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A peak reading of NH3 ppm was reported.","candidate":"#NH","variables":[""],"regex":"^#NH3 is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold\\. A peak reading of NH3 (.+?)ppm was reported\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Enter a value between and (excluding - ) with an increment of ","candidate":"#Enter a value between ","variables":["","","","",""],"regex":"^#Enter a value between (.+?) and (.+?) \\(excluding (.+?) \\- (.+?)\\) with an increment of (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Enter a value between and minutes with an increment of ","candidate":"#Enter a value between ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Enter a value between (.+?) and (.+?) minutes with an increment of (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Multiple Alerts | (O3)","candidate":"#Multiple Alerts | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Multiple Alerts \\| (.+?) \\(O3\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | (O3)","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) \\(O3\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | Pump blocked","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) \\| Pump blocked$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | (CO2)","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?)\\(CO2\\)$"},{"phrase":"#No results match \"\"","candidate":"#No results match \"","variables":[""],"regex":"^#No results match \"(.+?)\"$"},{"phrase":"#No record matching was found","candidate":"#No record matching ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#No record matching (.+?) was found$"},{"phrase":"# Cartes - Blackline Live","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) Cartes \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | Pump low flow detected","candidate":"#Unresolved |","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\|(.+?) \\| Pump low flow detected$"},{"phrase":"#Notification profile: ","candidate":"#Notification profile: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Notification profile: (.+?) $"},{"phrase":"#Device Configuration: ","candidate":"#Device Configuration: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Device Configuration: (.+?) $"},{"phrase":"# in alert | online | offline | under repair","candidate":"#","variables":["","","",""],"regex":"^#(.+?) in alert \\| (.+?) online \\| (.+?) offline \\| (.+?) under repair$"},{"phrase":"#Error - Contact Helpline 08442251500","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?)Error \\- Contact Helpline 08442251500$"},{"phrase":"#error-contact helpline 08442251500","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?)error\\-contact helpline 08442251500$"},{"phrase":"#Incident | | High gas alert (CO)","candidate":"#Incident | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Incident \\| (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(CO\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Deleting this Device Configuration Profile will affect configuration on device(s).","candidate":"#Deleting this Device Configuration Profile will affect configuration on ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Deleting this Device Configuration Profile will affect configuration on (.+?) device\\(s\\)\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Client: ","candidate":"#Client: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Client: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | High gas alert (SO2)","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(SO2\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Company: ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Company: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# failed calibration in dock . Sensor baseline failed.","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#(.+?) failed calibration in dock (.+?)\\. Sensor baseline failed\\.$"},{"phrase":"#System Maintenance | | Low battery","candidate":"#System Maintenance | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#System Maintenance \\| (.+?) \\| Low battery$"},{"phrase":"#False Alert || Missed check-in alert","candidate":"#False Alert |","variables":[""],"regex":"^#False Alert \\|(.+?)\\| Missed check\\-in alert$"},{"phrase":"#Incident | | High gas alert (SO2)","candidate":"#Incident | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Incident \\| (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(SO2\\)$"},{"phrase":"#SO2 is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of SO2 ppm was reported.","candidate":"#SO","variables":[""],"regex":"^#SO2 is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold\\. A peak reading of SO2 (.+?) ppm was reported\\.$"},{"phrase":"#System Test | | Missed check-in alert","candidate":"#System Test | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#System Test \\| (.+?) \\| Missed check\\-in alert$"},{"phrase":"#Demo Training | | Gas sensor over limit alert (LEL)","candidate":"#Demo Training | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Demo Training \\| (.+?) \\| Gas sensor over limit alert \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Organization: ","candidate":"#Organization: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Organization: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Pre Alert | | No motion alert","candidate":"#Pre Alert | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Pre Alert \\| (.+?) \\| No motion alert$"},{"phrase":"#Distance: ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Distance: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Speed - ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Speed \\- (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#System Maintenance | | High gas alert (O2)","candidate":"#System Maintenance | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#System Maintenance \\| (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(O2\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | High gas alert (O2)","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(O2\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Deleting this Alert Profile will affect alerting on device(s). The default Alert Profile will be restored if no other Alert Profiles are on the device.","candidate":"#Deleting this Alert Profile will affect alerting on ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Deleting this Alert Profile will affect alerting on (.+?) device\\(s\\)\\. The default Alert Profile will be restored if no other Alert Profiles are on the device\\.$"},{"phrase":"#False Alert | | Gas sensor over limit alert ","candidate":"#False Alert |","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#False Alert \\|(.+?) \\| Gas sensor over limit alert (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#False Alert | | High gas alert (O2)","candidate":"#False Alert | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#False Alert \\| (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(O2\\)$"},{"phrase":"#O2 is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of O2 was reported.","candidate":"#O","variables":[""],"regex":"^#O2 is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold\\. A peak reading of O2 (.+?) was reported\\.$"},{"phrase":"#False Alert | | High gas alert (H2S)","candidate":"#False Alert | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#False Alert \\| (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(H2S\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Incident | | Gas sensor over limit alert (CO)","candidate":"#Incident | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Incident \\| (.+?) \\| Gas sensor over limit alert \\(CO\\)$"},{"phrase":"#H2S is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of H2S was reported.","candidate":"#H","variables":[""],"regex":"^#H2S is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold\\. A peak reading of H2S (.+?) was reported\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | MDT | High gas alert (O2)","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) MDT \\| High gas alert \\(O2\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | High gas alert (H2S)","candidate":"#Unresolved |","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\|(.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(H2S\\)$"},{"phrase":"# Sensor over limit","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) Sensor over limit$"},{"phrase":"#Are you sure you want to delete ?","candidate":"#Are you sure you want to delete ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Are you sure you want to delete (.