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","variables":[""],"regex":"^#The destination phone number has been temporarily blocked by Twilio due to fraudulent activities\\. (.+?) prefix is blocked for the SMS channel$"},{"phrase":"#A rule was broken on . You can reset your account if you are ready to be re-evaluated for a Funded Account.","candidate":"#A rule was broken on ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#A rule was broken on (.+?)\\. You can reset your account if you are ready to be re\\-evaluated for a Funded Account\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Your Trading Combine® rebill date is in days. You can manage your subscription on your Billing page here.","candidate":"#Your Trading Combine® ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Your Trading Combine® (.+?) rebill date is in (.+?) days\\. You can manage your subscription on your Billing page here\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Your Practice Account broke the Maximum Loss Limit rule. You can reset or continue practice trading on the account.","candidate":"#Your Practice Account ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Your Practice Account (.+?) broke the Maximum Loss Limit rule\\. You can reset or continue practice trading on the account\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Upon completion of this transaction, no prior trading data will count toward your evaluation for the account . Your account balance and rules will be reset, and your new account will become eligible for funding.","candidate":"#Upon completion of this transaction, no prior trading data will count toward your evaluation for the account ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Upon completion of this transaction, no prior trading data will count toward your evaluation for the account (.+?)\\. Your account balance and rules will be reset, and your new account will become eligible for funding\\.$"},{"phrase":"# ending in has been charged $. This charge will reoccur on the first day of the month moving forward and is non-refundable. Your data will appear in your account within the next business day","candidate":"#","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#(.+?) ending in (.+?) has been charged \\$(.+?)\\. This charge will reoccur on the first day of the month moving forward and is non\\-refundable\\. Your data will appear in your account within the next business day$"},{"phrase":"#A rule was broken on . You can continue to practice orreset your account if you are ready to be re-evaluated for a Funded Account.","candidate":"#A rule was broken on ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#A rule was broken on (.+?)\\. You can continue to practice orreset your account if you are ready to be re\\-evaluated for a Funded Account\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Hi ! Welcome to Topstep.","candidate":"#Hi ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Hi (.+?)! Welcome to Topstep\\.$"},{"phrase":"#, get started in your new Trading Combine® today.","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?), get started in your new Trading Combine® today\\.$"},{"phrase":"#, start trading in your trial today!","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?), start trading in your trial today!$"},{"phrase":"#:: PM CT","candidate":"#","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]{1,2}):([\\d ]{1,2}):([\\d ]{1,2}) PM CT$"},{"phrase":"#:: AM CT","candidate":"#","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]{1,2}):([\\d ]{1,2}):([\\d ]{1,2}) AM CT$"},{"phrase":"#Hi ! Welcome to Topstep.","candidate":"#Hi ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Hi ([a-zA-Z ]+)! Welcome to Topstep\\.$"},{"phrase":"# of ","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]{1,2}) of ([\\d ]{1,2})$"},{"phrase":"#Mastercard *","candidate":"#Mastercard *","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Mastercard \\*([\\d ]{4})$"},{"phrase":"#Hello, ","candidate":"#Hello, ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Hello, ([a-zA-Z ]+)$"},{"phrase":"#, get started in your new Trading Combine® today.","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#([a-zA-Z ]+), get started in your new Trading Combine® today\\.$"},{"phrase":"#:: PM","candidate":"#","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#([\\d ]{1,2}):(.+?):(.+?) PM$"},{"phrase":"#:: AM","candidate":"#","variables":["","",""],"regex":"^#(.{1,2}):(.+?):(.+?) AM$"},{"phrase":"#Visa *","candidate":"#Visa *","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Visa \\*([\\d ]{1,4})$"},{"phrase":"#Characters /5000","candidate":"#Characters ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Characters ([\\d ]{1,5})/5000$"},{"phrase":"#Your Express Funded Account was closed due to a rule violation. You can start a new Trading Combine here.","candidate":"#Your Express Funded Account ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Your Express Funded Account (.{1,20}) was closed due to a rule violation\\. You can start a new Trading Combine here\\.$"},{"phrase":"#To pass your Trading Combine, you must reach in profits and meet the Consistency Target.","candidate":"#To pass your Trading Combine, you must reach ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#To pass your Trading Combine, you must reach (.{1,15}) in profits and meet the Consistency Target\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Exp: /","candidate":"#Exp: ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Exp: ([\\d ]{1,2})/(.{4})$"},{"phrase":"#Exp: /","candidate":"#Exp: ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Exp: ([\\d ]{1,2})/(.{1,4})$"},{"phrase":"#Updated at CT, ","candidate":"#Updated at ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Updated at (.{1,7}) CT, (.{8})$"},{"phrase":"#Are you sure you want to delete Visa ending in *?","candidate":"#Are you sure you want to delete Visa ending in *","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Are you sure you want to delete Visa ending in \\*([\\d ]{4})\\?$"},{"phrase":"#Amex ending in has been charged .","candidate":"#Amex ending in ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Amex ending in ([\\d ]{4}) has been charged (.{1,5})\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Do not allow your Account Balance to go below $ (details)","candidate":"#Do not allow your Account Balance to go below $","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Do not allow your Account Balance to go below \\$(.