S. Federal Trade Commission)调查和执法权的约束。在特定情况下,我们可能会对从欧盟、瑞士或英国向这些国家/地区以外的第三方个人数据传输和转移承担责任。","#We’ve opened a brand new in-app Shop! It’s full of fun items to customize how you show up on Discord like cool new avatar decorations and profile effects to make your profile your own. Nitro members get early access to the Shop and special member pricing.":"我们推出了全新的 APP 内商店!商店中各种趣味好物——时髦的头像装饰和个人资料效果,让您能够在 Discord 上定制个人形象、展现个人风采。Nitro 订阅用户可以抢先体验商店,还可享受会员特价。","#From cherry blossoms to fairy lights, pick from eight new animated effects to make your profile stand out like never before.":"樱花、小彩灯等八种全新动画效果供您挑选,让您的个人资料更加引人注目。","#HYPE VIDEO INCOMING":"火热视频来袭","#Once you spot the decoration of your dreams, you can purchase it for keeps and it’ll stay on your account. With Nitro, you not only get a sweet member discount, but also get access to 3 bonus decorations to add right away!":"找到您的梦中情框后,点击购买即可永久保存到账户中。Nitro 订阅用户不仅可以获取给力折扣,还可以免费领取三款装饰。","#As a Nitro member you can now personalize your mobile and desktop apps with a custom Discord icon. Choose from 19 fresh new styles, including tactical, pastel, prismatic waves and galactic chrome.":"Nitro 订阅用户可在移动设备和电脑端上自定义 APP 图标,战术、淡雅、光谱波浪和银河铬等 19 种崭新风格可供挑选。","#Coming soon: Nitro members get early access to cool new perks like Clips, which lets you capture then share your favorite gaming moments on Discord.":"即将推出:Nitro 订阅用户能够抢鲜体验新特权,试试用 Clips 在 Discord 上截取您最爱的精彩时刻分享吧!更多特权,等您发现。","#WOO YOU READ IT ALL!":"哇,全都看完了!","#Gone are the days of mobile notifications messes. We’re making notifications actionable and they’ll also *poof* auto-clear as you read them.":"移动终端通知轰炸的日子一去不复返了。通知可操作,并且在被阅读之后会自动清除,真是令人长舒一口气。","#Now let's go back to hanging out":"现在回到 Discord,和朋友们继续畅聊吧","#Say more with voice messages. If you have too many thoughts to type out, or your joke just won’t land the same over text, we get it. Just tap, hold to record, and release to send a voice message in the mobile app.":"发送语音消息尽情表达。想说的话太多,打字太麻烦?笑话打出来就不好笑了?那就动动您的手指尖,在移动设备 APP 上长按录音,松开发送语音消息吧。","#One of the most requested features is finally here! Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One players can now stream to Discord. Kick back and enjoy your friend’s stream on your PC or mobile device.":"大家呼声最高的功能之一终于来啦!Xbox Series X|S 和 Xbox One 玩家现在可以将游戏流式传输到 Discord。这意味着,您只需使用个人电脑或移动设备,就可以轻松观看朋友的游戏直播了。","#Building Safer Spaces":"打造更安全的空间","#Discord
Fall Release":"Discord
秋季发布","#What’s new from your favorite hangout place":"您的网上乐园有哪些新变化呢?","#Parent hub":"家长中心","#Policy Hub":"政策中心","#Keep an eye out for premium versions of your favorite apps showing up on Discord as developers can now offer the best versions of their apps through Premium App Subscriptions.":"开发者现在可以通过高级 APP 订阅功能为 APP 提供更高级的版本,您喜爱的 APP 也许就会推出高级版本,敬请在 Discord 上关注。","#Server admins and moderators do incredible work. We’re committed to supporting them with tools to prevent and manage disruptive events like raids and DM spam.":"服务器管理员的工作非常了不起,而我们致力于通过工具为管理员们提供支持,以预防和应对如网暴和垃圾信息等破坏性事件。","#Our new Teen Safety Assist will include two new safety features to help protect teens from unwanted DMs and sensitive media. Stay tuned for the latest on our Safety News Hub":"新版的青少年安全辅助包含两大新安全功能,保护青少年免受私信骚扰或敏感内容的侵袭。详情请关注 Discord 安全资讯中心更新。","#Warning System":"警报系统","#Generate images and video from text with Midjourney, Pikalabs, StabilityAI, & Hugging Face directly in Discord. We’ve got more ways to hangout with friends thanks to Memrise, Cappuccino, Hidden Door, and Pi Party.
":"直接在 Discord 使用 MidjourneyPikalabsStabilityAIHugging Face,通过文本生成为图片和视频。或是通过 MemriseCappuccinoHidden DoorPi Party 与朋友互动。
","#We’re rolling out a new experience that gives more transparency and reasons into Discord interventions for when folks break the rules. Go check out more about it at the Safety News Hub":"我们计划打造新体验,提高透明度,进一步公开对于违规行为的干预处置及原因。详情请关注 Discord 安全资讯中心。","#We are making Dark theme even darker and introducing the new Midnight theme, which is pure black and saves battery while going easy on your eyes.
":"在暗黑主题的道路上越走越远,现推出新增的午夜主题,纯黑色省电又护眼。","#Coming Soon: Level up your search game with our rebuilt search experience on mobile. Easily find people, media, links, and all your past DMs in a flash.":"即将推出:利用全新打造的移动端搜索体验,让您的搜索变得更加高效。无论是人物、媒体资料、链接还是您的所有私信记录,转瞬之间皆可掌握。","#Clips":"剪辑片段","#Coming Soon: We’re updating UI and interactions for voice and video calls on mobile to make the space more cozy for you and your friends.":"即将推出:我们将升级语音和视频通话在移动终端上的 UI 和互动,让您和朋友感觉更加舒适。","#Discord Policy Hub":"Discord 政策中心","#DISCORD POLICY HUB":"DISCORD 政策中心","#Stream to Discord from Xbox":"Xbox 直播","#See Your Discord Destiny":"看见您的 Discord 命运","#IT KEEPS GOING!":"还有更多","#SUPER UNLIMITED":"无限“超级”","#SERVER SHOP":"服务器商店","#CHECK OUT THESE AI POWERED APPS":"AI 赋能 APP 亮相","#Call it the You Tab":"页签","#Meme more with Remix":"使用 Remix 制作表情包","#Embeds Be Better":"嵌入内容体验优化","#So Fast, So Smooth":"快速流畅的丝滑体验","#AND THERE’S MORE TO COME":"不止于此","#Updated Themes on Mobile":"移动端新增主题","#Oh So Premium Apps":"高级 APP","#Avatar Decorations Galore":"丰富多彩的头像装饰","#SERVER PRODUCTS":"服务器产品","#Love a server’s emoji but don’t want to join the server? Well, well, well, Nitro members can save and use up to 100 emoji packs without having to join a server. So there’s that.":"喜欢某个表情符号,但不想加入相应的服务器?好吧,满足您! Nitro 订阅用户不需要加入服务器,也可以保存和使用表情包,上限为 100 张。","#Icons on Mobile and Desktop":"移动端和桌面端图标","#Use the Soundboard to set entrance sounds for when you join voice channels. Should we make *sad trombone* noise the default entrance sound?":"使用“音板”设置加入语音频道的音效。你说,要不要把*悲伤的长号声*设置成我们的默认音效?","#MAKE AN ENTRANCE":"加入提示音","#Special Profile Effects":"个人资料特效","#Server Safety Tools":"服务器安全工具","#Launch the App":"启动 APP","#Hello Voice Messages":"引入语音消息","#Welcome to the Shop":"欢迎来到商店","#But wait there’s more! Here’s a bunch of other updates we’ve made so talking and having fun with friends on Discord is even better.":"为了进一步优化您和好友的聊天和娱乐体验,我们还做了一系列的更新。","#Access exclusive content and invest in the communities you love by purchasing Server Subscriptions, Downloadables, and Premium Roles—all in one place.":"在这里,您可以获取独家内容,为自己喜爱的社区添砖加瓦。服务器订阅、可下载内容和高级身份组都可以在服务器商店购买!","#Custom App Icons":"自定义 APP 图标","#Servers in the US can sell downloadable digital options like stickers and PDFs or exclusive channel access—without requiring a subscription.":"设立于美国的服务器可以出售可供下载的数字产品,例如贴纸、PDF 文件和独家频道权限,无需订阅。","#We made Super Reactions unlimited so Nitro members can bring unlimited chaos and fun to their servers.":"Nitro 订阅用户可无限量使用超级反应,为服务器带来加倍的胡搞与欢乐!","#We’re not done yet.":"未来无限可能。","#See more":"查看更多","#MORE UPDATES COMING SOON.":"更多精彩,敬请期待。","#We’re giving our icons a refresh and adding a ton of new ones including animated icons.":"我们的图标即将焕然一新,添加更多新样式,包括动画图标。","#Why waste time scrolling through every setting to find what you're looking for when you could simply type in the new search bar instead. Now you can waste time in other places.":"何必浪费时间拉动滚条,逐个寻找您需要的设置呢。现在,只需要在搜索栏打字就可以了。用节省下来的时间享受 Discord 吧。","#Search Your Settings":"搜索设置选项","#More Emoji Please":"更多表情符号","#Teen Safety Assist":"青少年安全辅助","#Improved Notifications Tab":"通知页签优化","#Running a server can be a lot and we’re committed to supporting admins and moderators with tools to prevent disruptive events like raids and DM spam. In the chance that they do, you’ll be equipped with the right tools to make managing them easier.":"运营服务器是一项艰巨的任务,而我们致力于通过工具为管理员们提供更多支持,以应对如骚扰或垃圾信息的侵扰。我们希望为管理员们提供合适的工具,更加方便地管理服务器。","#CUSTOMIZE YOUR EXPERIENCE":"定制您的体验","#NEW & IMPROVED MOBILE EXPERIENCE":"全新升级的移动端体验","#New & Improved Mobile Experience":"全新升级的移动端体验","#Here’s how:":"措施如下:","#Discord Support Abuse":"滥用 Discord 支持","#Unauthorized Copyright Access":"未经授权的版权使用","#It starts with a DM - Users who break the rules will receive an in-app message directly from Discord letting them know they received either a warning or a violation, based on the severity of what happened and whether or not Discord has taken action.":"首先是私信。 Discord 会在 APP 内直接向违规用户发送私信,根据事态严重程度以及 Discord 是否采取行动,通知用户其行为是受到警告还是已启动违规处罚。","#Sensitive media":"敏感媒体内容","#At any time, you can further configure personal settings to blur or block content in DMs that may be sensitive. The “blur” option in our sensitive content filters applies to all historic and new media. For teen users, by default, Discord will blur media that may be sensitive in direct messages (DMs) and group direct messages (GDMs) from friends, as well as in servers. Adults can opt into these filters by changing their sensitive media preferences in Privacy & Safety Settings. Learn more about how to do this here. For all users, the default configuration is “block” for direct messages (DMs) and group direct messages (GDMs) from non-friends.":"您可以随时更改个人设置,模糊或屏蔽私信中可能存在的敏感内容。敏感内容过滤器中的“模糊”选项开启后,将应用于所有历史和新增媒体内容。对于青少年用户,Discord 将默认模糊朋友发送的私信和群聊消息以及服务器中可能存在的敏感媒体内容。成年用户可在隐私与安全设置中更改敏感媒体偏好,开启该过滤器。这里可以了解更多相关操作。所有用户的设置均默认开启对来自非好友的私信和群聊消息的“屏蔽”功能。","#You can toggle off the \"Allow direct messages from server members\" setting to block DMs from users in a server who aren’t on your friends list. When you toggle this setting off, you will be prompted to choose if you would like to apply this change to all of your existing servers. If you click \"No,\" you’ll need to adjust your DM settings individually for each server that you have joined prior to toggling this setting off.":"您可以关闭“允许接收服务器成员私信”的设置,阻止服务器中您好友列表以外的用户向您发送私信。关闭此设置后,系统会提示您选择是否将此更改应用到您加入的所有服务器中。如果您选择“否”,则需要逐个调整您此前加入的每一个服务器中的私信设置。","#We know it’s important for users to understand what controls they have over their experience on Discord and how to be safer. Part of delivering a better, safer experience is making sure people don’t see content they don’t want to – whether that’s intrusive spam or unwanted sensitive media. This article covers settings that can help reduce the amount of unwanted content you see on Discord and promote a safer environment for everyone.":"我们深知让用户了解如何掌控他们的 Discord 使用体验并保障账户安全的重要性。确保用户能够避开不希望看到的内容(无论是骚扰信息还是敏感媒体内容),也是更好更安全的使用体验的一部分。本文将为您介绍一些设置,帮助您避免在 Discord 上浏览到不想看的内容,为所有人营造一个更安全的环境。","#To change this setting for a specific server, select Privacy Settings on the server’s dropdown list and toggle off the \"Allow direct messages from server members\" setting.":"若要更改某个特定服务器的此项设置,请在该服务器下拉列表中选择隐私设置,并关闭“允许接收服务器成员私信”的设置。","#Your settings are very important. They give you control over who can contact you and what they can send you. You can access your privacy and safety settings in the Privacy & Safety section of your User Settings.":"您的账户设置十分重要。通过设置,您可以自行控制哪些人可以和您联系以及他们可以向您发送的内容。进入用户设置,选择隐私与安全,即可进行隐私与安全设置。","#At any time,":"您可随时","#you can also block the user":"举报违反社区守则","#At any time, you can block the user responsible and report the content that violates our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service.":"您可以随时举报违反社区守则服务条款的内容,并屏蔽相关涉事用户。","#Additional controls for content you see on Discord":"更多控制您的 Discord 浏览内容的选项","#Temporarily limiting access to posting or other Discord features":"暂时禁止发布内容或使用其他 Discord 功能","#Removing the violating content":"移除违规内容","#Permanently suspending a user from Discord due to severe or repeated violations":"行为严重或屡犯不改者将永久禁止使用 Discord","#You can control these settings by going into User Settings and selecting the Privacy & Safety section.
","#Discord also works with law enforcement agencies in cases of immediate danger and/or self-harm. We swiftly report child abuse material content and the users responsible to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.":"在紧迫危险和/或自我伤害的案例中,Discord 也会和执法部门合作。一旦发现有关虐待儿童的内容以及涉事用户,我们将立即向全国失踪和受虐待儿童中心报告。","#Warning users about what rule they broke":"警告用户其违反了某条规则","#Temporarily suspending users as a “cool-down” period":"在“冷静”期内暂停账号","#For example, you may not post, share, or engage in:":"例如,您不能发布、分享或参与以下内容:","#These settings can be controlled by going into User Settings and selecting the Privacy & Safety section.":"您可以进入用户设置,选择隐私与安全部分,调整相关设置。","#, the team takes immediate steps to mitigate the harm and, wherever possible, help users avoid breaking the rules in the future. The following are actions that we might take on either users and/or servers:":"团队将立刻采取措施,降低伤害,并尽一切可能帮助用户避免未来再次违规。我们可能对服务器和/或用户采取下列措施:","#Through our thorough work and partnership with a prominent child safety organization, we determined that we will, when possible, warn teens who have engaged in sexually explicit behavior before moving to a full ban. An example of this includes teens sharing explicit content with each other that is not their own content.":"通过彻底全面的执行,以及与著名儿童安全组织的合作,我们决心尽可能先对从事露骨色情行为的青少年发出警告,随后再考虑升级到全面封禁处理。这种行为包括青少年之间分享非本人的露骨内容。","#Discord uses a mix of proactive and reactive tools to remove content that violates our policies, from the use of advanced technology like machine learning models and PhotoDNA image hashing to partnering with community moderators to uphold our policies and providing in-platform reporting mechanisms to surface violations.":"Discord 同时采用主动和响应式工具,移除违反我们政策的内容,所采取的措施包括利用机器学习和 PhotoDNA 图片哈希算法等先进技术,到与社区管理员合作确保政策执行,提供平台内举报机制,发现违规行为。","#Additionally, we are expanding our own Trusted Reporter Network in collaboration with INHOPE for direct communication with expert third parties, including researchers, industry peers, and journalists for intelligence sharing.":"我们还和 INHOPE 协作,扩展了自己的可信任举报者网络,以便与专业第三方建立直接沟通,分享情报,包括研究者、同行和记者。","#Below is an overview of some of our key investments in technology:":"以下是我们一些关键技术投入的简介:","#In order to help our teenage users stay safe, our policies state that users under the age of 18 are not allowed to send or access any sexually explicit content. Even when this kind of content is shared consensually between teens, there is a risk that self-generated sexual media can be saved and shared outside of their private conversations. We want to help our users avoid finding themselves in these situations.":"为了帮助我们的青少年用户保证自身安全,我们的政策规定 18 岁以下用户不得发送或获取任何露骨色情内容。即使青少年在分享此类内容时,双方都是自愿的,但此类自己制作的色情内容有可能被保存下来,并泄露到私密对话以外的场所。我们希望帮助用户避免此类情况的发生。","#Teen self-endangerment is a nuanced issue that we do not take lightly. We want our teen users to be able to express themselves freely on Discord while also taking steps to ensure these users don’t engage in risky behaviors that might endanger their safety and well-being.":"青少年主动高风险行为问题包含很多细节,我们都非常重视。我们希望青少年用户能够在 Discord 上自由表达自己,同时我们也会采取相应措施确保他们不会参与危及自身安全与健康的危险行为。","#We do not allow CSAM on Discord, including AI-generated photorealistic CSAM. When such imagery is found, the imagery is reported to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). This ensures that the sexualization of children in any context is not normalized by bad actors.":"Discord 禁止儿童性虐待内容(CSAM),包括 AI 生成的逼真内容。一旦发现此类图像,我们将向全国失踪和受虐待儿童中心(NCMEC)举报。这将保障不良行为者性化儿童的行为在任何情况下都不会常态化。","#The newest launches of safety products are focused on helping to safeguard the teen experience with our safety alerts on senders that educate teens on ways they can control their experience and limit unwanted contact. Additionally, sensitive content filters provide additional controls for teens to blur or block unwanted content. Rather than assigning prescriptive solutions for teens, we aim to empower teens with respect for their agency, privacy, and decision-making power.":"最新发布的安全产品聚焦于守护青少年的体验,利用针对发送者的安全警告,教育青少年如何把控体验,限制违背其意愿的接触。此外,敏感内容过滤器也是青少年模糊或屏蔽不想看的内容的新方式。我们致力于在尊重青少年自主权、隐私权和决策权的前提下,为其赋能,而不是为青少年指定解决方案。","#Machine learning has proven to be an essential component of safety solutions at Discord. Since our acquisition of Sentropy, a leader in AI-powered moderation systems, we have continued to balance technology with the judgment and contextual assessment of highly trained employees, along with continuing to maintain our strong stance on user privacy.":"事实表明,机器学习已成为 Discord 安全解决方案的关键组成部分。自收购 AI 支持管理系统的领军企业 Sentropy 以来,我们不断在技术应用与高素质员工做出的判断和情景评估之间寻求平衡,并坚持维护我们在用户隐私方面的坚定立场。","#Glorify violence against individuals or groups based on their protected characteristics":"美化基于受保护特征实施的针对他人或群体的暴力","#With our new series of products under the Teen Safety Assist initiative, Discord has launched a safety alert for teens to help flag when a teen might want to double-check that they want to reply to a particular new direct message. We’ve partnered with technology non-profit Thorn to design these features together based on their guidance on teen online safety behaviors and what works best to help protect teens. Our partnership is focused on empowering teens to take control over safety and how best to guide teens to helpful tips and resources.":"通过在青少年安全辅助倡议体系下推出的新产品,Discord 会对青少年发送安全警告,提醒其再次核查是否要回复某条新收到的私信。我们和科技型非盈利组织 Thorn 建立了合作伙伴关系,基于其青少年网络安全行为指南以及行之有效的实践,共同设计了这些功能。我们的合作聚焦于赋能青少年,让青少年掌握安全的控制权,以及用最优途径引导青少年获取实用建议和资源。","#Discord’s Safety by Design practice includes a risk assessment process during the product development cycle that helps identify and mitigate potential risks to user safety. We recognize that teens have unique vulnerabilities in online settings and this process allows us to better safeguard their experience. Through this process, we think carefully about how product features might disproportionately impact teens and consider whether the product facilitates more teen-to-adult interactions and/or any unintended harm. Our teams identify and strategize ways to mitigate safety risks with internal safety technology solutions during this process and through getting insight and recommendations from external partners.":"Discord 安全性设计的实践包含在产品开发周期中的风险评估流程,用于识别和减轻威胁用户安全的潜在风险。我们了解青少年在网络环境中的特殊风险,而该流程能帮助我们更好地保障青少年用户的体验。在风险评估过程中,我们慎重思考产品功能是否会对青少年产生过多干预,审视产品是否会促成更多青少年-成年人互动和/或导致意外伤害。在该过程中,我们的团队利用内部安全技术解决方案,并从外部伙伴获取洞见和建议,来识别安全风险并制定相应的应对策略。","#Our friends at NoFiltr have tons of great activities and content to help you navigate your way online.":"来自 NoFiltr 的朋友们提供了许多有趣的活动与内容,为您的在线生活提供帮助。","#Perpetuating negative stereotypes about protected groups through derogatory generalizations and insulting misrepresentations":"通过贬低性的以偏概全和侮辱性的扭曲事实,加固对于受保护群体的负面刻板印象","#Safety Rules Engine: The Safety Rules Engine allows our teams to evaluate user activities on the platform, including registrations, server joins, and other metadata. We then analyze patterns of problematic behavior to make informed decisions and take uniform actions like user challenges or bans.":"安全规则引擎:该规则引擎能够支持我们的团队评估平台上的用户活动,如注册、加入服务器以及其他元数据。通过分析问题行为的模式,我们可以做出明智的决策,并采取相应的措施,例如对用户进行质询或封禁。","#AutoMod: Automod is a powerful tool for community moderators to automatically filter unwanted messages with certain keywords, block profiles that may be impersonating a server admin or appear harmful to their server, and detect harmful messages using machine learning. This technology empowers community moderators to keep their communities safe without having to spend long hours manually reviewing and removing unwanted content on their servers.":"AutoMod:AutoMod 是一项强大的工具,能够自动屏蔽带有特定关键词的消息,屏蔽冒充服务器管理员或看起来有害的个人资料,并利用机器学习技术识别有害消息。借助这项技术,社区管理员不需花费大量时间人工审查和移除服务器上不想要的内容,也能维护社区安全。","#Visual safety platform: Discord has continued to invest in improving image classifiers for content such as sexual, gore, and violent media. With these, our machine learning models are being improved to reach higher precision detection rates with lower error rates and decrease teen exposure to potentially inappropriate and mature content. We proactively scan images uploaded to our platform using PhotoDNA to detect child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and report any CSAM content and perpetrators to NCMEC, who subsequently work with local law enforcement to take appropriate action.":"视觉安全平台:Discord 不断努力完善色情、血腥、暴力等媒体内容的图像分类标识。这将帮助我们的机器学习模型更加精准地识别图像,降低错误率,减少青少年与潜在不当内容以及成人内容的接触。我们会使用 PhotoDNA 主动扫描上传到我们平台的图片,探测儿童性虐待内容,并将所有此类内容和违规者上报至全国失踪和受虐待儿童中心,后者将配合当地执法部门采取相应行动。","#Discord has a zero-tolerance policy for inappropriate sexual conduct with children and grooming. Grooming is inappropriate sexual contact between adults and teens on the platform, with special attention given to predatory behaviors such as online enticement and the sexual extortion of children, commonly referred to as “sextortion.” When we become aware of these types of incidents, we take appropriate action, including banning the accounts of offending adult users and reporting them to NCMEC, which subsequently works with local law enforcement.":"Discord 对与儿童进行不适当的性行为或诱骗行为采取零容忍政策。诱骗是指平台上成人与青少年之间的不当性联系,尤其针对在线引诱、儿童色情勒索等倚强凌弱行为。发现此类行为后,我们会采取相应措施,包括封禁违规成人用户账户并向全国失踪和受虐待儿童中心举报,后者将配合当地执法部门采取后续行动。","#Teen Safety Assist: Teen Safety Assist is focused on further protecting teens by introducing a new series of features, including multiple safety alerts and sensitive content filters that will be default-enabled for teen users.":"青少年安全辅助:着眼于加强青少年保护,引入了包括多重安全警告和敏感内容过滤器在内的一系列新功能,并且对青少年用户默认开启这些设置。","#There is constant innovation taking place within and beyond Discord to improve how companies can effectively scale and deliver content moderation. Our approach will continue to evolve as time goes on, as we’re constantly finding new ways to do better for our users.":"在 Discord 内外都不断有创新技术涌现出来,改进公司有效扩大和完成内容管理的方式。随着我们不断发现改善用户体验的新方式,我们的手段还会不断进化。","#In this context, we also believe that dating online can result in self-endangerment. Under this policy, teen dating servers are prohibited on Discord and we will take action against users who are engaging in this behavior. Additionally, older teens engaging in the grooming of a younger teen will be reviewed and actioned under our Inappropriate Sexual Conduct with Children and Grooming Policy.":"在此前提下,我们认为在线约会可能让用户将自身置于险境。根据本政策规定,Discord 禁止青少年约会服务器的存在,我们会对从事此类行为的用户采取措施。此外,对于年纪较大的青少年诱骗年纪较小的青少年的情况,我们会依照我们的《与儿童进行不适当的性行为或诱骗行为政策》进行审查和处理。","#Threatening, glorifying, or promoting physical harm against members of protected groups":"威胁、美化或煽动对于受保护群体成员的人身伤害","#Calling for exclusion, segregation, or discrimination against protected groups":"呼吁排挤、隔离或歧视受保护群体","#Our Terms of Service require people to be over a minimum age (13, unless local legislation mandates an older age) to access our website. We use an age gate that asks users to provide their date of birth upon creating an account. If a user is reported as being under 13, we delete their account. Users can only appeal to restore their account by providing an official ID document to verify their age. Additionally, we require that all age-restricted content is placed in a channel clearly labeled as age-restricted, which triggers an age gate, preventing users under 18 from accessing that content.":"我们的服务条款要求用户必须年满 13 周岁(或依据当地法律要求,提高年龄下限)。我们的年龄门槛设置要求用户在注册账户时提供出生日期。 如果发现用户年龄低于 13 岁,我们会删除该账户。用户在申诉时,必须提供官方身份证件,证实其年龄,才能恢复账户。此外,我们要求所有有年龄限制的内容都放置在打有相应标签的频道中,这会触发年龄门槛插件,阻止未满 18 周岁的用户接触这些内容。","#Starting next week, we’re excited to release the first two features of the Teen Safety Assist initiative. Teens have shared that they like tools that help them avoid unwanted direct messages (DMs) and media. To support this, we’re rolling out safety alerts on senders and sensitive content filters that automatically blur media that may be sensitive — even if the sender doesn’t initially blur it with a spoiler tag.":"我们非常期待下周首先发布的两款青少年安全辅助倡议功能。许多青少年表示,希望有工具能帮助自己消除不想看到的私信和媒体内容。为此,我们推出了针对发送者的安全警告以及敏感内容过滤器,潜在敏感内容将被自动模糊,即使发送者一开始并未主动打上标签模糊该内容。","#We’ve partnered with technology non-profit Thorn to design these features together based on their guidance on teen online safety behaviors and what works best to help protect teens. Our partnership has focused on empowering teens to take control over safety and how best to guide teens to helpful tips and resources.":"我们和科技型非盈利组织 Thorn 建立了合作伙伴关系,基于其青少年网络安全行为指南以及行之有效的实践,共同设计了这些功能。我们的合作聚焦于赋能青少年,让青少年掌握安全的控制权,以及用最优途径引导青少年获取实用建议和资源。","#We built this system so users can learn how to do better in the future and help keep all hangouts safe.":"我们建立这一体系,是为了帮助用户更好地遵守行为规范,保障所有用户互动的安全性。","#Activity Alerts and Security Actions: Activity Alerts notify moderators of a server of abnormal server behavior, particularly what could be massive raids or unusual DM activity. From there, they can investigate further and take action to protect their community as necessary. If it doesn’t seem like an issue, they can easily resolve the alert. Security Actions enable swift server lockdowns by surfacing useful tools quicker, such as temporarily halting new member joins or closing off DMs between non-friend server members.":"活动警报和安全措施。活动警报会通知服务器管理员服务器的异常行为,特别是呈现出大型网暴或异常私信活动特征的行为。基于活动警报,管理员可以进一步调查,并采取必要措施保护社区。如果异常行为并无问题,管理员也可便捷地解除警报。安全措施通过快速调用有效的工具,例如暂时停止新成员加入或关闭非好友的服务器成员间的私信交流,实现服务器快捷封锁。","#Expressing contempt, loathing, or disgust towards members of protected groups based on their inherent characteristics":"基于受保护群体的固有特征,表达鄙夷、痛恨或厌恶","#Purposefully dehumanizing individuals based on their relation with protected groups":"基于他人和受保护群体的关系,故意贬低其人格尊严","#Denying well-documented mass human atrocities or casting doubt on their occurrence":"否定有翔实记载的大规模人类暴行或质疑其是否真实发生","#Deny the existence of a violent event (such as the Holocaust)":"否认暴力事件的存在(例如犹太人大屠杀)","#We know that collaboration is important, and we’re continuously working with experts and partners so that we have a holistic and informed approach to combating the sexual exploitation of children. We’re grateful to collaborate with the Tech Coalition and NoFiltr to help young people stay safer on Discord.":"我们深知合作的重要性,并不断与专家和合作伙伴联手,以确保打击儿童性剥削手段的全面有效。我们很荣幸能与 Tech Coalition 和 NoFiltr 合作,帮助保证年轻人在 Discord 上的安全。","#We look forward to continuing this important work and deepening our partnerships to ensure we continue to have a holistic and nuanced approach to teen and child safety.":"我们期待继续推进这项重要的工作,深化与合作伙伴的关系,确保我们始终实现全面以及细致的青少年和儿童安全保障工作。","#To target an individual, group, or server based on their protected characteristic(s) as a way to harass, threaten, or harm them":"基于其受保护特征,针对他人、群体或服务器,意图骚扰、威胁或伤害","#Hateful Conduct Policy Explainer | Discord":"仇恨性行为政策讲解 | Discord","#The Warning System is built based on our teen-centric policies. This is a multi-year, focused effort to invest more deeply and holistically into our teen safety efforts. We incorporate teen-centric philosophies in how we enforce our policies, assess risks of new products with Safety by Design, and communicate our policies in an age-appropriate manner.":"警报系统的建立是基于我们以青少年为中心的各项政策。这套警报系统是多年以来,我们对青少年安全领域的全面深入努力的结晶。我们将以青少年为中心的理念融入到政策实施中,依照安全设计标准评估新产品风险,并且按照年龄传递适宜的政策。","#For our server moderators and admins, we’ve recently expanded their safety toolkit with new features that allow them to proactively identify potentially unsafe activity, such as server raids and DM spam, and take swift actions as needed.":"近期,我们丰富了服务器管理员的安全工具箱,新增功能将帮助管理员主动识别服务器网暴和垃圾信息等潜在不安全活动,并迅速采取所需的行动。","#We’ve got you":"想您所想","#To represent or claim the supremacy of one protected group over another":"代表或宣称某个受保护群体优于其他群体","#Details are one click away - From that message, users will be guided to a detailed modal that, in many cases, will give details of the post that broke our rules, outline actions taken and/or account restrictions, and more info regarding the specific Discord policy or Community Guideline that was violated.":"点击查看详情。在多数情况下,该条消息将引导用户前往包含详细违规情况的窗口。该窗口罗列了用户违规的帖子、采取的制裁措施和/或账户限制,以及相关的 Discord 政策和社区守则。","#We’re grateful for the support of Thorn to ensure we build the right protections and empower teens with the tools and resources they need to have a safer online experience.":"在 Thorn 的支持下,我们得以建立正确的保护机制,使用了构建更安全的网络体验所必需的工具和资源,为青少年赋能,对此我们十分感激。","#Spreading unfounded claims about protected groups to incite fear, hostility, or violence":"传播关于受保护群体的缺乏根据的言论,以煽动恐惧、敌对情绪或暴力","#Sharing any hate symbol or imagery with any of the following intentions:":"出于下列目的,分享任何仇恨符号或图片:","#To incite fear, hatred, discrimination, or violence against a protected group":"煽动针对某个受保护群体的恐怖、仇恨、歧视或暴力","#Investing in technological advancements and tools to proactively detect CSAM and grooming is a key priority for us, and we have a dedicated team to handle related content. In Q2 2023, we proactively removed 99% of servers found to be hosting CSAM. You can find more information in Discord’s latest Transparency Report.":"为了主动探测儿童性虐待内容和诱骗行为,我们非常重视对技术进步与工具的投入,并有专门的团队负责处理相关内容。2023 年第二季度,我们主动移除了 99% 的存在此类内容的服务器。更多相关信息,请参见 Discord 最新发布的透明度报告。","#We recently launched our Teen Safety Assist initiative, which includes new products such as safety alerts and sensitive content filters.":"我们近期发布了青少年安全辅助倡议,其中包含安全警告和敏感内容过滤器等新产品。","#Choose what you see and who you want to hang with":"选择浏览内容和互动伙伴","#Safety alerts on senders: When a teen receives a DM from a user for the first time, Discord will detect if a safety alert should be sent to the teen for this DM. The safety alert will encourage them to double check if they want to reply, and will provide links to block the user or view more safety tips to safeguard themselves.":"针对发送者的安全警告。当青少年首次收到某位用户的私信时,Discord 将检测是否有必要就该私信向青少年发送安全警告。安全警告将鼓励青少年在回复前慎重考虑,并提供屏蔽该用户的链接,或提供保护青少年自身安全的更多建议。","#Sensitive content filters: For teens, Discord will automatically blur media that may be sensitive in direct messages and group direct messages with friends, as well as in servers. The blur creates an extra step to encourage teens to use caution when viewing the media. In User Settings > Privacy & Safety, teens will be able to change their sensitive media preferences at any time. Anyone can opt into these filters by going to their Privacy & Safety settings page and changing their sensitive media preferences.":"敏感内容过滤器。Discord 将在私信、群聊信息和服务器中,为青少年自动模糊好友私信中的潜在敏感多媒体内容。这一额外举措将鼓励青少年谨慎浏览相关多媒体内容。在用户设置的隐私与安全中,青少年可随时修改敏感多媒体内容偏好。所有人都可以在隐私与安全页面设置过滤器,修改敏感多媒体内容偏好。","#For the Warning System, this means that we consider how teens are growing, learning, and taking age-appropriate risks as they mature, and we give them more opportunities to learn from mistakes rather than punish them harshly.":"具体到警报系统,我们会考虑青少年在成熟的过程中,如何成长、学习并承担与年龄相符的风险,我们给予青少年更多机会,从错误中学习,而不是一味地严厉惩罚。","#With Server Profiles, you can adjust to how you present yourself in different spaces, allowing you to be as much of the real “you” as you feel comfortable being in any particular group.":"通过服务器个人资料,您可以调整您在不同服务器中展现的内容,让您根据自己在特定群组中的舒适程度,决定展现多少真实的自我。","#Members Page: We’ve reimagined the existing Members page, letting moderators view their members in a more organized way. The Members page now displays relevant safety information about their members like join date, account age, and safety-related flags that we call Signals (such as unusual DM activity or timed out users). We plan on continuing to develop and surface additional relevant Signals. This redesigned Members page appears in a more easily accessible spot above their server’s channel list.":"成员页面。我们对已有的成员页面作了重新布局,以更有条理的方式向管理员展示成员列表。成员页面现在会展示成员相关的安全信息,例如加入日期、账户年龄和安全相关的标记(标示异常私信活动或已被暂时禁言的用户等)。我们计划继续开发和推出其他相关的标记。管理员可在服务器频道列表上方找到新的成员页面入口,进入更加方便。","#We know mistakes happen and rules are accidentally broken. Our new Warning System includes multiple touchpoints so users can easily understand rule violations and the consequences. These touchpoints provide more transparency into Discord interventions, letting users know how their violation may impact their overall account standing and gives information for them to do better in the future.":"我们理解,人有无心之失,有时违规仅是意外。我们新的警报系统设置了多个触点,以便用户能够了解违规行为和其后果。这些触点让 Discord 的干预措施更加透明,让用户了解其违规行为可能会对整个账户的状态造成怎样的影响,并提供如何改进的指引信息。","#How we support youth mental health":"我们如何支持青少年心理健康","#Check out the Family Center, a new opt-in tool that makes it easy for teens to keep their parents and guardians informed about their Discord activity while respecting their privacy and autonomy.":"您还可查看家庭中心,这项新的可选功能可以方便青少年在享有隐私和自主权的情况下,让家长和监护人了解自己在 Discord 的活动。","#Work together to keep each other safe":"齐心协力,守护彼此安全","#All info is streamlined in your account standing - In Privacy & Safety settings, all information about past violations can be seen in the new “Account Standing” tab. A user’s account standing is determined based on any active violations and the severity of those violations.":"所有信息都会简明扼要地展示在账户状态中。在隐私与安全中,有关过往违规行为的所有信息都会展示在新增的“账户状态”页签中。用户的账户状态取决于当前生效的违规处罚及其严重性。","#Some violations are more serious than others, and we’ll take appropriate action depending on the severity of the violation. For example, we have and will continue to have a zero-tolerance policy towards violent extremism and content that sexualizes children.":"违规行为有轻有重,我们会依据违规行为的严重程度采取适当的行动。例如,针对儿童色情和暴力极端主义这类严重违规内容,我们始终采取零容忍态度。","#This article was first published on 10/24/2023.":"这篇文章首次发布于 2023 年 10 月 24 日。","#The Warning System starts rolling out today in select regions. Stay tuned for many more updates to our Warning System in the future.":"自今日起,警报系统将在部分地区推出。请关注我们,获取更多有关警报系统的新进展。","#You choose what stays private":"隐私设置,您来决定","#While you might be an open book with your friends, having your personal business out there for everyone to see can feel a bit weird. That’s why you get to decide, from server to server, how much you want to share and how easy it is to contact you.":"无论您在朋友面前如何坦诚,大概也不愿意让所有人都能看到自己的私人生活。因此,您可以自己决定在每个服务器中,您想要展现怎样的内容,以及和您联系的难易程度。","#Claiming that a protected group is inherently inferior due to perceived deficiencies":"声称某个受保护群体有所谓的不足,天然低人一等","#You can also always try turning on Message Requests: a feature that sends any DM from someone new into a separate inbox and requires your approval before that user can DM you again. Or, go the extra mile and turn off DMs entirely from server members unless you’ve explicitly added them to your friends list.":"您还可以随时打开消息请求功能。开启后,所有来自新认识的人的私信都会进入单独的文件夹,该用户必须获得您的允许之后,才能再次发送私信。或者,您可以直接选择不接收来自服务器成员的私信,必须加为好友后才能发送私信。","#Suicide and Self-Harm Policy Explainer":"防止自杀和自残政策讲解","#Violence and Graphic Content Policy Explainer":"暴力和暴露内容政策讲解","#Non-Consensual Adult Intimate Media Policy Explainer Page":"非自愿成人私密媒体政策讲解页面","#Identity and Authenticity Policy Explainer":"身份和真实性政策讲解","#PHEW, okay… that was a lot. Thanks for stickin’ around and jamming through our most recent updates with us. Everything you could ever want to know about safety and privacy on Discord, and even more if you’re the learning type of person, lives in our Safety Library — check it out for more tips on making Discord safe and comfortable for you.":"一口气讲了这么多,感谢您的耐心阅读,也感谢您关注我们的近期更新。无论您是心血来潮,想要了解 Discord 安全和隐私的信息,还是想要深入了解,都可以访问我们的安全资料库,获取更多信息,让您的 Discord 变得安全舒适。","#Doxxing Policy Explainer":"人肉搜索政策讲解","#Gambling Policy Explainer":"赌博政策讲解","#Sexual Content Policy Explainer":"色情内容政策讲解","#Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer":"欺诈行为政策讲解","#Discord continually evolves our efforts to better support teens and families on our platform. From our new parental tools, updated child safety policies, and new partnerships and resources these updates are the result of a multi-year effort by Discord to invest more deeply and holistically into our teen safety efforts. We take our responsibility to safeguard the experience of our youngest users seriously and want to do all we can to empower teens and families with additional resources and opportunities to customize a Discord experience that’s tailored for them. From combating child sexual exploitation to supporting teens struggling with mental health, we want Discord to be a place for connection and community.":"Discord 通过持续进化,更好地支持平台上的青少年和家庭。从我们的全新家长工具升级版儿童安全政策,到新建立的合作关系与资源,这些新变化都要归功于 Discord 多年来为了更深入、全面地投入到青少年安全工作中所做的持续努力。我们非常重视保护低龄用户安全的责任,并希望尽自己所能,为青少年和家庭提供更多资源和机会,定制适合他们的 Discord 体验。从打击儿童色情内容到支持受心理健康问题困扰的青少年,我们希望 Discord 能成为人们建立联系、找到社区的地方。","#We invest talent and resources towards safety efforts. From Safety and Policy to Engineering, Data, and Product teams, about 15% of all Discord employees are dedicated to working on safety. Discord has teams that are dedicated to and specialize in child safety, along with a new Mental Health Policy Manager. Creating a safer internet is at the heart of our collective mission.":"为了保障安全,我们投入了大量人才和资源。从安全和政策团队,到工程、数据和产品团队,约有 15% 的 Discord 员工专职从事安全保障工作。Discord 拥有专门的儿童安全专家团队,并新增心理健康政策经理一职。创造一个安全的互联网环境,是我们共同使命的核心。","#Proactive detection and actioning of high-harm content.":"积极探测和处理高危害性内容。","#Embrace Transparency & Knowledge Sharing: We continue to educate users, join coalitions, build relationships with experts, and publish our safety learnings, including our Transparency Reports.":"奉行透明度原则与知识共享:我们持续开展用户教育、加入联盟、与专家建立联系,并发布我们的安全学习成果,包括我们的透明度报告。","#Regularly updating our teen and child safety policies.":"定期更新我们的青少年与儿童安全政策。","#We let you choose. You choose what you see and who you want to hang with. You’re in control of your experience. At any time you can mute and block, report unwanted content, choose who you hang out with and how you interact, and leave servers or group chats. With our new initiative, Teen Safety Assist, we’ll be rolling out a series of new safety features to proactively protect teens and offer tips to make their hangs safer, including safety alerts and sensitive content filters.":"赋予您选择权。由您来决定自己浏览的内容和互动的伙伴。您的体验由您掌控。您可随时静音和屏蔽、举报不想浏览的内容、选择互动的伙伴和方式,以及离开服务器或群聊。我们的青少年安全辅助倡议将推出一系列新安全功能,包括安全警告和敏感内容过滤器,以主动保护青少年,让青少年的网络互动更加安全。","#Let’s break each area down a bit more.":"我们来看看这些措施的具体内容。","#Prioritize the Highest Harms: We prioritize issues that present the highest harm to our users and our platform. This includes harm to our users and society (e.g. sexual exploitation, violence, sharing of illegal content) and platform integrity harm (e.g. spam, account takeover, malware).":"优先处理最严重的伤害:我们将优先处理对用户和平台造成最严重伤害的问题。其中包括对我们的用户和社会造成的伤害(如:性剥削、暴力、违法内容分享)以及对平台完整性造成的损害(如:垃圾信息、账户盗用、恶意软件等)。","#Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer":"平台操纵政策讲解","#We work together to keep each other safe. This includes our new Warning System that provides more transparent Discord interventions so users know how to do better in the future. We also empower community moderators and admins to keep their eyes on things so their servers stay peaceful and respectful.":"齐心协力,守护彼此的安全。我们推出了新的警报系统,进一步公开 Discord 干预情况,也帮助用户改进自己的行为。我们还将继续助力社区管理者和管理员监管各项事务,保证服务器和谐有序。","#We make sure your data and identity are yours. You get to choose what stays private: your identity, messages, and more. When you’re on Discord, what’s yours is yours.":"维护您的个人数据和身份所有权。信息——包括但不限于身份、消息——的隐私权限,可由您自行设置。Discord 守护您在平台上的所有隐私。","#We continue to innovate how we scale safety mechanisms, with a focus on proactive detection. Millions of people around the world use Discord every day; the vast majority are engaged in positive ways, but we take action on multiple fronts to address bad behavior and harmful content.":"为了开发和拓展安全机制,我们不断创新,注重主动监测。每天有数百万人使用 Discord,且绝大部分用户都会以积极的方式参与其中,但我们仍会从多方面采取措施,以处理不良行为和危害性内容。","#Safety tools and resources that give users, parents, and educators control to customize their Discord experience for themselves or their teens.":"提供安全工具和资源,允许用户、家长和教育者定制自身或青少年的 Discord 体验。","#Trusted reporter process that allows trusted partners to surface content and reports of violations directly to our Safety team.":"可信任举报者流程,允许受信任的合作伙伴直接向我们的安全团队提交内容和举报违规。","#Off-Platform Behaviors Policy Explainer":"平台外行为政策讲解","#We built Discord to be different and work relentlessly to make it a fun and safe space for teens.":"我们要将 Discord 打造得与众不同,努力让这里为青少年们营造有趣而安全的空间。","#Today’s online communications platforms have the potential to be a force for good in people’s lives. At Discord, our mission is to give users the opportunity to talk online, foster connections, and find community. When it comes to our teen users, we’re committed to providing a safe environment to build friendships, self-express, learn, and explore for teens. Safety is a top priority and a primary area of investment as a business.":"今天的在线沟通平台,有能力为人们的生活带来更多美好。而 Discord 的使命就是让用户们有机会在线沟通,在彼此之间建立联系,找到自己的社区。对于我们的青少年用户,我们致力于提供一个培养友谊、自我表达、学习和探索的安全环境。安全是我们的第一要务,也是业务投入的重中之重。","#We’re committed to providing a safe, welcoming environment to teens. To do so, we take a multi-faceted and holistic approach to teen safety. This includes:":"我们致力于为青少年提供安全、友好的空间。为此,我们从全局出发,采取多元方式保障青少年安全,包括:","#Partnerships with industry-leading organizations like the Family Online Safety Institute, Technology Coalition, National PTA, Digital Wellness Lab, INHOPE, and more.":"与家庭在线安全机构(Family Online Safety Institute)、Technology Coalition、全美家长教师协会(PTA)、Digital Wellness Lab、国际网络检举热线联盟 INHOPE 等行业领先组织建立合作。","#As a part of our regular process to review and update our policies, we’ve partnered with leaders in the teen and child safety space to ensure our policies are crafted with the latest research, best practices, and expertise in mind. We took a holistic, nuanced, and trauma-informed approach to these updates in order to better support and educate our teen users while continuing to make Discord a hostile environment for bad actors.":"作为政策定期审查和更新流程的一部分,我们与青少年与儿童领域的引领者合作,确保我们的政策依照最新研究结果、最佳实践和专业意见拟定。为了更好地支持和教育我们的青少年用户,同时保证 Discord 绝对不会助长负面行为,我们在进行上述政策升级时,会秉持全面、细致的态度,并吸取过往的经验教训。","#Discord Support Abuse Policy Explainer":"滥用 Discord 支持政策讲解","#Child safety is a societal challenge and responsibility and we’re committed to continuing our work with industry partners and law enforcement to combat harmful content online and strengthen industry moderation practices and safety initiatives.":"儿童安全是一个社会难题,也是一种社会责任,我们承诺将继续与业界伙伴以及执法部门合作,打击有害在线内容,强化行业管理实践与安全举措。","#Emphasis on education and learning from mistakes over punishment when appropriate with our Warning System.":"警报系统:面对错误,尽可能以教育和吸取教训为主,处罚为辅。","#Taking into consideration a user’s behavior off-platform when reviewing content under the Teen and Child Safety Policies.":"在根据青少年与儿童安全政策审核内容时,将用户在平台以外的行为纳入考量。","#At Discord, we are committed to creating a safe online environment and preventing harm. We do not allow the promotion or organization of communities that share false or misleading health information that is likely to result in harm. This includes anti-vaccination claims, dangerous and unsupported treatments for health issues, distortion of disease information, and any content that may negatively impact resolving public health emergencies. We rely on credible sources for accurate health information – including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).":"Discord 致力于打造安全的线上环境,避免损害。我们不允许宣传或组织可能造成损害的虚假或误导性健康信息分享的社区,包括发表反疫苗言论,提供危险的、未经证实的疾病治疗方法,歪曲疾病信息或任何可能对解决公共卫生突发事件造成负面影响的内容。我们依靠可信来源获取准确的健康信息,可信来源包括世界卫生组织(WHO)疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)。","#Design for Privacy: We carefully balance user privacy and safety on the platform. We believe that users should be able to tailor their Discord experience to their preferences, including privacy.":"隐私设计:我们妥善协调平台的用户隐私与安全。我们相信用户有能力根据自己的喜好自定义 Discord 使用体验,包括隐私。","#At Discord, we want any space where teen users hang out to be a safe one. We’re putting in the work to keep you and your friends safe on the platform while respecting your privacy.":"我们希望在 Discord,任何青少年用户聚集的空间,都是安全的。在尊重您的隐私的前提下,我们正努力让您和朋友在 Discord 上更加安全。","#Design for Safety: We make our products safe spaces by design and by default. Safety is and will remain part of Discord’s core experience.":"安全性设计:我们从设计着手,一切从确保产品安全出发。安全始终是 Discord 核心产品体验的一部分。","#Bullying, Harassment, and Threats Policy Explainer":"反霸凌、骚扰和威胁政策讲解","#While we may make exceptions for educational or newsworthy content, in general, all sexually explicit content on Discord is considered age-restricted and should only be posted or accessed by users who are 18 years of age or older.":"虽然我们可能会对具有教育意义或新闻价值的内容做出例外处理,但一般而言,Discord 上所有露骨色情内容都属于年龄限制内容,只有年满 18 周岁的用户才能发布或访问。","#Don’t send sexual content directly to others unless you’re sure they want to see or receive it":"不要向他人直接发送色情内容,除非您确定对方想要浏览或接收该内容","#Sending malicious code to others as part of an injection attack":"作为注入攻击的一环,向他人发送恶意代码","#Using Discord’s content-delivery network (CDN) to host malicious files, malware, or phishing resources for later distribution":"使用 Discord 内容分发网络存储恶意文件、恶意软件或网络钓鱼资源,留待后用","#Trading, selling, or attempting to purchase illicitly-obtained:
◦ Account login information, such as usernames and passwords
◦ Financial information, such as credit card information and bank account information
◦ Personal information, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and social security numbers":"交易、销售或试图购买非法获取的:
◦ 用户名、密码等账户登录信息
◦ 信用卡信息和银行账户信息等金融信息
◦ 电子邮箱地址、电话号码和社保账号等个人信息","#Selling, trading, or purchasing forgeries or participating in forgery operations":"销售、交易或购买赝品,或参与赝品经营","#Protected characteristics at Discord encompass various aspects, such as age; caste; color; disability; ethnicity; family responsibilities; gender; gender identity; housing status; national origin; race; refugee or immigration status; religious affiliation; serious illness; sex; sexual orientation; socioeconomic class and status; source of income; status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking; as well as weight and size.":"Discord 所定义的受保护特征包括诸多方面,如年龄;种姓;肤色;残疾;种族;家庭责任;性别;性别认同;住房状况;国籍;种族;难民或移民身份;宗教信仰;严重疾病;性;性取向;社会经济阶层和地位;收入来源;家庭暴力、性暴力或跟踪的受害者身份;体重和体型。","#However, exceptions may be made in instances where hate symbols are shared for educational, historical, newsworthy, or culturally appropriate and non-hateful purposes.":"以下情况可能成为该政策的例外:出于教育、历史、新闻报道、文化上适当且非仇恨性目的,分享仇恨符号。","#For servers, this includes any sections of a server’s profile where content can be posted and seen outside of the server, such as the server name, server invite link, server invite background, and server icon. This also includes content hosted within a server that can be posted elsewhere on the platform, such as stickers and emojis.":"对于服务器而言,这包括服务器资料中内容可被外部 转载和查看的任何部分,如服务器名称、服务器邀请链接、服务器邀请背景和服务器图标。这也包括可能被转载至平台其他地方的服务器内部内容,例如贴纸和表情符号。","#How to Avoid Violating This Policy":"如何避免违反政策","#At Discord, we take a firm stance against violent extremism. We do not tolerate the presence or activities of violent extremist organizations and other violent groups, and users are not allowed to use Discord to organize, promote, or support violent extremist activities or beliefs. The term violent extremist organization describes groups that promote a political, ideological, or religious agenda and tolerate, advocate for, or use violence to achieve their goals.":"Discord 坚决反对暴力极端主义。我们对暴力极端主义组织和其他暴力团体的存在或活动采取零容忍政策,并且禁止用户使用 Discord 组织、宣扬或支持暴力极端主义活动或信念。“暴力极端主义组织”是指宣扬政治、意识形态或宗教主张,并接受、鼓吹或使用暴力达到其目标的团体。","#This policy covers a wide range of actors, such as terrorist groups, violent extremist organizations, and violent hate groups. We also include informal groups or networks, as well as paramilitary and non-state armed groups, that are organized around extremist beliefs under this policy.":"本政策适用于多种对象,如恐怖团体、暴力极端主义组织和暴力仇恨团体,同时还包括围绕本政策所描述的极端主义信念形成的非正式团体或网络,以及准军事和非国家武装团体。","#Respect platform-level enforcement actions. Individuals who believe their account or server has been incorrectly removed can submit an appeal here":"尊重平台层面的强制措施。如果用户认为账户或服务器被错误地移除,可以在此处提交申诉。","#Hateful Conduct Policy Explainer":"仇恨性行为政策讲解","#We don’t allow hateful conduct or the use of hate speech while on Discord. This includes the use of hate symbols and the denial of historical mass atrocities. We define hate speech to include any expression that degrades, vilifies, or dehumanizes individuals, incites intense feelings of hostility towards defined groups, or promotes harm based on protected characteristics.":"我们禁止在 Discord 上采取仇恨行动或使用仇恨言论。这包括使用仇恨符号和否认历史上的大规模暴行。我们对仇恨言论的定义是任何贬低、污蔑或物化他人的表达,激发针对特定群体的强烈敌对情感的表达,或煽动伤害受保护特征的表达。","#Hate Symbols and Imagery":"仇恨符号和图片","#How to Report Violations of These Policies":"如何举报违反政策的行为","#Don’t post or share sexual content that could encourage other people to physically harm themselves or someone else":"不要发布或分享可能鼓励人们对自己或他人造成身体伤害的色情内容","#Deliberately defrauding others by failing to pay for goods":"收到货物但不付款,故意欺骗他人","#If you find yourself in a server that is sharing this type of content, report it and consider removing yourself from the space":"如果您发现所在服务器在分享此类内容,请举报该情况并考虑退出该服务器","#Sexual Content":"色情内容","#Don’t threaten to physically or mentally harm another individual or group of people":"不要以身体损害或心理损害威胁他人或某个群体","#At Discord, we take a firm stance against doxxing. We do not tolerate anyone putting somebody in danger by leaving them vulnerable to data breaches, targeted harassment, and real-world threats such as physical harm. Doxxing is when someone shares the personal identifiable information, or PII, of another person without their permission and with the intention to cause harm. A dox is the collection of personal information of another person.":"Discord 坚决反对人肉搜索。我们不会容忍任何人将他人置于危险的行为,此处所说的“危险”包括数据泄露、定向骚扰以及身体伤害等现实世界威胁。人肉搜索 是指以伤害他人为目的,未经允许分享他人的个人可识别信息。人肉搜索材料是指收集的他人个人信息的集合。","#However, we understand that there are nuances and will give exceptions in instances of reclaimed language, satire, educational or documentary purposes. The use of satire must be obvious and we will not allow users to deflect blame retroactively by claiming their statements were made ironically or as a joke.":"但是,我们也理解这其中还存在很多细节问题,因此对使用再生语言、反讽、和出于教育或纪实目的的案例会作为例外情况处理。使用反讽时必须足够明确清晰,我们不允许用户事后声称自己的言论是反讽或开玩笑,以此来回避责任。","#Health Misinformation":"健康方面的错误信息","#Unauthorized Copyright Access Policy Explainer":"无授权版权使用政策讲解","#We will remove harmful misinformation about civic processes when we become aware of it. We will determine the truthfulness of claims by looking at independent, third-party sites like PolitiFact, FactCheck.org, and Snopes.":"一旦发现有关公民过程的有害错误信息,我们将予以移除。我们将根据 PolitiFactFactCheck.org Snopes 等独立第三方网站来确定言论的真实性。","#Don’t post or share misinformation as a whole - even as a joke.":"不要发布或分享错误信息,即便只是一个玩笑","#Sexually explicit content should not be posted in general open access areas within Discord:":"露骨色情内容不应在 Discord 的普通开放访问区域发布:","#Don’t put sexually explicit content in the sections of your user profile":"不要在用户个人资料中展示露骨色情内容","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations by following the instructions here.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。","#Coordinating, facilitating, or providing instructions on how to execute scams":"就如何行骗提供配合、帮助或指导","#Don’t post or share hateful content as a whole - even as a joke":"不要发布或分享仇恨内容,即便只是一个玩笑","#Double-check reputable sources to make sure the content is not a conspiracy theory or has roots in hateful ideology":"二次确认来源的可靠性,确保内容不是阴谋论或仇恨意识形态的产物","#A civic process is any procedure run by governments or international political institutions that relies on public participation to make a decision or reach outcomes that impact our society. Examples of civic processes include elections, referendums, and censuses.":"公民过程是指任何由政府或国际政治机构运行的,依靠公众参与来做出影响社会的决策或达成此类结果的程序。例如选举、公投和人口普查。","#For user and bot accounts, these surfaces include all sections of the User Profile, such as the username, display name, avatar, banner, and About Me sections. Users may not post sexual content in any sections of their account’s server profiles unless the server profile is associated with a server that is entirely age-gated.":"对于用户和机器人账户,此类界面包括用户个人资料的所有部分,例如用户名、显示名、头像、背景图和 “自我介绍”一栏。用户不得在其账户的服务器资料的任何部分发布色情内容,除非该个人资料所展示的服务器所有内容均设有年龄限制。","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。","#Other similar types of behavior":"其他类似行为","#Owning or operating on-platform infrastructure to aid malware operations":"拥有或运营协助恶意软件运行的平台基础设施","#Even if not associated with a violent extremist group, users may not share or promote content associated with these groups or content that advocates for violent extremist beliefs on Discord.":"即使本人与暴力极端团体没有关联,用户也不得在 Discord 分享或宣扬与这些组织有关的内容,或者鼓吹暴力极端主义的内容。","#As one of the highest-harm areas of abuse, violent extremist organizing is also subject to our Off-Platform Behaviors Policy.":"暴力极端主义组织作为滥用行为危害最大的领域,也受我们的平台外行为政策约束。","#Don’t pretend or claim to be a member of a terrorist or violent extremist group to others":"不要对他人伪装或宣称自己属于恐怖或暴力极端团体","#Platform ban evasion refers to efforts to return to Discord after having an account or community permanently removed from our service. Platform ban evasion includes the creation of new accounts and communities to bypass permanent removal; it also includes the use or reuse of an existing account or community to avoid a platform-level ban.":"平台封锁回避是指在账户或社区被永久从我们的服务中移除后,试图回到 Discord 平台。平台封锁回避既包括创建新账户和社区来规避永久封锁,也包括使用或再利用已有账户或社区来逃脱平台封锁。","#Deliberately defrauding others by failing to deliver paid-for goods":"预收款项但不发货,故意欺骗他人","#Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer | Discord":"欺诈行为政策讲解 | Discord","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。","#If you or another user is in danger we encourage you to consider contacting law enforcement right away and letting them know what's going on, regardless of the information you're able to provide.":"如果您或其他用户处于危险之中,无论您能够提供多少信息,我们都建议您考虑立即联系执法部门,并说明情况。","#Doxxing":"人肉搜索","#Creating or distributing malware to steal information, grant unauthorized access to an account, network, or system, or block access to a computer":"创造或散播恶意软件,以窃取信息,未经授权给予账户、网络或系统的权限,或阻碍访问某台电脑","#In addition, Discord has a zero-tolerance policy towards those who engage in sexual grooming, extortion (sometimes referred to as “sextortion”), or the sexual exploitation of children or teens under the age of 18. Learn more about our Teen and Child Safety Policies.":"此外,Discord 对参与性诱骗、勒索(有时称为“色情勒索”)或对儿童或 18 岁以下的青少年进行性剥削的个人采取零容忍政策。欢迎了解更多我们的青少年与儿童安全政策。","#Providing access to tools that facilitate account cracking or payment fraud":"提供获取账户破解或支付欺诈工具的渠道","#While users can share their own personal health experiences on Discord, we prohibit false or misleading health information that is likely to result in harm.":"用户可以在 Discord 上分享个人健康经历,但我们禁止分享可能造成损害的虚假或误导性健康信息。","#We are committed to upholding the integrity of civic processes and doing our part to ensure a fair and democratic environment around the world. We don’t allow the posting, promotion, or organization of communities that share false or misleading claims that could disrupt or undermine the civic processes. In addition, we do not tolerate the promotion or organization of attempts to intimidate voters or engage in activities that suppress civic participation.":"我们致力于维护公民过程的完整性,为确保世界各地的公平和民主环境尽自己的一份力量。我们不允许张贴、宣传或组织分享虚假或误导性言论的社区,这些言论可能会干扰或破坏公民过程。此外,我们不允许宣传或组织企图恐吓选民或加入压制公民参与的活动。","#Don’t post false testimonials or statements that harmful substances can cure diseases":"不要发布有害物质可以治病的虚假证明或陈述","#Make sure your moderators are the age of 18+":"确保您的管理者均年满 18 岁","#Personally identifiable information (PII) includes any information that could be used to identify an individual, such as a name, home address, social security number, banking information, driver's license number, and any other sensitive data.":"个人可识别信息泛指任何能够用来确定个人身份的信息,例如姓名、家庭住址、社保卡号、银行信息、驾驶证号和其他任何敏感数据。","#Hate Speech":"仇恨言论","#Misinformation Policy Explainer":"错误信息政策讲解","#Impersonating a legitimate business entity or deliberately misrepresenting the identity of an account or group with the intent to defraud others":"冒充合法企业实体或故意仿冒某账户或团体的身份,以诈骗他人","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。","#If you’re posting sexual content in a server, make sure you’re posting it in an age-gated channel":"在服务器中发布色情内容时,请确保发布在有年龄限制的频道中","#If you own a server and want to allow sexual content:":"如果您是服务器所有者,并且想在服务器中允许色情内容出现:","#Discord is a place where people come to hang out with friends. As part of our goal to promote acceptance and inclusivity, we prohibit hate speech, discrimination, and prejudice.":"Discord 是一个人们和朋友欢聚的场所。我们的目标之一就是促进接纳和包容,因此,我们禁止仇恨言论、歧视和偏见。","#Hate symbols include acronyms, numbers, phrases, logos, flags, gestures and other miscellaneous symbols used to promote or incite hatred, threats, discrimination, or violence against other people on the basis of protected characteristics. Symbols that represent supremacy of one group over another are also prohibited under this policy.":"仇恨符号包括缩略语、数字、短语、标志、旗帜、手势以及其它用以促进或煽动基于他人受保护特征的仇恨、威胁、歧视或暴力的各种符号。该政策也禁止代表某一群体优于其他群体的符号。","#Finally, although we want to provide adult users with the freedom to express their sexuality and engage with sexual content at their own choice and risk, sexual content that is likely to lead to serious bodily harm or death is disallowed even if consensually shared and consumed.":"最后,尽管我们希望让成年用户在表达性欲和接触色情内容方面拥有自主选择、自负风险的自由,但即使是在自愿分享和使用的情况下,也不允许使用可能导致严重身体伤害或死亡的色情内容。","#Participating in activity that directly aids or helps facilitate any of the behaviors listed above":"参与任何直接帮助或间接促成以上行为的活动","#Participating in money laundering schemes":"参与洗钱活动","#Double-check official election resources if you are unsure about specifics before posting":"如果您不确定细节信息,请二次确认官方选举资源","#Coordinating market manipulation involving stocks, securities, or cryptocurrencies, including “pump and dump” schemes":"操纵股票、证券或加密货币市场,包括“拉高出货”骗局","#Don’t post or share hateful content or content that glorifies or encourages violence - even as a joke":"不要发布或分享仇恨内容或者赞美或鼓励暴力的内容,即便是以玩笑形式","#We may take enforcement actions when we discover a violation of our Community Guidelines — up to and including permanent removal from Discord. We typically reserve permanent actions like user and server bans for severe violations that could negatively impact user safety, the integrity of our service, or the rights of others. Permanently removing a violative account or community can lessen the harms from these groups and help prevent abuse from occurring in the future.":"当我们发现有人违反我们的社区守则 时,我们可能会采取强制措施,严重者将被永久禁止使用 Discord。用户封锁和服务器封锁等永久性措施通常仅适用于可能对用户安全、服务完整性或他人权利造成负面影响的严重违规行为。永久封锁违规账户或社区可以减轻这些群体的危害,防止将来导致严重后果。","#Other resources, such as lifeline numbers, can be found here.":"生命热线电话等其他资源请参见此处。","#The glorification and incitement of acts of violence pose a serious threat to the well-being and mental health of individuals, as well as the safety of our communities on and off Discord. We have a strict policy against any form of threats or harm towards others. We will escalate threats to law enforcement if we believe it is required to prevent immediate harm.":"美化和煽动暴力行为对个人的福祉和心理健康以及 Discord 社区的安全构成严重威胁。我们反对针对他人的任何形式的威胁或伤害,并对此设有严格的政策。为了避免紧迫的危害,我们会在必要情况下将威胁上报至执法部门。","#Do not glorify dangerous organizations, mass murderers, or serial killers":"不要美化危险组织、大规模杀人犯或连环杀手","#The following four considerations are taken into account:":"我们会考虑以下四方面因素:","#Dangerous and Regulated Goods":"危险和受监管物品","#Platform Abuse":"平台滥用","#Human Trafficking Policy Explainer":"贩卖人口政策讲解","#Human Trafficking":"贩卖人口","#This policy covers adult-to-adult conduct. Any instances of adult-to-child sexual solicitation will be reviewed under our Teen and Child Safety Policies.":"本政策仅约束成年人之间的行为。任何成人对儿童的性教唆行为都将根据我们的青少年与儿童安全政策进行审查。","#At Discord, we believe users should feel comfortable expressing themselves, so we allow our adult users (18+) to post or share sexual content if they wish, so long as it does not violate our policies. We also understand that not everyone wants to see this type of content, and that this content isn’t appropriate for our younger users. In order to maintain a safe environment for all, we have limitations on where sexually explicit content can be posted on Discord and how it can be accessed.":"Discord 认为,用户应当在表达自我时感到舒适,因此,我们允许成年用户(年满 18 岁)在不违反平台政策的前提下,按照自己的意愿发布和分享色情内容。我们也理解并不是所有人都想看到此类内容,并且此类内容不适合青少年用户。为了维护平台环境,保障所有人的安全,我们限制了可以在 Discord 上发布露骨色情内容的位置及其访问渠道。","#Servers can host sexually explicit content within their server as long as it does not violate our policies, the server owner and moderators are all over the age of 18 and any channel where sexually explicit content is hosted is marked with an age-restricted label. You can learn how to apply an age-restricted label to your server channels here. Please note that we may also place an age-gate on an entire server if it appears that that server is primarily being used to host sexual content.":"满足下列条件的服务器可以发布色情内容:不违反平台政策;服务器所有者和管理员均年满 18 岁;任何发布露骨色情内容的频道均有年龄限制标签。点击此处了解如何在您的服务器频道上应用年龄限制标签。请注意,如果整个服务器主要用于发布色情内容,我们也可能会对该服务器设置年龄限制。","#How to Report Violations of This Policy":"如何举报违反政策的行为","#Don’t share personally identifying information about other people":"不要和他人分享个人可识别信息","#Providing instructions or lists of techniques on how to commit fraud":"就如何进行欺诈提供指导或技术清单","#If you or another user is in immediate danger, please contact law enforcement right away and let them know what's going on, regardless of the information you're able to provide.":"如果您或其他用户处于危险之中,无论您能够提供多少信息,都请立即联系执法部门,并说明情况。","#Phishing is a deceptive technique used to trick others into revealing sensitive information (such as logins or payment details). Individuals may phish for information with manipulated links or fake websites that appear genuine to convince targets they are trustworthy. Malware is any type of software used for malicious purposes – including theft of account credentials and other sensitive information. Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks flood a target with traffic to make the resource temporarily or permanently unavailable.":"网络钓鱼是一种诈取他人关键敏感信息(登录或支付信息等)的欺骗性手段。个人可以通过受操纵的链接或看似真实的虚假网站取得目标信任,进而诈取信息。 恶意软件是指任何出于恶意使用的软件,其目的可能包括窃取账户证书和其他敏感信息。DoS 攻击是指使用大量流量冲击目标,使其资源暂时或永久无法使用。","#We take violations of these policies seriously and will take statements of desire or intent to engage in illegal activities at face value.":"我们将严肃处理上述违反政策的行为,也将同样严肃地看待涉及从事非法活动的愿望或意图的声明。","#Don’t engage in fraudulent activities. This means somehow trying to generate a profit at the expense of others":"不要参与诈骗活动,即以某种方式试图牺牲他人利益来谋利","#Self-Harm Encouragement and Promotion":"鼓励和宣扬自残","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。","#Although pseudonymous accounts are allowed on Discord, our rules prohibit fake profiles and impersonation. We define a fake profile as an online identity for an individual or entity that does not exist. Some fake user profiles can be identified by their use of stolen or generated images as avatars. Impersonation means pretending to be a real individual, group, or organization. This typically involves the use of identity details (such as name or likeness) to deceive others about the ownership or affiliation of a digital profile. Impersonation on Discord can occur at the account or server level.":"尽管 Discord 允许化名账户,但我们的规则禁止虚假资料和冒名顶替。我们对虚假资料的定义是不存在的个人或实体的网络身份。部分虚假的用户个人资料会使用窃取或生成的头像,可以以此来进行识别。仿冒身份是指假装是某个真实的个人、群体或组织。这通常包括使用身份信息(例如,名字或相似的图像)来误导他人,使其认为该网络资料属于或关联某个真实的个人、群体或组织。在 Discord,账户和服务器都可能遭到仿冒。","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。","#Financial scams generally attempt to take advantage of individuals by making false promises of goods, services, or other financial benefits. These schemes try to turn a profit by defrauding victims or tricking them into revealing sensitive information. A non-exhaustive list of financial scams includes: Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, advance-fee fraud, market manipulation (including “pump-and-dump” schemes), romance scams, employment scams, and phishing scams.":"金融诈骗的典型套路是通过承诺虚假的货物、服务或其他经济利益来利用他人。其目的是依靠欺骗受害人或获取其关键敏感信息来获取利益。金融诈骗包括但不限于:庞氏骗局、金字塔骗局、预付费用欺诈、市场操纵(例如,“拉高出货”骗局)、爱情陷阱、就业骗局和网络钓鱼。","#Suicide and Self-Harm Risk":"自杀和自残风险","#At Discord, we are committed to creating a safe online environment and preventing harm. We understand the importance of a strong community and positive surroundings when it comes to mental well-being.":"Discord 致力于打造安全的线上环境,防范任何伤害。我们深知强大的社区和积极的环境对心理健康的重要性。","#Violent and Graphic Media":"暴力和暴露媒体","#Be conscious of the number of messages you are sending.":"注意您发送信息的数量。","#Identity Misrepresentation":"仿冒身份","#At Discord, we are committed to creating a safe and positive online environment. We do not allow the uploading or sharing of any material depicting real violence, gore, or animal cruelty. Violent and graphic media can include various forms of content, such as portraying death or injury, showing detailed physical harm happening to individuals, or depicting the infliction of pain, fear, or distress to animals.":"Discord 致力于打造安全的线上环境。禁止上传或分享任何描绘真实暴力、血腥或动物虐待内容的资料。暴力和暴露媒体包括多种形式的内容,如描绘死亡或受伤、展示个人身体伤害的细节,或描绘虐待、折磨或威吓动物的场景。","#Glorification and Incitement of Violence":"美化和煽动暴力","#Inauthentic engagement is closely tied to, but distinct from the issue of spam. Both result in an overall lower-quality experience for users.":"虚假参与和垃圾邮件是两个截然不同又密切相关的问题。二者都会干扰用户整体体验。","#Participating in an organized scheme to resell goods at a large profit, such as price gouging":"参与有组织的以更高利润再销售货物的活动,如哄抬物价","#Don’t post content if you know it was created by or is associated with a terrorist organization or hate group":"不要发布明知由恐怖组织或仇恨团体创建或与其相关的内容","#Discord is a place where people come to hang out with friends and build communities. An important condition for building healthy communities is trust in the authenticity of interactions. Discord prohibits users from misrepresenting their identity on our platform in a deceptive or harmful way. This includes creating fake profiles as well as attempts to impersonate an individual, group, or organization.":"Discord 是一个人们可以和朋友欢聚、建立社区的空间。打造健康社区的重要条件是信任互动的真实性。Discord 禁止用户在平台上以欺骗或有害的方式仿冒身份。这包括创建虚假资料以及试图冒充其他个人、群体或组织。","#Don’t send malicious links. This includes “IP grabbers” and other tools that try to collect other people’s sensitive information":"不要发送恶意链接,包括“IP 抓取器”和其他试图收集他人敏感信息的工具","#Fraud Services":"诈骗服务","#We may decline to take action against an account or server tied to egregious harmful behavior when we are confident there is minimal risk of physical harm to others as a result of allowing the individual or group to remain on our service.":"如果我们确定允许与恶性伤害行为相关的账户或服务器继续使用服务对他人造成实际伤害的风险极低,则有可能不对此采取行动。","#The off-platform behavior occurred more than five years ago":"平台外行为至少发生在五年以前","#The person has gone through a credible rehabilitation process or has received justice-oriented punishment (such as time at a correctional facility)":"涉事个人过去已接受了可靠的矫正过程,公正的处罚(如在矫正机构服刑期满)","#Dangerous and Regulated Goods Policy Explainer Page":"危险和受监管物品政策讲解页面","#Don’t share instructions on how to put together dangerous and regulated goods":"不要分享危险和受监管物品的制作指导","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users or affected individuals can report policy violations by emailing a report to copyright@discordapp.com.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户或受到影响的个人都可以向 copyright@discordapp.com 发送邮件举报。","#The use or sharing of hate symbols or imagery is strictly prohibited on Discord. This policy extends to all images uploaded or shared on Discord, including profiles, channels, and servers.":"Discord 严格禁止使用或分享仇恨符号或图像。该政策适用于所有上传至 Discord 或在平台上分享的图像,包括个人资料、频道和服务器。","#If you are not sure whether a piece of content might violate these policies, don’t post it":"如果您不确定某条内容是否会违反这些政策,就不要发表该内容","#Civic Disruption":"干扰公民过程","#Put age-restricted labels on channels where members can post this content":"为允许成员发布色情内容的频道加上年龄限制标签","#Don’t post sexual content on server surfaces that could be seen by non-server members, such as in the server name, icon, invite link, invite background, stickers, or emojis":"不要在非服务器成员可以看到的内容界面上发布色情内容,例如服务器的名称、图标、邀请链接和邀请背景,以及贴纸和表情符号","#At Discord, we take a firm stance against harassment and bullying. Bullying and harassment is defined as intentional actions that are meant to cause distress or intimidate individuals. This type of behavior can have serious consequences and cause lasting harm to the victims, as well as those who witness it. We are committed to fostering a positive and inclusive environment on Discord, and we expect all users to treat each other with respect.":"Discord 坚决反对骚扰和霸凌行为。霸凌和骚扰是指以使人担忧或恐吓为目的的故意行为。此类行为会导致严重后果,对受害者及旁观者造成持久伤害。我们致力于培育积极包容的平台环境,并且期望所有的用户互相尊重。","#Threats":"威胁","#We have a strict policy against any form of threats towards others. This includes threats of physical attacks, emotional suffering, reputational damage, and any hostile actions intended to cause pain, loss, or injury. We will escalate threats to law enforcement if we believe it is required to prevent immediate harm.":"我们反对针对他人的任何形式的威胁,并且对此设有严格的政策。威胁内容包括物理袭击、精神折磨、名誉损害和任何以导致他人痛苦、损失和伤害为目的的敌意行动。为了避免紧迫的危害,我们会在必要情况下将威胁上报至执法部门。","#Don’t engage in behavior that may intimidate or cause suffering to others":"不要参与可能恐吓或伤害他人的行为","#Using phishing techniques, such as using fake websites, manipulated links, or URL redirection to collect sensitive information":"使用网络钓鱼手段,例如虚假网站、受操纵的链接或网址重定向,收集敏感信息","#We do not allow coordinating acts of self-harm or showing harmful actions towards oneself. Self-harm is when someone deliberately hurts themselves physically. Examples of self-harm behaviors include intentionally ending one's life, engaging in disordered eating patterns, etc.":"我们禁止任何参与自残或自我伤害的行为。自残是指故意伤害自己的身体,包括故意结束自己的生命、饮食习惯紊乱等。","#Do not encourage, promote, or normalize self-harm":"不要鼓励、宣扬或合理化自残","#The term platform abuse refers to activities that disrupt or alter the experience of Discord users. Sending unsolicited bulk messages or interactions (or spam) is one of the most common ways the user experience is disrupted. Spam can be sent by automated accounts designed for this purpose (spambots), normal user accounts that manually execute spammy actions, as well as by user accounts modified to perform automated actions (self-bots). Making modifications to the Discord client for the purpose of spam or any other reason is not allowed under this policy.":"平台滥用一词是指破坏或改变 Discord 用户体验的活动。批量发送主动提供的消息或互动(即垃圾邮件)是破坏用户体验的最常见方式之一。发送垃圾邮件的可能是为此目的设计的自动账户(垃圾邮件机器人)、手动执行垃圾信息操作的普通用户账户以及被修改以执行自动操作的用户账户(self-bot 自主机器人)。根据本政策,不允许以发送垃圾邮件为目的或基于任何其他缘由修改 Discord 客户端。","#We will also take action on accounts registered for the purpose of carrying out platform abuse. This includes the automated registration of accounts as a group for spamming — regardless of their message-send rate. We will also remove servers facilitating platform abuse. This includes but is not limited to spaces distributing: spambots, server “raid” tools, account-creation tools, token generators, CAPTCHA-solving services, and other spam tools.":"我们还将对为滥用平台而注册的账户采取行动。例如自动将账户注册为一个群组以发送垃圾邮件,无论其信息发送频率如何,都将被视为为滥用平台而注册的账户。我们还将移除为滥用平台提供便利的服务器。这包括但不限于传播以下内容的空间:垃圾邮件机器人、服务器“网暴”工具、账户创建工具、令牌生成器、验证码破解服务和其他垃圾邮件工具。","#We will take statements of desire or intent to engage in illegal activities at face-value.":"我们将严肃看待表达从事非法活动的愿望或意图的声明。","#One activity disallowed under this policy is offering access to illicitly-obtained goods — including, but not limited to: account credentials, credit card information, personally identifiable information, and cracked commodity goods. Coordinated efforts to defraud businesses, price gouging, forgery, and money laundering are also not allowed.":"本政策禁止提供接触非法所得货物的渠道,包括但不限于:账户证书、信用卡信息、个人可识别信息以及破解商品。此外,禁止合伙欺诈、哄抬物价、造假和洗钱。","#Discord partners with Crisis Text Line, a nonprofit that provides 24/7 text-based mental health support and crisis intervention via trained volunteer crisis counselors. Crisis Text Line is currently available to those in the United States and is offered in both English and Spanish. You can read more about this partnership here.":"Discord 与紧急情况短信专线(Crisis Text Line)合作,后者是一家非盈利组织,由受过训练的危机咨询志愿者全天候提供心理健康短信支持和危机干预。紧急情况短信专线目前面向美国服务,支持英语和西班牙语。更多关于合作的信息,请参见此处。","#Don’t use Discord to sell, buy, or trade dangerous and regulated goods":"不要使用 Discord 销售、购买或交易危险和受监管物品","#Discord is a place where friends come to hang out. As part of our goal to provide users with good experience and engagement, we prohibit platform abuse.":"Discord 是一个人们和朋友欢聚的场所。为了向用户提供良好的体验和互动,我们禁止对本平台的滥用。","#Sexual Solicitation":"性教唆","#Don’t misrepresent your identity on Discord in a deceptive or harmful way":"不要在 Discord 上以欺诈或有害的方式仿冒身份","#If you run a parody or satire account or server, make sure that it is clearly labeled as such":"如果您的账户或服务器是用于戏仿或讽刺的,请确保打上明确的标签","#Online scams can cause financial harm to people in the real world. We work hard to keep Discord a safe place for users to connect with their communities, without worrying about people trying to trick them for illegal or dishonest reasons. Individuals may not use our service to promote, coordinate, or perform any type of financial scam.":"网络诈骗会为现实世界中的人造成经济损失。我们努力维持 Discord 的安全,让用户可以放心地融入自己的社区,不必担心被人以非法手段或欺诈目的欺骗。任何人都不得使用我们的服务来促成、配合或实施任何类型的金融诈骗。","#This includes media taken or created without an individual’s knowledge or consent (for example: hidden cameras, \"creepshots\", videos of sexual assault, AI-generated sexual images such as \"deepfakes\"), as well as media that was originally obtained or created with consent (such as, within the context of a private or intimate relationship, sometimes known as “revenge porn” or “image-based sexual abuse”). In order to protect victims and stop the proliferation of non-consensual adult intimate media (NCAIM), we will remove confirmed instances of this content.":"这包括未经个人知情或同意而拍摄或制作的媒体(如隐藏摄像头、偷拍、性侵视频、人工智能生成的“深度伪造”色情图片),以及最初经过同意获取或制作的媒体(如在私人或亲密关系中获取或制作的,有时称为“报复性色情内容”或“基于图像的性虐待”)。为了保护受害者并阻止非自愿成人私密媒体(简称 NCAIM)的传播,我们会删除已确认的此类内容。","#Inauthentic Engagement":"虚假参与","#Platform Ban Evasion":"平台封锁回避","#Financial Scams":"金融诈骗","#We want people to enjoy Discord, but never at the expense of others. Our Community Guidelines contain a list of content and behavioral rules users must follow while on our service. Our Off-Platform Behaviors Policy functions as a layer on top of these rules. It is different from our other policies in that it is solely concerned with activity occurring off of Discord. The term off-platform behavior refers to any activity not occurring directly on Discord. This includes activity in other online spaces and in the physical world.":"我们希望大家在 Discord 得到享受,但不能以损害他人为代价。用户在使用我们服务时,须遵守我们的社区守则中所列出的内容和行为规则。我们的平台外行为政策是这些规则之外的补充。本政策不同于我们的其他政策,仅针对发生在 Discord 以外的活动。平台外行为是指所有未直接在 Discord 发生的活动,包括在其他线上空间和现实世界中的行为。","#There is no indication on or off of Discord that a material risk of physical harm exists":"Discord 内外均没有任何迹象表明存在会造成实际伤害的实质风险","#Don’t share or discuss information about creating illegal drugs or regulated substances":"不要分享或讨论关于制作违禁药品或受监管物质的信息","#Malicious Conduct":"恶意行为","#Don’t participate in communities selling commodity goods that may have been stolen or illicitly obtained":"不要参与可能是在销售窃取或违法获得的商品的社区","#Do not discourage others from seeking treatment for self-harming behaviors":"不要阻止他人为自残行为寻求治疗","#Do not celebrate, advocate, or promote swatting of others":"不要颂扬、鼓吹或宣扬他人的报假警行为","#This policy covers activity involving the physical harm of others or that presents a risk of causing physical harm to others. We will only take action under this policy: (1) If we can confirm that the harmful behavior has taken place; and, (2) are able to confidently link the individual(s) responsible to a Discord account and/or server.":"本政策涵盖所有涉及对他人造成实际伤害或存在可能导致他人受到实际伤害风险的行为。我们仅在满足下列条件的情况下,依照本政策采取措施:(1)如果我们能够确认危害性行为已经发生;且(2)能够确认责任人的 Discord 账户和/或服务器。","#At Discord, we take a firm stance against human trafficking. Human trafficking is an abhorrent crime that Discord takes very seriously. We will remove accounts and servers engaged in this activity and may report suspected illegal activity to law enforcement.":"Discord 坚决反对贩卖人口。贩卖人口是一项令人发指的罪行,Discord 对其采取十分严肃的态度。我们将移除从事此类活动的账户和服务器,并且会向执法部门报告疑似非法活动。","#This policy prohibits activity that provides others with direct, unauthorized access to copyrighted material (such as via live-streams) as well as efforts to coordinate such access. Coordination includes services or offers for services that facilitate the unauthorized sale, purchase, or trade of copyrighted material.":"本政策禁止为他人直接提供无授权访问版权材料(如通过直播)的渠道,以及促成此类访问的行为。“促成”包括提供服务或产品,以促成无授权版权材料的销售、购买或交易。","#Violent Extremism Policy Explainer":"暴力极端主义政策讲解","#Discord prioritizes safety and preventing harm on our platform. Therefore, we do not allow anyone to buy, sell, or trade any potentially dangerous or regulated goods. Dangerous or regulated goods include but are not limited to: firearms; explosives; tactical gear; imitation firearms; illicit drugs; marijuana; alcohol; and tobacco.":"保证用户在平台上的安全与不受伤害,是 Discord 的重中之重。因此,我们不允许任何人购买、销售或交易任何可能存在危险和受监管的物品。危险和受监管物品包括但不限于枪支、爆炸物、战术装备、仿真枪支、违禁药品、大麻、酒精,以及烟草。","#Do not share media depicting graphic content":"不要分享描绘暴露内容的媒体","#We consider a good to be “dangerous” if it has reasonable potential to cause or assist in causing real-world, physical harm to individuals, and “regulated” if there are laws in place that restrict the purchase, sale, trade, or ownership of the good.":"我们所说的“危险”物品是指在现实世界中有合理的可能性导致或参与导致对个人的身体伤害的物品,“受监管”物品是指法律限制其购买、销售或持有的物品。","#Users may not use Discord to place bets or wagers on games of chance for prizes with real-world value. Our gambling policy is violated if the following criteria are met:":"用户不得使用 Discord 在奖励具有实际价值的赌博游戏中下注。满足以下条件的情形将被认定违反我们的赌博政策:","#1. There is a payment or wager of real-world value to participate (includes betting or entry fees)":"1. 参与所需的支付或下注具有实际价值(包括赌注或报名费)","#3. The outcome of the game is predominantly determined by chance":"3. 比赛结果主要由运气决定","#You may not circumvent platform-level bans that we take against your account, app, or server. We use the term ban to refer to the permanent removal of an account or community for a violation of our rules.":"您不得规避我们对您的帐户、应用程序或服务器实施的平台级别封锁。封锁是指账户或社区因违反我们的规则而被永久封锁。","#We want users to enjoy a safe, secure experience on our service. Accordingly, we do not allow activity that could damage or compromise the security of an account, computer network, or system. We use the term “malicious conduct” to refer to phishing, the use of malware, and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.":"我们希望我们的服务为用户提供安全、可靠的体验。因此,我们不允许可能损害或削弱账户、计算机网络或系统安全性的活动。我们将网络钓鱼、使用恶意软件和拒绝服务攻击(DoS 攻击)统称为“恶意行为”。","#Using Discord to glorify or promote suicide or self-harm is not allowed under any circumstance. We believe in fostering a positive and healthy environment where users can come together to support one another. However, it is important that these discussions do not promote or normalize self-harm behaviors. Our goal is to ensure that everyone feels safe and supported.":"禁止在任何情况下通过 Discord 美化或宣扬自杀或自残。我们坚信营造积极健康的环境,让用户能够共同支持彼此的必要性,但在讨论中不得宣扬或合理化自残行为,这一点很重要。我们的目标是确保每个人都感到安全和被支持。","#“Glorificationof violence” refers to the act of admiring or celebrating acts of physical harm towards humans that cause death, injury, or harm. “Incitement” of violence includes organizing, coordinating, promoting, or encouraging acts of violence to be carried out.":"“美化暴力”是指赞赏或颂扬伤害他人身体,可能导致死亡、受伤或其他伤害的行为。“煽动”暴力包括组织、配合、宣扬或鼓励实施暴力行为。","#Do not engage in the incitement, glorification, or celebration of violence (including sexual violence) against individuals or groups of people":"不要参与煽动、美化或宣扬对个人或团体的暴力(包括性暴力)","#A note on enforcement of this policy":"关于执行此政策的说明","#Non-Consensual Adult Intimate Media":"非自愿成人私密媒体","#Do not engage in acts supporting or coordinating sexual solicitation":"请勿参与支持或协调性教唆的行为","#At Discord, we take a firm stance against violating intellectual property rights. We respond to facially-valid reports of copyright infringement in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable intellectual property laws. Our Copyright & IP Policy explains this process in detail.":"Discord 坚决反对侵犯知识产权的行为。收到符合格式要求的版权侵权举报后,我们会依据《数字千年版权法案》(DMCA)和其他适用的知识产权法律进行处理。具体过程请参见我们的版权和知识产权政策。","#We consider support teams to be any team at Discord that directly supports or interacts with users, partners, or developers or that respond to legal notices about Discord users from individuals and entities authorized to make such requests. We will consider reports or requests false or misleading if they contain demonstrably untrue information submitted with the intent to manipulate staff into taking a desired action. We will consider reports or requests abusive if they harass or make violent threats towards agents, support teams, or Discord and any of its other employees.":"客服团队是指 Discord 中所有直接支持用户、合作伙伴或开发人员或与之互动的团队,或响应来自个人或授权实体提出的 Discord 用户相关法律通知的团队。如果提交的举报和请求包含明显不真实的信息,意在操纵员工采取特定行动,我们将认定这些举报和请求是虚假或具有误导性的。如果举报和请求包含骚扰或暴力威胁工作人员、客服团队或 Discord 及其员工的内容,我们会将该行为视为滥用举报和请求。","#Engagement in the context of this policy is defined as any user interaction with Discord’s service or product features. Engagement will be considered inauthentic if it is purchased, induced (like promises of financial reward), or fraudulent (for example, it involves fake accounts).":"本政策所说的参与是指,用户和 Discord 服务或产品功能间的任何交互。虚假参与是指,购买、引导(如承诺金钱回报)或欺诈性(如虚假账户)的参与。","#Sexual Solicitation Policy Explainer":"性教唆政策讲解","#If you aren’t sure if a piece of content or activity might violate this policy, do not post it":"如果您不确定某项内容或活动是否可能违反本政策,请勿发布","#We will permanently remove fraudulent services and all efforts to facilitate illegal behavior when we become aware of it. We use the term fraud services to refer to coordinated activity that directly attempts or is part of a larger attempt to fraudulently generate profit at the expense of others. Profit can mean monetary or property gain secured from a third party.":"我们一旦发现诈骗服务和所有促成非法行为的手段,将全部移除。我们表述中的“诈骗服务”是指以他人利益为代价,直接通过欺骗手段谋利,或是参与更大规模的此类行动的协同性活动。谋利包括从第三方获取金钱或财产收益。","#Do not coordinate acts of self-harm":"不要参与自残行为","#Our investigation shows the behavior is not currently taking place on Discord":"我们的调查表明该行为目前未在 Discord 上出现","#Do not share illustrations of self-harm":"不要分享自残幻想","#Do not engage in acts supporting or coordinating human trafficking":"请勿参与支持或协助贩卖人口的行为","#At Discord, we prohibit sexual solicitation on our service. Sexual solicitation involves requests from people looking for or offering sexual services in exchange for compensation. This includes activities that would facilitate or encourage in-person sexual meetups, such as advertising or promoting sexual services, as well as coordinating logistics or payments for in-person sexual services.":"Discord 禁止在我们的服务中进行性教唆。性教唆是指寻找或提供有偿性服务,包括促成或鼓励线下性交易的活动,例如宣传或推广性服务,以及协调线下性服务的后勤安排或支付。","#Do not mislead Discord’s support staff when you are submitting a report or request. False and misleading reports impact our ability to respond quickly and effectively.":"在提交报告或请求时,请勿误导 Discord 的支持人员。虚假和误导性报告会阻碍我们快速有效地做出回应。","#Real-world value is defined as any tangible or intangible asset with a monetary or exchangeable value in the real world (physical world). This includes virtual currency or virtual goods that have a real-world market value or can be exchanged for real-world currency or goods.":"实际价值是指在现实世界(物理世界)中具有货币价值或可交换价值的任何有形或无形资产。具有现实世界市场价值或可兑换现实世界货币或商品的虚拟货币或虚拟商品也包含在内。","#Respect the intellectual property rights of others - don’t stream or provide access to copyrighted works if you are not authorized to do so":"尊重他人知识产权,未经授权,不要流式传输版权作品或提供访问渠道","#Leave and report servers with illegal or illicit gambling content or activity":"离开并举报有非法或违规赌博内容或活动的服务器","#Our Community Guidelines govern what we do and do not allow on our platform":"我们的社区守则规定了平台上允许禁止的行为。","#We take the threat to share or distribute NCAIM seriously and will take appropriate action covered under our Threats Policy. This includes the threat to share non-consensual intimate media unless a demand is met, otherwise known as sextortion. This policy covers the content of adults only, for content involving minors, please see our Teen and Child Safety Policies.":"我们会严肃对待分享或传播 NCAIM 的威胁,并依照我们的反威胁政策采取行动。包括威胁如果不满足特定要求,就分享非自愿私密媒体的行为,也就是色情勒索。本政策仅适用于成人内容,关于涉及未成年人的内容,请参见我们的青少年与儿童安全政策。","#We understand consent can change at any time. If you do not have explicit and informed consent of the subject - do not post it. This includes sexual AI-generated media":"我们理解同意是可以随时改变的。如果您没有获得该主体的明确知情同意,就不要发布该内容。包括人工智能生成的色情媒体","#Don’t modify the Discord client for any reason — including automating account actions or altering the appearance or layout of Discord":"不要基于任何缘由修改 Discord 客户端,包括自动执行账户操作或更改 Discord 的外观或布局","#Misleading or abusive reports and requests impact the ability of Discord staff to respond to issues raised by our users. Individuals may not submit false, misleading, or abusive reports or requests to Discord’s support teams.":"误导性或辱骂性的举报和请求会削弱 Discord 员工对用户提出的问题做出回应的能力。个人不得向 Discord 客服团队提交虚假、误导或辱骂性的举报或请求。","#The term non-consensual sharing or distribution of adult intimate media means sharing intimate or sexually explicit content without the person's knowledge or consent, whether it's with a group or one person.":"“非自愿分享或传播成人私密媒体”是指未经他人知情或同意,与团体或个人分享私密或露骨色情内容。","#Do not post or share non-consensual sexual content as a whole - even as a joke":"不要发布或分享任何非自愿色情内容,即便是以玩笑形式","#If you aren’t sure if a piece of content might violate this policy, do not post it":"如果您不确定某条内容是否会违反本政策,请勿发布","#Gambling":"赌博","#2. Prizes of real-world value are awarded":"2. 颁发具有实际价值的奖励","#Individuals are prohibited from attempting to manipulate engagement metrics, artificially inflating server membership (for example via “join-for-join,” “invite rewards,” purchasing fake members), or selling artificial engagement services for online platforms. Individuals also may not attempt to buy or sell Discord assets, such as accounts, usernames, servers, server permissions, or custom server invite links (also called “vanity URLs”).":"Discord 禁止个人操纵参与度指标、人为虚增服务器成员人数(如“加入换加入”、“邀请奖励”、购买僵尸成员)或出售人为操纵在线平台参与度的服务。个人也不得试图购买或出售 Discord 资产,如账户、用户名、服务器、服务器权限或自定义服务器邀请链接(又称“个性化网址”)。","#These activities include, but are not limited to, the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring and sale of victims, as well as any forced, deceptive, or fraudulent attempts used to invite or transfer victims for the purpose of exploitation. Any suspicions of such activities will be reported to law enforcement, and the accounts and servers involved may be removed from our service.":"此类活动包括但不限于招募、运输、转移、窝藏和买卖受害者,以及以剥削他人为目的而强迫、欺骗或欺诈性地邀请或转移受害者。任何疑似活动都将报告给执法部门,涉事的账户和服务器会从我们的服务中移除。","#If you see this content being shared in a direct message or in a server, report it to us immediately, block the user, and leave the DM or server":"如果您在私信或服务器中看到有人分享相关内容,请立刻向 Discord 举报,屏蔽分享用户,并结束私信对话或离开服务器","#This policy also covers types of activity that infringe on the rights of copyright owners, including the distribution of tools that get around copyright protections. Exploits for online games (also called “cheats” or “hacks”) fall under this policy if they circumvent anti-cheating software or impermissibly modify a game’s code or files.":"本政策还涵盖侵犯版权所有者权利的活动,例如传播绕过版权保护的工具。规避反作弊软件或对游戏代码或文件进行违规修改的网络游戏漏洞(也称“作弊”或“破解方法”),也属于本政策的管辖范围。","#At Discord, we take a firm stance against the sharing, distribution, taking, or creation of sexually explicit or sexually suggestive content of other people without their knowledge or consent seriously.":"Discord 坚决反对未经他人知情或正式同意,分享、传播、拍摄或制作他人露骨色情或性暗示内容。","#Don’t send multiple unsolicited messages to other users":"不要向其他用户发送多条主动提供的信息","#Grow your server organically and don’t artificially inflate its member count":"顺其自然地发展服务器,不要人为虚增其成员数","#Do not sell or purchase a Discord account, username, server, server permissions, or a custom server invite link (or “vanity URL”)":"不要试图出售或购买 Discord 账户、用户名、服务器、服务器权限或自定义服务器邀请链接(又称“个性化网址”)","#Learn about our Community Guidelines, developed to help keep people safe and make Discord the best place to hang out with friends.":"了解我们的社区守则,该守则旨在保护大家的安全,让 Discord 成为与好友们欢聚的最佳场所。","#Creating, commissioning, sharing, or distributing altered or generated intimate media of individual(s) without explicit consent or knowledge from the individual(s) involved.
◦ This includes AI-generated media, as well as altered audiovisual media, often referred to as \"deepfakes” or “deepnudes”":"未经涉事个人明确同意或知情,制作、委托制作、分享或传播经过篡改或人工生成的他人私密媒体。
◦ 包括人工智能生成的媒体,以及经过篡改的视听媒体,常被称为“深度伪造”或“一键脱衣”","#Non-Consensual Adult Intimate Media Policy Explainer | Discord":"非自愿成人私密媒体政策讲解 | Discord","#For example, you may not post, share, or engage in: [sensitive language content warning]":"例如,您不能发布、分享或参与以下内容:[敏感用语警告]","#Sharing, distributing, taking, or creating:
◦ Sexually explicit or suggestive media (also known as “revenge porn”, “non-consensual pornography”, or “image-based sexual abuse”) without explicit consent from the individual(s) involved
◦ Secretly taken media of an individual’s commonly sexualized body parts (breasts, groin, buttocks, thighs, genitals, cleavage, etc.) without the individual’s knowledge
◦ Non-consensual sexualization of individual(s) (sometimes referred to as “tributes”) without explicit consent or knowledge from the individual(s)
◦ Non-consensual sexual content of sexual assault, sexual violence, or sexual abuse":"分享、传播、拍摄或制作指:
◦ 未经涉事个人明确同意的露骨色情或暗示媒体(又称“报复性色情内容”、“非自愿色情内容”或“基于图像的性虐待”)
◦ 在他人不知情的情况下秘密拍摄他人公认隐私部位(胸部、胯部、臀部、大腿、外阴、乳/臀沟等)的媒体
◦ 未经个人明确同意或知情的非自愿性化内容(有时称为“福利”)
◦ 性侵犯、性暴力或性虐待等非自愿色情内容","#The transmission or symptoms of a disease":"疾病的传播或症状","#The existence or prevalence of a disease":"疾病的存在或流行","#Medically unsupported and dangerous treatments for health-related issues":"针对健康相关问题,提出缺乏医学证明的、危险的治疗方法","#Making false or misleading statements about:":"就下列话题发布虚假或误导性言论:","#Health guidance, advisories, or mandates":"健康指导、建议或规定","#The safety, side effects, or effectiveness of vaccines":"疫苗的安全性、副作用或有效性","#Vaccine ingredients, development, or approval":"疫苗的原料、研发或审批","#The availability or eligibility for health services":"获得卫生服务的机会或资格","#Requirements for participation in a civic process, including who can participate; the information that must be provided; and the materials required for participation":"参与一项公民过程的条件,包括有资格参加的群体、必须提供的信息以及参与所需的材料","#Creating or using a Discord identity for an individual or entity that does not exist
◦ This only applies to fake profiles that deceive others about their ownership or affiliation. Accounts using aliases, stage names, and those without an established identity will not be considered violative of this policy
◦ We will only remove fake profiles if they are used in connection with one of our other Platform Integrity policies: Deceptive Practices, Misinformation, or Platform Manipulation":"创建或使用存在的个人或实体的 Discord 身份
◦ 本条仅适用于诱导他人误解其所属或关联关系的虚假资料。使用化名、艺名或不存在已有身份的账户不会被视作违反该政策
◦ 只有虚假资料牵涉到平台完整性政策时,我们才会将其移除。平台完整性政策包括:欺诈行为错误信息平台操纵","#Candidate eligibility or requirements for election, including false claims about age and citizenship requirements; claims about whether a candidate is running for office; and, misinformation about their eligibility":"候选人参选资格或条件,包括关于候选人年龄和公民身份要求、是否参选以及参选资格的错误信息","#Making false or misleading claims that could suppress participation in a civic process, including claims about disruptions at polling places; and, statements about the length of lines, police presence, and public health or safety issues":"发布可能阻碍公民过程参与的虚假或误导性言论,包括声称投票场所发生混乱,以及关于排队时间、警察到场情况和公共卫生或安全问题的陈述","#Owning or operating a server that impersonates an individual, group, or organization":"拥有或运营冒充其他个人、群体、机器人或组织的服务器","#Providing false or misleading information or making false or misleading claims about:":"提供以下方面的虚假或误导性信息,或发表错误或误导性言论:","#Calling for the suicide or self-harm of others":"诱导他人自杀或自残","#Threatening to reveal another individual’s private sexual content":"威胁公开他人的私密色情内容","#Recreating a server that has been removed from Discord by Trust & Safety":"重建被 Discord 的信任与安全团队移除的服务器","#The event details of a civic process, including time, date, and location of a civic process":"一项公民过程的活动细节,包括时间、日期以及地点","#Organizing unlawful efforts to disrupt the implementation of the results of a civic process":"组织非法活动,试图扰乱一项公民过程的结果的实施","#Bullying, Harassment, and Threats Policy Explainer | Discord":"反霸凌、骚扰和威胁政策讲解 | Discord","#Texts that openly or clearly describes partial or full adult nudity, such as sexually graphic text as part of a fanfiction story or sexually stimulating roleplay exchange":"公开或明确描述部分或全部成人裸体的文本,例如同人小说故事或刺激性欲的角色扮演交流中的性描写文本","#Posting content that encourages sexual behavior that could lead to serious injury or death":"发布的内容会鼓励可能导致严重伤害甚至死亡的性行为","#Creating or moderating a server that encourages or normalizes sexual activities that could lead to serious bodily injury or death":"在创建或管理的服务器中,存在鼓励或正常化可能导致严重身体伤害甚至死亡的性行为的内容","#Posting content with the intent to cause disgust, anger, or fear, including content that mocks the death of an individual":"以引起厌恶、愤怒或恐惧为目的,发布内容,包括嘲讽他人死亡的内容","#The results or outcome of a civic process, both before and after results have been certified":"一项公民过程的结果或成果,包括结果得到认证前和认证后","#Coordinating off-platform harassment":"组织平台外骚扰","#Arranging food delivery to an address without the target's consent as a form of harassment":"以骚扰为目的,擅自定外卖到他人的地址","#Identity and Authenticity Policy Explainer | Discord":"身份和真实性政策讲解 | Discord","#Threatening to reveal another individual’s personally Identifiable Information (PII), such as a name, home address, Social Security number, and any other sensitive data.":"威胁泄露个人可识别信息,例如姓名、家庭住址、社保卡号和其他任何敏感数据。","#Misinformation Policy Explainer | Discord":"错误信息政策讲解 | Discord","#Drawn or AI-generated text or imagery that includes graphic sexual content":"绘制或 AI 生成的包含性描述内容的文本或图像","#Sexually suggestive content that is clearly and only being shared for the explicit purpose of sexual satisfaction":"明确且仅为满足性欲而分享的性暗示内容","#Sending unwelcome or unwanted sexual content to an individual":"向他人发送不受欢迎或不想收到的色情内容","#Organizing or participating in server raids":"组织或参与服务器网暴","#Threatening to hack another individual's account, network, or system":"威胁黑入个人的账户、网络或系统","#Media that openly or clearly depicts partial or full adult nudity, such as a photo of a nude individual or a videos of individuals engaged in a sex act":"公开或清晰描绘部分或全部成人裸体的媒体内容,例如个人裸体照片或个人性行为视频","#Participating in a server dedicated to collecting doxxes":"参与专门收集人肉搜索材料的服务器","#Supporting, calling for, or coordinating:
◦ forms of fraudulent participation in a civic process
◦ efforts to intimidate participants in a civic process":"支持、呼吁或配合:
◦ 以欺诈手段参与公民过程的方式
◦ 恐吓公民过程参与者的活动","#Sexual Content Policy Explainer | Discord":"色情内容政策讲解 | Discord","#Disclosing an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity without consent":"未经个人允许,披露其性取向或性别认同","#Doxxing Policy Explainer | Discord":"人肉搜索政策讲解 | Discord","#The following types of content will be considered “sexually explicit content” and may only be shared in “age-restricted” spaces:":"以下类型的内容将被认为是“露骨色情内容”,只能在“年龄限制”区域分享:","#Threatening to physically harm another individual or group of people":"威胁要对某人或某个群体造成人身伤害","#Repurposing an existing account or server to evade being banned":"重新包装已有账户或服务器,逃避封锁","#Sharing personal information about an individual in an effort to harass or humiliate them":"以骚扰或羞辱他人为目的,分享个人信息","#Creating or using an account that impersonates an individual, group, bots, or organization":"创建或使用冒充其他个人、群体、机器人或组织的账户","#Creating a new account after being permanently banned from Discord":"在被 Discord 永久封锁后,创建新账户","#Selling doxxes or otherwise making them available as a service (“doxxing-as-a-service”)":"销售人肉搜索材料,或以服务的形式提供获取此类材料的渠道(“人肉搜索服务”)","#Implying a health conspiracy by malicious forces":"暗示恶意势力在健康方面的阴谋","#How to participate in a civic process, including claims that prompt individuals to incorrectly fill out or submit a ballot":"参与一项公民过程的方式,包括误导他人错误填写或提交选票","#The integrity of a civic process — specifically, around issues that could delegitimize results or undermine faith in public institutions
◦ This includes false accusations of ballot tampering, voter fraud (e.g., non-citizen voting), voter machine errors, and other forms of illegal election rigging":"一项公民过程的完整性,特别是围绕可能使结果失去合法性或破坏对公共机构的信任的问题
◦ 包括以下不实指控:篡改选票、选民欺诈(例如非公民投票)、投票机器错误和其他形式的非法选举操纵","#Statements of disrespect that attempt to humiliate an individual":"发表冒犯言论,试图羞辱他人","#Posting links to websites containing doxxes":"发布包含人肉搜索材料的网站链接","#Violence and Graphic Content Policy Explainer | Discord":"暴力和暴露内容政策讲解 | Discord","#Sharing content that portrays the enjoyment or celebration of violence":"分享包含欣赏或颂扬暴力的内容","#Supporting or glorifying dangerous organizations, mass murderers, or serial killers":"支持或美化危险组织、大规模杀人犯或连环杀手","#Coordinating, promoting, or celebrating swatting (false emergency reporting)":"配合、宣扬或颂扬报假警的行为(报告虚假的紧急情况)","#Uploading or streaming media depicting real violence, gore, or animal cruelty":"上传或直播真实暴力、血腥或动物虐待的媒体","#Owning or participating in a server that is dedicated to obtaining or sharing violent and graphic media":"拥有或参与专门获取或分享暴力和暴露媒体的服务器","#Promoting, celebrating, or inciting sexual violence against others":"宣扬、颂扬或煽动对他人的性暴力","#Advertisements or promotions for in-person sexual services in exchange for compensation":"有偿性服务的广告或促销活动","#Using Discord features (such as Nitro boosts, Nitro subscriptions, or Creator Revenue) to “pay” for any kind of sexual service":"利用 Discord 功能(如 Nitro 助力、Nitro 订阅或创作者收入)为任何类型的性服务付款","#Sexual Solicitation Policy Explainer | Discord":"性教唆政策讲解 | Discord","#Coordinating, promoting, or inciting violence against individuals, groups of people, or events that could result in serious physical harm or death":"配合、宣扬或煽动对他人、团体或活动进行可能导致严重身体伤害或死亡的暴力","#Recruiting individuals for any type of in-person sex work":"招募人员亲自从事任何类型的性工作","#Coordinating logistics of meetups for sexual services like payment, transportation, negotiations or location":"为性服务会面提供后勤工作,例如支付、出行、议价或地点等","#Servers dedicated to connecting sex workers to clients":"专为性工作者和客户牵线搭桥的服务器","#Building a Safer Place for Teens to Hang Out":"为青少年打造更安全的网上社交空间","#Introducing our new Teen Safety Assist initiative: Teen Safety Assist is focused on further protecting teens by introducing a new series of features, including multiple safety alerts and sensitive content filters that will be default enabled for teen users.":"我们提出了新的青少年安全辅助倡议:着眼于加强青少年保护,引入了包括多重安全警告和敏感内容过滤器在内的一系列新功能,并且对青少年用户默认开启这些设置。","#We began rolling these tools in September to Community Servers, and now we’re rolling them out to all servers.":"九月,我们开始向社区服务器推出上述工具,现在我们将覆盖范围扩展到全体服务器。","#How Midjourney Built a Business on Discord":"Midjourney 如何在 Discord 上建立业务","#“Collaboration is at the core of creativity. By building Midjourney's community on Discord, people take inspiration from the ideas of others and expand their imagination beyond what would be possible if creating on their own.”":"“合作是创造力的核心。通过在 Discord 上建立 Midjourney 的社区,人们可以从他人的想法中汲取灵感,冲破独自创作的桎梏,无限拓展想象力。”","#The first two features of the Teen Safety initiative will start rolling out globally in November 2023 and will be turned on by default for teen users. Stay tuned for many more features from this initiative as we look ahead to the next year.":"青少年安全计划的前两项功能将于 2023 年 11 月开始在全球推出,并对青少年用户默认启用。我们计划于明年推出更多功能,请大家持续关注。","#Tim Smith and Team":"Tim Smith 及其团队","#Maxence Rabrais and Team":"Maxence Rabrais 及其团队","#Winner":"优胜者","#Gregory Sarantinos and Team":"Gregory Sarantinos 及其团队","#Art Arena lets you compete, collaborate, and find job opportunities. Engage in art battles, join themed events, and enhance your skills!":"Art Arena 为您提供了一个比拼和协作的平台,还能帮助您发现工作机会。在这里,您可以与其他艺术家一较高下,参与各种主题活动,打磨自身技能!","#Congrats to our winners!":"祝贺我们的优胜者!","#Dive into ocean wonders with Coral Reef Cam! Bring marine magic to Discord for global education and entertainment!":"透过 Coral Reef Cam 的相机镜头,一探海洋奇观!以 Discord 为平台,将海洋的魅力传播给全世界,寓教于乐。","#Julie Taylor and Team":"Julie Taylor 及其团队","#Turn your Discord server into a Discord town! Be a mayor or a citizen, build homes, start companies, and watch your town thrive!":"在您的 Discord 服务器中创建一个 Discord 城镇!您可以担任镇长或市民,建造房屋,创办企业,亲眼见证城镇的蓬勃发展!","#PaperAI is a customizable story generator using AI to allow anyone to feel represented in their favorite stories.":"PaperAI 是一款定制故事生成器,利用 AI 的力量让所有人都能与自己喜欢的故事产生共鸣。","#Read more about our App Pitches Winners here!":"点击此处,查看更多信息!","#Learn basic programming logic and problem solving by creating custom Discord integrations using our no-code visual blueprint editor.":"使用我们的无代码可视化蓝图编辑器创建个性化 Discord 集成,学习基本的编程逻辑和问题解决技巧。","#These developers submitted the winning App Pitches of 2023!":"以下开发者的提案在 2023 年度 APP 提案中胜出!","#Honorable Mention*":"荣誉奖*","#Cohezion optimizes game data insights, starting with Discord community analysis, which includes bug reports, feedback, and suggestions.