+?)\\?$"},{"phrase":"#Organization: ","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Organization: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | High gas alert (CO)","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(CO\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | Gas sensor over limit alert ()","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":["","","",""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Gas sensor over limit alert \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Pre Alert | | Message alert","candidate":"#Pre Alert | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Pre Alert \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Message alert$"},{"phrase":"#False Alert | | High gas alert (CO)","candidate":"#False Alert | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#False Alert \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(CO\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Call: ","candidate":"#Call: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Call: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Replaced by unit: ","candidate":"#Replaced by unit: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Replaced by unit: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#System Test | | High gas alert (PID)","candidate":"#System Test | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#System Test \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(PID\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Pre Alert | | High gas alert (LEL)","candidate":"#Pre Alert | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Pre Alert \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | Logged on","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Logged on$"},{"phrase":"#Demo Training | | No motion alert","candidate":"#Demo Training | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Demo Training \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| No motion alert$"},{"phrase":"#Demo Training | | Low battery","candidate":"#Demo Training | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Demo Training \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Low battery$"},{"phrase":"#: Voice call fail","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Voice call fail$"},{"phrase":"#System Maintenance | | Device call (two-way voice)","candidate":"#System Maintenance | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#System Maintenance \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Device call \\(two\\-way voice\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Calibration failed","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Calibration failed$"},{"phrase":"#Updated by device: ","candidate":"#Updated by device: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Updated by device: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Replaces unit: ","candidate":"#Replaces unit: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Replaces unit: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#System Test | | Silent SOS alert","candidate":"#System Test | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#System Test \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Silent SOS alert$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | Silent SOS alert","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Silent SOS alert$"},{"phrase":"#System Test | | Fall detected alert","candidate":"#System Test | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#System Test \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Fall detected alert$"},{"phrase":"#False Alert | | Message alert","candidate":"#False Alert | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#False Alert \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Message alert$"},{"phrase":"#Demo Training | | SOS Alarm","candidate":"#Demo Training | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Demo Training \\| (.+?)(.+?)(.+?) \\| SOS Alarm$"},{"phrase":"#System Test | | Device call (two-way voice)","candidate":"#System Test | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#System Test \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Device call \\(two\\-way voice\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Pre Alert | | SOS alert","candidate":"#Pre Alert | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Pre Alert \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| SOS alert$"},{"phrase":"#False Alert | | Fall detected alert","candidate":"#False Alert | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#False Alert \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Fall detected alert$"},{"phrase":"# 11.00 %","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#(.+?) 11\\.00 %(.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#False Alert | | High gas alert (LEL)","candidate":"#False Alert | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#False Alert \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#False Alert | | Gas sensor over limit alert (LEL)","candidate":"#False Alert | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#False Alert \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Gas sensor over limit alert \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | High gas alert (LEL)","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#High gas alert (","candidate":"#High gas alert (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#High gas alert \\((.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Activation: ","candidate":"#Activation: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Activation: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Dock ID: ","candidate":"#Dock ID: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Dock ID: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | Missed check-in alert","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Missed check\\-in alert$"},{"phrase":"#Increment: ppm","candidate":"#Increment: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Increment: (.+?)ppm$"},{"phrase":"#Range: - ppm","candidate":"#Range: ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Range: (.+?) \\- (.+?)ppm$"},{"phrase":"#Incident | | High gas alert (LEL)","candidate":"#Incident | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Incident \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Gas readings: LEL %LEL","candidate":"#Gas readings: LEL ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Gas readings: LEL (.+?) %LEL$"},{"phrase":"#Gas alarm ended (","candidate":"#Gas alarm ended (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Gas alarm ended \\((.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Battery Level: %","candidate":"#Battery Level: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Battery Level: (.+?)%$"},{"phrase":"#: High gas alert (ClO","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): High gas alert \\(ClO$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alarm ended (ClO","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alarm ended \\(ClO$"},{"phrase":"#: Check-in has been changed","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Check\\-in has been changed$"},{"phrase":"#Device: ","candidate":"#Device: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Device: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#System Maintenance | | High gas alert (LEL)","candidate":"#System Maintenance | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#System Maintenance \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#LEL-MPS is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of LEL-MPS %LEL was reported.","candidate":"#LEL-MPS is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of LEL-MPS ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#LEL\\-MPS is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold\\. A peak reading of LEL\\-MPS (.+?) %LEL was reported\\.$"},{"phrase":"#System Maintenance | | SOS alert","candidate":"#System Maintenance | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#System Maintenance \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| SOS alert$"},{"phrase":"#System Maintenance | | Message alert","candidate":"#System Maintenance | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#System Maintenance \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Message alert$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | Message alert","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Message alert$"},{"phrase":"#'' has already been registered","candidate":"#'","variables":[""],"regex":"^#'(.