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Accédez à la liste des résultats en appuyant sur la flèche du bas ou appuyez sur retour pour rechercher tous les résultats.":1,"#Case Study | Pharmacy Reaches Rapid Compliance, Efficiency In The Cloud":1,"#SAVIYNT FOR Okta":1,"#Identity and Access Intelligence (IAI) | Analytics & Intelligence Improves Governance":1,"#Résultats pour « access certification »":1,"#Il y a actuellement 3 résultats de suggestion automatique pour certification. Accédez à la liste des résultats en appuyant sur la flèche du bas ou appuyez sur retour pour rechercher tous les résultats.":1,"#Saviynt Training, Certification, and Tutorials | Saviynt":1,"#Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC)":1,"#Résultats pour « certification »":1,"#Converge Global Tour":1,"#こちらの":1,"#KuppingerCole アイデンティティガバナンスおよび管理 (IGA) リーダーシップコンパス":1,"#Automatic logging and tracking tools that generate clear reports throughout the year":1,"#Effective enforcement of Separation of Duties (SoD) policies":1,"#SOX requires strict auditing, logging, and monitoring across all internal controls, network and database activity, login activity, account/user activity, and information access. Simply put, where is your sensitive data stored, who has access to it, why are they accessing it — and in the event of suspicious activities, can you stop or remediate access quickly? To be SOX-compliant, Compliance Officers need more than airtight procedures; they need auditing and monitoring tools that can provide three critical capabilities:":1,"#The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) was passed to address public outrage over high-profile corporate fraud cases — in particular, the Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco scandals — and significantly impacted the way FIs store and handle data. And while the details of SOX compliance are complex, the bottom line for COs is to ensure their audits show evidence of effective internal controls for both digital and physical assets.":1,"#While it’s imperative to get compliance right up front — rather than dealing with the fallout after the fact — there are obstacles. Inadequate separation of duties, excessive access from a lack of least privilege security, and complex ERP/EHR access request processes are time-consuming and fraught with error. In this series, we’ll dive into the top three common regulations that FI risk managers “do battle” with and how Saviynt can help you leap audits in a single bound.":1,"#Learn common challenges Compliance Officers face in the battle for SOX compliance and three modern capabilities they must have to win.":1,"#Next up in this series, we’ll show you how COs can clear another major hurdle: an audit by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC).":1,"#Compliance is complex enough. To keep their organization free and clear of violations, COs need simplicity and visibility to understand access through the entire ecosystem. They don’t need manual processes and different tools with different rules that fail to integrate. Moving to an automated, centralized system enables greater control over users’ data access, solves many IAM policy headaches, and proves governance more effectively for audits. Saviynt’s continuous reporting capabilities can help you reduce these inefficient, error-prone systems and provide the visibility to achieve peace and be the unsung hero of your organization.":1,"#But COs can’t keep their organization safe if they don’t have the right tools. Many companies with complex identity access requirements come to Saviynt after having audit findings around compliance violations. A modernized identity program is critical because it replaces outdated on-premise security tools that are too hard to manage, cost too much, and don’t deliver the value promised.":1,"#Saviynt brings together five core identity products — IGA, Privileged Access Management, Application Access Governance, Third-Party Access Governance and Data Access Governance. What do they all have in common? Convergence. One dashboard, one unified, automated, superior line of sight.":1,"#3. Streamline Your Arsenal":1,"#Our Control Center dashboard and reporting functionality drive actionable insights, automate decisions and can generate compliance reports against a wide range of industry-specific requirements, including SOX. With pre-defined reports, your team spends significantly less time digging up audit information and working on data interpretation to get auditors the information they need. The end result is continuous assurance over your least privileged data privacy controls, reduced human error, and lower operational costs.":1,"#Saviynt automatically applies your IAM policies across the identity lifecycle — from access requests to workforce changes. Smart reviews and filters automatically approve “low risk” and “no risk” access requests, providing context and insights that help approvers make faster, smarter decisions. COs can also provision, monitor, log