*Special shout-out from our judges for an impressive pitch!":"Cohezion 专注于游戏数据洞察的优化,从 Discord 社区分析入手,涵盖漏洞报告、反馈和建议。

这个令人印象深刻的提案获得了评委的特别褒奖!","#Recruiting individuals to join a violent extremist group, organization, or movement":"招募他人加入暴力极端主义团体、组织或运动","#Praising, justifying, or otherwise supporting the actions or activities of violent extremist organizations, groups, or movements":"对暴力极端主义组织、团体或运动的行动或行为进行赞扬、辩护或其他形式的支持","#Representing or claim to represent a violent extremist organization or group":"代表或声称代表暴力极端主义组织或团体","#Posting propaganda, promotional materials, or other content associated with violent extremist groups, movements, or figures":"发布与暴力极端主义团体、运动或人物有关的主张、宣传材料或其他内容","#Sharing conspiracy theories or maliciously manipulated media content in an effort to support a violent extremist group or belief":"为支持暴力极端主义团体或信念,分享阴谋论或恶意篡改的媒体内容","#Violent Extremism Policy Explainer | Discord":"暴力极端主义政策讲解 | Discord","#Coordinating users, either on Discord or off the platform, to participate in activities that support or promote a violent extremist organization
◦ This includes attempts to fundraise for or provide donations to violent extremist organizations, groups, or movements
◦ This also includes harassing, doxxing (revealing personal information without consent), or attacking others on behalf of a violent extremist group or in support of violent extremist beliefs":"在 Discord 或平台以外,配合用户参与支持或宣扬暴力极端主义组织的活动
◦ 包括尝试为暴力极端主义组织、团体或运动筹款或捐款的
;也包括代表暴力极端主义团体或为支持暴力极端主义信念,对他人进行骚扰、人肉搜索(未经同意透露个人信息)或攻击","#Other similar behaviors":"其他类似行为","#Discord has a zero-tolerance policy for child sexual abuse, which does not have a place on our platform — or anywhere in society.":"Discord 对儿童性虐待采取零容忍政策,此类内容在我们的平台及全社会都不允许。","#Sharing self-harm material in order to trigger a self-harm response in someone else":"分享自残资料,以引发他人自残","#Normalizing or encouraging self-harming behaviors":"合理化或鼓励自残行为","#Discouraging individuals from seeking treatment for self-harming behaviors":"阻止他人为自残行为寻求治疗","#Coordinating an act of self-harm":"参与自残行为","#Suicide and Self-Harm Policy Explainer | Discord":"防止自杀和自残政策讲解 | Discord","#Showing or depicting graphic self-harm imagery":"展示或描述自残行为场景","#Offering or sharing methods or advice on how to commit an act of self-harm":"提供或分享自残行为的手段或建议","#Join us for an unforgettable summer at Discord! You’ll be working on real features that impact millions of people, receive close mentorship, and learn from leaders in the industry. We are looking for undergraduate and graduate students of all levels. Check out our listings, and read more about our program.":"加入我们,在 Discord 度过一个难忘的暑假!你的工作将围绕能够影响数百万用户的实际功能展开,还有机会接受密切的指导,向业内佼佼者学习。实习岗位面向各级别的本科生和研究生。查看我们的职位列表,了解更多关于项目的信息。","#3.3 Information we receive from other sources":"3.3 我们从其他来源获取的信息","#3.2 Information we collect automatically":"3.2 我们自动收集的信息","#3.1 Information you provide to us":"3.1 您提供给我们的信息","#Organizing transportation, transfer, or harboring of victims of human trafficking":"组织运输、转移或窝藏贩卖人口受害者","#Recruiting people to join or support human trafficking organizations":"招募人员加入或支持贩卖人口组织","#Advertising or advertising services related to human trafficking":"宣传贩卖人口或提供相关广告服务","#Forcing, deceiving, or fraudulently recruiting people into human trafficking":"强迫、欺骗或欺诈性地招募人员从事贩卖人口活动","#Supporting a human trafficking organization or enterprise":"支持贩卖人口组织或企业","#Selling or attempting to sell human trafficking services or victims":"出售或试图出售贩卖人口服务或受害者","#Human Trafficking Policy Explainer | Discord":"贩卖人口政策讲解 | Discord","#Internships":"实习机会","#Improved Media Embeds":"媒体嵌入优化","#Auto-Pause Video":"自动暂停视频","#We simplified notifications to make it easier for you to keep up with the stuff you care most about like…notifications.":"我们简化了通知页签,方便您轻松了解您最关注的消息,比如……通知。","#No more scrolling through every setting (unless that’s your thing) because now you can just use the new search bar instead!":"您不必再逐一滑动查看每个设置了(除非这是您的特殊爱好),现在可以直接使用全新的搜索栏!","#See More":"查看更多","#OMG YOU MADE IT!":"太厉害啦,您竟然全看完了!","#Quickly browse a channel or G/DM to see every member, shared media, links, pins, and more from a single location.":"快速浏览频道或群聊消息/私信,查看所有成员、共享媒体、链接、标注信息和更多内容。","#We added swipe-to-reply, refreshed our icons, and rounded a few edges to make the Discord mobile app look and feel more intuitive!":"我们增加了滑动回复功能,更新了图标,优化了一些细节,让 Discord 移动应用看起来更加直观简洁,用起来更加流畅顺手!","#Select even more pics/videos at once, even the high-quality ones (up to 25mb), and upload away. Uploaded content will show up in a sweet grid where you can swipe between uploads while still being able to see your message.":"一次性选择更多图片/视频,即使包含高画质媒体(最多 25mb),也可轻松上传。上传的内容将以美观的网格形式呈现,您可以在上传的内容之间滑动浏览,同时也不会影响查看消息。","#Better Notifications Tab":"通知页签优化","#File Upload on iOS":"iOS 文件上传","#Thanks for checking all this out.":"感谢您的关注和阅读。","#Supercharged Search":"超快搜索","#We updated the UI and interactions on voice and video calls to make the space more cozy for you and your friends.":"我们升级了语音和视频通话的 UI 和互动,让您和好友的交流更亲密。","#Message Previews":"消息预览","#Now you see your media uploading the way it will appear once it's sent, with a progress indicator. That’s progress!":"现在您可以看到媒体上传的效果,也就是发送后的样子,还带有一个进度条。这就是进步!","#Channel and G/DM Details":"频道和群聊消息/私信详情","#We’ve made the app more reliable! *Waits for applause.* We fixed several issues that were causing the app to crash. In fact, we cut our crash rate in half this year for Android users. PROGRESS!!!
","#Your device will store up to 700 recent messages in channels/DMs so that the app opens faster and conversations are available to you even when you’re offline or on slow internet. Finally, you can revisit your Wumpus fanfic offline.":"您的设备最多可以存储 700 条最新的频道/私信消息,以便更快地启动应用程序,而且在离线或网速慢的情况下,您也依然能够查看对话。还有,您现在可以离线阅读您的 Wumpus 同人小说了。","#So Fresh, So Clean, So Mobile":"清爽,干净,便捷","#Make every unread DM a total surprise when you turn off message previews for added privacy and a more simplified chat look.":"为了增强隐私保护并简化聊天界面,您可以关闭消息预览,让每一条未读私信都成为惊喜。","#Add your fav channel (hello #Panda-Facts) to your “Favorites” and it will always be at the top of that server’s channels.":"把最喜欢的频道添加到“收藏夹”(比如#Panda-Facts),它将始终显示在服务器频道列表的最顶部。","#We upgraded the media picker so it's easier to see multiple photos at once and upload files.":"我们优化了媒体选取器,方便您一次性查看多张照片并上传文件。","#Remix gives you the power to meme whatever you want by adding text, drawings, emoji, and stickers to images and videos.":"Remix 为您实现创作自由,通过在图片和视频上添加文本、绘画、表情符号和贴纸,您可以随心所欲地制作自己想要的表情包。","#You can now load and play your favorite YouTube and Spotify videos without ever leaving the Discord app. YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE!":"现在您无需退出 Discord APP,即可加载和播放您最喜欢的 YouTube 和 Spotify 视频。这下您走不了啦!","#Not only will we let you know if you already have an existing G/DM when adding a friend, we also made it faster and easier!":"在您添加好友到群聊中时,我们不仅会提示您和该好友的现有群聊,还把这个过程变得更加便捷了!","#You’ve Got Favorites":"收藏夹功能上线","#Call It the You Tab":"“您”页签","#We gave the in-app icons a refresh and added a ton of new ones, including some that are animated. That’s pretty neat.":"我们的图标已经焕然一新,添加了更多新样式,包括动画图标。效果相当棒。","#New Link Embeds":"新链接嵌入。","#We’ve made the app more reliable by fixing several issues that were causing the app to crash, which we hope no one misses.":"在解决了一些导致应用程序崩溃的问题后,应用程序已经变得更稳定了,我们希望没有人会怀念崩溃的感觉。","#We added swipe-to-reply for faster comebacks, wittier retorts, rapid rejoinders, ridiculous ripostes, and quicker quips.":"我们增加了滑动回复功能,方便您更快地回应,更机智地反驳,更迅速地应对,更幽默地反击,更俏皮地嘲讽。","#iOS users can now easily upload and share files directly from their mobile devices.":"iOS 用户现在可以轻松地使用自己的移动设备上传和分享文件了。","#Add @silent at the very beginning of your message to send it without any push or desktop notifications. Shhh.":"在您发送的消息最开头加上 @silent,就不会触发任何推送或桌面通知。嘘。","#We breathed some new life into our search feature to let you easily find people, media, links, and all of your past DMs in a flash.":"搜索功能升级后,您可以轻松找到想要的人物、媒体内容、链接或是自己的所有私信记录。","#We breathed some new life into our search to let you easily find people, media, links, and all of your past DMs in a flash.":"搜索功能升级,轻松找到想要的人物、媒体内容、链接或是自己的所有私信记录。","#Media Upload Previews":"媒体上传预览","#Press and hold a G/DM then tap \"Favorite\" and it will always show up at the top of your Messages tab.":"长按一个群聊消息/私信,然后点击“收藏”,它将始终显示在您的消息页签的最顶部。","#Sharing third-party links to illegal or illicit gambling sites":"分享非法或违规赌博网站的第三方链接","#Gambling Policy Explainer | Discord":"赌博政策讲解 | Discord","#Coordinating a community dedicated to facilitating illegal gambling operations
◦ This includes coordinating logistics, payments, or community management of users to facilitate or encourage illegal gambling activities":"促成专为非法赌博活动提供便利的社区
◦ 包括提供组织后勤、付款或用户社群管理,以方便或促成非法赌博活动","#Organizing, coordinating, facilitating, or engaging in illegal or illicit gambling":"组织、促成、协助或参与非法或违规赌博活动","#Dangerous and Regulated Goods Policy Explainer Page | Discord":"危险和受监管物品政策讲解页面 | Discord","#Providing instructions on assembling or building illegal firearms or explosives
◦ Note: This does not include discussion about maintenance of a legal firearm, for example on how to properly and safely disassemble and clean a firearm.":"为非法枪支或爆炸物的组装或制作提供指导
◦ 注:不包括关于合法枪支保养的讨论,例如如何正确并安全地拆卸和清理枪支。","#Providing instructions on manufacturing illegal drugs or regulated substances, such as pharmaceuticals":"为违禁药品或受监管物质(如受监管药物)的制作提供指导","#Coordinating the illegal selling, buying, or trading of dangerous or regulated goods":"参与危险和受监管物品的非法销售、购买或交易","#Add a +1 to Fun with Nitro":"加入 Nitro,+1 欢乐","#CUSTOMIZE IT UP":"玩转自定义","#Manually sending unsolicited bulk messages or interactions to others from an unmodified user account":"使用未经修改的用户账户向他人手动发送主动提供的批量信息或互动","#Modifying a user account to perform automated actions — regardless of the type of action":"修改用户账户以执行自动操作,无论是执行何种操作","#Attempting to sell or purchase a Discord account, username, server, server permissions, or a custom server invite link (also called a “vanity URL”)":"试图出售或购买 Discord 账户、用户名、服务器、服务器权限或自定义服务器邀请链接(又称“个性化网址”)","#Selling or coordinating the sale of artificial engagement services for online platforms":"销售或促成销售人为操纵在线平台参与度的服务","#Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer | Discord":"平台操纵政策讲解 | Discord","#Coordinating or helping execute the mass-joining of a server with automated accounts":"使用自动账户促成或协助执行批量加入服务器的行动","#Purchasing or inducing server joins or using fake accounts to boost member count":"购买或诱导加入服务器,或使用虚假账户来增加成员数量","#Using any type of client modification that alters the appearance or layout of Discord":"进行任何类型的客户端修改,改变 Discord 的外观或布局","#Creating or operating inauthentic accounts for the purpose of violating this policy":"为违反本政策而创建或运行虚假账户","#Purchasing or inducing engagement; or using fake accounts to boost such metrics":"购买或诱导参与;或使用虚假账户提高此类指标","#Using an automated (or bot) account to send unsolicited bulk messages or interactions to other users":"使用自动账户((或机器人账户)向其他用户发送主动提供的批量信息或互动信息","#Participating in the coordinated mass-joining of a server with unmodified user accounts":"使用未修改的用户账户有预谋地批量加入服务器","#Participating in the sale, trade, or distribution of tools that aid forms of platform abuse":"参与销售、交易或传播促进平台滥用的工具","#Operating a user or bot account with the intention of evading our anti-spam system":"操作用户或机器人账户,意图规避我们的反垃圾邮件系统","#Media Sharing Improvements":"媒体分享升级","#Improved Stability":"稳定性提升","#Activities in G/DMs":"群聊消息/私信活动","#New Icons":"新图标","#Background Refresh":"后台刷新","#Data Saving Mode":"数据节省模式","#Faster Launch Time":"启动更快","#Full list of updates":"完整更新列表","#Say more with voice messages: Just tap, hold to record, and release to send a voice message.":"发送语音消息尽情表达:只需动动您的手指尖,长按录音,然后松开即可发送语音消息。","#Use this setting to send media files in lower quality and reduce data usage on your cellular plan.":"在这一设置下,您可以用较低画质发送媒体文件,节省手机套餐的数据使用量。","#Embedded channel links now look like, well, embedded channel links.":"嵌入的频道链接现在看起来就像,呃,嵌入的频道链接。","#Message Caching":"消息缓存","#Your device will store up to 700 recent messages in channels/DMs so that conversations are available as soon as you open the app.":"您的设备可以最多可以存储 700 条最新的频道/私信消息,这样当您启动应用程序时,对话就可以立即显示。","#Customize It Up":"玩转自定义","#Silent Messages":"消息静音","#Even More Messaging":"消息无极限","#The You tab is your dedicated space to express yourself and customize how you show up to others on Discord. Another You thing in this tab? Your Settings. Find it here, in the top right.":"“您”页签是您展示自我和进行个性化定制的专属空间,您可以在此展示 Discord 上的自己。这里还有什么您说了算的功能?当然是用户设置了。就在右上角。","#Active Now":"当前活动","#You can now choose the default quality of your video uploads and Discord will automatically compress them.":"您现在可以选择视频上传的默认质量了,Discord 会自动进行压缩。","#When you’re on a voice call and bandwidth is spotty, Discord will automatically turn off video to maintain a smoother call.":"当您在进行语音通话时,如果网速不好,Discord 会自动关闭视频,以保证通话的流畅性。","#The You tab is your dedicated space to view and customize how you appear to others on Discord.":"“您”页签是您进行浏览和个性化定制的专属空间,您可以在此展示 Discord 上的自己。","#Operating a space dedicated to providing unauthorized access to copyrighted material
◦ This includes channels and servers dedicated to the paid or unpaid sharing, streaming, or other distribution of copyrighted material":"以无授权获取版权材料为目的,运营专门空间
◦ 包括专门用于有偿或无偿共享、流式传输或以其他方式传播版权材料的渠道和服务器","#Coordinating unauthorized copyright access via direct message or group direct message":"使用私信或群聊信息促成无授权版权使用","#Operating a space dedicated to coordinating unauthorized access to copyrighted material
◦ This includes servers and channels dedicated to facilitating or offering to facilitate the unauthorized sale, purchase, or trade of copyrighted works on or off Discord":"运营专门空间,以促成无授权获取版权材料的活动
◦ 包括专门用于提供服务或产品,以促成无授权版权材料销售、购买或交易的服务器和渠道,不管是否通过 Discord","#Operating a space dedicated to distributing tools that get around copyright protections":"运营专门空间,用于传播绕过版权保护的工具","#Unauthorized Copyright Access Policy Explainer | Discord":"无授权版权使用政策讲解 | Discord","#Even more messaging":"消息无极限","#Meme More with Remix":"使用 Remix 制作表情包","#Faster GDM Creation":"更快创建群聊消息","#We made dark theme darker and added the new Midnight theme, which is pure black to save battery and go easy on your eyes.":"我们在暗黑主题的道路上越走越远,现已加入全新的午夜主题,纯黑色省电又护眼。","#New Voice & Video":"全新语音和视频","#Media Picker":"媒体选取器","#File Upload Limit Increase":"支持上传更大文件","#Favorite Channels":"收藏频道","#Swipe-to-Reply":"滑动回复","#Through multiple updates this year, we reduced app open time by 55% on Android and 43% on iOS so you can get to chatting faster.":"通过今年的多次更新,我们将安卓端的应用程序启动时间缩短了 55%,iOS 端则缩短了 43%,方便您更快地参与聊天。","#AN IMPROVED MOBILE EXPERIENCE HAS ARRIVED":"升级完成的移动端体验现已上线","#Stay Connected With Friends":"和好友保持联系","#Updated Themes":"主题更新","#We updated the UI and interactions for voice and video calls to make the space more cozy for you and your friends.":"我们升级了语音和视频通话的 UI 和互动,让您和好友更加亲密。","#Stay Connected with Friends":"和好友保持联系","#Messages & Servers Tabs":"消息和服务器页签","#Why waste time scrolling through every setting to find what you’re looking for when you could simply type in the new search bar instead? Now you can waste time in other places.":"何必浪费时间拉动滚条,逐个寻找您需要的设置呢?现在,只需要在搜索栏打字就可以了。用节省下来的时间享受 Discord 吧。","#Find Your Stuff":"发现您的精彩","#Quickly turn images into memes by drawing, adding text, or throwing on some stickers or emoji. Now available on all mobile devices. Maybe you too will be a famous meme one day.":"您可以使用 Remix 涂鸦、配文、添加贴纸或表情符号,快速将图片变成表情包。该功能现已支持所有移动设备。说不定下个爆款表情包的主人公就是您!","#Custom Video Quality":"自定义视频质量","#Media files will now appear in a nice, neat grid that you can open and swipe through at your leisure.":"媒体文件将以整洁美观的网格形式呈现,您可以随意打开并滑动浏览。","#Media Grid":"媒体网格","#Information from actions you take. We collect information about your use of Discord and your activities on the services. This includes the friends you add, the users, bots, and apps you engage with, the games you play on your device, the servers or other communities you join and participate in, your roles in servers, content moderation decisions you make, information about purchases or sales you make on or through Discord including what you purchased or sold, and other related actions. You can control whether we collect, use, and display this information as described in the “How to control your privacy” section below.":"来自您的操作的信息。我们会收集您对 Discord 的使用情况和在服务中的活动信息,包括您添加的好友、与您互动的用户、机器人和应用、您在自己设备上玩的游戏、您加入的服务器或其他社区、您在服务器中的身份组、您所做的内容管理决策、您在 Discord 上或通过 Discord 进行的买卖信息(包括买卖的内容),以及其他相关操作。您可以按照下文中的“如何控制您的隐私”部分,控制我们是否收集、使用和展示上述信息。","#Exercising your rights: As described in the “How to control your privacy” section above, all our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. If you are a resident of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, or Virginia, you may have additional rights that you (or, in certain states, an authorized agent acting on your behalf) can exercise through the Discord app directly (as described above) or by contacting us, including the right to:":"行使您的权利:如上文中的“如何控制您的隐私”部分所述,我们的所有用户都可以控制自己的信息,直接编辑或删除账户中的信息,限制我们处理的数据。如果您是加利福尼亚州、科罗拉多州、康涅狄格州、犹他州或弗吉尼亚州的常住居民,您(在某些州也可以是您的授权代理)还可以通过 Discord APP 直接(按上述方式)或联系我们行使更多权利。这些权利包括:","#To personalize the product. We use your information to personalize our services. This information powers our discovery surfaces (so that you see relevant communities or content first), Highlights Notifications, and similar features, and it helps us surface Discord features and promotions from us and our partners that may be of interest to you. As discussed in the “How to control your privacy” section below, you can choose to what extent we will use your personal information to personalize your Discord experience.":"为了产品个性化。我们利用您的信息提供个性化服务。这些信息能够实现我们的发现页面(让您优先看到相关的社区或内容)、高亮通知及类似功能,同时帮助我们提取您可能感兴趣的、由我们或我们的合作伙伴提供的 Discord 功能。如下文中的“如何控制您的隐私”部分所述,您可以选择允许我们使用的个人信息范围,获得个性化的 Discord 体验。","#We may also use content posted in larger spaces, to help us improve and power features like Highlights Notifications, identify harmful content on the services, and enforce our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. These things are important to us, and we believe they will make Discord even better for our users. We will always try to let you know the type of space you are in (although we don’t control where invite links are shared or the permissions for that server). You can limit the extent to which your content is used for these purposes as described in the “How to control your privacy” section below. You should take all of this into account when you are using our services, and choose the spaces, features, and settings that are most appropriate for your content.":"我们还可能利用在更大空间内发布的内容,以帮助我们改进和实现高亮通知等功能、识别服务中的危害性内容、实施我们的服务条款社区守则。以上事宜对我们而言都很重要,我们相信这也能够让 Discord 更好地为我们的用户服务。我们会始终努力告知您目前所处的空间类型(但我们并不能控制邀请链接在何处被分享,或是该服务器的权限设置)。您可以按照下文中的“如何控制您的隐私”部分,限制您可用于上述目的的内容范围。在使用我们的服务,或是为您的内容选择最合适的空间、功能和设置时,请参考本条中的所有内容。","#We may receive information from cookies (small text files placed on your computer or device) and similar technologies. First-party cookies are placed by us (and our third-party service providers) and allow you to use the services and to help us analyze and improve your experience and the services. You can control cookies as described in the “How to control your privacy” section below. The services use the following types of cookies:":"我们可能收到来自 Cookie(即保存在您的计算机或设备上的小文本文件)及类似技术的信息。我们(和我们的第三方服务提供商)会设置第一方 Cookie,从而允许您使用 Discord 的服务,并帮助我们分析和改进您的体验及服务。您可以按照下文中的“如何控制您的隐私”部分,对 Cookie 加以控制。服务会使用下列类型的 Cookie:","#For example, the following off-platform behaviors will be considered as violating this policy:":"例如下列平台外行为将被视为违反本政策:","#Committing a crime that results in or could cause a physical safety risk; this includes but is not limited to arson, assault and/or battery, homicide, human trafficking, illegal drug sales, illegal weapons sales, kidnapping, and manslaughter":"造成或可能造成人身安全危险的犯罪:包括但不限于纵火、袭击和/或殴打、杀人、贩卖人口、销售违禁药品、销售非法武器、绑架和过失杀人","#Participating in violent extremism or in a non-extremist violent organization
◦ Violent extremism means organizing, promoting, or supporting violent extremist causes. Our Violent Extremism Policy contains a list of violative activities":"参与暴力极端主义或非极端主义暴力组织
◦ 暴力极端主义是指组织、煽动或支持暴力极端主义主张。我们的暴力极端主义政策列出了一系列暴力活动","#Sexually exploiting children (individuals under 18 years old) or adults (18+)
◦ Sexual exploitation of children in the context of this policy means:
■ Soliciting, sharing, or distributing child sexual abuse material
■ Grooming (also known as “online enticement”)
■ Sexual extortion (or “sextortion”)

◦ Sexual exploitation of adults in the context of this policy means:
■ Any type of sexual crime (such as sexual assault or rape)
■ Sexual extortion":"儿童(不满18岁的个人)或成人(年满18岁)性剥削
◦ 本政策中提到的儿童性剥削是指:
■ 收集、分享或传播儿童性虐待资料
■ 诱骗(也称“线上诱惑”)
■ 色情勒索(或“性勒索”)

◦ 本政策中提到的成人性剥削是指:
■ 任何形式的性犯罪(如性侵犯或强奸)
■ 色情勒索","#Threatening an individual, group, organization, event, or location with violence":"以暴力威胁个人、团体、组织、活动或地点","#Off-Platform Behaviors Policy Explainer | Discord":"平台外行为政策讲解 | Discord","#Favorite g/DMs":"收藏群聊消息/私信","#So FRESH,
便捷","#Vroom, Discord got faster. We reduced app open time by 55% on Android, 43% on iOS this year. We don’t know how this is going to end without us inventing time travel.":"Discord 变得更快了,简直疾如闪电。我们今年将安卓端的应用程序启动时间缩短了 55%,iOS 端则缩短了 43%。再快下去,说不定哪天我们就能时间旅行了。","#We’ve been working hard this year to increase the app’s launch speed, load messages quicker, and make the app way more stable (AKA, down with the crashes).":"我们今年在持续努力优化应用程序的启动时间,加快消息的加载速度,提高应用程序的稳定性(也就是降低崩溃的风险)。","#Ever get tired of looking for your G/DM so you just made it all over again? About that…we fixed it!. We made it easier to search and select friends to add to a G/DM and added a preview if you already have an existing chat with a friend you selected.":"之前的群聊消息石沉大海,每次都要重新创建?这个问题……我们已经解决了!现在您可以更方便地搜索好友并将其添加到群聊消息中,如果您和这位选中的好友已经同在一个群聊中,还能看到预览提示。","#We sync new messages in the background so you’re up to date with your friends’ latest conversations when you open Discord.":"现在我们会在后台同步新消息,让您启动 Discord APP 时,就可以及时跟上好友们的最新对话。","#You have lots of conversations going on at once. We separated the Messages and Servers tabs to better organize these conversations. So now you can quickly find your DMs in one place and server chats in another.":"您可能会同时进行多个对话。为此,我们将消息和服务器分为两个页签,以便更好地管理这些对话。现在,您可以在不同的页签下分别快速查找您的私信和服务器聊天了。","#Say more with voice messages. If you have too many thoughts to type out, or your joke just won’t land the same over text, we get it. Just tap, hold to record, and release to send a voice message in the updated Discord mobile app.":"发送语音消息尽情表达。想说的话太多,打字太麻烦?笑话打出来就不好笑了?动动您的手指尖,在更新后的 Discord 移动应用上长按录音,松开即可发送语音消息。","#You can now launch Activities in voice calls in G/DMs for even more ways to have fun with friends.":"您现在可以在群聊消息/私信的语音通话中发起活动,和好友们享受更多乐趣。","#Ready to hang out? See what your friends are up to in real time and hop in to join them. Maybe they're listening to music, playing a game, or just chilling in a voice channel.":"想要找人玩吗?看看您的好友们在忙什么,随时随地加入他们。他们或许在听音乐、玩游戏,也可能只是在语音频道中闲聊。","#We now sync new messages in the background so you’re up to date with your friends’ latest conversations when you open the Discord app.":"现在我们会通过后台运行同步新消息,这样一来,当您启动 Discord APP 时,就可以及时跟上好友们的最新对话。","#Since launching in 2015, our mobile app has become a place to hang out and have fun with friends wherever you are. This hasn’t changed, but our mobile app has. Thanks to your feedback, we’ve fixed hundreds of bugs and made some big improvements. Check it all out!":"自 2015 年发布以来,我们的移动应用已经成为一个让您无论身处何地都能和好友们一起玩耍和交流的小天地。这一点至今没变,但是我们的移动端 APP 已经完成了华丽变身。在大家的反馈的帮助下,我们修复了数百个漏洞,并进行了一些重大改进。快来体验一下吧!","#Get the action without the distraction. We made notifications actionable and they also auto-clear as you read them (like magic).":"即时操作,无需分心。您可以对通知进行即时操作,并且在阅读后自动清除(就像魔术一样)。","#STAY CONNECTED WITH FRIENDS":"和好友保持联系","#Easily find your DMs in one place and server conversations in another.":"私信和服务器对话分开管理,便于查找。","#Add G/DMs and channels that matter most to you to your Favorites. Simply press and hold a G/DM or channel, then tap \"Favorite\", and it will always show up at the top of your Messages tab for G/DMs or the top of a server for channels.":"您可以将最关心的群聊消息/私信和频道添加到您的收藏夹。只需长按一个群聊消息/私信或频道,然后点击“收藏”,私信将始终显示在您的消息页签的最顶部,频道则将始终显示在服务器频道列表的最顶部。","#Select even more pics/videos at once, even the high-quality ones (up to 25 MB), and upload away. Uploaded content will show up in a sweet grid where you can swipe between uploads while still being able to see your message.":"一次性选择更多图片/视频,即使包含高画质媒体(最多 25mb),也可轻松上传。上传的内容将以美观的网格形式呈现,您可以在上传的内容之间滑动浏览,同时也不会影响查看消息。","#The free file upload limit has been raised from 8 MB to 25 MB. Let those GIFs fly free.":"免费文件上传限制从 8MB 扩大至 25MB 。让 GIF 满天飞吧。","#See what your friends are up to in real time and hop in to join them. Maybe they're listening to music, playing a game, or just chilling in a voice channel.":"想要找人玩吗?看看您的好友们在忙什么,随时随地加入他们。他们或许在听音乐、玩游戏,也可能只是在语音频道中闲聊。","#Our Ongoing Commitment":"我们的长久承诺","#To further safeguard our users, the Safety Reporting Network allows us to collaborate with various organizations around the world to identify and report violations of our Community Guidelines. This program helps our team apply a more global perspective to our enforcement activity, providing context for important cultural nuances that allows us to quickly and effectively apply our policies to content and activity across our service.":"为了更好地保障用户,我们可以通过安全举报网络与全球各地的不同组织协作,检测并报告违反 Discord 社区守则的行为。该项目能够帮助我们的团队在执行措施中运用更全球化的视角,提供有助于理解重要文化差异的背景信息,让我们能够迅速高效地将政策应用于服务中的内容和活动。","#Our Safety Reporting Network is just one component of our overall commitment to safety. We continually invest in technological advancements, like our recently launched Teen Safety Assist and Family Center tools; regularly update our policies; continually invest in building our team; and more. As we continue to improve and evolve our safety efforts, you can visit our Safety Center to learn more about this ongoing work.":"我们的安全举报网络只是我们对安全的整体承诺中的其中一个方面。我们将持续为技术进步投入资源,比如最近推出的青少年安全辅助家庭中心工具;定期更新我们的政策;不断投入团队建设等。在我们不断改进和完善安全工作的同时,您可以随时访问我们的安全中心,进一步了解这项工作的持续开展情况。","#Members of Discord’s Safety Reporting Network have access to a prioritized reporting channel, and, once our Safety team is made aware of a policy violation, we may take a range of actions, including: removing content, banning users, shutting down servers, and when appropriate, engaging with the proper authorities.":"Discord 安全举报网络的成员可以使用高优先级的报告渠道,一旦我们的安全团队发现有违反政策的情况出现,我们可能会采取一系列的措施,包括:删除内容、封禁用户、关闭服务器,以及在必要的情况下与相关部门联系。","#How the Safety Reporting Network Works":"安全举报网络的运作方式","#Safety Reporting Network: A Commitment to Safety and Collaboration":"安全举报网络:对安全和协作的承诺","#At Discord, safety is a top priority. It is a fundamental aspect of how we build our products and policies to ensure our platform continues to be the best place to talk, hang out, and have fun with friends.":"Discord 始终将安全放在第一位。这是我们构建产品和制定政策的根本,目的是保证我们的平台始终是好友们聊天、消遣和娱乐的理想场所。","#We take a holistic approach to safety – in addition to dedicating more than 15 percent of all Discord employees to safety full time, we work closely with industry-leading organizations, community moderators, and key partners to keep our platform safe. As part of this effort, our Safety Reporting Network features a global partnership of trusted organizations who collaborate directly with Discord’s Safety team.":"Discord 的安全策略是全方位的。在 Discord,超过 15% 的员工专门从事安全工作,除此之外,我们还与行业领先的组织、社区管理员和关键合作伙伴紧密配合,保障平台安全。作为安全策略的一部分,我们的安全举报网络涵盖一系列直接与 Discord 安全团队合作的全球受信任组织。","#Sending abusive, harassing, or threatening language in a report to a support team":"在向客服团队提交的举报中使用辱骂、骚扰或威胁性语言","#Submitting false or misleading legal processes, requests, or notices to a support team":"向客服团队提交虚假或误导性的法律程序、请求或通知","#Hold onto your hats, this might be our most requested Discord update. We made dark theme even darker and added the new Midnight theme, which is pure black and saves battery on OLED compatible devices while going easy on your eyes.":"睁大双眼,这可能是最受期待的 Discord 更新。我们在暗黑主题的道路上越走越远,现已加入全新的午夜主题,在 OLED 兼容设备上展现省电又护眼的纯黑色。","#October 24, 2023":"2023 年 10 月 24 日","#Join Discord Developers":"加入 Discord 开发者","#A preview of four Discord profiles with Avatar Decorations and Profile Effects on them.":"预览四个带有头像装饰和个人资料特效的 Discord 个人资料。","#Special Shop Perks":"特殊商店特权","#Enjoy member pricing plus Nitro exclusive items in the Shop.":"前往商店享受会员特价和 Nitro 独家商品。","#Shop member pricing and exclusive items":"选购会员特价和独家商品","#Repeatedly using slurs to degrade and demean individuals or groups. This includes deadnaming or misgendering a transgender person.":"反复使用侮辱和贬低个人或群体的词语。包括使用其已放弃的死名或错误的性别称谓来贬低跨性别者。","#You got the squad, we got the spot":"团队齐聚,畅享空间","#Stream from PC, console* or mobile and capture your finest moments — voice banter included — with Clips.":"用 Clips 留住电脑、主机*或移动设备上的直播并记录下最精彩的时刻,就连语音聊天时的欢笑也能一并保留。","#*Streaming available on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One":"*支持 Xbox Series X|S 和 Xbox One 直播","#Download App":"下载 APP","#Become a Nitro member":"成为 Nitro 会员","#From pre-game lobbies to post-raid celebrations, Discord is your home base.":"从进入游戏前的聊天,到刷完副本后的庆祝,Discord 都是你的主基地。","#Ready up for your next session":"为下一段会话或游戏做好准备","#One app to game and talk together":"一款应用,游戏聊天两不误","#One app to talk, hang out, and game together — whether you’re on PC, console*, or mobile.":"无论你使用的是电脑、主机*还是移动设备,只需一款应用,聊天、娱乐和游戏尽在其中。","#Queue up with quickness":"快速排队","#Show what you’re playing as your status for all to see, or ask who’s down for a quick round with drop-in voice channels that are always open for adventurers.":"在状态中向所有人展示你在玩的游戏,或随时加入语音频道,问问谁想来一场快速对局,这里的大门永远向冒险者们敞开。","#*Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation®️ 5":"*支持Xbox One、Xbox Series X|S、PlayStation®️ 5","#Become a Nitro member to buff your Discord experience with HD streaming, the power to use your custom emoji and soundboard sounds everywhere, larger file uploads and a whole lot more.":"订阅 Nitro,为你的 Discord 体验施加增益效果:获得高清直播体验,并可以随时随地使用自己的自定义表情符号和“音板”音效,以及享受大文件上传等超多服务。","#Stream, clip, and relive the glory":"直播、剪辑、重历辉煌","#New Mobile Experience":"全新的移动端体验","#Upholding Our Commitment to Safety in 2023 and Beyond":"在 2023 年以及未来坚守我们对安全的承诺","#As a part of our regular process to review and update our policies, we partnered with leaders in the teen and child safety space to ensure our teen and child safety policies are crafted with the latest research, best practices, and expertise in mind. For example, as part of our zero-tolerance policy for child sexual abuse, we added a clear distinction that we do not allow AI-generated photorealistic CSAM. We took a holistic and nuanced approach to these updates in order to better support and educate our teen users while continuing to make Discord a hostile environment for bad actors.":"作为我们定期审查和更新政策的常规流程的一部分,我们与青少年和儿童安全领域的领导者合作,以确保我们的青少年和儿童安全政策基于最新研究、最佳实践和专业知识。例如,作为我们对儿童性虐待零容忍政策的一部分,我们明确规定,不允许 AI 生成的逼真的儿童性虐待内容。我们全面且精密地实施了这些更新,以更好地支持和教育我们的青少年用户,同时继续让 Discord 成为与不良行为斗争的大本营。","#We believe that everyone in the industry should share solutions, intelligence, and technology, which is why we continued to invest in furthering our partnerships with a number of safety organizations this year. These organizations help us to keep our platform and the internet safer by supplementing our expertise and insights and helping us to continue to advance cutting edge safety efforts.":"我们坚信,行业中的每个人都应该分享解决方案、情报和技术,这就是为什么我们今年持续加大投入,深化与多个安全组织的合作关系。这些组织通过补充我们的专业知识和洞察力,帮助我们不断推进尖端的安全工作,以确保我们的平台和网络安全。","#Discord also joined the Christchurch Call, a community of over 120 members worldwide with a shared goal of eliminating violent extremism online. Partnership and transparency are cornerstones of our effort to counter extremism and we are committed to working collectively with this global community to make the internet and the world a safer place.":"Discord 也加入了 Christchurch Call,这是一个拥有超过 120 个成员组织的全球社区,共同目标是消除线上的暴力极端主义。合作和透明是我们对抗极端主义的基石,我们致力于与这一全球社区共同努力,使互联网和世界变得更安全。","#As part of our extensive fight against child sexual abuse material (CSAM), we continued to deepen our partnership with the Tech Coalition. I joined the Tech Coalition’s Board of Directors and am excited to help shape the organization’s future and continue to collaborate with industry leaders to combat online sexual abuse and exploitation.":"作为我们广泛打击儿童性虐待内容(CSAM)行动的一部分,我们继续深化与 Tech Coalition 的合作。我本人也加入了 Tech Coalition 的董事会,非常期待能够在组织的未来发展中贡献一份力量,并继续与行业领导者合作,打击线上性虐待和剥削。","#Product Developments":"产品开发","#This year, we made key investments that help teens, parents, and all of our users have a positive Discord experience:":"今年,我们进行了重点投资,以帮助青少年、家长以及所有用户获得良好的 Discord 体验:","#We developed a Warning System to help users more easily understand when and how they’ve broken Discord’s rules and provide them with resources to learn how to do better in the future. For teens specifically, this feature allows us to consider how they are learning and growing, giving them more opportunities to learn from mistakes rather than punishing them harshly for certain misbehaviors. Some violations are more serious than others, and in those cases, we’ll take the appropriate action, especially for violations related to violent extremism or sexualization of children.":"我们开发了警告系统,让用户能够更清楚地理解自己何时以及如何违反了 Discord 规则,并为他们提供学习资源,以便能在未来加以改进。这一功能让我们能够考虑青少年用户的学习和成长过程,给予他们更多从错误中学习的机会,而不是直接对不当行为进行严厉的惩罚。但如果违规行为较为严重,我们也会采取适当的措施,尤其是涉及暴力极端主义或儿童性化的违规行为。","#As technologies continue to evolve, so does the dynamic safety landscape, presenting new challenges that no company or government can tackle alone. Continued industry investment in safety features must be made to ensure users on our platforms are safer. We can do this by evolving our features and policies to ensure they are up to date, holistic, and meet the needs of our users; regularly sharing knowledge and progress; and working collaboratively with each other and legislators, advocacy groups, and academics, to ensure a safer online experience for everyone.":"随着科技的不断进步,动态的安全环境也在不断面临新的挑战。这些挑战是任何公司或政府都无法单独应对的。我们必须持续在安全功能上进行行业投资,以确保平台用户更加安全。我们可以通过不断更新和完善我们的功能和政策,来保证其先进性和全面性,并满足用户的需求;定期分享知识和进展;并与各方——包括立法者、倡导团体和学者——共同合作,以确保所有人都能享受更安全的线上体验。","#We launched Teen Safety Assist, which introduced new features aimed at better protecting teen users on Discord, including safety alerts when a user receives a DM from someone for the first time, and content filters to blur media that may be sensitive. These features are default enabled for teen users. We collaborated with leading child safety organization Thorn to ensure this tool was grounded in the latest research and included language that resonates with teens. We plan to announce more features as part of this tool in 2024.":"我们推出了青少年安全助手,引入了旨在更好地保护 Discord 青少年用户的新功能,包括用户首次收到某人私信时的安全警报,以及模糊可能包含敏感内容媒体的过滤器。这些功能对青少年用户默认开启。我们还与全球领先的儿童安全组织 Thorn 展开合作,确保该工具应用了最新的研究,并使用能让青少年产生共鸣的语言。我们计划于 2024 年公布此工具的更多功能。","#Discord is partnering with the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law to lead a pilot project to implement their Framework for Meaningful Engagement (FME). ECNL’s expertise and the FME will help us build and deploy AI systems in support of our safety work.":"Discord 正在与欧洲非营利法律中心(ECNL)合作,领导一个试点项目,以实施他们的“Framework for Meaningful Engagement”(FME)。ECNL 的专业知识和 FME 将帮助我们构建和部署 AI 系统,以支持我们的安全工作。","#We joined the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), the UK’s frontline defense against the spread of online child sexual abuse imagery. By becoming a member, Discord will be able to deploy IWF’s world-leading services to keep the platform safer, including the IWF’s URL List and Keywords List, as well as its Non-Photographic URL and Hash Lists.":"我们加入了网络观察基金会(IWF),这是英国对抗线上儿童性虐待图像扩散的前线。成为基金会成员后,Discord 将能够部署 IWF 的世界领先服务来确保平台的安全,包括 IWF 的 URL 列表和关键词列表,以及其非摄影 URL 和哈希列表。","#We continued our important partnership with the National PTA around family engagement efforts. Through their Build Up and Belong program, we supported local PTAs as they hosted events to help families build healthy digital habits and foster productive conversations about navigating online interactions.":"我们继续与全美家长教师协会(National PTA)就“家庭参与”保持重要的合作关系。通过他们的“建立与归属计划”,我们支持当地的家长教师协会举办活动,帮助家庭建立健康的数字习惯,并促进关于线上互动的有效对话。","#Additionally, we are proud board members of Digital Trust & Safety Partnership, which gathers tech platforms to collaborate on and publish online safety best practices. This includes conducting audits of our policies and processes to ensure safety is built into our systems by design. We also are active members of the Trust & Safety Professional Association, an organization that gathers Trust & Safety professionals from around the world for training and to share best practices across the industry.":"此外,我们非常荣幸地成为了数字信任与安全伙伴关系(Digital Trust and Safety Partnership)的董事会成员。该组织汇集了各大科技平台,共同研究和发布线上安全的最佳实践。其中包括对我们的政策和流程进行审查,确保我们的系统在设计时就能保障安全。我们也是信任与安全专业协会(Trust and Safety Professional Association)的活跃成员。该组织汇集了全球的信任与安全专业人士,一起进行培训并分享行业最佳实践。","#Discord’s ground-up approach to safety starts with our product and features. Not only do we intentionally build products that help to keep our users safer, but we also implement a Safety by Design practice, which includes a risk assessment process during the product development cycle that helps identify and mitigate potential risks to user safety.":"Discord 对安全理念的践行始于我们的产品和功能。我们不仅有意识地开发出能够帮助保护用户安全的产品,还应用了“设计保障安全”概念,包括在产品开发周期中进行风险评估,这有助于甄别并减少用户安全的潜在风险。","#We made updates to Discord’s Moderator Toolkit, equipping server moderators with new ways to proactively identify potentially unsafe activity, such as server raids and DM spam, and take swift actions as needed.":"我们对 Discord 管理员工具包进行了更新,让服务器管理员能用新方法主动识别潜在的不安全活动,如服务器网暴和私信垃圾邮件等,并在需要时迅速采取行动。","#We also expanded our partnership with INHOPE, a global network combatting CSAM online. Through this partnership, we are better able to collaborate with the hotlines globally working to address this important issue.":"我们还扩大了与 INHOPE 的合作,他们是致力于打击线上儿童性虐待内容的全球性网络。通过这一伙伴关系,我们能更好地与全球各地的热线合作,共同应对这一重要问题。","#As part of a Tech Coalition hackathon, we built and implemented a new Visual Safety Technology called CLIP to detect unknown CSAM and AI-generated CSAM with positive results. We have made this technology open source, so that we can share our innovation with other organizations—without cost—and contribute to the broader fight against CSAM online.":"作为 Tech Coalition 黑客马拉松的一部分,我们构建并实施了名为 CLIP 的全新视觉安全技术,用于检测未知的儿童性虐待内容和 AI 生成的儿童性虐待内容,并已取得了积极结果。我们已将此技术开源,以免费与其他组织分享我们的创新成果,并为线上对抗儿童性虐待内容的广泛斗争做出贡献。","#We unveiled Family Center, an in-app tool to help keep parents and guardians informed of how their teens use Discord while still giving teens autonomy and control over their experience. This is a pivotal step in helping parents and teens develop collaborative approaches to build positive online behaviors.":"我们推出了家庭中心,这是一款 APP 内工具,能帮助父母和监护人了解孩子如何使用 Discord,同时仍然让青少年用户拥有自主权和对使用体验的控制。这是帮助父母和青少年共同制定策略,以培养良好网络习惯的重要步骤。","#One of the most exciting parts of our partnership with the Tech Coalition this year was the launch of Lantern, a first-of-its-kind signal sharing program for companies to enhance and strengthen how we detect attempts to sexually exploit and abuse children and teens online. Discord joined other industry partners like Google, Mega, Meta, Quora, Roblox, Snap, and Twitch to share signals about activity we detect that violates our policies and utilize signals shared by other companies to surface violating activity on their platforms.":"在今年与 Tech Coalition 的合作中,最令人兴奋的部分就是推出了 Lantern 计划。这是一种前所未有的信号共享计划,旨在帮助公司加强对于性剥削和虐待儿童及青少年的线上行为的检测。Discord 与 Google、Mega、Meta、Quora、Roblox、Snap 和 Twitch 等其他行业合作伙伴一道,共享我们检测到的违反我们政策的活动信号,并利用其他公司共享的信号来揭示平台上的违规活动。","#Looking to 2024 and beyond":"展望 2024 年及未来","#While we’ve made a lot of progress over the last year, we know there is still much more we can and must do – on our own and in collaboration with others – to combat known and new threats. The work here never stops. As we look to the New Year, my team and I are as committed as ever to building on the important safety work we’ve done over the past twelve months, and we are confident that Discord will continue to be the best place for people to have fun online.":"虽然我们在过去一年中取得了很多进步,但我们深知努力没有止境,也必须付出更多行动——包括平台事业和与外部的合作——以对抗已知和全新的威胁。我们永远不会停下脚步。展望新的一年,我和团队将继续致力于过去一年在重要安全工作上的建设。Discord 仍会是大家线上娱乐的最佳场所,我们对此信心十足。","#Safety is core to who we are as a company and we continuously invest in new and innovative ways to keep our users safe. The work we did this year is a testament to that, and I am looking forward to continuing this work in 2024 and beyond.":"我们把安全视为公司的核心,不断投入全新和创新型的方式来保护用户的安全。我们今年的工作就是对此的证明,我也期待在 2024 年及今后的日子中能继续保持。","#To end the year, we recapped our safety product developments and partnerships as we look forward to continuing this work in 2024.":"在年终回顾我们的安全产品开发以及合作伙伴关系,并期待在 2024 年继续这方面的工作。","#At Discord, we know that creating a fun and engaging place to hang out with your friends online hinges on our ability to keep you safe. As head of Discord’s Safety team, protecting our users is both a business imperative and a personal passion for me.":"Discord 深知,想要打造一个让您和朋友们在线上愉快交流的天地,关键在于能否确保您的安全。作为 Discord 安全团队的负责人,保护用户的安全既是我的职责所在,也是我的心之所系。","#Upholding Our Commitment to Safety in 2023 and Beyond | Discord":"在 2023 年以及未来坚守我们对安全的承诺 | Discord","#December 21, 2023":"2023 年 12 月 21 日","#Safer Internet Day 2024":"2024 国际互联网安全日","#February 6, 2024":"2024 年 2 月 6 日","#If you want to learn more about how we approach safety and privacy here at Discord, we have plenty of more resources and articles throughout our Safety Center.":"如果您想了解更多 Discord 的安全和隐私策略,请访问安全中心浏览更多资源和文章。","#Today is the 21st annual Safer Internet Day. That means at the prime age of 21, the annual online celebration that helps raise awareness around internet safety is older than many folks who hang out online with their friends on a daily basis! A lot has changed about how the internet impacts our daily lives in all those years — let’s talk about how we’re celebrating the work being done around the globe to make a difference.":"今天是第 21 个国际互联网安全日。21 岁正值黄金年龄,同时也意味着这项旨在提高互联网安全意识的活动已经比许多每天在网络上冲浪的人还要“年长”!这些年来,互联网对我们日常生活的影响发生了巨大的变化,我们也想对世界范围内正在进行的工作及其带来的改变进行回顾与总结。","#Working together with organizations to make the internet a better, safer place is something we’re committed to doing on Safer Internet Day, and every other day of the year. Discord should be a place where everyone has a home to talk, have fun, and just be themselves — we’re here for you every step of the way.":"值此国际互联网安全日之际,我们承诺坚持与各类组织合作,和青少年们直接互动,努力让互联网变得更加安全和美好,天天如此。Discord 应该为所有用户营造一个畅所欲言、快乐交流、尽情展现自我的家园,而在实现这一目标的旅程中,我们每一步都将与您相伴。","#The safety alert in chat will include advice on how to tackle an unwanted situation. Teen users will be encouraged to take a break from the conversation, reach out to Crisis Text Line for live help, or visit NoFiltr.org for more resources and safety tips. The feature will start rolling out for English regions in the coming weeks.":"聊天安全警告将提供如何处理不愉快情形的建议。我们倡导青少年用户在遇到问题时暂时中断对话,与紧急情况短信专线取得联系,获取实时帮助,或访问 NoFiltr.org 获取更多资源和安全建议。该功能将在几周内开始在英语地区推出。","#The motto for Safer Internet Day is “together for a better internet.” At Discord, we’re constantly working to make our platform the best place for our users, including teens, to hang out online.":"国际互联网安全日的主题是“携手共创更美好的互联网”。Discord 一直致力于为用户,包括青少年在内,打造最好的线上休闲平台。","#Based on our findings, we’ll then partner with teens to co-create a charter that outlines the rights teens have online and the best-case scenarios for authentically expressing themselves and hanging out with friends in digital spaces. While our Community Guidelines explain what isn’t allowed on Discord, these new principles will ultimately guide users to take on a shared responsibility in creating a fun and comfortable space to talk and hang out with their friends.":"我们将根据调查结果,与青少年合作,共同制定规章,详细说明青少年在网络上拥有的权利以及在数字空间真实表达自我、与朋友相聚的最佳范例。我们的社区守则规定了 Discord 上的禁止事项,规章中的新原则,则旨在最终引导用户共同承担责任,打造一个有趣且舒适的空间,用于与朋友交流和聚会。","#In the spirit of trust and transparency that teens yearn for, we’ll continue to share our processes of developing this charter openly on our Safety Center.":"秉持着青少年渴盼的信任和透明的原则,我们将继续在安全中心版块公布规程制定的进展。","#A charter for a better place to hang out":"规划更美好的休闲空间","#What we’ve learned so far":"迄今为止的收获","#This new feature, which is enabled by default for teens, will give users additional protection to keep all their spaces comfy on Discord. When we detect a message is potentially unwanted, teen users will receive a safety alert in chat to offer protections like blocking or reporting the sender.":"这项新功能默认对青少年开启,将为用户提供额外保护,使其在 Discord 的空间中感到舒适。当我们检测到疑似垃圾信息时,青少年用户将在聊天中收到一条安全警告,可以选择屏蔽或举报发送者等保护措施。","#If we want to do this right, we need to ensure people’s voices are heard, especially those of our younger users. We have to engage with youth directly to hear their firsthand experiences and perspectives on how to shape features to meet their needs. That’s why we’re working closely with organizations and teens from around the world to develop an aspirational charter that helps us understand how they want to feel on Discord, while informing the ways we build new products and features to keep them safe on the platform.":"为了做到这一点,我们需要确保人们能够发声并被听到,尤其是年轻用户的声音。我们必须直接与年轻人互动,了解第一手体验与观点,才能设计出满足其需求的功能。为此,我们坚持与来自世界各地的组织和青少年紧密合作,制定出一套立意高远的规章,帮助我们了解用户对于 Discord 体验的预期,同时指导新产品和功能的构建,以确保用户在平台上的安全。","#Safer Internet Day 2024 | Discord":"2024 国际互联网安全日 | Discord","#Together for a better internet":"携手共创更美好的互联网","#Added layers of protection with Teen Safety Assist":"为青少年安全辅助增加防护","#Along with our work on the charter, we’re also partnering with technology non-profit Thorn to build a set of product features to protect and empower teens. Last fall, we announced our Teen Safety Assist initiative with safety alerts on senders and sensitive content filters, and we’re about to release our next feature: safety alerts in chat.":"在制定规程的同时,我们还与非营利科技组织 Thorn 合作,共同开发旨在保护和赋能青少年的产品功能。去年秋天,我们发布了青少年安全辅助倡议,提供发送者安全警告和敏感内容过滤器,目前即将发布下一项功能:聊天安全警告。","#We’re working with organizations–and directly with teens–to make the internet a better, safer place on Safer Internet Day, and every other day of the year.":"我们始终坚持与各类组织合作,和青少年们直接互动,努力让互联网变得更加安全和美好,天天如此,国际互联网安全日当然也不例外。","#We’re consulting the clinical researchers at the Digital Wellness Lab and NoFiltr’s Youth Innovation Council, and engaging our own global focus groups to not only better understand how teens want to feel on Discord, but also what it takes to ensure they feel that way.":"我们听取 Digital Wellness LabNoFiltr 青年创新委员会的实地研究人员的建议,并组织我们自己的全球焦点小组,以期更好地了解青少年对于 Discord 体验的预期,以及为了满足这些预期,需要开展哪些工作。","#Recent focus groups have shown us that teens navigate privacy, safety, and authenticity in nuanced and sophisticated ways – and they expect online platforms to do the same. While our research is only getting started, our teen participants have already emphasized the importance of both transparency and respect on platforms in order to feel safe to be authentically themselves.

