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Here's what you need to know.":1,"#Have feature requests or ideas? We’d love to hear them — contact@audiomovers.com":1,"#previous session":1,"#resend the streaming link, great for quickly picking up where you left off and resuming a":1,"#– Recent sessions menu – this allows you to connect to the previous session with no need to":1,"#link each login, so listeners can’t continue listening in from one session to the next.":1,"#– Random streaming session name / link – this allow the streamer to create a random session":1,"#session. (NB. this does not watermark the audio or make recording impossible)":1,"#– Disable Remote Recording – This disable recorder functionality in Listento Receiver for the":1,"#– Listener approval – this allows you to identify users before they can listen to a stream":1,"#To tighten security around sessions and prevent leaks, we continue to work on new security features for LISTENTO —":1,"#New security features":1,"#You can now stream your re-rendered Dolby ATMOS channel layout up to 16 channels (as well as binaural e.g. Apple Render) directly from Nuendo or Logic Pro X.":1,"#Increasingly the default audio settings on streaming platforms is binaural spatial audio – whether the listener is aware or not – as a result, more and more music must be mixed with this in mind. To support the move into mixing spatial audio, LISTENTO now supports 16 channel streaming of Dolby ATMOS.":1,"#Multichannel DOLBY Atmos streaming":1,"#– Download and update LISTENTO plugins and App here":1,"#– Legacy versions of LISTENTO for older DAWs and setups will remain available":1,"#– We’ve updated LISTENTO and released new features, you’ll need to update to take advantage":1,"#We’ve updated LISTENTO with new features. Here’s what you need to know –":1,"#Start date: 15 February 2022":1,"#Active until 8 June 2024":1,"#Next payment date: 7 June 2024 View invoices":1,"#Start date: 7 August 2023":1,"#Although this may be our final point, it’s got to be one of the most important. You need to wake up and believe that you are good enough and you will create something today. Take it step-by-step and visualise your plan of attack and what you will accomplish each with your music.":1,"#Find a good producer and collaborate with them, even if they make music in a different genre to you! You may want to try and find someone on a forum or social media if you don’t know any producers in your circle of friends. Few things help get the creative juices flowing like another human being to work with. And don’t worry if they aren’t close by, with our LISTENTO plugin you can remotely collaborate wherever you are in the world. You can try seven days free by heading here.":1,"#10 Aug 2022":1,"#5. Headphone Rendering Options":1,"#Start date: 11 October 2022":1,"#“Do you wanna come on the road with us? The drummers got to leave” – Paul Simmons | #TilYouMakeIt":1,"#Abbey Road Studios has always been at the forefront of innovation. We’re thrilled to now be part of this incredible story and together help continue pioneering the way for the future of music technology. As part of our new series, we are delving into some of the ground-breaking innovations created at Abbey Road - and give you an insight into the stories behind them. This week, it’s the legendary Ken Townsend’s very own Artificial Double Tracking.":1,"#The gear behind Abbey Road Studios: Artificial Double Tracking":1,"#However, we do offer various deals for existing subscribers. Keep an eye on our Twitter or signup to our mailing list to be included in our comms around promotions.":1,"#The majority of promo voucher codes are for new users only.":1,"#The TG12410 is one of Abbey Road’s finest pieces of equipment, and through the collaborative work with the likes of Waves Audio and Chandler Limited, the legacy of the consoles is being kept alive for the next generation of music makers to utilize and enjoy. In our next installment of The Gear Behind Abbey Road Studios, we’ll be diving into the Neumann VMS-80 cutting lathe.":1,"#And in the same year, Chandler Limited Founder/Chief Designer, Wade Goeke, conceived the TG Microphone. A solid-state, large diaphragm condenser microphone, featuring the legendary TG sound, a Dual Tone voicing system and NAB/IEC Tape Equalizer facility, repurposed from historic EMI TG12410 consoles and re-engineered for microphone duties.":1,"#In 2018, Abbey Road Studios teamed up with Waves Audio and developed the TG Mastering Chain plugin – a modular mastering chain plugin modeled after the Transfer Console. You can use the Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain to create custom processing chains with a flexible flow and the TG magic on the master bus, or on individual tracks/groups in a mixing session.":1,"#The TG brings something special to any master — heard on records including Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon, Nirvana’s In Utero, Radiohead’s OK Computer and Ed Sheeran’s +.":1,"#Improvements on the consoles have never stopped thanks to the legendary Abbey Road technical engineers. A recent project, which was developed entirely in-house, ensured the consoles are a mainstay in the mastering rooms for many more years to come. In the latest versions of the TG consoles, the technical engineers have essentially modularised the original TG module. By doing this, you can allow new, modern-day equipment to be placed between