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(NOTE: Claims of retaliation can be brought under the Disabled Person Act but not under the Unruh Civil Rights Act.)":1,"#Error: Most recent date of harm cannot be greater than today.":1,"#DFEH 案例详情":1,"#Mediation Case Id":1,"#How likely are you utilize the CRD's mediation services to resolve a future CRD complaint?":1,"#Discrimination In Services With Guide, Signal, or Service Dog (CC54)":1,"#Case Name Help Info":1,"#Case Number Help Info":1,"#Mediation Case Name":1,"#Additional comments.":1,"#Let us know if you have any additional comments and type of comment below.":1,"#How satisfied were you with the fairness of the mediation process?":1,"#How satisfied were you with the result of your recent mediation experience?":1,"#Did your recent mediation experience result in settlement?":1,"#Are you a complainant, respondent, complainant's representative or respondent's representative?":1,"#Discrimination by State-Operated, Funded, or Financially-Assisted Entity/Programs (GC11135)":1,"#Provide a brief summary of the denial of access incident(s):":1,"#CCRS Case":1,"#*Case Number":1,"#If origin is other then an other explanation is required":1,"#Briefly describe the human trafficking situation you experienced:":1,"#Joel Bailey":1,"#Intimidation or Act(s) of Hate Violence (Ralph)":1,"#Uploading screenshot: 0%":1,"#Please select yes if the alleged incident occured in California":1,"#Briefly describe the type of program or activity and the denial of benefits or full and equal access you experienced:":1,"#SUBMIT ANOTHER":1,"#Is the most recent date of harm within the last three years?":1,"#Your current appointment reservation will expire in 6 minutes.":1,"#Your current appointment reservation will expire in 7 minutes.":1,"#Discriminatory Statement Used must be completed":1,"#Error in fetching record: invalid record id.":1,"#Saving...":1,"#from":1,"#View":1,"#Subjected to a threat of violence to self and/or property":1,"#Subjected to violence to self and/or property":1,"#Position in a Labor Dispute":1,"#Your current appointment reservation will expire in 26 minutes.":1,"#Political Affiliation":1,"#Comment Type Help Info":1,"#Settlement?":1,"#Party Role Help Info":1,"#Party Role":1,"#A value is required for this field":1,"#Your current appointment reservation will expire in 27 minutes.":1,"#Your current appointment reservation will expire in 28 minutes.":1,"#Comment Help Info":1,"#Comment":1,"#Your current appointment reservation will expire in 29 minutes.":1,"#Comment Type":1,"#Utilize Services in Future Help Info":1,"#Utilize Services in Future":1,"#Satisfaction - Fairness Help Info":1,"#Satisfaction - Fairness":1,"#Satisfaction - Result Help Info":1,"#Satisfaction - Result":1,"#Settlement? 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Please navigate back to the appointment section and select a new appointment slot.":1,"#Conditions of Use":1,"#Back to Top":1,"#external link to CA.gov":1,"#Copyright © 2023 State of California":1,"#March":1,"#Number of units in the housing complex:":1,"#--None--":1,"#Select Status":1,"#Incorrect zip code":1,"#Please enter the zip":1,"#Source of Income":1,"#Apartments.com":1,"#Please enter the state":1,"#Type of Housing Discrimination":1,"#Company Name":1,"#Removing Party. . . Please wait":1,"#Either the property management company or the property manager/landlord’s name must be provided.":1,"#Property Address of Violation":1,"#Property Manager/Landlord Name (If Known)":1,"#Property Management Company (If Known)":1,"#URL of Housing Application or Advertisement":1,"#Start Date":1,"#End Date":1,"#Your current appointment reservation will expire in 45 minutes.":1,"#Race: White":1,"#Denied equal pay":1,"#Gender: Male":1,"#August":1,"#Zillow":1,"#Trulia":1,"#Rent.com":1,"#Primary Langauge":1,"#Filter by date":1,"#CA.gov":1,"#Please use the online submission form below to submit the copy of the notice to Civil Rights Department (CRD). CRD will review the submission and determine whether further action is warranted.":1,"#I understand that I am only submitting this form to the Civil Rights Department. Submissions to United States Department of Justice, Coordination and Review Section and to