Without privacy, the potential for trust is compromised, preventing the free exchange of ideas and hindering the development of a vibrant and supportive online community.” - NoFiltr’s Youth Innovation Council Member, 14":"最近的焦点小组研究显示,青少年懂得通过各种细致而周全的方式,处理隐私、安全和真实性问题,并希望在线平台也是如此。我们的研究才刚刚开始,但青少年参与者已经表现出了对平台透明度和相互尊重性的重视,这样才能获得足够的安全感,展现真实的自我。

“没有隐私,建立信任的可能性就会降低,阻碍思想自由交流,扼制充满活力、友好互助的在线社区的发展。” —— NoFiltr 青年创新委员会成员,14 岁","#We work to center youth voices in our product design and policies. Now we're collaborating with teens around the world on a charter to make Discord a better place to hang out.":"我们致力于在 Discord 产品设计和政策中着重体现青少年的声音。现在,我们正与来自世界各地的青少年携手制定一份规程,以期将 Discord 打造成一个更美好的休闲空间。","#Platform Updates":"平台近况","#Embedding a widget on your guild/free company site allows you to quickly see who is online without needing to log on to the game. Widgets also help streamline your recruitment process. Potential recruits visiting your site can instantly see how active your group is and even join a recruitment channel on your server without needing an invite.":"在您的公会/免费公司网站上嵌入小工具,无需登录游戏即可快速查看在线成员。您还可以用小工具简化招募流程——潜在的新成员只需访问您的网站就可以立即看到团队的活跃度,甚至无需邀请就能直接加入您服务器的招募频道。","#The interactive widget is also perfect for fan sites with a public Discord server. It serves as the perfect promo for getting new users to join the conversation.":"这个互动小工具对于拥有公共 Discord 服务器的粉丝网站也是绝佳的推广工具,能够吸引更多新用户加入讨论。","#Let us know what you think and if there is some other functionality you’d like to see in the widget. Happy gaming!":"期待听到您的反馈!如果您有其他希望添加的小工具功能,也欢迎随时告诉我们。祝您游戏愉快!","#The latest update to Discord includes our new widget. Check it out!":"Discord 的最新更新推出了全新小工具。快来看看吧!","#You can get the widget from the widget tab in your server settings. From this tab you can enable the widget, adjust your invite settings, and copy the html or json code to embed on your site.":"您可以从服务器设置中的“小工具”页签获取此小工具。在同一页签中,您还可以启用小工具、调整邀请设置,并复制 html 或 json 代码,嵌入到您的网站中。","#June 12, 2015":"2015 年 6 月12 日","#How Discord Works with Law Enforcement":"Discord 与执法部门的合作","#Join the Discord Developers server":"加入 Discord 开发者服务器","#In the picture below, you can see the response time and system cpu for a peak sample time frame for the Go service.¹ As you might notice, there are latency and CPU spikes roughly every 2 minutes.":"在下图中,您可以看到 Go 服务在高峰时段的的响应时间和系统 CPU 使用率¹。您可能会注意到,每隔 2 分钟左右就会出现一次延迟和 CPU 峰值。","#These latency spikes definitely smelled like garbage collection performance impact, but we had written the Go code very efficiently and had very few allocations. We were not creating a lot of garbage.":"这些延迟峰值明显受到了垃圾回收性能的影响,但我们编写的 Go 代码已经非常高效,内存分配很少,并没有产生大量的“垃圾”数据。","#Discord has never been afraid of embracing new technologies that look promising. For example, we were early adopters of Elixir, React, React Native, and Scylla. If a piece of technology is promising and gives us an advantage, we do not mind dealing with the inherent difficulties and instability of the bleeding edge. This is one of the ways we’ve quickly reached 250+ million users with less than 50 engineers.":"Discord 一向不畏惧尝试前景光明的新技术。例如,我们是 Elixir、React、React Native 和 Scylla 的早期用户。如果一项技术看起来很有前景,还能给我们带来优势,那我们就愿意承受前沿技术固有的困难和不稳定性。正是通过这种方式,我们用不到 50 名工程师的规模迅速吸引了超过 2.5 亿用户。","#The Read States service":"Read States 服务","#For persistence, we back the cache with a Cassandra database cluster. On cache key eviction, we commit your Read States to the database. We also schedule a database commit for 30 seconds in the future whenever a Read State is updated. There are tens of thousands of database writes per second.":"为了实现持久性,我们使用 Cassandra 数据库集群来支持缓存。当缓存键(cache key)被淘汰(eviction)时,我们会将您的 Read States 提交到数据库。此外,每当 Read States 更新时,我们还会安排在未来 30 秒内再进行一次数据库提交操作。这样一来,每秒会有数万次数据库写入操作。","#Embracing the new async features in Rust nightly is another example of our willingness to embrace new, promising technology. As an engineering team, we decided it was worth using nightly Rust and we committed to running on nightly until async was fully supported on stable. Together we dealt with any problems that arose and at this point Rust stable supports asynchronous Rust.⁵ The bet paid off.":"拥抱 Rust nightly 版本中的新异步功能,就是我们愿意拥抱有前途的新技术的又一力证。以工程团队的视角来看,我们认为 Rust nightly 版本值得一试,并承诺在稳定版完全支持异步功能之前,我们将一直在 nightly 版本上运行。团队共同克服了过程中遇到的各种问题,而现在,Rust 稳定版已完全支持异步⁵。这次下注大获成功。","#The data structure we use to store read state information is conveniently called “Read State”. Discord has billions of Read States. There is one Read State per User per Channel. Each Read State has several counters that need to be updated atomically and often reset to 0. For example, one of the counters is how many @mentions you have in a channel.":"我们对存储读取状态信息的数据结构有一个直观的称呼,叫“Read States(读取状态)”。Discord 中有数十亿个 Read States。每位用户在每个频道都有一个。每个 Read States 都包含多个需要原子更新的计数器,并且经常需要重置为 0。例如,其中一个计数器记录了您在某个频道中 @被提及的次数。","#Memory management in Rust":"Rust 的内存管理","#Fortunately, the Rust team was hard at work on making asynchronous programming easy, and it was available in the unstable nightly channel of Rust.":"幸运的是,Rust 团队也在同期积极推进异步编程的支持。这项功能当时已在 Rust 的不稳定 nightly 版本频道中推出。","#Unfortunately, the trade off of making the LRU cache smaller resulted in higher 99th latency times. This is because if the cache is smaller it’s less likely for a user’s Read State to be in the cache. If it’s not in the cache then we have to do a database load.":"但不幸的是,LRU 缓存变小的代价是 99 百分位延迟变高。原因很简单,如果缓存变小,用户的 Read States 就会超出缓存。而一旦数据不在缓存里,就需要从数据库加载,导致延迟增加。","#During that time we were seeing more and more success with Rust in other parts of Discord and we collectively decided we wanted to create the frameworks and libraries needed to build new services fully in Rust. This service was a great candidate to port to Rust since it was small and self-contained, but we also hoped that Rust would fix these latency spikes. So we took on the task of porting Read States to Rust, hoping to prove out Rust as a service language and improve the user experience.²":"在此期间,我们在 Discord 的其他部分看到了越来越多使用 Rust 的成功案例,因此我们集体决定完全用 Rust 构建新服务所需的框架(framework)和库(library)。这项服务体量小且自成一体,因此成为了移植到 Rust 的理想候选。同时,我们也希望通过 Rust 解决之前的延迟峰值问题。于是,我们承担了将 Read States 移植到 Rust 的任务,以验证 Rust 作为服务语言的可行性,同时改善用户体验²。","#In Go, on cache key eviction, memory is not immediately freed. Instead, the garbage collector runs every so often to find any memory that has no references and then frees it. In other words, instead of freeing immediately after the memory is out of use, memory hangs out for a bit until the garbage collector can determine if it’s truly out of use. During garbage collection, Go has to do a lot of work to determine what memory is free, which can slow the program down.":"在 Go 中,缓存键被淘汰时,并不会立即释放内存。相反,垃圾回收机制会定期运行,查找没有引用的内存,然后将其释放。换句话说,内存不会在不再使用的当下立即释放,而是会挂起一段时间,直到垃圾回收机制确定它真的没有被使用。在垃圾回收期间,Go 需要进行大量工作来判断哪些内存可以释放,而这样会拖慢程序的运行速度。","#We kept digging and learned the spikes were huge not because of a massive amount of ready-to-free memory, but because the garbage collector needed to scan the entire LRU cache in order to determine if the memory was truly free from references. Thus, we figured a smaller LRU cache would be faster because the garbage collector would have less to scan. So we added another setting to the service to change the size of the LRU cache and changed the architecture to have many partitioned LRU caches per server.":"我们进一步研究发现,延迟峰值之所以如此之大,并不是因为有大量待释放的内存,而是因为垃圾回收机制需要扫描整个 LRU 缓存(LRU cache),才能确定内存是否真的没有被引用。因此,我们猜测,缩小 LRU 缓存的大小可能会减少垃圾回收的扫描工作量,从而降低延迟峰值。因此,我们在服务中添加了另一个设置选项,来调整 LRU 缓存的大小,并将缓存架构改为每台服务器拥有多个分区的 LRU 缓存。","#In order to get quick atomic counter updates, each Read States server has a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache of Read States. There are millions of Users in each cache. There are tens of millions of Read States in each cache. There are hundreds of thousands of cache updates per second.":"为了实现快速的原子计数器更新,每台 Read States 服务器都有一个最近最少使用(Least Recently Used,简称 LRU)缓存来存储 Read States。每个缓存中有数百万个用户,数千万个 Read States,每秒钟会有数十万次缓存更新。","#Why Go did not meet our performance targets":"为什么 Go 无法满足我们的性能要求","#Rust is becoming a first class language in a variety of domains. At Discord, we’ve seen success with Rust on the client side and server side. For example, we use it on the client side for our video encoding pipeline for Go Live and on the server side for Elixir NIFs. Most recently, we drastically improved the performance of a service by switching its implementation from Go to Rust. This post explains why it made sense for us to reimplement the service, how it was done, and the resulting performance improvements.":"Rust 正在成为多个领域的一流语言。在 Discord,我们已经成功将 Rust 应用于客户端和服务器端。例如,在客户端,我们将其用于 Go Live 的视频编码流程,而在服务器端则用于处理 Elixir NIF。最近,我们将某项服务从 Go 切换到 Rust,极大地提高了服务的性能。这篇文章将解释为什么重新实现这项服务是有意义的、实现的过程以及最终带来的性能提升。","#With the Go implementation, the Read States service was not supporting its product requirements. It was fast most of the time, but every few minutes we saw large latency spikes that were bad for user experience. After investigating, we determined the spikes were due to core Go features: its memory model and garbage collector (GC).":"在使用 Go 实现时,Read States 服务无法满足我们的产品需求。它大部分时间运行速度都很快,但每隔几分钟就会出现较大的延迟峰值,影响用户体验。经过调查,我们发现这些延迟峰值是由 Go 的核心特性引起的:其内存模型(memory model)和垃圾回收机制(garbage collector,简称 GC)。","#After digging through the Go source code, we learned that Go will force a garbage collection run every 2 minutes at minimum. In other words, if garbage collection has not run for 2 minutes, regardless of heap growth, go will still force a garbage collection.":"在深入研究了 Go 的源代码之后,我们发现,Go 会至少 2 分钟强制运行一次垃圾回收。换句话说,即使堆内存没有显著增长,2 分钟后仍然会强制触发垃圾回收。","#Rust is blazingly fast and memory-efficient: with no runtime or garbage collector, it can power performance-critical services, run on embedded devices, and easily integrate with other languages.³":"Rust 速度极快,并且节省内存:没有运行时(runtime)或垃圾回收机制,它可以为性能要求高的服务提供支持,可以在嵌入式设备(embedded device)上运行,还能轻松与其他语言集成³。","#Discord is a product focused company, so we’ll start with some product context. The service we switched from Go to Rust is the “Read States” service. Its sole purpose is to keep track of which channels and messages you have read. Read States is accessed every time you connect to Discord, every time a message is sent and every time a message is read. In short, Read States is in the hot path. We want to make sure Discord feels super snappy all the time, so we need to make sure Read States is quick.":"Discord 是一家以产品为核心的公司,因此我们先从产品角度开始讨论。我们将“Read States”服务从 Go 切换到了 Rust 上。这项服务的唯一用处是跟踪您阅读过的频道和消息。每次您连接到 Discord、每次发送消息以及每次阅读消息时,都会访问 Read States。简而言之,Read States 长期处于高频调用路径中。为了确保 Discord 始终保持流畅的使用体验,我们就需要保证 Read States 的响应速度足够快。","#After a significant amount of load testing different cache capacities, we found a setting that seemed okay. Not completely satisfied, but satisfied enough and with bigger fish to fry, we left the service running like this for quite some time.":"在对不同的缓存容量进行了大量负载测试(load testing)后,我们找到了一种似乎还不错的设置。虽然并不完美,但在当时已经够用,而且因为还有更重要的事情要处理,我们就让这项服务以这种方式运行了相当长一段时间。","#Async Rust":"Rust 的异步编程","#But there was a problem with the Rust ecosystem. At the time this service was reimplemented, Rust stable did not have a very good story for asynchronous Rust. For a networked service, asynchronous programming is a requirement. There were a few community libraries that enabled asynchronous Rust, but they required a significant amount of ceremony and the error messages were extremely obtuse.":"然而,Rust 的生态系统存在一个问题。在重新实现这项服务时,Rust 稳定版(Rust stable)并没有一个成熟的异步(asynchronous)编程框架,而对于网络服务来说,异步编程是必需的。当时社区已经有了一些第三方库可以实现异步 Rust,但使用起来非常繁琐,“仪式感”十足,错误信息也晦涩难懂。","#At this point, Discord is using Rust in many places across its software stack. We use it for the game SDK, video capturing and encoding for Go Live, Elixir NIFs, several backend services, and more.":"目前,Discord 在多个系统组件中都使用了 Rust。我们将其用于游戏 SDK、Go Live 的视频捕获和编码、Elixir NIF、多个后端服务等等。","#[4] Unless, of course, you use unsafe.":"[4] 当然,除非您使用了 unsafe。","#Swapping out the initial metrics library for one that used modern Rust concurrency.":"将初始度量库(metrics library)替换为现代的 Rust 并发库(concurrency)。","#Satisfied, we decided to roll out the service.":"我们对此非常满意,于是决定推出这项服务。","#[2] To be clear, we don’t think you should rewrite everything in rust just because.":"[2] 需要特别声明的是,我们并不认为仅仅因为这样就要用 Rust 重写整个服务内容。","#Staff Software Engineer, Infrastructure":"基础设施团队,高级软件工程师","#February 4, 2020":"2020 年 2 月 4 日","#We were right. With the LRU cache smaller, garbage collection resulted in smaller spikes.":"我们的猜测是对的。缩小 LRU 缓存后,垃圾回收带来的延迟峰值确实有所减小。","#Changing to a BTreeMap instead of a HashMap in the LRU cache to optimize memory usage.":"将 LRU 缓存中的 HashMap 替换为 BTreeMap,以优化内存使用率。","#Raising the cache capacity":"提高缓存容量","#[1] Go version 1.9.2. Edit: Graphs are from 1.9.2. We tried versions 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10 without any improvement. The initial port from Go to Rust was completed in May 2019.":"[1] Go 版本 1.9.2。编辑说明:图表数据来自 1.9.2 版本。我们也尝试过 1.8、1.9 和 1.10 版本,但性能没有任何改善。从 Go 到 Rust 的初始移植于 2019 年 5 月完成。","#[3] Quote from https://www.rust-lang.org/":"[3] 引自 https://www.rust-lang.org/","#So why 2 minute spikes?":"那么,为什么会间隔 2 分钟就出现一次峰值呢?","#Rust does not have garbage collection, so we figured it would not have the same latency spikes Go had.":"Rust 没有垃圾回收机制,所以我们认为,它不会像 Go 那样出现延迟峰值。","#Rust uses a relatively unique memory management approach that incorporates the idea of memory “ownership”. Basically, Rust keeps track of who can read and write to memory. It knows when the program is using memory and immediately frees the memory once it is no longer needed. It enforces memory rules at compile time, making it virtually impossible to have runtime memory bugs.⁴ You do not need to manually keep track of memory. The compiler takes care of it.":"Rust 采用了一种相对独特的内存管理方式,结合了内存“所有权”(ownership)的概念。简单来说,Rust 实时跟踪程序何时读取和写入内存,一旦不再需要内存,便会立即释放。它在编译时强制执行内存规则,从而几乎杜绝了运行时的内存错误⁴。您无需再手动管理内存,编译器(compiler)会为您处理好这一切。","#So in the Rust version of the Read States service, when a user’s Read State is evicted from the LRU cache it is immediately freed from memory. The read state memory does not sit around waiting for the garbage collector to collect it. Rust knows it’s no longer in use and frees it immediately. There is no runtime process to determine if it should be freed.":"因此,在 Rust 版本的 Read States 服务中,当某个用户的 Read State 从 LRU 缓存中被驱逐时,内存会立即被释放,而不是闲置等待垃圾回收机制来处理。Rust 会立刻判断内存已不再使用并立即释放它,不需要任何运行时进程来确定是否应该释放内存。","#The Rust performance optimizations included:":"我们在 Rust 上的性能优化包括:","#When starting a new project or software component, we consider using Rust. Of course, we only use it where it makes sense.":"在启动新项目或开发新软件模块时,我们都会评估是否适合使用 Rust。当然,我们会根据具体情况选择合适的技术栈。","#The actual rewrite was fairly straight forward. It started as a rough translation, then we slimmed it down where it made sense. For instance, Rust has a great type system with extensive support for generics, so we could throw out Go code that existed simply due to lack of generics. Also, Rust’s memory model is able to reason about memory safety across threads, so we were able to throw away some of the manual cross-goroutine memory protection that was required in Go.":"比起来,实际的重写过程还算是简单。我们一开始进行了一次粗略的翻译,随后在合适的地方精简了代码。例如,Rust 拥有强大的类型系统(type system),广泛支持泛型(generics),因此我们可以删除 Go 中由于缺乏泛型而存在的冗余代码。此外,Rust 的内存模型能够保证线程间的内存安全,因此我们可以抛弃 Go 中为了跨协程(cross-goroutine)保证内存安全而编写的手动保护代码。","#Reducing the number of memory copies we were doing.":"减少内存复制次数。","#After the service ran successfully for a few days, we decided it was time to re-raise the LRU cache capacity. In the Go version, as mentioned above, raising the cap of the LRU cache resulted in longer garbage collections. We no longer had to deal with garbage collection, so we figured we could raise the cap of the cache and get even better performance. We increased the memory capacity for the boxes, optimized the data structure to use even less memory (for fun), and increased the cache capacity to 8 million Read States.":"服务成功运行几天后,我们决定提高 LRU 缓存容量。在 Go 版本中,如上文所述,提高 LRU 缓存的上限会导致垃圾回收时间延长。但现在,我们不再需要考虑垃圾回收问题了,因此我们认为可以提高缓存的上限,进一步提升性能。我们增加了服务器的内存容量,并对数据结构进行优化,减少了内存占用(只是为了好玩而已),同时将缓存容量增加到了 800 万个 Read States。","#Evolving ecosystem":"不断演进的生态系统","#But we weren’t satisfied with simply matching Go’s performance. After a bit of profiling and performance optimizations, we were able to beat Go on every single performance metric. Latency, CPU, and memory were all better in the Rust version.":"不过,我们并没有满足于追平 Go 的性能。经过一番分析和进一步性能优化后,我们成功在每一项性能指标上都超越了 Go。Rust 版本在延迟、CPU 使用率和内存消耗方面的表现都更胜一筹。","#The launch was fairly seamless because we load tested. We put it out to a single canary node, found a few edge cases that were missing, and fixed them. Soon after that we rolled it out to the entire fleet.":"由于进行了充分的负载测试,服务的上线过程相当顺利。我们先在一台单独的 Canary 节点上部署,发现了一些遗漏的边缘情况,并进行了修复。此后不久,我们便将其推广到整个服务器集群。","#Along with performance, Rust has many advantages for an engineering team. For example, its type safety and borrow checker make it very easy to refactor code as product requirements change or new learnings about the language are discovered. Also, the ecosystem and tooling are excellent and have a significant amount of momentum behind them.":"除了性能优势之外,Rust 对工程团队来说还有很多其他优点。例如,它的类型安全机制(type safety)和借用检查功能(borrow checker),让我们在产品需求发生变化或发现有关该语言的新知识时,能够轻松重构代码。此外,Rust 的生态系统和工具非常完善,并且发展势头强劲。","#If you made it this far, you’re probably newly excited about Rust or have been excited for quite some time. If you want to work on interesting problems using Rust professionally, you should consider working here at Discord.":"如果您坚持读到了这里,说明您可能已经对 Rust 产生兴趣,或者早已对它非常感兴趣。如果您希望在工作中使用 Rust 专业地解决有趣的问题,不妨考虑加入我们 Discord。","#Also, a fun fact: the Rust team uses Discord to coordinate. There’s even a very helpful Rust community server that you can find us chatting in from time to time. Click here to check it out.":"另外还有一个有趣的冷知识:Rust 团队也在使用 Discord 进行协作。您甚至还能在一个非常活跃的 Rust 社区服务器,时不时发现我们的员工在里面交流。点击此处了解更多信息。","#To explain why Go wasn’t meeting our performance targets, we first need to discuss the data structures, scale, access patterns, and architecture of the service.":"要解释为什么 Go 无法满足我们的性能要求,首先需要了解这项服务的数据结构、规模、访问模式和架构。","#We figured we could tune the garbage collector to happen more often in order to prevent large spikes, so we implemented an endpoint on the service to change the garbage collector GC Percent on the fly. Unfortunately, no matter how we configured the GC percent nothing changed. How could that be? It turns out, it was because we were not allocating memory quickly enough for it to force garbage collection to happen more often.":"我们尝试通过调整回收频率来解决这个问题,因此我们在服务器上添加了一个服务端口,可以动态修改垃圾回收的 GC 百分比(GC Percent)参数。然而,无论我们如何配置,延迟峰值依然存在。这是为什么呢?原来,问题在于我们的内存分配速度不够快,无法频繁强制触发垃圾回收。","#Remarkably, we had only put very basic thought into optimization as the Rust version was written. Even with just basic optimization, Rust was able to outperform the hyper hand-tuned Go version. This is a huge testament to how easy it is to write efficient programs with Rust compared to the deep dive we had to do with Go.":"值得注意的是,在编写 Rust 版本时,我们几乎没有进行深度优化。即使只做了基础优化,Rust 也已经超越了经过深度手动优化的 Go 版本。这充分证明了 Rust 在编写高效程序方面的优势,远比我们在 Go 上进行的深入调优轻松得多。","#Go is purple, Rust is blue.":"Go 版本用紫色显示,Rust 版本用蓝色显示。","#The results below speak for themselves. Notice the average time is now measured in microseconds and max @mention is measured in milliseconds.":"下图的结果说明了一切。请注意,现在的平均时间以微秒为单位,而最大 @被提及以毫秒为单位。","#Finally, another great thing about Rust is that it has a quickly evolving ecosystem. Recently, tokio (the async runtime we use) released version 0.2. We upgraded and it gave us CPU benefits for free. Below you can see the CPU is consistently lower starting around the 16th.":"最后,Rust 的另一个优点在于它的生态系统正在快速迭代。最近,tokio(我们使用的异步运行时)发布了 0.2 版本。升级后,我们发现它免费提升了我们的 CPU 性能。在下图中您可以看到,从 16 日左右开始,CPU 使用率显著变低。","#Implementation, load testing, and launch":"实施、负载测试和发布","#When we started load testing, we were instantly pleased with the results. The latency of the Rust version was just as good as Go’s and had no latency spikes!":"负载测试的结果一下子就让我们心满意足。Rust 版本的延迟表现与 Go 一样好,完全没有延迟峰值!","#Below are the results.":"以下是结果对比。","#Closing thoughts":"结语","#Teen Charter":"青少年规程","#chat":"来聊天","#Haiti":"海地","#Accountability":"问责","#If you come across a message that appears to break these rules, please report it to your server moderator or to us. If the content or behavior violates our Guidelines we may take a number of enforcement actions including but not limited to issuing warnings; removing content; disabling or removing the accounts and/or servers responsible; and reporting them to law enforcement.":"如果您发现违反这些规定的消息,请向您的服务器管理员或 Discord 举报。如果内容或行为确实违反了我们的准则,我们将采取一系列强制措施,包括但不限于发出警告、清除内容、禁用或删除涉事账户和/或服务器,以及向执法部门举报。","#LinkedIn":"领英","#Yes":"是","#Hundreds of Thousands of Communities are using stages to host events":"成千上万的社区正在使用讲堂功能来举办活动","#Thanks for reading!":"感谢阅读!","#Krunker Strike FRVR":"《Krunker Strike》FRVR","#Select the specific elements of the profile you are reporting - you can report multiple aspects of a profile at once":"选择您想举报该资料的具体元素,您可以同时举报资料里的多个方面","#4. Select the type of abuse you're seeing":"4. 选择您发现的违规行为类型","#Collect and Create":"收集与创造类","#Compete":"竞技类","#Adventure Together":"共同冒险类","#Chill":"休闲类","#Note: Usernames have changed on Discord. Usernames are now lowercase, alphanumeric, limited to certain special characters, and do not have discriminators. During the transition from old usernames to new usernames, some users will still have old usernames with discriminators (#0000) while other users will have new usernames. For more information see our Help Center article here. You can also read the blog post about this change from our co-founder here.":"请注意:Discord 上的用户名已完成变更。用户名现在必须用小写字母,可以插入数字以及部分特殊字符,并且不再使用鉴别码。在新旧用户名转换期间,部分用户仍会使用带有鉴别码(#0000)的旧用户名,其他用户则会启用新的用户名。更多详情请查看此处的帮助中心文章。您也可以在此处阅读我们的联合创立者写的博客文章,了解本次变更的有关内容。","#Questions regarding Discord's privacy policy can be sent to privacy@discord.com.":"如果对 Discord 的隐私政策存在疑问,可以发送电子邮件至 privacy@discord.com。","#For requests relating to all users other than those in the EEA or UK:
Discord, Inc.
444 De Haro St, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA, 94107
United States of America

For requests relating to users in the EEA or UK:
Discord Netherlands BV
Schiphol Boulevard 195,
1118 BG Schiphol,
Netherlands":"对于涉及非 EEA 或英国用户的请求:
Discord, Inc.
444 De Haro St, Suite 200
San Francisco, CA, 94107
United States of America

