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Thousands of women coming through the program are now successfully supporting their families and contributing to the local economy.":1,"#Convoy of Hope, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to combating hunger and poverty, is a strong proponent of the ABCD approach to community development.":1,"#the beginning of such a path is in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of West Africa.":1,"#Should Nadine develop into a hurricane this year, you’ll find a lot of daily information on its current path. In many cases,":1,"#The names given to major Atlantic storms come from a list originated and recycled every six years by the Organización Meteorológica Mundial.":1,"#There is no top limit, so the highest a hurricane can be rated is as a Category 5 regardless of how much its winds exceed 157 mph. This evaluation system is called the Saffir-Simpson scale, and you can read more about it ici.":1,"#Al principio del desarrollo de un ciclón, como depresión tropical, la velocidad del viento es inferior a 39 mph. Tropical depressions are not named but are numbered and tracked in case they grow into tropical storms or hurricanes.":1,"#In 2012, a weather system from West Africa on September 7 began to move into the Atlantic, a system that would b":1,"#(Required)":1,"#Back-to-back hurricanes left Floridians and other residents of the Southeast reeling. Convoy is there in the immediate aftermath and for the long haul.":1,"#After Milton made landfall, the damaging winds, heavy rains, tornadoes, and dangerous storm surge caused at least 16 deaths. More than 2 million people are still without power in Florida.":1,"#Hurricane Milton spun up several destructive tornadoes and caused flooding on the eastern side of Florida, putting millions of people in need of everyday necessities while electricity and water are out and businesses are closed. Convoy’s response will serve communities throughout the entire impacted area.":1,"#Convoy of Hope is on the ground in Sarasota, Florida, working with church partners and local emergency management to assess how to best serve the community and surrounding areas. Across the state, we have resourced several partners with relief supplies — such as hygiene kits, food, water, baby items, and cleaning products — to distribute in their communities.":1,"#October 11, 2024 | 10:55 a.m.":1,"#Mientras millones de personas se enfrentan al huracán Milton, otras aún se están recuperando del huracán Helene en todo el país. Convoy of Hope está listo para ayudar a los afectados por Milton y continúa ayudando a los sobrevivientes de Helene. Aquí está":1,"#Learn about our responses":1,"#avec plus d'informations:":1,"#Alors que des millions de personnes sont aux prises avec l'#ouraganMilton, d'autres se remettent encore de l'#ouraganHelene à travers le pays. Convoy of Hope est prêt à aider les personnes touchées par Milton et continue d'aider les survivants d'Helene. Voici":1,"#As millions grapple with #HurricaneMilton, others are still recovering from #HurricaneHelene across the country. Convoy of Hope is ready to help those impacted by Milton and continues to help Helene survivors — here’s @Ethan_Forhetz with more: https://h.ope.is/3YmLmaI":1,"#https://h.ope.is/3YmLmaI":1,"#across the country. Convoy of Hope is ready to help those impacted by Milton and continues to help Helene survivors — here’s @Ethan_Forhetz with more:":1,"#, others are still recovering from":1,"#As millions grapple with":1,"#datant de plus de 5 000 ans":1,"#Laas Geel":1,"#abrite environ 5 % des espèces végétales et animales de la planète":1,"#plus de 1,5 million de gnous, ainsi que des milliers de zèbres et de gazelles":1,"#grande migration des gnous":1,"#à n'avoir jamais été colonisé":1,"#avec une histoire qui remonte à 400 avant JC.":1,"#3. Djibouti est situé à la jonction de la mer Rouge et du golfe d’Aden, ce qui en fait une voie de navigation mondiale clé .":1,"#ce qui en fait une voie de navigation mondiale clé":1,"#couvrant plus de 11,7 millions de miles carrés,":1,"#l'un des volcans les plus actifs au monde":1,"#le volcan Karthala":1,"#pays les plus densément peuplés d’Afrique":1,"#Le Burundi":1,"#forêts tropicales les plus vierges d'Afrique et des cascades