emergency access — and immediately revoke it as needed. When change occurs, Saviynt can automatically track and flag excessive permissions, ensuring users have “just enough” access for just the right amount of time to complete their tasks. Emergency access can be time-bound and customized to automatically expire when the session is over, eliminating standing privileges or orphaned identities.":1,"#The Hero: Automation":1,"#The real benefit of an identity solution is both in its seamless platform integration and oversight of Joiner-Mover-Leaver scenarios. However, conducting separate access certification campaigns to eliminate orphaned accounts and verify privileged access is another unmanageable drain on time, manpower, and productivity. Manually managing workforce changes also takes a lot of time and increases risks of improper access.":1,"#Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies can keep you SOX compliant by tracking, monitoring, and remediating access across the organization. But as ecosystems evolve into a blend of on-premises, hybrid, and cloud infrastructures and applications, COs face the daunting task of manually managing legacy identity management systems. Within each connected Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application, you have different data sets. In an ERP environment, you may have to rely on different apps for payroll, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. Each cloud service and application uses its own, internally-defined definition for roles, groups, and other attributes. Even the term “user” differs from one service provider to another. Many applications simply aren’t built for native identity governance and administration (IGA) platform integration — and one-off integrations are cumbersome, time-consuming, and error-prone. This is problematic for audit and compliance teams who routinely onboard applications to IGA platforms and evaluate risks.":1,"#The Villains: Complexity, Complexity, Complexity":1,"#The key to aligning with SOX requirements rests on a CO’s ability to produce an on-demand audit trail that verifies user rights and permissions across the infrastructure. Older systems don’t have the advanced access tracking capabilities you need to understand how a problem occurred — or how to prevent it from happening in the future. And manually reviewing user behavior and auditing access for thousands of users is not practical or sustainable.":1,"#2. Stay One Step Ahead of Audits":1,"#Last year alone, financial institutions (FIs) experienced 690 incidents with confirmed data disclosure. Whether malicious or accidental, insider threats linked to Separation of Duties (SoD) violations comprised 27% of data breaches. As the driving force behind how an organization is managed, directed and governed, it’s up to Compliance Officers (CO) to decipher confusing or abstract laws, civil and criminal enforcement, raise risk awareness, and establish and integrate best practices.":1,"#Saviynt machine learning helps ensure SoD compliance. Organizations utilizing Saviynt have prevented up to 36% of SoD violations during the access request process. Historical data, platform analytics, and peer benchmarks feed our AI to help drive actionable authorization decisions, as well.":1,"#Plus, SoD assessments can be run in real-time and can detect all the violations in the system — along with priority, description, and the user associated with it, right down to the finest-grained entitlements. You can then remediate violations by removing conflicting entitlements or roles from users or escalating them for review.":1,"#If you’re using multiple tools to detect insider threats — or if you’re manually removing access — you’re not riding into the sunset, you’re headed for burnout. With Saviynt’s intuitive workbench, preloaded rulesets can help ease you more easily identify, manage and mitigate SoD violations for financial business processes across a long list of ERP applications. Simply upload and view rulesets for different applications and easily view a description of what each risk entails. You can bundle hundreds of functions together to define risk or create rulesets per your organizational needs, removing risks and entitlements that are not in scope.":1,"#The Solution: Unified SoD Management Controls":1,"#With legacy Governance Risk Control (GRC) systems, you may only be able to look at one application at a time when preparing for an audit. Every system has its own security model and they’re all different. For instance, an SAP GRC module can look at SAP’s security model but doesn’t look for SoD violations outside of SAP. A sensitive transaction that moves across multiple applications would go undetected. Even GRC solutions that can look across applications are limited to a coarse-grained or high-level view. This becomes problematic since the action that would tip off a SoD violation may occur deep in the security model. To do their job, COs need deep visibility to fine-grained