{5,}) \\(details\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Do not let your account balance hit or go below $ (details)","candidate":"#Do not let your account balance hit or go below $","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Do not let your account balance hit or go below \\$(.{5,}) \\(details\\)$"},{"phrase":"#Do not let your account balance hit or go below $ (details)","candidate":"#Do not let your account balance hit or go below $","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Do not let your account balance hit or go below \\$(.{8,}) \\(details\\)$"},{"phrase":"#When you are ready to trade with your Practice Account, please select PRACTST in your trading platform.","candidate":"#When you are ready to trade with your Practice Account, please select PRACTST","variables":[""],"regex":"^#When you are ready to trade with your Practice Account, please select PRACTST(.{7,}) in your trading platform\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Do not let your account balance hit or go below $ (details)","candidate":"#Do not let your account balance hit or go below $","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Do not let your account balance hit or go below \\$(.{8}) \\(details\\)$"},{"phrase":"#When you are ready to trade with your Practice Account, please select PRACTICE in your trading platform.","candidate":"#When you are ready to trade with your Practice Account, please select PRACTICE","variables":[""],"regex":"^#When you are ready to trade with your Practice Account, please select PRACTICE(.{12,}) in your trading platform\\.$"},{"phrase":"#A rule was broken on . You can continue to practice or reset your account if you are ready to be re-evaluated for a Funded Account.","candidate":"#A rule was broken on ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#A rule was broken on (.{1,14})\\. You can continue to practice or reset your account if you are ready to be re\\-evaluated for a Funded Account\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Visa ending in has been charged $.","candidate":"#Visa ending in ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Visa ending in (.+?) has been charged \\$(.+?)\\.$"},{"phrase":"#You will be charged $ monthly and will appear as of ","candidate":"#You will be charged $","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#You will be charged \\$(.{1,}) monthly and will appear as of (.{10,})$"},{"phrase":"#Do not allow your Account Balance to go below $","candidate":"#Do not allow your Account Balance to go below $","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Do not allow your Account Balance to go below \\$(.{1,12})$"},{"phrase":"#A rule was broken on *. 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You can continue to practice or reset your account if you are ready to be re\\-evaluated for a Funded Account\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Your friend thinks you're a good fit for Topstep, we think so too!","candidate":"#Your friend ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Your friend (.{1,20}) thinks you're a good fit for Topstep, we think so too!$"},{"phrase":"#Are you sure you want to delete Mastercard ending in *?","candidate":"#Are you sure you want to delete Mastercard ending in *","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Are you sure you want to delete Mastercard ending in \\*([\\d ]{4})\\?$"},{"phrase":"#When you are ready to trade with your Practice Account, please select in your trading platform.","candidate":"#When you are ready to trade with your Practice Account, please select ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#When you are ready to trade with your Practice Account, please select (.{1,25}) in your trading platform\\.$"},{"phrase":"#REGULARLY $","candidate":"#REGULARLY $","variables":[""],"regex":"^#REGULARLY \\$(.{1,9})$"},{"phrase":"#When you are ready to trade with your Trading Combine Account, please select in your trading platform.","candidate":"#When you are ready to trade with your Trading Combine Account, please select ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#When you are ready to trade with your Trading Combine Account, please select (.{1,20}) in your trading platform\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Mastercard ending in has been charged $.","candidate":"#Mastercard ending in ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Mastercard ending in ([\\d ]{4}) has been charged \\$(.{1,8})\\.$"},{"phrase":"#As of Nov , , : am Chicago Time","candidate":"#As of Nov ","variables":["","","",""],"regex":"^#As of Nov ([\\d ]{1,2}), ([\\d ]{4}), ([\\d ]{1,2}):([\\d ]{2}) am Chicago Time$"},{"phrase":"#A rule was broken on . You can reset your Practice Account for free and continue testing strategies against the Trading Combine rules.","candidate":"#A rule was broken on ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#A rule was broken on (.+?)\\. You can reset your Practice Account for free and continue testing strategies against the Trading Combine rules\\.$"},{"phrase":"#Your credits can be redeemed at any time until .","candidate":"#Your credits can be redeemed at any time until ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Your credits can be redeemed at any time until (.{1,10})\\.$"},{"phrase":"#As of Nov , , : pm Chicago Time","candidate":"#As of Nov ","variables":["","","",""],"regex":"^#As of Nov ([\\d ]{1,2}), ([\\d ]{4}), ([\\d ]{1,2}):([\\d ]{1,2}) pm Chicago Time$"},{"phrase":"#Oct , ","candidate":"#Oct ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Oct ([\\d ]{1,2}), ([\\d ]{4})$"},{"phrase":"#Days Complete: ","candidate":"#Days Complete: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Days Complete: ([\\d ]{1,3}) $"}],"blockedClasses":false,"blockedIds":false,"phraseDetection":true,"customDomainSettings":[],"seoSetting":[],"translateSource":false,"overage":false,"detectPhraseFromAllLanguage":false,"googleAnalytics":false,"mixpanel":false,"heap":false},"version":319067},{"_id":"en","source":"en","pluralFn":"return n != 1 ? 