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to Self Manage Participation":1,"#A CSR Platform
Like No Other":1,"#Employee-led
Volunteering & Giving":1,"#MAKE THE EXPERIENCE
MEANINGFUL & AUTHENTIC":1,"#Make the experience
engaging and rewarding":1,"#Make it known, make it clear,
make it meaningful, and make it stick.":1,"#Share a place where everyone is valued,
recognized, and celebrated.":1,"#Make participating more meaningful
while improving engagement and retention.":1,"#Build a values-aligned company culture
that allows people to find more purpose":1,"#la COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto profundo en sus planes de RSE.":1,"#Let’s further explore how socially responsible companies provide employees with all of the above benefits, making them desirable to attract top-quality talent.":1,"#Why does new talent care about social responsibility? Because they understand it’s a vital element of corporate culture. When organizations prioritize social responsibility, they are providing employees with collaboration opportunities, strengthening autonomy, enhancing recognition, and ensuring equality, all while aligning with their values.":1,"#However, new talent isn’t only evaluating these above components; they are also looking into a company’s stance on social responsibility. Millennials, who will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025, are looking for socially responsible employers. 76% of Millennials consider a company’s social and environmental commitments before deciding where to work.":1,"#Incorporating social responsibility into your operations is vital in order to attract talent. Learn why CSR appeals to job seekers.":1,"#When new talent comes across a job posting, they often ask, “What’s in it for me?” They want to know the salary, benefits package, paid-time-off policy, and working arrangements.":1,"#Why Socially Responsible Companies Attract Talent - Kambeo":1,"#Interested in starting a CSR program to connect your employees with causes, organize company-wide volunteer days, and share your social impact to help attract new talent? Kambeo’s robust platform provides your organization with the tools it needs to prioritize social responsibility.":1,"#When job seekers come across an organization that weaves social responsibility into its corporate culture, they see the tangible benefits a CSR program will add to their prospective employment. The freedom to do good on their own terms, build connections with cross-departmental employees, and receive recognition for their charitable work. These are the components that will make them hit that apply button.
":1,"#Attracting Talent With Kambeo’s Social Impact Platform":1,"#As 56% of employees won’t even consider a job at a company if they don’t agree with its values, acting on values through social responsibility efforts is a crucial element in attracting talent.
":1,"#Prospective employees want a company to possess values and act on these values. Social responsibility by way of corporate donations, fundraisers, and volunteer days demonstrates to new talent that a company is acting on values of compassion, attentiveness, and empathy—values that often align with their own.":1,"#Similar to how certain perks such as unlimited PTO, a flexible hybrid/remote work policy, or a health spending program can attract employees, values can also equally appeal to new talent.":1,"#Social responsibility demonstrates values":1,"#Distribution volunteers: Employees will hand out the take-home bags to individuals and families that visit the food bank.
":1,"#Packing volunteers: Employees will pack a variety of non-perishable food items in take-home bags.":1,"#Sorting volunteers: Employees will sort non-perishable food donations, helping to categorize and check the expiration dates of boxed foods.":1,"#Scenario: Sporcle Ecommerce decides to run a year-end volunteer event, more specifically, a food drive. Below are some of the duties that can be equally distributed among employees who participate:":1,"#Let’s use an example of a hypothetical company-led volunteer day to depict how volunteer duties can be equally distributed among employees.":1,"#When new talent comes across a company sharing the success of its volunteer days or fundraisers, they will be drawn to the decentralized structure that comes with these activities.":1,"#Through social responsibility efforts, all employees are on an equal playing field, eliminating the bureaucracy that can come with traditional work roles. Social responsibility makes employees feel like equals, creating an environment where everyone is working together towards a common goal.":1,"#Social responsibility eliminates hierarchy":1,"#That’s where social responsibility has the power to bring employees together who depend on social connections for a healthier mental and physical well-being. When employees have the opportunity