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Please contact test+support-staging@holobuilder.com about upgrading your plan!","candidate":"#Project creation is not possible, Project area (","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#Project creation is not possible, Project area \\((.+?) sqft\\) exceeds the remaining area provided by your plan \\((.+?) sqft\\)\\. Please contact test\\+support\\-staging@holobuilder\\.com about upgrading your plan!$"},{"phrase":"# of photos processed. Results are not 100% accurate.","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#(.+?) of (.+?) photos processed\\. Results are not 100% accurate\\.$"},{"phrase":"#The following Projects have no sqft assignment: ","candidate":"#The following Projects have no sqft assignment: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#The following Projects have no sqft assignment: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#You are currently not allowed to create Issues. Please make sure that you have the necessary permissions.","candidate":"#You are currently not allowed to create ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#You are currently not allowed to create (.+?) Issues\\. Please make sure that you have the necessary permissions\\.$"},{"phrase":"# results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.","candidate":"#","variables":[""],"regex":"^#(.+?) results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate\\.$"},{"phrase":"#TimeTravel step deleted from Scene ","candidate":"#TimeTravel step ","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#TimeTravel step (.+?) deleted from Scene (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#Waypoint of scene: moved to different positions","candidate":"#Waypoint of scene: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Waypoint of scene: (.+?) moved to different positions$"},{"phrase":"#Scene deleted","candidate":"#Scene ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Scene (.+?) deleted$"},{"phrase":"#Scene : Scene deleted / Used Labels changed","candidate":"#Scene ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Scene (.+?): Scene deleted / Used Labels changed$"},{"phrase":"#Scene Scene Name changed / Scene Name changed","candidate":"#Scene ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Scene (.+?) 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The error may be correlated with this previous error: Error: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"#An error occured while selecting the store state: getSlideSummaryForSId: slideSummary is undefined. The error may be correlated with this previous error: Error: ","candidate":"#An error occured while selecting the store state: getSlideSummaryForSId: slideSummary is undefined. The error may be correlated with this previous error: Error: ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#An error occured while selecting the store state: getSlideSummaryForSId: slideSummary is undefined\\. The error may be correlated with this previous error: Error: (.+?)$"},{"phrase":"# of photos selected","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#(.+?) of (.+?) photos selected$"},{"phrase":"#Sheet deleted","candidate":"#Sheet ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Sheet (.+?) deleted$"},{"phrase":"#Sheet : Sheet deleted / Sheet renamed","candidate":"#Sheet ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Sheet (.+?): Sheet deleted / Sheet renamed$"},{"phrase":"#Slide with SID is timetravel child but also has children.","candidate":"#Slide with SID ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#Slide with SID (.+?) is timetravel child but also has children\\.$"},{"phrase":"#TimeTravel step : TimeTravel step deleted / Used Labels changed","candidate":"#TimeTravel step ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#TimeTravel step (.+?): TimeTravel step deleted / Used Labels changed$"},{"phrase":"#TimeTravel step deleted","candidate":"#TimeTravel step ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#TimeTravel step (.+?) deleted$"},{"phrase":"#TimeTravel step : TimeTravel step deleted / Sphere rotation changed","candidate":"#TimeTravel step ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#TimeTravel step (.+?): TimeTravel step deleted / Sphere rotation changed$"},{"phrase":"#When you change your cookie settings, we send your requests for opt-out or opt-in to the companies you selected. This company does not provide a mechanism to manage cookies that we can access. To learn more please visit the company's website when the cookie setting is not available.","candidate":"#When you change your cookie settings, we send your requests for opt-out or opt-in to the companies you selected. This company does not provide a mechanism to manage cookies that we can access. To learn more please visit the company's website ","variables":[""],"regex":"^#When you change your cookie settings, we send your requests for opt\\-out or opt\\-in to the companies you selected\\. This company does not provide a mechanism to manage cookies that we can access\\. To learn more please visit the company's website (.+?) when the cookie setting is not available\\.$"},{"phrase":"#x (Original: 1500x650)","candidate":"#","variables":["",""],"regex":"^#(.+?)x(.