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In some situations, these issues are exacerbated by fungal toxins linked to chronic candidiasis and mold-produced compounds. For example, chemical aldehydes from fungus are known to be highly reactive compounds that […]":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#\"Healing from Rheumatoid Arthritis\" by Dr. Woeller from Mosaic Diagnostics on Vimeo.":1,"#William Shaw, PhD provides information about ways to detoxify the body and what tests can determine how well a patient is able to detoxify. Includes case studies and discussion about reference range percentiles.":1,"#Guidelines for the treatment of yeast have been documented in the literature for nearly every major organ system (Pappas). Yet, a standard of care for gastrointestinal yeast treatment is surprisingly absent despite the large body of work demonstrating that pathogenic yeast causes harm to various aspects of the gastrointestinal tract (Zwolinska, Brzozowski). Clinicians suspicious of […]":1,"#Greenblatt Book":1,"#Solving the Brain Puzzle LP":1,"#Employee Handbook":1,"#New Client Form USA and Canada":1,"#Gastrointestinal Archives - MosaicDX":1,"#This brochure is designed to provide an overview detecting Clostridia with the Organic Acids Test (OAT).":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#Summarize PDF":1,"#Altri fattori":1,"#Trasformazione dei prodotti alimentari":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#Are you interested in understanding the role of integrative medicine in mental health? This informative webinar provides an introduction to integrative approaches in mental health care. Dr. Greenblatt provides an overview of the principles and practices of integrative medicine, which incorporates conventional and complementary therapies to address the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of […]":1,"#Join us for a compelling webinar on the topic of mitochondrial dysfunction and autism, as we revisit the latest research and findings in this field. Learn about the role of mitochondria in cellular energy production and how dysfunction in these crucial cellular powerhouses may contribute to the development of autism spectrum disorders. Gain insights from […]":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#The Role of Vitamin D, Serotonin and Melatonin Balance in Adrenal Dysfunction — Great Plains Laboratory":1,"#Mosaic Diagnostics Iron + Total Iron-Binding Capacity Sample Test Report":1,"#The Omega 3 Test also supplies information regarding important omega fat ratios. Specifically tested are the omega 6:3 and AA:EPA ratios. Ideally, both ratios should be low. As we saw above, the balance between omega 6 and 3 fats is crucial in many disease states. The Omega 6: 3 ratio in the developed world tends to be much higher than optimal health would support. This is due to the abundance of omega 6 rich foods in the diet. Concurrently, there is a substantial lack of omega 3s in the diet. Common foods like chips, snack cakes, and fast foods are readily available and cooked in oils high in omega 6. When improperly balanced with omega 3s an environment of inflammation is created. On average the ratio seen in most individuals is upwards of 15-17:1 and higher results have been documented. In asthma, a ratio of 5:1 correlates with decreased airway inflammation and improved clinical outcomes (19). In contrast, a ratio of 2-3:1 was helpful in RA. 10:1 ratio was seen as detrimental in both conditions. The differences in ratios for each condition opens the thought process that the ratio optimization will depend on the condition and also the level in which the client in question is currently trending. Testing is the best way to understand where each client’s ratio stands pre-treatment.":1,"#Research has shown great benefits in omega 3 supplements as an addition to various disease states. Most common omega fats have been studied in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular events. Most of the research is focused on the reduction of total cholesterol. Omega 3 fats have been shown to reduce LDL-C and triglycerides, which are implicated in cardiovascular events (5). The addition of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has shown promising results in reducing the incidence of arrhythmias (3). In relation to mental health, omega fats are often seen to be reduced in the blood of those diagnosed with schizophrenia. Various mechanisms are thought to play a role in the reduction of omega 3s, especially DHA. The level of DHA in mental health is crucial to understand as 60% of the brain is constituted of phospholipids and 40% of those are DHA. This is often deficient in schizophrenic patients. In some cases, it’s a genetic misincorporation of DHA as there is a fatty acid binding protein preference for more in inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids (7). This leads to an increased omega 6:3 ratio. In most cases, these patients have been noted to eat a more inflammatory diet, devoid of omega 3 rich foods (14). In depression, the addition of omega DHA and EPA has been shown to improve mood. This is also seen in perinatal and postpartum depression when given in combination with other traditional therapies. In Autism Spectrum Disorders, blood levels of fatty acids show increased omega 6 PUFA in comparison to omega 3. This equates to an elevated omega 6:3 ratio (12). More studies with larger sample sizes are needed to further the research in autism even though many clinical benefits have been seen with omega fat administration (1).":1,"#Omega Fats and Common Conditions":1,"#January 17, 2022":1,"#In today’s developed and developing worlds, inflammation is on the rise. Inflammation is a protective mechanism employed by our bodies when being attacked or under stress. Acutely, inflammation is protective. Chronic inflammation is what contributes to long-standing chronic disease. With the ease of eating on the go and the abundance of fast food, foods that […]":1,"#Clostridia Archives - MosaicDX":1,"#Tag: Clostridia":1,"#Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a multifactorial condition that is influenced by genetic, biological, environmental, and nutritional factors. While there are numerous integrative therapies available including vitamins, minerals, herbs, neurofeedback, exercise, and meditation, individuals are unique and thus require personalized treatments based on their own biological needs identified through laboratory testing. In this article, we will discuss commonly overlooked mineral deficiencies and imbalances in the gastrointestinal flora that can exacerbate behavioral symptoms and impede the therapeutic effect of pharmacological treatment.In the early 1960s, researchers discovered that zinc was an essential trace mineral necessary for normal growth and development. Zinc is also critical for immune function, and the activity of over 300 enzymes is dependent on zinc bioavailability. Zinc is a vital component of the central nervous system, maintaining neurotransmitter activity. This mineral enhances GABA, one of our main inhibitory/relaxation neurotransmitters. Moreover, zinc is needed as a co-factor to produce melatonin which helps regulate dopamine function.":1,"#\"Integrative Treatments for Behavioral Problems in Children\" by Dr. Greenblatt from Mosaic Diagnostics on Vimeo.":1,"#Propriétés et métabolisme des mycotoxines, partie 1 et partie 2 .":1,"#Teil zwei":1,"#Beta-Casomorphin Induces Fos-Like Immunoreactivity In Discrete Brain Regions Relevant To Schizophrenia And Autism. - MosaicDX":1,"#SUN, ET AL., AUTISM, 1999":1,"#The webinar will provide an overview of the latest research on the use of phytochemicals in the management of depression, including their mechanisms of action, safety, and efficacy. It will also discuss practical applications of phytochemicals in clinical practice, including dosages, formulations, and potential interactions with other medications.":1,"#This insightful webinar explores the complex relationship between viral infections, brain inflammation, and autism. Expert in the field, Dr. Woeller, will discuss the current research and evidence linking viral infections to autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including the potential mechanisms by which viral infections may trigger or exacerbate brain inflammation in individuals with ASD. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of how viral infections can impact brain health and contribute to the development and progression of autism. He will also discuss the role of the immune system, the gut-brain axis, and environmental factors in the interplay between viral infections and ASD. Additionally, you’ll learn about potential therapeutic strategies to mitigate the effects of viral infections on brain inflammation and improve the health and well-being of individuals with autism. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a parent, a caregiver, or simply interested in learning more about the connection between viral infections, brain inflammation, and autism, this webinar is a valuable resource for you. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and gain insights into this important topic!":1,"#Spotlight: funghi, micotossine e composti organici volatili microbici negli interni ammuffiti di edifici danneggiati dall'acqua.":1,"#Il contaminante alimentare zearalenone e i suoi metaboliti influenzano la sintesi delle citochine e l'integrità epiteliale intestinale delle cellule suine.":1,"#Il deossinivalenolo compromette l'espressione genica epatica e intestinale di proteine selezionate di stress ossidativo, giunzioni strette e infiammazione nei polli da carne, ma l'aggiunta di un agente adsorbente sposta gli effetti alle parti distali dell'intestino tenue.":1,"#Il deossinivalenolo compromette l'aumento di peso e influenza i marcatori della salute dell'intestino dopo l'esposizione a basse dosi e a breve termine dei suini in crescita.":1,"#T. Un aggiornamento sulle tossine T2: metabolismo, meccanismo di immunotossicità e valutazione dell’esposizione umana del microbiota intestinale.":1,"#Available in Spanish, Portuguese":1,"#Qin, X., Su, X., Tu, T., Zhang, J., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Bai, Y., Yao, B., Luo, H., & Huang, H. (2021). Dégradation enzymatique de plusieurs mycotoxines majeures par la peroxydase décolorante du bacillus subtilis. Toxines, 13 (6), 429. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins13060429":1,"#Kim et al. (2010). Association between blood lead levels (< 5 μg/dL) and inattention-hyperactivity and neurocognitive profiles in school-aged Korean children. Science of the Total Environment, 408(23), 5737-5743.":1,"#Join us for a comprehensive webinar on IgG food sensitivity and its impact on health and disease. We will delve into the science behind IgG food sensitivities, how they can trigger inflammation and immune responses in the body, and the link between IgG food sensitivities and various diseases. You’ll learn about the latest research on how IgG food sensitivities can contribute to conditions such as gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune diseases, skin conditions, migraines, and more. We will discuss testing methods for identifying IgG food sensitivities, interpretation of results, and practical strategies for incorporating IgG food sensitivity testing and management into clinical practice. You’ll also gain insights into integrative treatment approaches for addressing IgG food sensitivities, including elimination diets, targeted nutritional interventions, and lifestyle changes. Whether you are a healthcare professional or an individual interested in understanding the role of IgG food sensitivities in disease, this webinar is a valuable resource for you. Join us to expand your knowledge and learn practical strategies for addressing IgG food sensitivities in clinical practice!":1,"#Join us for a comprehensive webinar on IgG food sensitivity and its impact on health and disease. We will delve into the science behind IgG food sensitivities, how they can trigger inflammation and immune responses in the body, and the link between IgG food sensitivities and various diseases. You’ll learn about the latest research on […]":1,"#IgG Food Sensitivity and Disease — Great Plains Laboratory":1,"#SUN, ET AL., AUTISM, 1999 CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE":1,"#This concludes the evaluation of each mycotoxin on the Profil MycoTOX. Hopefully, it helps in the understanding of these mycotoxins in nature, and potentially in our bodies.":1,"#As a mycotoxin classified under the Aspergillus category, Gliotoxine has an average elevation range for people who are suspicious of mycotoxins between 200-2000 ng/g of creatinine. More extreme cases have been shown to be in the 20,000-25,000 ng/g of creatinine range. Although Aspergillus (particularly the fumigatus species) and Penicillium have been shown to produce Gliotoxin, some yeast can as well, particularly Candidose (1). A study that looked at A. fumigatus strains from silos contaminated with mold found only 11% of the cultures to be gliotoxin producers (2). On the other hand, a study performed at MD Anderson Cancer Center, found 93% of A. fumigatus strains from respiratory and tissue samples produced gliotoxin (3). Other studies that compared environmental versus clinical A. fumigatus producing gliotoxin, have not only found geographical variations, but overall as the evidence suggests, it is found more commonly as the result of internal colonization rather than contaminated environmental sources (4). Gliotoxin is also commonly found in the soil, but in that case, it is most commonly produced by Trichoderma virens to support competition among the other fungus and bacteria (4).":1,"#Both Roridin E et Verrucarin A mycotoxins categorized under the Stachybotrys mold, are relatively similar, though differences will be discussed as they arise. Roridin E is produced by Fusarium, Myrothecium, Trichothecium, Stachybotrys, and less commonly, the Betula cordifolia (the mountain paper birch tree) and the Podostroma cornu-damae mushroom (20, 21). Verrucarin A is also produced by Fusarium, Myrothecium, Trichoderma, and Stachybotrys, but differs in that Trichothecium, Cephalosporium, and Verticimonosporium can also produce it. Though not as common to come up positive on the testing, these are some of the more toxic mycotoxins measured. When exposed to trichothecenes the effects can be quite toxic. For Roridin E; irritation of the skin, mucosal layers of the intestines, and the nasal passage have been observed, sometimes leading to blisters and bleeding. Ocular symptoms have been described as burning, blurred vision, conjunctivitis, and pain. Hypotension, nausea, vomiting, and potentially shock have also been documented (22). Symptoms