+?)' has already been registered$"},{"phrase":"#A verification email has been sent to .","candidate":"#A verification email has been sent to ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#A verification email has been sent to (.+?)\\.$"},{"phrase":"#No results found for ","candidate":"#No results found for ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#No results found for (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#: TWA gas alert (CO","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): TWA gas alert \\(CO$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alert to gas alarm (PID)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alert to gas alarm \\(PID\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Low gas detected (PID)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Low gas detected \\(PID\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alarm ended (PID)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alarm ended \\(PID\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: High gas alert (PID)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): High gas alert \\(PID\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Calibration overdue","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Calibration overdue$"},{"phrase":"#: High gas alert (CO","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): High gas alert \\(CO$"},{"phrase":"#: TWA gas alert (CO)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): TWA gas alert \\(CO\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Demo Training | | Missed check-in alert","candidate":"#Demo Training | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Demo Training \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Missed check\\-in alert$"},{"phrase":"#: Low gas detected (LEL)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Low gas detected \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas sensor over limit alert (LEL)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas sensor over limit alert \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alert ended (LEL)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alert ended \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alert to gas alarm (LEL)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alert to gas alarm \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alarm ended (LEL)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alarm ended \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Demo Training | | High gas alert (LEL)","candidate":"#Demo Training | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Demo Training \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: High gas alert (O","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): High gas alert \\(O$"},{"phrase":"#False Alert | | No motion alert","candidate":"#False Alert | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#False Alert \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| No motion alert$"},{"phrase":"#Demo Training | | Message alert","candidate":"#Demo Training | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Demo Training \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Message alert$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | No motion alert","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| No motion alert$"},{"phrase":"#Incident | | SOS alert","candidate":"#Incident | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Incident \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| SOS alert$"},{"phrase":"#: Missed check","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Missed check$"},{"phrase":"#Demo Training | | Device call (two-way voice)","candidate":"#Demo Training | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Demo Training \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Device call \\(two\\-way voice\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Bump test overdue","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Bump test overdue$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas calibration","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas calibration$"},{"phrase":"#: Pump block detected","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Pump block detected$"},{"phrase":"#: Pump block ended","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Pump block ended$"},{"phrase":"#: Manual check","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Manual check$"},{"phrase":"#: Device call (two","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Device call \\(two$"},{"phrase":"#: Check","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Check$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | Fall detected alert","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Fall detected alert$"},{"phrase":"#: Device call (two-way voice)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Device call \\(two\\-way voice\\)$"},{"phrase":"#System Test | | Low battery","candidate":"#System Test | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#System Test \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Low battery$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | Low battery","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Low battery$"},{"phrase":"#Device Type: ","candidate":"#Device Type: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Device Type: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#System Test | | Message alert","candidate":"#System Test | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#System Test \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Message alert$"},{"phrase":"#False Alert | | High gas alert (PID)","candidate":"#False Alert | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#False Alert \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(PID\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | High gas alert (PID)","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| High gas alert \\(PID\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Manual check-in pending","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Manual check\\-in pending$"},{"phrase":"#Incident | | No motion alert","candidate":"#Incident | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Incident \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| No motion alert$"},{"phrase":"#Notification profile '' already exists","candidate":"#Notification profile '","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Notification profile '(.+?)' already exists$"},{"phrase":"#System Test | | No motion alert","candidate":"#System Test | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#System Test \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| No motion alert$"},{"phrase":"#Dock updated on: ","candidate":"#Dock updated on: ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Dock updated on: (.+?) (.+?) (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Initiated by: | ","candidate":"#Initiated by: ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Initiated by: (.+?) \\| (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Home: ","candidate":"#Home: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Home: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Initiated on: ","candidate":"#Initiated on: ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Initiated on: (.+?) (.+?) (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Demo Training | | Fall detected alert","candidate":"#Demo Training | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Demo Training \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Fall detected alert$"},{"phrase":"#Updated by device: | ","candidate":"#Updated by device: ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Updated by device: (.+?) \\| (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Unresolved | | SOS alert","candidate":"#Unresolved | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Unresolved \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| SOS alert$"},{"phrase":"#: High gas alert (LEL)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): High gas alert \\(LEL\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Sent: ","candidate":"#Sent: ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Sent: (.