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Supported formats are: .pdf, .doc(x), .ppt(x), .xls(x), .tif, .tiff, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .png","#Amount must be a number":"Amount format can only contain numbers and point","#Enter a valid phone number":"Phone number can only contain numbers","#Insert your Reservation number to get access to your exclusive insurance services":"Enter your information below for the best claim experience","#Policy n.":"Policy number","#Please be aware that you request may take longer for the necessary manual verifications.":"Please be aware that your claim may take longer to process without a provided policy.","#Here you can find all the documents related to your policy and downloaded them if needed.":"Here you can find the documents that may be needed for your claim.","#Insert your Policy number to get access to your exclusive insurance services":"Enter your Plan number to ensure your claim experience is tailored specifically to you","#Your claim has been successfully submitted, do you need to file another one? In the meanwhile, please help us improve the claim opening process.":"Your claim has been successfully submitted! If you need to open another claim, you can do so by clicking on the button below.","#Edit personnel data":"Edit information","#Details on file type and size":"File types: images (25MB max), .pdf, .doc, .ppt, .xls. (5MB max)","#Documents upload":"Document upload","#Select the coverage that applies to your incident":"Select the coverage that applies to your situation.","#Claim selection":"Coverage Selection","#Here you can find your open claims and verify their status.":"Here you can find your open claims and check their status","#Here you can find your policy details, all the related services and if you need you can open a new claim.":"Here you can find your policy details, all related services and if you need, you can open a new claim.","#Click here to download a certificate of insurance":"Click here to download a certificate of insurance. Please note that this will not be available if you did not enter your policy on the previous page.","#Click here to download documents related to your policy or template documents to help with filing your claim":"Click here to download and review documents that may be related to your claim.","#Policy documents":"Policy Documents","#Continue without a Code":"Continue without","#This is the space of your Travel Insurance where you can file a claim, download documents, and take advantage of dedicated resources for your trip.":"Here you can file a claim, download documents, and take advantage of dedicated resources for your trip","#Templates":"Documents templates","#Who was unable to travel in relation to the trip cancellation?":"Who was unable to travel?","#What amount do you claim":"What amount are you claiming?","#A check has been sent to the beneficiary’s address. It should be received within a maximum of 5 business days.":"A check has been sent to the beneficiary’s address. It should be received within 10-14 business days.","#Save":"Submit","#Please entrer your Policy Number":"Please enter your Policy Number","#We are experiencing an unprecedented number of claims due to concerns around Coronavirus, which may cause a delay in our ability to quickly process your claim. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your patience. We are committed to resolving your claim as soon as possible.":"Please review your policy purchase documents for the requested information.","#File a new claim":"Start a new claim","#Trip interruption":"Trip Interruption","#Trip cancellation":"Trip Cancellation","#Medical expenses":"Medical and Dental","#Trip delay":"Travel Delay","#Luggage delay":"Baggage Delay","#Luggage loss/damage/theft":"Baggage Coverage","#Country of incident":"Country of loss","#You can claim additional accommodation expenses (such as hotels, meals or local transportation) incurred due to a delay in your trip":"You can claim for reasonable expenses incurred such as accommodations, meals and local transportation while you are delayed","#You can claim expenses incurred due to a delay in the delivery of your luggage":"You can claim for expenses incurred for necessary items if your baggage is delayed","#You can claim expenses incurred due to the loss/damage/theft of luggage or personal effects":"You can claim for your lost/damaged/stolen baggage or personal effects","#Explanation of benefits from primary insurance (except for New York)":"Explanation of benefits from primary insurance (except for residents of New York)","#You can claim medical expenses not paid by your primary insurance provider, such as consultation, hospitalization, ambulance or pharmacy incurred during your trip. For New York, you do not need to submit a claim to your primary insurance first":"You can claim for medical expenses incurred due to a sickness or injury that first manifested during your trip. You can also claim for emergency dental expenses while you were on your trip.","#Supplier cancellation policies":"Supplier cancellation policy","#You can claim unused, prepaid and non-refundable expenses (such as tour, flight, hotel or cruise) or additional transportation expenses":"You can claim unused, prepaid and non-refundable expenses or additional transportation expenses","#Information on my coverages and policy":"Information on my coverages and plan","#How to file a claim":"How to start a claim","#Enter a valid amount":"Amount format can only contain numbers and point"},"version":2034},{"_id":"en-CA","source":"en-CA","pluralFn":"return n != 1 ? 1 : 0;","pluralForm":2,"dictionary":{},"version":2034},{"_id":"outdated","outdated":{"#Missed flight":1,"#Insert your Reservation number to get access to your exclusive insurance services":1,"#Click here to download a certificate of insurance":1,"#Information on my coverages and policy":1,"#How to file a claim":1,"#You can claim expenses incurred due to a delay in the delivery of your luggage":1,"#You can claim expenses incurred due to the loss/damage/theft of luggage or personal effects":1,"#You can claim medical expenses not paid by your primary insurance provider, such as consultation, hospitalization, ambulance or pharmacy incurred during your trip. For New York, you do not need to submit a claim to your primary insurance first":1,"#Contact":1,"#Policy n.":1,"#Please be aware that you request may take longer for the necessary manual verifications.":1,"#You can claim additional accommodation expenses (such as hotels, meals or local transportation) incurred due to a delay in your trip":1,"#You can claim unused, prepaid and non-refundable expenses (such as tour, flight, hotel or cruise) or additional transportation expenses":1,"#Here you can find all the documents related to your policy and downloaded them if needed.":1,"#Something went wrong. Try again.":1,"#Your claim has been successfully submitted, do you need to file another one? In the meanwhile, please help us improve the claim opening process.":1,"#Edit personnel data":1,"#Claim selection":1,"#Select the coverage that applies to your incident":1,"#Th":1,"#Luggage delay":1,"#Enter a valid phone number":1,"#Trip Cancellation":1,"#Templates":1,"#Describe the content of the file ":1,"#Details on file type and size":1,"#Check your spam folder or send a new email in ":1,"#What amount are you claiming?":1,"#Save":1},"version":2034}]