spectaculaires":1,"#Le parc national d'Ivindo":1,"#où l’espagnol est la langue officielle":1,"#La Guinée équatoriale":1,"#l’un des plus grands lacs d’eau douce d’Afrique,":1,"#deuxième plus grand continent du monde":1,"#le lac Tchad":1,"#connu pour sa population d'éléphants de forêt et de gorilles des plaines de l'ouest":1,"#parc national de Dzanga-Sangha":1,"#entrant régulièrement en éruption au cours des siècles derniers":1,"#Le mont":1,"#en raison des conflits alimentés par leur commerce":1,"#diamants du sang":1,"#13. La capitale du Sénégal, Dakar, est le point le plus occidental du continent africain .":1,"#Dakar, est le point le plus occidental du continent africain":1,"#du Sénégal":1,"#Convoy of Hope fait une différence dans la vie de nombreuses personnes.":1,"#Lagos, avec plus de 9 millions de citadins":1,"#plus grande ville d'Afrique":1,"#avec plus de 200 millions d'habitants.":1,"#le troisième plus long fleuve d'Afrique":1,"#fleuve Niger":1,"#est une formation géologique visible depuis l'espace":1,"#La structure Richat":1,"#en 1847 et est la plus ancienne république d'Afrique":1,"#Le Libéria a été fondé":1,"#principale source d’aluminium":1,"#d'éduquer les enfants":1,"#minéraux":1,"#6. Le Ghana a été le premier pays africain à obtenir son indépendance du régime colonial en 1957 .":1,"#à obtenir son indépendance du régime colonial en 1957":1,"#Le Ghana":1,"#entouré par le Sénégal à l'exception de son littoral sur l'océan Atlantique":1,"#La Gambie":1,"#fournissant environ 40 % du cacao mondial":1,"#le point culminant du Cap-Vert, culminant à 9 281 pieds":1,"#Le Pico do Fogo":1,"#d'autonomiser les femmes":1,"#terre du peuple incorruptible":1,"#Ces palais étaient la résidence des puissants rois du royaume du Dahomey":1,"#palais royaux d'Abomey":1,"#Le Sahara occidental":1,"#ancienne ville de Carthage":1,"#sont plus anciennes que celles de l’Égypte antique":1,"#pyramides de Méroé au Soudan":1,"#avec 90 % de son territoire désertique":1,"#La Libye":1,"#soutient les communautés à travers l'Afrique":1,"#englobant plus de 140 miles du littoral méditerranéen":1,"#delta du Nil en Égypte":1,"#2. L'Algérie est le plus grand pays d'Afrique par sa superficie et le dixième plus grand du monde.":1,"#offrant une toile de fond époustouflante au paysage de l'Afrique du Nord":1,"#montagnes de l'Atlas":1,"#comprenant des pays comme l'Égypte, la Libye, la Tunisie, l'Algérie et le Maroc.":1,"#offrant des expériences uniques et un aperçu du riche patrimoine du continent.":1,"#Nord, Ouest, Centre, Est et Sud":1,"#La vallée du Grand Rift":1,"#café":1,"#En explorant ces régions, nous soulignerons également certains des travaux marquants de Convoi de l'espoir, une organisation à but non lucratif dont la mission est de chasser l'obscurité de la misère et de la faim .":1,"#des gorilles de montagne":1,"#chien sauvage africain":1,"#La majorité vit en Tanzanie et en Afrique du Sud":1,"#Les lions":1,"#notamment des éléphants, des rhinocéros, des hippopotames et des girafes.":1,"#L’Afrique":1,"#il coule sur plus de 6 600 kilomètres vers le nord à travers le nord-est de l'Afrique, pour finalement se jeter dans la mer Méditerranée depuis l'Égypte.":1,"#Nil":1,"#sont l’une des plus grandes et des plus célèbres chutes d’eau au monde.":1,"#Les chutes Victoria":1,"#et vous offrira plus de 60 faits étonnants, inhabituels, inconnus et amusants sur le territoire africain, ses habitants et sa faune.":1,"#est le plus grand lac d'Afrique par sa superficie (26 600 milles carrés)":1,"#Le lac Victoria":1,"#atteignant des profondeurs allant jusqu'à 720 pieds.":1,"#fleuve Congo":1,"#est l’une des régions du monde les plus exposées à la sécheresse.":1,"#Corne de l’Afrique":1,"#culminant à 19 341 pieds au-dessus du niveau de la mer.":1,"#Ensemble, nous pouvons transformer des vies et créer un impact durable sur cet incroyable continent.":1,"#faire la différence":1,"#il est clair que ce continent recèle une richesse de beauté naturelle, de richesse culturelle et d'importance historique":1,"#, est l'un des plus grands barrages au monde en termes de volume":1,"#Le mont Kilimandjaro":1,"#Le barrage de Kariba":1,"#est considéré comme le plus vieux désert du monde":1,"#Le désert du Namib":1,"#6. Le Mozambique possède l’un des littoraux les plus longs d’Afrique, s’étendant