+?) (.+?) (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#: Message alert","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Message alert$"},{"phrase":"#received: ","candidate":"#received: ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#received: (.+?) (.+?) (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#sent: ","candidate":"#sent: ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#sent: (.+?) (.+?) (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#: Cartridge switch","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Cartridge switch$"},{"phrase":"#Received by server: ","candidate":"#Received by server: ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Received by server: (.+?) (.+?) (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#: Message to Device","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Message to Device$"},{"phrase":"#: Message from Device","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Message from Device$"},{"phrase":"#From: ","candidate":"#From: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#From: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Device Name: ","candidate":"#Device Name: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Device Name: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#: Low gas detected (SO","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Low gas detected \\(SO$"},{"phrase":"#: High gas alert (SO","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): High gas alert \\(SO$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alert to gas alarm (SO","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alert to gas alarm \\(SO$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alarm ended (SO","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alarm ended \\(SO$"},{"phrase":"#minutes","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?)minutes$"},{"phrase":"#: Missed check-in alert","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Missed check\\-in alert$"},{"phrase":"# failed calibration in dock . Sensor response failed.","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#(.+?) failed calibration in dock (.+?)\\. Sensor response failed\\.$"},{"phrase":"# failed calibration in dock . Sensitivity range error","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#(.+?) failed calibration in dock (.+?)\\. Sensitivity range error$"},{"phrase":"# failed bump test in dock ","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#(.+?) failed bump test in dock (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#: Network timeout","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Network timeout$"},{"phrase":"#: No motion alert","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): No motion alert$"},{"phrase":"#: Potential no motion","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Potential no motion$"},{"phrase":"#: Check-in","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Check\\-in$"},{"phrase":"#: Low gas detected (H","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Low gas detected \\(H$"},{"phrase":"#: High gas alert (H","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): High gas alert \\(H$"},{"phrase":"#: High gas alert (CO)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): High gas alert \\(CO\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alert to gas alarm (CO)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alert to gas alarm \\(CO\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alert to gas alarm (H","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alert to gas alarm \\(H$"},{"phrase":"#: Hardware error","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Hardware error$"},{"phrase":"#: Low gas detected (CO)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Low gas detected \\(CO\\)$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alarm ended (H","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alarm ended \\(H$"},{"phrase":"#: Peak readings","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Peak readings$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alarm ended (CO)","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alarm ended \\(CO\\)$"},{"phrase":"# characters remaining","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) characters remaining$"},{"phrase":"# Floorplans tool - Blackline Live","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) Floorplans tool \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#September , 2020","candidate":"#September ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#September (.+?), 2020$"},{"phrase":"#October , 2020","candidate":"#October ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#October (.+?), 2020$"},{"phrase":"#LEL-MPS failed calibration in dock . Sensor baseline failed.","candidate":"#LEL-MPS failed calibration in dock ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#LEL\\-MPS failed calibration in dock (.+?)\\. Sensor baseline failed\\.$"},{"phrase":"# failed manual calibration. Sensor baseline failed.","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) failed manual calibration\\. Sensor baseline failed\\.$"},{"phrase":"# failed manual calibration. Sensitivity range error.","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) failed manual calibration\\. Sensitivity range error\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Page generated in seconds.","candidate":"#Page generated in ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Page generated in (.+?) seconds\\.$"},{"phrase":"#July , ","candidate":"#July ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#July (.+?), (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Gas alarm ended ()","candidate":"#Gas alarm ended (","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Gas alarm ended \\((.+?)\\)$"},{"phrase":"#() Help / Customer support - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Help / Customer support \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#Attempting to reconnect in seconds...","candidate":"#Attempting to reconnect in ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Attempting to reconnect in (.+?) seconds\\.\\.\\.$"},{"phrase":"#() Admin - Organization search - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Admin \\- Organization search \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#in minutes","candidate":"#in ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#in (.+?) minutes$"},{"phrase":"#() Admin - API Device communication - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Admin \\- API Device communication \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"# Sensor initializing...","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) Sensor initializing\\.\\.\\.$"},{"phrase":"#SO2 is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of SO2 ppm was reported.","candidate":"#SO2 is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of SO2 ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#SO2 is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold\\. A peak reading of SO2 (.+?) ppm was reported\\.$"},{"phrase":"# %vol","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) %vol$"},{"phrase":"#() Organization details | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Organization details \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#Online Now - devices","candidate":"#Online Now - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Online Now \\- (.+?) devices$"},{"phrase":"#LEL is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of LEL %LEL was reported.","candidate":"#LEL is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of LEL ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#LEL is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold\\. A peak reading of LEL (.+?) %LEL was reported\\.$"},{"phrase":"#() Add provider | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Add provider \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#ISOB is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of ISOB ppm was reported.","candidate":"#ISOB is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of ISOB ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#ISOB is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold\\. A peak reading of ISOB (.