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If you see a Remember me... option in the Duo Prompt, check that box to skip the Duo prompt when you launch additional SSO applications.":"您可能需要再次完成 Duo 身份验证,具体取决于管理员配置应用的方式。如果您在 Duo Prompt 中看到记住我...选项,请选中该复选框以在您启动其他 SSO 应用时跳过 Duo Prompt。","#When you launch one of these applications you'll have to enter your username and password for that application (this may be different than the credentials you used to log in to the launcher).":"当您启动其中一个应用时,必须输入该应用的用户名和密码(这可能与您用于登录启动器的凭证不同)。","#Blocked Personal Device - More Info":"被阻止的个人设备 - 更多信息","#There are three different types of application links your organization may assign to you:":"贵组织可为您分配三种不同类型的应用链接:","#Remember Me Option in Duo Prompt":"Duo Prompt 中的“记住我”选项","#Blocked Personal Device Notification":"被阻止的个人设备通知","#Navigate to your organization's Duo Access Gateway URL. If you don't know what that is, contact your administrator.":"导航到贵组织的 Duo Access Gateway URL。如果您不知道这是什么,请联系管理员。","#First, enter your username and password on the Duo Access Gateway login page.":"首先,在 Duo Access Gateway 登录页面上输入您的用户名和密码。","#Launching Applications":"启动应用","#You may need to provide login information when you launch a bookmarked application, but you won't need to authenticate with Duo again.":"启动加入书签的应用时,您可能需要提供登录信息,但无需再次使用 Duo 进行身份验证。","#Personal Devices":"个人设备","#These applications do not require Duo authentication for access.":"这些应用不需要 Duo 身份验证即可访问。","#Logging into the Duo Access Gateway Launcher":"登录到 Duo Access Gateway Launcher","#Next, complete Duo two-factor authentication (or enroll your first device).":"接下来,完成 Duo 双因素身份验证(或注册您的第一台设备)。","#Your organization may choose to block access to applications from devices not managed by the organization. If this policy is enforced then you won't be able to complete Duo authentication from your personal device.":"贵组织可能选择阻止从非组织托管设备访问应用。如果实施此策略,则您将无法从个人设备完成 Duo 身份验证。","#These applications are configured for primary and secondary SSO login. SSO applications are typically cloud apps, like Salesforce or Office 365.":"这些应用配置了主要和辅助 SSO 登录。SSO 应用通常是云应用,例如 Salesforce 或 Office 365。","#Application Bookmarks":"应用书签","#When you launch a SSO app from the launcher you won't need to enter your username and password again (since you already entered it when you logged on to the launcher).":"当您从启动器启动 SSO 应用时,您无需再次输入您的用户名和密码(因为您已在登录启动器时输入了该用户名和密码)。","#Simply click on an application tile in the launcher window to access that application.":"只需点击启动器窗口中的应用磁贴即可访问该应用。","#These applications aren't set up for primary SSO, but are protected by Duo two-factor authentication.":"这些应用设置了主 SSO,但是受 Duo 双因素身份验证保护。","#Duo Access Gateway Launcher - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Access Gateway Launcher - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Click See what is allowed for more information about this policy setting.":"点击查看允许的内容,了解有关此策略设置的详细信息。","#: Log in using a passcode generated with Duo Mobile, received via SMS, generated by your hardware token, or provided by an administrator.":":使用密码登录,该密码将由 Duo Mobile 生成、通过短信获得、由硬件令牌生成或由管理员提供。","#Call Me: Perform phone callback authentication.":" 给我打电话:执行电话回叫身份验证。","#To have a new batch of SMS passcodes sent to you click the":"要发送一组新的短信密码,请点击","#button. You can then authenticate with one of the newly-delivered passcodes.":"按钮。然后,您可以使用其中一个新提供的密码进行身份验证。","#If you authenticate with more than one device, you can specify which you would like to be the default. Click the Default Device: drop-down menu and pick your default device for authentication. Click Save if you're done making changes.":"如果使用多个设备进行身份验证,则可以指定要作为默认设备的设备。点击默认设备:下拉菜单并选择用于身份验证的默认设备。完成更改后,点击保存。","#To start enrolling a new device, click Add a new device. If you don't see this link then your organization may not have enabled this functionality. Contact your Duo administrator to have a new device added.":"要开始注册新设备,请点击添加新设备。如果您没有看到此链接,则表示贵组织可能未启用此功能。请与您的 Duo 管理员联系,以添加新设备。","#The new phone is added and listed with your other enrolled devices. You can click Add another device to start the enrollment process again and add another authenticator.":"已添加新电话,并且它与您的其他已注册设备一起列出。您可以点击添加其他设备以再次开始注册过程,并添加其他身份验证器。","#Enroll a New Device":"注册新设备","#Automatic Device Options":"自动设备选项","#If you want to continue using your original device with Duo, you can specify which of your devices you would like to be the default. Click the Default Device: drop-down menu and pick your default device for authentication. Click Save if you're done making changes.":"如果要继续将原始设备与 Duo 配合使用,可以指定要作为默认设备的设备。点击默认设备:下拉菜单并选择用于身份验证的默认设备。完成更改后,点击保存。","#If this is the device you'll use most often with Duo then you may want to enable automatic push requests by changing the When I log in: option and changing the setting from \"Ask me to choose an authentication method\" to \"Automatically send this device a Duo Push\" or \"Automatically call this device\" and click Save. With one of the automatic options enabled Duo automatically sends an authentication request via push notification to the Duo Mobile app on your smartphone or a phone call to your device (depending on your selection).":"如果这是您最常与 Duo 一起使用的设备,则您可能希望启用自动推送请求,方法是:更改当我登录时:选项并将设置从“要求我选择一种身份验证方式”更改为“自动向此设备发送 Duo Push”或“自动呼叫此设备”,然后点击保存。启用其中一个自动选项后,Duo 会通过推送通知自动向您的智能手机上的 Duo Mobile 应用发送身份验证请求,或自动向您的设备拨打电话(具体取决于您的选择)。","#Configure Device Options":"配置设备选项","#Remove a Device":"删除设备","#Can't scan the barcode? Click Or, have an activation link emailed to you instead. and follow the instructions.":"无法扫描条码?点击或者改为通过电子邮件向您发送激活链接。并按照说明进行操作。","#You can use Device Options to give your phone a more descriptive name, or you can click Add another device to start the enrollment process again and add a second phone or another authenticator.":"您可以使用设备选项为您的电话提供更具描述性的名称,也可以点击添加其他设备再次开始注册过程,并添加第二部电话或其他身份验证器。","#After authenticating you'll see the device management portal. This is where you can enroll a new device by clicking Add another device and following the device enrollment steps, or reactivate, edit, or delete your existing devices.":"进行身份验证后,您将看到设备管理门户。在这里,您可以通过点击添加其他设备并按照设备注册步骤注册新设备,或者重新激活编辑删除现有设备。","#If you're adding a new device to replace one that you previously activated for Duo Push, don't select the Duo Push authentication method on this page unless you still have the original device. If you don't have the original device, but you have a new device with the same phone number, then you can authenticate with a phone call or SMS passcode.":"如果您要添加新设备来替换之前为 Duo Push 激活的设备,请不要选择此页面上的 Duo Push 身份验证方式,除非您仍然拥有原始设备。如果您没有原始设备,但有一个具有相同电话号码的新设备,则可以使用电话呼叫或短信密码进行身份验证。","#If you can't authenticate or aren't sure what to do, click Need help? on the left side of the Duo prompt. Your administrator may have customized the help text with additional instructions or contact information.":"如果您无法进行身份验证或不确定该怎么做,请点击 Duo Prompt 左侧的需要帮助?。您的管理员可能已使用其他说明或联系信息自定义了帮助文本。","#Custom Help Text":"自定义帮助文本","#Choose an authentication method and complete two-factor authentication to begin adding your new device.":"选择身份验证方式并完成双因素身份验证,以开始添加新设备。","#To manage your devices, choose an authentication method and complete two-factor authentication (you may need to scroll down to see all authentication options). You can't get in to the device management portal if you do not have access to any enrolled devices; you'll need to contact your Duo administrator for help.":"要管理设备,请选择身份验证方式并完成双因素身份验证(您可能需要向下滚动以查看所有身份验证选项)。如果您无权访问任何已注册的设备,则无法访问设备管理门户;您需要联系 Duo 管理员以获取帮助。","#Enrollment":"注册","#Home":"主页","#Guide to Two-Factor Authentication":"双因素身份验证指南","#Hardware Tokens":"硬件令牌","#Why use Duo Mobile?":"为什么使用 Duo Mobile?","#Doesn't require cell service":"不需要手机服务","#Duo's self-enrollment process makes it easy to register your device and install the mobile app (if necessary). Learn more about enrollment »":"通过 Duo 的自行注册过程,您可以轻松注册设备并安装移动应用(如有必要)。详细了解注册 »","#Third-Party Accounts":"第三方账户","#Passwords are increasingly easy to compromise. They can often be stolen, guessed, or hacked — you might not even know someone is accessing your account.":"密码越来越容易被盗取。它们经常被盗、猜测出来或被黑客入侵,您甚至可能不知道有人正在访问您的账户。","#How Do I Set It Up?":"如何进行设置?","#It's fast & easy":"快速且简单","#No mobile phone? You can also use a landline or tablet, or ask your administrator for a hardware token. Duo lets you link multiple devices to your account, so you can use your mobile phone and a landline, a landline and a hardware token, two different mobile devices, etc.":"没有手机?您还可以使用座机或平板电脑,或者从管理员那里获取硬件令牌。Duo 允许您将多台设备关联到您的账户,因此您可以使用手机和座机、座机和硬件令牌、两台不同的移动设备等。","#I have stopped receiving push notifications on Duo Mobile.":"我无法在 Duo Mobile 上收到推送通知。","#My hardware token stopped working.":"我的硬件令牌无法使用。","#Works in any country":"适用于任何国家/地区","#Once you've enrolled in Duo you're ready to go: You'll login as usual with your username and password, and then use your device to verify that it's you. Your administrator can set up the system to do this via SMS, voice call, one-time passcode, the Duo Mobile smartphone app, and so on.":"注册 Duo 后,您即可享受保护:您将使用用户名和密码照常登录,然后使用您的设备验证您的身份。您的管理员可以将系统设置为通过短信、语音呼叫、一次性密码、Duo Mobile 智能手机应用等执行此操作。","#This second factor of authentication is separate and independent from your username and password — Duo never sees your password.":"该第二个身份验证因素独立于您的用户名和密码 — Duo 永远不会看到您的密码。","#Two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to your online accounts. Verifying your identity using a second factor (like your phone or other mobile device) prevents anyone but you from logging in, even if they know your password.":"双因素身份验证为您的在线账户增加了第二层安全防护。使用第二因素(例如您的电话或其他移动设备)验证您的身份可阻止除您以外的任何人登录,即使他们知道您的密码也无法登录。","#I lost my phone.":"我丢失了手机。","#Other":"其他","#Method":"方法","#How It Works":"工作方式","#I need to reactivate Duo Mobile.":"我需要重新激活 Duo Mobile。","#Append Mode":"附加模式","#Why Do I Need This?":"为什么需要此服务?","#Supported Devices":"支持的设备","#Pulse VPN Client":"Pulse VPN 客户端","#Cell Phones & Landlines":"手机和座机","#Authenticating":"正在验证","#Hardware Token":"硬件令牌","#Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Common Issues":"常见问题","#What is Two-Factor Authentication?":"什么是双因素身份验证?","#Enrollment Guide":"注册指南","#Phone Call":"电话呼叫","#Passcodes":"密码","#You can have new passcodes sent to you at any time. A new batch of passcodes will invalidate all old passcodes, so it's probably best to delete the old message when a new one comes in.":"您可以随时让系统向您发送新密码。发送一组新密码时,所有旧密码都将失效,因此最好在收到新消息时删除旧消息。","#Log in using a passcode, either generated with Duo Mobile, sent via SMS, generated by your hardware token, or provided by an administrator.":"使用密码进行登录,该密码将由 Duo Mobile 生成、通过短信发送、由硬件令牌生成或由管理员提供。","#Using Duo With Any Cell Phone or Landline":"在任何手机或座机上使用 Duo","#Duo works with all cell phones and landlines by supporting authentication via phone call and SMS passcodes.":"Duo 支持通过电话呼叫和短信密码进行身份验证,适用于所有手机和座机。","#Remove Device":"删除设备","#Device management allows you to easily edit and add new devices.":"通过设备管理可以轻松编辑设备和添加新设备。","#Common Issues - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"常见问题 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Using Duo With a Hardware Token":"将 Duo 与硬件令牌配合使用","#Using Duo With Any Cell Phone or Landline - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"将 Duo 与任何手机或座机配合使用 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#After successfully modifying your phone's name, not only will you see this from now on when managing devices, but it will also be how your phone is identified in the authentication dropdown.":"在成功修改您的手机名称后,您从现在开始不仅可以在管理设备时看到此名称,在身份验证下拉列表中也会看到此名称指示您的手机。","#Managing Your Devices":"管理设备","#Tokens can get \"out of sync\" if the button is pressed too many times in a row and the generated passcodes aren't used for login. Contact your administrator if your token stops working.":"如果连续按下按钮多次,则令牌可能会“不同步”,并且生成的密码不能用于登录。如果令牌无法使用,请联系您管理员。","#Using Duo With a Hardware Token - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"将 Duo 与硬件令牌配合使用 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Authenticate via phone callback.":"通过电话回叫进行身份验证。","#Change Device Name":"更改设备名称","#Type...":"键入的内容...","#To send a Duo Push request to your secondary phone, type:":"要将 Duo Push 请求发送到辅助手机,请输入:","#To...":"所需的操作…","#Get a new batch of SMS passcodes.":"获取一批新的短信密码。","#To send a Duo Push request to your primary phone, type:":"要将 Duo Push 请求发送到主要手机,请输入:","#Make sure that you're not blocking pop-up windows for the enrollment site before continuing.":"在继续之前,请确保您没有阻止注册站点的弹出窗口。","#To use the passcode \"123456\", type:":"要使用密码“123456”,请输入:","#You can also add a number to the end of these factor names if you have more than one device registered. For example, push2 will send a login request to your second phone, phone3 will call your third phone, etc.":"如果您注册了多个设备,还可以在这些因素名称的末尾添加一个数字。例如,push2 将向您的第二部电话发送登录请求,phone3 将呼叫您的第三部电话,以此类推。","#Third-Party Accounts - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"第三方账户 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#To send new SMS passcodes to your second phone, type:":"要将新的短信密码发送到您的第二部手机,请输入:","#Your login attempt will fail — log in again with one of your new passcodes.":"您的登录尝试将失败 — 使用其中一个新密码再次登录。","#Examples":"示例","#Duo Unix - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Unix - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Logging In With the Cisco AnyConnect Client - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"使用 Cisco AnyConnect 客户端登录 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Duo Mobile on Android - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Android 版 Duo Mobile - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Append Mode - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"附加模式 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Duo Mobile on Windows Phone - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Windows Phone 版 Duo Mobile - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Logging In With the Pulse Client - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"使用 Pulse 客户端登录 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Add a New Device":"添加新设备","#Software Update":"软件更新","#My Settings & Devices":"我的设置和设备","#My Settings & Devices - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"我的设置和设备 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Add a New Device - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"添加新设备 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Authenticating from Smaller Screens":"从较小的屏幕进行身份验证","#Software Updates":"软件更新","#You'll also see a Remember me for... option if your administrator enabled Duo's trusted devices feature. If you check this box when authenticating you won't need to perform Duo second-factor authentication again for the duration specified on the prompt.":"如果您的管理员启用了 Duo 的受信任设备功能,您还会看到记住我... 选项。如果在身份验证时选中此复选框,则无需在提示所指定的时间内再次执行 Duo 第二因素身份验证。","#Select the device you want to use and then choose your authentication method.":"选择要使用的设备,然后选择身份验证方式。","#Learn more about software updates.":"详细了解软件更新。","#You may be prompted to update outdated browser or plugin software when authenticating if your organization enabled this feature. You can take a few minutes to update your web browser, Flash, or Java version to the most recent before authenticating, or choose to update later and continue on to the protected resource.":"如果贵组织启用了此功能,则在进行身份验证时,系统可能会提示您更新过期的浏览器或插件软件。您可以在进行身份验证之前花几分钟时间将网络浏览器、Flash 或 Java 版本更新到最新版本,也可以选择稍后更新并继续访问受保护的资源。","#Duo Authentication Prompt":"Duo 身份验证提示","#Trusted Devices":"受信任设备","#Click Send codes to get a new batch of passcodes texted to your phone.":"点击发送代码以获取通过短信发送到您的手机的一组新密码。","#If your organization has enabled self-service you can add an additional authentication device by clicking the Add a new device link, or update your setting and remove authentication methods by clicking My Settings & Devices.":"如果贵组织已启用自助服务,您可以通过点击添加新设备链接添加其他身份验证设备,或者通过点击我的设置和设备来更新设置并删除身份验证方式。","#Learn more about software updates":"详细了解软件更新","#Reactivate Duo Mobile":"重新激活 Duo Mobile","#Select Device Platform":"选择设备平台","#Install Duo Mobile":"安装 Duo Mobile","#Scan Barcode to Activate":"扫描条码进行激活","#Note: You may not remove your last device. If you wish to remove it, first add another, then delete the original. If you are unable to delete a device, contact your administrator to have it removed.":"注意:您不能删除最后一个设备。如果要删除它,请先添加另一个设备,然后删除原始设备。如果无法删除某个设备,请联系管理员以将其删除。","#Click Start setup to begin enrolling your device.":"点击开始设置开始注册您的设备。","#Duo Mobile is an app that runs on your smartphone and helps you authenticate quickly and easily. Without it you'll still be able to log in using a phone call or text message, but for the best experience we recommend that you use Duo Mobile.":"Duo Mobile 是一款在智能手机上运行的应用,可帮助您快速轻松地进行身份验证。没有它,您仍然可以使用电话呼叫或短信登录,但为了获得最佳体验,我们建议您使用 Duo Mobile。","#Otherwise, contact your organization's Duo administrator if you ever need to change your phone number, re-activate Duo Mobile, or add an additional phone.":"否则,如果您需要更改您的电话号码、重新激活 Duo Mobile 或添加其他手机,请联系贵组织的 Duo 管理员。","#Congratulations!":"祝贺您!","#You are given the chance to confirm or cancel deleting the authentication device.":"您将有机会确认删除或取消删除身份验证设备。","#Select your country from the drop-down list and type your phone number. Use the number of your smartphone, landline, or cell phone that you'll have with you when you're logging in to a Duo-protected service. You can enter an extension if you chose \"Landline\" in the previous step.":"从下拉列表中选择您所在的国家/地区,然后输入您的电话号码。使用您在登录受双 Duo 保护的服务时拥有的智能手机、座机或手机的号码。如果您在上一步中选择了“座机”,则可以输入分机号。","#My Settings & Devices link":"“我的设置和设备”链接","#Click the trash can button to delete a phone or token device.":"点击垃圾桶按钮可删除手机或令牌设备。","#Choose your device's operating system and click Continue.":"选择设备的操作系统,然后点击继续。","#Follow the platform-specific instructions on the screen to install Duo Mobile. After installing our app return to the enrollment window and click I have Duo Mobile installed.":"按照屏幕上特定于平台的说明安装 Duo Mobile。安装应用后,返回到注册窗口并点击我已安装 Duo Mobile。","#Enter and Confirm Phone Number":"输入并确认电话号码","#Choose Default Device":"选择默认设备","#The \"Continue\" button is clickable after you scan the barcode successfully.":"成功扫描条码后,即可点击“继续”按钮。","#Begin Enrollment":"开始注册","#Select Device Type":"选择设备类型","#Authenticate to My Settings & Devices":"进行身份验证以访问“我的设置和设备”","#Activating the app links it to your account so you can use it for authentication.":"激活应用会将其与您的账户相关联,以便您可以将其用于身份验证。","#If you're enrolling a tablet you aren't prompted to enter a phone number.":"如果您要注册的是平板电脑,则系统不会提示您输入电话号码。","#The device is deleted. It can no longer be used to approve Duo authentication requests.":"设备即已删除。它不能再用于批准 Duo 身份验证请求。","#Click the Device Options button next to any of your enrolled devices to view the actions available for that type of device. You can Reactivate Duo Mobile for an enrolled smartphone, Change Device Name for any type of phone, or delete any authentication device.":"点击任何已注册设备旁边的设备选项按钮,查看可用于该类型设备的操作。您可以为注册的智能手机重新激活 Duo Mobile,为任何类型的手机更改设备名称,或删除任何身份验证设备。","#Manage Existing Devices":"管理现有设备","#Clicking Change Device Name will open up an interface to change the display name of your phone (hardware tokens can't be renamed). Type in the new name and click Save.":"点击更改设备名称将打开一个界面,用于更改手机的显示名称(无法重命名硬件令牌)。输入新名称,然后点击保存。","#Click the Reactivate Duo Mobile button if you need to get Duo Push working on your phone, for example, if you replaced your phone with a new model but kept the same phone number. After answering some questions about your device, you'll receive a new QR code to scan with your phone, which will complete the Duo Mobile activation process.":"如果您需要使 Duo Push 在您的手机上正常工作(例如,您将手机更换为新型号并保留了相同的电话号码),请点击重新激活 Duo Mobile 按钮。在回答了有关您的设备的一些问题后,您将收到一个新二维码,使用手机扫描该二维码即可完成 Duo Mobile 激活过程。","#To exit My Settings & Devices, click the Done button below your listed devices or click your organization's logo on the left (or the Duo logo if shown).":"要退出“我的设置和设备”,请点击所列设备下方的完成按钮,或点击左侧的组织徽标(或 Duo 徽标,如果显示)。","#Confirm Device Deletion":"确认删除设备","#Default Authentication Options":"默认身份验证选项","#If you have a Yubikey token, click into the passcode entry field and tap your Yubikey to generate and submit a passcode.":"如果您有 Yubikey 令牌,请点击进入密码输入字段,然后轻触您的 Yubikey 以生成并提交密码。","#To authenticate using a hardware token, click the Enter a Passcode button. Press the button on your hardware token to generate a new passcode, type it into the space provided, and click Log In (or type the generated passcode in the \"second password\" field). Using the \"Device:\" drop-down menu to select your token is not necessary before entering the passcode.":"要使用硬件令牌进行身份验证,请点击输入密码按钮。按硬件令牌上的按钮生成新密码,在提供的空白处输入密码,然后点击登录(或在“第二个密码”字段中输入生成的密码)。在输入密码之前,无需使用“设备:”下拉菜单选择令牌。","#Two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security, keeping your account secure even if your password is compromised. With Duo Push, you'll be alerted right away (on your phone) if someone is trying to log in as you.":"双因素身份验证增加了第二层安全性,即使您的密码被盗也能确保您账户的安全。使用 Duo Push,当有人试图以您的身份登录时,您会立即(在您的手机上)收到相关警报。","#Logging In With the Cisco AnyConnect Client":"使用 Cisco AnyConnect 客户端登录","#Use the \"Second Password\" field to tell Duo how you want to authenticate. Here's how:":"使用“第二个密码”字段告知 Duo 如何进行身份验证。操作方法如下:","#To use Duo Push if your password is \"hunter2\", type:":"如果密码为“hunter2”,要使用 Duo Push,请输入:","#To use the passcode \"123456\" if your password is \"hunter2\", type:":"如果密码为“hunter2”,要使用密码“123456”,请输入:","#To send new SMS passcodes to your second phone if your password is \"hunter2\", type:":"要将新的短信密码发送到您的第二部手机(如果密码为“hunter2”),请输入:","#In place of authentication_method:":"在 authentication_method 位置:","#How to Use Append Mode":"如何使用附加模式","#Enter your password and the authentication method you want to use, separated with a comma. It will look something like this:":"输入密码和要使用的身份验证方式,并以逗号分隔。它将如下所示:","#To authenticate using an SMS passcode, click the Enter a Passcode button, type in a passcode you received from Duo via text message, and click Log In.":"要使用短信密码进行身份验证,请点击输入密码按钮,输入您通过短信从 Duo 收到的密码,然后点击登录。","#Duo keeps track of which SMS passcodes you've already used in your batch, letting you know which one to use next.":"Duo 会跟踪您的密码组中已使用的短信密码,从而帮助您确定接下来要使用的密码。","#Java Auto Update":"Java 自动更新","#We'll tell you how to update your software and link to other vendors' download sites where applicable.":"我们将告知您如何更新软件,并在适用时提供指向其他供应商的下载站点的链接。","#If your Duo administrator has enabled this feature, we'll check your browser version — as well as the version of the Java and Flash plugins enabled in your browser — when you log into your Duo protected service. If any of them are out of date we'll let you know, and give you the option to update your software before you finish logging in to the service.":"如果您的 Duo 管理员启用了此功能,则当您登录到受 Duo 保护的服务时,系统会检查您的浏览器版本,以及您的浏览器中启用的 Java 和 Flash 插件的版本。如果其中任何一项已过期,系统会通知您,并为您提供在完成服务登录过程之前更新软件的选项。","#Outdated Java Plugin Software Notification":"已过期 Java 插件软件通知","#Outdated Flash Software Notification":"已过期 Flash 软件通知","#Flash Player Background Updates":"Flash Player 后台更新","#Software Update Notifications":"软件更新通知","#Advanced panel - Accessibility, browsing, network, updates, and other advanced settings in Firefox":"高级面板 - Firefox 中的无障碍、浏览、网络、更新和其他高级设置","#Outdated Chrome Browser Software Notification":"已过期 Chrome 浏览器软件通知","#If you have difficulty installing any browser, plugin, or operating system updates, contact your organization's IT support for help.":"如果您在安装任何浏览器、插件或操作系统更新时遇到困难,请联系贵组织的 IT 支持人员以获取帮助。","#Updating Your Software":"更新软件","#Outdated Firefox Software Notification":"已过期 Firefox 软件通知","#Outdated Software Notification Reminder After Authenticating":"进行身份验证后的已过期软件通知提醒","#You may need to download software from an external site to update the Firefox browser and the Flash or Java browser plugins installed on your system.":"您可能需要从外部站点下载软件,以更新系统上安装的 Firefox 浏览器和 Flash 或 Java 浏览器插件。","#Outdated Internet Explorer Software Notification":"已过期 Internet Explorer 软件通知","#Logging In With the Pulse Client":"使用 Pulse 客户端登录","#You'll see a “Secondary Password” field when using the Juniper Pulse or Pulse Connect client.":"在使用 Juniper Pulse 或 Pulse Connect 客户端时,您将看到“辅助密码”字段。","#Use the \"Secondary Password\" field to tell Duo how you want to authenticate. Here's how:":"使用“辅助密码”字段告知 Duo 如何进行身份验证。操作方法如下:","#Type in a passcode — either generated with Duo Mobile, sent via SMS, generated by your hardware token, or provided by an administrator — or choose another authentication option.":"输入密码 - 密码将由 Duo Mobile 生成、通过短信发送、由硬件令牌生成或由管理员提供,不过您也可以选择使用其他身份验证选项。","#Juniper Network Connect - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Juniper Network Connect - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Option":"选项","#Logging In to LastPassGuide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"登录 LastPass - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#SMS passcodes":"短信密码","#Check for authentication requests by pulling the account list down. Duo Mobile automatically checks for authentication requests, but if you think you have missed a request, then tap the list of accounts and pull down to refresh.":"通过下拉账户列表来检查身份验证请求。Duo Mobile 会自动检查身份验证请求,但如果您认为已错过请求,则轻触账户列表并下拉以刷新。","#Logging In With the Citrix Receiver Client - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"使用 Citrix Receiver 客户端登录 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Some online services and web applications let you protect your account with a mobile-generated passcode. Use Duo Mobile to generate these passcodes, and keep all your accounts in one app.":"某些在线服务和 Web 应用支持您使用 Duo Mobile 生成的密码保护您的账户。使用 Duo Mobile 生成这些密码,并将所有账户保存在一个应用中。","#Logging In With VMware View - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"使用 VMware View 登录 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Most services also offer a secret key that you can enter if you can't scan the barcode. Tap the \"No Barcode?\" button and select an account type from the list. Use the \"Account\" field to name the account (e.g. \"Dropbox\", \"joe@gmail.com\", etc.). Type the application's secret key into the \"Key\" field on your phone.":"大多数服务还提供一个密钥,如果您无法扫描条码,则可以输入该密钥。轻触“无条码?”按钮,然后从列表中选择账户类型。使用“账户”字段为账户命名(例如,“ Dropbox”、“ joe@gmail.com”等)。在电话的“密钥”字段中输入应用的密钥。","#Duo Mobile on Android":"Android 版 Duo Mobile","#To see which version of Duo Mobile is installed on your device, go to the Android Settings menu, tap Apps, then scroll down and tap Duo Mobile. The \"App Info\" screen shows the version.":"要查看设备上安装的 Duo Mobile 版本,请转到 Android 的设置菜单,点击应用,然后向下滚动并点击 Duo Mobile。“应用信息”屏幕会显示版本。","#The Duo Mobile application makes it easy to authenticate — just tap “Approve” on the login request sent to your Android device. You can also quickly generate login passcodes, even without an internet connection or cell service.":"通过 Duo Mobile 应用可轻松进行身份验证,只需轻触发送到您的 Android 设备的登录请求上的“批准”即可。您还可以快速生成登录密码,即使没有互联网连接或手机服务也是如此。","#Adding Accounts to Duo Mobile":"向 Duo Mobile 添加账户","#Just tap the key icon to get a one-time passcode for login. This works anywhere, even in places where you don't have an internet connection or can't get cell service.":"只需轻触密钥图标即可获得用于登录的一次性密码。这适用于任何地方,甚至是在您没有互联网连接或无法获得蜂窝网络服务的地方。","#Delete an account by tapping the Edit button in the upper left. Then tap the delete icon, tap \"Delete\", and confirm the deletion.":"轻触左上角的编辑按钮以删除账户。然后轻触删除图标,轻触“删除”,并确认删除。","#Removing Accounts":"删除账户","#Delete an account by long-pressing on an account. Then tap \"Remove account\" and confirm the deletion.":"要删除账户,请长按账户,然后轻触“删除账户”并确认删除。","#Duo Push is the easiest and quickest way of authenticating. You'll get a login request sent to your phone — just press Approve to authenticate.":"Duo Push 是最简单,最快捷的身份验证方式。您将收到发送到您的手机的登录请求,只需按“批准”即可进行身份验证。","#During the setup process you'll see a barcode to scan (it looks like this). Tap \"Add Account\" (or the plus button in the upper right). Scan the barcode to add the account to Duo Mobile.":"在设置过程中,您会看到要扫描的条码(如此所示类似)。轻触“添加账户”(或右上角的加号按钮)。扫描条码,将账户添加到 Duo Mobile。","#If you get a login request that you weren't expecting, press Deny to reject the request. You’ll be given the ability to report it as fraudulent, or you can tap It was a mistake to deny the request without reporting it.":"如果您收到意外的登录请求,请按拒绝拒绝该请求。您可以将其报告为欺诈,也可以轻触这是一个错误以拒绝请求而不进行报告。","#Duo Mobile supports third-party TOTP accounts, like Google and Dropbox. Learn more »":"Duo Mobile 支持第三方 TOTP 账户,例如 Google 和 Dropbox。了解详情 »","#While it's important that you contact your administrator if you lose your phone, remember that your password will still protect your account.":"虽然在丢失手机时联系您的管理员非常重要,但请记住,您的密码仍会保护您的账户。","#Swipe down on the Duo Mobile banner notification received when your screen is unlocked to approve or deny the request.":"在屏幕解锁时收到的 Duo Mobile 横幅通知上向下滑动,以批准或拒绝请求。","#Tap \"Add Account\" (or the plus button in the upper right). Scan the barcode to add the account to Duo Mobile.":"轻触“添加账户”(或右上角的加号按钮)。扫描条码,将账户添加到 Duo Mobile。","#To see which version of Duo Mobile is installed on your device, go to the iOS Settings menu, then scroll down and tap Duo Mobile. The \"System Info\" section shows the app version.":"要查看设备上安装的 Duo Mobile 版本,请转至 iOS 的设置菜单,然后向下滚动并轻触 Duo Mobile。“系统信息”部分会显示应用版本。","#Contact your administrator if further assistance is required.":"如需进一步帮助,请联系您的管理员。","#Other issues":"其他问题","#You may have trouble receiving push requests if there are network issues between your phone and our service. Many phones have trouble determining whether to use the WiFi or cellular data channel when checking for push requests, and simply turning the phone to airplane mode and back to normal operating mode again often resolves these sort of issues, if there is a reliable internet connection available. Similarly, the issue may be resolved by turning off the WiFi connection on your device and using the cellular data connection.":"如果您的手机无法连接到我们的服务,则您可能无法接收推送请求。许多手机难以确定是使用 WiFi 还是蜂窝网络数据信道来查收推送请求,如果有可靠的互联网连接,通常只需将手机切换到飞行模式,然后再次设置回正常工作模式即可解决这些问题。同样,也可以通过关闭您设备上的 WiFi 连接并使用蜂窝网络数据连接来解决问题。","#Check the time and date on your phone and make sure they are correct. If the date and time on your phone are manually set, try changing your device's configuration to sync date and time automatically with the network.":"检查您手机上的时间和日期,并确保它们正确无误。如果您手机上的日期和时间是手动设置的,请尝试更改设备配置,以自动同步网络日期和时间。","#I need to reactivate Duo Mobile":"我需要重新激活 Duo Mobile","#Duo Mobile on BlackBerry - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Blackberry 版 Duo Mobile - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Contact your system administrator if you have an issue that isn't listed here.":"如果您的问题未在此处列出,请联系系统管理员。","#Duo Push and Notifications":"Duo Push 和通知","#During the setup process you'll see a barcode to scan (it looks like this).":"在设置过程中,您会看到要扫描的条码(如此所示类似)。","#If you get a new phone you'll need to re-activate Duo Mobile. You may enroll your new device yourself using Duo's device management portal if self-service is enabled. Otherwise, ask your administrator to send you a new activation link.":"如果您更换了新手机,则需要重新激活 Duo Mobile。如果启用了自助服务,您可以使用 Duo 的设备管理门户自行注册新设备。否则,请要求管理员向您发送新的激活链接。","#The Duo Mobile application makes it easy to authenticate — just tap “Approve” on the login request sent to your iPhone. You can also quickly generate login passcodes, even without an internet connection or cell service.":"通过 Duo Mobile 应用可轻松进行身份验证,只需在发送到您的 iPhone 的登录请求上轻触“批准”即可。您还可以快速生成登录密码,即使没有互联网连接或手机服务也是如此。","#Choose your platform on the left for specific activation instructions.":"在左侧选择您的平台,以获取具体的激活说明。","#Contact your administrator if your token stops working or if you can't log in with the passcodes it generates.":"如果您的令牌无法使用,或者您无法使用其生成的密码登录,请联系管理员。","#Your token can get \"out of sync\" if the button is pressed too many times in a row and the generated passcodes aren't used for login. In some cases this can happen by accident if the token is stored next to other objects in a pocket, backpack, etc. Your administrator will ask you to generate three passcodes in a row and can attempt to resynchronize the token.":"如果连续按下按钮多次,您的令牌可能会“不同步”,并且生成的密码不能用于登录。在某些情况下,如果令牌存储在衣袋、背包等容器中的其他物品旁边,则可能出现该情况。您的管理员会要求您连续生成三个密码,并可以尝试重新同步令牌。","#Logging In With Duo Push and LastPass":"使用 Duo Push 和 LastPass 登录","#In order to use Duo Push with LastPass, you must have first signed up for a Duo account and configured your LastPass vault to use Duo authentication. See our LastPass documentation for step-by-step instructions.":"若要将 Duo Push 与 LastPass 配合使用,您必须先注册 Duo 账户,并将 LastPass Vault 配置为使用 Duo 身份验证。有关分步说明,请参阅我们的 LastPass 文档。","#Authenticate to Add a Device":"进行身份验证以添加设备","#LastPass Web Page and Browser Extension":"LastPass 网页和浏览器扩展","#The LastPass Duo multifactor window is displayed after username and password is entered, and at the same time a push authentication request appears on your mobile device if it is activated for Duo Mobile. You may approve the Duo Push request from the same device where you are logging into the LastPass mobile app.":"输入用户名和密码后,系统会显示 LastPass Duo 多因素窗口,同时,如果为 Duo Mobile 激活了推送身份验证,则移动设备上还会显示推送身份验证请求。您可以从登录 LastPass Mobile 应用的同一设备批准 Duo Push 请求。","#To send new SMS passcodes to your phone, type:":"要将新的短信密码发送到您的手机,请输入:","#If your new device is replacing the one you previously enrolled, you can remove the device you won't be using any more for authentication. Click the Device Options button next to the device you want to remove, and then click the trash can button to delete that device.":"如果您的新设备将替换您之前注册的设备,则可以删除不再用于身份验证的设备。点击要删除的设备旁边的设备选项按钮,然后点击垃圾桶按钮以删除该设备。","#If you click the \"Trust this device?\" option then you won't be prompted for two-factor authentication again by the LastPass app on that device.":"如果点击“信任此设备?”选项,则该设备上的 LastPass 应用不会再次提示您进行双因素身份验证。","#If you click the \"This computer is trusted...\" option then you won't be prompted for two-factor authentication again from the same browser on that device.":"如果点击“此计算机受信任...”选项,则在该设备上的同一浏览器中,系统不会再次提示您进行双因素身份验证。","#New Device Added":"已添加新设备","#LastPass Mobile App":"LastPass Mobile 应用","#Adding a new device":"添加新设备","#You'll have the chance to confirm that you want to delete that device.":"您将有机会确认要删除该设备。","#Install Duo Mobile on the new phone and scan the barcode to activate.":"在新手机上安装 Duo Mobile 并扫描条码以进行激活。","#The LastPass Duo multifactor window appears after username and password is entered, and at the same time a push authentication request appears on your mobile device if it is activated for Duo Mobile.":"输入用户名和密码后,系统会显示 LastPass Duo 多因素窗口,同时,如果为 Duo Mobile 激活了推送身份验证,则移动设备上还会显示推送身份验证请求。","#Proceed with the device enrollment process as shown in the initial Enrollment Guide. As an example, let's add another phone.":"继续进行设备注册过程,如初始注册指南中所示。例如,我们添加另一部手机。","#Enter and confirm the second phone's number.":"输入并确认第二部手机的电话号码。","#Note: LastPass only works with your primary device. If you have multiple phones or devices attached to your Duo account you can only use passcodes or approve the LastPass push request from the first one.":"注意:LastPass 仅适用于您的主设备。如果您有多个手机或设备关联到您的 Duo 账户,则只能使用第一个设备的密码或批准来自第一个设备的 LastPass 推送请求。","#Select the new phone's operating system.":"选择新手机的操作系统。","#The authentication device is removed from your profile.":"身份验证设备将从您的配置文件中删除。","#If you don't want to set up LastPass with Duo's one-tap push authentication, you can still protect your password vault by adding LastPass to Duo Mobile as a third-party account. Follow the instructions for setting up LastPass with Google Authenticator, simply substituting the Duo Mobile app for Google Authenticator. Once you do that, you can use a passcode generated by Duo Mobile to log in to LastPass.":"如果您不想为 LastPass 设置 Duo 的一键式推送身份验证,仍可以通过将 LastPass 作为第三方账户添加到 Duo Mobile 来保护密码保管库。按照说明为 LastPass 设置 Google 身份验证器,只需将 Duo Mobile 应用替换为 Google 身份验证器即可。完成后,您即可使用 Duo Mobile 生成的密码登录 LastPass。","#Add a New Device Link":"添加新设备链接","#Instead of approving the automatic push request, you can also enter a different factor name or passcode into the empty field and click the Authenticate button. Here's how:":"除了批准自动推送请求外,您还可以在空字段中输入其他因素名称或密码,然后点击身份验证按钮。操作方法如下:","#If you click the \"This computer is trusted...\" option then you won't be prompted for two-factor authentication again when logging in to LastPass for Applications.":"如果您点击“此计算机受信任...”选项,则在登录到 LastPass for Applications 时,系统不会再次提示您进行双因素身份验证。","#The LastPass for Applications program is available for Microsoft Windows only. The LastPass Duo multifactor window is displayed after username and password is entered in the LastPass for Applications login window, and at the same time a push authentication request appears on your mobile device if it is activated for Duo Mobile.":"LastPass for Applications 程序仅适用于 Microsoft Windows。在 LastPass for Applications 登录窗口中输入用户名和密码后,系统会显示 LastPass Duo 多因素窗口,同时,如果为 Duo Mobile 激活了推送身份验证,则移动设备上还会显示推送身份验证请求。","#Just tap Generate Passcode to get a one-time passcode for login. This works anywhere, even in places where you don't have an internet connection or can't get cell service.":"只需轻触生成密码即可获取用于登录的一次性密码。这适用于任何地方,甚至是在您没有互联网连接或无法获得蜂窝网络服务的地方。","#Duo Mobile on BlackBerry":"Blackberry 版 Duo Mobile","#Use the \"Next response\" field to tell Duo how you want to authenticate. Here's how:":"使用“下一响应”字段告知 Duo 如何进行身份验证。操作方法如下:","#You'll see a second dialog after entering your primary credentials.":"输入主凭证后,您将看到第二个对话框。","#Logging In With VMware View":"使用 VMware View 登录","#Use the \"Passcode\" field to tell Duo how you want to authenticate. Here's how:":"使用“密码”字段告知 Duo 如何进行身份验证。操作方法如下:","#Logging In With the Citrix Receiver Client":"使用 Citrix Receiver 客户端登录","#If Receiver does prompt you for a \"Passcode\" as shown:":"如果 Receiver 提示您输入“密码”,如下所示:","#If Receiver only prompts for a password, like so:":"如果 Receiver 仅提示输入密码,则如下所示:","#Duo Mobile on Windows Phone":"Windows Phone 版 Duo Mobile","#On iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone activate Duo Mobile by scanning the barcode with the app's built-in barcode scanner. Follow the platform specific instructions for your device:":"在 iPhone、Android 和 Windows Phone 上,通过使用应用的内置条码扫描器扫描条码来激活 Duo Mobile。按照您的设备平台特定的说明操作:","#Click your device platform to learn more:":"点击您的设备平台以了解更多信息:","#Pushes a login request to your phone or tablet (if you have Duo Mobile installed and activated on your iOS, Android, or Windows Phone device). Just review the request and tap Approve to log in.":"将登录请求推送到您的手机或平板电脑(如果您在 iOS、Android 或 Windows Phone 设备上安装并激活了 Duo Mobile)。只需查看请求并轻触批准即可登录。","#Push a login request to your phone (if you have Duo Mobile installed and activated on your iOS, Android, or Windows Phone device). Just review the request and tap \"Approve\" to log in.":"将登录请求推送到您的手机(如果您在 iOS、Android 或 Windows Phone 设备上安装并激活了 Duo Mobile)。只需查看请求并轻触“批准”即可登录。","#Duo Push: Send a request to your smartphone. You can use Duo Push if you've installed and activated Duo Mobile on your iOS, Android, or Windows Phone device.":"Duo Push:向您的智能手机发送请求。如果您已在 iOS、Android 或 Windows Phone 设备上安装并激活 Duo Mobile,则可以使用 Duo Push。","#If you're not receiving Duo Push notifications, first try a pull-to-refresh. If this doesn't fix it, see the Duo Knowledge Base for additional Android troubleshooting steps.":"如果您没有收到 Duo Push 通知,请先尝试下拉以刷新。如果此操作无法解决问题,请参阅 Duo 知识库了解其他 Android 故障排除步骤。","#Troubleshooting":"故障排除","#Click Continue to login to proceed to the Duo Prompt.":"点击继续登录以前进到 Duo Prompt。","#If enabled by your administrator, you can add a new authentication device or manage your existing devices in the future via the Duo Prompt.":"如果已由管理员启用,您可以在以后通过 Duo Prompt 添加新的身份验证设备管理现有设备。","#I am using Microsoft Internet Explorer and the Duo Prompt does not display correctly.":"我使用的是 Microsoft Internet Explorer,但 Duo Prompt 无法正确显示。","#Select Device in Duo Prompt":"在 Duo Prompt 中选择设备","#If you're logging in with Duo from a device with a smaller screen (like a tablet) or small browser window then your Duo Prompt may look slightly different. Don't worry! All the devices and options shown in the full-size prompt are available for use, and you can enroll and manage devices by following the same steps.":"如果您从屏幕较小(例如平板电脑)或浏览器窗口较小的设备使用 Duo 登录,则 Duo Prompt 的外观可能会略有不同。不用担心!全尺寸 Duo Prompt 中显示的所有设备和选项都可供使用,并且您可以按照相同的步骤注册和管理设备。","#Small Duo Prompt":"小型 Duo Prompt","#Duo Prompt with Outdated Software Notification":"显示过期软件通知的 Duo Prompt","#Using the Duo Prompt - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"使用 Duo Prompt - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Access Add a New Device or My Settings & Devices by clicking the Settings button at the top. Click the X on the Settings button to return to the Duo Prompt.":"通过点击顶部的设置按钮访问添加新设备我的设置和设备。点击“设置”按钮上的 X 以返回到 Duo Prompt。","#Using the Duo Prompt":"使用 Duo Prompt","#The Duo Prompt lets you choose how to verify your identity each time you log in.":"通过 Duo Prompt,您可以选择在每次登录时如何验证身份。","#Small Duo Prompt Settings":"小型 Duo Prompt 设置","#Navigate to your Duo-protected service and log in. At the Duo Prompt you'll see an Add a new device link on the left. Click it and approve the Duo login request using your already enrolled phone or other device.":"导航到受 Duo 保护的服务并登录。在 Duo Prompt 中,您将在左侧看到添加新设备链接。点击该链接并使用您已注册的电话或其他设备批准 Duo 登录请求。","#If you've tried the suggestions here but can't get Duo Push working or reactivate your device yourself, please contact your organization's Duo administrator to request reactivation of Duo Mobile.":"如果您尝试了此处建议的操作,但无法使 Duo Push 正常工作或无法重新激活设备,请联系贵组织的 Duo 管理员以请求重新激活 Duo Mobile。","#If you can't get Duo Push working on your own and your administrator has enabled Duo's device management portal, you can log in with a passcode generated by the Duo Mobile app and send a new activation link to your phone. See the My Settings & Devices guide for instructions.":"如果您无法独立使用 Duo Push,并且您的管理员已启用 Duo 的设备管理门户,您可以使用 Duo Mobile 应用生成的密码登录,并向您的手机发送新的激活链接。有关说明,请参阅我的设置和设备指南。","#Contact your administrator if the Duo Prompt continues to display incorrectly.":"如果 Duo Prompt 继续显示不正确,请与管理员联系。","#I am using Microsoft Internet Explorer and the Duo Prompt does not display correctly.":"我使用的是 Microsoft Internet Explorer,但 Duo Prompt 无法正确显示。","#If auto-push is disabled or if you click the Cancel button on the Duo Prompt, you can select a different device from the drop-down at the top (if you've enrolled more than one) or select any available factor to verify your identity to Duo:":"如果已禁用自动推送,或者如果您点击 Duo Prompt 上的“取消”按钮,则可以从顶部的下拉列表中选择其他设备(如果您已注册多个设备)或选择任何可用因素以向 Duo 验证您的身份:","#After entering your Microsoft Windows username and password, an authentication request will automatically be pushed to the Duo Mobile app on your phone.":"输入 Microsoft Windows 用户名和密码后,身份验证请求将自动推送到您手机上的 Duo Mobile 应用。","#If your administrator enabled self-service device management, the Duo Prompt displays a \"My Settings & Devices\" link on the left.":"如果管理员启用了自助服务设备管理,则 Duo Prompt 会在左侧显示“我的设置和设备”链接。","#Answer the call and listen to the instructions to authenticate. The Duo Prompt's status bar also tells you how to approve the request over the phone.":"接听电话并按照指示进行身份验证。Duo Prompt 的状态栏还会告知您如何通过电话批准请求。","#Click the Call Me button on the Duo Prompt (or type \"phone\" in the \"second password\" field if you don't see Duo's interactive prompt) and Duo will call your phone. The status bar at the bottom of the Duo Prompt updates at each step of the process.":"点击 Duo Prompt 上的给我打电话按钮(或者,如果您没有看到 Duo 的交互式提示,请在“第二个密码”字段中输入“phone”),Duo 将拨打您的电话。Duo Prompt 底部的状态栏会随着该过程每个步骤的进行而更新。","#The Duo Prompt's status bar indicates the passcodes were sent to your phone. The number of SMS passcodes sent in one batch is defined by your administrator (ten maximum). Sending multiple passcodes at once lets you use those passcodes to authenticate multiple times when you may not have cellular service.":"Duo Prompt 的状态栏会指示已将密码已发送到您的手机。一次可发送的短信密码数量由管理员定义(最多 10 个)。一次发送多个密码可让您在没有蜂窝网络服务时,也可使用这些密码进行多次身份验证。","#You can't add a new device from this page if you do not have access to any of your previously enrolled authentication devices; you'll need to contact your Duo administrator for help.":"如果您无权访问之前注册的任何身份验证设备,则无法从此页面添加新设备;您需要联系 Duo 管理员以寻求帮助。","#Contact your Duo administrator immediately if you lose your phone or suspect that it's been stolen!":"如果您丢失了手机或怀疑手机被盗,请立即联系您的 Duo 管理员!","#If you aren't able to log in to Duo at all then your Duo administrator can disable the missing phone for authentication and help you log in using another method.":"如果您根本无法登录 Duo,则您的 Duo 管理员可以禁用丢失的用于身份验证的手机,并帮助您使用其他方法登录。","#Backup & Restore":"备份和恢复","#If your organization enabled Duo's self-service feature and you had previously enrolled a second authentication device you can use My Settings & Devices to delete your lost or stolen phone.":"如果贵组织启用了 Duo 的自助服务功能,并且您之前注册了第二台身份验证设备,则可以使用我的设置和设备删除丢失或被盗的手机。","#Uncheck the \"Display all websites in Compatibility View\" option if present and enabled.":"取消选中“在兼容性视图中显示所有网站”选项(如果其存在且已启用)。","#Uncheck the \"Display intranet sites in Compatibility View\" option.":"取消选中“在兼容性视图中显示内联网站点”选项。","#Remove the website where you use Duo authentication from the \"Websites you've added to Compatibility View\"":"从“您已添加到兼容性视图的网站”中删除使用 Duo 身份验证的网站","#Compatibility View button":"兼容性视图按钮","#If the Compatibility View button displays in the Address bar to the right of the page address, you can click the button to exit Compatibility mode.":"如果页面地址右侧的地址栏中显示“兼容性视图”按钮 ,您可以点击该按钮退出兼容性模式。","#For the best results we do not recommend using Internet Explorer's Compatibility View with Duo authentication. You may be able to turn off Compatibility View yourself.":"为了获得最佳效果,我们建议不要将 Internet Explorer 的兼容性视图与 Duo 身份验证一起使用。您可以自行关闭兼容性视图。","#From the Address bar:":"从地址栏中:","#From the Internet Explorer Tools Menu:":"从 Internet Explorer 的“工具”菜单:","#Pushes a login request to your phone (if you have Duo Mobile installed and activated on your iOS, Android, or Windows Phone device). Just review the request and tap \"Approve\" to log in.":"将登录请求推送到您的手机(如果您在 iOS、Android 或 Windows Phone 设备上安装并激活了 Duo Mobile)。只需查看请求并轻触“批准”即可登录。","#Passcode":"密码","#Select which phone to use and then choose your authentication method.":"选择要使用的手机,然后选择身份验证方式。","#If your administrator has enabled the Duo self-service portal you can also add, update, and remove authentication methods by clicking the \"Manage Devices\" button.":"如果您的管理员已启用 Duo 自助服务门户,您还可以通过点击“管理设备”按钮来添加、更新和删除身份验证方式。","#Click \"Send SMS passcodes\" to get a new batch of passcodes.":"点击“发送短信密码”以获取一组新密码。","#The Duo Prompt displayed by Network Connect lets you choose how to verify your identity each time you log in.":"通过 Network Connect 显示的 Duo Prompt,您可以选择每次登录时如何验证您的身份。","#Applications and devices that don't support the inline Duo Prompt or a secondary passcode field can use append mode. You'll enter both your password and an authentication method into the password field.":"不支持内联 Duo Prompt 或辅助密码字段的应用和设备可以使用附加模式。您需要将密码和身份验证方式都输入密码字段中。","#The See how to update Firefox link takes you to the Firefox updates page.":"通过查看如何更新 Firefox 链接可访问 Firefox 更新页面。","#The Chrome browser includes an embedded Flash plugin, and usually updates itself automatically. Check About Google Chrome to apply an outstanding update, or relaunch Chrome to complete the update.":"Chrome 浏览器包括嵌入式 Flash 插件,并且通常会自动更新。选中关于 Google Chrome 以应用未完成的更新,或重新启动 Chrome 以完成更新。","#If you don't want to update now, click Skip to continue. You'll be reminded again to update your outdated software the next time you log in with Duo.":"如果您不想立即更新,请点击跳过以继续。下次使用 Duo 登录时,系统会再次提醒您更新过期软件。","#The See how to update Java link takes you to Oracle's Java download page.":"通过查看如何更新 Java 链接可访问 Oracle 的 Java 下载页面。","#The See how to update Flash link opens Adobe's Flash download page, so you can obtain the most recent version of the plugin.":"通过查看如何更新 Flash 链接可打开 Adobe 的 Flash 下载页面,从而可以获取插件的最新版本。","#If you (or your administrator) enabled the Duo WebSDK experience when configuring Duo in LastPass, you'll see the Duo Prompt. Choose an authentication option and approve to access your vault.":"如果您(或您的管理员)在 LastPass 中配置 Duo 时启用了 Duo WebSDK 体验,您会看到 Duo Prompt。选择身份验证选项并批准访问您的 Vault。","#Push a login request to your phone (if you have Duo Mobile installed and activated on your iOS, Android, Windows Phone, or Windows Phone device). Just review the request and tap \"Approve\" to log in.":"将登录请求推送到您的手机(如果您在 iOS、Android、Windows Phone 或 Windows Phone 设备上安装并激活了 Duo Mobile)。只需查看请求并轻触“批准”即可登录。","#The Duo Prompt lets you choose how to authenticate each time you log in.":"通过 Duo Prompt,您可以选择每次登录时如何进行身份验证。","#Let's update it":"让我们进行更新","#Duo Knowledge Base":"Duo 知识库","#Would you like to know more? Visit duo.com to learn about Duo's Trusted Access solutions for every organization.":"是否要了解更多信息?访问 duo.com 了解每个组织的 Duo 受信任访问解决方案。","#Enter username and password as usual":"像平常一样输入用户名和密码","#Securely logged in":"安全登录","#Use your phone to verify your identity":"使用手机验证您的身份","#Add a new device":"添加新设备","#Note Duo Mobile for BlackBerry may only be activated for one account at a time.":"注意 一次只能为一个账户激活 Duo Mobile for Blackberry。","#Duo Authentication":"Duo 身份验证","#Logging Into Microsoft Windows with Duo":"使用 Duo 登录 Microsoft Windows","#Duo Authentication for Windows Logon defaults to auto push.":"Duo Authentication for Windows Logon 默认设置为自动推送。","#Microsoft Windows Logon":"Microsoft Windows 登录","#Back":"返回","#Start Setup":"开始设置","#Blocked Software Notification":"阻止的软件通知","#Approve":"批准","#If you enabled the option to automatically send you an authentication request via push or phone call, you'll need to cancel the push or phone call in progress before you can click the \"My Settings & Devices\" link.":"如果启用了相应选项以通过推送通知或电话呼叫自动向您发送身份验证请求,则您需要先取消正在进行的推送通知或电话呼叫,然后才能点击“我的设置和设备”链接。","#Access Blocked Due to Outdated Software":"由于软件已过期,访问被阻止","#Outdated Software Block Warning":"已过期软件阻止警告","#Your organization may also choose to block your access if your software is still out of date after a certain amount of time. You'll see a countdown warning one week before you can no longer continue using the outdated software. You may still dismiss the warning and continue on to Duo authentication.":"如果您的软件在一定时间后仍然过期,贵组织还可选择阻止您的访问。您将看到一个倒计时警告,指明在一周后您将无法继续使用已过期的软件。您仍然可以关闭警告并继续执行 Duo 身份验证。","#Duo blocks you from authentication when your browser or plugins are too out of date. You'll have to update your outdated software before you can log in.":"如果您的浏览器或插件已过期,Duo 会阻止您进行身份验证。您必须先更新已过期的软件,然后才能登录。","#If your organization blocks access to Duo-protected resources from devices with outdated browsers or plugins, then you may not complete two-factor authentication until you update your software.":"如果贵组织阻止从具有过期浏览器或插件的设备访问受 Duo 保护的资源,则在更新软件之前,您可能无法完成双因素身份验证。","#Blocked OS Notification":"阻止的操作系统通知","#Your administrator may also choose to block access from certain computer and mobile operating systems. In this case, you must upgrade your OS to an allowed version or switch to a different device.":"您的管理员还可选择阻止从某些计算机和移动操作系统进行的访问。在这种情况下,您必须将操作系统升级到允许的版本或切换到其他设备。","#Continue":"继续","#Send me a Push":"向我发送推送通知","#Send codes":"发送代码","#Settings":"设置","#Supported Browsers":"支持的浏览器","#I have Duo Mobile installed":"我已安装 Duo Mobile","#Remember me for...":"记住我...","#Start setup":"开始设置","#Fingerprint Verification":"指纹验证","#Duo Mobile 3.10 and up also supports fingerprint verification for Duo Push-based logins as an additional layer of security to verify your user identity. If you're using a device with Android v5.0 or later and a fingerprint reader you'll need to scan your finger each time you authenticate via Duo Mobile (if required by your administrator).":"Duo Mobile 3.10 及更高版本还支持对基于 Duo Push 的登录进行指纹验证,从而提供额外的一层保护来验证您的用户身份。如果您使用的是带 Android v5.0 或更高版本和指纹识别器的设备,则每次通过 Duo Mobile 进行身份验证时都需要扫描您的指纹(如果管理员要求)。","#Duo Mobile 3.7 and later for iOS also supports Touch ID for Duo Push-based logins as an additional layer of security to verify user identity. If you're using a Touch ID capable iOS device you'll see a Touch ID prompt each time you authenticate via Duo Mobile (if required by your administrator).":"Duo Mobile 3.7 及更高版本还支持对基于 Duo Push 的登录使用 Touch ID,从而提供额外的一层保护来验证您的用户身份。如果您使用支持 Touch ID 的 iOS 设备,则每次通过 Duo Mobile 进行身份验证时(如果管理员有此要求),您都会看到 Touch ID 提示。","#If you're not able to scan your fingerprint using the sensor you can also approve the Duo authentication request using the device's passcode (the same one you use on the Android lock screen).":"如果您无法使用传感器扫描指纹,也可以使用设备的密码(与您在 Android 锁屏上使用的密码系统)批准 Duo 身份验证请求。","#You'll need to enable Apple Watch notifications for Duo Mobile. Open the Watch app on your phone, tap \"My Watch\", and scroll down then tap the entry for Duo. Enable \"Show App on Apple Watch\".":"您需要为 Duo Mobile 启用 Apple Watch 通知。打开手机上的手表应用,轻触“我的手表”,向下滚动,然后轻触 Duo 条目。启用“在 Apple Watch 上显示应用”。","#You can approve the login or deny the login request without ever touching your phone.":"您可以批准登录请求或拒绝登录请求,而无需触摸您的手机。","#Apple Watch support requires Duo Mobile 3.8 or later. To see which version of Duo Mobile is installed on your device, go to the iOS Settings menu, then scroll down and tap Duo Mobile. The \"System Info\" section shows the app version.":"Apple Watch 支持要求安装 Duo Mobile 3.8 或更高版本。要查看设备上安装的 Duo Mobile 版本,请转至 iOS 设置菜单,然后向下滚动并轻触 Duo Mobile。“系统信息”部分会显示应用版本。","#You can also generate passcodes from the Duo Apple Watch app. Simply launch the app from the watch and tap an account to generate a passcode for that account.":"您还可以从 Duo Apple Watch 应用生成密码。只需从 Apple Watch 启动应用,然后轻触账户即可为该账户生成密码。","#When you receive a push notification, you'll also see the notification on your paired Apple Watch if your phone is locked. Apple Watch’s Taptic Engine is a linear actuator inside the device that produces haptic feedback, meaning it literally taps you on the wrist whenever you receive an alert or notification. That means you’ll also feel a tap whenever a login request is sent via Duo Mobile, letting you quickly log in or deny the request.":"当收到推送通知时,如果您的手机已锁定,您还会在配对的 Apple Watch 上看到通知。Apple Watch 的 Taptic Engine 是设备内的线性致动器,可产生触觉反馈,这意味着只要您收到警报或通知,它就会轻触您的手腕。这意味着每当通过 Duo Mobile 发送登录请求时,您也会感到轻触动作,以便您快速登录或拒绝请求。","#Generate a Passcode on Apple Watch":"在 Apple Watch 上生成密码","#Duo Mobile and Apple Watch - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Mobile 和 Apple Watch - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#You'll only see the Duo request on your watch when your phone is locked. Notifications won't go to your Apple Watch when your phone is unlocked.":"只有在手机锁定时,您才会在 Apple Watch 上看到 Duo 请求。当您的手机解锁时,通知便不会发送到 Apple Watch。","#Duo supports login request approval and passcode generation from an Apple Watch.":"Duo 支持从 Apple Watch 批准登录请求和生成密码。","#See our Apple Watch guide.":"请参阅我们的 Apple Watch 指南。","#You can respond to Duo Push requests from the Windows Phone lock screen or banner notification.":"您可以响应来自 Windows Phone 锁屏或横幅通知的 Duo Push 请求。","#Duo Mobile Notification":"Duo Mobile 通知","#Duo Mobile Account Activation":"激活 Duo Mobile 账户","#Passcode Generation in Duo Mobile":"在 Duo Mobile 中生成密码","#Duo Push Request on Windows Phone":"Windows Phone 上的 Duo Push 请求","#Duo Mobile Fingerprint Prompt":"Duo Mobile 指纹提示","#Find the latest version of Duo Mobile in the App Store.":"在 App Store 中查找最新版本的 Duo Mobile。","#Duo Mobile TouchID Prompt":"Duo Mobile TouchID 提示","#Find the latest version of Duo Mobile in Google Play.":"在 Google Play 中查找最新版本的 Duo Mobile。","#Duo Push Request on iOS":"iOS 上的 Duo Push 请求","#Duo Mobile Banner Notification":"Duo Mobile 横幅通知","#Duo Push Request on Android":"Android 上的 Duo Push 请求","#Duo Mobile Lock Screen Notification":"Duo Mobile 锁屏通知","#It is not currently possible to backup and restore your registered Duo Mobile accounts on Windows Phone.":"目前无法在 Windows Phone 上备份和恢复您注册的 Duo Mobile 账户。","#macOS Logon":"macOS 登录","#Software Update and Blocking - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"软件更新和阻止 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Pulse Client Secondary Login":"Pulse 客户端辅助登录","#Click See what is allowed and follow the update instructions in the Duo prompt. If your device has multiple warnings you can navigate between them with \"Next\" and \"Back\" links at the bottom of the prompt.":"点击查看允许的内容,并按照 Duo Prompt 中的更新说明进行操作。如果设备出现多个警告,您可以使用提示底部的“下一步”和“后退”链接在它们之间导航。","#Duo helps keep information secure with software and operating system policies. Your Duo administrator may choose to warn you when your software is out of date, require software updates before allowing access, or even block access from devices that don't meet your organization's requirements.":"Duo 通过软件和操作系统策略来确保信息安全。您的 Duo 管理员可以选择在您的软件过期时发出警告,要求在允许访问之前更新软件,甚至阻止从不符合组织要求的设备进行访问。","#Click See what is allowed to learn what platforms may access your organization's resources.":"点击查看允许的内容,了解哪些平台可以访问贵组织的资源。","#Permitted OS Platforms List":"允许的操作系统平台列表","#Access Blocked Due to Restricted OS":"由于操作系统受限,访问被阻止","#Software Update Instructions":"软件更新说明","#Your organization may also choose to block access from devices with selected browsers, plugins, or operating system platforms and versions.":"贵组织还可选择阻止从具有所选浏览器、插件或操作系统平台和版本的设备进行的访问。","#Software Blocking":"软件阻止","#Updates for browsers built into the operating system, like Safari on OSX or Internet Explorer and Edge on Windows, are typically delivered using the system's built in software update service. Check Windows Update on a PC or Software Updates on a Mac to apply any outstanding security updates. For example, Windows 7 and later users using Internet Explorer versions older than Internet Explorer 11 have the opportunity to upgrade to version 11 via Windows Update.":"操作系统内置浏览器的更新(例如 OSX 上的 Safari 或 Windows 上的 Internet Explorer 和 Edge)通常使用系统的内置软件更新服务提供。选中 PC 上的 Windows 更新或 Mac 上的软件更新,以应用任何未完成的安全更新。例如,使用低于 Internet Explorer 11 的 Internet Explorer 版本的 Windows 7 及更高版本的用户可以通过 Windows 更新升级到版本 11。","#Apps":"应用","#Duo Authentication for macOS Logon prompts for secondary approval when you log in to your Mac.":"Duo Authentication for macOS Logon 会在您登录到 Mac 时提示进行辅助审批。","#Duo Authentication for macOS Logon - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Authentication for macOS Logon - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#After entering your macOS username and password, an authentication request will automatically be pushed to the Duo Mobile app on your phone.":"输入 macOS 用户名和密码后,身份验证请求将自动推送到您手机上的 Duo Mobile 应用。","#Logging Into macOS with Duo":"使用 Duo 登录到 macOS","#Once installed, Duo authentication is required for new console logons, but not when unlocking the screensaver or you're already logged-on and just waking the system from sleep.":"安装后,需要进行 Duo 身份验证才能登录新控制台,但解锁屏幕保护程序或您在已登录状态下唤醒睡眠中的系统时则不需要进行 Duo 身份验证。","#Send me new codes":"向我发送新代码","#If your administrator enabled Duo Mobile's backup and restore functionality and you previously backed up your Duo Mobile accounts then you can restore your accounts to Duo Mobile on your new phone (same platform as the original device i.e. Android to Android and iOS to iOS) via the guided recovery process. See the full Duo Restore guide here.":"如果您的管理员启用了 Duo Mobile 的备份和恢复功能,并且您之前已备份您的 Duo Mobile 账户,则可以通过引导式恢复过程将账户恢复到新手机上的 Duo Mobile(与原始设备具有相同的平台,即 Android 到 Android 和 iOS 到 iOS)。请参阅此处提供的完整 Duo Restore 指南。","#Your Duo Mobile account information is backed up automatically when you enable iCloud Backup on your phone, and can be restored only on the same device. This iCloud backup can't be used as is to migrate your Duo accounts to a new phone. See Apple's guide to enabling iCloud backup for more information.":"当您在手机上启用 iCloud 备份时,您的 Duo Mobile 账户信息会自动备份,并且只能在同一设备上恢复。此 iCloud 备份无法按原样用于将您的 Duo 账户迁移到新手机。有关详细信息,请参阅 Apple 有关启用 iCloud 备份的指南。","#Duo Passcode Generation in Duo Mobile":"在 Duo Mobile 中生成 Duo 密码","#Third-Party Passcode Generation in Duo Mobile":"在 Duo Mobile 中生成第三方密码","#If the account is a Duo native account (meaning you enrolled this device into Duo and activated the app for Duo Push), then the passcode shown is valid until used. Tap the arrows to generate a new Duo passcode.":"如果该账户是 Duo 本地账户(意味着您已将此设备注册到 Duo 并为 Duo Push 激活了应用),则显示的密码在使用之前会一直有效。轻触箭头以生成新的 Duo 密码。","#If the account is a third-party OTP account (meaning you logged into another service like Gmail and added this device as an authenticator app), then you'll see a 30 second countdown indicator on the right. If you don't use that passcode before it expires then a new passcode is generated and the countdown begins again.":"如果该账户是第三方 OTP 账户(意味着您已登录 Gmail 等其他服务并将此设备添加为身份验证器应用),则您将在右侧看到 30 秒倒计时指示器。如果您在密码过期之前未使用该密码,则系统会生成新密码并再次开始倒计时。","#You can approve Duo authentication requests with Face ID on your iPhone X with Duo Mobile 3.19 and later. If your Duo admin requires biometric verification when approving Duo requests you'll see the Face ID icon in the Duo Push request.":"您可以在具有 Duo Mobile 3.19 及更高版本的 iPhone X 上批准带有 Face ID 的 Duo 身份验证请求。如果您的 Duo 管理员在批准 Duo 请求时需要进行生物识别验证,您会在 Duo Push 请求中看到 Face ID 图标。","#Tap the down indicator to get a one-time passcode for login. This works anywhere, even in places where you don't have an internet connection or can't get cell service.":"轻触向下指示器以获取用于登录的一次性密码。这适用于任何地方,甚至是在您没有互联网连接或无法获得蜂窝网络服务的地方。","#If your first try isn't successful, tap Try Face ID Again to scan your face again.":"如果您的第一次尝试不成功,请轻触再次尝试 Face ID 以再次扫描您的面部。","#Duo Mobile Face ID Prompt":"Duo Mobile Face ID 提示","#Duo Mobile Face ID Permission Request":"Duo Mobile Face ID 权限请求","#Duo Mobile Face ID Success":"Duo Mobile Face ID 成功","#Scan your face in the same manner that you use to unlock your iPhone X to approve the Duo login request.":"以与解锁 iPhone X 以批准 Duo 登录请求相同的方式扫描您的面部。","#If you're not able to scan your fingerprint using the TouchID sensor you can also approve the Duo authentication request using the device's passcode by tapping Cancel.":"如果您无法使用 Touch ID 传感器扫描指纹,则还可以通过轻触取消以使用设备的密码批准 Duo 身份验证请求。","#If you're not able approve the login request with Face ID you can tap Cancel and approve the Duo authentication request using the device's passcode.":"如果您无法通过 Face ID 批准登录请求,则可以轻触取消并使用设备的密码批准 Duo 身份验证请求。","#The first time you receive a Duo Push request on your iPhone X that requires biometric verification, you'll be prompted to grant Face ID permission to the Duo Mobile app. Tap OK to proceed.":"首次在 iPhone X 上收到需要生物识别验证的 Duo Push 请求时,系统会提示您向 Duo Mobile 应用授予 Face ID 权限。轻触确定继续。","#Duo Mobile Face ID Retry Scan":"Duo Mobile Face ID 重试扫描","#Install Duo Mobile for iPhone/iOS or Android.":"安装适用于 iPhone/iOSAndroid 的 Duo Mobile。","#Third Party Account Verification":"第三方账户验证","#Duo Mobile Support for OTP Authentication":"Duo Mobile 对 OTP 身份验证的支持","#Third Party Account Configuration":"第三方账户配置","#Follow the instructions to turn on two-factor authentication (sometimes called two-step verification) for your account using an authenticator app. Ignore any mentions of Google Authenticator or other mobile applications — you'll be using Duo Mobile instead.":"按照说明使用身份验证器应用为您的账户启用双因素身份验证(有时称为两步验证)。忽略提及的 Google 身份验证器或其他移动应用,您将改为使用 Duo Mobile。","#Finally, tap the indicator next to the account name in Duo Mobile to generate a passcode which expires in 30 seconds. Type the passcode (without a space) into the application's verification prompt on your computer to verify that the passcode generator is working properly. Then click \"Next\" or \"Finish\" or whatever link completes authenticator app registration.":"最后,轻触 Duo Mobile 中账户名称旁边的指示器以生成密码,该密码会在 30 秒后过期。在计算机上的应用验证提示中输入密码(不带空格),以验证密码生成器是否正常工作。然后点击“下一步”或“完成”,或者用于完成身份验证器应用注册的任何链接。","#Use Duo Mobile to scan the application's barcode shown on your screen.":"使用 Duo Mobile 扫描屏幕上显示的应用条码。","#When configuring the authenticator app in your application you'll usually be shown a barcode to scan. Open Duo Mobile and tap the \"+\" icon or the \"Add Account\" button to add a new account.":"在应用中配置身份验证器应用时,系统通常会显示要扫描的条码。打开 Duo Mobile,然后轻触“+”图标或“添加账户”按钮以添加新账户。","#On devices that do not feature 3D Touch, swipe left on the lock screen Duo Mobile notification to reveal additional actions.":"在不支持 3D Touch 的设备上,在锁定屏幕 Duo Mobile 通知上向左滑动以显示其他操作。","#On Apple devices that support 3D Touch, performing a firm longpress on the Duo Mobile notification from the lock screen reveals the \"Approve\" or \"Deny\" actions. Tap an action and supply your passcode or biometric verification (face or fingerprint) to complete the action.":"在支持 3D Touch 的 Apple 设备上,长按锁定屏幕上的 Duo Mobile 通知会显示“批准”或“拒绝”操作。轻触一项操作并提供密码或生物识别验证(面部或指纹)以完成操作。","#Duo Mobile 3D Touch Notification":"Duo Mobile 3D Touch 通知","#This iOS device doesn't have the latest OS update installed:":"此 iOS 设备未安装最新的操作系统更新:","#This iOS device has up-to-date software and all of Duo's recommended security settings configured:":"此 iOS 设备配置了最新软件和 Duo 建议的所有安全设置:","#Tap the menu and go to Settings > Security Checkup in Duo Mobile to view your device's security status at any time.":"轻触菜单,然后转至 Duo Mobile 中的设置 > Security Checkup,以随时查看设备的安全状态。","#Duo Authentication for Windows Logon - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security - https://guide.duo.com/":"Duo Authentication for Windows Logon - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security - https://guide.duo.com/","#If you previously enrolled other devices in Duo, you can easily add your new security key as an additional authenticator as long as your administrator has enabled Duo's self-service portal.":"如果您之前在 Duo 中注册了其他设备,则只要您的管理员已启用 Duo 的自助服务门户,您即可轻松将新的安全密钥添加为附加身份验证器。","#Congratulations! You have enrolled your security key.":"祝贺您!您已注册安全密钥。","#Initial Enrollment with a Security Key":"使用安全密钥进行初始注册","#Access the Duo enrollment page via a link emailed by your administrator, or when you log in for the first time to a Duo protected resource. Select Security Key from the list of devices and then click Continue.":"通过管理员以电子邮件形式发送的链接,或者在您首次登录受 Duo 保护的资源时访问 Duo 注册页面。从设备列表中选择安全密钥,然后点击继续。","#You'll see whether the security key identification was successful or not.":"您将看到安全密钥识别是否成功。","#The security key enrollment window automatically tries to locate your connected security key for approval.":"安全密钥注册窗口会自动尝试查找已连接的安全密钥以供审批。","#Depending on your security key model, you'll need to tap, insert, or press a button on your device to proceed.":"您需要轻触,插入或按下设备上的按钮才能继续,具体取决于安全密钥型号。","#Security Keys":"安全密钥","#Select the type of device you'd like to enroll and click Continue. We recommend using a smartphone for the best experience, but you can also enroll a landline telephone, a security key, or iOS/Android tablets.":"选择要注册的设备类型,然后点击继续。我们建议使用智能手机以获得最佳体验,但您也可以注册座机电话、安全密钥或 iOS/Android 平板电脑。","#for the first time with devices running iOS versions below 9 need to download":"并且设备运行的是 iOS 9 以下版本,则需要在 Mac 或 PC 计算机上使用 iTunes 应用从 App Store 下载","#3.16.7 from the App Store using the iTunes application on a Mac or PC computer. You must be signed in with the same iTunes account you plan to use with your phone.":"3.16.7。您必须使用与计划用于手机的同一 iTunes 账户登录。","#3.17.0 and above is iOS 9. Users installing":"3.17.0 及更高版本为 iOS 9。如果用户首次安装","#accounts then you can restore your accounts to":"账户,然后您可以将账户恢复到","#When the download is complete, open the App Store on your iOS 6, 7, or 8 device, and install":"下载完成后,在 iOS 6、7 或 8设备上打开 App Store,并安装","#Offline Access for Windows Logon":"Windows 登录的离线访问","#Authenticating with Offline Access":"使用离线访问进行身份验证","#Reactivating Offline Access":"重新激活离线访问","#phone may be activated for offline access at a time. Activating offline access on another phone invalidates the previously activated phone.":"可为一部电话激活离线访问。在另一部电话上激活离线访问会使之前激活的电话无效。","#IMPORTANT":"重要信息","#one":"一次","#Next, you’ll need to complete Duo authentication. Click on an available method and approve the login request.":"接下来,您需要完成 Duo 身份验证。点击可用方法并批准登录请求。","#Activating Offline Access with Duo Mobile":"使用 Duo Mobile 激活离线访问","#If Duo Authentication for Windows Logon was installed with the fail mode set to “fail closed”, then a user who does not activate offline access on that computer may not log in while disconnected from the internet. Make sure to complete offline activation the next time the computer has internet access.":"如果安装了 Duo Authentication for Windows Logon,且故障模式设置为“故障时关闭”,则未在该计算机上激活离线访问的用户在断开互联网连接时可能无法登录。请确保在计算机下次连接到互联网时完成离线激活。","#Scan the activation QR code using the Duo Mobile app installed on your iOS or Android device. Tap the + in the app to begin adding the account.":"使用 iOS 或 Android 设备上安装的 Duo Mobile 应用扫描激活二维码。轻触应用中的 + 以开始添加账户。","#Once you reach the offline access limit, the Duo prompt informs you that you must complete online authentication to Duo before you can log in again with an offline passcode. Offline access refreshes when you perform an online Duo authentication.":"达到离线访问限制后,Duo Prompt 会通知您必须完成 Duo 的在线身份验证,然后才能再次使用离线密码进行登录。当您执行在线 Duo 身份验证时,离线访问会刷新。","#Duo Mobile saves the new account information and prompts you to verify the name for this computer. Tap SAVE COMPUTER NAME to continue.":"Duo Mobile 将保存新账户信息并提示您验证此计算机的名称。轻触保存计算机名称以继续。","#If you need to add the Windows Offline account to Duo Mobile on a different phone than you originally used for activation, you can do this from the online Duo MFA prompt.":"如果您需要将 Windows Offline 账户添加到其他手机的 Duo Mobile 中,该手机与最初用于激活的手机不同,则可以从在线 Duo MFA 提示中执行此操作。","#: Only":":仅","#Enter the passcode from Duo Mobile (without a space) into the offline activation screen on your computer and then click the Activate Offline Login button to finish setting up offline access.":"在计算机的离线激活屏幕中输入来自 Duo Mobile 的密码(无空格),然后点击激活离线登录按钮以完成离线访问设置。","#Once Duo Mobile completes activation you’ll need to enter a code from the app into the prompt on your Windows system to complete offline activation. Tap TAKE ME TO MY OFFLINE CODE.":"Duo Mobile 完成激活后,您需要将应用中的代码输入到 Windows 系统上的提示中,以完成离线激活。轻触转到我的离线验证码。","#The offline two-factor authentication prompt shows you how many remaining offline logins you have left, or the last day you’ll be allowed to authenticate using offline access (depending on which option your organization's administrator chose when enabling offline access in the Duo Admin Panel).":"离线双因素身份验证提示会显示您剩余多少次离线登录,或者您获允使用离线访问进行身份验证的最后一天(具体取决于贵组织的管理员在 Duo Admin Panel 中启用离线访问时选择的选项) )。","#With the Windows computer connected to the internet, log in with your username and password.":"在 Windows 计算机连接到互联网的情况下,使用您的用户名和密码进行登录。","#Duo Offline Access Activation - Name Account":"Duo 离线访问激活 - 为账户命名","#Duo Offline Access Activation - Generate Passcode":"Duo 离线访问激活 - 生成密码","#Click the Replace/Reconnect an offline device link on the left side of the Duo prompt to begin. If your Duo for Windows Logon application is configured to autpmatically send a push request to your phone, you can cancel the authentication in progress and click the link on the left (don't approve the request on your phone).":"点击 Duo Prompt 左侧的替换/重新连接离线设备链接以开始操作。如果您的 Duo for Windows Logon 应用配置为自动向您的手机发送推送请求,您可以取消正在进行的身份验证,然后点击左侧的链接(不要在您的手机上批准请求)。","#Continue the activation process by scanning the QR code with Duo Mobile on the replacement phone and entering the verification code when prompted, just like the first time you activated an offline access device.":"通过在替换手机上使用 Duo Mobile 扫描二维码,并在系统提示时输入验证码,继续激活过程,就像您第一次激活离线访问设备一样。","#Duo Authentication with Passcode":"使用密码进行 Duo 身份验证","#Duo Offline Access Activation - Start":"Duo 离线访问激活 - 开始","#Tap the WINDOWS OFFLINE account in the Duo Mobile account list to generate a six digit passcode.":"轻触 Duo Mobile 账户列表中的 WINDOWS OFFLINE 账户以生成六位数密码。","#Duo Offline Access Activation - Take to Code":"Duo 离线访问激活 - 转到代码","#Duo Offline Access Reactivation - Start":"Duo 离线访问重新激活 - 开始","#Duo Offline Access Activation - Scan QR Code":"Duo 离线访问激活 - 扫描二维码","#Duo Offline Access Activation - Finish":"Duo离线访问激活 - 完成","#Offline Access Activation Instructions":"离线访问激活说明","#Duo Authentication Push":"Duo 身份验证推送","#Duo Offline Authentication Limits":"Duo 离线身份验证限制","#User Denied Duo Offline Access":"用户已拒绝 Duo 离线访问","#Duo Offline Authentication with Duo Mobile Passcode":"使用 Duo Mobile 密码进行 Duo 离线身份验证","#Duo Offline Access Reactivation - Authenticate":"Duo 离线访问重新激活 - 身份验证","#Select Security Key (Yubikey) and click Activate Now to begin setting up offline access (or click Enroll later (May prevent offline login) to set it up another time).":"选择安全密钥 (Yubikey) 并点击立即激活以开始设置离线访问(或点击稍后注册(可能阻止离线登录)以在以后进行设置)。","#Activating Offline Access with a Security Key":"激活使用安全密钥的离线访问","#Select Duo Mobile Passcode and click Activate Now to begin setting up offline access (or click Enroll later (May prevent offline login) to set it up another time).":"选择 Duo Mobile 密码并点击立即激活以开始设置离线访问(或点击稍后注册(可能阻止离线登录)以在以后进行设置)。","#If you activated a security key, you should see it start blinking. Tap your security key to log in.":"如果您激活了安全密钥,则会看到它开始闪烁。轻触安全密钥进行登录。","#If successful, the Duo offline activation window says Security key verified - enrollment complete. Click the Activate Offline Login button to finish setting up offline access.":"如果成功,Duo 离线激活窗口会显示已验证安全密钥 - 注册完成。点击激活离线登录按钮以完成离线访问设置。","#Tap the security key again to verify.":"再次轻触安全密钥以进行验证。","#If you activated Duo Mobile, tap the entry for your Windows computer in Duo Mobile to generate a passcode, enter it into the Duo prompt, and click Log In.":"如果您激活了 Duo Mobile,请在 Duo Mobile 中轻触您的 Windows 计算机条目以生成密码,将其输入 Duo Prompt,然后点击登录。","#Duo for Windows Logon attempts to contact your security key. If you don't have it plugged in, go ahead and insert it. You should see the security key begin flashing, and the Duo screen say Security key found - Tap to enroll. Touch your blinking security key to register it.":"Duo for Windows Logon 会尝试联系您的安全密钥。如果您没有插入安全密钥,请继续插入。您会看到安全密钥开始闪烁,并且 Duo 屏幕上显示找到安全密钥 - 轻触以注册。触摸闪烁的安全密钥进行注册。","#Duo Offline Authentication with Security Key":"使用安全密钥的 Duo 离线身份验证","#Duo's offline access works with these security keys:":"Duo 的离线访问支持以下安全密钥:","#HyperFIDO tokens are not supported for offline access activation, nor are simple OTP passcode tokens or Duo D-100 hardware tokens. If you're not sure whether your security will work, ask your organization's Duo administrator or your IT Help Desk.":"HyperFIDO 令牌不支持进行离线访问激活,也不是简单的 OTP 密码令牌或 Duo D-100 硬件令牌。如果您不确定您的安全性是否有效,请询问贵组织的 Duo 管理员或您的 IT 服务中心。","#To activate your security key for offline access:":"要激活您的安全密钥以进行离线访问,请执行以下操作:","#To activate Duo Mobile for offline access:":"要激活 Duo Mobile 以进行离线访问,请执行以下操作:","#Yubico brand keys supporting U2F/FIDO2":"支持 U2F/FIDO2 的 Yubico 品牌密钥","#Duo Mobile iPhone Guide":"Duo Mobile iPhone 指南","#Duo Mobile Android Guide":"Duo Mobile Android 指南","#Your Duo administrator may have limited which authentication methods you can use to log in. If this is the case, then the Duo prompt shows only the allowed methods. So, if your organization disallows phone call for Duo logins, the prompt may only show the \"Send Me a Push\" and \"Enter a Passcode\" options.":"您的 Duo 管理员可能限制了可用于登录的身份验证方式。如果是这种情况,则 Duo Prompt 仅显示允许的方法。因此,如果贵组织不允许通过电话呼叫进行 Duo 登录,则提示中可能仅显示“向我发送推送通知”和“输入密码”选项。","#Duo Prompt with Bypass Code Option Only":"仅具有旁路代码选项的 Duo Prompt","#In the event that your organization restricts use of the authentication methods attached to your account, you'll see a message indicating this, with the option to enter a Duo bypass code.":"如果贵组织限制使用附加到您的账户的身份验证方式,您将看到指示该情况的消息以及用于输入 Duo 旁路代码的选项。","#duo.com Main Site":"duo.com 主站点","#Visit duo.com":"访问 duo.com","#Duo Security Logo":"Duo Security 徽标","#Mobile device encryption helps keep the data on your device secure.":"移动设备加密有助于确保设备上数据的安全。","#Navigate to SettingsSecurityScreen Lock.":"导航至设置安全屏幕锁定。","#If you still experience issues with the Disk Encryption error displaying in Duo Mobile, even after completing the steps above, try to disable this setting and then re-enable it again. This can happen because some Android device manufacturers will set a default password to encrypt the phone. Although your phone might say it’s encrypted, technically it isn’t fully encrypted until you set your own PIN/password/pattern at startup via your phone’s settings. Encrypting with your own password is the most secure option.":"如果您即使在完成上述步骤后,仍然遇到在 Duo Mobile 中显示磁盘加密错误的问题,请尝试禁用此设置,然后再次重新启用。出现这种情况的原因是,某些 Android 设备制造商会设置默认密码来加密手机。虽然您的手机可能会指出它已加密,但从技术上讲,在您通过手机设置在启动时设置自己的 PIN /密码/图案之前,它并未完全进行加密。使用您自己的密码进行加密是最安全的选项。","#Some newer devices (such as the Google Pixel) on Android 7.0 and higher support file-based encryption and can be considered encrypted by Duo without a PIN at startup.":"具有 Android 7.0 及更高版本的一些较新设备(例如 Google Pixel)支持基于文件的加密,并且在启动时可被 Duo 视为已加密且无 PIN。","#Choose Require PIN when device turns on.":"选择打开设备时需要 PIN。","#Duo considers your device encrypted when you enable password, PIN, or pattern authentication at startup. Without this setting, your device encryption is less secure, and you might not be able to access Duo-protected services or applications.":"当您启用了密码、PIN 或图案身份验证时,Duo 会在启动时认为您的设备已加密。如果没有此设置,设备加密的安全性会降低,并且您可能无法访问受 Duo 保护的服务或应用。","#On Samsung devices, \"Secure startup\" will automatically turn off any time you enable an accessibility permission.":"在 Samsung 设备上,无论何时启用无障碍权限,“安全启动”都将自动关闭。","#If you have a Samsung Device, you will additionally need to enable \"Secure startup\":":"如果您有 Samsung 设备,则还需要启用“安全启动”:","#To enable encryption on your Android Device:":"要在 Android 设备上启用加密,请执行以下操作:","#Navigate to SettingsLock screen and securitySecure startup.":"导航至设置锁定屏幕和安全安全启动。","#Encryption Troubleshooting":"加密故障排除","#Enable password, PIN, or pattern to be required upon device startup.":"启用设备启动时所需的密码、PIN 或图案。","#Close and reopen Duo Mobile.":"关闭并重新打开 Duo Mobile。","#Additional items to note:":"其他注意事项:","#You can authenticate using a passcode texted to your phone. To have Duo text you a batch of passcodes click the Text me new codes button after clicking Enter a Passcode (or type \"sms\" in the \"second password\" field).":"您可以使用通过短信发送到电话的密码进行身份验证。要让 Duo 通过短信向您发送一组密码,请在点击输入密码后点击以短信形式向我发送新验证码按钮(或在“第二个密码”字段中输入“sms”)。","#Simply tap Approve in either type of notification to finish logging in to the Duo-protected application.":"只需轻触任一通知类型中的批准即可登录到受 Duo 保护的应用。","#Duo Mobile Security Checkup - No Issues":"Duo Mobile Security Checkup - 没有问题","#If you get a login request that you weren't expecting, tap Deny on the notification or the full Push screen to reject the request. If you don't recognize the authentication attempt as your own, tapping It seemed fraudulent rejects the login attempt and also notifies your Duo administrator about the suspicious request. If you just want to cancel a login request you made you can tap It was a mistake to deny the request without reporting it.":"如果您收到意外的登录请求,请在通知中或 Duo Push 完整屏幕上点击拒绝以拒绝请求。如果您认定身份验证尝试不是您自己的尝试,请轻触似乎为欺诈以拒绝登录尝试,并通知 Duo 管理员该可疑请求。如果您只想取消自己发出的登录请求,可以轻触这是一个错误以拒绝请求而不进行报告。","#When the Duo Push notification shows up on your screen, tap where indicated to view the available actions: Approve or Deny.":"当屏幕上显示 Duo Push 通知时,轻触指示的位置以查看可用操作:批准拒绝。","#This Android device has up-to-date software and all of Duo's recommended security settings configured:":"此 Android 设备配置了最新软件和 Duo 建议的所有安全设置:","#Go to Menu > Settings > Security Checkup in Duo Mobile to view your device's security status at any time.":"在 Duo Mobile 中转到菜单 > 设置 > Security Checkup,随时查看设备的安全状态。","#Duo Mobile Deny Options":"Duo Mobile 拒绝选项","#Duo Mobile Security Checkup - Issues Found":"Duo Mobile Security Checkup - 发现的问题","#Tapping on the push request notification itself (instead of tapping the notification actions) takes you to the full Duo Push screen in Duo Mobile.":"轻触推送请求通知本身(而不是轻触通知操作)会使您转至 Duo Mobile 中 Duo Push 的完整屏幕。","#You can slide down your notifications to see more information about the login request before selecting an action, like the username, timestamp, and location information (if available).":"在选择操作之前,您可以向下滑动通知以查看有关登录请求的详细信息,例如用户名、时间戳和位置信息(如果可用)。","#This Android device is a few Android versions behind the latest, and doesn't have all of Duo's recommended security settings configured:":"此 Android 设备的版本比最新版本低几个版本,并且未配置 Duo 建议的所有安全设置:","#Duo Push is the easiest and quickest way of authenticating. You'll get a login request sent right to your phone.":"Duo Push 是最简单,最快捷的身份验证方式。您会收到直接发送到您的手机的登录请求。","#Duo Mobile's Security Checkup verifies device settings against Duo's recommended security settings, and lets you know if any of your device's settings don't match.":"Duo Mobile 的 Security Checkup 会根据 Duo 建议的安全设置验证设备设置,并告知您的设备设置是否存在不匹配的情况。","#Tap on any detected issue to learn more about that particular setting and how you can update your device with the recommended configuration.":"轻触任何检测到的问题,可详细了解该特定设置,以及如何使用建议的配置更新设备。","#An available USB port.":"可用的 USB 端口。","#Duo Mobile on iOS - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"iOS 版 Duo Mobile - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Duo Mobile on iOS":"iOS 版 Duo Mobile","#Log in to the Duo-protected application selected by your IT administrator.":"登录到 IT 管理员选择的受 Duo 保护的应用。","#Open the Duo Mobile app on your new device.":"在新设备上打开 Duo Mobile 应用。","#next to your Duo account in the main accounts list.":"(在主账户列表中您的 Duo 账户旁边)。","#Duo Restore for iOS":"适用于 iOS 的 Duo Restore","#Enabling Duo Restore":"启用 Duo Restore","#After authenticating, your new iOS device should be connected to the Duo service.":"进行身份验证后,您的新 iOS 设备会连接到 Duo 服务。","#Make sure you are running the latest version of the Duo Mobile App on your current iOS device.":"确保您在当前的 iOS 设备上运行最新版本的 Duo Mobile 应用。","#Tap":"轻触","#Duo Restore for Android":"适用于 Android 的 Duo Restore","#Duo Restore was actually never activated on the old (original) device so no backup is available.":"Duo Restore 实际上从未在旧(原始)设备上激活,因此没有备份可用。","#The size of Duo Mobile backup files can vary depending on how many accounts are associated with a device, but generally they are not larger than 500 KB.":"Duo Mobile 备份文件的大小取决于与设备关联的账户数量,但通常不超过 500 KB。","#Tap Duo Restore.":"轻触 Duo Restore。","#Tap the overflow menu (three vertical dots) in the top right corner of the main accounts list.":"轻触主账户列表右上角的溢出菜单(竖向 3 点)。","#The wrong Google account was chosen when attempting Duo Restore.":"尝试运行 Duo Restore 时选择了错误的 Google 账户。","#Once you restore your account list you'll see a “Reconnect” link next to each account. Reconnecting the account directs you through a reactivation process where the you need to authenticate to a Duo protected application (configured by the Duo account admin) to verify your identity. Once the your identity has been verified, Duo Mobile reactivates account.":"恢复账户列表后,您将在每个账户旁边看到“重新连接”链接。重新连接账户会引导您完成重新激活过程,在此过程中,您需要向受 Duo 保护的应用(由 Duo 账户管理员配置)进行身份验证以验证您的身份。验证完身份后,Duo Mobile 会重新激活账户。","#Duo Mobile Recovery Option":"Duo Mobile 恢复选项","#After authenticating, your new Android device should be connected to the Duo service.":"进行身份验证后,您的新 Android 设备会连接到 Duo 服务。","#No, backups can not be restored across platforms. Duo Mobile can be activated on a new device that uses the same phone number as an old device on a different platform via the self-service device management options in the Duo prompt (if enabled by your Duo admin), or you can contact your IT help desk or Duo admin to request assistance reactivating the accounts on the new device.":"不可以,无法跨平台恢复备份。通过 Duo Prompt 中的自助设备管理选项(如果您的 Duo 管理员已启用这些选项),可以在新设备上激活 Duo Mobile,前提是该新设备的电话号码与其他平台上的旧设备相同,或者您可以联系 IT 服务中心或 Duo 管理员以请求协助在新设备上重新激活账户。","#Get My Account Back":"找回我的账户","#from the welcome screen.":"(在欢迎屏幕中)。","#Is it possible to restore an account once I've deleted it in Duo Mobile?":"在 Duo Mobile 中删除某个账户后,是否可以恢复该账户?","#Make sure you are running the latest version of the Duo Mobile App on your current Android device.":"确保您在当前的 Android 设备上运行最新版本的 Duo Mobile 应用。","#You'll need to visit each third-party site and follow their specific instructions for reactivating 2FA. This usually involves scanning a QA code after using an alternative recovery method like phone call or SMS. Third-party accounts include accounts that were added to Duo Mobile but not directly linked to the Duo service, such as Google Accounts, Amazon, Facebook, Snapchat, Dropbox, etc.":"您需要访问每个第三方站点,并按照其具体说明重新激活 2FA。这通常涉及在使用替代恢复方法(例如电话或短信)后扫描二维码。第三方账户包括添加到 Duo Mobile 但未直接关联到 Duo 服务的账户,例如 Google 账户、Amazon、Facebook、Snapchat,Dropbox 等。","#How does the Duo Mobile restore process affect third-party accounts in my Duo Mobile app?":"Duo Mobile 恢复过程如何影响我的 Duo Mobile 应用中的第三方账户?","#How large are Duo Mobile backups?":"Duo Mobile 备份有多大?","#Tap Reconnect next to your Duo account in the main accounts list.":"轻触主账户列表中您的 Duo 账户旁边的重新连接。","#Why am I getting an error saying \"We couldn't find any accounts backed up on this Google account. Try selecting another Google account or contact your help desk.\" when attempting Duo Restore?":"我在尝试运行 Duo Restore 时,为什么收到一条错误消息指明“我们在此 Google 账户中找不到任何备份的账户。请尝试选择其他 Google 账户或联系您的服务中心。“?","#If you very recently toggled on Duo Restore on your new phone, it may not be in sync with the backup on your old phone yet.":"如果您最近在新手机上启用了 Duo Restore,则它可能尚未与旧手机上的备份同步。","#It is also possible to enable Duo Restore at any time by doing the following:":"还可以通过执行以下操作随时启用 Duo Restore:","#Authenticate using Duo via an method allowed for this application by your IT administrator. If SMS or hardware token passcode and phone calls are not allowed, you will either need to use a different Duo Push-capable 2FA device, use the Duo Self Service Portal, or contact your IT administrator to restore your account on your new device.":"通过您的 IT 管理员允许用于此应用的方法使用 Duo 进行身份验证。如果不允许使用短信或硬件令牌密码和电话呼叫,您将需要使用其他支持 Duo Push 的 2FA 设备,使用 Duo 自助服务门户,或联系您的 IT 管理员以在新设备上恢复您的账户。","#No. If you manually delete accounts within the app then they are gone and there is no process for restoration.":"不会。如果您在应用内手动删除账户,则这些账户会被彻底删除,无法进行恢复。","#The Duo Mobile app was deleted from the old phone, which would have also deleted the Google Drive backup.":"Duo Mobile 应用已从旧手机中删除,这也将删除 Google Drive 备份。","#Does Duo backup the private key pairs used in any of the accounts in my Duo Mobile App?":"Duo 是否备份我的 Duo Mobile 应用中的任何账户所使用的私钥对?","#If the private keys are not backed up, how does this work?":"如果未备份私钥,这如何实现?","#Reconnect":"重新连接","#Authenticate using Duo via a method allowed for this application by your IT administrator. If SMS or hardware token passcode and phone calls are not allowed, you will either need to use a different Duo Push-capable 2FA device, use the Duo Self Service Portal (if available), or contact your IT administrator to restore your account on your new device.":"通过您的 IT 管理员允许用于此应用的方法使用 Duo 进行身份验证。如果不允许使用短信或硬件令牌密码和电话呼叫,您将需要使用其他支持 Duo Push 的 2FA 设备,使用 Duo 自助服务门户(如果可用),或联系您的 IT 管理员以在新设备上恢复您的账户。","#Open the Duo Mobile App.":"打开 Duo Mobile 应用。","#Will Duo Mobile accounts be saved on my device if I delete the app?":"如果我删除应用,Duo Mobile 账户会不会保存在我的设备上?","#There are several reasons this could happen:":"发生这种情况的原因有很多:","#​Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#If you are a Duo Mobile end-user (not an administrator) and are looking for help configuring Duo Restore beyond the instructions here, or if you are not sure if your organization permits use of Duo Restore, please contact your organization's IT help desk for assistance.":"如果您是 Duo Mobile 的最终用户(不是管理员),并且正在寻求此处说明之外的 Duo Restore 配置帮助,或者如果您不确定贵组织是否允许使用 Duo Restore,请联系贵组织的 IT 服务中心以获取帮助。","#On the \"Destination Folder\" page leave the default destination selected and click Next.":"在“目标文件夹”页面,保持选中默认目标文件夹,然后点击下一步。","#Under \"Proxy type\" select Local.":"在“代理类型”下,选择本地。","#DuoConnect lets you easily access your organization’s SSH servers without needing to use a VPN.":"通过 DuoConnect,您可以轻松访问贵组织的 SSH 服务器,无需使用 VPN。","#Configure":"配置","#Now that you’ve installed DuoConnect, you need to update your SSH client configuration to use it.":"现在,您已经安装了 DuoConnect,需要更新 SSH 客户端配置才能使用它。","#Under \"Telnet command, or local proxy command\" copy and paste in the DuoConnect connection string you received from your Duo administrator.":"在“Telnet 命令或本地代理命令”下,复制并粘贴从 Duo 管理员那里收到的 DuoConnect 连接字符串。","#Return to the saved PuTTY session window and click Save to update the session with the DuoConnect information.":"返回到保存的 PuTTY 会话窗口,然后点击保存以使用 DuoConnect 信息更新会话。","#DuoConnect - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"DuoConnect - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#DuoConnect Download Link for Windows":"适用于 Windows 的 DuoConnect 下载链接","#Expand the Connection category on the left-hand side of the PuTTY session window, and then click on Proxy. The \"Options controlling proxy usage\" appear on the right-hand side of the window.":"展开 PuTTY 会话窗口左侧的连接类别,然后点击代理。“控制代理使用的选项”会显示在窗口的右侧。","#Here's an example of what the command might look like:":"以下是该命令的示例:","#Install":"安装","#Open up PuTTY and load a saved PuTTY session for the SSH server you'll be connecting to with DuoConnect.":"打开 PuTTY 并为您要使用 DuoConnect 连接的 SSH 服务器加载已保存的 PuTTY 会话。","#Click Install on the \"Ready to install DuoConnect\" page. If a pop-up appears asking \"Do you want to allow the following program to install software on this computer?\", click Yes.":"点击“已做好 DuoConnect 安装准备”页面上的安装。如果显示弹出窗口询问“是否要允许以下程序在此计算机上安装软件?”,请点击。","#Click Finish on the \"Completed the DuoConnect Setup Wizard\" page to exit the installer.":"点击“已完成 DuoConnect 设置向导”页面上的完成退出安装程序。","#Double-click the downloaded MSI file to launch the installer.":"双击下载的 MSI 文件以启动安装程序。","#Optional DuoConnect Updates":"可选的 DuoConnect 更新","#Updating DuoConnect":"更新 DuoConnect","#Terminal":"终端","#Frequently Asked Questions":"常见问题解答","#DuoConnect for SSH Access":"用于 SSH 访问的 DuoConnect","#Contents":"目录","#Required DuoConnect Updates":"所需的 DuoConnect 更新","#Repeat the saved session configuration steps for all SSH servers you will access using DuoConnect.":"对您将使用 DuoConnect 访问的所有 SSH 服务器重复执行保存的会话配置步骤。","#Git, Cygwin, and Other OpenSSH based Terminals":"Git、Cygwin 和其他基于 OpenSSH 的终端","#Open your ~/.ssh/config file in a text editor. If you don't have this file, create it.":"在文本编辑器中打开 ~/.ssh/config 文件。