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Any communications received by the presiding director regarding concerns relating to accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters will be immediately brought to the attention of the audit committee and will be handled in accordance with the procedures established by the audit committee to address these matters.":1,"#public":1,"#weave":1,"#innovations & news":1,"#Map scale: 2000 km per 59 pixels":1,"#services":1,"#Telugu - తెలుగు":1,"#Tamil - தமிழ்":1,"#Swahili - Kiswahili":1,"#sales":1,"#Hexcel manufactures...":1,"#HexTool® is Hexcel’s patented composite tooling...":1,"#We are committed to understanding customer needs, delivering...":1,"#structures.sales@hexcel.com":1,"#Hexcel formulates and manufactures a comprehensive range of structural film...":1,"#HexWeb® is a lightweight...":1,"#Hexcel is not merely a materials manufacturer, but we are also able to create composite parts and structures for our customers.":1,"#SAVE":1,"#Register":1,"#Remember me":1,"#ARC Technologies provides engineering solutions for EMI shielding and RF noise problems.":1,"#support":1,"#Sorry! Something went wrong.":1,"#Any structure requiring exceptional stiffness combined with minimal weight gain can benefit from HexWeb® honeycomb.":1,"#call":1,"#Email address":1,"#Logout":1,"#Sites:":1,"#Соты HexWeb®":1,"#through excellence in advanced material solutions":1,"#that create a better world for us all.":1,"#Text original":1,"#Distributors":1,"#manufacturer":1,"#OUR PURPOSE |":1,"#Cristina Haller":1,"#cristina.haller@hexcel.com":1,"#Rate Us":1,"#Contact Not Found":1,"#SMS with Avaya Cloud Office":1,"#Call with Avaya Cloud Office":1,"#Serbian - Српски":1,"#Romanian - română":1,"#Urdu - اردو":1,"#Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt":1,"#Ukrainian - українська":1,"#Russian - русский":1,"#Spanish - español":1,"#Select to translate":1,"#Swedish - svenska":1,"#Slovak - slovenčina":1,"#Double-click":1,"#Slovenian - slovenščina":1,"#translator":1,"#Map scale: 200 m per 35 pixels":1,"#Founded":1,"#Approved distributor for the storage, handling and control of aerospace products. AS9120 certified. ":1,"#trademark for industrial applications, using specially formulated epoxy resin matrix systems. HexPly":1,"#HexTow® AS4C Carbon Fiber Datasheet (Industrial)":1,"#are supplied in roll form. They come in different film thicknesses which are defined by their areal weight. The films are heat sensitive and when not in immediate use should always be stored in a freezer, usually at -18°C. Before use they must be removed from freezer and allowed to acclimatise to room temperature without opening the packaging so as to avoid condensation. The film is laid out on a suitable cutting table and cut to shape before removal of the polythene cover.":1,"#) and industry standards for Marine and Wind applications; Very fast cure and excellent adhesion (":1,"#prepregs are reinforced with woven, multiaxial and unidirectional (UD) carbon and glass fibers.":1,"#is the best option for structural performance with good visual appeal; ultra-high TG, fast cure and high corrosion resistance (":1,"#prepregs are used in a wide range of industrial markets and tailored to meet the specific performance requirements – whether they are low temperature cure and low exotherm (":1,"#); flexible cure, high structural performances and ultra-high TG (":1,"#Searching...":1,"#operations":1,"#HexTow® AS4A Carbon Fiber Datasheet":1,"#A thermoset resin (for example, epoxy, BMI) that is supplied in film form, and cured under heat and pressure to bond a wide range of composite, metallic and honeycomb surfaces. Hexcel markets its film adhesives under the HexBond":1,"#trademark.":1,"#business":1,"#on":1,"#These high performance structural adhesives are ideal for metal to metal and composite bonding, and for the manufacture of honeycomb sandwich structures.":1,"#They are excellent for covering large surfaces with an even layer of adhesive providing assurance of complete surface coverage. They are easy to handle and postion, clean to use without spillage and safe. Hot melt adhesive films do not contain solvents and have generally very low odour. Curing is controlled by the heating process allowing the adhesives to be laid and postioned in one location and time and cured in another.":1,"#and technical data sheets":1,"#Selector Guides":1,"#logo":1,"#Space and Defense":1,"#Defense":1,"#aerospace":1,"#Locations":1,"#Manufacturing":1,"#the":1,"#Close dialog":1,"#Name":1,"#Hexcel provides a range