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Llámenos si tiene alguna pregunta.":1,"#inmunoterapia - Immunotherapy drugs boost your immune system’s natural ability to fight your tumor. Tumors are good at avoiding the body’s immune system, so to improve your body’s response, immunotherapies include a variety of strategies such as adding extra T-cells and antibodies that specifically recognize and attack your tumor, introducing vaccines, or blocking the signals that would normally tell the immune system to slow down.":1,"#Terapia Dirigida - Targeted therapies are better at attacking only cancer cells and leaving other cells alone. In some cases, targeted therapies do not cause as many side effects as other treatments because they are better at targeting cancer cells and leaving healthy cells alone.":1,"#Buscar":1,"#Quimioterapia - Chemotherapy drugs will look for cells that divide quickly (like cancer cells) and destroy them. It is particularly useful when treating cancer in later stages because it can kill cancer cells throughout the whole body. More than half of cancer treatments involve some kind of chemotherapy, sometimes to completely remove the cancer and sometimes just to slow symptoms. You might have heard of chemotherapy side effects such as hair loss, nausea, or damage to the skin and or bones. These side effects occur because the tissue in your hair, intestines, skin, and bones are all fast-growing cells and thus might potentially be attacked by chemotherapy drugs.":1,"#If applicable, we will seek and obtain your prior written authorization for all written communications to you regarding treatment and healthcare operations where we have received financial remuneration from (or on behalf of) a third party in exchange for sending the communication; and the communication is intended to encourage the purchase or use of a product or service.":1,"#For Payment:":1,"#For Treatment:":1,"#We may use and disclose protected health information about you for the operation of our health care practice. These uses and disclosures are necessary to run our practice and to make sure that all our patients receive quality care. For example, we may use health information in a general review of our treatments and services or, more specifically, to evaluate staff performance. We may also combine the health information of many patients to decide what improvement we could make, what additional services we should offer, what services are not needed, or whether certain new treatments are effective. We may remove information that identifies you from this set of health information so others may use it to study health care delivery without learning the identities of our specific patients.":1,"#We may use and disclose information about treatment and services we provide to patients for billing purposes. The information may include monies that we have received from the individual who guarantees payment, from an insurance company or a third party. For example, we may need to give your health plan information about your office visit so the plan will either pay us or reimburse you for the visit. We may also tell your health plan about a treatment before we provide it to you in order to obtain prior approval, if required, or to determine if your plan will cover the treatment. If we provide a service to you for which you pay in full out-of-pocket and you request that we not send PHI to your insurance company, we are obligated to comply with your request except when the information is needed to comply with the law.":1,"#We may use health information about our patients to provide them with health care treatment or services. We may disclose health information about our patients to physicians, nurses, technicians, health students, or other personnel who are involved in the delivery of their care. These healthcare providers may work at our offices; at the hospital if patients are hospitalized under our supervision; or at another physician’s office, lab, pharmacy, or other health care provider where we may have referred a patient for x-rays, laboratory tests, prescriptions, or other treatment purposes. For example, a physician treating a patient with arthritis may need to know if that individual has diabetes because diabetes may impact the healing process. In addition, the physician may need to tell the dietitian at the hospital if the patient has diabetes so that we can arrange for appropriate meals. We may also disclose health information about our patients to an entity assisting in a disaster relief effort so that your family can be notified about your condition, status, and location.":1,"#For Health Care Operations:":1,"#Search A Trial":1,"#Reset Filters":1,"#Location":1,"#https://www.equifax.com/personal/credit-report-services/credit-freeze/":1,"#Tips on knowing the