integrations within the applications.":1,"#Manually preparing an SoD internal audit can take hundreds of hours. And in today’s interconnected world, COs need a clear line of sight into how tasks interact across a wide range of cloud, on-prem, and hybrid applications to maintain compliance throughout the year.":1,"#The Threat: Poor Cross-Application Visibility":1,"#SoD violations occur when one person has permission to execute on both sides of a sensitive transaction. If you’re a small company and only have one person in accounts payable, for example, you need to make sure there are controls in place to ensure you don’t have the same person creating payables and cutting checks.":1,"#1. Lock Up Those SoD Violations":1,"#Chances are, you’re not going to see Compliance Officer vs The Audit as a Marvel movie anytime soon, but these underdogs are a powerful line of defense against an incredibly complex opponent in a high-stakes arena.":1,"#Learn common challenges Compliance Officers face and the modern capabilities they must have to win.":1,"#Best Practices to Stay Ahead in a Changing Threat Landscape: Attendees will gain insights from leading experts on how to adapt an organization’s identity security measures to keep pace with these evolving threats, particularly as more business processes move to the cloud.":1,"#Current State of Identity and Access Governance: Attendees will learn about the characteristics of the exploding number of diverse identity types—human and machine, physical and digital—in our rapidly evolving tech landscape.":1,"#At each location of the Converge Global Tour – which includes major markets like New York, Chicago, Dallas, London, Paris, Toronto, and Singapore – Saviynt will address three key areas of Identity Security.":1,"#“We are excited to meet with identity security professionals from around the world,” said Paul Zolfaghari, President at Saviynt. “If you are one of those professionals, we invite you to join us at one of our global events where we are looking forward to engaging in thoughtful discussions about the important work of identity security. It’s an opportunity for us to hear about the challenges and opportunities that organizations are facing in today’s world of digital transformation. It is also a chance for us to show the industry the power of our Identity Cloud.”":1,"#LOS ANGELES, August 27, 2024 Saviynt, a leading provider of cloud-native identity and governance platform solutions, today announced sixteen (16) dates and locations for its first Converge Global Tour. The 2024 events are focused on educating organizations about the accelerating migration of identity management solutions from on-premises legacy systems to modern, cloud-based solutions led by Saviynt’s converged platform, The Identity Cloud.":1,"#Saviynt empowers enterprises to secure their digital transformation, safeguard critical assets, and meet regulatory compliance. With a vision to provide a secure and compliant future for all enterprises, Saviynt is recognized as an industry leader in identity security whose cutting-edge solutions protect the world’s leading brands, Fortune 500 companies and government organizations. For more information, please visit www.saviynt.com.":1,"#Saviynt’s Converge Global Tour is an exclusive, complimentary event for Saviynt prospects, customers, and partners. To learn more about the event and how to register, please visit our website.":1,"#Dallas, Texas on Thursday, December 12":1,"#Atlanta, Georgia on Tuesday, November 19":1,"#Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 23":1,"#Sydney, Australia on Tuesday, October 22":1,"#Frankfurt, Germany, October 22":1,"#Paris, France on Thursday, October 17":1,"#London, England on Tuesday, October 15":1,"#New York, New York on Thursday, October 10":1,"#Boston, Massachusetts on Tuesday, October 8":1,"#Chicago, Illinois on Tuesday, October 1":1,"#Toronto, Canada on Thursday, September 26":1,"#Minneapolis, Minnesota on Tuesday, September 24":1,"#Los Angeles, California on Tuesday, September 24":1,"#San Francisco East Bay, California on Tuesday, September 24":1,"#Singapore on Friday, September 20":1,"#Seattle, Washington on Tuesday, September 17":1,"#This year’s tour will feature Saviynt speakers including Chairman and CEO Sachin Nayyar, President Paul Zolfaghari, Chief Product Officer Jeff Margolies, Chief Trust Officer Jim Routh, Chief Operating Officer Shankar Ganapathy, and SVP of Strategy and Former Gartner Lead Identity Analyst Henrique Teixiera. The event locations and dates are:":1,"#Experience the Power of Saviynt’s Converged Identity Platform: Discover why global enterprises trust and love the simplicity and control of Saviynt’s platform, and see how it can protect an organization throughout its digital transformation.":1,"#Wir haben Saviynt entwickelt, um detaillierte Transparenz für privilegierten Zugriff, Anwendungszugriff und Zugriff zu bieten. Wir schaffen die Voraussetzungen für konstante Compliance und helfen Ihnen, den Zugriff im