1 : 0;","pluralForm":2,"dictionary":{},"version":319067},{"_id":"outdated","outdated":{"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun34734597, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun34734597 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#goldfra":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine SONETST4283971 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun104832639 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#cjfogg77":1,"#trading101@ignitemarketing.co.za":1,"#Marno Greyling":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun104856734, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#diamondl2":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun104856734 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#Anvers":1,"#giokoukaliotis@protonmail.com":1,"#Georgios koukaliotis":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun104839076, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun104839076 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun104837033 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#info@jesusbruzon.com":1,"#jesus bruzon":1,"#Your 3084 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine SONETST4731781 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun215034457, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1May294649972, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun64803310, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Aurelien Plante":1,"#Your 6080 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun104838205, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun104838205 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun255083671, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Tainan, Liujia Dist":1,"#Your 6998 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST4924178, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Your 6427 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#Your 2745 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST4935640, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#ÉTIQUEMENT LE MOINS COMMERCE DE WINNAGE":1,"#135,64 dollars":1,"#33,39 dollars É.-U.":1,"#Fin : 26 juin 2024":1,"#Début: 17 juin 2024":1,"#639,56 dollars/615,04 dollars":1,"#3 000 dollars pour 3 000 dollars":1,"#- 1 026,36 dollars":1,"#1 138,46 dollars":1,"#- 1 044,12 dollars É.-U.":1,"#1 807,52 dollars":1,"#2 319,52 dollars":1,"#53 639 dollars":1,"#Compte de départ financé par un poste":1,"#État État":1,"#Frais d'activation des traitements":1,"#,00 dollars":1,"#Frais d'activation du compte financé par exprès":1,"#DÉATIERES D'ORDRE":1,"#Je comprends que ma carte sera immédiatement facturée la redevance d'activation de 149 dollars.":1,"#Je suis d'accord pour dire que la redevance d'activation est une redevance non remboursable unique.":1,"#Veuillez accepter ci-dessous le paiement des frais d'activation:":1,"#26 juin 2024":1,"#17 juin 2024":1,"#Le droit d'activation est de 149,00 dollars, forfaitaires pour chaque compte exprès financé. Ce montant est égal à tous les niveaux de compte.":1,"#dollars/615,04 dollars":1,"#pour 3 000 dollars":1,"#paiement des frais d'activation":1,"#est de 149,00 dollars, forfaitaires pour chaque compte exprès financé. Ce montant est égal à tous les niveaux de compte.":1,"#droit d'activation":1,"#- 316,86 dollars":1,"#199,91 dollars":1,"#69,76 dollars":1,"#-528,08 euros":1,"#1 565,24 dollars":1,"#- 168,55 dollars":1,"#85,64 dollars":1,"#43,60 dollars":1,"#150,64 dollars":1,"#- 1 008,60 dollars É.-U.":1,"#-36,50 dollars É.-U.":1,"#136,39 dollars":1,"#187,48 dollars":1,"#90,64 dollars É.-U.":1,"#4 septembre":1,"#- 147,41 dollars":1,"#70,64 dollars É.-U.":1,"#74,12 dollars É.-U.":1,"#282,56 dollars":1,"#- 134,36 euros":1,"#148,14 dollars,14 dollars":1,"#52,32 dollars É.-U.":1,"#- 268,772 euros":1,"#1 212,68 dollars":1,"#238,97 dollars":1,"#Frais d'activation payés":1,"#- 114,36 euros":1,"#602,56 dollars":1,"#- 100,67 dollars É.-U.":1,"#88,88 dollars":1,"#110,22 dollars":1,"#-64,36 dollars":1,"#504,28 dollars":1,"#15 h 57":1,"#79,28 dollars":1,"#- 419,66 dollars":1,"#875,07 dollars":1,"#519,94 dollars":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun174980654, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST4938965, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Hualien, Ji'an Township":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine SONETST4938965 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun205016387, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#mikolaj@snioch.com":1,"#Mikolaj Snioch":1,"#Kowala, Mazowieckie":1,"#Eric Trinchet":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun195004378, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun64796628, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST5014877, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Your 2780 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun114865211, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST4353512, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1May134408717 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST5057981, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Danbury, CT":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun205022524 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1May84340105, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1May84340105 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1May284628602, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1May284628639, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Your 5816 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1May284628602 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun144932153, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun245063113, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST4923912, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#abidk123":1,"#Zeecknare RAYMOND":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun245052338 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#youssef jara":1,"#drdee9":1,"#n. (Guan)(美)古安(人名)":1,"#n. 