sur environ 1 600 milles le long de l’océan Indien .":1,"#s’étendant sur environ 1 600 milles le long de l’océan Indien":1,"#Le Mozambique":1,"#en raison de la gentillesse de son peuple":1,"#Le Malawi":1,"#4. Le Lesotho est une enclave, ce qui signifie qu'il est entièrement entouré par l'Afrique du Sud .":1,"#qu'il est entièrement entouré par l'Afrique du Sud":1,"#le plus grand désert chaud du monde":1,"#Le Lesotho":1,"#qui abrite certains des plus grands troupeaux de gibier du royaume, notamment des éléphants, des rhinocéros et des lions":1,"#le parc national royal de Hlane":1,"#célèbre pour leur art rupestre ancien":1,"#collines de Tsodilo":1,"#le pétrole représentant plus de 90 % de ses exportations":1,"#L’Angola":1,"#en raison de sa beauté naturelle époustouflante et de sa biodiversité":1,"#Perle de l’Afrique":1,"#Le désert du Sahara":1,"#la diversité de l’Afrique est aussi immense que sa taille.":1,"#Mientras Convoy of Hope continúa nuestra respuesta El huracán Helene, nos estamos preparando para responder al huracán Milton.":1,"#Los residentes de Florida se apresuran a evacuar sus hogares mientras el monstruoso huracán milton se acerca a la costa del Golfo de Florida. Se espera que Milton toque tierra en el área de la Bahía de Tampa como una catastrófica tormenta de categoría 4.":1,"#To help Convoy bring hope to more people devastated by Hurricane Milton, donate hoy.":1,"#Huracán milton made landfall last night as a Category 3 hurricane in Siesta Key, about 70 miles south of Tampa. More than 3 million people are without power.":1,"#Il s'agit notamment de kits d'hygiène personnalisés pour vous et votre famille, ainsi que de kits d'hygiène d'urgence pour les personnes de votre communauté et pour celles du monde entier confrontées à des situations difficiles, allant de la misère aux catastrophes naturelles.":1,"##HurricaneMilton":1,"#🚨The latest on":1,"#As millions grapple with the damage caused by #HurricaneMilton, others are still recovering from #HurricaneHelene across the country.\n\nConvoy of Hope is ready to help those impacted by Milton and continues to help Helene survivors — here is Convoy’s @forhetze with more.\n\n#helene #milton #florida #sarasota #tampa #northcarolina #georgia #tennessee":1,"#As millions grapple with the damage caused by #Hur":1,"#🚨The latest on #HurricaneMilton and #HurricaneHelene🚨Convoy of Hope is now responding to two major disasters — give to our Helene response at https://h.ope.is/3NkZr1W and our Milton response at https://h.ope.is/3NgbJIW.":1,"#https://h.ope.is/3NgbJIW":1,"#and our Milton response at":1,"#https://h.ope.is/3NkZr1W":1,"#🚨Convoy of Hope is now responding to two major disasters — give to our Helene response at":1,"#Convoy of Hope Education trains and educates students to think, communicate, and solve human needs through faith-based compassion ministry.":1,"#You searched for Haïti | Convoy of Hope":1,"#68 results for “Haïti”":1,"#At recovery events like these, insurance specialists and mental health professionals provide legal aid, talk people through insurance difficulties, and offer emotional care.":1,"#Convoy teams distributed groceries, hot meals, and home goods.":1,"#velocidad de viento sostenida de 39 mph":1,"#El huracán":1,"#ciclón tropical":1,"#los aficionados al clima se sumergen en investigaciones en línea para estudiar la historia de los ciclones con nombre en su parte del mundo.":1,"#las cuatro trayectorias anteriores del huracán Helene parecen notablemente similares.":1,"#Helene fue el nombre que recibió cuatro huracanes en 1958, 1988, 2006 y 2018.":1,"#Cuando esa velocidad superó las 74 mph el 25 de septiembre, Helene se convirtió en huracán.":1,"#dependería enteramente de la velocidad de su viento":1,"#disfruta investigando tormentas de años anteriores que fueron identificadas por nombres de la lista del año actual?":1,"#rappelle également les 74 personnes qui ont perdu la vie en 2018 à cause de l'ouragan Michael.":1,"#Si vous recherchez « À quelle heure l'ouragan Nadine at-il touché terre ? vous ne trouverez aucune donnée car l'ouragan Nadine est conservé en mer en 2012 .":1,"#Updates Learn about our response Hurricane Milton Response: Relief En Route After Cat 3 Crashes Into Florida Relief supplies are ready for distribution as Florida