如果没有此文件,请创建该文件。","#Double-click the pkg file to launch the installer.":"双击 pkg 文件以启动安装程序。","#DuoConnect Optional Update Page":"DuoConnect 可选更新页面","#Linux Clients":"Linux 客户端","#When the installer prompts you to enter your username and password, enter the required information and click Install Software.":"当安装程序提示您输入用户名和密码时,请输入所需信息并点击安装软件。","#You’ll be connected to the SSH server and can then continue with logging in to the remote server like you normally would.":"您将连接到 SSH 服务器,然后可以像往常一样继续登录到远程服务器。","#macOS Clients":"macOS 客户端","#Copy and paste in the DuoConnect connection strings you received from your Duo administrator into the end of your config file.":"将您从 Duo 管理员那里收到的 DuoConnect 连接字符串复制并粘贴到配置文件末尾。","#Once you've installed DuoConnect and updated your SSH client configuration(s), test an SSH connection to make sure everything is working properly.":"安装 DuoConnect 并更新 SSH 客户端配置后,请测试 SSH 连接以确保一切正常。","#The next page instructs you to close the browser tab and return to your SSH client.":"下一页会指示您关闭浏览器选项卡并返回到 SSH 客户端。","#Duo Enrollment Instructions":"Duo 注册说明","#DuoConnect Update Page":"DuoConnect 更新页面","#DuoConnect Download Link for Linux":"适用于 Linux 的 DuoConnect 下载链接","#DuoConnect updates are either optional or required. You'll be able to skip an optional update and continue connecting to the remote SSH host, but required updates must be installed before you can access any system.":"DuoConnect 更新要么是可选的,要么是必需的。您可以跳过可选更新并继续连接到远程 SSH 主机,但必须安装必需更新才能访问任何系统。","#Configure SSH":"配置 SSH","#Test SSH Login":"测试 SSH 登录","#A browser window will pop-up, prompting you to enter your organizational username and password.":"系统将弹出浏览器窗口,提示您输入组织用户名和密码。","#On the \"DuoConnect Setup Wizard\" page, click Next.":"在“DuoConnect 设置向导”页面上,点击下一步。","#You'll be asked to enter your password. Upon successful installation you'll see the following:":"系统将要求您输入密码。安装成功后,您将看到以下内容:","#Chrome on macOS opens a blank browser page and doesn't authenticate. What should I do?":"macOS 上的 Chrome 会打开一个空白浏览器页面,并且不进行身份验证。我应该怎么办?","#If you are not running the minimum required version of DuoConnect when attempting to authenticate to an SSH server, we'll let you know that your DuoConnect client is out of date and that you must update to continue connecting.":"如果您在尝试向 SSH 服务器进行身份验证时未运行所需的最低 DuoConnect 版本,系统会告知您:您的 DuoConnect 客户端已过期,必须进行更新才能继续连接。","#You can now run the installer by typing:":"现在,您可以通过输入以下内容运行安装程序:","#DuoConnect Download Link for macOS":"适用于 macOS 的 DuoConnect 下载链接","#If you are not running the latest DuoConnect when attempting to authenticate to an SSH server we'll let you know that your DuoConnect client is out of date.":"如果您在尝试进行身份验证以连接到 SSH 服务器时运行的不是最新版本的 DuoConnect,系统会向您发出通知,指出您的 DuoConnect 客户端已过期。","#Save the ~/.ssh/config file.":"保存 ~/.ssh/config 文件。","#Start an SSH connection as you normally would to connect to your SSH server.":"照常启动 SSH 连接以连接到 SSH 服务器。","#If you click Update Later, you will complete authentication and successfully log in but will be prompted again to update the next time you need to authenticate to an SSH server.":"如果点击稍后更新,您将完成身份验证并成功登录,但下次需要向 SSH 服务器进行身份验证时,系统会再次提示您进行更新。","#Install DuoConnect":"安装 DuoConnect","#On the \"Select a Destination\" page leave the default destination selected and click Continue.":"在“选择目的设备”页面上,将默认目的设备保持选中状态,然后点击继续。","#Click Close on the \"The installation was completed successfully\" page. When asked if you'd like to move the installer to trash, click Move to Trash to delete the installer package from your system.":"点击“安装成功完成”页面上的关闭。当系统询问您是否要将安装程序移至垃圾桶时,点击移至垃圾桶以从系统中删除安装程序包。","#Congratulations! You have successfully accessed your SSH server using DuoConnect!":"祝贺您!您已成功使用 DuoConnect 访问 SSH 服务器!","#In your terminal window type the following command to unpack the installer:":"在终端窗口中,输入以下命令以解压安装程序:","#Open up a terminal window and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the DuoConnect installer gz file.":"打开终端窗口并导航至您下载 DuoConnect 安装程序 gz 文件的目录。","#There is a macOS issue where Chrome fails to open links correctly with a pending Chrome update. Update and relaunch Chrome to proceed. A fix for this is expected in macOS 10.13.4.":"macOS 存在以下问题:Chrome 无法正确打开链接并显示待处理的 Chrome 更新。更新并重新启动 Chrome 以继续。该问题在 macOS 10.13.4 中得到解决。","#Click Install on the \"Select Install on HD\" page.":"点击“选择 HD 安装”页面上的安装。","#At the beginning of the day, when using VS Code or similar tools, you may see a browser pop-up prompting you for first factor without you initiating a connection.":"在一开始使用 VS Code 或类似工具时,您可能会看到浏览器弹出窗口提示您输入第一个因素,而无需启动连接。","#Windows Clients":"Windows 客户端","#We'll periodically release new versions of DuoConnect with new features or functionality, bug fixes, or security patches.":"我们将定期发布新版本的 DuoConnect,其中包含新的特性或功能、漏洞修复或安全补丁。","#After you install the updated DuoConnect client you will need to reauthenticate to the server from your terminal.":"安装更新的 DuoConnect 客户端后,您需要从终端重新向服务器进行身份验证。","#Duo Prompt Instructions":"Duo Prompt 说明","#Download the latest DuoConnect Installer for macOS on your computer while logged in as an administrator.":"以管理员身份登录时,在您的计算机上下载最新的适用于 macOS 的 DuoConnect 安装程序。","#Repeat these steps for all SSH servers provided to you by your Duo administrator.":"对 Duo 管理员提供给您的所有 SSH 服务器重复上述步骤。","#If you click Update Now, you will be taken to a page to download and install the newest version of DuoConnect for your computer platform.":"如果点击立即更新,您将进入一个页面,在其中可以为您的计算机平台下载并安装最新版本的 DuoConnect。","#DuoConnect PuTTY Configuration":"DuoConnect PuTTY 配置","#After primary login you'll need to complete Duo two-factor authentication (or enroll yourself in Duo).":"在主登录后,您需要完成 Duo 双因素身份验证(或在 Duo 中注册自己)。","#VS Code Documentation":"VS Code 文档","#Return to top":"返回页首","#Top":"顶部","#You can find more information here: Using Version Control in VS Code.":"您可以在此处找到更多信息:在 VS Code 中使用版本控制。","#Click for sound":"点击聆听声音","#Show captions menu":"显示字幕菜单","#Note that the filename may differ slightly from this example to reflect the most recent version.":"请注意,文件名可能与本示例略有不同,以反映最新版本。","#DuoConnect is supported on 64-bit versions of Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. To use DuoConnect, you'll need to install the DuoConnect client software on your workstation, then perform some configuration steps for SSH to work. Your Duo administrator will send you the detailed connection information you’ll need to update your SSH connections.":"DuoConnect 在 64 位版本的 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 系统上受支持。要使用 DuoConnect,您需要在工作站上安装 DuoConnect 客户端软件,然后执行一些配置步骤以使 SSH 正常工作。您的 Duo 管理员将向您发送更新 SSH 连接所需的详细连接信息。","#On the \"Welcome to the DuoConnect Installer\" page, click Continue.":"在“欢迎使用 DuoConnect 安装程序”页面上,点击继续。","#Can I restore a backup to a different mobile platform (Android → iOS or iOS → Android)?":"是否可以将备份恢复到其他移动平台(Android → iOS 或 iOS → Android)?","#Duo Mobile Reconnect":"Duo Mobile 重新连接","#Scan the barcode from your third-party account 2FA setup screen, or, to recover a Duo-protected account, access the My Settings and Devices page from the Duo prompt to reactivate the account. If your organization hasn't enabled self-service device management, contact your IT Help Desk or Duo service administrator for assistance reactivating the account.":"从您的第三方账户 2FA 设置屏幕扫描条码,或者,要恢复受 Duo 保护的账户,请从 Duo Prompt 访问我的设置和设备页面以重新激活该账户。如果贵组织尚未启用自助服务设备管理,请联系您的 IT 服务中心或 Duo 服务管理员,以获取有关重新激活账户的帮助。","#Self-service portal instructions":"自助服务门户说明","#​Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Examples: \"123456\" or \"1456789\"":"示例:“123456”或“1456789”","#Duo Restore - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Restore - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Have a new phone? Want to add a security key? You can easily add new devices right from the Duo Prompt.":"有新手机?想要添加安全密钥?您可以直接从 Duo Prompt 轻松添加新设备。","#Restore your new or reset iOS device from your iCloud backup.":"从 iCloud 备份恢复新的或重置的 iOS 设备。","#Backup and restore of third-party accounts requires Duo Mobile version 3.28 or newer. Duo mobile versions 3.17 to 3.27 permit restore of Duo-protected accounts only.":"备份和恢复第三方账户需要使用 Duo Mobile 3.28 或更高版本。Duo Mobile 版本 3.17 至 3.27 仅允许恢复受 Duo 保护的账户。","#When Duo Mobile detects you have a third-party account, you'll be prompted to create a recovery password. Tap Enable Now to set one.":"当 Duo Mobile 检测到您拥有第三方账户时,系统将提示您创建恢复密码。轻触立即启用以设置一个恢复密码。","#Recovering Duo-Protected Accounts":"恢复受 Duo 保护的账户","#Recovering Third-Party Accounts":"恢复第三方账户","#Enter a recovery password that has 10-128 characters. Do not lose this password! You'll need to provide it again to recover these accounts. Duo cannot recover this password for you. Be sure to store it securely. If you lose this password you'll need to manually reconnect your third-party accounts by visiting each of those services individually and following their 2FA setup process.":"输入包含 10-128 个字符的恢复密码。请勿丢失此密码!您需要再次提供该密码才能恢复这些账户。Duo 无法为您恢复此密码。请务必妥善保管好该密码。如果您丢失此密码,则需要分别访问各项服务并遵循其 2FA 设置流程,以便手动重新连接第三方账户。","#Due to how apps are automatically backed up in iOS, the backup functionality of Duo Restore is always on for iOS users who have iCloud enabled and they will not see a notification indicating their information is being backed up. However, whether an account can be restored depends upon Duo Restore being enabled by the administrator in the Duo Admin Panel or whether you've set a recovery password for reconnecting third-party accounts.":"由于在 iOS 中会自动备份应用,因此对于已启用 iCloud 的 iOS 用户,Duo Restore 的备份功能始终处于启用状态,并且他们不会看到指示其信息正在备份的通知。但是,账户是否可以恢复取决于管理员在 Duo 管理面板中是否启用了 Duo Restore 功能,或者您是否设置了用于重新连接第三方账户的恢复密码。","#Duo Mobile's restore functionality lets you back up Duo-protected accounts and third-party OTP accounts (such as Google or Facebook) for recovery to the same device or to a new device.":"Duo Mobile 的恢复功能使您可以备份受 Duo 保护的账户和第三方 OTP 账户(例如 Google 或 Facebook),以便恢复到同一设备或新设备。","#See third-party account recovery on iOS in action.":"请参阅在 iOS 上恢复第三方账户的实际操作。","#When you return to the accounts list after a successful third-party accounts restore, you'll be able to tap your third-party accounts to generate passcodes for logging into those services.":"当您在成功恢复第三方账户后返回到账户列表时,可以轻触第三方账户以生成用于登录这些服务的密码。","#Enable Duo Restore for Third-Party Accounts":"为第三方账户启用 Duo Restore","#When Duo Mobile 3.28 or later detects you have a third-party account, you'll be prompted to create a recovery password. Tap Enable Now to set one.":"当 Duo Mobile 3.28 或更高版本检测到您拥有第三方账户时,系统将提示您创建恢复密码。轻触立即启用以设置一个恢复密码。","#If you previously created a third-party account backup, Duo Mobile notifies you that it found accounts to recover. Tap Automatically reconnect to begin the recovery process.":"如果您之前创建了第三方账户备份,Duo Mobile 会通知您它发现了要恢复的账户。轻触自动重新连接以开始恢复过程。","#Enter your recovery password and then tap Reconnect. Duo Mobile restores your third-party accounts.":"输入恢复密码,然后轻触重新连接。Duo Mobile 将恢复您的第三方账户。","#See third-party account recovery on Android in action.":"请参阅在 Android 上恢复第三方账户的实际操作。","#Note that this doesn't reconnect your Duo-protected accounts. You'll still need to perform the Duo-protected account recovery steps before you can use those accounts to log in to Duo-protected services with Duo Push or Duo Mobile passcodes.":"请注意,这不会重新连接受 Duo 保护的账户。您仍需要先执行受 Duo 保护的账户恢复步骤,然后才能使用这些账户通过 Duo Push 或 Duo Mobile 密码登录到受 Duo 保护的服务。","#Duo-protected recovery instructions":"受 Duo 保护的恢复说明","#If the Duo Restore feature is not enabled by your Duo administrator, or your backup includes third-party accounts but you did not set a recovery password for those accounts, you will see a screen like this upon attempting account recovery (tapping Reconnect) within Duo Mobile:":"如果您的 Duo 管理员未启用 Duo Restore 功能,或者您的备份包含第三方账户,但您没有为这些账户设置恢复密码,则在 Duo Mobile 中尝试进行账户恢复(轻触重新连接)时,您会看到如下屏幕:","#Recovering Accounts Manually":"手动恢复账户","#At this point, you can also choose to enable account recovery for your third-party accounts by tapping Automatically reconnect third-party accounts. If you don't enable this now, Duo Mobile will remind you later when you add your first third-party account.":"此时,您还可以通过轻触自动重新连接第三方账户来选择为第三方账户启用账户恢复。如果您现在未启用此功能,Duo Mobile 稍后会在您添加第一个第三方账户时提醒您。","#If you opt-in to third-party account backup and restore, and have set an account recovery password, then the app backups to Google Drive (Android) or iCloud (iOS) do include the private key information for your third-party accounts. The backups are encrypted by the recovery password, which is only known to you and cannot be recovered by Duo. When you restore a backup that contains third-party account information you must enter the recovery password to decrypt the backup.":"如果您选择加入第三方账户备份和恢复,并设置了账户恢复密码,则 Google Drive (Android) 或 iCloud (iOS) 的应用备份会包含您的第三方账户的私钥信息。这些备份由恢复密码加密,该恢复密码只有您知道,不能由 Duo 恢复。当恢复包含第三方账户信息的备份时,必须输入恢复密码才能解密备份。","#When prompted, enter and confirm a recovery password that has 10-128 characters. Do not lose this password! You'll need to provide it again to recover these accounts. Duo cannot recover this password for you. Be sure to store it securely. If you lose this password you'll need to manually reconnect your third-party accounts by visiting each of those services individually and following their 2FA setup process.":"出现提示时,输入并确认包含 10-128 个字符的恢复密码。请勿丢失此密码!您需要再次提供该密码才能恢复这些账户。Duo 无法为您恢复此密码。请务必妥善保管好该密码。如果您丢失此密码,则需要分别访问各项服务并遵循其 2FA 设置流程,以便手动重新连接第三方账户。","#On Android, deleting the Duo Mobile app will delete all accounts from your device. Deleting the Duo Mobile app essentially wipes the potential for unassisted account recovery, as any Duo Restore data backed up to Google Drive, if enabled, will be removed as well.":"在 Android 设备上,删除 Duo Mobile 应用将删除设备上的所有账户。删除 Duo Mobile 应用实质上会消除无辅助账户恢复的可能性,因为备份到 Google Drive 的任何 Duo Restore 数据(如果已启用)也会被删除。","#If account information is found, you will then see the accounts on the Duo Restore screen and in your main accounts list, but with a Reconnect button instead of the key button used to generate passcodes.":"如果找到账户信息,您将在 Duo Restore 屏幕和主账户列表中看到账户,但显示的是重新连接按钮,而不是用于生成密码的密钥按钮。","#Enter and confirm a recovery password that has 10-128 characters.":"输入并确认包含 10-128 个字符的恢复密码。","#Users cannot inspect or open backup files. iCloud does not provide a way for users to view the backup file. Google Drive users can view that Duo Mobile is using their Drive to store data and the size of that backup but cannot interact with that file. Duo Mobile only has access to the application-specific folder in Google Drive.":"用户无法检查或打开备份文件。 iCloud 不为用户提供查看备份文件的方式。Google Drive 用户可以看到 Duo Mobile 正在使用其 Drive 存储数据和该备份的大小,但无法与该文件交互。Duo Mobile 只能访问 Google Drive 中应用特定的文件夹。","#Back up your device to iCloud. Nightly iCloud backups will include Duo Restore information. Encrypted iTunes backups will also work.":"将设备备份到 iCloud。夜间 iCloud 备份将包含 Duo Restore 信息。加密的 iTunes 备份也可以使用。","#Optionally enable third-party account restore by tapping Automatically reconnect third-party accounts.":"(可选)通过轻触自动重新连接第三方账户来启用第三方账户恢复。","#Open the Duo Mobile app on your new or reset device.":"在新设备或重置的设备上打开 Duo Mobile 应用。","#Select the Google account you used when initially setting up Duo Restore.":"选择最初设置 Duo Restore 时使用的 Google 账户。","#If Duo Mobile finds a valid backup in your Google Drive, it restores your previoulsy backed-up accounts. If your backup included third-party accounts, enter your recovery password when prompted.":"如果 Duo Mobile 在您的 Google Drive 中找到有效的备份,它会恢复之前备份的账户。如果您的备份包含第三方账户,请在系统提示时输入恢复密码。","#From your new Android device, download the latest Duo Mobile App from the Google Play Store.":"在新的 Android 设备上,从 Google Play Store 下载最新的 Duo Mobile 应用。","#If you haven't enabled third-party account restore in Duo Mobile then app backups to Google Drive (Android) or iCloud (iOS) accounts DO NOT contain any private key or other sensitive data. Do note that some third-party accounts use an email address as the primary identifier, and thus will be included in the backup (Amazon, Gmail, and others).":"如果您尚未在 Duo Mobile 中启用第三方账户恢复,则 Google Drive (Android) 或 iCloud (iOS) 账户的应用备份不包含任何私钥或其他敏感数据。请注意,某些第三方账户使用电子邮件地址作为主要标识符,因此该地址将包含在备份中(Amazon、Gmail 等)。","#Select a Google account to store your backup.":"选择要存储备份的 Google 账户。","#It depends on the device's operating system.":"它取决于设备的操作系统。","#On iOS, all accounts are retained in the device's secure keychain when you delete the app. This means both Duo-protected and third-party accounts will be available if you reinstall Duo Mobile on the same device. Accounts are only deleted when done so explicitly in the app.":"在 iOS 上,删除应用时,所有账户都保留在设备的安全密钥链中。这意味着,如果您在同一设备上重新安装 Duo Mobile,则受 Duo 保护的账户和第三方账户都将可用。只有在应用中明确删除账户时,才会删除账户。","#Turn on Duo Restore by tapping Backup accounts with Google Drive.":"轻触使用 Google Drive 备份账户,打开 Duo Restore。","#Full device encrypted backups to iTunes will back up both the account listings and private key pairs, but can only be restored on the SAME phone that created the backup.":"对 iTunes 的完整设备加密备份将备份账户列表和私钥对,但只能在创建备份的同一手机上进行恢复。","#When you add your first-ever account in the Duo Mobile app, you will see a new notification prompt to enable Duo Restore on your device.":"在 Duo Mobile 应用中添加您的第一个账户时,您将看到一个新的通知提示,指示在您的设备上启用 Duo Restore。","#Duo Mobile Recovery Account Selection":"Duo Mobile 恢复账户选择","#Tap SET UP NOW and select the Google account to use for Duo Restore. Grant Duo Mobile permission to store the backup in your Google Drive.":"轻触立即设置并选择要用于 Duo Restore 的 Google 账户。向 Duo Mobile 授予在您的 Google Drive 中存储备份的权限。","#Duo Mobile Recovery Setup":"Duo Mobile 恢复设置","#Tap Get My Account Back from the welcome screen.":"在欢迎屏幕中轻触找回我的账户。","#Please note: because we use the most secure storage methods on your device, if you wipe data from your device, or upgrade your device, you will need to recover your third-party accounts from a previous backup with Duo Restore, or reprovision your accounts. It is not possible to export third-party accounts from Duo Mobile.":"请注意:由于我们在您的设备上使用最安全的存储方法,因此,如果您从设备擦除数据或升级您的设备,则需要使用 Duo Restore 从以前的备份恢复您的第三方账户,或重新调配您的账户。无法从 Duo Mobile 导出第三方账户。","#From your new Android device, download version 3.28 or newer of the Duo Mobile App from the Google Play Store.":"在新的 Android 设备上,从 Google Play Store 下载 3.28 版本或更高版本的 Duo Mobile 应用。","#It's a good idea to also follow the recommended backup directions for your third-party accounts, e.g., a phone number or backup code, in case there is an issue restoring from Duo Mobile's third-party account backup (like if you forget your recovery password).":"如果在从 Duo Mobile 的第三方账户备份中恢复时遇到问题(例如,您忘记了恢复密码),则最好还按照第三方账户的建议备份说明(例如电话号码或备份代码)进行操作。","#Duo's self-enrollment process makes it easy to register your phone or tablet and activate the Duo Mobile application so you can receive Duo requests via push notification and tap to approve and login.":"Duo 的自行注册过程使您可以轻松注册手机或平板电脑,并激活 Duo Mobile 应用,以便您可以通过推送通知接收 Duo 请求,然后轻触即可批准和登录。","#Step Four: Choose Platform":"第 4 步:选择平台","#Complete Device Enrollment":"完成设备注册","#Step One: Welcome Screen":"第 1 步:欢迎屏幕","#Learn more about authenticating with Duo in the guide to using the Duo Prompt.":"在 Duo Prompt 使用指南中详细了解如何使用 Duo 进行身份验证。","#Step Two: Choose Your Authentication Device Type":"第 2 步:选择身份验证设备类型","#Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer 8 or later. Some browsers do not support all of Duo's authentication devices (for example, Security Keys won't work with Internet Explorer). For the widest compatibility with Duo's authentication methods, we recommend recent versions of Chrome and Firefox.":"支持的浏览器ChromeFirefox、Safari、Edge、Opera 和 Internet Explorer 8 或更高版本。某些浏览器不支持 Duo 的所有身份验证设备(例如,安全密钥无法与 Internet Explorer 配合使用)。为了实现与 Duo 身份验证方式的最广泛兼容性,我们建议使用最新版本的 Chrome 和 Firefox。","#Step Six: Activate Duo Mobile":"第 6 步:激活 Duo Mobile","#Security Key Instructions":"安全密钥说明","#Step Three: Enter Your Phone Number":"第 3 步:输入您的电话号码","#Duo prompts you to enroll the first time you log into into a protected VPN or web application when using a browser or client application that shows the interactive Duo web-based prompt. Alternatively, you might receive an email from your organization's Duo administrator with an enrollment link.":"当使用显示基于 Web 的交互式 Duo 提示的浏览器或客户端应用时,Duo 会在您首次登录受保护的 VPN 或 Web 应用时提示您进行注册。或者,您可能会收到来自贵组织 Duo 管理员的邮件,其中包含注册链接。","#Touch ID Instructions":"Touch ID 说明","#Enrollment Success":"注册成功","#Double-check that you entered it correctly, check the box, and click Continue.":"仔细检查您输入的内容是否正确无误,选中该复选框,然后点击继续。","#Step Seven: Configure Device Options (optional)":"第 7 步:配置设备选项(可选)","#Your device is ready to approve Duo push authentication requests. Click Send me a Push to give it a try. All you need to do is tap Approve on the Duo login request received at your phone.":"您的设备已准备就绪,可以批准 Duo Push 身份验证请求。点击向我发送推送通知进行尝试。您只需在您的手机收到的 Duo 登录请求中轻触批准。","#Duo supports a wide variety of devices that you can use in addition to Duo Push on your smartphone. Learn more about other types of devices you can enroll, like Security Keys and macOS Touch ID, or different ways of using your phone to authenticate, like with receiving SMS passcodes or approving logins via phone call. Some authentication methods may be restricted by your organization's policy, or incompatible with some browsers or applications.":"除智能手机上的 Duo Push 外,Duo 还支持您使用多种不同的设备。详细了解您可以注册的其他设备类型(例如安全密钥macOS Touch ID),或使用电话进行身份验证的不同方式(例如接收短信密码或通过电话呼叫批准登录)。某些身份验证方式可能受贵组织的策略限制,或者与某些浏览器或应用不兼容。","#SMS and Phone Call Instructions":"短信和电话呼叫说明","#Other Supported Authentication Methods":"其他受支持的身份验证方式","#Enrolling Your Phone or Tablet in Duo":"在 Duo 中注册您的手机或平板电脑","#Step Three: Type Your Phone Number":"第 3 步:输入您的电话号码","#Add or Manage Devices After Enrollment":"在注册后添加或管理设备","#Duo Security Keys Instructions":"Duo 安全密钥说明","#Step Five: Install Duo Mobile":"第 5 步:安装 Duo Mobile","#Step Seven: Configure Device Options":"第 7 步:配置设备选项","#See the instructions for adding a new device":"请参阅有关添加新设备的说明","#Accessing Device Management":"访问设备管理","#Add a new device instructions":"添加新设备说明","#To add a new authentication device, click the Add a new device link on the left side of the Duo Prompt. You'll be taken to the new device enrollment prompt.":"要添加新的身份验证设备,请点击 Duo Prompt 左侧的添加新设备链接。您将转到新设备注册提示。","#See the full Duo Restore guide for iOS here.":"请参阅此处提供的完整 iOS 版 Duo Restore 指南。","#If your administrator enabled Duo Mobile's backup and restore functionality and you previously backed up your Duo-protected accounts from the app to iCloud you can restore your accounts to Duo Mobile on a new iOS device via the guided recovery process. You can also opt-in to third-party account backup and recovery.":"如果您的管理员启用了 Duo Mobile 的备份和恢复功能,并且您之前已将受 Duo 保护的账户从应用备份到 iCloud,则可以通过有指导的恢复过程在新的 iOS 设备上将账户恢复到 Duo Mobile。您还可以选择加入第三方账户备份和恢复。","#See the full Duo Restore guide for Android here.":"请参阅此处提供的完整 Android 版 Duo Restore 指南。","#If your administrator enabled Duo Mobile's backup and restore functionality and you previously backed up your Duo-protected accounts from the app to Google Drive you can restore your accounts to Duo Mobile on a new Android device via the guided recovery process. You can also perform third-party account recovery if you previously opted-in to third-party account restore. Start the account recovery process by tapping Get my account back on the Duo Mobile welcome screen, or go to Settings > Duo Restore.":"如果您的管理员启用了 Duo Mobile 的备份和恢复功能,并且您先前已将受 Duo 保护的账户从应用备份到 Google Drive,则可以通过引导恢复过程将您的账户恢复到新的 Android 设备上的 Duo Mobile。如果您先前已选择加入第三方账户恢复,也可以执行第三方账户恢复。在 Duo Mobile 欢迎屏幕上轻触恢复我的账户或转至设置 > Duo Restore,开始账户恢复流程","#Learn how to enroll Touch ID in Duo and use it for authentication.":"了解如何在 Duo 中注册 Touch ID 并将其用于身份验证。","#Video Overview of Touch ID and Duo":"Touch ID 和 Duo 的视频概述","#Examples: \"mypass123,123456\" or \"mypass123,1456789\"":"示例:“mypass123,123456”或“mypass123,1456789”","#If you need to use the passcode from Duo Mobile in another mobile app simply tap the passcode to copy the currently shown code and paste it into the other app.":"如果您需要在其他移动应用中使用 Duo Mobile 的密码,只需轻触密码即可复制当前显示的密码并将其粘贴到其他应用中。","#Download the latest DuoConnect Installer for Linux on your computer while logged in as a user with sudo permission.":"以具有 sudo 权限的用户身份登录时,在您的计算机上下载适用于 Linux 的最新 DuoConnect 安装程序。","#You'll see a message in the Duo prompt letting you know your operating system, browser, or plugin is blocked.":"您会在 Duo Prompt 中看到一条消息,告知您操作系统、浏览器或插件已被阻止。","#Firefox, Java, and Flash all include auto-update functionality. Consider enabling this to avoid being out of date in the future. Chrome defaults to automatic updates.":"Firefox、Java 和 Flash 都包含自动更新功能。请考虑启用此功能,以避免将来出现过期的情况。Chrome 默认设置为自动更新。","#Installing Duo Mobile":"安装 Duo Mobile","#Security Key Requirements":"安全密钥要求","#Security Keys and Duo":"安全密钥和 Duo","#Wikipedia Entry for WebAuthn":"WebAuthn 的维基百科条目","#Using Security Keys with Duo - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"将安全密钥与 Duo 配合使用 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Wikipedia Entry for U2F":"U2F 的维基百科条目","#What are Security Keys?":"什么是安全密钥?","#Enrolling your Security Key":"注册您的安全密钥","#Our two-factor authentication platform supports security keys, offering secure login approvals resistant to phishing attacks combined with the one-tap convenience you're already used to with Duo Push.":"我们的双因素身份验证平台支持安全密钥,提供抵御网络钓鱼攻击的安全登录审批,以及您通过 Duo Push 已然获得的一键式便利。","#Firefox Browser Site":"Firefox 浏览器站点","#Chrome Browser Site":"Chrome 浏览器站点","#Additionally, your administrator must enable the use of security keys in Duo. Check with your organization's support team or help desk to verify that security keys are allowed if you are uncertain.":"此外,管理员必须在 Duo 中启用安全密钥。如果不确定,请咨询贵组织的支持团队或服务中心,以验证是否允许使用安全密钥。","#Authenticating with a Security Key":"使用安全密钥进行身份验证","#Adding a Security Key From the Duo Prompt":"从 Duo Prompt 添加安全密钥","#The next time you log on using Duo, you can simply tap or insert your security key to log in. Some types of keys flash as a prompt for you to authenticate.":"下次使用 Duo 登录时,只需轻触或插入安全密钥即可登录。某些类型的密钥会闪烁,提示您进行身份验证。","#In order to use a security key with Duo, make sure you have the following:":"要将安全密钥与 Duo 配合使用,请确保您具备以下条件:","#Proceed with the security key enrollment process as shown above in Initial Enrollment with a Security Key.":"继续进行安全密钥注册过程,如上文使用安全密钥进行初始注册中所示。","#Once you select your security key from the list, click Use Security Key and tap your security key when prompted.":"从列表中选择安全密钥后,点击使用安全密钥并在出现提示时轻触安全密钥。","#You can enroll your security key during the initial self-enrollment process or, if you have already enrolled in Duo using a different device (like your mobile phone), you can add your security key as an additional authentication device from the device management portal.":"您可以在初始自行注册过程中注册安全密钥,或者,如果您已使用其他设备(例如您的手机)在 Duo 中注册,则可以从设备管理门户将安全密钥添加为其他身份验证设备。","#You've added your security key (in this example, a securiy key from Yubico)! It is listed with your other enrolled devices.":"您已添加安全密钥(在本例中为来自 Yubico 的安全密钥)!它与您的其他已注册设备一起列出。","#When enrolling your security key, you'll be prompted to tap to enroll your security key (possibly more than once). You may also be asked if you want to allow Duo to access information about your security key (click Allow or Proceed as applicable).":"在注册安全密钥时,系统会提示您轻触以注册安全密钥(可能不止一次)。系统可能还会询问您是否允许 Duo 访问有关您的安全密钥的信息(点击允许继续,视情况而定)。","#Note that Duo Authentication for Windows Logon does not support U2F security keys for online authentication.":"请注意,Duo Authentication for Windows Logon 支持通过 U2F 安全密钥进行在线身份验证。","#Touch ID Requirements":"Touch ID 要求","#Enrolling Touch ID":"注册 Touch ID","#Additionally, your administrator must enable the use of Touch ID in Duo. Check with your organization's support team or help desk to verify that Touch ID is allowed if you are uncertain.":"此外,管理员必须在 Duo 中启用 Touch ID。如果不确定,请咨询贵组织的支持团队或服务中心,以验证是否允许使用 Touch ID。","#Authenticating with Touch ID":"使用 Touch ID 进行身份验证","#In order to use Touch ID with Duo, make sure you have the following:":"要将 Touch ID 与 Duo 配合使用,请确保您具备以下条件:","#A MacBook Pro or MacBook Air with a Touch ID button.":"具有 Touch ID 按钮的 MacBook Pro 或 MacBook Air。","#Adding Touch ID From the Duo Prompt":"从 Duo Prompt 添加 Touch ID","#Initial Enrollment with Touch ID":"使用 Touch ID 进行初始注册","#You'll see whether the Touch ID identification was successful or not.":"您将看到 Touch ID 识别是否成功。","#Using Apple Touch ID with Duo - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"将 Apple Touch ID 与 Duo 配合使用 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#You can enroll Touch ID during the initial self-enrollment process or, if you have already enrolled in Duo using a different device (like your mobile phone), you can add Touch ID as an additional authentication device from the device management portal.":"您可以在初始自行注册过程中注册 Touch ID,或者,如果您已使用其他设备(例如您的手机)在 Duo 中注册,则可以从设备管理门户将 Touch ID 添加为其他身份验证设备。","#Access the Duo enrollment page via a link emailed by your administrator, or when you log in for the first time to a Duo protected resource. Select Touch ID from the list of devices and then click Continue.":"通过管理员以电子邮件形式发送的链接,或者在您首次登录受 Duo 保护的资源时访问 Duo 注册页面。从设备列表中选择 Touch ID,然后点击继续。","#Congratulations! You have enrolled Touch ID.":"祝贺您!您已注册 Touch ID。","#Make sure that you're not blocking pop-up windows for the enrollment site before continuing with Touch ID.":"在继续使用 Touch ID 之前,请确保您没有阻止注册站点的弹出窗口。","#Place your finger on the Touch ID button in the Touch Bar.":"将手指放在 Touch Bar 中的 Touch ID 按钮上。","#The Touch ID enrollment window prompts you to tap the Touch ID button for approval.":"Touch ID 注册窗口会提示您轻触 Touch ID 按钮进行批准。","#When enrolling Touch ID, you'll be prompted to tap to enroll Touch ID. You may also be asked if you want to allow Duo to access information about Touch ID (click Allow if prompted).":"在注册 Touch ID 时,系统会提示您轻触以注册 Touch ID。系统可能还会询问您是否要允许 Duo 访问有关 Touch ID 的信息(如果系统提示,请点击允许)。","#Chrome 70 or later. Safari and other browsers on macOS are not supported.":"Chrome 70 或更高版本。macOS 上的 Safari 和其他浏览器不受支持。","#Support for Touch ID authentication is limited to web applications that show Duo's inline browser prompt.":"对Touch ID 身份验证的支持仅限于显示 Duo 的内联浏览器提示的 Web 应用。","#A fingerprint enrolled in Touch ID (see how to do this at the Apple Support site).":"在 Touch ID 中注册的指纹(请参阅 Apple 支持站点上的操作步骤)。","#In other browsers, you may need to select your security key from the drop-down list of your authentication devices.":"在其他浏览器中,您可能需要从身份验证设备的下拉列表中选择安全密钥。","#You've added Touch ID as an authentication device! It is listed with your other enrolled devices.":"您已将 Touch ID 添加为身份验证设备!它与您的其他已注册设备一起列出。","#If you previously enrolled other devices in Duo, you can easily add Touch ID as an additional authenticator as long as your administrator has enabled Duo's self-service portal.":"如果您之前在 Duo 中注册了其他设备,则只要您的管理员已启用 Duo 的自助服务门户,您即可轻松将 Touch ID 添加为其他身份验证器。","#The next time you log on using Duo with Chrome, you can select Touch ID from the drop-down list of your authentication devices.":"下次通过 Chrome 使用 Duo 登录时,可以从身份验证设备的下拉列表中选择 Touch ID。","#Once you select Touch ID from the list, click Use Touch ID and touch the Touch ID button when prompted.":"从列表中选择 Touch ID 后,点击使用 Touch ID,然后在系统提示时触摸 Touch ID 按钮。","#Existing U2F Users: Security Key Update":"现有 U2F 用户:安全密钥更新","#Simply click Continue and tap the security key.":"只需点击继续并轻触安全密钥即可。","#Self-Service Options":"自助服务选项","#Authenticating with the Duo Prompt":"使用 Duo Prompt 进行身份验证","#With Touch ID on macOS, you can have secure Duo login approvals resistant to phishing attacks combined with the one-touch convenience you're already used to with Duo Push.":"在 macOS 上使用 Touch ID,您可以拥有抵御网络钓鱼攻击的安全 Duo 登录审批,以及通过 Duo Push 已然获得的一键式便利。","#Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer 8 or later.":"支持的浏览器:Chrome、Firefox、Safari、Edge、Opera 和 Internet Explorer 8 或更高版本。","#Link to Feitian Site":"指向 Feitian 站点的链接","#You can also use security keys for one-touch hardware-backed authentication.":"您还可以使用安全密钥进行硬件支持的一键式身份验证。","#Link to Yubico site":"指向 Yubico 站点的链接","#If you have more than one device enrolled, like a mobile phone and a hardware token, you'll see a device selector.":"如果您注册了多台设备(例如手机和硬件令牌),则会看到设备选择器。","#You've added your security key (in this example, a security key from Yubico)! It is listed with your other enrolled devices.":"您已添加安全密钥(在本例中为来自 Yubico 的安全密钥)!它与您的其他已注册设备一起列出。","#After completing Duo enrollment (or if your Duo administrator set you up to use Duo), you'll see the Duo Prompt the next time you perform a browser-based login to a web service or application protected with Duo.":"完成 Duo 注册后(或者,如果您的 Duo 管理员将您设置为使用 Duo),下次您对受 Duo 保护的 Web 服务或应用执行基于浏览器的登录时,将看到 Duo Prompt。","#A security key plugs into your USB port and when tapped or when the button is pressed it sends a signed response back to Duo to validate your login. Duo uses the U2F and WebAuthn authentication standards to interact with your security keys. You may also see WebAuthn referred to as \"FIDO2\".":"将安全密钥插入 USB 端口后,当轻触它或按下按钮时,它会将签名的响应发送回 Duo 以验证您的登录。Duo 使用 U2FWebAuthn 身份验证标准来与您的安全密钥进行交互。您可能还会看到 WebAuthn 称为“FIDO2”。","#If you have more than one MacBook with which you'd like to approve Duo login requests using Touch ID, you'll need to enroll each of them separately as a new Touch ID device in Duo.":"如果您想要使用 Touch ID 为多台 MacBook 批准 Duo 登录请求,则需要在 Duo 中分别将每台设备注册为新的 Touch ID 设备。","#Proceed with the Touch ID enrollment process as shown above in Initial Enrollment with Touch ID.":"继续进行 Touch ID 注册过程,如上文使用 Touch ID 进行初始注册中所示。","#You must use a normal Chrome browsing window for Touch ID enrollment or authentication. Duo can't use Touch ID in an Incognito window.":"您必须使用常规 Chrome 浏览窗口进行 Touch ID 注册或身份验证。Duo 无法在隐身窗口中使用 Touch ID。","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports iOS 11.0 and greater. Support for older Duo Mobile versions on iOS 10.0 ended July 28, 2019.":"支持的平台:当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 iOS 11.0 及更高版本。对 iOS 10.0 上较早版本的 Duo Mobile 的支持已于 2019 年 7 月 28 日终止。","#Duo does not provide official support for non-standard custom Android distributions like OnePlus, LineageOS, or ColorOS, nor is Duo Mobile supported for use on ChromeOS.":"Duo 不为 OnePlus、LineageOS 或 ColorOS 等非标准自定义 Android 发行版提供官方支持,也不支持在 ChromeOS 上使用 Duo Mobile。","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports Android 7.0 and greater. Support for older Duo Mobile versions on Android 6.0 ended July 28, 2019.":"支持的平台:当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 Android 7.0 及更高版本。对 Android 6.0 上较早版本的 Duo Mobile 的支持已于 2019 年 7 月 28 日终止。","#Please check our knowledge base or contact your system administrator if you have an issue that isn't listed here.":"如果您的问题未在此处列出,请检查我们的知识库或联系您的系统管理员。","#I am running iOS 10 and I am not able to install the current version of Duo Mobile from the App Store on my device.":"我运行的是 iOS 10,但无法从设备上的 App Store 安装当前版本的 Duo Mobile。","#Dark Theme":"深色主题","#Duo Mobile supports dark theme on Android as of version 3.29.0.":"Android 版 Duo Mobile(自版本 3.29.0 起)支持深色模式。","#Duo Mobile Dark Theme Screens":"Duo Mobile 深色主题屏幕","#Tap Device theme and select Dark.":"轻触设备主题并选择深色。","#Go to SettingsDisplayTheme and select Dark Theme.":"转至设置显示主题,然后选择深色主题。","#Pull down the Android settings from the notification tray and tap Dark Theme.":"从通知托盘中下拉 Android 设置,然后轻触深色主题。","#Go to SettingsDisplay and tap Advanced.":"转至设置显示,然后轻触高级。","#Some Android P (9) devices support dark theme as well. To enable on Android 9:":"某些 Android P (9) 设备也支持深色主题。要在 Android 9 上启用,请执行以下操作:","#Duo Mobile's dark theme depends on your Android system settings. There is no in-app toggle to enable dark theme. If your device has the system-wide dark setting enabled, Duo Mobile automatically switches to dark theme.":"Duo Mobile 的深色主题取决于您的 Android 系统设置。没有应用内开关可用来启用深色主题。如果您的设备启用了全系统深色设置,Duo Mobile 会自动切换到深色主题。","#Duo Mobile TestFlight Link":"Duo Mobile TestFlight 链接","#TestFlight App on iTunes":"iTunes 上的 TestFlight 应用","#You'll need to install the Apple TestFlight application on your device.":"您需要在设备上安装 Apple TestFlight 应用。","#The minimum supported operating system version for Duo Mobile 3.29.0 and above is iOS 11.":"Duo Mobile 3.29.0 及更高版本支持的最低操作系统版本为 iOS 11。","#iOS 10 users may download the last Duo Mobile version compatible with that iOS version (3.28.1) via Apple's TestFlight program.":"iOS 10 用户可以通过 Apple 的 TestFlight 程序下载与该 iOS 版本兼容的最后一个 Duo Mobile 版本 (3.28.1)。","#Support for Duo Mobile on Blackberry ended November 1, 2016. Users can no longer self-enroll BlackBerry devices from the Duo Prompt. Duo no longer provides troubleshooting assistance for Blackberry devices. These instructions remain available for users who installed and activated the Duo Mobile app prior to September 2018. Learn more...":"Blackberry 上对 Duo Mobile 的支持已于 2016 年 11 月 1 日终止。用户无法再通过 Duo Prompt 自行注册 Blackberry 设备。Duo 不再为 Blackberry 设备提供故障排除帮助。对于在 2018 年 9 月之前安装并激活 Duo Mobile 应用的用户,这些说明仍然可供参考使用。了解详情...","#You can enable dark theme on Android 10 in a few different ways:":"您可以通过多种不同的方式在 Android 10 上启用深色主题:","#Duo Mobile Dark Mode Screens":"Duo Mobile 深色模式屏幕","#Dark Mode":"深色模式","#Duo Mobile's dark mode depends on your iOS system settings. There is no in-app toggle to enable dark mode. If your device has the system-wide dark setting enabled, Duo Mobile automatically switches to dark mode.":"Duo Mobile 的深色模式取决于您的 iOS 系统设置。没有应用内开关可用来启用深色模式。如果您的设备启用了全系统深色设置,Duo Mobile 会自动切换到深色模式。","#Duo Mobile supports dark mode on iOS 13 and later as of version 3.29.0.":"在 iOS 13 及更高版本上的 Duo Mobile(自版本 3.29.0 起)支持深色模式。","#Go to SettingsDisplay & BrightnessAppearance and select Dark.":"转至设置显示和亮度外观并选择深色。","#Swipe down on the right side of the screen to open Control Center. Press and hold the Brightness control to access additional options, and tap the Dark Mode button.":"在屏幕右侧向下轻扫以打开 Control Center。按住亮度控件以访问其他选项,然后轻触深色模式按钮。","#You can enable dark mode on Android 10 in a few different ways:":"您可以通过多种方式在 Android 10 上启用深色模式:","#Now you'll use the Duo Mobile app to generate a new passcode if you're asked for one when you log into your account. If you need to use the passcode from Duo Mobile in another mobile app simply tap the passcode to copy the currently shown code and paste it into the other app.":"现在,如果系统在您登录账户时要求输入密码,您需要使用 Duo Mobile 应用生成新密码。如果您需要在其他移动应用中使用 Duo Mobile 的密码,只需轻触密码即可复制当前显示的密码并将其粘贴到其他应用中。","#Using Passcodes":"使用密码","#Third-Party Account Setup":"第三方账户设置","#Depending on how your company configured Duo authentication, you may or may not see a “Passcode” field when using the Cisco AnyConnect client.":"根据贵公司配置 Duo 身份验证的方式,在使用 Cisco AnyConnect 客户端时,您可能会看到“密码”字段,也可能不会。","#AnyConnect Desktop Client with Second Password":"使用第二个密码的 AnyConnect Desktop 客户端","#AnyConnect Desktop Client with Single Password":"使用单个密码的 AnyConnect Desktop 客户端","#AnyConnect Mobile Client with Second Password":"使用第二个密码的 AnyConnect Mobile 客户端","#After you submit your login information, an authentication request is automatically sent to you via push to the Duo Mobile app or as a phone call.":"在您提交登录信息后,系统会通过推送到 Duo Mobile 应用或以电话呼叫的形式自动向您发送身份验证请求。","#AnyConnect Mobile Client with Single Password":"使用单个密码的 AnyConnect Mobile 客户端","#Alternatively, you can add a comma (“,”) to the end of your password, followed by a Duo passcode or the name of a Duo factor. Here's how:":"或者,您可以在密码末尾添加逗号(“,”),后跟 Duo 密码或 Duo 因素的名称。操作方法如下:","#If AnyConnect only prompts for a password, like so:":"如果 AnyConnect 仅提示输入密码,则如下所示:","#Single Password with Automatic Push":"单个密码和自动推送","#Second Password for Factor Selection":"用于因素选择的第二个密码","#The comma is Duo's default separator character between your password and the Duo factor. Your administrator may have changed this to a different character. Be sure to follow the instructions sent to you by your organization if they differ from what's shown here.":"逗号是 Duo 用于分隔密码和 Duo 因素的默认分隔符。您的管理员可能已将此分隔符更改为其他字符。如果贵组织发送给您的说明与此处显示的内容有所不同,请务必按照前者进行操作。","#If AnyConnect shows a \"Second Password\" input field (note that your AnyConnect administrator may have changed the \"Second Password\" label to something else):":"如果 AnyConnect 显示“第二个密码”输入字段(请注意,您的 AnyConnect 管理员可能已将“第二个密码”标签更改为其他内容):","#Password with Automatic Push":"密码和自动推送","#Depending on how your company configured Duo authentication, you may or may not see a “Passcode” field when using the Citrix Receiver client.":"根据贵公司配置 Duo 身份验证的方式,在使用 Citrix Receiver 客户端时,您可能会看到“密码”字段,也可能不会。","#Passcode for Factor Selection":"用于因素选择的密码","#Third-party Accounts Guide":"第三方账户指南","#This guide is intended for end-users whose organizations have already deployed Duo. If your organization isn't using Duo and you want to protect your personal accounts, see our Third-Party Accounts instructions.":"本指南面向其组织已部署 Duo 的最终用户。如果贵组织未使用 Duo,并且您希望保护您的个人账户,请参阅我们的第三方账户说明。","#There is no need to sign-up for an organizational account on duo.com if you only want to protect your personal accounts.":"如果您只想保护您的个人账户,则无需在 duo.com 上注册组织账户。","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports iOS 11.0 and greater.":"支持的平台:当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 iOS 11.0 及更高版本。","#July 28, 2019: End of support for Duo Mobile on iOS 10.0. Duo Mobile was removed from the App Store for iOS 10 on January 2. 2020.":"2019 年 7 月 28 日:终止对 iOS 10.0 上的 Duo Mobile 的支持。Duo Mobile 已于 2020 年 1 月 2 日从 iOS 10 的 App Store 中删除。","#December 1, 2020: End of support for Duo Mobile on iOS 11. Duo Mobile will still remain available for iOS 11 in the App Store until February 1, 2020.":"2020 年 12 月 1 日:终止对 iOS 11 上的 Duo Mobile 的支持。在 2020 年 2 月 1 日之前,App Store 中仍提供适用于 iOS 11 的 Duo Mobile。","#Back up your device to iCloud, with iCloud Keychain enabled to use Instant Restore. Nightly iCloud backups will include Duo Restore information. Encrypted iTunes backups will also work.":"将设备备份到 iCloud,同时启用 iCloud 密钥链以使用 Instant Restore。夜间 iCloud 备份将包含 Duo Restore 信息。加密的 iTunes 备份也可以使用。","#See the full Duo Restore guide for iOS":"请参阅完整的 iOS 版 Duo Restore 指南","#Enable iCloud Keychain":"启用 iCloud 密钥链","#End of Support Information:":"终止支持信息:","#Sign in to iCloud on your new iOS device and restore from an iCloud backup.":"在新的 iOS 设备上登录 iCloud 并从 iCloud 备份进行恢复。","#iCloud Backup Instructions from Apple":"来自 Apple 的 iCloud 备份说明","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports Android 7.0 and greater.":"支持的平台:当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 Android 7.0 及更高版本。","#July 28, 2019: End of support for Duo Mobile on Android 6. Duo Mobile was removed from the Google Play Store for Android 6 on January 2. 2020.":"2019 年 7 月 28 日:终止对 Android 6 上的 Duo Mobile 的支持。Duo Mobile 已于 2020 年 1 月 2 日从 Android 6 的 Google Play Store 中删除。","#December 1, 2020: End of support for Duo Mobile on Android 7. Duo Mobile will still remain available for Android 7 in the Google Play Store until February 1, 2020.":"2020 年 12 月 1 日:终止对 Android 7 上的 Duo Mobile 的支持。在 2020 年 2 月 1 日之前,Google Play Store 中仍提供适用于 Android 7 的 Duo Mobile。","#iCloud Restore Instructions from Apple":"来自 Apple 的 iCloud 恢复的说明","#See the full Duo Restore guide for Android":"请参阅完整的 Android 版 Duo Restore 指南","#iCloud Keychain Set Up Instructions from Apple":"来自 Apple 的 iCloud 密钥链设置说明","#Windows User Account Control (UAC)":"Windows 用户账户控制 (UAC)","#If your organization allows you to use this feature, you'll see the offline activation prompt after successful Duo two-factor authentication when you log in to, unlock the workstation, or approve a user elevation request while the system is online and able to contact Duo's service. Check with your organization's Duo administrators or Help Desk to verify availability of Offline Access on your workstation.":"如果贵组织允许您使用此功能,则在您登录时成功进行 Duo 双因素身份验证、解锁工作站或在系统处于在线状态且能够联系 Duo 的服务时批准用户提升请求后,会看到离线激活提示。请与贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心联系,以验证您的工作站上的离线访问可用性。","#The optional User Elevation configuration adds Duo two-factor authentication to password-protected":"可选的用户提升配置将 Duo 双因素身份验证添加到受密码保护的","#elevation attempts. When enabled, you'll see the Duo authentication prompt after you enter your password for a credentialed elevation request. The application you were trying to launch runs after you approve the Duo two-factor request.":"提升尝试。启用此选项后,输入凭证提升请求的密码后,您会看到 Duo 身份验证提示。您尝试启动的应用会在您批准 Duo 双因素请求后运行。","#Duo Authentication for UAC":"用于 UAC 的 Duo 身份验证","#User Elevation Approval with Duo":"通过 Duo 进行用户提升批准","#Do not lose this password!":"请勿丢失此密码!","#Learn more »":"了解详情 »","#Click the Let's update it button to see what's out of date. You can click the X to dismiss the software update notification and continue Duo authentication, but after you approve your second-factor request we'll ask you again to update your outdated software.":"点击让我们进行更新按钮,查看过期信息。您可以点击 X 以关闭软件更新通知并继续进行 Duo 身份验证,但在您批准第二因素请求后,系统会再次要求您更新过期软件。","#Duo Central - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Central - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#What do I do if I’m locked out of Instagram, Facebook, or another third-party Duo Mobile account?":"如果我被锁定在 Instagram、Facebook 或其他第三方 Duo Mobile 账户之外,该怎么办?","#If you previously enabled Duo Restore for third-party accounts and made a backup, you can restore the account to your device.":"如果您之前为第三方账户启用了 Duo Restore 并进行了备份,则可以将该账户恢复到您的设备。","#I use Duo Mobile to generate passcodes for services like Instagram and Facebook, and I can't log in.":"我使用 Duo Mobile 为诸如 Instagram 和 Facebook 等服务生成密码,但我无法登录。","#If the application provided recovery codes to you when you enabled two-factor authentication, use a recovery code to log into the application, then visit the security settings where you first set up 2FA to restore Duo Mobile passcode access.":"如果在启用双因素身份验证时,应用为您提供了恢复代码,请使用恢复代码登录应用,然后访问安全设置,在安全设置中需要首先设置 2FA 以恢复 Duo Mobile 密码访问。","#If you don't have a Duo Mobile backup to restore or you experience some other issue logging in, please refer to the documentation for the application you're trying to log in to or contact the support team for that application for more help.":"如果您没有要恢复的 Duo Mobile 备份或登录时遇到其他问题,请参阅您尝试登录的应用的相关文档,或者联系该应用的支持团队以获取更多帮助。","#Duo does not have access to your third-party accounts or account credentials, so our Support Team is unable to help if you become locked out of these accounts.":"Duo 无权访问您的第三方账户或账户凭证,因此,如果您被锁定在这些账户之外,我们的支持团队将无法提供帮助。","#You can use Duo Mobile to generate passcodes for use with third-party services like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and others. When setting this up, you likely logged into those sites, visited the security settings for your account, and scanned a barcode provided by that site with Duo Mobile.":"您可以使用 Duo Mobile 生成密码,以便与第三方服务(例如 Instagram、Facebook、Snapchat 等)一起使用。进行此设置时,您很可能登录了这些站点,访问了您的账户的安全设置,并使用 Duo Mobile 扫描了该站点提供的条码。","#See the article What do I do if I’m locked out of Instagram, Facebook, or another third-party Duo Mobile account? in the Duo Knowledge Base for additional information.":"有关更多信息,请参阅 Duo 知识库中的文章如果我被锁定在 Instagram、Facebook 或其他第三方 Duo Mobile 账户之外,该怎么办?。","#Duo Restore Instructions":"Duo Restore 说明","#Be sure to enable third-party account backup and restore if you use Duo Mobile to generate passcodes for logging into applications like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, or other web services. Duo cannot recover access to those accounts without a backup. If you become locked out of those services and don't have a backup of your accounts in Duo Mobile, you'll need to contact the support team for that application or perform the account recovery process for each of those third-party applications.":"如果您使用 Duo Mobile 生成用于登录到应用(如 Facebook、Facebook、Snapchat 或其他 Web 服务)的密码,请务必启用第三方账户备份和恢复。Duo 无法在没有备份的情况下恢复对这些账户的访问。如果您被锁定,无法访问这些服务,并且在 Duo Mobile 中没有账户备份,则需要联系该应用的支持团队(或为每个第三方应用执行账户恢复流程)。","#Some online services and web applications, like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, let you protect your account with a mobile-generated passcode. Use Duo Mobile to generate these passcodes, and keep all your accounts in one app.":"某些在线服务和 Web 应用(如 Instagram、Facebook 和 Physo)支持您使用 Duo Mobile 生成的密码保护您的账户。使用 Duo Mobile 生成这些密码,并将所有账户保存在一个应用中。","#Please note: because we use the most secure storage methods on your device, if you wipe data from your device, or upgrade your device, you will need to recover your third-party accounts from a previous backup with Duo Restore, or reprovision your accounts. It is not possible to export third-party accounts from Duo Mobile, nor can Duo Support help recover accounts in Duo Mobile without a backup.":"请注意:由于我们在您的设备上使用最安全的存储方法,因此,如果您从设备擦除数据或升级您的设备,则需要使用 Duo Restore 从以前的备份恢复您的第三方账户,或重新调配您的账户。无法从 Duo Mobile 导出第三方账户,而且 Duo 支持团队无法在没有备份的情况下帮助恢复 Duo Mobile 中的账户。","#We strongly recommend setting up backup or recovery access to your third-party accounts if the application provides it, e.g., a phone number or backup code, in case there is an issue restoring from Duo Mobile's third-party account backup (like if you forget your recovery password).":"我们强烈建议,如果应用提供的话,设置对第三方账户的备份或恢复访问(例如电话号码或备份代码),以防从 Duo Mobile 的第三方账户备份恢复时出现问题(例如您忘记了恢复密码)。","#About Third-Party Accounts in Duo Mobile":"关于 Duo Mobile 中的第三方账户","#Duo does not have access to your third-party accounts or account credentials and cannot assist in account recovery beyond Duo Mobile backup and restore.":"Duo 无权访问您的第三方账户或账户凭证,并且无法在 Duo Mobile 备份和恢复之外协助进行账户恢复。","#If you become locked out of those services and don't have a backup of your accounts in Duo Mobile, you'll need to contact the support team for that application or perform the account recovery process for each of those third-party applications.":"如果您被锁定,无法访问这些服务,并且在 Duo Mobile 中没有账户备份,则需要联系该应用的支持团队(或为每个第三方应用执行账户恢复流程)。","#Be sure to save any recovery information given to you by the application when you set up two-factor authentication, and enable account backup and restore in Duo Mobile if you set it up to generate passcodes for logging into these applications.":"设置双因素身份验证时,请务必保存应用提供给您的任何恢复信息,并在 Duo Mobile 中启用账户备份和恢复(如果将其设置为生成用于登录这些应用的密码)。","#Once you’ve activated offline access for your account, when your computer isn’t able to contact Duo’s cloud service you’ll automatically be offered the option to login with an offline code or security key (depending on which type of device you activated earlier) after successfully submitting your Windows username and password during system logon or after entering your password in a UAC elevation prompt (if User Elevation is enabled).":"激活账户的离线访问功能后,当您的计算机无法联系 Duo 的云服务时, 在系统登录期间成功提交您的 Windows 用户名和密码,或者在 UAC 提升提示中输入密码后(如果启用了用户提升),系统会自动为您提供使用离线代码或安全密钥登录的选项(具体取决于您之前激活的设备类型)。","#Restoring or reactivating any \"Duo-Protected\" and \"Duo Admin\" accounts on the new device deactivates those accounts on the old device.":"在新设备上恢复或重新激活任何“受 Duo 保护的”和“Duo 管理员”账户都会停用旧设备上的这些账户。","#Restoring any third-party accounts on the new device does not deactivate those accounts on the old device. Be sure to delete those accounts from Duo Mobile on the old device or delete Duo Mobile entirely from the old device once you verify the passcodes generated by the restored accounts work for logging in to those services.":"在新设备上恢复任何第三方账户不会停用旧设备上的这些账户。在验证恢复的账户所生成的密码可用于登录这些服务后,请务必从旧设备上的 Duo Mobile 删除这些账户,或从旧设备完全删除 Duo Mobile。","#When you use the below methods to restore Duo accounts on a new or replacement device, be aware that:":"当您使用以下方法在新设备或更换设备上恢复 Duo 账户时,请注意:","#If you need assistance installing or using Duo Mobile, please contact your organization's IT Help Desk or Duo administrator.":"如果您在安装或使用 Duo Mobile 时需要帮助,请联系贵组织的 IT 服务中心或 Duo 管理员。","#Duo also sends a push notification that accounts were activated on a new device to your old phone. If you receive this notification and you didn't just perform a restore, tap Report as Fraud. This deactivates your Duo accounts on both devices and alerts your organization's Duo administrators about the fraudulent reactivation. To dismiss this notification on your old phone, tap This is not fraud.":"Duo 还会向您的旧手机发送推送通知,告知已在新设备上激活账户。如果您收到此通知,但您并未执行恢复,请轻触报告为欺诈。这会在两台设备上停用您的 Duo 账户,并向贵组织的 Duo 管理员发出有关欺诈性重新激活的警报。要在旧手机上关闭此通知,请轻触这不是欺诈。","#Duo Device Health - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Device Health - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#passcode":"密码","#Get my account back":"找回我的账户","#Automatically reconnect":"自动重新连接","#SET UP NOW":"立即设置","#Automatically reconnect third-party accounts":"自动重新连接第三方账户","#Backup accounts with Google Drive":"使用 Google Drive 备份账户","#Deny":"拒绝","#Log In":"登录","#It was a mistake":"这是一个错误","#Duo Mobile Passcode":"Duo Mobile 密码","#Edit":"编辑","#Done":"完成","#Download the latest DuoConnect Installer for Windows on your computer while logged in as an administrator. View checksums for Duo downloads.":"以管理员身份登录时,在您的计算机上下载最新的 适用于 Windows 的 DuoConnect 安装程序查看 Duo 下载的校验和。","#Download the latest DuoConnect Installer for macOS on your computer while logged in as an administrator. View checksums for Duo downloads.":"以管理员身份登录时,在您的计算机上下载最新的适用于 macOS 的 DuoConnect 安装程序查看 Duo 下载的校验和。","#Download the latest DuoConnect Installer for Linux on your computer while logged in as a user with sudo permission. View checksums for Duo downloads.":"以具有 sudo 权限的用户身份登录时,在您的计算机上下载适用于 Linux 的最新 DuoConnect 安装程序查看 Duo 下载的校验和。","#DuoConnect Installer Checksums":"DuoConnect 安装程序校验和","#Vulnerable laptops or desktops accessing corporate resources exposes organizations to potential attacks, financial damage and compliance issues. Duo's Device Health Application reduces risk by ensuring compliance of corporate devices to business standards and provides visibility into personal devices before granting them access to corporate resources.":"易受攻击的笔记本电脑或台式机访问企业资源会使组织面临潜在的攻击、经济损失和合规性问题。Duo Device Health 应用通过确保公司设备符合业务标准来降低风险,并在授权个人设备访问公司资源之前提供对个人设备的可视性。","#The Duo Device Health Application is an application installed on your desktop or laptop that performs health checks whenever you access Duo protected applications, ensuring that your computer meets the organization’s security requirements. This helps protect corporate data and make sure your computer is less vulnerable to compromise.":"Duo Device Health 应用是安装在桌面或笔记本电脑上的应用,每当您访问受 Duo 保护的应用时,都会执行运行状况检查,确保您的计算机符合组织的安全要求。这有助于保护公司数据,并确保您的计算机不易受到危害。","#Duo Device Health supports the following platforms:":"Duo Device Health 支持以下平台:","#What data does the Duo Device Health application collect?":"Duo Device Health 应用收集什么数据?","#Device Health Installer Checksums":"Device Health 安装程序校验和","#macOS 10.13 and later.":"macOS 10.13 及更高版本。","#Other Install Methods":"其他安装方法","#Duo Device Health application does not support Windows Server, earlier versions of Windows, or macOS beta versions.":"Duo Device Health 应用不支持 Windows Server、Windows 的早期版本或 macOS 试用版。","#Install Device Health":"安装 Device Health","#Download and Install During Login":"在登录期间下载和安装","#Run the Device Health app installer, following the on-screen prompts.":"按照屏幕上的提示运行 Device Health 应用安装程序。","#Log in with Device Health":"使用 Device Health 登录","#Download Device Health from Duo Prompt":"从 Duo Prompt 下载 Device Health","#Fix Device Health Issues":"修复 Device Health 问题","#If your organization manages your computer, your IT team may push the Device Health app to your computer automatically, without you needing to perform the install steps.":"如果贵组织管理您的计算机,您的 IT 团队可能会自动将 Device Health 应用推送到您的计算机,您无需执行安装步骤。","#Your Duo administrator might also ask you to install the Device Health app ahead of time. You can download the installers directly with these links:":"您的 Duo 管理员可能还会要求您先安装 Device Health 应用。您可以使用以下链接直接下载安装程序:","#Continue login after Device Health Install":"在安装 Device Health 后继续登录","#Duo's Device Health app takes up very little space and will not slow your system or other apps down. It does not erase data, access your personal files, or change your computer settings. Learn what data the Device Health app collects.":"Duo Device Health 应用占用的空间非常小,不会降低系统或其他应用的运行速度。它不会清除数据,访问您的个人文件,或更改您的计算机设置。了解 Device Health 应用收集的数据。","#Device Health Download Link for Windows 10":"适用于 Windows 10 的 Device Health 下载链接","#Windows 10 client editions, including Enterprise, Pro, and Home.":"Windows 10 客户端版本,包括企业版、专业版和家庭版。","#Device Health Download Link for macOS":"适用于 macOS 的 Device Health 下载链接","#Locate the Duo Device Health application installer in your browser downloads folder. On Windows the installer is an MSI file, and on macOS the installer is a DMG file.":"在浏览器下载文件夹中找到 Duo Device Health 应用安装程序。在 Windows 上,安装程序是 MSI 文件,在 macOS 上,安装程序是 DMG 文件。","#View checksums for Duo downloads":"查看 Duo 下载的校验和","#Open Spotlight with Command key ⌘ + Space bar.":"使用 Command 键 ⌘ + 空格键打开 Spotlight。","#Click on the setting that needs action to see instructions for how to correct it so your device is healthy.":"点击需要操作的设置,查看有关如何更正此设置的说明,以使设备正常运行。","#Start Device Health":"启动 Device Health","#Type DuoDeviceHealth and click the application search result.":"输入 DuoDeviceHealth 并点击应用搜索结果。","#Type Duo Device Health and click the application search result.":"输入 Duo Device Health,然后点击应用搜索结果。","#Open the Start Menu with Windows key ⊞ key or click the Windows logo on the far left of the taskbar.":"使用 Windows 键 ⊞ 打开“开始”菜单,或点击任务栏最左侧的 Windows 徽标。","#Device Health Check from Duo Prompt":"从 Duo Prompt 进行 Device Health 检查","#Keep the Device Health app up to date. You'll be notified when a newer version of the app becomes available. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the update.":"使 Device Health 应用保持最新。当有新版本的应用可用时,您会收到相应通知。按照屏幕上的说明安装更新。","#Once the Device Health install completes, return to the Duo Prompt and click the link to continue logging in to the application.":"Device Health 安装完成后,返回 Duo Prompt 并点击相应链接以继续登录到应用。","#The Device Health app should start automatically after installation, but can also be started manually if needed:":"Device Health 应用会在安装后自动启动,但您也可以在需要时手动启动:","#When you enter username and password into a Duo protected application, the Duo Device Health application checks the health of your device before you are able to access the application. This should only take a few seconds.":"当您在受 Duo 保护的应用中输入用户名和密码时,Duo Device Health 应用会先检查设备的运行状况,然后您才能访问该应用。该过程只需几秒钟。","#Once the health check completes you may choose an authentication method to verify your identity and log in to the application.":"运行状况检查完成后,您可以选择身份验证方式来验证您的身份并登录到应用。","#Device Health app installation requires that you have administrator privileges on your computer. If you do not have administrative rights on your computer, please contact your Duo admin.":"安装 Device Health 应用需要您拥有计算机的管理员权限。如果您在计算机上没有管理权限,请联系您的 Duo 管理员。","#Device Health App Updates":"Device Health 应用更新","#If the Device Health check determines that your computer doesn't meet the security requirements for your organization, then you can't access the protected application and you'll see a notification in the Duo Prompt. Clicking the link in the notification opens the Device Health app, which shows you what you need to address on your computer before you can access the application.":"如果 Device Health 检查确定您的计算机不符合贵组织的安全要求,则您无法访问受保护的应用,并且会在 Duo Prompt 中看到相应通知。点击通知中的链接会打开 Device Health 应用,其中会显示您需要先在计算机上处理哪些问题才能访问该应用。","#Device Health Action Required":"需要执行 Device Health 操作","#When you log in to an application that is protected by Duo, and for which your organization's Duo policy requires the Device Health app, you'll see a download button within the Duo Prompt. Click it to download the Device Health app installer.":"当您登录受 Duo 保护的应用,并且对于该应用贵组织的 Duo 策略要求安装 Device Health 应用时,您会在 Duo Prompt 中看到下载按钮。点击它可下载 Device Health 应用安装程序。","#Recovering Duo-Protected Accounts from a Protected Application":"从受保护的应用恢复受 Duo 保护的账户","#on the \"Welcome back\" screen.":"(在“欢迎回来”屏幕上)。","#Back up your device to iCloud, with iCloud Keychain enabled to use Instant Restore. Nightly iCloud backups will include Duo Restore information. Encrypted iTunes backups will also work.":"将设备备份到 iCloud,同时启用 iCloud 密钥链以使用 Instant Restore。夜间 iCloud 备份将包含 Duo Restore 信息。加密的 iTunes 备份也可以使用。","#Open Duo Mobile and tap":"打开 Duo Mobile 并轻触","#The Duo Mobile accounts list shows your restored Duo accounts, and you may use them to log into Duo-protected services with Duo Push or a generated passcode.":"Duo Mobile 账户列表会显示已恢复的 Duo 账户,您可以使用它们通过 Duo Push 或生成的密码登录到受 Duo 保护的服务。","#This process doesn't reconnect any third-party accounts. You'll still need to provide your third-party account recovery password before you can use those accounts to generate passcodes.":"此过程不会重新连接任何第三方账户。您仍需要提供第三方账户恢复密码,然后才能使用这些账户生成密码。","#Duo Mobile locates your backed-up Duo-protected accounts and restores them to your device, showing a success message when complete.":"Duo Mobile 会查找您的受 Duo 保护的备份账户,并将其恢复到您的设备,而且在完成时会显示成功消息。","#Recovering Duo-Protected Accounts with Instant Restore":"通过 Instant Restore 恢复受双 Duo 保护的账户","#Download the Duo Mobile app on your new device.":"在您的新设备上下载 Duo Mobile 应用。","#Instant Restore requires Duo Mobile for iOS v3.33.0 or newer and that you've enabled iCloud Keychain. Additionally, your organization's Duo administrator must have enabled the Instant Restore feature.":"Instant Restore 需要适用于 iOS v3.33.0 或更高版本的 Duo Mobile,并且要求您已启用 iCloud 密钥链。此外,贵组织的 Duo 管理员必须启用 Instant Restore 功能。","#Instant Restore requires Duo Mobile for Android v3.32.0 or newer. Additionally, your organization's Duo administrator must have enabled the Instant Restore feature.":"Instant Restore 需要适用于Android v3.32.0 或更高版本的 Duo Mobile。此外,贵组织的 Duo 管理员必须启用 Instant Restore 功能。","#Restoring Duo Mobile Accounts":"恢复 Duo Mobile 账户","#Sign in to iCloud on your new iOS device and enable iCloud Keychain.":"在新的 iOS 设备上登录 iCloud 并启用 iCloud 密钥链。","#Get Started":"开始使用","#Locate the \"Connect a new phone\" settings item, and tap VIEW QR CODE. If you don't see this option, make sure Duo Mobile on your old phone is version 3.32.0 or later.":"找到“连接新手机”设置项目,然后轻触查看二维码。如果您没有看到此选项,请确保旧手机上的 Duo Mobile 版本为 3.32.0 或更高版本。","#iCloud Keychain Set Up Instructions":"iCloud 密钥链设置说明","#Open Duo Mobile on your old phone, and tap the menu icon in the top right to open Settings.":"在旧手机上打开 Duo Mobile,然后轻触右上角的菜单图标以打开设置。","#SCAN THE QR CODE":"扫描二维码","#Return to your new phone, and tap either":"返回到您的新手机,然后轻触","#in step 3 or":"(在步骤 3 中)或","#You must have access to Duo Mobile on your old Android device in order to use Instant Restore to restore your Duo-protected account backup to your new device. If you can't open Duo Mobile on your old device, for example, if your phone was lost or damaged, contact your Duo administrator to discuss your account recovery options.":"您必须能够在旧 Android 设备上访问 Duo Mobile,才能使用 Instant Restore 将您的受 Duo 保护的账户备份恢复到新设备。如果您无法在旧设备上打开 Duo Mobile(例如,手机丢失或损坏),请与 Duo 管理员联系以讨论您的账户恢复选项。","#Duo third-party recovery instructions":"Duo 第三方恢复说明","#At the beginning of the reconnection process, you'll be asked if you have your old phone. Tap Yes to continue.":"在开始重新连接时,系统会询问您是否有旧手机。轻触以继续。","#SCAN":"扫描","#in the lower left, then scan the QR code shown on your old phone to complete account restoration.":"(位于左下角),然后扫描旧手机上显示的二维码以完成账户恢复。","#Duo Mobile's restore functionality lets you back up Duo-protected accounts and third-party OTP accounts (such as Google or Facebook) for recovery to the same device or to a new device.":"Duo Mobile 的恢复功能使您可以备份受 Duo 保护的账户第三方 OTP 账户(例如 Google 或 Facebook),以便恢复到同一设备或新设备。","#Play Video: How to Use Instant Restore for Duo Mobile on Android":"播放视频:如何在 Android 上对 Duo Mobile 使用 Instant Restore","#Watch the Instant Restore process for iOS:":"观看适用于 iOS 的 Instant Restore 过程:","#Play Video: How to Use Instant Restore for Duo Mobile on iOS":"播放视频:如何在 iOS 上对 Duo Mobile 使用 Instant Restore","#Watch the Instant Restore process for Android:":"观看适用于 Android 的 Instant Restore 过程:","#Safari Browser Site":"Safari 浏览器站点","#A supported USB security key. WebAuthn/FIDO2 security keys from Yubico or Feitian are good options. U2F-only security keys (like the Yubikey NEO-n) can't be used with Firefox.":"支持的 USB 安全密钥。YubicoFeitian 的 WebAuthn/FIDO2 安全密钥是很好的选择。仅 U2F 安全密钥(如 Yubikey NEO-n)不能与 Firefox 一起使用。","#Open the Duo Mobile app on your iOS device and tap the Edit button in the top left of the accounts list screen, then tap the name of the account for you aren't receiving push requests.":"在 iOS 设备上打开 Duo Mobile 应用,然后轻触账户列表屏幕左上角的编辑按钮,然后轻触您未收到其推送请求的账户的名称。","#Attempts to send a test Duo Push notification.":"尝试发送测试 Duo Push 通知。","#The steps that Push Troubleshooting performs automatically are as follows:":"Push Troubleshooting 自动执行的步骤如下:","#Duo Mobile performs the test. If any step fails, you'll receive further troubleshooting suggestions. After taking the suggested actions, tap **Run test again* to retry.":"Duo Mobile 执行测试。如果任何步骤失败,您将收到进一步的故障排除建议。执行建议的操作后,轻触**再次运行测试*以重试。","#Next, tap the Get Started button in the \"Missing Notifications?\" section of the the \"Account Details\" screen.":"接下来,轻触 “账户详细信息”屏幕“缺少通知?”部分中的开始按钮。","#Check device settings.":"检查设备设置。","#Check that the device can contact Duo's cloud service.":"检查设备是否可以联系 Duo 的云服务。","#In the Internet Explorer browser window press the Alt key to display the menu bar. Navigate to ToolsCompatibility View settings and make one or more of the following changes:":"在 Internet Explorer 浏览器窗口中,按 Alt 键显示菜单栏。导航至工具兼容性视图设置,并进行以下一项或多项更改:","#iOS users can run a troubleshooting tool from within Duo Mobile version 3.32.0 or later. To run the tool:":"iOS 用户可以在 Duo Mobile 版本 3.32.0 或更高版本中运行故障排除工具。要运行该工具,请执行以下操作:","#Click the Close button to save your change.":"点击关闭按钮以保存更改。","#Should none of these actions help, see the Duo Knowledge Base for additional iOS and Android troubleshooting steps.":"如果这些操作都不起作用,请参阅 Duo 知识库,了解其他 iOSAndroid 故障排除步骤。","#Once you have TestFlight installed, tap this link and then tap Install to install Duo Mobile 3.28.1 on your iOS 10 device.":"安装 TestFlight 后,轻触此链接,然后轻触安装,即可在 iOS 10 设备上安装 Duo Mobile 3.28.1。","#/static/images/en/ios-deny-options_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-deny-options_2x.png","#/static/images/en/ios-security-checkup-bad_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-security-checkup-bad_2x.png","#/static/images/en/third-party-verify_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/third-party-verify_2x.png","#/static/images/en/ios-notification-unlocked_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-notification-unlocked_2x.png","#/static/images/en/ios-security-checkup-good_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-security-checkup-good_2x.png","#/static/images/en/ios-duo-dark-mode_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-duo-dark-mode_2x.png","#Duo Authentication for Windows Logon - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Authentication for Windows Logon - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Three steps to stronger authentication":"加强身份验证的三个步骤","#Call Me":"呼叫我","#Enter a Passcode":"输入密码","#Hardware tokens are the most basic way of authenticating.":"硬件令牌是最基本的身份验证方式。","#Duo Prompt Guide":"Duo Prompt 指南","#LastPass Browser Duo Authentication":"LastPass 浏览器 Duo 身份验证","#LastPass Browser Duo Prompt":"LastPass 浏览器 Duo Prompt","#Apple Watch and Duo Mobile":"Apple Watch 和 Duo Mobile","#​​Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#A supported browser (Chrome 70, Firefox 60, Safari 13 or later), or Microsoft Edge 79 or later. Support for authentication is limited to web applications that show Duo's inline browser prompt.":"支持的浏览器(Chrome 70Firefox 60Safari 13 或更高版本)或 Microsoft Edge 79 或更高版本。对身份验证的支持仅限于显示 Duo 的内联浏览器提示的 Web 应用。","#Edge Browser Site":"Edge 浏览器站点","#If you're a user who enrolled a U2F token for Duo authentication before the security key update, you'll be prompted to update your security key registration for that device the next time you log in with Chrome or Edge using that U2F authenticator.":"如果您是在安全密钥更新之前为 Duo 身份验证注册 U2F 令牌的用户,则当您下次使用该 U2F 身份验证器通过 Chrome 或 Edge 登录时,系统会提示您更新该设备的安全密钥注册。","#You do not need to explicitly select the security key from the drop-down list of available devices to use it for authentication in Chrome or Edge if you also enrolled it in one of those browsers.":"您无需从可用设备的下拉列表中明确选择安全密钥,即可在 Chrome 或 Edge 中将其用于身份验证(如果您已在其中一个浏览器中注册安全密钥)。","#Once the security key registration is updated via Chrome or Edge, you can use that security key in all supported browsers.":"通过 Chrome 或 Edge 更新安全密钥注册后,即可在所有受支持的浏览器中使用该安全密钥。","#Compatible Platforms: BlackBerry 10 and BBOS 4.5.0 and greater.":"兼容平台:Blackberry 10 和 BBOS 4.5.0 及更高版本。","#Simply tap Approve in the notification to finish logging in to the Duo-protected application.":"只需轻触通知中的批准即可登录到受 Duo 保护的应用。","#Application support for Duo Mobile on Windows Phone ended January 1, 2019, and the app was removed from the Windows Store on March 10, 2020. On December 10, 2019, the Windows Phone operating system officially reached end-of-life status, meaning Microsoft is no longer providing security updates for any Windows Phone devices.":"对于 Windows Phone 上的 Duo Mobile 的应用支持已于 2019 年 1 月 1 日结束,该应用已于 2020 年 3 月 10 日从 Windows 应用商店中删除。2019 年 12 月 10 日,Windows Phone 操作系统正式达到生命周期终止状态,这意味着 Microsoft 不再为任何 Windows Phone 设备提供安全更新。","#You can respond to Duo Push requests from the iOS lock screen or banner notification starting with Duo Mobile version 3.8. The actions presented to you when you respond to the notification depend on your organization's Duo policy settings, such as whether or not you can approve the login request without PIN or biometric verification.":"从 Duo Mobile 版本 3.8 开始,您可以在 iOS 锁屏或横幅通知中响应 Duo Push 请求。响应通知时向您显示的操作取决于贵组织的 Duo 策略设置,例如您是否可以批准未进行 PIN 或生物识别验证的登录请求。","#Duo no longer provides troubleshooting assistance for Windows Phone devices. These instructions remain available for users who installed and activated the Duo Mobile app prior to March 2020. Learn more...":"Duo 不再为 Windows Phone 设备提供故障排除帮助。对于在 2020 年 3 月之前安装并激活 Duo Mobile 应用的用户,这些说明仍然可供参考使用。了解详情...","#Supported Platforms: This version of Duo Mobile was supported on Windows Phone 8 and greater..":"支持的平台:在 Windows Phone 8 及更高版本上支持此版本的 Duo Mobile。","#When your screen is unlocked, long-press or swipe down on the Duo Mobile banner notification received to reveal the authentication actions.":"当屏幕解锁时,长按或向下滑动收到的 Duo Mobile 横幅通知以显示身份验证操作。","#Offline access for Duo Windows Logon helps you log on to Windows systems securely even when unable to contact Duo’s cloud service. You can activate one method for offline access, either Duo Mobile on iOS or Android or a U2F security key.":"Duo Windows 登录的离线访问可帮助您安全地登录 Windows 系统,即使无法联系 Duo 的云服务也不受影响。您可以激活一种离线访问方法,即 iOSAndroid 版 Duo Mobile 或者 U2F 安全密钥。","#Duo Mobile locates your backed-up Duo-protected accounts and restores them to your device, showing a success message when complete. Duo also sends a push notification that accounts were activated on a new device to your old phone.":"Duo Mobile 会查找您的受 Duo 保护的备份账户,并将其恢复到您的设备,而且在完成时会显示成功消息。Duo 还会向您的旧手机发送推送通知,告知已在新设备上激活账户。","#Learn more about enrollment »":"详细了解注册 »","#No mobile phone?":"没有手机?","#Back to top":"返回顶部","#Third-party accounts - Guide to two-factor authentication · Duo security":"第三方账户 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo security","#First, enter your username and password on the Duo Central login page.":"首先,在 Duo Central 登录页面上输入您的用户名和密码。","#These applications are configured for primary and secondary single sign-on (SSO) login. SSO applications are typically cloud apps, like Salesforce or Office 365.":"这些应用配置了主要和辅助单点登录 (SSO) 登录。SSO 应用通常是云应用,例如 Salesforce 或 Office 365。","#Additional Information":"其他信息","#Click on an application tile in the Duo Central window to access that application. The application site opens in a new browser tab.":"点击 Duo Central 窗口中的应用磁贴以访问该应用。应用站点会在新的浏览器选项卡中打开。","#Duo Central is a web portal where you can access all your organization's applications.":"Duo Central 是一个 Web 门户,您可以在其中访问贵组织的所有应用。","#Single Sign-On Applications":"单点登录应用","#After that you'll see all your assigned applications in Duo Central. Search for an application by name by entering it into the search bar at the top.":"之后,您将在 Duo Central 中看到所有已分配的应用。通过在顶部的搜索栏中输入名称来按名称搜索应用。","#Navigate to your organization's Duo Central URL. If you don't know what that is, contact your administrator.":"导航到组织的 Duo Central URL。如果您不知道这是什么,请联系管理员。","#Logging into Duo Central":"登录 Duo Central","#Duo Central Login":"Duo Central 登录","#These applications do not require Duo authentication for access. Your organization's Duo administrator linked these applications in Duo Central for your convenience.":"这些应用不需要 Duo 身份验证即可访问。为方便起见,贵组织的 Duo 管理员在 Duo Central 中链接了这些应用。","#When you launch an SSO app from the Duo Central you won't need to enter your username and password again (since you already entered it when you logged on to the Duo Central).":"当您从 Duo Central 启动 SSO 应用时,无需再次输入用户名和密码(因为您在登录 Duo Central 时已输入该用户名和密码)。","#When you launch one of these applications you'll have to enter your username and password for that application (this may be different from the credentials you used to log in to the Duo Central).":"当您启动其中一个应用时,必须输入该应用的用户名和密码(这可能与您用于登录 Duo Central 的凭证不同)。","#Click your name in the upper-right corner of Duo Central to reveal the settings menu. You can switch between \"Tiles\" to \"List\" view for your applications, visit your organization's help site if a link was provided, or log out of Duo Central.":"点击 Duo Central 右上角的名称以显示“设置”菜单。您可以在应用的“磁贴”视图和“列表”视图之间切换,访问组织的帮助站点(如果提供了链接),或者注销 Duo Central。","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports iOS 12.0 and greater.":"支持的平台:当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 iOS 12.0 及更高版本。","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports Android 8 and greater.":"支持的平台:当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 Android 8 及更高版本。","#If you have a Samsung Device, you will additionally need to enable \"Secure startup\" or \"Strong Protection\" from your device's settings and require a PIN at device startup.":"如果您有 Samsung 设备,则还需要从设备设置中启用“安全启动”或“强保护”,并在设备启动时需要输入 PIN。","#On Samsung devices, \"Secure startup\" or \"Strong Protection\" will automatically turn off any time you enable an accessibility permission.":"在 Samsung 设备上,无论何时启用无障碍权限,“安全启动”或“强保护”都将自动关闭。","#Duo Central - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Central - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#On Android, deleting the Duo Mobile app will delete all accounts from your device. Deleting the Duo Mobile app essentially wipes the potential for unassisted account recovery.":"在 Android 设备上,删除 Duo Mobile 应用将删除设备上的所有账户。删除 Duo Mobile 应用实质上会消除无辅助账户恢复的可能性。","#December 1, 2020: End of support for Duo Mobile on Android 7. Duo Mobile was removed from the Google Play Store for Android 7 on February 1, 2021.":"2020 年 12 月 1 日:终止对 Android 7 上的 Duo Mobile 的支持。Duo Mobile 已于 2021 年 2 月 1 日从 Android 7 的 Google Play Store 中删除。","#December 1, 2020: End of support for Duo Mobile on iOS 11. Duo Mobile was removed from the App Store for iOS 11 on February 1, 2021.":"2020 年 12 月 1 日:终止对 iOS 11 上的 Duo Mobile 的支持。Duo Mobile 已于 2021 年 2 月 1 日从 iOS 11 的 App Store 中删除。","#Offline access for Duo Windows Logon helps you log on to Windows systems securely even when unable to contact Duo’s cloud service. You can activate one method for offline access, either Duo Mobile on iOS or Android or a U2F security key.":"Duo Windows 登录的离线访问可帮助您安全地登录 Windows 系统,即使无法连接 Duo 的云服务也不受影响。您可以激活一种离线访问方法,即 iOS 版或 Android 版 Duo Mobile 或者 U2F 安全密钥。","#If you are a new Duo user and your organization's administrator allows you to self-enroll, the Duo challenge text response will provide an enrollment URL:":"如果您是新 Duo 用户且贵组织的管理员允许您自行注册,则 Duo 质询文本响应将提供注册 URL:","#Log in using a passcode, either generated with Duo Mobile, sent via SMS, generated by your hardware token, or provided by an administrator. Examples: \"123456\" or \"1456789\".":"使用密码进行登录,该密码将由 Duo Mobile 生成、通过短信发送、由硬件令牌生成或由管理员提供。示例:“123456”或“1456789”。","#Enroll with Challenge Mode":"使用质询模式注册","#Instead of typing in the number that corresponds to the listed options, you may also enter a Duo factor option:":"除了输入与列出的选项对应的数字,您还可以输入 Duo 因素选项:","#Push a login request to your phone (if you have Duo Mobile installed and activated on your iOS or Android device). Review the request and tap Approve to log in.":"将登录请求推送到您的电话(如果您在 iOS 或 Android 设备上安装并激活了 Duo Mobile)。查看请求并点击批准以登录。","#Get a new batch of SMS passcodes. Your login attempt will fail — log in again with one of your new passcodes.":"获取一批新的短信密码。您的登录尝试将失败 — 使用其中一个新密码再次登录。","#You can add a number to the end of these factor names if you have more than one device registered. For example, push2 will send a login request to your second phone, phone3 will call your third phone, etc.":"如果您注册了多台设备,则可以在这些因素名称的末尾添加一个数字。例如,push2 将向您的第二部电话发送登录请求,phone3 将呼叫您的第三部电话,以此类推。","#After you complete Duo enrollment, log in again and you'll receive the challenge prompt showing your enrolled Duo authentication methods":"完成 Duo 注册后,再次登录,您将收到显示您的已注册 Duo 身份验证方式的质询提示","#Challenge Mode":"质询模式","#Copy this URL into your browser to complete Duo enrollment.":"将此 URL 复制到浏览器中以完成 Duo 注册。","#Respond to the short prompt in the same way as you would for the full prompt, by entering the name of the Duo factor you want to use, or a number that matches your chosen factor's position in the list.":"通过输入要使用的 Duo 因素的名称或与所选因素在列表中的位置匹配的数字,以与完整提示相同的方式响应短提示。","#If you previously requested SMS passcodes, the challenge text gives you a hint like \"next code starts with: 2\".":"如果您之前请求过短信密码,则质询文本会为您提供诸如“下一个代码开头为: 2”等提示。","#Auto Mode":"自动模式","#Login with Challenge Mode":"使用质询模式登录","#In the text response area, type in the number that matches the option you want to use to log in. For example, to log in with Duo Push after receiving the above challenge prompt, enter 1, and then approve the Duo Push request you receive.":"在文本响应区域中,输入与要用于登录的选项匹配的数字。例如,要在收到上述质询提示后使用 Duo Push 登录,请输入 1,然后批准收到的 Duo Push 请求。","#Applications and devices that don't support the inline Duo Prompt or a secondary passcode field can use Challenge Mode. In this configuration, you'll see a text-based set of Duo authentication options returned to you after you submit your username and password. You will complete two-factor authentication by typing in your choice of the available options.":"不支持内联 Duo Prompt 或辅助密码字段的应用和设备可以使用质询模式。在此配置中,在提交用户名和密码后,您将看到返回的一组基于文本的 Duo 身份验证选项。您将通过输入所选的可用选项来完成双因素身份验证。","#In some configurations, you may see a short version of the Duo challenge text response:":"在某些配置中,您可能会看到 Duo 质询文本响应的简短版本:","#Enter your username and password, and in response you'll receive the Duo challenge text response listing your available authentication methods:":"输入您的用户名和密码,作为响应,您将收到 Duo 质询文本响应,其中列出了可用的身份验证方式:","#Challenge Mode - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"质询模式 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#To use the passcode \"123456\" instead of letting Duo select the authentication type for you when your password is \"hunter2\", type:":"要使用密码“123456”而不是让 Duo 在您的密码为“hunter2”时为您选择身份验证类型,请输入:","#If you previously activated Duo Mobile on your iOS or Android device, you'll automatically receive a Duo Push login request. Approve the request to complete signing in to the application or service.":"如果您之前在 iOSAndroid 设备上激活了 Duo Mobile,您将自动收到 Duo Push 登录请求。批准请求以完成登录应用或服务的过程。","#In some configurations, applications and services that don't support the inline Duo Prompt or a secondary passcode field automatically send a Duo Push request or phone call to your first supported two-factor device.":"在某些配置中,不支持内联 Duo Prompt 或辅助密码字段的应用和服务会自动向您的第一个受支持的双因素设备发送 Duo Push 请求或电话呼叫。","#Enter your username and password at the application's login prompt as usual.":"照常在应用的登录提示处输入用户名和密码。","#If your Duo administrator allows it, you can override Duo's automatic authentication device selection by appending the name of a specific device or a passcode to your application password. It will look something like this:":"如果您的 Duo 管理员允许,您可以通过在应用密码后面附加特定设备的名称或密码来覆盖 Duo 的自动身份验证设备选择。它将如下所示:","#Duo Mobile iOS Guide":"Duo Mobile iOS 指南","#If you don't have Duo Mobile activated but you have a phone capable of receiving calls registered in Duo, you'll automatically receive a phone call from Duo requesting login approval. Follow the instructions provided in the verification phone call to complete signing in to the application or service.":"如果您没有激活 Duo Mobile,但您的手机能够接收在 Duo 中注册的呼叫,您将自动收到来自 Duo 的请求登录批准的电话呼叫。按照验证电话呼叫中提供的说明完成登录应用或服务的过程。","#Examples:":"示例:","#To use Duo Push on your second phone instead of letting Duo select the authentication type for you when your password is \"hunter2\", type:":"要在您的第二部电话上使用 Duo Push,而不是让 Duo 在您的密码为“hunter2”时为您选择身份验证类型,请输入:","#Duo Prompt information":"Duo Prompt 信息","#If you have multiple devices associated with your Duo user, the Duo Push or phone call login request gets sent to the first available device that supports one of these methods.":"如果有多台设备与您的 Duo 用户关联,则 Duo Push 或电话呼叫登录请求会发送到支持其中一种方法的第一台可用设备。","#Choosing a Different Device or Method":"选择其他设备或方法","#How to Use Auto Mode":"如何使用自动模式","#Auto Mode - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"自动模式 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Go to Menu > Settings > Security Checkup in Duo Mobile to view your device's security status at any time.":"在 Duo Mobile 中转到菜单 > 设置 > Security Checkup,随时查看设备的安全状态。","#If your administrator enabled Duo Mobile's backup and restore functionality and you previously backed up your Duo-protected accounts from the app to Google Drive you can restore your accounts to Duo Mobile on a new Android device via the guided recovery process. You can also perform third-party account recovery if you previously opted-in to third-party account restore. Start the account recovery process by tapping Get my account back on the Duo Mobile welcome screen, or go to Settings > Duo Restore.":"如果您的管理员启用了 Duo Mobile 的备份和恢复功能,并且您先前已将受 Duo 保护的账户从应用备份到 Google Drive,则可以通过引导恢复过程将您的账户恢复到新的 Android 设备上的 Duo Mobile。如果您先前已选择加入第三方账户恢复,也可以执行第三方账户恢复。在 Duo Mobile 欢迎屏幕上轻触恢复我的账户或转至设置 > Duo Restore,开始账户恢复流程","#Settings > Duo Restore":"设置 > Duo Restore","#If your organization enabled Duo's self-service feature and you had previously enrolled a second authentication device you can use My Settings & Devices to delete your lost or stolen phone.":"如果贵组织启用了 Duo 的自助服务功能,并且您之前注册了第二台身份验证设备,则可以使用我的设置和设备删除丢失或被盗的手机。","#If you can't get Duo Push working on your own and your administrator has enabled Duo's device management portal, you can log in with a passcode generated by the Duo Mobile app and send a new activation link to your phone. See the My Settings & Devices guide for instructions.":"如果您无法独立使用 Duo Push,并且您的管理员已启用 Duo 的设备管理门户,您可以使用 Duo Mobile 应用生成的密码登录,并向您的手机发送新的激活链接。有关说明,请参阅我的设置和设备指南。","#Go to SettingsDisplay & BrightnessAppearance and select Dark.":"转至设置显示和亮度外观并选择深色。","#Tap the menu and go to Settings > Security Checkup in Duo Mobile to view your device's security status at any time.":"轻触菜单,然后转至 Duo Mobile 中的设置 > Security Checkup,以随时查看设备的安全状态。","#If your organization has enabled self-service you can add an additional authentication device by clicking the Add a new device link, or update your setting and remove authentication methods by clicking My Settings & Devices.":"如果贵组织已启用自助服务,您可以通过点击添加新设备链接添加其他身份验证设备,或者通过点击我的设置和设备来更新设置并删除身份验证方式。","#Access Add a New Device or My Settings & Devices by clicking the Settings button at the top. Click the X on the Settings button to return to the Duo Prompt.":"通过点击顶部的设置按钮访问添加新设备我的设置和设备。点击“设置”按钮上的 X 以返回到 Duo Prompt。","#Log in using a passcode received from Duo in a text message. When you land on the text message page, it will show that a text message was just sent to you with a passcode. When you receive the message, enter that passcode into the space provided and click or tap Verify to log in to the application.":"使用 Duo 通过短信发送的密码登录。当您登陆短信页面时,其中会显示刚刚发送给您的短信及密码。收到短信后,请在提供的空白处输入密码,然后点击或轻触验证以登录应用。","#Remembered Devices":"记住的设备","#Log in using a passcode generated by a hardware token provided to you by your organization. Enter that passcode into the space provided and click or tap Verify to log in to the application.":"使用贵组织提供给您的硬件令牌所生成的密码登录。在提供的空白处输入该密码,然后点击或轻触验证以登录到应用。","#If you ever want to choose a different device or Duo method than the one shown automatically by the Universal Prompt, click Other options near the bottom. This takes you to a list of all your available Duo authentication options. Click on the one you want to use and follow the instructions shown to complete logging in to the application.":"如果您要选择的设备或 Duo 方法不同于 Universal Prompt 自动显示的设备或 Duo 方法,请点击底部附近的其他选项。这会将您带到所有可用 Duo 身份验证选项列表。点击要使用的选项,然后按照所示的说明完成应用登录过程。","#Pushes a login request to your iOS or Android phone or tablet if you have Duo Mobile installed and activated. Review the request on your phone or tablet and tap Approve to log in to the application.":"如果您安装并激活了 Duo Mobile,则将登录请求推送到您的 iOSAndroid 手机或平板电脑。在您的手机或平板电脑上查看请求,然后轻触批准以登录应用。","#Duo Push in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的 Duo Push","#Bypass Code":"旁路代码","#Internet Explorer Browser Site":"Internet Explorer 浏览器站点","#Security Key":"安全密钥","#If you did not receive the text message from Duo, use the Send a new passcode link to try sending it again.":"如果您没有收到来自 Duo 的短信,请使用发送新密码链接尝试再次发送密码。","#Log in using a passcode generated by the Duo Mobile app installed and activated on your Android or iOS device. Open Duo Mobile and locate your organization's account in the accounts list, and tap it to generate a six-digit passcode. Enter that passcode into the space provided and click or tap Verify to log in to the application.":"使用在 AndroidiOS 设备上安装并激活的 Duo Mobile 应用所生成的密码登录。打开 Duo Mobile,在账户列表中找到贵组织的账户,然后轻触它以生成六位数密码。在提供的空白处输入该密码,然后点击或轻触验证以登录到应用。","#When logging in to an application with the Universal Prompt, click the Other options link on the authentication page to view your list of available methods. If your organization enabled self-service device management then you'll see a Manage devices choice at the end of the list. Click that to enter the device management portal.":"当使用 Universal Prompt 登录应用时,点击身份验证页面上的其他选项链接可查看可用方法列表。如果贵组织启用了自助服务设备管理,则列表末尾会显示管理设备选项。点击该选项以进入设备管理门户。","#Duo Universal Prompt (Preview) - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Universal Prompt(预览版)- 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Universal Prompt Guide":"Universal Prompt 指南","#Has your organization enabled the new Universal Prompt experience? See the Universal Prompt guide for more information and instructions":"贵组织是否已启用新的 Universal Prompt 体验?有关详细信息和说明,请参阅 Universal Prompt 指南","#Remembered Device":"记住的设备","#When you unlock your Windows system, Duo authenticates you without asking you to approve another login request until your trusted device session expires.":"当您解锁 Windows 系统时,在您的受信任设备会话到期之前,Duo 会对您进行身份验证,而不要求您批准另一个登录请求。","#When logging into the local Windows console, you may see a Remember me for... option if your administrator enabled Duo's remembered devices feature. If you check this box when authenticating then you won't need to perform Duo second-factor authentication again when you unlock your Windows system for the duration specified on the prompt.":"当登录到本地 Windows 控制台时,如果您的管理员启用了 Duo 的“记住的设备”功能,您可能会看到记住我... 选项。如果在身份验证时选中此复选框,则在提示所指定的时间内,您解锁 Windows 系统时无需再次执行 Duo 第二因素身份验证。","#Offline Access Instructions":"离线访问说明","#When your remembered device session ends, or if you log out of Windows, reboot your computer, change networks, or use offline access, then you'll need to complete Duo two-factor authentication again.":"当记住的设备会话结束时,或者如果您注销 Windows、重新启动计算机、更改网络或使用离线访问,则需要再次完成 Duo 双因素身份验证。","#You'll also see a Remember me for... option if your administrator enabled Duo's remembered devices feature. If you check this box when authenticating you won't need to perform Duo second-factor authentication again for the duration specified on the prompt.":"如果您的管理员启用了 Duo 的“记住的设备”功能,您还会看到记住我... 选项。如果在身份验证时选中此复选框,则无需在提示所指定的时间内再次执行 Duo 第二因素身份验证。","#Duo Restore was turned off on the old device.":"已在旧设备上禁用 Duo Restore。","#Duo for Windows offline access does not reactivate offline access accounts restored to your phone. Reactivation of Windows offline access creates a second offline access account. Delete the restored Windows offline access account from Duo Mobile before reactivating Windows offline access.":"Duo for Windows 离线访问不会重新激活恢复到您的手机的离线访问账户。重新激活 Windows 离线访问会创建另一个离线访问账户。在重新激活 Windows 离线访问之前,请从 Duo Mobile 中删除已恢复的 Windows 离线访问账户。","#If you restored the Duo Mobile accounts on your phone with Duo Restore, reactivating offline access won't reconnect the offline account that was restored. Instead, a second account for offline access will be created. Avoid confusion by deleting the restored offline access account before performing reactivation from the online Duo for Windows MFA prompt.":"如果您在具有 Duo Restore 的手机上恢复了 Duo Mobile 账户,则重新激活离线访问不会重新连接已恢复的离线账户。相反,将创建第二个用于离线访问的账户。为避免混乱,请在从这些 Duo for Windows MFA 提示执行重新激活之前,删除已恢复的离线访问账户。","#IMPORTANT: Only one phone may be activated for offline access at a time. Activating offline access on another phone invalidates the previously activated phone.":"重要提示:一次只能激活一个电话进行离线访问。在另一部电话上激活离线访问会使之前激活的电话无效。","#Windows Offline Access Reactivation":"Windows 离线访问重新激活","#A new Duo Mobile experience is coming in October 2021.