对于涉及 EEA 或英国用户的请求:
Discord Netherlands BV
Schiphol Boulevard 195,
1118 BG Schiphol,
Netherlands","#These guidelines are intended for law enforcement and other authorized government entities seeking information/records about Discord users. Discord provides user information to these entities when we are in receipt of enforceable legal process. Discord works with law enforcement agencies in cases of immediate danger and/or self-harm, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2702. We swiftly report child abuse material and the users responsible to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.":"本指引的适用对象是需要申请调取 Discord 用户信息/记录的执法部门与其他获授权的政府机构。经过合理的法律程序,Discord 将向此类机构提供用户信息。依据《美国法典》第 18 卷第 2702 条的规定,在紧急危险和/或自残的案例中,Discord 将和执法部门展开合作。一旦发现有关虐待儿童的内容以及涉事用户,我们将立即向全国失踪和受虐待儿童中心报告。","#Please submit your inquiry in our Government Request Portal at: https://app.kodex.us/discord/signin.":"如有疑问,请前往我们的政府请求门户提交问题,地址如下:https://app.kodex.us/discord/signin。","#If international legal process includes reports of child exploitation, Discord will investigate and take steps to archive these materials, remove them from our platform, and report any exploitative content.":"如果国际法律程序的报告中涉及儿童剥削相关内容,那么 Discord 将发起调查,并对相关材料进行归档后从我方平台上移除,对剥削相关的所有内容进行上报。","#Under EU Regulation 2022/2065 (Digital Services Act), Discord’s Article 11 contact point is our Government Request Portal (Kodex): https://app.kodex.us/discord/signin. English or Dutch may be used to communicate through our contact point.":"根据欧盟法规 2022/2065(欧盟《数字服务法案》)规定,Discord 的第 11 条联络点是我们的政府请求门户(Kodex):https://app.kodex.us/discord/signin。英国与荷兰公民可通过该联络点联系我们。","#For requests of user data other than EEA or UK user data: Discord Inc. is headquartered in the U.S. and subject to U.S. law which may prevent the production of certain information. Requests should be addressed to Discord Inc. Discord Inc. will respond to valid legal process issued by a U.S. court and properly served on it in the U.S. To achieve this, you will need to work through the applicable process for international legal assistance. See 28 U.S.C. § 1782. For more information, you may wish to contact the Office of International Judicial Assistance at the U.S. Department of Justice. https://www.justice.gov/civil/evidence-requests.":"对于除 EEA 与英国之外的用户数据发起的申请:Discord Inc. 的总部位于美国,受到美国法律的约束,按规定不会生成部分信息。此类请求应发送至 Discord Inc.,而 Discord Inc. 将参照美国法院的要求,对有效的法律程序给予回应,并在美国境内采取合理的措施。为此,您需要完成国际法律援助的适用流程。请参阅《美国法典》第 28 卷第 1782 条。如果想了解更多信息,您可以联系美国司法部的国际司法援助办公室。https://www.justice.gov/civil/evidence-requests.","#1. Verify your email address via the link sent to your email address (only valid law enforcement or government domains will be accepted);
2. Fill in the required fields in the webform;
3. Upload a copy of any relevant documents in PDF format (for example, a copy of the subpoena or search warrant, as well as any non-disclosure order you may have).":"1. 通过发送至您电子邮箱的链接,验证您的电子邮件地址(只接受有效的执法部门或官方域名);
2. 填写网页表单中的必填字段;
3. 上传所有相关文件的 PDF 副本(如:传票副本或搜查令,以及您持有的任何保密令)。","#Orders against illegal content under Article 10 of the EU Digital Services Act should be submitted through our Government Request Portal (Kodex) under the DSA - Illegal Takedown section: https://app.kodex.us/discord/signin":"根据欧盟《数字服务法案》第 10 条规定,针对非法内容的申请应通过我们的政府请求门户(Kodex),参考欧盟《数字服务法案》的非法追缉部分提交,地址如下:https://app.kodex.us/discord/signin","#Under EU Regulation 2021/784 (Terrorist Content Online Regulation), Discord's Article 15 contact point is counterterrorism@discordapp.com and Discord's Article 17 legal representative is Discord Netherlands BV.":"根据欧盟法规 2021/784(《网络恐怖主义内容管理法》)规定,Discord 的第 15 条联络点是 counterterrorism@discordapp.com,Discord 的第 17 条法人代表是 Discord Netherlands BV。","#If serving process by mail, please direct the mail to the attention of the Legal Department.":"如果以邮寄方式送达,请将邮件发送给法务部。","#Law enforcement officials should indicate if a request pertains to a NCMEC report in the body of the email.":"执法部门官员应在电子邮件正文中注明本次申请是否与 NCMEC 报告有关。","#‎EU Contact Points":"欧盟联络点","#If you believe that an emergency involving danger of death or serious physical injury to any person requires disclosure without delay, please submit an emergency disclosure request via our Government Request Portal at: https://app.kodex.us/discord/signin. You will be asked to provide the factual basis for the request so that we may evaluate it under 18 U.S.C. § 2702.":"如果您确信发生了危及人员生命或是严重身体伤害的紧急事件,必须立刻披露相关人员的信息,请通过政府请求门户发送紧急披露信息申请,门户地址如下:https://app.kodex.us/discord/signin。我们会要求您提供请求相关的事实依据,以便我们根据《美国法典》第 18 卷第 2702 条的规定进行评估。","#International Legal Requests":"国际法律要求","#How We're Evolving Our Safety Architecture For The Digital Services Act":"我们如何根据《数字服务法案》改进我们的安全架构","#What if my appeal was deemed ineligible for review?":"我的申诉不符合审核条件时该怎么做?","#You may appeal the decision directly in the Discord app by going to User Settings > Privacy & Safety > selecting the violation you want to appeal > pressing on Let us know to begin submitting a review of your violation and account. For users in the EU, you may also choose an alternative resolution option when applicable.":"您可以在 Discord APP 直接对结果提起申诉,前往用户设置 > 隐私与安全 > 选择您想申诉的违规处罚 > 点击告诉我们即可申请复核您账户的违规处罚。欧盟的用户也可以在适用情况下选择其他处理方案。","#Every user can appeal actions taken against their account. While we do our best to ensure that we’re only taking action when it’s warranted, we’re not perfect and mistakes might happen. We recognize appeals are an important part of the process.":"每位用户都可以针对我们对其账户采取的措施提起申诉。虽然我们会尽力保证所采取措施的合理性,但毕竟人无完人,我们清楚自己的判断也可能出错,并认为申诉也是该过程中的重要环节。","#In some cases, we are unable to review certain appeals due to the nature of the violation or incomplete information provided. Even if we can’t review the appeal, your feedback helps us improve these systems over time.":"在某些情况下,由于违规的具体性质或是提供的信息不完整,我们无法对特定的申诉进行审核。即使我们无法审核该申诉,您的反馈也能帮助我们逐步改善该系统。","#If our reviewers find that the action taken was correct, we will send a message to let you know. The violation will remain on your account until it expires, if applicable. You can view any active or expired violations in Privacy & Safety Settings > Account Standing.":"如果我们的审核者判定被申诉的违规处罚没有问题,您会收到我们发送的信息通知。该违规处罚仍会在适用范围内对您的账户生效,直到该处罚到期。您可以在隐私与安全设置 > 账户状态中查看生效中或已过期的违规处罚。","#If our reviewers find that the violation was issued in error, we will remove it from your account and restore your account standing. Any actions that were the result of that violation will be removed. If there are other active violations on your account, you may still not regain full access to Discord. You can read more about violations in the Discord Warning System.":"如果我们的审核者判定被申诉的违规处罚存在问题,那我们将移除该违规处罚,并恢复您的账户状态。由于该违规处罚而采取的所有措施都会撤销。如果您的账户中还有其他生效中的违规处罚,那么您可能还是无法使用 Discord 的全部功能。您可以在 Discord 警报系统中查看违规处罚的详细信息。","#What if my appeal was denied?":"申诉遭到拒绝会有什么后果?","#What happens when we grant an appeal?":"申诉通过后,会如何处理?","#Navigate to the message that you would like to report.":"找到您想举报的消息。","#Right-click on the message or press on the ellipses icon when hovering over the message.":"右键单击该消息,或将鼠标悬停在该消息上方时点击椭圆图标。","#Transparency has always been one of our core values at Discord. In October 2023, we announced our new Warning System, which is an in-app hub where users can easily review their account status. We want users to be able to easily understand what rule(s) they broke, what restrictions may have been placed on their account, and how they can do better in the future.":"透明度一直是 Discord 的核心价值观之一。2023 年 10 月,我们推出了全新的警报系统,允许用户在应用内中心方便地查看其账户状态。我们希望用户能够对自己违反了哪些规定、其账户可能受到怎样的限制,以及未来可以如何改善其行为一目了然。","#Reports Under the EU Digital Services Act":"根据欧盟《数字服务法案》进行举报","#EU users will be required to go through a verification process and follow the prompts to provide details and descriptions for their report.":"欧盟用户需要进行验证,并按照提示说明举报的详细信息和描述。","#The European Union’s Digital Services Act, or “DSA”, is an important regulation that affects how certain companies moderate content in the EU. We’ve been working hard on our approach to the DSA, and as the law comes into force for companies like ours, we want to outline some changes EU users are going to see across Discord.":"欧盟《数字服务法案》,简称“DSA”,是一项重要法规,对欧盟内特定公司的内容管理方式进行了规定。我们已经在 DSA 合规方面做出了诸多努力,随着这项法案对本公司约束的生效,我们想简要说明 Discord 欧盟用户将会注意到的一些改变。","#We also want people to understand how to exercise their rights under the DSA. To that end, we have made updates to our Safety Center and other articles to provide context on how to submit DSA reports, appeal decisions, and more, and we will be updating our user policies (including our Terms of Service) to account for DSA requirements.":"我们也希望让大家了解如何在 DSA 规定下行使自己的权利。为此,我们也更新了安全中心和其他文档,以便提供提交 DSA 举报、发起申诉等行动的背景信息。此外,我们还将更新用户政策(包括我们的服务条款),以符合 DSA 的要求。","#When reporting a message under the EU Digital Services Act, a message URL is required. Here’s how to find the message URL for the desktop and mobile apps.":"根据欧盟《数字服务法案》,举报消息时需要提供信息的 URL。以下是在桌面端和移动端 APP 查询消息 URL 的方法。","#Creating a place for safe connection is a top priority, and we invest heavily in it. Independent of any regulation, more than 15% of our employees are focused on safety, and we work tirelessly to reinforce our Community Guidelines, removing content and bad actors who violate them. Today we’re giving you some more information about the work we’ve been doing to meet our obligations under the DSA for our users based in the EU. As we updated our products and policies, we focused on what would be best for our users, and we are proud of what we have built. And while we’re starting with the EU, we plan to roll out certain parts of this system that improve safety for all of our users so that our platform continues to be the best place to hang out and have fun with friends.":"创建安全的网络空间是重中之重,我们为此也付出了很大努力。即使在没有任何相关法规要求的情况下,我们也有超过 15% 的雇员专注于安全事务,同时我们也始终坚持执行我们的社区守则,移除违反相关准则的内容和不良行为者。现在,我们将会为您提供更多信息,说明为符合 DSA 规定的义务,我们为欧盟用户所做的工作。在对产品和政策进行更新的过程中,我们始终以用户的利益为重,也取得了令人骄傲的成果。面向欧盟的规定做出改进后,我们将在系统中推出更多提升所有用户安全水平的功能,使我们的平台能够继续作为与好友共度美好时光的最佳场所。","#Hold down on the message to reveal a pull-up menu.":"长按该消息显示上拉菜单。","#February 16, 2024":"2024 年 2 月 16 日","#Desktop App":"桌面 APP","#Mobile App":"移动端 APP","#EU users can report illegal content under the EU Digital Services Act by clicking here. EU government entities reporting illegal content should follow the process outlined here.":"欧盟用户可以点击此处,根据欧盟《数字服务法案》的规定举报非法内容。举报非法内容的欧盟政府机构应遵循此处的流程。","#This information lives in a user’s Privacy & Safety settings, under the Account Standing tab, and is the centralized place where users can see what actions we have taken. For EU users, we are rolling out an experience that lets users login and view their account standing, even when the account is suspended. This will enable better transparency, so that users can understand why their account was suspended and submit an appeal, if appropriate. We’re also adding more context to our action notices, including the content that violated our policies (as long as providing that additional context does not harm Discord or others). And for every report actioned under the DSA, we will be sending notices by email so users are alerted outside the app as well.":"上述信息可以在用户的隐私与安全设置(在“账户状态”页签下)中找到,在这里,用户可以集中查看我们所采取的措施。此外,我们会为欧盟用户推出一项新体验,让用户可以在账户被封禁的情况下登录并查看其账户状态。这将有助于实现更高的透明度,便于用户了解其账户被封禁的原因,必要时还可以发起申诉。我们也会在采取措施的通知中添加更多背景信息,包括其违反的政策内容(前提是这些补充的背景信息不会对 Discord 或其他人造成伤害)。此外,根据 DSA 规定所采取的每项措施都会以电子邮件的形式进行通知,便于用户在应用外也能收到警报。","#Select Copy Message Link.":"选择“复制消息链接”。","#The message URL will be copied to your device’s clipboard.":"该消息的 URL 将会复制到设备的剪贴板。","#Law enforcement and Trusted Flaggers are important partners in keeping our platform safe. We have a dedicated Government Request Portal, and we have established a specific pathway within this portal to receive reports from Trusted Flaggers under the DSA. This will facilitate efficient and accurate communication between Discord, law enforcement, and Trusted Flaggers. Organizations designated as Trusted Flaggers can register via the portal. Once their account is validated, reports will be directed to a prioritized queue for resolution. More information about the Government Request Portal can be found in our Safety Center.":"执法部门和可信标记者是我们保障平台安全的重要伙伴。我们设有专门的政府请求门户,同时还根据 DSA 的要求,在此门户中建立了接收来自可信标记者举报的专用通道。这样能够提升 Discord、执法部门和可信标记者之间沟通的效率和准确性。被指定为可信标记者的组织可以通过此门户完成注册。验证通过后,该账户的举报会被转入优先队列进行处理。要了解更多关于政府请求门户的信息,可以访问我们的安全中心。","#Reports from Law Enforcement & Trusted Flaggers":"来自执法部门和可信标记者 (Trusted Flagger) 的举报","#We’ve always made it easy for users to report violations of our Community Guidelines. With DSA requirements, we have created another streamlined way for EU users to report illegal content to us. Accessible within the app, EU users can open a dedicated report form from the standard in-app reporting menu. From there, users can provide additional information about the content they are reporting. As mentioned above, users will receive an email informing them of the outcome of the report, as well as how to appeal that decision.":"我们一直为用户举报违反社区守则的行为提供便利。根据 DSA 的要求,我们为欧盟用户提供了另一条向我们举报违法内容的通道。欧盟用户可以在应用内通过标准的应用内举报菜单打开专门的举报表格。在此表中,用户可以针对其举报的内容提供额外信息。如上所述,用户会以电子邮件的形式收到举报结果的通知,以及发起申诉的操作说明。","#Keeping our users safe is central to everything we do at Discord, and we will continue our work with industry, parents, law enforcement, safety experts, non-profits, and regulators worldwide to do so. For more information on these changes under the Digital Services Act, please visit our Help Center.":"在 Discord,用户的安全是我们一切工作的核心,我们将继续与行业、家长、执法部门、安全专家、非营利组织和全球监管机构联手,共同确保用户的安全。要了解更多关于《数字服务法案》所带来的改变,请访问我们的帮助中心。","#Like other companies covered by the DSA, we will send information about the reports we receive, and how we respond to them, to a public database. Later in the year, we will also publish a new DSA-focused Transparency Report that provides additional insight into the content moderation action we took, such as user appeals and requests from EU governments to take down user content.":"和其他受 DSA 约束的公司一样,我们会将与我们收到的举报以及举报处理情况的相关信息发送至公共数据库。今年晚些时候,我们也会发布一份围绕 DSA 的新版透明度报告,其中会包含关于我们的内容管理措施(例如用户申诉以及欧盟国家政府关于移除用户内容的要求)的详细说明。","#Reports & Appeals":"举报和申诉","#Spain":"西班牙","#Discord App Pitches 2024":"2024 年 Discord APP 选拔赛","#Embedded App SDK":"嵌入式 APP SDK","#How You Can Appeal Our Actions":"如何对我们的措施提起申诉","#Getting Started Guide":"入门指南","#Samoa":"萨摩亚","#Russia":"俄罗斯","#Featured placement on one or more discovery surfaces":"在一个或多个发现页面的重点宣传位","#Party games":"派对游戏","#USA":"美国","#Real-time strategy games (planning and implementing tactics)":"实时策略游戏(制定计划,执行战术)","#Pet collection games that enable users to gather and care for various creatures":"宠物收集类游戏,玩家可以收集并照料不同的生物","#China":"中国","#Story-building or rich lore":"故事驱动,或提供丰富的背景故事","#Ethiopia":"埃塞俄比亚","#Finland":"芬兰","#Ends: May 1, 2024":"截止:2024 年 5 月 1 日","#Category Winners":"类别获奖者","#Starts: Apr 1, 2024":"开启:2024 年 4 月 1 日","#Casual puzzle games (such as match-3 games, logical or numerical puzzles)":"休闲解谜游戏(例如三消游戏、逻辑或数字谜题)","#Vietnam":"越南","#User Voting Period":"用户投票期","#Personal, individual support from members of our Discord API and Studio teams":"来自 Discord API 和工作室团队的面对面个人支持","#Up to $30,000 USD*":"高达 30000 美元*的奖金","#Elements might include:":"可包括以下元素:","#Discord can be a sanctuary for friends who prefer a more relaxing, casual hangout. We're keen on experiences that offer a laid-back, stress-free environment. These games and experiences are ideal for users who wish to unwind and enjoy a game without any pressure or high stakes.":"Discord 可以是好友们放松、休闲的港湾。我们需要能提供悠闲、解压环境的游戏。适合不想承受压力与风险,希望毫无负担地享受游戏、放松身心的玩家。","#Conversation prompts":"对话选择类","#Cuba":"古巴","#Hungary":"匈牙利","#Nepal":"尼泊尔","#Somalia":"索马里","#Thailand":"泰国","#Simulation games that enable users to design and manage their worlds":"模拟类游戏,让玩家自行设计与管理自己的小世界","#France":"法国","#Morocco":"摩洛哥","#Say hello to the official judges for App Pitches 2024!":"同 2024 年 APP 选拔赛的官方评审打个招呼吧!","#Discord is a canvas for imagination and storytellers who love to explore. These games might have daily challenges, unexpected rewards, and engaging content that keeps players returning for more. Equipped with elements of creativity and decision making, they're perfect for those who enjoy crafting their own unique experiences and venturing into unknown territories.":"Discord 就像一张画布,让想象力尽情展现,让热爱探索的人尽情发挥叙事才华。这类游戏可以设置每日挑战,提供意想不到的奖励,加入引人入胜的内容,让玩家流连忘返,鼓励玩家发挥创造力并做出决策。适合喜欢打造专属于自己的独特体验、探索未知领域的玩家。","#Games that provide the tools to invent, design, and share what you imagine":"发明、设计与分享类游戏,提供工具,让玩家发挥想象力","#Idle RPGs (consider RPGs with progress that continues over time)":"放置类角色扮演游戏(随时间推移自行推进的角色扮演游戏)","#Croatia":"克罗地亚","#Starts: Jun 27, 2024":"开启:2024 年 6 月 27 日","#Discord is a hub for all kinds of play styles, including competitive spirits. We're looking for game experiences that ignite (friendly) rivalries, test skills against individuals or teams, and bring true pride in leaderboard status. Ideal for those who revel in competition and enjoy pitting their skills against others.":"Discord 汇聚了各种风格的游戏,其中自然少不了竞技精神。我们希望游戏体验能够激发(友好)竞争、考验个人或团队的技能、让玩家登上高分榜时获得由衷的满足感。适合喜欢竞争、享受与他人比拼技能的玩家。","#Any unique or innovative game idea that pushes the boundaries and doesn't fit into the other categories":"想法新潮且独特的游戏,能扩展游戏的边界,不符合其他类别描述","#Georgia":"格鲁吉亚","#Serbia":"塞尔维亚","#Turkey":"土耳其","#Ends: Jul 11, 2024":"截止:2024 年 7 月 11 日","#Zimbabwe":"津巴布韦","#Belgium":"比利时","#Germany":"德国","#Iceland":"冰岛","#Pakistan":"巴基斯坦","#Head-to-head puzzle games (requiring quick wit and strategic decisions)":"对抗类解谜游戏(快速反应,策略抉择)","#Escape games for problem-solving and exploration":"逃生类游戏,解决难题,探索世界","#Armenia":"亚美尼亚","#World-building exploration and RPG fosters connection":"构建世界类的探索与角色扮演游戏,促进玩家交流","#Lithuania":"立陶宛","#Norway":"挪威","#Other gameplay experiences that stimulate users' competitive nature":"其他可以激发用户竞技天性的游戏体验","#Team-based cooperative missions and quests":"团队协作任务与目标","#Investigation games like collaborative mystery solving":"调查类游戏,如合作解谜","#For complete and official details, see the contest rules":"完整的官方详细信息,请参见比赛规则","#Japan":"日本","#Up to $15,000 USD*":"高达 15000 美元*的奖金","#Multiplayer online battle arenas (team-based combat)":"多人在线战斗竞技(组队战斗)","#Discord is a place for fostering connections and collaborations. We're on the lookout for gaming experiences that create shared moments and facilitate meaningful interactions among players. Perfect for those who find joy in collective undertakings and making memories.":"Discord 是玩家们增进联系、协作共赢的平台。我们需要能创造同乐时刻,促进玩家间有效互动的游戏。适合喜欢投身集体活动、共创美好记忆的玩家。","#Virtual hangout spaces (think of digital rooms for avatar-based interactions)":"虚拟交友空间(为玩家的游戏角色提供虚拟的交流空间)","#Life-simulation games":"生活模拟游戏","#Malta":"马耳他","#Moldova":"摩尔多瓦","#Winners will receive the following prizes":"获奖者可获得以下奖品","#Grand Prize Winner":"大奖获得者","#Sandbox games that allow free-building and customization":"沙盒类游戏,提供自由建造与自定义内容","#Educational and learning games":"教育与学习游戏","#Join the Discord Developers Server":"加入 Discord 开发者服务器","#Enter the Discord /buildathon":"进入 Discord/开发马拉松","#At least 18 at the time of submission, or 13-18 with guardian's approval (in accordance with the terms).":"提交作品提案时需年满 18 岁,13 至 18 岁的参赛者需取得监护人同意(依照条款)。","#Not a Discord employee or judge, or of their family members, or a colleague of any of the judges.":"非 Discord 公司员工或此次活动评审,非 Discord 公司员工或此次活动评审家属,非任意评审同事。","#Not a legal resident of Brazil, Italy or the Canadian province of Quebec or any country subject to OFAC trade sanctions or regulations.":"非巴西、意大利或加拿大魁北克省的法定居民,也不属于受美国外国资产管制处(OFAC)贸易制裁或法规约束的任何国家的居民。","#Eternal glory":"可以骄傲一辈子的荣誉","#Major street cred":"非常有排面","#Submissions Period":"作品提交期","#Judges Announce Category Winners":"评审公布类别获奖者","#Judges Announce Finalists":"评审公布决赛入围作品","#Ready to Submit?":"准备好提交作品了吗?","#How Pitches are Evaluated":"作品评选方式","#Discord App Pitches 2024":"2024 年 Discord APP 选拔赛","#Submit as many ideas as you want across our 5 categories.":"比赛共分 5 个类别,作品提交数量不限。","#With 23 years in game development, I bring a wealth of experience to App Pitches 2024. I can't wait to see innovative and out-of-the-box ideas from our talented participants. I love puzzles and adventure games, and I'm looking for the same creativity in submissions.":"我从事游戏开发已经 23 年了,很高兴有机会用我的经验为本届“2024 APP 选拔赛”做出贡献。我已经等不及想看到我们众多才华横溢的参与者贡献的新奇和独辟蹊径的想法了。我喜欢解谜和冒险类游戏,也希望同样也能在参赛作品中看到创意的闪光。","#As a Senior Developer Advocate at Discord, I'm well-versed in our Embedded App SDK and APIs. Looking forward to seeing innovative games and multiplayer experiences from our devs. I'm a fan of pick-up-and-play competitive games.":"我是 Discord 的一名高级开发者推广大使,对我们的嵌入式 APP SDK 和 API 都非常了解。我期待能从开发者那里看到创新游戏和多人联机体验。我喜欢即开即玩的竞技游戏。","#As a Software Engineer at Discord, I've spent years building Activities on Discord. I'm excited to judge and see the creativity our devs will bring to Discord. I especially love games that involve exploration and goofing around with friends. Can't wait to see your out-of-the-box ideas!":"作为一名软件工程师,多年以来,我一直在 Discord 上创建小活动 。很高兴能担任评审,也很开心能够看到我们的开发者为 Discord 带来的各种创意。我尤其喜欢与朋友一起探索和欢聚的游戏。期待看到大家独具匠心的创意!","#Jul 15, 2024":"2024 年 7 月 15 日","#Jun 27, 2024":"2024 年 6 月 27 日","#Come hear from our Studio Product team about best practices for making Discord Activities.":"来听听我们工作室产品组有关制作 Discord 小活动最佳实践吧。","#share":"分享","#Get your game where people play":"让你的游戏贴近玩家","#of users played a game in the last 30 days":"的用户在过去 30 天内玩过游戏","#Source":"来源","#Product Manager
Sony Interactive Entertainment":"
索尼互动娱乐 产品经理","#We're so excited to see your ideas come to life! Submissions are open from April 1 - May 1, so don't wait!":"我们很高兴能看到您的点子成真! 报名日期自4月1日开始 — 5月1日截止,别等待,赶快行动!","#With over 20 years in the gaming industry, a background in both development and platform teams, and experience as a founding IGF Student Showcase judge, I'm thrilled to join Discord App Pitches 2024. Looking forward to being wowed by all of the innovative pitches and participants’ creativity. On a personal note, I love Metroidvanias and high-quality single-player narrative adventures.":"我在游戏行业耕耘了 20 余年,拥有开发与平台团队的工作背景,以及作为 IGF 学生展示的创始评委的经验。今天,我很高兴能加入 2024 年 Discord APP 选拔赛。我很期待看到有开创性的作品和参赛选手的创意能带来什么样的震撼。就我个人而言,我对恶魔城类游戏和高质量的单人叙事冒险游戏情有独钟。","#Friends discover the Quest through friends":"通过好友发现游戏悬赏令","#Get in Touch":"联系建立","#JOIN":"加入","#Players accept the Quest and streams the game to earn a reward":"玩家接受游戏悬赏令并直播游戏,赚取奖励。","#DISCOVER":"发现","#Head Of Product & Partners
Funday Games":"
Funday Games 产品负责人 & 合作伙伴","#Video Game Designer
QXR Studios":"
QXR 工作室 电子游戏设计师","#Senior Developer Advocate
Discord 高级开发者推广大使","#Director of Game Development
游戏开发总监","#Software Engineer
Discord 软件工程师","#Principle Technical Game Designer
Discord 技术游戏总设计师","#We don’t sell your personal information. Our business is based on subscriptions and paid products, not from selling your personal information to third parties. Know that on Discord, what’s yours is yours.":"我们不会出售您的个人信息。我们的业务基于订阅和付费产品,而不是向第三方出售您的个人信息。在 Discord,您的一切都属于自己。","#Best Practices for Discord Activities":"Discord 小活动最佳实践","#Introducing Discord Quests!":"Discord 游戏悬赏令介绍!","#Quests are a new way for players to discover games and earn rewards for playing them on Discord. Join us for a glimpse into how Quests work.
Interested in running a Quest for your game? Come chat with us!":"游戏悬赏令是玩家在 Discord 上发现游戏并通过玩游戏赚取奖励的新途径。快来加入我们,了解一下游戏悬赏令的运作原理吧。
如果您有兴趣想要为您的游戏添加游戏悬赏令,请与我们联系!","#Discovery":"发现","#Architecture of a Discord Activity":"Discord 小活动架构","#Discord Case Study: Building Games and Apps on Discord":"Discord 案例研究:在 Discord 创建游戏和 APP","#Learn about the Architecture of a Discord Activity from our Studio Engineers":"听我们的工作室工程师介绍 Discord 小活动架构","#Discord @ GDC: Virtual Kickoff Party!":"Discord @ GDC:线上启动派对!","#GDC Buildathon Kickoff":"GDC 开发马拉松启动","#GDC is here! Come party with us in the Discord Developers server!":"GDC 即将开始!快加入 Discord 开发者服务器,与我们一起庆祝吧!","#The Discord Opportunity: Customer Insights to Help You Find Testers, Players, and Fans":"The Discord Opportunity:挖掘客户洞察,帮您找到测试人员、玩家和粉丝","#Missed the earlier “Platform Updates” event? No worries! Join us for this screening party.":"如果您错过了之前的“平台近况”活动,请不要担心,欢迎加入我们的回放活动。","#All good things must come to an end. Join us for our GDC Closing Ceremonies in the Discord Developers server!":"天下没有不散的筵席。和我们一起参加 Discord 开发者服务器的 GDC 闭幕式!","#Discord @ GDC: Game Night!":"Discord @ GDC:游戏之夜!","#Ready to tap into a worldwide ecosystem of passionate players? Discord’s platform is one of the fastest and easiest ways to reach new audiences, even while working on early-stage prototypes. Come learn about the latest ways people hang out with their friends online, so you can build a richer understanding of how to successfully grow, engage, and retain your community.":"准备好探索热情洋溢的全球游戏玩家社区了吗? Discord 平台为您提供了最快捷、最简便的方式,即使在早期原型开发阶段也能触达新受众。现在就来探索最新的好友在线社交方式,更全面地了解如何成功拓展、吸引和留住您的社区。","#Missed the earlier “Introducing the Embedded-Apps SDK” event? No worries! Join us for this screening party.":"如果您错过了之前的“嵌入式 APP SDK 功能介绍”活动,请不要担心,欢迎加入我们的回放活动。","#Come hang out with Discord Staff and play Activities as we celebrate GDC and our awesome dev community!":"快来和 Discord 员工一起玩耍、参加小活动、庆祝 GDC,感受我们出色的开发者社区的气氛,","#Want to get build with our new Embedded App SDK but don’t know where to start? Join this session with Discord staff to learn about the SDK, see a quick demo, and ask questions!":"想要使用我们全新的“嵌入式 APP SDK”创建 APP,但是不知道从哪里开始?那就不要错过与 Discord 员工的交流机会。我们将为您介绍 SDK、进行快速演示,并解答您的问题!","#Join us to hear about the latest platform updates from our awesome DevRel team! We’ll cover recently-released content, preview API features, and host a Q&A.":"加入我们,听我们出色的 DevRel 团队为您带来平台的最新信息!我们将介绍最新发布的内容,预览 API 功能,并主持问答环节。","#Discord @ GDC: Closing Ceremonies":"Discord @ GDC:闭幕式","#Quests":"游戏悬赏令","#THEY accept the quest and stream the game to earn rewards":"玩家接受游戏悬赏令并直播游戏,赚取奖励。","#Discord Quests - Get your game where players play":"Discord 游戏悬赏令 - 让您的游戏贴近玩家","#hours of gameplay per month":"每月游戏时长","#The true players are on Discord. Get them playing your game with sponsored Quests.":"真正的玩家都在 Discord 。通过赞助游戏悬赏令,吸引他们来玩您的游戏。","#Friends see their friends on Quests through user activity, live streams, and more. That’s 100% organic fair trade reach.":"用户通过用户活动、直播等方式看到他们的好友参与游戏悬赏令。这是 100% 的有机、公平的传播方式。","#App proposals for Discord App Pitches 2024 should be polished, succinct, well-articulated, easy to follow, and crisp. Proposals should demonstrate qualities typical of a product manager or game designer, such as deep customer understanding and strong grasp of required resources and timeline for building activities. Proposals should exemplify professional work styles and attitude, such as a developer who is ready to be contracted for a paying client.":"2024 年 Discord APP 选拔中的参赛提案需要做到精致简洁、设计得当、清晰易懂。作品须体现产品经理或游戏设计者的典型特质,比如深刻理解客户行为、精准把握构建小活动所需的资源和时间表。提案应表现出专业的工作面貌与态度,达到随时准备与付费客户签约的开发者的水准。","#From June 27-July 11, you can help crown the Grand Prize winner!
Play and vote for your favorite game from a shortlist of category winners in Discord’s Town Hall server.
Read more about the final judging process in the terms and conditions.
":"6 月 27 日至 7 月 11 日,您可以参与大奖获得者的评选!
Discord 市政厅(Town Hall)服务器的类别获奖者名单中,选出您最喜爱的游戏!
","#App concepts for Discord App Pitches 2024 should not already be an existing Discord Activity. If a similar Activity exists, the proposed app should provide a more robust offering, such as more user benefits, more languages supported, or better design. Activities unique from other submissions are encouraged, so get creative with your building activity!":"2024 年 Discord APP 选拔的参赛作品概念不应与现有的 Discord 小活动相同。如果存在类似的小活动,则参赛作品必须提供更强大的功能,例如用户收益更高、支持更多语言,或拿出更好的设计方案。与其他参赛作品不同的独特作品会更受评审团的青睐,所以,尽情发挥创意,打造独特活动吧!","#App concepts for Discord App Pitches 2024 should be experiences that an average Discord user would find frequent or repeated use out of and are experiences best had with friends. A high score would be awarded to an app that is used daily for these Activities. The game should retain its novelty after all features are explored and most importantly, it should enhance the experience of HXC and friends hanging out on Discord.":"2024 年 Discord APP 选拔中的 APP 概念注重让普通 Discord 用户能经常使用或重复体验,并且与朋友同乐时体验最佳。每天都有小活动可以体验的 APP 将获得高分。在全部功能解锁后,游戏还应能持续为用户提供新鲜感,最重要的是,游戏应能提升高期待值用户与好友在 Discord 上交流沟通的体验。","#App proposals for Discord App Pitches 2024 should creatively address user needs and desires. Apps pioneering new uses for existing or early stage technology (such as machine learning, AI, or other cutting-edge solutions) in the context of building activities will receive a higher score.":"2024 年 Discord APP 选拔的参赛作品应以富有开创性的方式满足用户需求和愿望。在构建小活动方面能以新颖的方式利用现有或新兴技术(如机器学习、人工智能或尖端解决方案),可以让作品获得更高的分数。","#Know before you go! Check out the criteria we’re using to judge submissions.":"知己知彼,百战不殆!开始之前,先来看看我们的作品评审标准吧。","#READY TO LAUNCH YOUR QUEST?":"准备好发布您的游戏悬赏令了吗?","#Ready to challenge yourself to see what you can build with our new Embedded App SDK in just a few days? This is your chance! Join us for this special pre-GDC event to jump-start your GDC Buildathon build over the weekend!":"准备好挑战自我了吗?看看在短短几天内,能用我们全新的嵌入式 APP SDK 创建出什么作品吗?这就是您大展身手的机会!加入我们本次特别举办的 pre-GDC 活动,为周末 GDC Buildathon 活动中的创造做好准备!","#Virtual - Discord Developers Server":"线上参与 - 加入 Discord 开发者服务器","#Screening Party: Platform Updates":"回放活动:平台近况","#IRL - West Hall Room 2020, Expo Floor, South Hall":"线下活动地点 – West Hall Room 2020, Expo Floor, South Hall","#Beep boop. Brring brring. What’s that? Oh, just the sound of us calling all devs to create the next big game on Discord. Enter your ideas for a chance to win up to USD 30,000, personal office hours, and other fun surprises.":"号外!号外!开发者们,还在等什么?快来 Discord 打造下一款游戏巨作!分享您的创意,便有机会赢取高达 30000 美元的资金,还可获得与 Discord 开发者团队一对一交流的机会,更有其他惊喜等着您!","#Introducing the Embedded App SDK!":"隆重推出我们的“嵌入式 APP SDK”!","#Don’t sleep, the deadline is May 1.":"别睡懒觉啦,截止日期 5 月 1 日哦。","#The \"Representation\" score values how well developers understand and cater to their intended app users, especially those from underserved communities. High scores will be given to developers who use their insights to create Activities that meaningfully serve people of unique backgrounds. Teams composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds will also be awarded high scores, recognizing the value of varied perspectives and experiences in creating inclusive applications.":"“代表性”分数衡量的是开发者对预期 APP 用户的理解程度和需求满足程度,尤其是来自服务欠缺的社区的用户。如果开发者能够利用其深刻见解打造活动,为来自独特背景的用户提供有意义的内容,就能获得高分。由不同背景的个人组成的团队也能获得高分,这样的团队应能通过不同的角度与经验来打造具备包容性的应用。","#As Discord's Director of Game Development, I've spent the last three years immersed in Discord Activities. I'm thrilled to judge and see all the fun, creative ideas developers are passionate about creating. Love games that spark laughter and connection.":"作为 Discord 的游戏开发总监,在过去的三年里,我一直沉浸在 Discord 小活动之中。我很高兴这次能够见证开发者们的创造热情,评选各种有趣的创意。我喜欢能带来欢笑和情感联结的游戏。","#With over a decade in game development and pitching, I've judged in game jams and hackathons since 2007. I'm excited to see how devs will use Discord's tools to create the extraordinary. Off-duty, I'm adventuring in games with my kids and loving every second of it.":"我在游戏开发和评选领域从业十余年,从 2007 年起担任限时游戏制作比赛和编程马拉松的评委。我很期待看到开发者们使用 Discord 工具创造出的精彩作品。下班后,我喜欢和我的孩子们在游戏中探险,每一秒都充满乐趣。","#Hop in the DDevs server":"进入 DDevs 服务器","#IRL - Discord Booth, Expo Floor, South Hall":"线下活动地点 - Discord Booth, Expo Floor, South Hall","#Screening Party: Introducing the Embedded App SDK!":"回放活动:“嵌入式 APP SDK”功能介绍","#Learn How to Build Discord Apps":"学习如何创建 Discord APP","#Join our virtual or in-person workshops for an overview of how to build the next best Discord app for fans, communities, and friends.":"欢迎加入我们的线上或线下讨论会,了解如何为粉丝、社区和好友创建出下一个最佳 Discord APP。","#Whether you’re joining us virtually in the DDevs server or live in person at Moscone Center, we’ve got lots of events to help kickstart your app & game-building experience on Discord.":"无论您是线上加入 DDevs 服务器,或是线下前往 Moscone Center,我们都有许多活动,可以帮助您在 Discord 启动 APP 及游戏创建之旅!","#The Evolving Social Layers of Gaming: Presented by Discord":"游戏社交层面的不断演变:Discord 出品","#Join From Anywhere":"随时随地加入","#Calling all developers, game studios, publishers, and visionaries! Join our panel discussion with top gaming industry experts on the evolution and impact of social mechanisms in games. We'll discuss the challenges in developing these systems, their role in a game's success, and the balance between gameplay creation, intellectual property, design, and social mechanics.":"各位开发者、游戏工作室、游戏出版商和梦想家们,快来参加我们与游戏行业顶尖专家的讨论会吧!我们将探讨游戏中社交机制的发展与影响。话题包括开发社交系统的挑战、社交机制对游戏成功的意义,以及在游戏创作、知识产权、游戏设计和社交机制之间的平衡。","#We’re back! Check out all the ways you can meet up, hang out, stay connected with us online and IRL.":"我们回来啦!快来看看有哪些新奇的方式可以让我们在线上和线下见面、聚会以及保持联系吧!","#Eager to start building or to submit to our Discord App Pitches contest? From our brand-new SDK which lets you build games, to all the API and app features you know and love, the Discord Developer Platform offers a variety of tools to build unique experiences that unlock an unprecedented layer of customization. Come hear directly from developers who have found success building apps, as well as best practices and tips from Discord’s product team.":"渴望开启创建之旅,或参与我们的 Discord APP 选拔赛吗?从全新的能创建游戏的 SDK,到您熟悉且钟爱的所有 API 及 APP 功能,Discord 开发者平台提供丰富多样的工具,打造独一无二的体验,为您开启前所未有的个性化功能。平台更有多位成功打造 APP 的开发者,现在就来听取他们的第一手经验,以及 Discord 产品团队的最佳实践及秘诀吧!","#IRL - West Hall Room 3009, Expo Floor, South Hall":"线下活动地点 - West Hall Room 3009, Expo Floor, South Hall","#DISCORD IS WHERE FRIENDS PLAY GAMES TOGETHER":"DISCORD 是好友共同游戏的空间","#March 20, 2024 2:15 PM → 2:45 PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 20 日,下午 2:15 至 2:45(太平洋夏令时)","#March 21, 2024 3:00 PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 21 日,下午 3:00(太平洋夏令时)","#March 18, 2024 12:00 PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 18 日,下午 12:00(太平洋夏令时)","#March 15, 2024 12:00 PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 15 日,下午 12:00(太平洋夏令时)","#March 18, 2024 11:00 AM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 18 日,上午 11:00(太平洋夏令时)","#March 20, 2024 3:00 AM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 20 日,上午 3:00(太平洋夏令时)","#March 22, 2024 11:00 AM → 11:20 AM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 22 日,上午 11:00 至11:20(太平洋夏令时)","#March 22, 2024 12:15 PM → 1:15 PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 22 日,下午 12:15 至 1:15(太平洋夏令时)","#different game titles played each month":"用户每月玩过不同游戏数量","#March 19, 2024 12:00 PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 19 日,下午 12:00(太平洋夏令时)","#March 20, 2024 10:30 AM → 11:30 AM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 20 日,上午 10:30 至 11:30(太平洋夏令时)","#March 21, 2024 12:45 PM → 1:45 PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 21 日,下午 12:45 至 1:45(太平洋夏令时)","#March 21, 2024 11:00 AM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 21 日,上午 11:00(太平洋夏令时)","#March 21, 2024 2:15 PM → 2:45 PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 21 日,下午 2:15 至 2:45(太平洋夏令时)","#March 22, 2024 3:30 PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 22 日,下午 3:30(太平洋夏令时)","#PLAYERS DISCOVER YOUR QUEST ON DISCORD":"玩家在 DISCORD 发现您的游戏悬赏令","#March 20, 2024 12:00 PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 20 日,下午 12:00(太平洋夏令时)","#QUESTS ARE SOCIAL":"游戏悬赏令具有社交属性","#Discord Internal Data, 2023":"Discord 内部数据,2023","#March 20, 2024 4:00 PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 20 日,下午 4:00(太平洋夏令时)","#March 19, 2024 4:00 PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 19 日,下午 4:00(太平洋夏令时)","#March 21, 2024 3:00 AM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 21 日,上午 3:00(太平洋夏令时)","#Upgrade Your Discord App through New User Interactions":"通过新用户交互升级您的 Discord APP","#Ready to start building?":"准备好开始创造了吗?","#Join us to learn about the next phase of interactions in Discord apps — building interactions that users can install directly to their account!":"加入我们,一同了解 Discord APP 交互的下一阶段吧——打造用户可以直接安装至其账户的交互体验!","#Launch your out-of-this-world idea. Bring together millions of fans, communities, and friends. Don’t forget to drink water & stretch while you check our API Documentation.":"点燃您的创意,让它冲出宇宙。与数百万粉丝、社区及好友相聚一堂!浏览 API 文档时,别忘了按时喝水,最好再做做拉伸运动!","#Community Guidelines Updates":"《社区守则》更新","#IRL - GDC Industry Stage, Expo Floor, South Hall":"线下活动地点 - GDC Industry Stage, Expo Floor, South Hall","#Version":"版本","#Ready to get building?
Read about the Embedded App SDK here.":"准备好开始创造了吗?点击
此处了解嵌入式 APP SDK 详情。","#*Each category winner will win a $5,000 start up grant, and a $10,000 grant for eligible completed apps. In addition to the category winner grants, one grand prize winner is eligible for an additional $15,000 grant for a total of $30,000 if they resubmit their app in accordance with the Official Rules.":"*每个类别的获奖者将获得 5000 美元的创业资助,符合条件的已完成 APP 将获得 10000 美元资助。除了类别获奖者的资助外,如果大奖获得者按照官方规则重新提交自己的应用程序,将有资格额外获得 15000 美元的资助,总计 30000 美元。","#Check out our pitch form for guidance on submitting a great pitch and our judging criteria for some insight on how winners are chosen.
","#Up for a creative challenge? Want some guidance on how to code an Activity on Discord? Or maybe you've been wanting to build a Discord Activity for a while but don't know where to start? Join us in the DDevs server for an Activities /buildathon!":"准备好来一场创意挑战吗?需要 Discord 上创建小活动的指导吗?或者您一直想创建一个 Discord 小活动,却不知道从何着手?加入我们的 DDevs 服务器,参与小活动/开发马拉松活动吧!","#Meet fellow devs, game together, and stay up to date on all our latest platform updates.":"与其他开发者见面,一起畅快游戏,并及时了解我们所有最新的平台更新。","#Enter the Activities /buildathon":"进入小活动/开发马拉松","#Code && Chat: Activities Buildathon":"Code & Chat:小活动开发马拉松","#Join us for this special GDC edition of Code && Chat! Hang out with Discord staff while working on your Activities Buildathon project and listening to our Discord lofi mix.":"加入我们的特别版 GDC Code & Chat 吧!在处理小活动开发马拉松项目,聆听 Discord 低保真混音乐曲的同时,与 Discord 员工一起放松。","#March 21, 2024 4:00 PM-4:15PM (PT)":"2024 年 3 月 21 日,下午 4:00 - 4:15(太平洋夏令时)","#Games that provide the tools to invent, design, and share what you imagine":"发明、设计与分享类游戏,提供工具,让玩家发挥想象力","#7. Notification Of Finalists/Winners.":"7. 作品提名/获奖通知.","#Each potential winner will be notified via email or Discord Direct Messages (as indicated in your Submission) on or about June 3, 2024. To receive a prize, a potential winner, and its team if applicable, must submit all information that Discord requires to deliver them their prize and comply with applicable laws. Unless Discord is satisfied that a potential winner, and its team if applicable, is eligible to win a prize, every potential winner must sign and return to Discord an affidavit of eligibility. An affidavit of eligibility is a document in which the signatory legally declares that they are eligible to win the prize based on these Terms and Conditions. If Discord asks a potential winner to sign and return to Discord affidavit(s) of eligibility, they must do so within five (5) days of the date the affidavit(s) is sent to claim their prize. If (i) the attempted notification is returned as undeliverable without a forwarding address; (ii) any required information or documents are not returned within five (5) days, such as the affidavit of eligibility; or (iii) the potential winner chooses not to, or is otherwise unable to, accept the prize as stated, the prize will be forfeited and will be awarded to an alternate winner in accordance with the Judging Criteria. Only one (1) alternate winner will be selected for each prize. Discord reserves the right to not select winner(s) in any category if it does not receive enough high-quality entries to pick a winner meeting the criteria described in these Terms.":"在 2024 年 6 月 3 日前后,潜在获奖参赛者将会收到电子邮件或 Discord 私信通知(按参赛作品提供的资料通知)。为领取奖品,潜在获奖参赛者与其团队成员(如有)需提交 Discord 要求提供的所有信息,以便发放奖品并确保遵守适用法律。除非 Discord 已经确认潜在获奖参赛者及其团队(如有)有获奖资格,否则每个潜在获奖参赛者必须签署资格宣誓书并提交给 Discord。资格宣誓书是签署人根据本参赛条款的规定,在法律层面声明自己有资格获奖的文件。如果 Discord 要求潜在获奖参赛者签署并返回 Discord 的资格宣誓书,则参赛者必须在因获奖而收到宣誓书之日起五(5)天内完成该流程。如果出于以下原因之一:(i)发送出去的通知因没有转寄地址而无法送达并退回;(ii)任何必需的信息或文件未在五(5)天内寄回,例如资格宣誓书;或(iii)参赛者选择不接受或无法接受所述奖品,则奖品将被没收,并根据评审标准颁发给候补获奖者。每个奖项只会选出一(1)名候补获奖者。如果 Discord 没有收到质量够高的参赛作品,无法选出符合本条款所述标准的获奖者,则 Discord 有权决定任何类别无人获奖。","#If you reside in France, Germany, or Great Britain, the laws of the country you reside in will govern these Terms and Conditions and any dispute, claim or cause of action (“Claim”) that arises between you and Discord, and you may initiate Claims before the courts of your country of residence. If you do not reside in France, Germany or Great Britain, the following clauses shall apply to you. The laws of the State of California, excluding its choice of law provisions, will govern these Terms and Conditions and any Claim that arises between you and Discord.":"如果您是法国、 德国或英国的居民,则本参赛条款以及您与 Discord 之间发生的任何争议、索赔或诉讼理由(以下简称“索赔”)将受您居住国家/地区的法律管辖,您可以向您居住国家/地区的法院提起索赔。如果您不是法国、德国或英国的居民,以下条款将对您适用。本参赛条款以及您与 Discord 之间发生的任何索赔将受加利福尼亚州法律(不包括其法律选择条款)管辖。","#Idle RPGs (consider RPGs with progress that continues over time)":"放置类角色扮演游戏(随时间推移自行推进进度的角色扮演游戏)","#12. Winner List; Rules Request.":"12. 获奖者列表;规则要求.","#Discord is a trademark of Discord Inc. The Program and all accompanying materials are copyright © 2023 by Discord Inc. All rights reserved.":"Discord 是 Discord Inc. 的商标。本项目及所有随附材料版权为 Discord Inc. ©2023 所有。版权所有。","#16. Uncontrollable Events.":"16. 不可控制事件.","#Original Category Criteria: Regardless of category, which Category Winner had the highest scores against the Category Winner Criteria: 50%":"原定类别标准:不分类别,按照各类别获奖评审标准,得分最高的类别获奖作品:50%","#15. Class Action Waiver.":"15. 集体诉讼豁免.","#Casual puzzle games (such as match-3 games, logical or numerical puzzles)":"休闲解谜游戏(例如三消游戏、逻辑或数字谜题)","#Discord will award the following prizes for the Category Winners (including the Grand Prize Winner) and a separate prize for the Grand Prize Winner:":"Discord 将为类别获奖者(包括大奖得主)颁发下列奖品,并为大奖得主单独颁发一份奖品:","#Sandbox games that allow free-building and customization":"沙盒类游戏,提供自由建造与自定义内容","#5. Wildcard":"5. 无限制类","#Judges will review all submissions and pick finalists, and those finalists will be reviewed by additional Judges to select the Category Winners.":"评委将对所有参赛作品进行评审,并选出提名作品。提名作品清单会交由另一批评委进行评估,甄选出最终的类别获奖者。","#Investigation games like collaborative mystery solving":"调查类游戏,如合作解谜","#Description: \"Discord is a canvas for imagination and storytellers who love to explore. These games might have daily challenges, unexpected rewards, and engaging content that keeps players returning for more. Equipped with elements of creativity and decision making, they're perfect for those who enjoy crafting their own unique experiences and venturing into unknown territories.\"":"描述:“Discord 就像一张画布,让想象力尽情展现,让热爱探索的人尽情发挥叙事才华。这类游戏可以设置每日挑战,提供意想不到的奖励,加入引人入胜的内容,让玩家流连忘返,鼓励玩家发挥创造力并做出决策。适合喜欢打造专属于自己的独特体验、探索未知领域的玩家。”","#Product Market Fit: Regardless of category, which Category Winner has the best product market fit for Discord and its users, e.g., has the most appeal to Discord’s users, is uniquely suited to Discord and its users, has the highest potential for growth, presents a business model that scales appropriately: 30%":"产品市场契合度:不分类别,对 Discord 及其用户具有最高的产品市场契合度的类别获奖作品,例如对 Discord 用户的吸引力最强、为 Discord 及其用户量身打造、拥有最高的发展潜力、体现出与用户规模相匹配的商业模型:30%","#14. Disputes.":"14. 争议","#Real-time strategy games (planning and implementing tactics)":"实时策略游戏(制定计划,执行战术)","#Description: \"Discord is a place for fostering connections and collaborations. We're on the lookout for gaming experiences that create shared moments and facilitate meaningful interactions among players. Perfect for those who find joy in collective undertakings and making memories.\"":"描述:“Discord 是玩家们增进联系、协作共赢的平台。我们需要能创造同乐时刻,促进玩家间有效互动的游戏。适合喜欢投身集体活动、共创美好记忆的玩家。”","#Team-based cooperative missions and quests":"团队协作任务与目标","#Virtual hangout spaces (think of digital rooms for avatar-based interactions)":"虚拟交友空间(为玩家的游戏角色提供虚拟的交流空间)","#9. Limitation of Liability.":"9. 责任限制","#18. Sponsor.":"18. 赞助方:","#5% Innovation: App proposals for Discord App Pitches 2024 should creatively address user needs and desires. Apps pioneering new uses for existing or early stage technology (such as machine learning, AI, or other cutting-edge solutions) in the context of building activities will receive a higher score.":"创新性 5%:2024 年 APP 选拔的参赛作品应以富有开创性的方式满足用户需求和愿望。在构建活动方面能以新颖的方式利用现有或新兴技术(如机器学习、人工智能或尖端解决方案),可以让作品获得更高的分数。","#Story-building or rich lore":"故事驱动,或提供丰富的背景故事","#3. Collect and Create":"3. 收集与创造类","#Grand Prize Winner:":"大奖得主:","#As the Program includes some portion of user voting in selection of the Grand Prize Winner, Entrants are prohibited from (or encouraging others to) manipulate or game the voting system, for example creation of new accounts for the purpose of voting, encouraging users to vote without acknowledging the public voting criteria or any fraudulent or disruptive behaviors. Discord reserves the right to reject votes it does not believe were valid and to disqualify Entrants it suspects of violating this Section 6.":"由于项目中包含通过用户投票来评选大奖得主的环节,所以参赛者不得操纵或篡改投票系统,也不可煽动其他人操纵或篡改投票系统,例如创建新账户进行投票、煽动用户忽视公共投票标准进行投票、通过欺诈或诱导手段引导投票等。如 Discord 认为某项投票结果无效,则 Discord 有权否决该投票结果,也有权取消疑似违反本条款第 6 节的参赛者的资格。","#11. Indemnity.":"11. 赔偿.","#Prizes.":"奖品.","#This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. You agree that Discord Parties and their respective affiliates, suppliers, employees and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”), shall not be responsible or liable for any losses, damages or injuries of any kind resulting from your participation in the Program or any Program-related activity, unless occasioned by their gross negligence or willful misconduct.":"如果您是法国、德国或英国的居民,则本节对您不适用。您同意,Discord 方及其各自的关联方、供应商、员工和代理(统称为“发行方”)不对因您参与项目或任何与项目相关的活动而造成的任何损失、损害或伤害负责,除非该后果是由于发行方的重大疏忽或故意不当行为造成。","#10% Representation: The \"Representation\" score values how well developers understand and cater to their intended app users, especially those from underserved communities. High scores will be given to developers who use their insights to create Activities and that meaningfully serve people of unique backgrounds. Teams composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds will also be awarded high scores, recognizing the value of varied perspectives and experiences in creating inclusive applications.":"代表性 10%:“代表性”分数衡量的是开发者对预期 APP 用户的理解程度和需求满足程度,尤其是来自服务欠缺的社区的用户。如果开发者能够利用其深刻见解打造活动,为来自独特背景的用户提供有意义的内容,就能获得高分。由不同背景的个人组成的团队也能获得高分,这样的团队应能通过不同的角度与经验来打造具备包容性的应用。","#Simulation games that enable users to design and manage their worlds":"模拟类游戏,让玩家自行设计与管理自己的小世界","#4. Chill":"4. 休闲类","#Description: \"Discord can be a sanctuary for friends who prefer a more relaxing, casual hangout. We're keen on experiences that offer a laid-back, stress-free environment. These games and experiences are ideal for users who wish to unwind and enjoy a game without any pressure or high stakes.\"":"描述:“Discord 可以是好友们放松、休闲的港湾。我们需要能提供悠闲、解压环境的游戏。适合不想承受压力与风险,希望毫无负担地享受游戏、放松身心的玩家。”","#Multiplayer online battle arenas (team-based combat)":"多人在线战斗竞技(组队战斗)","#2. Adventure Together":"2. 共同冒险类","#Once the Category Winners have been determined and vetted, the Category Winners will be given 2 weeks to polish their prototype before their submission is publicly shared and made available to play in the Discord Town Hall server.":"在类别获奖者评选审核完毕后,各位类别获奖者将有两星期的时间来打磨自己的作品原型。两周后,相关作品将会公布至 Discord 市政厅(Town Hall)服务器供玩家体验。","#All re-submitted Category Winner Submissions will be re-judged, against the same criteria as the Category Winners as well as additional criteria, as follows:":"所有打磨后重新提交的类别获奖作品将会再进行一轮评审,在原有的标准上新增下列评审标准:","#Head-to-head puzzle games (requiring quick wit and strategic decisions)":"对抗类解谜游戏(快速反应,策略抉择)","#Pet collection games that enable users to gather and care for various creatures":"宠物收集类游戏,玩家可以收集并照料不同的生物","#The Grand Prize winner will be announced on Discord’s website on or about July 15, 2024.":"Discord 的官方网站将在 2024 年 7 月 15 日前后公布最终的大奖得主。","#Category Winners:":"类别获奖者","#User Voting: following the release of the Category Winner Submissions on the Discord Town Hall Server, which Category Winner received the most positive reaction from Discord’s Town Hall Server members through voting functionalities made available by Discord for the period beginning on or about June 17, 2024 through on or about July 11, 2024: 20%":"用户投票:在类别获奖作品发布至 Discord 市政厅服务器后,Discord 将推出投票功能,Discord 市政厅服务器用户可以在 2024 年 6 月 17 日前后到 2024 年 7 月 11 日前后对各个作品进行投票,评选出获得正向反馈最多的类别获奖作品:20%","#In addition, if a Category Winner (and if applicable any team members): (i) develops a fully functioning version of the app included in their Submission, provided such app continues to comply with these Terms; (ii) remains eligible under the Terms; and (iii) resubmits it to Discord within three (3) months (via sending it through the private Discord Developer Partners Server Discord will create with each winner), there will be an additional grant of USD $10,000 per Category Winner.":"另外,如果类别获奖者(及其团队成员):(i)在继续遵守本条款规定的前提下开发出了参赛作品的完全功能版本;(ii)满足本条款的要求,仍有参赛资格;以及(iii)在三(3)个月内将作品重新提交给 Discord(通过 Discord 为每位获奖者创建的 Discord 开发者合作伙伴私人服务器发送),则该类别获奖者可以额外获得 10000 美元的奖金。","#17. General Conditions.":"17. 通用条款.","#Escape games for problem-solving and exploration":"逃生类游戏,解决难题,探索世界","#6. User Voting.":"6. 用户投票.","#For a copy of the winner list, send a stamped, self-addressed, business-size envelope for arrival after July 31, 2024 and before July 31, 2025 to the address listed in Section 18 below, Attn: Discord App Pitches 2024.":"如需取得获奖者列表的副本,请在 2024 年 7 月 31 日至 2025 年 7 月 31 日之间将贴有邮票的、写明发信人地址的、商业规格的信封寄到下文第 18 节所列的地址,收件人为:Discord App Pitches 2024。","#The categories are as follows:":"选拔赛包含以下类别:","#Description: \"Discord is a hub for all kinds of play styles, including competitive spirits. We're looking for game experiences that ignite (friendly) rivalries, test skills against individuals or teams, and bring true pride in leaderboard status. Ideal for those who revel in competition and enjoy pitting their skills against others.\"":"描述:“Discord 汇聚了各种风格的游戏,其中自然少不了竞技精神。我们希望游戏体验能够激发(友好)竞争、考验个人或团队的技能、让玩家登上高分榜时获得由衷的满足感。适合喜欢竞争、享受与他人比拼技能的玩家。”","#World-building exploration and RPG fosters connection":"构建世界类的探索与角色扮演游戏,促进玩家交流","#While you may suggest which category you believe best suits your Submission, Discord reserves the right to assign it to another category that it believes is a better fit than your suggested category, at its sole discretion.":"虽然您可以为自己的参赛作品选择您心中最适合的类别,但 Discord 始终保留自行决定将作品匹配至更合适类别的权利。","#Each Category Winner will receive USD $5,000, intended to be spent toward the development of the app described in the winning Submission. If a winning Submission was on behalf of a team, the person who submitted the entry will receive the prize and it is between the submitter and its team as to how the prize is allocated.":"每位类别获奖者将获得 5000 美元,用于开发获奖参赛作品中描述的 APP。如果获奖作品是以团队形式参赛,则参赛作品的提交人将获得奖金,如何分配奖金交由提交者及其团队成员自行决定。","#This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. By participating in the Program and/or accepting any prize that may be awarded, to the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to fully indemnify each Released Party from and against any liability, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses resulting from any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or any misrepresentation made by you in connection with the Program.":"如果您是法国、德国或英国的居民,则本节对您不适用。在法律允许的最大范围内,通过参加本项目和/或接受任何可能颁发的奖品,您同意对因您违反本参赛条款或您就本项目所作的任何失实陈述而导致的任何责任、索赔、要求、损失、损害、成本和开支,向每个发行方提供完全赔偿。","#1. Compete":"1. 竞技类","#13. Intellectual Property Notice.":"13. 知识产权通知.","#l. To the extent that you must accept additional terms and conditions in order to use the Embedded App SDK, you must accept them prior to using the Embedded App SDK.":"i. 如果您必须接受附加参赛条款才能使用“活动 SDK”,则您在使用“活动 SDK”之前必须先接受这类参赛条款。","#40% Value: App concepts for Discord App Pitches 2024 should be experiences that an average Discord user would find frequent or repeated use out of and are experiences best had with friends. A high score would be awarded to an app that is used daily for these Activities. The game should retain its novelty after all features are explored and most importantly, it should enhance the experience of Discord users and friends hanging out on Discord.":"价值 40%:2024 年 APP 选拔中的 APP 概念注重让普通 Discord 用户能经常使用或重复体验,并且与朋友同乐时体验最佳。每天都有活动可以体验的 APP 将获得高分。在全部功能解锁后,游戏还应能持续为用户提供新鲜感,最重要的是,游戏应能提升 Discord 用户与朋友在 Discord 上交流沟通的体验。","#Selection and Notification of Winners":"获奖者选拔与通知","#k. If you are under 18 or the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction or country, you must ensure your legal guardian completes all Discord required guardian consent documents and provides all required information by 11:59 pm PT on May 6, 2024.":"k. 如果您未满 18 岁或未达到您所在司法管辖区或国家的法定成年年龄,您必须确保您的法定监护人于太平洋时间 2024 年 5 月 6 日晚上 11:59 之前填妥所有 Discord 要求的监护人许可文件,并提供所有必要信息。","#4. Identity of Entrant.":"4. 参赛者身份认证.","#Judging Criteria. All Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of expert judges who will score the Submission on the following criteria against the following weights:":"评审标准。所有参赛作品将由专业评委小组进行评估,他们将根据以下标准与权重对参赛作品进行评分:","#2. Program Period.":"2. 项目时间.","#Notification Of Finalists/Winners":"作品提名/获奖通知","#On or about May 17, 2024 and continuing through the end of May, a panel of judges selected at Discord’s discretion and based in the U.S. will score each Submission based on the following criteria (“Judging Criteria”) to select five (5) category winners (each a “Category Winner”), with up to one (1) submission per category. Each Submission may only win once.":"在 2024 年 5 月 17 日前后并持续至 5 月底期间,由 Discord 自行在美国选出的评委小组将根据以下标准(以下简称“评审标准”)对每份参赛作品进行评分,以选出五(5)个类别的获奖者(即是每个类别的“获奖者”),每个类别最多有一(1)个参赛作品获奖。每个参赛作品只能获奖一次。","#15% Uniqueness: App concepts for Discord App Pitches 2024 should not already be an existing Discord Activity. If a similar Activity exists, the proposed app should provide a more robust offering, such as more user benefits, more languages supported, or better design. Activities unique from other submissions are encouraged, so get creative with your building Activity!":"独特性 15%:2024 年 APP 选拔的参赛作品概念不应与现有的 Discord 活动相同。如果存在类似的活动,则参赛作品必须提供更强大的功能,例如用户收益更高、支持更多语言,或拿出更好的设计方案。与其他参赛作品不同的独特作品会更受评审团的青睐,所以,尽情发挥创意,打造独特活动吧!","#Your suggested category selection(s) for your Submission (as further described in Section 5, Selection and Notification of Winner, below), noting that each Submission is only eligible to win in one category.":"您建议为您的参赛作品选择的类别(详见下文中的第 5 节“获奖者选拔与通知”),请注意,每份参赛作品只能获得一个类别的奖项。","#comply with Discord’s terms and policies, including the Discord Terms of Service (discord.com/terms), the Community Guidelines (discord.com/guidelines), Discord Developer Policy (https://discord.com/developers/docs/policies-and-agreements/developer-policy), the Embedded App SDK terms guidelines and terms (as provided by Discord and updated from time to time), and Discord Developer Terms of Service (https://discord.com/developers/docs/policies-and-agreements/developer-terms-of-service);":"遵守 Discord 的条款和政策,包括《Discord 服务条款》(discord.com/terms)、《社区守则》(discord.com/guidelines)、《Discord 开发者政策》(https://discord.com/developers/docs/policies-and-agreements/developer-policy)、《活动 SDK 指南与条款》(由 Discord 提供且不时更新)以及《Discord 开发者服务条款》(https://discord.com/developers/docs/policies-and-agreements/developer-terms-of-service);","#User Voting":"用户投票","#The Program starts at 9:00a.m. Pacific Time (PT) on April 1, 2024 and ends at 11:59p.m. PT on May 1, 2024 (the “Program Period”).":"项目于太平洋时间(PT) 2024 年 4 月 1 日上午 9:00 开始,并于太平洋时间 2024 年 5 月 1 日晚上 11:59 结束(以下简称“项目时间”)。","#How to Enter.":"参赛方式.","#1. Eligibility.":"1. 参赛资格:","#All Submissions must be submitted by a single person, but they may be submitted on behalf of a team. All members of the team must also be eligible and their information be included with your Submission. If you submit a Submission on behalf of a group, you represent and warrant that you have all necessary rights and permissions to submit it.":"所有参赛作品均必须由个人提交,但可以由个人代表团队进行提交。团队内的所有成员均需具备参赛资格,且成员的相关信息需包含在参赛作品中。代表团队提交参赛作品时,需声明并保证您拥有提交该作品的所有必要权利和许可。","#The Application ID for the prototype of your App, created using Discord’s Embedded-App SDK":"您的 APP 原型的 APP ID,需使用 Discord 的嵌入式 APP SDK 创建;","#Each potential winner may be required to provide Discord with proof that the potential winner is the authorized account holder of the account associated with the winning Submission. Multiple participants are not permitted to share the same account.":"每位可能获奖的参赛者必须向 Discord 提供证据,证明参赛者是获奖参赛作品相关账户的授权账户持有人。多个参赛者不可共享同一个账户。","#By submitting a Submission as instructed through any of the above methods, you agree that you and your Submission comply with these Terms and Conditions, including the Guidelines and Restrictions detailed below. Discord may disqualify you and all of your Submissions from the Program if: (i) your Submission is incomplete or missing any required information as described on the webform above; (ii) you or any of your Submissions fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions; (iii) if you are a minor, if you do not submit adequate parental permission (as determined by Discord) by or before May 1, 2024; or (iv) you attempt to cheat, tamper with the systems or services used to operate the Program, or otherwise interfere with or undermine the legitimate operation of the Program. If Discord does not receive your Submission for any reason outside of Discord’s control, your Submission will be disqualified.":"通过上述任何方式提交参赛作品,即表示您同意您本人以及您的参赛作品遵守本参赛条款,包括下文详述的指导原则与限制。如果出现以下情况之一,您和您的所有参赛作品可能会被 Discord 取消参赛资格:(i)您的参赛作品不完整,或缺少上述网页表单所说明的任何必要信息;(ii)您或您的任何参赛作品未能遵守本参赛条款;(iii)您是未成年人,且没有在 2024 年 5 月 1 日或之前提交相应的家长许可(由 Discord 界定);或(iv)您试图欺骗、篡改用于运行本项目的系统或服务,或以其他方式干扰或破坏本项目的正常运行。如果由于不受 Discord 控制的任何原因导致 Discord 没有收到您的参赛作品,则您的参赛作品将被取消参赛资格。","#5. Selection and Notification of Winners.":"5. 获奖者选拔与通知.","#d. Your Submission must be your (and if applicable, your team’s) original creation and you must have the full rights to grant the license and other rights that you grant to Discord in Section 10 below.":"d. 参赛作品必须是您(或您的团队 [如有])的原创作品,您必须有充分的权利授予下文第 10 部分中您授予 Discord 的许可和其他权利。","#30% Professionalism: App proposals for Discord App Pitches 2024 should be polished, succinct, well-articulated, easy to follow, and crisp. Proposals should demonstrate qualities typical of a professional development team, such as deep customer understanding and strong grasp of required resources and timeline for building Activities. Proposals should exemplify professional work styles and attitude, such as a developer who is ready to be contracted for a paying client.":"专业性 30%:2024 年 APP 选拔中的参赛提案需要做到精致简洁、设计得当、清晰易懂。作品须体现专业开发团队的典型特质,比如深刻理解客户行为、精准把握构建活动所需的资源和时间表。提案应表现出专业的工作面貌与态度,达到随时准备与付费客户签约的开发者的水准。","#No age restricted content for the App":"APP 不含受年龄限制的内容","#To enter, complete the webform available at https://discord.com/build/app-pitches-2024 and provide all required information and materials (“Submission”). Each Submission will include the following:":"若要参与项目,请在 https://discord.com/build/app-pitches-2024 填写网页表单,并提供全部所需信息与材料(以下简称“参赛作品”)。每份参赛作品需包含以下内容:","#Welcome! Discord is the best place to talk, hang out and have fun with friends online. We’re happy you’re here.":"欢迎来到 Discord!Discord 是与朋友在线聊天、闲逛与娱乐的最佳场所。您的到来是我们的荣幸。","#Your content is yours, but you give us a license to it when you use Discord. Your content may be protected by certain intellectual property rights. We don’t own those. But by using our services, you grant us a license—which is a form of permission—to do the following with your content, in accordance with applicable legal requirements, in connection with operating, developing, and improving our services:":"您的内容归您所有,但在您使用 Discord 时即授予了我们相关许可。您的内容可能受到某些知识产权的保护,但通过使用我们的服务,您授予我们许可(这是一种权限形式),允许我们根据相关法律的要求,在运营、开发和改进我们的服务方面,对您的内容进行以下处理:","#We value transparency and work hard to give you context for the decisions we make. You can appeal any enforcement action we take under these terms or other policies, including terminations, suspensions, or content removals through this form or available in-app options. If you reside in the European Economic Area, your appeal must be submitted within six months of the relevant decision.":"我们重视信息透明度,并努力让您了解我们所做决定的背景信息。您可以通过此表格或可用的应用内选项对我们根据这些条款或其他政策采取的任何强制措施(包括终止、暂停或内容删除)提出申诉。如果您在欧洲经济区居住,您必须在相关决定作出后六个月内提出申诉。","#Arbitration costs. AAA sets forth fees for its services, which are available at www.adr.org/sites/default/files/Consumer-Fee_Schedule.pdf. If Discord is the party initiating an arbitration against you, Discord will pay all costs associated with the arbitration, including the entire filing fee. If you initiate an arbitration against Discord, you will be responsible for the first $100 toward the nonrefundable Initial Filing Fee, unless the arbitrator determines that you are unable to pay, in which case Discord will pay the entire filing fee. For cases seeking less than $75K, Discord will pay the remainder of the Initial Filing Fee and both parties’ Administrative fees (unless the arbitrator finds your claims, defenses, or other fee-generating activity to be conducted for an improper purpose or frivolous (under the standard set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11). For cases seeking more than $75K, fees and costs will be determined in accordance with AAA Rules.":"仲裁费用。美仲协规定了其服务的费用,可在 www.adr.org/sites/default/files/Consumer-Fee_Schedule.pdf 上查看。如果 Discord 是对您发起仲裁申请的一方,Discord 将支付与仲裁相关的所有费用,包括全部诉讼费用。如果您是针对 Discord 发起仲裁申请的一方,您将负责支付不可退还的初始诉讼费用的前 100 美元,除非仲裁员认为您无法支付,则 Discord 将支付全部申请费。对于仲裁金额低于 75000 美元的情况,Discord 将支付剩余的初始诉讼费用以及双方的管理费(除非仲裁员认定您的索赔、抗辩或其他产生费用的活动出于不正当目的,或是无理取闹的行为(根据联邦民事诉讼规则 11 规定的准则)对于仲裁金额高于 75000 美元的情况,费用和成本的负担将根据美仲协规则确定。","#Effective: April 15, 2024":"生效日期:2024 年 4 月 15 日","#IMPORTANT NOTE: The section titled “Settling Disputes Between You and Discord” contains an arbitration clause and class-action waiver that applies to all U.S.-based Discord users. Please read this section carefully as it may significantly affect your legal rights, including your right to file a lawsuit in court.":"重要提示:服务条款中有一章节标题为“解决您与 Discord 之间的纠纷”,其中包含仲裁条款和集体诉讼豁免权,适用于所有位于美国境内的 Discord 用户。请仔细阅读此章节,因为它可能会严重影响您的法律权利,包括您向法院提起诉讼的权利。","#Other people’s content. Our services might also provide you with access to other people’s content. You may not use this content without that person’s consent, or as allowed by law. Other people’s content is theirs and doesn’t necessarily reflect Discord’s own views. Discord doesn’t endorse or verify the accuracy or reliability of content shared by Discord users. We work hard to try to make Discord a safe, positive, and inclusive place, but cannot always prevent you from encountering content that you may find objectionable or offensive. You agree we will not be liable for any harm caused by that content. You may report content that you think violates any of our policies. We have the right, but not the obligation, to review such reports and block or remove content at our discretion.":"其他人的内容。我们的服务也可能允许您访问其他人的内容。未经该人同意或法律允许,您不得使用该内容。其他人的内容归该人所有,并不一定代表 Discord 的观点。Discord 不会背书或验证 Discord 用户分享的内容的准确性或可靠性。我们尽力使 Discord 成为一个安全、积极和包容的平台,但无法保证您不会遇到反感或冒犯的内容。您同意,我们对此类内容导致的任何损害不承担任何责任。对于您认为违反我们任何政策的内容,您可以进行举报。我们有权但没有义务自行决定审查此类举报并屏蔽或删除内容。","#Class waiver. IF YOU’RE A U.S. RESIDENT, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, YOU AND DISCORD AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN OUR INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING, UNLESS DISCORD PROVIDES ITS CONSENT TO CONSOLIDATE IN WRITING. If this specific paragraph is found unenforceable, then the “Agreement to arbitrate” section will be null and void. If there is a final judicial determination that applicable law precludes enforcement of this paragraph’s limitations as to a particular remedy, then that remedy (and only that remedy) must be severed from the arbitration and may be sought in court. The parties agree, however, that any adjudication of remedies not subject to arbitration shall be stayed pending the outcome of any arbitrable claims and remedies. This subsection does not prevent you or Discord from participating in a class-wide settlement of claims.":"集体豁免。如果您是美国居民,则除本协议另有规定外,您和 Discord 均同意仅以个人身份向对方提出索赔,而不得作为原告或集体成员参与任何所谓的集体或代表诉讼,除非 Discord 以书面形式同意合并诉讼。如果发现本段落不可执行,则“仲裁协议”章节无效。如果有最终司法裁定根据相关法律排除了本段对某一特定救济的执行限制,那么该救济(且只有该救济)必须从仲裁中分离出来,并可向法庭寻求。但是,双方均同意,在任何可仲裁的索赔和救济的结果出来之前,任何对不受仲裁约束的救济的裁决均应暂停。本小节不妨碍您或 Discord 参与集体范围内的索赔和解。","#Apple App Store. If you download the Discord app from the Apple App Store or use our app on an iOS device, the below paragraph applies to you.":"Apple App Store。如果您从 Apple App Store 下载 Discord 应用程序,或在 iOS 设备上使用我们的应用程序,则以下段落适用于您。","#By accessing our services, you confirm that you’re at least 13 years old and meet the minimum age required by the laws in your country. We maintain a list of minimum ages around the world as a resource for you, but we aren’t able to guarantee that it is always accurate. If you are old enough to access our services in your country, but not old enough to have authority to consent to our terms, your parent or legal guardian must agree to our terms on your behalf. Please ask your parent or legal guardian to read these terms with you. If you’re a parent or legal guardian, and you allow your child (who must meet the minimum age for your country) to use the services, then these terms also apply to you and you’re responsible for your child’s activity on the services, including purchases made by them. For more information on purchases, see “Discord’s Paid Services” below.":"使用我们的服务,意味着您确认您已年满 13 周岁,且在您所在国家/地区达到最低数字同意年龄。我们统计了一份世界各地的最低年龄清单,供您参考,但我们不能保证其完全准确。如果您已达到您所在国家/地区规定的使用我们服务的年龄,但还没有达到有权同意我们条款的年龄,则您的父母或监护人必须代表您同意我们的条款。请要求您的父母或监护人与您一起阅读本条款。如果您是父母或法定监护人,并且允许您照管的孩子使用我们的服务,则这些条款也适用于您,且您应当对孩子在这些服务中的行为(包括他们的购买行为)负责。有关购买的更多信息,请参阅下文《Discord 付费服务》。","#You are responsible for any mobile charges that you may incur for using our services. This includes data charges and charges for messaging, such as SMS, MMS, or other messaging protocols or technologies. If you are not sure what you may be charged, you should ask your mobile service provider before using our services.":"您有责任支付因使用我们的服务而产生的任何移动费用。这包括数据费用和消息费用,比如短信、彩信或其他消息协议或技术的费用。如果您不确定可能产生的费用,请在使用我们的服务前咨询您的移动服务供应商。","#Informal resolution. Most disputes can be resolved informally, so if you have an issue with the services, you agree to reach out to us before initiating a lawsuit or arbitration. This requires emailing disputes@discordapp.com a written notice (“Written Notice”), which must include: (1) your name; (2) the email address or phone number associated with your Discord account; (3) a detailed description of the issue; and (4) how you’d like to resolve it. If the dispute is not resolved within sixty (60) days after receipt of the Written Notice, you and Discord agree to resolve any remaining dispute through further informal discussions or one of the formal dispute resolution provisions below. You must engage in this informal resolution process before starting any formal dispute resolution unless exempted by law. Applicable statutes of limitations and due dates for arbitration filing fees or other deadlines will be tolled upon receipt of the Written Notice to disputes@discordapp.com, while the parties attempt informal resolution.":"非正式方式解决。大多数纠纷可通过非正式方式解决,因此,如果您对服务存在问题,您同意在提起诉讼或仲裁之前与我们联系。这需要发送书面通知到 disputes@discordapp.com,其中必须包括:(1)您的姓名;(2)与您 Discord 账号关联的电子邮件地址或电话号码;(3)问题的详细描述;以及(4)您希望如何解决问题。如果在收到书面通知后六十(60)天内未解决纠纷,则您和 Discord 同意通过进一步的非正式讨论或以下正式纠纷解决条款之一解决剩余纠纷。除非法律另有规定,否则在开始正式解决之前,您必须参与此非正式解决程序。在收到发送至 disputes@discordapp.com 的书面通知后,适用的诉讼时效和仲裁诉讼费用截止日期或其他截止日期将被暂停,同时各方尝试非正式解决。","#Third party features and content. Our services may also allow you to access third-party websites, features, apps, or other content. We provide you access only as a convenience to you, and are not responsible for the content or services available from these websites or resources.":"第三方功能与内容。我们的服务还可能允许您访问第三方网站、功能、应用程序或其他内容。允许您访问仅为提供便利,我们对这些网站或资源提供的内容或服务概不负责。","#We encourage you to report content or conduct that you believe violates these restrictions. You can learn more about our approach to safety and content moderation in our Safety Center.":"我们鼓励您举报您认为违反这些限制的内容或行为。您可以在我们的安全中心进一步了解我们的安全和内容管理办法。","#You breach these terms, our Community Guidelines, our other policies, or additional terms that apply to specific products.":"您违反了本条款、我们的《社区守则》其他政策或适用于特定产品的附加条款。","#Offer of Judgment. At least 14 days before the date set for an arbitration hearing, any party may serve an offer in writing upon the other party to allow judgment on specified terms. If the offer made by the offering party is not accepted by the other party, and the other party fails to obtain a more favorable award, the other party will not recover its post-offer costs and will pay the offering party’s costs from the time of the offer.":"判决要约。在仲裁听证会日期至少 14 天前,任何一方均可向另一方发出书面要约,允许按照指定条款作出判决。如果要约方提出的要约未被另一方接受,且另一方未能获得更有利的裁决,则另一方将无法收回要约后产生的费用,并将承担要约方自提出要约时起产生的费用。","#Arbitration Decision. The decision of the arbitrator will be in writing and binding on you and Discord, and judgment to enforce the decision may be entered by any court of competent jurisdiction. You and Discord agree that dispositive motions will be allowed in the arbitration. Except as explicitly set forth in this arbitration section, the arbitrator, and not any federal, state or local court or agency, shall have exclusive authority to resolve all disputes arising out of or relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of these terms of service, including, but not limited to any claim that all or any part of these terms of service are void or voidable, whether a claim is subject to arbitration, and any dispute regarding the payment of AAA or arbitrator fees (including the timing of such payments and remedies for nonpayment). The arbitrator must follow these terms and can award the same damages and relief as a court. The arbitrator has the right to impose sanctions in accordance with the AAA Rules and procedures for any frivolous claims, improper claims, or submissions the arbitrator determines have not been filed in good faith, as well as for a party's failure to comply with this Section or claims filed on behalf of a claimant who is not party to this agreement. No arbitration award or decision will have any preclusive effect as to issues or claims in any dispute with anyone who is not a named party to the arbitration.":"仲裁裁决。仲裁员将以书面形式作出裁决,对您和 Discord 具有约束力,且任何有管辖权的法院均可作出执行该裁决的判决。您和 Discord 均同意,仲裁将允许决定性动议。除非本仲裁章节明确规定,则仲裁员(而非任何联邦、州或地方法院或机构)应拥有解决因本服务条款的解释、适用性、可执行性或形成而引起的或与之相关的所有争议的专属权力,包括但不限于对本服务条款的全部或任何部分无效或可撤销的任何索赔,无论索赔是否需经过仲裁,以及有关支付美仲协管理费或仲裁员费用的任何争议(包括此类付款的时间以及对未能付款的救济)。仲裁员必须遵守本条款,并可以作出与法院相同的损害赔偿和救济裁决。仲裁员有权根据美仲协规则和程序,对任何无意义的申诉、不当申诉或仲裁员认定并非善意提交的申诉,以及一方当事人未遵守本节规定或代表非本协议当事人的申诉人提出的申诉实施制裁。对于未被指定为仲裁方的任何人的任何争议中的问题或索赔,任何仲裁裁决或决定均不具有任何排除效力。","#Updates to these terms. We may decide to update these terms: (1) to reflect changes to our services or our business, (2) for legal or regulatory reasons, (3) to prevent abuse on or of our services, or (4) to better protect or serve users of our services. If these changes materially affect your Discord use or your legal rights, we’ll give you reasonable advance notice (unless the updates are urgent). If you continue to use our services after the changes have taken effect, it means that you agree to the changes. If you don’t agree, you must stop using our services.":"本条款的更新。我们可能会出于以下原因更新本条款:(1)反映我们服务或业务的变化,(2)出于法律或监管的原因,(3)防止我们的服务被滥用,或(4)更好地保护或服务我们的用户。如果该变更对您使用 Discord 或对您的法律权利产生实质性影响,我们会给您合理的提前通知(除非是紧急更新)。如果您在变更生效后继续使用我们的服务,即表示您同意该变更。如果您不同意,您必须停止使用我们的服务。","#Governing law and jurisdiction. The Federal Arbitration Act, federal arbitration law, and California law will apply to these terms and any disputes related to these terms or our services, regardless of conflict of laws rules. Any dispute that is not subject to arbitration will be resolved exclusively in the state or federal courts in San Francisco County, California, and you and Discord both consent to venue and personal jurisdiction in these courts.":"管辖法律与管辖权。《联邦仲裁法》(《Federal Arbitration Act》)、联邦仲裁相关法规,以及加利福尼亚州法律将适用于本条款以及与本条款或我们的服务相关的任何纠纷,不考虑法律冲突。任何不受仲裁管辖的纠纷将完全由加利福尼亚州旧金山郡的州或联邦法院中解决,您和 Discord 都同意在这些法院进行审理和个人管辖。","#Last Updated: March 15, 2024":"上次更新:2024 年 3 月 15 日","#We won’t charge you a fee to use the basic functionality of our services, but you may be able to pay for additional features and products. Discord’s Paid Services Terms also apply to any purchase you make using Discord’s supported purchase flows, and you may also be asked to agree to separate terms such as our Monetization Terms before purchasing or selling new offerings through Discord.":"我们不会向您收取使用我们服务基本功能的费用,但您可能需要为附加功能和产品付费。Discord 的《付费服务条款》也适用于您使用 Discord 支持的购买流程进行的任何购买,并且在通过 Discord 购买或销售新产品之前,您可能还需要单独同意其他条款,如我们的货币化条款。","#Changes to this Dispute Section: Discord will provide 30 days’ notice of the date of any material changes to this clause. Changes will become effective on the 30th day and apply to all claims not yet filed. If you continue to use the site after the 30th day, you agree that any unfiled claims of which Discord does not have actual notice are subject to the revised clause. If you reject any such changes by opting out of the arbitration agreement, you may exercise your right to a trial by jury or judge, as permitted by applicable law, but any prior existing agreement to arbitrate disputes under a prior version of the arbitration agreement will not apply to claims not yet filed. If Discord changes this “Dispute Resolution” section after the date you first accepted this agreement (or accepted any subsequent changes to this agreement), you agree that your continued use of the Discord product(s) or services 30 days after such change will be deemed acceptance of those changes. If you do not agree to such change, you may opt out by providing notice as described in this section.":"纠纷部分的变更:本节如有任何重大变更,Discord 将提前 30 天发出通知。更改将在第 30 天生效,并适用于所有尚未提起的索赔。如果您在第 30 天后继续使用本网站,则表示您同意 Discord 对于其没有实际通知的未提起的索赔受修订条款的约束。如果您选择退出仲裁协议,从而拒绝接受任何此类变更,则您可以根据适用法律行使陪审团或法官审判的权利,但任何先前存在的根据以前版本的仲裁协议解决纠纷的协议将不适用于尚未提起的索赔。如果 Discord 在您首次接受本协议(或接受本协议任何后续变更)之日后变更本“纠纷调解”部分,您同意在变更后 30 天内继续使用 Discord 产品或服务将被视为接受这些变更。如果您不同意这种变更,您可以按本节所述发出通知,选择退出。","#We also have a Privacy Policy, Community Guidelines, and these other policies that apply to your use of our services and are incorporated into these terms. You should read these policies—we’ve worked hard to make them simple and clear, and they contain important information about your use of our services. If you use our API, Discord’s Developer Terms of Service and Developer Policy apply to that use. Discord’s Paid Services Terms apply to any purchase you make through Discord, and Discord’s Monetization Terms apply to any sales you make through Discord.":"当您使用我们的服务时,还适用我们的《隐私政策》《社区守则》其他政策。上述政策已纳入本条款。这些政策的措辞已尽量简化明确,其中包含您使用我们服务的重要信息,请您务必认真阅读。若您使用我们的 API,则还适用于 Discord 的《开发者服务条款》《开发者政策》。Discord 的《付费服务条款》适用于您通过 Discord 进行的所有购买,而 Discord 的《货币化条款》适用于您通过 Discord 进行的所有销售。","#Discord is designed to make communicating with the people you want to speak to as easy as possible. Posts appear in text channels in the order in which they’re made. Voice and video communication happens in real time. We may build features that help you create content and communicate with others, join conversations more easily, or may highlight content and activity available to you on Discord that might be of interest. Discord was also designed to make it easy to share what you’re up to. You can stream what you’re doing on your device, or you can share your status, including what game you're playing, what song you’re listening to (if you link a music account), and more. Sharing gameplay is fundamental to the Discord experience, so it’s turned on by default. You can turn it off in your Settings at any time, and you’re in control of whether or not you connect other accounts to Discord.":"Discord 的设计宗旨就是,使您与想交流的对象轻松沟通。帖子在文字频道中按发布顺序排列。语音和视频通信实时进行。某些情况下,我们会构建一些功能,帮助您创建内容并与他人交流,更便捷地加入对话,或突出显示您可能感兴趣的 Discord 内容和动态。Discord 的设计也考虑到了用户分享自身动态的便利性。您可以在设备上直播您正在做的事情,也可以分享您的状态,包括您正在玩的游戏、正在听的歌(如果您链接了音乐账号)等等。分享游戏是 Discord 的基础要素,因此默认启用。您可以随时在“设置”中将其关闭,也可以自行决定是否将其他帐户连接到 Discord。","#Our services include some content that belongs to us, such as the design of our apps and websites, our art and images, and content written by us. You may use our software as outlined in these terms. You may only use our trademarks (or other brand indicia) and copyrights as permitted in our Brand Guidelines or with our prior written permission. We retain all intellectual property rights in our content.":"我们的服务包括一些属于我们的内容,例如我们应用程序和网站的设计、作品和图像,及我们撰写的内容。您可以根据该条款的规定使用我们的软件。您只能在我们的《品牌指南》允许的范围内或在我们事先书面许可的情况下使用我们的商标(或其他品牌标识)和版权。我们保留我们所有内容的知识产权。","#Third-Party Services. Discord may allow you to access apps, bots, or other products, features, or services developed by third parties (“third-party services”). It’s your choice whether to use these third-party services and whether to participate in Discord servers that incorporate them. You should review any terms and policies provided by the third parties before doing so as they govern your use of their services. While these third parties do need to follow all policies that apply to them (which may include these Terms, our Community Guidelines, Developer Terms of Service, and Developer Policy), Discord is not responsible for any third-party services.":"第三方服务。Discord 可能允许您访问由第三方开发的应用程序、机器人或其他产品、功能或服务(“第三方服务”)。您可自行决定是否使用这些第三方服务以及是否参与包含这些服务的 Discord 服务器。在进行上述操作之前,您应该仔细查阅第三方提供的所有条款和政策,因为这些条款和政策将约束您对其服务的使用。虽然这些第三方需要遵守适用于它们的所有政策(可能包括本条款、我们的《社区守则》《开发者服务条款》《开发者政策》),但 Discord 不对任何第三方服务负责。","#Your right to terminate. You’re free to stop using Discord’s services at any time and for any reason. To terminate this agreement, you may delete your Discord account through the Settings page in the Discord app (the gear icon next to your username) and discontinue use of the services. Certain provisions of these terms will survive termination as outlined below in the “Survival” section.

Disabling your account limits the processing of your personal information as described in our Privacy Policy. Disabling your account does not terminate this agreement.":"您的终止权。您可以随时出于任何原因停止使用 Discord 的服务。要终止本协议,您可以通过 Discord 应用中的设置页面(在您用户名旁边的齿轮图标)删除您的 Discord 账号并停止使用服务。如下文“存续”部分所述,本条款的某些规定在协议终止后仍然有效。