gesamten Ökosystem zu verstehen. Unsere Identity Cloud-Architektur bietet Privilege Access Management (PAM) mit „Break Glass“-Funktionen für Just-in-Time-Zugriff sowie die Überwachung und Berichterstattung, die erforderlich sind, um die Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften aufrechtzuerhalten und Betrug zu reduzieren.":1,"#Open With Pablo":1,"#Save Idea":1,"#Create Post":1,"#within":1,"#access to the labs":1,"#, you can purchase":1,"#term access to the training lab environment":1,"#f you need":1,"#buy this offering.":1,"#representative or Customer Success Manager":1,"#your Sales":1,"#ith":1,"#get in touch w":1,"#Please":1,"#day lab access":1,"#for":1,"#on lab for 90 days would cost $300":1,"#hands":1,"#for example,":1,"#of 30":1,"#in multiple":1,"#d":1,"#Longer duration labs can also be purchase":1,"#or other products":1,"#for IGA, CPAM":1,"#You can buy labs":1,"#ands":1,"#Access to the training h":1,"#30 days.":1,"#What's the difference between IAM and IGA?":1,"#Saviynt's analytics streamline the request/review/certify process by aligning with policy controls. The platform alerts users to anomalous requests/access which an administrator must approve. Our peer- and usage-based analytics enable organizations to maintain “least privilege” controls and prevent SOD violations.":1,"#With Saviynt's Control Exchange, you have over 200 built-in controls to track access and usage, create key performance indicators, and streamline compliance documentation.":1,"#Saviynt's IGA platform offers a Control Exchange with over 200 regulatory, industry standard, and service provider controls available out of the box. We offer connectors with the most-used cloud services providers and applications. This frictionless onboarding enables you to create an authoritative, standardized source of identity with fine-grained entitlements across the entire IT ecosystem.":1,"#Another infosec risk to consider relates to personal privacy–specifically, giving people control over their personally identifiable information (PII). For example, Human Resources may need access to an employee's medical history. However, that employee has the right to keep the information private from a manager. If your company is not managing access and identity effectively, you may be violating someone's right to privacy.":1,"#Identity and Access Management's Business Impact":1,"#Once identities are established, access can get complicated. For example, within higher education institutions, a university professor can hold multiple identities that require access to different resources. As instructors, professors need access to sensitive university information such as students' grades and advisors. Meanwhile, many universities also allow faculty and staff to take classes for free. As students, professors should only have access to their information, not their classmates.":1,"#Identity and access are two parts to govern how your users interact with data and applications across your information systems, networks, databases, and software. Let's further break down the identity and access management terminology.":1,"#Identity Governance & Administration Solution Buyer's Guide":1,"#IAM software — combined with Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) solutions — extends and defines the who, what, where, when, how, and why of technology access. By basing your enterprise IT strategy on your identity access management program, you create a foundation for managing new technologies' data privacy and security risks.":1,"#1 of 1":1,"#National Institute of Standards & Technology | NIST Framework":1,"#Record video":1,"#Camera only recording":1,"#Screen only recording":1,"#Permanently close":1,"#According to the NIST framework model, a Zero Trust Architecture must incorporate three core components. These are:":1,"#In the wake of several high-profile cyber attacks and breaches involving federal agencies, NIST created an abstract definition of a Zero Trust Architecture along with several deployment models. Elaborated in NIST SP 800-207, Zero Trust Architecture, this NIST framework provides a roadmap for enterprise security architects looking to implement Zero Trust-based approaches to information security.":1,"#}時間と労力の節約":1,"#Saviynt's answer to IDaaS simplifies IGA by increasing organizational agility through automation and intuitive workflows. We do this by offering an identity and access governance platform that unifies identity governance capabilities into a single cloud-based solution. The solution provides visibility, IT efficiencies, and improved internal controls, reducing the risk of compromised credentials and audit failures.":1,"#Another primary difference between IDaaS and on-prem identity solutions is that IDaaS is hosted by a cloud-based 3rd-party provider, enabling user access from anywhere via different devices. A combination of single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, and directory solutions power the IDaaS experience.":1,"#How does Identity as a Service (IDaaS) differ from on-prem identity solutions?":1,"#Saviynt Announces its First Converge Global Tour":1,"#What is Zero Trust Security? Zero Trust Identity and Access Management":1,"#Message from Jean-Hubert Kanyamibwa":1,"#、ゼロ トラスト":1,"#アイデンティティガバナンスと管理を":1,"#Automated Reconciliation of Disconnected