Learn more...":"全新的 Duo Mobile 体验在 2021 年 10 月推出。

了解详情...","#If you're using Safari 14.1 or later, click the Initiate enrollment button to proceed. Other browsers do not require this step.":"如果您使用的是 Safari 14.1 或更高版本,请点击启动注册按钮以继续。其他浏览器不需要执行此步骤。","#Duo Mobile Public Preview":"Duo Mobile 公共预览版","#Once you select your security key from the list, click Use Security Key.":"从列表中选择安全密钥后,点击使用安全密钥。","#If you're using Safari 14.1 or later, click the Initiate authentication button to proceed. Other browsers do not require this step.":"如果您使用的是 Safari 14.1 或更高版本,请点击启动身份验证按钮以继续。其他浏览器不需要执行此步骤。","#Passcode: Log in using a passcode generated with Duo Mobile, received via SMS, generated by your hardware token, or provided by an administrator.

To have a new batch of SMS passcodes sent to you click the Send me new codes button. You can then authenticate with one of the newly-delivered passcodes.":"密码:使用密码登录,该密码将由 Duo Mobile 生成、通过短信获得、由硬件令牌生成或由管理员提供。

要发送一组新的短信密码,请点击向我发送新代码按钮。然后,您可以使用其中一个新提供的密码进行身份验证。","#Get a new batch of SMS passcodes.
Your login attempt will fail — log in again with one of your new passcodes.":"获取一批新的短信密码。
您的登录尝试将失败 — 使用其中一个新密码再次登录。","#Get a new batch of SMS passcodes. Your login attempt will fail — log in again with one of your new passcodes.
If you previously requested SMS passcodes, the challenge text gives you a hint like \"next code starts with: 2\".":"获取一批新的短信密码。您的登录尝试将失败 — 使用其中一个新密码再次登录。
如果您之前请求过短信密码,则质询文本会为您提供诸如“下一个代码开头为: 2”等提示。","#Log in using a passcode, either generated with Duo Mobile, sent via SMS, generated by your hardware token, or provided by an administrator.
Examples: or ":"使用密码进行登录,该密码将由 Duo Mobile 生成、通过短信发送、由硬件令牌生成或由管理员提供。
示例:","#AnyConnect Desktop Client with SSO":"具有 SSO 的 AnyConnect 桌面客户端","#Depending on how your company configured Duo authentication, you may see the Duo Prompt, a “Passcode” field, or no additional passcode field when using the Cisco AnyConnect client.":"根据贵公司配置的 Duo 身份验证方式,在使用 Cisco AnyConnect 客户端时,您可能会看到 Duo Prompt、“密码”字段或无其他密码字段。","#AnyConnect Mobile Client with Duo Prompt":"具有 Duo Prompt 的 AnyConnect 移动客户端","#Tap your security key when prompted.":"出现提示时,轻触安全密钥。","#Single Sign-On":"单点登录","#If AnyConnect desktop or mobile uses single sign-on, you'll first see the login form for your identity provider, where you enter your username and password.":"如果 AnyConnect 桌面版或移动版使用单点登录,您将首先看到身份提供程序的登录表单,在其中可以输入用户名和密码。","#Use Duo Mobile to scan the application's barcode shown on your screen.

Most services also offer a secret key that you can enter if you can't scan the barcode. Tap the \"No Barcode?\" button and select an account type from the list. Use the \"Account\" field to name the account (e.g. \"Dropbox\", \"joe@gmail.com\", etc.). Type the application's secret key into the \"Key\" field on your phone.":"使用 Duo Mobile 扫描屏幕上显示的应用条码。

大多数服务还提供一个密钥,如果您无法扫描条码,则可以输入该密钥。轻触“无条码?”按钮,然后从列表中选择账户类型。使用“账户”字段为账户命名(例如,“ Dropbox”、“ joe@gmail.com”等)。在电话的“密钥”字段中输入应用的密钥。","#Introducing Duo's refreshed authentication experience, the Universal Prompt.":"介绍 Duo 的全新身份验证体验:Universal Prompt。","#Duo Universal Prompt Public Preview":"Duo Universal Prompt 公共预览版","#Log In With the Duo Universal Prompt":"使用 Duo Universal Prompt 登录","#Language Support":"语言支持","#Choose a Different Method":"选择不同的方法","#About the Duo Universal Prompt":"关于 Duo Universal Prompt","#Duo Universal Prompt Login Options":"Duo Universal Prompt 登录选项","#Rename or Remove a Device":"重命名或删除设备","#The Universal Prompt provides a simplified Duo experience over the traditional prompt, helping you log in to your applications faster than before.":"与旧版 Prompt 相比,Universal Prompt 提供简化的 Duo 体验,帮助您比以前更快地登录应用。","#13 on macOS
13.4 on iOS":"13,在 macOS 上
13.4,在 iOS 上","#YubiKey Passcode":"YubiKey 密码","#Duo Mobile App":"Duo Mobile 应用","#While other browsers may work with the Universal Prompt, Duo actively tests and supports the browsers and minimum versions listed in the table.":"虽然其他浏览器可以使用 Universal Prompt,但 Duo 会积极测试并支持表中列出的浏览器和最低版本。","#You'll notice that the Duo login options look different from how they did in the traditional prompt, but the Universal Prompt still supports a wide range of Duo login options so you (or your Duo administrator) can choose the options that work best for your organization.":"您会注意到 Duo 登录选项看起来与旧版 Prompt 中的不同,但 Universal Prompt 仍然支持广泛的 Duo 登录选项,以便您(或 Duo 管理员)可以选择最适合贵组织的选项。","#Not supported":"不受支持","#Phone for Call or Text":"用于接收呼叫或短信的电话","#Here's a comparison of logging in with Duo Push in the Universal Prompt and traditional prompt:":"以下是在 Universal Prompt 和旧版 Prompt 中使用 Duo Push 进行登录的比较:","#The Universal Prompt supports Chrome (Desktop and Mobile), Firefox, Safari (Desktop and Mobile), Edge, and Internet Explorer. Not all browsers support all Duo authentication methods, so for the widest compatibility we recommend Chrome.":"Universal Prompt 支持 Chrome(桌面版和移动版)、Firefox、Safari(桌面版和移动版)、Edge 和 Internet Explorer。并非所有浏览器都支持所有 Duo 身份验证方式,因此为了实现最广泛的兼容性,我们建议使用 Chrome。","#Browser":"浏览","#When you log into an application protected with Duo using a web browser or certain client applications, you see a Duo prompt after entering your application login information.":"使用网络浏览器或某些客户端应用登录使用 Duo 保护的应用时,在输入应用登录信息后,您会看到 Duo Prompt。","#Minimum Supported
版本","#When you log in Duo checks your current browser or client compatibility with the Universal Prompt. If your browser or client is not compatible, Duo will show you the traditional prompt experience instead.":"当您登录时,Duo 会检查您当前的浏览器或客户端与 Universal Prompt 的兼容性。如果您的浏览器或客户端不兼容,Duo 会改为向您显示旧版 Prompt 体验。","#Hardware Token Passcode":"硬件令牌密码","#Step One: Introduction":"第 1 步:简介","#Add Another Device":"添加其他设备","#Step Two: Choose Your Verification Method":"第 2 步:选择验证方法","#Check the table below for supported browser versions and Duo login option compatibility. Duo's support for the minimum browser version includes Duo Push, passcode, and phone call authentication options. Other login options, like Touch ID, may require a different browser or a newer minimum browser version, as noted in the table.":"查看下表,了解支持的浏览器版本和 Duo 登录选项兼容性。Duo 对最低浏览器版本的支持包括 Duo Push、密码和电话呼叫身份验证选项。其他登录选项(如 Touch ID)可能需要其他浏览器或更新的最低浏览器版本,如表中所示。","#Touch ID
Minimum Version":"Touch ID
最低版本","#Text Message Passcode":"短信密码","#Step Three: Add Your Chosen Method":"第 3 步:添加您选择的方法","#Fingerprint Sensor":"指纹传感器","#How to Get Help":"如何获取帮助","#Reactivate Duo Mobile for an Existing Device":"为现有设备重新激活 Duo Mobile","#Another difference between the Universal Prompt and the traditional prompt is that the traditional prompt loads on a web page that's part of your organization's application, while with the Universal Prompt your browser redirects to a page hosted by Duo for you to verify your login attempt, and then redirects back to the application.":"Universal Prompt 和旧版 Prompt 之间的另一个区别是,旧版 Prompt 会加载到属于贵组织应用的网页上,而使用 Universal Prompt 时,浏览器会重定向到 Duo 托管的页面,以便您验证登录尝试,然后再重定向回应用。","#Traditional Prompt":"旧版 Prompt","#First-time Enrollment in Duo":"首次在 Duo 中进行注册","#Step Four: Add a Backup Method":"第 4 步:添加备份方法","#Security Keys
Minimum Version":"安全密钥
最低版本","#A MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, or Magic Keyboard with a Touch ID button.":"带 Touch ID 按钮的 MacBook Pro、MacBook Air 或 Magic 键盘。","#If you entered a phone number, double-check that you entered it correctly and click Yes, it's correct to continue (or No, change it to go back and enter the number again).":"如果您输入的是电话号码,请仔细检查是否输入了正确的电话号码,然后点击是,它是正确的以继续操作(或选择否,请更改以返回并再次输入该号码)。","#After completing Duo enrollment (or if your Duo administrator set you up to use Duo), you'll see the Duo prompt the next time you perform a browser-based login to a web service or application protected with Duo.":"完成 Duo 注册后(或者如果您的 Duo 管理员将您设置为使用 Duo),下次您对受 Duo 保护的 Web 服务或应用执行基于浏览器的登录时,您将看到 Duo 提示。","#A WebAuthn/FIDO2 security key. WebAuthn/FIDO2 security keys from Yubico or Feitian are good options. U2F-only security keys (like the YubiKey NEO-n) are not supported.":"WebAuthn/FIDO2 安全密钥。YubicoFeitian 的 WebAuthn/FIDO2 安全密钥是很好的选择。不支持仅 U2F 安全密钥(例如 YubiKey NEO-n)。","#Phone number: Receive a one-time passcode in an SMS message or approve a login attempt with a phone call from Duo.":"电话号码:通过短信接收一次性密码或通过来自 Duo 的电话呼叫批准登录尝试。","#Place your finger on the Touch ID button in the Touch Bar to complete Touch ID enrollment.":"将手指放在 Touch Bar 中的 Touch ID 按钮上完成 Touch ID 注册。","#When you receive confirmation that you added Touch ID as a verification method click Continue.":"当您收到确认消息指明已添加 Touch ID 作为验证方法时,点击继续。","#Select your country from the drop-down list and type your mobile phone number, and then click Add phone number.":"从下拉列表中选择您所在的国家/地区并输入您的手机号码,然后点击添加电话号码。","#You can now log in to Duo-protected applications with Duo Push or with a Duo Mobile passcode.":"现在,您可以使用 Duo Push使用 Duo Mobile 密码登录到受 Duo 保护的应用。","#The first time you log in with Duo using the Universal Prompt, Duo chooses one of your configured login options automatically. If you have a phone or tablet with Duo Mobile activated, the Universal Prompt will send you a Duo Push. If you approve the Duo Push request from your phone or tablet, Duo remembers that you were able to use Duo Push with this application so that the next time you log in you'll receive an automatic Duo Push. If instead of approving the automatic Duo Push you switch to use your security key to log in, the next time you log in to that application you'll automatically land on the security key option in the prompt.":"首次使用 Universal Prompt 通过 Duo 登录时,Duo 会自动选择您配置的一个登录选项。如果您有已激活 Duo Mobile 的手机或平板电脑,则 Universal Prompt 会向您发送 Duo Push。如果您批准了来自手机或平板电脑的 Duo Push 请求,Duo 会记住您可以在此应用中使用 Duo Push,以便您下次登录时会收到自动 Duo Push。如果您不批准自动 Duo Push,而是切换到使用安全密钥进行登录,则下次登录该应用时,您会自动进入提示中的安全密钥选项。","#Availability of the following Duo login options in the Universal Prompt depends on your browser or browser version, or on the policies applied by your organization's Duo administrator.":"Universal Prompt 中以下 Duo 登录选项的可用性取决于您的浏览器或浏览器版本,或贵组织的 Duo 管理员应用的策略。","#A security key plugs into your USB port and when tapped or pressed it sends a signed response back to Duo to verify your login. Duo uses the WebAuthn authentication standard to interact with your security keys. You may also see WebAuthn referred to as \"FIDO2\".":"安全密钥插入您的 USB 端口,并且您轻触或按下该它后,它会将签名的响应发送回 Duo 以验证您的登录。Duo 使用 WebAuthn 身份验证标准与您的安全密钥进行交互。您可能还会看到 WebAuthn 称为“FIDO2”。","#If you're going to use Duo Mobile on a tablet (like an iPad) with no phone service, don't enter a phone number and click I have a tablet instead.":"如果您要在没有电话服务的平板电脑(例如 iPad)上使用 Duo Mobile,请不要输入电话号码,然后点击我有平板电脑。","#Read the security key information and click Continue.":"阅读安全密钥信息,然后点击继续。","#Click the device type in the list that matches your desired authentication experience:":"点击列表中与所需身份验证体验匹配的设备类型:","#A MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, or Apple Magic Keyboard with a Touch ID button.":"带 Touch ID 按钮的 MacBook Pro、MacBook Air 或 Apple Magic 键盘。","#If you have more than one MacBook with which you'd like to approve Duo login requests using Touch ID, you'll need to add each of them separately as a new Touch ID device in Duo. To do this, your organization must have enabled self-service device management.":"如果您有多个要使用 Touch ID 批准 Duo 登录请求的 MacBook,则需要单独添加它们作为 Duo 中的新 Touch ID 设备。为此,贵组织必须已启用自助服务设备管理。","#Duo Mobile is an app that runs on iOS and Android phones and tablets. It's fast and easy to use, and doesn't require cell services. Duo pushes login requests to Duo Mobile when you have mobile data or wifi connectivity to the internet. When you have no data service, you can generate passcodes with Duo Mobile for logging in to applications.":"Duo Mobile 是一款可在 iOS 和 Android 手机和平板电脑上运行的应用。它快速且易于使用,并且不需要蜂窝网络服务。当您拥有移动数据或接入互联网的 WiFi 连接时,Duo 会将登录请求推送到 Duo Mobile。当您没有数据服务时,您可以使用 Duo Mobile 生成用于登录应用的密码。","#Fingerprint authentication lets you use your device's fingerprint sensor for Duo login verification. Duo supports fingerprint verification with Touch ID on Apple MacBooks and Magic Keyboards.":"通过指纹身份验证,您可以使用设备的指纹传感器进行 Duo 登录验证。Duo 支持在 Apple MacBook 和 Magic 键盘上使用 Touch ID 进行指纹验证。","#Once you choose how to verify your identity, you will next complete the setup steps for that method.":"选择了如何验证身份后,接下来需要完成该方法的设置步骤。","#A security key is an external device that when tapped or when the button is pressed sends a signed response back to Duo to validate your login. Duo uses the WebAuthn authentication standard to interact with your security keys. You may also see WebAuthn referred to as \"FIDO2\".":"安全密钥是一种外部设备,当您轻触或按下按钮时,它会将签名响应发送回 Duo 以验证您的登录。Duo 使用 WebAuthn 身份验证标准与您的安全密钥进行交互。您可能还会看到 WebAuthn 称为“FIDO2”。","#Duo Mobile: Approve Duo Push verification requests on iOS or Android devices, or generate a one-time passcode from the Duo Mobile app.":"Duo Mobile:在 iOS 或 Android 设备上批准 Duo Push 验证请求,或从 Duo Mobile 应用生成一次性密码。","#Do not check this option when using a public or shared computer! This could leave your Duo session available to other users. Trust the browser only when you access applications from your own computer.":"使用公共计算机或共享计算机时,请勿选中此选项!这可能会使您的 Duo 会话可供其他用户使用。仅当您从自己的计算机访问应用时,才可信任浏览器。","#Passcodes received in a text message expire when used.":"通过短信中收到的密码在使用后即会过期。","#Enrollment is the process that registers you as a user in Duo with a device capable of performing two-factor authentication. Duo prompts you to enroll the first time you log into a protected VPN or web application when using a browser or client application that shows the interactive Duo web-based prompt. Follow the on-screen prompts to set up your Duo authentication device.":"注册是通过能够执行双因素身份验证的设备将您注册为 Duo 用户的过程。使用显示基于 Web 的交互式 Duo 提示的浏览器或客户端应用并首次登录受保护的 VPN 或 Web 应用时,Duo 会提示您进行注册。按照屏幕上的提示设置 Duo 身份验证设备。","#Your organization's Duo administrator may choose to block some authentication options for certain applications, requiring that you choose a different device. Since Duo remembers the last-used authentication device for each application you access, the Universal Prompt should always display the right default option for that application.":"贵组织的 Duo 管理员可能选择阻止对某些应用使用某些身份验证选项,并要求您选择其他设备。由于 Duo 会记住您访问的每个应用上次使用的身份验证设备,因此 Universal Prompt 会始终显示该应用的正确默认选项。","#Log in using a code provided by your organization's Duo administrator or help desk. Enter that code into the space provided and click or tap Verify to log in to the application.":"使用贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心提供的代码登录。在提供的空白处输入该代码,然后点击或轻触验证以登录到应用。","#Logging into a Duo-protected application enabled for self-enrollment takes you to the device management page to enroll. Click Next to learn why protecting your identity with two-step verification is important and begin the setup process.":"登录到启用了自行注册的受 Duo 保护的应用后,您将进入设备管理页面以进行注册。点击下一步了解使用两步验证保护您的身份的重要性,并开始设置过程。","#To use a security key with Duo, make sure you have the following:":"要将安全密钥与 Duo 配合使用,请确保您具备以下条件:","#A supported browser: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge. Refer to the Universal Prompt browser support table for minimum browser versions with security key support in Duo.":"受支持的浏览器:Chrome、Safari、Firefox 或 Edge。请参阅Universal Prompt 浏览器支持表,了解 Duo 中支持使用安全密钥的最低浏览器版本。","#Your browser prompts you to tap your security key to use it with Duo (Chrome example shown).":"您的浏览器会提示您轻触安全密钥以将其用于 Duo(显示的是 Chrome 示例)。","#When you log in with the Universal Prompt, Duo remembers the authentication device you used to log in to that application before and defaults to that option.":"当您使用 Universal Prompt 登录时,Duo 会记住您之前登录该应用所使用的身份验证设备,并将该选项设为默认。","#Log in using a passcode generated by a YubiKey. Connect or plug in your YubiKey and press it to generate and submit a passcode to log in to the application.":"使用 YubiKey 生成的密码登录。连接或插入您的 YubiKey,然后按下它以生成并提交密码以便登录到应用。","#Chrome prompts you to verify your identity on duosecurity.com.":"Chrome 会提示您在 duosecurity.com 上验证您的身份。","#You can now log in to Duo-protected applications that show the Duo prompt in a web browser using your fingerprint sensor.":"现在,您可以使用指纹传感器登录到在网络浏览器中显示 Duo Prompt 的受 Duo 保护的应用。","#When you receive confirmation that Duo Mobile was added click Continue.":"当您收到确认消息指明已添加 Duo Mobile 时,点击继续。","#Depending on the policy applied by your Duo administrator, this may trust your browser across all your organization's Duo-protected applications, or there may be unique policies applied to applications that require you to perform Duo authentication again regardless of whether you trusted your browser. Ask your Duo administrator or help desk for more information.":"根据您的 Duo 管理员应用的策略,这可能会在贵组织的所有受 Duo 保护的应用中都信任您的浏览器,或者可能有应用到应用的独特策略,无论您是否信任浏览器都要求您再次执行 Duo 身份验证。请向您的 Duo 管理员或服务中心咨询更多信息。","#A supported browser (check the table above to verify your browser supports security keys).":"支持的浏览器(请查看上表以确认您的浏览器是否支持安全密钥)。","#Only your organization's Duo administrator or help desk can add hardware tokens and Yubikey OTP tokens for you. These verification options do not show up in the list of available options. Neither do any methods that your organization blocks from use; if your Duo administrator applied a policy that doesn't allow authentication with text messages or phone calls, the \"Phone number\" option will be missing when you enroll.":"只有贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心可以为您添加硬件令牌和 Yubikey OTP 令牌。这些验证选项不会显示在可用选项列表中。贵组织阻止使用的任何方法也不会可用;如果您的 Duo 管理员应用的策略不允许通过短信或电话呼叫进行身份验证,则在注册时不会提供“电话号码”选项。","#Touch your Mac's Touch ID sensor when prompted to log in to the application. If you aren't able to access the Touch ID sensor (such as when you close and dock your laptop), then you can choose to type in your Mac login password instead to verify.":"在系统提示登录应用时,触摸 Mac 的 Touch ID 传感器。如果您无法访问 Touch ID 传感器(例如,关闭并固定笔记本电脑时),则可以改为选择输入您的 Mac 登录密码进行验证。","#Authenticate via phone callback. Answer the phone call from Duo and follow the voice instructions to log in to the application.":"通过电话回叫进行身份验证。接听来自 Duo 的电话呼叫,并按照语音说明登录应用。","#Read the Touch ID information and click Continue.":"阅读 Touch ID 信息并点击继续。","#The current version of Duo Mobile supports iOS 12.0 or greater and Android 8 or greater.":"当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 iOS 12.0 或更高版本以及 Android 8 或更高版本。","#Open the Duo Mobile app on your phone or tablet and add this account by scanning the barcode shown on-screen.":"在您的手机或平板电脑上打开 Duo Mobile 应用,并通过扫描屏幕上显示的条码添加此账户。","#Duo's Universal Prompt supports English, Spanish, French, German, and Japanese. Your browser's language settings determine the language shown in the prompt, with no extra configuration necessary.":"Duo 的 Universal Prompt 支持英语、西班牙语、法语、德语和日语。您的浏览器的语言设置决定了提示中显示的语言,无需额外配置。","#Your administrator must have configured the YubiKey for passcode use in Duo. This is a separate function from using a YubiKey as a security key.":"您的管理员必须已在 Duo 中配置用于密码的 YubiKey。这是一个独立的功能,不同于使用 YubiKey 作为安全密钥。","#Instead of enrolling when you log in to an application, you might receive an email from your organization's Duo administrator with an enrollment link instead. For now, an emailed enrollment link takes you to enrollment in the traditional Duo prompt.":"登录应用时,您可能会收到来自贵组织 Duo 管理员的电子邮件,其中包含注册链接。目前,通过邮件发送的注册链接会将您转至旧版 Duo Prompt 中的注册页面。","#Duo recommends the most secure option of the methods available to you, so it's a good idea to set up that method first if you have a device that supports it.":"Duo 建议选择对您可用的最安全方法,因此,如果您有支持该方法的设备,最好先设置该方法。","#If you aren't able to scan the barcode, tap Or email activation code and then enter your email address to send the activation link to yourself. Follow the instructions in the email to activate the new account in Duo Mobile.":"如果您无法扫描条码,请轻触或者通过邮件给我发送激活码,然后输入您的邮件地址以向您自己发送激活链接。按照邮件中的说明在 Duo Mobile 中激活新账户。","#Your organization might apply a policy that prevents the use of some authentication methods for one or all applications. If so, those options won't show up in the list.":"贵组织可能会应用策略来阻止对某个或所有应用使用某些身份验证方式。如果是,这些选项将不会显示在列表中。","#Touch ID: Use the fingerprint sensor on Apple MacBooks and Magic Keyboards. Requires Chrome 70 or later.":"Touch ID:使用 Apple MacBook 和 Magic 键盘上的指纹传感器。需要 Chrome 70 或更高版本。","#A supported security key. WebAuthn/FIDO2 security keys from Yubico or Feitian are good options. U2F-only security keys (like the Yubikey NEO-n) can't be used with the Universal Prompt.":"受支持的安全密钥。YubicoFeitian 的 WebAuthn/FIDO2 安全密钥是很好的选择。仅 U2F 安全密钥(如 Yubikey NEO-n)不能与 Universal Prompt 一起使用。","#If your organization's policy allows it, you may be able to skip authenticating with Duo again for a set amount of time. After you approve the Duo authentication request, you'll see the option to trust this browser. Check the box to remember your browser for the amount of time shown. When that trust period ends, you will need to perform Duo authentication again.":"如果贵组织的策略允许,您可以在设定的时间内跳过再次使用 Duo 进行身份验证。批准 Duo 身份验证请求后,您将看到信任此浏览器的选项。选中此复选框可在显示的时间内记住浏览器。当该信任期结束时,您将需要再次执行 Duo 身份验证。","#Insert your security key if not already plugged in, and then tap or press your security key when prompted to log in to the application. Some types of keys flash as a prompt for you to authenticate. Your browser may also pop up a prompt instructing you to tap your security key.":"插入您的安全密钥(如果尚未插入),然后在系统提示时轻触或按您的安全密钥以登录应用。某些类型的密钥会闪烁,提示您进行身份验证。您的浏览器可能还会弹出一个提示,提示您轻触安全密钥。","#Security key: Tap a WebAuthn/FIDO2 security key. Requires Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge.":"安全密钥:轻触 WebAuthn/FIDO2 安全密钥。需要 Chrome、Safari、Firefox 或 Edge。","#Download and install Duo Mobile on your phone or tablet from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Once you have Duo Mobile installed click Next.":"从 Google Play StoreApple App Store 下载 Duo Mobile 并将其安装在您的手机或平板电脑上。安装 Duo Mobile 后,点击下一步。","#When you receive confirmation of adding the new phone number for text messaging, click Continue to log in to the application with a passcode received via text message or a phone call from Duo.":"当您收到消息确认为发送短信的功能添加新电话号码时,点击继续使用通过短信接收的密码来自 Duo 的电话呼叫登录应用。","#Duo takes you through the steps of adding the new device, just like first-time enrollment. The difference between adding a new device from device management and during first-time enrollment is that when you have finished enrolling the new device you return to the device management page to view all your registered devices, including the new one, instead of continuing to log into an application.":"Duo 会引导您完成添加新设备的步骤,就像首次注册一样。从设备管理添加新设备与在首次注册期间添加新设备的区别在于,完成新设备注册后,您将返回到设备管理页面以查看所有已注册设备(包括新设备),而不是继续登录应用。","#To delete a device, click Edit and then Remove. You'll be able to confirm that you want to remove this device before deleting it. Once deleted, a verification device can't be restored, but if you still have the device available you can add it again. You can't delete your only identity verification device.":"要删除设备,请点击编辑,然后点击删除。您可以在进行删除之前确认要删除此设备。一旦删除,将无法恢复验证设备,但如果您仍有可用设备,则可以再次添加。您无法删除唯一的身份验证设备。","#If this phone number is a landline and can't receive text messages, select the This is a landline phone option before continuing.":"如果此电话号码是座机并且无法接收短信,请选择这是座机选项,然后再继续。","#Click Edit and then Rename to give a device a new name to help you identify it. This new name shows up in the verification method list and on the authentication page when you log in with Duo to make it easier for you to identify which device you're using.":"点击编辑),然后点击重命名为设备提供新名称,以帮助您识别设备。当您使用 Duo 登录时,此新名称会显示在验证方法列表和身份验证页面上,以便您更轻松地识别正在使用的设备。","#If you added a landline phone number, click Continue to log in to the application with a phone call from Duo.":"如果您添加了座机电话号码,请点击继续,通过来自 Duo 的电话呼叫登录应用。","#Choose any of the available methods and proceed through the steps for adding it. If you don't want to add another method at this time, click Skip for now.":"选择任何可用的方法并继续执行添加步骤。如果您此时不想添加其他方法,请点击暂时跳过。","#After approving a Duo authentication request, you can see all your registered devices in the device management portal.":"批准 Duo 身份验证请求后,您可以在设备管理门户中查看所有已注册设备。","#You can reactivate Duo Mobile for use with Duo Push on a new phone from the device portal if it uses the same phone number as when you set up the original phone in Duo.":"如果新手机使用的电话号码与您在 Duo 中设置原始手机时使用的电话号码相同,您可以在设备门户上重新激活 Duo Mobile 以在新手机上与 Duo Push 配合使用。","#Enter the verification passcode you received in a text message or phone call and click Verify .":"输入您在短信或电话呼叫中收到的验证密码,然后点击验证。","#Click Continue when you've finished reactivating Duo Mobile on your new phone to return to the device management portal.":"在新手机上完成对 Duo Mobile 的重新激活后,点击继续以返回设备管理门户。","#This option is suitable for mobile phones that can't run Duo Mobile, or office phones and landlines.":"此选项适用于无法运行 Duo Mobile 的手机,或办公电话和座机。","#Click Get started if your phone uses the same phone number as before. If you want to add a new phone with a different number, cancel reactivation and follow the process for adding a new device instead.":"如果您的手机使用与之前相同的电话号码,请点击立即开始。如果要添加具有不同号码的新手机,请取消重新激活,并按照添加新设备的流程操作。","#After you add a second login verification method, or if you chose to skip it, you'll arrive at the end of the Duo setup process. Click Log in with Duo to log in to the application using the Duo method you just added.":"在添加第二种登录验证方法后,或者如果您选择跳过该添加过程 ,Duo 设置过程即已结束。点击使用 Duo 登录,使用您刚刚添加的 Duo 方法登录应用。","#To access the device management you'll first need to verify your identity, just as you do when logging in to a service or application protected by Duo. Click on an available option to verify your identity. If you're visiting device management to delete or update a device you don't have anymore (such as a phone you lost or replaced), be sure to pick a verification option that you still have with you. If you don't have any devices you can use to authenticate to device management, contact your organization's Duo administrator or help desk.":"要访问设备管理,您首先需要验证您的身份,就像登录受 Duo 保护的服务或应用时一样。点击可用选项以验证您的身份。如果您访问设备管理以删除或更新您不再拥有的设备(例如丢失或更换的手机),请务必选择您仍然拥有的验证选项。如果您没有可用于对设备管理进行身份验证的任何设备,请联系贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#To add a new method of verifying your identity in Duo, click Add a device and select one of the verification options.":"要在 Duo 中添加新身份验证方式,请点击添加设备并选择其中一个验证选项。","#Install the Duo Mobile app on your new phone if you hadn't already done so, open it and tap Add to scan the QR barcode shown on-screen, continuing the same steps you completed when you originally set up Duo Mobile for Duo Push on your phone.":"在您的新手机上安装 Duo Mobile 应用(如果尚未安装),将其打开它并轻触添加以扫描屏幕上显示的二维码,继续执行最初在手机上为 Duo Duo Push 设置 Duo Mobile 时完成的相同步骤。","#Verify that you have access to the phone by clicking Send me a passcode or Or call my phone to receive a passcode from Duo.":"点击向我发送密码或者拨打我的电话以接收来自 Duo 的密码,从而验证您是否有权访问手机。","#When you receive confirmation that you added your security key as a verification method click Continue.":"当您收到确认消息指明您已添加安全密钥作为验证方法时,点击继续。","#You can now log in to Duo-protected applications that show the Duo prompt in a web browser using your security key.":"您现在可以使用安全密钥登录到受 Duo 保护的应用,该应用在 Web 浏览器中显示 Duo Prompt。","#Verify that the phone number shown (and landline extension, if you entered one) is accurate and click Yes, it's correct to continue (or No, change it to go back and enter the number again).":"验证显示的电话号码(以及座机分机号,如果输入了座机分机号)准确无误,然后点击是,正确无误以继续(或否,请更改以返回并再次输入该号码)。","#If enabled by your administrator, you can add additional verification methods or manage your existing devices from the Duo Universal Prompt.":"如果管理员已启用相应功能,您可以从 Duo Universal Prompt 添加其他验证方法或管理现有设备。","#When you click Continue after registering your first verification method, Duo prompts you to add another one.":"当您在注册第一种验证方法后点击继续时,Duo会提示您添加另一种验证方法。","#Locate the existing phone in the device management portal and click the I have a new phone link.":"在设备管理门户中找到现有手机,然后点击我有新电话链接。","#Select your country from the drop-down list and type your phone number, and then click Add phone number.":"从下拉列表中选择您所在的国家/地区并输入您的电话号码,然后点击添加电话号码。","#When you receive confirmation of adding the new mobile phone number for texts or calls, click Continue to login to log in to the application with a passcode received via text message or a phone call from Duo.":"当您收到消息确认为短信或呼叫功能添加新的手机号码时,点击继续登录以使用通过短信接收的密码来自 Duo 的电话呼叫登录应用。","#If you opted to add a landline, you can enter the landline's extension on the next screen and click Add extension or click Skip this step if you do not need to enter an extension for your landline.":"如果您选择添加座机,则可以在下一个屏幕上输入座机分机号,然后点击添加分机号;如果您不需要为座机输入分机,请点击跳过此步骤。","#It's a good idea to add a second verification method that you can use as a backup if the first method you added isn't available to you at some point, like if you lose or forget your phone and need to log in with Duo, or if you want to access an application from a different MacBook than the one you used to set up Touch ID in Duo.":"最好添加第二种验证方法以用作备用方法,以便在您添加的第一种方法在某些时候无法使用时仍可进行验证,例如您丢失或忘记了手机,并需要使用 Duo 进行登录,或者您要从不同于用来在 Duo 中设置 Touch ID 的另一个 MacBook 上访问的应用。","#Refer to the traditional Duo Prompt page to learn about personal devices and Duo.":"请参阅旧版 Duo Prompt 页面,了解个人设备和 Duo。","#YubiKey Passcode in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的 YubiKey 密码","#Text Message Passcode in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的短信密码","#Duo Mobile Passcode in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的 Duo Mobile 密码","#If your existing phone stops receiving Duo Push requests your Duo administrator or help desk might suggest that you try reactivating Duo Mobile on your phone with this process as a troubleshooting step.":"如果您的现有手机停止接收 Duo Push 请求,作为故障排除步骤,您的 Duo 管理员或服务中心可能会建议您尝试使用此过程重新激活手机上的 Duo Mobile。","#Refer to the Duo Software Update page to learn about software notifications shown by Duo and how to update your software.":"请参阅 Duo 软件更新页面,了解 Duo 显示的软件通知以及如何更新您的软件。","#Newly Added Device in Device Management Portal":"设备管理门户中新添加的设备","#Supported Browser Information":"支持的浏览器信息","#Traditional Prompt Enrollment":"旧版 Prompt 注册","#Duo Push in Traditional Prompt":"旧版 Prompt 中的Duo Push","#The Universal Prompt preview will include software update checks in a future release. Until then, you will fall back to the traditional Duo Prompt for software checks and notifications.":"Universal Prompt 预览版将在未来版本中包含软件更新检查。在此之前,您将回退到旧版 Duo Prompt 以获取软件检查和通知。","#The Duo Device Health App is an application installed on your desktop or laptop that performs health checks whenever you access Duo protected applications through the Universal Prompt, ensuring that your computer meets the organization’s security requirements. This helps protect corporate data and make sure your computer is less vulnerable to compromise.":"Duo Device Health 应用是安装在您的桌面或笔记本电脑上的应用,每当您通过 Universal Prompt 访问受 Duo 保护的应用时,该应用都会执行运行状况检查,确保您的计算机符合组织的安全要求。这有助于保护公司数据,并确保您的计算机不易受到危害。","#Add Another Duo Verification Method":"添加其他 Duo 验证方法","#Duo Mobile iOS Instructions":"Duo Mobile iOS 说明","#Phone Call in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的电话呼叫","#If you can't authenticate or aren't sure what to do, contact your organization's Duo administrator or help desk for guidance. If you click Need help? at the bottom-left of the Universal Prompt your administrator may have customized the help text with further instructions or contact information. Please do not contact Duo Support directly, as Duo Support can only assist named Duo account administrators.":"如果您无法进行身份验证或不确定如何操作,请联系贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心获取指导。如果点击 Universal Prompt 左下角的需要帮助?,可能会看到您的管理员自定义的帮助文本,其中包含更多说明或联系信息。请不要直接联系 Duo 支持团队,因为 Duo 支持团队只能协助指定的 Duo 账户管理员。","#Device Management Portal":"设备管理门户","#Rename a Device":"重命名设备","#Fingerprint in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的指纹","#Security Key Option":"安全密钥选项","#Verification for Device Management":"验证设备管理","#List of Authentication Options in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的身份验证选项列表","#Manage Devices Option":"管理设备选项","#Remember Device Option in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的记住设备选项","#Bypass Code in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的旁路代码","#Refer to the Duo Device Health page to learn how to install Duo Device Health and address issues discovered by the app.":"请参阅 Duo Device Health 页面,了解如何安装 Duo Device Health 并解决应用发现的问题。","#Duo Traditional Prompt Instructions":"旧版 Duo Prompt 说明","#Duo Mobile Android Information":"Duo Mobile Android 信息","#Security Key in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的安全密钥","#Your organization may choose to block access to applications from devices not managed by the organization. The Universal Prompt preview will include device management checks in a future release. Until then, you will fall back to the traditional Duo Prompt for the managed device check and any notifications.":"贵组织可能选择阻止从非组织托管设备访问应用。Universal Prompt 预览版将在未来版本中包含设备管理检查。在此之前,您将回退到旧版 Duo Prompt 进行受管设备检查和获取任何通知。","#Hardware Token Passcode in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的硬件令牌密码","#Begin Touch ID Enrollment":"开始注册 Touch ID","#Touch ID Added":"已添加 Touch ID","#Log in with Duo Push":"使用 Duo Push 登录","#Begin Security Key Enrollment":"开始注册安全密钥","#Supported Authenticators":"支持的身份验证器","#Windows 10 and Later":"Windows 10 及更高版本","#A Mac computer with a Touch ID button.":"带有 Touch ID 按钮的 Mac 计算机。","#The next time you log into this Duo SSO application from the iPhone or iPad where you set up Face ID/Touch ID for passwordless login, you'll enter your username and then instead of entering your password you can choose Face ID/Touch ID to verify your identity. Tap Log in.":"下次从设置了 Face ID/Touch ID 以进行无密码登录的 iPhone 或 iPad 登录到此 Duo SSO 应用时,您只需输入用户名,然后即可选择 Face ID/Touch ID 验证您的身份,无需输入密码。轻触登录。","#Follow your device's prompt to enter your Windows Hello PIN, scan your fingerprint, or use facial recognition, just like you did when you set up Windows Hello in Duo.":"按照设备的提示输入 Windows Hello PIN,扫描指纹或使用面部识别,就像在 Duo 中设置 Windows Hello 一样。","#The next time you log into this Duo SSO application from the Android device where you set up biometric device verification for passwordless login, you'll enter your username and then instead of entering your password you can choose device verification to verify your identity. Tap Log in.":"下次从 Android 设备登录此 Duo SSO 应用,且您在该设备中设置了生物识别设备验证以用于无密码登录时,您将输入用户名,然后即可选择设备验证来验证您的身份,无需输入密码。轻触登录。","#A supported security key. WebAuthn/FIDO2 security keys from Yubico or Feitian are good options.":"受支持的安全密钥。YubicoFeitian 的 WebAuthn/FIDO2 安全密钥是很好的选择。","#Enter your security key's PIN or perform biometric verification when prompted (Chrome example shown).":"输入安全密钥的 PIN 或在系统提示时执行生物识别验证(显示的是 Chrome 示例)。","#When you receive confirmation that you added your security key as a verification method click or tap Continue.":"当您收到有关已添加安全密钥作为验证方法的确认消息时,请点击或轻触继续。","#Successful security key verification logs you in without entering a password, and Duo SSO sends you to the application as a logged in user.":"安全密钥验证成功后,无需输入密码即可登录,并且 Duo SSO 会将您作为已登录用户转至应用。","#Passwordless Setup Complete":"Passwordless 设置完成","#Log in with a Phone Call":"使用电话呼叫登录","#Confirm Phone Ownership":"确认手机所有权","#Log in From a Different Device or Browser":"从其他设备或浏览器登录","#Firefox on macOS cannot prompt for the security key's PIN to fulfill the passwordless user verification requirement.":"macOS 版 Firefox 无法提示输入安全密钥的 PIN 来满足无密码用户验证要求。","#Firefox on Android 10 and 11 does not support Android biometric enrollment.":"Android 10 和 11 上的 Firefox 不支持 Android 生物识别注册。","#When you log into a Duo Single Sign-On (Duo SSO) application that supports passwordless authentication, you will log in with your username and password, and complete Duo two-factor authentication. See the Duo Single Sign-On guide for an example.":"当您登录支持无密码身份验证的 Duo Single Sign-On (Duo SSO) 应用时,您将使用用户名和密码登录,并完成 Duo 双因素身份验证。有关示例,请参阅 Duo Single Sign-On 指南。","#Place your finger on the Touch ID button in the Touch Bar (or enter your system password) to complete Touch ID enrollment (Chrome example shown).":"将手指放在 Touch Bar 中的 Touch ID 按钮上(或输入系统密码)完成 Touch ID 注册(显示的是 Chrome 示例)。","#Tap the Face ID/Touch ID option to begin adding it to Duo.":"轻触 Face ID/Touch ID 选项,开始将其添加到 Duo。","#Follow your device's instructions for scanning your face to complete Face ID verification or scan your fingerprint for Touch ID verification.":"按照设备的说明扫描面部以完成 Face ID 验证,或扫描指纹以进行 Touch ID 验证。","#A device running Windows 10 or later.":"运行 Windows 10 或更高版本的设备。","#A supported browser: Chrome, Safari, Firefox (excluding macOS), or Edge. Refer to the Duo Passwordless browser support table.":"支持的浏览器:Chrome、Safari、Firefox(不包括 macOS)或 Edge。请参阅 Duo Passwordless 浏览器支持表。","#Connect your FIDO2 security key to the device you'll use to log into a Duo SSO application.":"将 FIDO2 安全密钥连接到您将用于登录 Duo SSO 应用的设备。","#Duo Single Sign-On User Guide":"Duo Single Sign-On 用户指南","#Duo Passwordless Security Key Information":"Duo Passwordless 安全密钥信息","#Supported Browsers Information":"支持的浏览器信息","#Confirm Phone Number for Duo Mobile":"确认 Duo Mobile 的电话号码","#Duo Mobile Added Success":"已成功添加 Duo Mobile","#Set up Multiple Authenticator Types":"设置多个身份验证器类型","#Set up Touch ID":"设置 Touch ID","#Set up Security Keys":"设置安全密钥","#Platform authenticators: These are authentication methods built into the device you use to access services and applications protected by Duo. Examples of platform devices would be":"平台身份验证器:这些是设备内置的身份验证方式,用于访问受 Duo 保护的服务和应用。平台设备的示例包括","#Touch ID on Mac":"Mac 上的 Touch ID","#Firefox on macOS does not support Touch ID due to missing FIDO2 support.":"由于缺少 FIDO2 支持,macOS 版 Firefox 不支持 Touch ID。","#Note that if your organization allows both types of authenticators but your access device doesn't have a supported platform authenticator you'll only see the security key option as well.":"请注意,如果贵组织允许两种类型的身份验证器,但您的访问设备没有受支持的平台身份验证器,则您只能看到安全密钥选项。","#Learn how to set up and log in with these Duo Passwordless identity verification methods.":"了解如何设置这些 Duo Passwordless 身份验证方式并使用这些方面进行登录。","#You've added Android biometric device verification as your passwordless login method. Tap Done.":"您已将 Android 生物识别设备验证添加为无密码登录方法。轻触完成。","#Touch ID Instructions at apple.com":"apple.com 上的 Touch ID 说明","#Duo Mobile in the App Store":"App Store 中的 Duo Mobile","#Security Key Enroll Success":"安全密钥注册成功","#Personal Devices in the Traditional Duo Prompt Information":"旧版 Duo Prompt 中的个人设备信息","#Outdated Software":"过期软件","#macOS 11 and Later":"macOS 11 及更高版本","#Duo Passwordless Face ID/Touch ID on iPhone or iPad Information":"iPhone 或 iPad 信息上的 Duo Passwordless Face ID/Touch ID","#About Duo Passwordless":"关于 Duo Passwordless","#Log in with Security Keys":"使用安全密钥登录","#Duo Passwordless supports Chrome (Desktop and Mobile), Firefox, Safari (Desktop and Mobile), and Edge. Not all browsers support all verification methods on a given operating system, so for the widest compatibility we recommend Chrome or the browser that came with your operating system.":"Duo Passwordless 支持 Chrome(桌面版和移动版)、Firefox、Safari(桌面版和移动版)和 Edge。在给定操作系统上,并非所有浏览器都支持所有验证方法,因此为了实现最广泛的兼容性,我们建议使用 Chrome 或操作系统随附的浏览器。","#After that, you'll see the \"Tired of passwords?\" invitation to set up Duo Passwordless. Click or tap Continue to set up passwordless login.":"在此之后,您将看到“厌烦了密码?”消息,邀请您设置 Duo Passwordless。点击或轻触继续以设置无密码登录。","#In order to use Windows Hello with Duo Passwordless, make sure you have the following:":"要将 Windows Hello 与 Duo Passwordless 配合使用,请确保您具备以下条件:","#Tap the Device verification option to begin adding it to Duo.":"轻触设备验证选项开始将其添加到 Duo。","#The security key must be a biometric key (i.e. a fingerprint reader), or must be configured with a PIN for FIDO2 use. Refer to your security key vendor's support information to learn how to configure a PIN for your security key, for example, this article from Yubico describes how to use and set PINs for YubiKey security keys.":"安全密钥必须是生物识别密钥(即指纹读取器),或者必须配置有用于 FIDO2 的 PIN。请参阅您的安全密钥供应商的支持信息,了解如何为您的安全密钥配置 PIN,例如,Yubico 的这篇文章介绍了如何使用和设置 YubiKey 安全密钥的 PIN。","#Duo Passwordless Android Biometrics Information":"Duo Passwordless Android Biometrics 信息","#Choose Face ID/Touch ID Verification Method":"选择 Face ID/Touch ID 验证方法","#Select Identity Verification method":"选择身份验证方式","#Scan Barcode in Duo Mobile":"在 Duo Mobile 中扫描条码","#Software Update Information":"软件更新信息","#Face ID or Touch ID on an iPhone or iPad":"iPhone 或 iPad 上的 Face ID 或 Touch ID","#Log in with Android Biometrics":"使用 Android Biometrics 登录","#Platform Authenticator":"平台身份验证器","#Android 10 and Later":"Android 10 及更高版本","#If you don't want to set up passwordless login now, click or tap Skip for now. Duo will finish logging you into your application. Duo will ask again if you want to set up passwordless authentication during future logins.":"如果您不想立即设置无密码登录,请点击或轻触暂时跳过。Duo 将完成应用登录过程。Duo 会再次询问您是否要在以后的登录过程中设置无密码身份验证。","#In this example, the organization allows roaming authenticators but not platform authenticators, so the only option is to set up a security key.":"在本例中,组织允许漫游身份验证器,但不允许平台身份验证器,因此唯一的选择是设置安全密钥。","#Click Continue to begin setting up passwordless login.":"点击继续以开始设置无密码登录。","#You've added Face ID or Touch ID as your passwordless login method. Tap Done.":"您已将 Face ID 或 Touch ID 添加为无密码登录方法。轻触完成。","#Click or tap Continue to begin setting up passwordless login.":"点击或轻触继续以开始设置无密码登录。","#The next time you log into this Duo SSO application from the Windows system where you set up Windows Hello for passwordless login, you'll enter your username and then instead of entering your password you can choose Windows Hello to verify your identity. Click or tap Log in.":"下次从设置 Windows Hello 进行无密码登录的 Windows 系统登录此 Duo SSO 应用时,您将输入用户名,然后即可选择 Windows Hello 来验证您的身份,无需输入密码。点击或轻触登录。","#Click or tap the Security key option to begin adding it to Duo. You'll only see this option offered if your Duo administrator allows use of roaming passwordless authenticators.":"点击或轻触安全密钥选项,开始将其添加到 Duo。仅当 Duo 管理员允许使用漫游无密码身份验证器时,您才会看到此选项。","#If you are accessing the application from a new device, click or tap the Log in with a password button. Enter your SSO password and then you can set up passwordless login on the new device.":"如果从新设备访问应用,请点击或轻触使用密码登录按钮。输入您的 SSO 密码,然后您可以在新设备上设置无密码登录。","#Duo Passwordless Touch ID Login":"Duo Passwordless Touch ID 登录","#Begin Universal Enrollment":"开始注册 Universal Prompt","#Log in with Fingerprint Sensor":"使用指纹传感器登录","#Log in with Security Key":"使用安全密钥登录","#Enter Landline Extension":"输入座机分机号","#Log in with Text Message Passcode":"使用短信密码登录","#Add Your Chosen Method":"添加您选择的方法","#With Duo Passwordless, you no longer have to remember or type in long, complex passwords when you access applications. Instead, you can log in with a single gesture, like scanning your fingerprint. Duo Passwordless uses removable security keys and biometric authenticators built into computers, phones, and tablets to secure access to your applications without passwords.":"使用 Duo Passwordless,您在访问应用时无需记住或输入复杂的长密码。相反,您使用单个手势(例如扫描指纹)即可登录。Duo Passwordless 使用内置于计算机、手机和平板电脑中的可移动安全密钥和生物识别器来保护对应用的访问,无需输入密码。","#The options you see offered during Duo Passwordless setup depend on whether your organization allows use of platform authenticators (Touch ID, Windows Hello, etc.), roaming authenticators (security keys), or both.":"您在 Duo Passwordless 设置过程中看到的选项取决于贵组织是否允许使用平台身份验证器(Touch ID、Windows Hello 等)和/或漫游身份验证器(安全密钥)。","#A recent version of Google Chrome or Safari. Other browsers on macOS are not supported.":"最新版本的 Google ChromeSafari。macOS 上的其他浏览器不受支持。","#Successful Touch ID verification logs you in without entering a password, and Duo SSO sends you to the application as a logged in user.":"成功进行 Touch ID 验证,然后您无需输入密码即可登录,并且 Duo SSO 将您作为已登录用户转到应用。","#In order to use Face ID or Touch ID on an iPhone or iPad with Duo Passwordless, make sure you have the following:":"要将 iPhone 或 iPad 上的 Face ID 或 Touch ID 与 Duo Passwordless 配合使用,请确保您具备以下条件:","#Follow your device's prompt to use Face ID or Touch ID, just like you did when you set up Face ID/Touch ID in Duo.":"按照设备的提示使用 Face ID 或 Touch ID,就像在 Duo 中设置 Face ID/Touch ID 一样。","#Make sure that your security key's PIN or biometric verification works before trying to set it up in Duo. If your security key doesn't meet the requirements, you will need to close your browser tab or window to exit the setup process and start your login attempt again.":"在尝试在 Duo 中进行设置之前,请确保安全密钥的 PIN 或生物识别验证工作正常。如果您的安全密钥不符合要求,您需要关闭浏览器选项卡或窗口以退出设置过程并再次尝试登录。","#You've added a security key as your passwordless login method. Click Done.":"您已添加安全密钥作为无密码登录方法。点击完成。","#If you set up a platform authenticator for passwordless logins (like Touch ID or Windows Hello), that verification method is associated with that device. If you switch to a different access device, you will need to log in with your password. After completing Duo two-factor authentication on the second device, you can set up the platform authenticator on that new device for Duo Passwordless logins.":"如果为无密码登录(例如 Touch ID 或 Windows Hello)设置平台身份验证器,则此验证方法与该设备关联。如果切换到其他访问设备,则需要使用密码登录。在第二台设备上完成 Duo 双因素身份验证后,您可以在新设备上为 Duo Passwordless 登录设置平台身份验证器。","#In some situations Duo Passwordless may think you are logging in from a different device when you use a different browser on the system where you already registered a platform authenticator (like if you set up Windows Hello from the Edge browser, but then switch to Firefox on the same computer). If this happens, Duo asks you if this is a new device (or new browser).":"在某些情况下,当您在已注册平台身份验证器的系统上使用不同的浏览器时,Duo Passwordless 可能会认为您是从不同的设备登录(例如,如果您从 Edge 浏览器设置 Windows Hello,但随后在同一计算机上切换到 Firefox)。如果发生这种情况,Duo 会询问您这是不是新设备(或新浏览器)。","#Access Device Software Checks":"访问设备软件检查","#Verify Phone Ownership with a Passcode":"使用密码验证手机所有权","#Add Duo Mobile App":"添加 Duo Mobile 应用","#Touch ID on a Mac":"Mac 上的 Touch ID","#Log in with Face ID/Touch ID":"使用 Face ID/Touch ID 登录","#When you set up one of these methods, it's effective only for the system where you set it up. If you were to set up Windows Hello to log in to Duo Passwordless on one computer, then switch to a different Windows computer, Windows Hello on the second computer won't log you in to Duo. You will need to use your username and password to log in on that second computer, and complete Duo two-factor authentication to access the application, or to set up Windows Hello for passwordless on the new computer.":"当您设置其中一种方法时,它仅对您设置的系统有效。如果您在一台计算机上将 Windows Hello 设置为登录 Duo Passwordless,然后切换到另一台 Windows 计算机,则第二台计算机上的 Windows Hello 不会登录到 Duo。您将需要使用您的用户名和密码登录第二台计算机,并完成 Duo 双因素身份验证以访问应用,或在新计算机上设置 Windows Hello 以实现无密码登录。","#None":"无","#No 2":"否2","#An iPhone or iPad that supports Face ID or Touch ID.":"支持 Face ID 或 Touch ID 的 iPhone 或 iPad。","#When you receive confirmation that you added Face ID as a verification method click Continue.":"当您收到确认信息指明已添加 Face ID 作为验证方法时,请点击继续。","#Log in with Face ID":"使用 Face ID 登录","#Read the device verification information and click or tap Continue.":"阅读设备验证信息,然后点击或轻触继续。","#Then, when prompted, tap the security key again to complete your passwordless login (Windows Edge example shown).":"然后,在系统提示时,再次轻触安全密钥以完成无密码登录(显示的是 Windows Edge 示例)。","#If you aren't accessing the application from a new device, click or tap the link to try your existing platform authenticator, such as Try Touch ID or Try Windows Hello. Follow the prompts to verify your identity with your previously registered platform authenticator, and Duo logs you into the application without a password.":"如果您不是从新设备访问应用,请点击或轻触链接以尝试现有的平台身份验证器,例如尝试 Touch ID尝试 Windows Hello。按照提示使用您之前注册的平台身份验证器验证您的身份,Duo 会将您登录到应用中,不要求输入密码。","#Chrome Touch ID Prompt":"Chrome Touch ID 提示","#Duo Mobile in the Play Store":"Play Store 中的 Duo Mobile","#Set up Android Biometrics":"设置 Android Biometrics","#iOS/iPadOS 14.5 and Later":"iOS/iPadOS 14.5 及更高版本","#Chrome on Android 10 and 11 cannot prompt for the security key's PIN to fulfill the passwordless user verification requirement.":"Android 10 和 11 上的 Chrome 无法提示输入安全密钥的 PIN 来满足无密码用户验证要求。","#Face ID/Touch ID on an iPhone or iPad":"iPhone 或 iPad 上的 Face ID/Touch ID","#Depending on the option your device supports, you'll either scan your face to use Face ID during setup and while logging in, or you'll scan your fingerprint instead to use Touch ID.":"根据设备支持的选项,您可以在设置和登录时扫描面部以使用 Face ID,或者扫描指纹以使用 Touch ID。","#In order to use Android Biometrics with Duo Passwordless, make sure you have the following:":"要将 Android Biometrics 与 Duo Passwordless 配合使用,请确保您具备以下条件:","#An Android device that supports biometrics, like fingerprint or face unlock.":"支持生物识别(例如指纹或面部解锁)的 Android 设备。","#Facial or fingerprint unlock set up on that device. Go to SettingsSecurity to change your unlock settings. Refer to the Google support articles Unlock your Pixel phone with your fingerprint and Unlock your Pixel phone with your face, the Samsung articles Set up and use the fingerprint sensor on your Galaxy phone and Use Facial recognition security on your Galaxy phone, or your device manufacturer's support site for examples of how to do this.":"在该设备上的面部或指纹解锁设置即已完成。转至设置安全,更改解锁设置。请参阅 Google 支持文章用指纹解锁 Pixel 手机用面部解锁 Pixel 手机,Samsung 文章在 Galaxy 手机中设置和使用指纹传感器在 Galaxy 手机上使用面部识别安全,或访问设备制造商的支持网站,了解如何执行此操作。","#Duo Phone Number Enroll Success":"Duo 电话号码注册成功","#Blocked Software":"受阻止的软件","#Face ID on an iPhone":"iPhone 上的 Face ID","#, and Android biometrics.":"和 Android Biometrics。","#Roaming authenticators: These authentication devices are WebAuthn FIDO2 security keys with biometric or PIN verification, like those from Yubico or Feitian. They can move from one system you use to access services and applications protected by Duo to another, such as a USB security key you unplug from one laptop and plug into another.":"漫游身份验证器:这些身份验证设备是具有生物识别或 PIN 验证的 WebAuthn FIDO2 安全密钥,例如来自 YubicoFeitian 的密钥。它们可以从用于访问受 Duo 保护的服务和应用的一个系统移动到另一个系统,例如从一台笔记本电脑拔出 USB 安全密钥并插入另一台笔记本电脑。","#Yes 1":"是1","#The next time you log into this Duo SSO application from the Mac computer where you set up Touch ID for passwordless login, you'll enter your username and then — instead of entering your password — you can choose Touch ID to verify your identity.":"下次从设置了 Face ID 以进行无密码登录的 Mac 计算机登录到此 Duo SSO 应用时,您只需输入用户名,然后即可选择 Touch ID 验证您的身份,无需输入密码。","#Follow the Windows Hello instructions to verify your identity by entering your PIN, scanning your fingerprint, or pointing your face to your camera.":"按照 Windows Hello 说明,通过输入 PIN、扫描指纹或将面部对准摄像头来验证您的身份。","#Successful Android device verification logs you in without entering a password, and Duo SSO sends you to the application as a logged in user.":"Android 设备验证成功后,您无需输入密码即可登录,并且 Duo SSO 会将您作为已登录用户转至应用。","#If you try to access an application using an operating system or browser that your organization has blocked, you'll see a notification informing you that it isn't allowed.":"如果您尝试使用贵组织已阻止的操作系统或浏览器访问应用,将看到一条通知,指明您不可进行该操作。","#Supported Browsers Table":"支持的浏览器表","#Chrome Security Key Prompt":"Chrome 安全密钥提示","#Enter Phone Number":"输入电话号码","#Set up Face ID/Touch ID":"设置 Face ID/Touch ID","#Set up Windows Hello":"设置 Windows Hello","#Log in with Windows Hello":"使用 Windows Hello 登录","#Duo supports Touch ID in Safari for passwordless login, but not for two-factor authentication.":"Duo 支持在 Safari 中使用 Touch ID 进行无密码登录,但不支持双因素身份验证。","#In order to use Touch ID on macOS with Duo Passwordless, make sure you have the following:":"要在 macOS 上使用 Touch ID 和 Duo Passwordless,请确保您具备以下条件:","#To use a security key with Duo Passwordless, make sure you have the following:":"要将安全密钥与 Duo Passwordless 配合使用,请确保您具备以下条件:","#The next time you log into this Duo SSO application — from the device where you set up your security key or another device where you connected that same security key — you'll enter your username and then instead of entering your password you can choose Security Keys to verify your identity.":"下次登录此 Duo SSO 应用时(从设置安全密钥的设备或连接同一安全密钥的其他设备),请输入用户名,然后选择“安全密钥”来验证您的身份,而不是输入密码。","#Feitian FIDO2 Security Keys":"Feitian FIDO2 安全密钥","#Use Touch ID on iPhone and iPad":"在 iPhone 和 iPad 上使用 Touch ID","#Log in with Duo Mobile Passcode":"使用 Duo Mobile 密码登录","#If you change devices, access an application that doesn't use Duo Single Sign-On, or if the passwordless verification method isn't available when you are logging in to an application — such as if your forgot your registered security key or you've closed your laptop so you can't scan your fingerprint — then you will enter your password to log in to the application.":"如果您更改设备,请访问不使用 Duo Single Sign-On 的应用,或者如果您在登录应用时无密码验证方法不可用(例如您忘记了注册的安全密钥,或关闭了笔记本电脑,以致无法扫描指纹),则需要输入密码才能登录应用。","#Check the tables below for supported browser versions and Duo verification option compatibility. While other browsers may work with Duo Passwordless, Duo actively tests and supports the browser minimum versions listed in the tables.":"查看下表,了解支持的浏览器版本和 Duo 验证选项兼容性。虽然其他浏览器支持 Duo Passwordless,但 Duo 会主动测试并支持表中列出的浏览器最低版本。","#Yes 2":"是2","#Firefox on Android cannot prompt for the security key's PIN to fulfill the passwordless user verification requirement.":"Android 版 Firefox 无法提示输入安全密钥的 PIN 来满足无密码用户验证要求。","#In this example, the organization allows both kinds of passwordless devices. The user is accessing the application with Chrome on a MacBook, so the choices are to set up Touch ID or a security key.":"在本例中,组织允许两种无密码设备。用户在 MacBook 上使用 Chrome 访问应用,因此可以选择设置 Touch ID 或安全密钥。","#Log into the Duo SSO application with your password and complete Duo authentication.":"使用您的密码登录 Duo SSO 应用并完成 Duo 身份验证。","#Click the Touch ID option to begin adding it to Duo.":"点击 Touch ID 选项,开始将其添加到 Duo。","#Place your finger on the Touch ID button in the Touch Bar to complete logging in to the application, as you did when you set up Touch ID in Duo.":"将手指放在 Touch Bar 中的 Touch ID 按钮上完成应用登录,就像在 Duo 中设置了 Touch ID 时的登录一样。","#Read the Windows Hello information and click or tap Continue.":"阅读 Windows Hello 信息,然后点击或轻触继续。","#When you receive confirmation that you added Windows Hello as a verification method click or tap Continue.":"当您收到确认信息指明已添加 Windows Hello 作为验证方法时,请点击或轻触继续。","#Successful Windows Hello verification logs you in without entering a password, and Duo SSO sends you to the application as a logged in user.":"成功进行 Windows Hello 验证,然后您无需输入密码即可登录,并且 Duo SSO 将您作为登录用户转到应用。","#A security key is an external device that sends a signed response when tapped or pressed back to Duo to validate your login. Duo uses the WebAuthn authentication standard to interact with your security keys. You may also see WebAuthn referred to as \"FIDO2\".":"安全密钥是在轻触或按下时将签名响应发送回 Duo 以验证您的登录的外部设备。Duo 使用 WebAuthn 身份验证标准与您的安全密钥进行交互。您可能还会看到 WebAuthn 称为“FIDO2”。","#Duo considers security keys to be roaming authenticators, meaning you can register your security key for passwordless on one computer, and then connect it to a different computer to use it for passwordless login for the same account. You could set up Duo Passwordless with a USB security key on your MacBook, and then plug that same USB security key into a Windows computer to log in to a Duo SSO application without typing your password.":"Duo 将安全密钥视为漫游身份验证器,这意味着您可以在一台计算机上注册安全密钥进行无密码登录,然后将其连接到另一台计算机,以使用该安全密钥为同一账户实现无密码登录。您可以在 MacBook 上使用 USB 安全密钥设置 Duo Passwordless,然后将该 USB 安全密钥插入 Windows 计算机以登录 Duo SSO 应用,而无需输入密码。","#Tap the security key to complete verification (Chrome example shown).":"轻触安全密钥以完成验证(显示的是 Chrome 示例)。","#Duo Passwordless Public Preview":"Duo Passwordless 公共预览","#Duo Passwordless Login options":"Duo Passwordless 登录选项","#Log in with Touch ID":"使用 Touch ID 登录","#Software Update Notifications and Blocking":"软件更新通知和阻止","#Duo Passwordless works with applications that use Duo Single Sign-On (SSO). Instead of typing your password on the Duo SSO login page, you'll use your device to verify your identity.":"Duo Passwordless 与使用 Duo Single Sign-On (SSO) 的应用配合使用。您无需在 Duo SSO 登录页面上输入密码,而是使用设备来验证您的身份。","#Minimum Supported Version":"支持的最低版本","#Roaming Authenticator
(Security Keys)":"漫游身份验证器
(安全密钥)","#If your organization allows both platform and roaming authenticators, you can set up both of them for your account (for example, if you want to be able to use either Windows Hello and a security key). However, Duo's self-service device management doesn't yet support registration of additional passwordless authenticators.":"如果贵组织允许平台身份验证器和漫游身份验证器,则您可以为账户同时设置这两者(例如,如果您希望能够使用 Windows Hello 和安全密钥)。但是,Duo 的自助服务设备管理尚不支持注册其他无密码身份验证器。","#A fingerprint enrolled in Touch ID (learn how to set up Touch ID on Mac at the Apple Support site).":"在 Touch ID 中注册的指纹(在 Apple 支持站点了解如何在 Mac 上设置 Touch ID)。","#Face ID or Touch ID already set up on the iPhone or iPad. Learn how to set up Face ID or set up Touch ID at the Apple Support site.":"已在 iPhone 或 iPad 上设置 Face ID 或 Touch ID。在 Apple 支持站点了解如何设置 Face ID设置 Touch ID。","#Read the Face ID (or Touch ID) information and tap Continue.":"阅读 Face ID(或 Touch ID)信息,然后点击继续。","#Touch ID on MacBook Pro":"MacBook Pro 上的 Touch ID","#The browser prompts you to verify your identity on duosecurity.com when adding Touch ID (Chrome example shown).":"添加 Touch ID(显示的是 Chrome 示例)时,浏览器会提示您在 duosecurity.com 上验证您的身份。","#You've added Touch ID as your passwordless login method. Click Done.":"您已将 Touch ID 添加为无密码登录方法。点击完成。","#After completing Duo Passwordless setup you proceed to your application as a logged-in user.":"完成 Duo Passwordless 设置后,您会以已登录用户的身份进入应用。","#Successful Face ID/Touch ID verification logs you in without entering a password, and Duo SSO sends you to the application as a logged in user.":"Face ID/Touch ID 验证成功后,您无需输入密码即可登录,并且 Duo SSO 会将您作为已登录用户转至应用。","#Windows Hello set up on the device for signing in with a PIN, fingerprint, or facial recognition. Learn how to set up Windows Hello at the Microsoft support site.":"在设备上设置 Windows Hello,以便使用 PIN、指纹或面部识别进行登录。在 Microsoft 支持站点了解如何设置 Windows Hello。","#Enter your security key's PIN or let the security key scan your fingerprint, just like you did when you set up Security Keys in Duo (Windows Edge example shown).":"输入安全密钥的 PIN 或让安全密钥扫描您的指纹,就像您在 Duo 中设置安全密钥时一样(显示的是 Windows Edge 示例)。","#Touch ID Bar on MacBook Pro":"MacBook Pro 上的 Touch ID 条","#Enter Phone Number for Duo Mobile":"输入 Duo Mobile 的电话号码","#Confirm Phone Number":"确认电话号码","#Click or tap the Windows Hello option to begin adding it to Duo.":"点击或轻触 Windows Hello 选项,开始将其添加到 Duo。","#Your Duo administrator may choose to warn you when your software is out of date, require software updates before allowing access, or even block access from devices that don't meet your organization's requirements.":"您的 Duo 管理员可以选择在您的软件过期时发出警告,要求在允许访问之前更新软件,甚至阻止从不符合组织要求的设备进行访问。","#If your organization's policy allows you to access the application without updating your software, you can click or tap Skip for now to continue without updating.":"如果贵组织的策略允许您访问应用而不更新软件,您可以点击或轻触暂时跳过以继续操作而不进行更新。","#If your organization requires up-to-date software to access applications, you won't see an option to skip past the notification and must update your browser or operating system. When your software is up to date you can try logging into the application again.":"如果贵组织需要最新的软件来访问应用,您不会看到跳过通知的选项,并且必须更新浏览器或操作系统。当您的软件为最新版本时,您可以再次尝试登录应用。","#Click or tap See what is allowed for more details about which operating systems or browsers you may or may not use to access the application.":"点击或轻触查看允许的内容,了解有关您可使用或不可使用哪些操作系统或浏览器来访问应用的详细信息。","#Choose Touch ID Verification Method":"选择 Touch ID 验证方法","#Understanding YubiKey PINs":"了解 YubiKey PIN","#Chrome Security Key Confirmation":"Chrome 安全密钥确认","#The Duo Device Health Application is an application installed on your desktop or laptop that performs health checks whenever you access Duo protected applications through the browser-based Duo Universal Prompt or traditional Duo Prompt, ensuring that your computer meets the organization’s security requirements. This helps protect corporate data and make sure your computer is less vulnerable to compromise.":"Duo Device Health 应用是安装在您的桌面或笔记本电脑上的应用,只要您通过基于浏览器的 Duo Universal Prompt 或旧版 Duo Prompt 访问受 Duo 保护的应用,即会执行运行状况检查,从而确保您的计算机符合组织的安全要求。这有助于保护公司数据,并确保您的计算机不易受到危害。","#Start Duo Mobile Reactivation":"开始重新激活 Duo Mobile","#Set up Duo Passwordless":"设置 Duo Passwordless","#Duo supports two types of passwordless authenticators:":"Duo 支持两种类型的无密码身份验证器:","#No 3":"否3","#To set up both types of authenticators, you will need to go through the process of logging in with your password and setting up the authenticator twice — once for the platform authenticator and then once again for the security key. This is easiest if you first log in with your password and complete set up of your platform authenticator in a regular browser tab, and then open an incognito or private browser window and log in with your password again, this time completing set up of the security key.":"要设置两种类型的身份验证器,您需要使用密码登录并设置两次身份验证器:一次用于平台身份验证器,再一次用于安全密钥。最简单的设置方法是,首先使用密码登录并在常规浏览器选项卡中完成平台身份验证器设置,然后打开隐身或专用浏览器窗口并再次使用密码登录,此时完成安全密钥设置。","#You may be prompted to enter your system password instead of tapping Touch ID if you haven't added your fingerprint to Touch ID on your Mac yet, or if you have your laptop closed so you can't access the Touch ID button. You can also choose to enter your system password.":"如果您尚未将指纹添加到 Mac 上的 Touch ID,或者您的笔记本电脑已关闭,因此您无法访问 Touch ID 按钮,系统可能会提示您输入系统密码,而不是轻触 Touch ID。您还可以选择输入系统密码。","#Tap Continue to begin setting up passwordless login.":"轻触继续以开始设置无密码登录。","#You've added Windows Hello as your passwordless login method. Tap Done.":"您已将 Windows Hello 添加为无密码登录方法。轻触完成。","#Follow the Android instructions to verify your identity by scanning your fingerprint or pointing your face to your camera. If you aren't able to do either of those biometric checks, you can enter your Android PIN.":"按照 Android 说明操作,通过扫描指纹或将面部对准摄像头来验证您的身份。如果您无法执行任何这些生物识别检查,则可以输入您的 Android PIN。","#When you receive confirmation that you added your Android device as a verification method tap Continue.":"当您收到确认信息指明您已将 Android 设备添加为验证方法时,轻触继续。","#Follow your device's prompt to scan your fingerprint or use facial recognition, just like you did when you set up your Android device in Duo.":"按照设备的提示扫描指纹或使用面部识别,就像在 Duo 中设置 Android 设备一样。","#Use Touch ID on Mac at apple.com":"在 apple.com 上使用 Mac 的 Touch ID","#Use Face ID on your iPhone or iPad Pro":"在 iPhone 或 iPad Pro 上使用 Face ID","#Click or tap See how to update for update instructions.":"点击或轻触查看如何更新以获取更新说明。","#Windows Security Keys Prompt":"Windows 安全密钥提示","#Use Face ID on your iPhone or iPad Pro at apple.com":"在 apple.com 上使用 iPhone 或 iPad Pro 的 Face ID","#Duo Passwordless Windows Hello Information":"Duo Passwordless Windows Hello 信息","#Security Key Added":"已添加安全密钥","#Duo Software Blocked Notification":"Duo 软件被阻止通知","#Choose Windows Hello Verification Method":"选择 Windows Hello 验证方法","#Duo Passwordless Device Verification Login":"Duo Passwordless 设备验证登录","#Yubico FIDO2 Security Keys":"Yubico FIDO2 安全密钥","#Android Device Added":"已添加 Android 设备","#Has your organization enabled the new Universal Prompt experience? See the Universal Prompt guide for more information.":"贵组织是否已启用新的 Universal Prompt 体验?有关详细信息,请参阅 Universal Prompt 指南。","#Duo Outdated Operating System Blocked Notification":"Duo 过期操作系统被阻止通知","#Windows 10 and 11 client editions, including Enterprise, Pro, and Home.":"Windows 10 和 11 客户端版本,包括企业版、专业版和家庭版。","#Windows Hello Added":"已添加 Windows Hello","#Choose Device Verification Method":"选择设备验证方法","#Duo Passwordless Security Keys Login":"Duo Passwordless 安全密钥登录","#Duo Outdated Browser Update Information":"Duo 过期浏览器更新信息","#Face ID/Touch ID Added":"已添加 Face ID/Touch ID","#Learn about Windows Hello and set it up":"了解 Windows Hello 并进行设置","#Windows Hello Verification":"Windows Hello 验证","#Support for Duo Mobile on BlackBerry ended November 1, 2016. BlackBerry 10 and earlier devices stopped working on wireless and mobile networks on January 4, 2022. Users can no longer self-enroll BlackBerry devices from the Duo Prompt or authenticate using Duo Mobile, SMS text passcodes, or phone calls. Duo no longer provides troubleshooting assistance for BlackBerry devices. Learn more...":"对 Blackberry 版 Duo Mobile 的支持已于 2016 年 11 月 1 日终止。2022 年 1 月 4 日,Blackberry 10 及更早版本的设备已在无线和移动网络上停止工作。用户无法再从 Duo Prompt 自行注册 Blackberry 设备,也无法使用 Duo Mobile,短信文本密码或电话进行身份验证。Duo 不再为 Blackberry 设备提供故障排除帮助。了解详情...","#Duo Software Blocked Details":"Duo 软件被阻止详细信息","#The steps for downloading and installing Duo Device Health for the first time during authentication differ slightly between the Duo traditional prompt and the Duo Universal Prompt.":"在身份验证期间首次下载和安装 Duo Device Health 的步骤在旧版 Duo PromptDuo Universal Prompt 之间略有不同。","#If the browser or operating system on the device you use to log into applications with Duo Passwordless fails your organization's health check, you'll see a notification prompting you to update your software.":"如果您用于通过 Duo Passwordless 登录应用的设备上的浏览器或操作系统未通过贵组织的运行状况检查,您将看到一条通知,提示您更新软件。","#Duo Passwordless Touch ID on Mac Information":"Mac 信息上的 Duo Passwordless Touch ID","#Android Device Verification":"Android 设备验证","#Duo Passwordless Face ID Login":"Duo Passwordless Face ID 登录","#Duo Passwordless New Device with Platform Authenticator":"具有平台身份验证器的 Duo Passwordless 新设备","#Duo Outdated Browser Warning Notification":"Duo 过期浏览器警告通知","#Learn about Windows Hello and set it up at microsoft.com":"在 microsoft.com 上了解 Windows Hello 并进行设置","#Duo Passwordless (Preview) - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Passwordless(预览版)- 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Start Duo Passwordless Setup":"开始设置 Duo Passwordless","#Begin Touch ID Setup":"开始设置 Touch ID","#If your browser prompts you to allow it to open Duo Device Health app, be sure to grant that permission and to save that setting for the future.":"如果您的浏览器提示您允许其打开 Duo Device Health 应用,请务必授予该权限并保存该设置以供将来使用。","#Log in with Duo Device Health":"使用 Duo Device Health 登录","#Duo Traditional Prompt":"旧版 Duo Prompt","#Duo Device Health app takes up very little space and will not slow your system or other apps down. It does not erase data, access your personal files, or change your computer settings. Learn what data the Duo Device Health app collects.":"Duo Device Health 应用占用的空间非常小,不会降低系统或其他应用的运行速度。它不会清除数据,访问您的个人文件,或更改您的计算机设置。了解 Duo Device Health 应用收集的数据。","#Run the Duo Device Health app installer, following the on-screen prompts.":"按照屏幕上的提示运行 Duo Device Health 应用安装程序。","#Download Duo Device Health from Duo Prompt":"从 Duo Prompt 下载 Duo Device Health","#Duo Device Health Check from Duo Prompt":"Duo Prompt 中的 Duo Device Health 检查","#Fix Duo Device Health Issues":"修复 Duo Device Health 问题","#Once the Duo Device Health install completes, return to the Duo Universal Prompt to continue logging in to the application. If the Duo Device Health app didn't launch automatically after you installed it, click Open the app.
":"Duo Device Health 安装完成后,请返回 Duo Universal Prompt 以继续登录到应用。如果 Duo Device Health 应用在安装后未自动启动,请点击打开应用
","#Click on the setting that needs action to see instructions for how to correct it so your device is healthy. If you need help, your Duo administrator may have added contact information to the Duo Device Health app, or you should contact your organization's help desk.":"点击需要操作的设置,查看有关如何更正此设置的说明,以使设备正常运行。如果您需要帮助,可以查看您的 Duo 管理员可能已添加到 Duo Device Health 应用的联系人信息,或者您应联系贵组织的服务中心。","#Continue After Duo Device Health Install":"在 Duo Device Health 安装后继续","#Duo Device Health Download Link for macOS":"适用于 macOS 的 Duo Device Health 下载链接","#Once the Duo Device Health install completes, return to the Duo Prompt and click the link to continue logging in to the application.":"Duo Device Health 安装完成后,返回 Duo Prompt 并点击相应链接以继续登录到应用。","#The Duo Device Health app should start automatically after installation, but can also be started manually if needed:":"Duo Device Health 应用会在安装后自动启动,但您也可以在需要时手动启动:","#Download Duo Device Health from Duo Universal Prompt":"从 Duo Universal Prompt 下载 Duo Device Health","#Your Duo administrator might also ask you to install the Duo Device Health app ahead of time. You can download the installers directly with these links:":"您的 Duo 管理员可能还会要求您提前安装 Duo Device Health 应用。您可以使用以下链接直接下载安装程序:","#Duo Device Health Installer Checksums":"Duo Device Health 安装程序校验和","#Scan the activation QR code using the Duo Mobile app installed on your iOS or Android device. Tap Add in the app and then tap Use QR code to begin adding the account by scanning the barcode shown by Duo for Windows.":"使用 iOS 或 Android 设备上安装的 Duo Mobile 应用扫描激活二维码。轻触应用中的添加,然后轻触使用二维码,通过扫描适用于 Windows 的 Duo 所显示的条码开始添加账户。","#If your organization manages your computer, your IT team may push the Duo Device Health app to your computer automatically, without you needing to perform the install steps.":"如果贵组织管理您的计算机,您的 IT 团队可能会自动将 Duo Device Health 应用推送到您的计算机,您无需执行安装步骤。","#Duo Device Health Install in Traditional Prompt":"旧版 Prompt 中的 Duo Device Health 安装","#Duo Device Health Install in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的 Duo Device Health 安装","#When you log in to an application that is protected by Duo, and for which your organization's Duo policy requires the Duo Device Health app, you'll see a download button within the Duo Prompt. Click it to download the Duo Device Health app installer.":"当您登录受 Duo 保护的应用,并且对于该应用贵组织的 Duo 策略要求安装 Duo Device Health 应用时,您会在 Duo Prompt 中看到下载按钮。点击此按钮可下载 Duo Device Health 应用安装程序。","#Duo Device Health App Updates":"Duo Device Health 应用更新","#Keep the Duo Device Health app up to date. You'll be notified when a newer version of the app becomes available. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the update.":"使 Duo Device Health 应用保持最新。当有新版本的应用可用时,您会收到相应通知。按照屏幕上的说明安装更新。","#Continue login after Duo Device Health Install":"在 Duo Device Health 安装后继续登录","#Duo Device Health Check from Duo Universal Prompt":"Duo Universal Prompt 中 Duo Device Health 检查","#Click the Replace/Reconnect an offline device link on the left side of the Duo prompt to begin. If your Duo for Windows Logon application is configured to automatically send a push request to your phone, you can cancel the authentication in progress and click the link on the left (don't approve the request on your phone).":"点击 Duo Prompt 左侧的替换/重新连接离线设备链接以开始操作。如果您的 Duo for Windows Logon 应用配置为自动向您的手机发送推送请求,您可以取消正在进行的身份验证,然后点击左侧的链接(不要在您的手机上批准请求)。","#Vulnerable laptops or desktops accessing corporate resources exposes organizations to potential attacks, financial damage and compliance issues. The Duo Device Health Application reduces risk by ensuring compliance of corporate devices to business standards and provides visibility into personal devices before granting them access to corporate resources.":"易受攻击的笔记本电脑或台式机访问企业资源会使组织面临潜在的攻击、经济损失和合规性问题。Duo Device Health 应用通过确保公司设备符合业务标准来降低风险,并在授权个人设备访问公司资源之前提供对个人设备的可视性。","#Install Duo Device Health":"安装 Duo Device Health","#Duo Device Health Action Required in Duo Prompt":"Duo Prompt 中所需的 Duo Device Health 操作","#Duo Device Health Action Required in Duo Universal Prompt":"Duo Universal Prompt 中所需的 Duo Device Health 操作","#Tap the new account you just added for your Windows computer in the Duo Mobile account list to generate a six digit passcode.":"在 Duo Mobile 账户列表中轻触您刚刚为 Windows 计算机添加的新账户,以生成六位数密码。","#Duo Device Health app installation requires that you have administrator privileges on your computer. If you do not have administrative rights on your computer, please contact your Duo admin.":"安装 Duo Device Health 应用需要您拥有计算机的管理员权限。如果您在计算机上没有管理权限,请联系您的 Duo 管理员。","#If the Duo Device Health check determines that your computer doesn't meet the security requirements for your organization, then you can't access the protected application and you'll see a notification in the Duo Prompt. Clicking the link in the notification opens the Duo Device Health app, which shows you what you need to address on your computer before you can access the application.":"如果 Duo Device Health 检查确定您的计算机不符合贵组织的安全要求,则您无法访问受保护的应用,并且会在 Duo Prompt 中看到相应通知。点击通知中的链接会打开 Duo Device Health 应用,其中会显示您需要先在计算机上处理哪些问题才能访问该应用。","#Start Duo Device Health":"启动 Duo Device Health","#Duo Device Health Download Link for Windows 10":"适用于 Windows 10 的 Duo Device Health 下载链接","#Enter a name for the new offline access account in Duo Mobile and tap Save to continue.":"为 Duo Mobile 中的新离线访问账户输入名称,然后点击保存以继续。","#If you get a login request that you weren't expecting, press Deny to reject the request. You’ll be asked if this was a suspicious login. If you aren't trying to log into an application or service protected by Duo and don't recognize the request, tap Yes to notify your organization's Duo administrator. If you made a mistake but the login isn't suspicious, tap No to deny the request without reporting it.":"如果您收到意外的登录请求,请按拒绝拒绝该请求。系统将询问您这是否为可疑登录。如果您不是在尝试登录受 Duo 保护的应用或服务,并且无法识别该请求,请轻触以通知贵组织的 Duo 管理员。如果您进行了误操作,登录并不可疑,请轻触以拒绝请求而不报告该请求。","#If the new account you want to add shows you a QR code to scan with an authenticator app, tap Use QR code from the Add account list. Scan the barcode with your camera to add the account to Duo Mobile.":"如果要添加的新账户显示要使用身份验证器应用扫描的二维码,请轻触添加账户列表中的使用二维码。使用您的摄像头扫描条码,将账户添加到 Duo Mobile。","#The accounts list in Duo Mobile adapts to you. If you rotate your device into a landscape view, your Duo Mobile accounts list rotates as well.":"Duo Mobile 中的账户列表会根据您的情况进行调整。如果将设备旋转到横向视图,Duo Mobile 账户列表也会旋转。","#Name the New Duo Account":"为新的 Duo 账户命名","#Enter and confirm a 10-128 character recovery password.":"输入 10-128 个字符的恢复密码并确认。","#Tap Scan QR code and scan the barcode from your third-party account 2FA setup screen, or, to recover a Duo-protected account, access the My Settings and Devices page from the Duo prompt to reactivate the account. If your organization hasn't enabled self-service device management, contact your IT Help Desk or Duo service administrator for assistance reactivating the account.":"轻触扫描二维码并从您的第三方账户 2FA 设置屏幕扫描条码,或者,要恢复受 Duo 保护的账户,请从 Duo Prompt 访问我的设置和设备页面以重新激活账户。如果贵组织尚未启用自助服务设备管理,请联系您的 IT 服务中心或 Duo 服务管理员,以获取有关重新激活账户的帮助。","#I am running an older version of Android and I am not able to install the current version of Duo Mobile from the App Store.":"我运行的是旧版 Android,无法从 App Store 安装当前版本的 Duo Mobile。","#No Duo Mobile releases are available for Android versions earlier than 7.":"没有适用于早于 Android 版本 7 的 Duo Mobile 版本。","#Proceed to generate passcode from your new account and enter it in the application to verify that you've set up the account correctly in Duo Mobile.":"继续从新账户生成密码并将其输入到应用中,以验证您是否已在 Duo Mobile 中正确设置了账户。","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports iOS 13.0 and greater.":"支持的平台:Duo Mobile 的当前版本支持 iOS 13.0 及更高版本。","#If the account is for a Duo-protected service or application (meaning you enrolled this device into Duo and activated the app for Duo Push), then the passcode shown is valid until used. Tap Refresh Passcode to generate a new Duo passcode.":"如果该账户用于受 Duo 保护的服务或应用(意味着您已将此设备注册到 Duo 并为 Duo Push 激活了该应用),则显示的密码在使用之前一直有效。轻触刷新密码可生成新的 Duo 密码。","#If you need to use the passcode shown in Duo Mobile in another mobile app tap Copy and paste it into the other app.":"如果您需要在其他移动应用中使用 Duo Mobile 中显示的密码,请轻触复制并将其粘贴到其他应用中。","#Standard and Compact Duo Mobile Account Views":"标准和紧凑型 Duo Mobile 账户视图","#When you enroll in Duo for the first time and choose to add an Android device or use Duo Push, you're shown a barcode to scan with the Duo Mobile app to complete activation.":"当您首次注册 Duo 并选择添加 Android 设备或使用 Duo Push 时,系统会显示一个条码,您需要使用 Duo Mobile 应用扫描该条目以完成激活。","#This Android device is a few Android versions behind the latest:":"此 Android 设备的 Android 版本低于最新版本几个版本:","#On the \"Duo Restore Settings\" screen, tap to enable the Backup accounts with Google Drive.":"在“Duo Restore 设置”屏幕上,轻触以启用使用 Google Drive 备份账户。","#If account information is found, you will then see the accounts on the Duo Restore screen and shown as disabled in your main accounts list, with a Reconnect action.":"如果找到账户信息,您将在 Duo Restore 屏幕上看到相应账户,它们在您的主账户列表中显示为已禁用,并具有重新连接操作。","#Duo Restore v3 iOS Guide":"Duo Restore v3 iOS 指南","#We strongly recommend setting up backup or recovery access to your third-party accounts if the application provides it, e.g., a phone number or backup code, in case there is an issue restoring from Duo Mobile's third-party account backup (like if you forget your recovery password). Duo Support doesn't have any access to your accounts to restore them for you, and can't change any settings on the third-party account to let you log in without a passcode.":"我们强烈建议,如果应用提供的话,设置对第三方账户的备份或恢复访问(例如电话号码或备份代码),以防从 Duo Mobile 的第三方账户备份恢复时出现问题(例如您忘记了恢复密码)。Duo 支持人员无法访问您的账户来为您恢复它们,也无法更改第三方账户的任何设置以使您无需密码即可登录。","#Face ID and Touch ID":"Face ID 和 Touch ID","#When you enroll in Duo for the first time and choose to add an iOS device or use Duo Push, you're shown a barcode to scan with the Duo Mobile app to complete activation.":"当您首次注册 Duo 并选择添加 iOS 设备或使用 Duo Push 时,系统会显示一个条码,需要使用 Duo Mobile 应用扫描该条码才能完成激活。","#Duo Mobile Account List":"Duo Mobile 账户列表","#iOS Third Party Duo Restore Instructions":"iOS 第三方 Duo Restore 说明","#Duo Mobile version 4 was released on October 11, 2021.

