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Alternatively, you can complete the 'speak to an expert' form below and we will get back to you.":1,"#We would like to thank our community for your input and continued interest in the Shared Spaces program.":1,"#Tuesday 15 October 2024 – Monday 28 October 2024":1,"#Plans for future growth within the centres holistically, instead of focusing uplift within 400m":1,"#Mitchell O'Gorman":1,"#The team":1,"#If you come across our friendly staff at any of our events or spot the #CBKombi driving by your neighbourhood, we invite you to join us for a chat. We will be able to discuss upcoming projects that are happening around the city as well as take any feedback on any community matters concerning you.":1,"#Come say hello to the Community Engagement team!":1,"##CBKombi":1,"#Connect with our team as we journey across the city.":1,"#SAY HELLO":1,"#Engagement Principles":1,"#I have viewed the proposal and I would like to provide the following feedback for Council to consider.":1,"#Padstow Park Synthetic Fields":1,"#Licensee: The Bankstown District Amateur Football Association":1,"#Term: Three (3) years":1,"#This site is classified as “community land” and the granting of a Licence for the current proposal is consistent with the core objectives for the land as prescribed by the Local Government Act 1993 and the Plan of Management applicable to the subject land (Council’s Generic Plan of Management).":1,"#Council proposes to grant a Licence to the Bankstown District Amateur Football Association for the purpose of sporting and recreational activities suitable for an outdoor synthetic sports surface at 24 Davies Road, Padstow – being part of Lot 1, DP 846752.":1,"#In accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993, the City of Canterbury Bankstown (Council) is advertising its intention to grant the following Licence, as expressly authorised by Council’s Generic Plan of Management.":1,"#Healthy and Active;":1,"#Moving and Integrated;":1,"#Prosperous and Innovative;":1,"#Clean and Green;":1,"#Safe and Strong;":1,"#Your vision of the future is a city that is Thriving, Dynamic and Real! and is:":1,"#To view the 2028 CBCity document – CLICK HERE.":1,"#The draft cbcity 2028 document has been presented to Council and adopted on 26 June 2018":1,"#Document Adopted":1,"#CBCity 2028 Adopted Document":1,"#CBCity 2028 Video":1,"#The 2028 CBCity document has been developed after more than 10,000 community members had their say on how they want Canterbury Bankstown to look in 10 years time. The draft document has been presented to Council and was adopted on 26 June 2018.":1,"#Document goes to Council":1,"#The exhibition period for the draft Community Strategic Plan closes at 5pm on":1,"#If you have any questions or would like more information please contact the Community Engagement team on 9707 9771.":1,"#All the City’s Library and Knowledge Centres.":1,"#Campsie Customer Service Centre, 137 Beamish Street, Campsie, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm; and":1,"#Bankstown Customer Service Centre, 66-72 Rickard Road, Bankstown, Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm;":1,"#If you are unable to view this document, printed copies are available at:":1,"#Leading and Engaged.":1,"#Liveable and Distinctive; and":1,"#THIS IS HOW YOU SEE THE CITY IN 2028!":1,"#CBCITY 2028 (COMMUNITY STRATEGIC PLAN)":1,"#Earlwood Lang Rd Bridge - Enlarge image":1,"#Earlwood Lang Rd Bridge":1,"#Canturbury - Enlarge image":1,"#Canturbury":1,"#We’re also looking for 15 passionate people to join the Cooks River Community Assembly to develop the final vision statement. 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Submissions are now closed.":1,"#Community Feedback":1,"#Landowner Packages":1,"#Early Landowner Engagement":1,"#薩波特克文":1,"#薩米文 (北)":1,"#韓文":1,"#邁蒂利文":1,"#賽席爾克里奧爾文":1,"#優魯巴文":1,"#鮑勒文":1,"#錫蘭文":1,"#盧奧文":1,"#盧森堡文":1,"#盧安達文":1,"#緬甸文":1,"#歐利亞文 (奧里雅文)":1,"#模里西斯克里奧文":1,"#撣文":1,"#德頓文":1,"#德文":1,"#寮文":1,"#豪沙文":1,"#蒙古文":1,"#維吾爾文":1,"#瑪姆文":1,"#廓博羅克文":1,"#圖陸文":1,"#圖瓦文":1,"#達利文":1,"#道格里文":1,"#蒂格里亞文":1,"#蒂夫文":1,"#葡萄牙文 (葡萄牙)":1,"#葡萄牙文 (巴西)":1,"#義大利文":1,"#粵文":1,"#瑟索托文":1,"#瑞典文":1,"#溫達文":1,"#楚克文":1,"#楚瓦什文":1,"#Tell us more about how this place needs improvement":1,"#愛爾蘭文":1,"#愛沙尼亞文":1,"#意第緒文":1,"#奧羅莫文":1,"#奧塞提亞文":1,"#塞爾維亞文":1,"#塔馬塞特文 (提非納文)":1,"#塔馬塞特文":1,"#塔吉克文":1,"#雅庫特文":1,"#Tell us what you like about this place":1,"#隆地文":1,"#越南文":1,"#菲律賓文":1,"#猶加敦馬雅文":1,"#欽邦哈卡文":1,"#景頗文":1,"#斯洛維尼亞文":1,"#斯洛伐克文":1,"#斯瓦希里文":1,"#斐濟文":1,"#This interactive map allows you to place pins on the map to tell us exactly where some of your favourite places are, as well as places you think could be improved. 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