to volunteer or fundraise together, they are able to bond over common interests, share ideas, and solve problems in a low-stress environment—something new talent sees the appeal in.":1,"#With 8 in 10 people working hybrid or remotely, new talent knows that opportunities to form strong social connections with one another are limited. With remote work, the power of Zoom or Teams hinders genuine connections from flourishing. And even with hybrid work, employees might not be in the office on the same days as their colleagues.":1,"#When individuals are in the process of applying or interviewing for a new role, two common aspects cross their minds: the work and the people. A job description can illustrate what an individual will be responsible for on a day-to-day basis, but for new talent to get a feel for the human connection aspect, they are also interested in learning more about a company’s social responsibility efforts.":1,"#Social responsibility improves social connections":1,"#ABC Action News’ company page on Kambeo recognizing its employees":1,"#When new talent comes across this page, they will not only be delighted to see ABC Action News volunteering out in the community; they will be pleased that the popular news station is taking the time to recognize its employees.":1,"#ABC Action News, operated out of Tampa, Florida, not only prioritizes giving back and engaging its employees, but they also take the time to recognize their teams’ social good accomplishments. Using Kambeo’s social impact platform, ABC Action News recognized its volunteer team, who contributed over 90 volunteer hours at the Feed Tampa Bay Event as part of the company’s Pack the Pantries campaign.":1,"#After a volunteer day or fundraiser is completed by a group of employees, what happens next? Companies that care about the greater good are proud of it, and as a result, they will share these accomplishments with their network, a prime example of employee recognition. And with over 7 in 10 employees wanting their employees to do more to motivate them, taking time to appraise your employees is indispensable to attract talent.":1,"#Social responsibility facilitates employee recognition":1,"#When a company engages in socially responsible initiatives, job seekers will understand that they can get involved, too, but in a way that aligns with their preferences.":1,"#Customization: An employee can run an individual peer-to-peer fundraiser on behalf of a cause they care about, customizing that peer-to-peer fundraising page with a donation goal, visual content, and description.
":1,"#Initiative management: Employees can select the number of fundraisers, donations, or volunteer events they want to partake in. Additionally, they can also choose which nonprofits and charities they want to give back to through these activities.":1,"#Flexible scheduling: If your employees are given four volunteer days off per year, they can choose when and where they want to volunteer.":1,"#This type of autonomy, derived from a social responsibility program, allows employees to engage in philanthropic work in a way that suits them best. Below is how a CSR program facilitates autonomy:":1,"#When social responsibility is baked into your business model, you’re giving your employees the freedom to go out and do good on their terms. Your organization may set the requirements & parameters (such as setting an amount of paid volunteer days), but your employees have the freedom to choose the causes they want to volunteer for, donate to, and fundraise on behalf of.":1,"#Social responsibility provides autonomous engagement":1,"#
10) 98.7% of CSR professionals say that COVID-19 has had a profound impact on their CSR plans. ":1,"#
9) 80% of N100 companies worldwide now publish an annual CSR report.":1,"#
7) 60% of employees say they would take a pay cut to work at a purpose-driven company.":1,"#
6) 55% of consumers say that organizations need to have a strong stance on social and environmental issues":1,"#If a business consciously engages in unethical acts toward its consumers or investors, it risks losing a substantial amount of both stakeholders. As more individuals become familiar with a company’s unethical practices, these percentages will likely rise.":1,"#
5) 22% of investors and 25% of consumers say they take a “zero tolerance” stance towards businesses that engage in unethical practices":1,"#
3) 40% of consumers look to find brands that are purpose-driven and have more confidence in brands that strive to act in the best interest of society":1,"#