+?) \\(Original: 1500x650\\)$"}],"allowComplexCssSelectors":false,"blockedClasses":false,"blockedIds":false,"phraseDetection":true,"customDomainSettings":[],"seoSetting":[],"translateSource":false,"overage":false,"detectPhraseFromAllLanguage":false,"googleAnalytics":false,"mixpanel":false,"heap":false,"blockedComplexSelectors":[]},"version":9440},{"_id":"en","source":"en","pluralFn":"return n != 1 ? 1 : 0;","pluralForm":2,"dictionary":{},"version":9440},{"_id":"outdated","outdated":{"# of photos processed. Results are not 100% accurate.":1,"#Scene : Scene deleted / Status and Due date deleted for Markup":1,"#TimeTravel step deleted from Scene ":1,"#Slide with SID is timetravel child but also has children.":1,"#ACC - Issue #":1,"#Project creation is not possible, Project area ( sqft) exceeds the remaining area provided by your plan ( sqft). Please contact test+support-staging@holobuilder.com about upgrading your plan!":1,"#The following Projects have no sqft assignment: ":1,"# objects found in this photo.":1,"#Scene: Scene deleted / Sphere rotation changed":1,"#TimeTravel step : TimeTravel step deleted / Sphere rotation changed":1,"#TimeTravel step : TimeTravel step deleted / Used Labels changed":1,"#doNavigateRoot() failed: Please make sure you are a member of the Autodesk BIM 360 project to use this feature.: Please make sure you are a member of the Autodesk BIM 360 project to use this feature.":1,"#New Name ":1,"#New name of Sheet: ":1,"#Sheet : Sheet deleted / Sheet renamed":1,"#x (Original: 1500x650)":1,"#Failed to get Markup-Issue creation permission for provider: Error: Please make sure you are a member of the Autodesk BIM 360 project to use this feature.: Please make sure you are a member of the Autodesk BIM 360 project to use this feature.":1,"#Scene : Scene deleted / Used Labels changed":1,"#Scene Scene Name changed / Scene Name changed":1,"#Thumbnail file type not supported. Please select thumbnail with another file type.":1,"#TimeTravel step deleted":1,"# results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.":1,"#This effect is only available for 360° Scenes based on equirectangular images":1,"#You are currently not allowed to create Issues. Please make sure that you have the necessary permissions.":1,"#Autodesk BIM 360 - Issue ":1,"#Sheet deleted":1,"#Waypoint of scene: moved to different positions":1,"#Action is not supported":1,"# of photos selected":1,"#BIM 360 - Issue #":1,"#Role successfully changed to Project Admin":1,"#array containing items":1,"#An error occured while selecting the store state: getSlideSummaryForSId: slideSummary is undefined. The error may be correlated with this previous error: Error: ":1,"#Problem details: Error: An error occured while selecting the store state: getSlideSummaryForSId: slideSummary is undefined. The error may be correlated with this previous error: Error: ":1,"#object containing items":1,"#Please select at least one user in order to send notifications.":1,"# months ago":1,"#Role successfully changed to Project Editor":1,"#Your Sheet is already georeferenced.":1,"#Click on two points on the Sheet to edit the GPS coordinates.":1,"#HIDE DETAILS":1,"#The filter is now applied. You can add an additional filter or save the changes.":1,"#Please save the project and apply filters before creating a SnapShot.":1,"#Please connect your account to the Autodesk BIM 360 integration to enable this feature.":1,"#Please change the password at your external Login/SSO provider.":1,"#Your Sheet can be georeferenced.":1,"#Issue Owner":1,"#warningText:":1,"#Please save the project before creating a SnapShot.":1,"#Click on Save to apply the changes.":1,"#Cardboard I/O 2014":1,"#Cardboard I/O 2015":1,"#Samsung S7 Edge":1,"#Changing the thumbnail for a location marker is not supported.":1,"#Importing file(s) ...":1,"#Project has unsaved changes. Please save the project before creating a new SnapShot.":1,"#Notifications sent.":1,"#Delete category":1,"#A Waypoint for this Scene already exists on the Sheet.":1,"#This scene does not exist":1,"#Thank you so much. Care to tell us why?":1,"#Import or display file failed. Please try again later or contact support.":1,"#Example image for bottom side of a 360 image":1,"#Example image for top side of a 360 image":1,"#Example image for a flattened 360 image":1,"#Example image for left side of a 360 image":1,"#Example image for back side of a 360 image":1,"#Example image for right side of a 360 image":1,"#Example image for front side of a 360 image":1,"#Retry / ":1,"#Only invited people":1,"#To see our news, please accept Beamer cookies by clicking on “OK”. You can learn more about our cookies and adjust your settings in the Cookie Manager Privacy Panel.":1,"#You can't change the status of integration markups":1,"# years and hours ago":1,"#No next files available":1,"#Please check the GPS coordinates: latitude must be between -90 and 90, and longitude between -180 and 180.":1,"#There is no action attached to this item that could be deleted":1,"#3D text as image":1,"#2D text as image":1,"#Project Editor invited":1,"#Content cannot be dropped here due to an error.":1,"#Learn more":1,"#Do you really want to delete the category":1,"#Project Admin invited":1,"#Delete Markup":1,"#Are you sure you want to delete this markup? Any tasks that are attached to this markup will also be deleted.":1,"#The request failed due to missing authentication. You might have signed out from a different tab or computer. Please click 'OK' to login from a new tab. Once you logged-in, please close the tab and try again.":1,"#Longitude:":1,"#Latitude:":1,"#Logo of ":1,"#You