rules":1,"#What is Coordination of Benefits?":1,"#In some instances, a person may have three plans in effect at the same time. This is common for persons who become Medicare-eligible while their spouse is still actively employed. In this instance, the actively employed spouse’s plan pays first (because federal law requires it), and the retiree’s Medicare coverage pays second. Then, a benefit sponsored by the retiree’s employer pays third (tertiary), after Medicare.":1,"#Some plans will coordinate (or pay as secondary) up to charges. Others will only coordinate (or pay as secondary) up to what they would have paid if they had been primary. You will have a good chance of getting all your expenses covered if a secondary plan coordinates up to charges.":1,"#The plan of the spouse who has the earliest birthday in the year pays first on children. If two carriers can’t agree on who pays first, the coverage which has been in effect the longest pays first":1,"#For your health expenses, your plan pays before your spouse’s. Medicare usually pays first if you are not covered by a plan through someone’s active employment":1,"#Coordination of Benefits is a common provision in most benefit plans. It applies when a member has more than one health coverage plan in effect at the time services are rendered. Specific, industry-wide rules exist for determining which plan pays first (primary) on these expenses and which plan pays next (secondary).":1,"#Don’t be disappointed if the combination of all your coverages doesn’t pay more than the amount of the original bill. Your health coverage was designed to help with your health care expenses, not provide extra income.":1,"#Read your plan documents and get a good understanding of what they mean. Speak with your employer or customer service representative if it gets confusing.":1,"#Deductibles, co-payments, and coinsurance provide ways to share the cost of medical care, making coverage affordable.":1,"#After deductibles are met, the plan begins paying a percentage (usually between 70% to 100%) of covered services. The remaining amount, called coinsurance, is borne by the member. Coinsurance is a form of cost-sharing.":1,"#For example, if a member’s policy contains a $2,500 deductible, the member must accumulate $2,500 in covered expenses before reimbursement begins.":1,"#Our goal is to work with you to make your cancer care as affordable as possible. We offer financial assistance counseling, as well as insurance specialists specific to each insurance company.":1,"#Financial Assistance Counseling":1,"#Your active involvement with your insurance carrier is the key to ensuring you receive all benefits afforded to you under your policy. Educate yourself by reviewing the information below:":1,"#Additional rules for determining which plan pays first are, generally:":1,"#Deductibles are provisions that require the member to accumulate a specific amount of medical bills before benefits are provided.":1,"#Insurance, Billing, & Financial Assistance":1,"#Deductibles:":1,"#Coinsurance:":1,"#Squamous Cell Carcinoma":1,"#Weight loss":1,"#Credit Reports: You may obtain a copy of your credit report, free of charge, whether or not you suspect any unauthorized activity on your account. You may obtain a free copy of your credit report from each of the three nationwide credit reporting agencies. To order your free credit report, please visit www.annualcreditreport.com, or call toll-free at 1-877-322-8228. You can also order your annual free credit report by mailing a completed Annual Credit Report Request Form (available at https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0155-free-credit-reports) to: Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA, 30348-5281.":1,"#FTC and Attorneys General: You can further educate yourself regarding identity theft, fraud alerts, security freezes, and the steps you can take to protect yourself, by contacting the consumer reporting agencies, the Federal Trade Commission, or your state Attorney General. The Federal Trade Commission can be reached at: 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20580, www.identitytheft.gov, 1-877-ID-THEFT (1-877-438-4338), TTY: 1-866-653-4261. The Federal Trade Commission also encourages those who discover that their information has been misused to file a complaint with them. You can obtain further information on how to file such a complaint by way of the contact information listed above. Instances of known or suspected identity theft should also be reported to law enforcement.":1,"#Genetic Testing":1,"#FTC and Attorneys General: You can further educate yourself regarding identity theft, fraud alerts, security freezes, and the steps you can take to protect yourself, by contacting the consumer reporting agencies, the Federal Trade Commission, or your state Attorney