the TG modules. This also allows the mastering engineer to bypass and monitor any effect in their chain.":1,"#26 Oct 2022":1,"#Start date: 23 August 2023":1,"##10: Believe you can do it":1,"#Music production involves a lot of different skills. It’s an ongoing process of learning and unlearning. New skills in your producer skill stack will open up new possibilities when you produce. New possibilities lead to heightened musical inspiration in many areas of your workflow. So, it’s a good idea to add a new skill as often as you can.":1,"##9: Learn a New Skill":1,"##8: Collaborate":1,"#The pressure of wanting to create a new track can sometimes stunt creativity. So, decide to just jam a bit for fun. No pressure! Take an hour or so and get into jamming it for the sole purpose of having fun, not to create a track. However, it may be worth pressing record, as often this is where the best ideas can come from!":1,"##7: Just Jam":1,"#We can all be guilty of spending hours upon hours in our studios without even coming out. Sometimes going out for a walk helps clear your mind and feed you new inspirational ideas and get a fresh perspective on your music.":1,"##6: Make sure to move around":1,"#Once you are in the flow of this, start setting yourself a strict deadline. With strict, we mean it’s a final cut-off. No ifs or buts. You reach the deadline, you stop and it’s done. It’s amazing how much you can get done when you know you have no other option!":1,"#It’s very easy to make an excuse by saying that you’ve run out of time to complete a track you’ve been working on. Sadly, if you don’t have some sort of routine with your music-making, then you’ll find it extremely hard to keep into the swing of it and to continually keep getting better. Simply setting aside an hour or two a day could greatly help with this, even if this does mean waking up slightly earlier each day!":1,"##5: Set a schedule and deadline":1,"#Remember when you first got your hands on Massive or Serum? How about your favorite glitch plugin? New toys and sounds in your library are a surefire way to spark musical inspiration and get going on a new project.":1,"#A long break from an old track can also spark quick inspiration when you hear it again. Often the ideas for improvement just seem to pop out instantly on the first listen-through.":1,"#The saying ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ is true when you’re comparing yourself to others. However, comparing your current mixes to your mixes from when you first started or even from a year ago is the best way to remind yourself of how far you’ve come.":1,"##3: Compare your mixes now to your mixes from a year ago":1,"#Whether that’s through listening to the tracks that first got you excited about music production or looking into your favourite producers and what they’re working on currently, taking the time to revisit your sources of inspiration may spark new ideas and get you excited about creating again.":1,"##2: Remember the reasons you started producing:":1,"#We’ve all been there. Whether it’s down to overthinking or simply a lack of inspiration, lulls in creativity are extremely common in music production. However, they don’t have to be permanent. From taking regular breaks to setting schedules, we’ve compiled our tips for regaining and maintaining your creative momentum.":1,"#License purchased on 28th November 2022":1,"#Start date: 26 November 2022":1,"#20 Aug 2023":1,"#Find your flow: 10 tips on how to stay motivated in music production":1,"#4 posts":1,"#4 Jan 2024":1,"#The focal point of Abbey Road's mastering rooms is the EMI TG12410 console. The first solid-state consoles to be designed within EMI, they were custom built by EMI's research department in Hayes, Middlesex, beginning in the late ‘60s.":1,"#The focal point of Abbey Road’s mastering rooms is the EMI TG12410 console. The first solid-state consoles to be designed within EMI, they were custom built by EMI’s research department in Hayes, Middlesex, beginning in the late ‘60s.":1,"#26 Jul 2021":1,"#11 Nov 2021":1,"#Expiry date: 11/2028":1,"#2 Jul 2020":1,"#19 Sep 2021":1,"#Product update: Dolby Atmos support and security features for LISTENTO":1,"#NEWS: Remote Collaboration Software for all Pro Tools users | Audiomovers":1,"#Poor translation":1,"#Good translation":1,"#Your feedback will be used to help improve Google Translate":1,"#Rate this translation":1,"#16 Feb 2021":1,"#15 Aug 2022":1,"#NEWS: LISTENTO plugin now supports the New Expanded Track Widths in Pro Tools 2023.6":1,"#So if you’re on an annual plan, when the current annual period ends, a new annual billing period will begin. Subscriptions are charged at the start date of each billing period.":1,"#21 Sep 2023":1,"#21 Oct 2023":1,"#2.1 技術仕様":1,"#Abbey Road has been cutting discs on-site since legendary engineer Alan Blumlein invented the custom cutting head in 1931.":1,"#Cutting Vinyl at Abbey Road Studios: The Neumann VMS Cutting Lathes":1,"#Start date: 1 September 2022":1,"#22 Sep 2021":1,"#21 Dec 2021":1,"#Streaming to and from Cubase is incredibly simple with LISTENTO. LISTENTO allows you to stream uncompressed audio with as little as 0.1 seconds of latency directly from any DAW. Getting started in Cubase Place the LISTENTO plugin onto your stereo output – make sure it’s a post plugin so that all effects are applied to […]":1,"#Start streaming from Cubase":1,"#Place the LISTENTO plugin onto your stereo output – make sure it’s a post plugin so that all effects are applied to your stream.":1,"#Getting started in Cubase":1,"#Streaming to and from Cubase is incredibly simple with LISTENTO.":1,"#The Gear Behind Abbey Road Studios: EMI TG12410 Console":1,"#If you would still like to reset your password, please enter a new one below.":1,"#You are currently logged in. If you change your password you will be logged out and need to log back in again using the new password.":1,"#In 2014 Abbey Road created the EMI TG12345 Channel Strip plugin in collaboration with Waves Audio. Thanks to meticulous component modelling, it captures every celebrated feature of the original console: the input mic preamp, the harmonic distortion, hum and noise, the bass and treble EQ bands from the mic cassette, and the console’s famous compressor/limiters.":1,"#TG was an acronym for The Gramophone Company. The Gramophone Company merged with Columbia Records in the 1930s to form EMI (Electric and Musical Industries) but the loyalties to The Gramophone Company remained so much so that employees became known as TG men. The name has continued to be used as part of Abbey Road Studios’ collaboration with Chandler Limited in their TG series of products. From the TG-1 Limiter to the TG12345 MKIV EQ which draws its influence from the circuitry and components of the original TG desk.":1,"#These were much larger than the REDD consoles and had many more features including three times as many mic inputs and a compressor/limiter on every channel. Every TG desk has a distinctive character, each producing a sound slightly different from the next.":1,"#Designed by former chief engineer Mike Batchelor from 1968 to around 1974, the “TG12345” series became the last of the EMI-only designed studio desks.":1,"#9 Jul 2021":1,"#Place the LISTENTO plugin onto your stereo output – make sure it’s last in the plugin chain so that all effects are applied to your stream.":1,"#Next Payment Amount: $74.98":1,"#Original text":1,"#AVID":1,"#12 Jul 2021":1,"#Scoring":1,"#Did you know that LISTENTO allows you to transmit with either ACC, PCM, or most recently, the OPUS Codec?":1,"#What audio quality settings are right for you?":1,"#View all User Guides":1,"#View all FAQS":1,"#You can read the privacy policy here.":1,"#Audiomovers is a proud member of Universal Music Group, and therefore falls under the UMG privacy policy.":1,"#22 Oct 2021":1,"#Download the latest version of OMNIBUS below.":1,"#14 Sep 2021":1,"#18 Nov 2021":1,"#Expiry date: 09/2027":1,"#Upgrading":1,"#Confirm & Pay":1,"#Immersive Audio":1,"#Expiry date: 04/2026":1,"#21 Sep 2021":1,"#TG12410":1,"#Expiry date: 08/2028":1,"#In 1968, the introduction of eight-track recording and increasing sonic experimentation by The Beatles and other groundbreaking artists meant that the capabilities of Abbey Road Studios’ REDD.37 and REDD.51 consoles were being stretched. This called for a new desk. The name of the console was TG12345, with the TG being an acronym for The Gramophone Company.":1,"#The gear behind Abbey Road Studios: EMI TG12345":1,"#Tradução boa":1,"#O feedback vai ser usado para ajudar a melhorar o Google Tradutor":1,"#Charged straight away.":1,"#One-off payment.":1,"#To uninstall OMNIBUS, run the OMNIBUS Uninstaller.":1,"#Uninstalling OMNIBUS":1,"#MacOS: /Applications/Omnibus /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/Audiomovers.Omnibus.driver":1,"#Software Installation location:":1,"#You will need to restart your machine to complete installation.":1,"#Use the OMNIBUS Installer in order to install OMNIBUS to your system. Follow the prompts on Installer to finish with the installation.":1,"#Backstage with Phil Gornell":1,"#25 Nov 2021":1,"#8 Jul 2022":1,"#A new password reset link has been sent to to your account email.":1,"#19 Jul 2022":1,"#License purchased on 11th October 2023":1,"#For example, if you’ve selected the Listento Basic Monthly subscription plan, you will be charged $12.99 for the full months subscription. However, if you’ve selected the Listento Pro Yearly plan, the $199.99 charge will still occur. In this case, you will still have access to LISTENTO until the due date of the next payment.":1,"#26 Nov 2022":1,"#Error: Old password and new password are same":1,"#Select ‘Allow All Auto-Play’ for listento.audiomovers.com.":1,"#Under the Safari Preferences, navigate to the ‘Websites’ tab and then the ‘Auto-play’ menu in the left side column.":1,"#In order to hear audio from a particular web page, you must enable auto-play for that website in the Safari preferences.":1,"#The Safari web browser blocks audio content by default.":1,"#The required email, password and confirm password fields are missing or blank.":1,"#24 Aug 2023":1,"#Product update: Dolby Atmos support and security features for LISTENTO | Audiomovers":1,"#Full license Binaural Renderer":1,"#A demo license for INJECT has been added to your account.":1,"#A demo license for OMNIBUS has been added to your account.":1,"#Remote Songwriting":1,"#For any other matters, please contact us directly via our Support widget.":1,"#Paddle is our payment provision partner. They handle all customer payments and subscriptions. As well as Audiomovers Support, you can contact Paddle about any transaction queries and failed payments.":1,"#戻る":1,"#19 Aug 2023":1,"#3 Ways To Start Collaborating On Music Remotely":1,"#Your account has already been confirmed. Thank you.":1,"#The LISTENTO plugin