Applications - AppDataSync":1,"#Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 16.04.44":1,"#TechDemocracy is a boutique cybersecurity firm with over two decades of experience, focusing on fully managing Identity Security solutions that integrate and operate the entire identity lifecycle under one umbrella. As a premier Identity & Access Management (IAM) services provider, TechDemocracy offers cybersecurity risk and remediation solutions globally. With a team of over 200 consultants, we deliver customized IT solutions, ranging from advisory consulting to managed services.":1,"#The Automated Reconciliation of Disconnected Applications- AppDataSync is provided as an installation package, simplifying the download and installation process.":1,"#Reduces cost: An efficient solution to perform reconciliation of disconnected applications.":1,"#Reduces dependency: Eliminates dependency on application team to transform the data manually for disconnected applications":1,"#Reduces time: Allows quick and error free reconciliation of disconnected applications in to Saviynt":1,"#Eliminate human error":1,"#Faster and error-free synchronization of data thereby improves the delivery speed":1,"#Reduced operational cost":1,"#Automated data process for the reconciliation of disconnected applications help alleviate the challenges and provides following benefits:":1,"#Achieve Compliance - Proper reconciliation of accounts and access between the disconnected applications and Saviynt in a short period is necessary to achieve compliance":1,"#Error free Synchronization - Eliminate human intervention for the entire reconciliation process":1,"#Seamless Reconciliation - Automate Data transformation of Disconnected Apps":1,"#TechDemocracy's AppDataSync automates the process of reconciliation of disconnected applications within Saviynt":1,"#Saviynt + Techdemocracy: Better Together":1,"#Use case: A prominent battery manufacturing company, one of our Saviynt clients, has integrated multiple QAD EE disconnected applications into Saviynt, each with varying file formats. They’ve had to manually convert the data to ensure compatibility with Saviynt for reconciliation purposes.":1,"#Organizations managing numerous disconnected applications can utilize this accelerator to effectively save time, streamline, and automate data processing and reconciliation processes, significantly enhancing the application reconciliation and governance experience, enhance the application reconciliation and governance experience significantly.":1,"#-AppDataSync for Saviynt allows quick and error-free reconciliation of disconnected application accounts and access to Saviynt IGA system.":1,"#The Automated Reconciliation of Disconnected Applications":1,"#The Automated Reconciliation of Disconnected Applications - AppDataSync accelerator empowers Saviynt administrators to automatically handle data extracts from disconnected applications, facilitating streamlined reconciliation processes. Organizations managing numerous disconnected applications can utilize this accelerator to effectively save time. Streamline and automate data processing and reconciliation process, eliminating unnecessary steps to enhance the application reconciliation and governance experience significantly. This automated tool substantially diminishes the time required for application reconciliation across all disconnected applications.":1,"#IT digital transformation projects for the company, including transforming its internal security architecture from a legacy, reactive on-prem approach to a dynamic cloud first, service oriented model with a focus on identity, access and data governance. Simon helped the company ensure the delivery of effective internal security and identity projects even as the company grew dramatically over his career. With his direct experience in large scale digital transformation projects, Simon also worked closely with many of Accenture’s customers.":1,"#Simon most recently served as Global Digital Identity Lead and Director of Security for CIO at Accenture. Over a 25+ year career at Accenture, Simon led key":1,"#Former Accenture Technology and Security Services Executive Simon Gooch Joins Saviynt as SVP of Expert Services":1,"#Simon was instrumental in securing the technology that runs Accenture’s business -- a critical role in a $150 billion global company with 780,000 people in 120+ countries and more than 400 office locations. Reporting to Accenture’s CIO and working directly with Accenture’s CISO, Simon had overall responsibility for the enablement of Accenture's digital identity vision, from strategy to implementation and running of all Identity and Access Management services.":1,"#der