General. The Federal Trade Commission can be reached at: 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20580, www.identitytheft.gov, 1-877-ID-THEFT (1-877-438-4338), TTY: 1-866-653-4261. The Federal Trade Commission also encourages those who discover that their information has been misused to file a complaint with them. You can obtain further information on how to file such a complaint by way of the contact information listed above. Instances of known or suspected identity theft should also be reported to law enforcement.":1,"#Credit Reports: You may obtain a copy of your credit report, free of charge, whether or not you suspect any unauthorized activity on your account. You may obtain a free copy of your credit report from each of the three nationwide credit reporting agencies. To order your free credit report, please visit www.annualcreditreport.com, or call toll-free at 1-877-322-8228. You can also order your annual free credit report by mailing a completed Annual Credit Report Request Form (available at https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0155-free-credit-reports) to: Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA, 30348-5281.":1,"#Smoking":1,"#Ending Cancer":1,"#Since our founding in 1985, START has been joined by dozens of physicians and hundreds of staff members in sites across South Texas.":1,"#The Founding of the Cancer Center":1,"#Skin":1,"#South Texas Oncology and Hematology was founded in 1985 by Dr. Lon Smith and Dr. Steven Kalter. Their mission was to provide high-quality research, diagnosis, and treatment of cancers for the community of patients and clients that they served. In 1996, South Texas Oncology & Hematology joined OnCare and medical oncologists Dr. Amy Lang, Dr. Gladys Rodriguez, Dr. Ronald Drengler, & Dr. Joseph Holahan. Radiation oncologists Dr. Ardow Ameduri, Dr. Keith Eyre, and Dr. Joaquin Mira joined during the next few months.":1,"#breast-cancer":1,"#Additional Resources":1,"#As OnCare we transitioned the pharmacy, lab, admitting, triage, and nursing staff from the CTRC to OnCare. OnCare provided administrative services such as Human Resources, Accounting, and Payroll at their headquarters in California, but we preferred to be locally managed. We purchased our practice back from OnCare and became South Texas Oncology and Hematology, P.A. (STOH) on August 1, 1999.":1,"#South Texas Oncology and Hematology has various locations across South Texas. We are ready to help treat you or a loved one's cancer with the compassion they deserve.":1,"#MONDAY - FRIDAY • 8:00AM - 5:00PM (CST)":1,"#banner":1,"#Radiation":1,"#References":1,"#If you are a current patient with a medical issue, please do NOT leave a message here. Please call (210) 593-5700 to be directed. If you are calling after 5pm, you will be connected to our afterhours call service for assistance.":1,"#At South Texas Oncology and Hematology, our mission is to provide leading-edge, compassionate cancer treatment backed by a deep commitment to advancing toward a new era in cancer care. In pursuit of this mission, South Texas Oncology and Hematology provides world-class care, with":1,"#For our physicians and our entire team, compassion is at the center of all we do. We are here to serve your best interests & those of your loved ones. We care for you person-to-person, on an individual level. This includes a treatment plan designed by your physician specifically for you. We work with you, care for you, educate you, and learn from you because part of our commitment to providing top-quality cancer care is to also provide the kindness, respect, and compassion you deserve.":1,"#in San Antonio for cancer treatment, and Early Phase Research Sites in South Texas.":1,"#Based on STOH’s preliminary findings, information pertaining to some STOH employees, and/or patients was stored on the impacted systems. STOH has engaged a third party to assist with identifying potentially impacted persons and types of information. While the investigation is ongoing, STOH determined this information may include, but is not necessarily limited to, names and medical record information. This process is ongoing and may take some time to complete. STOH plans to notify impacted individuals following the completion of STOH’s investigation as may be required by applicable laws and regulations.":1,"#Although STOH has no evidence that any sensitive information has been misused by third parties as a result of this incident, STOH is providing notice of this incident out of an abundance of caution. STOH is providing details about the incident, steps taken in response to the incident, and resources available to help individuals protect against the potential misuse of their personal information.":1,"#STOH would like to reiterate that, at this time, there is no evidence that