is struck by Milton. Convoy is serving Helene survivors, and in position to serve communities…":1,"#October 10, 2024 | 12:34 p.m. Distributions are ongoing in communities across six states that were devastated by Hurricane Helene. Several loads of relief supplies have been delivered in South Carolina, which received up to 2 feet of rain over…":1,"#Hurricane Milton Response: Relief En Route After Cat 3 Crashes Into Florida":1,"#fournissent une aide juridique, parler aux gens des difficultés d'assurance et offrir des soins émotionnels.":1,"#vous ne trouverez aucune donnée car l'ouragan Nadine est conservée en mer en 2012":1,"#Hurricane Kirk Archives | Convoy of Hope":1,"#les quatre trajectoires précédentes de l'ouragan Hélène semblent remarquablement similaires.":1,"#Plugins":1,"#Howdy, Allen Tignor":1,"#Learn WordPress":1,"#Global Footer (1)":1,"#Global Scripts (3)":1,"#Los equipos de convoyes distribuyeron víveres, comidas calientes y artículos para el hogar. En eventos de recuperación como estos, los especialistas en seguros y los profesionales de la salud mental Brinda asistencia legal, habla a las personas sobre las dificultades del seguro y ofrece atención emocional.":1,"#Si investiga, \"¿A qué hora tocó tierra el huracán Nadine?\" No encontrarás ningún dato porque el huracán Nadine quedó mar adentro en 2012 .":1,"#Debido a que el sistema se formó por primera vez el 10 de septiembre y se disipó el 4 de octubre, Nadine figura como el cuarto huracán del Atlántico de mayor duración registrado. Pero ese ciclo de vida sólo incluye dos días de vientos huracanados.":1,"#In December 2022, Last Frontier did food distributions in Minto with supplies from Convoy. Right after that, a major snowstorm shut down travel for a month. Sam said the food delivery was “perfect timing” for locals, who would not have had the food otherwise.":1,"#Their visits started with serving practical and medical needs. Although locals were wary of the team at first, they grew to trust them after two years of tangible service. Convoy of Hope has been able to play a part in that.":1,"#Last Frontier has already seen huge changes from their practical service to villages like Minto, Alaska, where they’ve been serving for over a decade.":1,"#Building Trust":1,"#These deliveries are a sigh of relief for families. Often, supplies are shipped into major cities and charged per pound. Last Frontier’s deliveries mean one less thing for families to worry about this fall and winter.":1,"#A load of supplies from Convoy containing items such as Bombas socks, boots, and baby care kits arrives next week. Last Frontier will transport the supplies for the start of the school year, then throughout the following months as more villages reach out.":1,"#“We’re trying to break down those walls that others have built up,” Sam said.":1,"#Native Alaskan villages are being served by Convoy of Hope's local partners.":1,"#Through its partnership with Convoy, Last Frontier is embarking on distribution events in the villages, which are often hard to get to due to weather conditions and the indigenous community’s hesitation to welcome non-Native visitors. A large part of Last Frontier’s mission is to show kindness to indigenous communities in a way they may have never experienced before.":1,"#Alaska Partnership Gets Essential Supplies to Native Alaskan Villages | Convoy of Hope":1,"#To read more on Convoy’s help in reaching rural areas, visit our Iniciativas Rurales page.":1,"#Last Frontier will continue distributing supplies in the coming months as more villages spread the word about them. In the meantime, they’ll keep serving in practical ways, bringing healing to the hurting as they do.":1,"#“When you help people with physical needs, it’s a foot in the door of the community,” said Convoy’s Karen Carr, who works closely with Last Frontier. “The hope is it’s a catalyst for transformation.”":1,"#These rural outreaches align with Convoy of Hope’s mission to restore dignity to the underserved and overlooked.":1,"#Restoring Dignity":1,"#Last Frontier is now building a center in Minto that can house people and snow vehicles full-time to help locally and in surrounding villages.":1,"#He tells another story of a family who didn’t have money for diapers, so the distributions