Duo Mobile version 3 information remains available for users on older Android versions who can't upgrade to the latest Duo Mobile release.

View the Duo Mobile v3 Android Guide":"Duo Mobile 版本 4 于 2021 年 10 月 11 日发布。

Duo Mobile 版本 3 信息仍可供旧版 Android 用户使用,这些用户无法升级到最新 Duo Mobile 版本。

查看 Duo Mobile v3 Android 指南","#Restore your new or reset iOS device from your iCloud, iTunes, or Finder backup.":"从 iCloud、iTunes 或查找器备份恢复新的或重置的 iOS 设备。","#Open the Duo Mobile app on your new device and tap Continue on the welcome screen.":"在新设备上打开 Duo Mobile 应用,然后轻触欢迎屏幕上的继续。","#Open Duo Mobile and tap the menu icon in the top right to open Settings.":"打开 Duo Mobile,然后轻触右上角的菜单图标以打开设置。","#If the Duo Restore feature is not enabled by your Duo administrator, or your backup includes third-party accounts but you did not set a recovery password for those accounts, after tapping Reconnect within Duo Mobile you'll see the options to Scan a QR code or Enter activation code.":"如果您的 Duo 管理员未启用 Duo Restore 功能,或者您的备份包含第三方账户,但您没有为这些账户设置恢复密码,则在轻触 Duo Mobile 中的重新连接后,您将看到用于扫描二维码输入激活码的选项。","#Tap Move to reorder your accounts list (shown when you have more than one account in Duo Mobile). Use the up or down arrows shown to the left of each account's name (or tap and hold the icon on the right side of the account card) to change an account's position in the list. Tap Done when you've finished reordering your accounts.":"轻触移动对账户列表重新排序(当您在 Duo Mobile 中有多个账户时显示)。使用每个账户名称左侧显示的向上或向下箭头(或点击并按住账户卡右侧的图标)更改账户在列表中的位置。完成账户重新排序后,点击完成。","#Remove an account by tapping Delete. When you delete an account you can no longer use it to log in, and it's also removed from your Duo Mobile backup so you can't restore it later. If you're sure you want to remove this account, tap Delete on the confirmation message. Tap Cancel if you don't want to delete the account.":"轻触删除以删除账户。删除账户后,您将无法再使用该账户登录,而且该账户也会从您的 Duo Mobile 备份中删除,因此您以后无法进行恢复。如果您确定要删除此账户,请在确认消息上轻触删除。如果您不想删除账户,请轻触取消。","#Your Duo Mobile account information is backed up automatically when you enable iCloud Backup on your phone or create an encrypted iTunes backup, and can be used to restore your Duo Mobile accounts only on the same device. These backups can't be used as is to migrate your Duo accounts to a new phone.":"当您在手机上启用 iCloud 备份创建加密的 iTunes 备份时,您的 Duo Mobile 账户信息会自动备份,并且只能用于在同一设备上恢复 Duo Mobile 账户。这些备份不能按原样用于将您的 Duo 账户迁移到新手机。","#The individual accounts shown in the list change appearance as well, showing the full account information when you just have a few accounts, and switching to a minimized account view when you have many accounts to minimize scrolling in the app.":"列表中显示的各个账户也会更改外观,当您只有少数几个账户时,会显示完整的账户信息;当您有许多账户时,会切换到最小化账户视图,以最小化应用中的滚动。","#You can enable dark mode on iOS in a few different ways:":"您可以通过多种不同的方式在 iOS 上启用深色模式:","#Tap the menu icon to access additional settings. From the Settings you can enable backup of your third-party Duo Mobile accounts and opt in to or out of sending Duo Mobile usage data to Duo. Review Duo Mobile privacy information at the Duo Knowledge Base.":"轻触菜单图标以访问其他设置。在设置中,您可以启用第三方 Duo Mobile 账户的备份,并选择加入或退出向 Duo 发送 Duo Mobile 使用数据。查看 Duo 知识库中的 Duo Mobile 隐私信息。","#Duo Restore Guide":"Duo Restore 指南","#Use your camera to scan the barcode shown by Duo Enrollment in your browser. If you're prompted to allow Duo Mobile permission to take pictures and record video, please grant it.":"使用您的摄像头扫描浏览器中由 Duo 注册显示的条码。如果系统提示您允许 Duo Mobile 拍摄照片和录制视频,请授予相应权限。","#Tap the Backup third-party accounts option to enable.":"轻触备份第三方账户以启用。","#If using iCloud, enable iCloud Keychain. This could be the same device as before, or a brand-new one.":"如果使用的是 iCloud,请启用 iCloud 密钥链。这可能是与以前相同的设备,也可能是全新的设备。","#If you have issues logging in to third-party accounts after setting up the passcode app, please contact support for that application, like Instagram support if you can't log in to Instagram.":"如果您在设置密码应用后登录第三方账户时遇到问题,请联系该应用的支持人员,例如,如果您无法登录到 Instagram,请联系支持人员。","#Give the new account a name to complete adding it to Duo Mobile.":"为新账户命名,以完成将其添加到 Duo Mobile 的操作。","#Duo Mobile First-Time Launch":"Duo Mobile 首次启动","#Add Account with QR Code":"使用二维码添加账户","#How to back up your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch with iCloud":"如何使用 iCloud 备份 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch","#If your administrator enabled Duo Mobile's backup and restore functionality and you previously backed up your Duo-protected accounts from the app to Google Drive you can restore your accounts to Duo Mobile on a new Android device via the guided recovery process. You can also perform third-party account recovery if you previously opted-in to third-party account restore. Start the account recovery process by tapping I have existing accounts on the Duo Mobile welcome screen.":"如果您的管理员启用了 Duo Mobile 的备份和恢复功能,并且您先前已将受 Duo 保护的账户从应用备份到 Google Drive,则可以通过引导恢复过程将您的账户恢复到新的 Android 设备上的 Duo Mobile。如果您先前已选择加入第三方账户恢复,也可以执行第三方账户恢复。在 Duo Mobile 欢迎屏幕上轻触我有账户,开始账户恢复过程。","#Changes to Duo Mobile":"对 Duo Mobile 所做的更改","#Edit Accounts":"编辑账户","#To proceed with adding your initial Duo account to Duo Mobile, tap Use a QR code.":"要继续将您的初始 Duo 账户添加到 Duo Mobile,请轻触使用二维码。","#Your organization may require biometric verification when you approve a Duo Push reuest. You can approve Duo authentication requests with Face ID if your device supports it.":"当您批准 Duo Push 请求时,贵组织可能需要进行生物识别验证。如果您的设备支持 Face ID,您可以批准使用 Face ID 的 Duo 身份验证请求。","#Enable Duo Mobile Notifications":"启用 Duo Mobile 通知","#Duo Mobile Activation Done":"Duo Mobile 激活完成","#Duo Mobile Landscape View":"Duo Mobile 横向视图","#Duo Mobile Privacy Information":"Duo Mobile 隐私信息","#Duo Mobile also supports fingerprint verification for Duo Push-based logins as an additional layer of security to verify your user identity. If you're using a device with fingerprint reader you'll need to scan your finger each time you authenticate via Duo Mobile (if required by your administrator).":"Duo Mobile 还支持对基于 Duo Push 的登录进行指纹验证,从而提供额外的一层保护来验证您的用户身份。如果您使用的是带指纹识别器的设备,则每次通过 Duo Mobile 进行身份验证时都需要扫描您的指纹(如果管理员要求)。","#Duo Mobile locates your backed-up Duo-protected accounts in your restored backup and restores them to the app on your device. When complete, you're taken to the accounts list in the app.":"Duo Mobile 会在已恢复的备份中查找备份的受 Duo 保护的账户,并将其恢复到设备上的应用。完成后,您将进入应用中的账户列表。","#The first time you receive a Duo Push request on your iOS device which requires biometric verification, you'll be prompted to grant Face ID permission to the Duo Mobile app. Tap OK to proceed.":"首次在 iOS 设备上收到需要生物识别验证的 Duo Push 请求时,系统会提示您向 Duo Mobile 应用授予 Face ID 权限。轻触确定继续。","#See the Common Issues guide for additional troubleshooting tips, or visit the Duo Knowledge Base. If you aren't able to resolve your Duo Mobile issue, contact your organization's Duo administrator or Help Desk.":"有关其他故障排除提示,请参阅常见问题指南,或访问 Duo 知识库。如果您无法解决 Duo Mobile 问题,请联系贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#If you are logging in to a Duo-protected application, but you aren't receiving an expected Duo Push authentication request, try closing Duo Mobile and reopening it. Duo Mobile checks for pending push requests whenever it's opened. If this doesn't fix it, see the Duo Knowledge Base for additional Android troubleshooting steps.":"如果您登录到受 Duo 保护的应用,但未收到预期的 Duo Push 身份验证请求,请尝试关闭 Duo Mobile 并将其重新打开。Duo Mobile 在每次打开时都会检查待处理的推送请求。如果此操作无法解决问题,请参阅 Duo 知识库了解其他 Android 故障排除步骤。","#Select the Google account to use for Duo Restore and grant Duo Mobile permission to store the backup in your Google Drive.":"选择要用于 Duo Restore 的 Google 账户,并授予 Duo Mobile 将备份存储在 Google Drive 中的权限。","#To use Instant Restore you must have previously backed up your Duo Mobile accounts to Google Drive. Additionally, your organization's Duo administrator must have enabled the Instant Restore feature.":"要使用 Instant Restore,您必须先前已将 Duo Mobile 账户备份到 Google Drive。此外,贵组织的 Duo 管理员必须启用 Instant Restore 功能。","#Authenticate using Duo via a method allowed for this application by your IT administrator. If SMS or hardware token passcode and phone calls are not allowed, you will either need to use a different Duo Push-capable 2FA device, use the Duo Self Service Portal, or contact your IT administrator to restore your account on your new device.":"通过您的 IT 管理员允许用于此应用的方法使用 Duo 进行身份验证。如果不允许使用短信或硬件令牌密码和电话呼叫,您将需要使用其他支持 Duo Push 的 2FA 设备,使用 Duo 自助服务门户,或联系您的 IT 管理员以在新设备上恢复您的账户。","#Once you restore your account list you'll see a “Reconnect” link next to each account. Reconnecting the account directs you through a reactivation process where you need to authenticate to a Duo protected application (configured by the Duo account admin) to verify your identity. Once your identity has been verified, Duo Mobile reactivates the account.":"恢复账户列表后,您将在每个账户旁边看到“重新连接”链接。重新连接账户会引导您完成重新激活过程,在此过程中,您需要对受 Duo 保护的应用(由 Duo 账户管理员配置)进行身份验证以验证您的身份。验证您的身份后,Duo Mobile 会重新激活该账户。","#Next, tap the Get Started button in the \"Missing Notifications?\" section of the \"Account Details\" screen.":"接下来,轻触 “账户详细信息”屏幕“缺少通知?”部分中的开始按钮。","#On devices that do not feature 3D Touch, swipe left on the Duo Mobile notification to reveal the actions.":"在不支持 3D 触摸的设备上,向左滑动 Duo Mobile 通知可显示操作。","#Duo Mobile Practice":"Duo Mobile 练习","#You'll need to visit each third-party site and follow their specific instructions for reactivating 2FA. This usually involves scanning a QR code after using an alternative recovery method like phone call or SMS. Third-party accounts include accounts that were added to Duo Mobile but not directly linked to the Duo service, such as Google Accounts, Amazon, Facebook, Snapchat, Dropbox, etc.":"您需要访问每个第三方站点,并按照其具体说明重新激活 2FA。这通常涉及在使用替代恢复方法(例如电话或短信)后扫描二维码。第三方账户包括添加到 Duo Mobile 但未直接关联到 Duo 服务的账户,例如 Google 账户、Amazon、Facebook、Snapchat,Dropbox 等。","#iOS Third Party Account Backup Instructions":"iOS 第三方账户备份说明","#No Duo Mobile releases are available for iOS versions earlier than 10.":"没有适用于低于版本 10 的 iOS 版本的 Duo Mobile 版本。","#Android 7 users may download the last compatible Duo Mobile release (v3.47.0) as an APK file and sideload it onto their device. Refer to the article Which versions of Android does Duo Mobile support? for more information about sideloading Duo Mobile on Android 7.":"Android 7 用户可以将最后兼容的 Duo Mobile 版本 (v3.47.0) 下载为 APK 文件,并将其侧载到自己的设备上。请参阅文章 Duo Mobile 支持哪些 Android 版本?,了解有关在 Android 7 上侧载 Duo Mobile 的详细信息。","#If the new account you want to add shows you a QR code to scan with an authenticator app, tap Use QR code from Duo Mobile's Add account list. Scan the barcode with your camera to add the account.":"如果要添加的新账户显示要使用身份验证器应用扫描的二维码,请轻触 Duo Mobile 的添加账户列表中的使用二维码。使用摄像头扫描条码以添加账户。","#Add More Accounts to Duo Mobile":"向 Duo Mobile 添加更多账户","#You'll see your newly-added Duo account in the accounts list. Now you're able to respond to Duo Push authentication requests, or generate passcodes to log in to applications.":"您将在账户列表中看到新添加的 Duo 账户。现在,您可以响应 Duo Push 身份验证请求,或生成密码以登录应用。","#If you're not able to approve the login request with Face ID or if you did not grant Duo Mobile permission to use Face ID, you can approve the Duo authentication request using the device's passcode.":"如果您无法使用 Face ID 批准登录请求,或者未授予 Duo Mobile 使用 Face ID 的权限,则可以使用设备的密码批准 Duo 身份验证请求。","#If the account is a third-party OTP account (meaning you logged into another service like Gmail and added this device as an authenticator app), then you'll see a 30 second countdown indicator underneath the passcode. If you don't use that passcode before it expires then the account refreshes with a new passcode and the countdown begins again.":"如果该账户是第三方 OTP 账户(意味着您已登录诸如 Gmail 等其他服务并将此设备添加为身份验证器应用),您会在密码下方看到 30 秒倒计时指示器。如果您在密码到期之前未使用该密码,则账户会刷新并显示一个新密码,然后再次开始倒计时。","#Tap Rename to change the name of an account. Enter a new name for the account and then tap Save to apply the new name.":"轻触重命名可更改账户的名称。输入账户的新名称,然后轻触保存以应用新名称。","#Duo Mobile v3 Android Guide":"Duo Mobile v3 Android 指南","#Open Duo Mobile and tap Continue on the welcome screen.":"打开 Duo Mobile,然后在欢迎屏幕上点击继续。","#Tap Reconnect below a Duo account in the main accounts list.":"轻触主账户列表中 Duo 账户下方的重新连接。","#iOS users can run a troubleshooting tool from within Duo Mobile version 3 (3.32.0 or later v3 releases). To run the tool:":"iOS 用户可以在 Duo Mobile 版本 3(3.32.0 或更高版本)中运行故障排除工具。要运行该工具,请执行以下操作:","#I am running an older version of iOS and I am not able to install the current version of Duo Mobile from the App Store.":"我运行的是旧版 iOS,无法从 App Store 安装当前版本的 Duo Mobile。","#Most services also offer a secret key that you can enter if you can't scan the barcode. Instead of tapping the QR code option from the Add account list, scroll through the list of account types and tap the one you want to add (or tap Add other account if the one you want isn't listed).":"大多数服务还提供一个密钥,如果您无法扫描条码,则可以输入该密钥。无需轻触添加账户列表中的二维码选项,只需滚动账户类型列表,并轻触要添加的账户类型即可(或者如果未列出所需账户类型,只需轻触添加其他账户)。","#Common Issues Page":"常见问题页面","#Duo Mobile at the Duo Knowledge Base":"Duo 知识库中的 Duo Mobile","#Open Duo Mobile and tap the menu icon to access Settings.":"打开 Duo Mobile,然后轻触菜单图标以访问设置。","#Follow this process if your Duo administrator did not enable Instant Restore, if your restored iCloud backups did not include Keychain information or your iTunes or Finder local backups weren't encrypted, or the Instant Restore process failed.":"如果您的 Duo 管理员未启用 Instant Restore,您恢复的 iCloud 备份不包含密钥链信息,您的 iTunes 或查找器本地备份未加密,或者即时恢复过程失败,请执行以下流程。","#Tap Duo Restore in the \"General\" settings.":"轻触“常规”设置中的 Duo Restore。","#You'll be asked if you have your old phone. Tap Yes, continue setup to continue.":"系统将询问您是否有旧手机。轻触是,继续设置以继续。","#Android Sideload Information in the Duo Knowledge Base":"Duo 知识库中的 Android 侧载信息","#Adaptive View":"自适应视图","#Use your camera to scan the barcode shown by Duo Enrollment in your browser. If you're prompted to allow Duo Mobile permission to use your device camera, please grant it.":"使用您的摄像头扫描浏览器中由 Duo 注册显示的条码。如果系统提示您允许 Duo Mobile 使用设备摄像头的权限,请授予此权限。","#It's a good idea to take a few minutes to practice approving and denying Duo authentication requests if you haven't used Duo before. Tap Practice now to go through some training screens like this one. If you feel comfortable using Duo Mobile to log in to applications you can tap Skip.":"如果您之前没有使用过 Duo,最好花几分钟时间练习批准和拒绝 Duo 身份验证请求。轻触立即练习,浏览一些类似此屏幕的培训屏幕。如果您可以轻松自如地使用 Duo Mobile 登录应用,可以轻触跳过。","#To add additional accounts to Duo mobile, tap Add in the upper right of your accounts list to go to the account type selector.":"要将其他账户添加到 Duo Mobile,请轻触账户列表右上角的添加以转到账户类型选择器。","#If you didn't enable backups for your third-party accounts when you added the first one, you can do it at any time.":"如果您在添加第一个第三方账户时没有为第三方账户启用备份,则可以随时启用。","#Duo also sends a push notification stating that accounts were activated on a new device to your old one. If you receive the new phone activation notification and you didn't just perform a restore, tap No. This deactivates your Duo accounts on both the original and replacement devices and alerts your organization's Duo administrators about the fraudulent reactivation.
If you did initiate the restore to a replacement device, tap Yes to dismiss this notification and deactivate the accounts on your original device.":"Duo 还会向您的旧设备发送推送通知,说明已在新设备上激活账户。如果您收到新的电话激活通知,而您并未执行恢复,请轻触。这会在原始设备和替换设备上均停用您的 Duo 账户,并向贵组织的 Duo 管理员发出有关欺诈性重新激活的警报。
如果您已启动到替换设备的恢复,请轻触以关闭此通知并在原始设备上停用账户。","#Open the Duo Mobile app on your new device and view the accounts list.":"在新设备上打开 Duo Mobile 应用,并查看账户列表。","#Tap Reconnect next to your Duo account in the accounts list.":"轻触账户列表中您的 Duo 账户旁边的重新连接。","#Duo Mobile prompts for the recovery password you created when you enabled and then tap Reconnect. Duo Mobile restores your third-party accounts.":"Duo Mobile 会提示您输入在启用并轻触重新连接时创建的恢复密码。Duo Mobile 将恢复您的第三方账户。","#Now you'll use the Duo Mobile app to generate a new passcode if you're asked for one when you log into your account. If you need to use the passcode shown in Duo Mobile in another mobile app tap Copy and paste it into the other app.":"现在,如果系统在您登录账户时要求输入密码,您需要使用 Duo Mobile 应用生成新密码。如果您需要在其他移动应用中使用 Duo Mobile 中显示的密码,请轻触复制并将其粘贴到其他应用中。","#Launch Duo Mobile and step through the introduction screens.":"启动 Duo Mobile 并安装说明屏幕逐步进行操作。","#Perform a firm longpress on the Duo Mobile notification from the lock screen to reveal the \"Approve\" or \"Deny\" actions. Tap an action and supply your passcode or biometric verification (face or fingerprint) to complete the action.":"长按锁定屏幕上的 Duo Mobile 通知,可显示“批准”或“拒绝”操作。轻触一项操作并提供密码或生物识别验证(面部或指纹)以完成操作。","#Duo Mobile Lockscreen Notification":"Duo Mobile 锁屏通知","#Duo Mobile version 4 was released on October 11, 2021.

Duo Mobile version 3 information remains available for users on older iOS versions who can't upgrade to the latest Duo Mobile release.

Duo Restore v3 Guide":"Duo Mobile 版本 4 于 2021 年 10 月 11 日发布。

Duo Mobile 版本 3 信息仍可供旧的 iOS 版本的用户使用,这些用户无法升级到最新 Duo Mobile 版本。

Duo Restore v3 指南","#To use Instant Restore you must have previously backed up your device with iCloud (with iCloud Keychain on) or an encrypted iTunes or Finder backup. Additionally, your organization's Duo administrator must have enabled the Instant Restore feature.":"要使用 Instant Restore,您必须先前已使用 iCloud(启用了 iCloud 密钥链)或者加密的 iTunes 或查找器备份对设备进行了备份。此外,贵组织的 Duo 管理员必须启用 Instant Restore 功能。","#Duo Mobile will check for a previous backup in Google Drive. Select the Google account you used when initially setting up Duo Restore.":"Duo Mobile 将在 Google Drive 中检查以前的备份。选择最初设置 Duo Restore 时使用的 Google 账户。","#If Duo Mobile finds a valid backup in your Google Drive, it restores your previously backed-up accounts. If your backup includes third-party accounts, enter your recovery password when prompted.":"如果 Duo Mobile 在您的 Google Drive 中找到有效的备份,则会恢复您之前备份的账户。如果您的备份包含第三方账户,请在系统提示时输入恢复密码。","#Give the new account a name in Duo Mobile and tap Saveto return to the accounts list.
":"在 Duo Mobile 中为新账户命名,然后轻触保存以返回到账户列表。
","#Duo Device Health Information":"Duo Device Health 信息","#Tap an account to get a one-time passcode for login. This works anywhere, even in places where you don't have an internet connection or can't get cell service.":"轻触账户可获取用于登录的一次性密码。这适用于任何地方,甚至是在您没有互联网连接或无法获得蜂窝网络服务的地方。","#Tap the menu and go to Security Checkup in Duo Mobile to view your device's security status at any time.":"轻触菜单并转到 Duo Mobile 中的 Security Checkup,随时查看设备的安全状态。","#If your administrator enabled Duo Mobile's backup and restore functionality and you previously backed up your Duo-protected accounts from the app to iCloud or an encrypted iTunes backup you can restore your accounts to Duo Mobile on a new iOS device via the guided recovery process. You can also opt-in to third-party account backup and recovery.":"如果您的管理员启用了 Duo Mobile 的备份和恢复功能,并且您之前已将受 Duo 保护的账户从应用备份到 iCloud 或加密的 iTunes 备份,则可以通过有指导的恢复过程在新的 iOS 设备上将账户恢复到 Duo Mobile。您还可以选择加入第三方账户备份和恢复。","#If you are logging in to a Duo-protected application, but you aren't receiving an expected Duo Push authentication request, try closing Duo Mobile and reopening it. Duo Mobile checks for pending push requests whenever it's opened. If this doesn't fix it, see the Duo Knowledge Base for additional iOS troubleshooting steps.":"如果您登录到受 Duo 保护的应用,但未收到预期的 Duo Push 身份验证请求,请尝试关闭 Duo Mobile 并将其重新打开。Duo Mobile 在每次打开时都会检查待处理的推送请求。如果此操作无法解决问题,请参阅 Duo 知识库了解其他 iOS 故障排除步骤。","#Edit Account in Duo Mobile":"在 Duo Mobile 中编辑账户","#About encrypted backups on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch":"关于 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 上的加密备份","#When prompted, enter and confirm a recovery password that has 10-128 characters. Do not lose this password! You'll need to provide it again to recover these accounts. Duo cannot recover this password for you. Be sure to store it securely. If you lose this password you'll need to manually reconnect your third-party accounts after restoring Duo Mobile on a new phone by visiting each of those services individually and following their 2FA setup process.":"出现提示时,输入并确认包含 10-128 个字符的恢复密码。请勿丢失此密码!您需要再次提供该密码才能恢复这些账户。Duo 无法为您恢复此密码。请务必妥善保管好该密码。如果您丢失此密码,则在新手机上恢复 Duo Mobile 后,您需要分别访问各项服务并遵循其 2FA 设置流程,以便手动重新连接第三方账户。","#When configuring the authenticator app in your application you'll usually be shown a barcode to scan. Open Duo Mobile and tap Add in the upper right of your accounts list to go to the account type selector.
":"在应用中配置身份验证器应用时,系统通常会显示要扫描的条码。打开 Duo Mobile,然后轻触账户列表右上角的添加以转至账户类型选择器。
","#Activate Duo Mobile for the First Time":"首次激活 Duo Mobile","#We've redesigned Duo Mobile to give you an updated login experience. Learn more about what's new to Duo Mobile version 4 in this video walkthrough:":"我们重新设计了 Duo Mobile,为您提供更新的登录体验。在此讲解视频中详细了解 Duo Mobile 版本 4 的新增内容:","#Return to the accounts list to exit the new account process.":"返回账户列表以退出新建账户流程。","#You can respond to Duo Push requests from the iOS lock screen or banner notification. The actions presented to you when you respond to the notification depend on your organization's Duo policy settings, such as whether or not you can approve the login request without PIN or biometric verification.":"您可以响应来自 iOS 锁定屏幕或横幅通知的 Duo Push 请求。响应通知时向您显示的操作取决于贵组织的 Duo 策略设置,例如您是否可以批准未进行 PIN 或生物识别验证的登录请求。","#Scan your face in the same manner that you use to unlock your device to approve the Duo login request.":"通过与解锁设备相同的方式扫描您的面部以批准 Duo 登录请求。","#If you're not able to scan your fingerprint using the Touch ID sensor you can also approve the Duo authentication request using the device's passcode.":"如果您无法使用 Touch ID 传感器扫描指纹,则还可以使用设备的密码批准 Duo 身份验证请求。","#You can also choose the type of account you want to add from the list, and then choose to add that account by scanning a QR code or by entering an activation code you receive from that application. Learn more about adding third-party accounts to Duo Mobile":"您还可以从列表中选择要添加的账户类型,然后通过扫描二维码或输入从该应用收到的激活码来选择添加该账户。详细了解如何将第三方账户添加到 Duo Mobile","#Launch Duo Mobile and tap Set up account.":"启动 Duo Mobile 并轻触设置账户。","#Be sure to enable third-party account backup and restore if you use Duo Mobile to generate passcodes for logging into applications like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, or other web services. Duo Mobile cannot recover access to those accounts without a backup. If you become locked out of those services and don't have a backup of your accounts in Duo Mobile, you'll need to contact the support team for that application (or perform the account recovery process for each of those third-party applications.":"如果您使用 Duo Mobile 生成用于登录到应用(如 Facebook、Facebook、Snapchat 或其他 Web 服务)的密码,请务必启用第三方账户备份和恢复。Duo Mobile 无法在没有备份的情况下恢复对这些账户的访问。如果您被锁定,无法访问这些服务,并且在 Duo Mobile 中没有账户备份,则需要联系该应用的支持团队(或为每个第三方应用执行账户恢复流程)。","#Sign in to iCloud on your iOS device and restore from an iCloud, iTunes, or Finder backup.":"在 iOS 设备上登录 iCloud,并从 iCloud、iTunes 或查找器备份进行恢复。","#Tap I have existing accounts from the welcome screen.":"在欢迎屏幕中点击我有账户。","#The minimum supported operating system version for Duo Mobile version 4 on Apple devices is iOS 13. Duo Mobile was removed from the App Stores for iOS 11 and 12 and earlier iOS versions. Users with compatible devices are encouraged to upgrade to the latest version of iOS and install the current Duo Mobile release from the App Store.":"Apple 设备上 Duo Mobile 版本 4 支持的最低操作系统版本为 iOS 13。Duo Mobile 已从 iOS 11 和 12 及更低 iOS 版本的 App Store 中移除。建议使用兼容设备的用户升级到最新版本的 iOS,并从 App Store 安装当前版本的 Duo Mobile。","#If you're using a Touch ID capable iOS device you can scan your fingerprint to approve Duo authentication requests.":"如果您使用的是支持 Touch ID 的 iOS 设备,则可以扫描指纹以批准 Duo 身份验证请求。","#Duo Mobile Account Type Selector":"Duo Mobile 账户类型选择器","#Duo Mobile v3 iOS Guide":"Duo Mobile v3 iOS 指南","#Duo Enrollment":"Duo 注册","#Remember, Duo Support can't recover your third-party accounts for you or reset your third-party recovery password.":"请记住,Duo 支持人员无法为您恢复第三方账户或重置第三方恢复密码。","#Return to your new phone, and tap Scan QR code in step 3, then scan the QR code shown on your old phone to complete account restoration.":"返回到您的新手机,在步骤 3 中轻触扫描二维码,然后扫描旧手机上显示的二维码以完成账户恢复。","#When you tap the type of third-party account you want to add, you'll see an Activation code box where you can enter the activation code or key shown to you by the application. Tap Next to verify the activation code you entered, and then give the new account a name and tap Save.":"当您点击要添加的第三方账户的类型时,您会看到一个激活码框,在其中可以输入应用显示给您的激活码或密钥。轻触下一步验证您输入的激活码,然后为新账户命名并轻触保存。","#Duo Mobile version 4 was released on October 11, 2021.

Duo Mobile version 3 information remains available for users on older iOS versions who can't upgrade to the latest Duo Mobile release.

View the Duo Mobile v3 iOS Guide":"Duo Mobile 版本 4 于 2021 年 10 月 11 日发布。

Duo Mobile 版本 3 信息仍可供旧的 iOS 版本的用户使用,这些用户无法升级到最新 Duo Mobile 版本。

查看 Duo Mobile v3 iOS 指南","#Duo Mobile Appearance":"Duo Mobile 外观","#Respond to Duo Mobile even faster by enabling notifications. You'll see new Duo Push requests when they arrive at your device, and can approve or deny from the notification without opening the app. Tap Allow notifications to permit notifications from Duo Mobile in iOS settings.":"通过启用通知,更快响应 Duo Mobile。当新的 Duo Push 请求到达您的设备时,您会看到这些请求,并且无需打开应用,从通知中便可批准或拒绝它们。在 iOS 设置中,轻触允许通知以允许来自 Duo Mobile 的通知。","#If you choose to authenticate with Duo Push, you'll get a login request sent to your phone — just press Approve to authenticate.":"如果您选择使用 Duo Push 进行身份验证,系统会向您的手机发送登录请求 — 只需按批准即可进行身份验证。","#For example, this iOS device doesn't have the latest OS update installed and doesn't have Touch ID or Face ID enabled:":"例如,此 iOS 设备未安装最新的操作系统更新,并且未启用 Touch ID 或 Face ID:","#Duo Mobile supports passcode generation for logging in to third-party TOTP accounts, like Google and Dropbox. Learn more »":"Duo Mobile 支持生成密码以登录第三方 TOTP 账户,例如 Google 和 Dropbox。了解详情 »","#To make changes to an account in your accounts list, tap the account to expand it, and then tap the three dots in the upper-right corner of the account card to bring up the account options.":"要更改账户列表中的账户,请轻触该账户将其展开,然后点击账户卡右上角的三个点以显示账户选项。","#Scan Duo QR Code":"扫描 Duo 二维码","#Tap Approve in the notification to finish logging in to the Duo-protected application.":"轻触通知中的批准以完成登录受 Duo 保护的应用的过程。","#You can enable dark theme on Android in a few different ways:":"您可以通过多种不同的方式在 Android 上启用深色主题:","#Back up your device to iCloud, with iCloud Keychain enabled to use Instant Restore. Nightly iCloud backups will include Duo Restore information. Encrypted iTunes or Finder backups will also work.":"将设备备份到 iCloud,同时启用 iCloud 密钥链以使用 Instant Restore。夜间 iCloud 备份将包含 Duo Restore 信息。也可以使用加密的 iTunes 或查找器备份。","#Name Third Party Account":"为第三方账户命名","#Locate the \"Connect a new phone\" settings item, and tap View QR code to display a QR barcode on the screen.":"找到“连接新手机”设置项,然后点击查看二维码以在屏幕上显示二维码。","#The minimum supported operating system version for Duo Mobile version 4 on Android devices is Android 8. Duo Mobile was removed from the Play Stores for Android 6 and earlier versions. Users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest version of Android supported by their phones and install the current Duo Mobile release from the App Store if running Android 8 or later.":"Android 设备上 Duo Mobile 版本 4 支持的最低操作系统版本为 Android 8。Duo Mobile 已从 Android 6 及更低版本的 Play Store 中移除。建议用户升级到其手机支持的最新版本的 Android,并从运行 Android 8 或更高版本的 App Store 安装当前版本的 Duo Mobile。","#Browser Trust Option for Touch ID":"Touch ID 的浏览器信任选项","#Verify Ownership of Shared Phone":"验证共享电话的所有权","#Security Key in Universal Prompt in Safari":"Safari 中 Universal Prompt 的安全密钥","#First-Time Browser Trust Option in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的首次浏览器信任选项","#Browser Trust Option for Duo Push":"Duo Push 的浏览器信任选项","#To proceed with adding your initial Duo account to Duo Mobile, tap Use a QR code./p>":"要继续将初始 Duo 账户添加到 Duo Mobile,请轻触使用二维码。/p>","#Duo Mobile Guides":"Duo Mobile 指南","#October 11, 2021: End of support for Duo Mobile version 3.":"2021 年 10 月 11 日:终止对 Duo Mobile 版本 3 的支持。","#Duo Mobile version 4 was released on October 11, 2021.

These Duo Mobile version 3 instructions remain available for users on older Android versions who can't upgrade to the latest Duo Mobile release.

Learn more about the new Duo Mobile...":"Duo Mobile 版本 4 于 2021 年 10 月 11 日发布。

对于因使用较旧 Android 版本而无法升级到最新 Duo Mobile 版本的用户,这些 Duo Mobile 版本 3 说明仍可参考使用。

详细了解新版 Duo Mobile...","#Duo Authentication Guides":"Duo 身份验证指南","#Guides for Other Devices":"其他设备指南","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports Android 8 and greater.":"支持的平台:当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 Android 8 及更高版本。","#Duo Mobile and Apple Watch Instructions":"Duo Mobile 和 Apple Watch 说明","#Citrix Receiver Instructions":"Citrix Receiver 说明","#/static/images/en/ios-duo-activation_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-duo-activation_2x.png","#Other Guides":"其他指南","#Duo Access Gateway Launcher Instructions":"Duo Access Gateway Launcher 说明","#Microsoft Windows Logon Instructions":"Microsoft Windows 登录说明","#Duo Mobile v4 Android Guide":"Duo Mobile v4 Android 指南","#Auto Mode Instructions":"自动模式说明","#Duo Device Health Instructions":"Duo Device Health 说明","#DuoConnect Instructions":"DuoConnect 说明","#Visit the main Duo Security site":"访问 Duo Security 主站点","#Hardware Token Instructions":"硬件令牌说明","#Duo Central Instructions":"Duo Central 说明","#Duo Unix Instructions":"Duo Unix 说明","#LastPass Instructions":"LastPass 说明","#Device Management Instructions":"设备管理说明","#Visit the Duo Knowledge Base at help.duo.com":"通过 help.duo.com 访问 Duo 知识库","#Guide Home Page":"指南主页","#Append Mode Instructions":"附加模式说明","#Duo Single Sign-On Instructions":"Duo Single Sign-On 说明","#Duo Mobile Android Instructions":"Duo Mobile Android 说明","#Challenge Mode Instructions":"挑战模式说明","#VMware View Instructions":"VMware View 说明","#Duo Mobile v4 for Android":"适用于 Android 的 Duo Mobile v4","#Duo Universal Prompt Instructions":"Duo Universal Prompt 说明","#Duo Passwordless Instructions":"Duo Passwordless 说明","#Instructions for Cell Phones and Landlines":"手机和座机说明","#Pulse VPN Client Instructions":"Pulse VPN 客户端说明","#Instructions for Third-Party Accounts":"第三方账户说明","#New Device Instructions":"新设备说明","#macOS Logon Instructions":"macOS 登录说明","#Cisco AnyConnect Instructions":"Cisco AnyConnect 说明","#iOS phones and tablets":"iOS 手机和平板电脑","#Link to duo.com":"指向 duo.com 的链接","#Android phones and tablets":"Android 手机和平板电脑","#Use your registered device to verify your identity":"使用您的已注册设备验证您的身份","#Cell Phone and Landline Instructions":"手机和座机说明","#iOS Device Instructions":"iOS 设备说明","#Android Device Instructions":"Android 设备说明","#October 11, 2021: End of support for Duo Mobile version 3. This is the last Duo Mobile release for iOS 12.":"2021 年 10 月 11 日:终止对 Duo Mobile 版本 3 的支持。这是适用于 iOS 12 的最新 Duo Mobile 版本。","#Duo Mobile v4 for iOS":"适用于 iOS 的 Duo Mobile v4","#Duo Mobile version 4 was released on October 11, 2021.

These Duo Mobile version 3 instructions remain available for users on older iOS versions who can't upgrade to the latest Duo Mobile release.