1) 93% of employees believe that a company must lead with a purpose":1,"#October 3, 2022":1,"#Fundraising goal on paper":1,"#In this customer spotlight, we talk with Serco Canada, a provider of services to the federal and provincial governments, to discuss the success of their fundraiser hosted on Kambeo.":1,"#February 24, 2023":1,"#Customer Spotlight: Serco Canada":1,"#— Chris Lubick":1,"#We sat down with Chris Lubick at Verdi Commerce to discuss how social impact plays an integral role in driving the purpose and strategy of their organization.":1,"#Customer Spotlight With Verdi Commerce":1,"#Volunteers packaging cardboard boxes":1,"#October 15, 2021":1,"#How MADD Canada Used Kambeo to Effectively Fundraise":1,"#December 6, 2022":1,"#7 Causes Doing Good On Kambeo":1,"#Whether its finding solutions to emerging issues, implementing programs & services, or conducting research in a specific field, we explore 7 causes doing good on Kambeo’s social impact platform.":1,"#Nonprofit Spotlight: Friends Of Southern Ocean County Animal Shelter":1,"#January 25, 2023":1,"#Learn about some of the great work Friends of Southern Ocean County Animal shelters is doing to help reduce the population of homeless companion animals.":1,"#A group of dogs":1,"#Nonprofit Spotlight: Start2Finish":1,"#Nonprofit organizations continue to make a positive impact on the world by enriching people’s lives. We sit down with Jaime Luttmann at Start2Finish to discuss the generous work they do to assist at-risk children across Canada.":1,"#December 16, 2022":1,"#When Keller Williams set their Red Day campaign goals, their aim was to raise $20,000. By the end of their Red Day campaign, not only had they achieved their goal but surpassed what they expected to raise. Here’s how they did it with the help of Kambeo.":1,"#Job seekers look for flexible work hours, competitive pay, and health insurance. However, 64% of individuals won’t take a job unless an employer has strong CSR values, making social responsibility a key component to incorporate into your operations.":1,"#Why Socially Responsible Companies Attract Talent":1,"#Keller Williams Uses Kambeo To Surpass Their Fundraising Goals":1,"#October 14, 2021":1,"#Two individuals stuffing care packages":1,"#Find, schedule, track and verify hours, and communicate with your volunteers in one place using Kambeo's volunteer management software.":1,"#Request a Demo >":1,"#Volunteer management software designed for nonprofits. Easily manage your volunteer program in one place and connect with organizations that are actively looking to volunteer.":1,"#November 6, 2023":1,"#What is The Giving Season? This! This is giving season. Here at Kambeo, we have put together five giving season strategies to end the year off with a bang.":1,"#5 Giving Season Strategies For Improved Fundraising":1,"#Kambeo is a CSR platform for companies to manage, measure, and communicate social impact progress in real-time.":1,"#4) 58% of companies that are purpose-driven saw":1,"#2) 76% of employees say it’s important for their":1,"#As companies operate in today’s environment, consumers, investors, and employees expect their operations to benefit the greater good of society.":1,"#Now is the time to build a sustainable CSR program if your organization hasn’t yet. Clearly communicating your commitment to the greater good, taking steps to achieve it, and sharing your progress over time will become your unique selling point — making you the superior choice over your competitors.":1,"#10% growth (or higher) in the past 3 years":1,"#Organizations aren’t just partaking in CSR activities that uplift their communities; they are reporting on the results of their actions. 80% of N100 countries worldwide (the largest 100 companies by revenue in each of 45 countries) are now choosing to be transparent through CSR reporting.":1,"#A clear purpose guides a company’s decisions, actions, and commitments. When companies shift their purpose and focus on becoming socially conscious, more like-minded individuals will become aware of and support these companies, resulting in increased performance and growth.":1,"#Nearly half of consumers today want to support brands with a clear, positive purpose. Companies that aren’t driven by profits and instead act in the best interest of their community will likely attract loyal consumers who share the same principles and values.":1,"#company to make a difference in local communities.":1,"#Attract volunteers in your community":1,"#Posting a volunteer gig is completely free.":1,"#Does it cost money to post a volunteer opportunity?":1,"#Yes. Kambeo lets you add in custom questions to your volunteer application form so you can ensure that the people applying are qualified and have the necessary certifications.":1,"#Can I add custom questions to the volunteer application form?":1,"#Custom application forms make the application process tailored to your needs.":1,"#Can I use my volunteer hours on Kambeo for my school graduation?":1,"#How many volunteer opportunities can I post?":1,"#You can post as many volunteer opportunities as you need. All of your volunteer gigs will show up under your group page and in the search page so people can easily find them.":1,"#An easy-to-use