API-Referenz.":1,"#Message from Gemon Naing":1,"#There are currently 3 auto-suggested results for bro. Navigate to the results list by pressing the down arrow key or press return to search for all results.":1,"#Browser-Based Console Access/Terminal Session":1,"#Results for “bro”":1,"#There are currently 3 auto-suggested results for btp. Navigate to the results list by pressing the down arrow key or press return to search for all results.":1,"#SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP)":1,"#Results for “btp”":1,"#革新します":1,"#お互いを尊重します":1,"#Il y a actuellement 3 résultats de suggestion automatique pour exchange. Accédez à la liste des résultats en appuyant sur la flèche du bas ou appuyez sur retour pour rechercher tous les résultats.":1,"#Résultats pour « exchange »":1,"#Résultats pour « exchang »":1,"#Microsoft Exchange":1,"#Résultats pour « exc »":1,"#There are currently 3 auto-suggested results for zsca. Navigate to the results list by pressing the down arrow key or press return to search for all results.":1,"#Results for “zsca”":1,"#Zscaler Private Access":1,"#Zscaler Internet Access":1,"#Results for “zsc”":1,"#The AS400 systems incorporates a trusted combination of an interactive ...":1,"#SaaS-basierten Cloud-PAM-":1,"#50 k":1,"#304 k":1,"#Risikobewusste Zertifizierungen":1,"#Die Application Access Governance (AAG)-Funktionen von Saviynt bieten präventive und detektivische SoD-Analysefunktionen und sofort einsatzbereite Regelsätze für eine detaillierte Ansicht des Anwendungsrisikos in Anwendungen wie SAP, Workday und Oracle. Wir unterstützen Benutzer auch dabei, bei Bedarf benutzerdefinierte Regelsätze zu verwenden.":1,"#Echtzeitzertifizierung":1,"#Sicher":1,"#セッション開始":1,"#発売後":1,"#許可モデル":1,"#時間制限":1,"#juste-à-temps":1,"#PAM cloud fournie par SaaS":1,"#Saviynt | On-Demand Webinar: Cloud PAM Buyer's Guide":1,"#用語集一覧":1,"#longer":1,"#Navigating Identity Governance in Financial Services: Navy Federal Credit Union's Journey with Saviynt & Accenture":1,"#Effective IGA tools can prevent this by providing a line of sight into who has access to what and limiting a user’s ability to gain access to sensitive applications. However, some IGA tools lack deep visibility into a range of complex security models; in this case, organizations require an additional technology solution for full coverage.":1,"#. As a result, his access and security permissions allow him to create and update vendors and process payments to those vendors. In this case, John has both sets of access — and this increases the risk of fraud and":1,"#For example, let’s say “John” is a longstanding employee who has held many different roles within an organization. He’s accumulated security permissions within the company’s ERP applications, such as":1,"#Today’s digital landscape consists of high-value mission-critical assets that can include intellectual property, financial data, or private customer information. Many of these IT assets contain their own security architecture. Managing user access in these complex environments can be difficult for even the most seasoned professionals.":1,"#If you’re manually managing fraud and compliance risks in the cloud, IGA and AAG can help you cover all the bases.":1,"#how-iga-differs-from-grc-and-why-you-need-both-cta":1,"#Complex Architecture and SoDs":1,"#how-iga-differs-from-grc-and-why-you-need-both-quote-2":1,"#how-iga-differs-from-grc-and-why-you-need-both-quote-1":1,"#Want more tips on how to get GRC right? Check out my blog on how to get clean, stay clean, and optimize.":1,"#Saviynt Enterprise Identity Cloud (EIC) is the only converged cloud identity platform that provides intelligent access & governance for any app, any identity, any cloud. Together, this full suite of enhanced capabilities can protect your organization from fraud and make your governance more efficient.":1,"#Saviynt’s AAG module delves into the complexities of application security architectures to identify access-related risks. This deep visibility supports security remediation and redesign activities, ensuring you’re adhering to the principle of least privilege across the entire application ecosystem.":1,"#Saviynt’s cloud-based platform natively integrates with your enterprise applications to provide market-leading identity lifecycle management and visibility into potential cross-appplication SoD risks across all your business processes. Combining Saviynt’s AAG with IGA provides customers with automated provisioning, user access reviews, role mining, and deep insights into identity risk and compliance — including SoD and sensitive access risks.":1,"#How IGA + AAG Work Together":1,"#To effectively evaluate compliance risks from end to end, organizations need to centralize risk management. Once you identify a potential SoD within a business process, you can then identify the platforms or applications that support those critical business activities. Technology platforms should provide fine-grained entitlements and insight into the types of access