禁用您的账号会限制对您个人信息的处理,具体信息请参阅我们的《隐私政策》。禁用您的账号不会终止本协议。","#Arbitration rules. The arbitration will be conducted by a single arbitrator, governed by these terms and the American Arbitration Association Rules, excluding any rules or procedures governing or permitting class or representative actions (the “AAA Rules”), available at https://www.adr.org/active-rules. These terms will govern if there’s a conflict between these terms and the AAA Rules. To begin the arbitration proceeding, either party must submit a written Demand for Arbitration (available at www.adr.org) with the AAA and provide a copy to the other party as specified in the AAA Rules. To provide notice to Discord, please send an email with the subject line “Arbitration Demand” to disputes@discordapp.com.":"仲裁规则。仲裁将由一名仲裁员执行,受本条款与美国仲裁协会规则(American Arbitration Association Rules,即美仲协规则)的约束,不包括任何管理或允许集体诉讼或代理诉讼的规则,详情见以下链接 https://www.adr.org/active-rules。如果本条款与美仲协规则存在冲突,则以本条款为准。要开始仲裁程序,任何一方都必须向美仲协(美国仲裁协会)提交书面仲裁请求书(可在 www.adr.org 下载),并向按照美仲协的要求,向另一方提供一份副本。要向 Discord 发送通知,请发送标题为“仲裁要求”的电子邮件至 disputes@discordapp.com。","#Discord Inc. is located at 444 De Haro Street #200, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA. Discord Netherlands B.V. is located at Schiphol Boulevard 195, 1118 BG Schiphol, Netherlands.":"Discord Inc. 位于 444 De Haro Street #200, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA。Discord Netherlands B.V. 位于 Schiphol Boulevard 195, 1118 BG Schiphol, Netherlands。","#Open source. Some of Discord’s services include software subject to separate open source license terms, and your use of those services are subject to your compliance with those license terms, when applicable. We encourage you to review them, as some licenses may explicitly override these terms.":"开放源码。某些 Discord 服务包含受单独的开源许可条款约束的软件,您对这些服务的使用须遵守这些许可条款(如适用)。我们鼓励您检查这些许可条款,因为有些许可可能会明确覆盖本条款。","#Other remedies. ARBITRATION MEANS THAT YOU WAIVE YOUR RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL. In some instances, the costs of arbitration could exceed the costs of litigation and the right to discovery may be more limited in arbitration than in court. YOU HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT YOU AND DISCORD ARE EACH WAIVING THE RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. You may, in arbitration, seek any and all remedies otherwise available to you pursuant to your state’s law.":"其他救济。仲裁意味着您放弃接受陪审团审判的权利。在某些情况下,仲裁费用可能会超过诉讼费用,而在仲裁中的调查取证权可能比在法庭上更有限。您特此承认并同意,您和 Discord 在法律允许的最大范围内均放弃通过陪审团审判的权利。在仲裁中,您可根据您所在国家的法律寻求任何和所有其他的补救办法。","#We provide services that allow you to interact with other Discord users (such as through direct messages and group direct messages) and participate in large and small spaces (or “servers”). Our services may also include access to certain software, features, and content, including items that you can purchase from us or others. Additional terms may apply to those purchases.":"我们提供的服务允许您与其他 Discord 用户进行互动(例如通过私信和群组私信),并参与大型和小型空间(或称为“服务器”)。我们的服务还可能包括访问某些软件、功能和内容,包括您可以从我们或他人处购买的物品。对于这些购买,可能还适用其他条款。","#License to our software. Some of our services allow you to download client software. So long as you comply with these terms, we grant you a worldwide, non-exclusive, personal, and non-assignable license to download, install, and run that software, solely to access our services.":"我们软件的许可。我们的一些服务允许您下载客户端软件。在您遵守本条款的前提下,我们授予您全球范围内的、非独家的、个人的、不可转让的许可,以下载、安装和运行该软件,仅用于访问我们的服务。","#Our right to terminate. Subject to applicable law, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and/or your access to some or all of our services with or without notice, at our discretion for any reason, or for the following reasons:":"我们的终止权。根据适用法律法规,如果出于某些原因或您存在以下行为,我们保留酌情决定暂停或终止您的账号和/或您访问我们部分或全部服务的权利,无论是否通知:","#Mass filings. If, at any time, 30 or more similar demands for arbitration are asserted against Discord or related parties by the same or coordinated counsel or entities (“Mass Filing”), these additional rules will apply:":"大规模申诉。在任何时候,如果同一律师或多名律师或实体通过协调合作对 Discord 或其关联方提出 30 个或更多类似的仲裁请求(“大规模申诉”),则以下补充规则将同时适用:","#Survival. Any part of these terms that by their nature should survive after termination of these terms will survive. As permitted under applicable law, this includes but may not be limited to the following:":"存续。如本条款的任何部分由其性质决定应在本条款终止后存续,则其将在本条款终止后存续。在适用法律允许的情况下,包括但不限于以下内容:","#Data Charges":"数据资费","#When using our services, you must comply with these terms and all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and you must only use the services for authorized and acceptable purposes. You must also adhere to our Community Guidelines and other policies, which contain more detailed rules about your content and behavior when using Discord and how we enforce them on Discord. Fundamentally, do not do, try to do, or encourage or help others to do any of the following:":"在使用我们的服务时,您必须遵守本条款和所有适用的法律、法规和规章,您必须仅将服务用于经授权和可接受的目的。您还必须遵守我们的《社区守则》其他政策,其中包含有关您在使用 Discord 时内容和行为的更详细规定。从根本上讲,请勿从事、试图从事、鼓励或帮助他人从事以下行为:","#If you reside in the European Union, you may also be entitled to submit your complaint to the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform or the Out-of-Court Dispute Settlement (“OCDS”) mechanism under DSA Article 21. ODR allows EU consumers to resolve disputes related to the online purchases of goods and services without going to court. Note that a submission to the ODR or via the OCDS mechanism alone, without submitting a Written Notice to disputes@discordapp.com, will not toll the applicable statutes of limitations or other deadlines.":"如果您居住在欧盟,则您可能还有权向欧盟委员会的在线纠纷调解(ODR)平台或根据 DSA 第 21 条的非法庭纠纷解决(OCDS)机制提交投诉。ODR 允许欧盟消费者在不诉诸法院的情况下解决与在线购买商品和服务相关的纠纷。请注意,仅向 ODR 或通过 OCDS 机制提交投诉,而未向 disputes@discordapp.com 提交书面通知,将不会暂停适用的诉讼时效期限或其他截止日期。","#You agree not to license, sell, lend, or transfer your account, Discord username, vanity URL, or other unique identifier without our prior written approval. We also reserve the right to delete, change, or reclaim your username, URL, or other identifier.":"在未经我们事先书面批准的情况下,您同意不许可、出售、出借或转让您的账号、Discord 用户名、个性化网址或其他唯一标识。此外,我们还保留删除、更改或收回您的用户名、URL 或其他标识的权利。","#Don’t use the services to do harm to Discord. Among other things, this includes trying to gain access to or attacking our systems, scraping our services without our written consent, transmitting viruses or other malicious code to our services, abusing or defrauding us or our payment systems, copying our product or using our intellectual property without permission, and misusing our reporting or customer service mechanisms.":"不得使用服务对 Discord 造成伤害。比如包括尝试获取或攻击我们的系统,未经我们的书面同意抓取我们的服务,向我们的服务传输病毒或其他恶意代码,滥用或欺诈我们或我们的支付系统,未经许可复制我们的产品或使用我们的知识产权,以及滥用我们的举报或客户服务机制。","#Users create servers, and users choose which servers to join and who their “friends” are. All users must follow our Community Guidelines and other policies, but in Servers, the server owners and server admins control the server permissions and additional rules, including establishing membership requirements and creating custom roles and what those roles can do within the server. Server owners and admins also control whether to make their server available in Server Discovery, whether to publish their server invite link on public websites, whether to enable community growth and safety features, and whether to add bots or other apps. These permissions, like the size of a server, may change over time.":"用户可以自行决定创建服务器,加入哪些服务器以及谁是他们的“朋友”。所有用户必须遵守我们的《社区守则》其他政策,但在服务器中,服务器所有者和服务器管理员可以控制服务器的权限和其他规则,包括建立成员资格要求,创建自定义角色以及这些角色在服务器内的权限。服务器所有者和管理员,还可以决定自己的服务器是否加入“发现服务器”、是否在公共网站上发布自己服务器的邀请链接、是否启用社区发展和安全功能,以及是否添加机器人或其他应用程序。这些权限(如服务器的大小)可能会随时间发生变化。","#Opt-out. You can decline this agreement to arbitrate by emailing an opt-out notice to arbitration-opt-out@discord.com within 30 days of April 15, 2024 or when you first register your Discord account, whichever is later; otherwise, you shall be bound to arbitrate disputes in accordance with the terms of these paragraphs. If you opt out of these arbitration provisions, Discord also will not be bound by them.":"选择退出。自 2024 年 4 月 15 日或者您首次注册 Discord 账号之日(以其中较晚者为准)起的 30 天内,您可以通过向 arbitration-opt-out@discord.com 发送退出通知以拒绝本仲裁协议,否则您将受其约束,应当按照相关章节的条款对争议进行仲裁。如果您选择退出本仲裁条款,则 Discord 也将不受其约束。","#Exceptions. You or Discord may still pursue claims, if they qualify, exclusively in small claims court in San Francisco County, California, and you and Discord both consent to venue and personal jurisdiction in that court. The small claims court, and not any arbitrator or AAA, shall have the exclusive authority to resolve disputes regarding whether a dispute is properly within the jurisdiction of a small claims court. Additionally, disputes concerning patents, copyrights, moral rights, trademarks, and trade secrets and claims of piracy or unauthorized use of our services will not be subject to arbitration. Either party may also seek a declaratory judgment or other equitable relief in a court of competent jurisdiction regarding whether a party’s claims are time-barred or may be brought in small claims court. Seeking such relief shall not waive a party’s right to arbitration under this agreement, and any filed arbitrations related to any action filed pursuant to this paragraph shall automatically be stayed (and any applicable statute of limitations tolled) pending the outcome of such action.":"例外情况。如果符合条件,您或 Discord 仍可以在加利福尼亚州旧金山郡或您居住或工作的任何美国郡的小额索赔法院提出索赔,您和 Discord 都同意在这些法院进行审理和个人管辖。小额索赔法院(而非任何仲裁员或美仲协)拥有决定争议是否属于小额索赔法院管辖范围的专属权力。此外,有关专利、版权、精神权利、商标和商业秘密的争议,以及对我们服务的盗版或未经授权使用的索赔,均不适用仲裁。任何一方还可在有权管辖的法院寻求宣告判决或其他衡平救济,以确定一方的索赔是否已过时效,或者是否可在小额索赔法院提起诉讼。寻求此类救济不会放弃一方根据本协议进行仲裁的权利,与根据本款提起的任何诉讼相关的已提交仲裁将自动暂停(且适用的诉讼时效期限会暂停),直至此类诉讼的结果出现为止。","#How we resolve disputes: We’ve updated our informal dispute resolution process and added new information to comply with laws available to users who reside in the European Economic Area.":"我们如何解决纠纷:我们更新了非正式纠纷调解流程,并添加了新信息,以遵守与欧洲经济区居民相关的管辖法律。","#To contact Discord’s Data Protection Officer, please email dpo@discord.com.":"要联系 Discord 数据保护官,请发送邮件至 dpo@discord.com。","#Together we are building a safer place for everyone to hang out. To stay up to date on our latest policies check out our Policy Hub.":"我们将共同努力,打造一个更安全的空间,让所有用户都能欢度美好时光。要了解我们的最新政策,请参见我们的政策中心。","#Account information. When you create a Discord account, you can come up with a username and password, and provide a way of contacting you (such as an email address and/or phone number). You’ll also need to provide your birthday. In some cases, we may require additional information to verify your age. You may be required to verify your account or provide additional information (like a verified phone number) to your account. You may also have the option to add your name or choose a display name.":"账号信息。在创建 Discord 账号时,您可以自行选择用户名和密码,并提供联系方式,如电子邮件地址和/或电话号码等。您还要提供自己的出生日期。在某些情况下,您还需要提供额外信息,以验证您的年龄。您可能需要验证自己的账号,或向账号添加额外信息(如经过验证的电话号码)。此外,您还可以自行选择添加姓名或昵称。","#Payment information. If you buy any paid services through Discord, you may need to submit a valid payment method and associated billing information, including your full name and billing address. Our payment processors, like Stripe and PayPal, receive and process your payment information. Depending on the processor, we may also receive and store certain billing information, including the last four digits of the credit card number associated with the transaction. If you sell something through Discord, you may be required to provide additional information to Discord or to our payment processors, such as bank account information to facilitate payments, tax identification information, and copies of government issued identification required to identify users in accordance with regulatory obligations. If we decide to process our own payments in the future, we would receive and process this information ourselves.":"支付信息。在通过 Discord 购买任何付费服务时,您可能需要提供有效的支付方式以及相关账单信息,包括您的真实全名、账单地址等。Strip、PayPal 等支付处理商将接收并处理您的支付信息。我们还可能收到并储存特定账单信息,包括交易相关支付卡号最后四位数字等,具体视支付处理商而定。如果您在 Discord 上进行出售活动,可能需要向 Discord 或我们的支付处理商提供额外的信息,例如用于支付处理的银行账号信息,以及政府机关签发的身份证件,以遵照监管责任规定进行用户身份验证。如果我们在未来决定自行处理支付,那么也会自行接收和处理此类信息。","#To personalize the product. We use your information to personalize our services. This information is used to customize your experience on Discord such as what you see on our discovery surfaces (so that you see relevant communities, activities, applications, or content first) or features that highlight activity on Discord that may interest you. This information also helps us surface Discord features and promotions from us and our partners that may be of interest to you. As discussed in the “How to control your privacy” section below, you can choose to what extent we will use your personal information to personalize your Discord experience.":"进行产品个性化。我们会使用您的信息定制我们的服务。您的信息将被用来自定义您的 Discord 体验,例如在发现界面能查看的内容(定制后能首先看到相关度更高的社区、小活动、应用程序或内容),或突出显示您可能感兴趣的 Discord 动态。此外,借助您的信息,我们还能为您推送您可能感兴趣的 Discord 功能,以及来自我们或合作伙伴的促销。您可以限制我们出于 Discord 体验定制对您个人信息的使用,相关详情请参阅下方“如何控制您的隐私”一节。","#Exercising your rights: As described in the “How to control your privacy” section above, all our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. If you are located in certain regions, including the European Union, you may have additional rights such as those listed below, and as outlined in the state and region specific information and disclosures that you can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us:":"如何行使您的权利:如上文“如何控制您的隐私”一节所述,所有 Discord 用户都能控制自己的信息,直接从个人账号中编辑或删除信息,并限制我们的数据处理。如果您居住在特定地区(如欧盟),那么可能还享有下方列出的其他权利,并可行使各州/地区具体信息和披露规定的权利。您可以直接在 Discord APP 中或通过联系我们行使下列权利:","#We care a lot about privacy. We are committed to creating spaces where people can talk, hang out and have fun with friends online. Respecting user privacy is a key part of that mission.":"隐私保护是我们的关注重点。我们的使命是打造线上空间,供人们彼此交流和消遣娱乐。而尊重和保护用户隐私是这一使命的关键组成部分。","#Information about your use of the apps or websites. For example, we collect log and event information related to how and when you use our services (such as the pages, servers, and channels you visit, the activities you engage in, the features you use, and the surfaces or embedded content you interact with).":"关于您应用或网站使用情况的信息。我们会收集您服务使用方式和使用时间的相关日志和活动信息,例如您访问的页面、服务器和频道,您游玩的小活动,使用的功能,以及界面或嵌入内容的交互情况。","#Moderation across Discord":"Discord 管理系统","#Automated moderation (AutoMod), a server-level feature that empowers community moderation through features like keyword and spam filters that can automatically trigger moderation actions.":"自动管理(AutoMod)是一项服务器级别的功能,可利用关键词和垃圾邮件过滤器等功能自动触发管理行为,从而增强社区的管理能力。","#Regulatory updates around the world: Some of the updates are in response to new laws such as the EU’s Digital Services Act. We have updated our Terms to comply with these laws and created new resources to provide extra transparency about how Discord works and your control over your experience.":"世界各地的监管更新:部分更新是针对各项新出台的法律,比如欧盟的数字服务法案。为与法律保持同步,我们更新了我们的条款,并创建了新资源,以提供更多关于 Discord 的运作方式的详情,并提高您对个人使用体验的控制程度。","#Discord is the best place to talk, hang out and have fun with friends online":"Discord 是与朋友在线聊天、消遣与娱乐的最佳场所。","#To protect someone’s vital interests":"‍保护他人重大利益","#Our proactive approach for teens has additional layers of safe keeping because we believe in protecting the most vulnerable populations on Discord.":"我们针对青少年采取积极举措,并格外设置了多层安全保障,以保护 Discord 上最易面临安全威胁的用户群体。","#Hi folks! It’s Important Announcement DayTM again: we’re updating our Terms of Service, Paid Services Terms, Privacy Policy, and Community Guidelines! These changes go into effect on April 15, 2024.":"大家好!又到了重要公告日TM:我们将更新我们的《服务条款》《付费服务条款》《隐私权政策》《社区守则》!这些更改将于 2024 年 4 月 15 日起生效。","#March 15, 2024":"2024 年 3 月 15 日","#For teens, we may monitor the content or activity associated with teen accounts to identify possible situations of unwanted messages through Teen Safety Assist. For example, if we detect potentially unwanted DM activity directed at a teen account, we may send a safety alert in chat to give the teen account information about how they might handle the situation. (For messages between adults, we do not proactively scan or read the content by default.)":"对于青少年用户,我们会监控与青少年账户相关的内容或活动,通过青少年安全辅助功能识别可能出现的有害信息。例如,如果我们检测到针对青少年账户的潜在有害私信行为,我们会在聊天中发送安全警告,向青少年账户提供有关处理这种情况的方式。(对于成年人之间的私信聊天,我们默认不会主动扫描或阅读内容)。","#To protect our services. We use your information to keep our services secure, to prevent misuse, and to enforce our Terms of Service and other policies against users who violate them.":"保护我们的服务。我们会使用您的信息保护自己服务的安全,预防出现滥用,并根据《服务条款》等政策针对违规用户采取行动。","#You can learn more about these and other privacy-related settings in our Help Center. The default and availability of some of these settings may be different depending on factors like your age or location.":"要进一步了解隐私相关设置,请移步我们的帮助中心。根据您的年龄、所处位置等因素,部分此类设置的默认状态和可用情况可能有所不同。","#We use a variety of techniques and technology to identify this behavior, including:":"我们运用各种技术和方法来识别这些有害行为,包括:","#Information about local privacy laws":"关于当地隐私法律的信息","#Information from optional features. Certain features, like contact syncing, may require that you provide additional information (or grant us access to such information) to make them work. This also includes third-party integrations you choose to enable and the data you authorize those third-party services to share with us. For example, when you link a music streaming account, we may collect information about that account such as the song you are listening to in order to display that information on your profile or as your status (if you have chosen to do so).":"来自可选功能的信息。要使用联系人同步等特定功能,您可能需要提供额外信息,或授予我们访问此类信息的权限。其中也涵盖您自愿启用的第三方集成,以及您授权此类第三方服务与我们分享的数据。假设您关联了音乐流媒体服务账号,那么我们可能会收集关于该账号的信息,例如您当前聆听的曲目,并在您许可的情况下,在您的个人资料或状态中展示曲目相关信息。","#When you tell us to. When you add your content to the services, you are telling us to make that content available to certain people or communities. Who can access that information is determined by who can access a particular space. For servers, those permissions are set by server owners or admins. They control whether a server requires an invite link or is open and accessible to anyone. And these permissions, like the size of the server, may change over time. Similarly, if you link your Discord account with a third-party service (like a music-streaming service or gaming platform), embed content, interact with third party content posted on Discord, or participate in a server that has third-party features like bots enabled, we may provide certain information to that service or to other Discord users to operate that service or feature. Additionally, if you purchase goods or services from other users on Discord, we may disclose certain information to these users in order to facilitate the delivery of the goods or services purchased or help them understand and improve their business. We may also disclose your information as you otherwise instruct us or provide us your consent to do so.":"满足您的要求和指示。向服务添加内容,即代表您指示我们允许特定人群/社区访问该内容。拥有特定空间访问权限的人才能访问这些信息。服务器的相关权限由服务器所有者或管理员设置。服务器所有者或管理员可以决定服务器是向所有人公开,还是需要邀请链接才能加入。与服务器大小类似,此类权限可能会随时间推移发生变化。同样,如果您将 Discord 账号关联到了第三方服务(如音乐流媒体服务或游戏平台)、嵌入内容、与第三方发布在 Discord 上的内容互动,或加入启用第三方功能(如机器人)的服务器,我们可能会向第三方服务或其他 Discord 用户提供特定信息,帮助对应服务或功能正常运作。如果您在 Discord 上购买了其他用户的商品或服务,我们可能会对卖方用户披露特定信息,以完成商品或服务交付,或帮助卖方掌握业务表现并进行改善。我们也可能根据您的指示或许可披露您的信息。","#Aggregated or de-identified information. We may disclose information that has been aggregated or anonymized such that it cannot reasonably be used to identify you. For example, we may share aggregated user statistics in order to describe our business, features, or promotions to partners or the public.":"聚合或去标识化的信息。我们可能会披露经过聚合或匿名化处理、无法有效用于身份识别的信息。例如,我们可能分享聚合用户统计数据,以向合作伙伴或公众描述我们的业务、功能或促销情况。","#Other information you provide directly to us. You may have the option to submit additional information as you use Discord. For example, you may participate in surveys where you can provide feedback on the services, or submit information to our Discord Support teams.":"您直接提供给我们的其他信息。在使用 Discord 的过程中,您可以选择提交额外的信息。例如,您可以参加问卷调查,针对服务提供反馈,或向我们的 Discord 支持团队提交信息。","#Discord also works hard to proactively identify harmful content and conduct so we can remove it and therefore expose fewer users to it. We work to prioritize the highest harm issues such as child safety or violent extremism.":"Discord 还努力争取主动识别有害内容与行为,及时删除,从而减少用户所受的影响。我们会努力优先解决儿童安全、暴力极端主义等严重问题。","#How we approach privacy: We provided more information about privacy rights and how they are exercised, including creating dedicated pages for more detail about privacy rights in different countries. We have also updated you on the data we collect and how we use it. We take user privacy seriously and these changes reflect our commitment to user transparency.":"我们如何处理隐私:我们增加了更多关于隐私权及其行使方式的信息,包括创建了专门页面,更详细地介绍了不同国家的隐私权情况。我们还更新了我们收集数据及其使用方式的信息。我们非常重视用户的隐私,而这些变化就是我们对用户透明度的承诺。","#Under certain data protection laws like GDPR, companies must have a “legal basis”—a valid reason—to process personal information. Discord relies on different legal bases to process your information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. We use the Information We Collect—Account information, Content you create, Payment information, Information from actions you take, Information used to enable optional features, Other information you provide directly to us, Information about your device, Information about your use of the apps or websites, other information that we collect automatically, and Information we receive from other sources—for the following reasons and according to these legal bases. For each reason, we describe why we process your information and how we process your information to achieve each purpose.":"遵照《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)等数据保护法规定,公司和企业必须拥有“法律依据”——即合理有效的理由,才能处理个人信息。Discord 会出于本《隐私政策》所述的多种目的、遵照多种不同法律依据处理您的个人信息。我们收集的信息包括:账号信息您创建的内容支付信息您操作产生的信息来自可选功能的信息您直接提供给我们的其他信息关于您设备的信息关于您应用或网站使用情况的信息,我们自动收集的其他信息,以及我们从其他来源收到的信息。对应收集原因以及法律依据见下。针对每个收集原因,我们会描述信息处理的理由,以及出于对应目的处理您信息的方式。","#Our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service support our principle that everyone can express themselves and spend time with their friends on Discord, but not at the expense of anyone else. Our goal is to stop bad actors and their activity before anyone else encounters it. Let’s take a look at how we do that.":"我们的根本原则是让每个用户在不伤害他人的前提下,都能够在 Discord 尽情表达自我、与好友共度美好时光,而社区守则服务条款是这一原则的支撑。我们的目标是确保在任何人遭遇到不利影响之前制止不良行为及相关活动。接下来,请进一步了解我们如何实现这一目标。","#All users have the ability to report behavior to Discord. User reports are processed by our Safety team for violative behavior so we can take enforcement actions where appropriate.":"所有用户都可以向 Discord 提交行为举报。我们的安全团队会处理用户举报中的违规行为,在必要时采取强制措施。","#Image hashing and machine-learning powered technologies that help us identify known and unknown child sexual abuse material. We report child sexual abuse and other related content and perpetrators to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), which works with law enforcement to take appropriate action.":"利用图像哈希和机器学习技术,来识别已知和未知的儿童性虐待内容。我们会向全国失踪和受虐待儿童中心(NCMEC)举报儿童性虐待、其他相关内容以及行为人,他们将联同执法部门采取适当的行动。","#Machine learning models that use metadata and network patterns to identify bad actors or spaces with harmful content and activity.":"机器学习模型利用元数据和网络行为模式来识别不良行为者或存在有害内容和行为的空间。","#If we identify a violation, we then determine the appropriate intervention based on the content or conduct and take action such as removing the content or suspending a user account. The result of our actions are conveyed to users through our Warning System.":"违规一经发现,我们会根据其内容或行为确定适当的干预措施,并采取删除内容或封停用户账户等相应措施。我们会通过警报系统向用户告知我们的处理结果。","#Creating a safe teen experience":"打造安全的青少年体验","#In addition to all the measures we've outlined above, we add layers of protection for teen users.":"除了以上措施外,我们还针对青少年用户增加了多层保护。","#More detail in our Community Guidelines: Our Community Guidelines are central to how we work to keep you safe and make Discord the best place to hang out with your friends. We’ve added links throughout the Guidelines to individual policies that help you better understand how we make decisions and what you can expect from us.":"在我们的社区守则中增加了更多详细描述:我们的社区守则对保障您的安全以及使 Discord 成为与好友交流的最佳场所至关重要。我们在守则中添加了各项政策的链接,帮助您更好地理解我们作出决定的依据,以及您可以对我们有什么样的期望。","#We may receive information from cookies (small text files placed on your computer or device) and similar technologies. You can find out more about Discord’s cookie usage and how you can manage your cookie permissions in our Cookie Policy.":"我们可能会通过 Cookie 和类似技术收到信息。Cookie 是存放在您电脑或设备上的小型文本文件。要更多地了解 Discord Cookie 使用情况,以及 Cookie 的许可管理方式,请参阅我们的 Cookie 政策。","#To improve our services. We use your information to help us understand how users interact with our services, what features or products users may want, to develop features that make Discord safer and better to use, or to otherwise understand and improve our services. This includes information about how you use our services and how servers are structured. We may also use certain content that is widely available to better understand, for example, what topics servers cover and what content is most interesting within those servers. Similarly, you can limit to what extent we use your personal information for these purposes.":"改善我们的服务。我们会使用您的信息理解用户与服务互动的方式,寻找用户可能感兴趣的功能或产品,研发能改善 Discord 安全和使用体验的功能,或以其他方式理解并改进我们的服务。此类信息包括您使用服务的方式,服务器的结构等。我们也会借助公开可用的特定内容,更好地理解服务器涉及的主题、服务器中最值得关注的内容等问题。您也可以限制我们出于此类目的对您个人信息的使用。","#With your consent":"‍经过您授权的收集和使用","#To enforce our policies and rights. We may disclose information if needed to enforce our Terms of Service, Community Guidelines, any of our other policies, or to protect the rights, property, and safety of ourselves and others.":"执行政策和行使权利。为执行《服务条款》《社区守则》或任何其他政策,或为保护我们及他人的权利、财产和安全,我们可能会在必要时披露信息。","#As part of our commitment to keeping users safe on Discord, we want to provide a clear understanding of what’s happening in user spaces and how we moderate the content posted there. The goal is to keep you in the loop on how Discord identifies and removes unwanted content and conduct so you can go about your fun business.":"为了履行我们保障 Discord 用户安全的承诺,需要说明用户空间的情况以及我们如何管理在其中发布的内容,从而让您全面了解 Discord 如何识别并删除有害内容和行为,获得愉快的使用体验。","#We regularly review our policies to ensure we're surfacing important information to our users in a clear and easy-to-understand way. As we continually work to improve our services, respond to new laws, and protect your privacy, we periodically update these policies to reflect those priorities and our commitments to each other.":"我们会定期检查我们的政策,以确保以清晰易懂的方式向用户提供重要信息。随着我们不断努力改进我们的服务、响应新出台的法律以及保护您的隐私,我们也会定期更新这些政策,以落实我们对上述工作的重视和承诺。","#How we describe our services: We added more detail about how Discord works and what you can expect from us – from how users communicate, to features that highlight content or activity on Discord. We want Discord to be your experience.":"我们如何描述我们的服务:我们添加了更全面的描述,向您介绍 Discord 的运作方式,并说明了您可以 Discord 中获得怎样的体验——例如用户的沟通方式、突出显示 Discord 上内容或活动的功能等等。我们希望让 Discord 成为您的专属体验。","#To contact you. We may use your information to let you know about new products or features we think you’ll like, to ask you for feedback about our services, or to tell you about experiments that might interest you. You may opt-out of receiving such marketing communications. Where local law requires, we will obtain your consent before sending such communications.":"与您取得联系。在有您可能喜欢的新产品/功能推出时,我们可能会使用您的信息向您发送通知,询问服务反馈,或告知您可能感兴趣的测试。您可以选择退出,不再接收此类营销通讯。如果本地法律法规有要求,我们会在发送此类通讯之前请求您的许可。","#To comply with the law. We may disclose information in response to a request for information if we believe disclosure is required by law, including meeting national security or law enforcement requirements. Where allowed and feasible, we will attempt to provide you with prior notice before disclosing your information in response to such a request. Our Transparency Report has additional information about how we respond to requests from governments and law enforcement entities.":"遵守法律规定。如果我们认为数据披露属于法律要求,包括国家安全或执法要求,那么就会披露数据。在受到允许并实际可行的前提下,我们会在此类信息披露之前向您发送通知。要进一步了解我们如何响应政府和执法机关要求,请参阅我们的透明度报告。","#You can choose what spaces to participate in and what information you add to our services. You can choose what messages to send or post, who to engage with (e.g., one or more particular users or a potentially unlimited group of users), what information to include in your profile, whether to connect any third party services to your Discord account, and more. For example, if you share content in certain spaces, such as servers listed in Server Discovery or with public invite links, your content may be accessed by anyone.":"您可以自行选择要加入的空间以及向我们的服务添加的信息。您也可以选择要发送或发布怎样的消息,与谁互动(例如一个或多个特定用户,或可能无限量的用户群组),在个人资料中添加什么信息,是否将第三方服务关联到 Discord 账号等等。假设您加入了“发现服务器”中的服务器,或通过公共邀请链接加入了服务器,那么您在这些空间内分享的内容就会对所有人可见。","#If you have any questions about these rights or wish to exercise control over your information, please reach out to privacy@discord.com.":"如果您对这些权利有疑问,或希望行使个人信息控制权,请发送邮件至 privacy@discord.com。","#We created Discord to be the best place to talk, hang out and have fun with friends online. Whether you’re part of a club, gaming group, or just a handful of friends that want to spend time together, Discord makes it easy to connect with friends.":"我们打造 Discord 的初衷,是为人们提供线上交流、消遣和娱乐的最佳空间。无论是俱乐部、游戏小组,还是一群想要共度时光的好友,都能在 Discord 轻松连线,一起享受欢乐。","#To fulfill our contract with you":"履行我们与您订立的合同","#You can also access other privacy-related settings in your User Settings. For example, you can decide whether to filter potentially explicit content, who can add you as a friend, and more. This is also where you can limit certain types of processing of your information:":"您也可以在用户设置中找到其他隐私相关的设置,例如过滤可能露骨的内容,谁能加您好友等等。对特定类型的信息处理限制也可以在用户设置中配置:","#Human-led investigations based on flags from our detection tools or reports.":"根据我们的探测工具或用户举报中的标记,进行人工调查。","#To meet our commitments to the Discord community. We work hard to try to make Discord a safe, positive, and inclusive place. To do so, we use your information to monitor for and take action against users and content that violate our Terms of Service, Community Guidelines, and other policies. This includes responding to user reports, generating transcriptions of content as part of our investigation, detecting fraud and malware, and proactively scanning attachments and other content for illegal or harmful activity. We also use certain information, which may include content reported to us, content that violates our Terms of Service, and certain other content widely available on the service (such as public posts, usernames, avatars, banners, user profiles, server names, server icons, and server banners), to create systems and models that can be automated to more swiftly detect, categorize, and take action against prohibited content or conduct.":"履行我们对 Discord 社区的承诺。我们始终尽一切努力,将 Discord 打造成安全、积极和包容的空间。为了实现这一目标,我们需要使用您的信息,监控违反我们《服务条款》《社区守则》以及其他政策的行为,并对违规用户和内容采取行动。其中包括响应用户举报,在开展调查时进行内容转录,侦测欺诈和恶意软件,主动扫描附件和其他内容以寻找非法或有害活动。我们还会使用特定信息打造自动化的系统和模型,以更快地监测、分类并处理违规的行为和内容。此类特定信息包括被举报的内容,违反《服务条款》的内容,以及服务中广泛可用的其他内容,如公开帖子、用户名、头像、横幅、用户个人资料、服务器名、服务器图标、服务器横幅等。","#Information from actions you take. We collect information about your use of Discord and your activities on the services. This includes information such as the friends you add, the users, bots, and apps you engage with, the games you play on your device, the servers or other communities you join and participate in, your roles in servers, content moderation decisions you make, information about purchases or sales you make on or through Discord including what you purchased or sold, and other related actions. You can control the extent to which we collect, use, and display this information as described in the “How to control your privacy” section below.":"您操作产生的信息。我们会收集您的 Discord 使用情况信息,以及您在活动上的服务信息。例如您添加的好友,与您交互的用户、机器人和应用,您在设备上玩的游戏,您加入并参与的服务器或其他社区,您在服务器中的身份组,您做出的内容管理决定,您在 Discord 平台上或通过 Discord 进行的购买或销售(包括所购买或销售的物品),以及其他相关操作。您可以控制我们对此类信息的收集、使用和展示范围。要了解控制方法,请参阅下文“如何控制您的隐私”一节。","#Right to rectify your personal data if it is incorrect":"在个人数据有误的情况下进行更正的权利","#In larger communities, we may use automated means to proactively identify harmful content on the platform and enforce our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.":"在大型社区中,我们可能会使用自动化手段主动识别平台上的有害内容,推行我们的服务条款社区守则。","#Here’s our content moderation approach to helping keep users safe in all spaces on Discord.":"以下是我们在 Discord 的所有空间用于保障用户安全的内容管理方法。","#We may receive information from cookies (small text files placed on your computer or device) and similar technologies. First-party cookies are placed by us (and our third-party service providers) and allow you to use the services and help us analyze and improve your experience and the services. You can control cookies as described in the “How to control your privacy” section of Discord’s Privacy Policy. The services use the following types of cookies:":"我们可能会从 Cookie(存放于您的计算机或设备上的小型文本文件)和类似技术中接收信息。第一方 Cookie 由我们(和我们的第三方服务提供商)放置,让您能够使用服务并帮助我们分析和改进服务和您的体验。您可以按照《Discord 隐私政策》中的“如何控制您的隐私”部分所述控制 Cookie。服务使用以下类型的 Cookie:","#We will permanently remove fraudulent services and all efforts to facilitate illegal behavior when we become aware of it. We use the term fraud services to refer to coordinated activity that directly attempts or is part of a larger attempt to fraudulently generate profit at the expense of others. Profit can mean monetary or property gain secured from a third party.
","#Don’t post or share hateful content as a whole — even as a joke":"不要发布或分享仇恨内容,即便是以玩笑形式","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #11.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 11 条。","#Although we're not affiliated with staff at any of these hotlines, they're trained to help and guide callers with ways to address things that are bothering them.":"虽然 Discord 与这些热线的工作人员没有直接联系,但他们都接受过专业培训,能够帮助和指导来电者解决困扰他们的问题。","#Dangerous and Regulated Goods Policy Explainer":"危险和受监管物品政策讲解","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #25.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 25 条。","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #23.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 23 条。","#3. The outcome of the game is predominantly determined by chance
":"3. 结果主要取决于运气
","#A civic process is any procedure run by governments or international political institutions that relies on public participation to make a decision or reach outcomes that impact our society. Examples of civic processes include elections, referendums, and censuses.
","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference the introduction of our Community Guidelines.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的概述。","#Individuals are prohibited from attempting to manipulate engagement metrics, artificially inflating server membership (for example, via “join-for-join,” “invite rewards,” purchasing fake members), and selling artificial engagement services for online platforms. Individuals also may not attempt to buy or sell Discord assets, such as accounts, usernames, servers, server permissions, or custom server invite links (also called “vanity URLs”).":"Discord 禁止个人操纵参与度指标、人为虚增服务器成员人数(如“加入换加入”、“邀请奖励”、购买僵尸成员)或出售人为操纵在线平台参与度的服务。个人也不得试图购买或出售 Discord 资产,如账户、用户名、服务器、服务器权限,以及自定义服务器邀请链接(又称“个性化网址”)。","#Don’t post or share hateful content or content that glorifies or encourages violence — even as a joke":"不要发布或分享仇恨内容或者赞美或鼓励暴力的内容,即便是以玩笑形式","#Online scams can cause financial harm to people in the real world. We work hard to keep Discord a safe place for users to connect with their communities — that way, they won’t have to worry about people trying to trick them for illegal or dishonest reasons. Individuals may not use our service to promote, coordinate, or perform any type of financial scam.":"网络诈骗会为现实世界中的人造成经济损失。我们努力维持 Discord 的安全,让用户可以放心地融入自己的社区,不必担心被人以非法手段或欺诈目的欺骗。任何人都不得使用我们的服务来促成、配合或实施任何类型的金融诈骗。","#Be extra wary of participating in potentially fraudulent activities or opportunities that use or mimic gambling mechanisms, especially those involving paying or receiving financial transactions from others":"如参与的活动或遇到的机会涉及赌博机制或与之相似,尤其是涉及向他人支付或接收金融交易的情况,要谨防上当受骗","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #10.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 10 条。","#Engagement in the context of this policy is defined as any user interaction with Discord’s service or product features. We will consider engagement to be inauthentic if it is purchased, induced (like promises of financial reward), or fraudulent (for example, it involves fake accounts).
":"本政策所说的“参与”是指用户和 Discord 服务或产品功能间的任何交互。“虚假”参与是指购买、引导(如承诺金钱回报)或欺诈性(如虚假账户)的参与。
","#Servers can host sexually explicit content within their server as long as it does not violate our policies, the server owner and moderators are all over the age of 18 and any channel where sexually explicit content is hosted is marked with an age-restricted label. You can learn how to apply an age-restricted label to your server channels here. Please note that we may also place an age-gate on an entire server if it appears that that server is primarily being used to host sexual content.
":"满足下列条件的服务器可以发布色情内容:不违反平台政策;服务器所有者和管理员均年满 18 岁;任何发布露骨色情内容的频道均需要带有年龄限制标签。点击此处了解如何在您的服务器频道上应用年龄限制标签。请注意,如果整个服务器主要用于发布色情内容,我们也可能会对该服务器设置年龄限制。
","#Do not post about sexualizing, grooming, or abusing children — even as a joke":"不要发布任何有关性化、诱骗或虐待儿童的内容,即便是以玩笑形式","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users or affected individuals can report policy violations by emailing a report to copyright@discordapp.com.
":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户或受到影响的个人都可以向 copyright@discordapp.com 发送邮件举报。
","#Threatening to reveal another individual’s Personally Identifiable Information (PII), such as a name, home address, Social Security number, and any other sensitive data":"威胁泄露个人可识别信息,例如姓名、家庭住址、社保卡号和其他任何敏感数据。","#We don’t allow hateful conduct or the use of hate speech while on Discord. This includes the use of hate symbols and the denial of historical mass atrocities. We define hate speech to include any expression that degrades, vilifies, or dehumanizes individuals, incites intense feelings of hostility towards defined groups, or promotes harm based on protected characteristics.
":"我们禁止在 Discord 上采取仇恨行动或使用仇恨言论。这包括使用仇恨符号和否认历史上的大规模暴行。我们对仇恨言论的定义是任何贬低、污蔑或物化他人的表达,激发针对特定群体的强烈敌对情感的表达,或煽动伤害受保护特征的表达。
","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #4.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以直接在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 4 条。","#Human trafficking is an abhorrent crime that Discord takes very seriously. We will remove accounts and servers engaged in this activity and may report suspected illegal activity to law enforcement.":"贩卖人口是一项令人发指的罪行,Discord 对其采取十分严肃的态度。我们将移除从事此类活动的账户和服务器,并且会向执法部门报告疑似非法活动。","#At Discord, we believe users should feel comfortable expressing themselves. That’s why we allow our adult users (18+) to post and share sexual content, so long as it aligns with our policies. We also understand that not everyone wants to see this type of content, and that this content isn’t appropriate for our younger users. In order to maintain a safe environment for all, we have limitations on where sexually explicit content can be posted on Discord and how it can be accessed.":"Discord 认为,用户应当在表达自我时感到舒适,因此,我们允许成年用户(年满 18 岁)在遵循平台政策的前提下,发布和分享色情内容。我们也理解并不是所有人都想看到此类内容,并且此类内容不适合青少年用户。为了维护平台环境,保障所有人的安全,我们限制了可以在 Discord 上发布露骨色情内容的位置及其访问渠道。","#While we may make exceptions for educational or newsworthy content, in general, all sexually explicit content on Discord is considered age-restricted and should only be posted or accessed by users who are 18 years of age or older.
":"虽然我们可能会对具有教育意义或新闻价值的内容做出例外处理,但一般而言,Discord 上所有露骨色情内容都属于年龄限制内容,只有年满 18 周岁的用户才能发布或访问。
","#A list of worldwide crisis hotlines can be found here
找到全球紧急情况热线的列表","#Ventures that only sustain themselves by recruiting new participants (pyramid schemes)":"建立在不断发展下线基础上的投资(金字塔骗局)","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #17.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以直接在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 17 条。","#At Discord, we take a firm stance against the sharing, distribution, taking, or creation of sexually explicit or sexually suggestive content of other people without their knowledge or consent.":"Discord 坚决反对未经他人知情或正式同意,分享、传播、拍摄或制作他人露骨色情或性暗示内容。","#A Note on Enforcement of This Policy":"关于执行此政策的说明","#Discord is a place where friends come to hang out. As part of our goal to provide users with a good on-platform experience, we prohibit platform abuse.":"Discord 是一个人们和朋友欢聚的场所。为了向用户提供良好的平台体验,我们禁止对本平台的滥用。","#Personal information, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and social security numbers":"电子邮箱地址、电话号码和社保账号等个人信息","#We define illegal gambling as any gambling activities that break applicable laws and regulations. We define gambling as the act of placing a bet or wager involving money or something of value on an event or activity with an uncertain outcome. Our gambling policy is violated if the following criteria are met:
","#At Discord, we are committed to creating a safe online environment and preventing harm. We do not allow the promotion or organization of communities that share false or misleading health information that is likely to result in harm. This includes anti-vaccination claims, dangerous and unsupported treatments for health issues, distortion of disease information, and any content that may negatively impact resolving public health emergencies. We rely on credible sources for accurate health information — including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
":"Discord 致力于打造安全的线上环境,避免损害。我们不允许宣传或组织可能造成损害的虚假或误导性健康信息分享的社区,包括发表反疫苗言论,提供危险的、未经证实的疾病治疗方法,歪曲疾病信息或任何可能对解决公共卫生突发事件造成负面影响的内容。我们依靠可信来源获取准确的健康信息,可信来源包括世界卫生组织(WHO)疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)
","#We will remove harmful misinformation about civic processes when we become aware of it. We will determine the truthfulness of claims by looking at independent, third-party sites like PolitiFact, FactCheck.org, and Snopes.":"一旦发现有关公民过程的有害错误信息,我们将予以移除。我们将根据 PolitiFactFactCheck.org Snopes 等独立第三方网站来确定言论的真实性。","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #13, #14, #15, and #16.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 13、14、15 和 16 条。","#NoFiltr has resources to help you protect yourself online and support you in these situations. You can also text NOFILTR to 741741 for immediate assistance
":"NoFiltr 提供的资源可以帮助您在网上保护自己,并在这些情况下为您提供支持。
","#Please leave servers dedicated to any of the violative content described above. Discord may also take action against accounts that are present in violative servers.":"如您发现所在服务器主动/专门涉及上述任一违规内容,请退出该服务器。对于违规服务器中的用户账户,Discord 也会采取行动。","#We may decline to take action against an account or server tied to egregious harmful behavior when we are confident there is minimal risk of physical harm coming to others as a result of allowing the individual or group to remain on our service.":"如果我们确定,允许与恶性伤害行为相关的账户或服务器继续使用服务对他人造成实际伤害的风险极低,则有可能不对此采取行动。","#We consider Off-Platform Behaviors when reviewing content under this policy due to the high-harm nature of the offense.
","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #6, #7, and #8.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以直接在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 6、7 和 8 条。","#At Discord, we take a firm stance against violating intellectual property rights. We respond to facially-valid reports of copyright infringement in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable intellectual property laws. Our Copyright & IP Policy explains this process in detail.
":"Discord 坚决反对侵犯知识产权的行为。收到符合格式要求的版权侵权举报后,我们会依据《数字千年版权法案》(DMCA)和其他适用的知识产权法律进行处理。具体过程请参见我们的版权和知识产权政策
","#All forms of advance-fee fraud (example: giveaway scams)":"所有形式的预付费用骗局(例如免费赠送骗局)","#Send your own sexually explicit content (“nudes”) to another user — even if they’re also under 18":"向其他用户(包括同样不满 18 岁的用户)发送涉及自己的露骨色情内容(如裸体)","#Overview: As described in the “How to control your privacy\" section of Discord’s Privacy Policy, all our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. In addition to these rights, users residing in Canada are afforded the right to certain additional information with respect to their personal information under the Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). If you are a Canadian resident, this section applies to you.":"概述:如《Discord 隐私政策》中的“如何控制您的隐私”章节所述,所有用户都可以控制自己的信息,可以直接编辑或删除自己账号中的信息,也可以限制我们处理的数据。除了这些权利之外,居住在加拿大的用户还有权根据 Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act(PIPEDA)获取与其个人信息相关的某些附加信息。如果您是加拿大居民,则本节适用于您。","#Don’t share the Personally Identifiable Information of others":"不要分享他人的个人可识别信息","#4. The activity is prohibited by applicable gaming laws or regulations":"4. 活动违反了与赌博相关的现行法律法规","#Do not post or share non-consensual sexual content as a whole — even as a joke":"不要发布或分享任何非自愿色情内容,即便是以玩笑形式","#Investments in non-existent business ventures (Ponzi schemes)":"为不存在的业务投资(庞氏骗局)","#Repeatedly using slurs to degrade and demean individuals or groups. This includes intentionally deadnaming or misgendering a transgender person":"不断通过侮辱性词汇,贬低和侮辱个人或群体,例如,故意对跨性别人群采用错误称呼或错认其性别","#Set up or run a server for other users to date or find romantic partners — even if users aren’t planning to meet in real life":"创建或运营供其他用户约会或寻找恋人的服务器,即使用户并没有在现实生活中见面的计划","#We have a strict policy against any form of threats towards others. This includes threats of physical attacks, emotional suffering, reputational damage, and any hostile actions intended to cause pain, loss, or injury. We may escalate threats to law enforcement if we believe it is required to prevent immediate harm.":"我们反对针对他人的任何形式的威胁,并且对此设有严格的政策。威胁内容包括物理袭击、精神折磨、名誉损害和任何以导致他人痛苦、损失和伤害为目的的敌意行动。为了避免紧迫的危害,我们会在必要情况下将威胁上报至执法部门。","#Phishing is a deceptive technique used to trick others into revealing sensitive information (such as logins or payment details). Individuals may phish for information with manipulated links or fake websites that appear genuine to convince targets they are trustworthy. Malware is any type of software used for malicious purposes — including theft of account credentials and other sensitive information. Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks flood a target with traffic to make the resource temporarily or permanently unavailable.":"“网络钓鱼”是一种诈取他人关键敏感信息(登录或支付信息等)的欺骗性手段。个人可以通过受操纵的链接或看似真实的虚假网站取得目标信任,进而诈取信息。“恶意软件”是指任何出于恶意使用的软件,其目的可能包括窃取账户证书和其他敏感信息。“DoS 攻击”是指使用大量流量冲击目标,使其资源暂时或永久无法使用。","#Personally Identifiable Information (PII) includes any information that could be used to identify an individual, such as a name, home address, social security number, banking information, driver's license number, and any other sensitive data.":"个人可识别信息泛指任何能够用来确定个人身份的信息,例如姓名、家庭住址、社保卡号、银行信息、驾驶证号和其他任何敏感数据。","#Users may not use Discord to coordinate or participate in illegal gambling. Users are responsible for complying with relevant gambling laws and regulation.":"用户不得使用 Discord 协助或参与非法赌博。用户有义务遵守赌博相关的法律法规。","#We may take enforcement actions when we discover a violation of our Community Guidelines — up to and including permanent removal from Discord. We typically reserve permanent actions like user and server bans for severe violations that could negatively impact user safety, the integrity of our service, or the rights of others. Permanently removing a violative account or community can lessen the harms from these groups and help prevent abuse from occurring in the future.
":"当我们发现有人违反我们的社区守则时,我们可能会采取强制措施,严重者将被永久禁止使用 Discord。用户封锁和服务器封锁等永久性措施通常仅适用于可能对用户安全、服务完整性或他人权利造成负面影响的严重违规行为。永久封锁违规账户或社区可以减轻这些群体的危害,防止将来导致严重后果。
","#You may not circumvent platform-level bans that we take against your account or server. We use the term ban to refer to the permanent removal of an account or community for a violation of our rules.
","#[Sensitive language content warning]":"[敏感用语警告]","#For servers, this includes any sections of a server’s profile where content can be posted and seen outside of the server, such as the server name, server invite link, server invite background, and server icon. This also includes content hosted within a server that can be posted elsewhere on the platform, such as stickers and emojis.":"对于服务器而言,这包括服务器资料中内容可被外部转载和查看的任何部分,如服务器名称、服务器邀请链接、服务器邀请背景和服务器图标。这也包括可能被转载至平台其他地方的服务器内部内容,例如贴纸和表情符号。","#For user and bot accounts, these surfaces include all sections of the User Profile, such as the username, display name, avatar, banner, and About Me sections. Users may not post sexual content in any sections of their account’s server profiles unless the server profile is associated with a server that is entirely age-gated.
":"对于用户和机器人账户而言,此类界面包括用户个人资料的所有部分,例如用户名、显示名、头像、背景图和 “自我介绍”一栏。用户不得在其账户的服务器资料的任何部分发布色情内容,除非该个人资料所展示的服务器所有内容均设有年龄限制。
","#Discord partners with Crisis Text Line, a nonprofit that provides 24/7 text-based mental health support and crisis intervention via trained volunteer crisis counselors. Crisis Text Line is currently available to those in the United States and is offered in both English and Spanish. You can read more about this partnership here.
":"Discord 与紧急情况短信专线(Crisis Text Line)合作,后者是一家非盈利组织,由受过训练的危机咨询志愿者全天候提供心理健康短信支持和危机干预。紧急情况短信专线目前面向美国服务,支持英语和西班牙语。更多关于合作的信息,请参见此处
","#Do not send or ask for sexual content from anyone under the age of 18 — even if you are also under 18":"不要向未满 18 岁的用户发送或索要色情内容,这也适用于未满 18 岁的用户","#If you are an adult and run a server that allows sexual content, make sure that you mark any channel that contains sexually explicit content with an “age gate”":"如果您是成年人,且运营的服务器允许出现色情内容,请务必在所有包含露骨色情内容的频道中标记“年龄限制”","#For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #24.":"有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 24 条。","#The glorification and incitement of acts of violence pose a serious threat to the well-being and mental health of individuals, as well as the safety of our communities on and off Discord. We have a strict policy against any form of threats or harm towards others. We may escalate threats to law enforcement if we believe it is required to prevent immediate harm.":"美化和煽动暴力行为对个人的福祉和心理健康以及 Discord 社区的安全构成严重威胁。我们反对针对他人的任何形式的威胁或伤害,并对此设有严格的政策。为了避免紧迫的危害,我们会在必要情况下将威胁上报至执法部门。","#We want users to enjoy a safe, secure experience on our service. Accordingly, we do not allow activity that could damage or compromise the security of an account, computer network, or system. We use the term “malicious conduct” to refer to phishing, the use of malware, and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, among other conduct.":"我们希望我们的服务为用户提供安全、可靠的体验。因此,我们不允许可能损害或削弱账户、计算机网络或系统安全性的活动。我们将网络钓鱼、使用恶意软件和拒绝服务攻击(DoS 攻击)等行为统称为“恶意行为”。","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #27.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 27 条。","#The term non-consensual sharing or distribution of adult intimate media means sharing intimate or sexually explicit content without the person's knowledge or consent, whether it's with a group or one person.
","#This includes media taken or created without an individual’s knowledge or consent (for example, hidden cameras, \"creepshots\", videos of sexual assault, AI-generated sexual images such as \"deepfakes\"), as well as media that was originally obtained or created with consent (for example, within the context of a private or intimate relationship, sometimes known as “revenge porn” or “image-based sexual abuse”). In order to protect victims and stop the proliferation of non-consensual adult intimate media (NCAIM), we will remove confirmed instances of this content.":"这包括未经个人知情或同意而拍摄或制作的媒体(如隐藏摄像头、偷拍、性侵视频、人工智能生成的“深度伪造”色情图片),以及最初经过同意获取或制作的媒体(如在私人或亲密关系中获取或制作的,有时称为“报复性色情内容”或“基于图像的性虐待”)。为了保护受害者并阻止非自愿成人私密媒体(简称 NCAIM)的传播,我们会删除已确认的此类内容。","#The term platform abuse refers to activities that disrupt or alter the experience of Discord users. Sending unsolicited bulk messages or interactions (or spam) is one of the most common ways the user experience is disrupted. Spam can be sent by automated accounts designed for this purpose (spambots), normal user accounts that manually execute spammy actions, as well as by user accounts modified to perform automated actions (self-bots). Making modifications to the Discord client for the purpose of spam or any other reason is not allowed under this policy.
":"“平台滥用”一词是指破坏或改变 Discord 用户体验的活动。批量发送主动提供的消息或互动(即“垃圾邮件”)是破坏用户体验的最常见方式之一。发送垃圾邮件的可能是为此目的设计的自动账户(“垃圾邮件机器人”)、手动执行垃圾信息操作的普通用户账户以及被修改以执行自动操作的用户账户(“self-bot 自主机器人”)。根据本政策,不允许以发送垃圾邮件为目的或基于任何其他缘由修改 Discord 客户端。
","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #18 and #19.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以直接在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 18 和 19 条。","#We want people to enjoy Discord, but never at the expense of others. Our Community Guidelines contain a list of content and behavioral rules users must follow while on our service. Our Off-Platform Behaviors Policy functions as a layer on top of these rules. It is different from our other policies in that it is solely concerned with activity occurring off of Discord. The term off-platform behavior refers to any activity not occurring directly on Discord. This includes activity in other online spaces and in the physical world.
":"我们希望大家可以在 Discord 上度过欢乐的时光,但这绝不能以牺牲他人的利益为代价。用户在使用我们服务时,须遵守《社区守则》中所列出的内容和行为规则。我们的平台外行为政策是对这些规则的补充。本政策不同于我们的其他政策,它仅针对发生在 Discord 以外的活动。平台外行为是指所有未直接在 Discord 发生的活动,包括在其他线上空间和现实世界中的行为。
","#Discord defines sexually explicit content as any content that presents genitalia, female nipples, the anus, or sexual activity without censoring or obscuring it. Sexually suggestive content is any content that may evoke sexual arousal without being overt in description or depiction of genitalia, female nipples, the anus, or sexual activity.":"Discord 将“露骨色情内容”定义为任何呈现生殖器、女性乳头、肛门或性活动,且没有对其进行审查或遮蔽的内容。“性暗示内容”是指任何可能引起性兴奋的内容,无需明确描述或描绘生殖器、女性乳头、肛门或性行为。","#Cookie Policy":"Cookie 政策","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #1 and #2.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 1 和 2 条。","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #20, #21, and #22.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以直接在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 20、21 和 22 条。","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #3.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 3 条。","#Real-world value is defined as any tangible or intangible asset with a monetary or exchangeable value in the real world. This includes virtual currency or virtual goods that have a real-world market value or can be exchanged for real-world currency or goods
","#Check gambling laws and regulations applicable to you and make sure you follow them":"请了解与赌博相关的现行法律法规,并遵守有关规定","#We are committed to upholding the integrity of civic processes and doing our part to ensure a fair and democratic environment around the world. We don’t allow the posting, promotion, or organization of communities that share false or misleading claims that could disrupt or undermine the civic processes. In addition, we do not tolerate the promotion or organization of attempts to intimidate voters or activities that suppress civic participation.":"我们致力于维护公民过程的完整性,为确保世界各地的公平和民主环境尽自己的一份力量。我们不允许张贴、宣传或组织分享虚假或误导性言论的社区,这些言论可能会干扰或破坏公民过程。此外,我们不会容忍宣传或组织企图恐吓选民或压制公民参与的活动。","#We understand consent can change at any time. If you do not have explicit and informed consent of the subject — do not post it. This includes sexual AI-generated media":"我们理解同意是可以随时改变的。如果您没有获得该主体的明确知情同意,就不要发布该内容。包括人工智能生成的色情媒体","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #9.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 9 条。","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #27":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 27 条。","#Deny the existence of a violent event (such as the Holocaust":"否认暴力事件的存在(例如犹太人大屠杀)","#You may not post or share the following types of content, such as: [sensitive language content warning]":"用户不得发布或分享以下内容,例如:[敏感用语警告]","#You may not engage in the following types of behavior, such as: [sensitive language content warning]":"用户不得参与以下行为,例如:[敏感用语警告]","#This only applies to fake profiles that deceive others about their ownership or affiliation. Accounts using aliases, stage names, and those without an established identity will not be considered violative of this policy":"本条仅适用于诱导他人误解其所属或关联关系的虚假资料。使用化名、艺名或不存在已有身份的账户不会被视作违反该政策。","#1. There is a payment or wager of real-world value to participate (this includes betting or entry fees)":"1. 参与所需的支付或下注具有实际价值(包括赌注或报名费)","#The Lifeline number (1-800-273-8255) is available 24/7 for emotional support
","#Financial information, such as credit card information and bank account information":"信用卡信息和银行账户信息等金融信息","#Delete certain personal information we hold about you":"删除我们持有的有关您的某些个人信息","#Take It Down (NCMEC) is a service that you can use to help remove online nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit photos and videos taken before you were 18":"如果您未满 18 岁时拍摄的裸露、半裸露以及露骨色情照片或视频被上传至网络,您可以通过 Take It Down (NCMEC) 服务将相关内容删除","#Any scheme that promises abnormally high returns on an investment (example: money-flipping scams)":"任何承诺畸形高额投资回报的项目(例如一本万利骗局)","#Creating or distributing malware to steal information; grant unauthorized access to an account, network, or system; or block access to a computer":"创造或散播恶意软件,以窃取信息,给予账户、网络或系统未经授权的权限,或阻碍访问某台电脑","#This includes making purchases with stolen payment details, exploiting delivery logistics, socially-engineering company support staff, and engaging in chargeback fraud":"包括使用窃取的支付信息进行购物、不当利用货物运输物流、和公司职能人员拉关系,以及参与退款欺诈","#At Discord, we take a firm stance against doxxing. We do not tolerate anyone putting somebody in danger by leaving them vulnerable to data breaches, targeted harassment, and real-world threats such as physical harm. Doxxing is when someone shares the Personally Identifiable Information, or PII, of another person without their permission and with the intention to cause harm. A dox is the collection of the Personally Identifiable Information of another person.
":"Discord 坚决反对人肉搜索。我们不会容忍任何人将他人置于危险的行为,此处所说的“危险”包括数据泄露、定向骚扰以及身体伤害等现实世界威胁。“人肉搜索”是指以伤害他人为目的,未经允许分享他人的个人可识别信息。“人肉搜索材料”是指收集到的他人个人可识别信息。
","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #26.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 26 条。","#Non-Consensual Adult Intimate Media Policy Explainer":"非自愿成人私密媒体政策讲解","#Information for users in Canada":"供加拿大用户参阅的信息","#Protected characteristics at Discord encompass various aspects, such as age; caste; color; disability; ethnicity; family responsibilities; gender; gender identity; housing status; national origin; race; refugee or immigration status; religious affiliation; serious illness; sex; sexual orientation; socioeconomic class and status; source of income; status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking; as well as weight and size.
":"Discord 所定义的受保护特征包括诸多方面,如年龄;种姓;肤色;残疾;种族;家庭责任;性别;性别认同;住房状况;国籍;种族;难民或移民身份;宗教信仰;严重疾病;性;性取向;社会经济阶层和地位;收入来源;家庭暴力、性暴力或跟踪的受害者身份;体重和体型。
","#The person has gone through a credible rehabilitation process or has received justice-oriented punishment (such as time at a correctional facility)":"涉事个人过去已接受了可靠的矫正过程,或公正的处罚(如在矫正机构服刑期满)","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #5 and #12.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 5 和 12 条。","#Account login information, such as usernames and passwords":"用户名、密码等账户登录信息","#Opt out of the processing your personal information for purposes of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects, if applicable":"选择退出为促进制定法律或类似有重大影响的决策而对您的个人信息进行分析处理(如适用)","#Organizing, coordinating, facilitating, or engaging in illegal or illicit gambling activities or services":"组织、促成、协助或参与非法或违规赌博","#Overview: As described in the “How to control your privacy\" section of Discord’s Privacy Policy, all our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. In addition to these rights, users residing in the Republic of Korea are afforded the right to certain additional information with respect to their personal information under the Personal Information Protection Act. If you are a Republic of Korea resident, this section applies to you.":"概述:如《Discord 隐私政策》中的“如何控制您的隐私”章节所述,所有用户都可以控制自己的信息,可以直接编辑或删除自己账号中的信息,也可以限制我们处理的数据。除了这些权利之外,居住在韩国的用户还有权根据 Personal Information Protection Act(PIPA)获取与其个人信息相关的某些附加信息。如果您是韩国居民,则本节适用于您。","#Right to file a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada":"向加拿大隐私专员办公室(Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada)提出有关您个人数据处理的投诉的权利","#Correct your personal information":"更正您的个人信息","#Our collection and use of personal information: We collect the following categories of personal information: identifiers (such as your username, the email address you used to sign up, and your phone number if you’ve chosen to provide it); commercial information (a record of what you’ve bought from Discord, if anything); financial data (payment information and your history of purchases from Discord); internet or other network information (how you interact with the application); location information (because your IP address may indicate your general location); inference data about you (for example, what content you may be interested in); and other information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with you. For more information about what we collect and the sources of such collection, please see the “The information we collect” section of Discord’s Privacy Policy. To the extent we collect or use sensitive personal information as defined by law (such as the CCPA), we do so in accordance with applicable legal requirements, and we do not use or disclose it other than for purposes for which there is not a right to limit under the CCPA.":"我们对个人信息的收集和使用:我们会收集以下类别的个人信息:标识信息(例如您的用户名、您用于注册的电子邮箱地址以及您的电话号码(如果您选择提供));商业信息(您从 Discord 购买商品的记录(如果存在));财务数据(付款信息和您在 Discord 的购买历史记录);互联网或其他网络信息(您如何与应用程序交互);位置信息(因为您的 IP 地址可能表明您的大致位置);关于您的推断数据(例如您可能感兴趣的内容);以及其他可识别您身份或与您产生合理关联的信息。有关我们收集的内容以及此类收集来源的更多信息,请参阅《Discord 隐私政策》中的“我们收集的信息”章节。在我们收集或使用法律(如 CCPA)所定义的敏感个人信息时,我们会根据适用的法律要求进行收集或使用,并且除非出于 CCPA 所规定的无权限制的目的,我们不会对其进行使用或披露。","#Note that simply incorrect reports and requests made in apparent good faith are not considered a violation of this policy":"请注意,单纯的错误举报和明显出于善意的请求不被视为违反本政策。","#“Glorification of violence” refers to the act of admiring or celebrating acts of physical harm towards humans that cause death, injury, or harm. “Incitement” of violence includes organizing, coordinating, promoting, or encouraging acts of violence to be carried out.":"“美化暴力”是指赞赏或颂扬伤害他人身体,可能导致死亡、受伤或其他伤害的行为。“煽动”暴力包括组织、配合、宣扬或鼓励实施暴力行为。","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #5.":"举报安全违规行为对于保护您和整个 Discord 社区的安全都至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以直接在应用程序中按照此处的说明举报违反政策的行为。有关该政策的更多信息请查看《社区守则》的第 5 条。","#Information for users in Brazil":"供巴西用户参阅的信息","#Exercising your rights: All our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. Users in Brazil have additional rights that you can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us. Those rights include:":"行使您的权利:我们的所有用户都可以控制自己的信息,可以直接编辑或删除自己账号中的信息,也可以限制我们处理的数据。巴西的用户拥有额外的权利,您可以直接通过 Discord APP 或联系我们来行使这些权利。这些权利包括:","#Note: This does not include discussion about maintenance of a legal firearm, for example on how to properly and safely disassemble and clean a firearm.":"注:不包括关于合法枪支保养的讨论。例如,如何正确并安全地拆卸和清理枪支。","#Additionally, you may contact Discord’s Privacy Officer by emailing dpo@discord.com.":"此外,您还可以发送邮件至 dpo@discord.com 来联系 Discord 的隐私专员。","#Content that sexualizes children has no place on Discord or in society. We don't tolerate any kind of text or media — real or generated — on our platform that portrays children in a sexual manner. This type of content causes serious harm to victims.":"不论是 Discord 还是整个社会,都不容许性化儿童的内容存在。Discord 对性化儿童的文字或多媒体内容(包括真实内容和生成内容)均采取零容忍政策。这类内容将对受害者造成严重伤害。","#At Discord, we take a firm stance against violent extremism. We do not tolerate the presence or activities of violent extremist organizations and other violent groups. Users are not allowed to use Discord to organize, promote, or support violent extremist activities or beliefs. The term violent extremist organization describes groups that promote a political, ideological, or religious agenda and tolerate, advocate for, or use violence to achieve their goals.
":"Discord 坚决反对暴力极端主义。我们对暴力极端主义组织和其他暴力团体的存在或活动采取零容忍政策,并且禁止用户使用 Discord 组织、宣扬或支持暴力极端主义活动或信念。“暴力极端主义组织”是指宣扬政治、意识形态或宗教主张,并接受、鼓吹或使用暴力达到其目标的团体。
","#If you are under the age of 18, you may not engage in the following types of behavior, such as: [sensitive language content warning]":"不满 18 岁用户不得参与以下行为,例如:[敏感用语警告]","#We will only remove fake profiles if they are used in connection with one of our other Platform Integrity policies: Deceptive Practices, Misinformation, or Platform Manipulation":"只有虚假资料牵涉到平台完整性政策时,我们才会将其移除。平台完整性政策包括:欺诈行为错误信息平台操纵","#Information for Users in the Republic of Korea":"供韩国用户参阅的信息","#We retain personal information as described in the “Data retention” section of Discord’s Privacy Policy and in our data retention policy.":"我们按照《Discord 隐私政策》中的“数据保留”章节以及我们的数据保留政策所述保留个人信息。","#Right to the review of decisions based on the processing of personal data carried out exclusively by automated means":"对基于纯自动化方式处理个人数据所作出的决定进行审查的权利","#This includes coordinating logistics, payments, or community management of users to facilitate or encourage illegal gambling activities":"包括提供组织后勤、付款或用户社群管理,以方便或促成非法赌博活动","#Exercising your rights: All our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. Users in Canada have additional rights that you can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us. Those rights include:":"行使您的权利:我们的所有用户都可以控制自己的信息,可以直接编辑或删除自己账号中的信息,也可以限制我们处理的数据。加拿大的用户拥有额外的权利,您可以直接通过 Discord APP 或联系我们来行使这些权利。这些权利包括:","#Additionally, you may contact Discord’s Privacy Officer by emailing dpo@discord.com.":"此外,您还可以发送邮件至 dpo@discord.com 来联系 Discord 的隐私专员。","#No sale or “share” of personal information: The CCPA sets forth certain obligations for businesses that sell or “share” personal information. We do not sell or share the personal information of our users as those terms are defined in the CCPA. We do disclose certain information as outlined in the “How we disclose your information” section of Discord’s Privacy Policy and you can make choices with respect to your information as outlined in that policy.
":"禁止出售或“共享”个人信息:CCPA 为出售或“共享”个人信息的企业规定了某些义务。我们不会出售或共享 CCPA 中所定义的用户个人信息。我们确实会按照《Discord 隐私政策》中的“我们如何披露您的信息”章节所述披露某些信息,并且您可以根据该政策中的规定对您的信息做出选择。
","#Data Controller: As described in the “Welcomesection of Discord’s Privacy Policy, Discord Inc. is the controller for user data outside of the EEA and United Kingdom, including users in Brazil.":"数据控制方:如《Discord 隐私政策》中的“欢迎章节所述,Discord Inc.是欧洲经济区(EEA)和英国以外用户的数据控制方,这也包括巴西用户。","#Right to withdraw consent. Withdrawing consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before withdrawal":"许可撤回权。撤回许可并不影响撤回前基于许可所进行处理的合法性","#Information About Local Privacy Laws":"关于当地隐私法律的信息","#Data Controller: As described in the “Welcomesection of Discord’s Privacy Policy, Discord Inc. is the controller for user data outside of the EEA and United Kingdom, including users in Canada.":"数据控制方:如《Discord 隐私政策》中的“欢迎章节所述,Discord Inc. 是欧洲经济区(EEA)和英国以外用户的数据控制方,这也包括加拿大用户。","#Data Controller: As described in the “Welcomesection of Discord’s Privacy Policy, Discord Inc. is the controller for user data outside of the EEA and United Kingdom, including users in the Republic of Korea.":"数据控制方:如《Discord 隐私政策》中的“欢迎章节所述,Discord Inc. 是欧洲经济区(EEA)和英国以外用户的数据控制方,这也包括韩国用户。","#Data retention and destruction: We retain personal information until we determine it is no longer needed for the processing purposes for which we collected or retain it or for legal compliance. You can learn more about data retention periods and the deletion process in our data retention policy.

Exercising your rights: All our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. Users in the Republic of Korea have additional rights that you can exercise through the Discord app directly or by contacting us. Those rights include:":"数据保留和销毁:我们会保留个人信息,直至我们确定不再需要该信息用于我们收集或保留该信息的处理目的或法律合规目的。您可以通过我们的数据保留政策了解有关数据保留期限和删除流程的更多信息。

行使您的权利:我们的所有用户都可以控制自己的信息,可以直接编辑或删除自己账号中的信息,也可以限制我们处理的数据。韩国的用户拥有额外的权利,您可以直接通过 Discord APP 或联系我们来行使这些权利。这些权利包括:","#Overview: As described in the “How to control your privacy\" section of Discord’s Privacy Policy, all our users have control over their information and can directly edit or delete information from their account and limit what data we process. In addition to these rights, users residing in Brazil are afforded the right to certain additional information with respect to their personal information under the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD). If you are a Brazilian resident, this section applies to you.":"概述:如《Discord 隐私政策》中的“如何控制您的隐私”章节所述,所有用户都可以控制自己的信息,可以直接编辑或删除自己账号中的信息,也可以限制我们处理的数据。除了这些权利之外,居住在巴西的用户还有权根据 Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais(LGPD)获取与其个人信息相关的某些附加信息。如果您是巴西居民,则本节适用于您。","#Sharing the Personally Identifiable Information of another person in an effort to harass or humiliate them":"以骚扰或羞辱为目的,分享他人的个人可识别信息","#Purchasing or inducing engagement; or, using fake accounts to boost such metrics":"购买或诱导参与;或使用虚假账户提高此类指标","#Purchasing or inducing server joins; or, using fake accounts to boost member count":"购买或诱导加入服务器,或使用虚假账户来增加成员数量","#Violent extremism means organizing, promoting, or supporting violent extremist causes. Our Violent Extremism Policy contains a list of violative activities":"“暴力极端主义”是指组织、煽动或支持暴力极端主义主张。我们的暴力极端主义政策列出了一系列暴力活动","#Any type of sexual crime (such as sexual assault or rape)":"任何形式的性犯罪(例如,性侵或强奸)","#Sexual extortion":"色情勒索","#Soliciting, sharing, or distributing child sexual abuse material":"收集、分享或传播儿童性虐待资料","#Grooming (also known as “online enticement”)":"诱骗(也称“线上诱惑”)","#Sexual extortion (or “sextortion”)":"色情勒索(或“性勒索”)","#March 27th 2023":"2023 年 3 月 27 日","#We may allow you to purchase subscriptions or other things offered by other sellers on Discord. Depending on the offering you are purchasing, you may transact directly with the seller via an accepted payment method, or with Discord in its capacity as payment collection agent for the purpose of accepting payments from you on behalf of the seller. In all cases, these sellers are responsible for describing and providing these offerings, not Discord. We do not control the quality of these offerings, and we cannot guarantee the identity of the people providing them or the validity of any claims they make. If you identify subscriptions or other offerings on our services that violate our policies, please report them to us. Sellers may have their own terms that apply to the products or services powering the offering that you purchase, such as rules applicable to their Discord app or server. In order to maintain access to the offerings that you’ve purchased from another user on Discord, you are responsible for complying with these applicable terms. If you lose access for violating these terms, any active subscription will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund.":"我们可能允许您购买 Discord 上其他卖家提供的订阅或其他商品。根据您所购买的产品,您可以通过可接受的付款方式直接与卖方交易,或让 Discord 以收款代理的身份代表卖方接受您的付款。在所有情况下,负责描述和提供这些产品的都是卖方,而非 Discord。我们无法控制这些产品的质量,也无法保证产品提供方的身份或其所做任何声明的有效性。如果您发现我们服务中的订阅或其他产品违反了我们的政策,请向我们举报。卖方可能有自己的条款,适用于您购买的产品或服务,例如适用于其 Discord APP 或服务器的条款。为了继续访问您在 Discord 上从其他用户处购买的产品,您有责任遵守这些适用条款。如果您因违反这些条款而失去访问权限,任何有效订阅都将被取消,并且您无权获得退款。","#Sharing, distributing, taking, or reproducing “paywalled” sexually explicit or sexually suggestive content without explicit consent from the individual(s) involved":"未经涉事个人明确同意,分享、传播、拍摄或复制“付费”的露骨色情或性暗示内容","#Thank you for buying something through Discord! These Paid Services Terms apply to anything bought or sold using Discord’s supported purchase flows and supplement our Terms of Service. You may also be asked to agree to separate terms before accessing paid products or services. If you are under 18 (or the legal age of majority in your place of residence), you need your parent’s or guardian’s permission to make purchases through Discord.":"感谢您在 Discord 购买商品!这些付费服务条款适用于使用 Discord 支持的交易流程所购买或出售的任何商品,也是我们服务条款的补充。在访问付费产品或服务之前,您可能还需要同意单独的条款。如果您未满 18 岁(或您居住地的法定成年年龄),则需要获得父母或监护人的许可才能通过 Discord 进行购买。","#Use of paid services":"使用付费服务","#Virtual Goods":"虚拟商品","#Taxes and fees":"税费","#If you reside in the European Union, we have a legal obligation to make sure that anything bought or sold from us through our services conforms to the contract of sale. This excludes content, goods and services sold by others (as mentioned under the paragraph ‘Stuff sold by others’ above). As part of this obligation, we will, from time to time, provide updates for security and/or technical reasons. It is your responsibility to install such updates without delay and to update the operating system of your end device if this is required for an update. You may lose the right to invoke certain rights if you do not install the latest available updates.":"如果您居住在欧盟,我们有法律义务确保通过我们的服务从我们这里购买或出售的任何商品均符合销售合同。但这不包括其他方出售的内容、商品和服务(如上文“其他方所售商品”章节所述)。作为该义务的一部分,我们将不时出于安全和/或技术原因提供更新。您有责任立即安装此类更新,并在需要更新时更新您终端设备的操作系统。如果您不安装最新的可用更新,您可能会丧失调用某些权利的权利。","#Non-consensual sexualization of individual(s) (sometimes referred to as “tributes”) without explicit consent or knowledge from the individual(s)":"未经个人明确同意或他人不知情的非自愿性化内容(有时称为“福利”)","#We use third-party payment processors to transmit payments to us. By providing a payment method to us, you agree that (i) you are authorized to use the payment method you provide; (ii) you will in fact pay for the paid service by the date on which payment is due; (iii) the payment information you provide is true and accurate; (iv) we may retain the payment information and method that you and the issuer of your payment method or the applicable payment network submit to us; and (v) we are authorized to charge you for the paid service using the payment method you present. This includes any obligation you may have to pay any taxes applicable to the service you are buying. You also agree that we have permission to retain and/or share with financial institutions and our payment processors (including any institutions or processors we retain in the future) information regarding your purchase and your submitted payment information in order to process your purchase and to use the contact information (such as an email address or phone number) submitted by you to provide you with notices and disclosures relating to renewals, recurring charges, and changes affecting your purchase.":"我们使用第三方支付处理商向我们汇款。通过向我们提供付款方式,您同意(i)您已获授权使用您提供的付款方式;(ii)您将在付款到期日之前支付付费服务的费用;(iii)您提供的付款信息真实、准确;(iv)我们可能会保留您和您的付款方式的发行方或适用的支付网络向我们提交的付款信息和方式;(v)我们有权使用您提供的付款方式向您收取付费服务费用,这包括您可能需要按照任何义务缴纳适用于您所购买服务的任何税费。您还同意,我们有权保留和/或与金融机构和我们的支付处理商(包括我们将来保留的任何机构或处理商)共享有关您的购买和您提交的支付信息的信息,以便处理您的购买,以及使用您提交的联系信息(例如电子邮件地址或电话号码)向您提供与续订、定期费用和影响您购买的变更相关的通知和披露。","#Cancellation. You may cancel your subscriptions at any time by going to the “Subscriptions” or “Server Boosts” section of your Settings page. In-app subscription purchases made on iOS or Android devices can be canceled directly through the iOS App Store or Google Play. Following cancellation, you’ll continue to have access to premium features through the end of the current subscription period. For more information on cancellation, please visit How to Cancel Your Nitro, Server Boosting, or Other Discord Subscriptions.":"退订。您可以随时前往“设置”页面的“订阅”或“服务器助力”部分取消订阅。在 iOS 或安卓设备上进行的 APP 内订阅购买可以直接通过 iOS App Store 或 Google Play 取消。退订后,您在当前订阅期结束前仍然可以继续使用高级功能。如需获取有关退订的更多信息,请访参阅如何取消 Nitro 订阅、服务器助力或其他 Discord 订阅。","#Additionally, We may decide to stop offering paid services, including subscriptions at any time, including in response to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, or to comply with a legal requirement. In this case, we’ll cancel your subscription and refund the prorated portion of any prepaid subscription fee equal to the remaining unused term of the subscription.":"此外,出于应对我们无法控制的意外情况或遵守法律要求等原因,我们可能随时决定停止提供付费服务,包括停止订阅。在这种情况下,我们将取消您的订阅,并按比例退还任何预付订阅费用中相当于剩余未使用期限的部分。","#When you purchase paid services from Discord, you are provided with access to this content immediately after your purchase is completed. If you reside in the European Union and seek to purchase paid services on Discord, you will be presented with a waiver to your right to cancel your subscription or purchase. If you wish to complete the purchase, you must agree to this waiver.":"当您从 Discord 购买付费服务时,您可以在购买完成后立即访问所购内容。如果您居住在欧盟,并希望在 Discord 上购买付费服务,您将看到一份弃权声明:放弃您取消订阅或购买的权利。如果您希望完成购买,则必须同意该弃权声明。","#Refunds":"退款","#This includes AI-generated media, as well as altered audiovisual media, often referred to as \"deepfakes” or “deepnudes”":"这包括人工智能生成的媒体内容,以及经过篡改的视听媒体内容,常被称为“深度伪造”或“一键脱衣”","#Non-consensual sexual content of sexual assault, sexual violence, or sexual abuse":"性侵犯、性暴力或性虐待等非自愿色情内容","#Termination. We may cancel or suspend any subscription you have purchased if you fail to pay the applicable subscription fees and any applicable taxes in full and in a timely manner according to these Terms. If your payment is not successful (for example, if your payment method expired or has insufficient funds), we may attempt to re-run your payment method. We will also try to provide you notice of the failed payment and the opportunity to make a valid, on time payment to us, but we are not obligated to do so. We may, in our sole discretion, choose not to cancel a subscription immediately for non-payment, in which case you will continue to be responsible for the fees due for the duration of the applicable subscription. In addition, if you fail to pay for a subscription, we may suspend your rights to use that premium service or we may change the type of privileges you have to a non-paid version of the service.":"终止如果您未能根据本条款及时全额支付任何适用的订阅费用和税费,我们可能会取消或暂停您购买的任何订阅。如果您未能成功付款(例如,您的付款方式过期或余额不足),我们可能会尝试再次使用您的付款方式。我们也会尝试向您发出付款失败的通知,让您有机会向我们按时支付有效款项(但我们没有义务这样做)。我们可以自行决定不立即取消未付款的订阅,在这种情况下,您将继续承担适用订阅期间的应付费用。此外,如果您未能支付订阅费用,我们可能会暂停您使用该高级服务的权利,或者我们可能会将您拥有的特权类型更改为非付费版本的服务。","#You may be able to purchase and “gift” various products to other users, including subscription trials. Gifts may only be redeemed through Discord by clicking the gift link shared with you or by entering the gift code in the “Gift Inventory” section of the Settings page. There are no fees to access or utilize a gift. To redeem a gifted subscription trial, you may be required to enter a payment method and the subscription will automatically renew for full price at the end of the gifted subscription period. Once redeemed and activated, the code is void and cannot be transferred or assigned to any other user. A gift subscription trial is good for the particular service and term set forth in the redemption flow when you enter the code. At the end of that term, your subscription will automatically be renewed using the payment method provided when you redeemed the gift. Recipients of gift subscriptions may cancel their subscription at any time following activation, but the recipient is not entitled to a refund or credit of any kind in the event of such cancellation. Gift subscriptions may not be redeemed for cash or combined with other promotional offers, free trial offers, or incentives, except as required by law. Gift subscription codes do not expire, so please keep your gift subscription code in a safe location. We are not responsible for lost or stolen redemption codes or the unauthorized redemption of gift subscriptions, except as required by law.":"您可以购买各种产品(包括订阅试用版)并将其以“礼物”的形式赠送给其他用户。礼物只能通过 Discord 兑换,兑换方法是点击分享给您的礼物链接或在“设置”页面的“礼物库”处输入礼物代码。获取或使用礼物无需支付任何费用。如需兑换订阅试用礼物,您可能需要输入付款方式,订阅将在赠送的订阅期结束时自动按全价续订。一旦兑换并激活,礼物代码将失效,并且不能转让或分配给任何其他用户。订阅试用礼物适用于输入兑换码时兑换流程中规定的特定服务和条款。赠送的订阅期结束后,您的订阅将使用您兑换礼物时提供的付款方式自动续订。订阅礼物的接收者可以在激活后随时取消订阅,但取消后无权获得任何形式的退款或积分。除非法律另有规定,否则订阅礼物不得兑换现金或与其他促销优惠、免费试用优惠或奖励结合使用。订阅礼物兑换码不会过期,因此请妥善安全保存。除非法律要求,否则我们对兑换码丢失、被盗或未经授权兑换订阅礼物不承担任何责任。","#Discord accepts certain payment methods. These may vary by country or paid service and may change from time to time. You can update your payment methods in the “Billing” section of the Settings page in your Discord account. Please note that Discord is not responsible for any fees or charges applied by your financial institution or payment method issuer related to our processing of your payment. In some cases, we may allow you to pay against an invoice. Invoices will be sent to the email address associated with your account, and we will invoice you no more than forty-five (45) days after the purchase of the relevant service. All amounts invoiced are due and payable within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice, unless otherwise specified on the invoice itself. All amounts are payable in United States dollars unless otherwise specified.":"Discord 接受特定的付款方式。这可能因国家/地区或付费服务而异,并且可能会不时发生变化。您可以在 Discord 账号的“用户设置”页面的“账单”部分中更新您的付款方式。请注意,Discord 不对您的金融机构或付款方式发行机构收取的与我们处理您的付款相关的任何费用或收费负责。在某些情况下,我们可能允许您根据发票付款。发票将发送至与您的账号关联的电子邮件地址,并且我们将在购买相关服务后四十五(45)天内向您开具发票。除非发票本身另有规定,所有发票金额均应在发票开具之日起三十(30)天内到期应付。除非另有说明,所有金额均以美元支付。","#Experimental features. We may, from time to time, test experimental features to help us improve Discord. Some of these features may be exclusively available for subscribers for a limited period of time. When we do this, we’ll label these features as beta features or similarly indicate that they are experimental features that may be subject to change or removal. You should not rely on these experimental features when deciding to purchase a premium subscription from Discord, as we may modify or remove them at our discretion.":"实验性功能我们可能会不时测试实验性功能,以帮助我们改进 Discord。其中一些功能可能会限时仅供订阅用户使用。当我们这样做时,我们会将这些功能标记为“测试版功能”,或以类似方式说明它们是实验性功能,且可能会被更改或删除。请勿根据这些实验性供能决定是否购买 Discord 高级订阅,因为我们可能会自行决定修改或删除这些功能。","#Stuff sold by others":"其他方所售商品","#Right of Withdrawal":"撤回权","#Promotions":"促销","#Sexually explicit or suggestive media (also known as “revenge porn”, “non-consensual pornography”, or “image-based sexual abuse”) without explicit consent from the individual(s) involved":"未经涉事个人明确同意的露骨色情或暗示媒体(又称“报复性色情内容”、“非自愿色情内容”或“基于图像的性虐待”)","#Secretly taken media of an individual’s commonly sexualized body parts (breasts, groin, buttocks, thighs, genitals, cleavage, etc.) without the individual’s knowledge":"在他人不知情的情况下秘密拍摄他人公认隐私部位(胸部、胯部、臀部、大腿、外阴、乳/臀沟等)的媒体","#Subscriptions":"订阅","#We may change our paid services, in whole or in part, without notice to you if such changes are necessary, minor in nature, or required for legal or regulatory reasons. Necessary changes may include changes required to ensure the ongoing operation of our paid services, to prevent fraud or abuse, or to enhance existing features or to add additional features to the paid services, or to maintain the security of the services. If we make changes that will have a material negative impact on your use of the paid services or will remove existing paid features (except as described in Experimental Features above), we will provide you with reasonable advance notice.":"如果某些变更是必要的、轻微的或出于法律或监管原因的需要,我们可能会在不通知您的情况下全部或部分更改我们的付费服务。必要的变更可能包括为确保我们付费服务的持续运行、防止欺诈或滥用、增强现有功能或为付费服务添加其他功能或维护服务安全所需的变更。如果我们做出的变更会对您使用付费服务产生重大负面影响,或者会删除现有的付费功能(上述实验性功能除外),我们将向您提供合理的提前通知。","#Payment methods":"付款方式","#Price changes. We may, from time to time, change the price for subscriptions, but we’ll give you advance notice of such changes and their effective date either via our services (such as a Discord system direct message) or to the contact information associated with your Discord account (or both). Subject to applicable law, you accept the new price by continuing to use or otherwise receive the benefits of the subscription service after the price change effective date. You may also reject the price change by canceling your subscription.":"价格变更。我们可能会不时变更订阅价格,但我们会通过我们的服务(例如 Discord 系统私信)或您 Discord 账号关联的联系信息(或同时采取两种方式)提前通知您此类变更及其生效日期。根据适用法律,您在价格变更生效日期后继续使用或以其他方式获取订阅服务的权益,即表示您接受新价格。您也可以通过取消订阅来拒绝价格变更。","#Billing Cycle & Automatic Subscription Renewal. We’ll automatically bill you starting on the date you first purchase your subscription (or whenever your payment method is successfully charged), and on each periodic renewal date (monthly, annually, or other renewal period) until cancellation (see “Cancellation” below for more information on how to cancel a subscription). By initiating your first subscription fee payment, you authorize us to charge your payment method for recurring subscription fees on an ongoing basis. For annual subscriptions, we’ll send you a reminder of the then-current subscription fee at least 30 days, and at most 60 days, in advance of your automatic renewal, or as otherwise required by applicable law. Some states and countries have mandatory laws regarding your cancellation rights, and this paragraph does not override those laws. UNLESS YOU NOTIFY US OF YOUR DESIRE TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION (IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE “CANCELLATION” SECTION BELOW), YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WILL AUTOMATICALLY CONTINUE AND YOU AUTHORIZE US TO AUTOMATICALLY CHARGE YOUR PAYMENT METHOD FOR THE AMOUNT OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FEE AND ANY APPLICABLE TAXES ON EACH PERIODIC RENEWAL DATE.":"计费周期和订阅自动续订。我们会从您首次购买订阅之日(或您的付款方式成功扣款时)起,在每个定期续订日期(每月、每年或其他续订周期)自动向您收取费用,直至取消订阅(请参阅下方的“退订”章节以获取有关如何取消订阅的更多信息)。您首次支付订阅费用时,即表明您授权我们通过您的付款方式持续收取自动续订费用。对于年度订阅,我们将在您自动续订日期之前至少 30 天、最多 60 天(或者按照适用法律的其他要求)向您发送当前订阅费的提醒。一些州和国家/地区有关于退订权利的强制性法律,本章节不会凌驾于这些法律之上。除非您通知我们您希望取消订阅(根据下面的“退订”章节),否则表明您知悉您的订阅将自动续订,并且您授权我们在每个定期续订日期自动从您的付款方式中扣除订阅费用和任何适用税费。","#Gifts":"礼物","#Statutory warranties & Updates":"法定保证和更新","#Changes to services":"服务变更","#Your subscription may also be terminated, in Discord’s sole discretion, if you violate the Discord Terms of Service or other published policies. If your Discord account is terminated, Discord will cancel your subscription where possible. If your subscription was purchased via mobile app stores (i.e. Apple iOS or Google Play), you are responsible for ensuring any active subscriptions are canceled. If your Discord account is terminated, you will not be entitled to a refund for any unused portion of your subscription.":"如果您违反 Discord 服务条款或其他已发布的政策,Discord 也可能会自行决定终止您的订阅。如果您的 Discord 账号被关停,Discord 将尽可能取消您的订阅。如果您的订阅是通过移动应用程序商店(如 Apple iOS 或 Google Play)购买的,您有责任确保取消任何激活的订阅。如果您的 Discord 账号被关停,您将无权获得任何未使用部分的退款。","#You may be able to purchase virtual goods from Discord through our services. If you do so, you’ll have a limited, personal, non-transferable and non-sublicensable license to use your purchased virtual goods, solely within our services and solely in conjunction with the Discord account through which you purchased them. Your license to use virtual goods cannot be sold, traded, transferred, exchanged, or used outside of your Discord account. You do not own, or have any other right, title, or other proprietary interest in these virtual goods, regardless of any consideration offered or paid in exchange. The license to those virtual goods is a software license to access and use the software that enables your access to the virtual goods. Virtual goods are not property and have no cash value. We reserve the right to control, regulate, change or remove any virtual goods, or terminate provision of virtual goods at any time, in our sole discretion, without any liability to you. The license you receive to use virtual goods terminates when your Discord account is deleted or terminated. This license may be terminated, in Discord’s sole discretion, if you violate the Discord Terms of Service or any other applicable policy. Additionally, if your account is suspended, your access to virtual goods may be suspended or terminated. We will not compensate you for this loss or make any refund to you, and we have no liability to you or to any third party associated with the loss of such virtual goods.":"您可以通过我们的服务从 Discord 购买虚拟商品。购买后,您将拥有有限的、个人的、不可转让且不可再许可的许可,能够仅在我们的服务内使用您购买的虚拟商品,并且仅限购买虚拟商品的 Discord 账号使用。您的虚拟商品使用许可不得出售、交易、转移、交换,也不得在您的 Discord 账号外使用。无论提供或支付的交换对价如何,您都不拥有这些虚拟商品的任何其他权利、所有权或其他专有权益。这些虚拟商品的许可本质是软件许可,允许您访问和使用让您能够访问虚拟商品的软件。虚拟商品不是财产,没有现金价值。我们保留随时自行决定控制、管理、更改或删除任何虚拟商品或终止提供虚拟商品的权利,而无需对您承担任何责任。当您的 Discord 账号被删除或关停时,您获得的使用虚拟商品的许可也随之终止。如果您违反 Discord 服务条款或任何其他适用政策,Discord 可自行决定终止该许可。此外,如果您的账号被暂停,您对虚拟商品的访问也可能被暂停或终止。我们不会针对该损失进行赔偿,也不会向您退还任何款项,并且我们对您或任何与此类虚拟商品损失相关的第三方不承担任何责任。","#We may occasionally offer promotions on paid services. The specific terms of each promotion will be stated at the time the promotion is offered. If you receive a discount, use a coupon code, or subscribe during a free trial or other promotion, your subscription will automatically renew for the full price of the subscription at the end of the promotional period. You must cancel the subscription prior to the end of the promotional period in order to avoid incurring further charges. After renewal, you may cancel your subscription at any time as described in the “Cancellation” section above.":"我们有时可能会提供付费服务的促销活动。每项促销活动的具体条款将在促销推出时予以说明。如果您在免费试用或其他促销活动期间获得折扣、使用优惠券代码或进行订阅,您的订阅将在促销期结束时自动按订阅的全价续订。如果不想继续付费,您必须在促销期结束之前取消订阅。续订后,您仍然可以随时按上方的“退订”章节所述来取消订阅。","#If you reside in the European Union, our commercial warranty does not affect any consumer rights you might have under applicable law in case of non-conformity of content, goods and/or services.":"如果您居住在欧盟,我们的商业保证不会影响您在内容、商品和/或服务不符合规定的情况下根据适用法律可能享有的任何消费者权利。","#You can review our refund policy here.":"您可以点击此处查看我们的退款政策。","#Paywalled content refers to content that is exclusive to the people paying for it":"“付费内容”是指仅对付费人开放的内容","#We may allow you to purchase subscriptions to premium features and content. These subscriptions may be sold by Discord or others (see the section on “Stuff sold by others” below for more). Subscriptions purchased through Discord and associated subscription fees are available on the “Subscriptions” section of the Settings page in your Discord account. You will find details about the subscriptions you’ve purchased from Discord, the applicable subscription fee, and the next payment due date there as well.":"我们可能允许您购买高级功能和内容的订阅。这些订阅可能由 Discord 或其他方出售(关更多相关信息,请参阅下方的“其他方所售商品”章节)。通过 Discord 购买的订阅和相关订阅费用可在 Discord 账号“用户设置”页面的“订阅”部分中找到。您还可以在那里找到有关您从 Discord 购买的订阅、适用的订阅费以及下一个付款到期日的详细信息。","#You’re responsible for all applicable taxes, data plans, internet fees, and other fees associated with your use of the services, and we’ll charge tax as required by applicable law":"您有责任支付所有适用的税款、数据包费用、网络费用以及与您使用服务相关的其他费用,我们将根据适用法律的要求收取税费","#For example: escort services, fetish or domination services, exotic dancing, erotic/tantric massage service, etc.":"例如:陪护服务、恋物癖或支配服务、色情舞蹈和色情或密教按摩服务等","#7. If you are under the age of 18, do not engage in sexual conduct or any conduct that puts your online or physical safety at risk. This includes consensual sexual interactions between teens, as well as any encouragement or coordination of potentially risky behaviors, such as vigilantism.":"7. 如果您未满 18 岁,请勿参与行性活动或任何危及您的在线或人身安全的行为。这包括青少年之间自愿的性互动,以及对潜在危险行为(如私刑)的任何鼓励或协助。","#We created Discord to be the best place to talk, hang out, and have fun with friends online. Our Community Guidelines ensure everyone can express themselves and find community — but not at the expense of anyone else.":"我们创建 Discord 是为了提供与朋友在线聊天、相聚和娱乐的最佳场所。我们的社区守则确保了所有人都可以表达自我并找到归属社区,并且不会牺牲他人的利益。","#5. Do not organize, promote, or support violent extremism. This also includes coordinating violent acts; glorifying or promoting violence or the perpetrators of violent acts; and promoting conspiracy theories that could encourage or incite violence against others. (See our Violent Extremism and Violence and Graphic Content Policy Explainers for more.)":"5. 不得组织、宣传或支持暴力极端主义。这也包括协助暴力行为;美化或宣传暴力或暴力行为实施者;宣传可能鼓励或煽动对他人实施暴力的阴谋论。(请参阅我们的暴力极端主义暴力和具象内容政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#6. Do not solicit, share, or make any attempt to distribute content that depicts, promotes, or attempts to normalize child sexual abuse. Also, do not post content or engage in conduct that in any way sexualizes children. This includes real as well as manipulated media, animation (such as lolicon), and any type of digital creation (note that this includes AI-generated media).":"6. 不得索要、分享或试图传播描绘、宣扬或试图正常化儿童性虐待的内容。此外,也不得以任何形式发布或参与对儿童进行性描述的内容或行为。包括真实的和经过处理的媒体、动画(如“萝莉控”类别)以及任何类型的数字创作(注意,这也包括人工智能生成的媒体)。","#We consider hate speech to be any form of expression that either attacks other people or promotes hatred or violence against them based on their protected characteristics. (See our Hateful Conduct Policy Explainer for more.)":"我们认为,仇恨言论是基于他人受保护的特征而攻击他人或宣扬对他人的仇恨或暴力的任何形式的表达。(请参阅我们的仇恨行为政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#Our Trust & Safety team reviews reports by users, moderators, trusted third-party partners, or where required by law. When we reactively or proactively discover a violation of these Guidelines, we may take a number of enforcement steps against them, including issuing warnings, removing content, suspending or removing the violative accounts and/or servers, and potentially reporting them to law enforcement. We may consider relevant off-platform behavior when making assessments for violations of specific Community Guidelines.
":"我们的 Trust and Safety 团队会审查用户、管理员、可信第三方合作伙伴的举报,或在法律要求的情况下进行审查。当我们被动或主动发现违规行为时,可能会对其采取一系列强制措施,包括警告、删除内容、关停或删除违规账号和/或服务器,并可能将其报告给执法部门。在评估是否违反特定社区守则时,我们可能会考虑相关的平台外行为
","#These Guidelines explain what isn’t allowed on Discord. Everyone on Discord must follow these rules, and they apply to all parts of our platform, including your content, behaviors, servers, and Apps. To learn more about the requirements for developing a bot or other App, please refer to our Discord Developer Terms of Service and our Discord Developer Policy.
":"这些守则解释了 Discord 不允许哪些行为,适用于 Discord 的所有用户以及平台的任何部分,包括您的内容、行为、服务器和 APP。如需了解更多关于开发机器人或其他 APP 的要求,请参阅我们的 Discord 开发者服务条款和我们的 Discord 开发者政策
","#If you plan to monetize your content, please review the additional rules outlined in our Monetization Policy and Monetization Terms.
","#2. Do not threaten to harm another individual or group of people. This includes direct, indirect, and suggestive threats. (See our Bullying, Harassment, and Threats Policy Explainer for more.)":"2. 不得威胁伤害其他个人或群体。这包括直接、间接和暗示性的威胁。(请参阅我们的霸凌、骚扰和威胁政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#We want teens to be able to express themselves freely on Discord as much as possible, but given the risks associated with online dating, we will remove spaces that encourage or facilitate dating between teens. (See our Teen and Child Safety Policy Explainer for more.)":"我们希望青少年能够在 Discord 上尽可能自由地表达自我,但考虑到与在线约会有关的风险,我们将删除鼓励或宣传青少年之间约会的空间。(请参阅我们的青少年和儿童安全政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#8. Do not solicit sexual content from or engage in any sexual conduct with anyone under the age of 18. We report child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and grooming to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, which may subsequently work with local law enforcement. (See our Teen and Child Safety Policy Explainer for more.)":"8. 不得向 18 岁以下的任何人索取性内容或与之发生性行为。我们会向美国失踪及被剥削儿童保护中心举报儿童性虐待内容(CSAM)和诱骗行为,该中心随后可能会与当地执法部门合作。(请参阅我们的青少年和儿童安全政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#We report child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and grooming to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, which may subsequently work with local law enforcement. (See our Teen and Child Safety Policy Explainer for more.)":"我们会向美国失踪及被剥削儿童保护中心举报儿童性虐待内容(CSAM)和诱骗行为,该中心随后可能会与当地执法部门合作。(请参阅我们的青少年和儿童安全政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#3. Do not share or threaten to share the personally identifiable information (PII) of an individual without consent. This includes providing services that facilitate doxxing, such as buying or selling doxxes or compiling doxxes for others. (See our Doxxing Policy Explainer for more.)":"3. 未经同意,不得共享或威胁共享他人的身份信息(PII)。这包括提供协助人肉搜索的服务,例如购买或出售人肉搜索服务或为他人编译人肉搜索信息。(请参阅我们的人肉搜索政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#9. Do not make sexually explicit content available to anyone under the age of 18. You must be age 18 or older to engage with adult content on Discord.":"9. 不得向 18 岁以下的任何人提供露骨色情内容。您必须年满 18 岁才能在 Discord 上参与成人内容。","#Server owners must apply an age-restricted label to any channels that contain sexually explicit content.":"服务器所有者必须对包含露骨色情内容的任何频道应用年龄限制标签。","#If you come across an account, server, or content that appears to break these Guidelines, please report it to us.
","#4. Do not use hate speech or engage in other hateful conduct. This includes the use of hate symbols, imagery, and claims that deny the history of mass human atrocities.":"4. 不得使用仇恨言论或从事其他仇恨行为。包括使用仇恨符号、图像和否认大规模人类暴行历史。","#1. Do not promote, coordinate, or engage in harassment. We do not allow any type of harassing behavior, including sustained bullying, sexual harassment, ban or block evasion, or coordinating server joins for the purpose of harassing server members (“server raiding”). (See our Bullying, Harassment, and Threats Policy Explainer for more.)":"1. 不得宣传、协助或参与骚扰行为。我们不允许任何类型的骚扰行为,包括持续霸凌、性骚扰、规避封禁,或协助他人以骚扰成员为目的加入服务器(“服务器网暴”)。(请参阅我们的霸凌、骚扰和威胁政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#20. Do not engage in activities that could damage or compromise the security of an account, network, or system. This includes using deceptive techniques to trick others into revealing sensitive information (phishing), using malicious software (malware), and flooding a target with traffic in order to make a resource unavailable (denial-of-service attacks). (See our Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer for more.)":"20. 不得参与可能损害或危及账号、网络或系统安全的活动。包括使用欺骗手段诱骗他人泄露敏感信息(网络钓鱼)、使用恶意软件(如“木马”)以及用流量淹没目标,使其无法使用资源(拒绝服务攻击)。(请参阅我们的欺骗行为政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#25. Do not organize, promote, or engage in the selling or facilitation of sales of regulated or potentially dangerous goods. Regulated goods have laws in place that restrict the purchase, sale, trade, or ownership of the goods. Dangerous goods have a reasonable potential to cause real-world, physical harm to individuals. (See our Dangerous and Regulated Goods Policy Explainer for more.)":"25. 不得组织、宣传或参与销售或协助销售受管制或有潜在危险的商品。受管制物品有法律限制其购买、销售、交易或所有权。危险品有可能对个人造成实际的人身伤害。(请参阅我们的危险且受管制物品政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#14. Do not use self-bots or user-bots. Each account must be associated with a human, not a bot. (See our Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer for more.)":"14. 不得使用自动机器人或用户机器人。所有账号都必须关联人类,不能关联机器人。(请参阅我们的平台操纵内容政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#Abuse of Discord's paid features or monetization opportunities are covered under our Paid Service Terms.":"我们的付费服务条款涵盖了滥用 Discord 付费功能或货币化机会的内容。","#16. Do not sell or purchase Discord assets, including accounts, usernames, servers, server permissions, or custom server invite links. (See our Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer for more.)":"16. 不得出售或购买 Discord 资产,包括账号、用户名、服务器、服务器权限或自定义服务器邀请链接。(请参阅我们的平台操纵内容政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#18. Do not misrepresent your identity on Discord in a deceptive or harmful way. This includes creating fake profiles and attempts to impersonate an individual, group, or organization. (See our Identity and Authenticity Policy Explainer for more.)":"18. 不得以欺骗性或有害的方式在 Discord 上歪曲您的身份。这包括创建虚假个人资料以及尝试冒充他人、团体或组织。(请参阅我们的身份和真实性政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#21. Do not use or attempt to use Discord to promote, coordinate, or execute financial scams. A financial scam is any intentionally deceptive act taken with the intent to receive an illegal, unethical, or otherwise dishonest gain. (See our Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer for more.)":"21. 不得使用或试图使用 Discord 来宣传、协助或实施金融诈骗。金融诈骗是指任何旨在获取非法、不道德或其他不诚实收益的故意欺骗行为。(请参阅我们的欺骗行为政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#13. Do not send unsolicited bulk messages (or spam) to others. Also, do not facilitate this activity, such as by selling spambots, server “raid” tools, account-creation tools, token generators, CAPTCHA-solving services, or other spam tools. (See our Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer for more.)":"13. 不得主动向他人发送批量消息(或垃圾邮件)。此外,不得通过销售垃圾邮件机器人、服务器“网暴”工具、账号创建工具、令牌生成器、验证码解决服务或其他垃圾邮件工具等方式为此类活动提供便利。(请参阅我们的平台操纵内容政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#Follow the Law":"遵守法律","#24. Do not share content that violates anyone's intellectual property or other rights. This includes sharing or selling game cheats or hacks. (See our Unauthorized Copyright Access Policy for more.)":"24. 不得分享侵犯任何人知识产权或其他权利的内容。这包括分享或出售游戏作弊或黑客工具。(请参阅我们的未经授权的版权访问政策政策以获取更多信息。)","#12. Do not share real media depicting gore, excessive violence, or animal harm, especially with the intention to harass or shock others. (See our Violence and Graphic Content Policy Explainer for more.)":"12. 不得分享描绘血腥、过度暴力或动物伤害的真实媒体,尤其是意图骚扰或震撼他人的媒体。(请参阅我们的暴力和具象内容政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#17. Do not share false or misleading information (otherwise known as misinformation). Content that is false, misleading, and can lead to significant risk of physical or societal harm may not be shared on Discord. We may remove content if we reasonably believe its spread could result in damage to physical infrastructure, injury of others, obstruction of participation in civic processes, or the endangerment of public health. (See our Misinformation Policy Explainer for more.)":"17. 不得分享虚假或误导性信息(也称为错误信息)。不得在 Discord 上分享虚假、误导性且可能导致重大人身或社会伤害风险的内容。如果我们有理由相信内容的传播可能会导致有形基础设施损坏、他人受伤、妨碍公民参与或危害公共健康,我们可能会删除该内容。(请参阅我们的错误信息政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#19. Do not evade permanent Discord-level enforcement actions. This includes creating new or using existing accounts or communities after being removed for violating our platform rules. (See our Identity and Authenticity Policy Explainer for more.)":"19. 不得逃避永久性的 Discord 级别强制措施。这包括在因违反平台规则而被删除账号或社区后创建新的或使用现有的账号或社区。(请参阅我们的身份和真实性政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#11. Do not share content that glorifies, promotes, or normalizes suicide or other acts of physical self-harm. This includes content that encourages others to cut, burn, or starve themselves, as well as content that normalizes eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia. Self-harm acts or threats used as a form of emotional manipulation or coercion are also prohibited. (See our Suicide and Self-Harm Policy Explainer for more.)":"11. 不得分享美化、宣扬或正常化自杀和其他自我身体伤害行为。这包括鼓励他人自残、自焚或挨饿的内容,以及正常化饮食失调(例如厌食症和暴食症)的内容。作为情感操纵或胁迫手段的自我伤害和威胁也在禁止之列。(请参阅我们的自杀与自我伤害体政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#22. Do not engage in activities that fraudulently generate a profit at the expense of others. This includes facilitating, providing instructions for, and participating in fraud. We do not allow coordinated efforts to defraud businesses, price gouging, forgery, money laundering, counterfeit goods, or tools that facilitate illegal behavior. (See our Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer for more.)":"22. 不得参与以损害他人利益为代价骗取收益的活动。这包括协助、指导和参与诈骗。我们不允许协同欺诈企业、哄抬物价、造假、洗钱、仿冒商品或为非法行为提供便利的工具。(请参阅我们的欺骗行为政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#26. Do not coordinate or participate in illegal gambling. Users are responsible for complying with applicable gambling laws and regulation. (See our Gambling Policy Explainer for more.)":"26. 不得协助或参与非法赌博。用户有责任遵守适用的赌博相关法律法规。(请参阅我们的赌博政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#For more information on how Discord handles copyright complaints, please view our Copyright & Intellectual Property Policy.":"有关 Discord 如何处理版权投诉的更多信息,请参阅我们的版权和知识产权政策。","#15. Do not engage with our service in an inauthentic way. This includes artificially inflating server membership, manipulating engagement metrics, and selling artificial engagement services. (See our Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer for more.)":"15. 不得以虚假方式参与我们的服务。这包括人为夸大服务器会员资格、操纵参与度健康指标以及销售人为参与服务。(请参阅我们的平台操纵内容政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#Users may not post sexually explicit content in any space that cannot be age-restricted, including in avatars, custom statuses or bios, server banners, server icons, invite splashes, emoji, and stickers. (See our Sexual Content Policy Explainer for more.)":"用户不得在任何无年龄限制的空间中发布露骨色情内容,包括头像、自定义状态或自我介绍、服务器横幅、服务器图标、邀请画面、表情符号和贴纸。(请参阅我们的色情内容政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#10. Do not share, distribute, or create sexually explicit or sexually suggestive content of other people without the subject’s consent. This includes the non-consensual distribution of intimate media that was created either with or without an individual’s consent. (See our Non-Consensual Adult Intimate Media Policy Explainer for more.)":"10. 未经主体同意,不得分享、分发或创建其他人的露骨或性暗示内容。这包括未经他人同意而创建的私密媒体内容。(请参阅我们的非自愿成人私密媒体政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#23. Do not submit false, misleading, or abusive reports or requests to Discord’s support teams. A report or request will be considered false or misleading if it contains demonstrably untrue information submitted with the intent to manipulate staff into taking a desired action. (See our Discord Support Abuse Policy Explainer for more.)":"23. 不得向 Discord 支持团队提交虚假、误导性或辱骂性的举报或请求。如果举报或请求包含明显不真实的信息,旨在操纵员工采取自己所需的行动,则将被视为虚假或误导性。(请参阅我们的滥用 Discord 支持政策解释以获取更多信息。)","#27. Do not organize, promote, or engage in any other illegal activity, such as human trafficking or sexual solicitation. (See our Human Trafficking and Sexual Solicitation Policy Explainers for more.)
":"27. 不得组织、宣传或参与任何其他非法活动,例如人口贩运和性引诱。(请参阅我们的人口贩运性引诱政策解释以获取更多信息。)
","#We will always make our best effort to notify you when we update these Guidelines, but it is up to you to follow the spirit of them: Keep Discord safe and help us continue to make it the best place to talk, hang out and have fun with friends online. Thanks for doing your part.":"我们将尽最大努力在更新守则时通知您,但您必须遵守其原则:保持 Discord 安全,帮助我们继续使其成为与朋友在线聊天、相聚和娱乐的最佳场所。感谢您的参与。","#If you see any content or activity that violates these Guidelines, our Terms of Service, or our other policies, please report it to us. You can learn more on how to report to us here. However, please note that we strongly discourage and may take action against vigilantism, as this behavior can put individuals in harm’s way and can also interfere with our investigations and ability to report to law enforcement.":"如果您发现任何违反以上守则、我们的服务条款或我们其他政策的内容或活动,请向我们举报。您可以前往此处了解举报方式的更多信息。但是,请注意,我们强烈反对私刑行为,并且可能对私刑行为采取措施,因为这种行为可能使个人受到伤害,也可能干扰我们的调查和对执法部门的报告。","#These Guidelines will continue to evolve over time. This means we may take action against an account, server, or content that violates the spirit of these Guidelines when we encounter a new threat or harm that is not explicitly covered in the current version.":"本守则将不断更新。即当我们遇到当前版本未明确涵盖的新威胁或危害时,我们可能会对违反本守则精神的账号、服务器或内容采取行动。","#This includes channels and servers dedicated to the paid or unpaid sharing, streaming, or other distribution of copyrighted material":"这包括专门用于有偿或无偿共享、流式传输或以其他方式传播版权材料的频道和服务器","#efforts to intimidate participants in a civic process":"恐吓公民过程参与者的活动","#This includes false accusations of ballot tampering, voter fraud (e.g., non-citizen voting), voter machine errors, and other forms of illegal election rigging":"这包括以下不实指控:篡改选票、选民欺诈(例如非公民投票)、投票机器错误和其他形式的非法选举操纵","#This includes servers and channels dedicated to facilitating or offering to facilitate the unauthorized sale, purchase, or trade of copyrighted works on or off Discord":"这包括专门用于促成无授权版权材料销售、购买或交易的服务器和频道,不论是否通过 Discord","#forms of fraudulent participation in a civic process":"以欺诈手段参与公民过程的方式","#Content you create. This includes any content that you upload to the service. For example, you may write messages or posts (including drafts), send voice messages, create custom emojis, or post other content that you create with features that we develop. You may also upload and share files through the services. This also includes your profile information and the information you provide when you create servers. We generally do not store the contents of video or voice calls or channels. If we were to change that in the future (for example, to facilitate content moderation), we would disclose that to you in advance. We also don’t store streaming content when you share your screen, but we do retain the thumbnail cover image for the stream for a short period of time. We may build features that help users engage with voice and video content, like create or send short recordings.":"您创建的内容。其中包括您上传到服务的任何内容,例如文本消息或帖子(包括草稿)、语音消息、自定义表情符号,或其他使用我们研发的功能创建的内容。您也可以通过服务上传或分享文件。此外,您创建的内容还包括个人资料信息,以及您在创建服务器时提供的信息。我们通常不会存储视频、语音通话或语音频道的内容。如果该操作有变(例如,为了方便内容管理),我们会提前向您说明。我们也不会存储您分享屏幕时的直播内容,但我们会在短期内保留直播的缩略图封面图片。我们可能会建立帮助用户参与语音和视频内容的功能,例如创建或发送简短录音。","#Sale, Acquisition, or Transfer of Assets. We may disclose information if Discord is evaluating and/or engaging in a merger, acquisition, reorganization, bankruptcy, or sale, transfer, or change in ownership of Discord or any of its assets.":"资产出售、合并或转移。如果 Discord 正在评估和/或参与合并、收购、重组、破产,或 Discord/任何 Discord 资产的出售、转让或所有权变更,那么我们可能会进行信息披露。","#Representing or claiming to represent a violent extremist organization or group":"代表或声称代表暴力极端主义组织或团体","#This also includes harassing, doxxing (revealing personal information without consent), or attacking others on behalf of a violent extremist group or in support of violent extremist beliefs":"还包括代表暴力极端主义团体或为支持暴力极端主义信念,对他人进行骚扰、人肉搜索(未经同意透露个人信息)或攻击","#This includes attempts to fundraise for or provide donations to violent extremist organizations, groups, or movements":"这包括尝试为暴力极端主义组织、团体或运动筹款或捐款","#Discord is the best place to talk, hang out and have fun with friends online. To do that, we provide different digital spaces where you can connect with other Discord users and communities. Discord users communicate primarily via “servers,” which are digital spaces made up of different types of channels. Text channels allow users to interact via text-based messages, as well as images, GIFs, emoji, and other uploadable media. Voice channels allow users to communicate by voice and/or streaming video. Users can also communicate one-to-one using direct messages, or communicate with a limited number of users via group direct messages. We’re always evolving our services, and we may create other types of spaces in the future!":"Discord 是与朋友在线聊天、闲逛与娱乐的最佳场所。为实现这一目标,我们提供了不同的数字空间,让您可以与其他 Discord 用户和社区建立联系。Discord 用户主要通过“服务器”进行交流,服务器是由不同类型的频道组成的数字空间。文本频道允许用户通过文本消息、图片、动图、表情符号和其他可上传的媒体进行互动。语音频道允许用户通过语音和/或视频直播进行交流。用户还可以通过私信进行一对一的沟通,或通过群组私信与有限数量的用户进行交流。我们始终致力于不断发展服务,将来可能还会创建其他类型的空间!","#Windows 7/8/8.1 users can download an official, but unsupported client here until June 15, 2024.":"在 2024 年 6 月 15 日前,使用 Windows 7/8/8.1 的用户可以在此处下载官方客户端。请注意,我们并不为该客户端提供任何技术支持。","#From the archives:":"来自档案:","#Coordinating a community dedicated to facilitating illegal gambling operations":"促成专为非法赌博活动提供便利的社区。","#Supporting, calling for, or coordinating:":"支持、呼吁或配合:","#Providing instructions on assembling or building illegal firearms or explosives":"为非法枪支或爆炸物的组装或制作提供指导。","#Coordinating users, either on or off Discord, to participate in activities that support or promote a violent extremist organization":"在 Discord 或平台以外,组织协调用户参与支持或宣扬暴力极端主义组织的活动。","#Requests or offers for sexual services in exchange for compensation":"要求或提供有偿性服务。","#The integrity of a civic process — specifically, around issues that could delegitimize results or undermine faith in public institutions":"一项公民过程的完整性,特别是围绕可能使结果失去合法性或破坏对公共机构的信任的问题。","#Participating in coordinated activities to defraud an individual, business, or organization":"参与对个人、企业或组织进行欺诈的协同性活动","#Creating or using a Discord identity for an individual or entity that does not exist":"创建或使用不存在的个人或实体的 Discord 身份。","#Knowingly requesting investment in a fraudulent or deceptive financial scheme, such as:":"故意拉拢他人投资虚假或欺骗性质的金融项目,例如:","#Trading, selling, or attempting to purchase illicitly-obtained:":"交易、销售或试图购买非法获取的:","#Creating, commissioning, sharing, or distributing altered or generated intimate media of individual(s) without explicit consent or knowledge from the individual(s) involved":"未经涉事个人明确同意或知情,制作、委托制作、分享或传播经过篡改或人工生成的他人私密媒体,","#Sharing, distributing, taking, or creating:":"分享、传播、拍摄或制作:","#Operating a space dedicated to coordinating unauthorized access to copyrighted material":"以协助无授权获取版权材料为目的,运营专门空间。","#Operating a space dedicated to providing unauthorized access to copyrighted material":"以无授权获取版权材料为目的,运营专门空间。","#Participating in violent extremism or in a non-extremist violent organization":"参与暴力极端主义或非极端主义暴力组织。","#Sexually exploiting children (individuals under 18 years old) or adults (18+)":"对儿童(不满 18 岁的个人)或成人(年满 18 岁)进行性剥削:","#Sexual exploitation of adults in the context of this policy means:":"本政策中提到的成人性剥削是指:","#Sexual exploitation of children in the context of this policy means:":"本政策中提到的儿童性剥削是指:","#Submitting a false or misleading report of a violation of Discord’s Community Guidelines":"就违反 Discord 社区守则的行为提交虚假或误导性举报。","#+1.5b":"+15亿","#60K":"6","#Windows 10 or higher":"Windows 10 或更高版本","#macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or higher":"macOS 10.15(Catalina)或更高版本","#Download Discord to talk, chat, and hang out":"下载 Discord,一起畅聊、玩耍、消遣娱乐","#The Discord Developer Platform is a playground for innovation and unique ideas. For ideas that defy categorization, the Wildcard category is open. There are no rules, no guidelines, no restrictions (except these Official Rules of course) - the potential is limitless!":"Discord 开发者平台是创新思维与独特创意的秀场。无限制类专为难以定义类别的创意设置。没有规则,没有指引,更没有限制(当然,我们的官方参赛条款还是要遵守的),激发无限潜力!","#The Discord Developer Platform is a playground for innovation and unique ideas. For ideas that defy categorization, the Wildcard category is open. There are no rules, no guidelines, no restrictions (except these Official Rules of course) - the potential is limitless!":"Discord 开发者平台是创新思维与独特创意的秀场。无限制类专为难以定义类别的创意设置。没有规则,没有指引,更没有限制(当然,我们的官方参赛条款还是要遵守的),激发无限潜力!","#Company Name":"公司名称","#Discord is working toward building true connections around play and shared experiences, where genuine human connection is a click, text chat, or voice call away. A place where everyone can find belonging.