can be variable for Verrucarin A, but can be extreme and have cascading effects. The symptoms include bone marrow damage, nervous disorders, cardiovascular alterations, hemostatic derangements, immunodepression, gastric inflammation and lesions, anorexia, and dermatological lesions potentially leading to necrosis (23,24).":1,"#Similar in structure to aflatoxins, particularly B1 (15), Sterigmatocystin (ST) is most commonly produced by Penicillium et Aspergillus (mainly A. Versicolor and A. nidulans), but can also be produced by Fusarium, Bipolarisand even Stachybotrys and Chaetomium (16, 17). It is not currently monitored in food due to the lack of occurrence. Stored cheese and grains are the only documented contaminated circumstances and there have been no outbreaks associated with ST reported to date (16). It is mostly associated with being a potent liver carcinogen (18). The data was limited on ST, and information was difficult to obtain.":1,"#Stérigmatocystine (ST)":1,"#Del":1,"#Tilmeld":1,"#Mere…":1,"#KS":1,"#In this recorded webinar, expert in the field, Dr. Woeller, shares 10 compelling reasons why every individual with a special needs diagnosis should consider undergoing an Organic Acids Test (OAT). From autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to developmental delays, ADHD to mitochondrial dysfunction, the OAT can provide valuable insights into metabolic and biochemical imbalances that may […]":1,"#In this recorded webinar, expert in the field, Dr. Woeller, shares 10 compelling reasons why every individual with a special needs diagnosis should consider undergoing an Organic Acids Test (OAT). From autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to developmental delays, ADHD to mitochondrial dysfunction, the OAT can provide valuable insights into metabolic and biochemical imbalances that may contribute to a wide range of special needs conditions. Learn how the OAT can help uncover underlying root causes of symptoms, such as nutrient deficiencies, neurotransmitter imbalances, oxidative stress, detoxification issues, and more. Discover the clinical utility of OAT in guiding personalized treatment strategies for individuals with special needs, and gain practical tips on how to interpret and integrate OAT results into clinical practice. Access this recorded webinar now to learn why the Organic Acids Test is a valuable tool for individuals with special needs and how it can inform targeted interventions to optimize health and well-being.":1,"#Metabolism does slow with age, but recent research suggests that it peaks earlier and slows later than we’ve thought. There appears to be a gradual decline between ages 20 and 60, with the more significant change happening in the elder years.2":1,"#You might remember a time in your life when you could seemingly eat whatever you wanted and not gain a single pound. Those days may feel long gone now.":1,"#METABOLISM CHANGES":1,"#Researchers suggest these feelings are usually related to lack of sleep, poor nutrition, stress, or medications. Furthermore, brain fogginess may be tied to low-grade inflammation.1 While there may not be specific clinical treatments for brain fog, addressing underlying inflammation is the best approach.":1,"#Getting older comes with common complaints like a foggy brain, slowed metabolism, and changes in body composition. Learn how to feed your brain and boost your metabolism no matter what season of life you’re in.":1,"#How to Feed Your Brain & Boost Your Metabolism - MosaicDX":1,"#OAT Logo":1,"#The term “brain fog” is used broadly to describe a feeling of cloudiness, forgetfulness, or trouble concentrating. This can make it difficult to get things done.":1,"#Lauren specializes in plant-based living and vegan and vegetarian diets for all ages. She also enjoys writing about parenting and a wide variety of health, environmental, and nutrition topics. Find her at www.laurenpanoff.com.":1,"#Chen X, Huang Y, Cheng HG. Lower intake of vegetables and legumes associated with cognitive decline among illiterate elderly Chinese: a 3-year cohort study. J Nutr Health Aging. 2012;16(6):549-552. doi:10.1007/s12603-012-0023-2":1,"#Hu Y, Ding M, Sampson L, et al. Intake of whole grain foods and risk of type 2 diabetes: results from three prospective cohort studies. BMJ. 2020;370:m2206. Published 2020 Jul 8. doi:10.1136/bmj.m2206":1,"#von Schacky C. Importance of EPA and DHA Blood Levels in Brain Structure and Function. Nutrients. 2021;13(4):1074. Published 2021 Mar 25. doi:10.3390/nu13041074":1,"#La Fata G, Weber P, Mohajeri MH. Effects of vitamin E on cognitive performance during ageing and in Alzheimer’s disease. Nutrients. 2014;6(12):5453-5472. Published 2014 Nov 28. doi:10.3390/nu6125453":1,"#Kalt W, Cassidy A, Howard LR, et al. Recent Research on the Health Benefits of Blueberries and Their Anthocyanins. Adv Nutr. 2020;11(2):224-236. doi:10.1093/advances/nmz065":1,"#Morris MC, Wang Y, Barnes LL, Bennett DA, Dawson-Hughes B, Booth SL. Nutrients and bioactives in green leafy vegetables and cognitive decline: Prospective study. Neurology. 2018;90(3):e214-e222. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000004815":1,"#Kim J. Pre-Clinical Neuroprotective Evidences and Plausible Mechanisms of Sulforaphane in Alzheimer’s Disease. Int J Mol Sci. 2021;22(6):2929. Published 2021 Mar 13. doi:10.3390/ijms22062929":1,"#Keller K, Engelhardt M. Strength and muscle mass loss with aging process. Age and strength loss. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2014;3(4):346-350. Published 2014 Feb 24.":1,"#Pontzer H, Yamada Y, Sagayama H, et al. Daily energy expenditure through the human life course. Science. 2021;373(6556):808-812. doi:10.1126/science.abe5017":1,"#BRAIN FOG":1,"#Kverno K. Brain Fog: A Bit of Clarity Regarding Etiology, Prognosis, and Treatment. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv. 2021;59(11):9-13. doi:10.3928/02793695-20211013-01":1,"#We will all experience changes in our everyday wellness, but that doesn’t mean we always have to accept it as a new normal. While not everything is preventable, improving your nutrition and exercise routine can make a significant difference in your brain and metabolic health. Consider a Mosaic Diagnostics laboratory test to gain further insight, and always speak to your healthcare provider if you have health concerns.":1,"#TAKING BRAIN AND METABOLIC HEALTH INTO YOUR HANDS":1,"#Organic acids are chemical compounds that are products of metabolism and are excreted in the urine. The Organic Acids Test (OAT) utilizes 76 markers to offer a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of overall health. This includes evaluating the balance of intestinal microorganisms that can contribute to numerous health concerns. The OAT also includes markets for oxidative stress, neurotransmitter levels, oxalates, vitamins, and minerals that may be correlated with certain conditions.":1,"#OAT (ORGANIC ACID TEST)":1,"#This is a urine test that offers information about metabolic, nutritional, and neurological disorders. It analyzes 40 amino acids, identifies abnormalities, and provides potential causes, consequences, and nutrition-related information. This test may be insightful for those experiencing things like mood changes, tiredness, and feelings of fogginess.":1,"#AMINO ACID TEST":1,"#In addition to improving your nutrition and exercise habits, consider a diagnostic test to gain further insight