users have across multiple applications — not just one specific technology stack like ERP.":1,"#As your business brings in more cloud-based solutions, it can become increasingly complex to manage different security models across multiple solutions. In addition, visibility into SoD issues becomes even poorer as complex business processes span an increasing number of applications.":1,"#Cross-Application Risks":1,"#Regardless of the type of technology you use to support critical business processes, your Auditors and Compliance Teams need a simpler, more unified view of identities, access, and risk across your organization. In this blog, we’ll touch on some of the top compliance pitfalls that should be on everyone’s radar, the features provided by both Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) and Application GRC solutions — and why you need both to keep your business agile and secure.":1,"#In a modern IT environment, automating business processes with an IGA solution can avoid slowdowns and mistakes and keep your organization light on its feet. Unfortunately, this often gets overlooked as a lesser priority.":1,"#As organizations grow via a merger or acquisition, business processes grow infinitely more complex — and can vary widely between different business units. System admins are in charge of provisioning accounts for new hires, additional access requests, approval documentation, access changes, and evidence for auditors. Managing this manually does not scale well, and can set the stage for oversights that lead to audit or compliance issues.":1,"#M&A Can Get in The Way":1,"#IGA solutions can also eliminate the need for tedious manual processing during key employee and contractor lifecycle events like onboarding and offboarding. For example, IGA can help admins automatically provision and deprovision users, saving time on repetitive tasks. And as organizations mature, they can simplify these processes even further by leveraging both attribute-based and role-based access control models.":1,"#Quickly Onboard and Offboard":1,"#A process to review and sign off on this type of activity strengthens your control environment, but this level of reporting is not typically available in IGA solutions. It is, however, a common feature in industry-leading AAG solutions.":1,"#Using our previous example, let’s say John received vendor maintenance access to process a last-minute payment because the person who performs vendor management activities was on vacation. John should have been assigned this access temporarily and had it automatically revoked after his update was completed. John’s manager should have reviewed the audit report to ensure that he only made the approved changes.":1,"#When organizations need to re-assign temporary or “emergency” privileged access to keep processes operating effectively, an IGA system can provide an audit trail of that user’s activity.":1,"#Privileged Access Pitfalls":1,"#Application Access Governance (AAG) (or Application GRC) platforms can help organizations consume these complex security architectures by defining SoD and Sensitive Access policies at a fine-grained entitlement level and identifying more potential risks.":1,"#When it comes to meeting compliance requirements, most organizations rely on governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) solutions to increase business agility. This is especially true as businesses shift away from on-premises environments and toward a mix of legacy and cloud-based ERPs, SaaS applications, and multiple public cloud providers.":1,"#Don’t Let the Shift to the Cloud Spread Your Teams Thin — IGA and Application GRC Can Keep You Fully Protected.":1,"#The guide examines:":1,"#If, like many other security leaders, you’re considering a change in your IGA program, you’ve come to the right place. Choosing an IGA solution is a complicated process. Enterprises that start the evaluation process before an emergency arises have a much better chance of choosing the right solution. To support this effort and help you choose platforms that meet your business and security KPIs, we’ve put together an IGA Solution Buyer’s Guide.":1,"#Over the last few years, enterprises have been bombarded by change brought on by cloud acceleration, security threats, and constant technology transformation. For many, inflexible IGA technology worsened the challenges. Security leaders struggled to manage the rapid proliferation of identities, and manage risk among growing identity bases. They’ve found that they need to modernize their approach to IGA.":1,"#Expert Advice on Establishing a Modern IGA Program, 5 Must-Ask Questions for Evaluating IGA Systems, and an IGA System Features & Functionality Checklist":1,"#Get expert advice on establishing a modern IGA, 5 must-ask questions for evaluating IGA solutions, and a Features & Functionality checklist.":1,"#how-to-evaluate-identity-governance-administration-iga-solutions-cta":1,"#More cloud infrastructure and apps come online with each