calendar shift scheduler to simplify administrative work. Verify and track volunteer hours for insightful reporting and analytics.":1,"#8) 92% of employees say they would recommend their employer to friends, family, and other job seekers in their network":1,"#However, the numbers speak for themselves, so let’s explore 10 CSR statistics that every business needs to know.":1,"#As consumers begin to take strong stances on issues such as climate change or the lack of available food in their communities, they’re expecting companies to do the same. Consumers want to get behind companies actively developing and implementing programs to address some of these urgent problems.":1,"#CSR programs are known to increase employee engagement, which is important for companies looking to attract and retain skilled workers. The key here is demonstrating a purpose-driven culture so that employees are happy to refer the people in the network to your organization.":1,"#A purpose is your core reason for being in business (i.e., inspiring healthier communities or enriching people’s lives). When companies have a clear understanding of why they exist, decision-making is more effective, external messaging becomes clear, and business culture thrives.":1,"#Employees want the work they do to be meaningful and make a positive impact on the world. So much so, that over half of the surveyed individuals say they would happily take a cut in their salary to work for a purpose-driven organization.":1,"#CSR is an extremely important concept that’s gaining more traction. All stakeholders, from investors and employees to the consumers themselves, look at a company’s corporate social responsibility policies & programs when making decisions.":1,"#We compiled 10 CSR statistics to help your business see why you need a corporate social responsibility program today.":1,"#Employees want to see the companies they work for make a positive social impact through volunteering, donating, and fundraising. Developing a strong corporate giving program (and encouraging your employees to play a pivotal role in your company’s purpose) is key to amplifying the difference your company makes on a local and even global level.":1,"#The pandemic brought to the forefront issues such as food insecurity, wage disparities, inadequacies in the healthcare system, and much more. As such, many CSR initiatives and plans have been expedited to combat these issues caused by the pandemic.":1,"#When CSR is put at the forefront of a company’s efforts, it boosts its bottom line, increases brand awareness and loyalty, and makes it easier to attract and retain more talented employees and partners.":1,"#Conserving the environment, developing a corporate giving program, and improving labour practices all comprise a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program that is both comprehensive and purpose-driven.":1,"#Fundraise":1,"#With Kambeo, you can share your social impact story, connect with customers, and continue to build a values-aligned company culture that allows your team to find more purpose at work.":1,"#Reduce Operational Costs":1,"#Can I manage my volunteers directly in Kambeo?":1,"#Schedule & Manage Volunteers with Ease":1,"#Yes. That is really the true power of our volunteer management tool. You can easily schedule, track, and communicate with your volunteers.":1,"#Streamline Community Programs":1,"#Attract More Volunteers":1,"#Yes, as long as the volunteer hours are certified for OSSD.":1,"#Volunteer Management Software":1,"#Maximize Engagement":1,"#Put Your People First":1,"#Schedule, track, and verify hours":1,"#Book A Demo With Kambeo, you can share your social impact story, connect with customers, and continue to build a values-aligned company culture that allows your team to find more purpose at work. Discover events, volunteer opportunities, shops and more We can help your organization grow exponentially on our platform. Our professional services are available. […]":1,"#We compiled 10 CSR statistics to help your business better understand the importance of corporate social responsibility and why you should implement a CSR program today.":1,"#10 CSR Statistics Every Business Needs To Know":1,"#Quickly message volunteers through our in-platform messenger.":1,"#Integrated messaging to keep connected":1,"#Create custom application forms":1,"#Discover events, volunteer opportunities, shops and more":1,"#We can help your organization grow exponentially on our platform. Our professional services are available.":1,"#Join Hundreds of Organizations using Kambeo":1,"#Corporate Culture":1,"#Easily post volunteer roles, receive and approve applicants, and build out your pool of supporters — automatically.":1,"#Book Demo":1,"#Kambeo Hubs Preview":1,"#Are there platform fees for making donations?":1,"#What is the ROI of CSR?":1,"#How long does it take to onboard?":1,"#No. There are no