meant essential resources for their child.":1,"#Convoy partner Last Frontier Ministries has been working since 2008 to serve Native Alaskan villages along the Yukon River. Sam Kimmel is the organization’s co-founder and a trained emergency medical technician (EMT) and registered nurse. He leads teams alongside his friend Rob Graham — also an EMT — to serve the people’s medical and practical needs.":1,"#Alaska is known for its intense living conditions — incredibly cold temperatures, tough terrain, and long nights. For Convoy of Hope, Alaska has been a strategic location to serve others.":1,"#la tormenta tropical Milton":1,"#matado al menos a 220 personas":1,"#There is no top limit, so the highest a hurricane can be rated is as a Category 5 regardless of how much its winds exceed 157 mph. This evaluation system is called the Saffir-Simpson scale, and you can read more about it aquí.":1,"#Si Nadine se transforme en ouragan cette année, vous trouverez quotidiennement de nombreuses informations sur sa trajectoire actuelle. Dans de nombreux cas, le début d'un tel chemin se situe dans l'océan Atlantique, au large des côtes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest.":1,"#En 2012, l'ouragan Nadine n'a jamais touché terre. Cependant, en traversant l'Atlantique, il a provoqué des vents de force tempête tropicale sur quelques îles des Açores.":1,"#You searched for hurrican milton | Convoy of Hope":1,"#Updates Learn about our response Hurricane Milton Response: Convoy Prepared as Cat 3 Crashes Into Florida Relief supplies are ready for distribution as Florida is struck by Milton. Convoy is serving Helene survivors, and in position to serve communities affected…":1,"#October 9, 2024 | 3:48 p.m. In the two weeks since Hurricane Helene made landfall in Florida and caused destruction across the Southeast, one of the biggest needs has been water. When a community experiences extensive flooding, the floodwater carries…":1,"#October 10, 2024 | 9:04 a.m. Hurricane Milton made landfall last night as a Category 3 hurricane in Siesta Key, about 70 miles south of Tampa. More than 3 million people are without power. With sustained winds of 120 mph…":1,"#5 results for “hurrican milton”":1,"#To pick up a draggable item, press the space bar. While dragging, use the arrow keys to move the item. Press space again to drop the item in its new position, or press escape to cancel.":1,"#Hurricane Milton Response: Distribution of Relief Supplies Will Begin as Soon as Possible | Convoy of Hope":1,"#You searched for All about hurracane Milton | Convoy of Hope":1,"#0 results for “All about hurracane Milton”":1,"#LONDON MILLS, IL —":1,"#LONDON MILLS, IL":1,"#MARSEILLES, IL — Our Disaster Response team in Marseilles, Illinois, received work orders today, and a volunteer team of four from Praise Center Assembly of God (Ottawa, Illinois) is assisting in the completion of the orders. In addition to receiving work orders, the team attended a City Coordination meeting this morning.":1,"#April 25, 2013 | 3 p.m.":1,"#In Marseilles, the field team has been working with local officials and focusing efforts on two badly damaged homes where the homeowners are in great need of help.":1,"#The team has also been working alongside volunteers from the American Red Cross and the Illinois National Guard. “When Convoy of Hope came in and told us everything they do, we started crying because, who thinks of London Mills?” said resident and volunteer Lori Kugler. “It’s just so much for a community like ours to be remembered.”":1,"#“We’re basically removing everything destroyed by the floodwaters including personal belongings, carpeting and wet Sheetrock,” says Ryan Grabill, a team member on the ground. “We’re going to continue our door-to-door canvasing to ensure that no one is missed.”":1,"#LONDON MILLS, IL — Disaster relief work continues in London Mills and Marseilles, Illinois, where our Disaster Services teams are working to bring hope to flooded out residents. In London Mills, the team has removed debris from a number of homes and has plans to help clean more homes in the coming days.":1,"#April 27, 2013 | 5:30 p.m.":1,"#Disastrous flooding along the Mississippi River prompts Convoy of Hope to send relief teams.":1,"#Midwest Flooding Response | Convoy of