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Looks like your GPS lead you off the road.":1,"#Drive Home":1,"#This page was not found.":1,"#Reverse":1,"#Keyword Research":1,"#Display":1,"#This is who we are":1,"#We are dedicated to minimizing the time required by your dealership to reach the maximum number of customers with consistent, accurate, merchandised inventory.":1,"#Founded in 2004, EDealer is Canada’s largest website provider and a proven leader in inventory syndication.":1,"#At EDealer, we take pride in our industry-leading dealer support team, our technology, and the ability to seamlessly customize our products to dealer requirements.":1,"#Why should you do business with us?":1,"#Watch our intro video to find out.":1,"#customization":1,"#We offer a flexible and all-encompassing approach to supporting dealerships across the nation, including dealer consulting, program training, performance managers, and a VIP Support Team ready to meet every need.":1,"#Technology":1,"#Join EDealer":1,"#How We Can Support You":1,"#Connect with us on Social to see what we’re currently up to":1,"#View Open Positions":1,"#Customization":1,"#Searching For:":1,"#Ford Credit Application":1,"#Optional Ford Integrations:":1,"#Build & Price + New Vehicle Showroom w/ Incentives":1,"#Ford New Inventory Window Sticker":1,"#Ford New Inventory with Incentives":1,"#Ford Build & Price":1,"#Ford Tires Widget":1,"#Ford New Inventory Images":1,"#Ford Accessories":1,"#2 hours of Customization and Development Support":1,"#Ford Used/CPO feed":1,"#PowerUp inventory data capture app for new and used vehicle pictures, data, and video upload by e-Dealer.ca. 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Instantly push your inventory to your website and marketing portals like Kijiji, AutoTrader, Wheels, AutoCatch, and CarGurus.":1,"#Data Capture 1 a":1,"#Download the app here:":1,"#Data Capture 4 b":1,"#Why Choose EDealer?":1,"#Hear from EDealer’s Shane Hambly and Kyle Orlando on why Ford Dealers in Canada should choose EDealer as their website program provider.":1,"#As we have discovered with most of our clients, spending hard earned dollars on digital assets or traditional media is the easy part. Having staff execute on a set series of best practices or really taking the time to determine ROI on the spend – hard. This is where EDealer’s consulting services come in to play.":1,"#We can design a custom consulting package for:":1,"#e-Dealer.ca is rated best in the industry for dealer website support by auto dealer customers. 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Look no further.":1,"#All from EDealer Plus":1,"#Dynamic Personalization":1,"#Helping you find the right":1,"#Custom":1,"#/one time":1,"#newsletter":1,"#Performance Managers":1,"#Get Website Rebuild":1,"#per month":1,"#All from EDealer Elite":1,"#Website Rebuild":1,"#2 additional hours of Monthly Customization and Development Support (5 total)":1,"#Managed Digital
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