冠雉;冠雉属":1,"#[英式]/ɡwɑːn/":1,"#[美式]/ɡwɑːn/":1,"#guan":1,"#Your 4512 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#Your 3038 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun74814888, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun64800976 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#alexanianjorge":1,"#Your 1340 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun245059897, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun245059897 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#Your 2012 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun255078792, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Your 4606 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST4766447, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST5085235, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Jerome GROSPELLY":1,"#不要让您的账户余额达到或低于 48,097.2 美元 (最大损失限额) ":1,"#2024 年 6 月 17 日":1,"#开始: 2024 年 6 月 17 日 ":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun215041889, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun195007264, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST5076490, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST5075903, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST5029382, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun104832372, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Your 3065 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun124879331, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun104832372 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#Heimana Rurua":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1May134412151, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Gregory Hills, NSW":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1May134412164, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Your 3957 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1May134412170, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1May134412174, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun245060304, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1May134412182, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#a0906695914":1,"#Your 2403 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun44747370, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST4883647, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST4738303, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Your 2674 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#Your 0279 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun134913329, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun34716192, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun134920550 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun134921077, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#elmanquito":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST4755149, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun124878316, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun34723325, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun34723325 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun124878316 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#B17%208LD":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST5036604, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Your 7544 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#dongchen xie":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun245053971 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun134915247, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun134915247 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST4711942, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine SONETST4711942 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun144945709, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#The charge will appear on your bank statement as of 06/26/2024 and will reoccur on the last day of every month and is non-refundable.":1,"#arturo vollaro":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST4871459, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun184994241, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun245057989, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Loke Kee Chan":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST4995650, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#¥3,929":1,"#¥7,858":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun174965087, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun174966468, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Chiangmai, Sansai":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun174966468 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun174965087 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun205026073, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun74811384, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun74811384 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun74811373 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#Chen Pinsheng":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun205012026 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#Your 1352 credit card has been charged $149.00. You can review that anytime on the Billing Page of your Topstep Dashboard.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun205024697, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1May284615077 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun205024697 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#haddar mohammed":1,"#Have questions? Contact our Support team":1,"#Discover *7243":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun104841792, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#d33n":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun215035658, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun215035658 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun174968532, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1May164485809, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Cao yu cheng Cao":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for S1Jun144928631, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine S1Jun195004378 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#facundo mena":1,"#ERICKA BURGASI":1,"#LOJA, LOJA":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine SONETST4815955 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#ci han jian":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine SONETST4933354 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine SONETST4930534 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST5050323, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine SONETST5050323 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1,"#To start your Express Funded Account for SONETST5080073, please click \"Continue\"":1,"#Congratulations! You have passed your Trading Combine SONETST5080073 and earned a Funded Account. Click the “Start Express Funded Account” button in your account's Trade Report to start trading at the Funded Level.":1},"version":319067}]