+?) ppm was reported\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Device: Unit ","candidate":"#Device: Unit ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Device: Unit (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#() Create a group | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Create a group \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Beacon - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Beacon (.+?)\\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Agreement details | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Agreement details \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Accept agreement | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Accept agreement \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Admin - Device logs - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Admin \\- Device logs \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#Signal Strength: %","candidate":"#Signal Strength: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Signal Strength: (.+?)%$"},{"phrase":"#CO is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of CO ppm was reported.","candidate":"#CO is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of CO ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#CO is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold\\. A peak reading of CO (.+?) ppm was reported\\.$"},{"phrase":"#() Alert history - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Alert history \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"# hours ago","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) hours ago$"},{"phrase":"#Jun , at BST","candidate":"#Jun ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Jun (.+?), (.+?) at (.+?)BST$"},{"phrase":"#Mic or speaker failed calibration in dock ","candidate":"#Mic or speaker failed calibration in dock ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Mic or speaker failed calibration in dock (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#CO failed calibration in dock . Sensitivity range error","candidate":"#CO failed calibration in dock ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#CO failed calibration in dock (.+?)\\. Sensitivity range error$"},{"phrase":"#LEL failed calibration in dock . Sensor baseline failed.","candidate":"#LEL failed calibration in dock ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#LEL failed calibration in dock (.+?)\\. Sensor baseline failed\\.$"},{"phrase":"#LEL failed calibration in dock . Sensitivity range error","candidate":"#LEL failed calibration in dock ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#LEL failed calibration in dock (.+?)\\. Sensitivity range error$"},{"phrase":"#CO failed calibration in dock . Sensor baseline failed.","candidate":"#CO failed calibration in dock ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#CO failed calibration in dock (.+?)\\. Sensor baseline failed\\.$"},{"phrase":"#H2S failed calibration in dock . Sensor response failed.","candidate":"#H2S failed calibration in dock ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#H2S failed calibration in dock (.+?)\\. Sensor response failed\\.$"},{"phrase":"#H2S failed calibration in dock . Sensitivity range error","candidate":"#H2S failed calibration in dock ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#H2S failed calibration in dock (.+?)\\. Sensitivity range error$"},{"phrase":"#H2S failed calibration in dock . Sensor baseline failed.","candidate":"#H2S failed calibration in dock ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#H2S failed calibration in dock (.+?)\\. Sensor baseline failed\\.$"},{"phrase":"#O2 failed calibration in dock . Sensor baseline failed.","candidate":"#O2 failed calibration in dock ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#O2 failed calibration in dock (.+?)\\. Sensor baseline failed\\.$"},{"phrase":"#() Group details | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Group details \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Groups | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Groups \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Relationships | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Relationships \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#Organisation: ","candidate":"#Organisation: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Organisation: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#System Test | | SOS alert","candidate":"#System Test | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#System Test \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| SOS alert$"},{"phrase":"#() Version update status - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Version update status \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#% LEL","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?)% LEL$"},{"phrase":"#False Alert | | SOS alert","candidate":"#False Alert | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#False Alert \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| SOS alert$"},{"phrase":"#Trade/Role: ","candidate":"#Trade/Role: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Trade/Role: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Company: ","candidate":"#Company: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Company: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#January , CET","candidate":"#January ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#January (.+?), (.+?) (.+?) CET$"},{"phrase":"#() Alert management - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Alert management \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"# CEST (","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#(.+?) (.+?) CEST \\($"},{"phrase":"#() Configurations | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Configurations \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Alerts | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Alerts \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Alert management - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Alert management \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Unit - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Unit (.+?) \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Alert profiles - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Alert profiles \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() New team member profile | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) New team member profile \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Team members | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Team members \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Docks | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Docks \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#Alert resolved ","candidate":"#Alert resolved ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Alert resolved (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# CEST","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) CEST$"},{"phrase":"#Demo Training | | Silent SOS alert","candidate":"#Demo Training | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Demo Training \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| Silent SOS alert$"},{"phrase":"#Employee ID: ","candidate":"#Employee ID: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Employee ID: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#() Quick assign | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Quick assign \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#Unit Logs","candidate":"#Unit ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Unit (.+?) 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A peak reading of PID ppm was reported.","candidate":"#PID is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold. A peak reading of PID ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#PID is no longer exceeding the high alert threshold\\. A peak reading of PID (.+?) ppm was reported\\.$"},{"phrase":"#() Admin - Organisation - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Admin \\- Organisation \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#November , 2019 CET","candidate":"#November ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#November (.+?), 2019 (.+?) CET$"},{"phrase":"#Total devices: ","candidate":"#Total devices: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Total devices: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Page: / ","candidate":"#Page: ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Page: (.