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Learn how the right Conversational AI strategy makes this possible, along with cost savings and improved revenue.":"La participación del cliente fluida y optimizada es crucial para brindar una experiencia de ventas y soporte conveniente y efectiva, lo que genera una mayor lealtad del cliente. Descubra cómo la estrategia correcta de IA conversacional lo hace posible, junto con el ahorro de costos y la mejora de los ingresos.","#Open guide":"Guía abierta","#Reduce operating expenses, lift sales":"Reduzca los gastos operativos, aumente las ventas","#Professional Services":"Servicios profesionales","#Using Conversational AI solutions, consumers can connect with brands in the channels they use the most. Learn how this technology is able to facilitate hyper-personalization with real-time data to help carry out transactions and more.":"Con las soluciones de Conversational AI, los consumidores pueden contactar con las marcas en los canales que más utilizan. Descubre cómo puede facilitar esta tecnología la hiperpersonalización con datos en tiempo real para ayudar a realizar transacciones y más.","#And that’s where LivePerson’s solutions stand apart.":"Y ahí es donde destacan las soluciones de LivePerson.","#Interested in learning more about our approach?":"¿Te gustaría recibir más información sobre nuestro enfoque?","#Get help from our experts in delivering your AI-led conversational experiences, from strategy to implementation and even fully managed contact center solutions.":"Obtenga ayuda de nuestros expertos para brindar sus experiencias conversacionales dirigidas por IA, desde la estrategia hasta la implementación e incluso soluciones de centro de contacto totalmente administradas.","#Start delivering truly authentic intent-driven conversations, at scale. This powerful engagement hub helps you build and manage AI-powered chatbots alongside human agents to support commerce and customer service interactions.":"Empieza a ofrecer conversaciones basadas en la intención verdaderamente auténticas, a escala. Este potente centro de interacción te ayuda a crear y gestionar chatbots impulsados por IA junto con agentes humanos para respaldar las interacciones comerciales y de servicio al cliente.","#By Anna Folinsky and Dalia Levine":"De Anna Folinsky y Dalia Levine","#By Chris Radanovic":"De Chris Radanovic","#See all":"Ver todo","#Create unified, personalized consumer engagement experiences, driven by superior Conversational Analytics and advanced customer experience integration from industry-leading speech recognition, and Conversational AI.":"Cree experiencias unificadas y personalizadas de interacción del consumidor, impulsadas por un Analítica conversacional superior y una integración avanzada de la experiencia del cliente a partir del reconocimiento de voz líder en la industria y la Conversational AI.","#How LivePerson puts Conversational AI to work":"Cómo emplea LivePerson la Conversational AI","#Whether a customer interacts with AI chatbots or with a human agent, the data gathered can be used to inform future interactions — avoiding pain points like having to explain a problem to multiple agents.":"Tanto si un cliente interactúa con chatbots de IA como con un agente humano, los datos recopilados se pueden utilizar para las interacciones futuras, evitando puntos críticos como tener que explicar el mismo problema a varios agentes.","#Better data and better understanding":"Mejores datos y mejor comprensión","#Hyper-personalized customer engagement":"Interacción con el cliente hiperpersonalizada","#Learn why people are embracing virtual assistants and other AI models to speed responses, reduce costs, increase sales, and provide scalability for business processes throughout the customer journey.":"Descubre por qué las personas están adoptando asistentes virtuales y otros modelos de IA para acelerar las respuestas, reducir los costes, aumentar las ventas y proporcionar escalabilidad para los procesos comerciales a lo largo del recorrido del cliente.","#Enhance customer experience":"Mejora la experiencia del cliente","#What Conversational AI means to brands":"Qué significa la Conversational AI para las marcas","#See our Curiously Human™ journey":"El recorrido de Curiously Human™","#Conversational AI doesn’t need to feel artificial. AI can be more human. And that’s what we’re focused on doing. LivePerson will help you develop AI-powered digital experiences where your consumers wonder just how the heck they feel so seen, heard, and valued by your brand.":"La Conversational AI no tiene por qué parecer artificial. La IA puede ser más humana. Y en eso nos estamos enfocando. LivePerson te ayudará a desarrollar experiencias digitales impulsadas por IA en las que tus consumidores se pregunten cómo es posible que se sientan tan vistos, escuchados y valorados por tu marca.","#Artificial intelligence that’s emotionally intelligent, too":"Inteligencia artificial que también es emocionalmente inteligente","#Learn about our NLU":"Más información sobre nuestra NLU","#Not only can Conversational AI tools help bots recognize human speech and text, they can actually understand what a person wants — the intent behind the inquiry. LivePerson explicitly trained its NLU to support conversational bots throughout the commerce and care customer journey.":"Las herramientas de IA conversacional no solo pueden ayudar a los bots a reconocer el habla y el texto humanos, sino que también pueden comprender lo que una persona quiere: la intención de la consulta. LivePerson formó explícitamente a su NLU para respaldar a los bots conversacionales a lo largo del recorrido del cliente de comercio y atención.","#Intent-driven Conversational AI applications":"Aplicaciones de