of":1,"#of":1,"#Login":1,"#Hexcel has sales offices in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Spain, the U.K. and the U.S. Please":1,"#Launch":1,"#Password":1,"#Please enter a valid keyword":1,"#Create sticker note here.":1,"#Highlight selected text.":1,"#HexTow® IM6 Carbon Fiber Datasheet":1,"#All aerospace systems need to be lightweight. The lighter the structure, the more efficient it operates, the longer range it can cover, the greater payload it can carry, and the longer it can stay aloft. Since UAVs fly unmanned, they require sensors, cameras, and electronics. Reducing the weight of the structure allows it to carry more sensors, more payload, and/or stay up in the air longer. Small UAV drones primarily rely on batteries for power, and batteries are heavy, so this creates further need to reduce the weight of the rest of the structure. Today, almost all UAV structures are made from carbon fiber composites. This is in contrast to piloted aviation, where a large percentage of the structure today is made from aluminum and titanium in addition to carbon fiber composites. Newer commercial passenger-carrying systems use around 50% carbon fiber composites, and this will likely further increase on future platforms.":1,"#If you believe that you have experienced discrimination contact OFCCP:":1,"#OUR LIGHTWEIGHTING SOLUTIONS | Hexcel":1,"#Sandi Garcia":1,"#Fibers":1,"#led by our Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary and overseen by senior executive leadership, is responsible for leading our sustainability strategy and executing our sustainability initiatives, goals, policies and disclosures. The sustainability strategy team reports directly to the Nominating, Governance and Sustainability Committee of the board.":1,"#Compression":1,"#Sneltoetsen":1,"#Sorry, we could not locate any pages.":1,"#Notifications (F8)":1,"#Human Resources":1,"#See":1,"#Disable everywhere":1,"#HexTow® IM2C Carbon Fiber Datasheet":1,"#The LEAP engine uses lightweight and durable carbon fiber fan blades, leading to a 500-pound weight reduction per engine and a 15% improvement in fuel economy compared to predecessor metal fan blades.5":1,"#And Table 1, pg. 15 IATA Aircraft technology roadmap to 2050:":1,"#The lightweight, adaptable nature of our materials makes products lighter, stronger and more durable. Therefore, our overall impact on the global environment is closely linked with our customers and their efforts to make products with a reduced impact on the environment. Whether the goal is to reduce fuel consumption, minimize total lifecycle operating and maintenance costs or lessen engine noise . . . or to support the production of longer and lighter wind turbine blades . . . Hexcel composites are a vital component in the process.":1,"#We have supported wind turbine production worldwide for more than 20 years with leading-edge composite solutions offering longer, lighter, stiffer and more efficient blades.":1,"#CARBON FIBER IS 5X STRONGER AND 30% LIGHTER THAN ALUMINUM":1,"#Our HexWeb® Acousti-Cap® sound attenuating honeycomb provides dramatic noise reduction during takeoff and landing without a structural weight penalty, such as a 40% noise reduction in the engine of the Boeing 737 MAX compared to its predecessor.6":1,"#Composite aircraft require fewer maintenance checks than metal aircraft as composites don’t corrode or suffer metal fatigue. The composite-intensive A350 requires 50% fewer structure maintenance tasks, and the threshold for airframe checks is 12 years, compared to eight for the A380, which has a metal fuselage and metal wings.4 ":1,"#Our composite solutions help our customers enhance performance of their products while reducing weight, which decreases fuel consumption and associated carbon emissions. We have lightweight solutions that reduce noise pollution and solutions that help to produce clean and renewable energy.":1,"#Each new generation of commercial aircraft has used increasing quantities of advanced composites to replace metals and reduce weight for more fuel-efficient aircraft with lower CO2 emissions. Every kilogram of fuel saved by an aircraft reduces CO2 emissions by more than three kilograms1.":1,"#(refer to pages 8 and 9).":1,"#Moreover, composite-based parts are corrosion resistant and stronger, leading to longer-life and increased safety and performance.":1,"#REFERENCES":1,"#Composite wing-tip extensions, such as those made by Hexcel, enhance fuel efficiency by improving airflow around the wing. For example, the Airbus A320 enjoys a 3.5% fuel efficiency improvement, reducing