passing day. With breaches increasing in severity and number, organizations need a cloud-architected solution to control access, protect critical assets, and minimize risk. With the stakes this high, choosing an IGA solution requires proper consideration. The right solution can open the door to better security, cost effectiveness, and operational efficiency.":1,"#Our IGA Buyer’s Guide provides a detailed discussion of each of the trends and how it affects the evaluation process for an IGA solution. The guide then goes into an exploration of five crucial questions to ask when you’re evaluating the array of solutions out there, why the questions are important, and what to look for. It also includes a list of features and functionalities to consider when comparing solutions. The list is divided into six areas: user experience, automation, compliance, platform management, application management, and architecture.":1,"#Converge technologies and functionality":1,"#Incorporate automation":1,"#Emphasize adaptability":1,"#Be built on cloud-native architecture":1,"#A modern IGA solution must:":1,"#So what does a flexible IGA solution look like? According to a recent Forrester Report, “In replacing their manual identity management environments, organizations seek a flexible, comprehensive solution to improve workflows, eliminate compliance risk, and adapt to future IT trends.”":1,"#In Search of a Modern IGA Solution":1,"#These trends increase decision-making complications for security leaders. However, they may also provide the impetus enterprises need to introduce modernization.":1,"#Companies need systems to enable least privilege and privacy by design, while focusing on pathways to simplify audit compliance, address consent management, and an individual’s right to erasure, for example.":1,"#At both state and national levels, lawmakers are pushing ambitious security legislation. As we’ve predicted, non-compliance issues worsen as companies sort through revisions and try to harden a variety of processes – from HR onboarding to customer offboarding – that impact data protected by various rules.":1,"#The Regulatory Landscape is Evolving":1,"#Complications from introducing new technologies, including IoT, open-source code, digital supply chains, and cloud applications increase threats. Companies must progress agile identity management, visibility, and monitoring–in particular, to limit compromise connected to application adoption, user permissions, system configuration, and new workloads.":1,"#The evolution of cyberattacks and growing use of cloud workloads and applications creates a “perfect storm” for IT leaders, suggests Gartner. According to one estimate, cybercrime will cost companies an estimated $10.5 trillion annually by 2025.":1,"#Cyberthreats Are on the Rise":1,"#If an entity can be discretely identified – and has a consistent set of attributes, it needs securing. Constant digital transformation campaigns spawn legions of these new machine identities and widen attack surfaces. Meanwhile, poor access management and visibility multiply risks. Just 40% of CISOs and IT leaders say they have an enterprise-wide strategy to manage machine identities.":1,"#‘Identity’ once meant human users within an organization’s walls. Today, the term represents a host of entities, including bots, APIs, workloads, vendors, contract workers, customers, and partners.":1,"#Identity is Becoming More Complex":1,"#Legacy IGA systems limit visibility and rely on manual upkeep and custom coding. Further, SaaS proliferation makes enforcing identity policies (and identifying risky users) more difficult. Additionally, while leaders push the cloud for agility and productivity, maintaining security in the midst of rapid digital services adoption stretches IGA processes.":1,"#Every day, more apps and workloads move to the cloud. Workforces operate beyond the confines of corporate offices, and converging IT and operational technology (OT) expand the threat landscape. As these dynamics play out, legacy systems flounder.":1,"#Cloud Adoption is Accelerating":1,"#While things are always changing, and no one can predict the future, it is helpful to look at trends. We’ve found the most important trends that will affect demands on IGA platforms in the near term. They are:":1,"#New Demands on IGA Systems":1,"#We’ll discuss these issues in this blog, the first in our series on IGA. The subsequent blogs will cover the difference between configuration and customization, legacy deployments versus cloud-native ones, and fine-grained versus coarse-grained entitlements.":1,"#An IGA system is fundamental to modern enterprise security. Properly deployed, it regulates access to data and business transactions for human and machine identities. Importantly, IGA builds a foundation for Zero Trust security across cloud, hybrid, and on-prem environments. Does your current IGA solution offer the agility, scalability, and security benefits your enterprise needs going forward?":1},"version":3013}]