Learn more about the new Duo Mobile...":"Duo Mobile 版本 4 于 2021 年 10 月 11 日发布。

对于因使用较旧 iOS 版本而无法升级到最新 Duo Mobile 版本的用户,这些 Duo Mobile 版本 3 说明仍可供参考使用。

详细了解新版 Duo Mobile...","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports iOS 13.0 and greater.":"支持的平台:Duo Mobile 的当前版本支持 iOS 13.0 及更高版本。","#Insert or attached your security key if it's not already connected, and then tap your security key when prompted. Some types of keys flash as a prompt for you to authenticate.":"插入或连接安全密钥(如果尚未连接),然后在系统提示时轻触安全密钥。某些类型的密钥会闪烁,提示您进行身份验证。","#A supported USB security key. WebAuthn/FIDO2 security keys from Yubico or Feitian are good options. We do not recommend U2F-only security keys (like the Yubikey NEO-n).":"支持的 USB 安全密钥。YubicoFeitian 的 WebAuthn/FIDO2 安全密钥是很好的选择。我们建议不要使用仅 U2F 安全密钥(例如 Yubikey NEO-n)。","#The next time you log on using Duo, select your security key from the drop-down list of your authentication devices.":"下次使用 Duo 进行登录时,请从身份验证设备的下拉列表中选择安全密钥。","#A security key plugs into your USB port and when tapped or when the button is pressed it sends a signed response back to Duo to validate your login. Duo uses the WebAuthn authentication standards to interact with your security keys. You may also see WebAuthn referred to as \"FIDO2\".":"将安全密钥插入 USB 端口后,当轻触它或按下按钮时,它会将签名的响应发送回 Duo 以验证您的登录。Duo 使用 WebAuthn 身份验证标准与您的安全密钥进行交互。您可能还会看到 WebAuthn 称为“FIDO2”。","# and ":"","#Duo Mobile prompts for the recovery password you created when you enabled third-party account backup. Duo Mobile restores your third-party accounts.":"Duo Mobile 会提示您输入在启用第三方账户备份时创建的恢复密码。Duo Mobile 将恢复您的第三方账户。","#Image of hardware token":"硬件令牌的图像","#To authenticate using a hardware token, click the Enter a Passcode button. Press the button on your hardware token to generate a new passcode, type it into the space provided, and click Log In or Verify (or type the generated passcode in the \"second password\" field). Using the \"Device:\" drop-down menu to select your token is not necessary before entering the passcode.":"要使用硬件令牌进行身份验证,请点击输入密码按钮。按硬件令牌上的按钮生成新密码,在提供的空白处输入密码,然后点击登录验证(或在“第二个密码”字段中输入生成的密码)。在输入密码之前,无需使用“设备:”下拉菜单选择令牌。","#Third-Party Accounts Instructions":"第三方账户说明","#Your organization needs to provide you with a hardware token to use with Duo. If you don't have one, contact your Duo administrator or your organization's help desk.":"贵组织需要为您提供用于 Duo 的硬件令牌。如果您没有,请联系您的 Duo 管理员或贵组织的服务中心。","#Back up your device to iCloud, with iCloud Keychain enabled to use Instant Restore. Nightly iCloud backups will include Duo Restore information. Encrypted iTunes or Finder backups will also work.":"将设备备份到 iCloud,同时启用 iCloud 密钥链以使用 Instant Restore。夜间 iCloud 备份将包含 Duo Restore 信息。也可以使用加密的 iTunes 或查找器备份。","#Article at Duo Knowledge Base":"Duo 知识库中的文章","#Passcode entry in Duo traditional prompt":"在旧版 Duo Prompt 中输入密码","#Windows Hello not supported in Chrome Incognito or Edge InPrivate browsing sessions.":"Chrome Incognito 或 Edge InPrivate 浏览会话不支持 Windows Hello。","#A supported browser: Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. Refer to the Duo Passwordless browser support table. Note that Chrome Incognito and Edge InPrivate browsing won't work with Windows Hello, but will work with Security Keys.":"支持的浏览器:Chrome、Edge 或 Firefox。请参阅 Duo Passwordless 浏览器支持表。请注意,Chrome Incognito 和 Edge InPrivate 浏览不适用于 Windows Hello,但适用于安全密钥。","#Security Keys Information":"安全密钥信息","#The first time you log in to an application with Duo using the Universal Prompt, Duo chooses one of your configured login options automatically, selecting the most-secure method from the ones you have available.":"首次使用 Universal Prompt 通过 Duo 登录应用时,Duo 会自动选择一个已配置的登录选项,并从可用的方法中选择最安全的方法。","#Duo Mobile push approval":"Duo Mobile 推送审批","#YubiKey passcodes":"YubiKey 密码","#Duo Mobile generated passcodes":"Duo Mobile 生成的密码","#If you haven't set up Duo Mobile, then the Duo Universal Prompt automatically selects your next available option, following the most to least secure preference order.":"如果您尚未设置 Duo Mobile,则 Duo Universal Prompt 会自动选择下一个可用选项,按照安全性从高到低的顺序排列。","#Phone call approval":"电话呼叫审批","#If you don't want to use the method Duo automatically suggests for that application, cancel the Duo authentication in progress and click or tap Other options. Then, select the method you want from the list.":"如果不希望将 Duo 自动建议的方法用于该应用,请取消正在进行的 Duo 身份验证,然后点击或轻触其他选项。然后,从列表中选择所需的方法。","#The next most secure Duo method is using Duo Mobile to approve push notifications. If you do not have Touch ID or a security key available, but you do have a phone or tablet with Duo Mobile activated, the Universal Prompt will automatically send you a Duo Push the first time you log in to that application.":"第二种最安全的 Duo 方法是使用 Duo Mobile 批准推送通知。如果您没有可用的 Touch ID 或安全密钥,但具有已激活 Duo Mobile 的手机或平板电脑,则在首次登录 Universal Prompt 时,该应用会自动向您发送 Duo Push。","#There is no way to turn off automatic device selection, or to explicitly configure a default authentication device.":"无法关闭自动设备选择或明确配置默认身份验证设备。","#If your organization's policy allows it, you may be able to skip authenticating with Duo again for a set amount of time. The first time you approve the Duo authentication request, you'll see the option to trust this browser. This creates a trusted browser session that will let you skip Duo two-factor authentication when you log in again with the same browser and device until that trust session expires.":"如果贵组织的策略允许,您可以在设定的时间内跳过再次使用 Duo 进行身份验证。首次批准 Duo 身份验证请求时,您将看到信任此浏览器的选项。这将创建一个受信任的浏览器会话,从而使您在使用相同的浏览器和设备再次登录时,可以跳过 Duo 双因素身份验证,直到该信任会话到期。","#Duo authentication methods from most to least secure:":"从最安全到最不安全排列的 Duo 身份验证方式:","#When your trusted browser session expires, you will need to use two-factor authentication again. Duo Push, phone call, text message, and passcode authentication methods will show the option to trust the browser already enabled for you. Leaving the option enabled creates a new trusted browser session.":"当受信任的浏览器会话到期时,您将需要再次使用双因素身份验证。Duo Push、电话呼叫、短信和密码身份验证方式将显示已为您启用信任浏览器的选项。将该选项保持启用状态会创建新的受信任浏览器会话。","#Security keys":"安全密钥","#Do not trust the browser when using a public or shared computer! This could leave your Duo session available to other users. Trust the browser only when you access applications from your own computer.":"使用公共计算机或共享计算机时,请勿信任浏览器!这可能会使您的 Duo 会话可供其他用户使用。仅当您从自己的计算机访问应用时,才可信任浏览器。","#Hardware token passcodes":"硬件令牌密码","#Duo considers Touch ID and security keys to be the most secure authentication methods, so if you have set up either of these methods and the application allows their use you'll automatically see the prompt to use your fingerprint with Touch ID or tap your security key the first time you log into that application.":"Duo 将 Touch ID 和安全密钥视为最安全的身份验证方式,因此,如果您设置了这些方法之一,并且应用允许使用该方法,则在您首次登录该应用时,会看到自动提示指明将指纹与 Touch ID 配合使用或轻触安全密钥。","#Completing Duo login sets the login option you used as the first choice for this application. Future Universal Prompt logins to that application from the same device and browser will automatically use that same method. If you cancel the authentication in process and choose a different device, then the device you use becomes the first choice for that application.":"完成 Duo 登录会将您使用的登录选项设置为此应用的首选。未来 Universal Prompt 从同一设备登录到该应用,并且浏览器将自动使用相同的方法。如果取消正在进行的身份验证并选择其他设备,则您使用的设备将成为该应用的首选。","#Duo Device Health is an application installed on your desktop or laptop that performs health checks whenever you access Duo protected applications through the Universal Prompt, ensuring that your computer meets the organization’s security requirements. This helps protect corporate data and make sure your computer is less vulnerable to compromise.":"Duo Device Health 是安装在您的桌面或笔记本电脑上的应用,每当您通过 Universal Prompt 访问受 Duo 保护的应用时,都会执行运行状况检查,从而确保您的计算机符合贵组织的安全要求。这有助于保护公司数据,并确保您的计算机不易受到危害。","#Duo Out-of-Date Software Warning from Duo Universal Prompt":"来自 Duo Universal Prompt 的 Duo 过期软件警告","#/static/images/en/third-party-activation-code_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/third-party-activation-code_2x.png","#If your organization uses its own identity provider to verify your login information, you'll be sent there to enter your username and password information, then sent back to Duo Single Sign-On to complete Duo two-factor authentication.":"如果贵组织使用自己的身份提供程序来验证您的登录信息,您将定向至此处以输入您的用户名和密码信息,然后会返回 Duo Single Sign-On 以完成 Duo 双因素身份验证。","#If you need to cancel a Touch ID authentication in progress, click or tap the cancel option shown by your browser, outside of the Duo Universal Prompt.":"如果您需要取消正在进行的 Touch ID 身份验证,请在 Duo Universal Prompt 之外点击或轻触浏览器显示的取消选项。","#Next, enter your password when prompted and click Log in.":"接下来,在系统提示时输入密码,然后点击登录。","#You need to interact with the prompt to use a security key from Safari browser on macOS or any browser on iOS. Click or tap the Use security key button and then tap or press your security key.":"您需要与 Prompt 进行交互,才能使用来自 macOS 上的 Safari 浏览器或 iOS 上任何浏览器的安全密钥。点击或轻触使用安全密钥按钮,然后轻触或按您的安全密钥。","#If the phone number you entered already exists in Duo as the authentication device for another user then you'll need to enter a code sent to that number by phone call or text message to confirm that you own it. Choose how you want to receive the code and enter it to complete verification and continue.":"如果您输入的电话号码已存在于作为其他用户的身份验证设备的 Duo 中,则您需要输入通过电话或短信发送到该号码的代码,以确认您拥有该设备。选择接收代码的方式并输入代码以完成验证,然后继续操作。","#Your organization may choose to block access to applications from devices not managed by the organization. The Universal Prompt will include device management checks in a future release. Until then, you will fall back to the traditional Duo Prompt for the managed device check and any notifications.":"贵组织可能选择阻止从非组织托管设备访问应用。Universal Prompt 将在未来版本中包含设备管理检查。在此之前,您将回退到旧版 Duo Prompt 进行受管设备检查和获取任何通知。","#Log in with Duo Single Sign-On":"使用 Duo Single Sign-On 登录","#The Universal Prompt includes software update checks.":"Universal Prompt 包含软件更新检查。","#Chrome 70 or later. While Duo Passwordless supports Touch ID in Safari, use of Touch ID for two-factor authentication in Safari and additional browsers on macOS is not available today.":"Chrome 70 或更高版本。虽然 Duo Passwordless 在 Safari 中支持 Touch ID,但目前尚不可在 macOS 上的 Safari 和其他浏览器中使用 Touch ID 进行双因素身份验证。","#Touch ID in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的 Touch ID","#Reset Expired Password":"重置已过期的密码","#If you log in automatically with a WebAuthn method like Touch ID or a security key you won't see the Trust browser option on the page. You will need to cancel the Duo authentication in progress if you don't want to trust that browser again. This sends you back to the page where you can uncheck the Trust browser box and then try to log in again.":"如果使用 Touch ID 或安全密钥等 WebAuthn 方法自动登录,则页面上不会显示信任浏览器选项。如果您不想再次信任该浏览器,则需要取消正在进行的 Duo 身份验证。这会使您返回到之前的页面,在其中可以取消选中信任浏览器复选框,然后尝试重新登录。","#Add Duo Mobile":"添加 Duo Mobile","#Finally, complete Duo two-factor authentication (or enroll your first device). Depending on your organization's configuration, you may see the new Duo Universal Prompt or the Duo traditional prompt.":"最后,完成 Duo 双因素身份验证(或注册您的第一台设备)。根据贵组织的配置,您可能会看到新的 Duo Universal Prompt旧版 Duo Prompt。","#After that you'll be logged into the original application. When you access another application that uses Duo Single Sign-On you won't need to enter your username and password again (since you already entered it when you logged in to the first application).":"然后,您将登录到原始应用。当您访问使用 Duo Single Sign-On 的另一个应用时,无需再次输入您的用户名和密码(因为您在登录第一个应用时已经输入了用户名和密码)。","#You may need to complete Duo authentication again when accessing other SSO applications, depending on how your administrator configured the application. If you see a Remember me... or Trust this browser... option from Duo, check that box to skip the Duo prompt when you launch additional SSO applications.":"访问其他 SSO 应用时,您可能需要再次完成 Duo 身份验证,具体取决于管理员配置应用的方式。如果您在 Duo 中看到记住我...信任此浏览器... 选项,请选中此框以在启动其他 SSO 应用时跳过 Duo Prompt。","#/static/images/en/third-party-name-account_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/third-party-name-account_2x.png","#When you access an application that uses Duo Single Sign-On, it redirects you from that application to Duo's service. SSO applications are typically cloud apps, like Salesforce or Office 365.":"当您访问使用 Duo Single Sign-On 的应用时,它会将您从该应用重定向至 Duo 的服务。SSO 应用通常是云应用,例如 Salesforce 或 Office 365。","#If you need to cancel a security key authentication in progress, click or tap the cancel option shown by your browser, outside of the Duo Universal Prompt.":"如果您需要取消正在进行的安全密钥身份验证,请在 Duo Universal Prompt 之外点击或轻触浏览器显示的取消选项。","#Duo Single Sign-On (SSO) lets you sign in once to access your organization's different applications, instead of entering your login information for each application. After you sign in, you'll complete Duo two-factor authentication, then return to the original application as a logged-in user.":"通过 Duo Single Sign-On (SSO),您登录一次便可访问贵组织的不同应用,无需为每个应用输入登录信息。登录后,您将完成 Duo 双因素身份验证,然后以登录用户的身份返回到原始应用。","#If you don't want to trust that browser again, uncheck the Trust browser box before you approve the Duo Push or phone call request or enter a passcode.":"如果您不想再次信任该浏览器,请取消选中信任浏览器复选框,然后再批准 Duo Push 或电话呼叫请求,或者输入密码。","#Duo Passwordless Guide":"Duo Passwordless 指南","#/static/images/en/ios-account-types_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-account-types_2x.png","#Duo Universal Prompt - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Universal Prompt - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#If your organization uses Duo to verify your login information you'll see the Duo Single Sign-On login page. Enter your username on the Duo Single Sign-On login page and click Next.":"如果贵组织使用 Duo 验证您的登录信息,您将看到 Duo Single Sign-On 登录页面。在 Duo Single Sign-On 登录页面上输入您的用户名,然后点击下一步。","#Duo Single Sign-On Username":"Duo Single Sign-On 用户名","#Duo Single Sign-On Reset Password":"Duo Single Sign-On 重置密码","#Duo Central Username":"Duo Central 用户名","#You may need to complete Duo authentication again, depending on how your administrator configured the application. If you see a Remember me... or Trust this browser... option from Duo, check that box to skip the Duo prompt when you launch additional web or SSO applications.":"您可能需要再次完成 Duo 身份验证,具体取决于管理员配置应用的方式。如果您在 Duo 中看到记住我...信任此浏览器... 选项,请选中此框以在启动其他 Web 或 SSO 应用时跳过 Duo Prompt。","#You need to complete Duo authentication before you can reset your password. Click Verify my identity to begin. You'll see the Duo two-factor authentication prompt, where you can verify your identity with Duo Push, a security key, or your choice from whichever verification methods your organization allows.":"您需要先完成 Duo 身份验证,然后才能重置密码。点击验证我的身份以开始。您将看到 Duo 双因素身份验证提示,在其中可以使用 Duo Push(一种安全密钥)验证身份,或者选择组织允许的任何验证方法。","#Next, enter your password when prompted and click Login.":"接下来,在系统提示时输入密码,然后点击登录。","#Duo Central Password":"Duo Central 密码","#Enter your current expired password and then enter and confirm your new password. Make sure to review your organization's password requirements shown on the page before you enter the new password. Click Save to perform the password reset.":"输入您当前的已过期密码,然后输入并确认新密码。在输入新密码之前,请确保查看页面上显示的组织密码要求。点击保存以执行密码重置。","#If your password reset succeeds click Continue to application to proceed.":"如果密码重置成功,请点击继续申请以继续。","#Duo Single Sign-On - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Single Sign-On - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Duo Single Sign-On Password Expired":"Duo Single Sign-On 密码已过期","#Duo Single Sign-On Identity Verified":"Duo Single Sign-On 身份已验证","#If your organization uses Duo to verify your login information you'll see the Duo Single Sign-On login page. Enter your username on the Duo Central login page and click Next.":"如果贵组织使用 Duo 验证您的登录信息,您将看到 Duo Single Sign-On 登录页面。在 Duo Central 登录页面上输入您的用户名,然后点击下一步。","#Duo Single Sign-On Password":"Duo Single Sign-On 密码","#Duo Single Sign-On Password Reset Success":"Duo Single Sign-On 密码重置成功","#Duo Single Sign-On Two-Factor Authentication":"Duo Single Sign-On 双因素身份验证","#You can update your expired account password when logging in to Duo Central if your organization allows it. If your password has expired, you'll see a notification on the login page.":"如果贵组织允许,您可以在登录 Duo Central 时更新已过期的账户密码。如果您的密码已过期,您将在登录页面上看到相应通知。","#If your password reset succeeds click Continue to application to proceed to the Duo Central page.":"如果密码重置成功,请点击继续申请以继续进入 Duo Central 页面。","#If you continue to have issues resetting your expired password, contact your organization's Duo administrator or help desk.":"如果您在重置已过期密码时仍然遇到问题,请联系贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#You may need to complete Duo authentication again, depending on how your administrator configured the application. If you see a Remember me... or Trust this browser... option from Duo, check that box to skip the Duo prompt when you launch additional SSO applications.":"您可能需要再次完成 Duo 身份验证,具体取决于管理员配置应用的方式。如果您在 Duo 中看到记住我...信任此浏览器... 选项,请选中此框以在启动其他 SSO 应用时跳过 Duo Prompt。","#If your password reset attempt didn't succeed, make sure that you entered your current password correctly, that you typed the same new password into both spaces provided, and that your new password meets the password requirements shown on the reset page. You can try resetting your password again without repeating Duo two-factor authentication.":"如果您的密码重置尝试未成功,请确保正确输入了当前密码,在提供的两个空白字段中输入相同的新密码,并且新密码符合重置页面上显示的密码要求。您可以尝试再次重置密码,而无需重复进行 Duo 双因素身份验证。","#Remember Me Option in Traditional Prompt":"旧版 Prompt 中的“记住我”选项","#Remembered Device in Traditional Prompt":"在旧版 Prompt 中记住的设备","#Remembered Device in Universal Prompt":"在 Universal Prompt 中记住的设备","#You can update your expired account password when logging in to Duo Single Sign-On if your organization allows it. If your password has expired, you'll see a notification on the login page.":"如果贵组织允许,您可以在登录 Duo Single Sign-On 时更新已过期的账户密码。如果您的密码已过期,您将在登录页面上看到相应通知。","#After you complete Duo verification, click Reset my password to continue.":"完成 Duo 验证后,点击重置我的密码以继续。","#Configure DuoConnect in Duo Device Health":"在 Duo Device Health 中配置 DuoConnect","#Update DuoConnect":"更新 DuoConnect","#To access RDP hosts with DuoConnect you also need Duo Device Health app version 2.24 or later installed on your computer.":"要使用 DuoConnect 访问 RDP 主机,您还需要在计算机上安装 Duo Device Health 应用 2.24 或更高版本。","#If Duo Device Health is already installed, open it.":"如果已安装 Duo Device Health,请将其打开。","#Click the menu icon (three stacked horizontal lines) in the upper right and go to Preferences.":"点击右上角的菜单图标(三条堆叠的水平线)并转到首选项。","#Duo Device Health app installation requires that you have administrator privileges on your computer. If you do not have administrative rights on your computer or encounter issues installing Duo Device Health, please contact your organization's Duo administrator or Help Desk.":"安装 Duo Device Health 应用需要您拥有计算机的管理员权限。如果您没有计算机的管理权限或在安装 Duo Device Health 时遇到问题,请联系贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#Test RDP Login":"测试 RDP 登录","#DuoConnect for RDP access does not support shared client computers. If you try to use DuoConnect with RDP on a computer shared by multiple users you may experience issues. For the best results you should be the only user of the computer where you set up RDP access with DuoConnect.":"用于 RDP 访问的 DuoConnect 不支持共享客户端计算机。如果您尝试在多用户共享的计算机上将 DuoConnect 和 RDP 搭配使用,可能会遇到问题。为获得最佳效果,您应该是设置使用 DuoConnect 进行 RDP 访问的计算机上的唯一用户。","#Download the Device Health installer from this link.":"从此链接下载 Device Health 安装程序。","#DuoConnect lets you easily access your organization’s SSH servers and RDP hosts without needing to use a VPN when your organization has deployed Duo Network Gateway.":"通过 DuoConnect,您可以在组织部署 Duo Network Gateway 后轻松访问贵组织的 SSH 服务器和 RDP 主机,无需使用 VPN。","#Test your SSH connection":"测试 SSH 连接","#Check to see if Duo Device Health 2.24.0 or later is already installed on your computer:":"检查计算机上是否已安装 Duo Device Health 2.24.0 或更高版本:","#If Duo Device Health is installed but is not version 2.24.0 or later, click the Check now button shown in Preferences to check for an update. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the update.":"如果已安装 Duo Device Health,但其版本不是 2.24.0 或更高版本,请点击“首选项”中显示的立即检查按钮以检查更新。按照屏幕上的说明安装更新。","#RDP access requires DuoConnect 2.0.2 or later. If you installed DuoConnect before April 2022 you might need to update it.":"RDP 访问需要 DuoConnect 2.0.2 或更高版本。如果您在 2022 年 4 月之前安装了 DuoConnect,则可能需要对其进行更新。","#DuoConnect is supported on 64-bit versions of Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. To use DuoConnect, you'll need to install the DuoConnect client software on your workstation, then perform some configuration steps for SSH or RDP to work. Your Duo administrator will send you the detailed connection information you’ll need to update your SSH and RDP connections.":"DuoConnect 在 64 位版本的 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 系统上受支持。要使用 DuoConnect,您需要在工作站上安装 DuoConnect 客户端软件,然后执行一些配置步骤以使 SSH 或 RDP 正常工作。您的 Duo 管理员将向您发送更新 SSH 和 RDP 连接所需的详细连接信息。","#Configure RDP":"配置 RDP","#Create an RDP Server Connection":"创建 RDP 服务器连接","#Verify the installed version is 2.24.0 or later.":"验证安装的版本是否为 2.24.0 或更高版本。","#If Duo Device Health app is not present, then you need to install it before continuing. Duo Device Health supports Windows 10 and later.":"如果 Duo Device Health 应用不存在,则需要先安装该应用,然后才能继续。Duo Device Health 支持 Windows 10 及更高版本。","#Enter the RDP hostname provided by your administrator, such as rdp1.external.example.com, as the \"Computer\" name.":"输入管理员提供的 RDP 主机名(例如 rdp1.external.example.com)作为“计算机”名称。","#Click Connect to launch the RDP connection.":"点击连接启动 RDP 连接。","#Windows and macOS systems only":"仅限 Windows 和 macOS 系统","#DuoConnect updates are either optional or required. You'll be able to skip an optional update and continue connecting to the remote SSH or RDP host, but required updates must be installed before you can access any system.":"DuoConnect 更新要么是可选的,要么是必需的。您可以跳过可选更新并继续连接到远程 SSH 或 RDP 主机,但只有安装必需更新才能访问任何系统。","#You need to update the Device Health app settings with information about your organization's Duo Network Gateway server. If you do not know the hostname you should enter ask your Duo administrator or Help Desk.":"您需要使用有关贵组织的 Duo Network Gateway 服务器的信息更新 Device Health 应用设置。如果您不知道应输入的主机名,请咨询您的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#Click the menu icon (three stacked horizontal lines) in the upper right.":"点击右上角的菜单图标(三条堆叠的水平线)。","#If you need to change the configured Duo Network Gateway hostname, return to the DuoConnect menu item in the Duo Device Health app to view the list of configured hostnames, and click the X icon to the right of the hostname to delete it and enter a new one.":"如果需要更改配置的 Duo Network Gateway 主机名,请返回 Duo Device Health 应用中的 DuoConnect 菜单项以查看配置的主机名列表,然后点击主机名右侧的 X 图标将其删除并输入新的主机名。","#Why don't I see the DuoConnect setting in Duo Device Health?":"为什么在 Duo Device Health 中看不到 DuoConnect 设置?","#Duo Device Health Guide":"Duo Device Health 指南","#After that, you'll complete login at the remote Windows system by entering your username and password for that system (optionally saving them for future connections if you enabled that option in the Remote Desktop Connection client).":"之后,您将输入远程 Windows 系统的用户名和密码(如果您在远程桌面连接客户端中启用了相应选项,则可以选择保存用户名和密码以供将来连接使用),登录到该远程系统。","#Click on the Duo Device Health icon in the system tray to open the Duo Device Health application.":"点击系统托盘中的 Duo Device Health 图标以打开 Duo Device Health 应用。","#Double-click your newly added RDP PC name to launch the RDP connection.":"双击新添加的 RDP PC 名称以启动 RDP 连接。","#Once you've installed DuoConnect and Duo Device Health, configured your Duo network Gateway in Duo Device Health, and created an RDP connection using the hostname provided by your administrator, test an RDP connection to make sure everything is working properly.":"安装 DuoConnect 和 Duo Device Health,在 Duo Device Health 中配置 Duo Network Gateway 并使用管理员提供的主机名创建 RDP 连接后,请测试 RDP 连接以确保一切正常。","#Configure DuoConnect Server Hostname in Device Health App on Windows":"在 Windows 版 Device Health 应用中配置 DuoConnect 服务器主机名","#To check your installed DuoConnect version:":"要检查已安装的 DuoConnect 版本,请执行以下操作:","#If you need to update DuoConnect, download and run the latest DuoConnect Installer for Windows on your computer while logged in as an administrator. View checksums for Duo downloads.":"如果您需要更新 DuoConnect,请在以管理员身份登录的情况下,在计算机上下载并运行最新的适用于 Windows 的 DuoConnect 安装程序查看 Duo 下载的校验和。","#Click on the DuoConnect menu item to open the \"Welcome to DuoConnect\" page. Click Get Started. If you do not see this menu item, make sure that you have both DuoConnect 2.0.2 or later and Duo Device Health or later installed, and install updated versions if needed.":"点击 DuoConnect 菜单项,打开“欢迎使用 DuoConnect”页面。点击开始。如果您没有看到此菜单项,请确保您已安装 DuoConnect 2.0.2 或更高版本以及 Duo Device Health 或更高版本,并根据需要安装更新版本。","#Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection App on Windows":"Windows 版 Microsoft 远程桌面连接应用应用程序","#Configure DuoConnect Server Hostname in Device Health App on macOS":"在 macOS 版 Device Health 应用中配置 DuoConnect 服务器主机名","#Verify the installed version is or later.":"验证安装的版本是否为 或更高版本。","#Set any other options you want for this remote computer connection by clicking Show Options to expose the settings tabs. If you enable the \"Allow me to save credentials\" for the Windows credentials, then you'll be able to save your password for the remote system for future connections, instead of entering your login information every time.":"通过点击显示选项以显示设置选项卡,设置要用于此远程计算机连接的任何其他选项。如果为 Windows 凭证启用“允许我保存凭证”,则可以保存远程系统的密码以供将来连接使用,而不必每次都输入登录信息。","#Click on the Duo Device Health menu bar icon to open the Duo Device Health application.":"点击 Duo Device Health 菜单栏图标以打开 Duo Device Health 应用。","#Click anywhere else on the macOS desktop to minimize Duo Device Health's window back to the menu bar.":"点击 macOS 桌面上的任何其他位置,将 Duo Device Health 窗口最小化回菜单栏。","#Open the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection app and click the + to expand the Add menu. Click Add PC.":"打开 Microsoft 远程桌面连接应用,然后点击 + 展开“添加”菜单。点击添加 PC。","#The next page instructs you to close the browser tab and return to your RDP client.":"下一页会指示您关闭浏览器选项卡并返回到 RDP 客户端。","#Click anywhere else on the Windows desktop to minimize Duo Device Health's window back to the system tray.":"点击 Windows 桌面上的其他任何位置,将 Duo Device Health 窗口最小化回系统托盘。","#If Duo Device Health app is not present, then you need to install it before continuing. Duo Device Health supports macOS 10.13 and later.":"如果 Duo Device Health 应用不存在,则需要先安装该应用,然后才能继续。Duo Device Health 支持 macOS 10.13 及更高版本。","#Click on the DuoConnect menu item to open the \"Welcome to DuoConnect\" page. Click Get Started. If you do not see this menu item, make sure that you have both DuoConnect 2.0.2 or later and Duo Device Health 2.24.0 or later installed, and install updated versions if needed.":"点击 DuoConnect 菜单项,打开“欢迎使用 DuoConnect”页面。点击开始。如果您没有看到此菜单项,请确保您已安装 DuoConnect 2.0.2 或更高版本以及 Duo Device Health 2.24.0 或更高版本,并根据需要安装更新版本。","#On the \"DuoConnect\" app screen, enter the hostname of your Duo Network Gateway (such as \"portal.example.com\") as the Server hostname and then click Add Hostname. This adds your Duo Network Gateway hostname to the list of configured DuoConnect hostnames.":"在“DuoConnect”应用屏幕上,输入 Duo Network Gateway 的主机名(例如“portal.example.com”)作为服务器主机名,然后点击添加主机名。这会将您的 Duo Network Gateway 主机名添加到已配置的 DuoConnect 主机名的列表中。","#Type Terminal and click the application search result.":"输入 Terminal 并点击应用搜索结果。","#If you do not see the DuoConnect item on the Device Health App's menu, make sure that you have both DuoConnect 2.0.2 or later and Duo Device Health or later installed. If not, install the updated versions of these applications using the instructions for Windows or macOS.":"如果您在 Device Health 应用的菜单上未看到 DuoConnect 项,请确保同时安装了 DuoConnect 2.0.2 或更高版本以及 Duo Device Health 或更高版本。否则,请按照 Windows 版或 macOS 版的说明安装这些应用的更新版本。","#Check to see if Duo Device Health or later is already installed on your computer:":"检查计算机上是否已安装 Duo Device Health 或更高版本:","#Verify the installed version is 2.0.2 or later.":"验证安装的版本是否为 2.0.2 或更高版本。","#Type Remote Desktop and click the application search result.":"输入 Remote Desktop 并点击应用搜索结果。","#If you choose to have the Remote Desktop app \"ask when required\" for the Windows credentials, then you will need to enter the username and password for the remote system after establishing the RDP connection though Duo Network Gateway. If you select or add a user account instead, the Remote Desktop Connection app will pass those credentials to the remote Windows system.":"如果您选择让远程桌面应用“在需要时要求”提供 Windows 凭证,则在通过 Duo Network Gateway 建立 RDP 连接后,您需要输入远程系统的用户名和密码。如果改为选择或添加用户账户,则远程桌面连接应用会将这些凭证传递到远程 Windows 系统。","#DuoConnect for Linux does not support RDP server access.":"DuoConnect for Linux 不支持 RDP 服务器访问。","#Why do I see a browser pop-up prompting me for first-factor without initiating a connection at the beginning of the day when using VS Code or similar tools?":"在一开始使用 VS Code 或类似工具时,为什么浏览器弹出窗口提示我提供第一因素,而没有启动连接?","#Open the Start Menu with Windows key ⊞ key or click the Windows logo on the far left of the taskbar, or click the search icon in the task bar.":"使用 Windows 键 ⊞ 打开“开始”菜单,点击任务栏最左侧的 Windows 徽标,或者点击任务栏中的搜索图标。","#Duo Device Health Download Link for Windows":"适用于 Windows 的 Duo Device Health 下载链接","#Type Add or remove programs and click the Add or remove programs system settings item.":"输入 Add or remove programs,然后点击添加或删除程序系统设置项。","#Click on DuoConnect in the list to see the installed version.":"点击列表中的 DuoConnect 以查看已安装的版本。","#After you install the updated DuoConnect client you will need to reconnect to the remote SSH or RDP server.":"安装更新的 DuoConnect 客户端后,您需要重新连接到远程 SSH 或 RDP 服务器。","#Scroll down the \"Apps & features\" list until you locate DuoConnect.":"向下滚动“应用和功能”列表,直至找到 DuoConnect。","#When you have installed the latest DuoConnect version then you can continue setting up RDP access.":"安装最新的 DuoConnect 版本后,您可以继续设置 RDP 访问。","#Your organization's Duo administrator or Help Desk should provide you the RDP hostname to enter when configuring the RDP connection.":"在配置 RDP 连接时,贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心应提供要输入的 RDP 主机名。","#In the Terminal window enter:":"在终端窗口中输入:","#Set any other options you want for this PC host connection, and then click Add to save it.":"设置此 PC 主机连接所需的任何其他选项,然后点击添加进行保存。","#If you are not running the minimum required version of DuoConnect when attempting to authenticate to an SSH or RDP server, we'll let you know that your DuoConnect client is out of date and that you must update to continue connecting.":"如果您在尝试进行身份验证以连接到 SSH 或 RDP 服务器时运行的 DuoConnect 版本未达到最低版本要求,系统会向您发出通知,指出您的 DuoConnect 客户端已过期,您必须进行更新才能继续连接。","#Verify the version output is 2.0.2 or later.":"验证版本输出是否为 2.0.2 或更高版本。","#Congratulations! You have successfully accessed your RDP server using DuoConnect!":"祝贺您!您已成功使用 DuoConnect 访问 RDP 服务器!","#If you need to update DuoConnect, download and run the latest DuoConnect Installer for macOS on your computer while logged in as an administrator. View checksums for Duo downloads.":"如果您需要更新 DuoConnect,请以管理员身份登录,在计算机上下载并运行最新的 macOS 版 DuoConnect 安装程序查看 Duo 下载的校验和。","#Enter the external hostname equivalent for your internal RDP server. Continuing the previous example setup, to connect to an internal server \"rdp1.internal.example.com\" with the \"external.example.com\" to \"internal.example.com\" subdomains configuration, you'd enter rdp1.external.example.com as the \"PC name\".":"输入内部 RDP 服务器的等效外部主机名。继续之前的设置示例,要使用“external.example.com”到“internal.example.com”子域配置连接到内部服务器“rdp1.internal.example.com”,需要输入 rdp1.external.example.com 作为“PC 名称”。","#From the Remote Desktop client, connect using the new RDP host connection you created.":"从远程桌面客户端,使用您创建的新 RDP 主机连接进行连接。","#If you are not running the latest DuoConnect when attempting to authenticate to an SSH or RDP server we'll let you know that your DuoConnect client is out of date.":"如果您在尝试进行身份验证以连接到 SSH 或 RDP 服务器时运行的不是最新版本的 DuoConnect,系统会向您发出通知,指出您的 DuoConnect 客户端已过期。","#After you install the updated DuoConnect client you will need to reconnect to the remote RDP or SSH server.":"安装更新的 DuoConnect 客户端后,您需要重新连接到远程 RDP 或 SSH 服务器。","#Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection App on macOS":"macOS 版 Microsoft 远程桌面连接应用应用程序","#AnyConnect Desktop Client with Duo Universal Prompt":"采用 Duo Universal Prompt 的 AnyConnect 桌面客户端","#YubiKey Security key Selection in Duo Prompt":"在 Duo Prompt 中选择 YubiKey 安全密钥","#Photo of finger about to tap a security key":"手指即将轻触安全密钥的照片","#Begin Security Key Authentication":"开始安全密钥身份验证","#Security Key Enrollment Success":"安全密钥注册成功","#Security Key Prompt":"安全密钥提示","#Security Key Selection in Duo Prompt":"在 Duo Prompt 中选择安全密钥","#Browser Prompt for Security Key":"安全密钥的浏览器提示","#Safari Security Key Initiation":"Safari 安全密钥启动","#Begin Phone Call Authentication":"开始电话身份验证","#Next Passcode Hint Text":"下一密码提示文本","#Request SMS Passcodes in Duo Prompt":"在 Duo Prompt 中请求短信密码","#Passcodes Sent Message":"“密码已发送”消息","#Phone Call Authentication Instructions in Duo Prompt":"Duo Prompt 中的电话身份验证说明","#Enter Passcode in Duo Prompt":"在 Duo Prompt 中输入密码","#Limited Passwordless Authenticator Options":"有限的无密码身份验证器选项","#Remembered Device Login":"记住的设备登录","#Multiple Passwordless Authenticator Options":"多个无密码身份验证器选项","#Remembered Device Option in Prompt":"提示中记住的设备选项","#Duo Offline Access Activation - Tap Key Again":"Duo 离线访问激活 - 再次轻触密钥","#Citrix Receiver Passcode Prompt":"Citrix Receiver 密码提示","#macOS Duo Authentication":"macOS Duo 身份验证","#Citrix Receiver Password Prompt":"Citrix Receiver 密码提示","#Duo Offline Access Activation - Tap Security key":"Duo 离线访问激活 - 轻触安全密钥","#MFA Information at lastpass.com":"lastpass.com 上的 MFA 信息","#Duo in LastPass Mobile":"LastPass Mobile 中的 Duo","#Duo Third-Party Accounts Guide":"Duo 第三方账户指南","#Duo in LastPass Desktop":"LastPass Desktop 中的 Duo","#Duo Unix Prompt":"Duo Unix 提示","#If Duo Mobile finds a valid backup in your Google Drive, it restores your previously backed-up accounts. If your backup included third-party accounts, enter your recovery password when prompted.":"如果 Duo Mobile 在您的 Google Drive 中找到有效的备份,则会恢复您之前备份的账户。如果您的备份包含第三方账户,请在系统提示时输入恢复密码。","#Duo Mobile Recovery Third-Party Option":"Duo Mobile 恢复第三方选项","#Duo Mobile Recovery":"Duo Mobile 恢复","#Duo Mobile Recovery Password":"Duo Mobile 恢复密码","#Duo Mobile Account Reconnection":"Duo Mobile 账户重新连接","#Duo Mobile version 4 was released on October 11, 2021.

These Duo Mobile version 3 instructions remain available for users on older Android and iOS versions who can't upgrade to the latest Duo Mobile release.

Learn more about Duo Restore in the new Duo Mobile...":"Duo Mobile 版本 4 于 2021 年 10 月 11 日发布。