and mobile app is the best way to stream lossless, studio-quality audio from any DAW to your Android device without having to transfer files or bounce out tracks. Here’s how you do it.":1,"#How to stream audio from PC to Android":1,"#However, if you cancel after this period has ended, you will be charged at the rate of your subscription plan.":1,"#You are on LISTENTO Pro Monthly plan":1,"#21 Dec 2022":1,"#TG12345":1,"#The required password and confirm password fields are missing or blank.":1,"#Looking to collaborate with other musicians remotely? Here are three of the best ways to do so using our LISTENTO plugin.":1,"#THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Micael Hildenborg ”AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Micael Hildenborg BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.":1,"#names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.":1,"#* Neither the name of Micael Hildenborg nor the":1,"#Copyright (c) 2011, Micael Hildenborg All rights reserved.":1,"#sha1.hpp is a repackaging of the sha1.cpp and sha1.h files from the shallsha1 library (http://code.google.com/p/smallsha1/) into a single header suitable for use as a header only library. This conversion was done by Peter Thorson (webmaster@zaphoyd.com) in 2013. All modifications to the code are redistributed under the same licence as the original, which is listed below.":1,"#****** SHA1 Library (sha1/sha1.hpp) ******":1,"#base64.cpp and base64.h":1,"#****** Base 64 Library (base64/base64.hpp) ****** base64.hpp is a repackaging of the base64.cpp and base64.h files into a single header suitable for use as a header only library. This conversion was done by Peter Thorson (webmaster@zaphoyd.com) in 2012. All modifications to the code are redistributed under the same licence as the original, which is listed below.":1,"#THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PETER THORSON BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Bundled Libraries:":1,"#* Neither the name of the WebSocket++ Project nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.":1,"#* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.":1,"#* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.":1,"#Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:":1,"#Copyright (c) 2014, Peter Thorson. All rights reserved.":1,"#Main Library:":1,"#THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”.":1,"#OPEN MARKET MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE OR THE DOCUMENTATION, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL OPEN MARKET BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY DAMAGES ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE OR THE DOCUMENTATION, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR LOST DATA, EVEN IF OPEN MARKET HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. OPEN MARKET HAS NO LIABILITY IN CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF THIS SOFTWARE OR THE DOCUMENTATION.":1,"#Open Market permits you to use, copy, modify, distribute, and licence this Software and the Documentation for any purpose, provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement, licence, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses. Modifications to this Software and Documentation may be copyrighted by their authors and need not follow the licensing terms described here. If modifications to this Software and Documentation have new licensing terms, the new terms must be clearly indicated on the first page of each file where they apply.":1,"#This FastCGI application library source and object code (the “Software”) and its documentation (the “Documentation”) are copyrighted by Open Market, Inc (“Open Market”). The following terms apply to all files associated with the Software and Documentation unless explicitly disclaimed in individual files.":1,"#THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.":1,"#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.":1,"#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.":1,"#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicence, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:":1,"#Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder.":1,"#All rights reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.":1,"#Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.":1,"#Copyright (c) 1996 – 2017, Daniel Stenberg, daniel@haxx.se, and many contributors, see the THANKS file.":1,"#Curl – COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE":1,"#Third party and open source software – legal notices":1,"#SCHEDULE 2":1,"#[*] Delete as appropriate":1,"#Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),":1,"#Address of consumer(s),":1,"#Name of consumer(s),":1,"#Ordered on [*],":1,"#I/We [*] hereby give notice that I/We [*] cancel my/our [*] contract for the supply of the following service [*],":1,"#To: Virgin Records Limited, trading as Audiomovers of 4 Pancras Square, London, N1C 4AG, United Kingdom, or info@audiomovers.com":1,"#(Complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the Licence)":1,"#Model Cancellation Form – for Consumer Users only":1,"#17.2.3. If you are a Business User, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.":1,"#17.2.2. if you reside in the EU, the European Commission provides for an online dispute resolution platform, which you can access here: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. We will not charge you for making a complaint and if you are not satisfied with the outcome you can still bring legal proceedings.":1,"#17.2.1. if mandatory statutory consumer protection regulations in your country of residence contain provisions that apply by application of applicable law, such provisions shall apply irrespective of the choice of English law. As a consumer, you may bring any judicial proceedings relating to this Licence before the competent court of your place of residence or the competent court of our place of business in England. If we wish to enforce any of its rights against you as a consumer, we may do so only in the courts of the jurisdiction in which you are a resident.":1,"#17.2. If you are a Consumer User:":1,"#17.1. This Licence is governed by English law":1,"#17. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION":1,"#16.5. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date.":1,"#16.4. Each of the conditions of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining conditions will remain in full force and effect.":1,"#16.3. This contract is between you and us. This Licence does not give rise to any rights to any third party to enforce any term of this Licence.":1,"#16.2. You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under this Licence to another person if we agree in writing (provided that this will not prevent you providing Access Passes to Authorised Users in accordance with these conditions).":1,"#16.1. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the contract.":1,"#16. OTHER IMPORTANT TERMS":1,"#15.2. As stated in condition 3, we use a third party payment service provider who will also process your personal data for administration of billing and collection of the Licence Fees. Such processing shall be subject to the terms of their separate privacy policy available via their website.":1,"#15.1. Under data protection legislation, we are required to provide you with certain information about who we are, how we process your personal data and for what purposes and your rights in relation to your personal data and how to exercise them. This information is provided in our privacy policy available at https://www.umusic.co.uk/privacy.html and it is important that you read that information.":1,"#15. HOW WE MAY USE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION":1,"#14.2.2. we will use our reasonable endeavours to find a solution by which our obligations under this Licence may be performed despite the Event Outside Our Control.":1,"#14.2.1 our obligations under this Licence will be suspended and the time for performance of our obligations will be extended for the duration of the Event Outside Our Control; and":1,"#14.2. If an Event Outside Our Control takes place that affects the performance of our obligations under this Licence:":1,"#14.1We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under this Licence that is caused by an Event Outside Our Control.":1,"#14.1. An “Event Outside Our Control” means any act or event beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation failure of public or private telecommunications networks.":1,"#14. EVENTS OUTSIDE OUR CONTROL":1,"#13.2. If we have to contact you or give you notice in writing, we will do so by emailing the email address you provided in registering your account.":1,"#13.1. If you wish to contact us in writing, or if any condition in this Licence requires you to give us notice in writing, you can send this to us by email to Audiomovers at info@audiomovers.com. We will confirm receipt of this by contacting you in writing at the email address or postal address you provided to us in your order.":1,"#13. COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN US":1,"#12.4.4. Following the cooling-off period, you may cancel your Subscription at any time and, provided we receive your request to cancel prior to forty eight (48) hours before the expiry of your current Subscription Term, such cancellation shall take effect at the end of your then applicable Subscription Term.":1,"#12.4.3. If you or any Authorised User start using the Software during the cooling-off period (including by activating any Subscription), the cooling-off period will end, you will lose your right of cancellation and will not be refunded the Licence Fees in respect of that Subscription Term, save that in respect of Trial Subscriptions, if you use the Software during the cooling-off period you will still be able to cancel up until the Trail Subscription end date.":1,"#12.4.2. If neither you nor any Authorised User has used the Software prior to you notifying us of cancellation within the cooling-off period, we will refund the Licence Fees in full.":1,"#(b. completing the Model Cancellation Form set out in Schedule 1 and returning it to us.":1,"#(a. accessing the My Account section of the Software and following the cancellation instructions set out; or":1,"#12.4.1. you have a legal right to change your mind within 14 days of first signing up for your Subscription (including any Trial Subscription) (“cooling-off period”). You can cancel your Subscription by:":1,"#12.4. If you are a Consumer User:":1,"#12.3.3. you must immediately delete or remove the Software from all computer equipment in your possession.":1,"#12.3.2. you must cease all activities authorised by this Licence; and":1,"#12.3.1. all rights granted to you under this Licence shall cease;":1},"version":4619}]