into your health. Below are two of the tests offered by Mosaic Diagnostics and what data they can provide.":1,"#CONSIDER A DIAGNOSTIC TOOL":1,"#Legumes: Soy foods, like tofu and tempeh, as well as beans, peas, and lentils, are rich in B vitamins and flavonols, which help support brain health. One study found that diets low in legumes were associated with more cognitive decline among the elderly.10":1,"#Countless adults experience things like brain fogginess, a slowed metabolism, and a loss of muscle mass. Let’s take a deeper dive into these common complaints and what you can do to feed your brain and metabolism well.":1,"#Whole grains: Contrary to their ultra-refined counterparts, whole grains maintain all the original parts of the grain, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These help promote satiety and stable blood sugar, benefiting mood and energy levels.9":1,"#Fatty fish or algae oil: These provide the omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, which help support brain health and function.8":1,"#Nuts and seeds: Almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, chia, flax, and hemp seeds, for example, contain unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, which acts as a protective antioxidant.7":1,"#Colorful berries: An array of blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries provide antioxidants that help support cellular health by protecting the body from oxidative stress-related damage.6":1,"#Leafy greens: This includes foods like lettuce, spinach, arugula, chard, and fresh herbs. One study among 60-90-year-olds found that those who ate at least one serving of leafy greens per day experienced brain function equivalent to being 11 years younger.5":1,"#Cruciferous vegetables: Add more broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and kale to your plate. Broccoli contains a compound called sulforaphane, which has been widely studied for its brain-protective and health-promoting characteristics.4":1,"#Consider adding more of these foods to feed your brain and metabolism:":1,"#Instead, focus on minimally processed foods, especially fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes. These provide fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fats, and protein your body and brain need. These nutrients help support normal blood sugar regulation, a normal inflammatory response, and a healthy brain, mood, and metabolism.":1,"#While it’s easy to eat mostly packaged and convenience foods today, these tend to be nutrient-poor, high in calories, fat, sodium and added sugar, but low in vitamins and minerals. As a result, they often encourage unstable blood sugar, brain fog, tiredness, low mood, inflammation, and weight gain, all of which have negative effects on your feelings of wellness.":1,"#What you feed your brain and body every day is key to your health. Nutrition determines how much fuel you have and how well your body can perform and protect you from ailments and injuries.":1,"#As we age, changes in our normal standard of health can become more noticeable. Ever walked into a room and forgotten what you came for, woken up groggy for no reason, or noticed unintentional changes in body composition? These can all be frustrating to experience but are more common than you may think.":1,"#Staying active helps support mobility, energy, healthy metabolism, and body composition. Consider the ways you already enjoy moving your body, things you’re interested in trying, and how you can incorporate more strength training exercises, like using resistance bands, dumbbells, or bodyweight movements.":1,"#Regular exercise with intentional rest days is ideal for overall wellness. Rotating activities like jogging, walking, swimming, biking, sports, yoga, stretching, and resistance or strength training engages your full body, promote muscle building and maintenance, and offer overall health benefits.":1,"#PHYSICAL ACTIVITY":1,"#Now that we’ve covered some of the most frequent brain and metabolism-related complaints among adults, let’s examine how you can adjust your lifestyle to improve them. Two of the biggest factors in feeding your brain well and supporting a healthy metabolism are exercise and nutrition.":1,"#HOW TO FEED YOUR BRAIN AND BOOST YOUR METABOLISM":1,"#It also helps you burn the excess fat that could otherwise increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems. Furthermore, having muscle increases your strength and ability to engage in physical activities you enjoy.":1,"#Maintaining a healthy percentage of muscle mass helps reduce further age-related muscle loss from occurring. Muscle is also responsible for determining your basal metabolic rate, or how many calories you burn each day.":1,"#Loss of muscle mass starts around age 30.3 Regardless of how old you are, now is an important time to start focusing on ways to preserve existing lean muscle mass and build more.":1,"#REDUCED MUSCLE MASS":1,"#What’s more likely contributing to perceived changes in metabolism during adulthood are our lifestyle habits, particularly exercise, and nutrition. These play a large role in energy expenditure, as well as feeling able to participate in things we enjoy.":1,"#May 9, 2023":1,"#Michael J. Lumb and Christopher J. Danpure. Functional Synergism between the Most Common Polymorphism in Human Alanine:Glyoxylate Aminotransferase and Four of the Most Common Disease-causing Mutations. Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 275, No. 46, November 17, pp. 36415–36422, 2000":1,"#Konstantynowicz J, Porowski T, Zoch-Zwierz W, Wasilewska J, Kadziela-Olech H, Kulak W, Owens SC, Piotrowska-Jastrzebska J, Kaczmarski M. A potential pathogenic role of oxalate in autism. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2012 Sep;16(5):485-91.":1,"#Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia According to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks the brain’s nerve cells (neurons), resulting in loss of memory, cognitive and language skills, and behavioral changes. These neurons produce the neurotransmitter (brain chemical), acetylcholin, and break connections with other neurons and ultimately die. […]":1,"#oA avaliação destes produtos a jusante das vias metabólicas fornece informações sobre potenciais deficiências nutricionais, inflamação, toxicidade e outros desequilíbrios que podem estar contribuindo para queixas clínicas":1,"#This time only, Dr. Lawrence has given special permission for access to the presentation slides. Download the PDF slides. The material contained within this presentation is not intended to replace the services and/or medical advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner, nor is it meant to encourage diagnosis and treatment of disease. It is for educational […]":1,"#This time only, Dr. Lawrence has given special permission for access to the presentation slides. Download the PDF slides.":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#April 24, 2020 Detoxification, MycoTOX Do you ever walk into a room in your home or office building and notice a faint odor? Or have you or someone you love had the unfortunate experience of a chronic condition that isn’t easily explained after consulting with various doctors? Well, mold toxicity could be a major factor in […]":1,"#Do you ever walk into a room in your home or office building and notice a faint odor? Or have you or someone you love had the