Hope":1,"#“Our goal is to have small teams in place with our response vehicles to they can move around quickly and respond where necessary,” she said. You can help people affected by disasters like this flood, at home and around the world, by making a donation to support Convoy of Hope.":1,"#We also provided loads relief supplies to Kokomo and Elwood, Indiana. “Convoy of Hope brought a ray of sunshine in the middle of a pretty dark time for our town,” says Rebecca of London Mills in an interview with the local CBS affiliate.":1,"#Also, a truck full of beverage and snack items, as well as three vehicles carrying debris removal supplies such as shovels, trash bags and bleach are expected to be in the affected communities within hours. An additional truck will depart later today or tomorrow morning. Karen Benson, Global Disaster Response Director, says the teams will be on the ground working with local and state officials to coordinate volunteer efforts and assist in clean up.":1,"#The Mississippi River has overflown its banks and flooded homes in small Missouri and Illinois towns – and we’re on the way to help flooding survivors. Our initial response team left our World Distribution Center today with debris clean up materials, food and other supplies and are headed to the flooded communities of De Soto, Missouri, and London Mills and Marseilles, Illinois.":1,"#April 23, 2013 | 4:05 p.m.":1,"#Flood damaged home in Marseilles, Illinois.":1,"#The team in Marseilles will begin focusing on forming debris removal teams with local volunteers. We are also contacting churches in surrounding communities to coordinate volunteer teams in the area. An additional team conducted assessments in De Soto, Missouri, today and have re-routed to heavily damaged London Mills, Illinois, after determining local officials in De Soto already had effective relief plans in place.":1,"#“We’ve already seen some homes that were damaged extensively by the floodwaters,” he said. “Some have been completely destroyed. We’re beginning to see people pile their carpet and other damaged belongings on the curb.”":1,"#“Our main focus today is offering support to the people of Marseilles who’ve been affected by the flooding,” says Nick Weirsma, one of our team members on the ground. Weirsma says that 230 homes near the river were flooded and that residents are beginning the long process of cleaning up.":1,"#MARSEILLES, IL — One of our Disaster Services teams has arrived in Marseilles, Illinois, and immediately began passing out beverages, snacks and cleaning supplies to residents whose homes have been flooded by the Illinois River.":1,"#April 24, 2013 | 1 p.m.":1,"#The team in London Mills, Illinois, learned that of the 44 homes affected in London Mills, 12 have been condemned. Many of the affected homes had flooded unfinished basements. Neighbor has been helping neighbor, and much of the debris removal appears to be completed. In light of this, the team is going door-to-door today to see who still requires help. A load of supplies has already resourced the town, and there is no need for additional supplies with the potential exception of diapers and baby food. The team is speaking with the state Emergency Operations Center to identify another town to which a box truck full of supplies can be re-routed.":1,"#LONDON MILLS, ILOur disaster response teams have returned from the upper Midwest where they focused primarily on debris removal. The teams worked with local government agencies in London Mills and Marseilles, Illinois, to determine needs and fulfill work orders. The work consisted mainly of clearing flood-damaged homes and basements of debris and destroyed furniture and appliances.":1,"#May 10, 2013 | 12:23 p.m.":1,"#Cuando Huracán Idalia tocó tierra en Florida el 30 de agosto de 2023, Trajo vientos sostenidos de 115 mph y creó una marejada ciclónica más grande y ráfagas de viento más fuertes que las que esa parte del Golfo había visto en 125 años. ":1,"#Relief supplies are ready for distribution as Florida is struck by Milton. Convoy is serving Helene survivors, and in position to serve communities affected by Hurricane Milton.":1,"#Hurricane Milton Response: Convoy Prepared as Cat 3 Crashes Into Florida":1,"#al huracán Helene":1},"version":20351}]