Conversational AI basadas en la intención","#Dig into the data science":"Profundiza en la ciencia de datos","#Conversational AI combines natural language understanding (NLU), natural language processing (NLP), and machine-learning models to emulate human cognition and engagement. LivePerson is evolving these tools to maximize their performance and get us to the future of self-learning AI.":"La Conversational AI combina la comprensión del lenguaje natural (NLU), el procesamiento del lenguaje natural (NLP) y los modelos de aprendizaje automático para emular el conocimiento y la interacción humanos. LivePerson está desarrollando estas herramientas para maximizar su rendimiento y llevarnos al futuro de la IA de autoaprendizaje.","#How it works":"Cómo funciona","#Building a Curiously Human™ AI-powered customer experience":"Crear una experiencia de cliente Curiously Human™ impulsada por la IA","#Chatbots are rules-based programs that provide an appropriate response for a particular scenario. They are triggered by defined keywords and can only attend to one request at a time. Conversational AI refers to all the tools that can be used within AI chatbots to make them more…well, conversational. ":"Los chatbots son programas basados en reglas que ofrecen una respuesta adecuada para un escenario particular. Se activan por palabras clave definidas y solo pueden atender una solicitud a la vez. La Conversational AI hace referencia a todas las herramientas que se pueden usar en los chatbots de IA para que sean más... bueno, conversacionales. ","#Conversational AI vs. machine-learning chatbots":"Conversational AI vs. chatbots de aprendizaje automático","#Gone are the days of predefined rules-based chatbots. We enter a new era of Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI), an evolving category that includes a set of technologies to power human-like interactions through automated messaging and voice-enabled applications. It enables personalized experiences, automated as well as human, that drive increased value in commerce and care relationships.":"Atrás quedaron los días de los chatbots basados en reglas predefinidas. Entramos en una nueva era de inteligencia artificial (IA) conversacional, una categoría en evolución que incluye un conjunto de tecnologías para impulsar interacciones similares a las humanas a través de mensajería automatizada y aplicaciones habilitadas para voz. Permite experiencias personalizadas, tanto automatizadas como humanas, que impulsan un mayor valor en las relaciones comerciales y de atención.","#More Than just Chatbots":"Más que solo chatbots","#Bridging the conversational gap between humans and AI with natural language understanding":"Salvar la distancia conversacional entre humanos y la IA con la comprensión del lenguaje natural","#Read our 2021 Consumer Preferences Survey":"Lee nuestra Encuesta de Preferencias del Consumidor 2021","#What Conversational AI means for consumers":"Qué significa la Conversational AI para los consumidores","#Read more":"Más información","#Become a partner":"Hazte socio","#Read the story":"Descubre la historia de ","#increase in CSAT":"aumento en CSAT","#An AI platform that identifies customer intent to drive engagement":"Una plataforma de IA que identifica la intención del cliente para impulsar las interacciones","#Learn about Voice Solutions":"Más información sobre las soluciones de voz","#What is Conversational AI: How it started and where it’s going":"Qué es la Conversational AI: cómo empezó y qué le depara el futuro","# headshot":" disparo a la cabeza","#Chief Executive Officer, ":"Director ejecutivo, ","#ARTICLE":"ARTÍCULO","#Recommended resources":"Recursos recomendados","#Cookies Settings":"Configuración de cookies","#To find out more, read our cookie policy.":"Para obtener más información, lea nuestra política de cookies.","#By clicking “Accept All Cookies,” you agree we can store cookies on your device to help personalize site content, analyze traffic and assist in our marketing to provide the best possible user experience.":"Al hacer clic en \"Aceptar todas las cookies\", aceptas que podamos almacenar cookies en tu dispositivo para ayudar a personalizar el contenido del sitio, analizar el tráfico y ayudar en nuestro marketing para brindar la mejor experiencia de usuario posible.","#Transform with Success Services":"Transforma con servicios de éxito","#Deliver richer customer experiences with help from the experts":"Ofrece una mejor experiencia al cliente con la ayuda de expertos","#Modernize your customer experience with voice and digital":"Moderniza la experiencia de tus clientes con soluciones de voz y digitales","#Discover Conversational Cloud":"Descubre Conversational Cloud","#Voice Solutions":"Soluciones de voz","#Corporate Governance":"Gobierno corporativo","#Copyright":"Derechos de autor","#Partners":"Socios","#Our Values":"Nuestros valores","#Data Science":"Ciencia de los datos","#Learn more":"Más información","#Events":"Eventos","#Security":"Seguridad","#Technical Support":"Soporte técnico","#Products":"Productos","#Personalize and scale customer service for crypto and DeFi communities":"Personaliza y escala el servicio al cliente para las comunidades de criptodivisas y DeFi","#Transform the in-store and ecommerce customer experience at scale":"Transforma la experiencia del cliente en tiendas y online a escala","#Proactively support customers with Conversational AI for financial services":"Apoya proactivamente a los clientes con IA conversacional para servicios financieros","#Financial Services":"Servicios financieros","#Healthcare":"Salud","#Maximize retention, minimize costs with Conversational AI and chatbots in telecom":"Maximiza la retención, minimiza los costes con la IA conversacional y los chatbots en telecomunicaciones","#Deliver personalized customer service at scale by understanding customers’ intent":"Comprende la intención de los clientes para ofrecer un servicio de atención al cliente personalizado a escala","#By Need":"Por área"},"version":2295},{"_id":"en","source":"en","pluralFn":"return n != 1 ? 