对于因使用较旧 Android 和 iOS 版本而无法升级到最新 Duo Mobile 版本的用户,这些 Duo Mobile 版本 3 说明仍可参考使用。

详细了解新版 Duo Mobile 中的 Duo Restore...","#Duo Mobile v4 Restore Guide":"Duo Mobile v4 恢复指南","#Touch ID in MacBook Touch Bar":"MacBook Touch Bar 中的 Touch ID","#Touch ID Enrollment Success":"Touch ID 注册成功","#Touch ID Selection in Duo Prompt":"在 Duo Prompt 中选择 Touch ID","#Touch ID Enrollment":"Touch ID 注册","#Begin Touch ID Authentication":"开始 Touch ID 身份验证","#Select Touch ID Enrollment":"选择 Touch ID 注册","#Touch ID Prompt":"Touch ID 提示","#Universal Prompt Device Setup Complete":"Universal Prompt 设备设置完成","#VMWare View Client Passcode Prompt":"VMWare View 客户端密码提示","#VMWare View Client Password Prompt":"VMWare View 客户端密码提示","#If you enroll in Duo from an Android or iOS device, instead of scanning a barcode tap the Take me to Duo Mobile button. This will launch Duo Mobile and complete activation of the account.":"如果您从 Android 或 iOS 设备注册 Duo,则无需扫描条码,只需轻触打开 Duo Mobile 按钮。这将启动 Duo Mobile 并完成账户激活。","#If this is the first account you're adding to Duo Mobile, step through the introduction screens and then tap Use a QR code to scan the barcode.":"如果这是您添加到 Duo Mobile 的第一个账户,请按照说明屏幕逐步操作,然后轻触使用二维码来扫描条码。","#If your organization is using the Duo Universal Prompt please refer to the Universal Prompt first-time enrollment instructions.":"如果贵组织使用的是 Duo Universal Prompt,请参阅 Universal Prompt 首次注册说明。","#Universal Prompt Enrollment Instructions":"Universal Prompt 注册说明","#Enrolling Your Phone or Tablet in the Duo Universal Prompt":"在 Duo Universal Prompt 中注册手机或平板电脑","#Traditional Duo Prompt":"旧版 Duo Prompt","#Enrolling Your Phone or Tablet in the Duo Traditional Prompt":"在旧版 Duo Prompt 中注册手机或平板电脑","#Has your organization enabled the new Universal Prompt experience? See the Universal Prompt guide for more information and instructions.":"贵组织是否已启用新的 Universal Prompt 体验?有关详细信息和说明,请参阅 Universal Prompt 指南。","#Universal Prompt Enrollment":"Universal Prompt 注册","#Authenticating with the Traditional Duo Prompt":"使用旧版 Duo Prompt 进行身份验证","#Using the Traditional Duo Prompt":"使用旧版 Duo Prompt","#Using the Traditional Duo Prompt - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"使用旧版 Duo Prompt - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Universal Prompt Device Management":"Universal Prompt 设备管理","#Accessing Device Management in the Duo Traditional Prompt":"访问旧版 Duo Prompt 中的设备管理","#Accessing Device Management in the Duo Universal Prompt":"访问 Duo Universal Prompt 中的设备管理","#If your organization is using the Duo Universal Prompt please refer to the Universal Prompt device management instructions.":"如果贵组织使用的是 Duo Universal Prompt,请参阅 Universal Prompt 设备管理说明。","#Universal Prompt Device Management Instructions":"Universal Prompt 设备管理说明","#Access Blocked Due to Outdated Software in Duo Universal Prompt":"由于 Duo Universal Prompt 中的软件已过期,访问被阻止","#Updates for browsers built into the operating system, like Safari on macOS or Internet Explorer and Edge on Windows, are typically delivered using the system's built in software update service. Check Windows Update on a PC or Software Updates on a Mac to apply any outstanding security updates. For example, Windows 7 and later users using Internet Explorer versions older than Internet Explorer 11 have the opportunity to upgrade to version 11 via Windows Update.":"操作系统内置浏览器的更新(例如 macOS 上的 Safari 或 Windows 上的 Internet Explorer 和 Edge)通常使用系统的内置软件更新服务提供。选中 PC 上的 Windows 更新或 Mac 上的软件更新,以应用任何未完成的安全更新。例如,使用低于 Internet Explorer 11 的 Internet Explorer 版本的 Windows 7 及更高版本的用户可以通过 Windows 更新升级到版本 11。","#Software Update Instructions in Duo Universal Prompt":"Duo Universal Prompt 中的软件更新说明","#Access Blocked Due to Restricted OS in Duo Universal Prompt":"由于操作系统在 Duo Universal Prompt 中受限制,访问被阻止","#Click See what is allowed or See how to update and follow the update instructions in the Duo prompt. If your device has multiple warnings you can navigate between them with \"Next\" and \"Back\" links at the bottom of the prompt.":"点击查看允许的内容查看如何更新并按照 Duo Prompt 中的更新说明进行操作。如果设备出现多个警告,您可以使用提示底部的“下一步”和“后退”链接切换浏览警告。","#The See how to update Java link in the Duo traditional prompt takes you to Oracle's Java download page.":"旧版 Duo Prompt 中的查看如何更新 Java 链接将引导您进入 Oracle 的 Java 下载页面。","#Click the Let's update it or See how to update button to see what's out of date. You can click the X or Skip for now to dismiss the software update notification and continue Duo authentication.":"点击执行更新查看如何更新按钮,查看过期软件。您可以点击 X暂时跳过以关闭软件更新通知并继续进行 Duo 身份验证。","#The See how to update Firefox link in the Duo traditional prompt takes you to the Firefox updates page.":"旧版 Duo Prompt 中的查看如何更新 Firefox 链接将引导您进入 Firefox 更新页面。","#Consider enabling automatic updates for your browsers and plug-ins to avoid being out of date in the future. Chrome defaults to automatic updates.":"请考虑为您的浏览器和插件启用自动更新,以避免将来过期。Chrome 默认设置为自动更新。","#Duo Universal Prompt with Outdated Software Notification":"具有软件过期通知的 Duo Universal Prompt","#The traditional Duo prompt will ask you again to update your software after successfully authenticating.":"旧版 Duo Prompt 将要求您在成功进行身份验证后再次更新您的软件。","#If your Duo administrator has enabled this feature, we'll check your operating system and browser version — as well as the version of the Java and Flash plugins enabled in your browser — when you log into your Duo protected service. If any of them are out of date we'll let you know, and give you the option to update your software before you finish logging in to the service.":"如果您的 Duo 管理员启用了此功能,则当您登录到受 Duo 保护的服务时,系统会检查您的操作系统和浏览器版本,以及您的浏览器中启用的 Java 和 Flash 插件的版本。如果其中任何一项已过期,系统会通知您,并让您选择在完成服务登录之前更新软件。","#Permitted OS Platforms List in Duo Universal Prompt":"Duo Universal Prompt 中允许的操作系统平台的列表","#The steps for downloading and installing Duo Device Health for the first time during Duo enrollment or authentication differ slightly between the Duo traditional prompt and the Duo Universal Prompt.":"对于旧版 Duo PromptDuo Universal Prompt,在进行 Duo 注册或身份验证时首次下载和安装 Duo Device Health 的步骤略有不同。","#Download Duo Device Health from Duo Prompt Enrollment":"在进行 Duo Prompt 注册时下载 Duo Device Health","#/static/images/en/ios-accounts-list_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-accounts-list_2x.png","#It's a good idea to go ahead and install Duo Device Health during enrollment so you don't risk having your application login delayed or blocked in the future.":"最好在注册时安装 Duo Device Health,这样就不必担心将来会推迟或阻止您的应用登录。","#Your organization may have enabled an option to offer Duo Device Health installation when you complete first-time enrollment in the Duo traditional prompt or Duo Universal Prompt.":"贵组织可能已启用相应选项,当您在旧版 Duo PromptDuo Universal Prompt 中完成首次注册时,会提供 Duo Device Health 安装。","#Install during Duo traditional prompt enrollment":"在旧版 Duo Prompt 注册期间安装","#Download Duo Device Health from Duo Universal Prompt Enrollment":"在进行 Duo Universal Prompt 注册时下载 Duo Device Health","#/static/images/en/ios-activation-done_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-activation-done_2x.png","#Install during Duo Universal Prompt authentication":"在进行 Duo Universal Prompt 身份验证时安装","#Duo Traditional Prompt Enrollment":"旧版 Duo Prompt 注册","#Once the Duo Device Health install completes, return to the Duo Prompt and click the Continue button to proceed with enrolling your two-factor authentication device.":"Duo Device Health 安装完成后,返回 Duo Prompt 并点击继续按钮继续注册双因素身份验证设备。","#Once the Duo Device Health install completes and Duo Device Health, return to the Duo Prompt in your browser. It should proceed to two-factor authentication device enrollment. If the Duo Device Health app didn't launch automatically after you installed it, click Open the app.":"Duo Device Health 安装完成后,在浏览器中返回到 Duo Prompt。它应继续进行双因素身份验证设备注册。如果 Duo Device Health 应用在安装后未自动启动,请点击打开应用。","#Duo Universal Prompt Enrollment":"Duo Universal Prompt 注册","#/static/images/en/ios-add-first-account_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-add-first-account_2x.png","#Your organization may require biometric verification when you approve a Duo Push request. You can approve Duo authentication requests with Face ID if your device supports it.":"当您批准 Duo Push 请求时,贵组织可能要求进行生物识别验证。如果您的设备支持 Face ID,您可以使用它来批准 Duo 身份验证请求。","#/static/images/en/ios-practice_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-practice_2x.png","#/static/images/en/ios-name-account_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-name-account_2x.png","#Download and Install During Enrollment":"在注册期间下载和安装","#Once the Duo Device Health install completes, return to the Duo Prompt and click the link to continue with enrolling your two-factor authentication device.":"Duo Device Health 安装完成后,返回 Duo Prompt 并点击链接继续注册双因素身份验证设备。","#Install during Duo traditional prompt authentication":"在旧版 Duo Prompt 身份验证期间安装","#Continue enrollment after Duo Device Health Install":"在安装 Duo Device Health 后继续注册","#When you begin Duo enrollment, either from an emailed enrollment link, an enrollment portal for your organization, or when you log into a Duo-protected application, you'll see a download button within the Duo Universal Prompt. Click it to download the Duo Device Health app installer.":"当您通过邮件注册链接、贵组织的注册门户开始注册 Duo 时,或者当您登录受 Duo 保护的应用时,会在 Duo Universal Prompt 中看到下载按钮。点击此按钮可下载 Duo Device Health 应用安装程序。","#Install during Duo Universal Prompt enrollment":"在 Duo Universal Prompt 注册期间安装","#When you begin Duo enrollment, either from an emailed enrollment link, an enrollment portal for your organization, or when you log into a Duo-protected application, you'll see a download button within the Duo Prompt. Click it to download the Duo Device Health app installer.":"当您通过邮件注册链接、贵组织的注册门户开始注册 Duo 时,或者当您登录受 Duo 保护的应用时,会在 Duo Prompt 中看到下载按钮。点击此按钮可下载 Duo Device Health 应用安装程序。","#/static/images/en/ios-allow-notifications_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-allow-notifications_2x.png","#/static/images/en/ios-welcome_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-welcome_2x.png","#/static/images/en/iphone-passcode_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/iphone-passcode_2x.png","#/static/images/en/ios-card-views_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-card-views_2x.png","#/static/images/en/iphone-faceid_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/iphone-faceid_2x.png","#/static/images/en/ios-edit-account_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-edit-account_2x.png","#/static/images/en/ios-landscape-list_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-landscape-list_2x.png","#/static/images/en/ios-notification-locked_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-notification-locked_2x.png","#Offline Access for macOS Logon":"macOS 登录的离线访问","#UAC Documentation on Microsoft.com":"Microsoft.com 上的 UAC 文档","#Duo Push: Send a request to your smartphone. You can use Duo Push if you've installed and activated Duo Mobile on your iOS or Android device.":"Duo Push:向您的智能手机发送请求。如果您已在 iOS 或 Android 设备上安装并激活 Duo Mobile,则可以使用 Duo Push。","#The optional User Elevation configuration adds Duo two-factor authentication to password-protected Windows User Account Control (UAC) elevation attempts. When enabled, you'll see the Duo authentication prompt after you enter your password for a credentialed elevation request. The application you were trying to launch runs after you approve the Duo two-factor request.":"可选的用户提升配置会为受密码保护的 Windows 用户账户控制 (UAC) 提升尝试添加 Duo 双因素身份验证。启用此选项后,输入有凭证的提升请求的密码后,您会看到 Duo 身份验证提示。您尝试启动的应用会在您批准 Duo 双因素请求后运行。","#Duo Authentication for Windows Logon prompts for secondary approval when you log in to your Windows system.":"Duo Authentication for Windows Logon 会在您登录到 Windows 系统时提示进行二次批准。","#We couldn't find that page. Use the links on the left or return to the Duo User Guide home page.":"找不到该页面。使用左侧的链接或返回到 Duo 用户指南主页。","#After you submit your login information, you'll see the Duo Prompt, where you can choose from your available authentication methods to complete your login.":"提交登录信息后,您将看到 Duo Prompt,在其中可以选择可用的身份验证方式来完成登录。","#Duo Authentication for macOS does not support remembered devices at this time.":"Duo Authentication for macOS 目前不支持记住的设备。","#Link to the Duo User Guide Home Page":"Duo 用户指南主页链接","#Offline Access for macOS":"macOS 的离线访问","#To exit My Settings & Devices, click the Done button below your listed devices or click your organization's logo on the left (or the Duo logo if shown).":"要退出“我的设置和设备”,请点击所列设备下方的完成按钮,或点击左侧的组织徽标(或 Duo 徽标,如果显示)。","#If your administrator enabled self-service device management, the Duo Prompt displays a \"My Settings & Devices\" link on the left.":"如果管理员启用了自助服务设备管理,则 Duo Prompt 会在左侧显示“我的设置和设备”链接。","#Other Devices":"其他设备","#If you still use the same phone number as you did when you first set up the phone to use Duo Push, then click or tap the Text me a link button. When the text message with the link arrives on your phone, tap it to automatically reactivate Duo Mobile on your phone to use Duo Push again. If you don't have Duo Mobile installed be sure to install it before you try to open the activation link in the text message.":"如果您使用的电话号码仍是您最初设置为使用 Duo Push 的电话号码,请点击或轻触通过短信向我发送链接按钮。当您的手机收到包含链接的短信后,轻触该链接即可在您的手机上自动重新激活 Duo Mobile 以再次使用 Duo Push。如果您没有安装 Duo Mobile,请务必先安装该应用,然后再尝试打开短信中的激活链接。","#You'll still need to verify your identity with a different Duo verification method, so if you don't have one available you will need to contact your organization's help desk or Duo administrator for assistance.":"您仍然需要使用其他 Duo 验证方法来验证您的身份,因此,如果您没有可用的验证方法,则需要联系您所在组织的服务中心或 Duo 管理员寻求帮助。","#Scan QR Code in Duo Mobile":"用 Duo Mobile 扫描 QR 码","#Send Text Reactivation Link to your Phone":"发送文本重新激活链接到您的手机","#If you have replaced the phone you activated for Duo Push, or if Duo Push stops working, you can get Duo Push working again without contacting your help desk. If your organization has self-service enabled then if a Duo Push authentication times out you'll see the I got a new phone link shown in the Universal Prompt. Click or tap that link to begin the reactivation process.":"如果您更换了激活用于 Duo Push 的手机,或者 Duo Push 停止工作,您可以使 Duo Push 恢复工作而无需联系服务中心。如果您的组织启用了自助服务,则如果 Duo Push 身份验证超时,您会在 Universal Prompt 中看到我更换了新手机链接。点击或轻触该链接开始重新激活流程。","#Install the Duo Mobile app on your new phone if you hadn't already done so, open it and tap Add to scan the QR code shown on-screen, continuing the same steps you completed when you originally set up Duo Mobile for Duo Push on your phone.":"在您的新手机上安装 Duo Mobile App(如果尚未安装),将其打开它并轻触添加以扫描屏幕上显示的 QR 码,继续执行最初在手机上为 Duo Push 设置 Duo Mobile 时完成的相同步骤。","#Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Danish, Finnish, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese languages will display in the Universal Prompt, but phone callback authentication will be in English.":"Universal Prompt 中将显示中文(简体)、捷克语、丹麦语、芬兰语、印地语、印度尼西亚语、意大利语、韩语、挪威语、波兰语、葡萄牙语(巴西)、瑞典语、泰语、土耳其语和越南语,但电话回叫身份验证将显示为英语。","#If enabled by your administrator, you can add additional verification methods, manage your existing devices, or reactivate Duo Mobile for Duo Push from the Duo Universal Prompt.":"如果管理员已启用相应功能,您可以从 Duo Universal Prompt 添加其他验证方法、管理现有设备或重新激活 Duo Mobile 以使用 Duo Push。","#Begin Duo Push Reactivation":"开始重新激活 Duo Push","#The current version of Duo Mobile supports iOS 13.0 or greater and Android 8 or greater.":"当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 iOS 13.0 或更高版本以及 Android 8 或更高版本。","#Open the Duo Mobile app on your phone or tablet and add this account by scanning the QR code shown on-screen.":"在您的手机或平板电脑上打开 Duo Mobile App,并通过扫描屏幕上显示的 QR 码添加此账户。","#If you are using a different phone number than the one you first set up to use Duo Push then tap or click the I got a new number link.":"如果您使用的电话号码与您最初设置为使用 Duo Push 的电话号码不同,请轻触或点击我换了新号码链接。","#Your browser's language settings determine the language shown in the Universal Prompt, with no extra configuration necessary.":"您的浏览器的语言设置决定了 Universal Prompt 中显示的语言,无需额外配置。","#If you aren't able to scan the QR code, tap Or email activation code and then enter your email address to send the activation link to yourself. Follow the instructions in the email to activate the new account in Duo Mobile.":"如果您无法扫描 QR 码,请轻触或者通过邮件给我发送激活码,然后输入您的邮件地址以向您自己发送激活链接。按照邮件中的说明在 Duo Mobile 中激活新账户。","#If you have a new phone number then you can't send yourself a text message with a Duo Push reactivation link. Click or tap Continue to proceed to the Duo self-service device management portal, where you can complete the steps to add your new phone number and set up Duo Push on the new phone so you can use it to log in with Duo.":"如果您使用的是新电话号码,则无法向自己发送包含 Duo Push 重新激活链接的短信。点击或轻触继续以继续进入 Duo 自助设备管理门户,在该门户中,您可以完成相应步骤以添加新电话号码和在新手机上设置 Duo Push,以便您可以使用该新手机登录 Duo。","#When the Universal Prompt displays English, Spanish, French, German, or Japanese, phone callback authentication will use the same language shown in the prompt.":"当 Universal Prompt 显示英语、西班牙语、法语、德语或日语时,电话回叫身份验证将采用提示中显示的相同语言。","#You can also reactivate Duo Mobile for use with Duo Push on a new phone from the device portal if it uses the same phone number as when you set up the original phone in Duo.":"如果新手机使用的电话号码与您在 Duo 中设置原始手机时使用的电话号码相同,您也可以在设备门户上重新激活 Duo Mobile 以在新手机上与 Duo Push 配合使用。","#Add Another Duo Device":"添加另一个 Duo 设备","#Continue to Device Management":"继续执行设备管理","#Windows Hello is not supported in Chrome Incognito or Edge InPrivate browsing sessions.":"Chrome Incognito 或 Edge InPrivate 浏览会话不支持 Windows Hello。","#If you change devices, access an application that doesn't use Duo Single Sign-On, or if the passwordless verification method isn't available when you are logging in to an application — such as if you forgot your registered security key or you've closed your laptop so you can't scan your fingerprint — then you will enter your password to log in to the application.":"如果您更改设备,请访问不使用 Duo Single Sign-On 的应用,或者如果您在登录应用时无密码验证方法不可用(例如您忘记了注册的安全密钥,或关闭了笔记本电脑,以致无法扫描指纹),则需要输入密码才能登录应用。","#When you enroll in Duo for the first time and choose to add an Android device or use Duo Push, you're shown a QR code to scan with the Duo Mobile app to complete activation.":"当您首次注册 Duo 并选择添加 Android 设备或使用 Duo Push 时,系统会显示一个 QR 码,您需要使用 Duo Mobile App 扫描该码以完成激活。","#Use your camera to scan the QR code shown by Duo Enrollment in your browser. If you're prompted to allow Duo Mobile permission to take pictures and record video, please grant it.":"使用您的摄像头扫描浏览器中由 Duo 注册显示的 QR 码。如果系统提示您允许 Duo Mobile 拍摄照片和录制视频,请授予相应权限。","#Duo Mobile also supports fingerprint verification for Duo Push-based logins as an additional layer of security to verify your user identity. If you're using a device with a fingerprint reader you'll need to scan your finger each time you authenticate via Duo Mobile (if required by your administrator).":"Duo Mobile 还支持对基于 Duo Push 的登录进行指纹验证,从而提供额外的一层保护来验证您的用户身份。如果您使用的是带指纹识别器的设备,则每次通过 Duo Mobile 进行身份验证时都需要扫描您的指纹(如果管理员要求)。","#If you get a login request that you weren't expecting, press Deny to reject the request. You’ll be asked if this was a suspicious login. If you aren't trying to log into an application or service protected by Duo and don't recognize the request, tap Yes to notify your organization's Duo administrator. If you made a mistake or the login isn't suspicious, tap No to deny the request without reporting it.":"如果您收到意外的登录请求,请按拒绝拒绝该请求。系统将询问您这是否为可疑登录。如果您不是在尝试登录受 Duo 保护的应用或服务,并且无法识别该请求,请轻触以通知贵组织的 Duo 管理员。如果您进行了误操作,或者登录并不可疑,请轻触以拒绝请求而不报告该请求。","#If the new account you want to add shows you a QR code to scan with an authenticator app, tap Use QR code from the Add account list. Scan the QR code with your camera to add the account to Duo Mobile.":"如果要添加的新账户显示要使用身份验证器应用扫描的 QR 码,请轻触添加账户列表中的使用二维码。使用您的摄像头扫描 QR 码,将账户添加到 Duo Mobile。","#Duo Single Sign-On supports Chrome (Desktop and Mobile), Firefox, Safari (Desktop and Mobile), Edge, and Internet Explorer. Not all browsers support all Duo authentication methods, so for the widest compatibility we recommend Chrome.":"Duo Single Sign-On 支持 Chrome(桌面版和移动版)、Firefox、Safari(桌面版和移动版)、Edge 和 Internet Explorer。并非所有浏览器都支持所有 Duo 身份验证方式,因此为了实现最广泛的兼容性,我们建议使用 Chrome。","#Scan QR Code to Activate":"扫描 QR 码进行激活","#Check the table below for supported browser versions.":"查看下表,了解支持的浏览器版本。","#While other browsers may work with Duo Single Sign-On, Duo actively tests and supports the browsers and minimum versions listed in the table.":"虽然其他浏览器可以使用 Duo Single Sign-On,但 Duo 会主动测试并支持表中列出的浏览器和最低版本。","#Apple Watch support requires Duo Mobile 3.8 or later. To see which version of Duo Mobile is installed on your device, open Duo Mobile and tap the menu icon. The app version will be displayed in the bottom left corner.":"Apple Watch 支持要求安装 Duo Mobile 3.8 或更高版本。要查看设备上安装的 Duo Mobile 版本,请打开 Duo Mobile 并轻触菜单图标。应用版本将显示在左下角。","#Logging In to LastPass - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"登录 LastPass - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#You can use Duo Mobile to generate passcodes for use with third-party services like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and others. When setting this up, you likely logged into those sites, visited the security settings for your account, and scanned a QR code provided by that site with Duo Mobile.":"您可以使用 Duo Mobile 生成密码,以便与第三方服务(例如 Instagram、Facebook、Snapchat 等)一起使用。进行此设置时,您很可能登录了这些站点,访问了您的账户的安全设置,并使用 Duo Mobile 扫描了该站点提供的 QR 码。","#If you did not enable third-party account backup, you'll need to visit each third-party site and follow their specific instructions for reactivating 2FA. This usually involves scanning a QR code after using an alternative recovery method like phone call or SMS. Third-party accounts include accounts that were added to Duo Mobile but not directly linked to the Duo service, such as Google Accounts, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Dropbox, etc.":"如果未启用第三方账户备份,则您需要访问每个第三方站点,并按照其具体说明重新激活 2FA。这通常涉及在使用替代恢复方法(例如电话或短信)后扫描 QR 码。第三方账户包括添加到 Duo Mobile 但未直接关联到 Duo 服务的账户,例如 Google 账户、Amazon、Facebook、Instagram、Snapchat、Dropbox 等。","#Once installed, Duo authentication is required for new console logons, but not when unlocking the screensaver or you're already logged on and just waking the system from sleep.":"安装后,需要进行 Duo 身份验证才能登录新控制台,但解锁屏幕保护程序或您在已登录状态下唤醒睡眠中的系统时则不需要进行 Duo 身份验证。","#If you use Duo for more than one organization, you will need to contact each organization's IT Help Desk to reactivate your accounts.":"如果对多个组织使用 Duo,则您需要联系每个组织的 IT 服务中心来重新激活您的账户。","#RDP with DuoConnect requires macOS 11 or later.":"具有 DuoConnect 的 RDP 需要 macOS 11 或更高版本。","#Scan the activation QR code using the Duo Mobile app installed on your iOS or Android device. Tap Add in the app and then tap Use QR code to begin adding the account by scanning the QR code shown by Duo for Windows.":"使用 iOS 或 Android 设备上安装的 Duo Mobile App 扫描激活 QR 码。轻触应用中的添加,然后轻触使用二维码,通过扫描适用于 Windows 的 Duo 所显示的 QR 码开始添加账户。","#Duo Authentication for macOS does not support offline access at this time.":"适用于 macOS 的 Duo Authentication 目前不支持离线访问。","#Most services also offer a secret key that you can enter if you can't scan the QR code. Instead of tapping the QR code option from the Add account list, scroll through the list of account types and tap the one you want to add (or tap Add other account if the one you want isn't listed).":"大多数服务还提供一个密钥,如果您无法扫描 QR 码,则可以输入该密钥。无需轻触添加账户列表中的 QR 码选项,只需滚动账户类型列表,并轻触要添加的账户类型即可(或者如果未列出所需账户类型,只需轻触添加其他账户)。","#Check internet connectivity.":"检查互联网连接。","#If Duo Device Health app is not present, then you need to install it before continuing.":"如果 Duo Device Health 应用不存在,则需要先安装该应用,然后才能继续。","#Use Duo Mobile to scan the application's QR code shown on your screen.":"使用 Duo Mobile 扫描屏幕上显示的应用的 QR 码。","#If you enabled third-party account backup, you can recover your accounts on your iOS or Android device.":"如果启用了第三方账户备份,则您可以在 iOSAndroid 设备上恢复您的账户。","#Push a login request to your phone (if you have Duo Mobile installed and activated on your iOS or Android device). Just review the request and tap \"Approve\" to log in.":"将登录请求推送到您的手机(如果您在 iOS 或 Android 设备上安装并激活了 Duo Mobile)。只需查看请求并轻触“批准”即可登录。","#Pushes a login request to your phone (if you have Duo Mobile installed and activated on your iOS or Android device). Just review the request and tap \"Approve\" to log in.":"将登录请求推送到您的手机(如果您在 iOS 或 Android 设备上安装并激活了 Duo Mobile)。只需查看请求并轻触“批准”即可登录。","#Proceed to generate a passcode from your new account and enter it in the application to verify that you've set up the account correctly in Duo Mobile.":"继续从新账户生成密码并将其输入到应用中,以验证您是否已在 Duo Mobile 中正确设置了账户。","#Tap Scan QR code and scan the QR code from your third-party account 2FA setup screen, or, to recover a Duo-protected account, access the My Settings and Devices page from the Duo prompt to reactivate the account. If your organization hasn't enabled self-service device management, contact your IT Help Desk or Duo service administrator for assistance reactivating the account.":"轻触扫描二维码并从您的第三方账户 2FA 设置屏幕扫描 QR 码,或者,要恢复 Duo-Protected 账户,请从 Duo Prompt 访问我的设置和设备页面以重新激活账户。如果贵组织尚未启用自助服务设备管理,请联系您的 IT 服务中心或 Duo 服务管理员,以获取有关重新激活账户的帮助。","#Duo third-party Android recovery instructions":"Duo 第三方 Android 恢复说明","#Once you've installed DuoConnect and Duo Device Health, configured your Duo Network Gateway in Duo Device Health, and created an RDP connection using the hostname provided by your administrator, test an RDP connection to make sure everything is working properly.":"安装 DuoConnect 和 Duo Device Health,在 Duo Device Health 中配置 Duo Network Gateway 并使用管理员提供的主机名创建 RDP 连接后,请测试 RDP 连接以确保一切正常。","#Do not choose the \"Remember me...\" option when using a public or shared computer! This could make your Duo-protected login session available to other users.":"使用公共计算机或共享计算机时,请勿选择“记住我...”选项!选中此选项时,其他用户可以使用您的 Duo-Protected 登录会话。","#When configuring the authenticator app in your application you'll usually be shown a QR code to scan. Open Duo Mobile and tap Add in the upper right of your accounts list to go to the account type selector.
":"在应用中配置身份验证器应用时,系统通常会显示要扫描的 QR 码。打开 Duo Mobile,然后轻触账户列表右上角的添加以转至账户类型选择器。
","#Be sure to enable third-party account backup and restore if you use Duo Mobile to generate passcodes for logging into applications like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, or other web services. Duo Mobile cannot recover access to those accounts without a backup. If you become locked out of those services and don't have a backup of your accounts in Duo Mobile, you'll need to contact the support team for that application (or perform the account recovery process for each of those third-party applications).":"如果您使用 Duo Mobile 生成用于登录到应用(如 Facebook、Facebook、Snapchat 或其他 Web 服务)的密码,请务必启用第三方账户备份和恢复。Duo Mobile 无法在没有备份的情况下恢复对这些账户的访问。如果您被锁定,无法访问这些服务,并且在 Duo Mobile 中没有账户备份,则需要联系该应用的支持团队(或为每个第三方应用执行账户恢复流程)。","#Locate the \"Connect a new phone\" settings item, and tap View QR code to display a QR code on the screen.":"找到“连接新手机”设置项,然后轻触查看二维码以在屏幕上显示 QR 码。","#Description":"说明","#Phone call":"电话呼叫","#If the new account you want to add shows you a QR code to scan with an authenticator app, tap Use QR code from Duo Mobile's Add account list. Scan the QR code with your camera to add the account.":"如果要添加的新账户显示要使用身份验证器应用扫描的 QR 码,请轻触 Duo Mobile 的添加账户列表中的使用二维码。使用摄像头扫描 QR 码以添加账户。","#Give the new account a name in Duo Mobile and tap Save to return to the accounts list.
":"在 Duo Mobile 中为新账户命名,然后轻触保存以返回到账户列表。
","#Open the Start Menu with the Windows key ⊞ or click the Windows logo on the far left of the taskbar.":"使用 Windows 键 ⊞ 打开“开始”菜单,或点击任务栏最左侧的 Windows 徽标。","#After you complete Duo enrollment, log in again and you'll receive the challenge prompt showing your enrolled Duo authentication methods.":"完成 Duo 注册后,再次登录,您将收到显示您的已注册 Duo 身份验证方式的质询提示。","#You need to update the Device Health app settings with information about your organization's Duo Network Gateway server. If you do not know the hostname you should enter, ask your Duo administrator or Help Desk.":"您需要使用有关贵组织的 Duo Network Gateway 服务器的信息更新 Device Health 应用设置。如果您不知道应输入的主机名,请咨询您的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#Duo third-party iOS recovery instructions":"Duo 第三方 iOS 恢复说明","#Open the Start Menu with the Windows key ⊞ or click the Windows logo on the far left of the taskbar, or click the search icon in the task bar.":"使用 Windows 键 ⊞ 打开“开始”菜单,点击任务栏最左侧的 Windows 徽标,或者点击任务栏中的搜索图标。","#Use Duo Push to complete two-factor authentication. If the application doesn't automatically try to use Duo Push then you can cancel the request, click or tap Other options to see your list of Duo authentication methods, and select Duo Push from the list.":"使用 Duo Push 完成双因素身份验证。如果应用未自动尝试使用 Duo Push,那么您可以取消请求,点击或轻触其他选项以查看 Duo 身份验证方法列表,然后从列表中选择 Duo Push。","#Note that if your organization allows both platform and roaming authenticators but your access device doesn't have a supported platform authenticator you'll only see the security key option at setup as well.":"请注意,如果您的组织允许平台身份验证器和漫游身份验证器,但您的访问设备没有受支持的平台身份验证器,则您在设置时也只会看到安全密钥选项。","#To set up a second type of authenticator (like adding a security key after you set up Touch ID), you will need to go through the process of logging in with your password and setting up the authenticator twice — once for the platform authenticator and then once again for the security key. This is easiest if you first log in with your password and complete set up of your platform authenticator in a regular browser tab, and then open an incognito or private browser window and log in with your password again, this time completing set up of the security key.":"要设置第二种类型的身份验证器(例如在设置 Touch ID 后添加安全密钥),您需要使用密码登录并设置两次身份验证器:一次用于平台身份验证器,再一次用于安全密钥。最简单的设置方法是,首先使用密码登录并在常规浏览器选项卡中完成平台身份验证器设置,然后打开隐身或专用浏览器窗口并再次使用密码登录,此时完成安全密钥设置。","#Duo sets a “known device” browser cookie on the computer, phone, or tablet that you used to access the application with Duo Push. We then check for that browser cookie during your next login. If the cookie is still present, you can use Duo Passwordless to log in. If not, you will need to enter your username and password.":"在用于通过 Duo Push 访问应用的计算机、手机或平板电脑上,Duo 会设置“已知设备”浏览器 Cookie。之后,我们会在您下次登录时检查该浏览器 Cookie。如果该 Cookie 仍然存在,您就可以使用 Duo Passwordless 登录;否则,您就需要输入用户名和密码。","#Duo supports these passwordless authenticators:":"Duo 支持以下无密码身份验证器:","#If you don't want to set up passwordless login now, click or tap Skip for now to delay the passwordless setup prompt for seven days in that browser. Duo will finish logging you into your application.":"如果您不想立即设置无密码登录,请点击或轻触暂时跳过,将该浏览器中的无密码设置提示延迟七天。Duo 将完成应用登录过程。","#Log into a Duo SSO application with your username and password.":"使用您的用户名和密码登录 Duo SSO 应用。","#If you already activated a device for Duo Push in order to perform two-factor authentication, or if you performs first-time enrollment during Duo Single Sign-On login and enroll Duo Push as an authentication method, you can use that same device for Duo Passwordless authentication without repeating the enrollment process.":"如果您已为 Duo Push 激活设备以执行双因素身份验证,或者如果您在 Duo Single Sign-On 登录期间执行首次注册并将 Duo Push 注册为身份验证方法,则无需重复注册过程即可使用同一设备进行 Duo Passwordless 身份验证。","#The availability of any given passwordless authenticator type when using a supported operating system and browser depends on whether your organization allows use of that type of authenticator.":"使用受支持的操作系统和浏览器时,任何给定类型的无密码身份验证器的可用性取决于您的组织是否允许使用该类型的身份验证器。","#Complete Duo Passwordless login by approving a Duo Push request sent to your iOS or Android device.":"批准发送到 iOS 或 Android 设备的 Duo Push 请求,完成 Duo Passwordless 登录。","#There are no special registration steps you need to complete to use Duo Push with Duo Passwordless. It will happen automatically if you use Duo Push to approve a two-factor authentication request.":"您无需完成特殊的注册步骤,即可将 Duo Push 与 Duo Passwordless 配合使用。如果您使用 Duo Push 批准双因素身份验证请求,这二者就会自动配合工作。","#In this example the policy allows platform, roaming, and Duo Push authenticators. The user is accessing the application with Chrome on a MacBook, so the choices are to set up Touch ID or a security key.":"在本例中,策略允许平台、漫游和 Duo Push 身份验证器。用户在 MacBook 上使用 Chrome 访问应用,因此可以选择设置 Touch ID 或安全密钥。","#After approving the Duo Push login request you proceed to your application as a logged-in user.":"批准 Duo Push 登录请求后,您就能以登录用户的身份继续使用应用了。","#If you change devices, access an application that doesn't use Duo Single Sign-On, or if the passwordless verification method isn't available when you are logging in to an application — such as if you forgot your registered security key, you are using a different browser that doesn't have your push cookie, or you've closed your laptop so you can't scan your fingerprint — then you will enter your password to log in to the application.":"如果您更改设备、访问不使用 Duo Single Sign-On 的应用,或者如果您在登录应用时无密码验证方法不可用(例如您忘记了注册的安全密钥、使用了没有推送 Cookie 的不同浏览器或关闭了笔记本电脑以致无法扫描指纹),则需要输入密码才能登录应用。","#If you previously activated Duo Mobile for two-factor authentication and have not set up a passwordless roaming or platform authenticator yet, then we can enable your existing Duo Push device for Duo Passwordless.":"如果您之前已激活 Duo Mobile 用于进行双因素身份验证,并且尚未设置无密码漫游或平台身份验证器,那么我们可以为 Duo Passwordless 启用您现有的 Duo Push 设备。","#When you log into a Duo Single Sign-On application with your username and password and use Duo Push to perform Duo two-factor authentication, that will register your phone with Duo Mobile as a passwordless authenticator good for approving future logins from the same access device and browser.":"使用您的用户名和密码登录 Duo Single Sign-On 应用并使用 Duo Push 执行 Duo 双因素身份验证时,此操作会将您的手机注册为无密码身份验证器,以便批准将来从同一访问设备和浏览器进行的登录。","#Duo Push for passwordless login isn't shown as an option to choose during setup, and is instead automatically registered for you if your organization allows it and you used Duo Push to complete two-factor authentication when logging in to this application.":"如果您的组织允许并且您在登录此应用时使用 Duo Push 完成双因素身份验证,则用于无密码登录的 Duo Push 在设置期间不会显示为可供选择的选项,而是改为由系统自动为您注册。","#Duo Push Authenticator":"Duo Push 身份验证器","#Duo Push authentication for Duo Passwordless is enabled for the specific browser on the access device you use to log in to with Duo. For example. when you log into an application with Duo Push allowed for Passwordless using Chrome, Duo sets the a passwordless push browser cookie for Chrome on that device and checks for it the next time you log in. If that cookie wasn't saved or if you switch to Firefox on that same device then you will need to log in with your password and Duo two-factor authentication.":"在您用于通过 Duo 进行登录的访问设备上,为特定浏览器启用 Duo Push 身份验证用于 Duo Passwordless。例如,当您使用 Chrome 通过支持 Passwordless 的 Duo Push 登录应用时,Duo 会在该设备上为 Chrome 设置无密码推送浏览器 Cookie,并在您下次登录时检查该 Cookie。如果该 Cookie 未保存或您切换到同一设备上的 Firefox,则需要使用密码和 Duo 双因素身份验证登录。","#Your access device's browser must be able to store cookies to use Duo Push as a passwordless authenticator.":"访问设备的浏览器必须能够存储 Cookie,才能使用 Duo Push 作为无密码身份验证器。","#Set up Duo Push":"设置 Duo Push","#If you are a new user and have never enrolled in Duo before, you will enter the two-factor enrollment process during which you can set up Duo Push. After completing first-time enrollment, sign in to Duo SSO with your username, password, and Duo Push to then initiate the Duo Push passwordless registration.":"如果您是新用户并且以前从未在 Duo 中注册过,您将进入双因素注册过程,在此期间您可以设置 Duo Push。完成首次注册后,使用您的用户名、密码和 Duo Push 登录 Duo SSO,然后启动 Duo Push 无密码注册。","#The next time you log into Duo SSO from that same system, using the same browser as before, and enter your username, you will see a notification that tells you that you can use Duo Mobile to log in without a password.":"下次您从同一系统使用与之前相同的浏览器登录 Duo SSO 并输入您的用户名时,您将看到一条通知,说明您可以使用 Duo Mobile 登录,无需提供密码。","#If you clear the \"known device\" cookie from your access device's browser, log in from an Incognito or private browsing session that does not share or store cookies, use a different browser on the same access device, or switch to a different access device, then Duo Push won't be offered for passwordless authentication. We will only allow Duo Push passwordless authentication from access devices we recognize. You'll need to provide your password and approve a Duo Push two-factor authentication request to repeat the process of enabling Duo Push for Passwordless for the browser you're now using.":"如果您从访问设备的浏览器中清除了“已知设备”Cookie、从没有共享或存储 Cookie 的隐身或隐私浏览会话登录、使用同一访问设备上的不同浏览器或切换到不同的访问设备,则系统不会提供 Duo Push 用于进行无密码身份验证。我们只允许从我们可识别的访问设备进行 Duo Push 无密码身份验证。您需要提供密码并批准 Duo Push 双因素身份验证请求,才能为您现在使用的浏览器重复启用 Duo Push 进行 Passwordless 身份验证的过程。","#On iPhone and Android, activate Duo Mobile by scanning the QR code with the app's built-in QR code scanner. Follow the platform specific instructions for your device.":"在 iPhone 和 Android 上,使用应用的内置 QR 码扫描器扫描 QR 码来激活 Duo Mobile。按照您的设备平台特定的说明操作。","#Duo Verified Push on iOS":"iOS 上 Duo 验证的 Push 请求","#If you receive a Duo Push request on your phone and you aren't trying to log in to that application tap I'm not logging in to deny the request. You’ll be asked if this was a suspicious login. Tap Yes to notify your organization's Duo administrator or tap No if you made a mistake or the login isn't suspicious.":"如果您在手机上收到 Duo Push 请求但您并未尝试登录该应用,请轻触我没有登录以拒绝该请求。系统将询问您这是否为可疑登录。轻触通知您组织的 Duo 管理员;如果是您进行了误操作或登录并不可疑,请轻触。","#Duo Mobile Enabled for Duo Passwordless":"为 Duo Passwordless 启用 Duo Mobile","#Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer 9 or later. Some browsers do not support all of Duo's authentication devices (for example, Security Keys won't work with Internet Explorer). For the widest compatibility with Duo's authentication methods, we recommend recent versions of Chrome and Firefox.":"支持的浏览器ChromeFirefoxSafariEdge、Opera, 和 Internet Explorer 9 或更高版本。某些浏览器不支持 Duo 的所有身份验证设备(例如,安全密钥无法与 Internet Explorer 配合使用)。为了实现与 Duo 身份验证方式的最广泛兼容性,我们建议使用最新版本的 Chrome 和 Firefox。","#Software Update and Blocking":"软件更新和阻止","#When you enroll in Duo for the first time and choose to add an iOS device or use Duo Push, you're shown a QR code to scan with the Duo Mobile app to complete activation.":"当您首次注册 Duo 并选择添加 iOS 设备或使用 Duo Push 时,系统会显示一个 QR 码,需要使用 Duo Mobile 应用扫描该 QR 码才能完成激活。","#Duo Mobile 4 for iOS Video":"适用于 iOS 的 Duo Mobile 4 视频","#Duo Push Verification Code Entry":"Duo Push 验证码输入","#If your organization's Duo administrator has enabled platform or roaming authenticators for Duo Passwordless, then Passwordless login prefers one of those methods over Duo Push. So, if your access device has a WebAuthn platform authenticator available (like Touch ID), or if your device supports security keys, then you will see the beginning of the Duo Passwordless setup process.":"如果您组织的 Duo 管理员已为 Duo Passwordless 启用平台或漫游身份验证器,则 Passwordless 登录会优先使用其中一种方法而不是使用 Duo Push。因此,如果您的访问设备具有可用的 WebAuthn 平台身份验证器(例如 Touch ID),或者如果您的设备支持安全密钥,则您会看到 Duo Passwordless 设置过程开始。","#If Duo Passwordless picks your registered platform or roaming authenticator and you want to use Duo Push instead, you can cancel the request in progress and click or tap Show other options to select Duo Push for this passwordless application login.":"如果 Duo Passwordless 选择的是您注册的平台或漫游身份验证器而您想改为使用 Duo Push,您可以取消正在处理的请求,然后点击或轻触显示其他选项以选择使用 Duo Push 进行此次无密码应用登录。","#The \"Continue\" button is clickable after you scan the QR code successfully.":"成功扫描 QR 码后,即可点击“继续”按钮。","#Duo Push Verification Failed":"Duo Push 验证失败","#If your phone is running Android 13 or later, you may need to enable Duo Push notifications.":"如果您的手机运行的是 Android 13 或更高版本,您可能需要启用 Duo Push 通知。","#Security Key Enrollment":"安全密钥注册","#If you enter an incorrect code, tap OK on your phone, and return to the Duo Universal Prompt where you can click or tap Other options to choose a different way to log in or to try Duo Push again.":"如果输入的验证码不正确,请在手机上轻触确定,然后返回到 Duo Universal Prompt ,您可以在其中点击或轻触其他选项以选择其他登录方式或再试一次 Duo Push。","#Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer 9 or later. Some browsers do not support all of Duo's authentication devices (for example, Security Keys won't work with Internet Explorer). For the widest compatibility with Duo's authentication methods, we recommend recent versions of Chrome and Firefox.":"支持的浏览器ChromeFirefox、Safari、Edge、Opera 和 Internet Explorer 9 或更高版本。某些浏览器不支持 Duo 的所有身份验证设备(例如,安全密钥无法与 Internet Explorer 配合使用)。为了实现与 Duo 身份验证方式的最广泛兼容性,我们建议使用最新版本的 Chrome 和 Firefox。","#If your organization requires Duo Push verification, Duo Universal Prompt displays a six-digit code on-screen when you choose to use Duo Push to log in to that application.":"如果您的组织要求进行 Duo Push 验证,则当您选择使用 Duo Push 登录该应用时,Duo Universal Prompt 会在屏幕上显示一个六位数验证码。","#Install Duo Mobile on the new phone and scan the QR code to activate.":"在新手机上安装 Duo Mobile 并扫描 QR 码以进行激活。","#To enable Duo Push notifications:":"要启用 Duo Push 通知,请执行以下操作:","#Pushes a login request to your phone or tablet (if you have Duo Mobile installed and activated on your iOS or Android device). Just review the request and tap Approve to log in.":"将登录请求推送到您的手机或平板电脑(如果您在 iOS 或 Android 设备上安装并激活了 Duo Mobile)。只需查看请求并轻触批准即可登录。","#Duo Mobile Account Search":"Duo Mobile 账户搜索","#Enter the code shown on your screen into Duo Mobile and tap Verify to approve the login request.":"在 Duo Mobile 中输入屏幕上显示的验证码,然后轻触验证以批准登录请求。","#Press and hold on the Duo Mobile app icon and then select App info. On the following Duo Mobile app information screen, tap Notifications. Toggle All Duo Mobile notifications to on.":"按住 Duo Mobile 应用图标,然后选择应用信息。在下面的 Duo Mobile 应用信息屏幕上,轻触通知。将所有 Duo Mobile 通知切换为开。","#Duo Mobile Guide for iOS":"Duo Mobile 指南(iOS 版)","#Can't scan the QR code? Click Email me an activation link instead. and follow the instructions.":"无法扫描 QR 码?点击改用邮件向我发送激活链接。并按照说明进行操作。","#If you enroll in Duo from an Android or iOS device, instead of scanning a QR code tap the Take me to Duo Mobile button. This will launch Duo Mobile and complete activation of the account.":"如果您从 Android 或 iOS 设备注册 Duo,则无需扫描 QR 码,只需轻触打开 Duo Mobile 按钮。这将启动 Duo Mobile 并完成账户激活。","#If you have an iPhone X or later, swipe down on the right side of the screen to open Control Center. Press and hold the Brightness control to access additional options, and tap the Dark Mode button.":"如果您使用的是 iPhone X 或更高版本,请在屏幕右侧向下轻扫以打开 Control Center。按住亮度控件以访问其他选项,然后轻触深色模式按钮。","#You will need Duo Mobile version 4.16.0 or later installed on Android 8 or newer to verify a Duo Push request with a code.":"您需要在 Android 8 或更高版本上安装 Duo Mobile 版本 4.16.0 或更高版本,才能使用验证码验证 Duo Push 请求。","#After you complete platform or roaming passwordless authenticator registration then your existing Duo Push device is also enabled as a fallback authenticator for Duo Passwordless in that browser for that access device. However, you won't receive a message saying that you can now use Duo Mobile to log in to the application like a user without a platform or roaming passwordless authenticator sees.":"完成平台或漫游无密码身份验证器注册后,该访问设备的相应浏览器中也会启用您现有的 Duo Push 设备作为 Duo Passwordless 的回退身份验证器。不过,您不会收到说明您现在可以使用 Duo Mobile 登录应用的消息,而没有平台或漫游无密码身份验证器的用户则会看到该消息。","#Use your camera to scan the QR code shown by Duo Enrollment in your browser. If you're prompted to allow Duo Mobile permission to use your device camera, please grant it.":"使用您的摄像头扫描浏览器中由 Duo 注册显示的 QR 码。如果系统提示您允许 Duo Mobile 使用设备摄像头的权限,请授予此权限。","#/static/images/en/iphone-verify-push-failed_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/iphone-verify-push-failed_2x.png","#Duo Push Verification Code in Duo Universal Prompt":"Duo Universal Prompt 中的 Duo Push 验证码","#Duo Mobile 4 for Android Video":"适用于 Android 的 Duo Mobile 4 视频","#Duo Mobile will attempt to automatically restore any third-party accounts. In the event that an automatic restore isn't successful, Duo Mobile will prompt for the recovery password you created when you enabled third-party account backup.":"Duo Mobile 会尝试自动恢复任何第三方账户。如果自动恢复不成功,Duo Mobile 会提示您输入在启用第三方账户备份时创建的恢复密码。","#When you perform Passwordless authentication using Duo Push, you'll need to perform an additional verification step when approving the push request.":"使用 Duo Push 执行 Passwordless 身份验证时,在批准推送请求时需要执行额外的验证步骤。","#Duo Universal Prompt Enrollment Instructions":"Duo Universal Prompt 注册说明","#Duo Push Login Request with Face ID":"使用 Face ID 的 Duo Push 登录请求","#Duo Enrollment - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo 注册 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Duo Verified Push on Android":"Android 上 Duo 验证的 Push 请求","#You will need Duo Mobile version 4.17.0 or later installed on iOS 13 or newer to verify a Duo Push request with a code.":"您需要在 iOS 13 或更高版本上安装 Duo Mobile 版本 4.17.0 或更高版本,才能使用验证码验证 Duo Push 请求。","#/static/images/en/ios-duo-search_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-duo-search_2x.png","#If you have three or more accounts on Duo Mobile, you will see an account search bar in the app. To search for an account, tap on the search bar at the top of the app to pull up your phone's keyboard and begin typing the account name. Any account name matching the search you typed in will appear underneath the search bar. Please note that you need to be running Duo Mobile version 4.22 or later.":"如果您在 Duo Mobile 中有三个或更多账户,您将在该应用中看到一个账户搜索栏。要搜索账户,请轻触应用顶部的搜索栏调出手机键盘,开始输入账户名称。与您输入的搜索条件匹配的所有账户名称都会显示在搜索栏下方。请注意,您需要运行 Duo Mobile 版本 4.22 或更高版本。","#Duo Mobile Account Search on iPhone":"iPhone 上的 Duo Mobile 账户搜索","#/static/images/en/iphone-verify-push_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/iphone-verify-push_2x.png","#If this is the first account you're adding to Duo Mobile, step through the introduction screens and then tap Use a QR code to scan the QR code.":"如果这是您添加到 Duo Mobile 的第一个账户,请按照说明屏幕逐步操作,然后轻触使用 QR 码来扫描 QR 码。","#Enter the code shown on your screen into the Duo Push request received on your Android or iOS device and tap Verify to approve the login request.":"在 AndroidiOS 设备上收到的 Duo Push 请求中输入屏幕上显示的验证码,然后轻触验证以批准登录请求。","#Duo Mobile Guide for Android":"Duo Mobile 指南(Android 版)","#Duo prompts you to enroll the first time you log into a protected VPN or web application when using a browser or client application that shows the interactive Duo web-based prompt. Alternatively, you might receive an email from your organization's Duo administrator with an enrollment link.":"当使用显示基于 Web 的交互式 Duo 提示的浏览器或客户端应用时,Duo 会在您首次登录受保护的 VPN 或 Web 应用时提示您进行注册。或者,您可能会收到来自贵组织 Duo 管理员的邮件,其中包含注册链接。","#To see which version of Duo Mobile is installed on your device, open Duo Mobile and tap the menu icon. The app version will be displayed in the bottom left corner.":"要查看设备上安装的 Duo Mobile 版本,请打开 Duo Mobile 并轻触菜单图标。应用版本将显示在左下角。","#After you tap \"Approve\" on the Duo Push passwordless authentication request, perform Face ID verification or scan your enrolled finger at the Touch ID or Android fingerprint prompt to confirm the authentication approval. If you are unable to authenticate with a biometric factor you can fall back to your device's PIN or passcode.":"轻触 Duo Push 无密码身份验证请求中的“批准”后,请在 Touch ID 或 Android 指纹提示下执行 Face ID 验证或扫描已注册的指纹,以确认批准身份验证。如果无法使用生物识别因素进行身份验证,可以回退到使用设备 PIN 码或密码。","#Your organization may wish for you to enter a verification code shown within the Duo Universal Prompt into Duo Mobile when you approve a Duo Push request. This protects you from approving login requests not made by you and helps keep your accounts and information safe.":"您的组织可能希望您在批准 Duo Push 请求时,在 Duo Mobile 中输入 Duo Universal Prompt 中显示的验证码。这可以防止您批准并非由您发出的登录请求,并帮助确保您的账户和信息安全。","#Duo Verified Push":"Duo 验证的 Push 请求","#Duo Passwordless with Duo Push Information":"Duo Push 与 Duo Passwordless 配合使用信息","#Verified Duo Push":"已验证的 Duo Push","#Once the Duo Device Health install completes, return to the Duo Prompt in your browser. It should proceed to two-factor authentication device enrollment. If the Duo Device Health app didn't launch automatically after you installed it, click Open the app.":"Duo Device Health 安装完成后,在浏览器中返回到 Duo Prompt。它应继续进行双因素身份验证设备注册。如果 Duo Device Health 应用在安装后未自动启动,请点击打开应用。","#If you have an iPhone 8 or earlier, swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen to open Control Center. Press and hold the Brightness control to access additional options, and tap the Dark Mode button.":"如果您使用的是 iPhone 8 或更低版本,请从屏幕底部边缘向上轻扫以打开 Control Center。按住亮度控件以访问其他选项,然后轻触深色模式按钮。","#Insert your security key if it's not already connected, and then tap your security key when prompted. Some types of keys flash as a prompt for you to authenticate.":"插入安全密钥(如果尚未连接),然后在系统提示时轻触安全密钥。某些类型的密钥会闪烁,提示您进行身份验证。","#YubiKey Security Key Selection in Duo Prompt":"在 Duo Prompt 中选择 YubiKey 安全密钥","#When you launch one of these applications you'll have to enter your username and password for that application (this may be different from the credentials you used to log in to Duo Central).":"当您启动其中一个应用时,必须输入该应用的用户名和密码(这可能与您用于登录 Duo Central 的凭证不同)。","#A supported USB security key. WebAuthn/FIDO2 security keys from Yubico or Feitian are good options. We do not support U2F-only security keys (like the Yubikey NEO-n).":"支持的 USB 安全密钥。YubicoFeitian 的 WebAuthn/FIDO2 安全密钥是很好的选择。我们不支持仅 U2F 安全密钥(例如 Yubikey NEO-n)。","#If it's been more than five minutes since you logged into Duo Central then you will be prompted to log in again with Duo before you can manage your devices.":"如果登录 Duo Central 已超过五分钟,则系统会提示您必须使用 Duo 重新登录后才能管理设备。","#Duo Central Manage Devices Link":"Duo Central“管理设备”链接","#While other browsers may work with Duo Central, Duo actively tests and supports the browsers and minimum versions listed in the table.":"虽然其他浏览器可以使用 Duo Central,但 Duo 会主动测试并支持表中列出的浏览器和最低版本。","#If your organization allows it, you can add, update, and remove Duo authentication devices from Duo Central. Look for a Manage Devices link at the top of the Duo Central page. Clicking this link takes you to the Universal Prompt self-service device management site.":"如果您的组织允许,您可以在 Duo Central 中添加、更新和删除 Duo 身份验证设备。管理设备链接位于 Duo Central 页面顶部。点击此链接可转至 Universal Prompt 自助服务设备管理站点。","#Duo Central supports Chrome (Desktop and Mobile), Firefox, Safari (Desktop and Mobile), Edge, and Internet Explorer. Not all browsers support all Duo authentication methods, so for the widest compatibility we recommend Chrome.":"Duo Central 支持 Chrome(桌面版和移动版)、Firefox、Safari(桌面版和移动版)、Edge 和 Internet Explorer。并非所有浏览器都支持所有 Duo 身份验证方式,因此为了实现最广泛的兼容性,我们建议使用 Chrome。","#Manage Devices":"管理设备","#When you launch an SSO app from Duo Central you won't need to enter your username and password again (since you already entered it when you logged in to Duo Central).":"当您从 Duo Central 启动 SSO 应用时,无需再次输入用户名和密码(因为您在登录 Duo Central 时已输入该用户名和密码)。","#Phone Call: Perform phone callback authentication.":"电话呼叫:执行电话回叫身份验证。","#If you activated Duo Mobile, tap the entry for your Mac Offline account in Duo Mobile to generate a passcode, enter it into the Duo prompt, and click Login.":"如果您激活了 Duo Mobile,请在 Duo Mobile 中轻触您的 Mac Offline 账户条目以生成密码,将其输入 Duo Prompt,然后点击登录。","#Offline access for Duo macOS Logon helps you log on to macOS systems securely even when unable to contact Duo’s cloud service. You can activate Duo Mobile for offline access on iOS or Android.":"Duo macOS Logon 的离线访问可帮助您安全地登录 macOS 系统,即使无法连接 Duo 的云服务也不受影响。您可以在 iOSAndroid 中激活 Duo Mobile 以进行离线访问。","#Enter a name for the new Mac Offline access account in Duo Mobile and tap Save to continue.":"在 Duo Mobile 中为新 Mac Offline 访问账户输入名称,然后轻触保存以继续。","#Once you reach the offline access number of uses or number of days limit, the Duo prompt informs you that you must complete online authentication to Duo before you can log in again with an offline passcode. Offline access refreshes when you perform an online Duo authentication.":"达到离线访问用户数和天数限制后,Duo Prompt 会通知您必须完成 Duo 的在线身份验证,然后才能再次使用离线密码进行登录。当您执行在线 Duo 身份验证时,离线访问会刷新。","#If you need to add the Mac Offline account to Duo Mobile on a different phone than you originally used for activation, you can do this from the online Duo MFA prompt.":"如果您需要将 Mac Offline 账户添加到其他手机的 Duo Mobile 中,该手机与最初用于激活的手机不同,则可以从在线 Duo MFA 提示中执行此操作。","#A user who does not activate Duo offline access on the macOS system while it's online may not log in while disconnected from the internet. Make sure to complete offline activation as part of the Duo login process the next time the computer has internet access.":"如果用户未在 macOS 系统处于在线状态时激活 Duo 离线访问,则可能无法在互联网连接断开后登录。计算机下次连接到互联网时,请务必在 Duo 登录过程中完成离线激活。","#Click the Replace/Reconnect an offline device link on the left side of the Duo prompt to begin. If your Duo for macOS Logon application is configured to automatically send a push request to your phone, you can cancel the authentication in progress and click the link on the left (don't approve the request on your phone).":"点击 Duo Prompt 左侧的替换/重新连接离线设备链接以开始操作。如果 Duo for macOS Logon 应用配置为自动向您的手机发送推送请求,您可以取消正在进行的身份验证,然后点击左侧的链接(不要在您的手机上批准请求)。","#Tap the new Mac Offline account you just added for your macOS computer in the Duo Mobile account list to generate a six digit passcode.":"在 Duo Mobile 账户列表中轻触您刚刚为 macOS 计算机添加的新 Mac Offline 账户,以生成六位数密码。","#With the macOS computer connected to the internet, log in with your username and password.":"在 macOS 计算机连接到互联网的情况下,使用您的用户名和密码进行登录。","#Once you’ve activated offline access for your account, when your computer isn’t able to contact Duo’s cloud service you’ll automatically be offered the option to login with an offline code after successfully submitting your macOS username and password during system logon.":"激活账户的离线访问功能后,当您的计算机无法联系 Duo 的云服务时, 在系统登录期间成功提交您的 macOS 用户名和密码后,系统会自动为您提供使用离线验证码登录的选项。","#Enter the passcode from Duo Mobile (without a space) into the offline activation screen on your computer and then click the Enroll button to finish setting up offline access.":"在计算机的离线激活屏幕中输入来自 Duo Mobile 的密码(无空格),然后点击注册按钮以完成离线访问设置。","#If enrollment completes successfully click Proceed to finish setting up offline access and finish logging in to the computer.":"如果注册成功完成,请点击继续以完成离线访问设置并完成计算机登录。","#The offline two-factor authentication prompt shows you how many remaining offline logins you have left, or the last day you’ll be allowed to authenticate using offline access (depending on which option your organization's administrator chose when enabling offline access in Duo).":"离线双因素身份验证提示会显示您剩余多少次离线登录,或者您获允使用离线访问进行身份验证的最后一天(具体取决于您组织的管理员在 Duo 中启用离线访问时选择的选项) )。","#If your organization allows you to use this feature, you'll see the offline activation prompt after successful Duo two-factor authentication when you log in while the system is online and able to contact Duo's service. Check with your organization's Duo administrators or Help Desk to verify availability of Offline Access on your workstation.":"如果您的组织允许您使用此功能,则在系统处于在线状态且能够联系 Duo 的服务的情况下,您在登录时成功进行 Duo 双因素身份验证后会看到离线激活提示。请与贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心联系,以验证您的工作站上的离线访问可用性。","#Scan the activation QR code using the Duo Mobile app installed on your iOS or Android device. Tap Add in the app and then tap Use QR code to begin adding the account by scanning the QR code shown by Duo for macOS.":"使用 iOS 或 Android 设备上安装的 Duo Mobile App 扫描激活 QR 码。轻触应用中的添加,然后轻触使用二维码,通过扫描 Duo for macOS 所显示的 QR 码开始添加账户。","#If you restored the Duo Mobile accounts on your phone with Duo Restore, reactivating offline access won't reconnect the offline account that was restored. Instead, a second account for offline access will be created. Avoid confusion by deleting the restored offline access account before performing reactivation from the online Duo for macOS MFA prompt.":"如果您在具有 Duo Restore 的手机上恢复了 Duo Mobile 账户,则重新激活离线访问不会重新连接已恢复的离线账户。相反,将创建第二个用于离线访问的账户。为避免混乱,请在从在线 Duo for macOS MFA 提示执行重新激活之前,删除已恢复的离线访问账户。","#Duo Offline Access Activation - Verify Code":"Duo 离线访问激活 - 验证验证码","#Select Duo Mobile Passcode and click Activate Now to begin setting up offline access (or click Enroll later to set it up another time).":"选择 Duo Mobile 密码并点击立即激活以开始设置离线访问(或点击稍后注册以在以后进行设置)。","#Duo Push: This lets you approve a login request pushed to Duo Mobile on your Android or iOS device instead of entering a password. Your phone's security settings must require biometric identification (like Face ID or fingerprint), PIN entry, or passcode entry to unlock the device. When you approve a Duo Push request for passwordless login, you will need to perform biometric or PIN/passcode verification while to finish approving the login request.":"Duo Push:可让您在 AndroidiOS 设备上批准推送到 Duo Mobile 的登录请求,而无需输入密码。手机的安全设置必须要求通过生物识别(例如 Face ID 或指纹)、输入 PIN 码或输入密码来解锁设备。在批准要求进行无密码登录的 Duo Push 请求时,需要执行生物识别或 PIN 码/密码验证才能完成批准登录请求的操作。","#Platform authenticators: These are authentication methods built into the device you use to access services and applications protected by Duo. Examples of platform devices would be Touch ID on Mac, Face ID on an iPhone, Windows Hello, and Android biometrics.":"平台身份验证器:这些是设备内置的身份验证方式,用于访问受 Duo 保护的服务和应用。平台设备的示例包括 Mac 上的 Touch IDiPhone 上的 Face IDWindows Hello 和 Android 生物识别。","#Instead of enrolling when you log in to an application, you might receive an email from your organization's Duo administrator with an enrollment link instead. This emailed link takes you directly to the Duo enrollment portal. You'll see either the Universal Prompt experience shown on this page or enrollment in the traditional Duo prompt depending on your organization's email enrollment configuration.":"登录应用时,您可能会收到来自贵组织 Duo 管理员的电子邮件,其中包含注册链接。此邮件链接会将您直接定向到 Duo 注册门户。您将看到此页面上显示的 Universal Prompt 体验或旧版 Duo Prompt 中的注册界面,具体取决于贵组织的电子邮件注册配置。","#If your organization requires Duo Push verification, Duo Universal Prompt displays a numeric code three to six digits in length on-screen when you choose to use Duo Push to log in to that application.":"如果您的组织要求进行 Duo Push 验证,则当您选择使用 Duo Push 登录该应用时,Duo Universal Prompt 会在屏幕上显示一个长度为三到六位数的验证码。","#Verify that the phone number shown (and landline extension, if you entered one) is accurate and click Yes, it's correct to continue (or No, I need to change it to go back and enter the number again).":"验证显示的电话号码(如果输入了座机分机号,则验证座机分机号)准确无误,然后点击是,它是正确的以继续(或点击否,请更改,以返回并再次输入该号码)。","#Verified Duo Push on iOS":"iOS 上验证的 Duo Push","#If you entered a phone number, double-check that you entered it correctly and click Yes, it's correct to continue (or No, I need to change it to go back and enter the number again).":"如果输入的是电话号码,请仔细检查输入的号码是否正确,然后点击是,它是正确的以继续操作(或点击否,请更改,以返回并再次输入该号码)。","#Verified Duo Push on Android":"Android 上验证的 Duo Push","#Clicking on No, do not trust browser will not create a trust session. You won't be asked to trust that browser again for 14 days.":"点击否,不信任浏览器将不会创建信任会话。系统在 14 天内不会再次询问您是否信任该浏览器。","#A Mac computer running macOS 13 or later and Safari.":"运行 macOS 13 或更高版本和 Safari 的 Mac 计算机。","#In order to use a passkey with Duo Passwordless, make sure you have at least two of the following devices:":"要将密钥与 Duo Passwordless 结合使用,请确保至少拥有以下两种设备:","#There may be situations where you need to log in with your password after you've set up your Duo Passwordless authenticator, like if you need to access an application but don't have your passwordless authenticator with you. To do this, cancel the passwordless login in progress and then click or tap Show other options. Then you can select Password from the list of options and enter your password on the next screen.":"在某些情况下,您可能需要在设置 Duo Passwordless 身份验证器后使用密码登录,例如您需要访问某个应用,但没有随身携带无密码身份验证器。要执行此操作,请取消当前的无密码登录,然后点击或轻触显示其他选项。然后,您可以从选项列表中选择密码,并在下一个屏幕中输入您的密码。","#Log in with a Passkey":"使用密钥登录","#Log in with Password":"使用密码登录","#An iPad running iPadOS 16 or later.":"运行 iPadOS 16 或更高版本的 iPad。","#Once you have set up one of your Apple devices, any other Mac computer (running macOS 13 or later), iPhone (running iOS 16 or later), or iPad (running iPadOS 16 or later) can be used to authenticate as long as they share an iCloud account.":"设置好其中一台 Apple 设备后,任何其他 Mac 计算机(运行 macOS 13 或更高版本)、iPhone(运行 iOS 16 或更高版本)或 iPad(运行 iPadOS 16 或更高版本)只要共享 iCloud 账户,就可以使用此身份验证方式。","#Passkeys":"密钥","#If you already activated a device for Duo Push in order to perform two-factor authentication, or if you perform first-time enrollment during Duo Single Sign-On login and enroll Duo Push as an authentication method, you can use that same device for Duo Passwordless authentication without repeating the enrollment process. The first time you use Duo Push for passwordless login in a given browser you will need to also enter a six-digit verification code into Duo Mobile.":"如果已激活用于 Duo Push 的设备以执行双因素身份验证,或如果在 Duo Single Sign-On 登录期间执行首次注册并将 Duo Push 注册为身份验证方法,则无需重复注册过程即可使用同一设备进行 Duo Passwordless 身份验证。首次在给定浏览器中使用 Duo Push 进行无密码登录时,还需要在 Duo Mobile 中输入六位数验证码。","#When you opt to use Duo Push for passwordless login for the first time you will be shown a six-digit verification code in the Duo browser prompt. Enter this code into the Duo Mobile login request on your Android or iOS device.":"首次选择使用 Duo Push 进行无密码登录时,Duo 浏览器提示中会显示一个六位数验证码。在 Android 或 iOS 设备上的 Duo Mobile 登录请求中输入此验证码。","#Set up a Passkey":"设置密钥","#Passkey":"密钥","#All devices must share the same iCloud account.":"所有设备必须共享同一个 iCloud 账户。","#The next time you log into this Duo SSO application from a Mac computer, iPhone or iPad where you share an iCloud account with the device you set up Face ID/Touch ID for passwordless login, you'll enter your username and then instead of entering your password you can choose Face ID/Touch ID to verify your identity. Tap Log in.":"下次从 Mac 计算机、 iPhone 或 iPad 登录此 Duo SSO 应用时,如果这些设备与您设置 Face ID/Touch ID 进行无密码登录的设备共享同一 iCloud 账户,您只需输入用户名,即可选择 Face ID/Touch ID 来验证您的身份,而无需再输入密码。轻触登录。","#Change Remembered Username":"更改已记住的用户名","#First set up Touch ID on your Mac or Face ID or Touch ID on your iPhone or iPad.":"先在 Mac 上设置 Touch ID,或在 iPhone 或 iPad 上设置 Face ID 或 Touch ID。","#Passkeys with Apple Devices and Browsers":"Apple 设备和浏览器的密钥","#When you successfully approve the Duo Push authentication with verification code and device biometric or PIN/passcode approval, you have the opportunity to trust your current browser. If you trust the browser now then next time you use Duo Push as the passwordless authenticator from that browser you will not need to enter the six-digit verification code; just device biometric or PIN/passcode verification while approving the Duo Push request. If you don't trust the browser, future passwordless Duo Push authentication requests will require both the six-digit verification code from the Duo Universal Prompt and device verification to approve the login request.":"当您使用验证码和设备生物识别或 PIN 码/密码审批成功批准 Duo Push 身份验证后,您有机会选择是否信任当前浏览器。如果您现在信任该浏览器,则下次使用 Duo Push 作为该浏览器的无密码身份验证器时,您将无需输入六位数验证码;在批准 Duo Push 请求时,只需进行设备生物识别或 PIN 码/密码验证。如果您不信任该浏览器,未来的无密码 Duo Push 身份验证请求将需要您输入来自 Duo Universal Prompt 的六位数验证码并进行设备验证,才能批准登录请求。","#An iPhone running iOS 16 or later.":"运行 iOS 16 或更高版本的 iPhone。","#Duo Push: This lets you approve a login request pushed to Duo Mobile on your Android or iOS device instead of entering a password. Your phone's security settings must require biometric identification (like Face ID or fingerprint), PIN entry, or passcode entry to unlock the device. When you approve a Duo Push request for passwordless login, you will need to perform biometric or PIN/passcode verification to finish approving the login request.":"Duo Push:可让您在 AndroidiOS 设备上批准推送到 Duo Mobile 的登录请求,而无需输入密码。手机的安全设置必须要求通过生物识别(例如 Face ID 或指纹)、输入 PIN 码或输入密码来解锁设备。批准要求进行无密码登录的 Duo Push 请求时,您需要执行生物识别或 PIN 码/密码验证,以完成批准登录请求的操作。","#Next, you'll need to perform an additional verification step when approving the push request. After you enter the code from the browser prompt in Duo Mobile and tap Verify on the authentication request, perform Face ID verification or scan your enrolled finger at the Touch ID or Android fingerprint prompt to confirm the authentication approval. If you are unable to authenticate with a biometric factor you can fall back to your device's PIN or passcode.":"然后,您需要在批准 Push 请求时执行额外的验证步骤。