platform fees for making online donations to nonprofits on Kambeo.":1,"#Do donations go directly to nonprofits?":1,"#Yes. You can tailor your Company Impact Hub to match your branding and what you want to display":1,"#This guide will walk you through how to brand your Company Impact Hub":1,"#Yes. Registered charities can issue charitable tax receipts to donors on Kambeo.":1,"#This guide will walk you through how invite new members":1,"#The number of members is adjustable. You can start slow and add additional members at any time.":1,"#Kambeo works on a per seat licensing model.":1,"#Does it cost money for nonprofits to collect donations on Kambeo?":1,"#Processing fees do not go to Kambeo.":1,"#Can a Company Impact Hub be customized?":1,"#This guide will walk you through the process.":1,"#Employee-led programs distribute the workload.":1,"#Can tax receipts be provided for charitable donations?":1,"#Yes. We do not hold the funds and send them at a later time.":1,"#Admins can invite members from the Hub Management control panel.":1,"#Learn more about the ROI of a Social Impact Platform":1,"#There is no cost for nonprofits to join Kambeo and set up their donation page. When collecting donations, there is a small third-party processing fee which can be incurred by the donor or the organization.":1,"#Proceeds of donations and fundraisers being run on behalf of verified causes go directly to the charities.":1,"#How can members join their Company Impact Hub?":1,"#Member licenses are transferable. You pay for seats on an annual basis and then you invite people to use those seats.":1,"#Highly engaged companies realize a 17% increase in productivity and 24% less turnover.¹":1,"#Investment in CSR programs positively impact employee engagement.":1,"#CSR programs have shown to increase market value by up to 6% and revenue by up to 20%.²":1,"#Enter their emails and they will get an email to easily sign up and join.":1,"#There is no need to hire additional employees to implement and manage your Company Impact Hub.":1,"#Your Company Impact Hub can be live in under 10 minutes.":1,"#How does pricing work?":1,"#Kambeo-Activity-Feeds-pyirel5kmyvk0ww00e8cnrb76ln5bfhlwygi7mr03k":1,"#Volunteering, fundraising, and giving history continues to grow – wherever life takes them.":1,"#Ready to join the community?":1,"#Volunteer Application Approved":1,"#Woman smiling and pointing towards the text displayed to the left":1,"#Simplified":1,"#8 of 12":1,"#4 of 12":1,"#1 of 12":1,"#We help conscious companies build volunteer and matching programs to improve employee engagement and make a difference in the community.":1,"#6 of 12":1,"#TOOLS FOR COMPANIES":1,"#7 of 12":1,"#11 of 12":1,"#2 of 12":1,"#10 of 12":1,"#5 of 12":1,"#12 of 12":1,"#9 of 12":1,"#3 of 12":1,"#PRICING":1,"#WHY KAMBEO":1,"#Outdated legacy technologies aren’t living up to expectations.":1,"#Despite all the CSR software options, most aren’t designed for the entire team to use.":1,"#Instead of having to support what leadership chooses, make giving back more rewarding.":1,"#Strengthen Relations & Culture":1,"#Keep Stakeholders Informed":1,"#Event-Based Ways To Give Back":1,"#When corporate giving activities are organized around a special day or season, employee participation increases and awareness is spread around lesser-known international holidays.":1,"#September 15, 2023":1,"#Corporate volunteer opportunities allow companies to engage their employees while making a positive impact on society.":1,"#Everything You Need To Know About Corporate Volunteer Opportunities":1,"#October 11, 2023":1,"#What Others Are Saying":1,"#Search for volunteer opportunities":1,"#Contribute to company metrics":1,"#Shareable social good profile":1,"#Create and manage fundraisers":1,"#“Our team can connect directly with charities and nonprofits they care about. Kambeo gives us a platform to enable our team members to get involved, share our story, and celebrate impact.”":1,"#Personalized activity feed":1,"#Per user / per month":1,"#We only charge small fees on a select few processes on our platform.":1,"#Here are some common questions the community is asking.":1,"#CSR Platform to Measure & Communicate Social Impact - Kambeo":1,"#Let Employees Lead CSR":1,"#Multi-language, multi-currency, and multi-country opportunities":1,"#People can self manage their CSR participation and see all their contributions.":1,"#Allow people to steer their own CSR course":1,"#Social activity feeds are catered to each member with relevant and meaningful opportunities.":1,"#Show the Whole Picture with Aggregate CSR Performance":1,"#Close the loop on measurement with automated data collection and verification":1,"#Authentically demonstrate CSR progress with real-time verified metrics":1,"#Freedom to support causes meaningful to each individual":1,"#Run fundraisers with 100% of donations going directly to recipients":1},"version":957}]