anyone’s information was misused. Nonetheless, as a best practice, STOH encourages everyone to remain vigilant against incidents of identity theft and fraud, to review their account statements, and to monitor their credit reports for suspicious or unauthorized activity. Additionally, security experts suggest that individuals contact their financial institution and all major credit bureaus to inform them of any breach and then take whatever steps are recommended to protect your interests, including the possible placement of a fraud alert on your credit file.":1,"#STOH is committed to ensuring the security and privacy of all personal information in its control, and is taking steps to prevent a similar incident from occurring in the future. Upon discovery of the incident, STOH promptly took steps to contain and remediate its impact, including employing appropriate protective and corrective measures to protect the integrity of its systems infrastructure and data. STOH also engaged cybersecurity experts to assist its efforts. STOH’s information technology (IT) team worked to contain the situation and to isolate and rebuild affected machines. Various security tools were updated and new automated protections were built to prevent a similar incident from occurring. STOH’s IT team also restored and verified the integrity of backups for any presence of malware before bringing systems back online. STOH has also reported this incident to the FBI and intends to cooperate with any investigation by law enforcement.":1,"#South Texas Oncology and Hematology, PLLC (“STOH”) is providing notice of a recent data security incident that may have resulted in unauthorized access of personal information of certain individuals.":1,"#Please review the enclosed Steps You Can Take to Help Protect Your Information, to learn more about how to protect against the possibility of information misuse.":1,"#SATURDAY - SUNDAY • closed":1,"#Specialty Programs":1,"#The START Center Cancer":1,"#Tel: (210) 593-5700":1,"#Financial counseling":1,"#Genomic testing & counseling":1,"#35-plus cancer specialists – medical, radiation & surgical oncology":1,"#STATE-OF-THE-ART CARE AT THE FOREFRONT OF CANCER MEDICINE…":1,"#Individualized care, attention & treatment":1,"#Onsite bloodwork lab & pharmacy services":1,"#File Police Report: You have the right to file or obtain a police report if you experience identity fraud. Please note that in order to file a crime report or incident report with law enforcement for identity theft, you will likely need to provide proof that you have been a victim. A police report is often required to dispute fraudulent items. You can generally report suspected incidents of identity theft to local law enforcement or to the Attorney General.":1,"#Monitoring:":1,"#Steps You Can Take to Help Protect Your Information":1,"#For residents of Oregon:: State law advises you to report any suspected identity theft to law enforcement, including the Attorney General, and the Federal Trade Commission.":1,"#Security Freeze:You have the right to place a security freeze on your credit report. A security freeze is intended to prevent credit, loans, and services from being approved in your name without your consent. To place a security freeze on your credit report, you need to make a request to each consumer reporting agency. You may make that request by certified mail, overnight mail, regular stamped mail, or by following the instructions found at the websites listed below. The following information must be included when requesting a security freeze (note that if you are requesting a credit report for your spouse or a minor under the age of 16, this information must be provided for him/her as well): (1) full name, with middle initial and any suffixes; (2) Social Security number; (3) date of birth; (4) current address and any previous addresses for the past five years; and (5) any applicable incident report or complaint with a law enforcement agency or the Registry of Motor Vehicles. The request must also include a copy of a government-issued identification card and a copy of a recent utility bill or bank or insurance statement. It is essential that each copy be legible, display your name and current mailing address, and the date of issue. As of September 21, 2018, it is free to place, lift, or remove a security freeze. You may also place a security freeze for children under the age of 16. You may obtain a free security freeze by contacting any one or more of the following national consumer reporting agencies:":1,"#You should always remain vigilant for incidents of fraud and identity theft by reviewing credit card account statements and by monitoring your credit report for suspicious or unusual activity.":1,"#South Texas Oncology and Hematology, PLLC Notifies of Data Security Incident":1,"#For