unfortunate experience of a chronic condition that isn’t easily explained after consulting with various doctors? Well, mold toxicity could be a major factor in your clinical picture. So […]":1,"#In this informative webinar, Dr. Woeller presents compelling case studies that highlight the importance of adrenal hormone testing and treatment in clinical practice. Through real-world cases, he shares practical insights on interpreting adrenal hormone test results, identifying adrenal dysfunction, and designing personalized treatment plans. Discover how adrenal hormone imbalances can impact patients’ health and wellbeing, […]":1,"#nobody@mycraftmail.com":1,"#Chai W, Liebman M. Effect of different cooking methods on vegetable oxalate content. J Agric Food Chem. 2005;53(8):3027-3030. doi:10.1021/jf048128d":1,"#Dysbiosis is the overgrowth of yeast and/or bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. The negative role of abnormal intestinal microorganisms in gastrointestinal disorders is widely known. However, research also shows the relationship between the gastrointestinal and other systems in the body, such as the neurological, hepatic, and immune systems. For example, excessive yeast in the gut produces toxic metabolites, which can pass through the blood-brain barrier and alter neurological functioning causing “brain fog,” behavior problems, and learning difficulties. Toxic bacteria byproducts (like those from Clostridia) can interfere with neurotransmitters and cause a variety of problems including chronicfatigue and mental health disorders.":1,"#How to know when to suggest a diet like SCD, GAPS or Paleo for your patients: Have clinical tests like our Organic Acids Test or Microbial Organic Acids Test indicated yeast and/or bacterial overgrowth? Have repeated courses of antibiotics and/or antifungals failed to resolve these often chronic disorders? Have you tried multiple probiotics which have failed to repopulate the gut with good bacteria and yeast? Has IgG food allergy testing shown continued food allergies despite removal of the common allergens like wheat, dairy, and soy? Has your patient developed new or increasing food allergies despite being on an “allergy-friendly” diet? If you answered yes to any of these questions, considering a more specific and restrictive diet beyond GFCF (Gluten Free, Casein Free) could be the next step in healing for your patients.":1,"#Special diets have become increasingly common and more popular in recent years. Reports from both physicians and patients, many with laboratory tests confirming, say they can be helpful for a variety of diseases including autism, ADHD, multiple sclerosis, auto-immunity, rheumatoid arthritis, bowel conditions, and many more. Three diets in particular appear to help address gut dysbiosis, the overgrowth of microbes such as yeast and bacteria, which can be problematic for many individuals. Research shows that more than 70% of children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) report a history of GI complaints.1 “Leaky Gut”, or intestinal permeability, results from larger than normal spaces between the cells of the gut wall. These spaces allow undigested food and toxins to enter the blood stream. When this happens, the immune system can mount an attack against the foreign particles which may result in food sensitivities and/or allergies. When the offending foods are eaten again, the release of antibodies triggers inflammation. This chronic inflammation further exacerbates the cycle by lowering Immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels. Adequate IgA levels are required to protect the intestinal tract from the gut pathogens such as clostridia and yeast. This continuous cycle can increase gut dysbiosis and negatively impact the overall health of your patients. All three of these special diets – SCD, GAPS, and Paleo may help address these issues by reducing the amount of undigested and allergenic foods being consumed and healing both the gut and brain.":1,"#Diet can be a very effective way to reduce harmful gut pathogens by removing their food supply and decreasing the inflammation they cause. Diligence, dedication, and strict adherence is required from your patients to see the full benefits of these special diets. In cases where antibiotics, antifungals, supplements, and probiotics have not been successful, these diets may help reverse the gut dysbiosis, after which reintegrating various supplements and probiotics may be effective . For newly diagnosed patients, implementing one of these diets may be a good way to begin their healing process quickly and effectively. As Ann Wigmore, health practitioner, nutritionist, and whole foods advocate said, “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison”.":1,"#In this article I highlight specific parasites often encountered in a general integrative and functional medicine clinical practice: Blastocystis hominis, Cryptosporidium parvum, Dientamoeba fragilis, Entamoeba histolytica, and Giardia lamblia.":1,"#Goldenseal is a perennial herb that flourishes in the eastern regions of the United States and Canada (southeastern). As an antimicrobial, an interesting characteristic is a proposed efflux pump inhibition effect (30). Efflux pumps are intracellular mechanisms of various organisms that allow it to excrete antimicrobial chemicals that are transported or diffuse into the cell. As an anti-parasitic botanical, Goldenseal appears to have activity against various protozoan parasites, including Blastocystis hominis, Entamoeba histolytica, and Giardia lamblia (31).":1,"#Bilberry is an edible fruit from the plant species Vaccinium myrtillus. The berry has similarities to the American blueberry and goes by various names such as “wimberry”, “wortleberry”, and European blueberry (27). Much of the beneficial effects of bilberry extract focus on its antioxidant and circulatory properties for improved cardiovascular function. However, the phenolic properties of bilberry extract are known to affect the growth of certain bacteria such as Clostridiaand H. pylori (28). Because of its diverse nature, this botanical has also been shown to adversely affect various parasites like Giardia and Cryptosporidium (29).":1,"#Nitazoxanide is a broad-spectrum antibiotic primarily used for acute Giardia and Cryptosporidium infections, but it does have broader application as an anti-helminthic and antiviral (23, 24). Approved for generic use in the United States in 2020 (25), The availability of Alinia for more than just acute diarrheal disease from protozoal parasites has gained wide acceptance.":1,"#This antibiotic is commonly used for various parasitic infections, including Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba histolytica. It also has effectiveness against other pathogens such as Fusabacteria, Bacteroides, and Clostridia difficile (21, 22).":1,"#Blood smear – this method is important for blood-borne parasites like malaria (20) but is not useful for primary digestive system parasites like Giardia lamblia or Cryptosporidium parvum.":1,"#There is a significant difference in pathogenicity between E. dispar and E. histolytica with histolytica known to infect between 35 to 50 million people globally leading to more than 55,000 deaths annually (11). ":1,"#Organic acids testing is diagnostic tool that every healthcare practitioner should know about. Whether you are a family practitioner, psychiatrist, a nutritionist, or other type of practitioner, the information provided by organic acids testing can help identify underlying causes of a variety of chronic illnesses, including the symptoms of autism, neuropsychiatric disorders like depression and […]":1,"#Join us in this webinar as we explore the important link between chronic stress, adrenal insufficiency, and fatigue in autism and mental health disorders. We will dive into the impact of chronic stress on the adrenal glands, the role of adrenal hormones in regulating stress response, and how chronic stress can contribute to adrenal insufficiency and fatigue in individuals with autism and mental health disorders. Dr. Woeller shares insights from the latest research, case studies, and practical strategies for identifying and managing adrenal insufficiency and fatigue in these populations. Learn about evidence-based integrative approaches, including lifestyle modifications, nutritional interventions, and stress management techniques, that can support adrenal health and improve overall well-being for individuals with autism and mental health disorders. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of the complex interplay between chronic stress, adrenal insufficiency, and fatigue in these populations and gain practical tools to optimize care for your patients.":1,"#You searched for Stool - MosaicDX":1,"#Turnaround Time: Please Contact Customer Service for Estimate":1,"#Without a doubt, mycotoxins can be harmful to our health, especially if we are inundated with mold within closed home or office spaces. When it comes to food sources, however, questions arise as to whether certain foods should be eliminated to reduce exposure to mold, and if there are health implications to consuming foods with […]":1,"#Aflatoxin":1,"#It appears that some exposure to mycotoxins is almost inevitable, and a truly “low mycotoxin” or “low mold” diet would leave one with very few food options. Before embarking on a project to eliminate mold exposure from food, it is imperative to take in the entire clinical picture as individual reactions vary widely. Ranges for potential exposure have been developed based on available data and clinical observation. However, it is necessary to consider a person’s; age, body composition, nutrient status, comorbidities, allergen sensitivities, genetics, current toxin burden, the effect of a combination of different mycotoxins, etc., etc., as all have shown to impact the severity of symptoms and their progression. A look into the literature suggests that some diseases may be associated with food mycotoxins, but the evidence is incredibly difficult to assess over a lifetime. For example, epidemiological studies have shown correlations with increased incidence of hepatic carcinoma in populations with higher dietary aflatoxin exposure in addition to diagnosis of hepatitis B. An overall strategy, particularly for high-risk populations may involve reducing or removing foods, likely to have fungal contamination, with the clear understanding that individual response to mycotoxin exposure is not predictable.":1,"#2 – 4 mg/kg * (Max allowed set by FDA)":1,"#February 24, 2021":1,"#Zearalenone":1,"#Patulin":1,"#Su práctica privada, Amanecer Funcional Medicamento ( https://mysunrisecenter.com ), se centra en pruebas de diagnóstico y tratamientos especializados para personas con afecciones médicas complejas como autismo, enfermedades autoinmunes, gastrointestinales, ciertos trastornos neurológicos y otras afecciones de salud crónicas. El Dr. Woeller es miembro de la Academia Médica de Necesidades Especiales Pediátricas (MAPS).":1,"#. 26. „Verrucarin A (T3D3720).“ T3DB,":1,"#. 23. Riaz, Sana. „Cholestyraminharz.“ StatPearls [Internet]., US National Library of Medicine, 25. Mai 2020,":1,"#* Available in English, Spanish":1,"#Oxalate (and its acid form, oxalic acid), is an organic acid that is primarily derived from three sources: the diet, fungus (such as Aspergillus and Penicillium), possibly Candida, and also human metabolism. Oxalic acid is the most acidic organic acid in body fluids and is used commercially to remove rust from car radiators. Antifreeze (ethylene glycol) is toxic primarily because it is converted to oxalate in the body. Two different types of genetic diseases are known in which oxalates are high in the urine, hyperoxalurias type I and type II, which can also be determined from the Organische Säuren-Test.":1,"#Ascorbic acid (ascorbate, vitamin C) Indicates nutritional intake of vitamin C and/or excessive destruction. Vitamin C can be excessively converted to oxalates when free copper is very high. Evaluate further with Kupfer + Zink Profil from The Great Plains Laboratory.":1,"#Di più…":1,"#Chi siamo":1,"#Iniziare":1,"#salatini":1,"#THE MOST COMMON CHEMICAL TOXICANTS MEASURED BY THE GPL-TOX PROFILE In this blog, Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND, summarizes the GPL-TOX Profile’s compounds that are found most frequently at high levels. The GPL-TOX Profile quantifies the most widespread human-made toxic compounds, including acrolein, acrylamide, bromopropane, MTBE, and perchlorate, followed by phthalates, styrene, and xylene. Dr. Pizzorno […]":1,"#ein. Hefe":1,"#QUELLE":1,"#Toxine":1,"#https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12588102":1,"#Lactobacillus-":1,"#Bazillusarten":1,"#May 25-26, 2024":1,"#Advanced Applications in Medical Practice (AAMP)":1,"#May 17-19, 2024 |":1,"#Integrative Health Symposium (IHS)":1,"#Exhibiting Only":1,"#February 15-17, 2024 |":1,"#Upcoming Conferences:":1,"#Attending conferences is a great way to connect, learn, and collaborate. Joining us at these events provide valuable insights, networking with fellow professionals, and a platform to stay updated on the latest trends and innovations. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing enriching experiences together. Upcoming Conferences: February 15-17, 2024 | Exhibiting OnlyIntegrative […]":1,"#Barcelona, Spain":1,"#ICNM International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine":1,"#July 5-7, 2024 |":1,"#Wellness Way Seminar – Leadership and Longevity":1,"#Attending conferences is a great way to connect, learn, and collaborate. Joining us at these events provide valuable insights, networking with fellow professionals, and a platform to stay updated on the latest trends and innovations. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing enriching experiences together.":1,"#This webinar will explore the concept of adrenal fatigue and how it relates to other health issues beyond just the adrenals. Dr. Woeller will delve into the various causes of adrenal fatigue, including chronic stress, nutrient deficiencies, and other lifestyle factors, and will discuss the wide range of symptoms that can result from this condition.":1,"#This insightful webinar takes a functional medicine approach to understanding and addressing fatigue and the chronic stress response. The speaker will explore the underlying causes of fatigue, including chronic stress, and the ways in which the body’s response to stress can contribute to fatigue and other health issues.":1,"#Figure 1 – Child with high tartaric acid was started on the antifungal drug, Nystatin, and tested. Even after 68 days, tartaric increased when the dose was reduced in half and then decreased again when the full dose was restored.":1,"#Metals – Toxic Elements Stool Sample Test Report - MosaicDX":1,"#GPL-TOX: Toxic Non-Metal Chemicals":1,"#Mycotoxin Properties and Metabolism, Part 1 et Part 2. In any journey to understanding how our bodies process mycotoxins it is crucial to understand their metabolism. These blog posts describe the properties and metabolism of the mycotoxins analyzed by Mosaic Diagnostics.":1,"#Available in USA only.":1,"#Fungi, its role in Autism, and how we treat it? (الفطريات ودورها في التوحد…":1,"#Dr Amr Ashry, Role of Fungi in Autism (دور الفطريات في التوحد)":1,"#My discovery about the role of abnormal organic acids from gastrointestinal microorganisms in hu…":1,"#Go to page 21":1,"#Ritz, et al. (2012). Phosphate additives in food–a health risk. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 109(4), 49-55.":1,"#Every day we are exposed to toxins from our environment. We may ingest lead and copper from drinking water, phosphate from processed food and soda, various synthetic chemicals from plastic food containers, and pesticides from fruits and vegetables. Both natural heavy metals and man-made chemicals disrupt hormones and brain development. The brain, especially the developing […]":1,"#The Role of Heavy Metals and Environmental Toxins in Psychiatric Disorders — Great Plains Laboratory":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#Watch Dr. Neu’s Part 2 Presentation The material contained within this presentation is not intended to replace the services and/or medical advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner, nor is it meant to encourage diagnosis and treatment of disease. It is for educational purposes only. Any application of suggestions set forth in the following portions of […]":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#by nlesieuradmin":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#Watch Dr.Neu’s Part One Presentation The material contained within this presentation is not intended to replace the services and/or medical advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner, nor is it meant to encourage diagnosis and treatment of disease. It is for educational purposes only. Any application of suggestions set forth in the following portions of this […]":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#Több…":1,"#In this webinar, Dr. Greenblatt will discuss the scientific research and thirty years of clinical experience treating nutritional deficiencies in behavioral problems in children. This webinar will focus on trace minerals. Dr. Greenblatt will review the roles of zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, and lithium in the neurophysiology affecting attention and impulse control. Dr. Greenblatt will also recommend testing and practical treatments for children with behavioral problems. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP":1,"#Testing & Treatment – The ImmunoLytics Mold Testing Kit. (n.d.). Retrieved April 8, 2020, from https://immunolytics.com/testing-treatment/":1,"#PROFESSIONAL HOME INSPECTIONS":1,"#HOME MOLD TESTING – DO-IT-YOURSELF KITS":1,"#Mold toxicity can have major negative effects on your health. Protect yourself by learning how to detect mold toxicity in your home and body today.":1,"#Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) can be an effective method for replacing diminished sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. This lecture by Dr. Tracy Tranchitella will discuss modes of delivery (e.g. oral, transdermal), best absorption, follow-up testing and more. The full webinar can be viewed here: During the course of the Webinar, individuals were […]":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#Canadá Shipping Fees":1,"#The methylation cycle is an important biochemical system linked to brain, nervous system and immune function, cardiovascular health, energy production and detoxification. There are key components in the methylation cycle, that when damaged, can contribute to a host of chronic health disorders. This lecture will focus on the adverse effects certain toxins can cause with methylation. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP":1,"#The Methylation Cycle is a crucial process in our body that is involved in numerous biochemical reactions. It regulates gene expression, neurotransmitter synthesis, hormone metabolism, and detoxification. However, toxins can interfere with this cycle, leading to adverse effects on our health. In this webinar, we will explore how toxins can disrupt the Methylation Cycle and the associated health consequences. We will discuss the role of different toxins, such as heavy metals, environmental chemicals, and mold toxins, in inhibiting key enzymes in the Methylation Cycle. We will also explore strategies to support Methylation Cycle function and enhance detoxification to mitigate the impact of toxins on our health. Join us to learn how to optimize your Methylation Cycle and safeguard your health from the harmful effects of toxins.":1,"#Q: I just returned overseas, have lived in Yangon, Myanmar, yeah our water heater was on the roof in our house too…":1,"#Q: How do you work with patients who live in other foreign countries? – lab testing? supplements?":1,"#May 5, 2021":1,"#Special diets have become increasingly common and more popular in recent years. Reports from both physicians and patients, many with laboratory tests confirming, say they can be helpful for a variety of diseases including autism, ADHD, multiple sclerosis, auto-immunity, rheumatoid arthritis, bowel conditions, and many more. Three diets in particular appear to help address gut […]":1,"#After a positive Organische Säuren-Test und MycoTOX-Profil, the presence of mold and mycotoxins are usually significant answers for many symptomatic clients. When working with mycotoxicosis, choosing the correct binder can present a challenge. Oftentimes I get the question: which binder is correct for which toxin? Since the research for the binding capacity of each binder isn’t as heavily researched as other agents, it can be daunting to sift through the information. Below is a collection of research connecting mycotoxins to a good binder choice.":1,"#Available in Spanish, French, Polish, Japanese":1,"#In the spring and summer months, those of us who have lawns, enjoy time in the park, or even like a nice round of golf are typically in awe of how lush the grass and landscaping can be. This lusciousness can come with a price. In most cases pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and fertilizers are used. […]":1,"#Posted on ":1,"#العنوان":1,"#. When the clock strikes 13, the accuracy of the other 12 hours of the clock is in serious question.":1,"#The tone for accuracy of the author is set in the very first paragraph of his article in which his first reference, #23, has nothing to do with my green smoothie article, which is reference #24. A better reference would actually be #2 from my article":1,"#2 – Inaccurate references.":1,"#1 – Cartoons about Popeye.":1,"#Response to Article on the Lack of Oxalate Dangers in the Green Smoothie Diet — Great Plains Laboratory":1,"#In response to the inaccurate, unscientific article by Thomas Lodi, M.D. on oxalates1 in the December 2015 issue of Townsend Letter, I will make the following point-by-point responses:":1,"#A. J. Chaplin Histopathological occurrence and characterization of calcium oxalate: a review. J. Clin. Path., 1977, 30, 800-811":1,"#RI Levin, PW Kantoff and EA Jaffe Uremic levels of oxalic acid suppress replication and migration of human endothelial cells. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1990, 10:198-207":1,"#Monica Eng, Chicago Tribune reporter. Soy in Illinois prison diets prompts lawsuit over health effects. December 21, 2009. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2009-12-21/news/0912200121_1_soy-protein-soy-cheeses-soyfoods-association. Accessed December 2,2015":1,"#Solomons CC, Melmed MH, Heitler SM.Calcium citrate for vulvar vestibulitis. A case report. J Reprod Med. 1991 Dec;36(12):879-82.":1,"#Giuseppe Di Pasquale, , Mariangela Ribani, Alvaro Andreoli, , Gian Angelo Zampa, and Giuseppe Pinelli, Cardioembolic Stroke in Primary Oxalosis With Cardiac Involvement. Stroke 1989, 20:1403-1406":1,"#G.A. Fishbein, R. G. Micheletti, J. S. Currier, E. Singer, and M. C. Fishbein, Atherosclerotic oxalosis in coronary arteries, Cardiovascular Pathology, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 117–123, 2008.":1,"#Jessica N. Lange, Kyle D.Wood, John Knight, Dean G. Assimos, and Ross P. Holmes. Glyoxal Formation and Its Role in Endogenous Oxalate Synthesis. Advances in Urology Volume 2012, Article ID 819202, 5 pages doi:10.1155/2012/819202":1,"#Kohmani,EF. Oxalic acid in foods and its fate in the diet. Journal of Nutrition 18(3):233-246,1939":1,"#Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Nutrition Department’s File Download Site on oxalates in the diet. https://regepi.bwh.harvard.edu/health/Oxalate/files Accessed December 1,2015":1,"#Holmes RP, Goodman HO, and Assimos DG. Contribution of dietary oxalate to urinary oxalate excretion. Kidney International, Vol. 59 (2001), pp. 270–276":1,"#Shaw, W. The Green Smoothie Health Fad: This Road to Health Hell is Paved with Toxic Oxalate Crystals. Townsend Letter for Doctors. Jan 2015 Available online at: http://www.townsendletter.com/Jan2015/green0115.html":1,"#Lodi, T. Green smoothie bliss: Was Popeye secretly on dialysis? Townsend Letter for Doctors. Dec 2015 pgs 28-39":1,"#In summary, those who do not care for their health can eat or drink whatever they want. But they should realize that their diets are fad-based and/or based on quasi-religious (“feasts” as part of the “awakening” according to Lodi) reasons, not based on hard scientific evidence. Furthermore, they should be aware that their diet may kill them15. The green smoothie fad will go down in medical history with the AMA journal allowing cigarette advertising with physician endorsements and the use of mercury-containing teething powder for babies as one of the greatest health follies in a considerable time.":1,"#Primary genetic hyperoxaluria is not the major cause of kidney stones in adults since 80% of individuals died of this disorder before age 20 and it is so rare that it could not possibly be the cause of most cases of oxalate kidney stones13. However, a genetic polymorphism present in up to 20% of Caucasian groups called P11L codes for a protein with three times less activity of alanine: glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT) than the predominant normal activity polymorphism, leading to excessive endogenous production of oxalates14. This substantial group of individuals would be even more susceptible to the harm of a high oxalate diet. Kidney stones were rampant in the United Kingdom during the World Wars when rhubarb, another high oxalate food, was recommended as a substitute for other low oxalate but unavailable vegetables13.":1,"#Furthermore, Lodi seems to think that a lack of kidney stones indicates a lack of oxalate problems. However, oxalates may form in virtually every organ of the body including the eyes, vulva, lymph nodes, liver, testes, skin, bones, gums, thyroid gland, heart, arteries, and muscles6-7. Oxalates may occur in these other organs without appearing in the urinary tract at all and in individuals without genetic hyperoxalurias7. Oxalates have been implicated in heart disease7, stroke, vulvodynia, and autism8-10. Women of child-bearing age need to be especially careful of the spinach green smoothie diet because of the autism oxalate connection and the negative effects of spinach containing oxalates on fertility5. Prisoners in the state prisons in Illinois were encouraged by the Weston-Price Nutrition Foundation to file a lawsuit against the state because of their deteriorating health due to a high amount of soy protein in the prison diet11. Soy protein is tied with spinach as the highest oxalate foods4. Oxalates are especially toxic to the endothelial cells of the arteries, leading to atherosclerosis12. Oxalate crystals are concentrated in the atherosclerotic lesions7. Such lesions have commonly been overlooked by the use of stains of atherosclerotic lesions that make the oxalate crystals difficult to visualize. The relatives of people consuming the green smoothie diet would only know of their loved ones’ oxalate deposits throughout their organs on the day of their autopsies which employed pathological examinations that can detect oxalates.":1,"#5 – Lodi argues that his patients haven’t complained about kidney stones while drinking a lot of green smoothies so oxalates must not be problematic.":1,"#. According to Kohmani, who added a good deal of spinach, similar to the diet of a person ingesting a daily green smoothie or a large daily spinach salad, to the diet of rats to determine its effects5:":1,"#Lodi states that “every plant, green and otherwise (including spinach) has abundant magnesium and calcium and potassium”. Unfortunately, none of the calcium and magnesium in spinach or other high oxalate plants is bioavailable since it is strongly bound to oxalates. Furthermore, the average oxalate value of spinach is 7.5 times its calcium content, making spinach a very poor choice for someone to maintain adequate calcium stores":1,"#4 – Inaccuracy about the availability of calcium and magnesium in spinach.":1,"#. On a green smoothie diet with two cups of spinach, the diet in normal humans contains 33 times the endogenous human production of oxalates just based on the spinach alone.":1,"#. The estimated human production of oxalates is 40 mg per day":1,"#, who did extremely well-controlled studies on every aspect of oxalate metabolism and has published forty-one scientific articles on oxalates in the peer-reviewed literature, the mean dietary oxalate contribution to total oxalate in the diet is 52.6% on a high oxalate diet which was defined as a diet of 250 mg oxalate per day. The person drinking a green smoothie with 2 cups of raw spinach ingests 1312 mg of oxalates or over five times the level of what Holmes considers a high-oxalate diet, just in the spinach consumption alone and over 26 times the amount of oxalates in a low oxalate diet (50 mg per day)":1,"#Lodi states that 80-90% of oxalates in the body are endogenously produced. Unfortunately, the best scientific study refutes his assertion. According to Holmes et al":1,"#3 – Inaccuracy about the contribution of endogenous production to total oxalate load.":1,"#There will be an overview of the molds and mycotoxins tested in the MycoTOX Profile, as well as how the OAT can help practitioners understand the extent of a patient’s mold exposure. The webinar will also include an overview of common DIY mold testing services for the home, to help practitioners and patients alike determine where to begin their search for mold in their environment.":1},"version":88052}]