CO2 emissions by 900 tons annually per aircraft.3":1,"#The composite-rich A350 provides a 25% advantage in fuel burn, operating costs and CO2 emissions compared to previous generation aircraft2.":1,"#Glass Biaxials 0/90 (Infusion)":1,"#Африка":1,"#Океания":1,"#Acousti-Cap":1,"#Азия":1,"#Conclusion":1,"#Aramid Hybrid 0/90 | Hexcel":1,"#Privacy":1,"#Google index":1,"#InnovationCulture":1,"#Trade":1,"#(888) 611-4038 ext. 6548":1,"#Customer Service.":1,"#Glass Triaxials (Weft) | Hexcel":1,"#Glass Biaxials 0/90 (Infusion) | Hexcel":1,"#Aramid Multiaxial Reinforcements | Hexcel":1,"#Please contact":1,"#Open with pdfFiller":1,"#center. It would help us to process your order more quickly if you supplied the following information:":1,"#Minimum order quantities vary according to product type. For small orders we recommend that you contact your local":1,"#Hexcel Official Distributor":1,"#Glass Biaxials 0/90 (Standard)":1,"#Glass Quadaxials (Mesh) | Hexcel":1,"#Keep it working":1,"#Support":1,"#The cost is dependent on the specific requirements for the formulation and the required additives as well as the overall quantity considered. Please contact":1,"#Customer Service Center.":1,"#center.":1,"#Please contact your local":1,"#Product selection depends on the density requirement and the properties required from the foam (e.g. insulation, ski cores). See":1,"#for information.":1,"#Glass Triaxials (Warp) | Hexcel":1,"#Contact your local":1,"#Jamie Ferguson":1,"#RTM | Hexcel":1,"#Selector Guide":1,"#Product":1,"#Change Color":1,"#British Columbia":1,"#Prince Edward Island":1,"#Fabrics":1,"#Customer Service":1,"#South Windsor, Connecticut":1,"#Glass Biaxials 0/90 (Standard) | Hexcel":1,"#Hexcel Automotive Part":1,"#Polycarbonate, Polysulfone, Epoxy":1,"#IM Carbon Fiber":1,"#Polyamide (nylon)":1,"#AS Carbon Fiber":1,"#For advice on product selection or help with technical inquiries, please complete":1,"#News Releases | Hexcel":1,"#Glass Quadaxials (Standard) | Hexcel":1,"#To find an official distributor for our products, please":1,"#Contacto":1,"#HexTow® IM9 Carbon Fiber Datasheet":1,"#2000 км":1,"#Precision Stamping":1,"#Fusion Bonding":1,"#There was a problem validating the reCAPTCHA. Please try again.":1,"#HexTow® IM2A Carbon Fiber Datasheet":1,"#Aramid Multiaxial":1,"#Cast Systems Silicone":1,"#Seychelles":1,"#Sorry, the message was not sent":1,"#To request a safety data sheet, please contact:":1,"#Russian":1,"#One of Hexcel’s latest innovations in marine is Hexcel’s HexPly® SuperFIT™ prepregs (or semipregs) which are glass and carbon fiber reinforcements that have been partially impregnated with epoxy resin, leaving one tacky face and one dry face. The high resin content of the tacky face provides easy positioning of the materials in the mold and holds the plies together. Meanwhile, the dry face facilitates repositioning of plies, especially beneficial in large structures, and facilitates the draining of air or volatiles inside the laminate, thereby minimizing voids. Direct contact with the resin is reduced or eliminated, having a positive impact on health and safety during manufacturing. SuperFIT™ prepregs are recommended for use with the low temperature curing HexPly® M79. HexPly® M79 SuperFIT™ is ideal for boat builders looking for alternative technologies and new materials to reduce the manufacturing cycle time. It is easy to process, can be used in conjunction with conventional prepregs, and is suitable for automated layup processes (requiring no decontamination of equipment).":1,"#Hexcel is a leading manufacturer of woven, multiaxial and non-crimp fabrics, supplying a wide range of Lloyds Register approved products for boat building. The HiMax™ multiaxial range includes ultra-lightweight carbon biaxials, reinforcements with micromesh, woven with enhanced infusion and non-print through as well as carbon unidirectional tapes, solutions for infusion control and non-stitch finish.":1,"#For the past three years, the DIAM 24 has been the boat of choice for the Tour de France à la Voile. Hexcel materials have been used for the DIAM 24 mast construction from the outset. With a carbon fiber, epoxy single-skin laminate, the masts are constructed from HexPly® M79 prepreg, which offers a flexible cure cycle so production times can be optimized to the builder’s specific needs. A unidirectional fiber is used to achieve weight and stiffness targets with a twill fabric achieving a good surface finish and impact resistance.":1,"#Sunseeker, the renowned British luxury motor yacht manufacturer, has implemented