residents ofArizona, Colorado, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, New York, North Carolina,and Rhode Island: You can obtain information from the Offices of the Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission about fraud alerts, security freezes, and steps you can take toward preventing identity theft.":1,"#For residents of Iowa::State law advises you to report any suspected identity theft to law enforcement or to the Attorney General.":1,"#For residents of Rhode Island: It is required by state law that you are informed of your right to file or obtain a police report in regard to this incident.":1,"#Fraud Alerts:You can place fraud alerts with the three credit bureaus by phone or online. A fraud alert tells creditors to follow certain procedures, including contacting you, before they open any new accounts or change your existing accounts. For that reason, placing a fraud alert can protect you, but also may delay you when you seek to obtain credit. As of September 21, 2018, initial fraud alerts last for one year. Victims of identity theft can also get an extended fraud alert for seven years.":1,"#For residents of New Mexico: State law advises you to review personal account statements and credit reports, as applicable, to detect errors resulting from the security breach. You have rights pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, such as the right to be told if information in your credit file has been used against you, the right to know what is in your credit file, the right to ask for your credit score, and the right to dispute incomplete or inaccurate information. Further, pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the consumer reporting agencies must correct or delete inaccurate, incomplete, or unverifiable information; consumer reporting agencies may not report outdated negative information; access to your file is limited; you must give your consent for credit reports to be provided to employers; you may limit prescreened offers of credit and insurance you get based on information in your credit report; and you may seek damages from violators. You may have additional rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act not summarized here. Identity theft victims and active duty military personnel have specific additional rights pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. We encourage you to review your rights pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act at www.consumerfinance.gov/f/201504_cfpb_summary_your-rights-under-fcra.pdf or by writing Consumer Response Center, Room 130-A, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580.":1,"#For residents of Massachusetts::It is required by state law that you are informed of your right to obtain a police report filed in regard to this incident. If you are the victim of identity theft, you also have the right to file a police report and obtain a copy of it.":1,"#EDGE stereotactic radiosurgery":1,"#If you are a current patient with access to your patient portal and you need to communicate with your doctor, please click here.":1,"#Phase I clinical trials":1,"#Rapid testing & results":1,"#COMPASSIONATE, DEDICATED & CONVENIENT…":1,"#Patient support & assistance":1,"#Oncologic surgery":1,"#Insurance accepted & filed":1,"#8 convenient locations in South Texas":1,"#Research locations in Texas, Michigan and Spain":1,"#Gynecologic oncology":1,"#MONDAY - FRIDAY • 8:00AM - 5:00PM":1,"#Radiation therapy":1,"#email":1,"#Comprised of a large team of caring, dedicated doctors, South Texas Oncology and Hematology combines excellent people, state-of-the-art capabilities, and the most advanced treatments available. We bring together multiple cancer-care specialties and modalities: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, integrative therapies, and genetic testing of tumors for thorough efficient care.":1,"#About South Texas Oncology and Hematology":1,"#San Antonio, Texas USA":1,"#BUSINESS HOURS":1,"#CLINIC HOURS":1,"#18707 Hardy Oak, Ste. 210 San Antonio, TX 78258":1,"#multiple convenient locations":1,"#Dedicated, Compassionate, Individualized Care":1,"#flags":1,"#Clinic Locations":1,"#Chemotherapy":1,"#155 E. Sonterra, Ste. 200 San Antonio, TX 78258":1,"#1303 McCullough Avenue, San Antonio, TX":1,"#HOURS OF OPERATION":1,"#Av. Prof. Egas Moniz MB, 1649-028 Lisboa, Portugal":1,"#Get Directions":1,"#Northeast Baptist MOB 8715 Village Dr, Ste. 116 San Antonio, TX 78217":1,"#The Atrium at NC Baptist 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 120 San Antonio, TX 78258":1,"#Avinguda de Vallcarca, 151, 08023 Barcelona, Spain":1,"#C. de Oña, 10, 28050 Madrid, Spain":1,"#See All Doctors":1,"#…":1,"#4383 Medical Dr, San Antonio, TX 78229, USA":1,"#At South Texas Oncology and Hematology, our surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and