+?) / (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Demo Training | | SOS alert","candidate":"#Demo Training | ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Demo Training \\| (.+?) (.+?) (.+?) \\| SOS alert$"},{"phrase":"#Duration: ","candidate":"#Duration: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Duration: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas bump","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas bump$"},{"phrase":"#: Changed mode","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Changed mode$"},{"phrase":"#: Low gas detected (O","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Low gas detected \\(O$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas alarm ended (O","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas alarm ended \\(O$"},{"phrase":"#: Gas data","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?): Gas data$"},{"phrase":"#Action required ( - devices)","candidate":"#Action required (","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Action required \\((.+?) \\- (.+?) devices\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Total Fleet - devices","candidate":"#Total Fleet - ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Total Fleet \\- (.+?) devices$"},{"phrase":"#Monitored by: ","candidate":"#Monitored by: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Monitored by: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Unit ","candidate":"#Unit ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Unit (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#() Mass notifications | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Mass notifications \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#Compliant ( - devices)","candidate":"#Compliant (","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Compliant \\((.+?) \\- (.+?) devices\\)$"},{"phrase":"#() Configuration profile | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Configuration profile \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#LEL %LEL","candidate":"#LEL ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#LEL (.+?) %LEL$"},{"phrase":"#() Change my password - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Change my password \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Admin - Organization - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Admin \\- Organization \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Device details | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Device details \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Devices | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Devices \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#Work: +","candidate":"#Work: +","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Work: \\+(.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#() Terms & conditions - Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Terms & conditions \\- Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#() Team member profile | Blackline Live","candidate":"#(","variables":[""],"regex":"^#\\((.+?)\\) Team member profile \\| Blackline Live$"},{"phrase":"#Nov , at CET","candidate":"#Nov ","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#Nov (.+?), (.+?) at (.+?) 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A peak reading of SO2 ppm was reported.":1,"#Incident | | Gas sensor over limit alert (LEL)":1,"#Save %":1,"#acknowledged | | Gas sensor over limit alert (NO2)":1,"#Blackline Safety welcomes Shane Grennan as new CFO":1,"#Blackline Safety takes home third New Product of the Year award":1,"#Blackline Safety's G7 EXO wins OH&S 2021 New Product of the Year award":1,"#Blackline Safety closes fiscal 2015 with record revenue":1,"#Blackline Safety announces non-brokered private placement":1,"#West Coast salmon farmers manage evacuations with Blackline Safety technology":1,"#Blackline Safety reports record first quarter revenue":1,"#Blackline Safety Launches Next Generation Lone Worker Monitoring Solution":1,"#• Dioxyde de chlore (ClO2)":1,"#Test LUCAS":1,"#Enter your Blackline Live Organization Name (if applicable)":1,"#Blackline Live Organization Name (if applicable)":1,"#Enter your Device Unit ID (if applicable) ":1,"#Device Unit ID (if applicable)":1,"#APPLY":1,"#4JG7+RG - Passo Raso, Triunfo - RS, 95840-000, Brazil":1,"#ZQKVX2":1,"#Blackline-Monitored Alert Profile - LIVE March 5, 2024":1,"#Default G7":1,"#**Repair #1**":1,"#** Repair 2 **":1,"#NDAPG4":1,"#, included with every G6 and G7 device, makes it easy for you to gain the insights needed to keep teams safe and workplaces efficient.":1,"#– Harness deeper insights and information from your Essential Reports through tailored dashboards, visualizations and predictive reporting and tools.":1,"#– Built-in cutting-edge, True 4G LTE cellular connectivity with direct-to-cloud data streaming to Blackline Live with 97% global cellular connectivity rate and access to 300+ carriers globally.":1,"#Going beyond compliance, this suite of analytics helps you monitor performance and safety trends in your company globally, regionally, or within teams. Included":1,"#Compliance and Fleet Management Analytics ":1,"#– Built-in cellular connectivity with direct-to-cloud data streaming to Blackline Live platform every 6 hours (or 4x a day).":1,"#- Blackline's patented manual emergency SOS latch triggers a visible and audible or silent alarm, immediately notifying monitoring personnel. These alerts can be conveniently managed through Blackline Live.":1,"#- Make sense of trends in compliance and stay on top of fleet maintenance. Included Reports: Usage and Compliance, Bump Tests and Calibrations, Devices and Cartridges, Device Assignment History, Docks and Location Beacons.":1,"#Make sense of trends in compliance and stay on top of fleet maintenance. Included Reports: Usage and Compliance, Bump Tests and Calibrations, Devices and Cartridges, Device Assignment History, Docks and Location Beacons.":1,"#- Going beyond compliance, this suite of analytics helps you monitor performance and safety trends in your company globally, regionally, or within teams. Included reports: Overview Dashboard, Alerts, Events, Events Map, Gas Exposure, LEL-MPS Readings, Worker Safety Analytics and G7 EXO Gas Analytics.":1,"#Performance and Safety Analytics ":1,"#- Going beyond compliance, this suite of analytics helps you monitor performance and safety trends in your company globally, regionally, or within teams. Included reports: Overview Dashboard, Alerts, Events, Events Map and Worker Safety Analytics.":1,"#Ensuring the safety of a small crew or several hundred tradespeople during turnarounds, shutdowns, for a major construction project or any short-term project is a challenge. To keep crews safe and projects on schedule and within budget, Blackline Safety offers rental options for our complete portfolio of connected personal gas detectors, area monitors, lone worker wearables and accessories.":1,"#Kaartschaal: 2 km per 44 pixels":1,"#Kaartschaal: 100 m per 70 pixels":1,"#Kaartschaal: 500 m per 44 pixels":1,"#Kaartschaal: 1 km per 44 pixels":1,"#Kaartschaal: 200 m per 70 pixels":1,"#Map scale: 50 km per 52 pixels":1,"#: Voice call fail":1,"#Replaces unit: ":1,"#Gas readings: LEL %LEL":1,"#Replaced by unit: ":1,"#: Missed check":1,"#: Check":1,"#: Manual check":1,"#: Device call (two":1,"#Beacon - Blackline Live":1,"#() Terms & conditions - Blackline Live":1,"#unacknowledged | | STEL gas alert (PID)":1,"#acknowledged | | Tumble alarm":1,"# feet ( meters), inch ( mm) diameter":1,"#Blackline Safety Lone Worker Monitoring Solutions Earn BS8484 Certification":1,"#Blackline Safety brings last-mile lone worker safety monitoring to Australia":1,"#CNRCJA":1,"#Blackline Safety Unseats Competition to Win $2.7 Million Deal with Major U.S. Energy Company":1,"#G7 wearables et G7 EXO area monitors constantly detect both VOC ambient gas levels and the employee’s location, reporting this data back to the cloud wirelessly via cellular or satellite connectivity.":1,"#UES3 Alert Management":1,"#Total cameradetectie":1,"#15. CARTRIDGES":1,"#Beacon 1370106253-Foyer":1,"#December 01, 2017":1,"#G7x/Bridge":1,"#Blackline Safety Announces $3.9 Million Renewal with Leading U.S. Utility Company":1,"#FILTER":1,"#Lone Worker Emergency Response - New Voice Communication":1,"#Skalierung der Karte: 200 km pro 61 Pixel":1,"#April 03, 2017":1,"#September 09, 