1 : 0;","pluralForm":2,"dictionary":{},"version":2295},{"_id":"outdated","outdated":{"#Chief Executive Officer, ":1,"#See our Curiously Human™ journey":1,"#Create unified, personalized consumer engagement experiences, driven by superior Conversational Analytics and advanced customer experience integration from industry-leading speech recognition, and Conversational AI.":1,"#Get help from our experts in delivering your AI-led conversational experiences, from strategy to implementation and even fully managed contact center solutions.":1,"#What Conversational AI means to brands":1,"#What Conversational AI means for consumers":1,"#Conversational AI doesn’t need to feel artificial. AI can be more human. And that’s what we’re focused on doing. LivePerson will help you develop AI-powered digital experiences where your consumers wonder just how the heck they feel so seen, heard, and valued by your brand.":1,"#Whether a customer interacts with AI chatbots or with a human agent, the data gathered can be used to inform future interactions — avoiding pain points like having to explain a problem to multiple agents.":1,"#Intent-driven Conversational AI applications":1,"#And that’s where LivePerson’s solutions stand apart.":1,"#Read our 2021 Consumer Preferences Survey":1,"#See all":1,"#Building a Curiously Human™ AI-powered customer experience":1,"#Seamless, streamlined customer engagement is crucial to delivering a convenient and effective sales and support experience, which makes for more customer loyalty. Learn how the right Conversational AI strategy makes this possible, along with cost savings and improved revenue.":1,"#Conversational AI combines natural language understanding (NLU), natural language processing (NLP), and machine-learning models to emulate human cognition and engagement. LivePerson is evolving these tools to maximize their performance and get us to the future of self-learning AI.":1,"#Start delivering truly authentic intent-driven conversations, at scale. This powerful engagement hub helps you build and manage AI-powered chatbots alongside human agents to support commerce and customer service interactions.":1,"#How LivePerson puts Conversational AI to work":1,"#By Anna Folinsky and Dalia Levine":1,"#Enhance customer experience":1,"#Chatbots are rules-based programs that provide an appropriate response for a particular scenario. They are triggered by defined keywords and can only attend to one request at a time. Conversational AI refers to all the tools that can be used within AI chatbots to make them more…well, conversational. ":1,"#Artificial intelligence that’s emotionally intelligent, too":1,"#Gone are the days of predefined rules-based chatbots. We enter a new era of Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI), an evolving category that includes a set of technologies to power human-like interactions through automated messaging and voice-enabled applications. It enables personalized experiences, automated as well as human, that drive increased value in commerce and care relationships.":1,"#Conversational AI vs. machine-learning chatbots":1,"#Better data and better understanding":1,"#Learn why people are embracing virtual assistants and other AI models to speed responses, reduce costs, increase sales, and provide scalability for business processes throughout the customer journey.":1,"#Bridging the conversational gap between humans and AI with natural language understanding":1,"#Reduce operating expenses, lift sales":1,"#Using Conversational AI solutions, consumers can connect with brands in the channels they use the most. Learn how this technology is able to facilitate hyper-personalization with real-time data to help carry out transactions and more.":1,"#What is Conversational AI: How it started and where it’s going":1,"#Learn about our NLU":1,"#More Than just Chatbots":1,"#Not only can Conversational AI tools help bots recognize human speech and text, they can actually understand what a person wants — the intent behind the inquiry. LivePerson explicitly trained its NLU to support conversational bots throughout the commerce and care customer journey.":1,"#How it works":1,"#Hyper-personalized customer engagement":1,"#Dig into the data science":1,"#Read more":1,"#Read the story":1,"#Interested in learning more about our approach?":1,"#Learn about Voice Solutions":1,"#An AI platform that identifies customer intent to drive engagement":1,"#Open guide":1,"# headshot":1,"#By Chris Radanovic":1,"#ARTICLE":1,"#Deliver personalized customer service at scale by understanding customers’ intent":1,"#By Need":1,"#Proactively support customers with Conversational AI for financial services":1,"#Transform the in-store and ecommerce customer experience at scale":1,"#Personalize and scale customer service for crypto and DeFi communities":1,"#Maximize retention, minimize costs with Conversational AI and chatbots in telecom":1,"#Healthcare":1,"#Data Science":1,"#Voice Solutions":1,"#Discover Conversational Cloud":1,"#Deliver richer customer experiences with help from the experts":1,"#Modernize your customer experience with voice and digital":1,"#Transform with Success Services":1,"#To find out more, read our cookie policy.":1,"#Cookies Settings":1,"#By clicking “Accept All Cookies,” you agree we can store cookies on your device to help personalize site content, analyze traffic and assist in our marketing to provide the best possible user experience.":1},"version":2295}]