在 Duo Mobile 的浏览器提示下输入验证码并轻触验证身份验证请求后,执行 Face ID 验证或在 Touch ID 或 Android 指纹提示下扫描已注册的指纹,以确认批准身份验证。如果无法使用生物识别因素进行身份验证,可以回退到使用设备 PIN 码或密码。","#If you don't see the Manage devices link then your organization doesn't allow use of the self-service device portal. Another way you can add more than one type of passwordless authenticator would be to log in with your password and complete set up of your platform authenticator in a regular browser tab, and then open an incognito or private browser window and log in with your password again, this time completing set up of a roaming authenticator.":"如果您没有看到管理设备链接,则表明您的组织不允许使用自助服务设备门户。添加多种无密码身份验证器的另一种方法是使用密码登录,并在常规浏览器选项卡中完成平台身份验证器的设置,然后打开隐身或无痕浏览器窗口并再次使用密码登录,此时完成漫游身份验证器的设置。","#Duo Passwordless Passkey Information":"Duo Passwordless 密钥信息","#Duo Passwordless - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Passwordless - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Duo Passwordless Trust Browser Prompt":"Duo Passwordless 信任浏览器的提示","#Passwordless Device Management Link":"Duo Passwordless 设备管理链接","#Duo Passwordless - Remembered User Name":"Duo Passwordless - 已记住的用户名","#First-Time Browser Trust Option for Duo Passwordless":"Duo Passwordless 首次显示的浏览器信任选项","#If your organization allows use of the Duo self-service portal you can add an additional passwordless authenticator there. Log into the application and when presented with the Duo Passwordless login option you can cancel and then tap or click the Need help? link at the bottom of the Duo authentication page. If your organization enabled self-service device management then you'll see a Manage devices link.":"如果您的组织允许使用 Duo 自助服务门户,则可以在此处添加其他无密码身份验证器。登录应用,在系统显示 Duo Passwordless 登录选项时,您可以点击取消,然后轻触或点击 Duo 身份验证页面底部的需要帮助?链接。如果您的组织启用了自助服务设备管理,您将看到管理设备链接。","#Click or tap that link and verify your identity with your existing passwordless authenticator or password to enter the device management portal. Then, you can click or tap Add a device to set up an additional passwordless authenticator.":"点击或轻触该链接,并使用现有无密码身份验证器或密码验证您的身份,以进入设备管理门户。然后,您可以点击或轻触添加设备以设置其他无密码身份验证器。","#Duo can remember your last-used username so you won't need to enter it again next time. You can click Log in to proceed. If you need to change the username click edit and enter the correct information.":"Duo 可以记住您上次使用的用户名,因此您下次无需再次输入。您可以点击登录以继续。如果您需要更改用户名,请点击编辑并输入正确的信息。","#If your organization's policy allows it, you may be able to skip authenticating with Duo again for a set amount of time. The first time you approve the Duo authentication request, you'll see the option to trust this browser. This creates a trusted browser session that will let you skip interactive Duo authentication when you log in again with the same browser and device until that trust session expires.":"如果贵组织的策略允许,您可以在设定的时间内跳过再次使用 Duo 进行身份验证。首次批准 Duo 身份验证请求时,您将看到信任此浏览器的选项。这可以建立一个受信任浏览器会话,从而使您在使用相同的浏览器和设备再次登录时,可以跳过 Duo 的交互式身份验证流程,直到该信任会话到期。","#Set up and use the fingerprint sensor on your Galaxy phone":"在您的 Galaxy 手机上设置并使用指纹传感器","#Use Facial recognition security on your Galaxy phone":"在您的 Galaxy 手机上使用面部识别安全功能","#If your organization allows both platform and roaming authenticators, you can set up both of them for your account (for example, if you want to be able to use either Windows Hello and a security key).":"如果贵组织允许平台身份验证器和漫游身份验证器,则您可以为账户同时设置这两者(例如,如果您希望能够使用 Windows Hello 和安全密钥)。","#Duo Passwordless - Select Another Login Option":"Duo Passwordless - 选择其他登录选项","#Clicking on No, this is a public or shared device will not create a trust session. You won't be asked to trust that browser again for 14 days.":"点击不,这是公共或共享设备将不会创建信任会话。系统在 14 天内不会再次询问您是否信任该浏览器。","#When your trusted browser session expires, you will need to use your passwordless authenticator or password to log in again. After successful authentication you can once again opt to create a new trusted browser session.":"受信任浏览器会话过期后,您需要使用无密码身份验证器或密码再次登录。身份验证成功后,您可以再次选择创建新的受信任浏览器会话。","#Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer 11 or later. Some browsers do not support all of Duo's authentication devices (for example, Security Keys won't work with Internet Explorer). For the widest compatibility with Duo's authentication methods, we recommend recent versions of Chrome and Firefox.":"支持的浏览器ChromeFirefox、Safari、Edge、Opera 和 Internet Explorer 11 或更高版本。某些浏览器不支持 Duo 的所有身份验证设备(例如,安全密钥无法与 Internet Explorer 配合使用)。为了实现与 Duo 身份验证方式的最广泛兼容性,我们建议使用最新版本的 Chrome 和 Firefox。","#Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Product Information":"Duo 多因素身份验证 (MFA) 产品信息","#Would you like to know more? Visit duo.com to learn about Duo's Trusted Access and multi-factor authentication (MFA) solutions for every organization.":"是否要了解更多信息?访问 duo.com,了解适用于每个组织的 Duo 受信任访问和 多因素身份验证 (MFA) 解决方案。","#Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese languages will display in the Universal Prompt, but phone callback authentication will be in English.":"Universal Prompt 中将显示加泰罗尼亚语、中文(简体)、中文(繁体)、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、芬兰语、印地语、印度尼西亚语、意大利语、韩语、挪威语、波兰语、葡萄牙语(巴西)、葡萄牙语(葡萄牙)、瑞典语、泰语、土耳其语和越南语,但电话回叫身份验证将显示英语。","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports iOS 14.0 and greater.":"支持的平台:当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 iOS 14.0 及更高版本。","#If your organization requires Duo Push verification, Duo Universal Prompt displays a numeric code of three to six digits on-screen when you choose to use Duo Push to log in to that application.":"如果您的组织要求进行 Duo Push 验证,则当您选择使用 Duo Push 登录该应用时,Duo Universal Prompt 会在屏幕上显示一个三到六位的数字验证码。","#Enter your current expired password and then enter and confirm your new password. Make sure to review your organization's password requirements shown on the page before you enter the new password. Click Submit to perform the password reset.":"输入您当前的已过期密码,然后输入并确认新密码。在输入新密码之前,请确保查看页面上显示的组织密码要求。点击提交以重置密码。","#Enter the code shown on your screen into Duo Mobile to approve the login request.":"在 Duo Mobile 中输入屏幕上显示的验证码以批准登录请求。","#Duo Multi-Factor Authentication Product Information":"Duo 多因素身份验证产品信息","#The next most secure Duo method is using Duo Mobile to approve push notifications. If you do not have Touch ID or a security key available, but you do have a phone or tablet with Duo Mobile activated, the Universal Prompt will automatically send you a Duo Push the first time you log in to that application. You may have to enter a code to approve the push request if your organization requires it.":"第二种最安全的 Duo 方法是使用 Duo Mobile 批准推送通知。如果您没有可用的 Touch ID 或安全密钥,但具有已激活 Duo Mobile 的手机或平板电脑,则在首次登录 Universal Prompt 时,该应用会自动向您发送 Duo Push。如果您的组织要求输入代码,您可能必须输入代码才能批准推送请求。","#You can approve the two-factor authentication login request or deny the login request without ever touching your phone.":"您无需触碰手机,便可批准或拒绝双因素身份验证登录请求。","#When you receive a two-factor push notification, you'll also see the notification on your paired Apple Watch if your phone is locked. Apple Watch’s Taptic Engine is a linear actuator inside the device that produces haptic feedback, meaning it literally taps you on the wrist whenever you receive an alert or notification. That means you’ll also feel a tap whenever a login request is sent via Duo Mobile, letting you quickly log in or deny the request.":"当收到双因素推送通知时,如果您的手机已锁定,您还会在配对的 Apple Watch 上看到通知。Apple Watch 的 Taptic Engine 是设备内的线性致动器,可产生触觉反馈,这意味着只要您收到警报或通知,它就会轻触您的手腕。这意味着每当通过 Duo Mobile 发送登录请求时,您也会感到轻触动作,以便您快速登录或拒绝请求。","#Researching Duo for your organization? Learn about Duo's multi-factor authentication (MFA) solutions.":"正在为您的组织研究 Duo?了解 Duo 多因素身份验证 (MFA) 解决方案。","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports Android 10 and greater.":"支持的平台:当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 Android 10 及更高版本。","#Enter the code shown on your screen into the Duo Push request received on your Android or iOS device. Android users only: tap Verify to finish approving the login request.":"在 AndroidiOS 设备上收到的 Duo Push 请求中输入屏幕上显示的验证码。仅适用于 Android 用户:轻触验证以批准登录请求。","#Apple Watch users can draw or narrate the verified Duo Push code while approving the login request from your Watch.":"Apple Watch 用户可以从 Apple Watch 画出或说出经过验证的 Duo Push 代码,批准登录请求。","#Duo and Apple Watch Information":"Duo 和 Apple Watch 信息","#Duo Passwordless User Guide":"Duo Passwordless 用户指南","#Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer 11 or later. Some browsers do not support all of Duo's authentication devices (for example, Security Keys won't work with Internet Explorer). For the widest compatibility with Duo's authentication methods, we recommend recent versions of Chrome and Firefox.":"支持的浏览器ChromeFirefoxSafariEdge、Opera, 和 Internet Explorer 11 或更高版本。某些浏览器不支持 Duo 的所有身份验证设备(例如,安全密钥无法与 Internet Explorer 配合使用)。为了实现与 Duo 身份验证方式的最广泛兼容性,我们建议使用最新版本的 Chrome 和 Firefox。","#Duo Passwordless push login requests can't be approved from an Apple Watch because passwordless push authentication requires that you complete an additional verification step — either biometric verification with Touch ID or Face ID or entering your device's screen lock PIN. The same additional verification step may be necessary for two-factor Duo Push authentication if your organization's Duo policy enforces it. In these situations, the Duo notification received on your Apple Watch instructs you to open Duo Mobile on your phone to view the request.":"无法从 Apple Watch 批准 Duo Passwordless 推送登录请求,因为无密码推送身份验证要求您完成一个额外的验证步骤:使用 Touch ID 或 Face ID 进行生物识别验证,或者输入设备的屏幕锁定 PIN。如果您组织的 Duo 策略强制执行 Duo Push 双因素身份验证,则可能需要执行相同的额外验证步骤。在这些情况下,您的 Apple Watch 上收到的 Duo 通知会指示您在手机上打开 Duo Mobile 以查看请求。","#Verified Duo Push Information":"已验证的 Duo Push 信息","#Duo supports two-factor login request approval and passcode generation from an Apple Watch.":"Duo 支持从 Apple Watch 批准双因素登录请求和生成密码。","#If your organization requires Duo Push verification with a numeric code you can draw or narrate the code to approve the login request from your Watch.":"如果您的组织要求使用数字代码进行 Duo Push 验证,您可以从您的 Apple Watch 画出或说出代码以批准登录请求。","#If you don't want to remember the device anymore, uncheck the Remember me box before you approve the Duo Push or phone call request or enter a passcode.":"如果您不想再记住该设备,请取消选中记住我复选框,然后再批准 Duo Push 或电话呼叫请求,或者输入密码。","#If you click or tap No, this wasn't me your Duo administrator will receive an email reporting that there was fraudulent activity on your Duo account.":"如果您点击或轻触否,這不是我,您的 Duo 管理员将收到一封邮件,报告您的 Duo 账户遇到欺诈活动。","#To confirm that you did add or remove a device, click or tap Yes, this was me in the Duo Mobile notification.":"要确认您确实添加或删除了设备,请点击或轻触 Duo Mobile 通知中的是,這是我。","#Duo Mobile Account Search on Android":"Android 中的 Duo Mobile 账户搜索","#Clicking on No, other people use this device will not create a trust session. You won't be asked to remember that device again for 14 days.":"点击不是,其他人会使用此设备将不会创建信任会话。系统在 14 天内不会再次询问您是否记住该设备。","#Depending on the policy applied by your Duo administrator, this may remember your device across all your organization's Duo-protected applications, or there may be unique policies applied to applications that require you to perform Duo authentication again regardless of whether you remembered the device. Ask your Duo administrator or help desk for more information.":"根据您的 Duo 管理员应用的策略,这可能会在您的组织的所有受 Duo 保护的应用中都记住您的设备,或者可能有应用于应用的独特策略,要求您无论是否记住该设备都要再次执行 Duo 身份验证。请向您的 Duo 管理员或服务中心咨询更多信息。","#Device Notification via email reporting fraud":"通过邮件报告欺诈的设备通知","#Reset Password":"重置密码","#If you have three or more accounts on Duo Mobile, you will see an account search bar in the app. To search for an account, tap on the search bar at the top of the app to pull up your phone's keyboard and begin typing the account name. Any account name matching the search you typed in will appear underneath the search bar. Please note that you need to be running Duo Mobile version 4.42.1 or later.":"如果您在 Duo Mobile 中有三个或更多账户,您将在该应用中看到一个账户搜索栏。要搜索账户,请轻触应用顶部的搜索栏调出手机键盘,开始输入账户名称。与您输入的搜索条件匹配的所有账户名称都会显示在搜索栏下方。请注意,您需要运行 Duo Mobile 版本 4.42.1 或更高版本。","#Choose Yes, this is my device to create a trusted device session that will let you skip Duo two-factor authentication when you log in again with the same browser and device until that remembered device session expires.":"选择是,这是我的设备创建受信任的设备会话,就可以在使用相同的浏览器和设备再次登录时跳过 Duo 双因素身份验证,直到该“记住的设备”会话过期。","#Your organization may have enabled notifications when you add or remove a device in Duo. You could receive an email notification, a notification pushed directly to the device where you activated Duo Mobile, or both.":"当您在 Duo 中添加或删除设备时,您的组织可能启用了通知。您可能会收到通知邮件和/或直接推送到您用于激活 Duo Mobile 的设备的通知。","#Device Notification via email":"通过邮件发出的设备通知","#Duo Single Sign-On Verify Password for Reset":"Duo Single Sign-On 验证密码以重置","#Device Notifications":"设备通知","#Do not trust the device when using a public or shared computer! This could leave your Duo session available to other users. Remember the device only when you access applications from your own computer.":"使用公共计算机或共享计算机时,请勿信任设备!这可能会使您的 Duo 会话可供其他用户使用。仅当您从自己的计算机访问应用时,才可记住设备。","#If you didn't add or remove a device, click or tap No, this wasn't me in the email message or Duo Mobile notification to let your Duo administrator know.":"如果您没有添加或删除设备,请点击或轻触邮件或 Duo Mobile 通知中的否,這不是我告知您的 Duo 管理员。","#If you aren't able to scan the QR code, tap Get an activation link instead and then enter your email address to send the activation link to yourself. Follow the instructions in the email to activate the new account in Duo Mobile.":"如果您无法扫描 QR 码,请轻触改为获取激活链接,然后输入您的邮箱地址以便向您自己发送激活链接。按照邮件中的说明在 Duo Mobile 中激活新账户。","#Remembered Device Option for Touch ID":"Touch ID 的“记住的设备”选项","#Enter your current password and continue to the Duo two-factor authentication prompt, where you can verify your identity with Duo Push, a security key, or your choice from whichever verification methods your organization allows.":"输入您的当前密码并继续执行 Duo 双因素身份验证提示中的操作,您可在其中使用 Duo Push(一种安全密钥)验证身份,或者选择组织允许的任何验证方法验证身份。","#/static/images/en/device-notification-push_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/device-notification-push_2x.png","#Device Notification from Duo Mobile":"来自 Duo Mobile 的设备通知","#Password Resets":"密码重置","#If you log in automatically with a WebAuthn method like Touch ID, a passkey, or a security key you won't see the Remember me option on the page. You will need to cancel the Duo authentication in progress if you don't want to remember that device anymore. This sends you back to the page where you can uncheck the Remember me box and then try to log in again.":"如果使用 Touch ID、密钥或安全密钥等 WebAuthn 方法自动登录,则页面上不会显示记住我选项。如果您不想再记住该设备,则需要取消正在进行的 Duo 身份验证。这会使您返回到之前的页面,您可在其中取消选中记住我复选框,然后尝试重新登录。","#First-Time Device Trust Option in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 首次显示的设备信任选项","#First-Time Remember Device Option for Duo Passwordless":"Duo Passwordless 首次显示的记住设备选项","#You can update your current account password when logging in to Duo Single Sign-On if your organization allows it. To do so, click the Need help? link shown on the Duo SSO login page before you enter your username and password, and then click the link for resetting your password.":"如果您的组织允许,您可以在登录 Duo Single Sign-On 时更新当前账户密码。要执行此操作,先不要输入用户名和密码,而是点击 Duo SSO 登录页面上显示的需要帮助?链接,然后点击用于重置密码的链接。","#Your organization might warn you ahead of time when the password you use to log into Duo Single Sign-On will expire. After you enter your current password you'll see a message telling you how many days you have before it expires. Click Reset password if you want to change it now, or click Skip for now to continue logging in without changing your password.":"当您用于登录 Duo Single Sign-On 的密码即将过期时,您的组织可能会提前向您发出警告。当您输入当前密码后,您会看到一条消息,告知您距离该密码过期还有多少天。要立即更改密码,请点击重置密码,而点击暂时跳过则可继续登录而不更改密码。","#If you skip changing your password then you'll see the warning again next time you log into Duo Single Sign-On with your password until it expires.":"如果您跳过密码更改步骤,则下次使用密码登录 Duo Single Sign-On 时会再次看到该警告,直至密码过期。","#If you do choose to reset your password now, you'll see the Duo two-factor authentication prompt, where you can verify your identity with Duo Push, a security key, or your choice from whichever verification methods your organization allows.":"如果您选择立即重置密码,则会看到 Duo 双因素身份验证提示,您可在其中使用 Duo Push(一种安全密钥)验证身份,或者选择组织允许的任何验证方法验证身份。","#You may be able to change your login password from Duo Single Sign-On when it expires or ahead of password expiration. Contact your organization's Duo administrator or help desk to find out which password reset options are available to you.":"在密码过期后或密码过期前,您都可以在 Duo Single Sign-On 中更改登录密码。请联系您的组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心,了解有哪些密码重置选项可供您使用。","#When your trusted browser session expires, you will need to use two-factor authentication again. Duo Push, phone call, text message, and passcode authentication methods will show the option to remember the device already enabled for you. Leaving the option enabled creates a new remembered device session.":"当受信任的浏览器会话到期时,您将需要再次使用双因素身份验证。Duo Push、电话呼叫、短信和密码身份验证方法将显示已为您启用记住设备的选项。将该选项保持启用状态会创建新的“记住的设备”会话。","#When your trusted browser session expires, you will need to use your passwordless authenticator or password to log in again. After successful authentication you can once again opt to create a new remembered device session.":"受信任浏览器会话过期后,您需要使用无密码身份验证器或密码再次登录。身份验证成功后,您可以再次选择创建新的“记住的设备”会话。","#Password Expiration Warning":"密码过期警告","#Enter your current password and then enter and confirm your new password. Make sure to review your organization's password requirements shown on the page before you enter the new password. Click Submit to perform the password reset.":"输入您的当前密码,然后输入并确认新密码。在输入新密码之前,请确保查看页面上显示的组织密码要求。点击提交以重置密码。","#When you successfully approve the Duo Push authentication with verification code and device biometric or PIN/passcode approval, you have the opportunity to remember your current device. If you remember the device now then next time you use Duo Push as the passwordless authenticator from that browser you will not need to enter the six-digit verification code; just device biometric or PIN/passcode verification while approving the Duo Push request. If you don't remember the device, future passwordless Duo Push authentication requests will require both the six-digit verification code from the Duo Universal Prompt and device verification to approve the login request.":"当您使用验证码和设备生物识别或 PIN 码/密码审批成功批准 Duo Push 身份验证后,您有机会选择是否记住当前设备。如果您现在记住该设备,则下次使用 Duo Push 作为该浏览器的无密码身份验证器时,就无需输入六位数验证码;在批准 Duo Push 请求时,只需进行设备生物识别或 PIN 码/密码验证。如果您不记住该设备,未来的无密码 Duo Push 身份验证请求将需要您输入来自 Duo Universal Prompt 的六位数验证码并进行设备验证,才能批准登录请求。","#You can update your expired account password when logging in to Duo Single Sign-On if your organization allows it. If your password has expired, you'll see a notification on the login page after you enter your current password.":"如果您的组织允许,您可以在登录 Duo Single Sign-On 时更新已过期的账户密码。如果您的密码已过期,当您在登录页面上输入当前密码后,您将看到相应通知。","#Duo Single Sign-On Password Reset Link":"Duo Single Sign-On 密码重置链接","#If your organization's policy allows it, you may be able to skip authenticating with Duo again for a set amount of time. The first time you approve the Duo authentication request, you'll see the option to remember your device.":"如果您的组织的策略允许,您可以在设定的时间内跳过再次使用 Duo 进行身份验证。首次批准 Duo 身份验证请求时,您将看到记住您的设备的选项。","#Remembered Device Option for Duo Push":"Duo Push 的“记住的设备”选项","#Choose Yes, this is my device to create a trusted device session that will let you skip Duo two-factor authentication when you log in again with the same browser and device until that remembered device trusted session expires.":"选择是,这是我的设备创建受信任的设备会话,就可以在使用相同的浏览器和设备再次登录时跳过 Duo 双因素身份验证,直到该受信任的“记住的设备”会话过期。","#macOS 10.15 and later.":"macOS 10.15 及更高版本。","#Roaming Authenticators":"漫游身份验证器","#WebAuthn Supported Browsers":"WebAuthn 支持的浏览器","#Depending on the option your device supports, you'll either scan your face to use Face ID while logging in, or you'll scan your fingerprint instead to use Touch ID.":"根据设备支持的选项,您可以在登录时扫描面部以使用 Face ID,也可以扫描指纹以使用 Touch ID。","#In order to use Windows Hello with Duo, make sure you have the following:":"要将 Windows Hello 与 Duo 配合使用,请确保您具备以下条件:","#Check the table below for supported browser versions and Duo login option compatibility. Platform and roaming authenticators may require a different browser or a newer minimum browser version, please refer to WebAuthn Browser Support. Duo's support for the minimum browser version includes Duo Push, passcode, and phone call authentication options.":"查看下表,了解支持的浏览器版本和 Duo 登录选项兼容性。平台身份验证器和漫游身份验证器可能需要其他浏览器或更新的最低浏览器版本,请参阅 WebAuthn 浏览器支持。Duo 对最低浏览器版本的支持包括 Duo Push、密码和电话呼叫身份验证选项。","#Duo considers platform authenticators and roaming authenticators to be the most secure authentication methods, so if you have set up either of these methods and the application allows their use you'll automatically be prompted to use your platform authenticator (like Touch ID) or roaming authenticator (like security key) the first time you log into that application.":"Duo 将平台身份验证器和漫游身份验证器视为最安全的身份验证方式,因此,如果您设置了这些方法中的一种,并且应用允许使用该方法,则在您首次登录该应用时,系统会自动提示您使用平台身份验证器(例如,Touch ID)或漫游身份验证器(例如,安全密钥)。","#No":"否","#Linux has no supported platform authenticators.":"Linux 没有受支持的平台身份验证器。","#You can now log in to Duo-protected applications that show the Duo prompt in a web browser":"您现在可以登录受 Duo 保护的应用,这些应用在 Web 浏览器中显示 Duo Prompt","#Windows Hello Login":"Windows Hello 登录","#WebAuthn Browser Support tables":"WebAuthn 浏览器支持表","#Firefox on macOS is not supported.":"不支持在 macOS 上使用 Firefox。","#Check the tables below for supported browser versions for platform authenticators (like Touch ID, Face ID, Windows Hello, or Android biometrics) and roaming authenticators (like security keys). While other browsers may work, Duo actively tests and supports the browser minimum versions listed in the tables.":"请查看下表,了解平台身份验证器(例如,Touch ID、Face ID、Windows Hello 或 Android Biometrics)和漫游身份验证器(例如,安全密钥)支持的浏览器版本。虽然其他浏览器可能也可以使用 Duo,但 Duo 会主动测试并支持表中列出的浏览器最低版本。","#No 1":"否 1","#A supported browser: Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. Refer to the browser support table. Note that Chrome Incognito and Edge InPrivate browsing won't work with Windows Hello, but will work with Security Keys.":"支持的浏览器:Chrome、Edge 或 Firefox。请参阅 浏览器支持表。请注意,Chrome Incognito 和 Edge InPrivate 浏览不适用于 Windows Hello,但适用于安全密钥。","#Platform authenticators":"平台身份验证器","#The next most secure Duo method is using Duo Mobile to approve push notifications. If you do not have a platform authenticator or roaming authenticator available, but you do have a phone or tablet with Duo Mobile activated, the Universal Prompt will automatically send you a Duo Push the first time you log in to that application. You may have to enter a code to approve the push request if your organization requires it.":"第二种最安全的 Duo 方法是使用 Duo Mobile 批准推送通知。如果您没有可用的平台身份验证器或漫游身份验证器,但拥有已激活 Duo Mobile 的手机或平板电脑,则在首次登录 Universal Prompt 时,该应用会自动向您发送 Duo Push。如果您的组织要求输入代码,您可能必须输入代码才能批准推送请求。","#Platform Authenticators":"平台身份验证器","#In order to use Android Biometrics with Duo, make sure you have the following:":"要将 Android Biometrics 与 Duo 配合使用,请确保您具备以下条件:","#A supported browser: Safari or Chrome. Refer to the browser support table.":"受支持的浏览器:Safari 或 Chrome。请参阅 浏览器支持表。","#Face ID/Touch ID on iPhone or iPad":"iPhone 或 iPad 上的 Face ID/Touch ID","#Roaming authenticators":"漫游身份验证器","#If the Duo Device Health check determines that your computer doesn't meet the security requirements for your organization, then you can't access the protected application and you'll see a notification in the Duo Prompt. On macOS and Windows systems, clicking the link in the notification opens the Duo Device Health app, which shows you what you need to address on your computer before you can access the application.":"如果 Duo Device Health 检查确定您的计算机不符合贵组织的安全要求,则您无法访问受保护的应用,并且会在 Duo Prompt 中看到相应通知。在 macOS 和 Windows 系统上,点击通知中的链接会打开 Duo Device Health 应用,其中会显示您需要先在计算机上处理哪些问题才能访问该应用。","#Duo Mobile muted push":"Duo Mobile 静音推送","#Android Biometrics Login":"Android Biometrics 登录","#Linux distributions which support Debian or Red Hat packages.":"支持 Debian 或 Red Hat 软件包的 Linux 发行版。","#Locate the Duo Device Health application installer in your browser downloads folder. On Windows the installer is an MSI file, and on macOS the installer is a PKG file.":"在浏览器下载文件夹中找到 Duo Device Health 应用安装程序。在 Windows 上,安装程序是 MSI 文件;在 macOS 上,安装程序是 PKG 文件。","#Locate the Duo Device Health application installer in your browser downloads folder. On Windows the installer is an MSI file, and on macOS the installer is a PKG file. On Linux it will be either a DEB or RPM file depending on which type of package you downloaded.":"在浏览器下载文件夹中找到 Duo Device Health 应用安装程序。在 Windows 上,安装程序是 MSI 文件;在 macOS 上,安装程序是 PKG 文件。在 Linux 上,安装程序是 DEB 或 RPM 文件,具体取决于您下载的软件包类型。","#Roaming authenticators are WebAuthn FIDO2 security keys, like those from Yubico or Feitian. They can move from one system you use to access services and applications protected by Duo to another, such as a USB security key you unplug from one laptop and plug into another.":"漫游身份验证器是 WebAuthn FIDO2 安全密钥,例如来自 YubicoFeitian 的密钥。它们可以从用于访问受 Duo 保护的服务和应用的一个系统移动到另一个系统,例如从一台笔记本电脑拔出 USB 安全密钥并插入另一台笔记本电脑。","#Duo Device Health Download Link for Linux (RPM)":"适用于 Linux (RPM) 的 Duo Device Health 下载链接","#Choose the device type in the list that matches your desired authentication experience:":"选择列表中与所需身份验证体验匹配的设备类型:","#Face ID: Use the face scanning feature on iPhone.":"Face ID:使用 iPhone 上的面部扫描功能。","#Device verification: Use Android Biometrics on Android devices.":"设备验证:在 Android 设备上使用 Android Biometrics。","#Run the Duo Device Health app installer, following the on-screen prompts. You may be prompted to provide an administrator password.":"按照屏幕上的提示运行 Duo Device Health 应用安装程序。系统可能会提示您提供管理员密码。","#You can customize the color of the accent bar and icon for accounts in Duo Mobile which show \"Third-Party\" as the account type. To customize the color, tap Customize to bring up the color customization palette. Tap on the color you would like to use and then tap Save customization. Requires Duo Mobile version 4.48.0 and later.":"您可以为 Duo Mobile 中账户类型显示为“第三方”的账户自定义强调栏和图标的颜色。要自定义颜色,请轻触自定义以显示颜色自定义调色板。轻触要使用的颜色,然后轻触保存自定义设置。需要 Duo Mobile 版本 4.48.0 及更高版本。","#Face ID Verification":"Face ID 验证","#Your organization may have enabled an option to offer Duo Device Health installation when you complete first-time enrollment in the Duo traditional prompt or Duo Universal Prompt from a macOS or Windows system.":"贵组织可能已启用相应选项,当您在 macOS 或 Windows 系统的旧版 Duo PromptDuo Universal Prompt 中完成首次注册时,会提供 Duo Device Health 安装。","#If you're using a Linux system, first choose the right type of package for your distribution — either DEB for Debian and Ubuntu or RPM for Red Hat and Centos — and then click to download the installer.":"如果您使用的是 Linux 系统,请首先为您的发行版选择正确的软件包类型(适用于 Debian 和 Ubuntu 的 DEB,或适用于 Red Hat 和 CentOS 的 RPM),然后点击以下载安装程序。","#Duo Device Health updates automatically. Contact your organization's Duo administrator or Help Desk if your system has issues applying an update.":"Duo Device Health 会自动更新。如果您的系统在应用更新时出现问题,请联系贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#Windows Hello: Use your Windows Hello PIN, scan your fingerprint, or use facial recognition on Windows devices.":"Windows Hello:在 Windows 设备上使用 Windows Hello PIN、扫描指纹或使用面部识别。","#If you need to change the configured Duo Network Gateway hostname, return to the DuoConnect menu item in the Duo Device Health app to view configured hostname, and click the X icon to the right of the hostname to delete it and enter a new one.":"如果需要更改已配置的 Duo Network Gateway 主机名,请返回 Duo Device Health 应用中的 DuoConnect 菜单项以查看已配置的主机名,然后点击主机名右侧的 X 图标将其删除并输入新的主机名。","#Firefox 114+ is required for security keys.":"安全密钥需要使用 Firefox 114+。","#This is an example of the options on a MacBook with Touch ID available:":"以下是具有可用 Touch ID 的 MacBook 上的选项示例:","#When you receive confirmation that you added Touch ID as a verification method, tap Continue.":"当您收到确认消息指明已添加 Touch ID 作为验证方法时,轻触继续。","#Duo Device Health Download Link for Linux (DEB)":"适用于 Linux (DEB) 的 Duo Device Health 下载链接","#/static/images/en/ios-duo-push_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-duo-push_2x.png","#In order to use Face ID or Touch ID on an iPhone or iPad with Duo, make sure you have the following:":"要将 iPhone 或 iPad 上的 Face ID 或 Touch ID 与 Duo 配合使用,请确保您具备以下条件:","#Follow your device's prompt to enter your Windows Hello PIN, scan your fingerprint, or use facial recognition to log into Duo.":"按照设备的提示输入 Windows Hello PIN、扫描指纹或使用面部识别登录 Duo。","#Follow your device's prompt to scan your fingerprint or use facial recognition to log into Duo.":"按照设备的提示扫描指纹或使用面部识别登录 Duo。","#Run this command from a terminal prompt:":"从终端提示符运行以下命令:","#Once you select Touch ID from the list, click Use Touch ID.":"从列表中选择 Touch ID 后,点击使用 Touch ID。","#Touch ID: Use the fingerprint sensor on Apple MacBooks, Magic Keyboards, or iPhone.":"Touch ID:使用 Apple MacBook、Magic 键盘或 iPhone 上的指纹传感器。","#/static/images/en/iphone-muted-push_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/iphone-muted-push_2x.png","#Duo Mobile suspicious login":"Duo Mobile 可疑登录","#using your fingerprint sensor":"使用指纹传感器","#Duo Device Health for Linux runs as a background service, and does not have a clickable user interface. Use the information shown in the Duo authentication prompt to determine what you need to check on your system before you can access the application.":"适用于 Linux 的 Duo Device Health 作为后台服务运行,没有可点击的用户界面。使用 Duo 身份验证提示中显示的信息,来确定在访问应用之前需要在系统上检查的内容。","#If you tapped Yes, this was a suspicious login, Duo will silence all Duo Mobile notifications for the next 20 minutes. You can still approve a Duo Push request by opening the Duo Mobile app and approving the pending authentication. Tap OK to continue to the Duo Mobile app.":"如果您轻触,这是一次可疑登录,则 Duo 将在接下来 20 分钟内将所有 Duo Mobile 通知设为静音。您仍然可以通过打开 Duo Mobile 应用并批准待处理的身份验证,来批准 Duo Push 请求。轻触确定以继续使用 Duo Mobile 应用。","#Platform authenticators are authentication methods built into the device you use to access services and applications protected by Duo. Examples of platform devices would be Touch ID on Mac, Face ID on an iPhone, Windows Hello, and Android biometrics.":"平台身份验证器是设备内置的身份验证方式,用于访问受 Duo 保护的服务和应用。平台设备的示例包括 Mac 上的 Touch IDiPhone 上的 Face IDWindows Hello 和 Android 生物识别。","#On the \"DuoConnect\" app screen, enter the hostname of your Duo Network Gateway (such as \"portal.example.com\") as the Server hostname and then click Add Hostname. This sets your Duo Network Gateway hostname as the configured DuoConnect hostname.":"在“DuoConnect”应用屏幕上,输入 Duo Network Gateway 的主机名(例如“portal.example.com”)作为服务器主机名,然后点击添加主机名。这会将您的 Duo Network Gateway 主机名设置为已配置的 DuoConnect 主机名。","#Android users can change the accent color for \"Third-Party\" accounts after setup.":"Android 用户可以在设置完毕后更改“第三方”账户的强调色。","#New app name coming soon!
Duo Device Health becomes Duo Desktop in November 2023. The user interface will reflect the new name.":"新的应用程序名称即将推出!
Duo Device Health 将于 2023 年 11 月更名为 Duo Desktop。用户界面将反映新名称。","#Duo Passwordless device verification with Duo Mobile":"使用 Duo Mobile 进行 Duo Passwordless 设备验证","#Blocked Personal Device Notification in the Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中被阻止的个人设备通知","#You must sign in with the same iCloud account and enable iCloud Keychain sync on all the Apple devices you plan to use with Duo and passkeys. See the iCloud documentation for instructions specific to your device types:":"您必须使用同一 iCloud 账户登录,并在计划使用 Duo 和密钥的所有 Apple 设备上启用 iCloud 钥匙串同步。有关设备类型的具体说明,请参阅 iCloud 文档:","#Duo Passwordless Verified Push Prompt":"Duo Passwordless 已验证 Push 的提示","#iCloud Keychain sync enabled on all the Apple devices you will use with Duo and the passkey you will create during setup.":"在您将使用 Duo 和设置期间所创建密钥的所有 Apple 设备上启用 iCloud 钥匙串同步。","#Make your passkeys and passwords available on all your devices with iPad and iCloud Keychain":"使用 iPad 和 iCloud 钥匙串让您的密钥和密码在您的所有设备上都可用","#Traditional Duo Prompt personal devices":"旧版 Duo Prompt 个人设备","#Make your passkeys and passwords available on all your devices with iPhone and iCloud Keychain":"使用 iPhone 和 iCloud 钥匙串让您的密钥和密码在您的所有设备上都可用","#Device Verification with Duo Mobile":"使用 Duo Mobile 进行设备验证","#How to find saved passwords and passkeys on your Mac":"如何在 Mac 上查找已保存的密码和密钥","#iCloud Keychain sync enabled on all the Apple devices you will use with Duo and the passkey you will create during setup.":"在您将使用 Duo 和设置期间所创建密钥的所有 Apple 设备上启用 iCloud 钥匙串同步。","#Your organization may choose to block access to applications from devices not managed by the organization. If this policy is enforced then you won't be able to complete Duo authentication from your personal device. Duo Mobile device verifications will still fall back to the traditional Duo Prompt.":"贵组织可能选择阻止从非组织托管设备访问应用。如果实施此策略,则您将无法从个人设备完成 Duo 身份验证。Duo Mobile 设备验证仍将回退到旧版 Duo Prompt。","#Duo Mobile Device Verification Failed":"Duo Mobile 设备验证失败","#If you try to access an application from a mobile device, Duo may prompt you to verify your device identity with Duo Mobile. Tap Open Duo Mobile to open the Duo Mobile app on your phone and perform a device check. After device verification succeeds you can then use a platform or roaming authenticator or Duo Push to log in to the application.":"如果您尝试从移动设备访问应用,Duo 可能会提示您使用 Duo Mobile 验证设备身份。轻触打开 Duo Mobile 以打开您手机上的 Duo Mobile 应用并执行设备检查。在设备验证成功后,您可以使用平台身份验证器、漫游身份验证器或 Duo Push 登录应用。","#If you do have Duo Mobile installed but not activated for Duo Push then you can tap My account isn't activated to skip directly to Duo Passwordless authentication, but you may still be blocked by the trusted device check.":"如果您已安装 Duo Mobile,但未激活 Duo Push,则可以轻触我的账户未激活以直接跳转至 Duo Passwordless 身份验证,不过受信任设备检查仍可能会阻止您。","#Set up iCloud Keychain":"设置 iCloud 钥匙串","#If you do not have Duo Mobile installed, tap I don't have Duo Mobile installed. This lets you complete Duo Passwordless authentication, but if your organization blocks access from unverified devices, you cannot access the application.":"如果您没有安装 Duo Mobile,请轻触我尚未安装 Duo Mobile。通过这种方式,您就可以完成 Duo Passwordless 身份验证,但如果贵组织阻止来自未经验证的设备的访问,则您将无法访问应用。","#/static/images/en/ios-troubleshoot_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-troubleshoot_2x.png","#Tap Check my accounts to check each of your Duo-protected accounts for possible issues. For example, this account is having issues connecting to Duo's service:":"轻触检查我的账户以检查您的每个受 Duo 保护的账户可能存在的问题。例如,此账户在连接到 Duo 的服务时遇到问题:","#If you're having issues authenticating with a Duo-protected account you can use the Troubleshoot tool in Duo Mobile version 4.51 or later to check for issues. Tap the menu and go to Troubleshoot.":"如果您向受 Duo 保护的账户进行身份验证时遇到问题,可以使用 Duo Mobile 版本 4.51 或更高版本中的故障排除工具检查问题。轻触菜单并转到故障排除。","#/static/images/en/ios-troubleshoot-account_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-troubleshoot-account_2x.png","#If any issues are found with your accounts, they'll be described under the related account card. If no issues are detected, you will see four green check marks under your accounts.":"如果发现您的账户存在任何问题,会在相关账户卡下对问题加以说明。如果未检测到问题,您的账户下会显示四个绿色复选标记。","#Troubleshoot on Duo Mobile iOS":"在 iOS 版 Duo Mobile 中进行故障排除","#Troubleshoot an account on Duo Mobile iOS":"在 iOS 版 Duo Mobile 中对账户进行故障排除","#Troubleshooting Duo-Protected Accounts":"受 Duo 保护的账户故障排除","#After completing Duo enrollment (or if your Duo administrator set you up to use Duo), you'll see the Duo prompt the next time you perform a browser-based login to a web service or application protected with Duo.":"完成 Duo 注册后(或者,如果您的 Duo 管理员将您设置为使用 Duo),下次您对受 Duo 保护的 Web 服务或应用执行基于浏览器的登录时,将看到 Duo Prompt。","#You can now log in to Duo-protected applications that show the Duo prompt in a web browser using Android biometrics.":"您现在可以使用 Android Biometrics 登录受 Duo 保护的应用,这些应用在 Web 浏览器中显示 Duo Prompt。","#Duo Push in Traditional Duo Prompt":"旧版 Duo Prompt 中的 Duo Push","#Enrolling in the Duo Universal Prompt":"在 Duo Universal Prompt 中注册","#Traditional Duo Prompt Enrollment Guide":"旧版 Duo Prompt 注册指南","#Duo Universal Prompt Login Instructions":"Duo Universal Prompt 登录说明","#Use Apple Touch ID with the Traditional Duo Prompt":"将 Apple Touch ID 与旧版 Duo Prompt 配合使用","#Duo Traditional Prompt Enrollment Guide":"旧版 Duo Prompt 注册指南","#Is your organization still using the traditional Duo Prompt? See the traditional Duo Prompt enrollment guide for more information and instructions.":"贵组织是否仍在使用旧版 Duo Prompt?有关详细信息和说明,请参阅旧版 Duo Prompt 注册指南。","#Duo Traditional Prompt Enrollment - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"旧版 Duo Prompt 注册 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#You can now log in to Duo-protected applications that show the Duo prompt in a web browser using your Touch ID fingerprint sensor.":"您现在可以使用 Touch ID 指纹传感器登录受 Duo 保护的应用,这些应用在 Web 浏览器中显示 Duo Prompt。","#Learn how to log into browser apps using Duo in the Duo Universal Prompt guide":"如需了解如何使用 Duo 登录浏览器应用,请参阅 Duo Universal Prompt 指南","#You can now log in to Duo-protected applications that show the Duo prompt in a web browser using Windows Hello.":"您现在可以使用 Windows Hello 登录受 Duo 保护的应用,这些应用在 Web 浏览器中显示 Duo Prompt。","#Traditional Duo Prompt Guide":"旧版 Duo Prompt 指南","#Use Apple Touch ID with the Traditional Duo Prompt - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"将 Apple Touch ID 与旧版 Duo Prompt 配合使用 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Traditional Duo Prompt Enrollment":"旧版 Duo Prompt 注册","#Welcome to Duo's refreshed authentication experience, the Universal Prompt.":"欢迎探索 Duo 的全新身份验证体验:Universal Prompt。","#This guide takes you through setting up your Duo authentication options in the Universal Prompt.":"本指南将指导您在 Universal Prompt 中设置 Duo 身份验证选项。","#Is your organization still using the traditional Duo Prompt? See the traditional Duo Prompt guide for more information and instructions.":"贵组织是否仍在使用旧版 Duo Prompt?有关详细信息和说明,请参阅旧版 Duo Prompt 指南。","#You can now log in to Duo-protected applications that show the Duo prompt in a web browser using Face ID or Touch ID on an iPhone or iPad.":"您现在可以在 iPhone 或 iPad 上使用 Face ID 或 Touch ID 登录受 Duo 保护的应用,这些应用在 Web 浏览器中显示 Duo Prompt。","#Log in with Duo Desktop":"使用 Duo Desktop 登录","#The steps for downloading and installing Duo Desktop for the first time during Duo enrollment or authentication are essentially the same between the Duo traditional prompt and the Duo Universal Prompt. You'll see the Duo Desktop download and install instructions in the prompt, and once the application is installed and running you can continue.":"对于旧版 Duo PromptDuo Universal Prompt,在进行 Duo 注册或身份验证时首次下载和安装 Duo Desktop 的步骤基本相同。您会在提示消息中看到 Duo Desktop 下载和安装说明,待该应用安装并运行后,您即可继续操作。","#Authentication methods are shown in the following order when on a mobile device:":"在移动设备上,身份验证方式按以下顺序显示:","#Duo Desktop Information":"Duo Desktop 信息","#Refer to the Duo Desktop page to learn how to install Duo Desktop and address issues discovered by the app.":"请参阅 Duo Desktop 页面,了解如何安装 Duo Desktop 并解决应用发现的问题。","#Duo Desktop is an application installed on your desktop or laptop that performs health checks whenever you access Duo protected applications through the Universal Prompt, ensuring that your computer meets the organization’s security requirements. This helps protect corporate data and make sure your computer is less vulnerable to compromise.":"Duo Desktop 是安装在您的桌面或笔记本电脑上的应用,每当您通过 Universal Prompt 访问受 Duo 保护的应用时,都会执行运行状况检查,从而确保您的计算机符合贵组织的安全要求。这有助于保护公司数据,并确保您的计算机不易受到危害。","#Fix Duo Desktop Issues":"修复 Duo Desktop 问题","#Duo Desktop Download Link for Linux (RPM)":"适用于 Linux (RPM) 的 Duo Desktop 下载链接","#Duo Desktop Instructions":"Duo Desktop 说明","#Vulnerable laptops or desktops accessing corporate resources exposes organizations to potential attacks, financial damage and compliance issues. Duo Desktop reduces risk by ensuring compliance of corporate devices to business standards and provides visibility into personal devices before granting them access to corporate resources.":"易受攻击的笔记本电脑或台式机访问企业资源会使组织面临潜在的攻击、经济损失和合规性问题。Duo Desktop 应用通过确保公司设备符合业务标准来降低风险,并在授权个人设备访问公司资源之前提供对个人设备的可视性。","#Download Duo Desktop from Duo Universal Prompt During Authentication":"身份验证期间从 Duo Universal Prompt 下载 Duo Desktop","#During Authentication:":"身份验证期间:","#Run the Duo Desktop installer, following the on-screen prompts. You may be prompted to provide an administrator password.":"按照屏幕上的提示运行 Duo Desktop 应用安装程序。系统可能会提示您提供管理员密码。","#Once the Duo Desktop install completes, return to the Duo Prompt and click the link to continue with enrolling your two-factor authentication device.":"Duo Desktop 安装完成后,返回 Duo Prompt 并点击链接继续注册双因素身份验证设备。","#Start Duo Desktop":"启动 Duo Desktop","#During Enrollment:":"注册期间:","#Once the Duo Desktop install completes, return to the Duo Universal Prompt to continue logging in to the application. If Duo Desktop didn't launch automatically after you installed it, click Open the app.
":"Duo Desktop 安装完成后,请返回 Duo Universal Prompt 以继续登录到应用。如果 Duo Desktop 应用在安装后未自动启动,请点击打开应用
","#Type Duo Desktop and click the application search result.":"输入 Duo Desktop,然后点击应用搜索结果。","#Duo Desktop does not support Windows Server, earlier versions of Windows, or macOS beta versions.":"Duo Desktop 不支持 Windows Server、Windows 的早期版本或 macOS 测试版。","#Install from Duo Universal Prompt":"从 Duo Universal Prompt 安装","#Duo Desktop updates automatically. Contact your organization's Duo administrator or Help Desk if your system has issues applying an update.":"Duo Desktop 会自动更新。如果您的系统在应用更新时出现问题,请联系贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#Install Duo Desktop":"安装 Duo Desktop","#Duo Desktop takes up very little space and will not slow your system or other apps down. It does not erase data, access your personal files, or change your computer settings. Learn what data Duo Desktop collects.":"Duo Desktop 应用占用的空间非常小,不会降低系统或其他应用的运行速度。它不会清除数据,访问您的个人文件,或更改您的计算机设置。了解 Duo Desktop 应用收集的数据。","#Locate the Duo Desktop installer in your browser downloads folder. On Windows the installer is an MSI file, and on macOS the installer is a PKG file. On Linux it will be either a DEB or RPM file depending on which type of package you downloaded.":"在浏览器下载文件夹中找到 Duo Desktop 应用安装程序。在 Windows 上,安装程序是 MSI 文件;在 macOS 上,安装程序是 PKG 文件。在 Linux 上,安装程序是 DEB 或 RPM 文件,具体取决于您下载的软件包类型。","#Your Duo administrator might also ask you to install Duo Desktop ahead of time. You can download the installers directly with these links:":"您的 Duo 管理员可能还会要求您提前安装 Duo Desktop 应用。您可以使用以下链接直接下载安装程序:","#Duo Desktop - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"Duo Desktop - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#When your organization's Duo policy requires Duo Desktop, you'll see a download button within the Duo Prompt during the login or enrollment process. Click it to download the Duo Desktop installer.":"当贵组织的 Duo 策略要求安装 Duo Desktop 时,在登录或注册期间,您会在 Duo Prompt 中看到下载按钮。点击此按钮可下载 Duo Desktop 安装程序。","#Duo Desktop Install in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的 Duo Desktop 安装","#Download Duo Desktop from Duo Prompt During Authentication":"身份验证期间从 Duo Prompt 下载 Duo Desktop","#Continue login after Duo Desktop Install":"在 Duo Desktop 安装后继续登录","#Duo Desktop Download Link for Windows":"适用于 Windows 的 Duo Desktop 下载链接","#Duo Desktop Action Required in Duo Universal Prompt":"Duo Universal Prompt 中所需的 Duo Desktop 操作","#Duo Desktop is an application installed on your desktop or laptop that performs health checks whenever you access Duo protected applications through the browser-based Duo Universal Prompt or traditional Duo Prompt, ensuring that your computer meets the organization’s security requirements. This helps protect corporate data and make sure your computer is less vulnerable to compromise.":"Duo Desktop 应用是安装在您的桌面或笔记本电脑上的应用,只要您通过基于浏览器的 Duo Universal Prompt 或旧版 Duo Prompt 访问受 Duo 保护的应用,即会执行运行状况检查,从而确保您的计算机符合组织的安全要求。这有助于保护公司数据,并确保您的计算机不易受到危害。","#Duo Desktop Updates":"Duo Desktop 更新","#Duo Desktop Install in Traditional Prompt":"旧版 Prompt 中的 Duo Desktop 安装","#If the Duo Desktop check determines that your computer doesn't meet the security requirements for your organization, then you can't access the protected application and you'll see a notification in the Duo Prompt. On macOS and Windows systems, clicking the link in the notification opens Duo Desktop, which shows you what you need to address on your computer before you can access the application.":"如果 Duo Desktop 检查确定您的计算机不符合贵组织的安全要求,则您无法访问受保护的应用,并且会在 Duo Prompt 中看到相应通知。在 macOS 和 Windows 系统上,点击通知中的链接会打开 Duo Desktop 应用,其中会显示您需要先在计算机上处理哪些问题才能访问该应用。","#Duo Desktop Download Link for Linux (DEB)":"适用于 Linux (DEB) 的 Duo Desktop 下载链接","#Duo Desktop Check from Duo Universal Prompt":"Duo Universal Prompt 中 Duo Desktop 检查","#Duo Desktop supports the following platforms:":"Duo Desktop 支持以下平台:","#Install from Traditional Duo Prompt":"从旧版 Duo Prompt 安装","#Duo Desktop should start automatically after installation, but can also be started manually if needed:":"Duo Desktop 应用会在安装后自动启动,但您也可以在需要时手动启动:","#Duo Device Health is now Duo Desktop. The user interface will start showing the new name in November 2023. You may see both names mentioned during this transition.":"Duo Device Health 现已更名为 Duo Desktop。用户界面将于 2023 年 11 月开始显示新名称。在此过渡期间,新旧两个名称可能会同时出现。","#Download and Install During Login or Enrollment":"在登录或注册期间下载和安装","#Duo Desktop installation requires that you have administrator privileges on your computer. If you do not have administrative rights on your computer or encounter issues installing Duo Desktop, please contact your organization's Duo administrator or Help Desk.":"安装 Duo Desktop 应用需要您拥有计算机的管理员权限。如果您没有计算机的管理权限或在安装 Duo Desktop 时遇到问题,请联系贵组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#If your browser prompts you to allow it to open Duo Desktop, be sure to grant that permission and to save that setting for the future.":"如果您的浏览器提示您允许其打开 Duo Desktop 应用,请务必授予该权限并保存该设置以供将来使用。","#Click on the setting that needs action to see instructions for how to correct it so your device is healthy. If you need help, your Duo administrator may have added contact information to Duo Desktop, or you should contact your organization's help desk.":"点击需要操作的设置,查看有关如何更正此设置的说明,以使设备正常运行。如果您需要帮助,可以查看您的 Duo 管理员可能已添加到 Duo Desktop 应用的联系人信息,或者您应联系贵组织的服务中心。","#Download Duo Desktop from Duo Universal Prompt During Enrollment":"注册期间从 Duo Universal Prompt 下载 Duo Desktop","#Continue After Duo Desktop Install":"在 Duo Desktop 安装后继续","#When you enter your username and password into a Duo protected application, Duo Desktop checks the health of your device before you are able to access the application. This should only take a few seconds.":"当您在受 Duo 保护的应用中输入用户名和密码时,Duo Desktop 会先检查设备的运行状况,然后您才能访问该应用。该过程只需几秒钟。","#What data does Duo Desktop collect?":"Duo Desktop 收集什么数据?","#Duo Desktop Download Link for macOS":"适用于 macOS 的 Duo Desktop 下载链接","#Duo Desktop for Linux runs as a background service, and does not have a clickable user interface. Use the information shown in the Duo authentication prompt to determine what you need to check on your system before you can access the application.":"适用于 Linux 的 Duo Desktop 作为后台服务运行,没有可点击的用户界面。使用 Duo 身份验证提示中显示的信息,来确定在访问应用之前需要在系统上检查的内容。","#Download Duo Desktop from Duo Prompt During Enrollment":"注册期间从 Duo Prompt 下载 Duo Desktop","#Duo Desktop Check from Duo Prompt":"Duo Prompt 中的 Duo Desktop 检查","#If your organization manages your computer, your IT team may push Duo Desktop to your computer automatically, without you needing to perform the install steps.":"如果贵组织管理您的计算机,您的 IT 团队可能会自动将 Duo Desktop 应用推送到您的计算机,您无需执行安装步骤。","#Duo Desktop Installer Checksums":"Duo Desktop 安装程序校验和","#Duo Desktop Action Required in Duo Prompt":"Duo Prompt 中所需的 Duo Desktop 操作","#If you aren't accessing the application from a new device, click or tap Try again to try your existing platform authenticator. Follow the prompts to verify your identity with your previously registered platform authenticator, and Duo logs you into the application without a password.":"如果您不是从新设备访问应用,请点击或轻触重试以尝试现有的平台身份验证器。按照提示使用您之前注册的平台身份验证器验证您的身份,Duo 会将您登录到应用中,不要求输入密码。","#In some situations Duo Passwordless may think you are logging in from a different device when you use a different browser on the system where you already registered a platform authenticator (like if you set up Windows Hello from the Edge browser, but then switch to Firefox on the same computer). If this happens, Duo asks you to log in with a different authentication method.":"在某些情况下,当您在已注册平台身份验证器的系统上使用不同的浏览器时,Duo Passwordless 可能会认为您是从不同的设备登录(例如,如果您从 Edge 浏览器设置 Windows Hello,但随后在同一计算机上切换到 Firefox)。如果发生这种情况,Duo 会要求您使用其他身份验证方式登录。","#Duo Passwordless New Browser with Platform Authenticator":"具有平台身份验证器的 Duo Passwordless 新浏览器","#If your organization has enabled Duo Passwordless for Duo Single Sign-On applications then you'll automatically be able to use Face ID or Touch ID for passwordless authentication after the first time you complete two-factor authentication with Face ID or Touch ID during Duo Single Sign-On login. If you completed your Duo enrollment while logging in to Duo Single Sign-On then you will be able log in without a password the next time you access the application.":"如果贵组织已为 Duo Single Sign-On 应用启用 Duo Passwordless,则您在 Duo Single Sign-On 登录期间首次使用 Face ID 或 Touch ID 完成双因素身份验证后,就自动能够使用 Face ID 或 Touch ID 进行无密码身份验证。如果您在登录 Duo Single Sign-On 时完成了 Duo 注册,则下次访问该应用时无需密码即可登录。","#When you access device management during login to a Duo Single Sign-On application or from Duo Central and use it to add platform authenticators, like Touch ID or Windows Hello, then you'll be able to use that authentication method to log in to Duo Single Sign-On applications without a password if your organization has enabled Duo Passwordless.":"如果贵组织已启用 Duo Passwordless,则当您在登录 Duo Single Sign-On 应用期间访问设备管理或从 Duo Central 访问设备管理并用其添加平台身份验证器(例如 Touch ID 或 Windows Hello)后,您无需密码即可使用该身份验证方式登录 Duo Single Sign-On 应用。","#If your organization has enabled Duo Passwordless for Duo Single Sign-On applications then you'll automatically be able to use Android biometrics for passwordless authentication after the first time you complete two-factor authentication with Android biometrics during Duo Single Sign-On login. If you completed your Duo enrollment while logging in to Duo Single Sign-On then you will be able log in without a password the next time you access the application.":"如果贵组织已为 Duo Single Sign-On 应用启用 Duo Passwordless,则您在 Duo Single Sign-On 登录期间首次使用 Android Biometrics 完成双因素身份验证后,就自动能够使用 Android Biometrics 进行无密码身份验证。如果您在登录 Duo Single Sign-On 时完成了 Duo 注册,则下次访问该应用时无需密码即可登录。","#If your organization has enabled Duo Passwordless for Duo Single Sign-On applications then you'll automatically be able to use Duo Push for passwordless authentication after the first time you complete two-factor authentication with Duo Push during Duo Single Sign-On login. If you completed your Duo enrollment while logging in to Duo Single Sign-On then you will be able log in without a password the next time you access the application.":"如果贵组织已为 Duo Single Sign-On 应用启用 Duo Passwordless,则您在 Duo Single Sign-On 登录期间首次使用 Duo Push 完成双因素身份验证后,就自动能够使用 Duo Push 进行无密码身份验证。如果您在登录 Duo Single Sign-On 时完成了 Duo 注册,则下次访问该应用时无需密码即可登录。","#Duo Central Guide":"Duo Central 指南","#If your organization has enabled Duo Passwordless for Duo Single Sign-On applications then you'll automatically be able to use Windows Hello for passwordless authentication after the first time you complete two-factor authentication with Windows Hello during Duo Single Sign-On login. If you completed your Duo enrollment while logging in to Duo Single Sign-On then you will be able log in without a password the next time you access the application.":"如果贵组织已为 Duo Single Sign-On 应用启用 Duo Passwordless,则您在 Duo Single Sign-On 登录期间首次使用 Windows Hello 完成双因素身份验证后,就自动能够使用 Windows Hello 进行无密码身份验证。如果您在登录 Duo Single Sign-On 时完成了 Duo 注册,则下次访问该应用时无需密码即可登录。","#If your organization has enabled Duo Passwordless for Duo Single Sign-On applications then you'll automatically be able to use Touch ID for passwordless authentication after the first time you complete two-factor authentication with Touch ID during Duo Single Sign-On login. If you completed your Duo enrollment while logging in to Duo Single Sign-On then you will be able log in without a password the next time you access the application.":"如果贵组织已为 Duo Single Sign-On 应用启用 Duo Passwordless,则您在 Duo Single Sign-On 登录期间首次使用 Touch ID 完成双因素身份验证后,就自动能够使用 Touch ID 进行无密码身份验证。如果您在登录 Duo Single Sign-On 时完成了 Duo 注册,则下次访问该应用时无需密码即可登录。","#Duo Single Sign-On Guide":"Duo Single Sign-On 指南","#Interactive Passwordless Registration":"交互式 Passwordless 注册","#Learn how to perform interactive passwordless registration or how to log in with these Duo Passwordless identity verification methods.":"了解如何执行交互式无密码注册,或如何使用这些 Duo Passwordless 身份验证方式进行登录。","#Automatic Passwordless Registration":"自动 Passwordless 注册","#Duo Passwordless Login Options":"Duo Passwordless 登录选项","#If you log in using any other authentication methods, like Duo Push, you'll see the \"Tired of passwords?\" invitation to set up Duo Passwordless. Click or tap Continue to set up passwordless login.":"如果您使用任何其他身份验证方式(例如 Duo Push)登录,您将看到“厌烦了密码?”消息,邀请您设置 Duo Passwordless。点击或轻触继续以设置无密码登录。","#If you sign in to Duo SSO using a platform authenticator for two-factor authentication, such as Touch ID or Windows Hello, then you'll automatically be able to use that same authentication method for Duo Passwordless login in the future without any further setup.":"如果您通过用于双因素身份验证的平台身份验证器(例如 Touch ID 或 Windows Hello)登录 Duo SSO,则今后您无需进行任何进一步设置,就自动能够使用同一身份验证方式进行 Duo Passwordless 登录。","#Automatic Passwordless Setup":"自动无密码设置","#Duo Passwordless Interactive Registration":"Duo Passwordless 交互式注册","#Configure DuoConnect in Duo Desktop":"在 Duo Desktop 中配置 DuoConnect","#If Duo Desktop is already installed, open it.":"如果已安装 Duo Desktop,请将其打开。","#Click on the DuoConnect menu item to open the \"Welcome to DuoConnect\" page. Click Get Started. If you do not see this menu item, make sure that you have both DuoConnect 2.0.2 or later and Duo Desktop or Duo Device Health or later installed, and install updated versions if needed.":"点击 DuoConnect 菜单项,打开“欢迎使用 DuoConnect”页面。点击开始。如果您没有看到此菜单项,请确保同时安装了 DuoConnect 2.0.2 或更高版本以及 Duo Desktop 或 Duo Device Health 或更高版本,并根据需要安装更新版本。","#Duo Passwordless Automatic Registration":"Duo Passwordless 自动注册","#If you need to change the configured Duo Network Gateway hostname, return to the DuoConnect menu item in Duo Desktop to view configured hostname, and click the X icon to the right of the hostname to delete it and enter a new one.":"如果需要更改已配置的 Duo Network Gateway 主机名,请返回 Duo Desktop 中的 DuoConnect 菜单项以查看已配置的主机名,然后点击主机名右侧的 X 图标将其删除并输入新的主机名。","#If Duo Desktop app is not present, then you need to install it before continuing. Duo Desktop supports Windows 10 and later.":"如果 Duo Desktop 应用不存在,则需要先安装该应用,然后才能继续。Duo Desktop 支持 Windows 10 及更高版本。","#Click anywhere else on the macOS desktop to minimize Duo Desktop's window back to the menu bar.":"点击 macOS 桌面上的其他任意位置,将 Duo Desktop 窗口最小化回菜单栏。","#Click the menu icon (three stacked horizontal lines) in the upper-left.":"点击左上角的菜单图标(三条堆叠的水平线)。","#If Duo Desktop is not present, then you need to install it before continuing.":"如果 Duo Desktop 不存在,则需要先安装该应用,然后才能继续。","#Click anywhere else on the Windows desktop to minimize Duo Desktop's window back to the system tray.":"点击 Windows 桌面上的其他任意位置,将 Duo Desktop 窗口最小化回系统托盘。","#If Duo Device Health is installed but is not version 2.24.0 or later, click the Check now button shown in Preferences to check for an update. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the update to Duo Desktop.":"如果已安装 Duo Device Health,但其版本不是 2.24.0 或更高版本,请点击“首选项”中显示的立即检查按钮以检查更新。按照屏幕上的说明安装 Duo Desktop 更新。","#Configure DuoConnect Server Hostname in Duo Desktop on Windows":"在 Windows 版 Duo Desktop 中配置 DuoConnect 服务器主机名","#Click on the DuoConnect menu item to open the \"Welcome to DuoConnect\" page. Click Get Started. If you do not see this menu item, make sure that you have both DuoConnect 2.0.2 or later and Duo Desktop or Duo Device Health 2.24.0 or later installed, and install updated versions if needed.":"点击 DuoConnect 菜单项,打开“欢迎使用 DuoConnect”页面。点击开始。如果您没有看到此菜单项,请确保您已安装 DuoConnect 2.0.2 或更高版本以及 Duo Desktop 或 Duo Device Health 2.24.0 或更高版本,并根据需要安装更新版本。","#Once you've installed DuoConnect and Duo Desktop, configured your Duo Network Gateway in Duo Desktop, and created an RDP connection using the hostname provided by your administrator, test an RDP connection to make sure everything is working properly.":"安装 DuoConnect 和 Duo Desktop、在 Duo Desktop 中配置 Duo Network Gateway 并使用管理员提供的主机名创建 RDP 连接后,请测试 RDP 连接以确保一切正常。","#Duo Desktop Guide":"Duo Desktop 指南","#When you access device management from Duo Central and use it to add platform authenticators, like Touch ID or Windows Hello, then you'll be able to use that authentication method to log in to Duo Single Sign-On applications without a password if your organization has enabled Duo Passwordless.":"如果贵组织已启用 Duo Passwordless,则当您从 Duo Central 访问设备管理并用其添加平台身份验证器(例如 Touch ID 或 Windows Hello)后,您无需密码即可使用该身份验证方式登录 Duo Single Sign-On 应用。","#To access RDP hosts with DuoConnect you also need Duo Desktop installed on your computer.":"要使用 DuoConnect 访问 RDP 主机,您还需要在计算机上安装 Duo Desktop。","#Click the menu icon (three stacked horizontal lines) in the upper-left and go to Preferences.":"点击左上角的菜单图标(三条堆叠的水平线)并转到首选项。","#Download the Duo Desktop installer from this link.":"从此链接下载 Duo Desktop 安装程序。","#If you need to change the configured Duo Network Gateway hostname, return to the DuoConnect menu item in Duo Desktop to view the list of configured hostnames, and click the X icon to the right of the hostname to delete it and enter a new one.":"如果需要更改已配置的 Duo Network Gateway 主机名,请返回 Duo Desktop 中的 DuoConnect 菜单项以查看已配置的主机名列表,然后点击主机名右侧的 X 图标将其删除并输入新的主机名。","#Check to see if Duo Desktop is already installed on your computer:":"检查计算机上是否已安装 Duo Desktop:","#Click on the Duo Desktop icon in the system tray to open Duo Desktop.":"点击系统托盘中的 Duo Desktop 图标以打开 Duo Desktop。","#Click on the Duo Desktop menu bar icon to open Duo Desktop.":"点击 Duo Desktop 菜单栏图标以打开 Duo Desktop。","#You need to update Duo Desktop's settings with information about your organization's Duo Network Gateway server. If you do not know the hostname you should enter, ask your Duo administrator or Help Desk.":"您需要使用有关贵组织的 Duo Network Gateway 服务器的信息更新 Duo Desktop 设置。如果您不知道应输入的主机名,请咨询您的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#Check to see if Duo Desktop or later is already installed on your computer:":"检查计算机上是否已安装 Duo Desktop 或更高版本:","#Passwordless Login for Duo SSO":"用于 Duo SSO 的无密码登录","#If your organization has enabled Duo Passwordless sign-in for SSO then you will see either a notification that you can log in without a password in the future, or a prompt to begin passwordless setup. See the Duo Passwordless documentation for more information and setup instructions.":"如果贵组织已为 SSO 启用 Duo Passwordless 登录,则您要么会看到一则通知,说明您今后无需密码即可登录,要么系统会提示您开始无密码设置。有关详细信息和设置说明,请参阅 Duo Passwordless 文档。","#If you do not see the DuoConnect item on Duo Desktop's menu, make sure that you have both DuoConnect 2.0.2 or later and Duo Desktop or Duo Device Health or later installed. If not, install the updated versions of these applications using the instructions for Windows or macOS.":"如果您在 Duo Desktop 的菜单上未看到 DuoConnect 菜单项,请确保同时安装了 DuoConnect 2.0.2 或更高版本以及 Duo Desktop 或 Duo Device Health 或更高版本。否则,请按照 Windows 版或 macOS 版的说明安装这些应用的更新版本。","#Configure DuoConnect Server Hostname in Duo Desktop on macOS":"在 macOS 版 Duo Desktop 中配置 DuoConnect 服务器主机名","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports Android 11 and greater.":"支持的平台:当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 Android 11 及更高版本。","#Additional Passkey Registration":"其他密钥注册","#Follow the browser prompts to complete enrollment of your security key, allowing Duo to access information about your security key during setup (Windows example using Edge shown).":"按照浏览器提示完成安全密钥的注册,让 Duo 能够在设置过程中访问有关安全密钥的信息(显示的是使用 Edge 的 Windows 示例)。","#Touch ID Failed":"Touch ID 失败","#If you had to cancel authentication because your enrolled passkey isn't available on the access device you're using now, you may be presented with the option to try again or enroll another passkey.":"如果您因为注册的密钥在当前使用的访问设备上不可用而不得不取消身份验证,系统可能会为您提供重试或注册其他密钥的选项。","#Click Continue and follow the instructions to setup the new passkey (Touch ID on Mac, Face ID/Touch ID on an iPhone or iPad, Windows Hello, Android Biometrics)":"点击继续并按照说明设置新密钥(Mac 上的 Touch IDiPhone 或 iPad 上的 Face ID/Touch IDWindows HelloAndroid Biometrics)","#The following example shows how to setup Touch ID on a Mac. These steps are the same for other platform authenticators such as Face ID/Touch ID on an iPhone or iPad, Windows Hello, or Android Biometrics.":"以下示例显示了如何在 Mac 上设置 Touch ID。这些步骤同样适用于其他平台身份验证器(例如 iPhone 或 iPad 上的 Face ID/Touch ID、Windows Hello 或 Android Biometrics)。","#Click Set up Touch ID.
":"点击设置 Touch ID
","#Log in with the new passkey you have just added and access your Duo-protected application.":"使用您刚添加的新密钥登录并访问受 Duo 保护的应用。","#Be sure to save any recovery information given to you by the application when you set up two-factor authentication in a secure place, and enable account backup and restore in Duo Mobile if you set it up to generate passcodes for logging into these applications.":"设置双因素身份验证时,请务必将应用提供给您的任何恢复信息保存在安全位置,并在 Duo Mobile 中启用账户备份和恢复(如果将其设置为生成用于登录这些应用的密码)。","#Windows Security Key Prompt":"Windows 安全密钥提示","#When you access device management during login to a Duo Single Sign-On application or from Duo Centrals and use it to add platform authenticators, like Touch ID or Windows Hello, then you'll be able to use that authentication method to log in to Duo Single Sign-On applications without a password if your organization has enabled Duo Passwordless.":"如果您所在的组织已启用 Duo Passwordless,则当您在登录 Duo Single Sign-On 应用期间访问设备管理或从 Duo Central 访问设备管理并用其添加平台身份验证器(例如 Touch ID 或 Windows Hello)后,您无需密码即可使用该身份验证方式登录 Duo Single Sign-On 应用。","#When enrolling your security key, you'll be prompted to tap to enroll your security key (possibly more than once).":"在注册安全密钥时,系统会提示您轻触以注册安全密钥(可能不止一次)。","#Use Security Keys with the Traditional Duo Prompt - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"将安全密钥与旧版 Duo Prompt 配合使用 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Setup Touch ID":"设置 Touch ID","#Use Security Keys with the Traditional Duo Prompt":"将安全密钥与旧版 Duo Prompt 配合使用","#To use your security key with Duo Passwordless it must support user verification, such as requiring a PIN or fingerprint for use.":"要将安全密钥与 Duo Passwordless 配合使用,它必须支持用户验证,例如需要 PIN 或指纹才能使用。","#Follow the browser prompts to complete enrollment of your security key, allowing Duo to access information about your security key during setup.":"按照浏览器提示完成安全密钥的注册,让 Duo 能够在设置过程中访问有关安全密钥的信息。","#Duo does not have access to your third-party accounts, account credentials, or recovery codes. Duo Support cannot assist with account recovery or reset your Duo Restore password.