2021":1,"#8873+8C Antwerp, Belgium (Antwerp)":1,"#Custom Analytics":1,"#estimates that approximately 1.3 billion people worldwide are mobile workers, many of whom work alone continuously or at various times during their workday.":1,"#in the United States reported 20% of occupational fatalities were in construction. That brings the total number of fatalities to more than 800 in just one year. Similarly, the":1,"#6. CUTTING CORNERS":1,"#Contact with exposed, energized power lines when servicing equipment isn’t the only hazard for employees. Arc flash can occur if a wire, tool or other materials short terminals together. According to":1,"#advises that a lockout/tagout standard gives each employer the flexibility to develop an energy control program suited to the needs of the particular workplace and the types of machines and equipment being maintained or serviced.":1,"#For electrocution and lockout/tagout policies":1,"#Blog Images--manufacturing4":1,"#Do you have the right procedures in place to send an emergency response to your team when an incident occurs? Find out now. Let’s talk about how we can help elevate your current safety monitoring program,":1,"#” reminds construction workers that there is no reliable warning when a cave-in may occur. This story of a construction laborer who died when trench walls collapsed is a sobering example of the risks your employees face every day.":1,"#shares this example: An employee was struck by a nail from a nail gun fired by another employee through a wall made of wallboard. These types of preventable fatalities are increasing and in 2010, 402 occupational fatalities were caused by struck-by hazards in the United States.":1,"#(utilities, sewer, oil, roads and bridges) accounted for 17% of worker deaths.":1,"#Here we explore the top 10 safety incidents you shouldn’t overlook in the Engineering and Construction industry.":1,"#Available options range from manual check-in processes and supervisory spot checks to modern safety monitoring technology, such as offered by our Loner® solutions.":1,"#Your program must be seamless, clear, concise, communicated, and measured. It must ensure that if an injury, health incident or assault occurs, your monitoring program efficiently pinpoints your crewmembers’ precise location—indoors and outdoors— and directs a prompt emergency response.":1,"#Working with dangerous equipment and moving objects can be challenging. While many of your operators know how to use their equipment, can you ensure their colleagues know what to watch out for when working around the equipment?":1,"#More people work alone than you think.":1,"#It is crucial to understand that the unexpected can occur, and should it become a reality that your team faces, be assured that you’ve implemented the policies and processes required to keep your team safe.":1,"#8. TIME":1,"#, a tool can explode into a molten gas cloud instantly at 19,000 degrees Celsius temperatures, burning skin and clothing that isn’t fire-resistant. With five to 10 arc flash incidents occurring every day in the United States, the shockwave alone can damage internal organs and spray shrapnel throughout the work area.":1,"#You should consider the lone-worker safety monitoring options available.":1,"#Some of your team members may work within large, complex indoor and outdoor construction sites where their daily tasks take them out of earshot and sight from others. These working scenarios can be dangerous, and without the proper safety measures in place, can be fatal to your employees.":1,"#reports there are a whopping 53 million lone workers in Canada, the United States and Europe combined. That’s about 15 percent of the overall workforce. The":1,"#Occupational Health & Safety magazine":1,"#engineering and construction":1,"#4 workers with hardhats, pouring cement in the rain_600x300_blog":1,"#to access up-to-date training recommendations.":1,"#Should the unexpected can occur, you need to be confident that you’ve implemented the policies and processes required to keep your team safe. Your team must be able—at all times—to manage the most rapid emergency response possible.":1,"#5. WORKING ALONE":1,"#From site supervisors and foremen to equipment operators, electricians and laborers, you are responsible for the safety and well-being of all of your employees. This isn’t always easy, since they often work in environments with many moving parts, materials and heavy equipment.":1,"#connect with us":1,"#Do you have the right procedures in place to send an emergency response to your team when an incident occurs? Will they get there in time?":1,"#A work-alone policy ensures that your employees get help when they may not be in a position to call for help. Updating your safety policies, procedures and addressing your work-alone safety monitoring program can mitigate the risks in engineering and construction.":1,"#Does your business have an emergency response protocol? Has it been updated lately and how is it triggered? Are you still using a check-in process and not made the jump to safety monitoring technology? Do you have a work-alone policy?":1,"#Working in a high-risk environment with many moving parts and volatile materials calls for motivated personnel. Mistakes and carelessness can lead to injuries and even fatalities. Clear safety measures, processes, communication and equipment can help alleviate this risk.":1,"#Trenching and excavation are two crucial parts of the construction process, with very hazardous work environments, especially for lone workers. The":1,"#2. STRUCK BY OBJECTS":1,"#9. FAILING TO PROVIDE SAFETY PROCEDURES":1,"#Does your business have an emergency response protocol? Has it been updated lately and how is it triggered? Are you still using a check-in process and have not made the jump to safety monitoring technology? Do you have a work-alone policy?":1,"#For more information about construction site training, visit the":1,"#Let’s start with the “fatal four”—falls, struck by objects, electrocution and caught in/between are the leading causes of worker deaths on construction sites. The fatal four were responsible for more than half (57.7%) of construction worker deaths in the United States in 2013, according to the":1,"#In fact, thousands of incidents every year put engineering and construction workers on short- and long-term disability—many of whom can never work again due to their injuries.":1,"#in the United Kingdom reported 31% of workplace fatalities were construction-related that same year.":1,"#, accounts for numerous workplace injuries and fatalities each year. In 2013, the":1,"#International Labor Organization (ILO)":1,"#One of the world’s most dangerous industries,":1,"#Blog Images--transportation":1,"#TOP ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INCIDENTS":1,"#10. NO SAFETY MONITORING TECHNOLOGY":1,"#Preventing Worker Death from Trench Cave-ins":1,"#reports that falls had the highest fatality rate in the construction industry, accounting for over a third of the 57.7% of deaths caused by the fatal four. The report also indicates that the highest number of construction fatalities—48% of total fatalities— were to specialty trade constructors, those who work in foundations, structures and concrete. Heavy and civil engineering":1,"#Many organizations believe they have the appropriate training in place for their employees. Ask yourself: Is our training following best practices? Does it truly cover the ins and outs of engineering and construction work, including scaffolding, machinery, handling materials, electrical, cranes and even trenching? What about the potential for health incidents?":1,"#4. CAUGHT IN/BETWEEN":1,"#Here we explore the top 10 safety incidents you shouldn’t overlook.":1,"#GALERIE TECHNIQUE 1 1D006 CTA ALSP Beacon 1370108025":1,"#G6 single-gas and the G7 single or multi-gas detectors are the all-in-one cloud-connected solutions to address every facet of your personal gas detection safety needs.":1,"#With built-in connectivity, out-of-the-box deployment, easy integration into existing operations, and a broad gas sensor portfolio to choose from, G6 and G7 gas detectors are ready to work—whenever and wherever—right away.":1,"#Discover our industry-leading technology for lone worker protection and gas detection to make sure everyone gets home safe.":1,"#Robust, configurable, intelligent. Personal gas monitors ensure that your workers are notified of gas hazards in their environment in real-time while integrated connectivity means you are notified the