Hexcel’s HiMax™ DPA technology technology in the Predator 50, its new performance cruiser. Hexcel developed the novel HiMax™ DPA technology for its range of multiaxial reinforcements. It comes pre-tacked for ease of laying up multiple fabrics in preparation for infusion. Designed to provide the optimal level of tack while minimizing additional weight, it eliminates the need to spray an adhesive onto the fabric surface, which reduces the risk of inconsistent application, restricted resin flow, contamination and excess weight. This has proven to be a market-leading composites technology with more than half of Hexcel’s marine fabrics now being supplied with DPA reinforcements.":1,"#HexPly® XF2 is another new technology developed by Hexcel to help reduce yacht-building cycle times. It is a surfacing prepreg that is easy to handle that provides good drapability and tack to adhere to the mold tool for a highly efficient lay-up process. HexPly® XF2 also gives an excellent surface finish with no pinholes or visible overlaps, providing excellent out-of-mold quality that greatly reduces post-processing operations, saving time and labor costs.":1,"#Composite materials were first used in the marine industry back in the 1970s, when Hexcel supplied glass reinforcements for performance boats, canoes and dinghies. Hexcel now has a comprehensive range of products aimed at racing yacht and luxury boat builders that include America’s Cup, IMOCA class and DNV GL-approved prepregs, woven reinforcements and multiaxial fabrics for hull and deck structures, masts and appendages.":1,"#Hexcel continues to develop new technologies and help marine manufacturers improve their designs for better, more efficient watercraft.":1,"#(Americas) or":1,"#Carbon Biaxials 0/90 (Standard) | Hexcel":1,"#HexTow® IM10 Carbon Fiber Datasheet":1,"#HexTow® HM63 Carbon Fiber Datasheet (Industrial)":1,"#ARC Technologies, a Hexcel company, can cast and mold its material into complex geometries with the same high quality EMI and RF absorption. Our advanced fillers will give maximum performance to our customer’s specification.":1,"#Guinea-Bissau":1,"#Mauritania":1,"#Sierra Leone":1,"#Burkina Faso":1,"#Mozambique":1,"#Madagascar":1,"#HEXWEB® HONEYCOMB CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE":1,"#Infusion Fabric Stitched Core Multiaxials | Hexcel":1,"#HEATCON® Composite Systems":1,"#Shanghai 200235":1,"#Every Hexcel employee is charged with the responsibility for acting in accordance with, and making a personal commitment to, the Code and Hexcel’s other policies. We expect all employees to lead by example and to report incidents of suspected unethical or unlawful conduct. To help our employees achieve Hexcel’s high standards, we provide every employee a copy of the Code when they join Hexcel; the Code is available in every major language spoken by our employees.":1,"#Second, employees can contact their local Human Resources representative or a member of the Law Department.":1,"#Engineered Products":1,"#Nova Scotia":1,"#Newfoundland":1,"#Saskatchewan":1,"#Hexcel is Committed to Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity":1,"#Plants":1,"#It is the policy and practice of Hexcel to provide equal employment opportunity to all job applicants and employees and to not discriminate against applicants or employees based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, or any other protected class.":1,"#Hexcel is an Equal Opportunity Employer of Minorities/Women/Individuals with Disabilities/Protected Veterans.":1,"#The company will take affirmative action to meet established goals and timetables in regard to employment and promotions within the company and to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws.":1,"#It is also the policy of Hexcel to not discriminate in any aspect of employment, including decisions concerning recruitment, hiring, compensation, training, termination, promotions, or any other condition of employment or career development.":1,"#Quality":1,"#Pultrusion":1,"#Sikorsky S-76 Stock":1,"#Solutions:":1,"#Google falsche Straßenkarte oder Bilder melden":1,"#Fehler bei Google Maps melden":1,"#Polyspeed G-R120":1,"#Infusion Fabric Multi Stack | Hexcel":1,"#Sub Market":1,"#A-4061 Pasching":1,"#ARC Advanced Materials":1,"#Hexcel Foundation Scholarship Program":1,"#HexPly SuperFIT | Hexcel":1,"#Simulation":1,"#PrimeTex | Hexcel":1,"#Polyspeed®":1,"#Recyclable":1,"#MultiaxialHeader":1,"#(CAMX Anaheim, September 2016)":1,"#(34th Risoe International Symposium on Materials Science)":1},"version":21566}]