If you become locked out of those services and don't have a backup of your accounts in Duo Mobile, you'll need to contact the support team for that application or perform the account recovery process for each of those third-party applications.

Please do not contact Duo Support.":"Duo 无权访问您的第三方账户、账户凭证或恢复代码。Duo 支持团队无法协助您恢复账户或重置您的 Duo Restore 密码。

如果您被锁定,无法访问这些服务,并且在 Duo Mobile 中没有账户备份,则需要联系该应用的支持团队或为每个第三方应用执行账户恢复流程。

请不要联系 Duo 支持团队。","#If you ever want to choose a different device or Duo method than the one chosen automatically by the Universal Prompt, or want to cancel an authentication in progress to select a different method, click Other options near the bottom. This takes you to a list of all your available Duo authentication options. Click on the one you want to use and follow the instructions shown to complete logging in to the application.":"如果您要选择非 Universal Prompt 自动选择的设备或 Duo 方法,或者您要取消正在进行的身份验证以选择其他方法,请点击底部附近的其他选项。这会将您带到所有可用 Duo 身份验证选项列表。点击要使用的选项,然后按照所示的说明完成应用登录过程。","#If you haven't set up Duo Mobile, then the Duo Universal Prompt may automatically select your next available option, following the most to least secure preference order.":"如果您尚未设置 Duo Mobile,则 Duo Universal Prompt 可能会自动选择下一个可用选项,按照安全性从高到低的顺序进行。","#There is no way to turn off automatic device selection yourself, or to explicitly configure a default authentication device. Contact your organization's Duo administrator or help desk to determine whether they can change your automatic device selection setting.":"您无法自行关闭自动设备选择或明确配置默认身份验证设备。请联系您所在组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心,以确定他们是否可以更改您的自动设备选择设置。","#Only your organization's Duo administrator or help desk can add hardware tokens and YubiKey OTP tokens for you. These verification options do not show up in the list of available options. Neither do any methods that your organization blocks from use; if your Duo administrator applied a policy that doesn't allow authentication with text messages or phone calls, the \"Phone number\" option will be missing when you enroll.":"只有您所在组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心可以为您添加硬件令牌和 YubiKey OTP 令牌。这些验证选项不会显示在可用选项列表中。您所在组织屏蔽的任何验证方式也将无法使用;如果您的 Duo 管理员应用的策略不允许通过短信或拨打电话进行身份验证,则您注册时系统不会提供“电话号码”选项。","#Completing Duo login sets the login option you used as the first choice for this application. Future Universal Prompt logins to that application from the same device and browser may automatically use that same method. If you cancel the authentication in process and choose a different device, then the device you use becomes the first choice for that application.":"完成 Duo 登录会将您使用的登录选项设置为此应用的首选。未来 Universal Prompt 会从同一设备登录到该应用,并且浏览器可能会自动使用相同的方法。如果取消正在进行的身份验证并选择其他设备,则您使用的设备将成为该应用的首选。","#Authentication Options Filter in Universal Prompt":"Universal Prompt 中的身份验证选项过滤器","#The Universal Prompt shows a drop-down filter near the top when you have seven or more devices. The filter choices show phones you have enrolled using the last four digits of your number, hardware tokens, and security keys. Use the filter to select the device you want to use for authentication, then choose from the available methods for that device to continue. Set the filter to show all your devices to choose platform authenticators and passkeys, like Touch ID or Windows Hello.":"当您有 7 部或更多设备时,Universal Prompt 会在顶部附近显示下拉过滤器。过滤器选项显示您已注册的手机(使用号码的最后四位数字显示)、硬件令牌和安全密钥。使用过滤器选择要用于身份验证的设备,然后从该设备的可用方法中进行选择以继续操作。将过滤器设置为显示所有设备,以选择平台身份验证器和密钥,例如 Touch ID 或 Windows Hello。","#The first time you log in to an application with Duo using the Universal Prompt, Duo may choose one of your configured login options automatically, selecting the most-secure method from the ones you have available.":"首次使用 Universal Prompt 通过 Duo 登录应用时,Duo 可能会自动选择一个已配置的登录选项,并从可用的方法中选择最安全的方法。","#After completing Duo enrollment (or if your Duo administrator already set you up to use Duo), you'll see the Duo prompt the next time you perform a browser-based login to a web service or application protected with Duo.":"完成 Duo 注册后(或者,如果您的 Duo 管理员已将您设置为使用 Duo),下次您对受 Duo 保护的 Web 服务或应用执行基于浏览器的登录时,将看到 Duo Prompt。","#If your organization's Duo administrator turned off automatic authentication method selection, you'll choose one of your available methods to continue authentication. We recommend selecting the most-secure available option.":"如果您所在组织的 Duo 管理员关闭了自动身份验证方式选择,您将需要选择一种可用方法以继续进行身份验证。我们建议选择最安全的可用选项。","#The next most secure Duo method is using Duo Mobile to approve push notifications. If you do not have a platform authenticator or roaming authenticator available, but you do have a phone or tablet with Duo Mobile activated, the Universal Prompt may automatically send you a Duo Push the first time you log in to that application. You may also have to enter a code into Duo Mobile to approve the push request if your organization requires it.":"第二种最安全的 Duo 方法是使用 Duo Mobile 批准推送通知。如果您没有可用的平台身份验证器或漫游身份验证器,但拥有已激活 Duo Mobile 的手机或平板电脑,则在首次登录 Universal Prompt 时,该应用可能会自动向您发送 Duo Push。如果您所在的组织要求在 Duo Mobile 中输入验证码,您可能还必须输入验证码才能批准推送请求。","#A supported security key. WebAuthn/FIDO2 security keys from Yubico or Feitian are good options. U2F-only security keys (like the YubiKey NEO-n) can't be used with the Universal Prompt.":"受支持的安全密钥。YubicoFeitian 的 WebAuthn/FIDO2 安全密钥是很好的选择。仅 U2F 安全密钥(如 YubiKey NEO-n)不能与 Universal Prompt 一起使用。","#Supported Platforms: The current version of Duo Mobile supports iOS 15.0 and greater.":"支持的平台:当前版本的 Duo Mobile 支持 iOS 15.0 及更高版本。","#Use Any Cell Phone or Landline with the Traditional Duo Prompt":"将任何手机或座机与旧版 Duo Prompt 配合使用","#Use Any Cell Phone or Landline with the Traditional Duo Prompt - Guide to Two-Factor Authentication · Duo Security":"将任何手机或座机与旧版 Duo Prompt 配合使用 - 双因素身份验证指南 · Duo Security","#Duo Push Code Entry From Notification":"在通知中输入 Duo Push 验证码","#As of Duo Mobile version 4.58.0, you can tap Enter Code in the Duo Push notification and type in the verification code.":"自 Duo Mobile 版本 4.58.0 开始,您可以在 Duo Push 通知中轻触输入激活码,然后输入验证码。","#Firefox on macOS cannot prompt to create a security key's PIN. Security keys that already have a PIN set can be used to authenticate in Firefox.":"macOS 版 Firefox 无法提示您为安全密钥创建 PIN 码。已设置 PIN 的安全密钥可用于在 Firefox 中进行身份验证。","#If the account does not show a countdown indicator, then the passcode shown is valid until used. Tap Refresh Passcode to generate a new Duo passcode.":"如果账户未显示倒计时指示器,则显示的密码在使用前一直有效。轻触刷新密码可生成新的 Duo 密码。","#/static/images/en/iphone-totp-passcodes_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/iphone-totp-passcodes_2x.png","#Log in using a passcode received from Duo in a text message. When you land on the text message page, it will show that a text message was just sent to you with a passcode. When you receive the message, enter that passcode into the space provided and click or tap Verify to log in to the application. When authenticating from a mobile device in the United States and Canada your browser may automatically enter the passcode for you.":"使用 Duo 通过短信发送的密码登录。当您登陆短信页面时,其中会显示刚刚发送给您的短信及密码。收到短信后,请在提供的空白处输入密码,然后点击或轻触验证以登录应用。在美国和加拿大通过移动设备进行身份验证时,您的浏览器可能会自动为您输入密码。","#You'll see a 30 second countdown indicator underneath the passcode. If you don't use that passcode before it expires then the account refreshes with a new passcode and the countdown begins again.":"密码下方会显示 30 秒倒计时指示器。如果密码在到期前一直未被使用,则您登录的账户会更新密码,然后再次开始倒计时。","#TOTP Passcode Generation in Duo Mobile":"在 Duo Mobile 中生成 TOTP 密码","#/static/images/en/iphone-hotp-passcodes_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/iphone-hotp-passcodes_2x.png","#HOTP Passcode Generation in Duo Mobile":"在 Duo Mobile 中生成 HOTP 密码","#If your installed Duo Mobile version does not support verification then you will receive a Duo Push request without the code entry field. If you try to approve then the login fails and you'll see a message instructing you to update your software. Use a different allowed authentication method or contact your help desk.":"如果您安装的 Duo Mobile 版本不支持验证,则您收到的 Duo Push 请求不会有验证码输入字段。如果您尝试批准登录,则登录会失败,并且系统会显示一条消息,指示您更新软件。请使用其他允许的身份验证方法或联系您的服务中心。","#If you use an older version of Duo Mobile then you will receive a Duo Push request without the code entry field. If you try to approve then the login fails and you'll see a message instructing you to update your software. Use a different allowed authentication method or contact your help desk.":"如果您使用较旧版本的 Duo Mobile,则您收到的 Duo Push 请求不会有验证码输入字段。如果您尝试批准登录,则登录会失败,并且系统会显示一条消息,指示您更新软件。请使用其他允许的身份验证方法或联系您的服务中心。","#Browser Prompt to set Security Key PIN":"浏览器提示设置安全密钥 PIN 码","#Yes1":"是1","#If your organization requires user verification of your security key with a PIN or biometric then your security key must support FIDO2.":"如果您的组织要求使用 PIN 码或生物识别验证对您的安全密钥进行用户验证,则您的安全密钥必须支持 FIDO2。","#Security Key Prompt with PIN User Verification":"安全密钥提示用 PIN 码进行用户验证","#If your organization requires user verification you'll need to enter your PIN or scan your biometric as well (Chrome example shown).":"如果您的组织要求进行用户验证,则您需要输入 PIN 码或扫描生物识别(图示以 Chrome 为例)。","#If your organization requires user verification and you have not already configured a PIN or biometric for your security key you will need to do that now (Chrome example shown). If you already set your PIN or configured biometrics for your security key then you'll need to enter your PIN or scan your biometric to complete setup.":"如果您的组织要求进行用户验证,并且您尚未为安全密钥配置 PIN 码或生物识别,则需要立即执行此操作(图示以 Chrome 为例)。如果您已为安全密钥设置了 PIN 码或配置了生物识别,则需要输入 PIN 码或扫描生物识别以完成设置。","#/static/images/en/ios-name-account-to-continue_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-name-account-to-continue_2x.png","#/static/images/en/ios-allow-data_2x.png":"/static/images/zh-Hans/ios-allow-data_2x.png","#If you see an error with an Event ID, provide that info to your Duo administrator or help desk.":"如果出现带有事件 ID 的错误,请将该信息提供给您的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#Duo Universal Prompt access denied":"Duo Universal Prompt 访问被拒","#If you're on a mobile device, tap Open Duo Mobile to activate the new account in Duo Mobile.":"如果您使用的是移动设备,请轻触打开 Duo Mobile 以激活 Duo Mobile 中的新账户。","#Logging into a Duo-protected application enabled for self-enrollment takes you to the device management page to enroll. Click Get started to enroll your first device.":"登录到启用了自行注册的受 Duo 保护的应用后,您将进入设备管理页面以进行注册。点击立即开始注册您的第一台设备。","#Tap Use a QR code.":"轻触使用 QR 码。","#It's a good idea to take a few minutes to practice approving and denying Duo authentication requests if you haven't used Duo before. Tap Practice now to go through some training screens. If you feel comfortable using Duo Mobile to log in to applications you can tap Skip.":"如果您以前没有使用过 Duo,最好花几分钟时间练习一下如何批准和拒绝 Duo 身份验证请求。轻触立即练习,浏览相关培训页面。如果您可以轻松自如地使用 Duo Mobile 登录应用,可以轻触跳过。","#Allow Duo Mobile to collect data to help improve your experience by tapping Continue. To turn off sharing usage data, tap Turn off.":"轻触继续以允许 Duo Mobile 收集数据来帮助改善您的体验。要关闭分享使用情况数据,请轻触关闭。","#Name Your Account to Continue":"命名您的账户以继续","#Give the new account a name and tap Save.":"为新账户命名,然后轻触保存。","#Allow Duo Mobile to Collect Usage Data":"允许 Duo Mobile 收集使用情况数据","#Tap Check my accounts to check each of your Duo-protected accounts for possible issues. For example, notifications are disabled for Duo Mobile on this device:":"轻触检查我的账户以检查您的每个受 Duo 保护的账户可能存在的问题。例如,此设备上已禁用 Duo Mobile 的通知:","#Tap Continue.":"点击继续。","#Tap OK and return to your browser to complete the log in process.":"轻触确定并返回浏览器以完成登录过程。","#Tap Next.":"轻触下一步。","#Duo Desktop: Approve an authentication attempt with Duo Desktop.":"Duo Desktop:批准使用 Duo Desktop 进行身份验证尝试。","#In order to use Duo Desktop for authentication, make sure you have the following:":"要使用 Duo Desktop 进行身份验证,请确保您具备以下条件:","#Your device must be running macOS 11+ or Windows 10 build 1803+.":"您的设备必须运行 macOS 11+ 或 Windows 10 版本 1803+。","#Duo Desktop 6.12.0+ installed on Windows or Duo Desktop installed on macOS.":"在 Windows 上安装的 Duo Desktop 6.12.0+ 或在 macOS 上安装的 Duo Desktop。","#Duo Desktop will pop up a confirmation window. Click Yes to link your account.":"Duo Desktop 将弹出一个确认窗口。点击以关联您的账户。","#Click Continue to login.":"点击继续登录。","#You can now log in to Duo-protected applications that show the Duo prompt in a web browser using Duo Desktop. If you switch between computers, your organization's Duo administrator may have enabled an option that automatically sets up Duo Desktop for authentication on different computers after you complete the setup steps once.":"现在,您可以使用 Duo Desktop 登录受 Duo 保护的应用,这些应用会在 Web 浏览器中显示 Duo 提示。如果您可以切换所用计算机,则您组织的 Duo 管理员可能已启用了一个选项,该选项可以在您完成一次设置步骤后,自动设置 Duo Desktop 以在不同计算机上进行身份验证。","#Choose any of the available methods and proceed through the steps for adding it. If you don't want to add another method at this time, click I don't want to add more devices.":"选择任何可用的方法并继续执行添加步骤。如果您此时不想添加其他方法,请点击我不想添加更多设备。","#Please note that you cannot authenticate in to the self-service portal with Duo Desktop. You must use another authentication method to access device management.":"请注意,您无法使用 Duo Desktop 在自助服务门户中进行身份验证。您必须使用其他身份验证方法才能访问设备管理。","#Duo Desktop can also be used as an authentication method if enabled by your Duo administrator.":"如果您的 Duo 管理员已启用 Duo Desktop,它也可以用作身份验证方法 。","#Approve prompt for Duo Desktop authentication on macOS":"批准 macOS 上的 Duo Desktop 身份验证提示","#Approve prompt for Duo Desktop authentication on Windows":"批准 Windows 上的 Duo Desktop 身份验证提示","#Linking an Account for Duo Desktop Authentication on macOS":"在 macOS 上关联账户以进行 Duo Desktop 身份验证","#Linking an Account for Duo Desktop Authentication on Windows":"在 Windows 上关联账户以进行 Duo Desktop 身份验证","#Continue to Login for Duo Desktop Authentication on macOS":"继续登录以在 macOS 上进行 Duo Desktop 身份验证","#Continue to Login for Duo Desktop Authentication on Windows":"继续登录以在 Windows 上进行 Duo Desktop 身份验证","#Duo Desktop authentication":"Duo Desktop 身份验证","#Duo Desktop will ask you to approve or deny the authentication attempt. Review the request and click Approve to log in to the application.":"Duo Desktop 将要求您批准或拒绝身份验证尝试。查看请求并点击批准以登录应用。","#On macOS:":"在 macOS 上:","#On Windows:":"在 Windows 上:","#Traditional Duo Prompt End of Support":"旧版 Duo Prompt 支持终止","#The traditional Duo Prompt reached the end of support for most applications in March 2024. Your organization may still be completing its migration to the Duo Universal Prompt.":"旧版 Duo Prompt 已于 2024 年 3 月终止对大多数应用的支持。您的组织可能尚未完成向 Duo Universal Prompt 的迁移。","#Please contact your organization's Duo administrator or help desk if you see a \"Setup error\" message from Duo when you're accessing an application that still uses the traditional Duo Prompt.":"如果您在访问仍使用旧版 Duo Prompt 的应用时看到 Duo 的“设置错误”消息,请联系您组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#Traditional Duo Prompt Setup Error":"旧版 Duo Prompt 设置错误","#macOS virtual machines":"macOS 虚拟机","#Windows client editions, including Enterprise, Pro, and Home:":"Windows 客户端版本,包括企业版、专业版和家庭版:","#Windows 10 build 1803 and later":"Windows 10 版本 1803 及更高版本","#Windows Server 2016 and later":"Windows Server 2016 及更高版本","#Windows virtual machines":"Windows 虚拟机","#Duo Desktop does not support earlier versions of Windows or macOS beta versions.":"Duo Desktop 不支持 Windows 的早期版本或 macOS 测试版。","#Device Health Checks":"设备运行状况检查","#Duo Desktop as an Authentication Method":"将 Duo Desktop 用作身份验证方法","#Duo Desktop Authentication Requirements":"Duo Desktop 身份验证要求","#Enroll in Duo Desktop for Authentication":"注册 Duo Desktop 以进行身份验证","#Initial Enrollment with Duo Desktop for Authentication":"初始注册 Duo Desktop 以进行身份验证","#Add Duo Desktop for Authentication From the Duo Prompt":"从 Duo Prompt 添加 Duo Desktop 以进行身份验证","#Authenticate with Duo Desktop":"使用 Duo Desktop 进行身份验证","#Duo Desktop prompts you to approve or deny an authentication request.":"Duo Desktop 将提示您批准或拒绝身份验证请求。","#Duo Device Health is now Duo Desktop. The user interface started showing the new name in November 2023.":"Duo Device Health 现已更名为 Duo Desktop。用户界面已于 2023 年 11 月开始显示新名称。","#You are logging in to a Duo application that features the Duo Universal Prompt.":"您正在登录具有 Duo Universal Prompt 功能的 Duo 应用。","#You can enroll in Duo Desktop for authentication during the initial self-enrollment process or, if you already enrolled in Duo using a different device (like your mobile phone), you can add Duo Desktop as an additional authentication method from the device management portal.":"您可以在初始自行注册过程中注册 Duo Desktop 以进行身份验证;或者,如果您已使用其他设备(例如手机)注册了 Duo,则可以从设备管理门户将 Duo Desktop 添加为附加身份验证方法。","#Access the Duo enrollment page via a link emailed by your administrator, or when you log in for the first time to a Duo protected resource. Select Duo Desktop from the list of devices.":"通过管理员以电子邮件形式发送的链接,或者在您首次登录受 Duo 保护的资源时访问 Duo 注册页面。从设备列表中选择 Duo Desktop 。","#You can now log in to Duo-protected applications that show the Duo prompt in a web browser using Duo Desktop as an authentication method. Learn how to log in to using Duo Desktop authentication.":"现在,您可以使用 Duo Desktop(作为身份验证方法)登录受 Duo 保护的应用,这些应用会在 Web 浏览器中显示 Duo 提示。了解如何使用 Duo Desktop 身份验证登录 。","#Your Duo administrator may have enabled shared device authentication, this allows you to enroll in Duo Desktop for authentication only once for a certain set of devices. After you go through enrollment once, Duo Desktop will be an available authentication method on other devices. Contact your Duo administrator or help desk for more information.":"您的 Duo 管理员可能已启用共享设备身份验证,这样您便可注册 Duo Desktop 以针对一组特定设备仅进行一次身份验证。在您完成一次注册步骤后,Duo Desktop 将成为其他设备上可用的身份验证方法。有关更多信息,请联系您的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#Linux distributions which support Debian or Red Hat packages:":"支持 Debian 或 Red Hat 软件包的 Linux 发行版:","#If you previously enrolled other devices in Duo, you can easily add Duo Desktop as an additional authentication method, as long as your administrator has enabled Duo's self-service portal.":"如果您之前在 Duo 中注册了其他设备,则只要您的管理员已启用 Duo 的自助服务门户,您即可轻松将 Duo Desktop 添加为附加身份验证方法。","#When logging in to an application with the Universal Prompt, click the Other options link on the authentication page to view your list of available methods. If your organization enabled self-service device management then you'll see a Manage devices choice at the end of the list. Click that to enter the self-service portal.":"当使用 Universal Prompt 登录应用时,点击身份验证页面上的其他选项链接可查看可用方法列表。如果您的组织启用了自助设备管理功能,则列表末尾会显示管理设备选项。点击该选项以进入自助服务门户。","#To access device management you'll first need to verify your identity, just as you do when logging in to a service or application protected by Duo. Click on an available option to verify your identity. If you don't have any devices you can use to authenticate in to the self-service portal, contact your organization's Duo administrator or help desk.":"要访问设备管理,您首先需要验证您的身份,就像登录受 Duo 保护的服务或应用时一样。点击可用选项以验证您的身份。如果您没有可用于在自助服务门户中进行身份验证的设备,请联系您组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#After approving a Duo authentication request, you can see all your registered devices in the self-service portal. Click Add a device.":"在批准 Duo 身份验证请求后,您可以在自助服务门户中查看所有已注册的设备。点击添加设备。","#Follow the Initial Enrollment with Duo Desktop for Authentication instructions to finish adding Duo Desktop was an authentication method.":"按照初始注册 Duo Desktop 以进行身份验证的相关说明将 Duo Desktop 添加为身份验证方法。","#Duo Desktop will ask you to approve or deny the authentication attempt. Click Approve to log in to the application.":"Duo Desktop 将要求您批准或拒绝身份验证尝试。点击批准以登录应用。","#Device Health Checks with Duo Desktop":"使用 Duo Desktop 执行设备运行状况检查","#Select Duo Desktop During Enrollment":"在注册时选择 Duo Desktop","#Debian: 11, 12":"Debian:11、12","#Ubuntu: 24.04 LTS, 23.04, 22.04 LTS, 20.04 LTS":"Ubuntu:24.04 LTS、23.04、22.04 LTS、20.04 LTS","#CentOS Stream: 8, 9":"CentOS Stream:8、9","#Red Hat Enterprise Linux: 8, 9":"Red Hat Enterprise Linux:8、9","#macOS 10.15 and later":"macOS 10.15 及更高版本","#If your password reset succeeds click Continue to proceed.":"如果密码重置成功,请点击继续以继续操作。","#You need to complete Duo authentication before you can reset your password. Click Verify identity to begin. You'll see the Duo two-factor authentication prompt, where you can verify your identity with Duo Push, a security key, or your choice from whichever verification methods your organization allows.":"您需要先完成 Duo 身份验证,然后才能重置密码。点击验证身份以开始。系统将显示 Duo 双因素身份验证提示,您可以在其中使用 Duo Push(一种安全密钥)或选择您组织允许的任何验证方法来验证您的身份。","#For Duo Passwordless, Firefox on macOS cannot prompt to create a security key's PIN. Security keys that already have a PIN set can be used to authenticate in Firefox.":"对于 Duo Passwordless,macOS 版 Firefox 无法提示您为安全密钥创建 PIN 码。已设置 PIN 的安全密钥可用于在 Firefox 中进行身份验证。","#Use of passkeys as platform authenticators requires iOS 16+ or iPadOS 16+.":"将密钥用作平台身份验证器需要设备运行 iOS 16 及更高版本,或者 iPadOS 16 及更高版本。","#No 4":"否 4","#Passkey support with Google Password Manager.":"Google Password Manager 支持使用密钥。","#Check the table below for supported browser versions and Duo login option compatibility. Platform and roaming authenticators may require a different browser or a newer minimum browser version; please refer to WebAuthn Browser Support. Duo's support for the minimum browser version includes Duo Push, passcode, and phone call authentication options.":"查看下表,了解支持的浏览器版本和 Duo 登录选项兼容性。平台身份验证器和漫游身份验证器可能需要使用其他浏览器或更新的最低浏览器版本,具体请参阅 WebAuthn 浏览器支持。Duo 对最低浏览器版本的支持包括 Duo Push、密码和电话呼叫身份验证选项。","#Yes 1 2":"是 1 2","#Use of passkeys as platform authenticators requires Windows 11 and Chrome 108 or later.":"将密钥用作平台身份验证器需要设备运行 Windows 11 并使用 Chrome 108 或更高版本。","#Yes 3":"是 3","#Use of passkeys as platform authenticators requires macOS 13 and Safari or Chrome 108.":"将密钥用作平台身份验证器需要设备运行 macOS 13 并使用 Safari 或 Chrome 108。","#Firefox 122 or later is required for platform authenticators.":"平台身份验证器需要使用 Firefox 122 或更高版本。","#macOS 11 and later":"macOS 11 及更高版本","#Direct Download and Install":"直接下载和安装","#If you do not have administrative rights on your computer or encounter issues installing Duo Desktop, please contact your organization's Duo administrator or Help Desk.":"如果您没有计算机的管理权限或在安装 Duo Desktop 时遇到问题,请联系您所在组织的 Duo 管理员或服务中心。","#Update Notifications":"更新通知","#Update Recommended":"建议更新","#Update Required":"需要更新","#If your administrator has set a minimum required version of Duo Mobile, you may see a notification in Duo Mobile after attempting to authenticate with Duo Push or Duo Mobile passcode.":"如果您的管理员已设置所需的最低 Duo Mobile 版本,则在尝试使用 Duo Push 或 Duo Mobile 密码进行身份验证后,您可能会在 Duo Mobile 中看到相关通知。","#If your Duo Mobile version is out of date, you'll see a notification in Duo Mobile recommending that you update the app after authenticating.":"如果您的 Duo Mobile 不是最新版本,则在进行身份验证后,您会在 Duo Mobile 中看到建议您更新应用的通知。","#Your organization may choose to block access from older versions of Duo Mobile. If your version is blocked, you will see a notification in Duo Mobile when you try to authenticate. In that case, you'll need to update Duo Mobile to a newer version and reauthenticate. If you can't update Duo Mobile at that time, you can switch to a different available authentication method.":"您所在组织可以选择阻止通过较旧版本的 Duo Mobile 进行访问。如果您的版本被阻止,当您尝试进行身份验证时,您会在 Duo Mobile 中看到相关通知。在这种情况下,您需要将 Duo Mobile 更新为较新版本并重新进行身份验证。如果当时无法更新 Duo Mobile,您可以切换到其他可用的身份验证方式。","#Duo Mobile iOS Update Recommended Notification":"“建议更新 Duo Mobile iOS”通知","#Duo Mobile iOS Update Required Notification":"“需要更新 Duo Mobile iOS”通知","#Duo Mobile Android Update Recommended Notification":"“建议更新 Duo Mobile Android”通知","#Duo Mobile Android Update Required Notification":"“需要更新 Duo Mobile Android”通知","#Troubleshoot on Duo Mobile Android":"排除 Duo Mobile Android 的故障","#Troubleshoot Internet in Duo Mobile Android":"排除 Duo Mobile Android 的互联网故障","#If you're having issues authenticating with a Duo-protected account you can use the Troubleshoot tool in Duo Mobile version 4.70 or later to check for issues. Tap the menu and go to Troubleshoot.":"如果您向受 Duo 保护的账户进行身份验证时遇到问题,可以使用 Duo Mobile 版本 4.70 或更高版本中的故障排除工具检查问题。轻触菜单并转到故障排除。","#The troubleshooting tool checks common issues that may affect Duo-protected authentication. For example, this device can't connect to Duo's service, and has some disabled accounts:":"故障排除工具会检查可能影响受 Duo 保护的身份验证的常见问题。例如,此设备无法连接到 Duo 的服务,并且有一些账户已被禁用:","#Tap the items that show issues for more information and next steps for troubleshooting. On this device with networking issues, tapping the Internet connection check shows steps for turning on WiFi.":"轻触显示问题的项目,了解详细信息以及后续故障排除步骤。在发生网络问题的设备上,轻触互联网连接检查以显示开启 WiFi 的步骤。","#Enabling Duo Restore (Updated)":"启用 Duo Restore(已更新)","#Updated experience coming soon! Please see Enabling Duo Restore for the current Instant Restore flow.":"新体验即将推出!有关最新 Instant Restore 流程,请参阅启用 Duo Restore。","#Recovering Duo-Protected Accounts with Instant Restore (Updated)":"通过 Instant Restore 恢复 Duo-Protected 账户(已更新)","#Updated experience coming soon! Please see Recovering Duo-Protected Accounts with Instant Restore for the current Instant Restore flow.":"新体验即将推出!有关最新 Instant Restore 流程,请参阅通过 Instant Restore 恢复 Duo-Protected 账户。","#To use Instant Restore, you must have previously included Duo Mobile app data in your Android device backup. Automatic backups require that your device has a PIN, pattern, or password screen lock. Additionally, your organization's Duo administrator must have enabled the Instant Restore feature. Third-party accounts will also be restored if third-party backup was enabled on the old device.":"要使用 Instant Restore,您必须事先将 Duo Mobile 应用数据加入 Android 设备备份 。要启用自动备份功能,您的设备必须设置 PIN 码、图案或密码作为屏幕锁。此外,您所在组织的 Duo 管理员必须已启用 Instant Restore 功能。如果已在旧设备上启用了第三方备份功能,第三方账户也将被恢复。","#Sign in to your Google account on your new device during device setup.":"设置设备时,在新设备上登录您的 Google 账户。","#During setup of your new Android device you should choose to restore your old device backup from the cloud.":"设置新的 Android 设备时,您应选择从云端恢复旧设备的备份。","#Download and open the Duo Mobile app on your new device.":"在您的新设备上下载并打开 Duo Mobile 应用。","#Duo Mobile locates your Duo-protected and third-party accounts in your backup and restores them to the app on your device. When complete, you're taken to the accounts list in the app.":"Duo Mobile 会在您的备份中查找受 Duo 保护的账户和第三方账户,并将其恢复到您设备上的 Duo Mobile 应用中。完成后,界面会跳转到 Duo Mobile 应用中的账户列表。","#Instant Restore Setting on Android":"Android 上的 Instant Restore 设置","#Automatic backups require that your device has a PIN, pattern, or password screen lock. You may need to update your screen lock settings before continuing.":"要启用自动备份功能,您的设备必须设置 PIN 码、图案或密码作为屏幕锁。您可能需要更新屏幕锁设置,才能继续操作。","#Select Backup Data on Android":"在 Android 上选择“备份数据”","#Locate the Google Backup settings page in your device's settings. Navigation to the Google backup setting can vary by phone manufacturer. For example, on Pixel devices navigate to SettingsGoogleBackup.

You must create Google backups for Duo Mobile backup and restore from cloud to work. Backup services offered by other vendors, such as Samsung Cloud backup, will not work for Duo Mobile backup and restore.":"在设备设置中找到 Google 备份设置页面。导航至 Google 备份设置的步骤可能因手机制造商而异。例如,在 Pixel 设备上,相应步骤为:导航至设置Google备份

您必须创建 Google 备份,才能使 Duo Mobile 备份和从云端恢复功能正常工作。其他供应商提供的备份服务(例如 Samsung Cloud 备份)不适用于 Duo Mobile 备份和恢复功能。","#If you haven't already enabled app data in your backup, select the checkbox next to Other device data to include Duo Restore information in your backup. Tap Confirm.
If you already have Google account backup enabled you should see Apps included in the \"Backup Details\" information.":"如果尚未启用备份中的应用数据,请选中其他设备数据旁的复选框,以将 Duo Restore 信息加入备份。轻触确认
如果已启用 Google 账户备份功能,则在“备份详情”信息中,您应该能看到已加入备份的应用。","#If you just enabled Google backup, tap Back up now to create your first system backup before continuing to the next step.":"如果刚刚启用了 Google 备份功能,请轻触立即备份以创建第一个系统备份,然后再继续下一步。","#At this point, you can also choose to enable account recovery for your third-party accounts. Open the Duo Mobile app and navigate to SettingsDuo Instant Restore.":"此时,还可以选择为第三方账户启用账户恢复功能。打开 Duo Mobile 应用,然后导航至设置Duo Instant Restore。","#Tap Automatically reconnect third-party accounts from cloud to enable. This will include third-party accounts in your Duo Restore information.":"轻触从云端自动重新连接第三方账户以启用该功能。这会将第三方账户加入您的 Duo Restore 信息。","#Nightly Google backups will include Duo Restore information. To see the last time a successful backup occurred, open the Duo Mobile app and navigate to SettingsDuo Instant Restore. Automatic backups require that your device has a PIN, pattern, or password screen lock.":"每晚进行的 Google 备份将包含 Duo Restore 信息。要查看最近一次成功备份的时间,请打开 Duo Mobile 应用并导航至设置Duo Instant Restore。要启用自动备份功能,您的设备必须设置 PIN 码、图案或密码作为屏幕锁。","#If you created a Google Drive backup using the old Duo Restore toggle, you can still access this backup to perform an Instant Restore.":"如果您使用旧版 Duo Restore 的切换按钮创建了 Google Drive 备份,则仍可访问此备份来执行 Instant Restore。","#Install Duo Mobile for iPhone/iOS or Android. Be sure to install the app published by Duo Security LLC.":"安装适用于 iPhone/iOSAndroid 的 Duo Mobile。请务必安装 Duo Security LLC 发布的应用。"},"version":12971},{"_id":"en","source":"en","pluralFn":"return n != 1 ? 1 : 0;","pluralForm":2,"dictionary":{},"version":12971}]