gynecologic surgical oncologists have the combined knowledge, skills, and capabilities you depend on and trust. But most of all, our doctors are caring people who understand what it means to face cancer and who have committed themselves to helping you or your loved one win the fight.":1,"#MD Surgeon – Colorectal":1,"#Colorectal":1,"#Dr. Murali Beeram":1,"#Dr. Amanda Bucheit":1,"#Dr. Maryam Elmi":1,"#Dr. Sylvia Zubyk":1,"#Dr. Joseph Karam":1,"#Dr. Hanni Salih":1,"#MD MBBS Medical Oncologist":1,"#Dr. Ronald Drengler":1,"#Dr. Lisa Fichtel":1,"#Dr. Alexander Miller":1,"#South Texas Oncology and Hematology today is known internationally for its tradition of excellence and its contributions to the advancement toward a cancer cure. This is due to the combined efforts of a large team of cancer specialists dedicated to the most advanced, complete, and effective care.":1,"#Dr. Joaquin Mira":1,"#null":1,"#START Lisbon":1,"#Dr. Gladys Rodriguez":1,"#MD Surgeon – Colon & Rectal":1,"#Dr. Cannon Lewis":1,"#Dr. Luis Rodriguez":1,"#Dr. Brittany DeBerry":1,"#Dr. Prathibha Surapaneni":1,"#Dr. Amy Lang":1,"#Dr. Divya Asti":1,"#MD Radiation Oncologist":1,"#MD Surgeon / Surgical Oncologist":1,"#MD FACS Surgeon - General":1,"#Dr. Marisa Sandera":1,"#Dr. Kassondra Grzankowski":1,"#Dr. Bruce Conway":1,"#Dr. Jennifer Ding":1,"#MD Medical Hematologist":1,"#This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.":1,"#All":1,"#MD Surgeon – Gynecological Oncology":1,"#Dr. Steven Kalter":1,"#Search A Doctor":1,"#Search":1,"#Meet Our Doctors":1,"#MD Surgeon - General":1,"#MD Surgeon - General / Surgical Oncologist":1,"#MD Surgeon - Gynecologic Oncology":1,"#Medical Oncology":1,"#MD Surgeon":1,"#Radiation Oncology":1,"#MD Medical Oncologist":1,"#LEARN MORE":1,"#MD Medical Oncologist & Hematologist":1,"#Surgical Oncology":1,"#© 2024 Copyright - South Texas Oncology and Hematology":1,"#South Texas Oncology and Hematology was founded in 1985 by Dr. Lon Smith and Dr. Steven Kalter. Their mission was to provide high-quality research, treatment...":1,"#South Texas Oncology Cyber Security Breach Notification":1,"#Manage Cookies":1,"#Your START Care Team":1,"#The doctors in our practice have some of the most advanced oncology expertise in the world. They are here to guide you through your cancer treatment and provide you with exceptional care. We often hear from patients that being treated by a START physician is a personal and compassionate experience.":1,"#Allow All":1,"#Decline":1,"#Genitourinary":1,"#Location (Optional)":1,"#Follow us on Facebook":1,"#Follow us on Instagram":1,"#We'll get back to you ASAP":1,"#Our History":1,"#Privacy Policy":1,"#Breast":1,"#Our News":1,"#Breast Cancer Program":1,"#Patient Forms":1,"#About":1,"#Our Providers":1,"#FAQ":1,"#Send":1,"#Your Message":1,"#Full Name":1,"#example@gmail.com":1,"#Contact":1,"#By Location":1,"#HIPAA Policy":1,"#Careers":1,"#Breast Cancer":1,"#By Specialty":1,"#start-banner":1,"#Leukemia":1,"#Contact us and we will get back to you ASAP":1,"#Cookie Policy":1,"#Patient Portal":1,"#Targeted Therapy":1,"#Learn More":1,"#Every Day.":1,"#GI Cancer Program":1,"#Caring,":1,"#locations":1,"#Locations":1,"#North Central / Atrium":1,"#Read More":1,"#We provide leading-edge cancer treatment backed by a deep commitment to advancing toward a new era in cancer care. Our team strives to offer each patient a comprehensive treatment plan that includes multi-specialty services, genetic profiling of tumors, targeted therapies, state-of-the-art treatment technology, and easy access to clinical research options.":1,"#Why Choose US":1,"#mask":1,"#North East":1,"#At START, we conduct clinical research to discover novel anti-cancer agents. With over 28 approved oncology drugs, START is a leader in global cancer research.":1,"#Skin Cancer Program":1,"#doctor and patient":1,"#Hematologists":1,"#Surgeons":1,"#With summer temperatures rising, it's important to take action to protect your skin! Dr. Alexander Miller, a surgical oncologist at the START Center, shares some information on melanoma and tips to help prevent the development of skin cancers this summer.":1,"#Over 35 Years of Providing Cancer Treatment":1,"#Exceptional Care.":1,"#Radiation Therapy":1,"#Skin Cancer":1,"#UV Safety & Skin Cancer Awareness":1,"#North Central":1,"#Our surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and gynecologic surgical oncologists have the combined knowledge, skill...":1,"#Our offices provide a variety of advanced cancer treatment services with continually advancing sophistication and effectiveness.":1,"#Resource & Information":1,"#Leading":1,"#Radiation Oncologists":1,"#Changing Medicine,":1,"#Lung Cancer":1,"#Over 40 Years of Providing Cancer Treatment":1,"#start-building":1,"#Pancreatic Cancer":1,"#Hardy Oak":1},"version":518}]