So if this strikes a chord, come build belonging with us!":"Discord 致力于围绕游戏与共享体验建立真实的联系。人与人之间的联系只需一个点击、一段文字聊天或是一次语音通话就能实现。所有人都可以在这里找到归属感。

所以,如果这能引起你的共鸣,就来和我们一起建立归属感吧!","#Explore your opportunities!":"来探索属于你的机遇吧!","#Just as you deserve a chance to be heard when some action is taken against you offline, you should have such a chance to be heard when action is taken against your Discord account by us. The process reflects Discord's commitment to internationally recognized human rights set out in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), privacy, and free expression.":"在线下世界,人人都有权利针对自己受到的待遇提出意见,线上世界也是一样。我们对您的 Discord 账户采取措施后,您也拥有提出意见的权利。这一流程体现了 Discord 对《联合国工商企业与人权指导原则》(UNGPs)中所明确的国际公认人权、隐私权和言论自由的坚定承诺。","#stream like you’re in the same room":"如同共处一室一般流畅直播","#Make your group chats more fun":"让您的群聊更有趣","#Easily hop in and out of voice or text chats without having to call or invite anyone, so your party chat lasts before, during, and after your game session.":"无需拨打电话或发送邀请,您可以自如地加入和离开语音或文本聊天,在一局游戏的前、中、后期都无缝开启畅聊派对。","#Use custom emoji, stickers, soundboard effects and more to add your personality to your voice, video, or text chat. Set your avatar and a custom status, and write your own profile to show up in chat your way.":"使用自定义表情符号、贴纸和音板音效等功能,让您的语音、视频或文字聊天更有个人特色。设置专属头像,设定个性状态,撰写个人资料,让您的风格在聊天中脱颖而出。","#Hop in when you're free, no need to call":"有空就来,无需提前打电话联系","#See who's around, playing games, or just hanging out. For supported games, you can see what modes or characters your friends are playing and directly join up.":"探索附近的玩家,看看他们正在玩什么游戏,或者是否只是在这儿消遣。如果游戏兼容,您甚至可以看到朋友们正在玩的模式或角色,并且可以立即加入其中。","#Windows 7/8/8.1 and Windows 32-bit users can download official, but unsupported clients here.":"Windows 7/8/8.1 以及Windows 32 位系统用户可以在此下载官方客户端,但后续将不再支持上述系统。","#Windows 32-bit (Available until July 15, 2024)":"Windows 32 位(截至 2024 年 7 月 15 日)","#Windows 7/8/8.1 (Available until June 15, 2024)":"Windows 7/8/8.1(截至 2024 年 6 月 15 日)","#talk":"来畅谈","#always have something to do together":"总有可以一起做的事","#See who's around to chill":"看看有谁可以一起玩","#Certain local laws, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Brazil’s Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD), and California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), require services to provide information about the information they collect, how they use it, and the lawful basis for processing it. We’ve described most of that already in the earlier portions of this Policy, but you can find state and region specific information and disclosures here.":"部分本地法律要求服务提供信息,说明数据收集方式、使用方式以及处理的法律依据,例如欧盟《通用数据保护条例》(简称 GDPR)、巴西《一般数据保护法》(Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados,简称 LGPD),以及美国加利福尼亚州的《加州消费者隐私法案》(简称 CCPA)等。对此,我们在本政策上文章节中已有较全面的描述,不过,您也可以在这里查看各州和地区特定的信息和披露。","#We may also use content posted in larger spaces to help us develop, improve and power our services, including features that help you catch up on conversations and safety features that identify harmful content on the services and support the enforcement of our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. These things are important to us, and we believe they will make Discord even better for our users. We will always try to let you know the type of space you are in (although we don’t control where invite links are shared or the permissions for that server). You can limit the extent to which your content is used for these purposes as described in the “How to control your privacy” section below. You can learn more about our approach to safety and content moderation, including how we use your information for these purposes, in our Safety Center. You should take all of this into account when you are using our services, and choose the spaces, features, and settings that are most appropriate for your content.":"我们也可能使用发布在较大空间中的内容,研发、改善并驱动我们的服务,包括聊天相关功能、有害内容识别安全功能等,并帮助执行《服务条款》《社区守则》。这些规定和守则能改善 Discord 用户体验,对我们来说非常重要。虽然我们无法控制邀请链接的分享位置,也无法干涉具体服务器的权限,但我们会始终尽力说明您所处的空间类型。您可以依据下文“如何控制您的隐私”一节,限制处于所述目的的内容使用。要进一步了解我们的安全保障和内容管理措施,包括出于此类目的的信息使用方式,请移步安全中心。在使用我们的服务时,请综合全面的考虑这些因素,根据您的内容选择最合适的空间、功能和设置。","#We care deeply about safety. Our dedicated Trust and Safety team works hard to help keep our community safe. We also use certain information to help us identify violations of our Community Guidelines and prevent harmful content from being distributed through the services.":"安全是我们工作的重中之重。我们设立了专门的 Trust and Safety 团队,为保护社区安全不懈努力。我们也会使用特定信息识别违反社区守则的行为,避免有害内容通过我们的服务散播。","#play":"来游戏","#Submissions Closed May 1, 2024":"作品提交通道已于 2024 年 5 月 1 日关闭","#hang out":"来放松","#how quests work":"游戏悬赏令的作用","#Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.":"Discord 是与朋友们一起游戏、放松,甚至是打造全球社区的理想平台。您可以自由定制自己的一方天地,在其中聊天、游戏,与朋友共度美好时光。","#Group chat that’s all fun games":"专为游戏和快乐打造的群聊","#wherever YOU GAME, HANG OUT HERE":"不论在何处游戏,都可以来这里欢聚","#Rights regarding the use and processing of your personal information":"有关使用和处理您个人信息的权利","#Data collected from publicly-available sources, such as your LinkedIn profile":"从公开来源收集的数据,例如您的 LinkedIn 个人资料","#To communicate with you about the status of your application, including, in certain cases, to notify you of other employment opportunities at Discord":"就您的申请状态进行沟通,包括在特定情况下通知您 Discord 的其他就业机会","#How we disclose your information":"我们如何披露您的信息","#How long we retain your information":"我们将您的信息保留多久","#Applicant and Candidate Privacy Policy":"求职者与候选人隐私政策","#
This Notice of Data Collection, Processing and Transfer (“Notice”) for Discord Inc. (the “Company”), located at 444 DeHaro St., San Francisco, CA 91407, describes, in the context of your candidacy for employment at Discord:":"
本数据收集、处理与转移通知(以下简称“通知”)是为 Discord Inc.(以下简称“公司”)而制定,公司位于 444 DeHaro St., San Francisco, CA 91407。有关您在 Discord 的求职候选情境,本通知描述了以下内容:","#To conduct background checks and verify the information you provide in your application, such as your references":"进行背景调查并验证您在申请中提供的信息,例如您的推荐人","#Last updated: May 10, 2024":"最近更新日期:2024 年 5 月 10 日","#Employment information, such as your resume/CV, education, job history, and professional qualifications":"就业信息,例如您的简历、教育背景、工作经历和专业资格","#How Discord processes your information":"Discord 如何处理您的信息","#Your use of Discord services is governed by the Discord Privacy Policy.":"您对 Discord 服务的使用受到 Discord 隐私政策的约束。","#We collect certain information from you when you apply or are in candidacy for a role at Discord. This includes information you provide to us, information we collect automatically, and information we receive from other sources. This information includes, but is not limited to, the following:":"当您申请 Discord 的职位或成为候选人时,我们会收集您的特定信息,包括您向我们提供的信息、我们自动收集的信息以及我们从其他来源收到的信息。此类信息包括但不限于以下内容:","#Data Retention":"数据保存","#What data Discord collects about you":"Discord 收集您的哪些信息","#Contact information, such as your name, phone number, and email address":"联系信息,例如您的姓名、电话号码和电子邮件地址","#To provide you with accommodations you may need during your application process":"为您提供申请过程中可能需要的住宿","#To improve Discord’s application process, including to assess our diversity and inclusion efforts":"改进 Discord 的申请流程,包括评估我们的多样性和包容性举措","#Your rights regarding your information
","#Other information you may share with us, such as your social media profiles, or details of how you heard about the position for which you are applying":"您可能与我们共享的其他信息,例如您的社交媒体个人资料,或有关您是如何得知所申请职位的详细信息","#You have the right to request access to your Personal Data and to request that the Company update, correct or delete (the “right to be forgotten”) your Personal Data as provided by applicable law. You also have the right to restrict, and to object to, the Company’s processing of your Personal Data and to data portability as provided by applicable law. Subject to certain limitations, the right to data portability allows you to request from the Company, or to ask the Company to send to a third party, a copy of your Personal Data in electronic form that you provided to the Company in connection with your application or candidacy or with your consent. Your right to access your Personal Data includes your right to request a copy of your Personal Data in the Company’s possession, to the extent this right is relevant in the employment context, and as long as the Company would not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.":"您有权请求访问您的个人数据,并根据适用法律的规定,要求公司更新、更正或删除您的个人数据(以下简称为“被遗忘权”)。并且,根据适用法律的规定,您有权限制并反对本公司对您个人数据的处理,并享有数据可携带权。在受到特定限制的前提下,数据可携带权允许您向公司请求或要求公司,将您向公司提供的有关您的申请、候选人身份或经同意向其提供的电子个人数据的副本发送给第三方。您访问自身个人数据的权利包括有权向公司索取其所拥有的您个人数据的副本,前提是该权利与就业情境相关,且公司不会对其他员工的权利和自由造成不利影响。","#Right To Object: You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data based solely on the Company’s or the Parent Corporation’s legitimate interests. If you do object in these circumstances, the processing of your Personal Data will be stopped unless there is an overriding, compelling reason to continue the processing or the processing is necessary to establish, pursue or defend legal claims.":"反对权:您有权反对公司或母公司仅基于其合法利益对您的个人数据进行处理。如果您在此类情况下提出反对,即可停止对您的个人数据进行处理,除非有优先于此异议的、令人信服的理由需要继续进行处理,或为了提请、追究或辩护法律主张,必须进行该处理。","#To assess your qualifications and make decisions about whether to offer you employment at Discord":"评估您的资格,并决定是否邀约您来 Discord 工作","#We may share your information with other parties. For example, if you were referred to Discord, we may share information about the status of your application with your referrer.":"我们可能会与其他方共享您的信息。例如,如果您是由其他人推荐到 Discord,我们可能会与您的推荐人共享有关您的申请状态。","#Your information may be shared with Discord’s affiliates and related companies in order to facilitate any of the purposes described in the How we use your information section of this policy. These affiliates include any service providers under written contract with Discord. For example, we may share your information with our background check provider in order for them to conduct background checks.":"您的信息可能会与 Discord 的附属公司和相关公司共享,以实现本政策“我们如何使用您的信息”一节中所描述的任何目的。此类附属公司包括任何与 Discord 签订书面合同的服务供应商。例如,我们可能会与我们的背景调查供应商共享您的信息,以便他们进行背景调查。","#You can exercise these rights by submitting an email to privacy@discordapp.com. The Company will respond to such requests in accordance with applicable data protection law. If you believe that your Personal Data has been processed in violation of applicable data protection law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority where you live, where you work, or where you believe the violation occurred.":"您可以通过发送电子邮件至 privacy@discordapp.com 来行使此类权利。公司将根据适用的数据保护法律回应此类请求。如果您认为对您个人数据的处理违反了适用的数据保护法律,您有权向您居住地、工作地或您认为的违规行为发生地的数据保护机构提出投诉。","#For purposes of this Notice, “Personal Data” means any information concerning an identified or identifiable individual and “Processing” means any operation with respect to Personal Data, such as collection, retrieval, access, use, disclosure, storage or disposal of Personal Data.":"就本通知而言,“个人数据”是指有关已识别或可识别的个人身份的任何信息;“处理”是指与个人数据相关的任何操作,例如对个人数据的收集、检索、访问、使用、披露、存储或处置。","#We use the information described in the The information we collect section of this policy for the following purposes:":"我们会将本政策中“我们收集的信息”一节中所描述的信息用于以下目的:","#Job preferences, such as your desired salary and working location":"工作偏好,例如您期望的薪水和工作地点","#Discord may also be required to disclose your personal information to regulatory agencies in order to comply with local laws and regulations, such as for equal opportunity reporting. We will only do this to the extent necessary and as required by law.":"Discord 还可能需要向监管机构披露您的个人信息,以便遵守当地法律法规,例如为平等就业机会报告进行披露。我们只会在应法律要求的情况下,在必要的范围内进行此类披露。","#We will only retain your information for as long as it is needed to fulfill the purposes outlined in the How we use your information section of this policy, and as permitted by law. If you become employed at Discord, your application information will become part of your employment record and will be processed and retained in accordance with the Discord Employee Privacy Policy.":"我们只会在实现本政策“我们如何使用您的信息”一节中所描述的目的所需时间内以及法律允许的情况下保留您的信息。如果您被 Discord 雇用,您的申请信息将成为您就业记录的一部分,并将根据 Discord 员工隐私政策进行处理和保留。","#Sensitive demographic information: We may collect information such as your race/ethnicity, gender, and disability status. We do not use this information to make decisions about your employment":"具有人口统计学意义的敏感信息:我们可能会收集您的种族/民族、性别和残疾状况等信息。我们不会使用这些信息就是否雇用您作出决定","#If you are offered employment at Discord, we will use your information to create an offer letter and other employment contracts":"如果您获得 Discord 的工作邀约,我们将使用您的信息来创建录用通知书和其他雇佣合同","#If you are offered an in-person interview, we may use your information to facilitate travel to and from your interview":"如果您获得现场面试的机会,我们可能会使用您的信息来协助您往返面试","#If the Company requests your consent to process your Personal Data and you do consent, you may use the contact information above to withdraw your consent. Any withdrawal shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal, and the Company will continue to retain the information that you provided us before you withdrew your consent for as long as allowed or required by applicable law.":"如果公司请求您同意其处理您的个人数据,并且您已经同意,您可以使用上述联系方式撤回您的同意。在撤回同意前,基于同意已进行的处理行为的合法性不受任何撤回行为的影响,并且只要受到适用法律的允许或要求,公司将继续保留您在撤回同意之前向我们提供的信息。","#Applicant and Candidate Privacy Policy | Discord":"求职者与候选人隐私政策 | Discord","#Additionally, if you become employed by Discord, your candidate information will become part of your employment record, and will be processed in accordance with the Discord Employee Privacy Policy.":"此外,如果您被 Discord 雇用,您的候选人信息将成为您就业记录的一部分,并将根据 Discord 员工隐私政策进行处理。","#For any other legitimate business or legal purposes":"用于任何其他合法业务或法律目的","#Interview notes, such as scorecards and written feedback from personnel involved in your hiring process":"面试记录,例如由参与您招聘流程的人员提供的评分记录与书面反馈","#Background check information: This includes the results of any background checks we may conduct over the course of your candidacy, as well as any information needed to facilitate the background check process, such as your government identification number":"背景调查信息:此类信息包括我们可能在您候选期间进行的任何背景调查的结果,以及促进背景调查流程所需的任何信息,例如您的公民身份证号码","#To conduct phone screens and interviews":"进行电话审查与面试","#We may be legally required to disclose your personal information to comply with equal employment monitoring and other regulatory obligations":"我们可能会受法律要求披露您的个人信息,以遵守平等就业监督和其他规定义务","#In addition to the contact details provided in this Notice, you may also reach out to our Data Protection Officer at DPO@discordapp.com in case you have any questions or concerns.":"除了本通知中提供的联系方式之外,如果您有任何疑问或疑虑,还可以通过 DPO@discordapp.com 联系我们的数据保护官。","#We take your privacy seriously. Read and learn about Discord's Applicant and Candidate privacy policy.":"我们非常重视您的隐私。请参阅并了解 Discord 的求职者与候选人隐私政策。","#You asked, we listened! We merged the Servers and Messages tabs together for consistent navigation across platforms. Now you can seamlessly check between your server pings and DMs on mobile the same way you would for desktop.":"各位提的建议我们都听到了!我们已经将服务器和消息页签整合在了一起,统一了不同平台的导航方式。现在,您可以像在桌面端一样,在移动设备上无缝切换服务器消息和私信了。","#YOU CAN'T SCROLL ANYMORE.
BETTER GO CHAT.":"您已经划到底啦。
直接去聊聊天吧。","#Stars and sparkles shooting out of a mobile phone that's currently running Discord.":"星星和火花从正在运行 Discord 的手机中射出。","#For requests of EEA or UK user data: Discord Netherlands BV is the data controller for users in the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom. Requests for information should be addressed to Discord Netherlands BV and requested via the European Investigation Order under Directive 2014/41/EU where possible. Where not possible, requests for information should be directed through the appropriate Dutch authorities by way of other mutual legal assistance agreements.":"对于 EEA 与英国的用户数据发起的申请:欧洲经济区与英国的用户数据由 Discord Netherlands BV 进行管理。此类请求应发送给 Discord Netherlands BV,并在条件允许的情况下参照欧盟指令《Directive 2014/41/EU》申请欧洲调查令。如果无法实现,则应通过其他司法互助协定的方式由荷兰有关当局申请提供资料。","#High quality and low latency streaming makes it feel like you're hanging out on the couch with friends while playing a game, watching shows, looking at photos, or idk doing homework or something.":"我们的直播服务画质高、延迟低,能让您感觉仿佛与朋友们共坐在一张沙发上,一起看游戏直播、欣赏照片,或者一起做作业也可以。","#Watch videos, play built-in games, listen to music, or just scroll together and spam memes. Seamlessly text, call, video chat, and play games, all in one group chat.":"一起看看视频、玩玩内置游戏、听听音乐,或者分享好玩的梗图。文本聊天、语音通话、视频聊天、游戏娱乐,所有功能都可无缝切换,在群聊中即可享受一切。","#Some users reported that they struggled due to the increased contrast and saturation in mobile’s new themes, so we added Saturation and Contrast controls in our Accessibility settings. These sliders affect not only the theme itself but also elements such as button colors and in-app notification dots.":"一些用户表示,由于移动端的新主题对比度和饱和度增加,他们感到眼睛不适,因此我们在“辅助功能”设置中添加了“饱和度”和“对比度”控件。这些滑块不仅能用以调节主题本身,还能改变按钮颜色和应用内通知点等元素。","#Making Discord the best it can be is an ongoing task, and we’ll keep listening to your feedback on what works and what could use a little fine-polishing.":"完善 Discord 是一项持续的任务,我们会继续听取您的反馈,了解功能使用情况以及有待改进之处。","#Last but not least: we’re working on reintroducing a “Swipe to View Member List” gesture to replace the existing Swipe to Reply gesture. If you still like to “Swipe to Reply,” we’re planning to release an optional setting to let you keep swiping to reply to your friends.":"最后的一条重要通知:我们正着手恢复“滑动查看成员列表”的手势操作,以替换当前的“滑动回复”功能。如果您仍然希望保留“滑动回复”,我们会发布一个可选项设置,以便您继续通过滑动回复好友。","#Contrast & Saturation Settings":"“对比度和饱和度”设置","#We’re Still Listening":"我们始终在倾听","#A preview of the new merged \"Home\" tab. It now includes both servers and DMs in one place.":"新“主页”选项卡预览。“服务器”和“私信”现已合并于一处。","#In our new mobile app, we gave Search a fresh new look that lets you more easily sift through messages, media, pins, and links in any channel or DM you’re looking at. But we also heard that you’d like to be able to search within a server starting from any channel, and finding the right search filters could be difficult… which is the opposite of how settings for a Search function should be, ya know?":"在新版移动端 app 中,我们对搜索功能进行了全面革新,让您在浏览频道或私信时,可以轻松检索消息、媒体、置顶内容和链接。但我们也了解到,很多人希望能在服务器的任意频道展开搜索,却发现并没有这样的搜索筛选条件……这样一来,搜索的作用大受影响?","#When we launched the new mobile redesign, we separated Servers and DMs into dedicated tabs in the hopes that it would let you reach your friends and communities faster.":"我们在重新设计移动端时,特意将“服务器”和“私信”分成了两个专门的选项卡,希望让您更快地联系到朋友和社区。","#We Brought Desktop’s Saturation Slider to Mobile":"我们将桌面版的饱和度滑块引入到移动端","#With your feedback and ideas, we’ve been working on new updates to the mobile app based on your experience now that it’s been out for a few months. Today, we’d like to share a few updates to the mobile app in regards to Search and Tab Navigation, along with improved Accessibility and Performance.":"我们以各位用户几个月来的体验为导向,依据大家的反馈和想法,不断推进移动端优化改进。今天,我们想分享 app 中与搜索和选项卡导航相关的更新,以及对辅助功能和性能的提升。","#…and we added a new Contrast slider, too! When we refreshed our mobile app we made the default Dark theme a wee bit darker and added the fabled battery-saving Midnight/OLED theme to all platforms. Finally, no more having to tap the Dark theme setting repeatedly to unlock it.":"……而且还新增了“对比度”滑块!在更新 app 时,我们将默认的酷黑主题又调暗了一点,并将备受期待的省电午夜/OLED 主题添加到所有平台。用户现在无需选择暗黑主题,即可启用该设置。","#We’ve done a lot to make our mobile app even better over the last few months, such as shortening the time Discord takes to load on lower-memory devices and incorporating everything listed on our mobile webpage… and as you’ve read today, we’re not stopping!":"过去几个月,我们竭尽所能,致力于移动端的优化,比如缩短 Discord 在低内存设备上的加载时间,以及整合移动端页面所有内容……如您所见,我们将持续改进,永不止步!","#Our Engineering team has started a new Patch Notes series where their team details what they’re doing to make Discord better on mobile AND desktop. Check out their first edition of Patch Notes here to see everything that's been improved recently.":"我们的工程团队发布了新补丁说明,详尽阐述了我们在优化 Discord 移动端和桌面端方面的努力。请点击此处查看第一版补丁说明,了解最近改进的所有内容。","#Choose your favorite theme and use the new Contrast & Saturation sliders to make Discord work best for your eyes.":"选择您最喜欢的主题,通过“对比度和饱和度”新滑块调节,使其完美契合您的视觉偏好。","#And We’ll Keep Listening To Your Feedback":"我们将继续听取您的反馈","#Three side-by-side images demonstrating the new search filters and improved functionality.":"三张并置图像,展示有新的搜索筛选器和改进后的功能。","#May 22, 2024":"最近更新日期:2024 年 5 月 22 日","#Late last year, we rebuilt our mobile app to help make talking with your friends way faster, way smoother, and way easier. The UI was streamlined to help you see what they’re up to, start or join group chats faster, and we even added new ways to make Discord your own (you’re finally official, OLED theme!).":"去年年底,我们对 app 的移动端进行了重制,希望您可以更加快捷、顺畅、轻松地与好友交谈。我们简化了用户界面,便于您了解好友动态,迅速发起或加入群聊。我们还添加了新的功能,让您可以打造专属于自己的 Discord(OLED 主题终于正式上线!)。","#Over time, we heard consistent feedback that it makes it hard to mentally switch between mobile and desktop. Splitting Servers and DMs apart on mobile meant the people and places you care about live in different areas than they do on desktop!":"此后,不断有用户表示,难以适应移动端和桌面端之间的切换。将移动端的“服务器”和“私信”分开意味着您关心的人和社区会处于不同区域!","#Refining Discord’s Mobile Experience With Your Feedback":"根据您的反馈完善 Discord 移动端体验","#We’ve decided to fuse the Servers and Messages tabs back together into one, letting you see which of your friends are DMing you while you’re exploring the channels of your favorite servers. We know some of you may have gotten used to DMs and Servers split out — lots of us internally got used to it, too!":"我们决定将“服务器”和“消息”选项卡重新合并,这样您在浏览最喜欢的服务器频道时,就可以看到哪些朋友在给您发私信。我们知道有一部分用户可能已经习惯了“私信”和“服务器”分开的布局——公司里的许多人也是!","#We’re Improving Its Performance":"我们正在优化性能","#Servers and DMs Merged":"“服务器”和“私信”合并","#It’s been a few months since then, and we’ve been collecting all your feedback about the new mobile app and taking all your sentiments to heart. There’s… a lot of feedback — shoutout to the tabletop shop employee who saw my Discord staff hoodie, powerwalked up, and immediately brought up the mobile app.":"几个月以来,我们一直在收集大家对新版 app 的所有反馈,并认真消化诸位的感受。我们收到了……很多很多的反馈——在此特别感谢那位看到我穿着 Discord 工作服,便迅速上前,与我们聊起这款 app 的某桌游店员工。","#We Moved Servers and DMs Back Into One Spot Again":"我们将“服务器”和“私信”移回同一位置","#So, we added in-line prompts as you start to type out common filters. You can even remove the default “in: #channel” filter and search the whole server if you want!":"因此,我们添加了输入常用筛选条件时的排队指令。如有需要,您甚至可以删除默认的“in: #channel”筛选条件,从而搜索整个服务器!","#We also heard it was hard to tell who sent a message, which makes it difficult to see who said “hey” in chat on a particular day. We improved how search results show the author of the message.":"我们还了解到,大家很多时候没法确定发消息的人是谁——比如无从知晓是谁在某一天和你打了招呼。因此,我们改进了在搜索结果中显示消息发送人的方式。","#A screenshot of the new Contrast and Saturation sliders in the Accessibility section of the User Settings page.":"用户设置页面的辅助功能区截图,展示新增的“对比度”和“饱和度”滑块。","#New Search Filters on Mobile":"移动端新搜索筛选器","#However, the overarching feedback about confusing navigation when Servers and Friends are separated is loud and clear. We want to make sure navigating to your important people and places on Discord feels consistent across all platforms Discord is on, whether you’re on desktop or mobile.":"然而,综合反馈清晰指出,“服务器”与“好友列表”的分离使得导航栏复杂化。我们希望确保,无论是在桌面端还是移动端,当您导航至 Discord 中的重要联系人和社区时,享受到的是一致的体验。","#We Added Additional Search Filters on Mobile":"我们为移动端添加了额外的搜索筛选器","#These changes were made because many of you let us know what was great about the new mobile app, and what could use a second look. Have feedback of your own? We’re all ears. And eyes. And maybe a nose or two. Hop over to our Feedback Forums and let us know what you think could use a tune-up. There’s a dedicated Mobile section in the Feedback Forums, or you can add ideas for any aspect of Discord you can think of.":"正是基于广大用户对 app 的优点以及不足之处的反馈,我们做出了以上改进。您有什么要反馈的吗?我们翘首以盼,愿闻其详。欢迎前往我们的反馈论坛,告诉我们您认为哪些方面需要改进。反馈论坛中设有专门的移动版块,您也可以提出关于 Discord 任何方面的想法。","#Making Mobile Speedier":"移动端性能优化","#You asked, we listened! We merged the Servers and Messages tabs together for consistent navigation across platforms. Now you can seamlessly check between your server pings and DMs on mobile the same way you would for desktop.
Updated May 22, 2024: See our Blog Post for more details!
更新于 2024 年 5 月 22 日:查看我们的博客文章以了解更多信息!
","#A message from our CEO about the next chapter of Discord, how we’re building an even faster, more powerful app to take us there, and a new look to match where we’re headed.

Discord just turned nine this month and we’ve had a lot of fun celebrating with many of you. Now, as we begin our tenth trip around the sun, I want to share what we’re focused on as we look to the next decade — but first, let’s travel back in time to when my cofounder Stan and I started this crazy journey.":"听我们的 CEO 展望 Discord 的新篇章,介绍我们计划如何构建一个更快、更强大的 APP,并推出与我们的发展方向相匹配的新形象

这个月,Discord 迎来了九岁生日,我们也与大家一起庆生,共度美好时光。现在,在即将步入第十年之际,我想与大家分享我们在未来十年的重点发展方向——但在此之前,让我们先回到起点,看看我和联合创始人 Stan 如何开始这段不可思议的旅程。","#A group of four friends hanging out in a Discord server called “The Crew.” One of the friends has their video camera on, while the other three chat along using voice.":"在一个名为“The Crew”的 Discord 服务器上,四位朋友正在一起玩游戏。其中一位打开了视频摄像头,其他三位则在使用语音聊天。","#Finally, I’m excited to share with everyone a refreshed look and visual identity to reflect the future of people playing games together. This new look celebrates the fun friends have together while talking, playing, and hanging out on Discord. You’ll see this in different places starting today, and we hope you dig it.":"最后,我很高兴地与大家分享全新的外观和视觉标识,它代表了一起玩游戏的未来愿景。这一新形象代表着朋友们在 Discord 上聊天、游戏和放松的快乐时光。从今天起,这个形象会出现在各种地方,希望大家喜欢。","#When we think about what the next ten years will be like and what people want from the internet, their entertainment, and how they’ll want to communicate with each other, it keeps coming back to gaming. There are a few big trends that we see playing out in the world that we are excited about:":"展望未来十年,风云会如何变幻,人们想从互联网、娱乐中获得什么,又希望如何与彼此交流,答案始终离不开游戏。我们很高兴地观察到了这样几个显著的趋势:","#The games we play bring us together, give us something to do with one another, and as a result, help us deepen our friendships. They provide us with a way to have fun with our favorite people, whether we want to relax and farm turnips or grind in competitive matches for diamond rank.":"游戏让我们相聚,通过共同的体验,加深彼此的友谊。无论是轻松地种种萝卜,还是在竞技比赛中冲刺钻石段位,游戏让我们有机会与最亲近的人一起玩耍。","#The future of gaming":"游戏的未来","#More people than ever will own devices capable of playing rich games with their friends. Mobile gaming will be a big driver of this, with faster devices and improved internet latency making richer games available in new markets.":"越来越多的人将拥有能够与朋友一起享受精彩游戏体验的设备。手机游戏将凭借更快的设备性能和更低的网络延迟,成为新市场开拓和丰富游戏体验的关键驱动力。","#Whether you’re a larger game publisher releasing console and PC games, or a developer who has built their own app on our platform, we’re evolving the way we can work with you. We recently announced a few things to help bring your creativity to our users, and we’re thrilled about the initial reception:":"无论是发布主机和 PC 游戏的大型游戏发行商,还是在我们平台上打造自己 APP 的开发者,我们都在努力推动这种合作关系的升级。我们最近推出了几项新举措,帮助您将创意呈现给用户,并得到了令人振奋的反馈:","#We announced Quests as a way to help game publishers bring their games to market and reach their players on Discord. THE FINALS, Genshin Impact, and PUBG: Battlegrounds players got to enjoy some of these quests, and we've heard great feedback from many of you.":"我们推出了游戏悬赏令功能。游戏发行商可以通过这种新功能,在 Discord 上宣传自家游戏并与玩家互动。《THE FINALS》、《原神》和《绝地求生》的玩家们已经率先体验到悬赏令功能,并给予了积极的反馈。","#The creativity of developers who build on our platform is endlessly inspiring. Our platform makes Discord a really vibrant place to build and bring people together, whether it’s around games or beyond. Viggle is the latest app to take off on our platform and we’re excited to see who shows up next.":"在我们的平台上,开发者们的创意潜力是无限的。这个平台使得 Discord 不仅成为游戏爱好者的聚集地,也成为了一个活力四射的社区,人们在这里围绕游戏或其他话题而相聚。Viggle 就是最近在我们平台上发展起来的一款应用,我们期待看到更多开发者借助我们的平台大放异彩。","#Where we are today":"我们的现状","#Online multiplayer games are becoming mainstream entertainment that everyone enjoys with their friends. Cross-platform play will become a prerequisite so people can play together, regardless of what game or device. This is already starting and it’s only the beginning.":"在线多人游戏正在成为人们与朋友共享的主流娱乐形式。跨平台游玩功能将成为标配,无论什么游戏或设备,重要的是大家能在一起玩。这种趋势已经初现苗头,未来可期。","#What this means for Discord":"对 Discord 的意义","#Twelve years ago, we had a hunch that multiplayer gaming would be the future of entertainment and that people would need a well-made communications platform to talk with their gaming friends. With the explosion of mobile gaming, faster internet, and more easily accessible computers, we knew more and more people would be playing live multiplayer video games like we did, but wow! We had no idea how big gaming would become.":"十二年前,我们预见到多人游戏将成为未来娱乐的主流,因此,人们将需要一个高品质的通讯平台,以便与游戏中的朋友沟通。随着手机游戏的迅猛发展、互联网速度的提升和计算机的普及,我们相信会有越来越多的人像我们一样喜欢实时多人游戏。但是哇哦!游戏的真正发展还是远远超出了我们的想象。","#Discord’s Next Chapter":"Discord 的新篇章","#When we talk to the people who use Discord, it’s so clear that it holds a special place in many of your lives, and that playing games together is a major way you spend your time with friends (not to mention other things like cooking dinner, studying for finals, or all the fun ways you hang out on VC together).":"与 Discord 用户交流时,我们发现它在许多人生活中占有特殊的地位。一起打游戏成为了大家与朋友共享时光的主要方式,更不用提一起做饭、备考或在语音频道上闲聊等有趣活动了。","#We have a lot of exciting things lined up for the rest of the year. In the immediate future, we’re really focused on three key areas:":"今年,我们还准备了许多激动人心的计划。近期我们将专注于三个主要领域:","#We’ve made some great progress over the last year or so in support of these key areas, including:":"在过去一年左右的时间里,我们对以下关键领域方面的支持,取得了很大进展,包括:","#We also announced a new Embedded App SDK as a way for platform devs to bring new kinds of games and apps to market directly within Discord, letting players instantly enjoy with their friends. We've seen thousands of developers explore Activities, and there are some that we'll be launching soon that we're excited to share with you all!":"此外,我们还推出了全新嵌入式 APP SDK,为平台开发者提供了一种在 Discord 内部直接推出新型游戏和 APP 的途径,玩家也可以即刻与朋友共同享受这些内容。我们已经看到数以千计的开发者在探索小活动功能,并且还有更多令人兴奋的新内容即将推出,我们迫不及待想要与大家分享这一切了!","#We know that getting to your friends and conversations quickly is the most important thing, so we’re working on making that as fast and easy as possible from the moment you open the app.":"我们知道,能够快速找到朋友和对话是最重要的。因此,我们正在努力确保用户一打开 APP,就能迅速轻松地做到这一点。","#Doubling down on the speed, power, and reliability of our app: In the last few weeks, we improved video latency and reduced your Go Live stream lag, began to roll out an updated 64-bit desktop client, and more. We also heard you on the mobile app and just last week, merged servers and DMs back to one spot and added contrast and saturation controls, among other updates.":"加倍提升 APP 的运行速度、功能和可靠性:过去的几周里,我们改善了视频延迟的情况,降低了 Go Live 直播的延迟,并开始推出升级版的 64 位桌面客户端,以及其他改进。我们也听到了大家对移动端 APP 的意见。就在上周,我们又把服务器和私信功能重新整合到一起,并引入了对比度和饱和度调节等新功能。","#Over the next decade, we believe another billion people will be playing multiplayer games and enjoying the kinds of deep, rich experiences that we all have come to love. It’ll be more important than ever for us to provide a fast, seamless, and powerful service to talk with your friends before, during, and after playing those games, no matter what device you play on.":"在未来的十年间,我们相信还会有十亿人参与到多人游戏中来,享受那些我们已经深深爱上的、丰富而深刻的体验。因此,我们更需要提供一个快速、无缝且强大的服务,它能让大家无论在游戏前后,无论使用何种设备,都能轻松与朋友保持联系。","#New technologies will be a catalyst for creativity in game development and great ideas will come from many places. The big games will get bigger, and there will be an explosion of indie creativity. There will be more games than any of us could have imagined!":"新兴技术的出现正催生着游戏开发领域的革新,世界各地都将涌现出不凡的创意。大型游戏会变得更为宏大,独立游戏也将更加有创意。游戏的繁荣将超出我们的想象!","#Today, gaming has become the largest form of entertainment in the world, bigger than movies and music combined, and it’s the fastest growing as well. It’s a major way people use their personal devices, including PCs, smartphones, tablets, or consoles. People of all generations are playing games across many genres, from Minecraft, to Overwatch, to Wordle.":"如今,游戏已经成为全球最大的娱乐方式,其规模超过了电影和音乐的总和,而且增长速度也是最快的。它已成为人们使用个人设备(包括 PC、智能手机、平板电脑或主机等)的主要形式。不同年龄段的人们都能找到自己喜欢的游戏品类,无论是《我的世界》、《守望先锋》,还是《Wordle》(一款填词游戏)。","#When I was a kid, that's why I got into video games. It was a way to spend time with my friends and family. It was kind of a niche thing back then, but I loved it. When Stan and I met, we realized we had this in common. Whether it was an endless “just one more round” of Street Fighter 2, microing Zerglings, or idling for hours in town in Final Fantasy XI, games have always been about deepening friendships.":"我小时候就是因为这个原因爱上了打游戏,这是我与朋友和家人共度时光的一种方式。在那个年代,打游戏还是一种小众爱好,但我就是非常喜欢。遇到 Stan 后,我们发现彼此有着共同的兴趣。无论是在《街头霸王 2》中一次次“再打一把就睡觉”,还是在《星际争霸》中练习虫族微操,或是在《最终幻想 XI》的城镇里闲逛几个小时,游戏总在不断深化我们之间的友谊。","#May 29, 2024":"2024 年 5 月 29 日","#Creating more fun things to do with friends: Billions of sounds have been sent on Soundboard (quack quack!) since we launched last year, we recently added built-in support for Polls, and many of you have been sprucing up your avatars and profiles with our Shop drops.":"创造更多与朋友共享的有趣内容:自去年推出音板以来,我们的用户们已经发送了数十亿个音效(嘎嘎!)。我们最近还加入了内置投票功能,许多用户也在更新后的商店中装扮将自己的头像和个人资料装扮一新。","#As we build towards this future, we’re excited to continue to welcome anyone who has found a place on Discord to help them have more fun and build relationships with friends online.":"在迈向这个未来的旅途中,我们很高兴能继续迎接所有在 Discord 上找到了归属感的朋友们回家。我们会帮助大家在网络世界中找到更多乐趣,并与朋友们建立更紧密的联系。","#We built Discord because we wanted a better way to hang out before, during, and after playing games. It’s been really cool to see how the way we played games while growing up is so similar to how people around the world use Discord today. Most people spend their time on Discord hanging out with small friend groups, containing anywhere from five to 15 people.":"我们创建 Discord 的初衷是我们渴望在游戏之前、之中与之后都能有更佳的相聚、沟通方式。看到我们小时候玩游戏的方式与现在全世界的用户使用 Discord 的方式竟如出一辙,真的很酷。大部分用户都是在 Discord 上与五到十五位好友组成一个小团体,共度休闲时光。","#We believe Discord can play a uniquely important role in the future of gaming. We’re going to focus on making it easier and more fun for people to talk and hang out before, during, and after playing — and we’ll help developers of those games bring their creativity to life.":"我们相信,Discord 将在游戏的未来中扮演一个独特且重要的角色。我们会努力让人们在游戏之前、之中与之后的交流变得更加轻松有趣,同时也支持游戏开发者们把创意变为现实。","#GLHF,
Jason","#After taking stock of the world now that the pandemic is largely behind us, and learning directly from you about how Discord can be even more useful, we’ve recognized the need to narrow our focus from broadly being a community-centric chat app to being a place that helps people deepen their friendships around games and shared interests.":"随着疫情基本结束,我们重新审视这个世界,并直接从大家身上学到了如何将 Discord 变得更加有用。我们意识到,我们需要从一个宽泛的社区聊天 APP 转变为一个帮助人们通过游戏和共同兴趣建立更深层次友谊的平台。","#How we’re supporting game publishers and platform developers":"我们对游戏发行商和平台开发者的支持","#What this means for users":"对用户的意义","#After you play, you want to have more fun stuff to do, whether you’re chatting in a text channel, DM, or hanging out on VC. Opening up our platform to the creativity of developers is vital in making this happen.":"玩完游戏,用户还希望去做更多有趣的事情,比如文字频道聊天、发送私信或语音频道的闲聊。为此,我们将向开发者开放我们的平台,让他们尽情发挥创意。","#A 3D-rendered Wumpus sporting a new puffer jacket next to a more digitally-stylized 3D Clyde. Next to them are a handful of 2D friends, all hanging out and wearing Discord-themed streetwear.":"一只穿着新款羽绒服的 3D Wumpus,旁边是一只更具数码风格的 3D Clyde。几个 2D 风格的朋友们也穿上了 Discord 主题的街头服饰,大家一起欢乐地玩耍。","#Nowadays, Discord is used by 200 million people every month for many different reasons, but there’s one thing that nearly everyone does on our platform: play video games. Over 90% of y’all play games, spending a combined 1.5 billion hours playing thousands of unique titles on Discord each month!":"目前,每个月有两亿人出于各种原因使用 Discord,但几乎所有人都会在我们的平台上做同一件事:打游戏。你们中有超过 90% 的人会在 Discord 上玩游戏,每个月在数以千计的各种游戏中投入的时间超过十五亿小时!","#Ensuring you can talk and hang out reliably – especially while you’re playing – means we’ll continue prioritizing the power of our voice, video, and streaming technology. This includes expanding more of Discord’s capabilities to more devices for cross-platform experiences.":"我们还将保证用户在交流和消遣娱乐时——尤其是在游戏中——得到稳定可靠的体验。也就是说,我们会持续优化语音、视频和直播技术。我们也计划将 Discord 的更多功能移植到更多设备上,以提供无缝的跨平台游玩体验。","#Making Discord a place for cross-platform play: Discord is on Xbox and PlayStation 5. Along with showing what you’re playing to your Discord friends, we’ve added even more features to consoles, including the ability to chat in voice directly on console and stream your game on Xbox to Discord.":"将 Discord 打造成跨平台游戏的聚集地:Discord 已经登陆 XboxPlayStation 5。您现在不仅可以向 Discord 好友展示您正在玩的游戏,还可以使用我们为主机添加的更多专属功能,如直接在主机上进行语音聊天和在 Discord 上直播 Xbox 游戏。","#Unboxing a new Discord brand":"开箱全新 Discord 品牌","#Three friends in an ongoing Discord call. One of the three friends has their camera on and is streaming Fortnite Battle Royale for the other two to enjoy.":"三个朋友正在一场 Discord 通话中。其中一位打开了摄像头,正在为其他两个朋友直播《堡垒之夜》。","#Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games":"Discord - 专为游戏和快乐打造的群聊","#On your PC, phone, or console, you can still hang out on Discord. Easily switch between devices and use tools to manage multiple group chats with friends.":"无论是在电脑、手机还是主机上,您都可以轻松地使用 Discord 与朋友们欢聚一堂。您还可以在不同设备之间无缝切换,并使用工具来管理多个群聊。","#Look forward to developing both professionally and personally alongside your colleagues at Discord. All of our managers go through a leadership program, and we offer enriching trainings for everyone. No matter what your interests or skills are, there's a place on our platform for you to find and build belonging.":"在 Discord 与您的同事并肩作战,收获个人与职业的长足发展。不仅所有的主管会参加领导力培训课程,我们也将为所有员工提供丰富的培训。在这个平台,您定能为自己的智趣与才干找到归宿。","#For all roles, we're hiring people to join us in our beautiful San Francisco office, and for select, indicated positions, we're currently open to having people join our team remotely in these states:

Alabama - Alaska - Arizona - California - Colorado - Connecticut - District of Columbia - Florida - Georgia - Hawaii - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - Kansas - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - Michigan - Minnesota - Mississippi - Missouri - Montana -Nevada - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico - New York - North Carolina - Ohio - Oklahoma - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - South Carolina - Tennessee - Texas - Utah - Vermont - Virginia - Washington - West Virginia - Wisconsin":"我们正在为各大岗位积极招募人才,诚挚邀请您加入我们美丽的旧金山办公室。部分职位还向下列州的居民开放远程工作选项:

阿拉巴马州 - 阿拉斯加州 - 亚利桑那州 - 加利福尼亚州 - 科罗拉多州 - 康涅狄格州 - 哥伦比亚特区 - 佛罗里达州 - 佐治亚州 - 夏威夷州 - 爱达荷州 - 伊利诺伊州 - 印第安纳州 - 爱荷华州 - 堪萨斯州 - 肯塔基州 - 路易斯安那州 - 缅因州 - 马里兰州 - 马萨诸塞州 - 密歇根州 - 明尼苏达州 - 密西西比州 - 密苏里州 - 蒙大拿州 - 内华达州 - 新罕布什尔州 - 新泽西州 - 新墨西哥州 - 纽约州 - 北卡罗来纳州 - 俄亥俄州 - 俄克拉荷马州 - 俄勒冈州 - 宾夕法尼亚州 - 罗得岛州 - 南卡罗来纳州 - 田纳西州 - 得克萨斯州 - 犹他州 - 佛蒙特州 - 弗吉尼亚州 - 华盛顿州 - 西弗吉尼亚州 - 威斯康星州","#At Discord, we health-care about you! We offer medical, dental, vision, and mental healthcare to our employees.":"Discord 关注您的健康!我们为员工提供医疗、牙齿、视力和心理健康护理等方案,为您的身心健康保驾护航。","#Stay refreshed with four weeks of PTO, 16 paid holidays each year including a week off for the winter holidays, and flexible sick time (which includes mental health days).":"您还享有每年 4 周带薪休假、不少于 16 天的带薪假期(包括一周的冬季假期)以及可临时申请的病假(包括心理健康假),让您保持精力充沛。","#Take advantage of a $375 quarterly stipend for your gym membership or other activities to keep you feeling great.":"我们提供 375 美元的专项季度津贴,您可以用此津贴购买健身房的会员卡或参与其他有益于身心健康的运动。","#Check out our inclusion, diversity and purpose efforts, company principles, or learn more about the Life @ Discord experience!":"来看看我们为实现包容性、多样性和目的性所做的努力,公司的原则,或者了解一下在 Discord 的精彩人生 体验!","#Many medical insurance providers consider much of the treatment vital to one’s gender transition as cosmetic. We don’t. Use up to $25,000 for transition-related procedures.":"很多医疗保险机构认为,对一个人的性别变更至关重要的许多治疗着重于美容方面。但我们不这样认为。在 Discord,您将有高达 2.5 万美元的福利金用于性别变更相关程序。","#Spend some quality time with the next generation with 12+ weeks parental leave, as well as fertility, adoption, and surrogacy benefits.":"利用超过 12 周的育儿假、生育、领养以及代孕福利,来享受与下一代的亲密时光吧。","#Developer
政策","#October 1st 2022":"2022 年 10 月 1 日","#Windows 32-bit users can download official, but unsupported clients here.":"Windows 32 位系统用户可以在此处下载官方客户端,但后续将不再支持上述客户端。","#A giant Discord Nitro logo bursting towards the screen. Icons representing various Nitro features can be seen on the sides, including representations of larger file uploads, themes, app icons, and soundboard sounds.":"一个巨大的 Discord Nitro 标志跃然于屏幕之上。两侧展示了表示各种 Nitro 功能的图标,包括大文件上传、主题、应用图标和音板音效。","#Pass It Along: How to Share the Latest Nitro Perks with Your Friends":"共享福利:如何与好友分享最新 Nitro 特权","#June 18, 2024":"2024 年 6 月18 日","#Oooh! Shiny New Features, For You and To Share!":"哇哦哦!亮闪闪的新功能,供您使用和分享!","#Picture this: You’re streaming some crystal-clear Jackbox on your server thanks to your Nitro perks. During the stream, one of your friends wants to show off a different game they’re into! When they go to screen share, you bestow upon them streaming superpowers by giving some Nitro on the spot — now they’re streaming clearer than ever thanks to you!":"想象一下:您在服务器上通过 Nitro 特权用高清画质直播 Jackbox 游戏。在直播过程中,您的好友想展示另一款自己喜欢的游戏!当好友开始屏幕共享时,您可以把 Nitro 特权赠送给他们,来一点小小的直播超能震撼。多亏了您,这下他们的直播画质也变得无比清晰了!","#Rep Yourself Perfectly with Per-Server Avatar Decos & Profile Effects":"通过每个服务器的头像装饰和个人资料特效完美展示自我","#Share your Nitro with friends. Use one of four new App Icons and a new color Theme. Use Shop items on Server Profiles. Nitro keeps getting better!":"与好友分享您的 Nitro。解锁四款新的应用图标,并选择其一,搭配全新主题色彩呈现。还可以在服务器资料中使用商店物品。Nitro 越做越出色!","#This *technically* means that we added a theme called “Twilight” after adding a theme called “Midnight,” which is the wrong order in the real world — apologies to the savvy astronomers out there.":"*严格来说*,这意味着我们先上线了“午夜”主题,之后才加入“暮色”主题,在现实世界中,这个发生顺序是错误的——在此向那些一丝不苟的天文学家们致歉。","#A preview of the four new App Icons.":"四款新应用图标预览。","#Now, we’ve got four new app icons and a new color theme! “Color Wave,” “Midnight Prism,” and “In Rainbows” join the list of available app icons, while “Blurple Twilight” gets to be both an app icon AND a new color theme, inspired by the new looks we’re sporting on our website. (Did you see it yet!?)":"现在我们加入了四款新应用图标一种新主题色彩!“色彩波浪”、“午夜棱镜”和“彩虹之中”加入了可选图标阵容,而“Blurple Twilight”既是一款应用图标,也是一种全新的主题色彩,灵感源自我们网站的新设计。(您见识过了没?!)","#Try Four New App Icons and a New Color Theme":"试试四款新应用图标和一种新主题色彩","#Finally, you can wear a full Pirate-themed profile during your serious book club server meetup…. just don’t get servARRR-muted if you play the part a bit too well.":"终于,您可以在严肃的读书俱乐部服务器聚会上展示完整的海盗主题个人资料了……但是如果演得入戏就有可能被服务器禁言,当心翻船哦。","#Hey, @everyone! It’s been a hot minute since we’ve given an update on the latest and greatest that Nitro has to offer.":"嗨,@everyone!我们已经有一阵子没有介绍 Nitro 最新最棒的功能了。","#Now In Nitro: Three Features for Members to Try":"Nitro 新鲜事:三大会员福利","#Invite Your Friends: Give ‘Em 2-Week Nitro Passes":"邀请好友:赠送 2 周 Nitro 通行证","#Today, we’re giving the lowdown on three of the newest Nitro benefits: the ability to share Nitro with friends, adding four new App Icons and a new color Theme, and the power to assign Shop items to a particular Server Profile.":"今天,我们将详细介绍 Nitro 的三项最新福利:可以与好友分享 Nitro、添加四款新应用图标和一种新主题色彩,以及在特定服务器资料中使用商店物品的功能。","#But the meaning still stands! With these new additions, Discord Nitro now has over a dozen unique features to check out, unlocking a world of perks to customize, socialize, and be your true self… ize.":"但您明白我的意思!随着这些新内容的加入,Discord Nitro 现在拥有十多项独特功能供您体验,解锁自定义、社交和展现真我的各种特权……好耶。","#unlocks a TON of premium perks and powers to your Discord experience. Express yourself better, share better, show what you’re up to better… if you’ve tried something on Discord, there’s a good chance Nitro enhances it in some way.":"解锁海量高级特权和功能,优化您的 Discord 体验。让您表达更自如,分享更出色,动态展示更清晰……凡是您在 Discord 上体验过的内容,Nitro 都极有可能带来惊喜升级。","#If you’ve grown a collection of Shop items and are worried about repping the perfect profile for each community you’re a part of, good news: Nitro members can now assign Avatar Decorations and Profile Effects to a specific Server Profile, just like they can with their avatars, bios and profile banners!":"如果您已经收集了一大堆商店物品,但是担心没法在社区中展示出最完美的个人资料,告诉您一个好消息:Nitro 会员现在可以像设置头像、简介和个人资料横幅一样,将头像装饰和个人资料特效分配给特定的服务器资料!","#/adjusts glasses. “There has never been a better time to become a Nitro member. Join today and enjoy everything that high-quality, Industrial-Grade Discord Nitro has to of-” wait, wrong script.":"/推了推眼镜。“现在正是成为 Nitro 会员的最佳时机。今天加入,即刻享受 Discord Nitro 高品质、工业级的所有功能——”等等,拿错稿子了。","#Your metaphorical face isn’t the only thing that can sport a new style when you’re a Nitro member! Custom app icons and color app themes make Discord look the way you feel, both while you use Discord AND when you receive a notification on your phone.":"成为 Nitro 会员后,可以换上新风貌的并不只有您的虚拟形象!无论是在使用 Discord 还是在手机上接收消息时,都可以随心变换自定义 APP 图标彩色 APP 主题,让 Discord 时刻展现真我。","#Wondering what Nitro even IS?":"想知道 Nitro 究竟是什么?","#A preview of the new “Blurple Twilight” color Theme on the desktop Discord client.":"Discord 桌面客户端上的全新“Blurple Twilight”主题色彩预览。","#For two whole weeks, your buddy can try everything Nitro has to offer. Show ‘em how to use those custom emojis, sounds, and stickers you saved on your server. Or, pair your colorful profiles together like wine and questionably edible cheese!":"您的好友可以在整整两周时间内体验 Nitro 的一切功能。向他们展示如何使用您在服务器上保存的自定义表情符号、声音和贴纸。或者,把你们炫彩的个人资料配对展示,就像咖啡配上古里古怪的甜品!","#Nitro members (and their friends currently using a friend pass) can use these new customization options in User Settings > Appearance on both desktop and mobile.":"Nitro 会员(以及目前正在使用好友通行证的好友们)可以在桌面和移动设备上的用户设置 > 外观中选用这些新的自定义选项。","#After you’ve given out those friend passes, don’t fret: watch for future refills of Nitro friend passes to dish out to more buddies. For the lowdown on how sharing Nitro with your friends works, including details on who qualifies to send and receive Nitro passes, *pass* by our Help Center here.":"就算 Nitro 好友通行证都分完了也不用担心,将来我们还会为您补货,届时您就可以分享给更多小伙伴啦。如果想进一步了解如何与好友分享 Nitro,包括谁有资格发送和接收 Nitro 通行证,请在此处向我们的帮助中心*咨询*。","#Crazy, right? So crazy in fact, we made it real. Now, Nitro members receive three friend passes they can share with a Nitroless friend, so you can share your snazzy Nitro perks and powers with your friends!":"听起来很疯狂吧?其实我们已经做到这一点了。现在,Nitro 会员可以领取三张好友通行证,并分享给没有订阅 Nitro 的好友,这样您就可以和他们一同分享那些超赞的 Nitro 特权和功能了!","#Since the Shop opened its doors last year, we’ve released tons of new ways to add some flourish to your Discord profile. Collections such as Galaxy let the stars shine on you, while the Lofi Vibes set helps you recreate what feels like to be me: the blog writer.":"自从商店去年开业以来,我们推出了无数种新方法来为您的 Discord 个人资料增光添彩。比如银河系列助您星光闪耀,而通过低音氛围系列,您则可以体验我的日常——一位博客写手的生活。","#Wanna know everything Nitro has to offer? We have a big ol’ chart that shows off all the features on our website. And if you’ve got a slick profile set up, show us by mentioning @discord on Twitter. (Yes, Twitter.)":"想了解 Nitro 的所有功能吗?我们的网站上有一张超大尺寸表格,所有功能都列在上面了。如果您已经设置了酷炫的个人资料,记得在 Twitter 上 @discord 让我们观赏一下。(就要叫 Twitter。)","#A demonstration of a user with three unique Server Profiles, each with different Shop items equipped.":"展示一位用户的三种独一无二的服务器资料,每种资料都使用了不同的商店物品。","#All caught up on Nitro? Let’s get started!":"已经了解 Nitro 了?那就开始吧!","#The “Share Nitro with Friends” menu within the Nitro tab.":"Nitro 页签新增“与好友分享 Nitro”菜单","#Each friend pass is a 2-week trial of Nitro. Members can share a pass by going into DMs > Nitro > Share Nitro or User Settings > Nitro on either the desktop or web apps. Once you’re there, press “Select Friends” and you’ll see exactly who on your friends list qualifies for one of your friend passes.":"每张好友通行证都包含为期 2 周的 Nitro 试用。会员可以在桌面或网页版应用中进入私信 > Nitro > 分享 Nitro 或用户设置 > Nitro 来分享通行证。在菜单中点击“选择好友”,就能看到好友列表中符合好友通行证领取资格的人选。","#collect & create":"收集与创造类","#wildcard":"无限制类","#chill":"休闲类","#Congrats to our Category Winners!":"祝贺各类别的获奖者!","#Tons of quality-of-life improvements & mobile touch-ups.":"大量重大改进和移动端优化。","#Mobile Updates & Colorful Uploads":"移动端改进和多彩上传","#Share the Nitro Love & Style Yourself with New Shop Items":"通过全新商店物品,分享来自 Nitro 的爱和风格","#No Phone Needed for Discord on PS5":"无需手机,在 PS5® 使用 Discord","#We also have the following updates for this month:":"本月还有以下更新:","#Got Nitro? Have friends without Nitro? Give ‘em Nitro.":"您有 Nitro 吗?有没有 Nitro 的好友吗?把 Nitro 也送给他们吧。","#New Music & Game Activities":"新的音乐和游戏小活动","#A smartphone prominently displays the App Launcher icon, which is four different shapes aligned in a 2x2 grid. Images of headphones, paintbrushes, and swords float around the phone.":"智能手机上醒目地显示着 APP 启动器图标,该图标由四种不同的形状组成,排列在 2x2 的网格中。耳机、画笔和剑的图像漂浮在手机周围。","#New Activities for listening to music and playing games with friends.":"与好友一起听音乐、玩游戏的全新小活动。","#More Activities":"更多小活动","#Mobile Touch-Ups & More Colorful Uploads":"移动端改进以及更丰富多彩的上传","#Check out all the updates below — now with snazzy visuals to help you go “oooh THAT’S what that is!”":"在下方查看所有更新吧——配有时尚的视觉效果,帮助您达到“哦,原来是这样!”的效果。","#Hit the top of your local leaderboards for ✨Style✨ with the newest “Arcade” themed Avatar Decorations and Profile Effects in the Shop. Plus, each Shop collection now offers a bundle containing both a Decoration and an Effect, letting you save a few quarters to use on your favorite arcade cabinet instead. Find ‘em on the Shop tab on desktop and iOS. (Android support coming soon!)":"换上商店中最新的“街机”主题头像装饰和个人资料特效,登顶本地✨风格✨排行榜。此外,商店的每个系列都提供内含装饰和特效的同捆包,可以帮您省下点儿资金,用于您最喜欢的街机。在桌面版iOS 版的“商店”标签中即可找到。(很快就会支持安卓版!)","#Talking with your Discord friends while playing your favorite PlayStation 5® games is about to get WAY easier and WAY faster. Starting today, you’ll be able to join a Discord call directly from your PlayStation 5 console — no mobile app needed!":"游玩最爱的 PS5® 游戏,同时还想与 Discord 好友聊天?现在,实现这一点将变得无比简单方便。从今天起,您可以直接从 PlayStation 5 主机加入 Discord 语音通话——无需移动端 APP!","#First time on the Discord Blog? Nice to have ya! Use the Table of Contents to jump between sections — it’s on the right if you’re reading on a desktop browser, or located at the bottom for mobile browsers.":"第一次访问 Discord 博客?欢迎光临!您可以通过“目录”在各个章节之间跳转。如果您正在使用桌面浏览器,目录位于右侧;如果您正在使用移动端浏览器,目录位于底部。","#Now, Nitro members can share the love by giving up to three friends who haven’t had Nitro before two-week friend passes. Don’t hesitate to share ‘em with your pals — you’ll get a restock trials to *pass* along in the future! (Three passes. And, three MORE passes.)":"现在,Nitro 会员可以向多达三名从未使用过 Nitro 的好友赠送两周的好友通行证,分享您的爱。不要犹豫,快快分享给好友吧——你还会获得更多可供分享的通行证补货!(三个通行证。然后,还有三个通行证。)","#Use the App Launcher on mobile or the ‘+’ button on desktop in any text conversation to get goin’!":"在移动端点击 APP 启动器,或者在桌面端点击“+”按钮,即可启动小活动!","#We’ve been working on refining the mobile app based on everyone’s feedback. Some of the changes include merging Servers and DMs into one “Home” tab, improvements to mobile search, and new Contrast and Saturation sliders to make Discord feel a little bit cozier to use.":"我们一直在基于大家的反馈优化移动端 APP。最近的更新包括将服务器和私人信息合并到一个“主页”标签下,改进移动端搜索,以及新增对比度和饱和度滑块,让 Discord 的使用体验更加舒适。","#Use Discord Voice Chat Directly on PS5® — No Phone Needed!":"直接在 PS5® 使用 Discord 语音聊天——无需手机!","#Wumpus, in a puffy jacket and wearing a gaming headset, standing in front of two screenshots. These screenshots show examples of the Discord Voice on PS5 experience.":"Wumpus 身穿羽绒夹克,戴着游戏耳机,站在两张屏幕截图前。截图展示了在 PS5 使用 Discord 语音通话的示例。","#More deets on how sharing Nitro works can be found on our blog! Eligibility rules apply.":"可以在我们的博客中找到如何分享 Nitro 的更多细节!适用资格规则。","#Already chilling in voice and don’t know what to play? Hover over to the Rocketship button and you’ll see some recommended Activities to try out.":"已经加入了语音频道,但不知道玩什么游戏?把鼠标移动到“火箭飞船”图标上,就能看到一些推荐小活动供您尝试。","#Our latest Patch Notes has a more technical explanation of what’s preserved, along with a lot more fixes!":"我们最新的补丁说明对保留内容以及更多修复内容进行了更为技术性的阐释!","#June 20, 2024":"2024 年 6 月20 日","#Peek our profile in your DMs inside Discord, too — you might get a preview of what they look like. 👀":"在 Discord 的私信中也可以一睹我们的个人资料的风采——可以预览它们的样子。👀","#We recently added a handful of new Activities to check out: Rythm and TuneIn Radio & Podcasts let you listen to your favorite music directly in chat, while BOPZ.io and Death by AI bring two unique takes on surviving a really really long time.":"我们最近添加了一些新的小活动,请查阅:RythmTuneIn Radio & Podcasts 让您可以直接在聊天中收听您喜欢的音乐,而 BOPZ.ioDeath by AI 则带来了两种生存游戏玩法。","#Whether your friends are using the desktop app, are out and about on the mobile app, or are also console gamers, you can chat with ‘em from your PlayStation 5 whenever you want. Peek at our blog post for all the info.":"无论您的好友正在使用桌面 APP、正在外面使用移动端 APP,还是与您一样的主机玩家,您都可以随时通过 PlayStation 5 与他们聊天。查看我们的博客可以获取完整信息。","#Nitro and Shop updates for the most stylish of profiles.":"Nitro 和商店为最具风格的个人资料进行了更新。","#We’ve got a big one to share with you: Starting today, you’ll be able to join a Discord call directly from your PlayStation 5 console — no mobile app needed! Put your phone aside and let it charge while you game the night away in a Discord call on your PS5, whether you’re hopping into a voice channel in a server or connecting a DM or Group DM call.":"有个大新闻要告诉您:从今天开始,您可以直接在 PlayStation 5 主机上加入 Discord 语音通话了,不再需要移动端 APP!把手机扔到一边充电吧,您可以在 PS5 上享受 Discord 语音通话的乐趣,不管是加入服务器的语音频道,还是进行私人或群组语音聊天,全都没问题。","#For artists and photographers who share their artwork on Discord, big news: we improved how we preserve color profile data when images are uploaded to chat, meaning your colors will POP way more and look closer to how they did when you created your masterpiece.":"对于在 Discord 上分享自己作品的艺术家和摄影师来说,我们有个大新闻:我们改进了在聊天中上传图片时的色彩配置数据的保存方式,这意味着图片色彩将更加鲜艳,更接近于您创作时的原色。","#How to Talk with Friends in Crossplay Games Using Discord":"如何使用 Discord 与跨平台游戏中的好友聊天","#Nowadays, you can connect to a Discord call directly from your gaming console, including PlayStation 5®, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One consoles! Read on to learn how to best stay connected on voice chat while playing your favorite cross-platform games.":"现在,您可以直接从主机(包括 PlayStation 5® 、Xbox Series X|S 和 Xbox One!)连接到 Discord 通话,继续阅读以了解如何在畅玩最喜欢的跨平台游戏之际最好地保持语音聊天连接。","#If you’re tired of stacking your headset over your phone’s earbuds to chat with your Discord friends or having your phone permanently in a call while you play, listen up: there’s a better way to talk on voice with your friends while playing your favorite games.":"头戴耳机叠加入耳式耳塞,只为与 Discord 好友聊天;边玩边聊,手机通话不能断,烦!别怕,我们有妙招:让您在心爱的游戏中沟通无阻,乐趣加倍!","#Click on either PlayStation Network or Xbox and go through its respective sign-in process to authorize the account connection. If you have an account for both services, you can click the other one right after and connect that one as well!":"点击 PlayStation Network 或 Xbox,完成相应的登录过程以授权账户连接。如果您同时拥有两大主机,可以继续点击并完成关联!","#Before Getting Started, Connect Your Accounts!":"开始之前,请关联您的账户!","#Before you can with your friends on either PS5®, Xbox Series X|S, or Xbox One, you’ll first need to connect the account you use on those platforms to your Discord profile.":"想要在 PS5®、Xbox Series X|S 或 Xbox One 上开启全新的社交互动之旅吗?第一步,将各平台账户关联到您的 Discord 个人资料。","#Once you’re done, your account will be listed on the Connections page. Now you’re ready to use Discord voice chat on console!":"完成后,您的账户将列在“连接”页面上。现在,您就可以在主机上使用 Discord 语音聊天了!","#A screenshot of the Connection page within User Settings.":"用户设置中的连接页面截图。","#While you’re here, you can also customize how the data from your newly connected account on Discord is displayed, letting your friends easily add you on Xbox or PlayStation!":"您还可以在同一页面上自定义设置该账户在 Discord 上的数据显示方式,以便其他玩家在 Xbox 或 PlayStation 上顺利添加您为好友!","#The next time you’re chillin’ a Discord call and decide that you should be calling from your console instead, you might notice a new button that looks like a tower with a controller next to it. Since you linked your gaming accounts to your Discord profile, it’s a new button for you to use!":"下次在 Discord 通话过程中,如果您决定改用主机进行通话,可能会注意到一个新按钮,看起来像是一座塔,旁边有控制器。当您的游戏账户关联至您的 Discord 个人资料后,这就是供您使用的新按钮。","#And juuust in case, we also have a Help Center article you can reference when using Discord Voice chat on your Xbox: Discord and Xbox Connection FAQ.":"另外,如果您在使用 Xbox 上的 Discord 语音聊天时遇到问题,我们还有一篇帮助中心文章供您参考。Discord 和 Xbox 关联常见问题解答。","#If you prefer visual aids and nice music, good news: We have a VIDEO all about this!! Grab your DualSense wireless controller and follow the instructions shown:":"如果您更喜欢视觉指引和悦耳的背景音乐,请看:我们专为您准备了相关视频!!拿起您的 DualSense 无线控制器吧,请按照指示操作:","#If you decide to Transfer to PlayStation, you’ll immediately be presented with an option to choose a PS5 console associated with your PlayStation Network account to transfer your call to. Make sure the correct PS5 console is chosen, and hit Transfer Voice.