minute something happens—and can take corrective action to mitigate future hazards.":1,"#G7 wearable single or multi-gas detector is the all-in-one cloud-connected solution to address every facet of your personal gas detection safety needs.":1,"#G7 Wearables":1,"#Stratford-upon-Avon, UK":1,"#Farnborough, UK":1,"#Abu Dhabi, UAE":1,"#Durham, UK":1,"#Blackline Safety enhances G7c cloud-connected safety wearables with 4G":1,"#Devices on the same channel communicate with one another, like a traditional two-way radio.":1,"#Reliable Communication, No Matter Where You Work":1,"#G7c is already your go-to for robust gas detection and lone worker monitoring. Layering in instant two-way voice communications through a PTT service plan elevates your safety capabilities even further—all-in one intrinsically-safe device. And you overcome the challenges of purchasing, maintaining, and wearing multiple pieces of equipment.":1,"#G7c devices with PTT capability also support the pairing of hands-free audio accessories to enhance two-way voice communication. For more information on Blackline-approved third-party devices, click here.":1,"#Integrated Bluetooth Capabilities":1,"#Integrating Equipment, Improving Bottom Lines":1,"#LEARN HOW":1,"#Adding walkie-talkie functionality to your safety program requires no extra or expensive equipment. That’s because PTT capability leverages G7c’s already integrated cellular connectivity—with network coverage in over 100 countries.":1,"#Employees in one location can seamlessly speak to other teams on site, across the country and even internationally, without the need for any added infrastructure.":1,"#Efficiency is boosted too for added bottom line impact. For day-to-day communications, workers don’t need to stop mid-task to access a phone or radio, causing a loss of productivity. With PTT, workers can communicate on-the-go directly from their G7c device, helping teams better adhere to project schedules and meet deadlines.":1,"#100 Channels to Choose From":1,"#Two-way voice and text messaging can also be integrated into your G7 to ensure your workers are always connected. Learn More.":1,"#INTRODUCING PTT":1,"#G7c users can quickly change channels from the built-in menu system, selecting from 100 options.":1,"#G7 with PTT is your all-in-one solution to boost efficiency and streamline operations. With your people connected like never before, seeking help, sharing vital information, or coordinating actions during emergencies has never been easier. With this additional layer of communication, your workers can feel more confident too.":1,"#Experience a push-to-talk (PTT) device feature that allows devices in the same Blackline Live organization to function just like a walkie-talkie.":1,"#Keeping workers connected and operations streamlined.":1,"#Looking for even more communication options?":1,"#The all-call channel allows a message to be broadcast (by safety supervisors, managers, and the live safety monitoring team) to all G7c devices in a network, across all channels in an organization.":1,"#Connected workers reduce operational spend by 8.5% and wearables increase productivity by 8%.":1,"#Projects change. Timelines change. Safety doesn’t.":1,"#If we build it, you can rent it. Supplement your fleet with comprehensive rental options whether you need one device or 1000.":1,"#Connect with a rental program representative":1,"#Blackline’s devices are more than just simple gas detectors. The real-time data streamed during a project can be analyzed to identify opportunities to increase efficiencies, so you can shave valuable time off the next project.":1,"#Devices automatically update over-the-air so you’ll always":1,"#not their equipment.":1,"#TA Cook and Solomon Associates, 2019":1,"#Keeping projects safe and on time":1,"#RENTAL EQUIPMENT SERVICES BROCHURE":1,"#Insights into all incidents and compliance status in real -time knowing when and where they occurred so you can proactively send a response or a maintenance crew.":1,"#are temporarily misplaced.":1,"#Collaborate with Blackline’s team to develop a rental program optimized specifically for your project.":1,"#Same-day shipping or walk-ins available in certain areas.":1,"#Flexible, on-demand equipment – adjust inventory as project needs change.":1,"#We don’t just take orders. Blackline takes a consultative approach to rental projects to ensure a well-planned and customized safety solution with devices is received.":1,"#Save costs and lives.":1,"#Daily, weekly and monthly rental options available.":1,"#Robust data analytics services available.":1,"#automatic updates.":1,"#With the push of a button, a device is up and running in mere":1,"#provide simple to operate devices so workers can focus on their job,":1,"#Device rentals include online software with built-in reports for full":1,"#Gain visibility into the safety and productivity of your next short-term project.":1,"#During shutdowns, Operations Managers need their workers to focus on the tasks at hand. And workers need to be confident that risks are mitigated, and their safety monitored. Equipping each worker on site with a gas detector is vital.":1,"#Learn today for a more productive tomorrow.":1,"#greatly minimizing replacement costs or downtime.":1,"#Keep crews safe and projects on time with Blackline's rentals of our connected personal gas detectors, area monitors, lone worker devices and accessories.":1,"#Our technology is used across more than a dozen industries to protect their most valuable asset — their people.":1,"#moments.":1,"#Cancel without penalty.":1,"#Each incident is time and location-stamped for easy incident review—no more manual data collection and alert reporting":1,"#80% of all turnarounds are over budget by more than 10%.":1,"#Minimal maintenance means more time-on-tools.":1,"#BLACKLINE CORPORATE BROCHURE":1,"#safety-gas-detection-ecosystem-taller":1,"#Simple to use so minimal training or maintenance required.":1,"#site visibility (including current compliance status) without added IT or set-up costs.":1,"#to ensure there is no downtime if devices need to be serviced or":1,"#Blackline delivers a 5% surplus on the number of devices rented":1,"#Instant access to industry-leading connected safety devices and":1,"#Staying on budget is a critical factor to determine a project’s success. We understand the importance of controlling costs and have built our gas detection rental program with that top-of-mind.":1,"#Rent connected devices and access Blackline Vision data scientists to do a one-off efficiency analysis of a project to streamline future ones.":1,"#Optional 24/7 safety monitoring by Blackline’s Safety Operations Center.":1,"#device.":1,"#One incident could have tragic consequences – Blackline Rentals":1,"#Simple. Robust. Configurable.":1,"#WATCH VIDEOS":1,"#Read The Blog Post":1,"#All of our devices integrate seamlessly within the rest of our connected safety ecosystem, delivering an array of industry-leading tools and services to help keep your teams safe and amplify your productivity.":1,"#have the latest features without requiring users to dock the":1,"#Pay for only the time and devices you need.":1,"#With GPS location, misplaced devices can be easily located,":1,"#But you aren’t just renting a device. You also receive our software, Blackline Live, delivering real-time visibility into the safety and efficiency of your workers and contractors.":1,"#Rent gas detector":1,"#Experience next level service that goes well beyond equipment.":1,"#Every device configured or re-configured as needed with":1,"#We understand short-term projects can be unpredictable. Through Blackline’s rental program, you have the flexibility to adjust or cancel your rental plan on the fly.":1,"#Equipment Rental Services":1,"#FCC_TANKER: Pump blocked":1,"#FCC_TANKER: Pump block resolved":1,"#Skalierung der Karte: 200 km pro 65 Pixel":1,"#Kaartschaal: 50 m per 70 pixels":1,"#(25) Profil de configuration | Blackline Live":1,"#False Alert | | Gas sensor over limit alert (LEL)":1,"#LEL-MPS failed calibration in dock . Sensor baseline failed.":1,"#System Test | | Tumble alarm":1,"#unacknowledged | | High gas alert (NO2)":1,"#Advancements in Safety Technology: Is it Time to Invest? - A Letter from the CEO":1,"#6X43X5":1,"#XWWW4D":1,"#FERMENTAZIONE 2":1,"#FERMENTAZIONE 4":1,"#FERMENTAZIONE 3":1,"#CONFEZIONE 2":1,"#CONFEZIONE 1":1,"#FERMENTAZIONE 1":1,"#Mesures de rejet (Sans alarme)":1,"#SHE (1)":1,"#Blackline Safety Insight":1,"#8W5M+W2 Donges, France (Loire-Atlantique)":1},"version":52855}]