United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission must be made directly with those entities.":1,"#Under California State Bar's Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 8.4.1 (Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation), California lawyers are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of a protected characteristic. Upon being issued a notice of a disciplinary charge under this rule, a lawyer shall provide a copy of the notice to the California Civil Rights Department and other agencies. Please see Rule 8.4.1 for more information.":1,"#Association with someone of a protected class":1,"#Loading form. . . Please wait":1,"#Confirm and Submit":1,"#Submit State Bar Discipline Notice":1,"#Upload Notice":1,"#Select a file":1,"#CCRS Case: ":1,"#View and resume incomplete forms":1,"#[User already exists.]":1,"#Contact":1,"#Language: Spanish":1,"#Editing Related Party":1,"#Investigation":1,"#Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino":1,"#Your browser doesn’t support some features on this site. For the best experience, update your browser to the latest version, or switch to another browser.":1,"#Your browser isn't supported":1,"#Missing: Most recent date of harm must be entered.":1,"#Change Password":1,"#Work":1,"#Friend or Family's Phone":1,"#Attorney or another Representative":1,"#Done":1,"#*How many people work for the employer/company that you are filing this complaint against? (Estimate for the whole company, not just your job site.)":1,"#*Did any of the alleged incidents occur in California?":1,"#Craigslist":1,"#Yes radio button checked. Required. 1 of 2":1,"#*Is your complaint against a federal government agency or employer?":1,"#Connecticut":1,"#SUBMIT FORM":1,"#I ALLEGE THAT I EXPERIENCED DISCRIMINATION:":1,"#To reset your password, we'll need the email address that was being used to sign into CCRS. Enter the email address below and we'll send a password reset link and instructions.":1,"#View/Edit":1,"#Time Slot":1,"#Send Reset Password Link":1,"#Draft":1,"#CC54":1,"#You must agree before submitting.":1,"#NOW, CHECK YOUR EMAIL":1,"#Check the email account associated with your user name for instructions on resetting your password.":1,"#Back to login":1,"#Download Files":1,"#11AM-12PM":1,"#Download":1,"#Discrimination or harassment by business establishments":1,"#Government Code 11135":1,"#Discrimination in services due to a disability or medical condition.":1,"#Discrimination by a state agency or recipient of state funding.":1,"#Intimidation or acts of hate violence":1,"#California":1,"#No Additional Respondents":1,"#Submit":1,"#Additional Respondents":1,"#Add Additional Respondent":1,"#OPTIONAL":1,"#Add":1,"#PRIMARY RESPONDENT":1,"#COMPLAINANT REPRESENTATIVE":1,"#REQUIRED":1,"#Primary Parties":1,"#Remember to look in your spam folder, where automated messages sometimes filter.":1,"#Phone Number":1,"#A Senator or Assembly Member":1,"#Filter":1,"#An Outreach event":1,"#Previous contact or complaint":1,"#My employer":1,"#A lawyer":1,"#Poster at work":1,"#Public media/news story":1,"#Searched internet and found webpage":1,"#Register with an address":1,"#Reschedule":1,"#Account Registration":1,"#Mr.":1,"#A non-profit":1,"#Upcoming Intake Appointments":1,"#No pronouns":1,"#View submitted, open, and closed case records (including Right-to-Sue requests)":1,"#Just my name, please":1,"#Mrs.":1,"#They/Them/Theirs":1,"#She/Her/Hers":1,"#If you still can't log in please email contact.center@calcivilrights.ca.gov or call (800) 884-1684 for assistance.":1,"#Demographics":1,"#Skip to main content":1,"#View Record Requests":1,"#View Cases":1,"#Intellectual/Developmental":1,"#Rastafarianism":1,"#Zoroastrianism":1,"#Protestantism":1,"#Unitarian-Universalism":1,"#Neo-Paganism":1,"#Confucianism":1,"#Puerto Rican":1,"#Sri Lankan":1,"#Bangladeshi":1,"#Salvadoran":1,"#Sign language":1,"#Asian Indian":1,"#Indonesian":1,"#Catholicism":1,"#PASSWORD RESET":1,"#Limbs [Arms/Legs]":1,"#Digestive/Urinary/Reproduction":1,"#Unsubmitted":1,"#Withdraw":1,"#holidays":1,"#Right to Sue":1,"#CALIFORNIA Civil Rights Department":1,"#Serbo-Croatian":1,"#American Sign Language":1,"#Portuguese":1,"#Farsi/Persian":1,"#Vietnamese":1,"#Show More":1,"#Related Parties":1,"#Complaint Details":1},"version":3902}]