can help us a lot by explaining your score.":1,"#Send Email to":1,"#Create and synchronize BIM 360 Field Issues from within your 360º pictures in HoloBuilder":1,"#Notification sent.":1,"# year and hours ago":1,"#Please enter a valid URL (e.g. https://www.example.com) and select how it should be opened":1,"#Please select a scene first":1,"#me":1,"#Currently loading. Please wait.":1,"#Sending notifications, please wait...":1,"#Project Viewer invited":1,"#To change your password we will sent you an email with a reset link. Please click OK and then check your inbox. After you click OK, you will be logged out.":1,"#Password reset":1,"#Connecting to Autodesk BIM 360...":1,"#Play sound":1,"#HoloBuilder Newsletter":1,"#Add 3D-Model: Select a 3D-Model to add to the current scene":1,"#Set Sheet GPS Coordinates":1,"#This problem might be caused if your graphics card drivers crashed due to low memory. Please make sure that your graphics card drivers are up to date, restart your browser and have a look at the few simple steps in our help center article that can help you with troubleshooting.":1,"# month and minutes ago":1,"#Drop files here or select each file separately":1,"#Your model has textures. Please select missing textures to continue:":1,"#Detect":1,"#No previous files available":1,"#Remove all TimeTravel scenes of this location":1,"#If the problem persists, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@holobuilder.com or in the live chat at the bottom of our website.":1,"#Sorry, but it seems as if your web browser does not have WebGL enabled, even though it supports it. WebGL is a standard technology that is required for using HoloBuilder.":1,"#Warning: WebGL not enabled":1,"#Discard changes":1,"#Apply changes":1,"#The changes made are not applied yet. Do you want to apply now?":1,"#Connect":1,"#Visit Help Center":1,"#e.g. \"Don`t unplug this cable\"":1,"#Service and cookie settings":1,"#Manage Settings":1,"#Developer Error Message:":1,"#URL":1,"#Spin Forward":1,"#Move Forward":1,"#Rotate & Bounce":1,"#Move Sideways":1,"#Spin Sideways":1,"#Circle":1,"#Pulsate":1,"#Your model has textures. Please select file(s) for texture(s) to continue.":1,"#No faces detected.":1,"#Select JPEG or PNG image":1,"#Import Textures":1,"#Add IMAGE: Select an image to add to the current scene":1,"#info:":1,"#e.g. \"Hello\" to show the word Hello to the user":1,"#Your privacy is very important to us. It is Holobuilder's policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect while operating our websites. You can access our full privacy policy here":1,"#Email subscription settings":1,"#In the case of any questions regarding data protection & privacy as well as in regard to any Right to be Forgotten (RTBF) requests or to receive a copy of your data, you can always reach out to us at privacy@holobuilder.com.":1,"#e.g. \"google.com\" to open google.com":1,"#url:":1,"#You currently do not have an active subscription.":1,"#Detecting faces ...":1,"#Advanced Sharing":1,"#Possibly corrupted Waypoint detected":1,"#Import pdf files as Sheets":1,"#Import image files as Scenes or Sheets":1,"#Assign to me":1,"#Edit Markup Details":1,"#Bounce Up":1,"# hour and minute ago":1,"#A 3D model is a three-dimensional surface of an object with textures. These models can be placed anywhere in the 3D world and can be rotated. To create a 3D model, select or drop one of these file types:":1,"#Following models are supported:":1,"#2D model:":1,"#3D model:":1,"#A 2D model is a two-dimensional surface with a texture. These models can be placed anywhere in the 3D world. To create a 2D model, select or drop one of this image file types:":1,"#Supported formats":1,"#Basic Sharing":1,"#Change top":1,"#Rotation":1,"#Select another model":1,"#Modification":1,"#Shadow":1,"#Light":1,"#Connect to Account":1,"#Your account is connected":1,"#Create and synchronize Procore RFIs & Observations from within your 360° pictures in HoloBuilder":1,"#Disconnect Project":1,"#Click the \"+\" button in the bottom left corner to import files after connecting your Procore account.":1,"#Disconnect account":1,"#Edit access required to view":1,"#The Procore integration allows you to":1,"#close":1,"#Do you really want to delete this photo and replace it with a new one?":1,"#Change Scene":1,"#Issue Type":1,"#How to use Timetravel feature":1,"#QR code:":1,"#Actions":1,"#Due date":1,"#Total Photos":1,"#Don't blur":1,"#Do you want to blur the thumbnail?":1,"#Nothing selected":1,"#Blur thumbnail":1,"#Applying blur ...":1,"#Revert":1,"#Keep blur?":1,"#Keep":1,"#The project is empty":1,"#Markup saved":1,"#Show/Hide Group":1,"#Attach a File":1,"#Pirouette":1,"#Open Scene":1,"#Destination Scene:":1,"#NOTIFY":1,"#Select another location (scene/timetravel) to move the current scene there":1,"#Sensors on":1,"#Notify team":1,"#NO THANKS":1,"#Please pay attention to the following limitations when using the Wall Measurements Feature:":1,"#Zoom in on scene":1,"#Enter email":1,"#Add Member":1,"#Choose role":1,"#Your Project is not saved as a private Project. Please, selectAccess Level: Privateand save your HoloBuilder Project.":1,"#Open scene image filter options":1,"#How Wall Measurement works":1,"#Hyperlinks":1,"#If you think this is a mistake, please contact":1,"#Otherwise, please get a quote.":1,"#Get a quote":1,"#Rotate":1,"#Change Scene's photo":1,"#Start SplitScreen":1,"#Location Marker":1,"#Go to Dashboard":1,"#Open Scene Settings":1},"version":9440}]