(If your PS5 is in Sleep Mode when you transfer your Discord call, it will turn your console on! Technology is rad.)":"如果您决定 转移至 PlayStation,就会立即出现一个选项,让您选择一个与您的 PlayStation Network 账号相关联的 PS5 主机,转移您的通话。请确保您已选择正确的 PS5 主机,然后点击“转移语音”。

在转移 Discord 通话时,如果您的 PS5 处于睡眠模式,则会被唤醒!赞美高科技。)","#Hit Join and… BOOM! You’re in.":"点击加入,然后……砰!您就进去了。","#For Xbox players, Discord Voice Chat lets you join a server’s voice channels on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. Grab your controller and headset, sign in to your Xbox account on your console, and follow the steps below:":"Discord 语音聊天可让 Xbox 玩家在 Xbox Series X|S 和 Xbox One 上加入服务器中的语音频道。拿起您的控制器和耳机吧,在主机上登录 Xbox 账户,然后按照以下步骤操作:","#Select a server, DM, or Group DM, then scope things out and see who may already be in a voice channel.":"选择心仪的服务器、私信或群组私信,查看哪些好友已先行进入语音频道。","#Press the “PlayStation” button to open the Control Center.":"按下 PS 键,打开控制中心。","#An ongoing Discord call on the desktop app. It highlights the “Transfer Voice to Xbox” and “Transfer to PlayStation” options.":"桌面 app 中正在进行的一则 Discord 通话。体现“转移语音至 Xbox”和“转移至 PlayStation”选项。","#A GIF demonstrating how to connect to Discord voice channels on Xbox. It follows the same steps as previously mentioned.":"展示如何在 Xbox 上连接到 Discord 语音频道的 GIF 教程。内容与上述步骤相同。","#Open up the Parties & Chats tab, and you’ll see a familiar “Discord logo” listed!":"打开“群和聊天”标签,您会看到熟悉的“Discord 标志”!","#Once you’re signed into your Xbox account, press the Guide button.":"登录 Xbox 账户后,按下“导航”按钮。","#Select Discord, then scroll through the list of available Discord servers and voice channels to see where you want to talk in!":"选择 Discord,滑动屏幕,探索各色服务器和语音频道,找到合您心意的聊天场地!","#Not sure what games you could play with your friends to make the most of cross-platform voice? Check out our Staff Picks blog series, where Discord employees talk about the games they’ve been checking out recently. You’re bound to find a new game to play!":"不确定和好友一起玩什么游戏才能充分利用跨平台语音?请查看员工精选博客系列,Discord 员工会在此热议近期一直在玩的游戏。您一定会找到可以畅玩的新游戏!","#Also great news: We have a GIF all about this!! Short, succinct, and gets you speeding into your Discord call.":"好消息:我们精心准备了 GIF 教程!!简短精炼,可以帮您即刻进入 Discord 通话。","#In the Game Base, select the new “Discord” option. This will show all your servers AND an option to browse through your DMs and Group DMs.":"在 Game Base 中,点击“Discord”。您的所有服务器即刻呈现,另有浏览私信和浏览群组私信选项。","#Pick the voice channel you want, then hit “Join channel.” You’re in!":"选择心仪的语音频道,点击“加入频道”即可!","#While you’re in a voice channel, you can also stream your game to Discord! Learn all about how to stream your Xbox games to Discord here.":"在语音频道中,您也可以向 Discord 直播游戏!了解如何向 Discord 直播您的 Xbox 游戏请点击这里。","#How to Use Cross-Platform Voice Chat on PS5 with Discord":"如何在 PS5 上使用 Discord 进行跨平台语音聊天","#First, Connect Your Accounts":"首先,关联您的账户","#Run into an issue along the way? Peek at our Discord and PlayStation® Network Connection Help Center article for step-by-step instructions.":"使用过程中遇到问题了吗?请查看我们的 Discord 与 PlayStation® Network 关联帮助中心文章,获得详细步骤。","#Use Discord to Talk Where You Play, Wherever You Play":"游戏时刻,使用 Discord,随处畅聊","#Talk Where You Play":"在游戏中聊天","#Or, Transfer Your Voice Call from Discord to Console Using the Desktop or Mobile App":"此外,您也可以使用桌面端或移动端 app 从 Discord 转移您的语音通话至主机","#On either desktop or mobile, head to User Settings > Connections. Here, you’ll be able to connect a wide range of social media or gaming accounts to your Discord profile. Today, we’ll focus on the PlayStation Network and Xbox options.":"电脑端和移动端用户都请前往用户设置 > 连接页面。点击后即可将各种社交媒体或游戏账户关联到您的 Discord 个人资料。今天,我们将重点介绍 PlayStation Network Xbox 的关联选项。","#When you click Transfer Voice to Xbox, you’ll be presented with a QR code. Scan that, and it will open up the Xbox app on your mobile device. (Download it here if you haven’t already.) Select the Xbox console that you want to transfer your voice channel conversation to, and you’re good to go!":"当您点击转移语音至 Xbox 后,将会显示一个二维码。扫描后,您的移动设备会打开 Xbox app。(如果您尚未下载,请点击这里。)选择您想要转移语音频道通话的 Xbox 主机,就可以开始了!","#If you’re already having a Discord conversion on desktop or mobile, you can also transfer your call from within Discord itself! This used to be the only way to use Discord calls on consoles — so consider this the “old-school method.”":"如果您是在桌面或移动设备上进行了 Discord 通话,您也可以在 Discord 内部转移您的通话!这曾是在主机上使用 Discord 通话的唯一方式,因而可将其视为“传统方法”。","#How to Use Discord Voice on Xbox":"如何在 Xbox 上使用 Discord 语音","#See? It’s like riding a bike: do it once and you’ll remember it forever.":"看到了吗?这就像骑自行车:骑一次就会永远记住。","#Navigate to the Game Base.":"导航至 Game Base。","#Click this, and you’ll see two options: Transfer Voice to Xbox and Transfer to PlayStation.":"点击此按钮,您将看到两个选项:转移语音至 Xbox转移至 PlayStation。","#With our newest update to Discord on PlayStation 5, you can connect to Discord voice channels, DM calls or Group DM calls directly from your PS5 console! Grab your DualSense wireless controller and follow the steps below:":"请将 Discord 在 PlayStation 5 上更新至最新版,您可以直接从 PS5 主机进入 Discord 语音频道、开启通话或群聊!拿起您的 DualSense 无线控制器吧,请按照以下步骤操作:","#Now that you’re all set up, you can talk about what you’re playing, keep comms clear during crossplay gaming, watch movies and media with your friends, or just chill in a voice call when your console is the most convenient place to talk from.":"现在一切就绪,您可以谈论自己正在玩的游戏,在跨平台游戏中保持通信畅通,与好友一同观看电影和媒体内容时;或者当您的主机是最方便的通话设备时,那就简单打个电话吧。","#How to Use Cross-Platform Voice Chat on Xbox with Discord":"如何在 Xbox 上使用 Discord 进行跨平台语音聊天","#How to Transfer a Call from Discord to Console":"如何将通话从 Discord 转移到主机端","#3 Nitro friend passes":"3 张 Nitro 好友通行证","#Read more about our Discord App Pitches 2024 Category Winners here!":"点击此处,查看更多 2024 年 Discord APP 选拔赛类别获奖者信息!","#Adventure together":"共同冒险类","#June 27, 2024":"2024 年 6 月 27 日","#“Wildcard” winner: Clash Gem Card Party":"“无限制类”优胜者:Clash Gem Card Party","#Next up: YOU get to try ‘em all out and cast your vote to help decide who becomes the overall Grand Prize winner of up to $30,000!":"接下来就是各位用户登场的时间了,请鉴赏每一款作品并投票决定谁会成为最终大奖得主、荣获最高 30,000 美元的奖金!","#The voting window is from June 27 to July 11, taking place in the Discord Town Hall server. Bring your friends, hop into a voice channel, and try out these five games! Once you’ve played all five, go vote for your favorite in the #discord-app-pitches-voting channel.":"投票窗口从 6 月 27 日开放至 7 月 11 日,请在 Discord 市政厅(Town Hall)服务器投出您宝贵的一票。和朋友一起进入语音频道,试试这五款游戏!玩完所有游戏后,请在 #discord-app-pitches-voting 频道中投票选出您最喜欢的游戏。","#Play The Category Winners & Vote for Grand Prize Recipient":"鉴赏类别优胜者并选出您心中的大奖赢家","#If you want to show your friends what’s available to play in the Discord Town Hall server, check out the category winners below! With games fitting all types of genre players, you’ll be sure to find an Activity to enjoy from the list below.":"如果您想向朋友展示 Discord 市政厅服务器上的游戏,别忘了下面的类别优胜者!所有游戏类型都涵盖其中,每一位玩家都可以找到自己心仪的作品,一定有一款小活动符合您的期待。","#Our winner of the “Compete” category is Exoracer, a “skill-based, multiplayer platformer/racing game hybrid” where you and your Discord friends can compete to see who can get the fastest time on a level within two minutes.":"“竞技”类的优胜者是 Exoracer,这是一款“对技能有一定要求的多人平台/竞速混合游戏”,你可以和 Discord 上的朋友展开竞争,看看谁能在两分钟内以最快的速度完成关卡。","#Think of it as “Geometry Dash meets Trackmania,” says Nyan Studio Games, the game’s dev team. \"It comes with a super powerful level editor so you can make and share your own levels. It also has a visual scripting language to add custom logic to your levels.”":"游戏开发团队 Nyan Studio Games 表示,可以把它想象成“Geometry Dash 与 Trackmania 的结合体”。“游戏还提供超强大的关卡编辑器,玩家可以制作和分享自己的关卡。还有可视化脚本语言,方便玩家在关卡里添加自定义逻辑。”","#It’s got simple one-button controls and its levels can be run through pretty quickly, letting you spend the rest of two minutes replaying the level while you wait and fine-tuning your path. Whoever in your lobby gets the best track time within two minutes wins!":"游戏采用简单的一键式控制,通关速度极快,您可以用两分钟里剩下的时间完成等待、调整和重玩关卡。在同一大厅里的玩家,谁能在两分钟内创造最佳记录时间,谁就是赢家!","#If time trials or speedrunning is your jam, you’ll wanna check this one out during the voting period in the Discord Town Hall server.":"如果您是计时赛或速通高手,那就千万不能在投票期间错过 Discord 市政厅服务器里的 Exoracer。","#Game, Set, MATCH! Your Discord App Pitches category winners for 2024 are here!":"结果揭晓!2024 年 Discord APP 选拔赛类别优胜者登场!","#An MMO adventure within a Discord Activity where your progress is saved, letting you launch the game in any voice channel in the Discord Town Hall server? Sign us up!

Soulbound is this year’s “Adventure Together” winner. Developed by Webb Technology LTD, they call it “an entire MMO running in Discord Activities. Players starting the Activity will automatically log in using Discord and will be able to see other players in the same activity session in their social menu, similar to how parties work [in other online multiplayer games]. This allows players to easily identify those who are in the Activity together, and party up to co-op in our roguelike dungeons, or travel the large and persistent world together to complete quests and build up their skills and experience.”":"希望 Discord 小活动推出能够随时保存进度的 MMO 冒险游戏,而且 Discord 市政厅服务器的任何语音频道里都可以启动?这就来了!

Soulbound 是今年的“共同冒险”优胜者。开发团队 Webb Technology LTD 宣称这是“可以在 Discord 小活动里完整运行的 MMO。启动小活动后,玩家会自动使用 Discord 账号登录,还可以在社交菜单中看到同一小活动会话中的其他玩家,跟其他在线多人游戏没有太大区别。玩家一眼就能看清小活动里还有哪些伙伴,方便地组队探索 rougelike 地牢,或者和同伴们一起游历广阔的永恒世界,共同完成任务、磨炼技能、累积经验。”","#Sometimes, MMOs can be daunting to get into — it’s much easier to check things out and see if you’ll like it when you can launch the game in just one click in Discord! Pop into the Town Hall server and give it a shot yourself during the voting period.":"MMO 游戏有时候很难上手,但如果只需要在 Discord 中轻轻点击一下就可以开始冒险之旅,游戏体验一定就会友好很多!别忘了在投票期间进入市政厅服务器亲自尝试一下。","#Rock, paper… paper! Wait, hang on… paper… paper, paper! Papery Match!

Papery Match is a deck-building battler from a team named “We Cannot Speak English (WCSE).” With a simple Rock-Paper-Scissors-like core at its combat, players bring five cards of their choice into battle and pick just three of them to fight. Your opponent can see what you bring, but not what you actually play until it’s time to fight.":"Rock,Paper……Paper!等一下,等等……Paper……Paper,Paper!Papery Match!

Papery Match 是由“We Cannot Speak English (WCSE)”团队开发的卡牌构建战斗游戏。战斗的核心玩法十分简单,类似石头剪刀布,玩家可以选择五张牌参加战斗,但只使用其中三张对战。对手可以看到玩家的牌面,但开始战斗后才会知道实际会出示哪三张牌。","#It’s got some adorable artwork that’s sure to bring a bit of cheer into the competition. Play a few matches with a friend, or watch your friends duel each other — you’ll be rewarded whether you play or watch!":"游戏里有不少可以为战斗增添几分乐趣的可爱美术设计。您可以和朋友玩几场比赛,也可以见证朋友决斗——战斗和旁观都有奖励!","#Deck-building and collecting cards go hand-in-hand, which is why it’s the winner of the Collect & Create category. Down the road, you’ll be able to use rewards gained from both playing or predicting as a spectator to obtain new cards and ways to customize your in-game avatar. Both are cosmetic, so no worrying about long-time players having more powerful cards.":"牌组构建和收集卡牌密不可分,这也是 Papery Match 在收集和创造类别脱颖而出的原因。随着游戏推进,您可以通过战斗或作为观众预测结果获得奖励,再用它们换取新卡牌和自定义游戏内形象的道具。两者都只能用于装饰,所以不用担心老玩家会拥有更强大的卡牌,遥遥领先。","#Play a few rounds or spectate some others in the Discord Town Hall server during the voting period!":"别忘了投票期间来 Discord 市政厅服务器玩几轮,或者欣赏别人战斗!","#How well do you know your friends? Or, do you want to get to know your newest friends even better? Gather around in voice chat and form a Magic Circle!":"您有多了解您的朋友?或者有没有想过要和新朋友加深交流?那就在语音聊天里一起创造 Magic Circle 吧!","#For this year’s Discord App Pitches, we asked the developer community to pitch their Activity prototypes. You know, those games and apps that can be enjoyed anywhere you talk on Discord, whether in the middle of the late-night call or a server’s text channel.":"在今年的 Discord App 选拔赛中,我们邀请开发者社区以小活动原型展开角逐。正如大家所知,这些游戏和应用都可以在所有 Discord 聊天场景下运行,深夜通话和服务器文字频道都包括在内。","#Magic Circle, from the self-named Magic Circle Studio, lets you get to know the people in your friend group better by asking questions about your particular friends… or outwit them with game modes that try and let you outsmart your friends. Its cozy aesthetic and friendly vibes helped it win the Chill category.":"Magic Circle 得名于开发团队 Magic Circle Studio,您可以在游戏里向朋友提出问题,相互加深了解……也可以在游戏模式里智取朋友。优美的画面和友好的氛围是它成为休闲类优胜者的关键。","#Knowing your friends well has its benefits in Magic Circle, too! The studio explains, “Daily challenges and leaderboards keep players coming back for more — and as you play, you’ll unlock cosmetics for your character and decorations for your server’s treehouse! Customize everything you play with custom content packs, created by and for your community!”":"了解朋友也会让您在 Magic Circle 里占据优势!开发团队表示:“每日挑战和排行榜会让玩家玩得停不下来——玩游戏的同时可以解锁角色的化妆品和服务器树屋的装饰品!社区创造的自定义包可以自定义游戏里的一切,游戏里的成就又能回馈社区!”","#Hop into the Discord Town Hall server with your friends and see who knows each other the most! Maybe you’ll even meet some new friends along the way.":"和朋友一起进入 Discord 市政厅服务器,看看谁最了解彼此!说不定还能在游戏里结识新朋友哦。","#There are a lot of Match 3 games out there, but none of them have the unique blend of Match 3, Multiplayer, and Card Games that Clash Gem Card Party by Amateru brings to the table. Or… to the deck? Either way, its mix of puzzlers and deckbuilding helped it win the Wildcard category for App Pitches 2024.":"市面上有很多三消类型的游戏,但 Amateru 开发的 Clash Gem Card Party 独树一帜,没有哪款游戏能够如此完美地融合三消、多人游戏和卡牌游戏。这款游戏结合了解谜和卡牌构建,因此荣获 2024 年 App 选拔赛的无限制类别冠军。","#The goal is, of course, to match the colored gems! But don’t go straight in the gem field — you’ll instead rely on a hand of cards from a deck you bring into the game, letting you do things like explode specific gems or focus on a certain color rather than just clicking like crazy.":"游戏目标当然是让颜色一样的宝石聚集在一起!但不能直接操作宝石,您要依靠卡牌完成操作,比如爆破特定的宝石或一心对付某种颜色的宝石,疯狂点击是行不通的。","#It’s an easily understood concept with a strategic card-based twist that’ll make you stop and think about your next play. Try it out in a solo game, or see who can get the highest score in multiplayer in the Discord Town Hall server!":"游戏概念很容易理解,但要在卡牌的基础上施展一点手段,您必须停下来思索下一步策略。您可以在单人游戏里独自摸索,也可以在 Discord 市政厅服务器的多人游戏中竞争最高分!","#Help Vote on the Grand Prize Winner!":"投票选出您心目中的大奖赢家!","#If you haven’t caught it yet, you can try out all of the Activity prototypes listed above in the Discord Town Hall server for a limited time only, between June 27, 2024, and July 11, 2024! We’ll update this blog post on July 15th, 2024 with the Grand Prize winner and recipient of up to $30,000.":"还没行动起来的玩家可以在上文的
Discord 市政厅服务器中尝试小活动原型,但仅限 2024 年 6 月 27 日至 2024 年 7 月 11 日!我们将在 2024 年 7 月 15 日更新这篇博文,并公布大奖得主、最高 30,000 美元的获得者。","#Bring some friends hop into an active VC in the Discord Town Hall server and try ‘em all out! And consider sticking around in the Town Hall community afterward, we’d love to have ya.":"和三五朋友一起加入 Discord 市政厅服务器中的活跃 VC,一一尝试!我们也欢迎您加入市政厅社区。","#We received thousands of entries for potential Activities on Discord this year, which is incredibly impressive with this year's competition requiring entrants to submit a playable prototype. Out of all the entries, five made it to the top.":"我们今年在 Discord 上收到了数千份颇有潜力的小活动作品,实在是有些出人意料,因为今年的比赛要求参赛者提交可以实际操作的原型。在这其中,有五项作品名列前茅。","#Read more about the final judging process in the Discord App Pitches 2024 Terms and Conditions page.":"更多有关最终评审的内容请参阅 2024 年 Discord App 选拔赛条款和条件页面。","#Compete Winner":"竞技类优胜者","#Adventure Together Winner":"共同冒险类优胜者","#Collect & Create Winner":"收集与创造类优胜者","#Chill Winner":"类别优胜者","#Wildcard Winner":"无限制类优胜者","#Vote on the Grand Prize Winner":"为大奖获得者投票","#The following five Category Winners are eligible to receive up to $15,000 USD, as described in the terms and conditions.":"以下五个类别的优胜者会获得最高 15,000 美元的奖金,具体金额请参阅条款和条件。","#“Compete” winner: Exoracer":"“竞技类”优胜者:Exoracer","#“Adventure Together” winner: Soulbound":"“共同冒险类”优胜者:Soulbound","#“Collect & Create” winner: Papery Match":"“收集与创造类”优胜者:Papery Match","#“Chill” winner: Magic Circle":"“休闲类”优胜者:Magic Circle","#Understanding and Avoiding Common Scams":"理解及避免常见骗局","#Social engineering is a manipulation tactic used by bad actors to trick individuals into divulging sensitive or personal information. The bad actor often poses as a trustworthy entity, offering a seemingly beneficial exchange of information. In its most basic form on our platform, social engineering is manipulating people to give their login credentials to an attacker.":"社交工程是不良分子用以诱骗个人泄露敏感信息或个人信息的一种操纵策略。坏人往往会冒充可靠的实体,提供看似有利的信息交流。在我们的平台上,社交工程的最基本形式就是操纵他人向攻击者提供登录凭证。","#Discord Staff Impersonation":"伪装 Discord 工作人员","#Sometimes attackers try to impersonate Discord staff to gather information. To use this tactic, they hack into Discord accounts, then convince an account’s friends list that they've “accidentally reported them.” They encourage them to reach out to \"Discord Employees\" to resolve the issue.":"有时,攻击者会试图冒充 Discord 工作人员收集信息。为了使用这种策略,他们会黑入 Discord 账号,然后让该账号列表上的好友相信自己“不小心举报了他们”,然后鼓励他们联系“Discord 员工”来解决这个问题。","#These impersonators often copy social media profiles onto Discord accounts, produce fake resumes, and may even claim their staff badges are hidden for safety reasons. The end goal is to trick you into surrendering your account information, paying for their fraudulent services to “undo the report,” and acquiring your financial assets.":"这些冒充者通常会将交媒体上的个人资料复制到 Discord 账号上,制作假简历,甚至会声称出于安全原因隐藏了自己的员工徽章。最终目的是诱骗您交出账号信息,为他们的诈骗服务支付费用以“撤销举报”,并获取您的经济资产。","#Discord Staff will never directly message users on the app for support or account-related inquiries. If someone claiming to be staff asks for personal information, payment, or changes to your login credentials, we recommend that you do not engage further. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here.":"Discord 工作人员不会在应用程序上向用户发送私信进行技术支持或与账号相关的问询。如果有人声称是工作人员并要求您提供个人信息、支付款项或更改您的登录凭证,我们建议您不要继续参与。所有 Discord 用户都可以按照此处的说明在应用程序中举报违规行为。","#Discord Staff are one of many groups that may be impersonated. Similar actions may occur for other companies as well, so be wary of accounts that may impersonate Support or Safety related questions in other companies too. In general, if you need support at any company, it is wise to go the official source instead.":"Discord 工作人员只是众多可能被冒充的群体之一。其他公司也可能会发生类似的情况,因此请警惕可能冒充技术支持或安全相关问题的账号。一般来说,如果您需要向任何公司寻求技术支持,最好通过官方渠道取得联系。","#You can always verify your account standing directly from Discord by going into User Settings > Privacy & Safety > Standing. Learn more about account standing here.":"您随时都可以验证您的账号信誉,直接从 Discord 前往用户设置 > 隐私与安全 > 账号信誉即可。了解更多关于账号信誉的信息,请前往此处。","#Impersonated Discord DMs":"冒充 Discord 私信","#Attackers may also resort to impersonating official Discord responses through user accounts or bots. Typically, these messages include threats to your account standing if you do not comply with their demands. An official Discord DM will never ask for your password or account token, and will always display a staff badge on the profile, as well a system badge which says “Official.’":"攻击者还可能会通过用户账号或机器人冒充 Discord 官方回复。通常情况下,这些消息包括威胁您的账号信誉(如果您不遵照他们的要求)。官方 Discord 私信绝不会要求您提供密码或账号令牌,且始终会在个人资料页面上显示员工徽章,以及写有“官方”(Official)字样的系统徽章。","#Malware Tricks":"恶意软件侵害","#Malware often finds its way onto a device through downloads of malicious files. These files may appear harmless or even enticing—like a game from a friend. But once downloaded and run, they can give bad actors access to your login credentials, email addresses, and even your entire device.":"恶意软件通常会通过恶意文件下载的方式进入设备。这些文件看似无害,甚至相当诱人,比如好友赠送的游戏。一旦下载并运行,它们就会给不良分子提供登录凭证、电子邮箱地址,甚至您的整个设备。","#Malicious Links and Fake Nitro Giveaways":"恶意链接和虚假 Nitro 赠品","#Always exercise caution when clicking on links that will take you off of Discord, even when they appear to come from friends or promise rewards like free Nitro.":"点击带您离开 Discord 的跳转链接时请务必小心,即使这些链接看似来自好友或承诺提供免费 Nitro 等奖励。","#When you click on a link given to you, a pop up will show that you are leaving Discord and it will display the website you are being redirected to. It is advised to check the link to make sure you are going to the place that is intended.":"当您点击向您提供的链接时,弹窗将提示您正在离开 Discord,并显示您即将跳转的网址。建议您检查链接,以确保您前往的是目标网站。","#Reporting Scams":"举报诈骗","#Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. Stay vigilant and informed to protect yourself and your digital assets.":"举报违反安全规定行为对于维护您与 Discord 社区的安全至关重要。所有 Discord 用户都可以按照此处的说明在应用程序中举报违规行为。保持警惕并了解相关信息,以保护您与您的数字资产。","#Scams go against Discord’s Community Guidelines, and when we see this kind of activity, we take action, which can include banning users, shutting down servers and engaging with authorities. We are committed to reducing scams through technical interventions and continuously invest in safety enhancements and partner with third parties to accelerate our work.":"诈骗违反了 Discord 的《社区守则》,当我们发现此类活动时,会采取措施,包括封禁用户、关闭服务器并联络当局。我们致力于通过技术干预来减少诈骗行为,不断投资增强安全措施,并与第三方合作加快相关工作的进程。","#For more information you can read our Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer as well as our Identity and Authenticity Policy Explainer.":"如需了解更多信息,请阅读我们的《欺骗性行为政策说明》以及我们的《身份和真实性政策说明》。","#Editor's Note: Check out our latest article for the most up to date information on common scams and how to protect yourself here.":"编者注:请前往此处查看我们的最新文章,了解常见骗局以及如何自我保护的相关信息 。","#From profile hijacking and personal information leaks to financial losses, scams can have serious consequences. However, with the right knowledge and precautions, you can guard yourself against these threats. This article will explain some of the common scams that you may encounter while using Discord or elsewhere online. For more tips, check out this article about how to further protect yourself against scams.":"从个人资料劫持、个人信息泄露到经济损失,诈骗可能会造成各种严重的后果。不过,有了正确的知识和预防措施,您就可以防范这些威胁。本文将讲解您在使用 Discord 或其他在线场景时可能遇到的一些常见骗局。如需更多提示,请参阅这篇文章,了解如何进一步保护自己免遭诈骗。","#Thank you to everyone who played and voted for their favorite Activity in the Discord Town Hall Server
":"谢谢所有尝试了小活动以及在 Discord 市政厅(Town Hall)服务器
为小活动投票的玩家","#Grand Prize Winner!":"大奖得主!","#Category Winners!":"类别优胜者","#Unlock a World of Perks with Nitro":"加入 Nitro,解锁特权世界","#Presenting Your App Pitches 2024 Winners!":"2024 年 Discord APP 选拔赛大奖得主出炉!","#July 15, 2024":"2024 年 7 月15 日","#Continue reading for the original article containing the finalists, including our Grand Prize Winner!":"下面是之前介绍决赛入围者的文章,包括我们的大奖得主,敬请继续阅读!","#You played, you voted, and you probably played a bunch more after voting… we have some exciting news about this year’s Discord App Pitches!":"大家在小活动里驰骋,投出了宝贵的一票,也许投票之后又一头扎进了小活动的海洋……那么我们马上就要宣布今年 Discord APP 选拔赛激动人心的最终结果!","#We trimmed it down to the category winners in this article, tallied up your votes, and brought our judges together for one final decision: deciding which team becomes the Grand Prize Winner of up to $30,000!":"本文的主角是大奖得主,我们统计了大家的投票,所有评委共同选拔出了可以获得 30,000 美元大奖的团队!","#Drumroll please... 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁":"此处应有鼓声 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁","#IT’S SOULBOUND!":"冠军是 SOULBOUND!","#Read up on the winning team’s submission by hopping to their section here! Congrats to the Webb Technology LTD team! We can’t wait to see how Soulbound and the rest of the category winners take shape as they further develop their Activities. <3":"点击链接直接跳转到冠军团队的页面!恭喜 Webb Technology LTD 团队!请 Soulbound 和其他类别奖项得主再接再厉,期待你们开发出更加精彩的小活动。<3","#The creativity doesn’t end here though! If you’re looking to bring your own Activity to Discord, consider building it today! Coming soon, any developer will be able to release their game or Activity on Discord and opt-in to easy user discovery, giving friends even more ways to have fun with their favorite people.":"创意永无止境!如果您也想在 Discord 的小活动里大展拳脚,今天就行动起来吧!在不久的将来,每一位开发者都可以在 Discord 上发布游戏或小活动,加入 Discord 就可以拥有便捷的服务器发现功能,让您和朋友共同度过更加多姿多彩的快乐时光。","#Soulbound stole the hearts of our judges and users in Discord Town Hall. Throughout the two-week voting period, Soulbound consistently held over 50% of the votes and saw the most repeat usage among any category winner in the server. Our Judges are very excited about the potential of an MMO Activity on Discord and look forward to working with the Soulbound team as they add more social elements for players to enjoy with their friends.":"Soulbound 俘获了 Discord 市政厅(Town Hall)里每一位评委和用户的心。在为期两周的投票角逐中,Soulbound 的得票率始终超过 50%,复用率也超过了所有其他类别优胜者。作为一款 MMO 游戏,Soulbound 能够在 Discord 平台上展现出如此巨大的潜力,令所有评委都激动万分,他们也期待着未来和 Soulbound 团队一起添加更多能够和朋友共享的社交元素。","#We hope you had fun trying out the category winners in our Town Hall server. For now, you can play the Activities listed here (and more!) in any place you can talk on Discord: in a server’s voice and text channels, and DM calls with your friends.":"希望市政厅服务器里的其他类别获奖游戏都让大家度过了愉快的时光。您现在可以在所有 Discord 聊天场景下享受此处列出的小活动(当然还有更多小活动等着您发现!),包括服务器的语音和文字频道,以及您与朋友的私信通话。","#WHO LIVES ON YOUR PROFILE FOR ALL TO SEE? 🎶 SPONGEBOB, IN THE SHOP!":"是谁住在您的个人资料里?🎶海绵宝宝!","#July 18, 2024":"2024 年 7 月18 日","#Use the Flower Cloud decoration to add underwater accents to your avatar, or frame your profile icon perfectly in between a pair of inflatable MuscleBob arms. Plus, there are multiple character-themed decorations to act like you’re cosplaying as SpongeBob, Patrick, or Sandy Cheeks.":"您可以使用花朵云装饰给您的头像增添一丝水下世界的风情,或者用大块头海绵宝宝的超壮胳膊为您的个人资料图标增添趣味。另外,还有多款角色主题装饰,让您的形象直接化身成为海绵宝宝、派大星或珊迪。","#Along with these new underwater auras for your profile icon, you’ll also find five profile effects available in the Shop, letting your Discord profile pop with even more SpongeBob characters and designs, including DoodleBob, Plankton, and ✨Handsome ✨Squidward.":"除了这些新的水光粼粼的图标装饰,您还可以在商店里找到五款个人资料特效,包括铅笔宝宝、痞老板和✨帅气✨的章鱼哥,让您的 Discord 个人资料具海绵宝宝特色。","#Put any of these on your profile and you’ll look like you deserve to be in a frame and placed next to your dozens of Employee of the Month awards.":"挂上这些装饰后,你的个人资料会格外耀眼,仿佛应该被裱起来,与你众多的月度最佳员工奖一同接受众人瞩目一样。","#Peer Towards the Shop on Desktop, iOS, and now, Android!":"在桌面端、iOS 和现在的 Android 端上浏览商店!","#The Shop is available wherever you use Discord! Unless you’re miles under the sea, in which case, you might have connection issues.":"只要能登录 Discord,就可以访问商店!海底几公里深处可能不行,那儿网速应该不太好。","#On desktop or web, click the Discord logo on the top-left of the app, then select the Shop tab under the Nitro button!":"在桌面端或网页端,点击 App 左上角的 Discord 标志,然后在 Nitro 按钮下选择“商店”页签!","#On iOS or Android, head to the “You” tab where you can view your (soon-to-be-spiffier) profile. On the top-right, tap the Shop icon, and you’re in!":"在 iOS 或 Android 端,进入“您”页签,在这里,您可以看到您(即将变得更加炫酷)的个人资料。点击右上角的商店图标,就可以进入商店了!","#Check out the SpongeBob Collection":"查看《海绵宝宝》收藏系列","#Visit the Shop Today!":"今天就来逛逛商店吧!","#Gather around and listen ‘ere: we have some nautical news to disperse from the deep blue sea.":"大家快站过来认真地听:一条来自海底的重磅消息。","#A preview of two profiles wearing SpongeBob SquarePants-themed Avatar Decorations & Profile Effects.":"2 款《海绵宝宝》主题头像装饰和个人资料特效预览","#A preview of the seven SpongeBob SquarePants-themed Avatar Decorations.":"七款《海绵宝宝》主题的头像装饰预览","#A preview of the Shop, with the SpongeBob collection displayed prominently.":"商店预览内容,突出展示了《海绵宝宝》收藏系列。","#July 17th is the 25th anniversary of SpongeBob SquarePants! You’ve most definitely heard of him. There’s a good chance you have a favorite SpongeBob quote memorized. Or if neither of those are you, you’ve at least been replied to with a GIF or meme from SpongeBob once in your life. SpongeBob has absorbed the world’s hearts over the last 25 years!":"7 月 17 日是《海绵宝宝》开播 25 周年纪念日!您一定听说过他吧?或许您还能回忆起一两句他的经典台词。即便您不是他的粉丝,海绵宝宝的 GIF 表情包和梗图也一定曾让您会心一笑。在这 25 年中,海绵宝宝俘获了全世界的心!","#Paddle your way toward the Shop to check out the collection and firmly grasp the items you like the most on desktop, iOS, and now: Android! If you’re a Nitro member, you can purchase items from the SpongeBob collection, along with anything else in the Shop, at a discounted rate.":"赶快来商店看看这次的收藏系列吧。无论您是使用桌面端、iOS 还是现在的 Android 端,都能找到您心仪的商品!如果您是 Nitro 会员,您还能以优惠价格购买海绵宝宝系列以及商店里其他所有商品。","#Use the blurple button below to jump straight to the Shop in your web browser, or read on to get a preview of what these porous profile decorations look like.":"点击下方蓝紫色按钮,即可在您的浏览器中直接访问商店。您也可以继续阅读这篇博客,抢先了解这些满身洞洞的个人资料装饰。","#Visit the Shop":"访问商店","#Feast Yer Eyes on the SpongeBob SquarePants Collection":"在《海绵宝宝》收藏系列里大饱眼福","#Join Nitro & Get 1 Month Free During our Summer Promo":"在夏日大促期间加入 Nitro,额外赠送 1 个月会员","#A banner that says “Discord Nitro, Buy One Get One.” A wizard is casting fireballs into the sky with Nitro logos on them from his magic wand.":"一条横幅,上书“Discord Nitro,买一送一”。一位巫师用魔杖向天空投掷带有 Nitro 标志的火球。","#If you qualify for Summer BOGO, your screen should look something likeee this:":"如果您有资格参加夏季买一送一(BOGO)活动,屏幕会显示:","#You’ll qualify for the promo and see the screen above if you meet the following criteria:":"符合下列条件的用户有资格参加大促,屏幕上会出现上文的横幅:","#You haven’t had a Nitro subscription in the past 10 days prior to the promotion claim date.":"您未在大促开始前 10 日内订阅 Nitro。","#Or, you’re looking to upgrade your Nitro Basic or Classic plan to Nitro.":"或者您准备将 Nitro Basic 或 Nitro Classic 升级至 Nitro。","#You reside in a region that qualifies for this Nitro promotion.":"你需居住在可以参加 Nitro 大促的地区。","#You have a form of payment method to use on your new membership!":"您可以为新会员选择付款方式!","#You’ll have to sign up for Nitro through either the web or desktop app.":"您必须通过网页或桌面版注册 Nitro。","#Don’t see a snazzy promo banner? For more info on who qualifies for this summer’s Nitro BOGO promo, take a peek at our help center article here.":"没看到华丽的大促横幅?请参阅帮助中心文章,进一步了解 Nitro 夏季买一送一(BOGO)大促的资格要求。","#What’s the hubbub about Nitro?":"Nitro 到底有哪些有趣之处?","#You may be asking yourself: What’s so cool about Nitro? Well, let me tell you… SO MUCH is cool about Nitro. We’ve talked a good amount about Nitro on the Blog, so here’s a handy collection of helpful blog posts and pages alllll about Nitro:":"您可能会问:Nitro 到底有什么好玩的?这就给您一一道来……Nitro 简直是欢乐的海洋。我们已经在博客上介绍了很多有关 Nitro 的内容,下面为您整理了干货满满的 Nitro 博文和页面:","#The season of stress-free celebration and spending time with your friends even more has finally arrived… it’s summertiiiime! If your summer plans involve using Discord in some way, you’ll wanna check out Discord Nitro: it’s a way to unlock a world of perks and buff your experience while hanging out on Discord! And we’ve got a summertime special for future Nitro members that’s burnin’ to be shared:":"终于又到了每年的这个时候,肆意庆祝、和朋友共度更多时光的季节……夏天来了!如果您打算和 Discord 共度夏日,那就一定要看看 Discord Nitro:您可以一边在 Discord 上闲逛,一边解锁各种特权,收获满满的快乐!我们为未来的 Nitro 会员准备了火热滚烫的夏季特惠,马上就和大家分享:","#The Nitro Beginner’s Guide: What’s it even about? How does it work? Did we not hype up Nitro enough somehow?! Here’s a quick overview of Discord Nitro.":"Nitro 初学者指南:Nitro 是什么?有哪些用途?我们是不是没有充分宣传 Nitro?!现在为您简要介绍 Discord Nitro。","#How to Create & Use Custom Emoji: Hype, roast, and meme using custom emoji in any conversation. Get a head start on making and sharing them with your friends.":"如何创建和使用自定义表情符号:在所有对话里都可以使用自定义表情符号吹彩虹屁、吐槽和玩梗。赶在朋友前面开始制作和分享自己的表情吧。","#Add Some Color to the App: Make Discord match your vibe with over 20 different colored themes. They’re usable for Nitro members on both desktop and mobile.":"为应用程序添加色彩:使用 20 种以上的颜色主题给 Discord 打造出您心仪的氛围。Nitro 会员可以在桌面和移动设备上使用。","#Use Your Member-Only Discount in the Shop: Nitro members get a sweet discount on trinkets for your profile in the Shop. Buy something nice for yourself, or gift it to a friend!":"在商店中使用会员专属折扣:Nitro 会员在商店购买头像装饰时可享受超值折扣。给自己一点小奖励,也可以送朋友点小礼物!","#Sign up for a monthly membership? Get an extra month. Buy a year of Nitro upfront? Get an extra month. It’s one more month with a premium Discord experience, with higher-quality screen share, the power to use your custom emojis and stickers anywhere, and upgrades to make your profile shine like the summer sun.":"想注册月度会员吗?我们会额外赠送一个月。要预购一年的 Nitro 会员吗?我们也会额外赠送一个月。整整一个月的高级 Discord 会员体验哦,享受更高质量的屏幕分享、随时随地使用自定义表情符号和贴纸,还可以将您的个人资料升级得和夏日骄阳一样闪耀。","#Convinced about Nitro yet? Remember: this summer BOGO deal is rolling out as you read this (woah!) and is available until July 31, 2024, so hop into the desktop and web apps and order some Nitro with a side of Nitro today before it melts away! The sun is extra hot this year, ya’know?":"对 Nitro 心动了吗?别忘了:您在阅读本文的时候,夏季买一送一(BOGO)优惠正在火热进行中(哇!),有效期至 2024 年 7 月 31 日,赶紧跳转到桌面和网页 App 购买 Nitro 会员,切勿错失良机!时间不等人啊!","#You can find more details about this promo here.":"大促的更多细节见链接。","#Rolling out starting today and lasting until July 31, 2024, double up on summer fun and get an extra month for free when you sign up for Discord Nitro!":"从今天开始到 2024 年 7 月 31 日,注册 Discord Nitro 就可获得双倍夏日乐趣,还有额外一个月的免费会员!","#A preview of the Nitro Promo banner inside the Nitro tab on desktop.":"桌面 Nitro 页签中出现 Nitro 大促的横幅预览。","#A demonstration of the Custom Emoji Nitro perk. Nitro is letting the user access their emojis from all their servers to use in their conversation.":"自定义表情符号特权演示。Nitro 用户可以在所有服务器的对话中使用表情符号。","#I told my boss that this year, we should call this “B.O.N.G.O.M.F.” for “Buy One Nitro, Get One Month Free,” but he told me to “begone” instead. One of my acronyms will be used eventually…":"我跟老板说,今年我们应该把“买一个 Nitro,免费送一个月”叫做“B.O.N.G.O.M.F.”,他却嫌太长。其实,我也可以琢磨一个更短的缩写……","#This sweet Nitro offer is available on desktop and the web app, and you’ll need to link a payment method to your account to start your new Nitro membership. This list of important legal terms applies!":"桌面客户端和网页版都可以享受特惠,在账户上添加付款方式就可以开始 Nitro 新会员之旅。 也请看看重要的法律条款!","#How to Check if You Qualify for Nitro Summer BOGO":"如何得知自己有无资格享受 Nitro 夏季买一送一(BOGO)优惠","#Knowing if you’re eligible for our summer promo is pretty easy— it’s in a spot you may already regularly visit on the desktop and web apps!":"非常简单,答案就在你可能会经常访问的桌面和网页应用程序里!","#To see if you’re eligible for our Nitro Buy-One-Get-One-(Month) deal, first make sure your app is up to date. Then, click the Discord button on the top-left corner of the desktop or web app, then click the “Nitro” that appears next to it.":"要查看您是否有资格享受我们的 Nitro 买一送一(月)优惠,请首先确保您的应用程序已更新至最新版本,然后点击桌面或网页版左上角的 Discord 按钮,再点击旁边出现的“Nitro”。","#Or, if you want to speedrun opening the Nitro tab on desktop, press the big blurple button below and you’ll be escorted directly to the Nitro tab on the desktop app:":"如果您想在桌面上快速打开 Nitro 页签,请按下方的蓝紫色大按钮,这就可以直接进入桌面终端的 Nitro 页签:","#Contact Us":"联系我们","#If you reside in the Republic of Korea, you can contact Yulchon LLC, Discord's appointed representative for data protection matters related to the processing of personal data, using the email address: Yulchon_Discord_PA@yulchon.com or via telephone at 02-528-5200. Yulchon LLC's mailing address is:":"如果您的居住地为大韩民国,可以联系 Discord 指定的 个人数据保护事务代表 Yulchon LLC,电子邮件地址 Yulchon_Discord_PA@yulchon.com,电话 02-528-5200。Yulchon LLC 邮寄地址为:","#We collect personal information for the business and commercial purposes described in the “How we use your information” section of Discord’s Privacy Policy.":"我们出于《Discord 隐私政策》中的“我们如何使用您的信息”章节所述的业务和商业目的收集个人信息。","#Take space, make space":"占领空间,共享天地","#Inclusivity":"包容","#Know the Discord deets":"掌握 DISCORD 的方方面面","#On Discord, you should feel empowered to share the version of yourself that you feel most comfortable being. All teens have the right to find community and to engage in safe spaces as themselves.":"Discord 是一个让你自由表达、舒适做自己的地方。每位青少年都有权找到属于自己的社群,并以真实的自我共享安全的交流空间。","#We believe you should be in control of how much personal information you share on Discord. Teens also have a responsibility to protect each other’s information too; this may look like asking before sharing someone else’s information.":"我们认为,在 Discord 上分享哪些个人信息的掌控权应该握在你自己手中。同时,青少年也有责任保护彼此的信息,例如在分享他人信息之前先征求对方的同意。","#TAKE SPACE, MAKE SPACE":"占领空间,共享天地","#INCLUSIVITY":"包容","#Created with teens, for teens.":"与青少年携手,为青少年打造。","#Teens should feel that they can express their thoughts and Opinions and support other teens to do the same. On Discord, you should be able to express yourself freely as long as it doesn’t end up harming someone else.":"青少年应当有权利自由表达个人观点和见解,并相互支持彼此的表达自由。在 Discord,你可以畅所欲言,但前提是不要伤害他人。","#WHAT’S YOURS IS YOURS":"你的就是你的","#PRIVACY":"隐私","#KNOW THE DISCORD DEETS":"掌握 DISCORD 的方方面面","#TRANSPARENCY":"透明","#We want you to have a clear understanding of how Discord collects, and uses, and protects your information, how content moderation decisions are made, and how your account status can be impacted. It’s on us to make sure you continually feel like you know what’s going on.":"我们希望你能清楚地了解 Discord 收集、使用和保护你的信息的具体方式,内容管理的决策流程,以及你的账号状态可能受到的影响。我们有责任保持透明,让你随时了解最新信息。","#Server moderators and administrators also have a unique vantage point and use tools to help maintain a healthy environment. When you don’t have to think about protecting yourself, then we’re doing our job.":"服务器管理员和管理员还有一个独特的优势,可以使用各种工具来保持健康的环境。当你无需分心考虑安全问题时,那就说明我们的职责已经履行到位。","#We heard from teens that some of you have developed skills to make an assessment and take action to keep yourself safe. Know that you don’t have to do it alone - we have your back and work endlessly to keep you safe while protecting your privacy.
。","#This may come
as a surprise,":"你也许会感到
意外,","#recognizing poor form":"识别不良行为","#Hoges message is UNACCEPTABLE":"霍格的消息不可接受","#Do you think Jesu’s message is acceptable conduct?":"你认为杰苏的消息是可以接受的吗?","#Jesu's message is
不可接受","#Do you think this friend request is acceptable conduct on Discord?":"你认为在 Discord 上该好友请求是可以接受的吗?","#This friend request is likely UNACCEPTABLE":"该好友请求可能不可接受","#but the person writing these words is not a teen.":"写下这些文字的人并非青少年。","#NoFiltr is a leading digital safety initiative, powered by Thorn – a nonprofit organization that builds technology to defend children from sexual abuse. NoFiltr aims to empower youth with knowledge and resources to safely navigate the complex dynamic of online spaces and shares real experiences and advice, for youth, with the help of youth perspectives. For more information, visit nofiltr.org.
":"NoFiltr 是一项领先的数字安全倡议,由非盈利组织 Thorn 提供支持,该机构专注于构建技术防线,保护儿童免受性侵害。NoFiltr 旨在赋予年轻人知识和资源,增强年轻人在网络空间中安全行动的能力,并借助年轻人的视角,与同龄人分享真实的经验和建议。如需了解更多信息,请访问 nofiltr.org
","#A Charter 
for a Better Place to 
Play & Chill Together":"共创理想玩乐休闲平台的章程","#This may come as a surprise":"你也许会感到意外","#So while we’re not experts in what it feels like to be a teen right now, we are experts in building digital spaces where you and your friends can play and chill.":"不过,我们虽然不是研究青少年心理的专家,但我们擅长构建数字平台,让你们和朋友可以在那里尽情玩乐和放松。","#And because you’re great at knowing what it’s like to be you, a teen, we have worked closely with teen users globally (30+ focus groups!) to understand what matters most to make your experiences safe.":"而你们作为青少年,当然最了解青少年的需求和体验。于是我们与全球青少年用户(超过30个专题小组!)密切合作,旨在理解并满足你们对于安全体验的需求。","#This set of principles represent the expectations teens have of each other and of Discord. Whether you’re new to Discord or a long time user, this charter is key to keep in mind and hold each other and us accountable to - so everyone can have a safe experience. These principles will help inform product and policy improvements that make Discord a better place to play and chill.":"这套准则反映了青少年群体内部及对 Discord 平台的共同期望。无论你是 Discord 的新用户还是老用户,都请牢记这份章程,并提醒我们相互监督,共同维护一个安全的使用环境。这些原则将是我们改进产品和政策的重要参考,努力将 Discord 打造成更好的玩乐休闲平台。","#Come as you are":"做最真实的自己","#What’s yours is yours":"你的就是你的","#We strongly recommend to only accept friend requests from users you recognize. At any time, you can change your Friend Requests settings to adjust who is allowed to send you a friend request.
","#A Guardian’s Guide to Discord":"Discord 的《监护人指南》","#Download Guardian’s Guide":"下载《监护人指南》","#More Resources for Parents and Educators":"更多分享给家长和教育者的资源","#July 31, 2024":"2024 年 7 月31 日","#See What’s Up":"一眼看清大家动态","#Watch Discord streams from your Xbox":"通过 Xbox 观看 Discord 直播","#More Discord on Xbox, Better Game Nights for All":"更多 Discord 功能登陆 Xbox,更精彩的游戏之夜","#A screenshot from an Xbox console demonstrating the new Happening Now tab functionality, showing the user’s Discord friends.":"Xbox 主机页面截图,展示了新推出的“进行中”页签功能,用户的 Discord 好友也显示在其内。","#A demonstration of watching a Discord stream from an Xbox console.":"一段关于如何通过 Xbox 主机观看 Discord 直播的演示。","#IT TAKES
众人拾柴火焰高","#We agree with teens that it’s first and foremost our responsibility to create positive experiences on Discord, which is why we provide tools that build in checkpoints like our Teen Safety Assist initiative.
":"我们与青少年看法一致,认为在 Discord 上创造积极体验是我们的首要责任,因此我们提供了诸如青少年安全助手等内置检查点工具。
","#A Charter for a Better Place to Play Chill Together":"共创理想玩乐休闲平台的章程","#If you’re a parent or guardian seeking a Discord overview, you’re in luck! The Guardian’s Guide is a centralized asset that helps adults who are raising teens understand the latest highlights of how Discord works, information on how their teen might spend time on Discord, and shares tips and resources to talk to teens about keeping their online experiences comfortable.":"如果您是一位想了解 Discord 概况的家长或监护人,那我们有个好消息送给您!《监护人指南》是一项集中的资源,可以帮助抚养青少年的成年人了解 Discord 运作方式的最新亮点,了解孩子如何在 Discord 上花费时间;还会分享一些建议和资源,帮助您与青少年就如何获得舒适的线上体验展开对话。","#Build where the world plays":"打造世界游乐场","#Build and scale social games and experiences where millions of friends are looking for fun things to do.":"打造并扩展社交游戏和社交体验,让数百万好友在这里有乐同享。","#The Totally Uncategorizable":"无法打标签的自由体验","#Assad Ali, Playroom CTO":"Assad Ali,Playroom 首席技术官","#Build and ship lightning fast":"简易开发,光速发布","#View Documentation":"查看文档","#Get Discovered":"探索发现","#Right in Chat":"聊无止境","#Show up where people hang out. Friends can instantly see what's happening and play together, no install necessary.":"与大家一起消遣娱乐。无需任何安装,朋友们马上就能看到您的动态,一起畅玩。","#Interactive Games":"互动游戏","#In the Directory":"跻身目录","#Publish your app to the Directory to get discovered, set up shop, and promote your app right inside of Discord.":"将您的 APP 发布到目录中,增加曝光度,还可以开设自己的商店,并在 Discord 里大力推广您的应用。","#On any Device":"设备不设限","#Apps are instantly available on every device for people to find, use, and keep coming back to.":"在任何设备上都可以轻松使用,让用户随时随地找到您的 APP,并再次光顾。","#Grow your business":"发展商业帝国","#Get Inspired":"获取灵感","#Create immersive multiplayer games to compete with friends, collaborate, or get the conversation started.":"创建沉浸式多人游戏,与好友一决高下、协作共赢,或者开启一场有趣的对话。","#Caleb Kruse,
Chief of Staff at Midjourney":"Caleb Kruse,
Midjourney 行政助理","#Read the Case Study":"阅读案例研究","#Image and Video Remixing":"图片视频混合生成","#How building a discord app unlocked new community growth for Picsart.":"如何通过创建一个 Discord APP 为 Picsart 实现新的社区增长","#How Memrise and Cappuccino built an app on Discord.":"Memrise 和 Cappuccino 如何在 Discord 上构建 APP","#How Chani and Motivation ported their apps onto Discord.":"CHANI 和 Motivation 如何将他们的 APP 移植到 Discord 上","#Start building in the place made for play":"在专为游戏打造的地方开始构建你的梦想","#Create generative AI apps that inspire the group chat with animation, image editing, and video remixing.":"打造生成式 AI 应用,轻松实现动画制作、图片编辑和视频混合创作,让群聊更加创意生动。","#How Midjourney Built
a Business on Discord":"Midjourney 如何
在 Discord 上发展业务","#Listen and Watch Parties":"让耳朵和眼睛一起开派对","#Transform music, podcasts, audiobooks, radio, and videos into shared experiences with friends.":"与朋友一起欣赏音乐、播客、有声书、广播和视频。","#Game Integrations":"游戏集合地","#Connect players with their favorite games. Leaderboards, stats, and shareable moments keep the fun going outside the game.":"为玩家与他们最爱的游戏搭起桥梁。查看排行榜和统计数据,分享精彩时刻,让游戏中的乐趣延伸至游戏之外。","#Hassle-free payments
Take advantage of Discord's integrated payment systems that users know, trust, and already use. Focus on innovation rather than financial logistics.
利用用户已经熟悉、信任并广泛使用的 Discord 内置支付系统,您的精力只需完全放在创新上,不用担心财务问题。","#Join pioneers like Midjourney, FRVR and Playroom who have built thriving businesses on Discord.":"加入 Midjourney、FRVR 和 Playroom 等先锋企业的行列,看看他们如何在 Discord 上创造活跃的业务氛围。","#How FRVR Scaled and Monetized Krunker Strike on Discord":"FRVR 如何在 Discord 上发展《Krunker Strike》并使其变现","#“Discord is the most exciting new games channel by a wide margin. It’s already where the most engaged players are spending their time, so the ability to allow them to play our games directly is groundbreaking.”":"“Discord 是最酷的游戏新平台,而且相比其他平台,优势非常明显。它已经成为玩家们最热衷的聚集地,而让玩家可以直接在平台上玩我们的游戏,简直是一项开拓先河的突破性创新!”","#Chris Benjaminsen,
Founder of FRVR":"Chris Benjaminsen,
FRVR 创始人","#Building and Scaling a Multiplayer AI Game on Discord with Playroom":"与 Playroom 一起在 Discord 上构建和扩展多人 AI 游戏","#“With Discord implementing more discovery and engagement features, we believe that more users will start playing games on the platform. The potential is immense, and we are excited to be part of this journey.”":"“Discord 一直在持续推出新的曝光功能和用户粘性功能,我们相信会有越来越多的用户在这个平台上玩游戏。这个平台潜力无限,我们非常高兴能够参与其中,亲眼见证。”","#Tabish Ahmed,
CEO at Playroom":"Tabish Ahmed,
Playroom 首席执行官","#Building Your First Discord Activity with Mojiworks":"与 Mojiworks 一起构建您的首个 Discord 小活动","#“Activities are a brilliant way to meet your audience where they are already congregating – on Discord. Their API simplifies the process of connecting with groups of players and utilizes established web standards to facilitate the building of rich and immersive experiences.”":"“小活动是一个很聪明的方式,可以让我们在用户聚集的地方——Discord 上与用户面对面交谈。其 API 也让接触玩家变得更加简单,还可以利用现有的网络标准来打造丰富的沉浸式体验。”","#Al Harding,
CTO at Mojiworks":"Al Harding,
Mojiworks 首席技术官","#How Midjourney built a business on Discord":"Midjourney 如何在 Discord 上发展业务","#How building a Discord app unlocked new community growth for Picsart":"如何通过创建一个 Discord APP 为 Picsart 实现新的社区增长","#“Discord has become essential in our scaled community development. We’ve been able to easily plug into, and empower, another thriving ecosystem of creators, and supercharge the Picsart experience in a new way.”":"“Discord 已成为我们社区增长的关键力量。我们可以轻松接入另一个充满活力的创作者生态系统并为其赋能,从而以全新的方式显著增强 Picsart 的用户体验。”","#Anthony Yacoub,
Business Development Lead at Picsart":"Anthony Yacoub,
Picsart 业务发展主管","#How CHANI and Motivation ported their apps onto Discord":"CHANI 和 Motivation 如何将他们的 APP 移植到 Discord 上","#How Memrise and Cappuccino built an app on Discord":"Memrise 和 Cappuccino 如何在 Discord 上构建 APP","#How FRVR Scaled and Monetized Krunker Strike 
on Discord":"FRVR 如何在 Discord 上发展《Krunker Strike》
并使其变现","#The Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children's Hospital is a nonprofit research institution seeking to understand and promote positive and healthy digital media experiences for young people, from birth through young adulthood. Their vision is an empathetic and respectful world in which our kids can grow up healthy, smart, and kind.
","#ThinkYoung is a not-for-profit organization, aiming to make the world a better place for young people by involving them in decision-making processes and providing decision-makers with high-quality research on youth conditions. ThinkYoung conducts studies and surveys, makes advocacy campaigns, writes policy proposals, and develops education programmes: up to date, ThinkYoung projects have reached over 800,000 young people.
":"ThinkYoung 是一个非盈利组织,其目标是通过让年轻人参与决策过程,并向决策者提供高质量的青年状况研究,为年轻人创造一个更美好的世界。ThinkYoung 开展研究和调查问卷,发起倡议活动,撰写政策提案,制定教育项目。迄今为止,ThinkYoung 项目已经覆盖了超过 80 万年轻人。","#Share cat facts. Water and grow a virtual tree with your friends. Show off your skills by catching and selling fish. Spice up the chat with Truth or Dare. Bring fun to the chat in unexpected ways.":"分享养猫知识、与朋友一起浇灌种植赛博树、向全世界炫耀您钓到的鱼和卖鱼的口才、用真心话大冒险给聊天加点料……您绝对想不到聊天可以这么好玩!","#Our Embedded App SDK makes it quick and easy to ship native web apps, games, and interactive experiences.":"我们的嵌入式 APP SDK 可以帮助您轻松快速地发布原生网页 APP、游戏和互动体验。","#A better path to product-market fit
From idea to launch, it all lives on Discord. Grow a tight-knit community of early adopters who provide feedback and champion what you build. Reach them and their friends with every new feature and update.
从创意萌生到最终发布,在 Discord 一站搞定。打造一个高粘度的早期用户社区,获取他们的反馈,让用户变成您产品的推广大使。每次新功能和更新都能及时触达他们和他们的朋友!
","#Building a better place to play and chill together as teens go back to school":"打造更好的平台,让青少年返校后可以一起相聚放松","#Building with teens, for teens":"与青少年一起,为青少年打造","#A starting point for guardians and parents":"监护人和父母的起点","#We’re excited to announce the launch of our Guardian’s Guide to help guardians and parents better understand Discord, how the platform works, and equip them with the tools needed to check in with teens and start conversations about building positive online behaviors.
":"我们很高兴地向大家宣布,《监护人指南》已经发布。希望它能帮助监护人和家长更好地理解 Discord,理解平台如何运作,并能够为他们提供所需的工具,以便与青少年进行交流,开展关于打造积极在线行为的对话。","#
We know guardians have a lot of great resources to help their teens navigate the online world, but we wanted to provide a resource about Discord, from Discord. The Guardian’s Guide is a centralized asset that helps adults who are raising teens understand the latest highlights of how Discord works, information on how their teen might spend time on Discord, and shares tips and resources to talk to teens about keeping their online experiences comfortable. We consistently offer updated info on our Safety Center, but this resource helps streamline these topics.":"我们知道监护人已经拥有了海量资源,可以帮助孩子游览在线世界,但我们想向他们提供关于 Discord 且来自 Discord 的资源。《监护人指南》是一项集中资源,能帮助抚养青少年的成年人理解 Discord 工作方式的最新亮点,掌握青少年在 Discord 上的耗时及动向,并分享技巧与资源,让监护人能与孩子就如何获得更舒适的在线体验展开对话。我们也不断在安全中心更新最新信息,但此次发布的资源有助于简化这些话题。","#Send your teen back to school in style by entering our giveaway":"参加赠品活动,帮孩子炫酷返校","#We’re excited about the resources we shared today. Like, really excited. In fact, we’re so excited that we’re doing a giveaway!":"我们对今天分享的资源非常兴奋。真的,超级兴奋。兴奋到必须要进行免费赠送活动!","#Today, guardians and teens based in the United States can enter to win our giveaway on TikTok, X or Instagram for a chance to win a back-to-school pack, including exclusive items such as a Teen Charter pickleball paddle and a Guardian’s Guide brochure. Start the new school year with some Discord flare!
":"今天,位于美国的监护人和青少年可以参加我们在 TikTok、X 或 Instagram 上进行的抽奖活动,有机会赢得返校大礼包,包括《青少年章程》匹克球球拍和《监护人指南》手册等独家物品。用 Discord 焰火开启新学年吧!","#
To learn more about how we approach safety and privacy here at Discord, we have plenty of more resources in our regularly-updated Safety Center.":"如需进一步了解我们在 Discord 上如何处理安全问题和隐私,请前往我们定期更新的安全中心查看更多资源。","#At Discord, we’re constantly working to make our platform the best place for our users, including teens, to hang out with their friends online. An important part of doing this the right way is listening to teen users' concerns and ideas directly.":"Discord 一直致力于为所有用户——当然也包括青少年用户——打造与好友在线娱乐的最佳平台。为了实现这一愿景,直接听取青少年用户的担忧和想法当然是重要的一步。","#Since the end of 2023, we’ve conducted 30 focus groups globally to speak with teens about their firsthand experiences and perspectives on how to shape Discord’s features to meet their needs. We collected ideas from teens and global organizations specializing in teen safety — like Digital Wellness Lab, NoFiltr’s Youth Innovation Council, and ThinkYoung — to create an aspirational charter that helps us understand how teens want to feel on Discord.":"自 2023 年底,我们在全球范围内组织了 30 个焦点小组,和青少年讨论他们的亲身体验和观点,了解如何改进 Discord 的功能才能更好地满足他们的需求。为我们提供建议和灵感的不只是青少年,还有青少年安全领域的全球专业组织,比如数字健康实验室(Digital Wellness Lab)NoFiltr 的青年创新协会(Youth Innovation Council)以及 ThinkYoung 等。我们一起起草了一份章程,帮助我们理解青少年想在 Discord 获得的感受。","#We learned about what tools — like muting a conversation or tailoring who can send you a friend request — are most helpful for teens to remediate uncomfortable situations. We also heard new ideas for additional safety and privacy features that have helped shape our product focus.":"我们了解到了哪些工具对青少年处理不适情况时最有帮助(比如静音对话,或自定义谁可以向您发送好友请求)。我们还听取了有关附加安全和隐私功能的新想法,并让它们帮助我们确定产品重点。","#A Teen Charter for a better place to hang out":"青少年章程——打造更好的相聚场所","#Teens have spoken, and we have taken what they said to heart. We learned a ton when speaking with our teen users, and we’re excited to reveal our co-created Teen Charter.":"青少年已经发声,我们也已将他们的话铭记于心。我们在与青少年用户交流时学到了很多,也很高兴终于能够公布我们共同打造的《青少年章程》。","#The Teen Charter outlines the principles that matter most to them: authenticity, inclusivity, privacy, and transparency. This set of principles represents the expectations teens have of each other and of Discord.
":"《青少年章程》概述了对青少年来说最重要的原则:真实、包容、隐私和透明。这一套原则代表了他们对彼此以及 Discord 的期望。","#
While our Community Guidelines explain what is and what isn’t allowed on Discord, we hope the Teen Charter principles will ultimately guide users to take on a shared responsibility in creating a fun and comfortable space to play and chill with their friends. These principles will also help inform product and policy improvements on Discord, serving as a guiding beacon for us to help teen users thrive.":"尽管《社区守则》已经阐述了 Discord 上允许和禁止的内容,我们还是希望《青少年章程》的原则最终能带领用户承担起共同的责任,为打造与好友放松相聚的空间贡献一份力量。这些原则也将有助于改善 Discord 的产品和政策,成为我们帮助青少年用户茁壮成长的指导灯塔。","#We want to help teens forge and maintain genuine friendships, and we know that can only happen when they feel safe connecting with one another on our platform.":"我们希望帮助青少年建立和维持真正的友谊,而且我们知道,只有当他们在我们的平台上有安全感时,这种纽带才会产生。","#August 6, 2024":"2024 年 8 月 6 日","#In the US, August is back-to-school month. For students and parents alike it's usually filled with long to-do lists and mentally preparing for new courses and any extracurricular activities planned. New schools and teachers usually come with new norms, rules, and even charters.":"八月是美国的返校季。在这之前,学生和家长应该都罗列了长长的待办事项清单,并且开始在心理上为新课程和课外活动做好准备。学校和教师则通常会带来新的规范、规则甚至章程。","#Well, teachers aren't the only ones who've been thinking about what's best for their spaces and the people who spend time in them — Discord has, too! That's why we're excited to reveal our new Teen Charter and Guardian’s Guide, both created to further empower teens to thrive on Discord.":"其实,不只是老师在考虑如何为学生打造最棒的活动空间和体验——Discord 也在思考!所以我们很高兴能公布我们的《青少年章程》和《监护人指南》,希望它们能进一步帮助青少年在 Discord 茁壮成长。","#Discord is here to help smooth the transition back to school with our Teen Charter and ease parents’ and guardians’ minds with our new Guardian’s Guide resource.":"Discord 推出了《青少年章程》,用来帮助学生顺利返校;以及全新的《监护人指南》,让父母和监护人可以更安心。","#ConnectSafely Parents Guide to Discord":"ConnectSafely Discord 家长指南","#See if you can guess which examples are acceptable and in line with our Community Guidelines, Terms of Service, or other policies. Click the thumbs up if you think the example is acceptable or thumbs down if you think the example is unacceptable.
":"请你试着判断,下列哪些示例可以接受,并符合我们的社区守则、服务条款或其他政策。如果你认为某个示例可以接受,就点击“赞同”;如果认为不可接受,就点击“反对”。","#“The Embedded App SDK was very easy to get started with. We had a build of our game running within a day of getting access to the platform.”":"“嵌入式 APP SDK 非常容易上手。我们在拿到平台访问权限的当天就完成了游戏的构建。”","#On Any Device":"设备不设限","#Inspirational brands CHANI, known for astrological insights, and Motivation, popular for motivational quotes, ported their cross-platform apps onto Discord in order to encourage connection, reach a broader audience, and establish thriving communities of their own.":"以占星分析而闻名的激励品牌 CHANI,以及以励志名言发家的 Motivation,已将他们的跨平台 APP 转移到 Discord 上。这一举措旨在促进互动互联,触及更广泛的受众,并构建一个繁荣发展的社区。","#Learn how Stability.ai leveraged Discord’s real-time feedback to improve their StableDreamer AI app user experience, increase engagement, and identify emerging trends.":"了解 Stability.ai 如何借助 Discord 的实时反馈,来提升他们的 StableDreamer AI APP的用户体验、提高用户参与度,以及发现新兴趋势。","#Stages offer a great way to engage and grow your community through easy to run audio and video events":"讲堂功能是一个极佳的推广手段,您只需轻松管理音频和视频活动就可吸引人群,壮大你的社区","#Get started running your own conversations and events today. Check out tutorial videos and articles that will help guide you through everything you need to know about how to use Stages for your community.":"立即开始运营您专属的对话和活动吧。查看教程视频和文章,了解如何使用讲堂功能来服务您的社区。","#Help Center Frequently Asked Questions":"帮助中心常见问题","#Quickly hit the ground running with these answers to the most common asks about Stages":"以下是讲堂功能常见问题的解答,助您快速上手","#RSVP":"敬请回复","#Join Discord at Advertising Week":"加入 Discord 广告周","#Tuesday, Oct 8 @ 1:30 PM - Executive Interview - Media & Entertainment Stage":"10 月 8 日,周二 @1:30PM—高管访谈—媒娱时刻","#Now Available: See What’s Happening on Discord, Directly from your Xbox console":"现已上线:通过 Xbox 主机直接查看 Discord 上的最新动态","#Read on to see how Discord soon will feel more and more like a natural part of your Xbox console!":"请继续浏览,了解 Discord 将如何逐渐融入您的 Xbox 主机,仿佛二者生来就是一体!","#If you don’t see any active Discord friends or channels on your “Happening Now” tab on Xbox, you may need to reconnect your accounts. If you’re unsure how to do that, follow the steps here for some guidance (no judgments on following walkthroughs here!).":"如果您在 Xbox 上的“进行中”页签中没有看到任何活跃的 Discord 好友或频道,您可能需要重新关联账户。不清楚如何操作?不用担心,只需按照这些步骤操作即可(放心,没有人会因为您需要帮助而批评您的!)","#Wednesday, Oct 9 - Discord Lounge - by invite only":"10 月 9 日,周三—Discord 休息室—仅限受邀","#October 9, 2024":"2024 年 10 月 9 日","#Wednesday, Oct 9 @ Evening - Discord Party - by invite only":"10 月 9 日,周三@晚宴—Discord 之夜—仅限受邀","#Recharge Wednesday":"周三充电日","#CELEBRATE":"庆祝","#Join us Wednesday night for a not-to-be-missed social event, bringing together top minds from the gaming industry, leading agencies, and new media platforms.":"周三晚,群英荟萃,您将与游戏精英、代理商领袖,以及新媒体大咖共赴社交盛宴,精彩不容错过!","#Company *":"公司*","#Get In Touch":"联系我们","#Ad Week - The Penn District - Innovation Stage":"广告周—宾夕法尼亚区—创新时刻","#Please reach out to your Discord sales rep to set up a meeting! Details and location to be shared once RSVP form is submitted.":"请联系您的 Discord 销售代表安排会议!提交预约表后将为您提供详细信息及位置。","#Details and location to be shared once RSVP form is submitted.":"提交预约表后将为您提供详细信息及位置。","#Ad Week - The Penn District - Media & Entertainment Stage":"广告周—宾夕法尼亚区—媒娱时刻","#Wednesday, Oct 9 @ 10:20 AM - Panel Session - Innovation Stage":"10 月 9 日,周三 @10:20 AM—小组讨论—创新时刻","#Wednesday October 9, 2024 10:20-10:50 AM (ET)":"2024 年 10 月 9 日,周三,10:20—10:50 AM(美东时间)","#Tuesday October 8, 2024 1:30-1:45 PM (ET)":"2024 年 10 月 8 日,周二,1:30-1:45 PM(美东时间)","#These new features are now available on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, so make sure your Xbox and Discord accounts are all linked up! Head into User Settings > Connections to see all your connected accounts.":"新功能现已在 Xbox Series X|S 和 Xbox One 上推出,请确保您的 Xbox 和 Discord 账户已关联!您可以进入用户设置 > 连接来查看所有已关联的账户。","#By providing us with your contact information, you authorize us to contact you about Ad Week-related events and updates, Discord Quests, and other related Discord offerings. We will use your data in accordance with our privacy policy.":"请留下您的联系方式并予以授权,以便及时掌握广告周活动详情及最新动态,了解关于Discord 游戏悬赏令及相关产品的更多资讯。我们将严格按照隐私政策使用您的数据。","#JOIN Discord @ Ad week 2024":"加入 Discord @ 2024 广告周","#Leveling up your ad game: How to win with gaming audiences

In today’s crowded advertising landscape, capturing the attention of hard-to-reach audiences is a formidable challenge. This session will dive deep into the ever-changing world of gaming advertising, exploring new strategies to connect with players authentically. Discover new ways to authentically engage gaming audiences on their terms and motivate them to take action.

Note: Ad Week registration required to attend session, please see https://newyork2024.advertisingweek.com/register to learn more or reach out to your Discord sales rep for more info.":"优化游戏广告:解锁密钥,赢得玩家青睐


注:报名广告周活动,方可参会。详情请见https://newyork2024.advertisingweek.com/register或联系您的 Discord 销售代表,获取更多信息。","#Need a break? Swing by our offsite lounge on Wednesday to chat on all things gaming. We're just a block away from the Ad Week venue! Our sales team is ready to book your spot.":"来充电吧!诚邀诸位于周三莅临我们的线下休息室,一起畅聊游戏世界的无限可能。我们距离广告周活动场地仅一街之隔!我们的销售团队随时为您预定座位。","#Company Email *":"公司邮箱*","#Game On! How Discord became the place to be for players

Join us for an in-depth discussion about the gaming audience and how Discord became the go-to platform for 200 million passionate users worldwide. Learn how players come together on Discord to play, socialize, and celebrate their shared love for gaming, and explore new ways to reach them.

Note: Ad Week registration required to attend session, please see https://newyork2024.advertisingweek.com/register to learn more or reach out to your Discord sales rep for more info":"游戏盛宴,即刻启程!Discord 何以成为玩家后花园

加入我们,走近游戏受众,深入探讨 Discord 如何成为全球 2 亿热诚用户的首选平台。了解玩家如何相聚于 Discord,共享游戏乐趣,编织在线情谊,畅聊共同热爱。

注:报名广告周活动,方可参会。详情请见https://newyork2024.advertisingweek.com/register或联系您的 Discord 销售代表,获取更多信息。","#discord party":"Discord 之夜","#Bold":"粗体","#How to Make Your Discord Messages Bold, Italic, Underlined & Tons More":"来 Discord 发消息,解锁粗体、斜体、下划线等格式","#Bolded text, crossed out words, BIG text, hidden text… you can do a lot with your text messages on Discord after you’ve written them! And if you’ve found yourself here, you likely want to learn how!":"想为您的 Discord 消息添加特殊效果吗?那可来对地方啦!粗体文本、删除线文本、大号文本、隐藏文本……一应俱全,快来一起学习吧!","#How to Italicize Your Text on Discord":"如何在 Discord 上将文本设为斜体","#Sometimes you need to emphasize something in your message, without YELLING it. Or whisper…":"有时您需要在消息中强调一些内容,但又不想让文字咆哮,也不想太过小小声……","#Italics can help imply a specific enunciation of your words (“ohh, is that so, huuuh?”). They can also be used when referring to the title of something, such as the comic mini-series Wumpus Wonderventures. (Yes, that’s real.)":"斜体可以暗示语调变化(“哦,是这样啊,嗯哼?”),还可用于标题,例如漫画迷你剧《Wumpus Wonderventures》。(没错,真的有这部网漫哦。)","#To make your words italic on Discord, add one asterisk before and after your message, like this:":"如需在 Discord 上使用斜体,请在消息前后分别添加一个星号,如下所示:","#Then your message will look sleek and stylish, like this:":"让您的消息拉风有范儿,像这样:","#Plus, your teacher who happens to have a Discord server will be impressed that you’re using proper MLA format in your normal messages by italicizing your favorite movie’s title. Nerd.":"另外,您的老师要是刚好也有个 Discord 服务器,看到您在日常消息中使用正确的 MLA 格式给您最喜欢的电影标题加斜体,那可不得被您惊艳到。简直是学霸啊。","#How to Cross Out Your Text on Discord":"如何在 Discord 上为文本添加删除线","#Have you ever wanted to correct one of your messages while leaving what you originally said so others can have it as context? Or, act like you’re going to say something else but but correct yourself. You know, for comedic effect.":"您是否曾想纠正自己的某条消息,同时又想保留原话,方便大家理解上下文?或者假装要说点别的,但又纠正了自己。您懂的,为了搞笑嘛。","#To use strikethrough and add a big line through your message, add these lil’ squiggly guys “ ~ “ at the beginning and end of your message:":"如果您想设置删除线效果,请在文字前后添加小波浪线“~”:","#In this article, we’ll be going over some of the many ways you can format your Discord message to add more emphasis, include helpful context, or just make it POP.":"本文将教您几招消息编辑技巧,让您的 Discord 聊天之旅更加出彩,无论是划重点、铺陈有用上下文,还是干脆让文字“蹦”出来,吸引全场目光。","#How to Underline in Your Text on Discord":"如何在 Discord 上为文本添加下划线","#Just like bolding and italicizing, underlining is another way you can add emphasis to a particular set of words in your message. You can use it to point out a few words, or you can add it to the top of a long message to give your post a “title” of sorts! At least, my boss always uses it like that on me…":"除加粗斜体外,您还可以使用下划线来强调特定的文字。可以是突出几个字,也可以用于长消息开头,给您的帖子加个“标题”!反正我的老板就经常这么给我发消息……","#To underline some text, add two “_” symbols before and after the words you want to underline. Think of it as adding lines around your words!":"如需添加下划线,请在文本前后各添加两个“_”符号。就好像是给文字围上了一圈线条!","#How to Put Spoilers in Your Text on Discord":"如何在 Discord 上使用剧透标签","#Talking about something in secret? Or, are you discussing the latest Marvel movie but Josh somehow still hasn’t gotten around to watching it yet while everyone else has?

Instead of keeping your friend out of a conversation, try hiding parts of your message in a Spoiler Tag! Do this by typing your message between |vertical bars|, also known as pipes.

","#Pro tip: If you put a spoiler tag around a link you want to share, the embed itself will be hidden behind a spoiler tag! Not everyone wants to see what you’re sharing for Weird Fish Wednesday. (We do though.)":"专业提示:如果您给想要分享的链接放上剧透标签,预览图也会一起被隐藏起来!毕竟不是每个人都想看到您在周三分享那些奇奇怪怪的鱼啦。(但我们想看哦。)","#How to make text big or small using Headers":"如何放大或缩小标题","#If you’re looking for a nice way to format and organize a longer message, or bolding your message simply isn’t enough, try using headers! They’ll make your words either REALLY BIG, kinda big, sorta big, or itty bitty.":"想让您的长消息排版更清晰?加粗不够醒目?那就试试标题吧!您的文字可以是无敌大、有点大、微微大,也可以是丁点儿大。","#You can make any line a Header on Discord by placing a particular amount of # symbols in front of it, such as:":"您可以在 Discord 上将任意一行文字设为标题,只需在其前面放置一定数量的 # 符号即可,例如:","#
If you’re familiar with writing with Markdown, most of this will be very familiar — Discord also uses Markdown for its message formatting!

Feel free to bookmark this article to quickly preview how your message may appear, or to share it with a friend who doesn’t know how to format their messages on Discord! You can also use the Table of Contents in this article to jump straight to the formatting style you’re looking for.":"
熟悉 Markdown 的朋友一定会对我们的消息排版方式倍感亲切。因为 Discord 也使用 Markdown 哦!

不妨收藏本文,不仅方便快速预览您的消息显示效果,还能分享给那些不知道如何在 Discord 上设置消息格式的小伙伴!您还可以使用本文中的目录直接跳转至所需格式样式。","#When you send your message, it’ll look like this!":"您所发送的消息就会这样显示!","#How to add links to words in your message on Discord":"如何在 Discord 上给文字添加链接","#Finally, we’ll talk about linking stuff in your message. By linking specific words in your message to something you want to share, you can avoid pasting in a really long, really ugly link in your nicely-written message, such as https://discord.com/vanityurl/dotcom/steakpants/flour/flower/index11.html.":"最后,咱们来聊聊如何在文字中嵌入链接。直接将消息中的特定文字链接到您想要分享的内容即可,无需在您精心编辑的消息中粘贴冗长突兀的链接,例如 https://discord.com/vanityurl/dotcom/steakpants/flour/flower/index11.html。","#This one is a bit more complex, so rather than simply demonstrating, below is a template you can use to easily fill in the blanks!":"此操作略复杂,直接上模板,让您轻松填空!","#Remember: Blue is for you (to open). ":"记住:蓝色就是给您的链接(可以打开)。","#A Note from our Safety Team: Did you receive a message with a link and you’re unsure if you should open said link? When you click on a link hidden behind text, you’ll first see a prompt that shows exactly where you’ll be sent to. You can then decide whether or not you trust the message and open the link. Be safe out there!":"安全团队友情提示:收到带有链接的消息时,您会不会心里犯嘀咕,要不要打开链接呢?别担心,当您点击隐藏链接时,首先会出现提示页面,向您展示即将跳转的网站。然后,您可以决定是否信任该消息并打开链接。网上冲浪也要保持警惕哦!","#How to make a list in your Discord message":"如何在 Discord 消息中创建列表","#Eggsfloursugarsodapopcornbreadcheese. Did you get that? Okay, maybe that’s a lot.":"鸡蛋面粉糖苏打爆米花面包奶酪。看懂了吗?好吧,可能话有点密。","#Instead of writing out an important list in a single sentence, use a bulleted list! Simply add “-” before each line in your message and it’ll be intended with a dot! Any line in your message that starts with a dash will be a list.":"别再将一长串重要清单塞在一句话里啦。试试项目符号列表吧!只需在每行消息前添加“-”,就会出现小圆点!消息中以破折号开头的每一行都会被识别成列表中的一项。","#Now, instead of a single sentence saying everything, it’ll be easy to read like this:":"现在,告别杂糅长句,文本清晰悦目:","#How to Bold Your Text on Discord":"如何在 Discord 上将文本加粗","#Pro tip: If you add a second dash with a space between them (“- -”), you’ll indent your list with a second dot!":"专业提示:如果添加第二个破折号并在它们之间留一个空格(“- -”),列表项就会再缩进一级,带两个小圆点!","#Now You’re Writing with ✨Style✨":"现在您的文字超有✨范儿✨","#Now that you have this cheat sheet to start with, get practicing! It may look like there’s a lot to memorize, but don’t fret… it’ll all be second nature to you in no time! ":"入门秘籍已到手,赶紧开始练习吧!打眼一看,超多内容要记忆,别担心……练就第二本能,分分钟事儿","#If you ever need some direct help, give us a shout! Send a tweet to our support team at @discord_support whenever you need a pointer or two, or you can reach out to us at our support page. (See? Linked text!)":"如需直接帮助,请联系我们!您随时可以向我们的客服团队发送推文:@discord_support,或者在我们的支持页面与我们联系。(看到没!链接已附上!)","#And consider sharing this with a friend who’s still learning the ropes! It’ll be around for you to reference.":"欢迎将本文分享给还在学习的朋友!你们可以随时参考这份资料。","#Italics":"斜体","#Strikethrough":"删除线","#Underline":"下划线","#Spoiler tags":"剧透标签","#BOOM. You just gotta get LOUD sometimes. Or just do a BIG ol’ scream like AUUGHHGHGMBFUGHBGGHHHH or something like that.":"嘭。有时候您就是得大声点儿,或者直接啊啊啊啊啊啊啊的来一嗓子。","#Links in messages":"消息中的链接","#Make a List":"制作列表","#A screenshot of a Discord message that says “What do you mean you don’t like asparagus?” The words “What do you mean” are bolded.":"Discord 消息截图:What do you mean you don’t like asparagus?(你不喜欢芦笋是什么意思?)“What do you mean(是什么意思)”为粗体。","#A screenshot of a Discord message that says “Very demure. Very mindful.” The words “very” and “mindful” are italicized.":"Discord 消息截图:Very demure. Very mindful.”(非常端庄。非常用心。)“very(非常)”和“mindful(用心)”为斜体。","#A screenshot of a Discord message that says “I put pineapple pepperoni on my pizza. ” The word “pineapple” is crossed out.":"Discord 消息截图:I put pineapple pepperoni on my pizza.(我在披萨上放了菠萝辣香肠。)“pineapple(菠萝)”一词被划掉了。","#A Discord message where the phrase “My Opinions on Water” is underlined, designating the start of a very long post.":"Discord 消息中“My Opinions on Water(我对水的看法)”设有下划线,以此开始一篇长帖。","#A Discord message asking “What’s 2+2? It’s really BLANK, but they don’t want you to know that.” The blank section is hidden behind a spoiler tag.":"Discord 消息:What’s 2+2? It’s really BLANK, but they don’t want you to know that.(2+2 等于多少?它实际上是____,但他们不想让你知道答案。)空白部分隐藏在剧透标签后面。","#A Discord message saying “Look at this gorgeous Sunfish!” The link for the image is inside spoiler tags, making the embed itself hidden.":"Discord 消息:Look at this gorgeous Sunfish!(看看这条漂亮的太阳鱼!)图片链接位于剧透标签内,因此嵌入图片被隐藏。","#A Discord message simply demonstrating the different types of Headers, from big to extra-small.":"Discord 消息简单演示了不同类型的标题,从大号到超小。","#If you wanna make your words BIG and BOLD, just add two asterisks before and after the section you want to make bold.":"如果您想将文字放大加粗,只需在想要加粗的部分前后添加两个星号就能搞定了。","#A Discord message that says “Did you see this video about the glorious Sunfish?” The phrase “about the glorious Sunfish” is in blue, implying you can click the message.":"Discord 消息:Did you see this video about the glorious Sunfish?(你看了这个关于绚丽的太阳鱼的视频吗?)“about the glorious Sunfish(关于绚丽的太阳鱼)”句段为蓝色,表示您可以点击该消息。","#A Discord message that shows a list that includes “Bread, Flower, the egg of the legendary phoenix of the ancient mountaintop, cheese.”":"Discord 消息显示了一个列表,其中包括“Bread, Flower, the egg of the legendary phoenix of the ancient mountaintop, cheese.(面包、面粉、古老山顶上传说中的凤凰生下的蛋、奶酪)。”","#For example, if you want to really go WOAH, type your message like the one below:":"例如,您要是想实现哇哦的效果,用下面这种格式输入您的消息:","#
Then, your message will go BOLD like this:":"
然后您所发送的消息就会像这样加粗啦:","#Headers":"标题","#On desktop or web, you can also highlight your message and press “CTRL/CMD + B” to instantly bold the words you have highlighted!":"在桌面端或网页端,选中文字,按下“CTRL/CMD + B”也可实现加粗!","#You can also easily italicize any text by highlighting it and pressing “CTRL/CMD + I.”":"选中文本,按下“CTRL/CMD + I”也可轻松设置斜体。","#This one’s got a desktop keybind, too! Highlight the words you want to underline and press “CTRL/CMD + U.”":"桌面端也有相应快捷键!选中需要添加下划线的文字后,按下“CTRL/CMD + U”即可。","#September 10, 2024":"2024 年 9 月 10 日","#25":"2.5","#September 17, 2024":"2024 年 9 月 17 日","#Making your hangouts on Discord more private and secure":"为您打造更私密、更安全的 Discord 小天地","#We’re excited to announce that starting today, we’re rolling out passwordless login with biometric passkeys to streamline and safeguard your sign-in experience as well as default end-to-end encryption for audio and video (E2EE A/V) calls.":"激动人心的时刻来了,即日起,我们将推出基于生物识别密钥的免密登录功能,希望为您带来更加便捷安全的登录体验。同时,音视频通话均默认为端到端加密(E2EE A/V)。","#Today, we’ll start automatically migrating audio and video calls in DMs, Group DMs, voice channels, and Go Live streams to a new system that utilizes E2EE A/V. You’ll also be able to verify your end-to-end encrypted call and the identity of the other members in it, giving you peace of mind no one else can listen in.":"即日起,我们会将私信、群组私信、语音频道和 Go Live 直播中的音视频通话自动迁移至使用 E2EE A/V 的新系统。您还可以对端到端加密通话以及其他通话参与者的身份进行验证,以确保无人监听。","#When we consider adding new privacy features like E2EE A/V, we do not do so in isolation from safety. That is why safety is integrated across our product and policies, and why messages on Discord are unencrypted. Messages will still be subject to our content moderation approach, allowing us to continue offering additional safety protections.":"在考虑添加新的隐私功能(如 E2EE A/V)时,我们一直都将安全性纳入考量,全方位覆盖我们的产品与政策。而 Discord 上的消息内容仍维持未加密状态,这是为了遵循我们的内容管理政策,以确保持续为您提供额外的安全保障。","#Privacy is an essential part of feeling secure, and we want to be transparent about the security technology we use. That’s why we’ve also published a technical blog to provide more insight into the work, how we got here, our design and implementation goals, and the technical overview of how we built our E2EE A/V protocol. You can also see how we’ve worked closely with external experts to assess risks and develop robust safeguards to build our protocol.":"隐私保护是信息安全的重要组成部分,我们希望在安全技术的使用方面保持透明。因此,我们还发布了一篇技术博客,旨在向您分享更多相关见解、工作历程、设计和实施目标,以及构建 E2EE A/V 协议的技术概览。您还可以看到我们是如何与外部专家紧密合作,以评估风险,并开发强大的保障措施来构建我们的协议。","#Discord is a place where you can be authentic and should feel safe when talking with your friends - this includes maintaining account security and protecting your privacy. Passwordless login makes sure no baddies can worm their way into your Discord account, and end-to-end encryption has arrived to help keep audio and video calls between you and your friends private.":"展现真我,放心聊天,尽在 Discord——账户安全、个人隐私,均有保障。免密登录,让坏人无法侵入您的 Discord 账户。端到端加密功能的上线,让您与好友的音视频通话更私密。","#To enable passwordless login, just head into User Settings > Account and find the section called “Security Keys” to get started!":"只需进入用户设置 > 账户页面,找到“安全密钥”选项,即可启用免密登录!","#E2EE A/V is on by default for up-to-date Discord clients on desktop and mobile, and support for other clients such as web and consoles will roll out next year. You can head here to learn how to verify your E2EE A/V calls are truly end-to-end encrypted.":"最新版 Discord 的桌面端和移动端均已默认开启 E2EE A/V 功能,网页和主机等其他客户端将于明年上线该功能。点击此处,即可了解如何验证您的 E2EE A/V 通话是否真正实现端到端加密。","#Obsessed with security and privacy? So are we —we’ll continue to prioritize and build products that respect both.":"力求安全隐私有保障?我们的追求亦是如此——始终将安全与隐私置于首位来构建产品。","#Introducing Passwordless Login and End-to-end Encryption A/V!":"重磅推出免密登录和音视频通话端到端加密!","#E2EE for Audio & Video":"音视频通话的端到端加密","#Discord is launching a new passwordless login and end-to-end encryption for voice and video calls to boost your privacy and security when hanging out with friends.":"Discord 现推出免密登录新功能,以及音视频通话端到端加密新技术,让您与好友安心畅聊,隐私安全有保障。","#Read on to see how these two features will help make your time on Discord safer, for both you and your friends on the call!":"继续阅读,了解此两项功能将如何为您与好友打造更安全的 Discord 聊天环境!","#Passwordless Login":"免密登录","#Passwords are annoying to remember and are not the most secure (yes, that includes “wumpu2-1s-c00l”). We provide various forms of multi-factor authentication (MFA) to protect your account, but we wanted to continue to prioritize security with a more seamless experience.":"密码难于记忆,也非安全首选(是的,像“wumpu2-1s-c00l”这样的密码也不安全)。为保护您的账户,我们提供有各样多因素身份验证(MFA),以期在打造无缝体验的同时,始终以安全为先。","#Now, you can register a passkey to your Discord account, secured by on-device biometric features such as Face ID or Touch ID, to sign in with just one easy step.":"现在,您可以为自己的 Discord 账户注册密钥,通过设备中的面容 ID 或触控 ID 等生物识别功能进行安全保护。只需一步,即可轻松登录。","#Discord can’t access your biometric data, and helps ensure that nobody but you can use your passkey to sign into your account. Your passkey lives on your device, allowing you to seamlessly sign into Discord on any device that has access to that passkey. That’s a win-win-win for privacy, security, and a seamless user experience.":"Discord 无法访问您的生物识别数据,因此可确保只有您能使用该密钥进行账户登录。密钥仅存储在您的设备上。因此,在任何有权访问该密钥的设备上,您都可以轻松登录 Discord。这是保障隐私、提升安全性、提供无缝用户体验的多赢局面。","#
Passwordless login with a passkey keeps your account as protected as possible. You can learn more about setting up a biometric passkey and how to then log in with that passkey here.":"
通过密钥实现的免密登录将最大限度地保护您的账户安全。点击此处,即可进一步了解如何设置生物识别密钥,以及如何使用该密钥进行登录。","#End-to-End Encryption for Audio & Video (E2EE A/V)":"音视频通话的端到端加密(E2EE A/V)","#Last summer we began experimenting with encryption protocols and technologies for audio and video calls, and we are excited to announce the roll out of our E2EE A/V protocol.":"去年夏天,我们开始对音视频通话的加密协议与技术进行实验,现特此宣布,我们的 E2EE A/V 协议正式上线。","#View case study":"查看案例研究","#BLAST OFF INTO THE WORLD OF QUESTS":"开启游戏悬赏令的新世界","#m+":"万+","#We're making our debut at Advertising Week NYC, and we want you there to celebrate with us. Check out the schedule of events below to learn more about our speaking sessions. And whether or not you're attending Ad Week, come join us at our exclusive Game Night on Wednesday for an epic evening of drinks, games, and vibes!":"我们将首次亮相纽约广告周,期待能与您共同庆祝。请查看下方的活动日程,了解更多关于 Discord 演讲环节的信息。无论您是否出席广告周,我们都欢迎您来参加周三的独家游戏之夜,让美妙的饮品、游戏和欢乐氛围陪您度过一个精彩的夜晚!","#Fill out the form to RSVP to our Discord Game Night party and unlock exclusive info for our presence at Ad Week.":"填写表单以确认参加 Discord 游戏之夜派对,并解锁我们在广告周的独家资讯。","#In-game rewards":"游戏内奖励","#We may tell you about Quests that we think will interest you based on the games you play or other information associated with your Discord account. If you’re not interested in receiving personalized Discord Quest promotions, you can opt out of the use of your data for Quest targeting.

You may still see Quest promotions, but they won’t be personalized based on your activity on Discord.":"我们可能会根据您玩过的游戏或与您的 Discord 账户相关的信息,向您推荐您可能感兴趣的游戏悬赏令。如果您不想接收个性化游戏悬赏令推荐,可以选择不将您的数据用于游戏悬赏令定向推送。

您依然会看到游戏悬赏令推荐,但此类推荐不会基于您在 Discord 上的活动进行个性化。","#Genshin Impact":"《原神》","#players joined the Quest":"玩家加入游戏悬赏令","#of players that completed the Quest were lapsed or new":"完成游戏悬赏令的玩家为流失玩家或新玩家","#new community members":"社区新成员","#Millions":"上百万","#10. License to Submission.":"10. 参赛作品许可。","#increase in live-streams on Discord":"Discord 游戏直播提升 296%","#of players joined the Quest":"玩家加入游戏悬赏令","#increase in gameplay hours":"游戏时长提升 80%","#THE FINALS":"《THE FINALS》","#Work":"如何运作","#If the Grand Prize Winner: (i) develops a fully functioning version of the app included in their Submission, provided such app continues to comply with these Terms; (iii) remains eligible under the Terms; and (iii) resubmits it to Discord within three (3) months (via sending it through the private Discord Developer Partners Server Discord will create with each winner), there will be an additional grant of USD $25,000. For clarity, the Grand Prize Winner is eligible to receive both the Category Winner prize and the Grand Prize Winner prize, for up to a total of USD $30,000 across both prizes.":"如果大奖得主:(i)在继续遵守本条款规定的前提下开发出了参赛作品的完全功能版本;(ii)满足本条款的要求,仍有参赛资格;以及(iii)在三(3)个月内将作品重新提交给 Discord(通过 Discord 为每位获奖者创建的 Discord 开发者合作伙伴私人服务器发送),则大奖得主可以额外获得 25.000 美元的奖金。为明确起见,大奖得主可同时获得类别获奖者奖金与大奖得主奖金,两份奖金总计可达最高 30.000 美元。","#Activision was on the hunt for innovative ways to promote the highly anticipated Season 4 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III.":"动视公司一直在寻找创新的方式来推广其备受期待的《使命召唤:现代战争 III》第四赛季。","#Embark partnered with Discord to launch the Skill Issue Quest to build excitement and gameplay of Season 2 of THE FINALS.":"Embark 与 Discord 合作推出了“技能问题”(Skill Issue)游戏悬赏令,以提升《THE FINALS》第二赛季的刺激感和游戏体验。","#FRVR launched the first ever “in-game” Quest which required players to complete in-game objectives to unlock a in-game reward.":"FRVR 推出了首个“游戏内”悬赏令,玩家需要完成游戏内目标才能解锁游戏内奖励。","#To drive awareness of their new v4.6 patch, HoYoversae wanted to try something a bit different to activate their massive player base on Discord.":"为了提高 4.6 版本的知名度,HoYoverse 希望采取一些不同的方式来激发他们 Discord 上庞大玩家群体的热情。","#Internal Discord Data, 2024":"2024 年 Discord 内部数据流量","#We're making our debut at Advertising Week NYC, and we want you there to celebrate with us. Check out the schedule of events below to learn more about our speaking sessions. And whether or not you're attending Ad Week, come join us at our exclusive party on Wednesday for an epic evening of drinks, games, and vibes!":"我们将首次亮相纽约广告周,期待能与您共同庆祝。请查看下方的活动日程,了解更多关于 Discord 演讲环节的信息。无论您是否出席广告周,我们都欢迎您来参加周三的独家派对,让美妙的饮品、游戏和欢乐氛围陪您度过一个精彩的夜晚!","#Please reach out to sales-ad-week@discordapp.com to set up a meeting.":"如需安排会议,请联系 sales-ad-week@discordapp.com。","#Whether you're attending Ad Week or not, join us for an epic night with DJ tunes, themed drinks, retro arcade games, and exclusive Discord merch at our Discord Party. Request an invite using the RSVP form below.":"无论您是否出席广告周,我们都欢迎您来参加我们的 Discord 之夜!这里有 DJ 现场音乐、特色饮品、复古街机游戏,以及 Discord 独家周边商品。请填写下方表格确认参加以申领邀请函!","#Need a break? Swing by our offsite lounge on Wednesday to chat on all things gaming. We're just a block away from the Ad Week venue! Reach out to sales-ad-week@discordapp.com to book your spot.":"来充电吧!诚邀诸位于周三莅临我们的线下休息室,一起畅聊游戏世界的无限可能。我们距离广告周活动场地仅一街之隔!如有需要,请联系 sales-ad-week@discordapp.com,我们随时准备为您预定座位。","#Join our discord party":"参加 Discord 之夜","#Fill out the form to request an invite to our exclusive Discord party on Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024.":"如您确认参加 2024 年 10 月 9 日星期三举办的 Discord 独家派对,请填写表格索取邀请函。","#SUCCESS STORIES":"成功案例","#QUESTS SUCCESS STORIES":"游戏悬赏令成功案例","#problem":"问题","#Quest Case Study":"游戏悬赏令案例研究","#get in touch":"联系我们","#Upon completion, players earned an in-game reward—the Methane mask—which can be equipped on their in-game character.":"任务完成后,玩家会获得一项游戏奖励“甲烷面具”,该面具可以装备在他们的游戏角色上。","#Over 300,000 Discord players participated in the Krunker Strike In-Game Quest, leading to a 33% increase in player count during the first week of the campaign. Notably, more than 90% of Quest participants were either new or lapsed players.":"超过 30 万名 Discord 玩家参加了《Krunker Strike》的游戏内悬赏令,活动首周玩家数量便增长了 33%。更值得一提的是,超过 90% 的悬赏令参与者都是新玩家或已经流失的玩家。","#results":"结果","#increase in total gameplay hours compared to the pre-launch week":"与上线前一周相比,游戏总时长增加了 29%","#300k+":"30 万+","#increase in friend-to-friend streaming compared to the pre-launch week":"与上线前一周相比,好友间的直播次数增加了 28%","#quests >":"游戏悬赏令 >","#Krunker Strike FRVR SUCCESS STORY":"《Krunker Strike》FRVR 成功案例","#Krunker Strike, developed by FRVR, is a fast-paced multiplayer first-person shooter game integrated as an \"Activity\" on Discord. Up to 12 players can join a voice call to play together, enjoying real-time battles and a diverse array of weapons and locations.":"《Krunker Strike》是 FRVR 开发的一款快节奏第一人称多人射击游戏,作为 Discord 上的“小活动”向所有用户提供。最多支持 12 名玩家加入语音通话一起游戏,享受实时对战,还可以选择各种武器和地图。","#Objective":"目标","#FRVR aimed to boost awareness of their game and find new players among, along with increasing engagement from existing players.":"FRVR 的目的是提升其游戏的知名度,吸引新玩家,并增加现有玩家的参与度。","#FRVR partnered with Discord to implement an \"in-game\" Quest through direct API integration with Krunker Strike. Players were required to complete a specific in-game objective: win 5 multiplayer battles.":"FRVR 与 Discord 合作,通过与《Krunker Strike》的直接 API 集成来实现“游戏内”悬赏令。玩家需要完成一个特定的游戏内目标:赢得 5 场多人对战。","#Success stories":"成功案例","#What are the Quest rewards?":"什么是游戏悬赏令奖励?","#Quest rewards are incentives given to Discord players upon completing a Quest. These rewards can include valuable in-game items or items from the Discord Shop, such as Avatar Decorations. Our Sales team will advise advertisers on the most effective type of reward for their campaign goals.":"游戏悬赏令奖励是给 Discord 玩家在完成游戏悬赏令后的一种激励。这些奖励可以是珍贵的游戏内物品,也可以是 Discord 商店的物品,比如头像装饰等。我们的销售团队将为广告主提供建议,以帮助他们选择最符合推广活动目标的奖励类型。","#Where can I see active Quests?":"在哪里可以看到进行中的游戏悬赏令?","#All active Quests can be found on the Quest Home (Discover > Quests).":"所有进行中的游戏悬赏令都可以在游戏悬赏令主页找到(发现 > 游戏悬赏令)。","#How much do Quests cost?":"游戏悬赏令的费用如何?","#I'm a Game Developer / Publisher, how can I run a Discord Quest?":"如果我是游戏开发人员/发行商,那么我应该如何发布 Discord 游戏悬赏令?","#Fill out this form, and our Sales team will contact you to understand your marketing and advertising goals, and guide you on launching a Quest for your game or product.":"请填写此表单,我们的销售团队将与您联系,了解您的营销和推广目标,并指导您为您的游戏或产品发布悬赏令。","#Can non-gaming brands run Discord Quests?":"非游戏品牌可以发布 Discord 游戏悬赏令吗?","#At the moment, we're focusing on gaming content. However, we're always exploring new ways for Quests to come to life on Discord. Sign up for updates to stay informed as we evolve and expand our offerings.":"目前,我们主要专注于游戏内容。不过,我们始终在探索让游戏悬赏令在 Discord 上更具活力的新方法。请注册获取更新,以便于及时了解我们在产品研发和拓展方面的最新情况。","#QUESTS NOOB GUIDE":"游戏悬赏令新手指南","#Faq":"常见问题","#The ins and outs to Quests and everything in between.":"游戏悬赏令的详情及相关信息。","#What are Discord Quests?":"什么是 Discord 游戏悬赏令?","#Where do Quests show up?":"游戏悬赏令会出现在哪里?","#Quests appear natively across Discord on multiple surfaces. Most users will find Quests through the Quest Bar, which appears at the top of the user activity console or at the bottom of the mobile app. Quests also appear in social activity panels if a friend is participating in a Quest. Finally, all ongoing Quests can be found in the Quests Home, located in the Discover section.":"游戏悬赏令会显示在 Discord 的多种界面中。大多数用户可以在位于用户活动控制台顶部或移动应用底部的游戏悬赏令栏中找到它。如果您有好友正在参与某个游戏悬赏令活动,那么相关游戏悬赏令也会出现在社交活动面板中。最后,所有进行中的游戏悬赏令都可以在“发现”界面的“游戏悬赏令”主页中找到。","#Where Are Quests Available?":"游戏悬赏令可以在哪里发布?","#Quests can be launched in all regions where Discord is available around the world. You can tailor your audience to specific countries based on your campaign goals.":"游戏悬赏令可以在所有支持 Discord 平台的地区发布。您可以根据活动推广目标将受众锁定到特定国家或地区。","#Quests are our new ad format designed to engage players on Discord. Players can earn rewards like in-game items or Discord avatar decorations by completing Quest requirements, that may include playing or streaming a game on Discord for a specific amount of time.":"游戏悬赏令是我们全新的广告形式,旨在吸引 Discord 上的玩家。玩家可通过完成悬赏令要求来获得游戏内物品或 Discord 头像装饰等奖励,悬赏令的要求包括需要玩家在 Discord 上玩游戏或直播游戏,并达到特定时间长度。","#With Quests, players can discover exciting new games and get rewarded for playing, and game publishers can attract new players and re-engage their existing player base.":"通过游戏悬赏令,玩家不仅可以发现令人兴奋的新游戏,还能获得游戏奖励;而游戏发行商则可以借此吸引新玩家并重新激发老玩家群体的游戏热情。","#If the Grand Prize Winner: (i) develops a fully functioning version of the app included in their Submission, provided such app continues to comply with these Terms; (ii) remains eligible under the Terms; and (iii) resubmits it to Discord within three (3) months (via sending it through the private Discord Developer Partners Server Discord will create with each winner), there will be an additional grant of USD $25,000. For clarity, the Grand Prize Winner is eligible to receive both the Category Winner prize and the Grand Prize Winner prize, for up to a total of USD $30,000 across both prizes.":"如果大奖得主:(i)在继续遵守本条款规定的前提下开发出了参赛作品的完全功能版本;(ii)满足本条款的要求,仍有参赛资格;以及(iii)在三(3)个月内将作品重新提交给 Discord(通过 Discord 为每位获奖者创建的 Discord 开发者合作伙伴私人服务器发送),则大奖得主可以额外获得 25.000 美元的奖金。为明确起见,大奖得主可同时获得类别获奖者奖金与大奖得主奖金,两份奖金总计可达最高 30.000 美元。","#THEY get rewarded":"获得奖励","#Why Quests":"为何","#Designed for gameRS":"专为游戏玩家设计游戏悬赏令","#Players discover your game,
and get rewarded for playing it. Now that's a win win.":"让玩家发现您的游戏,
并通过游玩获得奖励,实现了双赢。","#ALL YOUR PLAYERS IN ONE PLACE":"所有玩家汇聚一处","#Reach the most passionate players based on the games they actually play.":"根据玩家实际玩过的游戏,找到最热情的玩家群体。","#FRIEND-TO- FRIEND INFLUENCE":"好友之间的影响力","#When someone accepts a Quest, their friends can see and join in. That’s the ultimate endorsement.":"当用户接受悬赏令时,他们的朋友会看到并加入。这就是最有效的推荐方式。","#MEASURE GAMEPLAY IMPACT":"衡量游戏的影响力","#Because our users game while on Discord, we can measure the gameplay lift from your campaign.":"因为用户会在 Discord 平台上玩游戏,因此我们可以衡量您的推广活动对游戏参与的提升。","#Partners who’ve run Quests:":"参与过游戏悬赏令的合作伙伴:","#THE Quests EFFECT":"游戏悬赏令的影响力","#From launching a new game, to drumming up buzz about a new season or DLC, Quests are the best way to reach your audience and get them playing.":"无论是推出新游戏,还是为新赛季或 DLC 造势,游戏悬赏令都是触达您的受众并吸引他们参与游戏的最佳方式。","#ACTIVATE YOUR PLAYERS":"调动玩家积极性","#Reinvigorate your current playerbase and get them gaming again.":"再次激发现有玩家群体的游戏热情,让他们重新投入游戏。","#DRIVE awareness":"提高知名度","#Get your game in front of players looking for their next favorite.":"让那些正在寻找下一款心仪之作的玩家看到您的游戏。","#FIND NEW PLAYERS":"寻找新的玩家","#Find your next hardcore fans.":"找到您的下一批铁杆粉丝。","#ads that DON’T PLAY LIKE ADS":"“不像广告”的广告","#WE’VE CHANGED
THE GAME":"我们改变了
游戏规则。","#See how some of the most popular games are winning big with Quests.":"看看那些最受欢迎的游戏是如何通过游戏悬赏令取得巨大成功的。","#See Success Stories":"查看成功案例","#Quests are our new ad format designed to engage players, and get them playing your game.":"游戏悬赏令是我们全新的广告形式,旨在吸引玩家体验您的游戏。","#Players ACCEPT your Quest":"玩家接受您的悬赏令","#They play your game":"体验您的游戏","#Our Sales team can discuss Quest campaign costs with you, and the price will depend on variables like campaign reach, geographies, and more. You can get in touch with our team by completing this form.":"我们的销售团队会与您洽谈游戏悬赏令推广活动的费用,价格会根据活动的覆盖范围、地区等因素而有所不同。您可以填写此表单与我们的团队取得联系。","#back to all Quests":"返回至全部游戏悬赏令","#DISCORD facts":"DISCORD 数据:","#FRIENDS PLAY TOGETHER":"与您的好友一起玩","#More than 75% of our users play multiplayer games weekly.":"超过 75% 的用户每周都会玩多人游戏。","#THEY GAME HARD":"硬核玩家","#Players on Discord spend nearly twice as much time gaming as those who are not on Discord.":"在 Discord 上的玩家玩游戏的时间几乎是非 Discord 玩家的两倍。","#GO WAY BEYOND PLAY":"超越游戏的体验","#Our users live and breathe gaming, dedicating hours each week to watching streams & videos, reading strategy guides & news, and staying ahead in the gaming world.":"我们的用户对游戏充满热情,每周会花费数小时观看直播和视频、研究攻略和新闻,以保持在游戏世界中的竞争优势。","#the world plays on discord":"全世界都在 Discord 上玩游戏","#Over 200M people are playing and hanging out on Discord every month. Reach them with Quests.":"每个月都有超过 2 亿玩家在 Discord 上享受游戏、交流心得。通过游戏悬赏令活动来吸引他们。","#of Discord users played a game in the last 30 days":"的 Discord 用户在过去 30 天内玩过游戏","#1.5B":"+15亿","#B as in billions of hours of
gameplay on Discord every month":"每月在 Discord 上的游戏总时长达到
15 亿小时。","#of our users play across multiple platforms
(PC, mobile, and consoles)":"的用户在多个平台
(PC、移动设备和主机)上玩游戏。","#The V6.4 reward bundle was highly coveted. To complete the Quest, participants were required to livestream Genshin Impact on Discord for at least 15 minutes, with at least one friend watching the stream. After completing the Quest, all players received a bundle of in-game items.":"4.6 版本奖励包极具吸引力。为了完成悬赏令,参与者需在 Discord 上直播《原神》至少 15 分钟,并且至少有一名好友观看。任务完成后,玩家都将获得一份游戏内物品奖励包。","#Millions of players participated in the Genshin Impact Quest on Discord, resulting in a 83% increase in gameplay hours for the game during the seven-day campaign. The momentum and gameplay was maintained for weeks after the campaign, fueled by the excitement from the Quest and the in-game reward.":"数百万玩家参与了 Discord 上的《原神》游戏悬赏令活动,7 天活动期间游戏时长增长了 83%。在活动结束后,因为参与者对于悬赏令和游戏内奖励的热情不减,游戏热度和游玩时长在接下来的几周内持续增长。","#Genshin Impact SUCCESS STORY":"《原神》 成功案例","#Genshin Impact is an open-world action RPG set in the fantasy world of Teyvat, where players control the Traveler, a mysterious figure with elemental powers. The game features cooperative multiplayer action and stunning visuals, garnering critical acclaim for its ambitious scope and ongoing content updates.":"《原神》是一款开放世界动作 PRG 游戏,游戏背景设定在奇幻世界提瓦特,玩家将操控拥有元素之力的神秘角色“旅行者”。这款游戏融合了多人合作玩法和令人惊叹的视觉效果,凭借其宏大的世界观及持续更新的内容广受好评。","#Genshin Impact boasts a large, engaged user base on Discord, with a community of over 1.7 million members in their official Discord server.":"《原神》在 Discord 上拥有庞大且活跃的用户群体,其官方 Discord 服务器的社区成员人数超过 170 万。","#HoYoverse was preparing a major update (v4.6), introducing a new character, world, and storyline events to Genshin Impact. To drive awareness and engagement for this new update, HoYoverse wanted to try a different method to ignite their active and lapsed players on Discord.":"HoYoverse 正在准备进行一次重大更新(4.6 版本),为《原神》引入新角色、新世界和故事情节。为了提升玩家对于此次更新的关注度和参与度,HoYoverse 希望采用一种不同的方式,重新点燃 Discord 上活跃玩家和流失玩家的热情。","#Solution":"解决方案","#HoYoverse partnered with Discord to create a Quest featuring highly-coveted in-game items, sparking deep engagement with the Genshin Impact community.":"HoYoverse 与 Discord 携手推出了一项游戏悬赏令,通过奖励炙手可热的游戏内物品,激发了《原神》社区的深度参与。","#The Call of Duty Quest offered a unique \"Game Is Love: MCW 6.8 Marksman Rifle\" blueprint reward. Its vibrant design and special animations made it highly sought-after within the COD community.":"《使命召唤》游戏悬赏令提供了独一无二的“游戏狂热:MCW 6.8 精准步枪武器蓝图”奖励。其生动的设计和独特的动画效果,使其在《使命召唤》社区中备受追捧。","#More than 1.6 million users participated in the Call of Duty Quest on Discord, resulting in a 29% lift in total gameplay hours during the first seven days of the campaign. The unique Weapon Blueprint Quest reward attracted a lot of additional hype for to Call of Duty franchise, increasing the number of users streaming the title by 28% on Discord.":"超过 160 万用户参与了 Discord 上的《使命召唤》游戏悬赏令,使活动的前七天总游戏时长增长了 29%。独占的“武器蓝图悬赏令”奖励为《使命召唤》系列带来了额外的热度,Discord 上直播该游戏的用户数量增加了 28%。","#new server members":"服务器新成员","#Call of Duty SUCCESS STORY":"《使命召唤》 成功案例","#Call of Duty is one of the world's most popular first-person shooter franchises, published by Activision. Throughout its releases over the last 20 years, the game has visited various historical, modern, and futuristic scenarios, and each entry offers both single-player and multiplayer modes.":"《使命召唤》是全球最受欢迎的第一人称射击游戏系列之一,由动视公司发行。在过去 20 年发行的历代作品中,展示了各种历史、现代和未来的场景,每一部作品都提供单人和多人游戏模式。","#Known for its fast-paced gameplay, realistic graphics, and engaging storylines, Call of Duty has become one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time. On Discord, it boasts one of the most popular communities on the platform, with over 500,000 members on one of the bigger community-ran servers.":"《使命召唤》以其快节奏的游戏玩法、逼真的画面和引人入胜的故事情节而闻名,成为有史以来最畅销的视频游戏之一。在 Discord 上,它是平台最受欢迎的游戏社区之一,在一个大型社区运营的服务器上,成员超过了50 万人。","#Activision was on the hunt for innovative ways to promote the highly anticipated Season 4 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III. This season would introduce three new multiplayer maps and a new seasonal Battle Pass offering over 100 in-game rewards, including Operator skins and unique weapon variants, called Blueprints. The goal was to generate excitement and keep the player community engaged.":"动视公司一直在寻找创新的方式来推广其备受期待的《使命召唤:现代战争 III》第四赛季。这一赛季将推出三张新的多人游戏地图,以及一个全新的赛季战斗通行证,提供超过 100 级游戏内奖励,包括特工皮肤和独特的武器变体(蓝图)。其目标是激发玩家的热情,保持社区的活跃度。","#Activision partied up with Discord to launch a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Quest, aiming to get users on Discord to check out the game's new season. As a reward, players who completed the Quest by playing the game for 15 minutes were offered an in-game reward: the \"Game Is Love: MCW 6.8 Marksman Rifle Weapon Blueprint.\"":"动视与 Discord 合作推出了《使命召唤:现代战争 III》游戏悬赏令,旨在吸引 Discord 用户体验游戏的新赛季。玩家只需玩游戏 15 分钟,就算完成悬赏令,即可获得一份游戏内奖励:“游戏狂热:MCW 6.8 精准步枪武器蓝图”。","#THE FINALS partnered with Discord to launch the Skill Issue Quest which tasked players to stream 15 min of THE FINALS to a friend. By completing the Quest, players would earn an exclusive in-game reward called the \"Skill Issue Set,\" which would quickly become a highly coveted item by the community.":"《The Finals》与 Discord 合作推出了“技能问题”(Skill Issue)游戏悬赏令,玩家需向朋友直播《The Finals》至少 15 分钟。完成悬赏令后,玩家将获得一份叫做“技能问题套装”的独家游戏内奖励,这一奖励很快就成为社区玩家热捧的游戏物品。","#To ensure THE FINALS community got super excited and engaged, Embark designed a Discord exclusive reward, the Skill Issue Set which includes:":"为了确保《The Finals》社区成员获得极致的兴奋感和参与感,Embark 设计了一份 Discord 独家奖励,即“技能问题套装”,其中包括:","#Beanie with Headphones":"豆豆帽 & 耳机","#Skill Issue Sneakers":"技能问题运动鞋","#Skill Issue Blackout Tattoo":"技能问题眩晕纹身","#Skill Issue Slacks":"技能问题裤子","#Skill Issue Tank":"技能问题紧身背心","#Attention Grabbers Sticker":"睁大眼睛贴纸","#RESULTS":"结果","#Discord exploded with millions of players completing the the Skill Issue Quest — driving an overall increase in game sessions, streaming on Discord, and new players joining the THE FINALS Discord community.":"Discord 瞬间沸腾,数百万玩家完成了“技能问题”悬赏令,这进一步推动了游戏时段的增长、Discord 直播的增加,同时吸引了更多新玩家加入《The Finals》社区。","#1.7":"170","#The Finals SUCCESS STORY":"《The Finals》 成功案例","#k+":"万+","#overview":"概况","#Set in the future, THE FINALS is a free-to-play, online multiplayer game where players are contestants in a digital game show where they battle it out in virtual maps based on real-world locations. THE FINALS offers an unparalleled competitive experience in fully destructible environments, where contestants compete for fame, fortune and the favor of generous seasonal sponsors.":"《The Finals》是一款以未来为背景的免费在线多人游戏,玩家作为数字游戏表演的参赛者,在基于现实世界地点的虚拟地图中展开激烈对决。《The Finals》提供了无与伦比的竞技体验,玩家将在可彻底破坏的环境中展开激烈竞争,争夺名誉、财富和赛季赞助方的青睐。","#Embark aimed to engage their existing player base to build excitement, awareness and gameplay for season 2 of THE FINALS.":"Embark 的目标是吸引现有玩家群体,为《The Finals》第二赛季提升刺激感、知名度和游戏体验。","#solution":"解决方案","#quests":"游戏悬赏令","#World of Warcraft":"魔兽世界","#To drive awareness of their new v4.6 patch, Hoyoverse wanted to try something a bit different to activate their massive player base on Discord.":"为了提高 4.6 版本的知名度,HoYoverse 希望采取一些不同的方式来激发他们 Discord 上庞大玩家群体的热情。","#View Success Story":"查看成功案例","#QUESTS SUCCESS STORY":"游戏悬赏令成功案例","#The v4.6 reward bundle was highly coveted. To complete the Quest, participants were required to livestream Genshin Impact on Discord for at least 15 minutes, with at least one friend watching the stream. After completing the Quest, all players received a bundle of in-game items.":"4.6 版本奖励包极具吸引力。为了完成悬赏令,参与者需在 Discord 上直播《原神》至少 15 分钟,并且至少有一名好友观看。任务完成后,玩家都将获得一份游戏内物品奖励包。","#Blizzard introduced a Quest aimed to motivate both active and lapsed WoW players on Discord to immerse themselves in and share their gameplay experiences of the latest expansion, \"The War Within.\"":"暴雪引入了游戏悬赏令,鼓励活跃和回归的《魔兽世界》玩家在 Discord 上深入体验最新资料片《地心之战》,并分享他们的游戏体验。","#As an incentive, players who completed the Quest received an exclusive in-game reward: the Parrlok Pet. This unique companion creature, created specifically for this Quest, offered players a tangible and visually striking memento of their Quest participation.":"为了激励玩家,完成游戏悬赏令的玩家将获得独家游戏内奖励:帕尔洛克小宠物。这一位特别为游戏悬赏令打造的独特伙伴,不仅是玩家参与游戏悬赏令的纪念,而且外形也十分抢眼。","#During the expansion launch, The War Within Quest saw over 1 million participants. The Quest, combined with other key PR and marketing efforts, helped drive a 63% surge in player count on Discord over a seven day period.":"在资料片上线期间,《地心之战》的游戏悬赏令吸引了超过 100 万名玩家参与。结合其他重要的公关和营销活动,Discord 上的玩家数量在七天内飙升 63%。","#1M":"100 万","#increase in Total Playtime hours during launch week":"发布首周总游戏时长增长","#The War Within SUCCESS STORY":"《地心之战》成功案例","#World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Since its release in 2004, it has become one of the most popular and enduring MMORPGs in gaming history. In August 2024, Blizzard launched \"The War Within,\" the first expansion in World of Warcraft's new \"Worldsoul Saga.\" This expansion introduces players to the subterranean realm of Khaz Algar.":"《魔兽世界》(World of Warcraft,简称 WoW)是由暴雪娱乐开发并发行的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)。自 2004 年问世以来,它已成为游戏史上最受欢迎且持续时间最长的 MMORPG 之一。2024 年 8 月,暴雪推出了《地心之战》,这是《魔兽世界》“世界之魂传说”的首部资料片。在这一资料片中,玩家将探索卡兹阿加地表之下的广袤领域。","#\"The War Within\" marks a significant new chapter in the World of Warcraft story, promising to deepen the game's lore and offer fresh experiences for both newcomers and veteran players alike.":"《地心之战》标志着《魔兽世界》的故事又揭开了一个崭新的重要篇章,游戏的背景得到进一步深化与完善,为新老玩家带来全新体验。","#Blizzard aimed to generate awareness for its new World of Warcraft expansion, \"The War Within,\" which included an early access program. This program allowed players who purchased the Premium version to experience the expansion a few days ahead of the official launch. Given WoW's rich history, Blizzard saw a prime opportunity to engage both active and lapsed players in promoting this latest expansion to the game.":"暴雪希望借此机会打响《魔兽世界》新资料片《地心之战》的关注度,并推出了抢先体验计划。购买史诗礼包的玩家可以在正式发布前几天抢先进入游戏体验。鉴于《魔兽世界》丰富的历史,暴雪看到了一个与活跃玩家及回归玩家互动并借此推广这部资料片的良机。","#Discord Quests":"Discord 游戏悬赏令"},"version":17136},{"_id":"en","source":"en","pluralFn":"return n != 1 ? 1 : 0;","pluralForm":2,"dictionary":{},"version":17136},{"_id":"outdated","outdated":{"#Discord Quests":1,"#The V6.4 reward bundle was highly coveted. To complete the Quest, participants were required to livestream Genshin Impact on Discord for at least 15 minutes, with at least one friend watching the stream. After completing the Quest, all players received a bundle of in-game items.":1,"#If the Grand Prize Winner: (i) develops a fully functioning version of the app included in their Submission, provided such app continues to comply with these Terms; (ii) remains eligible under the Terms; and (iii) resubmits it to Discord within three (3) months (via sending it through the private Discord Developer Partners Server Discord will create with each winner), there will be an additional grant of USD $25,000. For clarity, the Grand Prize Winner is eligible to receive both the Category Winner prize and the Grand Prize Winner prize, for up to a total of USD $30,000 across both prizes.":1,"#Activision partied up with Discord to launch a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Quest, aiming to get users on Discord to check out the game's new season. As a reward, players who completed the Quest by playing the game for 15 minutes were offered an in-game reward: the \"Game Is Love: MCW 6.8 Marksman Rifle Weapon Blueprint.\"":1,"#Activision was on the hunt for innovative ways to promote the highly anticipated Season 4 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III. This season would introduce three new multiplayer maps and a new seasonal Battle Pass offering over 100 in-game rewards, including Operator skins and unique weapon variants, called Blueprints. The goal was to generate excitement and keep the player community engaged.":1,"#Known for its fast-paced gameplay, realistic graphics, and engaging storylines, Call of Duty has become one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time. On Discord, it boasts one of the most popular communities on the platform, with over 500,000 members on one of the bigger community-ran servers.":1,"#Call of Duty is one of the world's most popular first-person shooter franchises, published by Activision. Throughout its releases over the last 20 years, the game has visited various historical, modern, and futuristic scenarios, and each entry offers both single-player and multiplayer modes.":1,"#Call of Duty SUCCESS STORY":1,"#More than 1.6 million users participated in the Call of Duty Quest on Discord, resulting in a 29% lift in total gameplay hours during the first seven days of the campaign. The unique Weapon Blueprint Quest reward attracted a lot of additional hype for to Call of Duty franchise, increasing the number of users streaming the title by 28% on Discord.":1,"#The Call of Duty Quest offered a unique \"Game Is Love: MCW 6.8 Marksman Rifle\" blueprint reward. Its vibrant design and special animations made it highly sought-after within the COD community.":1,"#Quests are our new ad format designed to engage players on Discord. Players can earn rewards like in-game items or Discord avatar decorations by completing Quest requirements, that may include playing or streaming a game on Discord for a specific amount of time.

With Quests, players can discover exciting new games and get rewarded for playing, and game publishers can attract new players and re-engage their existing player base.":1,"#Abonnements aux serveurs 105 : Préparation au lancement":1,"#fornecemos":1,"#Desenvol":1,"#Prohibido":1,"#1. ¡Presentamos el selector de comandos!":1,"#Reinvigorate your current playerbase and get them gaming again.":1,"#Our Sales team can discuss Quest campaign costs with you, and the price will depend on variables like campaign reach, geographies, and more. You can get in touch with our team by completing this form.
":1,"#integrações":1,"#cliquer ici":1,"#vedores":1,"#Utilisez des sons personnalisés et des sons d'entrée personnalisés sur les canaux vocaux.":1,"#Chúng tôi cũng đang hợp tác với các tổ chức về an toàn cho trẻ em và gia đình để xây dựng thêm nguồn lực và cải thiện các chính sách của chúng tôi về lâu dài. Một trong những đối tác thân thiết của chúng tôi, ConnectSafely gần đây đã ra mắt ấn bản Hướng dẫn về Discord dành cho cha mẹ.
":1,"#interações":1,"#títulos":1,"#permitidos":1,"#Ils peuvent être utilisés pour des AMA, des podcasts, des présentations, et bien plus encore ! Pour en savoir plus sur les salons de conférence, c'est ici.":1,"#Comment allons-nous organiser l'événement efficacement ? Dates, heures, prix à gagner et autres informations concernant le contexte doivent être communiqués à l'avance à ton équipe. Présente les détails sous forme écrite, de façon claire et accessible, aux yeux de tous.":1,"#Qui sera présent pour modérer pendant l'événement ? Si tu es occupé à animer l'événement, il est important de choisir des modérateurs à l'avance, qui pourront se concentrer sur la sécurité et l'organisation pendant l'événement.":1,"#Comment allons-nous gérer les comportements turbulents ? Exclusion, bannissement ou suppression d'utilisateurs sont tous des opérations de modération valides pour assurer le bon fonctionnement de l'événement.":1,"#Applicare titoli chiari e messaggi per i poster.":1,"#Più grande cresce la tua comunità, più diventa difficile tenere traccia di tutte le discussioni in corso. Quindi, come si fa a dare a tutti la possibilità di far sentire la propria voce?":1,"#Elija a qué servidor agregarlo (la lista mostrará todos los servidores para los que tiene el permiso 'administrar servidor').":1,"#Más fácil de usar":1,"#Hoja de ruta en Github":1,"#Cualquier menú contextual con comandos agregados tendrá una opción adicional en el menú que dice \"Aplicaciones\".":1,"#¿Qué está pasando con las aplicaciones?":1,"#If the Grand Prize Winner: (i) develops a fully functioning version of the app included in their Submission, provided such app continues to comply with these Terms; (iii) remains eligible under the Terms; and (iii) resubmits it to Discord within three (3) months (via sending it through the private Discord Developer Partners Server Discord will create with each winner), there will be an additional grant of USD $25,000. For clarity, the Grand Prize Winner is eligible to receive both the Category Winner prize and the Grand Prize Winner prize, for up to a total of USD $30,000 across both prizes.":1,"#Crée un salon ou un forum dédié #présentations pour que les membres puissent soumettre leurs contributions.":1,"#Tu pourrais aussi mettre en place une page de galerie sur le site web de ta communauté dédiée à la présentation du travail de la communauté comme la Galerie de Fluffle!":1,"#Sei pronto a testare i canali del forum nella tua comunità? Esplora il nostro":1,"#più dovrai sostenerle.":1,"#4. Autocompletar para interacciones.":1,"#Attention Grabbers Sticker":1,"#Skill Issue Tank":1,"#Skill Issue Slacks":1,"#Skill Issue Blackout Tattoo":1,"#Skill Issue Sneakers":1,"#Beanie with Headphones":1,"#Discord Dan.":1,"#Sve":1,"#La compréhension d'une bonne expérience d'accueil est cruciale pour le succès d'un serveur. Tu as passé tout ce temps à mettre en place un lieu de vie extraordinaire pour une communauté en pleine expansion, mais maintenant il faut vraiment accueillir tes membres et favoriser un fort sentiment d'appartenance. Montrer l'exemple contribuera grandement à instaurer une atmosphère positive entre vous, tes modérateurs et tous les membres actuels ou nouveaux à venir !":1,"#C'est aussi une bonne idée de s'assurer que tu prennes le temps de répondre aux messages de tes nouveaux membres et de les accueillir sur un serveur avec une réponse amicale et humaine! ":1,"#Astuce: Si tu veux vérifier comment tu as configuré ton serveur pour les nouveaux membres, tu auras la possibilité de Voir le serveur en tant que... un rôle spécifique. Cette fonction réorganise ton serveur pour ne montrer que ce que ce rôle verrait afin de donner un aperçu en temps réel de ce que voit un nouveau membre.":1,"#publicación de blog":1,"#Faq":1,"#Quest Case Study":1,"#10. License to Submission.":1,"#organizado":1,"#resumo":1,"#participação":1,"#En partie ensoleillé et agréable":1,"#Zuletzt":1,"#¿Te han entrado ganas de probar los canales de foro en tu comunidad? Echa un vistazo a nuestro":1,"#questions de personnalisation":1,"#l'accueil dans la communauté, consulte notre FAQ":1,"#Kayıt olmak":1,"#Cuantas más conversaciones tengas,":1,"#Cada canal de foro tiene":1,"#'Webhooks gebruiken'":1,"#Abonnements aux serveurs 102 : Niveaux ou pas ?":1,"#acessar":1,"#Wenn wir gemeldete Vorfälle im Rahmen dieser Richtlinie überprüfen, bewerten wir den Account unter Berücksichtigung der Grundsätze der wiederherstellenden Gerechtigkeit. Wir können es ablehnen, Maßnahmen gegen den Account zu ergreifen, wenn: das Verhalten außerhalb der Plattform in der fernen Vergangenheit stattgefunden hat; die Person einen glaubwürdigen Rehabilitierungsprozess durchlaufen hat oder in der Vergangenheit eine gerechtigkeitsorientierte Strafe erhalten hat (z. B. einen Aufenthalt in einer Justizvollzugsanstalt); und die Untersuchung und Bewertung ergibt, dass es keine Beweise dafür gibt, dass das Verhalten auf Discord stattfindet. Wir können einen Account auch aufgrund eines Einspruchs von der Sperrung ausnehmen.
":1,"#Fill out the form to RSVP to our Discord Game Night party and unlock exclusive info for our presence at Ad Week.":1,"#We're making our debut at Advertising Week NYC, and we want you there to celebrate with us. Check out the schedule of events below to learn more about our speaking sessions. And whether or not you're attending Ad Week, come join us at our exclusive Game Night on Wednesday for an epic evening of drinks, games, and vibes!":1,"#politik for adfærd uden for platformen":1,"#adfærd uden for platformen":1,"#prendre nous Commentaire faire faire appel de nos décisions":1,"#Todo":1,"#Super éthique":1,"#407 : Gérer une augmentation des années":1,"#205 : Utilisateur de couleurs de rôles":1,"#Comment modérer les salons":1,"#Comprendre et l'œuvre":1,"#203 Développer : les règles du serveur":1,"#Les mesures que nous":1,"#345 : Bonnes pratiques pour mod la création de contenu":1,"#341 : Comprendre communauté via les analyses":1,"#Gérer des équipes de de modération":1,"#403 : Sujets sensible":1,"#Commentaire nous enquêtons":1,"#votre ado à être prudent sur Discord":1,"#404 : Prise en de la matière mentale dans ta communauté":1,"#302 : les directives des modérateurs":1,"#104 : Commentaire signal de contenu à Discord":1,"#Contenud autorisé à partir d'un âge certain sur Discord":1,"#303 : Cultiver des aspects positifs":1,"#La santé mentale sur Discor":1,"#Tyhjennä":1,"#Thông tin chúng tôi nhận được từ các nguồn khác":1,"#. Nous pouvons fournir des informations à des fournisseurs que nous engageons pour effectuer des tâches spécifiques pour nous. Cela inclut les organismes de traitement des paiements comme Stripe et PayPal qui traitent les transactions en notre nom et les fournisseurs de cloud comme Google qui hébergent nos données et nos services. Nous pouvons également fournir des informations limitées aux plateformes publicitaires pour nous aider à atteindre les personnes qui, selon nous, aimeront nos produits et pour mesurer la performance de nos annonces diffusées sur ces plateformes. Ceci a pour but d'attirer davantage d'utilisateurs sur Discord et d'assurer le succès de notre entreprise, et nous ne fournissons que les informations nécessaires pour faciliter ces services. Il peut s'agir d'informations telles que le fait que vous avez installé notre application ou que vous vous êtes inscrit(e) pour utiliser Discord.":1,"#para aprender a crear el tuyo hoy mismo.":1,"#que ayudan a la gente a encontrar conversaciones que puedan interesarle. Todo está diseñado para que los miembros puedan crear publicaciones nuevas de manera ágil, que no haya ningún tipo de líos y promover conversaciones significativas.":1,"#202 : Gérer les scénarios":1,"#. Nous pouvons divulguer des informations si nous pensons de bonne foi que cela est nécessaire pour empêcher un préjudice grave à une personne.":1,"#Beim Discord-Identitätsdiebstahl gibt ein Hacker vor, dich von einem „offiziellen Discord-Account“ aus anzuschreiben und dir die Teilnahme an einer unserer Communitys anzubieten (z. B. am HypeSquad oder Partnerprogramm).":1,"#Permissão para utilizar a barra concedida: apresentando as permissões de comando de barra":1,"#Los canales de foro están diseñados para":1,"#que explican qué tipo de temas están permitidos y":1,"#. Certaines fonctionnalités, comme la synchronisation des contacts, peuvent nécessiter que vous fournissiez des informations supplémentaires (ou que vous nous autorisiez à accéder à ces informations) pour les faire fonctionner. Cela inclut également les intégrations tierces que vous choisissez d'activer et les données que vous autorisez ces services tiers à partager avec nous. Par exemple, lorsque vous associez un compte de streaming de musique, nous pouvons recueillir des informations sur ce compte, comme la chanson que vous écoutez, afin d'afficher ces informations sur votre profil ou sur votre statut (si vous avez choisi de le faire).":1,"#. Nous recueillons des informations sur l'appareil que vous utilisez pour accéder aux services. Par exemple, il s'agit d'informations telles que votre adresse IP, des informations sur le système d'exploitation, des informations sur le navigateur et des informations sur les paramètres de votre appareil, comme votre microphone et/ou votre caméra.":1,"#206 : Bonnes pratiques pour les outils":1,"#Man bør aldrig oplyse en anden persons personlige oplysninger, bortset fra ens egne under rette omstændigheder, da det at dele andres oplysninger kan blive anset som doxxing, hvilket er en afsløring af personlige oplysninger fra tredjepart (f.eks. hvis nogen offentliggør en anden brugers adresse). Dette kan i visse tilfælde føre til handling fra Trust & Safety, da det bryder Discords servicevilkår/community-retningslinjer. Bruger-ID og brugernavne er acceptable, så længe der er en grund til at afsløre disse, men sørg altid for at overveje, om der er konsekvenser for den pågældende bruger.":1,"#. Nous utilisons vos informations pour vous contacter au sujet de votre compte, par exemple pour le vérifier ou le sécuriser avec une authentification à deux facteurs. Nous pouvons également utiliser vos informations pour vous contacter au sujet de changements importants concernant nos produits ou nos politiques et pour vous envoyer des informations sur les produits que vous avez achetés.":1,"#. Nous utilisons vos informations pour répondre à vos questions sur nos produits et services, et pour enquêter sur des bugs ou tout autre problème.":1,"#. Nous sommes fiers du produit que nous avons conçu. Il peut arriver que nous mentionnions nos services payants et d'autres fonctionnalités directement au sein des services et sur nos propres salons, et nous dépensons de l'argent pour faire la publicité de Discord sur d'autres plateformes. Dans ce cadre, nous utilisons certaines informations pour faciliter la diffusion de nos publicités, pour mesurer l'efficacité des publicités pour nos propres produits et pour améliorer ces publicités à l'avenir.":1,"#. Nous demandons des informations qui nous permettent de créer votre compte, de fournir et de maintenir nos services, de respecter nos engagements envers nos utilisateurs et de satisfaire à nos obligations légales. Le reste est facultatif.":1,"#Nous utilisons vos informations pour suivre les indicateurs fondamentaux de notre activité, pour effectuer des rapports financiers, pour répondre aux obligations réglementaires et pour résoudre les problèmes de facturation.":1,"#. Notre équipe Confiance & Sécurité dédiée met tout en œuvre pour aider à préserver la sécurité de notre communauté. Nous utilisons également certaines informations pour nous aider à identifier les violations de notre Charte d'Utilisation de la Communauté et empêcher la distribution de contenu nuisible par l’intermédiaire des services.":1,"#. Nous vous donnons la possibilité de contrôler la confidentialité de vos données sur Discord.":1,"#. Notre activité repose sur les abonnements et les produits payants, et non la vente de vos données personnelles à des tiers.":1,"#Conteúdo com restrição de identidade no Discord":1,"#. Discord4J —. https://github.com/nerd/Discord4J. JDiscord —. https://github.com/NotGGhost/jDiscord. — (@Ghost).":1,"#Ante todo,":1,"#10% korting op alle producten":1,"#50%":1,"#We may tell you about Quests that we think will interest you based on the games you play or other information associated with your Discord account. If you’re not interested in receiving personalized Discord Quest promotions, you can opt out of the use of your data for Quest targeting.

You may still see Quest promotions, but they won’t be personalized based on your activity on Discord.":1,"#W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań dotyczących tych praw lub chęci uzyskania kontroli nad własnymi danymi osobowymi, prosimy o kontakt pod adresem privacy@discord.com.":1,"#Aby skontaktować się z inspektorem ochrony danych Discorda, należy wysłać wiadomość e-mail na adres dpo@discord.com.":1,"#Deinen Discord-Server sichern Community aufbauen":1,"#Il est obligatoire de classer les salons où l'on peut retrouver du contenu réservé aux adultes comme « NSFW ».":1,"#Discord Pro Mode":1,"#Discord mod mods":1,"#Aici aflați mai multe despre Regulamentul comunității noastre, iar aici despre Termenii noștri de utilizare.":1,"#ize":1,"#Ad Week - The Penn District - Media & Entertainment Stage":1,"#Ad Week - The Penn District - Innovation Stage":1,"#20% op bijna alle geuren":1,"#Each potential winner may be required to provide Discord with proof that the potential winner is the authorized account holder of the account associated with the winning Submission. Multiple participants are not permitted to share the same account.":1,"#For a copy of the winner list, send a stamped, self-addressed, business-size envelope for arrival after July 31, 2024 and before July 31, 2025 to the address listed in Section 18 below, Attn: Discord App Pitches 2024.":1,"#Discord will award the following prizes for the Category Winners (including the Grand Prize Winner) and a separate prize for the Grand Prize Winner:":1,"#discord party":1,"#Recharge Wednesday":1,"#The “Amazon Music Listening Party” Activity is usable in markets where Amazon Music Unlimited is available. You can use the Activity with your friends in voice channels, server text chats, and even DMs on desktop, web, and mobile! Hop into a conversation with your friends and try the Activity for yourself!":1,"#For AAPI Heritage Month, we’re celebrating the things that make each of us unique.":1,"#This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. By participating in the Program and/or accepting any prize that may be awarded, to the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to fully indemnify each Released Party from and against any liability, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses resulting from any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or any misrepresentation made by you in connection with the Program.":1,"#We’re working with organizations–and directly with teens–to make the internet a better, safer place on Safer Internet Day, and every other day of the year.":1,"#Today is the 21st annual Safer Internet Day. That means at the prime age of 21, the annual online celebration that helps raise awareness around internet safety is older than many folks who hang out online with their friends on a daily basis! A lot has changed about how the internet impacts our daily lives in all those years — let’s talk about how we’re celebrating the work being done around the globe to make a difference.":1,"#Discord is a trademark of Discord Inc. The Program and all accompanying materials are copyright © 2023 by Discord Inc. All rights reserved.":1,"#As part of that work, we are participating in Safer Internet Day to demonstrate our commitment to internet safety and join forces with others to make the internet a better place.":1,"#Safety is a top priority at Discord and we are constantly working to ensure everyone on Discord is able to have meaningful online conversations and spend time with their communities in a safe, positive, and inclusive way.":1,"#d. Your Submission must be your (and if applicable, your team’s) original creation and you must have the full rights to grant the license and other rights that you grant to Discord in Section 10 below.":1,"#In addition, if a Category Winner (and if applicable any team members): (i) develops a fully functioning version of the app included in their Submission, provided such app continues to comply with these Terms; (ii) remains eligible under the Terms; and (iii) resubmits it to Discord within three (3) months (via sending it through the private Discord Developer Partners Server Discord will create with each winner), there will be an additional grant of USD $10,000 per Category Winner.":1,"#This Section does not apply to you if you reside in France, Germany or Great Britain. You agree that Discord Parties and their respective affiliates, suppliers, employees and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”), shall not be responsible or liable for any losses, damages or injuries of any kind resulting from your participation in the Program or any Program-related activity, unless occasioned by their gross negligence or willful misconduct.":1,"#To enter, complete the webform available at https://discord.com/build/app-pitches-2024 and provide all required information and materials (“Submission”). Each Submission will include the following:":1,"#Description: \"Discord is a hub for all kinds of play styles, including competitive spirits. We're looking for game experiences that ignite (friendly) rivalries, test skills against individuals or teams, and bring true pride in leaderboard status. Ideal for those who revel in competition and enjoy pitting their skills against others.\"":1,"#Category Winners:":1,"#As the Program includes some portion of user voting in selection of the Grand Prize Winner, Entrants are prohibited from (or encouraging others to) manipulate or game the voting system, for example creation of new accounts for the purpose of voting, encouraging users to vote without acknowledging the public voting criteria or any fraudulent or disruptive behaviors. Discord reserves the right to reject votes it does not believe were valid and to disqualify Entrants it suspects of violating this Section 6.":1,"#30% Professionalism: App proposals for Discord App Pitches 2024 should be polished, succinct, well-articulated, easy to follow, and crisp. Proposals should demonstrate qualities typical of a professional development team, such as deep customer understanding and strong grasp of required resources and timeline for building Activities. Proposals should exemplify professional work styles and attitude, such as a developer who is ready to be contracted for a paying client.":1,"#The Program starts at 9:00a.m. Pacific Time (PT) on April 1, 2024 and ends at 11:59p.m. PT on May 1, 2024 (the “Program Period”).":1,"#15% Uniqueness: App concepts for Discord App Pitches 2024 should not already be an existing Discord Activity. If a similar Activity exists, the proposed app should provide a more robust offering, such as more user benefits, more languages supported, or better design. Activities unique from other submissions are encouraged, so get creative with your building Activity!":1,"#On or about May 17, 2024 and continuing through the end of May, a panel of judges selected at Discord’s discretion and based in the U.S. will score each Submission based on the following criteria (“Judging Criteria”) to select five (5) category winners (each a “Category Winner”), with up to one (1) submission per category. Each Submission may only win once.":1,"#40% Value: App concepts for Discord App Pitches 2024 should be experiences that an average Discord user would find frequent or repeated use out of and are experiences best had with friends. A high score would be awarded to an app that is used daily for these Activities. The game should retain its novelty after all features are explored and most importantly, it should enhance the experience of Discord users and friends hanging out on Discord.":1,"#World-building exploration and RPG fosters connection":1,"#10% Representation: The \"Representation\" score values how well developers understand and cater to their intended app users, especially those from underserved communities. High scores will be given to developers who use their insights to create Activities and that meaningfully serve people of unique backgrounds. Teams composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds will also be awarded high scores, recognizing the value of varied perspectives and experiences in creating inclusive applications.":1,"#Story-building or rich lore":1,"#Sandbox games that allow free-building and customization":1,"#If you reside in France, Germany, or Great Britain, the laws of the country you reside in will govern these Terms and Conditions and any dispute, claim or cause of action (“Claim”) that arises between you and Discord, and you may initiate Claims before the courts of your country of residence. If you do not reside in France, Germany or Great Britain, the following clauses shall apply to you. The laws of the State of California, excluding its choice of law provisions, will govern these Terms and Conditions and any Claim that arises between you and Discord.":1,"#Games that provide the tools to invent, design, and share what you imagine":1,"#We're always looking to make Discord more helpful for all communities, whether your server is you and your closest friends or it’s home to the entire fandom of your favorite hobby. Starting this week, you may see some of the bigger servers you’re in show off new features you haven’t seen before.":1,"#5% Innovation: App proposals for Discord App Pitches 2024 should creatively address user needs and desires. Apps pioneering new uses for existing or early stage technology (such as machine learning, AI, or other cutting-edge solutions) in the context of building activities will receive a higher score.":1,"#comply with Discord’s terms and policies, including the Discord Terms of Service (discord.com/terms), the Community Guidelines (discord.com/guidelines), Discord Developer Policy (https://discord.com/developers/docs/policies-and-agreements/developer-policy), the Embedded App SDK terms guidelines and terms (as provided by Discord and updated from time to time), and Discord Developer Terms of Service (https://discord.com/developers/docs/policies-and-agreements/developer-terms-of-service);":1,"#Věkově omezené kanály jsou z filtru explicitních obrázků vyjmuty. Zapnutí tohoto filtru umožňuje členům serveru sdílet obsah a zároveň snižuje riziko zveřejnění explicitních obrázků v kanálech, které nejsou věkově omezené.":1,"#Respondendo às perguntas mais frequentes dos pais e educadores: Você tem perguntas, nós temos as respostas! Encontre as respostas para suas perguntas mais comuns sobre segurança, produtos e políticas diretamente com nossas equipes.
":1,"#Please reach out to your Discord sales rep to set up a meeting! Details and location to be shared once RSVP form is submitted.":1,"#Need a break? Swing by our offsite lounge on Wednesday to chat on all things gaming. We're just a block away from the Ad Week venue! Our sales team is ready to book your spot.":1,"#Communities and the creators who build them are at the heart of what we do at Discord. That's why we're starting to build new tools to make make the monetization process more seamless so communities can have direct ways within Discord to offer premium experiences.":1,"#The Discord Developer Platform is a playground for innovation and unique ideas. For ideas that defy categorization, the Wildcard category is open. There are no rules, no guidelines, no restrictions (except these Official Rules of course) - the potential is limitless!":1,"#In the latest Engineering blog, Senior Software Engineer Matt Nowack at Discord explains how his team utilizes Patch to test Elixir code.":1,"#Details and location to be shared once RSVP form is submitted.":1,"#Archivované verze":1,"#Join Discord at Advertising Week":1,"#Rodapé":1,"#Ícone":1,"#Como o Discord armazena trilhões de mensagens":1,"#Three great communities are here to share their experiences, plus some tips for hosting your own successful Stage events.":1,"#Students already use Discord to hang out with friends and study together, play games and form new clubs or societies, and even meet new people with unique and shared interests. We'd like to show you how Discord can help your students reconnect with their school routine and community while staying safe.":1,"#Wir arbeiten auch mit Organisationen zusammen, die sich für die Sicherheit von Kindern und Familien einsetzen, um mehr Ressourcen zu schaffen und unsere Richtlinien langfristig zu verbessern. Einer unserer engen Partner, ConnectSafely, veröffentlichte kürzlich seinen Leitfaden für Eltern zu Discord.
":1,"#Exclusief: cashback tijdelijk verhoogd naar 9%":1,"#Discord Datenschutzerklärung":1,"#SAMLINGER":1,"#For the full low-down on how Activities work, repeat after me: \"The Help Center article can be":1,"#Company Name":1,"#Take our Bullying and Harassment policy. We know that activities like trolling can be common online. But we also know from external research and our own analysis that when this behavior takes on certain characteristics—when it’s intentional or it targets a person or a group—it can cause people to experience psychological or emotional harm. It can make some feel uneasy or unsafe, even if they weren’t the specific target of the trolling.":1,"#Safer Internet Day 2024 | Discord":1,"#It’s with this in mind that Discord designs our touchpoints with teen users, like when we communicate an action we’ve taken on their account or deliver in-the-moment guidance about a user’s digital safety. For example, when a teen may have broken one of Discord’s Community Guidelines, or if they’ve received a potentially unwanted message, Discord may alert them and give them tools to educate and protect themselves.":1,"#At Discord, we take a stand against bullying and harassment. Our policy states that users are not allowed to target individuals or groups with actions meant to intimidate or cause distress.":1,"#Every platform needs rules. Those rules can simply follow legal standards, or they can be more comprehensive to reflect a wider range of society’s norms and customs, not just its laws. No matter how in-depth they are, the rules become an expression of the platform’s values and the spaces it wants to create.":1,"#Here’s a peek behind the curtain into how we do that.":1,"#Bringing Policies to Life | Discord":1,"#On Discord, we created a platform where people can come together over shared experiences, passions, and hobbies. It’s where people meet friends and make new ones. Because of that, we developed our rules with our users at the center.":1,"#Discord was created to foster friendship, so we design our rules with users at the center.":1,"#ConnectSafely Parents Guide to Discord":1,"#Wenn du bleibende Erinnerungen an Spiele und Videos mit deinen engsten Freunden auf Discord geschaffen hast, wird es jetzt viel einfacher, diese Momente zu wiederholen. Jetzt gibt es Aktivitäten: eine Möglichkeit, gemeinsame Erlebnisse mit Freunden, wie Spiele und Medien, sofort auf Discord selbst zu genießen.
":1,"#We’ve discussed some of our reactive and proactive policy and enforcement work in previous blog posts, and we’re planning to do more around our preventative efforts, such as parent and educator resources.":1,"#The safety of your teens and students is one of our biggest priorities. Discord is a place where your teen can hang out and find belonging with friends, classmates, and community members. Many teams across Discord work together to ensure your teen finds belonging by building products and policies with safety by default. We do this through reactive (responding to reports quickly), proactive (identifying problems before they are raised to us), and preventative (education and external engagement) efforts. Our teams are constantly listening to your feedback and improving on our existing safety policies, tools, and settings.":1,"#Hello Parents & Educators! We hope you and your students are settling into the new academic year. We know you all are doing your best to ensure continued education and socialization for your teens, whether it is in-person, online, or a hybrid of both.":1,"#The integrity of a civic process — specifically, around issues that could delegitimize results or undermine faith in public institutions
◦ This includes false accusations of ballot tampering, voter fraud (e.g., non-citizen voting), voter machine errors, and other forms of illegal election rigging":1,"#Supporting, calling for, or coordinating:
◦ forms of fraudulent participation in a civic process
◦ efforts to intimidate participants in a civic process":1,"#This work is rooted in research and is empathetic to the teen experience, because the ultimate outcome is users’ safety.":1,"#April 23, 2024":1,"#The importance of empathetic language when speaking to teens":1,"#When Discord speaks to users, it needs to use words and phrases that resonate with everyone. The practice of crafting this language is rooted in research and is empathetic to the teen experience.":1,"#Based on those principles, here are three ways Discord uses language to be helpful to its users, especially during times when they need guidance.":1,"#Jenna Passmore is a leader on the Discord’s Safety team who designs these experiences. Passmore follows a set of design principles focused on empowering teens to make safe decisions that will allow them to be their most authentic selves online.":1,"#That’s where our product and content designers come in. They develop the alerts to ensure that whatever pops up, the message is first and foremost clear to the person receiving it, but also helpful and relevant to the situation at hand. They also follow an important principle of communicating with a teen (or with anyone for that matter), which is to avoid being judgy.":1,"#Even if it doesn’t seem like it, teens are listening, and so the words we use with them matter. Whether they’re hearing from a parent, guardian, teacher, or mentor, young people are most receptive to messages that are honest, straightforward, and most of all, nonjudgmental.":1,"#Principles":1,"#To drive awareness of their new v4.6 patch, HoYoversae wanted to try something a bit different to activate their massive player base on Discord.":1,"#Activision was on the hunt for innovative ways to promote the highly anticipated Season 4 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III.":1,"#Oplysninger fra dine handlinger":1,"#For at tilpasse vores produkt til dig personligt":1,"#. Si no resolvemos tu queja, puedes remitirla sin coste alguno a":1,"#February 6, 2024":1,"#Fostering a Thriving, Partner-Worthy Community on Discord":1,"#1. Compete":1,"#2. Adventure Together":1,"#3. Collect and Create":1,"#5. Wildcard":1,"#18. Sponsor.":1,"#Selection and Notification of Winners":1,"#Znalosti a dovednosti:":1,"#THE FINALS":1,"#View case study":1,"#Najważniejszą sprawą w próbach deeskalacji konfliktów jest odpowiednie podejście. Użytkownicy rozgrzani emocjami frustrującej lub toksycznej dyskusji łatwo zaogniają sytuację lub przypadkowo wprowadzają jeszcze większą toksyczność. Kluczem jest zachowanie spokoju podczas pisania. Jeżeli chcesz mieć pewność, że niezależnie od wybranego podejścia dasz radę uspokoić dyskusję, trzeba zrobić to w sposób zrozumiały i z korzyścią dla wszystkich zaangażowanych stron.
":1,"#Discord Inc., 444 De Haro Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94107.

":1,"#Yulchon LLC
Representative: Kang Seok Hoon
38th Floor, Parnas Tower
521 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu
Seoul, South Korea":1,"#Download (D)":1,"#Uw persoonlijke Discord-instellingen aanpassen":1,"#Your data on Discord can be used to help us make Discord better, customize your Discord experience, and test new features – but only if you want it to. For the long version of what information we collect and how we use it, check out our Privacy Policy.":1,"#Turning this off means we’ll no longer track how you use and/or navigate Discord outside of data needed to provide the service, meet our commitments to our users, and satisfy our legal requirements. This data includes, for example, the fact that you joined a server — we need to know that to provide you access to the server!We use usage statistics to improve Discord and to make it more pleasant for you to use.":1,"#Personalization data":1,"#Genshin Impact":1,"#Join a culture that builds belonging":1,"#Whether you're looking to ace a class or dive into a new hobby, these eight communities can help you master your field of interest.":1,"#Mental health awareness is an essential and challenging topic to talk about in moderation. Being in a good mental state has countless benefits. Not only are you more alert, and subsequently feel better, but generally you are better equipped to deal with the stresses of everyday life. Mental health is an integral part of our health; there is no health without mental health.":1,"#Operating a space dedicated to coordinating unauthorized access to copyrighted material
◦ This includes servers and channels dedicated to facilitating or offering to facilitate the unauthorized sale, purchase, or trade of copyrighted works on or off Discord":1,"#Operating a space dedicated to providing unauthorized access to copyrighted material
◦ This includes channels and servers dedicated to the paid or unpaid sharing, streaming, or other distribution of copyrighted material":1,"#Atualizações dos Termos de Serviço":1,"#PUBG Community Team":1},"version":17136}]